The Portland Daily Sun, Thursday, February 9, 2012

Page 1

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Santorum’s sweep signals GOP unease See page 2

VOL. 4 NO. 5





DA faces federal lawsuit as couple’s custody battle rages South Portland man is accusing county’s district attorney of violating his civil rights. — See the story on page 3

With time running out, city offers to help OccupyMaine with housing — See story, page 6

Effort aims to boost exposure for public art See page 8

Doug Gardner (middle), director of Portland’s Department of Health and Human Services, talks to Aaron Geyer (right), who handles employment services for the city, prior to a meeting Wednesday night with members of OccupyMaine about transitioning campers out of Lincoln Park and into housing. At left is Palma Ryan, one of the supporters of the OccupyMaine encampment at Lincoln Park. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012

Housing market braces for Facebook millionaires PALO ALTO, Calif. (NY Times) — Imagine looking for a house in San Francisco or one of the nicer swaths of Silicon Valley, which are already among the most expensive parts of the country. Now imagine having to bid against a legion of newly minted Facebook millionaires. “I’m kind of worried — a thousand millionaires are going to be buying houses!” Connie Cao said as she and her family toured a home in a good school district here. Her husband, Jared Oberhaus, was more optimistic. “Maybe sellers are sitting on their houses now, waiting for Facebook, and they’ll all come on the market at the same time,” he said. It will be some time before the first Facebook shares are sold to the public, and even longer before Facebook’s employees are able to turn their paper wealth into cash and officially take their places as the newest members of the 1 percent. But the mere anticipation of the event may pour a little kerosene onto what is already a fairly hot local real estate market. When Ken DeLeon, a Silicon Valley real estate agent, recently sold an 8,000-squarefoot-house to a Facebook employee, he said, the movers showed up at the client’s old 1,000-squarefoot home and asked, “Did you win the lottery?” Silicon Valley has been good to DeLeon, a former lawyer, who said he had sold $275 million worth of homes last year, and who is finishing up a memoir about overcoming illness, injury and loss that he calls “Why Do Bad Things Happen to Sexy People?” Even after some of the air went out of the housing bubble in the Bay Area in recent years, prices in the most desirable parts of San Francisco and Silicon Valley stayed buoyant enough to remain out of reach for most people. A report on 2011 housing prices by Coldwell Banker, the real estate company, found that eight of the nation’s 20 most expensive markets were in Silicon Valley or the Bay Area. Mr. DeLeon said Palo Alto, with its limited supply, had remained remarkably strong — and could hit new peaks this year. In recent weeks, he said, there have been signs that the market has been heating up more: 10 homes in Palo Alto sold for more than their asking prices last month, some by large amounts.


Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.” —Charles Bukowski

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3DAYFORECAST Today High: 42 Record: 55 (1990) Sunrise: 6:49 a.m.

Tomorrow High: 44 Low: 28 Sunrise: 6:47 a.m. Sunset: 5:04 p.m.

Tonight Low: 23 Record: -18 (1934) Sunset: 5:02 p.m.

Saturday High: 33 Low: 9

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“I don’t even know if I believe in dinosaurs. They’re too big. I mean, if they had to go to bathroom, it would take five hours. And don’t talk about mating -- they would tear up a whole countryside.” — Paul Mooney

MORNING High:11:46 a.m. Low: 5:33 a.m. EVENING High: 12:13 a.m. Low: 6 p.m. -courtesy of www.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

As Russia pushes diplomacy, reports of assaults by Syrian tanks continue BEIRUT, Lebanon (NY Times) — As reports of assaults by Syrian tanks and other forces at several major flash points across Syria continued for a fifth day, Russia’s leaders tried Wednesday to fend off international criticism that they were doing nothing effective to stop the bloodshed, arguing that Moscow’s efforts were far more productive and balanced than the combined Western and Arab plan. In Moscow, Sergey V. Lavrov, the foreign minister, stressed that Russia would seek to inaugurate

open negotiations between the government and the opposition. Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, the once and likely future president, as well as Dmitri A. Medvedev, the incumbent, weighed in, trumpeting the Kremlin’s effort as unbiased while others, as Putin put it, were acting like “a bull in a china shop.” The Russians faced a chorus of voices wondering why Syrian government tanks and artillery continued to shell civilian neighborhoods in numerous towns and cities a day after Lavrov met with President Bashar al-Assad

in Damascus, the Syrian capital. Both Britain and France noted that Assad had previously promised numerous visiting government leaders that he would end the violence, to no end. “I think we have very little confidence in that,” Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain said when asked about Syrian promises to Russia, adding that by vetoing a United Nations Security Council resolution last Saturday condemning the violence, Russia and China had “set themselves against Arab opinion and world opinion.”

Alain Juppé, the French foreign minister, also expressed skepticism, while telling Parliament that the European Union would strengthen sanctions. In Moscow, Lavrov voiced frustration at Western and Arab attitudes. “Sometimes there is an impression that the more the Syrian leadership shows understanding about the necessity to move forward— albeit belatedly and under pressure — the more we see rejection of reciprocal steps on the opposite side,” Lavrov said.

In Santorum’s sweep, sign of GOP unease with Romney

Boehner vows to fight birth control rule

(NY Times) — Rick Santorum’s sweep of Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s three Republican presidential contests sets the stage for a new and bitter round of intraparty acrimony as Romney once again faces a surging conservative challenge to his claim on the party’s nomination. Santorum’s rebuke of Romney could scramble the dynamics of the Republican race even as many in the party’s establishment were urging

WASHINGTON (NY Times) — Speaker John A. Boehner on Wednesday stepped into the escalating political battle over a new Obama administration rule requiring health insurance plans — including those provided by Catholic universities and charities — to offer birth control to women free of charge, saying that House Republicans would push legislation to challenge the policy. Boehner, a practicing Catholic who has been an outspoken critic of policies that he believes infringe on religious beliefs and freedoms, took the House floor to outline his views on the health rule and the remedy he will seek in a rare appearance by the speaker during the daily period when rank-and-file members are permitted to speak for one minute on pet issues. “In recent days, Americans of every faith and political persuasion have mobilized in objection to a rule put forth by the Obama administration that constitutes an unambiguous attack on religious freedom in our country,” said Boehner. “In imposing this requirement,” he added, “the federal government is violating a First Amendment right that has stood for more than two centuries.”

its most committed activists to finally fall in line behind Mr. Romney, a former Massachusetts governor. Voters in three disparate states forcefully refused to do that on Tuesday. Instead, the most conservative elements of the Republican Party’s base expressed their unease with Romney by sending a resounding message that they preferred someone else. And they collectively revived the candi-

dacy of Santorum, who has been languishing in the background since a narrow victory in Iowa’s caucuses at the beginning of the year. Santorum’s success on Tuesday night awarded him no delegates from contests that were essentially nonbinding straw polls and drew small turnouts in all three states. And Santorum’s campaign has few of the organizational advantages of Romney’s well-financed effort.

5 European nations agree to help U.S. crack down on tax evasion PARIS (NY Times) — Washington won important backing Wednesday for an effort to identify offshore accounts held by Americans, as key European allies agreed to help. In a joint statement, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Britain said they wanted “to intensify their cooperation in combating international tax evasion.” In return, Washington has agreed to “reciprocate in collecting and exchanging” information about U.S. accounts held by residents of those countries. The agreement concerns the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, known as Fatca, which became

law as part of a 2010 jobs bill. Fatca is meant to help the U.S. Internal Revenue Service identify hidden accounts and other assets held overseas by Americans, but the law has caused an outcry among foreign financial institutions that fear the cost of compliance as well as what they have said are unrealistically tight implementation deadlines. There were also concerns that Fatca — which will require that virtually every financial institution in the world report any accounts held by Americans, with a withholding penalty for noncompliance — would put banks into a position of violating national secrecy laws to comply.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012— Page 3


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DA faces federal lawsuit over custody battle Lawsuit stems from a Jan. 27 altercation between Lori Handrahan and her daughter’s stepmother; ex-husband claims DA interfered in couple’s civil custody dispute BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A South Portland man is accusing Cumberland County's district attorney of violating his civil rights when she interfered with a custody battle with his ex-wife over their 5-year-old daughter. Stephanie Anderson is the target of a federal lawsuit filed this week claiming the veteran county prosecutor inappropriately used her office to interfere with a civil dispute. The man's attorney, Michael Waxman, says Anderson acted "as an advocate" for the young girl's mother and went beyond her authority as DA. "It boggles my mind that the district attorney would step into the middle of a (civil dispute)," said Waxman, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of his client, Igor Malenko. Malenko has been in a lengthy custody dispute with his ex-wife Lori Handrahan, who now lives in Washington, D.C. after residing in Sorrento, according to a court order, which gave Malenko primary custody of their daughter. The lawsuit against Anderson stems from a Jan. 27 altercation between Handrahan and her daughter's stepmother outside of a Cape Elizabeth day care center. Handrahan is accused of forcefully attempting to take her daughter from her stepmother, despite Malenko using a court order to prohibit Handrahan from any unsupervised visits. Both parents have accused the other of abusing their daughter both physically and psychologically,

and the claim against Anderson han's camp asked Anderson to get refers to the ongoing litigation involved with this case. She agreed as a "very, very hotly disputed to do that and she agreed to work custody battle." on behalf of Handrahan." Police officers were called Anderson declined comment to intervene during the disWednesday, saying in an e-mail pute outside the day care, but that she will be represented in the Waxman claims authorities lawsuit by Assistant Attorney Gendetermined the matter was a eral William Fisher. civil dispute and sent HandraFisher did not a return a meshan "on her way." sage for comment and a spokesIt was sometime over the woman for the Attorney General's course of the same day that Office, Brenda Kielty, said it was Waxman says Anderson called "standard protocol" for the AG's police and told officers to hand office to represent a district attorthe child over to Handrahan. ney in any civil or criminal claim. The phone call was made after The lawsuit against Anderson Anderson told police she would asks a judge for a jury trial, and "pull the court order and review Waxman said he wants to find it with the judge," reads the lawout what prompted Anderson to suit. become involved in the dispute. The young girl was ultimately He declined to speculate Wednesplaced back in the care of her day, though the lawsuit he filed father after the officer involved specifically mentions Handrahan's in the incident contacted the A South Portland man is accusing Cumberland attorney, Jody Potter. Department of Health and County's district attorney, Stephanie Anderson In the lawsuit, Waxman claims Human Services — she was not (ABOVE), of violating his civil rights in a cus- Anderson "has been at pains to tody battle. (FILE PHOTO) released to Handrahan. deny" Potter had anything to do In the claim, Anderson allegwith the DA's decision to contact edly confirms to Waxman that she reviewed the the judges. order with the judge, which is the basis for WaxAnderson is a former law student of Potter, who man's lawsuit against the district attorney. used to teach at the University of Maine Law. "She asked the judge to interpret or clarify the Potter told The Portland Daily Sun Wednesday decision … (and) that's not how our system of that she did not contact Anderson. justice works," Waxman said. "I did not (and) I would never contact a person in Waxman accuses Anderson of getting involved authority that I had in law school to do any sort of with the case after police already determined it was favor," Potter said. "I just don't do that." a civil — not criminal — dispute. Anderson told a reporter with The Portland Press "Somebody clearly asked her to become involved Herald that this case marks the first time a lawyer in this case and that somebody, in my view, was not sued her in the 20 years she has been serving as the the police officer," he said. "Somebody in Handracounty prosecutor.

