The Portland Daily Sun, Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Page 1

ly of Possibilities D a i D e a l Ocean Personal and Professional Life Coaching

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Step to the center See David Brooks, page 4

Memories of classic delis See Natalie Ladd, page 4

VOL. 4 NO. 39





Developers: Elm Terrace helped inspire nearby elderly housing complex Official: Turmoil at state housing authority won’t hinder either project — See page 9

New co-op adds to city’s slow, very slow, food movement — See page 6

Planners back Eastern Cemetery master plan See page 9

Tim McLain, a longtime board member, pauses from helping to process deliveries at the Portland Food Cooperative, says price is only part of the equation — he likes feeling “closer to the things I consume” and echoes the idea that the co-op is part of Portland’s food community. (CURTIS ROBINSON PHOTO)

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SAT, ACT to tighten rules (NY Times) — Stung by a cheating scandal involving dozens of Long Island high school students, the SAT and ACT college entrance exams will now require students to upload photos when they sign up for the exams, and officials will check that image against the photo identification the students present when they arrive to take the test, the Nassau County district attorney said Tuesday. The change was one of several announced Tuesday in the aftermath of the cheating cases, in which high-scoring students used fake IDs to take SATs or ACTs for other students. Twenty teenagers from five schools in Nassau County were arrested last fall, five of them suspected of taking tests for others and the other 15 accused of paying them $500 to $3,600 to take the tests. The new rules apply nationwide, and the Nassau County district attorney, Kathleen M. Rice, said in a statement that they would take effect in the fall. Rice said a goal of the new requirements was to close the gaps in test security that had allowed students to impersonate other students. The photograph that students will be required to upload will be printed on their admission ticket and the roster at the test center. The statement said the photos would be retained in a database that high school and college admissions officials can look at. Under another new requirement, test registrants will have to provide their gender. Officials said last year that one of the five teenagers arrested as a test-taker, Samuel Eshaghoff, a 2011 graduate of Great Neck North High School, was said to have taken tests for girls and had shown fake identification. Mr. Eshaghoff pleaded not guilty to the charges after his Sept. 27 arrest. A spokesman for Ms. Rice, John Byrne, said some of the students who were arrested had pleaded guilty, but because they were considered youthful offenders under state judicial procedures, their records were sealed, and he could not discuss them. Another new rule calls for would-be test-takers to list their high school when they sign up. “This will ensure that high school administrators receive students’ scores as well as their uploaded photo,” according to a statement from Ms. Rice’s office. “This back-end check will provide another opportunity for cheaters to be caught.” The statement said homeschooled students or others who are not in high school — those in the military, for example — “will follow a slightly different registration


I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.” —Benjamin Franklin

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Friday High: 42 Low: 30

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“My goal this year is to buy a Prius so I can be the antiPrius driver. Be like, ‘Yeah, that’s my Prius, the one with the gun rack and the McCain sticker on the back and the dead deer carcass roped to the hood.’” — Mo Mandel

MORNING High: 3:13 a.m. Low: 9:35 a.m. EVENING High: 3:50 p.m. Low: 9:40 p.m. -courtesy of

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Analysis: On health care law, a familiar split (NY Times) Many legal scholars, including some conservatives, have been predicting that the Supreme Court will uphold the 2010 health care overhaul. But after Tuesday’s arguments, when several justices asked skeptical questions about the heart of the law, a political lens seemed relevant, too. When Congress passed the law, 9 out of 10 Democrats voted for it, while not a single Republican, in either the House or the Senate, did so. In the lower courts, judges appointed by Democratic presidents voted mostly — but not entirely — to uphold the law. And judges appointed by Republican presidents voted mostly — but not entirely — to overturn at least part of it. It is obviously too early to know what

the Supreme Court will do, despite the rush of commentary after Tuesday’s muchwatched hearing. But skeptical questions from the bench are often an indicator of how justices will ultimately vote — and many court experts expressed surprise at the apparent agreement among the conservatives, including Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, the likeliest swing vote. Justice Kennedy, along with Justices Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Antonin Scalia and Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. all asked questions suggesting that they had a problem with the constitutionality of the mandate requiring most Americans to buy insurance. Justice Clarence Thomas, as usual, did not ask any questions, but he

Poll: Support in U.S. for Afghan war drops sharply WASHINGTON (NY Times) — After a series of violent episodes and setbacks, support for the war in Afghanistan has dropped sharply among both Republicans and Democrats, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. The survey found that more than two-thirds of those polled — 69 percent — thought that the United States should not be at war in Afghanistan. Just four months ago, 53 percent said that Americans should no longer be fighting in the conflict, more than

a decade old. The increased disillusionment was even more pronounced when respondents were asked their impressions of how the war was going. The poll found that 68 percent thought the fighting was going “somewhat badly” or “very badly,” compared with 42 percent who had those impressions in November. The latest poll was conducted by telephone from March 21 to 25 with 986 adults nationwide. It has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

is widely expected to vote to overturn the mandate. All five of those justices were appointed by Republican presidents, while the four justices expected to vote to uphold the health care law were all appointed by Democrats. This is the first time in at least 50 years that the court frequently splits along directly partisan lines. Both sides, of course, will say that their votes are based only on the law, and both sides can indeed find constitutional precedent to support their arguments. Yet if there is a higher legal truth about the law’s constitutionality, the judges who have ruled on the case so far have yet to agree to it.

For new generation of power plants, new rules from EPA (NY Times) — The Environmental Protection Agency proposed the first federal limits on greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants on Tuesday, moving in tandem with market forces that are already moving the industry from coal to natural gas. In the United States, the electric power sector produces 40 percent of the nation’s heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions, the bulk of them generated by coal-fired plants. Still, the agency emphasized that the proposed rules would apply only to future construction, not to existing plants or others for which permits have already been granted. The declining price of natural gas has made it the fuel of choice for companies planning new plants, and the latest gas-fired generation on the drawing boards is expected to easily meet the new standards without adding new controls. The challenge will be far greater and possibly prohibitive for new coal plants, whose emissions are dirtier but will have to meet the same standard.

Before the London games, the grumbling about money LONDON (NY Times) — Money was so scarce at the 1948 London Olympics that the athletes brought their own towels, shipped food in from abroad, and slept in army barracks and college dormitories. The budget, 760,000 pounds, was paid by sponsors after Prime Minister Clement Attlee declared that a depleted country struggling in the aftermath of World War II should not have to shoulder the burden of the Games, too. Sixty-four years later, Britain is in the grip of a modern financial crisis, one that it is addressing by preaching

parsimony and making deep public-sector cuts. But even as it grapples with nearly nonexistent growth and an 8.4 percent unemployment rate, the highest in 17 years, it is spending almost $15 billion (and counting) to host the Summer Games. In November, Prime Minister David Cameron signaled the country’s desire to “showcase the best of Britain to a massive global TV audience” by doubling the budget, to 80 million pounds, or to about $125 million, for the opening and closing ceremonies. “You can take two attitudes

to the Olympics,” Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, said late last year. “You can say: These are times of austerity, and therefore we should pare them down as much as possible. Or, you can say: Because these are times of austerity, we need to do everything we possibly can to harness the opportunity.” But that message has not been universally popular in a place where the government is trying to cut, not spend, its way out of financial trouble. While some Britons are approaching the Olympics with excitement and pride, others feel that in a time of retrenchment and

pain, the last thing the country should be doing is splashing out on what is essentially a 17-day party for the rest of the world. “The need to bung another 40 million pounds into whatever all-singing, all-dancing spectacular the director of ‘Trainspotting’ and ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ has in mind demonstrated how fundamentally the organizers have misjudged so much about these Games,” Richard Williams wrote in The Guardian, referring to the film director Danny Boyle, who is orchestrating the opening ceremony.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012— Page 3


