The Portland Daily Sun, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Page 1



Game day gives kids a look at Pirates See story on page 3

Coping with the big three five See Maggie Knowles’ column on page 4

VOL. 3 NO. 35


Portland Police Officer Christian Stickney, his K9 partner Taz and Officer Nick Goodman pose after a drug bust where they retrieved 4 pounds of marijuana and several ounces of crack cocaine confiscated after a traffic stop. (COURTESY PHOTO)


Portland Police are preparing to welcome three new members to the force as part of a joint partnership with the Transportation Security Administration. Standing around two feet tall and weighing in at 60 pounds, the newest additions to the department will go into service armed with nothing but a keen sense of smell, a row of sharp


Credit unions donate in memory of hunger pioneer See page 9

Film chronicles hive collapse See Calendar, page 13




TSA partnership provides dogs to police

Tropa Wine closed


See Business, page 8

509 Forest Avenue, Portland, ME 04103

Program unleashes three new K9 units

Hadlock Field dishes out food service jobs Fish in the Garden? What gives?


Pay just 185 for a 375 Keratin Treatment

Portland Sea Dogs Assistant General Manager Chris Cameron smiles when asked about how he landed his job in baseball. “I was in my sophomore year of college majoring in sports management at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester when I saw an ad for summer employment at Sea Dogs. It was for the concession stand and it was my big break to talk and make contacts with people in baseball doing it for a living, and to get myself out there. I sold hot dogs, soda, French fries — it was a big deal,” said Cameron. And so it was for the 300-plus people, most of them high schoolers, who applied this year at the Portland Sea Dogs annual employment open house on Saturday, March 12. The opportunity for gainful part-time seasonal employment for teens see FOOD page 8 Chris Cameron, assistant general manager in media relations for the Portland Sea Dogs, awaits a crowd at Hadlock Stadium, standing on a tarp to protect the field from rain. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

Jim Johnson scrapes letters off the window at 688 Congress St. where Tropa Wine Co., a wine dealer that specialized in Italian wines, was located. The business began closing a year ago, according to food blogs at the time, and owner Anthony Mastropasqua is now involved in running the District, a restaurant that opened last year at 45 Danforth St. Johnson said he is a friend of the owner. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

teeth and a succinct unit designation — "K9." The three explosives detection dogs are set to join the force following final certification tests in April, according to Ben Noyes, sergeant in charge of the Portland Police Department’s K9 unit, which currently has three patrol dogs and one explosivessniffing dog set to retire when the new dogs arrive. see K9 page 3

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Unmarried pastor sees bias (NY Times) — Like all too many Americans, Mark Almlie was laid off in the spring of 2009 when his workplace downsized. But Mr. Almlie, despite a sterling education and years of experience, has faced an obstacle that does not exist in most professions: He is a single pastor, in a field where those doing the hiring overwhelmingly prefer married people and, especially, married men with children. Mr. Almlie, 37, has been shocked, he says, at what he calls unfair discrimination, based mainly on irrational fears: that a single pastor cannot counsel a mostly married flock, that he might sow turmoil by flirting with a church member, or that he might be gay. If the job search is hard for single men, it is doubly so for single women who train for the ministry, in part because many evangelical denominations explicitly require a man to lead the congregation. Mr. Almlie, an ordained evangelical minister who lives in Petaluma, Calif., has also had to contend with the argument, which he disputes with scriptural citations of his own, that the Bible calls for married leaders. “Prejudice against single pastors abounds,” Mr. Almlie wrote in articles he posted on a popular Christian blog site in January and February, setting off a wideranging debate online on a topic that many said has been largely ignored. Some evangelical churches, in particular, openly exclude single candidates; a recent posting for a pastor by a church on Long Island said it was seeking “a family man whose family will be involved in the ministry life of the church.” Other churches convey the message through code words, like “seeking a Biblical man” (translation: a husband and a provider). “I’ll get an e-mail saying ‘wonderful résumé,’ ” Mr. Almlie said in an interview. “Once I say I’m single, never married, I never hear back.” Federal anti-discrimination law specifically exempts religious groups when they hire a person for religion-related activities, and courts have been loath to interfere in ministerial employment, said David Middlebrook, a lawyer and a specialist in religion law in Dallas and Fort Worth. R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., said it was unfair to accuse churches of discrimination because that word implied something “wrongful.”


I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.” —Groucho Marx

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIGEST––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


3DAYFORECAST Today High: 38 Record: 66 (1953) Sunrise: 6:39 a.m.

Tomorrow High: 37 Low: 28 Sunrise: 6:37 a.m. Sunset: 6:58 p.m.

Tonight Low: 32 Record: 5 (1934) Sunset: 6:57 p.m.

Friday High: 36 Low: 22

DOW JONES 17.90 to 12,018.63 NASDAQ 8.22 to 2,683.87 S&P 4.61 to 1,293.77



DAILY NUMBERS Day 5-3-2 • 4-9-4-3 Evening 0-1-4 • 1-6-1-8 WEEKLY GRAND 17-19-20-24 Lucky ball: 27

MORNING High: 2:09 a.m. Low: 8:31 a.m.

1,510 U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan.

EVENING High: 2:46 p.m. Low: 8:46 p.m. -courtesy of

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

African war: Obama tries to patch rift on Libya role as strikes go on BY ELISABETH BUMILLER DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK



WASHINGTON — Explosions rocked Tripoli on Tuesday in a fourth day of airstrikes, but forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi showed no signs of ending their sieges of rebel held cities, as the Security Council has demanded, while President Obama spoke on Tuesday with the French and British leaders in an effort to defuse a disagreement among the allies over how to manage the military action against Libya. At least three bomb blasts were heard in the capital Tuesday evening as flares from Libyan anti-aircraft guns arced across the sky. But attacks by pro-Qaddafi forces were particularly intense in the western cities of Misurata — where snipers and artillery have killed dozens over the past five days and wounded scores more, a rebel spokesman said — and Zintan. Both cities have been under siege for weeks. Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III, an American officer who is the tactical commander of the mission, said that his intelligence reports confirmed that Colonel Qaddafi’s forces were attacking civilians in Misurata. The admiral, who briefed reporters at the Pentagon by telephone on Tuesday afternoon, did not say whether there had been a response yet, but said, “We are considering all options.” A rebel spokesman, reached by satellite phone in Misurata, said he had not seen any evidence of airstrikes there against the Qaddafi forces, which contnued to shell the city and threaten residents with sniper fire. Libyan state television broadcast video footage Tuesday night of Colonel Qaddafi speaking to the crowd of people gathered as human shields at his Tripoli compound,

ending days of rumors that he might have taken refuge outside the city. “Nothing scares me,” he bellowed to the enthusiastic crowd. “I am here, I am here, I am here,” he added defiantly. Divisions persisted among the allies on Tuesday over how the campaign should continue and under whose command, though the NATO countries seemed to be making progress on an arrangement that would retain a substantial role for NATO while addressing French concerns about putting the military alliance fully in charge. With the United States intent on stepping back from the primary role in attacking Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces and enforcing a no-fly zone, Mr. Obama called Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France from Air Force One as he flew from Chile to El Salvador. “What we’re saying right now is that NATO has a key role to play here,” Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser, told reporters aboard Air Force One. Speaking to reporters in San Salvador on Tuesday, Mr. Obama said “I have absolutely no doubt” that the allies will agree on a plan to transfer control from the United States to the international coalition. Despite statements from American military officials that the level of coalition activity in Libya would soon decline, the Pentagon released figures showing that on Tuesday there were more coalition airstrikes, 57, than on any day since Saturday, the first day of the American-led assaults. The Pentagon said there were 32 coalition airstrikes on Monday and 19 airstrikes on Sunday and Saturday. The Pentagon

also said that the United States and its allies had launched 162 Tomahawk cruise missiles overall, with the vast majority of them, 112, on Saturday, the opening day of the conflict. An American fighter jet crashed overnight in the first known setback for the international coalition. According to the United States military, an F-15E Strike Eagle warplane went down late Monday “when the aircraft experienced equipment malfunction.” The aircraft, normally based in England, was flying out of Aviano Air Base in northeastern Italy when it crashed. “Both crew members ejected and are safe,” an American statement said. A photograph showed its charred wreckage surrounded by onlookers in the middle of what looked like an empty field. The American military said that the plane’s crew, the pilot and a weapons officer, landed by parachute in two different areas of eastern Libya and that the pilot had been found by a coalition rescue team and the weapons officer by Libyans. Admiral Locklear said that the weapons officer “was treated with dignity and respect” by the Libyans and is now in the custody of the United States. Admiral Locklear did not say whether Libyan civilians or rebels found the weapons officer, and provided few other details. But a Marine Corps officer said that two Harrier attack jets dropped two 500-pound bombs during the rescue of the pilot, about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday local time (about 7:30 p.m. Monday E.D.T.). The officer said that the grounded pilot, who was in contact with rescue crews in the air, asked for the bombs to be dropped as a precaution before the crews landed to pick him up.

Miami police chief under fire for deaths MIAMI (New York Times)— The video, shot with a hand-held camera, shows brawny Miami police officers breaking down doors and hauling handcuffed African-American suspects off some of the city’s toughest streets. “We hunt,” one officer says in the five-and-a-half-minute clip. “I like to hunt.” But it was not a source of embarrassment for Miami’s police chief, Miguel A. Exposito. The video was part of a reality television pilot, “Miami’s Finest SOS,” a project with the enthusiastic backing of Chief Exposito. “Our guys were proactively going out there, like predators,” he says during his cameo in the video, which surfaced online in January. A few weeks later, a Miami police officer shot and killed a black man during a traffic

stop at North Miami Avenue and 75th Street in the Little Haiti neighborhood. The man, Travis McNeil, 28, was unarmed and never left the driver’s seat of his rental car when he was shot once in the chest, members of his family said. Mr. McNeil was the seventh AfricanAmerican man to be shot and killed by Miami police officers in eight months. The shootings in this racially polarized city have led to marches on the Police Department’s headquarters and calls for a wide-ranging Justice Department investigation, and the city manager has initiated an investigation into the chief’s record. After pushing for action for weeks, the families of the seven shooting victims will

speak at a City Commission meeting on Thursday. Some families are demanding that Chief Exposito be dismissed. “I don’t understand how the powers that be can allow these things to keep happening,” Sheila McNeil, the mother of Mr. McNeil, said of the Feb. 10 shooting death of her son. “Something is drastically wrong.” Chief Exposito, a burly 37-year veteran who became chief in November 2009, defended his leadership. “We don’t have a violent police department,” he said in an interview last week. “You’ll find our officers are very compassionate with the people they deal with. They will try to deescalate situations rather than resorting to deadly force.”