State of Washington passes same-sex marriage bill BY WILLIAM YARDLEY THE NEW YORK TIMES

SEATTLE — Washington on Wednesday became the seventh state to legalize same-sex marriage, with the State House giving final passage to the bill and Gov. Christine Gregoire having promised to sign it. The measure easily passed the State Senate last week, 28 to 21, despite concerns that the vote would be close. The developments in Washington parallel an appeals court decision in California on Tuesday in which a panel of judges ruled 2 to 1 to strike down that state’s ban on same-sex marriage, known as Proposition 8. The two deciding judges wrote that the ban violated the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Washington is among more than 30 states that have passed laws defining marriage as between a man and a woman, but it has steadily expanded

rights for gay couples since 2007. That year, the Democratically controlled Legislature approved domestic partnerships. In 2009, it passed an “everything but marriage” bill. Full marriage rights began speeding toward approval last month, when Ms. Gregoire, a Democrat, announced that she would support the bill to make same-sex marriage legal. The governor had previously said that she did not believe the state was ready for same-sex marriage and that churches should play a decisive role on the issue. Ms. Gregoire’s marriage bill, modeled after one approved by New York last June, allows churches and religious groups to choose not to perform same-sex marriages and to deny same-sex couples access to their facilities for marriage services. Mitt Romney denounced the decision in California as an attack by “unelected judges” on “traditional

marriage” and predicted that the Supreme Court would decide the issue. “That prospect underscores the vital importance of this election

and the movement to preserve our values,” he said. (Additional reporting from Adam Nagourney.)

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Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012

––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR –––––––––––––

Americans Elect simply offering an alternative for 2012 voters Editor, Bob Higgins errs when he describes Americans Elect as a political party. (“What makes Americans Elect a party?” Feb. 4 column). Americans Elect is not a political party or a political committee. We do not endorse, support or oppose any candidate or candidate committee. We do not support or oppose any political group — left, right, or center, and we don’t promote any issues, ideology or special interest. We are simply providing a second nominating process that will allow all registered voters, regardless of party, to use the internet to directly nominate a nonpartisan ticket. Americans are dissatisfied with the existing twoparty system. A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll found that two-thirds of Americans are open to supporting a qualified candidate who is independent of the political parties. That’s why over 50,000 Maine voters signed petitions to put Americans Elect on the Maine ballot. To date, more than 2.4 million have joined us to put Americans Elect on ballot in all 50 states, in order to provide Americans with another choice on the November 2012 ballot. To join us, go to Ileana Wachtel Los Angeles –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, The Portland Daily Sun welcomes readers to check out our Facebook page. Just search “Portland Daily Sun” on Facebook or go to www.

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matthew Arco, Reporter THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Founding Editor Curtis Robinson Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5806 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 13,600 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

Work after retirement not just the same, old grind Ask people today what they plan to do when they retire, and you may be surprised. The answer: work! But not doing the same old, same old — full-time everyday grind. Nope. We’re talking that nice flexible schedule; doing a little work here, to fund a little leisure there. It’s not all about the money, though that certainly helps. Mental stimulation, and challenge are important, too. A recent Gallup study asked people if they would continue working after reaching retirement age, and if so, would they work full-time, part-time, or not at all. And if they chose to work, would they do it because they want to, or because they have to. Of those who said they would work, 18 percent would work full time, with one-third of these respondents saying they would work because they want to; not because they have to. Sixty-three percent would like to work parttime, with two-thirds indicating because they wanted to. Eighteen percent said they would stop working all together, and retire in the traditional sense of the word.

Karen Vachon ––––– Better with Age Clearly, retirement is being redefined. A new term has evolved called “cyclical employment” whereby people hold full-time jobs in retirement with time-off breaks to travel, do home projects, or simply recharge their batteries. Whether you work for someone else, or create your own business the cyclical employment model provides the best of both worlds, improving the health and wellbeing, while helping baby boomers stay active and engaged in their community. This is important because boomers are not only living longer, but are more actively living in their retirement. According to census data, the number of Americans living to age 90 and beyond has tripled in the last three decades, and is expected to quadruple by 2050. Aging seniors living

longer strains social security and Medicare benefits; put in place originally to provide benefits for a shorter life expectancy. Leaving the retirement age in place, it’s interesting to see human response. Aging boomers are seeking out and creating new jobs, rather than feeling burdened to continue in the same old grind. They’re taking a look in the mirror and realizing they could likely live another thirty years. Perhaps it’s high time to do some things they’ve always wanted to do, with a liberated attitude that says you can do this because you want to; not because you have to. Retirement affords you that opportunity. Norm Forgey, owner of Maine Day Trip.Com has managed to do just that. With his Texas twang, Norm is living his retirement dream, while building a successful company right here in Maine. Easily identified among native Mainer’s as being from “away”, that doesn’t matter to Norm and the clients he serves. He’s serving up Maine hospitality, custom see VACHON page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

The flaws of Mitt and Newt Newt Gingrich has an exquisitely sensitive moral antenna, and Mitt Romney’s remark suggesting indifference to the poor sent it quivering. “I am fed up with politicians in either party dividing Americans against each other,” he said. Yes, he did. Then he fell on the floor and laughed till he cried. For Gingrich to disavow divisiveness is the equivalent of Mark Zuckerberg renouncing modern technology: Without it, we never would have heard of him. Newt has spent his career ceaselessly inventing ways to foment and exploit hatred of one group by another. He’s the guy who warned of “a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us.” He likened those supporting a mosque near Ground Zero to Nazis. He said Democrats are “the party of total hedonism, total exhibitionism, total bizarreness, total weirdness, and the total right to cripple innocent people in the name of letting hooligans loose.” Oh, and the poor? He said poor teens don’t work “unless it’s illegal.” Nobody but us unifiers here! Romney’s comment has been described as a classic political gaffe, which consists not of telling a lie but telling the truth. In fact, it was classic political nonsense, in which inartful wording is twisted to pretend the speaker meant something he clearly didn’t. It was done to John Kerry in 2004, when a line intended as a jibe at President George W. Bush — saying those who don’t “study hard” end up “stuck in Iraq” — was alleged to be a slander on the intelligence of American troops. It happened to Romney when, referring to the right of consumers to “fire” unsatisfactory health insurers, he said, “I like being able to fire people who provide services

Steve Chapman ––––– Creators Syndicate to me.” Cut off the last five words, ignore the context, and gotcha! What Romney meant in his latest episode is that, while he favors providing an adequate safety net for the poor, his primary focus is on generating jobs and economic growth for the mass of people. If he had been caught saying, “Who gives a damn about poor people?” he would be guilty of rank callousness. But he didn’t, and his policies on poverty are not readily distinguish-

able from any other Republican’s. Still, few Republicans will be moved to vote against Romney out of tearful solicitude for the bottom 5 percent. If the economy is floundering next November, swing voters will have no trouble forgetting this incident. His obstacles lie more with his wooden insincerity and his history of flip-flopping. But those stem from a bigger problem that has largely escaped notice: the mystery of why he’s running. Romney takes pride in not being a career politician, a boast that evoked one of Gingrich’s few illuminating retorts: “Let’s be candid, the only reason you didn’t become a career politician is you lost to Teddy Kennedy in 1994.” If going into politics to create jobs is justified, why isn’t it commendable to spend a career in politics to

create jobs? He extols his record of building businesses and creating jobs in the private sector. If he’s so good at that, though, why not stay there? We know why most candidates undertake the race — Al Gore to avert environmental catastrophe, George W. Bush to carry on the family business, John McCain to serve his country and Obama to heal racial and ideological divisions. Romney just seems like a rich guy who needs a new challenge. “I have a good life with my family, my wife,” he says. “I don’t have to win. I just want to win because I care about the country.” Ronald Reagan could have said the same thing, but with him it was believable. Reagan was driven by a distinct vision of what America should be. Romney, by contrast, is willing to serve whatever cause will get him elected. His attitude is: Tell me what you want me to be and I’ll be it. But one thing voters want is someone who doesn’t do that. About Gingrich’s motive, there has never been any doubt: to feed an insatiable ego that makes him imagine he has a historic, God-given mission to transform the country. He’s a mad scientist, mixing volatile potions that may cure cancer or may blow up the lab. Either way, he’ll have fun. Romney doesn’t have an obvious reason to run for president. That’s his trouble. Gingrich does. That’s his. (Steve Chapman blogs daily at newsblogs.chicagotribune. com/steve_chapman. To find out more about Chapman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

Aging boomers are seeking out and creating new jobs VACHON from page 4

style, to visitors stopping into Portland on the cruise ships. And who knows. The chances are good that he may know more about Maine than the natives do. Norm first discovered New England in 1980 through a corporate relocation. A few relocations around New England eventually landed him in Maine as director of Information Technology with a financial company in 1999. He retired in 2007, and was looking for a little job to land him some extra funds for Caribbean vacations. He found his inspiration while on a two-week private Windjammer Cruise in the Caribbean islands, where Forgey noted numerous private tour options. The private tour business sparked his interest, since he noted that in Portland, aside from public bus tours, taxi cabs, and limousines for hire, there were no private day trip tours for cruise ship visitors seeking options beyond the pricey cruise ship excur-

sions offered on the ship. Forgey knew no Maine history. He took Tour Guide Courses at Andover College and learned about the local history that the cruise ship tours were providing. He read many Portland and Maine historical books to learn Maine history, and became a member of the Portland Museum of Art and the Maine Historical Society. He joined the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Visitor Bureau, and Maine Tourism organizations. In the off-season, he focuses his energy on business promotion and market research. His business comes to him via the website he set up, he blogs, Tweets, is on Facebook and Linked-In. He’s on the board of the Scarborough Community Chamber, where he’s a member of the tourism committee; the goal is to develop and promote tourism in the greater Portland market. He’s busy, engaged, learning new things every day, and teaching others the things that he’s learned along the way. And he still

finds time to tuck in a Caribbean vacation for himself each year! Eighty percent of Forgey’s customers are seniors. Forgey’s not only living his retirement dream of discovering new places and people, his company is all about providing a custom adventure that his client wants on their vacation. With each request, Forgey learns new things to accommodate his client’s dream trip. An Australian client, working on her family genealogy wanted to find the cemetery where her greatgrandparents were. She knew that they had lived in the Oxford County area. She found them in a Norway cemetery with the help of the Norway town hall. “Your style, your pace, your experience” is what Forgey’s business is all about. Indeed, this message is what your retirement should be all about too. (Karen Vachon is a resident of Scarborough, a community volunteer, and a licensed independent insurance agent.)