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–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Gay marriage proponents name new campaign manager, unveil website DAILY SUN STAFF REPORTS The Maine Freedom to Marry Coalition, a group supporting an initiative on the fall ballot in Maine to legalize gay marriage, announced Tuesday its new name for the campaign, Mainers United for Marriage. The group also issued the name of its website,; and the selection of a new campaign manager, Matt McTighe. McTighe is the public education director in Maine for Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, or “GLAD.” “The Constitution promises all people equal protection under the law, and we are committed to fulfilling that promise for all Maine families this November,” said Shenna Bellows, executive director of the ACLU of Maine. “All loving, committed couples deserve the freedom to marry.” The ACLU of Maine team has worked very closely with McTighe over the last two years, according to a press release from the group. “Matt McTighe is smart, strategic and dedicated to making Maine a better place,” said Zach Heiden, legal director of the ACLU of Maine. “We are very excited that he has agreed to lead this ballot campaign for marriage fairness.” McTighe has significant experience as the political director for MassEquality, advancing marriage fairness in Massachusetts, and he worked in Washington to successfully defeat the “Federal Marriage Amendment,” which opposed same-sex marriage. Mainers United for Marriage cited 105,000 people who signed the group’s petition to qualify for the ballot. Maine voters in 2009 rejected a gay marriage law passed by the legislature.

Summers officially announces run for U.S. Senate seat held by Snowe On Tuesday, Secretary of State Charlie Summers announced his bid for the U.S. Senate seat held by Olympia Snowe. A member of the Maine State Senate, a military veteran, a state director to Senator Snowe, and the regional administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration are among the qualifications Summers cited in a statement to supporters. The Committee to Elect Charlie Summers, based in Scarborough, released a statement that read in part: “Our next senator must help provide families relief from the increasing burden of health care — not with Obamacare, but with common sense solutions like allowing businesses and individuals to purchase health insurance like any other insurance — from the lowest cost provider anywhere in the United States and making the cost of that insurance like the cost of a mortgage, 100 percent deductible from an individual’s federal income tax.”

Portland Club to host debate for Democratic U.S. Senate candidates On Saturday evening, March 31, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., the Portland Club will host a debate

between the Democratic primary candidates for the U.S. Senate, an organizer announced. All four candidates who will be on the Democratic primary ballot have communicated their attention to take part in the debate, said Cliff Gallant, event organizer. Gallant is a columnist for The Portland Daily Sun. This event follows last fall’s debate between the candidates for Portland mayor that was held at the club and proved to be very successful, Gallant said. An identical event featuring the Republican primary candidates will be scheduled at the club in the near future, and after the June 10 primaries date a debate featuring the nominees of the two parties and any Independent candidates will be held at the club, Gallant reported. The Democratic primary candidates are: Cynthia Dill, current State Senator from Cape Elizabeth; Matt Dunlap, of Old Town, a former State legislator and Secretary of State; Jon Hinck, current State senator from Portland; and Benjamin Pollard, a Portland businessman and educator. The debate will consist of four segments, including candidates’ opening statements; questions and responses; candidates’ questions to other candidates; and candidates’ closing statements. The Portland Club is located at 156 State St.

In new plan, Sussman majority owner of MaineToday Media MaineToday Media, parent company of the Portland Press Herald and other Maine newspapers, announced yesterday it has finalized a financial restructuring plan with Maine Values LLC, owned by Maine resident Donald Sussman, “to fund stabilization and growth plans at the state’s largest media company.” “Maine people deserve healthy, financially stable daily newspapers that deliver unbiased, professional news on the important issues facing our state and our country,” said Sussman. “Although I would have preferred Sussman the original arrangement that combined a loan with a smaller equity stake, at the end of the day I want to do what is best for the company. “This will mark the first time in 14 years these newspapers are Maine-owned,” the company reported in its press release. Tux Turkel, a staff writer for Maine Today Media, wrote in an article in the Portland Press Herald Tuesday, “Initially, Sussman had planned to lend MTM $3.3 million, acquire a 5 percent equity stake in the company and gain a seat on the board of directors. The financial structure changed, however, during final negotiations. Institutional investors, including out-of-state pension funds, asked for important changes to the original package announced in February. Sussman’s financial contribution still adds up to the same amount of money, $3.3 million. But instead of a loan, the money is being used for a straight purchase of private stock. The result is that Maine Values will have a 75 percent ownership stake in the company, rather than 5 percent.” Turkel describes Sussman as a “wealthy business-

man and philanthropist.” Sussman, who is the husband of U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-Maine, vowed in an interview with Turkel to stay out of editorial decisions.

MOFGA to teach organic gardening classes statewide Wednesday, April 4 The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association will sponsor a statewide educational event — Grow Your Own Organic Garden — at more than 35 different locations in Maine on Wednesday, April 4, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the group announced yesterday. The workshops are open to the public, “and are designed to provide gardeners with essential skills and knowledge needed to make a transition from conventional to organic gardening.” All participants will receive a resource packet and free organic seed. Area towns, sponsoring regional offices, and instructors are as follows: Bath — RSU 1 Adult Education, 443-8255, Instructor: Ben Dearnley Gardiner — MSAD 11 Adult Education, 582-3774, www. Instructor: Michele Roy Gray — MSAD 15 Adult & Community Education, 6572620, Instructor: Richard Brzozowski Lewiston — Lewiston Adult Education, 795-4141, www. Instructor: Bridgette Bartlett Scarborough — Scarborough Adult Learning Center, 730-5040. Instructor: Lisa Fernandes Topsham — Merrymeeting Regional Adult Education, 729-7323, Instructor: Nathan Drummond Wells — Wells-Ogunquit Adult Community Education, 646-4565, Instructors: Marilyn & Rick Stanley A session is planned April 18, in Freeport at the library, 865-3307; instructor: Tracey Weber.

For details, visit


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Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012

––––––––––––– COLUMN –––––––––––––

Step to the center On May 23-24, 1865, the victorious Union armies marched through Washington. The columns of troops stretched back 25 miles. They marched as a single mass, clad in blue, their bayonets pointing skyward. As Wilfred McClay wrote in his book, “The Masterless,” spectators were transfixed and realized that the war had changed them. These troops had gone to war as a coalition of states, with different uniforms in different colors. But they came back as a centralized unit, with a national identity and consciousness. American history can be seen as a series of centralizing events — the Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Progressive Era, the New Deal and the Great Society. Many liberals have tended to look at this centralizing process as synonymous with ––––– modernization — as inevitable The New York and proper. As problems like Times inequality get bigger, government has to become more centralized to deal with them. As corporations grow, government has to grow to counterbalance them. Many conservatives have looked at these inexorable steps toward centralization with growing alarm. Complicated problems, many have argued, are best addressed by local people on the ground.