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011— Page 3

Department added explosives detection dog in 2000 K9 from page one

An increased focus on national security, particularly at major airports, led to the PPD slowly expanding its K9 unit over the last decade. Two of the new units will be assigned to the airport and one will be on what's called the "multimodal unit," sniffing around train and bus stations as well as the Portland waterfront for any signs of explosives. “Up until 2000, it was primarily a patrol dog unit trained to locate bad guys that are hiding in buildings, track them from crime scenes, recover evidence, sniff for drugs and track missing persons,” said Noyes, who was paired with a K9 unit for eight years. “Then in 2000, we expanded the program by adding our first explosives detection dog. Our first [explosives dog] handler got certified just a few months before 9/11, then that happened and it just changed everything,” he said. “If you look at the number of bomb dogs in the state, it really took off after 9/11.” The new units are funded by the TSA’s explosives detection canine team program, founded in March 1972 after a bomb-sniffing dog named Brandy found an explosive device aboard a LAX-bound flight from JFK with just 12 minutes left on it’s timer. That same day, President Richard Nixon directed the Secretary of Transportation to create the FAA Explosives Detection Canine Team Program designed to place certified teams at strategic locations throughout the country so that any aircraft receiving a bomb threat could quickly divert to an airport with a canine team. “They fund training and all the care and food for these dogs and we have to agree to have a minimum of 3 trained dogs,” said Noyes. Airports in Bangor, Manchester, New Hampshire and Boston are also taking part in the TSA canine program, which requires police departments to sign on for five years of dog handling. “Michelle Cole is our current handle and she is about to retire her dog who was assigned to the

“You have to have somebody who is calm, evenhanded and patient; it takes a lot of patience to train these dogs and it requires a lot of repetition. I had thousands of hours of training time with my dog before he retired, and any handler worth his salt is putting in thousands.” — Ben Noyes, sergeant in charge of the Portland Police Department’s K9 unit airport unit,” where the K9’s duties would involve “sniffing unattended bags or something that might seem suspicious at the airport,” according to Noyes. The TSA selects the dogs — Labrador retrievers and Belgian Malinois work best for sniffing explosives — and the PPD selects a handler to be paired with the K9 unit. “Labs are used a lot because of their temperament, you want to have a dog that is going to be confident but stable, not super aggressive, one you can control. You’re looking for very specific characteristics, certain types of drives,” he said. But it’s not only dogs who are carefully vetted for temperament and drives — Noyes said it takes a certain type of officer to sign onto a six-legged unit. “You have to have somebody who is calm, evenhanded and patient; it takes a lot of patience to train these dogs and it requires a lot of repetition. I had thousands of hours of training time with my dog before he retired, and any handler worth his salt is putting in thousands,” said Noyes, who grew up around the animals and describes himself as a “big dog guy.” Patrol dogs, selected by the PPD, are usually German shepherds or Belgian Malinois. Noyes said the relationship is often as close as the one between two human officers. “Every handler is paired up and that dog is their partner and solely their partner. You are with them

School Day Game gives kids look at Pirates BY JEFF PETERSON SPECIAL TO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

For most of the announced crowd of 5,108 at the Cumberland County Civic Center, it was a field trip. The second annual School Day Game provided students from 20 schools all over Southern and Central Maine with an opportunity to learn more about geography, math and health. On Tuesday, they also enjoyed a pretty good hockey game between the Portland Pirates and Worcester Sharks. It didn't take long for the kids to get a history lesson in this one. When Corey Tropp scored just 13 seconds into the game to set a franchise record for the quickest goal. It also gave the Pirates a 1-0 lead. The students then started learning what the word offense means. Derek Whitmore gave the Pirates a 2-0 lead with his 9th goal of the season against Worcester. Then less than a minute later, Dennis McCauley found the net and the Pirates and

PIRATES SCHEDULE Games at the Cumberland County Civic Center Friday 7 p.m. Pirates vs. Bridgeport Saturday 7 p.m. Pirates vs. Charlotte

all the students in the giant Civic Center classroom celebrated a 3-0 lead. The students and Pirates then learned that you probably shouldn't celebrate too early. After a couple of fights and game misconducts, the Sharks got their bite back. Patrick Davis scored a shorthanded goal at 17:38 of the first period to make it 3-1. Then just around three minutes into the second period, Dan DaSilva put in a power-play goal and suddenly it was a one goal game. The Pirates seemed to had put a stop to the rally about two minutes later when Paul Byron lit the lamp to make it 4-2. Then everyone in the building got a lesson in comebacks.

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Nick Shaus scored his second goal of the game to make it 4-3 and then came the third period. As many of the students were heading to their buses to go back to school, Joe Loprieno taught about heartbreak. He tied up the game with just over three minutes to play in regulation. With all the momentum, the Sharks sent the rest of the crowd home with a goal just 16 seconds into overtime. John McCarthy netted the game winner to give Worcester a 5-4 win. The Pirates did get a point in the standings with an overtime loss and increased their lead over Manchester in the Atlantic Division to three points, but they learned they missed out on clinching a playoff spot. For the thousands of students on hand it was a day of learning that a game isn't over until it's over. The Pirates will try to clinch that playoff spot, without the students, this Friday at 7 p.m. when the Bridgeport Sound Tigers come to the Cumberland County Civic Center.

24/7 so the bond is incredible,” said Noyes. “I spent more time with my dog than my wife and daughter, you become very, very attached to these dogs,” he said. No K9 assigned to the Portland PD unit has ever died in the line of duty, according to Noyes, although one did pass away due to a common German shepherd ailment unrelated to its work. While K9 units are most often used for traffics stops and evidence searches, they occasionally get to play the hero, as Noyes recalls from last summer. “It was a 90 degree day and an elderly Alzheimer's patient wandered away, [the K9] tracked her from the home and found she had fallen into some bushes. In my experience, it’s most rewarding when you find someone who is lost or injured,” he said. Dogs aren’t the only animal to have served as part of the Portland PD. Horses were used as part of a mounted patrol in the city up until eight years ago. “They’re great for public relations and crowd control, and it gave officers a different perspective on the Old Port at night, sitting high up looking down,” said Noyes. The horse’s food and veterinary needs were largely funded through donations, and the program was in place for 25 years before the department was forced to cut it as part of a budget rollback. “In order to run the program, you had to pull bodies out of patrol, and we couldn’t afford to have bodies out of patrol,” said Noyes.

D E A L itious D E A L O F T H E DAY





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Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

––––––––––––– COLUMN –––––––––––––

Obama goes for the war trifecta Iraq, and Afghanistan and Libya — oh, my. Three wars at once! Message to the world: Look upon our might and tremble. President Barack Obama has invented his own definition of triangulation: It now means stretching our military resources between three separate wars. And the cost of our new war in Libya, estimated by some to be $100 million per day? Forgedda about it. Ain’t we the richest, most prosperous nation on the earth? Well, actually, we aren’t. But we will be again someday! (If we could just stop fighting these wars.) President Obama inherited the first two wars he is fighting. But Libya is all his. True, the White House does not want to call it a war, and much of the ––––– mainstream media have gone Creators along. Syndicate Watching the “NBC Nightly News” the other day, I heard Libya called a “military action.” Sure it is. Just like Korea was a “police action.” Some 33,700 Americans lost their lives fighting in Korea, and I am sure it seemed like a war to them. But President Obama cannot admit that we are fighting a war because candidate Obama said in 2007, “The president does not have power under

Roger Simon

see SIMON page 5

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, You may FAX your letters to 899-4963, Attention: Editor.

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper Curtis Robinson Editor David Carkhuff, Casey Conley, Matt Dodge Reporters THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 181 State Street, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Spofford News Company

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Coping with the big three five I turned 35 yesterday. Actually, according to my brother, I turned “high risk.” It made me think of that place downtown with the sloppily stenciled “Hi-Risk Auto Insurance” sign calling out to those with bashed up trucks and as many speeding tickets as I have shoes. That’s what is in store for me now? An airbrushed shirt, “Lovin’ every minute of this thickening thigh, slowing memory, harder to conceive, molasses metabolism, sagging skin life!” Age never bothered me before. Then again I was never this close to 40 before. I want to windshield wipe that fear away. I want to eat a whole pizza and not have to run a marathon to burn off one slice. I think I look pretty good until I watch Aladdin with Baby Boy and there’s Jasmine with her 3-inch waist and humungous eyes. That has me running for the giant bag of M and M’s. I rip off the “For Potty Training ONLY!!!” sign held on with layers of duct tape and push my hands in. The gem colored candies filter through my fingers as I pick out all the green ones (it is my version of portion

Maggie Knowles ––––– Use Your Outdoor Voice control). I stealthily slip them into my mouth during pretend coughing fits so no one sees and wants some. Sneaking green M and M’s is my version of Happy Hour. Until, “That was the last one? Darn, I would have sucked it.” P.S. Contrary to the marketing campaign, M and M’s DO melt in your hand if held in there for the duration of a dance party with 10 stuffed animals and an attempt at Candy Land. (Baby Boy was traumatized it didn’t come with real candy. Little did he know...) It didn’t get better when at the gas station today (I still seek out ones where some teenager has to pump my gas come rain, hail or snow. It is the least I can do to help cut the unemployment rate. You’re welcome.) and the kid who washes my windshield numer-

ous times a month suddenly calls me “Ma’am” instead of “Miss.” Did someone sneak a “Kinda Middle Aged Frump on Board” sticker on the car? Did the “the only makeup I had time for was Bag Balm” attitude and billions of Cheerios on the floor give it away? And where is my memory going? I couldn’t even get through a phone call without having a Senior Moment. “So that was ‘T’ as in ‘Tim?’” “No, ‘D’ as in (I can’t say ‘delicious’ because she may think I am hitting on her and sue me for sexual harassment. God, I feel like a dork. Oh, that begins with ‘D’ but then she may think I am calling her a dork and hang up and I can’t be on hold for that long again. Man, why can I not think of a word? Desperado. That’s my favorite Eagles song but she sounds too young to know ...) ... as in A-B-C-Deeeeee.” It doesn’t help the brain waves that I am always a second away from a narcoleptic attack. When I do get to sleep, I dream about sleeping. Even my subconscious is wiped out. I watch Baby Boy zip see KNOWLES page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

What’s the rationale for this war? SIMON from page 4

the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,” But Obama has now launched such an attack even though the civil war in Libya clearly does not involve a threat to America. That’s OK, however, the White House says, because Libya is not a real war. It may walk like a duck and talk like a duck, but it is not a duck. (Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out to be a turkey.) “This is a limited — in terms of scope, duration and task — operation, which does fall in the president’s authorities,” says Tom Donilon, Obama’s national security advisor. Congress is now whining about this — Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Democrat of Ohio, says this “would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense” — but Congress will do nothing. Congress has not stood up for its constitutional authority to declare war since World War II, and it is not about to stand up on its hind legs now. In Egypt, we saw hundreds of thousands of civilians throng the

streets. The police and military joined them, and thus a dictator was toppled. In Libya we have not seen this. We have seen small bands of young men equipped with automatic weapons who seem to enjoy firing them into the air for the news cameras. (Personally, I would advise the rebels to save their ammunition.) Who are the rebels? Who is arming them? What is their agenda? What kind of government — democratic, religious fundamentalist, terrorist — will replace Moammar Gadhafi? We do not know. Those parts of Operation Odyssey Dawn — the first military operation named after a stripper, as David Letterman dryly put it — are not specified. To an American electorate who thought Obama might become the next Franklin Roosevelt, Obama seems on his way to becoming the next Teddy Roosevelt. Obama launches a war and then takes off to see the Andes! Bully, very bully! (Though Teddy Roosevelt, who unabashedly loved the adrenalin of war, never presided over one as president. And he won the Nobel Prize in 1906 for negotiating a peace treaty between Russia and Japan, becoming the

first American to win a Nobel in any category.) President Obama already has his Nobel, so I guess he doesn’t have to worry about the difficult task of peace treaties. Instead, he is going for the trifecta: military victories in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. You know how often trifectas pay off? Not often. But if Obama pulls this off, he enters the history books as a three-time winner. I sure hope he is stopping at three, anyway. The president has assured us that no U.S. ground forces will fight in Libya (I guess only our air forces are expendable), but we must get rid of Gadhafi, though we are not targeting Gadhafi. After all, Gadhafi is a dictator who is shooting his own civilian population. Just like the dictator in Bahrain is shooting his own civilian population. But we are not going to send any jets over Bahrain. Why not? National Security Advisor Donilon once again provides the answer: “Bahrain is a very different case. There’s no — there’s not a comparison between Bahrain and Libya. Bahrain has been a longtime ally of the United States of America and a longtime partner.” Oh, well, now I get it. If you are a longtime partner of the United States, you can shoot down your people in the streets like dogs. But if you are not a longtime partner, we will come and bomb you. Sort of encourages countries to become our longtime partners, doesn’t it? And you thought our foreign policy didn’t make sense. (To find out more about Roger Simon, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www.