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012

An order and notice to remove structures and belongings from Lincoln Park and for occupants of the encampment to abide by the park’s daytime hours is posted outside the encampment, near one of the signs affixed to the fence by OccupyMaine. The city granted an extension until 8 a.m. Friday for protesters to comply. Last night, city staff met with members of the protest movement at a general assembly in City Hall to offer help with finding housing. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

City offers to help find housing for OccupyMaine BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Last night, with time running out, city staff met with members of the OccupyMaine protest movement and offered to help them find housing. Today is the last full day that protesters at OccupyMaine's Lincoln Park encampment can legally stay in the city park, per a city order. "I believe that folks can be transitioned into housing fairly quickly. Mayor (Michael) Brennan and City Manager (Mark) Rees are committed to making a smooth transition for these folks. So we're just trying to reach out to anyone who wants to find housing," said Aaron Geyer, who handles employment services for the city, prior to a meeting Wednesday night with members of OccupyMaine. "We have a list of landlords that we consistently work with throughout the year, and they're landlords that are accommodating with us and work with folks. There are units out there. We met up with a gentleman on Friday, and he had an apartment viewing on Monday, and he's going to be moving in at the end of the week," Geyer said. Also on hand at the group's general assembly meeting at City Hall was Tammy Butner, a housing counselor

Che dice? (kay DEE-chay)

at Portland's Oxford Street Homeless Shelter. City councilors voted in December to deny OccupyMaine protesters a permit to continue camping overnight in Lincoln Park. The group, which began its protest Oct. 3, 2011, sued to contest that decision, but Cumberland County Superior Court Judge Warren Thomas Warren ruled last week that the city had authority to deny the permit. An order and notice to remove structures and belongings from Lincoln Park and to abide by the park's daytime hours is posted outside the encampment. But the city granted an extension until 8 a.m. Friday for protesters to comply. Originally, they were to be out on Monday, Feb. 6 at 8 a.m. Tonight is "the last official night to camp without it being civil disobedience," OccupyMaine noted on its Facebook page. Geyer said the city has been trying to help protesters find housing since around Christmas. "We've done outreach. We started doing outreach the week before the holiday season. ... I've personally been down there three or four times and met with folks," he said. Portland's homeless shelters are full, according to latest numbers. In

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OccupyMaine supporters Harry Brown (right) and Alan Porter attend a general assembly meeting with city staff Wednesday night. One of the topics was how the city could help protesters at Lincoln Park find housing. On Friday, the city has ordered campers out of the park. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

December, 259 adults resided in the shelters, up from 223 adults a year earlier, according to the Portland Department of Health and Human Services social services division. Demand for family beds skyrocketed by 50 percent last August over a year earlier and has remained above average ever since, the statistics show. "We are seeing high numbers at the shelters, so the housing market is tighter than we would normally see, but again, the mayor and city manager are really committed to helping these folks find housing,"

Geyer said. About a dozen members of OccupyMaine attended last night's general assembly meeting. City staff were invited by OccupyMaine attorney John Branson, Geyer said. So far, four people from the camp have been provided housing, Geyer said. He planned to circulate a signin list seeking contact information for protesters who may want to look into housing. More information on available housing through the Portland Department of Health and Human Services social services division can be found by calling 775-7911.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012— Page 7

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– THEATER REVIEW –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Ambitious ‘Trouble Is My Business’ lacks focus "Trouble Is My Business," Portland Stage Company Portland Stage Company continues its 38th season with the world premiere of "Trouble Is My Business," based on two short stories by internationally best-selling author Raymond Chandler. Adapted and directed by James Glossman, Theatre Talk we meet quintessential American private detective, Philip Marlowe, in this lengthy drama filled with betrayal, hard liquor, and goodbyes. Red Wind and Trouble Is My Business, both set in Los Angeles in the late 1930s, reveals corruption in the police, the mob, corporate executives and husbands and wives. David Mason (Marlowe) is the glue that holds this wanna-be comedy together. Mason is perfect as the gritty, alcoholic, steadfast protagonist, with his 1930's good looks and spot-on comedic timing. Dustin Tucker (Man 3) is not on stage nearly enough, but is a master of taking stage with his moments, making the most of the material and direction given. Daniel Noel (Man 4) commands every scene with his booming, articulate voice and comedically shines in Act Two. Ron Botting (Man 2) has a unique look and Following the trail of a dead man leads private detective Philip Marlowe (David Mason) to the exotic lair of Eugenie (Leigh Poulos) and her an interesting commitment to his characters that man (Daniel Noel) in Portland Stage’s World Premiere of “Trouble Is My Business.” (Photo by Darren Setlow) makes him stand out when on stage. interest focused. The use of As a huge fan of Portland Stage Company, I was Leigh Poulos (The Woman) solidly holds disappointed in the show. Audience comments on her own up against the six men who share I wasn’t sure if I was seeing images is very entertaining. A large venetian blind is brilopening night were mixed. Two patrons in front of the stage with her. Poulos is the classic a comedy, a drama or a liantly used throughout the me fell asleep, although there was audible pleasure femme fatale, gorgeous, seductive and mysterious with a sharp wit. Paul Murphy period parody of the two. play. Set pieces are perfect, from others throughout the theater, reminding me providing quick scene changes. art is in the eyes (and ears) of the beholder. I (Man 1) enjoys his roles, his performances James Glossman is very I found the lighting to be the that know how much work goes into creating an original reminiscent of the classic Chandleresque piece on stage and off, and for that, I give this comnoir films of the 1940s. Anthony Blaha lucky to have a stellar cast camera of my eyes, visually pany a standing ovation. (Bartender/Piano Player) is on stage for that did the most with what focusing in on what I should (and shouldn't) experience. the entire show and non-obtrusively delivthey were given. Kudos to costume designer, "Trouble Is My Business" continues at Portland ers comedic support to the rest of the cast. Bettina Bierly, for her attention Stage Company, 25A Forest Ave., Portland through Writer and Director James Glossman to vintage detail in the many Feb. 19. For tickets and information call 774-0465 or has created a show that doesn't know what costumes. Congratulations to stage manager, Shane go to it wants to be. I found the very wordy script about 20 Van Vliet and her stage crew for keeping this multiminutes too long in each act. This play would have media show in good running order. (Michael J. Tobin has been a professional actor, worked much better as a fast-paced one act. The As with any original work making it's premiere, director, theatre administrator and educator for stylized comedic parody was often lost among the it's a work in progress. Sometimes you strike 30 years in theaters throughout New England and audience, evident by too few laughs. Directorially, I gold, like PSC's past productions of John Cariaround the country. Mr. Tobin has performed and found it inconsistent. I wasn't sure if I was seeing ani (Almost Maine and Last Gas), sometimes you directed in 350-plus shows Off-Broadway, National a comedy, a drama or a period parody of the two. don't. I hope Mr. Glossman will continue to work Tours, Regional Theatre, Summer Stock, Children’s Glossman is very lucky to have a stellar cast that on this piece, perhaps transitioning it to a radio Theatre and Community Theatre. Mr. Tobin lives in did the most with what they were given. play or film. South Portland.) Set Designer, Anita Stewart, lighting designer, Bryon Winn, and sound/multimedia designer, Jeff Restaurant & Sports Bar Knapp, are the true stars of this original work. Collectively they complement the cast and script with some of the best lighting and visual effects I have seen at Portland Stage Company this season. Given the issues with the script, this terrific trio kept our

Michael J. Tobin

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Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012

Effort aims to boost exposure for public art BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

There are 27 pieces of public art in Portland, and the city’s Public Art Committee has begun a campaign to raise the profile of each installation. Over the past six months, the city has spent nearly $5,000 installing bronze placards on most of the collection to tell who created the piece, when it was installed and what it’s called. Placards will be installed on the entire collection within a few months. Meanwhile, the committee is also preparing to launch an interactive website that provides information on each piece as well as a map that shows where the city’s public art is located. The main goal of the effort is to raise awareness for the city’s public art collection, said Alex Jaegerman, director of planning for the city. The public “shouldn't have a hard time figuring out what's public art, nor should an average citizen, or you, have a hard time figuring out what is public art,” said Jaegerman, the city staffer assigned to the committee. But doing so could have some commercial as well as cultural applications. “The idea is that a cultural tourist who might come to Portland can find their way around and appreciate that (public art pieces they encounter) are part of the collection,” Jaegerman said. The city’s public art includes a wide range of pieces that date back more than 125 years. Some of the oldest pieces in the collection include wellknown statues in Monument and Longfellow squares, Lobsterman Park and the Eastern and Western promenades. Some newer pieces in the collection include “Michael,” a steel sculpture at One City Center Plaza, the John Ford Statue at Gorham’s Corner, and the Jewell Box Bus Shelter, near Monument Square. Aside from these better known works, however, are pieces that many people might not know about, either because they are new or because they are tucked away in less-traveled parts of the city. “Stone

In September, Katie Diamond sits in front of the John Ford statue on Pleasant Street. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

Dragon,” which was moved from the back corner of Congress Square to East End School three years ago, and “Cloud Bench,” in Winslow Park near Back Cove, are among the works that fall into that category. And even if people did know where to look, even with the placards, most installations have little information about the artwork itself. But that's where the new website and comes in. Although the site is still in the works, Jaegerman predicted it would feature entries on each piece with provide biographical information, artist information and other details, including when the piece was last restored. Ideally, the site will be accessible through smart phones and other devices for anyone interested in a selfguided tour, he said. The website project is expected to cost

about $5,000. The city allocated about $10,000 in the 2012 fiscal year budget for the placard and website projects. The 11-person Public Art Committee is responsible for administering the city's public art program — which includes commissioning new pieces as funding allows, vetting projects and caring for existing pieces. Aside from the website and placards, the committee is in the midst of vetting public art proposals for a series of benches along the Bayside Trail. Councilor David Marshall, who sits on the committee, said the body has been discussing the placards for several years now and finally began installing them only a few months ago. “We went through a whole process of identifying all the pieces in the collection,” he said, adding, “It’s been a very thoughtful process.”

Marshall says the committee has developed “a pretty good catalogue of information concerning each piece.” For instance, the committee learned when each piece was last restored, and which are in need of restoration and how frequently such work should be done. Attempts to reach Alice Spencer and Patricia Murtagh, co-chairs of the public art committee, were not successful. Spencer did not return multiple phone calls, and Murtagh did not immediately return an email. Once complete, the website and placard project should prove useful for residents and tourists, Marshall suggested. “Once we know we have the placards in place, people could easily give tours of the almost 30 different pieces of public art that are in the collection throughout the city,” he said.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SCHOOL BRIEFS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Portland Children’s Film Festival seeks submissions from students DAILY SUN STAFF REPORTS A city school is calling on aspiring film students in elementary school to submit their short films. The first ever Portland Children’s Film Festival, hosted by East End Community School, is asking children ages 4 to 11 to take part in its “Out and About Portland — In and Around My Neighborhood” film competition. Winning entries will be shown at the Nickelodeon Theatre on March 29. The films are limited to three minutes in length and may include live action, animation, stop-motion and computer-generated graphics, organizers said. Each film must be conceived and produced by a child or children with minimal input from others, according to event organizers. Content should be creative, original, contain language and themes appropriate for elementary school children, portray people of diverse backgrounds and cultures in a pos-

itive light and provide strong role models for both boys and girls. An application and technical information about the films is available at Deadline for submissions is March 15.

Forums planned for Portland Schools superintendent search The Portland Board of Education will hold three forums to solicit input from the community about the hiring of the next Portland Public Schools superintendent, school district officials announced. The meetings will be held Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 4 p.m. in the library of Ocean Avenue Elementary School, 150 Ocean Ave.; Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. in the gymnasium of Lyman Moore Middle School, 171 Auburn St.; and Thursday, Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of Riverton Elementary School, 1600 Forest Ave. Each forum will last an hour and a half. The

forums will focus on three questions: • What are the district’s greatest strengths? • What are the most prominent issues or concerns that the district must face? • What are the most desirable characteristics in a new superintendent? “The board hired PROACT Search, a national consulting firm, to facilitate the superintendent search,” states a school district press release. “Participation and input is a critical element of this process and it will be designed to ensure that every member of the Portland community has an opportunity to participate in establishing a profile for the next superintendent.” PROACT ( has been working with the board to coordinate community forums and group discussions with Portland parents, students, teachers, administrators, organizations, elected officials and other important stakeholders. An electronic survey is being developed and will be posted soon on the Portland Public Schools website (www., giving community members the opportunity to submit feedback directly to PROACT.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012— Page 9

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC CALENDAR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Thursday, Feb. 9 Michael Albert at First Parish noon. At First Parish Church, Portland, Michael Albert as part of the Portland Conservatory of Music’s 2012 Noonday Concert Series. Albert has performed as a soloist for many orchestras and chamber ensembles as an oboist, vocalist and violinist throughout the U.S. and Canada. For information call the Portland Conservatory of Music at 775-3356.

Waylon Speed, Hobson’s Choice, Whale Oil

mance and superbly crafted songs, the brilliant interaction between Adela & Jude make for a truly enjoyable show. Performing with a fever pitch of old-time revivalist preachers — Adela & Jude exude a chemistry that shines through in their vocal and stage performance. The duo stomps, hollers and brings to life the familiar and forgotten musical giants that cast long shadows over American music.” www.