David Brooks

see BROOKS page 5

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN,

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper Mark Guerringue, Publisher David Carkhuff, Editor Natalie Ladd, Business Development Joanne Alfiero, Sales Representative Contributing Writers: Timothy Gillis, Marge Niblock, Christian Milneil, Bob Higgins, Karen Vachon, Cliff Gallant, James Howard Kunstler Founding Editor Curtis Robinson THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5806 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or

CIRCULATION: 13,600 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Twenty-five years worth of delectable deli memories Full Belly Deli on Brighton Avenue is celebrating their 25th anniversary this month and owner David Rosen is proud, yet plagued with a bit of tzuris (Yiddish for troubles, woes or worries) experienced by most long-time restaurant owners these days when thinking about the future. “My goals for the future are to keep things like they were in the past,” Rosen states. “We need to stay busy, profitable and keep people coming through the door.” I didn’t live in Portland 25 years ago, or even several years later, when Rosen and his late father Jack were in start-up mode, having reopened the deli after the original owner, George Bress, shut it down due to cancer. However, I did live in southeast Florida as a child, and delicatessens were a cherished and anticipated part of my early dining out experiences. Our favorite was a place called Wolfie’s on East Sunrise Boulevard, and it was an offshoot by a deli-restaurant master named Wolfie Cohen, who started up in Miami. Wolfie’s smelled like corned beef and pastrami heaven. The artery-hardening

Natalie Ladd ––––– What It’s Like overstuffed sandwiches, house made half-sour pickles, the slaw, the cheesecake, all were to die for. The Wolfie’s of my youth was everything a real deli was supposed to be. Real as in the New York City delis, like Carnegies, Katz’s and 2nd Avenue, to name a few. Somewhere along the time line, it went from being legitKosher to Kosher-style, which means meat and dairy were rarely served together in one fake, plastic wicker basket, but you could order a BLT. I was already second-and-a-half generation from Ellis Island, so Kosher-style was fine by me. Early in the morning these days, when the pastrami and corned beef are simmering on Brighton Avenue, Full Belly Deli smells like Wolfie’s did and I find every excuse to visit Portland’s

own, and only, Kosher-style deli. Rosen’s mother, Saralee, can usually be found sitting in the back with coffee and a muffin, and the two of us have become fast friends. While David Rosen is a kind man of very few words, his mother is full of stories about the old days, and talks about her fifty-one years of wedded bliss to “the most wonderful man ever.” Hoping to learn something about relationships (for example, why is New Guy still New Guy?), she is one of my favorite new/old friends. When asked what people are prompted to think of when they think about Full Belly Deli, in the present day, the younger Rosen said it all depends upon which generation you’re a member of. “Some of the older people come in looking for what they remember from George’s. People who have moved away and come back to visit their children, or who grew up here. They’re looking for true deli like a corned beef sandwich with mustard on rye, or Lima bean and barley soup. They don’t want what the younger generation wants, which see LADD page 8

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

A farewell to Newt It’s not easy letting him go. Not easy at all. Sort of like swearing off bedtime Ben & Jerry’s: there’s valor and the promise of self-improvement in the sacrifice, but also the sad awareness that the world just got a little less naughty. A little less fun. No matter. It’s time to cut Newt out of our diets. He has no nutritional value, certainly not at this point, as he peddles his ludicrous guarantee of $2.50-a-gallon gasoline, a promise that would be made only by someone with his own bottomless strategic reserve of crude. Doubly oily entendre intended. There were calls for him to desist two weeks ago, after he lost Alabama, which abuts his home state of Georgia. But they fell on a deaf Newt. There were fresh appeals last week, when he failed to wring even one measly delegate from Illinois on Tuesday and then Louisiana on Saturday. But Newt doesn’t need anything as prosaic as delegates, so long as there’s still pocket lint from Sheldon Adelson and the warmth of Callista’s frozen smile. If he refuses to quit, we in the news media must quit him. Starve him of his very sustenance: attention. Exert a kind of willpower that we’ve lacked in this primary, which we turned into too much of a circus by encouraging too many clowns. We’ve begun. As the weekend came to a close, The Times’s Trip Gabriel reported that Gingrich’s “full-time traveling press corps is down to a handful of embedded television reporters.” The Associated Press, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and even Politico had packed up their bags. I envision Newt as a larger, grayer, windier version of the little boy at the end of “Shane,” watching the last

Frank Bruni ––––– The New York Times of these stubborn scribes recede into the horizon, begging them for one last sweet tweet, promising a tasty sound bite about Trayvon Martin or Robert De Niro or ... “The Hunger Games!” There must be some harbinger of cultural decline to rail about there! Do “Hunger Games” contestants use food stamps? Those are always good for a diatribe or three. I implore Fox News to pull up its drawbridge, CNN to bolt its doors. If a Newt falls in the forest and not a single news anchor listens, can he really hang around? He says he’s propelled by a desire to promote “big ideas,” but his candidacy has devolved into ever smaller talk and ever more desperate sideshows that drag an already undistinguished debate ever lower. Late last week he actually resurrected the Obama-asMuslim bile, saying the president’s policies raise legitimate suspicion in voters’ minds. In truth Newt 2012 has never been a lofty enterprise. Although he loves to tout his intellectualism, he got what brief traction he did for visceral and theatrical reasons, with fits of rage and flights of fancy. He took off when he lashed out at “the elites,” pretending not to be one of them. He soared when he savaged the news media. He rocketed to a colony on the moon. And he illustrated a dynamic that will survive this campaign season and

that we should all think about: how much the profusion of cable channels, Web outlets, other news platforms and commentary of all kinds (including this column) rewards flamboyance, histrionics and a crowded field. A brash candidate is never more than a bellow away from three minutes of air time or two paragraphs somewhere. The beast is ravenous, and I don’t mean Newt. Yes, the serial surges of the Republican contest since August had grounding in a fickle electorate and changeable polls. But we eagerly abetted them. En route to our beige destiny of Mitt, we craved color. And showcased it. Newt is one of the few surviving peacocks, especially if you discount Ron Paul, who’s less peacock than emaciated ostrich — never airborne, head in the sand — and so consistently discounted that no one even bothers to implore him to fold his tent. No one can remember that he pitched one. It’s time to forget Newt as well. His delegate count is closer to Paul’s than

to Rick Santorum’s. His strategy — a generous noun — hinges on a replay of the 1920 Republican convention, which picked Warren G. Harding on the 10th ballot. The 10th ballot? That’d really send the Republican nominee into the general election with a head of steam. I can see the bumper stickers now. Newt: Battle ready. Ballot hardened. Great politicians are memorialized with holidays, monuments, libraries. For Newt I think an ice cream flavor is in order, something in the clogged vein of Chubby Hubby or Chunky Monkey, although not so physiquefocused. Nutty Professor is too obvious a suggestion, though it opens the door to pralines, aptly Southern. Maybe Peaches ’n’ Scream? That would honor the state he comes from while acknowledging the state he’s been in — unsubtle, overwrought. Not qualifying for the Virginia primary was a blow akin to Pearl Harbor. The Palestinians are “an invented” people. Newt is empty calories. A pointless pint of them.

Alexander Hamilton was not shy about concentrating power BROOKS from page 4

Centralized government inevitably leads to oligarchic government. The virtue of the citizenry depends on local control, personal initiative and intimate connections. These things are being bleached away. The Obama health care law represents another crucial moment in the move toward centralization. With its state insurance exchanges, Obamacare is not as centralized as a single-payer system. Still, it centralizes authority in at least four ways. First, while government has always had the power to regulate contracts and business activity, Obamacare compels people to enter into activity so that it can regulate them. This new ability to compel activity opens up vast new powers. Second, Obamacare centralizes Medicare decisions — and the power of life and death — within an unelected Independent Payment Advisory Board. Fifteen experts are charged with controlling costs from the top down. Third, Obamacare would continue the centralization of the nation’s resources — absorbing an estimated $1.76 trillion over the next 10 years. Finally, it would effectively make health care a political responsibility. When you go to a campaign town hall in, say, Britain, you discover that many of the questions are about why somebody’s back or dental surgery didn’t go well and what

the candidate can do to fix it. Once voters assume that national politicians are responsible for their health care, national politicians become more active in running the health system. So this is a big moment. Obamacare forces us again to have an election about how centralized government should be. Those of us in the Hamiltonian tradition sit crossways in this debate. Alexander Hamilton was not shy about concentrating power in Washington if he thought centralized authority was necessary to achieve national goals. On the other hand, he did not believe central decision-makers had the ability to direct an infinitely complex and changing world. He centralized goal-setting while decentralizing decision-making. In that tradition, my own view is that the individual mandate is perfectly acceptable policy. We effectively have a national health care system. We all indirectly pay for ill, uninsured people who show up at emergency rooms. If all Americans are in the same interconnected health care system, I think it’s reasonable for government to insist that all Americans participate in the insurance network that is the payment method for that system. But I think the Obama administration made a disastrous error in centralizing so many of the cost-control elements of the new health care system. I don’t care how many comparative effec-