When I do get to sleep, I dream about sleeping KNOWLES from page 4

in circles, hundreds of circles, laughing the whole time, never out of breath just because he can and all I want to do is lay down on the couch. Listen up kids. Don’t fight the naps. There will come a day when no one is making you snuggle into your bunk bed in the middle of the day. I promise, nothing fun is happening when you go to bed. No DJ’s are popping out of the closet and no one is eating cake. Despite all the stuff that starts to go at 35, there is much to be proud of. I can get Baby Boy to do whatever I want by raising or lowering my eyebrows in varying degrees. I can march across an icy parking lot carrying groceries in stiletto boots and not even slip. I can navigate the Bordeaux section of a wine list like I am reading old

love letters. I can take friends out to dinner, say, “I’ve got it. Don’t worry, it’s a write-off ” and know what that means. I can watch reruns of “MASH” and “The Golden Girls” and actually understand the jokes. I can afford an iPad even though I only know how to play Angry Birds on it. Sometimes I do feel old when blasting a Top 20 song wondering if THIS is the one I would sing on Idol and realize a busload of middle schoolers are taking pictures of me with their cell phones. Then it occurs to me that I am the one that never has to deal with acne and math tests and puberty and first heartbreak ever again. And that is worth every second of my 35 years. (Maggie Knowles is a columnist for The Portland Daily Sun. Her column appears Wednesdays.)

Daily Sun reader Bette Smart gets her copy at the Payson Park box

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yemeni president offers to leave office earlier than 2013

Mount Cranmore Condominium Association in North Conway N.H. is looking for roof replacement on all buildings and individual owners units from asphalt shingles to steel roofing. This multi year project is part of an ongoing transformation of a prominent slope side condominium community into a first class updated resort community. All interested bidders must be proficient in all phases of Steel roofing installations and large project management. All bids must be received no later than June 01, 2011 for consideration of work to commence in spring of 2012. All interested parties should contact White Mountain Management Company at 603-356-5935 for an information and specification package. Please indicate, via e-mail to your company’s intention to bid by Friday, April 08, 2011, at which point a bidders conference will be scheduled. Mt. Cranmore Condominium Association P.O. Box 313, Intervale, NH 03845

reporters, said Tuesday that the details of Mr. Saleh’s proposal were “still in the works.” The opposition parties’ plan, proposed earlier this month, urged Mr. Saleh to complete arrangements by the end of the year for his early departure. But the parties have since backed away from the offer, joining with street demonstrators calling for Mr. Saleh to quit immediately. The United States again expressed concern on Tuesday that a power vacuum in Yemen could provide an opening for terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda’s local affiliate, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which since 2009 has mounted multiple terrorist plots against the United States. “We are obviously concerned about the instability in Yemen,” Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Tuesday while traveling in Russia. “We consider Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which is largely located in Yemen, to perhaps be the most dangerous of all of the franchises of Al Qaeda right now.” Obama administration officials acknowledged that they were watching events unfold in Sana with relatively little ability to influence them. They have limited their official statements to condemnations of violence and calls for a peaceful move to more democratic rule. Mr. Saleh’s indication on Tuesday that he might be willing to step down early came after four top military commanders, including General Ahmar, joined a wave of defections by diplomats and other officials. Previously Mr. Saleh had offered to leave by 2013, when his current term ends.

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Protesters in Sana, Yemen, on Tuesday demanded the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. (Muhammed Muheisen/Associated Press/New York Times).

Pizza - Pasta - Parmagiana - Espresso - Cannoli - Steak

SANA, Yemen (New York Times) — President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen, increasingly isolated amid defections and resignations, clung to power on Tuesday despite continuing protests and some ominous signs of fragmentation among the nation’s main military units. Forces loyal to the Republican Guard, led by Mr. Saleh’s son Ahmed Ali Saleh, surrounded an airbase in the western province of Hodeidah on Tuesday night after the base’s commander, Brig. General Ahmed Sinhani, announced his support for the youth revolt. There were also clashes between Republican Guard troops and the army in front of the presidential palace in the southeastern port city of Mukalla. The provincial army commander announced his support Monday for the revolt against Mr. Saleh, a local reporter and news agencies said. The fighting seemed to hint at a long-feared scenario in which Yemen’s military splits, reflecting a deeper power struggle between Mr. Saleh and his rivals. On Monday, Yemen’s most powerful military leader, Maj. Gen. Ali Mohsin al-Ahmar, declared his support for the revolt; some analysts view that as a blow from which the president cannot recover. Mr. Saleh’s plans were far from clear, and at one point on Tuesday he said he would accept an opposition deal for his exit prior to 2013 — proposed weeks ago — to head off the deepening crisis in the country. The opposition derided his suggestion and declared that only his immediate departure would appease the rising tide of street protests. “He has one option and it is to leave now, right now, without delaying, without conditions,” said Mohammed Qahtan, a spokesman for the Joint Meeting Parties, a coalition of opposition groups. Throughout much of the day on Tuesday, spokesmen for the government and opposition groups traded barbs, and there were conflicting reports about the nature of the proposal that Mr. Saleh had endorsed. Mr. Qahtan called the president a “liar” and said the opposition coalition had not been in communication with him since dozens of demonstrators were killed by pro-Saleh forces on Friday. Mr. Saleh, too, struck a defiant tone in a short, nationally televised address on Tuesday before the country’s National Defense Council. He told military officers still loyal to him that “the winds won’t shake you” and warned against a coup. The shifting signals from the president “may reflect Saleh’s personality,” said Edmund J. Hull, who was United States ambassador to Yemen from 2001 to 2004. “He’s a mercurial fellow. Unless he’s getting strong advice from someone, he tends to be erratic,” Mr. Hull said. A Yemeni government official, who spoke in return for anonymity because he was not authorized to brief

The latest of the defections came on Tuesday when Abdel-Malik Mansour, Yemen’s representative to the Arab League, told Al Arabiya television that he had thrown his support behind the protesters. AbdulRahman al-Iryani, the minister of water and environment, who was dismissed by Mr. Saleh with the rest of the cabinet on Sunday, also said he was joining “the revolutionaries.” The defection of General Ahmar, who has long been a pillar of support for the president, was seen by many as a possible sign that government leaders could be negotiating a peaceful exit for the president. But the defense minister, Brig. Gen. Muhammad Nasir Ahmad Ali, later said on television that the armed forces remained loyal to Mr. Saleh. That suggested the possibility of a rift within the military should Mr. Saleh decide to fight to preserve his 32-year rule. His family members hold critical posts in Yemen’s military and intelligence apparatus, and their ability to retain the loyalty of their troops in the face of ballooning opposition has yet to be tested. Starting on Monday, military units appeared to take sides in the capital, with the Republican Guard protecting the palace of President Saleh and General Ahmar’s soldiers (from the First Armored Division) protecting the throngs of protesters in Sana. Some specialists doubted that General Ahmar was a likely successor to Mr. Saleh. A commander with no political profile, he has preferred to operate in the background, they said.

S. Dakota law requires pre-abortion counseling A law signed yesterday by South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard makes the state the first to require women who are seeking abortions to first attend a consultation at such “pregnancy help centers,” to learn what assistance is available “to help the mother keep and care for her child.” The legislation, which passed easily in a state Legislature where Republicans outnumber Democrats by more than 3 to 1, also establishes the nation’s longest waiting period, at three days, before an abortion procedure can be done. Many states require counseling from doctors or other clinic staff members before an abortion to cover topics like health risks. What makes the new South Dakota law different is that the mandated counseling will come from people whose central qualification is that they are opposed to abortion. “I think everyone agrees with the goal of reducing abortion by encouraging consideration of other alternatives,” Mr. Daugaard, a Republican, said in a statement Tuesday. — New York Times

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011— Page 7

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

City council seeks solution to UNE parking problems Amid complaints about student and faculty from University of New England Portland Campus parking in and around Evergreen Cemetery, city councilors have given city staff three months to come up with a solution, the Forecaster is reporting. Separately, UNE is working on its own parking plan for the Stevens Avenue campus, but has until February submit those documents to the city’s planning board, the paper said. The parking problems apparently began nearly two years ago, around the time when UNE’s pharmacy school opened, the paper said. The college reportedly tries to get students to park in leased spots on campus, and already offers free rides on Metro buses. The city council recently approved two-hour parking restrictions in the cemetery, and told Public Services director Mike Bobinsky to report back with the parking plan in June, according to The Forecaster.

City appealing Hall School’s placement on state construction list Portland Public Schools has announced plans to appeal a state ranking of school construction projects that places Fred P. Hall Elementary School at number 12 on the list, district officials said this week. “The building’s poor condition has forced us to stop using one of the kindergarten classrooms,” said Portland Superintendent James C. Morse. “I fear that more rooms will become uninhabitable, until we lose use of the building completely.” On March 9, the Maine Department of Education announced its ranking of school projects with the most significant needs. The proposed “priority list” is the first rating of school construction projects since the 2004-05 rating cycle. The list is the first step in a process that includes prioritizing, determining solutions, designing and building. Project costs will be estimated. Based on those estimates, Maine Department of Education Commissioner Stephen Bowen will decide how many projects should move forward and when. “Given the large number of projects ahead of Hall on the list and limited state funding, it is likely to be several years before the project gets underway,” said Morse. “The school’s deteriorating condition cannot continue indefinitely.” The list is based on a scoring system that assigns points to the level of need in a large number of areas, including: unsafe building and site conditions; program-related facility and system deficiencies; enrollment and overcrowding; and program and planning. The scoring is based entirely on need, not on fiscal impact or other criteria. Districts have 60 days to analyze their scores and ask questions of

the department. They may submit a formal administrative review request during that period. After the 60 days, the list is considered final. In addition to Hall, four other Portland Public Schools are on the list. The schools and their rankings are: Longfellow Elementary (18), Howard C. Reiche Community School (21), Presumpscot Elementary (33) and Lyseth Elementary (43).

Missing Marine from Maine found dead in Ariz. STANDISH — A U.S. Marine from Cumberland who went missing from his apartment on March 16 near a military base in Yuma, Ariz., has been found dead, according to the Associated Press. Natasha Barron confirmed that her 22-year-old husband, Cpl. Joshua Barron, was found dead in a canal Monday morning. AP reports that Barron was found in civilian clothing, and is believed to have been in the canal for several days. Officials in Arizona told AP that foul play is not suspected, and that there were no signs of trauma. An autopsy is scheduled for today. Barron was stationed Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, where he worked as an airplane mechanic. AP reports that he enlisted in 2008. The Marine Corps has scheduled a memorial service on Thursday.

State released updated driver’s licenses AUGUSTA — State officials yesterday unveiled the design for new drivers licenses that have better security protection to prevent identity theft, counterfeiting and sale of alcohol or tobacco to minors, the Associated Press is reporting. The new cards, which have images of Mt. Katahdin, rolling hills and a moose, will be issued starting later this week. The licenses will have two photos on the front, as well as a bar code on the back. The license-holder’s address will be listed on both sides. Another change: people under 21 years old will have licenses with a vertical format, as opposed to the horizontal format for people 21 and older, AP reports. Augusta-area residents will be first to receive the new licenses, as soon as this week, while they will be available in Portland next week, AP reports. The state plans to make them available everywhere in Maine by summer. Mainers wishing to get the new license before their current driver’s license expires can do so by paying $5. Everyone else can keep their current license until it expires, AP says.

themed store on Congress Street Monday, according to the Portland Press Herald. Ireland’s Crystal and Craft at 558 Congress St. was reportedly robbed at 5:15 p.m. Monday, the paper said. According to published reports, the robber wearing a red mask smashed a case containing several rings, and prevented the store’s owner from calling police. The paper said the owner fled and called police from a nearby store. Police told the paper the suspect is about 6 feet tall, weighing roughly 175 pounds. He wore blue jeans and a navy blue jacket over his sweatshirt.

N.H. firm proposes wind farm in Waldo County A Portsmouth-N.H.-based firm wants to build a 10-megawatt wind farm in Frankfort, a town located in Waldo County. The company, which has leased land on Mt. Waldo, wants to build up to six turbines on that site, according to MaineBiz. The company, says the land is ideal wind development. The paper says some residents in the town oppose the plan, largely because of concerns over noise and potentially negative impacts on property values. Meanwhile, residents in the town of roughly 1,000 people will vote later this week on a moratorium on wind developments for 180 days, according to MaineBiz.