Friday, Feb. 17 Beam & Fink at Andy’s

8 p.m. Beam & Fink is a down9:30 p.m. Waylon Speed, Hobhome mix of country blues and son’s Choice, Whale Oil at roots music. Drawing from traEmpire Dine and Dance. Waylon ditional blues, folk, and blueSpeed is the convergence of four grass styles, from Mississippi musicians from Burlington, VerJohn Hurt to Bob Dylan, the mont, bringing their unstoppable music provides a timeless mix no frills country-metal blend of of mellow but engaging tunes. rock to a rapidly growing horde At Andy’s Old Port Pub, “a of devoted fans nationwide. The waterfront watering hole freformation of this band could quented by islanders, fishernot have come at a better time. men, music lovers and locals.” Seemingly overnight, they have become a staple in the music about.html community, equipped with a full pallet of all original music. Since Jonny Lang at the State Whether it’s recording with Kid Rock, sitting in with Gregg Allman, or fronting his band of 30 years, blues legend James Montgomery their formation in April 2009, 8 p.m. WCLZ Presents plays with authority. He will appear at Port City Music Hall on Friday. (COURTESY PHOTO) Waylon Speed has been touring Grammy Award winner Jonny extensively and picking up new Lang. State Theatre. In more Monday, Feb. 12 fans like truck tires pick up mud. In support of their debut than ten years on the road, Lang has toured with the release, Georgia Overdrive, Waylon Speed toured the east Rolling Stones, Buddy Guy, Aerosmith, B.B. King, Blues Ronda and Kevin at Andy’s coast of the US two times over. Hobson’s Choice is a projTraveler, Jeff Beck and Sting. In 1999, he was invited to 8 p.m. Ronda Dale, Kevin Attra of Peaks Island playing at ect of Thomas Bryan Eaton — Vocals/Guitar/Pedal Steel/ play for a White House audience including President and Andy’s Old Port Pub. Americana/indie/Roots Music. “Andy’s Keys/Bass/Drums/Mandolin/etc, with his friends. Whale Oil Mrs. Clinton. Old Port Pub is a waterfront watering hole frequented by features Bill Scanlan, Brian “Junior” Saxton and McCrae Comanchero releases ‘The Undeserved’ islanders, fishermen, music lovers and locals.” www.andyHathaway, three humble musicians from Portland. 9:30 p.m. Comanchero is releasing their latest CD, “The Undeserved,” at The Big Easy with some special guests! The Friday, Feb. 10 Big Easy, 55 Market St., Portland. “Comanchero’s countryTuesday, Feb. 14 funk thunder melds a rambling jam sensibility with genuine James Montgomery and Barrence Whitfield boot-stomping twang. Shades of Widespread Panic, Cake, Tuesday Classical for Valentine’s Day 7 p.m. James Montgomery Blues Band, Barrence Whitfield, and Wilco in these feverish Cactus Rock rhythms.” — Relix 7:30 p.m. The Portland Symphony Orchestra’s Tuesday and David Hull at Port City Music Hall. Two music legends Magazine Classical concert is the ultimate Valentine’s Day extravaand longtime friends, James Montgomery and Barrence ganza. Under the direction of Music Director Robert Moody, Whitfield, join forces for a show featuring James’ hot band Saturday, Feb. 18 the PSO will perform some of the most evocative, romantic including bassist David Hull who has played with Aerosmusic ever written for orchestra. The concert features guest mith and the Joe Perry Project. Whitfield is an international pianist and Maine native Henry Kramer, and guest artists singing phenomenon who continues to wow audiences 48 Hour Music Festival from Portland Stage. The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. worldwide with his uniquely powerful voice. James Mont9 p.m. This year’s annual 48 Hour Music Festival at SPACE at Portland’s Merrill Auditorium. gomery and his band have never been hotter, coming off Gallery is Feb. 18. “Born right here in Portland, Maine, the jams with Steven Tyler, Huey Lewis, and the Blues Broth48 Hour Music Festival has become a highly anticipated ers among others and having opened shows for Aerosmith local tradition here in the local music scene. For those unfaWednesday, Feb. 15 and B.B. King. Bassist David Hull has played bass for many miliar with the 48HRMF, SPACE Gallery gives an accurate of the greats including Aerosmith, Joe Perry, Buddy Miles, description here: ‘30 artists from different Portland bands Freya and Letter To The Exiles at Port City and Joe Cocker. Guitarist George McCann has played of all genres will be randomly shuffled into six supergroups, 8 p.m. Freya (featuring vocalist Karl Beuchner of Earth in Steven Tyler’s solo band as well as the Blues Brothannounced on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 16. (I might add Crisis, New York Metal/Hardcore band). “The Winter Blues ers with Dan Aykroyd and Jim Belushi. Drummer Seth that no two members of the groups is allowed to have preTour” with Freya and Letter To The Exiles. Letter To The Pappas one of the best in the business was once part of vious musical history, as a method to create new chemisExiles is a Long Island, New York Hardcore/Metal band with Whitfield’s band The Savages. Advance: $15; door: $20; try, and new bonds in the scene.) From there, each band Chris King, Mark Randazzo, James Appleton and Andy VIP: $30. has exactly 48 hours to construct and practice a 25-minute Amato. Port City Music Hall. set of material, culminating in this 9 p.m. Saturday performance. This entirely new pool of local talent, featuring Saturday, Feb. 11 Thursday, Feb. 16 members of Isobell, Marie Stella, The Coalsack In Crux, The Heebee-Jeebees, Heavy Breathing and Waranimal — MAMM JAMMS as well as Sean Morin, Sam James and Kate Cox — will be Harold Stover at First Parish 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Maine Academy of Modern Music tested by a need for teamwork and a couple of sleepless noon. Harold Stover at First Parish Church, Portland, as MAMM JAMMS Concert Series rocks Yankee Lanes in nights. Each year, the 48 Hour Music Fest has proven to part of the Portland Conservatory of Music’s 2012 NoonPortland. Since 2007, the Maine Academy of Modern Music be one of the most exciting and creative nights of the year day Concert Series. Stover is a native of Latrobe, Penn., has been providing music lessons, venues and networks to and a sold-out show.” Doors at 8:30 p.m., starts at 9 p.m., and a graduate of The Juilliard School in New York. He help musicians navigate the world of rock. Students of all ages $10, 18-plus. serves as Organist and Director of Music of Woodfords and abilities are introduced to innovative and inclusive music Congregational Church in Portland, as Director of the Portprograms that promote resiliency, self-expression, creativity land-based chamber chorus Renaissance Voices, and is a Wednesday, Feb. 22 and determination. All ages welcome — admission: $5. charter member of the faculty of the Portland Conservatory The ’90s at Bubba’s Sulky Lounge of Music. For information call the Portland Conservatory of Lauren Rioux and Brittany Haas 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The ’90s at Bubba’s Sulky Lounge, 92 Music at 775-3356. 7:30 p.m. Two fiddlers from widely respected bands (BritPortland St., Portland. “Dust off your finest duds from Väsen at Bull Moose tany Haas of Crooked Still, and Lauren Rioux from Darol the 1990s, gel your hair high, vamp on your lipstick, clip 12:30 p.m. Väsen, a Swedish folk group known well beyond Anger’s Republic of Strings) are joining forces. As a duo, your pagers to your pants, strap on your combat boots the borders of Scandinavia, will be at the Portland Bull the women bring their extensive knowledge of Appaor chunky mary janes, and Get Ready To Rumble on your Moose, 151 Middle Street, for a free acoustic performance lachian music and experience of being at the forefront favorite light-up dance floor: Bubba’s Sulky Lounge. DJ Jon and CD signing. They will perform that evening as part of of the contemporary string band scene, as well as the plays the hottest JAMZ from the ’90s all night long. Special Portland Ovations’ season at Hannaford Hall at 7:30 p.m. strength and depth of seasoned performers. 7:30 p.m. Grotesque Burlesque performance by ’90s Nite’s favorite concert, 9 p.m. traditional Irish session (roughly). $4 dirty dancer, Miss Madison West (https://www.facebook. 20-oz. pints of Guinness, Port City Blue, 650A Congress com/missmadison.west). Prom Photo Booth by the fabuAdela & Jude St., Portland. or www.laurenandbritlous Justin Lumiere Photography (https://www.facebook. 5 p.m. Adela & Jude will be playing a show at Andy’s Old com/filmaperture). 21 plus w/ proper ID, $5 cover. Port Pub. “An amazing combination of enthusiastic perfor-


by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis do. You have a clever way of dealing with the one who is notoriously hard to manage. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll wonder at the curious turnarounds of the day. For instance, enjoyment turns out to be more work than working. You’re determined to make the best of things, and that’s just what you’ll do. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ll be in the mood to initiate the action. Small won’t count. Sweeping, grand gestures will go over well, if only because not many people have the guts to make such a strong statement. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You love it when an idea comes together, and right now you’re working on one that could transform your world. That stated, it’s the practical moves you make now that will bring you the most satisfaction. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Arguments will shake up the day, and the future will seem uncertain. Your powers of empathy will be tested, and you’ll come through with flying colors. If anyone can find a compromise, you can! TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 9). You have a killer instinct for business. In the next six weeks, you’ll make more money for doing the same amount of work. A turn of events in March may be hard to assimilate at first, but ultimately it’s what allows your heart to be most fulfilled. You love a mystery, and the one in your own family tree will be riveting this summer. Aries and Virgo people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 25, 2, 15 and 30.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You think you are explaining yourself well. What you can’t account for is the level of distraction that others encounter inside their own heads. Your patience will be required. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll do all you can to maintain an appealing atmosphere. You won’t let anyone encroach on your space, freedom and peace, and you’ll protect those you love from invasion, as well. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Movement is essential to your growth process. As you physically move through your environment, you mentally move through obstacles, troubles, fear and anything else holding you back. CANCER (June 22-July 22). The one who catches you off guard also captures your interest, attention and affection. You may find yourself thinking of this person well into the evening. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Life is like rock climbing. When you know you have a strong measure of security in your connection with the rock, it is easier for you to swing out and savor an adventurous piece of sky. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You have a gift for making people cooperate, even when they think the task at hand is tedious. You help everyone see the benefit to living in an orderly, cheerful and efficient manner. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Anyone who’s achieved greatness knows that a lot of effort, forethought, insight, planning and practice go into turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You can stroke a person’s ego without doing what the person is asking you to

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012

1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

22 24 25 26 29 30 34 35 36 37

ACROSS People born in early August Camel’s smaller cousin Canyon sound Actress Paquin Review the financial books Prison knife Large kitchen appliance Like a wry sense of humor Give a hoot What the upper number in a blood pressure refers to Worker Common verb Actor Romero Rub too much Roll of money Unflinching Sharpen Lung contents Get comfy __ Arbor, MI

38 Eight-limbed sea creature 40 Rin Tin __ 41 Slight fault 43 Light brown 44 Veal or venison 45 Liberated 46 __ of; free from 47 Hospital units 48 Relinquished 50 One of the Seven Dwarfs 51 Ongoing, as pain 54 Cure-all 58 Weaver’s frame 59 __ Rapids, IA 61 Spill the beans 62 Qualified 63 Proclamation 64 Speak wildly 65 Fawn mothers 66 Fender marks 67 Observed

1 2 3

DOWN Asian nation Jealousy Individuals

4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 21 23 25 26

27 28 29 31 32 33

Capital of New Mexico Soup server Draw; attract Bustle __ around; formed a circle, as a mob of people Book of maps Chaperones Scorch Employ Above Miner’s find First, second, third and home Neck artery “...separate the wheat from the __...” (Matt. 3) Great respect Long-running Broadway play Humor Semi-aquatic mammal Greek epic Pennies

35 36 38 39 42 44 46 47 49

Highest heart Religious sister __ times; yore Cushion Turns into Ghoulish Flow back Took the prize Chopped finely

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60

Moves quickly __ in; wearing Vagabond Acting part Treaty Adobe, e.g. Roof overhang Still in the sack Continual noise