tiveness research studies are commissioned, there is no way centralized dirigistes can keep up with a complex, innovative system. There is no way government can adapt quickly to failure. There is no way planners can know how many employers will drop coverage, how many doctors will refuse to see patients in expanded Medicaid, how to write uniform rules governing the state insurance exchanges, how many people will or won’t enter high-risk pools, how Congress will undermine any painful cuts the executive branch does make, how doctors will evade efforts to control their revenue, how doctor shortages will pop up, how spending is best controlled. From a Hamiltonian perspective, the decentralized premium support model is a better way to control costs: government insists everybody has coverage but then encourages companies, families and Medicare beneficiaries to engage in a regulated process of discovery to find the best care at the lowest cost. So, yes, let’s have another round in the debate about how centralized American government should be. Let’s watch liberals and conservatives duke it out. But remember there has always been a Hamiltonian alternative: centralize the goals, but decentralize the means people take to get there. Universal coverage is a worthy goal. Decentralized competition is the way to make it affordable.

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012

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Co-op adds to city’s slow, very slow, food movement BY CURTIS ROBINSON THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Call it part of the “slow food” movement. Very slow. With a dash of caution, too. A half-dozen years after initial meetings and more than three years after its formal incorporation, the Portland Food Co-Op is finally ready to begin stocking shelves and welcoming members at its new Hampshire Street store, one block up from Congress Street at the foot of Munjoy Hill. The effort has grown to more than 300 members who pay $100 in refundable “capital,” complete an orientation meeting and pledge to work three hours a month – payment plans and special consideration for those on public assistance are available. An all-volunteer approach has kept the co-op debt free and — coupled with donations and a five-year, rent-free lease on a 4,700-square-foot former tobacco products warehouse — has kept the organization moving along. The building donation, along with $40,000, came from hedge fund manager and, now, Portland Press Herald newspaper majority owner Donald Sussman who owns several properties around the store. But, even with the new milestones, there’s no reason to rush on in. For one thing, the next step will be using the “store” as a pick-up point only for food preordered by members from any of several major warehouses. After that, and maybe not until the end of 2012, the plan is to stock shelves with common “milk and eggs” items that members order most. Even then, the store will be a members-only facility, organizers say. “At this point,” explains co-op board member Rachelle Curran, “we have chosen a model that’s not quite like any other ... using technology to create a new model.” It works like this: Members can order online from any of several large wholesale warehouses through the co-op website, getting prices usually reserved for large institutional buyers. More than 40,000 items are available, and along with the warehouses the co-op has similar deals with groups focused on linking small farms with consumers. One catch is that you have to

Tim McLain, a longtime board member, pauses from helping to process deliveries at the Portland Food Cooperative. (CURTIS ROBINSON PHOTO)

order enough that the distributors consider it a “bulk order,” but the co-op software allows members to see who wants to split the order. The only time you could not buy a product is when the minimum order is not met. “It’s more convenient to walk into Whole Foods,” admits Curran. “But you don’t get that sense of community.” The co-op charges a 10 percent markup on all purchases, a level set by members. “I’ve been really amazed how, so far, we’ve had almost 100 percent involvement,” says Curran, an environmental health advocate and Gorham native who became a food co-op fan while living in New York. She says her work here is “inspired” by visiting the famed Park Slope Co-op, a sort of legend among stores using the “buyers’ agent” model. At the Hampshire store on Monday, an open door attracted curious neighbors. “When are things getting going?” asked Erica Thompson, an acting teacher pausing on her way to catch the Peaks Island ferry. “We have been going,” answers Tim McLain, another longtime board member who was helping process deliveries.

In addition to sometimes briefing passers by, McLain, a massage therapist in his day job, also helps conduct ongoing surveys of grocery pricing, says most items come at about a 25 percent discount over most retail stores – but he admits that, from time to time, an item will be more expensive. But, he adds, price is only part of the equation — he likes feeling “closer to the things I consume” and echoes the idea that the co-op is part of Portland’s food community. All this caution, and aversion to debt, will be music to the ears for fans of the Good Day Market, itself a legendary Portland co-op that operated from 1970 until 1997, closing not long after moving to an East End location reported to be more expensive. Published reports cited mounting debt as a reason for closing. The co-op’s third annual membership meeting will be held at the store, starting with a pot luck dinner at 6 p.m. and a business meeting to follow. One discussion item will be hiring the group’s first full-time sort-of manager. But that’s not planned until either late summer or maybe even the fall. No hurry.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012— Page 7

French fusion: Venue dons ‘nouveau chapeau’ It’s a new look at The New Venue on Forest Ave. BY TIMOTHY GILLIS SPECIAL TO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Known most nights a week for bass-pounding club music or live local bands, the Venue tried out a different sound last Saturday — dinner and musical theater with a distinctively French flavor. "Chanson: If we only have love" is a tribute to the lives and music of Jacques Brel and Edith Piaf, French singers whose own tragic lives can be traced through their lyrics. The musical revue was written by Gar Roper, co-owner of the Venue, and was performed by the Freeport Players. A longtime fan of music as well as a restaurateur, this is the first time Roper has fused the two. The theater side of the Venue was packed, but the pub side had its fair share of Saturday night regulars, and Roper was doing his level best to handle the challenge. "Where's the green room?" Betsy Roper asked her husband. "I don't know what that is," he said. Although a relative novice, he was able to juggle all of these jobs with aplomb, demonstrated as he went in search of a coat rack and stopped at the bar to make sure the pub-food sports bar patrons felt comfortable in this foreign surrounding. They were in to watch college men's basketball Elite's Eight, and they were a bit bemused by the dinner-theater crowd. A writer from New England Biker News stopped by to talk. She was looking to have the Venue as a stop on an upcoming motorcycle run. The Venue waitstaff were caught in a culture clash, as well, as they seemed dressed more for the club than French music. "This night really is the biggest challenge for them. They're young. ... " Roper said, "but the single-style club runs only as a fad, and then fades. We're in for a longer experience of food and entertainment." To make room for the packed house of theater-goers, the Venue had to shift a moveable wall toward the pub crowd, and the fusion was complete. "This is our first foray into dinnertheater. We're thinking of doing it Sunday nights," said Roper, a novelist and poet, whose main business is as an independent market research consultant. The restaurant was retrofitted for the evening, the stage set up with cafe tables, wine bottles, and glasses in a continuation of the audience, who dined before the show. Draperies to one side were from another event, but Roper kept them up. "They look Parisian, like Gertrude Stein's parlor," he said. Even though the career paths of Edith Piaf and Jacques Brel were about 15 years apart — and they