Maine Med opens renovated psychiatric unit Maine Medical Center has opened its completely renovated inpatient psychiatric unit, the only such facility in the state. The old unit was completely gutted and redesigned to better accomodate older adults who experience and dementia-related disorders, and adults of all ages with co-morbid medical complications, the hospital said in a news release. The old unit typically had four patients to a room. The new unit has only private and semiprivate rooms and can serve up to 25 patients. Patients moved into the new unit yesterday. “The old P-6 was a medical unit that had been converted to provide psychiatric care,” said Dr. John Campbell, Medical Director of Inpatient Psychiatry at Maine Medical Center. “The renovated unit has been transformed to include state-of-the-art features that will help us ensure the safety of our patients while providing the highest quality care possible.” The $5 million dollar renovations were necessary to meet the needs of patients, particularly those with medical complexities and cognitive impairment, Campbell said. As the population continues to age, the hospital anticipates a growing need for the type of care P-6 provides. Maine Med is the state’s largest hospital, with 637 beds.

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Red u ced Priceson both these hom es! Both are havin g an O pen H ou se thisweeken d 12 to 3:00 p.m .

Saco $224,000

P ortland $248,750

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W aterboro $139,900

Irish-themed store robbed on Congress Street Portland police are looking for a man who threatened an 81-year-old shopkeeper with a knife and stole gold and silver rings from an Irish-

H arrison,T B B $141,500

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WHAT’S IN A NAME? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Slugger the Sea Dog visits with fans during a game at Hadlock Field. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

Sea Dogs franchise seeks young talent FOOD from page one

Tyson Weiss of Falmouth displays his sculptures at an exhibit of Fish in the Garden, his art business. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTOS)

Fish in the Garden June 4 will mark three years of Fish in the Garden, a sculpture experiment that has become a successful business for Tyson Weiss of Falmouth. “I got the idea when I was 19, I still have the little sketch I did in my journal. I took a ceramics class, and we had to keep a journal of ideas,” Weiss recalled. He designed and built landscapes as a career, but he thought his ceramics class idea would fill a niche so he sculpted some fish. He sold his first fish sculpture to Maine Medical Center, where 35 fish in a garden are displayed in the lobby. In time, if this becomes a brand, he hopes to adopt the name for this particular brand of sculpture and branch off into other designs. “Carpe Pisces” is his idea for a general business name once that happens.

Natalie Ladd

For now, “Fish in the Garden” fits the bill. “It just explained what it was,” Weiss said. “We came up with all these other names, but they were easy to misinterpret. You can’t misinterpret ‘Fish in the Garden.’ And how would you Google this when you saw it somewhere?” he added, gesturing to his fish sculptures. Good question.

Planetarium to host NanoDays educational festival DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT University of Southern Maine’s Southworth Planetarium is hosting two concurrent events for school children from 4-8 p.m. on Monday, March 28 in celebration of NanoDays, the university reported. NanoDays is a nationwide festival of educational programs about nanoscale science and engineering and its potential impact on the future. NanoDays events are organized by participants in the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net), and are taking place

is yet another added bonus the Sea Dogs organization brings to Portland, as teenage job seekers are experiencing the weakest job market in decades. According to this year’s Annual Teen Summer Job Outlook report compiled by Chicago outplacement company Challenger, Grey & Christmas, Inc., “Competition for jobs will be significant. Young job seekers will not only compete with other teenagers, but in certain types of jobs like retail and food service, they may compete with recent college graduates or older workers who need to supplement retirement income. Home Depot recently announced it would hire 60,000 seasonal workers for the summer months, and while some of those will be teenagers, many of the jobs will undoubtedly go to older, ––––– more experienced retail and What It’s home-improvement workers.” Like These facts aside, phone calls and face-to-face speedinterviews for over 100 food service new hires with orientations and training sessions are taking place this week. The task is enormous and Cameron says, “We treat each game as a party for 7,000 people and don’t want to run out of food, or beer, or give bad service. For most people, the concession stand and food service people are the only actual contact they have here, and that impression is really important.” The season is short, with just 71 home games in 153 days (excluding playoffs). Included in the fullto-capacity 7,368 are reserved and general admission seats which access the concession stands. Every home game hosts up to 300 people in the picnic area, up to 100 people for birthday parties, and 374 people in the skyboxes. Each of these revenue centers have separate food and beverage menus, requiring extensive planning, detailed product ordering and naturally, well trained staff. Unlike most ball parks (major or minor), the Portland Sea Dogs do not outsource the operations to a food service company such as ARAMARK or Delaware North Companies. Instead, the organization “Buys Local and Hires Local,” maintaining full control over the product – and ultimately, the profits. Director of Food Service Mike Scorza says, “There

at over 200 science museums, research centers, and universities nationwide. NanoDays will enable people of all ages to learn about this emerging field of science, which holds the promise of developing revolutionary materials and technologies. NanoDays at USM is sponsored by the Southworth Planetarium and USM’s Science Education Partnership Award program. The event is is funded by a grant from the National Center for Research Resources, a division of the National Institutes of Health and NCRR supplemental grant funding through the American

Recovery and Reinvestment Act. USM’s NanoDays Activities sessions for children in grades k-8 will take place at 4, 4:30, 5 and 5:30 p.m. in Southworth Planetarium located on Bedford Street, Portland. There also will be a scanning electron microscope demonstration by a USM electron microscopist at 4 and 5 p.m. for middle and high school students and adults. Door prizes will be given at both events. Tickets are required for entry to all events and can obtained free from Gail Fletcher at gfletcher@ or by calling 7804377.

see SEA DOGS page 9

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011— Page 9

Ski areas savor spring snowstorm DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT The first snowfall of the spring season was met with enthusiasm at Maine ski areas, as more than half a foot fell across Maine, the Ski Maine Association reported. “Mother Nature doesn’t seem to want to listen to the Groundhog this year!” said Melissa Rock, marketing director at Shawnee Peak Ski Area. “He predicted an early spring, but she is still sending snow! And we’ll take it!” As much as 8 inches fell at the higher elevations in the Western Mountains, the organization reported. “All of the major areas in Maine are open through this weekend including — Shawnee Peak, Mt. Abram, Black Mountain, and Big Rock. Sunday River, Sugarloaf and Saddleback will operate for several more weeks with May closing dates for Sugarloaf and Saddleback,” said Greg Sweetser, executive director of the Ski Maine Association. “This storm will help to maintain the momentum, enthusiasm, and good crowds at the ski areas for these important spring skiing weekends.”

Snow blankets a bicycle in Longfellow Square Monday night. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Credit Unions donate to food bank in memory of hunger pioneer DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT Last Wednesday Maine Credit Unions made its largest ever one-time donation to the Good Shepard Food-Bank in memory of hunger pioneer JoAnn Pike who founded the food bank 30 years ago, the Maine Credit Union League announced. As part of their Campaign for Ending Hunger, Maine Credit Unions donated $21,000, representing the 21 years that Maine’s credit unions have raised funds for ending hunger. “Food insecurity continues to be an enormous issue for thousands of Maine families and individuals and, as we head into spring and a time for renewal, this is an opportunity to renew our efforts and commitment to this cause,” said Jon Paradise, spokesperson for the Maine Credit Union League. In addition, Maine’s credit unions made another “surprise” contribution of $1,000 to help Good Shepherd defray the significant rise in fuel costs associated with deliveries made by the Food Mobile. Good Shepherd Food Bank serves 95 percent of the food pantries in Maine, according to Rick Small, Good Shepherd’s executive director, who said food pantries in every Maine county will reap the ben-

efits of this “extraordinary contribution.” “[Maine’s Credit Unions] are leaders not only in spirit but in practice on the cause of ending hunger in Maine. Maine credit unions continue to raise funds and awareness for hunger and that moves us closer to ending hunger,” said Small. The $21,000 will purchase more than $250,000 worth of food and provide in excess of 100,000 meals to Maine people, according to Small. Hunger advocate Pike began the Good Shepherd 30 years ago and served as its Executive Director until February of 2004. A month later, Pike passed away from cancer. Two days after Pike’s death, Maine credit unions were the first to make a significant contribution in her memory, and have continued the tradition to mark the anniversary of her death and to remember the long-time hunger pioneer. Since 1990, the Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger has raised $3.9 million to help end hunger in Maine. This year, the credit unions announced that they had set a new record of $402,740, an increase of nearly $27,000 over last year’s record. For more information, visit www.

The Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger presented a check for $21,000 in Memory of Good Shepherd Food Bank Founder, JoAnn Pike, on the seventh anniversary of her death. The funds will benefit food pantries in every Maine county. Holding the check are (from left) Luke Labbe, President/CEO of PeoplesChoice CU and chair of the Maine CU League’s Social Responsibility Committee, Rick Small, executive director of Good Shepherd Food Bank, and Jon Paradise, governmental and public affairs manager for the Maine Credit Union League. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Young workers at Hadlock can advance in the ranks SEA DOGS from page 8

Hey, Kid! Get A Job

are three of us who work together, and we also do the The whole cultural love fest surrounding baseball season is just as much about food service at the Civic Center. food as stolen bases, strike-outs, and steroid controversies. We’re employees of the Sea For the past 18 years Portland has been home to the minor league Portland Sea Dogs and of the Civic Center Dogs, bringing us Hadlock Field (aka mini-Fenway for the nine years they have and have about 40 people that been Boston Red Sox affiliates) and the opportunity to witness many “futureswe take back and forth with us players” bat and pitch their way to the Big Show. between the two venues, and Be it the Big Show or not, nothing could be called “America’s Pastime” without can offer them jobs year round.” involving food and drink, and our own Hadlock Field is no exception. Colleagues Matt Drivas and The proverbial apple pie (does any ball park really serve apple pie?) is replaced Greg Moyes all share the duties by the Shane’s of Maine Sea Dog Biscuit and like most things that make us unspoiled and grateful to be here, the Hadlock Field food service department is of hiring, training, and getting run the Maine Way. Over the next three weeks, What’s It Like?! looks behind the the stadium in shape for openscenes at the concessions, picnic area, and sky boxes that make up the number ing day. When asked what a one source of revenue for the Portland Seadogs organization. kid needs to get hired in this dog-eat-dog market, Scorza instantly said, “A nice, friendly where you must be sixteen, to grill and fry cook at smile and the willingness to work hard. There could 18, and become a beer pourer at 21. There is very be a job waiting next year, maybe as a concessions little turnover in the sky boxes where the servers stand leader if the kid tries and works hard.” (who are the only ones officially allowed to make Many staffers do return to Hadlock Field (50-75 tips) tend to be more mature and experienced. As people) and can move up from concession sales far as starting out, Cameron says, “The pay is a

little bit above minimum wage but the job experience is a great opportunity for high school kids to build a resume, or for kids who want to break into the sports industry.” The average shift is three to four hours with a 15-minute break and a $2 cost saving coupon for a drink and a hot dog, or a piece of pizza. Discounts in the store are offered, as well as a shirt and hat for life. Employees get their schedules in advance and being able to plan several days off in a row, while the team is on the road, is appealing for many teens with a busy social life. By now, most of the staff has been hired and are getting ready to step up to the plate to serve fries with that order on opening day. So be patient when waiting in line at Hadlock Field and be sure to smile back at the kid taking your order. It’s probably their first real job in the big leagues. Next week: Branding, beer and hawking product in the stands at Hadlock Field. (Natalie Ladd and her “What’s It Like” column take a weekly look at the culinary business in and around Portland.)


by Lynn Johnston by Paul Gilligan

By Holiday Mathis tice. You’ll sleep soundly tonight knowing you’ve put in a solid day’s work. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A new friend enters your scene with romantic potential in tow. This may not involve you directly, but you and your loved ones will be affected by the amorous influence. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). All the little things about you that you think are so weird may just be the most appealing and adorable qualities of all. So come out of hiding -- bring your quirks into the light! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Someone you know well is no longer seeing the full glory of who you are. When another person takes note of all of your wonderful qualities, it will shake things up. Suddenly you will get the attention you deserve. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll take on an issue that affects many more people than just you. You will think of the problem differently than the others. Because of this, you will be an important part of the solution. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). A big assignment is in your future. As long as you are allotted enough time to do it well, you’ll be satisfied by the endeavor. If that is not the case, negotiate to make it so. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 23). Your idealistic views will lift others up. As you strive for the highest good, you’ll be joined in your efforts. Next month brings a fresh source of income. You’ll hear loving declarations in May. June highlights far-away places and new transportation. Your studies will add up to an important decision in August. Leo and Libra people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 6, 24, 19 and 34.

Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You will add an exciting appointment to your calendar. Make sure you tell others who might be affected by this commitment. Communicating well now will prevent misunderstandings later. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There’s a challenge at work. You realize that there is a limit to how much you can improve the situation without making a significant change. And yet, handling small details helps you wrap your head around the next move. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The need to feel important is in everyone to some degree. What makes you feel important is not the same thing as what makes another person feel important. You’ll effectively cater your attention to the individual recipient. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You strive for a stress-free day and will attain it to a great degree. Keep in mind that some stress is good for you. Tranquility for too long a stretch of time will breed stagnation and boredom. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your friend needs a listening ear. Try to resist the urge to tell your own story -- especially if it happens to be more exciting and glamorous than your friend’s tale. The selfless attention you give others will be rewarded in time. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You thrive when you do work that you are well suited to doing. However, the perfect work for you is not always what’s needed or wanted in the moment at hand. Remain flexible and openminded. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The challenges of the day call for boldness. You bravely speak your mind, support the side you think is right and facilitate jus-

by Aaron Johnson


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ACROSS 1 Liver secretion 5 Colorful parrot 10 __ out; faint 14 Cut of pork 15 Wear away 16 Actress Paquin 17 Was in the red 18 Boring 20 Greek “T” 21 Dwelling 22 Groups of hoodlums 23 Jeweled crown 25 Shade tree 26 Agitated state 28 Rye and pumpernickel 31 Bicyclist __ Armstrong 32 Floating chunks of ice 34 Greek letter 36 Nevada’s neighbor 37 Inner courtyard 38 Come to a halt 39 Canister

40 Explorer __ de León 41 Exact duplicate 42 “Do unto __...” 44 __ ground; made progress 45 “__ you kidding me?” 46 Magna __; British charter 47 Island in the Gulf of Naples 50 Congressional runner 51 Small boy 54 Making even 57 Carry 58 Final bills 59 __ 6; lodging chain 60 Element whose symbol is Fe 61 Breaks a fast 62 Group that assists a sheriff 63 Catch sight of DOWN

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Smudge Des Moines, __ Naval officer Final part Computer’s storage capacity Fragrance Ice cream scoop holder Hustle & bustle Damp __ Canal Shortly __ as a bug in a rug Impudent talk Makes eyes at Fogginess 1/12 of a foot Therefore Botch; goof up Numerical comparison Soft cheese Devices that trigger bombs Pebble

32 33 35 37 38 40 41 43 44 46

Forbids And so forth: abbr. Mimicked Skin opening Thin cut Danger Give a hoot Pester Flock of geese Walking sticks

47 48 49 50 52 53

Relinquish Greenish-blue Football kick Peach stones Perched upon Opposite of acknowledge 55 Mischief maker 56 Animal park 57 Even score

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Wednesday, March 23, the 82nd day of 2011. There are 283 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry delivered an address to the Virginia Provincial Convention in which he is said to have declared, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” On this date: In 1743, George Frideric Handel’s oratorio “Messiah” had its London premiere. In 1792, Joseph Haydn’s Symphony No. 94 in G Major (the “Surprise” symphony) was performed publicly for the first time, in London. In 1806, explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, having reached the Pacific coast, began their journey back east. In 1919, Benito Mussolini founded his Fascist political movement in Milan, Italy. In 1933, the German Reichstag adopted the Enabling Act, which effectively granted Adolf Hitler dictatorial powers. In 1956, Pakistan became an Islamic republic. In 1965, America’s first two-person space flight began as Gemini 3 blasted off with astronauts Virgil I. Grissom and John W. Young aboard for a nearly 5-hour flight. In 1981, the U.S. Supreme Court, in H.L. v. Matheson, ruled that states could require, with some exceptions, parental notification when teenage girls seek abortions. In 1994, Wayne Gretzky broke Gordie Howe’s National Hockey League career record with his 802nd goal. In 1996, Taiwan held its first direct presidential elections; incumbent Lee Teng-hui (lee dung-hway) was the victor. One year ago: Claiming a historic triumph, President Barack Obama signed a $938 billion health care overhaul, declaring “a new season in America.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met twice with President Obama in an attempt to defuse a spat over Israeli construction in east Jerusalem. The National Football League changed its overtime rules for playoff games. Today’s Birthdays: Comedian Marty Allen is 89. Sir Roger Bannister, who broke the 4-minute mile in 1954, is 82. Movie director Mark Rydell is 77. Motorsports Hall of Famer Craig Breedlove is 74. Singerproducer Ric Ocasek is 62. Singer Chaka Khan is 58. Actress Amanda Plummer is 54. Actress Catherine Keener is 52. Actress Hope Davis is 47. Comedian John Pinette is 47. Actor Richard Grieco is 46. Country musician Kevin Griffin (Yankee Grey) is 46. Actress Marin Hinkle is 45. Rock singermusician Damon Albarn (Blur) is 43. Actresssinger Melissa Errico is 41. Rock musician John Humphrey (The Nixons) is 41. Actress Michelle Monaghan is 35. Actress Keri Russell is 35. Gossip columnist-blogger Perez Hilton is 33. Actress Nicholle Tom is 33.




CTN 5 Main Social Justice



MARCH 23, 2011


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Portland Water District Meeting

Community Bulletin Board


Minute to Win It A man Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special News Tonight Show With WCSH and his daughter com- Victims Unit “Bulls Eye” Victims Unit “Bombshell” pete. (N) Å (In Stereo) Å (N) Å Jay Leno American Idol “Eleven Finalists Compete” The News 13 on FOX (N) Frasier (In According Stereo) Å to Jim Å WPFO contestants perform. (In Stereo Live) Å


WMTW “Spring





13 17

The Middle The Middle Modern Mr. Sun(In Stereo) Family shine (N) Å Cleaning” Å (N) Å 400 Years of the Tele- NOVA Modern-day powerful telescopes. Å MPBN scope Astronomy. (In Stereo) Å (DVS) The Big Band Years (My Music) Big Band hits. WENH (In Stereo) Å

Off the Map A controversial transplant causes chaos. (N) Å NOVA The universe’s past and future. Å

America’s Next Top WPXT Model The models pose with wild animals. Survivor: Redemption WGME Island Castaways bond over a luxury item. (N) WPME Burn Notice Å

Shedding for the Wedding “The Devil’s in the Details” (N) Å Criminal Minds “Middle Man” Serial killers targeting exotic dancers. Burn Notice Å

Entourage TMZ (N) (In Extra (N) Punk’d (In (In Stereo) Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Å Å Criminal Minds: Sus- WGME Late Show pect Behavior “Devotion” News 13 at With David (N) Å 11:00 Letterman Curb Buy Local Star Trek: Next


Desert Car Kings (N)


Rock, Pop and Doo Wop (My Music) Popular songs from the 1950s and 1960s.




FAM “Remember-Ttns”

Movie: ››› “The Rundown” (2003) The Rock.


USA NCIS (In Stereo) Å

NCIS “Bloodbath”

27 28 30

ESPN NBA Basketball Orlando Magic at New York Knicks. (Live)


ESPN2 College Basketball



News 8 Nightline WMTW at (N) Å 11PM (N) Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å


Fairly Legal Å

NESN College Hockey



CSNE NBA Basketball: Grizzlies at Celtics



Without a Trace Å


SportsNet Sports

Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å



DISN Movie: ››‡ “Sky High” (2005)




King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy


NICK My Wife

My Wife


MSNBC The Last Word

Fish Chris


SportsCenter Å

College Basketball: NIT Tournament Without a Trace Å


NBA Basketball: Spurs at Nuggets




The 700 Club Å

NCIS “Jeopardy” Å


Phineas Lopez

Rachel Maddow Show The Ed Show (N)

Wizards Fam. Guy

The Nanny The Nanny The Last Word


CNN In the Arena (N)

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å



American Greed

American Greed (N)

Mad Money



The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)

Greta Van Susteren

The O’Reilly Factor



Bones (In Stereo) Å

Bones (In Stereo) Å

Bones (In Stereo) Å

HawthoRNe Å


LIFE Amer. Justice

Coming Home Å

Coming Home Å

How I Met How I Met




AMC Movie: ››› “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence.


HGTV House


TRAV Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Deathwish Movers (N)

No Reservation


A&E Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Storage


Charlie Sheen Property

Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive House

First Place Hunters

“League of Extra. Gentlemen” Hunters Storage


Income Storage

Top Chef Å

Top Chef (N) Å

Top Chef Å


HALL Touched by an Angel

Touched by an Angel

Touched by an Angel

Gold Girls Gold Girls


SYFY Ghost Hunters Å

Ghost Hunters (N)

Fact or Faked

Ghost Hunters Å


ANIM River Monsters

River Monsters

I’m Alive “Eaten Alive”

River Monsters


HIST Ancient Aliens Å

Journey to the Earth’s Core (N) Å




COM Chappelle Chappelle South Park South Park South Park Tosh.0


62 67 68 76

BRAVO Bethenny Ever After


How the Earth

Movie: ››› “American Gangster” (2007) Denzel Washington. Å “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor”

TVLND Sanford




Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy

There Yet? There Yet? Browns


Conan (N)

SPIKE Ways Die

Ways Die

Ways Die

3 Sheets




The Mo’Nique Show

Justified (N)

Daily Show Colbert

Ways Die

Law Order: CI

Cleveland Retired at Cleveland Retired at Ways Die Snapped Å


OXY Law Order: CI


TCM Movie: ››› “Guys and Dolls” (1955) Marlon Brando. Å


1 6 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 33 35 36 37 38 39 40

ACROSS “She __ You” Objective Pop quiz Listing to one side Agitate Canyonlands state Start of a John A. Lincoln quote Ancient alphabet letter __ up (angry) Collides on purpose Endure Verdi opera __ vu Part 2 of quote Bart Simpson’s dad DNA structure Feel lousy Belligerent Greek god Part 3 of quote Divided avenue: abbr. Dog tags, e.g.


Law Order: CI Movie: ››› “Little Miss Marker”

41 42 43 46 47 50 53 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65

1 2

Gold unit __ alive! Part 4 of quote Lukas of “Witness” Groups of eight Collect little by little Westernmost Aleutian island Tramp Word breaker End of quote More than that “Beloved” author Morrison Island west of Curacao __ Bien Phu, Vietnam Any day now Dynamo part DOWN Wood shaping machine Tryon novel (with “The”)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33

Hanoi populace Antiquity, in antiquity More austere Dismal Lubricates Boxer Muhammad Paul of guitars Wound topper Ornamental container Dune material “Of __ I Sing” Mirror-loving Cleanser brand Month of Sundays Take out Bahrain ruler “...__ no place like home” Burton of “Star Trek: TGN” Peregrinates Abuzz abode Automotive pioneer Reagan cabinet member

34 Roman Catholic calendar 38 Okinawa port 39 Fisherman’s chum 41 Skater Michelle 42 Worldly 44 Stone or Gless 45 Host of Parisians 48 Flying elephant 49 Daub 50 Delighted

51 1953 Leslie Caron film 52 State of relaxation 53 Ref. for an element 54 Minnesota ballplayer 57 PMs 58 Tic-tac-toe win 59 __-Magnon

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011



Yard Sale

DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

PAYING cash on the spot for vintage wristwatches and old violins. (207)831-4089.

SOUTH Portland Coin/ Marble Show- 3/26/11, American Legion Post 25, 413 Broadway, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.


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DEAD or alive- Cash for cars, running or not. Paying up to $500. (207)615-6092.

WESTBROOK large room eff. furnished, utilities pd includes cable. Non-smokers only. No pets. $195/weekly (207)318-5443.

BED- Orthopedic 11 inch thick super nice pillowtop mattress & box. 10 year warranty, new-in-plastic. Cost $1,200, sell Queen-$299, Full-$270, King-$450. Can deliver. 235-1773

CHANGING Times Landscape Lawn maintenance, Spring clean up from A to Z. Office 207-453-2585.

For Rent PORTLAND- Danforth Street, 2 bedrooms, heated, newly painted, hardwood floors. $850/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $475-$850. (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 1 bedroom heated. Newly installed oak floor, just painted. $675/mo. (207)773-1814.