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Thursday, Feb. 9, the 40th day of 2012. There are 326 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Feb. 9, 1942, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff held its first formal meeting to coordinate military strategy during World War II. On this date: In 1773, the ninth president of the United States, William Henry Harrison, was born in Charles City County, Va. In 1825, the House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams president after no candidate received a majority of electoral votes. In 1861, Jefferson Davis was elected provisional president of the Confederate States of America at a congress held in Montgomery, Ala. In 1870, the U.S. Weather Bureau was established. In 1942, daylight-saving “War Time” went into effect in the United States, with clocks turned one hour forward. In 1943, the World War II battle of Guadalcanal in the southwest Pacific ended with an Allied victory over Japanese forces. In 1950, in a speech in Wheeling, W.Va., Sen. Joseph McCarthy, R-Wis., charged the State Department was riddled with Communists. In 1962, an agreement was signed to make Jamaica an independent nation within the British Commonwealth later in the year. In 1964, The Beatles made their first live American television appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” broadcast from New York on CBS. In 1971, a magnitude 6.6 earthquake in California’s San Fernando Valley claimed 65 lives. The crew of Apollo 14 returned to Earth after man’s third landing on the moon. In 1984, Soviet leader Yuri V. Andropov, 69, died less than 15 months after succeeding Leonid Brezhnev; he was followed by Konstantin U. Chernenko (chehr-NYEN’-koh). In 2001, a U.S. Navy submarine, the USS Greeneville, collided with a Japanese fishing boat, the Ehime Maru (eh-hee-mee mah-roo), while surfacing off the Hawaiian coast, killing nine men and boys aboard the boat. One year ago: Thousands of workers went on strike across Egypt, adding a new dimension to the uprising as public rage turned to the vast wealth President Hosni Mubarak’s family reportedly amassed while close to half the country struggled near the poverty line. Today’s Birthdays: Television journalist Roger Mudd is 84. Actress Janet Suzman is 73. Actresspolitician Sheila James Kuehl is 71. Singer-songwriter Carole King is 70. Actor Joe Pesci is 69. Singer Barbara Lewis is 69. Author Alice Walker is 68. Actress Mia Farrow is 67. Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., is 66. Singer Joe Ely is 65. Actress Judith Light is 63. Rhythm-and-blues musician Dennis “DT” Thomas is 61. Actor Charles Shaughnessy is 57. Former Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe is 55. Jazz musician Steve Wilson is 51. Country singer Travis Tritt is 49. Actress Julie Warner is 47. Country singer Danni Leigh is 42. Actor Jason George is 40. Actor-producer Charlie Day is 36. Rock singer Chad Wolf is 36. Actor A.J. Buckley is 35. Rock musician Richard On is 33. Actress Ziyi Zhang is 33. Actor David Gallagher is 27. Actress Marina Malota is 24. Actress Camille Winbush is 22. Actor Jimmy Bennett is 16.


Dial 5 6










8:30 Whistle

FEBRUARY 9, 2012



Cumberland County

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Thom Hartmann Show Grit TV

30 Rock “Hey, Baby, The Office Up All Grimm (In Stereo) Å What’s Wrong” Finding a “Special Night (N) Å date for Lutz. (N) Project” American Idol Compet- The Finder “The Great News 13 on FOX (N) ing for a spot in the semi- Escape” A magician’s asfinals. (N) Å sistant vanishes. (N) Wipeout Couples tackle Grey’s Anatomy CelPrivate Practice “Too special obstacles. (N) (In ebrating Valentine’s Day. Much” Sam finds his esStereo) Å (N) (In Stereo) Å tranged sister in jail. Maine John Doc Martin Bert Large There Is My The Opiate Watch McLaughlin opens his own restaurant. Home Effect (In Stereo) Roadside Windows to Nature “Raccoon Nation” Frontline Residents of Stories Å the Wild Å Family of urban racHaditha, Iraq, were killed. coons. (N) Å (DVS) The Vampire Diaries The Secret Circle “Val- Excused American Elena is invited to a for- entine” (N) (In Stereo) Å (N) Å Dad Å mal ball. (N) Å The Big Rob “Rob Person of Interest Finch The Mentalist Helping a Bang Learns fears the machine will be woman on trial for murTheory (N) Spanish” exposed. (N) der. (N) Å Without a Trace Å Without a Trace Å Law Order: CI








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NESN English Premier League Soccer


CSNE Celebrity Beach

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ESPN College Basketball

College Basketball Colorado at Arizona. (N)


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Cops & Coyotes (N)

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Cold Case “Joseph”




DISN Random

Movie: ›››› “WALL-E” (2008)




36 37

First Week In Å

Inside Nature’s Giants “Great White Shark” Å (DVS) It’s Always That ’70s Sunny in Show Å Phila. WGME Late Show News 13 at With David 11:00 Letterman Local Law CI The 700 Club Å

NCIS “Untouchable”

Burn Notice “Fail Safe”





SportsNet Sports



SportsCenter (N) Å College Basketball

Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å


Good Luck Random


King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

NICK ’70s Show ’70s Show Friends MSNBC The Ed Show (N)

Tonight Show With Jay Leno The Office The Office “Diwali” Å (In Stereo) Å News 8 Nightline WMTW at (N) Å 11PM (N) Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

Cops & Coyotes Å

Movie: ›› “The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement” NCIS “Iced” Å





Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word


Fam. Guy Friends

The Ed Show


CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360

Erin Burnett OutFront


CNBC Steve Jobs: Bil.

Love at First

Love at First

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Greta Van Susteren

The O’Reilly Factor


The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)



NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at Boston Celtics. (N)


LIFE Dance Moms Å


NY Ink “Boiling Point”

Project Runway NY Ink “Movin’ On Up”

NBA Basketball: Thunder at Kings

24 Hour Catwalk (N)

Project Runway

David Blaine

NY Ink “Movin’ On Up”




AMC Movie: ›› “Christine” (1983) Keith Gordon.


HGTV First Place First Place Selling LA Selling NY House


TRAV Extreme RV’s Å

Extreme RV’s Å

Extreme RV’s Å

The Layover “Miami”


A&E The First 48 Å

The First 48 Å

The First 48 Å

The First 48 Å



Real Housewives


Movie: ›› “Christine” (1983) Keith Gordon. Hunters








HALL Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier


SYFY “Mega Shark”

Movie: ›› “Dinocroc vs. Supergator” (2010)

“Mega Shark”


ANIM Gator Boys Å

Snake Man

Gator Boys Å


HIST Swamp People Å

Swamp People (N)




COM Chappelle Chappelle Gabriel Iglesias: Fat

62 67 68 76

American Stuffers (N)

Movie: ››› “Training Day” (2001) Å


Mudcats Å


Daily Show Colbert

Two Men

Two Men

Archer (N) Unsuper.








Big Bang

Big Bang

Big Bang

Conan (N)


Fam. Guy


Two Men

Mudcats (N) Å

Movie: “Weapons” (2007) Nick Cannon. Å

TVLND Home Imp. Home Imp. Raymond TBS

Two Men



Fam. Guy Jail Å

Big Bang

iMPACT Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) Å


OXY Law Order: CI


TCM Movie: ›››› “Red River” (1948) John Wayne. Å

Law Order: CI


1 5 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 30 33 34 35 36 37 38

Movie: “The Marine 2”

Law Order: CI

ACROSS Gangster’s girlfriend __ and the Argonauts Gush out Kent State’s state Sports turf type Actress Gilpin Rectifier Reclined Dublin dudes Adheres Have a bite That woman Shrewd Rudimentary flower German battleship Arabic word for God Entice Rambunctious kid Sound of pain Watercraft Sheriff Andy Taylor’s kid Begley and Norton

Law Order: CI

Movie: “Written on the Wind” Å

39 Indy entry 40 Sellers film, “Being __” 41 Complex systems 43 Variable motion maker 44 Parts of legs 45 Chinese pan 46 Bossy bellow 49 Hun leader 51 Old-hat 53 Senator/astronaut Jake 54 Lawn waterer 56 Spirited selfassurance 57 George who was Mary Ann Evans 58 Remove wrinkles 59 Moist with morning drops 60 Reduces speed 61 __ Oreille Lake

1 2

DOWN Film “Lovey Childs” author

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 36

Sanctioned by law Groza and Gehrig Stuck in a locked position Autumn bloomer Knock for a loop Eye, in poems Zero option Challenging spares Calumet Satie or Estrada Victories Yep Bunch of feathers Protective material Interdiction Tierney and Tunney VIP in Kuwait Fencing piece Enthusiastic corner? Bonanza vein Breaking point Short, light nails Violent blood baths

37 Resistance measure Make muddy Abducted Horsy sound Objects with vapor tails 45 Black __ spider 46 Demi of films 39 40 42 43

47 Actor/director Welles 48 Upright 49 Advanced in years 50 Narrative story 51 Threesome 52 Lash lead-in 55 Part of APB

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012


For Rent-Commercial

For Sale

DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

PORTLAND Art District- Art studios, utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 occupied studios. $325 (207)773-1814.

CUSTOM glazed kitchen cabinets. Solid maple, never installed. Cost $6,000 sacrifice $1,595. (603)833-8278.


For Sale




For Rent

For Rent

1 absolute bargain- Brand new queen mattress + box spring$150- Call (207)591-4927.

AKC German Shepherd puppies. Black & tan, bred for temperament health, beauty & intelligence. 3 year health guarantee. $750. 207-415-3071.

BUYING all unwanted metals. $800 for large loads. Cars, trucks, heavy equipment. Free removal. (207)776-3051.

95 Congress St, 3 bedroom, heated, w/d hookup, parking, $1200/mo security deposit, no pets. Call (207)874-2050 or (207)409-0879.

PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $550-$875. (207)773-1814.

BEDROOM- Solid cherrywood sleigh bed. Dresser, mirror, chest, night stand. New! Cost $2,200 sell $895. (603)235-1773

PORTLAND- Woodford’s. 1 and 3 bedroom heated. Bright rooms, oak floor, just painted. $775-$1300/mo. (207)773-1814.

CLASSIC Wooden Motorola stereo phonic LP player with AM/FM radio from the 1950's still works, $100, 723-4032.

WINDHAM- 1 bedroom, utilities plus cable included. Yard parking, partial rent for some work. (207)892-7150.

COOK Healthy with a Black & Decker Food/ Rice cooker w/ instruction booklet, hardly used, $15, 723-4032.

I pay cash today for broken and unwanted Notebooks, Netbooks, and Macbooks. Highest prices (207)233-5381.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

BUYING Junk vehicles, paying cash. Contact Joe (207)712-6910.

Labradoodle Puppies Ready to go 1-21-12. $1200 heath certified. Non-shed hypoallergenic. For more info email:

St. Judes - $5


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We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858. ESTABLISHED remodeling company- Family rooms, baths, kitchens, painting. Call Phil (207)807-2586.