never sang together — in many ways, their music can be coupled, "celebrating the triumph and tragedy of Paris and her people," Roper said. This was an encore performance. It had more of the joys of a celebration than the jitters of opening night. "The stars have had extra months to prepare and practice." When introducing the meal, Roper joked with his guests that they were offering the best in French food — "porcupine, armadillo, sting ray." The menu consisted of a threecourse meal, featuring first a salad. "Just a little Italian dressing, and let it work its way for everyone," Roper advised the head chef, Paul Mataraice. Next came a choice of prime rib, baked stuffed haddock, or vegetable lasagna with white cream sauce. One would have a Bordeaux, if following Betsy's advice for a wine with the meal, a Sea Glass Chardonnay if one followed Gar's lead. For dessert, folks enjoyed cannoli and coffee or tea. The show opens with a series of images from Paris in the 1920s, projected on a back screen, initially positive with piano music. Then the bombs come, and familiar architecture becomes a scene of ruin. The screen darkens and lights come up on five characters in black. Jane Bradley is a singer and keyboard player in the local band "Not too Shaap." Ellen Ebert has been involved in theater in Freeport for nearly 25 years. Daric Ebert started his career as a "stage dad" for his daughter Emily who was in "Hold on Molly," the first production of the group that became Freeport Players. Marc Brann narrated the show and sang a couple songs. Elizabeth Guffey was central of the five performers, literally at the middle mic for the first number, and as managing/artistic director of Freeport Players. She sang the Edith Piaf pieces and was particularly powerful in "L'hymme a l'amour," a declaration of unbounded love. The audience was treated during intermission to a special guest singer. Marie-Claire Owens, a 9-year-old songstress, belted out "Caresse sur l'ocean" from "Les Choristes." Even though she was tuckered out from a 9 a.m. basketball game, she still roused the crowd with her version of the French song. "Chanson" is the fourth play that Roper has written. He also has a comedy with the characters Tom Lehrer, Shelly Burman, Bob Newhart and Bill Cosby. He wrote a musical tribute to the American protest music of the 1960s, and he's got a spokenword piece that features poets T.S. Eliot and Maine's own E.A. Robinson. see VENUE page 8

Gar and Betsy Roper

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Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012

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An audience is treated to French music at the Venue on Forest Avenue. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Venue co-owner: ‘I’d like to see the arts expand across all of Portland’ VENUE from page 7

March 26thth - 31stst Claude and Jill want to Thank Greater Portland for 35 Years of Business Up To 50% Off! Free Gifts with Purchase

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"But this is the first time we've been able to mount one of the plays," he said. "I'd like to see the arts expand across all of Portland. This should be seen as the northern terminus of art and culture in New England, like a Nashville of the north," said Roper, who channels these thoughts into OMNI, his think-tank company which stands for Open Minds, New Ideas. The Ropers have been married for 47 years, and they have seen their share of varied professions. From 1989 to 2007, they owned and operated a summer camp in Poland Springs. Once Camp Pesquasawasis, run by the Diocese of Portland, the site next became the Samantha Smith World Peace Camp, named for the Maine youth who wrote to Yuri Andropov, then Soviet Premier, telling of her fears of a nuclear war between their countries. By then, the Ropers were involved. Their daughter, Jane, visited the Soviet Union in 1988, and the following year 26 Soviet campers came here. Their son, Kevin, is

in a band called "The Project" and is beginning to teach music. He's trained in the Suzuki method and will be likewise showing his students how to play by ear. Betsy says she is supposed to be retired, but she stays busy with family, activities, some of the accounting, photography, and genealogy. A couple of younger kids who attended the dinner-theater were asked what they thought of it. "There were some familiar melodies," Ryan said. "I liked the way their stories were weaved in," said Natalie. The Venue, located at 865 Forest Ave., almost across from Baxter Woods, goes by the tagline, "The New Venue," a reference to a same-named business that preceded it.

Venue schedule Sunday — jazz luncheon Monday — sports/wing night Tuesday — Best of Portland (open mic) Wednesday — Blues Jam Thursday — 18+ club night Friday — 207 DJ light show Saturday — live local bands

Memories of classic delicatessens LADD from page 4

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is pizza, a calzone, a steak sandwich, or even a Reuben. I’ve had caretakers of people in hospice who call in for a tongue or chopped liver sandwich for someone who can barely eat.” Knowing Full Belly Deli can’t rest on laurels of sandwiches gone by (typically these straightforward classic creations were never on white bread and never, ever with mayo), Rosen plans to keep his generationally well-balanced menu items intact. “Everything is made fresh here and it’s the best quality we can find. We just have to keep people coming in, old and new.” The Down Low: The last time I rode past Wolfie’s, it was an adult entertainment establishment with a menu for different tastes. Gone are the walls plastered with head shots of celebrities, gone are are the dog-eared

menus and crammed tables, gone are schmaltz smeared aprons on cranky, ancient (even then!) servers, and gone are the cases upon cases of desserts. My memories of the sensory experience aren’t gone, though, and come rushing back when I pull into The Full Belly Deli parking lot. Check out Overseen by deli fanatic, David Sax, it will make your mouth water just to share his observations. Sodium intake aside, you’ll wish you were a dining companion on his globe-trotting, deli seeking road trip. (Natalie Ladd is a columnist for the Portland Daily Sun. She has over 30 continuous years of corporate and fine-dining experience in all front-ofthe-house management, hourly and under-the-table positions. She can be reached at

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012— Page 9

Developers: Elm Terrace helped inspire nearby elderly housing BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Elm Terrace, a Portland public housing project that became a poster child for critics seeking to scale back spending at the Maine State Housing Authority, is taking shape along High Street, and planners are reviewing a project that developers say was inspired by Elm Terrace. In a twist of local affordable housing development, Elm Terrace actually helped spawn a neighboring project, the elderly housing complex known as Danforth on High, which was reviewed Tuesday by the Portland Planning Board. Neighbors brought up the idea of building housing across from Elm Terrace, on a parking lot across High Street, and now Danforth on High is poised to be the result of those suggestions, explained Erin Cooperrider, development director for Community Housing of Maine, the nonprofit organization developing both housing complexes. "That's what triggered our conversations," she told the planning board Tuesday during a public workshop. "Generally the ideas come to us from outside, we're not looking for them," Cooperrider said, but noted demand for senior housing and the ideal location for Danforth on High. Elm Terrace, a 38-unit low-income housing complex, recently received state approval to proceed, but at a lower per-unit cost than originally budgeted. Crews today can be seen prepping the corner lot at Elm Terrace while other workers renovate an existing building on the site. This complex should be completed around the first week of January 2013, according to Cullen Ryan, executive director of Community Housing of Maine. Danforth on High, meanwhile, is entering the Portland planning review pipeline after receiving historic preservation approval by the city. Neither project will be affected by a high-profile

Elm Terrace affordable housing complex takes shape along High Street this week. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

shake-up at MaineHousing, involving the resignation of its director, Dale McCormick, earlier this month, according to Deborah Turcotte, MaineHousing spokeswoman. "None of the projects that have been approved through the QAP (qualified allocation plan) will be affected," Turcotte said. Any projects currently under way won't be held up by turmoil in the agency, she confirmed. Facing legislation that would have allowed her board to remove her, Dale McCormick resigned on March 20 from her position as director of the Maine State Housing Authority, effective the end of this month. On Monday, Maine State Treasurer Bruce Poliquin stated in a letter that the new MaineHousing board "will refocus on its core mission: to help thousands of vulnerable Maine families on waiting lists for affordable housing and heating assistance, given the constraints of limited taxpayer dollars. This is also an excellent opportunity to explore other ways to help Maine families-in-need. To that end, we expect close scrutiny of every program and their associated costs within an environment of complete transparency."

Prior to McCormick's resignation, Poliquin was specifically critical of Elm Terrace, writing at one point, "During the past several years, Maine State Housing Authority (MSHA) has funneled federal, state, and local tax dollars to finance the construction of 1,100-square-foot low-income apartments costing up to $292,000 each. Scrutiny by the new MSHA board stalled the Elm Terrace units in downtown Portland, once budgeted at $314,000 each. In December, the MSHA executive director approved the 38 Elm Terrace units at a cost to taxpayers of $265,000 per apartment." In a response letter, MaineHousing clarified that it had not approved the Elm Terrace project, and that the housing authority had "demanded that the developer reduce the cost to $265,000 per unit." In the wake of this controversy, the only housing projects that may face changes by new MaineHousing administration would be new proposals, as the housing authority is in the process of rule making and public hearings about its qualified allocation plan, a process which determines how new projects would be scored, Turcotte explained. That updating of the allocation approach will be ongoing over the next five or six months, she said.