For Rent-Commercial FALMOUTH- 381 Gray Rd, 2 bay garage with office and bath. Zoned commercial. Plenty of parking. Great visibility on Rt100. $850/mo. Call 318-5010. PORTLAND Art District- 2 adjacent artist studios with utilities. First floor. $325-$350 (207)773-1814.

For Sale STORE Closed sale- 50% off or more. Saturday 9-3pm, Sunday 10-2pm. fotoshops, 517 Congress St.

CLEAN-UPS, clean outs, dump disposal, deliveries, one truck 2 men, reasonable rates. Ramsey Services (207)615-6092.

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PHOTO BOOTH We bring the photo booth and the fun to your occasion. (207)776-8633.

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I am 47 years old and am living with so many regrets. I married my husband because I did not think anyone else would ask me. I have never been in love with him. Fast-forward 25 years. Our children are off on their own. I have been in counseling, and my therapist suggested I bring my husband in with me. He has refused, saying there is nothing wrong with our relationship. We are intimate several times a week, and I do everything around the house. That is all he requires of a relationship. But honestly, if he did come to counseling, how could I tell him that I am not attracted to him, that I never am aroused by him, that I love him like a brother? I am ready to ask for a divorce so I can try to find a passionate man to fall in love with. I want to feel needed and desirable. Is this a lost cause at this late stage of my life? Is it better to strike out searching for love that I may never find? Or do I stay in this safe, amicable, boring marriage? -- Jennifer Dear Jennifer: It is possible to find someone more exciting, but that tends to be temporary. It’s also possible to find passionate love, and that might free up your husband to find someone who truly loves him, as well. Or you could discover that this marriage is more worthwhile than you believe and be sorry you left. If you are looking for a man to fulfill your fantasies, the odds are against you. You need to ask yourself that Ann Landers question: “Are you better off with or without him?” And only you can supply the answer. Dear Annie: My husband and I discussed giving his five grown children annual cash gifts now instead of having them wait for an inheritance. The problem is, one of my stepsons, “Clark,” is 33 and has no interest in becoming employed. My husband has offered many times to pay for additional education, but he doesn’t want it. Clark lives with his mother and

stepfather. He is a kind and thoughtful man who does not drink or use drugs. But his life seems to revolve around the Internet and TV. The cash gift we are considering is not that much, but it would enable Clark to continue living comfortably under his current circumstances. I worry it means he will never learn to provide for himself. I am concerned for his financial future. I looked into setting up an IRA for him, but he has to have earned some income to qualify. My husband wants to treat all his children equally. How would you handle this situation? -- Worried Stepmom Dear Stepmom: Treating all the children equally means just that -- if your husband chooses to give annual cash gifts to one, he must do it for all. And unless Clark’s mother kicks him out, the extra income is unlikely to make a big difference. You can advise Clark to save the money for his upcoming “rainy days,” but he is a grown man, and his financial future is not your responsibility. Dear Annie: I enjoy your column over my morning coffee, but this is the first time I have felt compelled to write. I loved the letter from “Smelling Better,” who started taking zinc supplements for body odor and was helped tremendously. I, too, had the same great results for another condition. After my divorce, I developed a horrendous case of scalp psoriasis. Visit after costly visit to the dermatologist only resulted in using the same cream over and over, and the psoriasis kept getting worse. I then heard about a zinc shampoo and conditioner and ordered it out of desperation. After three shampoos, the psoriasis was gone. Thanks for letting us help each other. -- Itch Free

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

Wanted To Buy I buy broken and unwanted laptops for cash, today. Highest prices paid. (207)233-5381.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011— Page 13

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Wednesday, March 23 Public input opportunities for city manager search

The new Wednesday evening series will begin on March 23 with a workshop on recognizing the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Subsequent workshops will cover such topics as understanding dementia, home safety, driving concerns, activities at home and end-of-life considerations. “There are 30,000 individuals in Maine living with Alzheimer’s disease. The vast majority of them continue to live at home with their families,” said Carol Palmer, RN, Program Director for the Maine Chapter, “we hope this new series will provide families with the tools and knowledge they need to support their loved one at home for as long as possible.” The workshops will run weekly at the Alzheimer’s Association, Maine Chapter’s office at 383 U.S. Route One, Suite 2C in Scarborough. Call the Maine Chapter at 772-0115.

7:30 a.m. The Portland City Council City Manager Search Committee, comprised of Councilor Cheryl Leeman (chair), Councilor John Anton and Councilor Jill Duson, will host a series of meetings with stakeholder groups as well as a public meeting to get the views of the community on what they believe are important qualifications for the city of Portland’s next city manager. Throughout the day of March 23, the City Manager Search Committee as well as Colin Baenziger of Colin Baenziger & Associates, the national search firm selected by the council to Peace Rally for Darfur assist in the hiring process, will meet with 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Meg Perry Center, 644 Conlocal nonprofits, business groups includgress St., Portland, featuring speakers from ing the Portland Community Chamber, the the Darfur community and local activists and a Portland Downtown District, and Creative documentary film to be determined. Free and Portland, neighborhood associations, open to the public. city employees, School Board memMad Horse’s Dark Night Series bers as well as Portland Public Schools employees, and the city’s Multicultural ‘Home Free!’ continues its run Advisory Committee. The day will end 7:30 p.m. “Home Free” by Lanford Wilson at with an opportunity for members of the Lucid Stage. Tickets are a pay-what-you’republic to provide input to the City Counable, with a suggested $10. “Agoraphocil at City Hall. Schedule: 7:30 a.m. to 9 bic couple Lawrence and Joanna await the a.m. Meeting with local nonprofits; State arrival of their first born child and with it, an of Maine Room, City Hall. Noon to 1:30 almost certain upheaval. This short but full p.m. Lunch & Learn with the Portland The Young at Heart Chorus — the hippest seniors to ever hit the stage and the big screen — now bring one-act play brings forth the grey areas of Community Chamber, Portland Down- their live show, “Young at Heart Alive and Well,” to Maine for the first time! The performance will take innocence and adulthood as it forces auditown District, Creative Portland, Greater place at Merrill Auditorium on Sunday, March 27, at 2:30 p.m. (COURTESY PHOTO) ences to confront the traditional boundaries Portland Council of Governments, Portto see in a city manager and to understand the process of relationships.” This presentation continues land Area Comprehensive Transportation System, and moving forward.” At The Residence Inn Marriott, 145 Fore throughout the week. Cumberland County; Residence Inn Marriott. 2 p.m. to 3 St., Portland. Admission and lunch, $9 for members; $15 p.m., meeting with city of Portland employees; State of for non-members. Catering by USM Catering. Thursday, March 24 Maine Room, City Hall. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., meeting with Mul180th Birthday Party for James Phinney Baxter ticultural Advisory Committee and members of the multicul5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Maine Historical Society and Friends of the tural community; State of Maine Room, City Hall. 4 p.m. to 5 ‘Fracturing the Burning Glass’ at MECA Eastern Promenade invite the public to an 180th Birthday p.m., meeting with Portland School Board and Portland Public 11 a.m. The Institute of Contemporary Art at Maine ColParty for James Phinney Baxter. “Join us to celebrate one Schools employees; State of Maine Room, City Hall. 7:30 lege of Art presents “Fracturing the Burning Glass: Between of Portland’s most important civic fathers. A businessman, p.m. to 9 p.m., public meeting with City Council; City CounMirror and Meaning,” an exhibition that examines perception historian, and philanthropist, James Phinney Baxter (1831cil Chambers, City Hall. For members of the public unable to through the manipulation of reflectivity, both metaphoric and 1921) served as mayor of Portland for six years. Among attend, but interested in providing feedback, they can email corporeal. “Fracturing the Burning Glass highlights the work many other accomplishments, Baxter led efforts to create their suggestions to of Gwenaël Bélanger (Montreal), Susan Leopold (New York), what is now Baxter Boulevard, to secure the land between KinderKonzerts (Brass) Daniel Rozin (New York), and Alyson Shotz (New York). The the Eastern Promenade and harbor as public space, and to 9:30 a.m. The last week of March will be filled with the exhibition includes sculptural installation, photography, video, build the original Baxter Library. The father of Maine Govsounds of brass buzzing thanks to Portland Symphony and mechanical and digital interactive media. Artists’ screenernor Percival Baxter, James Phinney Baxter was also the Orchestra’s “KinderKonzerts (Brass): Brought to You By ings and educational programming will occur throughout the president of MHS during a period of unprecedented growth the Letter “B”.” Concerts will take place in Brunswick, run of the exhibition, including video works by Sue de Beer, (1889-1921) that included MHS’s move to Portland, the Saco, Lewiston, Portland, Oxford and Poland. “In the Mircea Cantor and Körner Union.” Longfellow family’s gift of the Longfellow House, and the KinderKonzert Brass program, the PSO Brass Ensemble planning and construction of the MHS library. This event will 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day plays their instruments by buzzing and blowing, and blends include a reception and birthday cake, and State Historian 6 p.m. Oxfam America Hunger Banquet. This March marks these sounds to make beautiful, brilliant music.” ConcertEarle Shettleworth, Jr. will present a brief illustrated introthe 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day. To goers will bop to the beat of Bach and Beethoven, and will duction to Baxter’s life, career, and contributions to Maine.” celebrate, Oxfam America — an international development leave shouting “Bravo!” This year’s PSO Brass Ensemble and relief organization that creates lasting solutions to povDine Around the World is made up of Betty Rines and Dana Oakes (trumpet), erty, hunger and social injustice—is organizing more than 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Holiday Inn by the Bay, 88 Spring St., John Boden and Nina Miller (french horn), Tom Otto (trom150 events worldwide. Around the world — from Maine to Portland. The sixth annual Dine Around the World to benbone) and Don Rankin (tuba). Designed for children ages Mali — women are leading efforts to find solutions to the efit Gary’s House at the Holiday Inn by the Bay. “This food 3-7, KinderKonzerts are an entertaining, interactive musicomplex challenges of hunger, poverty and climate change. and wine extravaganza features the best of greater Portcal experience. Attendees are encouraged to sing, dance, DiMillo’s Restaurant & Lounge, 25 Long Wharf. land’s restaurants and caterers, as well as an exciting aucwiggle, clap and have fun listening and learning about tion. Shannon Moss from WMTW Channel 8 will host, and Series on transportation: ‘Moving Greater Portland music and instruments. KinderKonzert tickets are $4 per special guest Linda Greenlaw, America’s only female sword person. Wednesday, March 23, at 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., ... toward a transit-focused region’ series by PACTS fishing captain and author of three best-selling books, will Dyer Library, Saco; Monday, March 28, 2011 at 9:45 a.m., 11 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PACTS series. The Portland Area be in attendance. Gary’s House is a safe, comfortable, and a.m. and 1 p.m., Oxford Elementary School, Oxford; Tuesday, Comprehensive Transportation System is the Metropoliaffordable home-away-from-home for families and indiMarch 29, East End Community School, Portland at 9:30 a.m. tan Planning Organization for the Portland region. It was viduals with loved ones receiving medical treatment in any and 10:30 a.m.; Reiche School, Portland at 1 p.m.; Thursday, established to improve the coordination of transportagreater Portland area hospital.” Tickets are $40 each or March 31, at 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., Olin Arts Center, tion planning and investment decisions by state, munici$500 for a reserved table of ten. Register by March 18. Bates College, Lewiston; Wednesday, April 13, at 9:15 and pal and public transportation organizations. Open house 10:15 a.m. at Poland Regional High School, Poland. For resFamily Finances Seminar and appetizers at 6 p.m., Westbrook Middle School, 471 ervations or additional information, email education@port6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The Institute for Financial Literacy Stroudwater St., Westbrook. An intensive interactive “town or call 773-6128. KinderKonzerts have has launched a new interactive personal finance seminar hall” style presentation and frank discussion about where been a regular event at the Portland Symphony Orchestra series. Taught by certified educators and open to the general Greater Portland stands, where it is going, and what it since 1976. KinderKonzerts are sponsored by Time Warner public, the seminars are designed to improve financial litercould look like as informed by local data and best practices Cable with additional support from Acadia Insurance, Target and acy in Maine. In this session, you will learn how to manage from around the country and around the globe. On March Macy’s. The PSO’s 2010-2011 season is sponsored by IDEXX your family finances like a business, teach your children 24th and 25th, the PACTS Executive Committee presents: Laboratories and Wright Express. important financial literacy skills and gain valuable insight Moving Greater Portland … Towards a transit-focused into important family decisions involving credit, debt, insurregion,” create choices, save money, generate economic Portland Community Chamber meeting ance and retirement planning. All seminars are being held opportunity, build community. Also Friday morning, March regarding city manager search at the Institute’s new campus conveniently located near 25, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., coffee, fruit and pastries at 8:30 noon to 1:30 p.m. The city of Portland has hired a conthe Maine Mall at 260 Western Avenue in South Portland. a.m. Disability RMS, One Riverfront Plaza, Westbrook. A sultant, Colin Baenziger, to assist in the hiring of a city Cost is $50 per adult/$75 couple. Attendance is limited and hands-on, mark-up session to brainstorm concepts for manager. Councilor Cheryl Leeman, who chairs the City advance registration is required. To register, please call 221future transportation investment and land use patterns as Manager Search Committee, has arranged for the Portland 3601 or email informed by local and national planners, developers, and Community Chamber to discuss the city manager search employers who will make it happen. Both events are in Maine Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association with Baenziger. “Ultimately, the manager will be hired by Westbrook; in the evening at the Middle School Performthe Council, but that will occur after the Search Committee series of workshops starts in Scarborough ing Arts Center, 471 Stroudwater St., and Friday morning and the consultant have performed the preliminary search 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Maine Chapter of the Alzheimer’s downtown at Disability RMS, 1 Riverfront Plaza. and have narrowed the field of applicants. This is a chance Association is offering a new series of workshops for famisee next page for the business community to articulate what it would like lies caring for a loved one with memory loss or dementia.