Wanted To Buy

Summit Achievement Clinical Therapist Summit Achievement of Stow, ME is a residential treatment center combining psychotherapy, wilderness expeditions and academics to adolescents ages 13-21. The therapist will be responsible for providing individual, group and family therapy. Applicants should have a strong background in working with adolescents and families. Outdoor experience required. Applicants should have M.Ed, MA, MSW or PhD. Independent licensure preferred.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012— Page 13



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ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: My wife, “Jane,” and I have been married for five years, and she is the love of my life. She has an identical twin sister named “Jordan.” The two women are best friends. Jordan is at our house four or five times a week, but does not impose on our marriage. She is a great sister-in-law and gives us our space. Jane has an 8-year-old son from a previous relationship whose middle name is also Jordan, after his aunt. I’ve watched the boy grow up and have gotten to know him well over the past several years. I love him as if he were my own. Recently, Jane discovered she is pregnant with our first child. Naturally, I’m thrilled. However, despite my objections, she is determined to name the child Jordan, regardless of gender. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t care, because Aunt Jordan is a good role model. But there are already two people in the family who have that name. Am I right, or should I be more sensitive to my wife’s wishes? -- Steve in Ohio Dear Steve: You need to be sensitive to hers, but she also needs to be sensitive to yours. Ask her to compromise. Point out how confusing it could be if both your child and Aunt Jordan are in the same room. And some children are highly sensitive to being named for a relative of the opposite sex. You also can agree wholeheartedly to have it as a less-used middle name instead. But if your attempts prove futile, it may not be worth the damage a protracted argument would cause. Children somehow manage to grow up just fine in families where multiple people are named for the same relative. And if the confusion is too great, you can call your child by a nickname. Dear Annie: My daughter is 27, and her fiance is 29. Several months ago, they announced their engagement and set a wedding date for November. However, her fiance has medi-

cal issues, and they wanted him to be covered under her plan, so they decided to get married earlier. I was told about this, and it was OK with me, provided it was legal. As it turns out, they had a nice little wedding in a park with guests and family members who live nearby. My wife and I were out of town, so I was allowed to call in and hear it via teleconference. Now that they are legally married, however, they still want a “real” wedding in November. My daughter’s mother died four years ago, so it’s just my new wife and I who would be handling it. Should we call it a wedding or just an event or something else? -- Robert Dear Robert: We hope your daughter and her fiance are financing and arranging their own wedding, regardless of what they call it. Fortunately, it’s not your job to come up with a title for the event. Your safest bet is to call it whatever your daughter prefers, be it “wedding,” “renewal of vows,” “marriage reception,” “wedding party” or anything else. Dear Annie: Like “Unhappy Husband,” I am confused and disappointed that my wife enjoys sex but will not initiate it. I would feel happier if I knew she was sexually attracted to me. This may sound silly, but it isn’t simply the act of sex that is important. It’s the feeling of connectedness and the belief that she wants to be emotionally joined to me. It’s particularly discouraging when she says, “Do we have to do it now?” What man is going to say he needs sex? I feel rejected. On those occasions when she changes her mind, she will say, “I suppose we can have sex now.” This is not exciting, supportive or romantic. I have told her how I feel, and we have discussed it to the point where I will not talk about it anymore. -- Also Unhappy Dear Unhappy: Professional counseling may help your communication issues. Please try.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

Prickly City

In data deluge, multitaskers go to multiscreens

by Scott Stantis

Workers in the digital era can feel at times as if they are playing a video game, battling the barrage of e-mails and instant messages, juggling documents, Web sites and online calendars. To cope, people have become swift with the mouse, toggling among dozens of overlapping windows on a single monitor. But there is a growing new tactic for countering the data assault: the addition of a second computer screen. Or a third. This proliferation of displays is the latest workplace upgrade, and it is responsible for the new look at companies and home offices — they are starting to resemble mission control. For multiscreen multitaskers, a single monitor can seem as outdated as dial-up Internet. “You go back to one, and you feel slow,” said Jackie Cohen, 42, who uses three 17-inch monitors in her home office in San Francisco, where she edits a blog about Facebook. Her center screen shows what she is writing or editing, along with e-mail and instant messages; the left and right monitors display news sites, blogs and Twitter feeds, and she keeps 3 to 10 tabs open on each. One monitor recently broke, and she felt hamstrung. “I don’t want to miss seeing something,” Ms. Cohen said. Her computer seemed to work a bit faster with one monitor fewer, she said. But her brain was a different matter. “I can handle it,” she added. “I’m sure there are people who can’t.” Certainly more people are trying. Tech firms sold 179 million monitors worldwide last year and only 130 million desktop computers — meaning “more screens per desk,” said Rhoda Alexander, who heads monitor and tablet research at IHS iSuppli. Monitors are bigger, too. The average monitor sold worldwide is 21 inches, up from 18 inches five years ago, according to iSuppli. NEC Display, a major supplier of monitors, said 30 to 40 percent of the employees of its corporate customers now used more than one monitor, up from 1 percent four years ago. There are many reasons for the spike in sales: monitors are much cheaper ($200 to $300 for a 24-inch display today compared with $700 five years ago); they are slimmer, too, so desks can accommodate more of them; and there are more communication tools — instant messaging, Twitter, Facebook — that workers have to keep an eye on (or at least feel they should). More and bigger screens can convey bragging rights, too. Tech companies use them as recruiting tools, said Chuck Rossi, 45, who uses three monitors (27-inch, 30-inch and a 17-inch laptop) to toggle among dozens of tabs for his engineering job at Facebook, where he checks hundreds of software updates to the site each day before they become public. “Companies will pitch it” to job candidates, Mr. Rossi said. “They know real estate is important. It shows they are serious about their engineers.” And the engineers do care about the screens, he said, noting that someone might tell a friend about a new job by adding, “They’re giving me a 30 right off the bat,” which is shorthand for a 30-inch monitor. The main rationale for a multimonitor setup is that it increases productivity. But that notion is not simple to prove or measure, partly because it depends on the kind of work people do and whether they really need to be constantly looking at multiple data streams. Another theory holds that people have just grown so addicted to juggling that having more monitors simply creates a compulsion to check them. One study, by the University of Utah, found that productivity among people working on editing tasks was higher with two monitors than with one. The study was financed with about $50,000 by NEC Display, which had hoped to find evidence that companies should buy more monitors to increase productivity.

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Thursday, Feb. 9 Casco Bay High School Juniors’ ‘In the Black’ 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Juniors at Casco Bay High School in Portland will present their proposals for addressing the nation’s energy and environmental issues before panels of environmental and energy experts and policymakers at the ‘In the Black’ symposium on Feb. 9 and 10 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the lower level of the Portland Public Library at Monument Square. The public is invited to attend. Topics covered will range from the dangers of pharmaceutical waste to the potential of thorium and biofuels. The panelists will come from organizations such as the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Efficiency Maine, the Maine Audubon Society and the Sierra Club.”

The Beehive Collective at USM 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The nationally renowned Beehive Collective based in Machias will give two free presentations at the University of Southern Maine, Robie Andrews Hall, Burnham Lounge, Gorham Campus on Thursday, Feb. 9, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday, Feb. 10 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Snow dates are February 17 and 18, same times and place. The Thursday afternoon presentation is The True Cost of Coal and the Friday midday presentation is Dismantling Monoculture. During their visit to USM, the Beehive Collective will conduct a workshop with a printmaking class and other USM students. The Beehive exhibit Dismantling Culture consisting of three banners will be on display in the Area Gallery, Woodbury Campus Center, USM Portland March 1-May 4. USM printmaking student work emerging from a Beehive workshop will be on view at the Area Gallery in April. For more information on the Beehive Collective, visit For questions regarding the USM presentations, contact Carolyn Eyler at 780-5008 or visit

‘Behind the Mask: My Double Life in Baseball’ 6 p.m. University of Southern Maine Athletics is hosting Dave Pallone, former Major League Baseball umpire, national best-selling author and acclaimed speaker. An advocate and educational presenter for diversity and inclusion, Pallone’s autobiography ‘Behind the Mask: My Double Life in Baseball’ was a NYT best-seller and offers a revealing look at baseball through the eyes of a gay man. “A former Major League Baseball umpire, Pallone’s best-selling autobiography ‘Behind the Mask: My Double Life in Baseball’ is celebrating its 20th year anniversary and has recently been republished. Pallone’s autobiography offers a revealing look at baseball through the eyes of a gay man. Pallone has been featured in ESPN’s documentary ‘Homophobia in Sports’ as well as ESPN’s ‘Outside the Lines.’ A keynote speaker at the NCAA Life Skills Conference, Pallone’s efforts have made a significant contribution to educating and enlightening people about the reality of sexual orientation, shedding light on this important and significant topic on university and college campuses.”

‘Cinderella Ate My Daughter’ 7 p.m. “Cinderella Ate My Daughter and What You Can Do About It” book event at SPACE Gallery. Free, all ages. “Join Hardy Girls Healthy Women for a book talk and discussion with Peggy Orenstein, author of ‘Cinderella Ate My Daughter’ and member of Hardy Girls’ National Advisory Board. ‘Cinderella Ate My Daughter and What You Can Do About It’ is a talk focused on solutions for raising healthy, happy, hardy girls. Co-sponsored with SPACE Gallery, The Telling Room, USM Women & Gender Studies Program, Add Verb Productions, and Longfellow Books. events.php

‘Next Fall’ by Good Theater 7 p.m. “Next Fall” by Geoffrey Nauffts, Jan. 25 to Feb. 19. “Good Theater presents the Maine premiere of this recent Best Play Tony Award nominee. A charming, funny and touching play about life and love from one of the writers of the hit TV series, Brothers & Sisters.” Directed by Brian P. Allen and starring Joe Bearor, Rob Cameron, Matt Delamater, Moira Driscoll Abbie Killeen and Tony Reilly. St Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St. Wednesdays 7 p.m. ($15), Thursdays 7 p.m. ($20), Fridays 7:30 p.m. ($20), Saturday 7:30 p.m. ($25), Sundays 2 p.m. ($25) with a special added matinee on Saturday, Feb. 11, 3 p.m. ($20). Reservations and information call 885-5883. Presented by Good Theater, a professional theater; the theater is in residence at the St. Lawrence Arts Center.

Disney On Ice 7 p.m. Disney On Ice presents “Treasure Trove” at the Cumberland County Citic Center from Feb. 9-12. Thursday, Feb. 9 at 7 p.m.; Friday, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 11t at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.; and Sunday, Feb. 12 at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Tickets: $60 (Front Row), $50 (VIP), $25 and $15 - All seats reserved.

Aquaculture: Myths, Mystery, Africa 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Gulf of Maine Research Institute

Yoshi, a 6-month-old Yorkshire terrier, pauses near the steps of Portland City Hall. Anyone looking for a best friend can visit Pet Smart in Biddeford this weekend. PetSmart Charities will sponsor a National Adoption Event at the PetSmart store, 208 Mariner Way in Biddeford Crossing, Friday and Saturday at 9 a.m. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) invites the public to the Sea State Public Lecture Series. “With an ever growing global population, what role can aquaculture play in ensuring a sustainable food source? GMRI’s upcoming lecture series will explore critical challenges as well as global and local aquaculture innovations. Wally Stevens, Global Aquaculture Alliance. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. GMRI, 350 Commercial St., Portland. Please RSVP to Patty Collins,, 228-1625.

‘Stop Dirty Tar Sands Oil’ talk at USM 7 p.m. A talk titled, “Stop Dirty Tar Sands Oil from Coming Through Maine,” will be held in the Glickman Library at University of Southern Maine, University Events Room on the fifth floor. Refreshments will be served. “The Canadian oil and gas giant Enbridge is proposing to pump dirty tar sands oil from Ontario to South Portland, Maine where it would be shipped by tanker to refineries along the East Coast or Gulf of Mexico. The pipeline passes next to Sebago Lake, the drinking water supply for Greater Portland — more than 15 percent of Maine people — and could endanger Casco Bay and Maine’s fishing and lobster industries. A pipeline leak in the Sebago watershed would be a nightmare. A single tanker accident in Casco Bay could devastate Maine’s fishing and lobster industries. National experts from the National Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club, and Natural Resources Defense Council will present the facts and lead a discussion about preventing this risky project. Jim Murphy from the National Wildlife Federation and Kate Colarulli from the Sierra Club will describe Alberta tar sands oil production — probably the dirtiest energy project on Earth — and its potential impact on Maine. They will share the story of tar sands oil, the environmental and global climate impacts, and how Maine is poised to become part of the larger battle by oil companies to bring tar sands crude to global markets via the Portland-Montreal pipeline and Portland Harbor.” This event is free and open to the public, but space is limited, so please RSVP to or 430-0105.