Planners urge adoption of Eastern Cemetery master plan and drafted its assessment. Part of the plan, according to Deborah Andrews, historic preservation program Increased development around Eastern manager, is "to provide direction, estabCemetery — combined with city policy seeklish priorities and recommend appropriate ing master plans for all city parks and open preservation methodologies for city staff spaces— is pushing officials closer to a new and volunteers as they conduct ordinary plan for the area. maintenance or take on specific improvePortland's planning board Tuesday recomment projects within the cemetery." mended the city council adopt a master plan The 350-year-old, 6.8-acre Eastern Cemfor Eastern Cemetery. The recommendation, etery is the city's oldest burial ground on coming on the heels of approval by the city's the peninsula, and listed on the National historic preservation board, followed months Register of HIstoric Places. of research and study by a nationally known Vandalism enforcement, maintenance, consultant. removal of trash and public access were In an assessment of Eastern Cemetery, among the concerns raised in the draft Chicora Foundation, a Columbia, S.C.-based plan. Inspection of below-ground tombs nonprofit heritage preservation organization, also is needed, which could carry a “signififound about $200,000 in maintenance needs. cant cost,” the consultant noted. Staff did not support a change in zoning Recommendations from Chicora Foundafor the cemetery from "recreation and open Eastern Cemetery at 224 Congress St. is the focus of a proposed master plan, spearheaded by tion include arrangement with city staff space" to "resource protection zone," noting the city and by cemetery caretakers Spirits Alive. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) for year-round access to the cemetery; curthat the source protection zone is a designamember Bill Hall. rently, park rangers open and close the tion where cemeteries are not a permitted use. Community group Spirits Alive wrote grant procemetery for five months a year, the foundation But otherwise, planners were enthusiastic about posals to acquire money for a master plan and reported. the plan. contracted with Chicora Foundation. For just over The draft plan was brought forward by the city's "This is a great story," said planning board $12,000, the foundation studied Eastern Cemetery Department of Public Services and Spirits Alive. BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN


by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). By late morning, you’ll feel ready to take on the world. You’re likely to get caught in the middle of a conflict. Responding well to the situation at hand takes a high level of energy and awareness. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You have a serious responsibility to yourself. If you’re not loving and caring for yourself as though you were one of the most important people in the whole world, you’re ducking that responsibility. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). If your resources were cards, you would play them as though you’d been dealt the best hand in the history of the game. From that perspective, you’ll see many glorious options. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll be wondering whom you can trust. Don’t waste time with those who inspire doubt in you. Put the people who always take your call or who call you back immediately on the top of your list. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You feel that you could be more effective if you maximized a certain relationship or grew it into something strong. Improved and more frequent communication will begin the process. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 28). You will diversify this year, letting go of the known route in favor of adventure. A fresh assignment brings success in a relatively short amount of time. In June, you’ll enjoy improved behavior and performance from those who are accountable to you in some way. A coach or loving partner spurs you to personal heights in August. Capricorn and Libra people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 40, 2, 12 and 30.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll be brilliant at calming yourself down so that you can take on potentially stressful challenges. You’ll take controlled action instead of reacting from a place of fear and anxiety. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Grudges don’t harm anyone except the person who holds them. You’ll let a grievance go for this reason, and also because there are too many far more pleasant things on which to focus. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Just as furry animals get fluffier when they’re apprehensive or angered, something may happen to make your “fur” stand on end momentarily. Another person will find it reassuring to know that you care. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You know what you’re good at. You’ll apply yourself in your area of expertise and easily accomplish what others cannot do but by the uttermost exertion of their abilities. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The journey is long, and what happens today is not a solid indicator of all that will happen. There will come a day when the forces that once seemed to keep you out of a certain “club” will instead be inviting you in. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). What makes today fun is that you’ll be in just the kind of mood to throw yourself into situations, mix things up and see what happens. If you make a mistake, you’ll soon recover. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Exciting projects are incredibly labor intensive. By the end of the day, you may feel that the better part of your energy has been poured into one rather frivolous endeavor that somehow still seems worthwhile.

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 4 9 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 29 34 35 36 37 38 39

ACROSS Steal from Becomes frayed Come __ may; unfailingly Astaire or MacMurray “Little Orphan __” Vagabond Precious Caruso or Pavarotti Globes Deadlock Crew members Bloody Siesta In need of a haircut Personal charm Salaries Forest opening __-tac-toe Ardent Liquor Half-quart

40 Singer Tormé 41 Smoothly charming 42 From the time that 43 Not fit for consumption 45 Pleaded 46 Diminish 47 Boast 48 Big celebration 51 Profitable 56 Roberts or Idle 57 Abraham’s son 58 Under the weather 60 Bullets 61 Chutzpah 62 In this place 63 Meg or Nolan 64 Overwhelming desire for more 65 Used a shovel

3 4 5 6

DOWN Country postal service Gold and silver


1 2

7 8 9 10 11 12 14 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

33 35

Tempo Too diluted Foe Ballerina __ Pavlova Public uprising Love ballad Ms. Goldberg Israeli dance Abridged form of a word, for short Throw Hauled Cabin wall pieces “__ we there yet?” Hindu teacher Refuge Nimble; spry Piece of garlic Mistiness Cause a burning pain __ pie; holiday favorite __ up; misbehaved Hockey score

38 39 41 42 44 45

Aboil Like a glutton Bro or sis Do an usher’s job Low-level cleric __ oneself; got ready for a jolt 47 Courageous 48 Equipment

49 Branch of the military 50 Peru’s capital 52 __-friendly; easy to learn 53 Give a hoot 54 Competed 55 Beige shade 59 Beer barrel

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Wednesday, March 28, the 88th day of 2012. There are 278 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On March 28, 1942, during World War II, British naval forces staged a successful raid on the Nazi-occupied French port of St. Nazaire in Operation Chariot, destroying the only dry dock on the Atlantic coast capable of repairing the German battleship Tirpitz. On this date: In 1834, the U.S. Senate voted to censure President Andrew Jackson for the removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the United States. In 1854, during the Crimean War, Britain and France declared war on Russia. In 1898, the Supreme Court, in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, ruled that a child born in the United States to Chinese immigrants was a U.S. citizen. In 1935, the notorious Nazi propaganda film “Triumph des Willens” (Triumph of the Will), directed by Leni Riefenstahl, premiered in Berlin with Adolf Hitler present. In 1939, the Spanish Civil War effectively ended as Madrid fell to the forces of Francisco Franco. In 1941, novelist and critic Virginia Woolf, 59, drowned herself near her home in Lewes, East Sussex, England. In 1969, the 34th president of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, died in Washington, D.C., at age 78. In 1978, in Stump v. Sparkman, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld, 5-3, the judicial immunity of an Indiana judge against a lawsuit brought by a young woman who’d been ordered sterilized by the judge when she was a teenager. In 1979, America’s worst commercial nuclear accident occurred inside the Unit 2 reactor at the Three Mile Island plant near Middletown, Pa. In 1987, Maria von Trapp, whose life story inspired the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “The Sound of Music,” died in Morrisville, Vt., at age 82. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush presented the Congressional Gold Medal to the widow of U.S. Olympic legend Jesse Owens, who was honored for his “humanitarian contributions in the race of life.” One year ago: Vigorously defending American attacks in Libya, President Barack Obama declared in a nationally broadcast address that the United States intervened to prevent a slaughter of civilians. Yet he ruled out targeting Moammar Gadhafi, warning that trying to oust him militarily would be a mistake as costly as the war in Iraq. Today’s Birthdays: Former White House national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski is 84. Country musician Charlie McCoy is 71. Movie director Mike Newell is 70. Actress Conchata Ferrell is 69. Actor Ken Howard is 68. Actress Dianne Wiest (weest) is 64. Country singer Reba McEntire is 57. Olympic gold medal gymnast Bart Conner is 54. Rapper Salt (Salt-N-Pepa) is 46. Actress Tracey Needham is 45. Actor Max Perlich is 44. Movie director Brett Ratner is 43. Country singer Rodney Atkins is 43. Actor Vince Vaughn is 42. Rapper Mr. Cheeks (Lost Boyz) is 41. Actor Ken L. is 39. Rock musician Dave Keuning is 36. Actress Annie Wersching is 35. Actress Julia Stiles is 31. Singer Lady Gaga is 26.