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

‘Avenue Q’ at Merrill 7:30 p.m. “Coming to Portland for one night only, ‘Avenue Q’ is the smash hit Broadway musical about real life in New York City as told by a cast of people and puppets through a hilariously irreverant, Tony-Award winning book and score. Called “Sassy, savvy and delicious” by the New York Times, ‘Avenue Q’ tells the story of Princeton, a bright-eyed college grad who comes to NYC with big dreams and a tiny bank account. Featuring songs like “What Do You Do with a B.A. in English”, and “Schadenfreude,” ‘Avenue Q’ is ‘one of the funniest shows you’re ever likely to see’ (Entertainment Weekly).” Mature content. Merrill Auditorium. https://

‘The Late Henry Moss’ at Lucid Stage 7:30 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “The Late Henry Moss,” by Sam Shepard, March 10-27. Performances Thursday through Saturday evenings. Sunday matinees. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. Playing times are Thursday: 7:30 p.m.; Friday 8 p.m.; Saturday 8 p.m.; and Sunday 2 p.m. For ticket information, visit www. or call 899-3993

Marion Grace documentary, concert 8 p.m. “Unleashed: A Documentary Film and Concert from Marion Grace.” $8 adv/$10 door. A showing of the documentary film created at Marion Grace’s sold out CD release concert at Port City Music Hall one year ago in Portland. The documentary was filmed by Acadia Studios and this night will feature the premiere screening of this film as well as live music performances by the band and special guests. “Marion Grace was conceived years ago by namesake lead singer and songwriter Ralph Marion Graceffa and the current members have been together since 2008. The name Marion Grace is anchored to a childhood memory of a woman met through pictures and stories only, but is a person they will all carry in remembrance through the spirit and Grace of the music.” One Longfellow Square.

Friday, March 25 ‘Queen of the Sun: What are the Bees Telling Us?’ 6:30 p.m. Film screenings at the Portland Museum of Art. Friday, March 25, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, March 26, 2 p.m.; Sunday, March 27, 2 p.m. NR. “Bees are the engines that keep the earth in bloom. Queen of the Sun presents the bee crisis as a global wake-up call and illuminates a growing movement of beekeepers, community activists, and scientists who are committed to renewing a culture in balance with nature.”

‘Killer Joe’ — Opening Night 7:30 p.m. Doors at 7 p.m., starts at 7:30 p.m., $12 general/$10 members, 18 plus. Preview on Thursday. “Killer Joe.” “(Please note: Due to graphic violence, nudity and strong adult content, no one under 18 will be admitted.) Drugs, guns, sex, and country-western: this ain’t your daddy’s night at the theater. Something like the love-child of Sam Shepard and Quentin Tarantino, ‘Killer Joe’ lures you with pitch black humor into the trailer-trash world of a greedy and vindictive Texan clan desperate enough to murder their mother for her insurance policy. Unable to pull off the dirty deed themselves, they hire a contract killer who sinks his claws into their young daughter and sends their plan spiraling out of control. In his first play, Pulitzer Prize-winner Tracy Letts pushes Southern Gothic to a pulpy, shocking extreme, creating a visceral experience that builds tension to a jaw-dropping, hilariously depraved climax. Directed by Sean Mewshaw. Starring Brent Askari, Shannon Campbell, Brian Chamberlain, Christopher Reiling, and Casey Turner. Designed by Colin Sullivan-Stevens.”

Portland Ballet Company 30th Anniversary 7:30 p.m. “The Portland Ballet Company’s impact on dance has been felt at home in Maine and beyond during the course of its thirty years. To celebrate its anniversary, the Company has selected some of its most beloved dances for a commemorative performance, ‘By Request,’ at the John Ford Theater at Portland High School on March 25 and 26 at 7:30 p.m.” Audience members will be treated to such favorites by the company’s professional dancers as Bolero, Pas de Quatre, Not as Planned, Triste, Dancin’ Dan, Push Me Pull You, Do Not Go Gentle, and classical variations from Giselle, Raymonda, Sleeping Beauty and Don Quixote. The selection of a mix of contemporary and classic pieces is intended to represent the broad repertoire of the company and showcase the dancers’ athletic and artistic abilities. Eugenia O’Brien, artistic director of the Portland Ballet Company, said, “We hope this performance serves as both a thank you to all of the people who have supported us throughout the years and as a welcome to those who are interested in the beauty, and art of ballet.” Tickets are available through Brown Paper Tickets at or by calling 1-800-838-3006. Ticket prices range

The 180th birthday of James Phinney Baxter will be celebrated today at Maine Historical Society. Baxter was mayor of Portland for six years and the moving spirit behind Baxter Boulevard, among many other achievements. (COURTESY IMAGE) from $15-$35 in advance or $20-$40 at the door. For more information, please contact Portland Ballet at 772-9671 or visit

‘The Late Henry Moss’ at Lucid Stage 8 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “The Late Henry Moss,” by Sam Shepard, March 10-27. Performances Thursday through Saturday evenings. Sunday matinees. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. Playing times are Thursday: 7:30 p.m.; Friday 8 p.m.; Saturday 8 p.m.; and Sunday 2 p.m. For ticket information, visit www. or call 899-3993

Saturday, March 26 ‘Gettysburg Bodies and Other Stories’ 10 a.m. “Dead Men’s Pockets: Gettysburg Bodies and Other Stories,” Margaret Creighton, Professor at Bates College, Maine Historical Society, 489 Congress St. Spirits Alive, the advocacy group for Portland’s Eastern Cemetery will offer a three-lecture series of presentations around the theme, “Death and Survival in the Civil War.” Supported in part with funding from the Maine Humanities Council, admission is free, but donations are suggested. The theme of the lecture series was chosen in support of the 150th Anniversary of the American Civil War (2011-2015). “These lectures will offer insight into this country’s greatest national crisis in relation to death and dying. It is estimated that up to 700,000 people, or 2 percent of the population died in the War Between the States. One of the first Maine regiments to be mustered in, The Forest City Regiment included 1,046 men from southern and central Maine, and left Portland in July 1861. After 3 years, this fighting regiment mustered out only 193 — the rest were killed in action, died from disease, were wounded, deserted, or transferred to other regiments.”

Family Finances Seminar 10 a.m. to noon. “The Institute for Financial Literacy has launched a new interactive personal finance seminar series. Taught by certified educators and open to the general public, the seminars are designed to improve financial literacy in Maine. In this session, you will learn how to manage your family finances like a business, teach your children important financial literacy skills and gain valuable insight into important family decisions involving credit, debt, insurance and retirement planning. All seminars are being held at the Institute’s new campus conveniently located near the Maine Mall at 260 Western Ave. in South Portland.” Cost is $50 per adult/$75 couple. Attendance is limited and advance registration is required. 221-3601 or email help@

Childrens’ Puppet Workshop at Mayo Street 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. “A Magic Carpet Ride with Pierre in the Air” featured, two shows: 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.; $3 kids/$6 adults. Mayo Street Arts, 10 Mayo St., Portland; 615-3609, “The Childrens’ Puppet Workshop presents ‘A Magic Carpet Ride with Pierre in the Air’ at Mayo Street Arts (MSA) in Portland. The puppet show for all ages will be performed by neighborhood youths who participated in the first season of the Childrens’ Puppet Workshop held at Mayo Street Arts. The youths perform with the puppets they made in the ten-week workshop. The show includes a variety of puppet skits, songs, and dance. Following the performances, the puppets go on display throughout the month of April in a gallery exhibit at Mayo Street Arts titled ‘Puppet Show.’ The exhibit features the

youths’ puppets and original scripts, and also includes a variety of puppets made by professional puppeteers from Portland and beyond. The opening is April 1 from 5-7 p.m. and is free and open to the public. The exhibit, performance, and workshop are sponsored in part by the Maine Community Foundation, the Maine Arts Commission, the Maine Humanities Council, and the Portland Police Department.”

The Big Draw with Artist Kimberly Convery 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. “The Big Draw with Artist Kimberly Convery: A Celebration of European Drawings from the Portland Museum of Art.” All children must be accompanied by an adult. “Follow the lead of Portland artist Kimberly Convery as you, in the words of Paul Klee, ‘go for a walk with a line,’ throughout the museum. First, you are invited to her drawing table to experiment with all sorts of drawing tools from the soft and chunky to the smooth and delicate. Then, families will fill all corners of the Museum as they become (as the artist describes herself) “fine art drawers.” Your many small drawings will combine into one as you help the artist create an oversized masterpiece.”

Kids Open Studio: Sketchbook Project noon to 4 p.m. $50/$3 members, all ages, SPACE Gallery. “In anticipation of the arrival of the 2011 Sketchbook Project starting on March 30, we will explore the idea of keeping a sketchbook. Providing kids with mock moleskins, art supplies, and lots of inspiration, we will talk about what it means to keep a sketchbook, how to maintain it and then begin working on them. Kids can bring their sketchbooks home to fill up, but make sure to come back through to check out the show and celebrate the art of sketching! Drop in any time from noon to 4 p.m.”