‘The Glass Menagerie’ in Freeport 7:30 p.m. Freeport Factory Stage opens its 2012 Season with Tennessee Williams’ drama, “The Glass Menagerie.” “Set in pre-World War II, when Americans were just beginning to get back to work after a long depression, this is a memory play that is as relevant today as it was when first produced in New York in 1945.” “The Glass Menagerie” opens Thursday, Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. and runs through Saturday, Feb. 25. Performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. All Thursday performances are “pay what you want.” Tickets for all other performances are $19 general admission and $15 for students and seniors 65 and over. The Factory Stage offers subscription tickets and discounts for groups of 10 or more. Tickets are available online at or by calling the box office at 865-5505.

Mad Horse Theatre Company’s ‘Becky Shaw’ 7:30 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “Becky Shaw,” “the Pulitzer Prize finalist and smash hit by Obie Award winning playwright Gina Gionfriddo. In what The New York Times calls ‘a comedy of bad manners,’ a woman

fixes up her romantically challenged best friend with her husband’s mysterious co-worker. The date goes horribly awry, forcing the matchmakers to examine their own relationship and leading the daters to an emotional detente.” Written by Gina Gionfriddo, directed by James Herrera. Tickets are $22 student/senior $20. The Maine Premiere of “Becky Shaw” marks the first time Mad Horse Theatre Company has produced a work by Gionfriddo. It also marks the directorial debut of company member James Herrera, who jumped at the chance to helm a cast made up entirely of Mad Horse Theatre Company members. According to Herrera, the cast made his transition from actor to director easier than it could have been. Through Feb. 12. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. Lucid Stage. becky_shaw.php

Friday, Feb. 10 National Adoption Weekend in Biddeford 9 a.m. to noon. PetSmart Charities will sponsor a National Adoption Event at the PetSmart store, 208 Mariner Way in Biddeford Crossing, Friday and Saturday. The Mobile Adoption Team will visit with adoptable dogs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. Adoptable cats will also be at the store. Adoption counselors will be available in the store Friday: 9 a.m. to noon, Saturdays: noon to 5 p.m., and Sundays: noon to 5 p.m.). For more information, call Animal Welfare Society ( at 985-3244 or PetSmart at 283-6546.

Workshop for Artists 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Maine Arts Commission, free Workshop for Artists. The Constellation Gallery is hosting a workshop presented by the Maine Arts Commission. Donna McNeil, the Commission’s Arts Policy and Program director, will explain the programs, support efforts and grant access provided by the commission. She will also offer a primer on electronic portfolios, resume writing, letters of interest and artists’ statements. A great opportunity to learn about available support for artists in Maine. Light refreshments provided. 511 Congress St.

‘Family Night’ passes to Disney on Ice 7 p.m. “Cumberland County Government, the Civic Center and Feld Entertainment have combined to provide special ‘Family Night’ passes to the Feb. 10 performance of Disney On Ice presents Treasure Trove. These special rates will allow attendees to purchase $15 and $25 tickets for only ten dollars, when purchasing at the Cumberland County Civic Center box office. Savings coupons for the purchase of up to six tickets are available at county offices, your local Cumberland County City or Town office, or several human service agencies throughout the county.” For more information contact Bill Whitten ( 871-8380. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Telling Room’s Moth-like storytelling series 7 p.m. At SPACE Gallery, the fifth installment of the Telling Room’s Moth-like storytelling series, “Slant,” “where we ask six brave souls to tell 10-minute tales without the use of notes or scripts. The theme for this session is [sic], which we’re sure will be interpreted in a number of interesting ways. Our storysmiths this month will include food critic and TV host, Joe Ricchio, Maine Women’s Fund interim director, Cathy Kidman, Maine Med physician, Renee FayLeBlanc, and The Telling Room’s own communications coordinator, Andrew Griswold, among others.” Doors open at 7 p.m.

Acorn’s series of poetry readings

party. All Republican candidates for President have been invited to send representatives to speak along with any other legislative candidates running in Portland. The purpose of the caucus is to elect delegates and alternates to the state convention which will be held on Saturday, May 5 and Sunday, May 6 at the Augusta Civic Center, to elect members of the Cumberland County Republican Committee, and to organize the municipal committee for the upcoming elections. The Portland Republican City Committee’s mission is to recruit and promote candidates for municipal, county and state offices.” For more information contact Committee Chair, Patrick Calder at 232-0944; PatrickCalder@ or Secretary, Steven Scharf at 400-9176; SCSMedia@

Portland Polar Dip

7 p.m. Acorn Productions, a company to benefit Camp Sunshine dedicated to developing the perform11 a.m. “The beach can beckon, ing arts in the Southern Maine area, even in February — and especially offers the second installment of the From Saturday, Feb. 18, at 8 p.m. until Sunday, for a good cause. On Saturday, the company’s new performance series March 4, at 5 p.m., audiences can attend show- fifth annual Portland Polar Dip to ings of “The Tempest” at Lucid Stage. Lucid titled “Lowry’s Lodge,” a monthly benefit Camp Sunshine will take series of poetry readings hosted by Stage is located on Baxter Boulevard. For more place at noon at East End Beach in Jim Donnelly and Anna Wrobel. The information, visit (COUR- Portland, Maine. Hardy fundraisers series of public readings continues TESY IMAGE) will plunge into the chilly waters of at the Acorn Studio Theater in the Casco Bay to raise money to help Dana Warp Mill in Westbrook. Former Portland Poet Lauresend more families to Camp Sunshine (www.campsunate Martin Steingesser and Yarmouth High School teacher, a one-of-a-kind national retreat in Casco, Maine Marita O’Neill will read from their work and take questions for children with life-threatening illnesses and their famifrom the audience after their readings. The event is free with lies. New this year, participants are encouraged to create a $5 suggested donation. Acorn Studios, Dana Warp Mills, a plunge team of four or more people, consisting of co90 Bridge St., Westbrook. 854-0065. workers and classmates and from civic groups or places of worship. Each individual participant is encouraged to raise ‘Next Fall’ by Good Theater a minimum of $100 in pledges for Camp Sunshine and 7:30 p.m. “Next Fall” by Geoffrey Nauffts, Jan. 25 to Feb. those who do will receive an ‘I DID IT!’ T-shirt. All proceeds 19. “Good Theater presents the Maine premiere of this will benefit Camp Sunshine. To pledge online and for more recent Best Play Tony Award nominee. A charming, funny information on the event, visit and touching play about life and love from one of the writers East End beach is located at the base of Portland’s Eastern of the hit TV series, Brothers & Sisters.” Directed by Brian P. Promenade. Registration begins at 11 a.m. with the plunge Allen and starring Joe Bearor, Rob Cameron, Matt Delamater, set for noon. The goal is to raise $25,000 — enough to fund Moira Driscoll Abbie Killeen and Tony Reilly. St Lawrence Arts more than a dozen additional families at Camp Sunshine. Center, 76 Congress St. Wednesdays 7 p.m. ($15), Thursdays ... Since Camp Sunshine opened in 1984, it has provided a 7 p.m. ($20), Fridays 7:30 p.m. ($20), Saturday 7:30 p.m. ($25), haven for more than 32,000 family members from 48 states Sundays 2 p.m. ($25) with a special added matinee on Satand 22 countries.” To support Camp Sunshine, please call urday, Feb. 11, 3 p.m. ($20). Reservations and information 655-3800 or visit call 885-5883. Presented by Good Theater, a professional theater; the theater is in residence at the St. Lawrence Arts ‘Puss ‘n Boots’ Center. 11 a.m. This winter, Acorn Productions’ “Fairy Tale Players,” an ensemble of children, teens and adults who have studied at the Acorn Acting Academy, continues its third Saturday, Feb. 11 season of productions with Producing Director Michael Levine’s adaptation of “Puss ‘n Boots.” “The production is Fourth annual Hannaford Ice Fishing Derby suitable for audiences of all ages, and centers around the 6:50 a.m. Proceeds to benefit United Way (90 percent) and story of a clever cat who helps her mistress win the love the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (10 of a prince by pretending to be the Marquis de Carrabas. percent), at Long Lake, Naples. When: Feb. 11 — Sunrise Along the way, we meet a crazy cast of characters includto 3:30 p.m. (weigh in). Highlights: Cash prizes for the adult ing spoiled sisters, a foolish hare, and a lonely ogre. Acorn’s division of $500, $300, $200 for the largest brown trout or comedic version of the well-known fairy tale is directed by salmon; $100 and $50 for top finishers in the adult pickerel Karen Ball, and the script includes references to King Lear division. Cash prizes offered for the kids division of $100, and the Occupy Wall Street Movement for the more sophis$50, $25 for the largest brown trout or salmon; $50 and ticated audience members. There are eight actors ranging $25 in children’s pickerel division. Winners in each division in age from 9 to 17 in the show, which runs from Jan. 28 to will also receive gift certificates to Kittery Trading Post. The Feb. 12 in the Acorn Studio Theater in Westbrook.” Saturwinner of the children’s salmon/brown trout division will day, Feb. 11 at 11 a.m.; Sunday, Feb. 12 at 2 p.m. Acorn be presented a Wheaties box bearing his or her picture. Studio Theater, Dana Warp Mill, 90 Bridge St., Westbrook. Assorted raffle prizes and door prizes, including $1,000 for Admission: $8 adults; $6 kids 12 and under. FMI: www. an adult registrant sponsored by Pillsbury, will also be or 854-0065. sented throughout the day.

South Portland Republican Presidential Caucus 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. South Portland Republican Presidential Caucus, at the South Portland Recreation Center. All South Portland Republicans are invited to attend. Registration at the door. All registered attendees will be able to vote. www.

Portland Republicans biennial caucus 9:30 a.m. Portland Republicans will hold their biennial caucus. The meeting will be held at the Riverton Elementary School at 1600 Forest Ave. in Portland. It’s the municipal party’s biennial meeting to elect delegates to the county committee, state convention, ratify the membership and bylaws of the group. It is also the rank and file’s opportunity to provide feedback on the party’s nominees for President and Congress. “All registered Portland Republicans are welcome to participate. Others wishing to participate may register a half hour before the meeting as a Republican at the meeting, if they are not already enrolled in another

Maine Roller Derby season opener

5 p.m. Maine Roller Derby announced the start of the 2012 season. On Saturday Feb. 11, Maine Roller Derby will roll into Happy Wheels Skate Center in Portland to kick off their 2012 Spring Season. “The season begins with a rematch of the 2011 opener as the Port Authorities, MRD’s all-star team, take on the Lake Effect Furies, the all-star team for the Queen City Roller Girls from Buffalo, N.Y. When they met last February, the Port Authorities tempered the Furies with a big thaw and took the win with a score of 189 to 54. (Check out the video and bout recap.)” MRD’s Port Authorities are currently ranked No. 10 of the 32 teams in the WFTDA East Region. Following the bout is the fifth annual Hate the Love After-Party at Flask Lounge. This antiValentine’s day event is held to hate on love, lovers, dating, and all things gushy with our hate cards, hate poems, hate stories, and so on. DJ Cougar will be in the house, so warm up those vocal cords and be ready to belt it karaoke-style. Get your hate on, get decked out in red, and join us!

Maine Republican kickoff in Portland 5:30 p.m. Maine Republicans announce Presidential Straw poll results: “Please join us as we kick off the 2012 Republican Campaign Season. Start now and join friends as we celebrate a successful caucus week. Sign up for campaigns, meet candidates, join the grass roots team in your town!” Portland Regency, 20 Milk St., Portland. 5:30 p.m. Cash bar and Hors d’ oeuvres. 6:30 p.m. Guest Speakers. 7:30 p.m. Announcement of Presidential Straw poll results. RSVP to Michelle or call 622-6247.