Dial 5

CTN 5 Local


Whitney WCSH (N) Å


8:30 Vets Visit


MARCH 28, 2012


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Portland Water District Thom Hartmann Show ICA TV

Are You Bent “HD” Bent “ARock Center With There, (N) (In Ste- Game” (N) Brian Williams (N) (In Chelsea? reo) (In Stereo) Stereo) Å American Idol “9 Finalists Compete” The 10 final- News 13 on FOX (N) WPFO ists perform. (N) (In Stereo) Å The Middle Suburga-


WMTW “Hecking It tory Å


TWC TV Mainely Motorsports

Up” Å

Modern Family Å Ridin

Tonight Show With Jay Leno The OfThe Office fice “Night (In Stereo) Out” Å Å Happy End- Missing Becca makes a WMTW Nightline ings (N) Å questionable agreement. News 8 at (N) Å (In Stereo) Å 11 (N) Paid Prog. Maine Auto King Classic Arts Showcase

Nature “Giant Lives” The NOVA Personalized,

Quest for the Lost Maya Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å Mayan society. (N) Inside Fenway Park: Movie: “Jews and BaseAn Icon at 100 (N) (In ball: An American Love Stereo) Story” (2010) Excused (In American It’s Always That ’70s Stereo) Å Dad Å Sunny in Show Å Phila. CSI: Crime Scene WGME Late Show Investigation “Freaks & News 13 at With David Geeks” Å (DVS) 11 (N) Letterman Law Order: CI OurMaine Law CI


MPBN great whales. (In Stereo) gene-based medicine. (N) The rise and fall of a



Å (DVS) Antiques Roadshow “El Paso” Fiji split whale’s tooth necklace. One Tree Hill Brooke deals with her father’s betrayal. (N) Å Survivor: One World Allegiances are thrown into question. (N) Å Burn Notice Å Sons of Guns Å


Å (DVS) Antiques Roadshow “Bismarck” Painting of railroad train. Å America’s Next Top Model Fashion week in Toronto. (N) Å Criminal Minds Bodies are found in a national forest. Å (DVS) Burn Notice Å Sons of Guns (N) Å











FAM Jumanji



NCIS “Tell-All”

Psych “Autopsy Turvy”

The 700 Club Å Fairly Legal Å


NESN Heartland Poker Tour

Heartland Poker Tour





CSNE NBA Basketball Utah Jazz at Boston Celtics.


SportsNet Sports


ESPN NBA Basketball: Magic at Knicks


ESPN2 ATP Tennis Sony Ericsson Open, Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. (N)



Sons of Guns Å

Triggers: Change

Movie: ››› “Zathura” (2005) Josh Hutcherson. Premiere.

Cold Case Å

High School Basketball

Cold Case Å

Dennis SportsNet SportCtr

Criminal Minds Å


NFL Live

Criminal Minds Å


DISN Random

Movie: ››‡ “Hannah Montana: The Movie”


TOON NinjaGo

Level Up

King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy


NICK My Wife

My Wife




MSNBC The Ed Show (N)


Good Luck Austin

’70s Show ’70s Show Friends

Shake It

Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word

The Ed Show


CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360

Erin Burnett OutFront


CNBC Mob Money:

American Greed

American Greed

Mad Money



The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)

Greta Van Susteren



Law & Order

Law & Order

Law & Order “Seer”

CSI: NY “YoungBlood”


LIFE Wife Swap Å

Wife Swap Å

Wife Swap Å

Wife Swap Å



Untold Stories of ER

Obsession Obsession Untold Stories of ER

To Niecy

To Niecy

The O’Reilly Factor


AMC Movie: ›››‡ “Die Hard” (1988, Action) Bruce Willis. Å


HGTV Property Brothers




TRAV Man, Food Man, Food Amazing


Man, Food Man, Food Sandwich Paradise

A&E Storage


Duck D.

50 52


BRAVO Interior Therapy

Income Dog

Interior Therapy

“Die Hard-Veng.” Hunters Duck D.

Million Dollar Listing

Duck D.

Duck D.






HALL Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier


SYFY Ghost Hunters Å

Ghost Hunters Inter.


ANIM River Monsters

River Monsters: Unhooked “Killer Catfish”

River Monsters


HIST Larry the Cable Guy

Larry the Cable Guy





COM Chappelle Chappelle South Park South Park South Park Ugly Amer Daily Show Colbert

62 67 68 76


Movie: ››› “The Brothers” (2001)

Movie: ›‡ “The Waterboy” (1998, Comedy) Fam. Guy

SPIKE Auction

Monster Man (N) American

Cleveland Divorced


Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy

Big Bang

Conan (N)




Am Digger Am Digger Repo



OXY Bad Girls Club

TCM Movie: ››› “Gypsy” (1962, Musical) Rosalind Russell. Å

Big Bang

Bad Girls Club Special Brooklyn 11223

DAILY CROSSWORD 1 4 11 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 26 29 31 32 33 35 38


Movie: ›‡ “The Waterboy” (1998, Comedy)

Fam. Guy



Ghost Hunters Inter.


Movie: ››‡ “I Think I Love My Wife” (2007) Chris Rock.

TVLND Home Imp. Home Imp. Raymond TBS


Property Brothers

ACROSS Stroke gently Start of a George Iles quote Civil War letters “Float like a butterfly” boxer Female protagonist Legal NY bookie parlor Be an executive control freak Blue Eagle org. Send out Gaucho’s grasslands Get lost! Part 2 of quote “Pagliacci” baritone Be litigious Contender One of the Finger Lakes Pager signal Former draft letters

King Repo

Movie: ›› “Enough”

Movie: ››› “The Cincinnati Kid”

39 42 44 45 48 50 52 53 57 58 59 61 62 68 69 70 71 72 73

1 2 3

Part 3 of quote Recipe meas. Off yonder Apple drinks JFK stats PC pic “Taxi” dispatcher Part 4 of quote Forward part of a ship Sickly lack of color Group of zealots Worldwide workers’ grp. Lab containers Neighbor of Ida. Cultural value systems Jan. honoree Lady of Sp. End of quote Shifty DOWN Dawber or Shriver Inventor Whitney Minor muscle spasm

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 23 24 25 27 28 30 34 36 37 40

“For __ the Bell Tolls” Of blood Speaks from a soapbox Many, many moons Routing word Author Madeleine L’__ Film units Person with expert knowledge Flashing lights Degraders Makes a new knot Off-road 4-wheeler Urban rds. Miler Sebastian Russian ballerina French inn Sighted Eight: pref. __ Wiedersehen! & so forth Collins of Genesis Small silvery swimmer

41 Takes on as one’s own 42 Form of bowling 43 Kleptomaniac 46 Carnival city, for short 47 Put in stitches 49 SSS word 51 Carve 54 Uses a lasso

55 Hull of hockey 56 “The Double Man” poet 60 Tilt to one side 63 Wed. follower 64 Actor Steiger 65 “__ Pinafore” 66 Right-angled joint 67 Wild blue yonder

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012



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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012— Page 13



Shack’s Top Dogs Pub Nice family atmosphere!