Maine authors at Scarborough Bull Moose 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Three Maine women, all authors of popular juvenile and teen fantasy fiction, will be present for a book signing and reading at the Scarborough Bull Moose store, 456 Payne Road. “Maurissa Guibord (‘Warped’), Ellen Booraem (‘Small Persons with Wings’), and Carrie Jones (‘Entice,’ the third in the Need series) celebrate the release of their newest — and for Guibord, debut — novels with local fans. Guibord’s debut novel, ‘Warped,’ was released on Jan. 11. ‘Warped’ is the story of a girl who doesn’t believe in magic until she is pulled into a web of intrigue emanating from a mysterious tapestry. She has also published short mystery fiction in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, and was nominated for the Agatha Award. The Agatha Award, named for mystery author Agatha Christie, is awarded yearly to honor ‘traditional mystery’ in American writing. Booraem’s new novel, ‘Small Persons with Wings,’ draws inspiration from her own childhood in Massachusetts where her front wall had fairies living in it. The novel is the story of a young girl with a big imagination, and how it almost ruins her life. It was released in January. A life-long writer and word-lover, she formerly wrote for and edited newspapers. This is her second novel. Jones, author of the New York Times best-selling ‘Need’ and ‘Captivate,’ published the third in the series, ‘Entice,’ in December. The series is about high-schooler Zara and her involvement with less-than-friendly pixies. The series was inspired by a strange man the author saw at MOFGA’s annual Common Ground Fair, and a fourth book is expected to be released in 2012. Young Adult fantasy fiction as a genre has grown in popularity since the mid 1990s, many say due to the influence of the Harry Potter series.” see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

‘The Late Henry Moss’ at Lucid Stage 8 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “The Late Henry Moss,” by Sam Shepard, March 10-27. Performances Thursday through Saturday evenings. Sunday matinees. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. Playing times are Thursday: 7:30 p.m.; Friday 8 p.m.; Saturday 8 p.m.; and Sunday 2 p.m. For ticket information, visit www. or call 899-3993

Maine Jewish Film Festival 6 p.m. When the Maine Jewish Film Festival opens, it will mark its 14th year of bringing internationally and locally made independent films to Maine film-lovers. This year’s festival features films from Mexico, Argentina, Belgium, France, Israel, Ireland, Romania, and others. Two locallymade short films will also be featured in the festival. Overall, the MJFF will screen twelve features, selected episodes from one television series, and eight short films during its six day run from March 26-31. Visiting artists, panel discussions, and receptions are also an integral part of the festival schedule. The highly-lauded and award-winning film selections include documentaries, musicals, comedies, psychodrama, and animation. This diverse selection shares a skillful exposition of the global Jewish experience, through many cultural lenses and interpretations. Though all films are nominally Jewish, they are selected for their broad appeal and are exemplary for their era, their genre, and their provenance. All films featured in the 2011 Maine Jewish Film Festival are Maine premieres. The Festival opens on Saturday, March 26 with its annual kick-off party at Greenhut Galleries at 6 p.m. in Portland, followed by the Opening Night film premiere, an 8 p.m. screening of awardwinning Mexican film “Nora’s Will.” “Nora’s Will” won five of the Mexican Academy of Film’s Oscar equivalents, the Ariel Awards: Best Picture of the Year, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Original Screenplay, and Best First Film. The film will screen at the Nickelodeon Cinemas in downtown Portland. For more about the festival, visit www.mjff. org/films.

Freeport Lioness-Lions Club variety show 7 p.m. The Freeport Lioness-Lions Club will present their 25th Anniversary Variety Show “Still Crazy After All These Years” at the Freeport Performing Arts Center, FHS, Holbrook Street. Come join the fun as we take a look back over the last 25 years through song, dance and skits featuring Jeff Chipman on piano. Show starts at 7 p.m. and tickets are sold at the door $10 adults/$3 children 12 and under. FMI call Cindi @ 865-3555 or Martha @865-6188.

Contra Dance with Big Moose Contra 7:30 p.m. Contra Dance with Big Moose Contra. Dance Band in College of the Atlantic’s Gates Center, 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor. Lessons at 7:30 p.m., Dance begins at 8 p.m. $6. Children free. or 288-5015.

Sunday, March 27 Maine Maple Sunday 9 a.m. Join Maine’s maple producers to celebrate Maine Maple Sunday on March 27. It’s the day when sugar makers around the state open the doors of their sugarhouses for the public to join them in their rites of spring-making maple syrup. Area participants include: Jo’s Sugarhouse, Gorham: 443 Sebago Lake Road; Intersection of Rt. 35 and Rt. 237 (southern tip of Sebago Lake) go up Rt. 237 and 7/10 of a mile on the left. Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact: www.;; 671-2189; Merrifield Farm, Gorham: Easily accessible from Rt. 35, Rt. 237 and River Road. Physical address is 195 N. Gorham Road. Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact: 892-5061; Merfarm@aol. com; Nash Valley Farm, Windham: 79 Nash Road; From the rotary of Rts. 202 and 302, take Rt. 302 towards Portland for one mile. Turn left onto Nash Road, we are one mile on the right. Hours: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. on Maine Maple Sunday. Contact: 892-7019;; Coopers Maple Products, Windham: From River Road turn on to Chute road, we are 1 mile on right. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact: 892-7276;;; Parsons Maple Products, Gorham: 322 Buck St. Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact: 831-4844;

‘The Late Henry Moss’ at Lucid Stage 2 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “The Late Henry Moss,” by Sam Shepard, March 10-27. Performances Thursday through Saturday evenings. Sunday matinees. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. Playing times are Thursday: 7:30 p.m.; Friday 8 p.m.; Saturday 8 p.m.; and Sunday 2 p.m. For ticket information, visit www. or call 899-3993

Walk to remember Darien Richardson 2 p.m. There will be a walk to remember Darien Richardson around Baxter Boulevard. “Darien was shot during a home

invasion last year and later died from her injuries. The case is still open and the investigation continues. We strongly encourage anyone with information to call 207-874-8584. You can also text information to CRIMES (274637) keyword GOTCHA or leave a tip at” See the Portland Police Department Facebook page.

Young at Heart Is Alive & Well 2:30 p.m. Merrill Auditorium. Presented By Northeast Hearing & Speech and Volunteers of America. Tickets $52/$42/$32 (includes $5 service fee). “This is the first trip to Maine for the Young at Heart Chorus, which has travelled the world. With performers ranging in age from 73 to 89, and a repertoire that includes rock classics as varied as Radiohead and Talking Heads, Young @ Heart bridges the gap between modern and genuinely old school. The documentary, Young at Heart, has won many awards and been shown several times on MPBN. This concert is co-hosted by Northeast Hearing and Speech and Volunteers of America and proceeds will benefit local people served by these two non-profit organizations.”

Palestinian Christian speaking at USM 7 p.m. Leading Palestinian Christian voice, Mazin Qumsiyeh, will speak in Room 102 Wishcamper (Muskie Institute), Bedford Street, USM Portland campus. His topic is Connections: The Palestinian Question, Arab Popular Resistance, and the U.S. A professor at Bethlehem, Birzeit, and Yale, Qumsiyeh is author of “Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” (2004) and “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment” (2011) and over a thousand articles and interviews. He is on a booksigning tour. Qumsiyeh has long argued that Muslims, Christians, and Jews should share Palestine together and, as the American Jewish author of “Witness in Palestine,” Anna Baltzer, observes, his accounts of “both the everyday and the most extraordinary acts of Palestinian indigenous resistance to colonialism expose the misguided claims that Palestions have never tried nonviolence; in fact, they are among the experts, whose courage, creativity, and resilience are an inspiration to people of conscience everywhere.” Sponsors include the Political Science Department, Pax Christi Maine, Middle East Children’s Alliance, and the Episcopal Peace Fellowship. FMI l 773-6562 (Bill Slavick).

Monday, March 28 ‘Egypt in Transition’ 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. In conjunction with the University of Maine School of Law’s International Law Society, the World Affairs Council of Maine is pleased to present “Egypt in Transition: What does it mean for the Arab World and for US Policy?” “The 18 days that began with a protest in Cairo’s Tahrir Square ended as the landmark event that will forever alter the political landscape in the Middle East. It may portend the tumultuous days and weeks ahead in the region as several other governments sit atop comparable political volcanoes wondering if they will be the next ousted ruler in the region. How will the new government in post-Mubarak Egypt change everyday life for the 80 million people who call Egypt their home? Cairo has been a priceless strategic asset to the United States during former President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year reign as the considerable diplomatic weight on Arab-Israeli affairs and a counterweight to Iran’s regional ambitions. Did the world just witness the watershed event that has opened a completely new era in US presence in the Middle East? Will the new Egypt continue to play its familiar role as the interlocutor in Israeli-Palestinian talks as the dialogue progresses? For insight to these questions, please join a panel of Middle East experts in a scintillating conversation about the turbulent developments that have engulfed an entire region.” Moot Court Room, University of Maine School of Law, 246 Deering St., Portland. Admission: Free, donations gratefully accepted. Sponsors: The World Affairs Council of Maine and the International Law Society of the University of Maine School of Law.

Tuesday, March 29 The DownEast Pride Alliance ‘Business After Hours’ 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. “Delicious appetizers, cash bar & media table will be provided. Havana South features a great atmosphere, extensive wine list, knowledgeable staff and a sophisticated Latin-inspired menu. See you at Havana South for cocktails and conversation! FMI: The DownEast Pride Alliance (DEPA) is a GLBTQ business networking group in Southern Maine meeting monthly at local establishments for ‘Business After Hours’ events that provide a safe forum for, and help strengthen, the local gay and gay-friendly

business community. Bring business cards to share on our Media Table. No fees or RSVP to attend. All in the community are welcome to come for ‘cocktails & conversation.’”

‘Spirit in Matter’ art exhibit at COA 4 p.m. Shoshana Wish, a senior at College of the Atlantic, has spent the past nine months exploring ceramics as an apprentice to Bar Harbor potter Rocky Mann. The results of her work, “Spirit in Matter: Clay as a Medium for Chinese Calligraphy,” will be exhibited at the college’s Ethel H. Blum Gallery from March 28 through April 2. The gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Opening reception on March 29 from 4 to 6 p.m. 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor. For information contact,, 288-5105 or 801-5733. Free.

‘Invisible Children’ screening at COA 8 p.m. “Invisible Children” presents stories of the child soldiers of Africa with a video and speakers. “Tony” is the story of an energetic boy from Uganda who each night had to leave his parents’ home, joining thousands of other children to sleep in shelters in the city, so as not to be abducted by the members of Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA. After the screening, another northern Ugandan, Robert Anywar, will talk about his life in Uganda, his work as a teacher in the region, and the Legacy Scholarship Program that Invisible Children has created. Gates Community Center, College of the Atlantic, 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor., or 288-5015. Free; donations requested.

Wednesday, March 30 Rooftop Energy course 12:30 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. University of Southern Maine’s Department of Environmental Science will be offering a new Rooftop Energy course. Students will learn about rooftop solar and wind energy systems and how sites are evaluated for potential installation. Using solar and wind measurement tools, students will work in teams to estimate solar and wind resource data on USM rooftops. The course will meet once per week for six weeks (Wednesdays, 12:30 p.m. to 2:10 p.m., March 30 through May 4) at the Gorham Campus. The course will be part a new Certificate in Applied Energy. FMI: contact Daniel M. Martinez, email:, phone: 780-5444

Ballet dancer Jacques d’Amboise at Bates 4:15 p.m. Acclaimed ballet dancer Jacques d’Amboise visit Bates College in Lewiston to discuss his work. A renowned dancer for the New York City Ballet, a choreographer and the founder of the National Dance Institute, d’Amboise reads from his new book, “I Was a Dancer,” and discusses his career in the Edmund S. Muskie Archives, 56 Campus Ave. The d’Amboise appearance is sponsored by the Bates dance program, the college’s humanities division and the Lewiston Public Library. Open to the public free of charge. For more information, please call 786-8294. Money Management 101 Seminar

The Institute for Financial Literacy 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. “The Institute for Financial Literacy has launched a new interactive personal finance seminar series. Taught by certified educators and open to the general public, the seminars are designed to improve financial literacy in Maine. In this session, you will learn everything you always wanted to know about successful money management and more including budgeting, net worth, financial planning and goal setting. All seminars are being held at the Institute’s new campus conveniently located near the Maine Mall at 260 Western Ave. in South Portland. Cost is $50 per adult/$75 couple.” Attendance is limited and advance registration is required. To register, please call 221-3601 or email

Caitlin Shetterly at Longfellow Books 7 p.m. Rescheduled. Caitlin Shetterly will read from her debut memoir, “Made for You and Me: Going West, Going Broke, Finding Home” at Longfellow Books. A writer and actor, Shetterly began blogging in 2009 during her and her husband’s return to Maine after the recession took the last of the young couple’s savings they’d put away for their California dreams. “A year after heading West, going broke and a surprising and difficult pregnancy, they were driving back East, with a new baby in tow, to move in with Caitlin’s mother. Caitlin quickly found her way into hearts across America turning her blog into an audio diary for NPR’s Weekend Edition. The response from listeners was immediate and astounding to Caitlin and her husband, Dan, as virtual strangers offered help, opening their hearts and their homes. Through the challenge of moving back into her mother’s small house in rural Maine, Caitlin learned to expand her vision of “the American dream,” to embrace the role of family in that vision and live in the present as much as the future.”

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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