Cumberland County Lincoln Dinner 6 p.m. The Cumberland County Lincoln Club will hold its annual Lincoln Dinner. “These dinners are held every year, around the country, in honor of our 16th President and one of the Republican Party’s great heroes, Abraham Lincoln. Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, as well as Governor Paul LePage, Secretary of State Charlie Summers, Attorney General Bill Schneider and State Treasurer Bruce Poliquin have been invited. Local historian Lynda Sudlow will be the featured speaker. Ms. Sudlow is a resident of North Yarmouth, and recently retired from the Directorship of the Falmouth Memorial Library. She is a Civil War historian, and the author of ‘A Vast Army of Women,’ about women from Maine who volunteered in support of the Union Army. Ms. Sudlow’s topic will be the changing role of women during the Civil War and President Lincoln’s changing perception of that role. The dinner will be held at the Italian Heritage Center located on Outer Congress Street behind the Westgate Shopping Center in Portland. There will be a cocktail hour with music by jazz pianist Tate Gale beginning at 6 p.m. Dinner starts at 7. Tickets are $30 per person and can be purchased by contacting any of the members of the committee or there will be a limited amount of tickets at the door. (Halsey Frank 712-5336, Phyllis Bailey 854-2469, Gloria Brewster 773-6587, Glenna Carter 883-2826, Carolyn Gilman 894-5063, Barbara Harvey 837-2400, or Jim Nicholas 767-3030). When ordering tickets, please specify your preference for dinner, either prime rib or baked haddock.”

Substance abuse prevention launch event 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. “SHIFT GNG, a community coalition working to prevent youth substance use, invites all members of the Gray and New Gloucester communities to its launch event at Cole Farms.” Tickets are available for $10 online at or in person at Cole Farms, and include a buffet dinner and the chance to win nearly $1,000 in door prizes. Tickets must be purchased in advance by Monday, Feb. 6. “The event will provide a forum for discussion of both community strengths and areas that need more attention, as well as an opportunity for the coalition to outline some of its strategies for preventing youth substance use. The five-year plan calls for strengthening communication networks among parents; enhancing parents’ skills for talking to their kids about substance use and monitoring to prevent it; increasing law enforcements’ response to underage drinking; dispelling myths and raising awareness of risks; and highlighting ways that all adults can send a positive, consistent message about youth substance use.” For more information, call 773-7737 or email

MSMT Valentine’s Benefit Concert 7:30 p.m. Maine State Music Theatre in Brunswick is hosting a Valentine’s Benefit Concert which will begin with desserts and cocktails served at Bowdoin College’s Moulton Union and includes a concert and auction held at Studzinski Hall. “The concert features MSMT veteran actor, Gregg Goodbrod, and a professional actress from the thriving Philadelphia theatre scene, Denise Whelan. Whelan and Goodbrod will star together in a production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Tony Award-winning musical ‘Sunset Boulevard’ this summer at MSMT. The concert features music from the acclaimed score, as well as other Broadway love songs. Tickets are $100 per person and can be purchased by calling 725-8760, ext. 15. All proceeds from the concert and auction support MSMT’s extensive summer internship program that for several decades has provided unparalleled training to up and coming theatre professionals from across the country.”

‘Next Fall’ by Good Theater 7:30 p.m. “Next Fall” by Geoffrey Nauffts, Jan. 25 to Feb. 19. “Good Theater presents the Maine premiere of this recent Best Play Tony Award nominee. A charming, funny and touching play about life and love from one of the writers of the hit TV series, Brothers & Sisters.” Directed by Brian P. Allen and starring Joe Bearor, Rob Cameron, Matt Delamater, Moira Driscoll Abbie Killeen and Tony Reilly. St Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St. Wednesdays 7 p.m. ($15), Thursdays 7 p.m. ($20), Fridays 7:30 p.m. ($20), Saturday 7:30 p.m. ($25), Sundays 2 p.m. ($25) with a special added matinee on Saturday, Feb. 11, 3 p.m. ($20). Reservations and information call 885-5883. Presented by Good Theater, a professional theater; the theater is in residence at the St. Lawrence Arts Center. see next page

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, February 9, 2012

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An Evening With Mary Johnson 7:30 p.m. “An Evening With Mary Johnson, author of ‘An Unquenchable Thirst: Following Mother Teresa in Search of Love, Service and an Authentic Life’ will be presented in Portland on Friday, Feb. 17. All proceeds from the event will support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine. The author will be the featured guest at a special Book Club Dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. at a private Portland home. The dinner is limited to 10 people and tickets are $100 per person. Dinner attendees are encouraged to read the book in advance. At 7:30 p.m., a public Reading and Discussion will take place at The Portland Club, at 156 State St. Tickets are $15 per person, when purchased in advance. Guests can also pay at the door for just $20. For tickets and more information about either the dinner or the public book signing, call Big Brothers Big Sisters at 773-5437 or email:

Sunday, Feb. 12 Lincoln’s Birthday event noon. Lincoln’s Birthday Community Re-Dedication of Lincoln Park, at the park, recent site of the OccupyMaine encampment. “Of the People, By the People, For the People, we shall assemble, freely, for readings from the original 1909 dedication of Lincoln Park, as well as presentations by noted historian Herb Adams, members of Occupy Maine, and surprise guests! At 3 p.m., a General Assembly will be held.”

18th Annual Great Chili and Chowder Challenge 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Holiday Inn By The Bay, 88 Spring St., Portland. The Portland Altrusa is sponsoring : The Great Chili Chowder Challenge, Holiday Inn By the Bay. Tickets also available at all locations of Big Sky Bread Co. & Skillins Greenhouses. Tickets are $20 ($10 for children) at the door or purchase before the event for $17.50. “Sample over 30 scrumptious chilis and chowders from Southern Maine’s favorite chefs then vote for the best! Musical Entertainment by Dick Clark & Curtis (Motown) Haines.”

Occupy Maine, ‘Money And Politics’ 1 p.m. Continuing The Conversation: Occupy Maine, “Money And Politics” at Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, 524 Allen Ave., Portland. Andrew Bossie, executive director of Maine Citizens for Clean Elections, will join members and friends of Allen Avenue in continuing the conversation about the origin, meaning, importance, and future of the Occupy Maine movement. He will speak about the connection between campaign contributions and politics and how that skews public policy. Bossie is former executive director of the Maine AIDS Alliance and is a graduate of USM. All are welcome, whether you attended the first conversation or not. Free admission.

Bluegrass Jam in Buxton 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Bluegrass Jam at The Roost in Buxton. “Unplugged instruments only, please. Admission is $5 for members/$7 for non-members. Refreshments available.” FMI 232-1528.

Kids, Kartoons, and Kotzschmar 1:15 p.m. Celebrate the Kotzschmar Organ’s 100th and the Girl Scouts 100th at Kids, Kartoons, and Kotzschmar. Pre-show Activities: 1:15 p.m. Show time: 2 p.m. The Girl Scouts of Maine will join Rob Richards Disney’s house organist at the famed El Capitan Theatre, for a salute to Girl Scouts across the USA! Everybody will join in singing some very familiar songs and pay tribute to the Girl Scouts! After the show, take a walk through the Kotzschmar Organ and join the Girl Scouts in the lobby for celebratory refreshments. This year’s Kids, Kartoons and Kotzschmar concert will be more fun-filled than ever before. The fun begins at 1:15 with a host of pre-concert activities. Costume Contest — Dress as your favorite cartoon character for a chance to win a prize! Draw your favorite character guided by the young and talented illustrator, Christina Siravo. She’ll be drawing live onstage with Rob Richard’s great music!

Maine State Ballet will present “Swan Lake” on March 31 and April 1, at 2 p.m. both days, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Tickets are on sale through PortTix ( or by calling 842-0800. (COURTESY PHOTO) Meet the Pipes — A visit with Kotzschmar Jr. (the portable, demonstration organ that FOKO had designed specifically for educational purposes), our Breakwater School Ambassadors and Kotzschmar Docents will help you understand the pipes! Moving to the Music — Kendra Madore, Kaylyn Madore, Isis Schwellenbach, and Samantha Seiwertsen, a group of dancers from Drouin Dance Center in Westbrook, will be working with attendees around how one might move differently to match the different tones, pitches, and tempos the organ creates. All four girls are a part of the DDC dance company, a competitive team that competes throughout Maine and New England. Kendra and Kaylyn both qualified for the Turn It Up National event in 2011, and Kendra was part of the group from Drouin Dance Center selected to dance in the 2011 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Tickets on sale now through Porttix, 842.0800.

Families & Friends of Burundi 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Families & Friends of Burundi, a newly formed Portland-based group, will host an educational and cultural event to introduce the public to the current genocidal situation in Burundi. In addition to an overview of the current situation, members of Families & Friends of Burundi will offer personal stories, share music and cultural items, and provide delicious food prepared by a Burundi chef. Donations will be gratefully received. The event will be held at Hope. Gate. Way United Methodist Community, located on the ground floor of the Gateway parking garage adjacent to the Eastland Hotel, at 185 High St., Portland. More information is available at, or by calling 899-2435.

St. Augustine of Canterbury healing service 4 p.m. St. Augustine of Canterbury Church will hold a healing service in accordance with the Rites of the Church. The service will be followed by the Mass which includes the Holy Eucharist. The healing service includes anointing with oil and the laying on of hands as contained in Holy Scripture. Persons are welcome to attending both the healing service and the Mass that follows. St. Augustine’s is a Traditional and Orthodox Anglican Catholic Community, part

PUBLIC NOTICE The Opportunity Alliance Board of Trustees’ meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2012 at 8:00a.m. at 50 Lydia Lane, South Portland. This meeting is open to the public.

of the worldwide Traditional Anglican Communion, with members in 44 countries. “The Church seeks to uphold the Catholic Faith, Apostolic Order, Orthodox Worship and Evangelical Witness of the Anglican tradition within the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ. The Communion holds Holy Scripture and the ancient Creeds of the Undivided Church as authentic and authoritative, and worships according to the traditional Liturgies of the Church.” St. Augustine of Canterbury Church worships at 10 a.m. on Sunday, and Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral Pines Chapel at 156 Saco Ave. in Old Orchard Beach. Father Jeffrey W. Monroe is Vicar and Fr. Kevin Lamarre is Assisting Vicar. For additional information contact 799-5141.

100th Anniversary of Girl Scouting 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Girl Scouts of Maine’s Machigonne Service Unit is making plans to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouting with a celebratory tea scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 12, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., at the Maine Irish Heritage Center, 34 Gray Street, Portland. Girl Scouts past and present are invited to attend this special centennial event! Attendees will share their experiences, favorite memories, and celebrate the accomplishments of Girl Scouting through the ages. The cost of the tea is $5 per person and the event is handicap accessible. To register for the Tea and for more information, please contact Cheryl Denis ( or 899-2779). Deadline for registration is Feb. 1. “Girl Scouts of Maine provides services and support to over 16,000 girl and adult members statewide and builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.” For information on Girl Scouts, call 1-888-922-4763 or visit www.

BBBS Poker Tournament 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. A Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament, to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine, will be held at noon at the Portland Club at 156 State St. The entry fee is $100, and seating is limited to 100 players. During the event, a trip for two, including air and lodging, to Atlantic City will be raffled. The trip, only for participants in the event, has been donated by Megatours. For more information or to sign up for the event, call 773-5437 or visit www.

Monday, Feb. 13 A Seafood Restaurant

When you’re hungry for quality seafood and a fair price, come to Chowderheads. Oak Hill Shopping Center • Scarborough • 883-8333 Mon-Tue 11-7 • Wed, Thurs & Fri 11-8 • Sat. 12-8

Friends of Walker Memorial Library tea 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. “You are cordially invited to attend the Friends of Walker Memorial Library’s annual We-Love-OurLibrary tea.” 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friends will serve refreshments. In addition, they will share information about the work of the Walker Friends. FMI 854-0630. Everyone is welcome. Walker is handicapped accessible. Walker Memorial Library is located at 800 Main St., Westbrook.

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