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Police are searching for a man who robbed the Xtra Mart at 865 Brighton Ave. Monday night. Anyone with information should call 874-8479. (COURTESY IMAGE)

Suspect robs Brighton Ave. store at gunpoint BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I am a 54-year-old lesbian in a 23-year relationship. My partner and I have begun to hate traveling. Don’t get me wrong. We love and enjoy exotic places, but dealing with stupid and rude people is getting old. Our problem has to do with the ladies room. We are often mistaken for men and questioned. I don’t get it. Some women seem shocked by us and occasionally make a scene as if we chose the wrong bathroom. While we don’t wear makeup or frilly clothes, we also don’t wear suits, ties and wingtips. I wear earrings, female clothing and a wedding band set. Think Ellen DeGeneres. These ignorant women need some education. Please tell them they are rude and hurtful. If our presence makes them uncomfortable, maybe they should leave the bathroom. Many of the encounters make me feel bad for days. I just want to be left alone. What can I say to nip this in the bud? -- Santa Cruz, Calif. Dear California: Unless you want to act super-girly when you enter a foreign bathroom, there’s not much you can do to head off such an encounter before it happens. Try working on your response instead. This has nothing to do with you personally. You are simply bumping into women who don’t often have the opportunity to interact with those who appear to be different -- whether in dress or manner -- and so they react with various degrees of surprise, some of which can be quite hurtful. Use these encounters to educate these women by ignoring their shock, holding your head up and being exceedingly polite and possibly charming. Dear Annie: My wife, “Gert,” and I are in our mid-80s, retired and in good health. Gert worked for the same company for nearly 40 years and was well-liked. She still goes back to visit every Wednesday and sits in the coffee room and gabs all day with the workers when they take their staggered breaks.

I can’t help but think this has a tendency to lengthen break times and disrupt productive company time. If I were the manager, I would not allow this, but he doesn’t interfere. My main concern, though, is that this habit interferes with our being able to get away together for a few days during the week when hotel rates are lower and traffic is lighter than on weekends. I have asked Gert to stop this practice, but she refuses. Am I selfish to think she should spend more time with me so we can plan and enjoy mutual activities during the time we have left in this life? -- Husband Dear Husband: Well, no, but this activity gives her a great deal of pleasure, and it would be considerate of you to work around it. In fact, she might resent your forcing the issue, in which case, those little vacations won’t be as much fun as you’d like. And perhaps if you stop pressuring her to spend more time traveling during the week, she’d be more willing to do so on occasion, especially if you give her plenty of notice to rearrange her office schedule. Be supportive of her emotional needs, and hopefully, she will be equally supportive of yours. Dear Annie: So, “J” is afraid she might have to tip the clerk from the grocery store if she gets help while shopping with her two children. She states that she always returns her cart. While she is doing that, who is watching her kids? This policy could very well be management’s way of offering protection to parents who might otherwise leave their children unsupervised in the car while they return the cart. Would she rather have her children snatched by a pedophile just to save a tip? I sure wish this service had been available when I used to shop with our children. She should quit looking a gift horse in the mouth. -- M.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

Police are searching for a man who robbed the Xtra Mart at 865 Brighton Ave. Monday night. The suspect threatened a clerk with a handgun and fled the store with cash, according to Lt. Gary Rogers, Portland police spokesman. “He was wearing a hoodie sweatshirt and a mask, a dark-colored mask to cover the lower part of his face,” Rogers said. The incident was reported at 9:30 p.m. Monday Year to date, the police department reported 22 robberies in the city. Last year at this time, police responded to 25 robberies, Rogers said. A hoodie-style sweatshirt is one common piece of apparel used by robbers, to the point that some stores post warnings that customers are not allowed inside wearing them. Suspicious garb can tip off witnesses to a potential crime, Rogers said. “We believe there have been some occasions where people are preparing to do the robbery but when they’re confronted they leave,” Rogers said. Anyone with information about Monday night’s robbery should call 874-8479.

N.Y. food co-op’s decision on boycott vote approaches BY KIRK SEMPLE THE NEW YORK TIMES

Reporters and television trucks have been coming and going for days. Activists have been leafletting with new urgency. Politicians and pundits have weighed in. And emotions, in at least one instance, have spilled over into fisticuffs. Tensions at the Park Slope Food Co-op in Brooklyn have been climbing toward a breaking point as the membership of the venerable community institution prepared to vote on Tuesday night whether to hold a referendum on a proposal to boycott products made in Israel. The debate has overwhelmed the store and its community of about 16,300 members and generated a low-scale media frenzy. “It’s very distracting,” said Joe Holtz, general manager of the co-op. Anticipating a huge crowd, the co-op management has moved the vote from the usual location for its monthly general meetings — a nearby synagogue — to the auditorium of Brooklyn Technical High School in Fort Greene. As of Tuesday afternoon, more than 1,460 members had signed up to attend. The boycott lobby is part of an international movement — called Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or B.D.S. — that is trying to compel the Israeli government to change its policies toward Palestinians, including withdrawing from the Palestinian territories.

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Wednesday March 28 Free Income Tax Preparation 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free Income Tax Preparation at the Portland Public Library. The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program is offering free federal and state of Maine income tax preparation and free electronic filing in Portland at the Main Branch of the Public Library at 5 Monument Square. With electronic filing and direct deposit, refunds can be received in as little as eight days. Although walk-ins are accepted, appointments are preferred. To make an appointment, call 776-6316.

Putting a record out on vinyl webinar 6:30 p.m. The next installment in the Portland Music Foundation’s “Music as a Profession” Series. “Maybe you’ve heard about the analog renaissance’ or the ‘return of vinyl.’ While CD sales have been falling steadily, vinyl sales have seen increases of 33 percent (2009), 14 percent (2010), and a whopping 39 percent in 2011. Some 3.9 million vinyl LPs were sold last year, which Nielsen claims is the most vinyl albums ever sold in a single year.” If you’re considering going the vinyl route with your next record, you absolutely need to be in on this Portland Music Foundation webinar. Participants include Jay Millar from United Record Pressing, based in Nashville; Billy Fields, Senior Director of Sales and Account Management at Warner/Elektra/Atlantic; William Etheridge, head of Eternal Otter Records; and Chris Brown, head of marketing at Bull Moose Music. For more information, email

‘Not Just Chickens Cross Roads’ 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Gilsland Farm, free program at Maine Audubon. “Not Just Chickens Cross Roads: The Maine Audubon Wildlife Road Watch Roads are an integral part of our lives, getting us to all the places we need to go for work and play. But roads have an enormous impact on wildlife and habitat, affecting up to 20 percent of the landscape, fragmenting habitat, creating barriers to wildlife travel and collision risks for wildlife, especially worrisome for some endangered species. With changes to habitats due to climate change these problems for wildlife are even more significant. Maine Audubon, in partnership with UC Davis, MaineDOT, and Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, created the Maine Audubon Wildlife Road Watch website in 2010 to engage citizen scientists throughout Maine. Volunteers from around the state participate by adding any observations to the website. The Maine Audubon Speaker Series is a free monthly program at the Gilsland Farm Center in Falmouth. Contact Mike Windsor, staff naturalist, at 781-2330, ext 237.

‘Little Me’ at St. Lawrence 7 p.m. “Little Me,” the musical comedy by Neil Simon (book), Cy Coleman (music), and Carolyn Leigh (lyrics) will be presented by Good Theater March 7 to April 1 at the St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St. on Munjoy Hill in Portland. “Little Me” is directed by Brian P. Allen with musical direction by Victoria Stubbs, leading the threepiece band, and choreography by Tyler Sperry. Performances for Little Me are as follows: Wednesdays 7 p.m. ($20), Thursdays 7 p.m. ($20), Fridays 7:30 p.m. ($25), Saturday 7:30 p.m. ($30), Sundays 2 p.m. ($30) with a special added matinee on Saturday March 24, 3 p.m. ($25). Call 885-5883 for reservations and information.

‘The Truth of All Things’ 7 p.m. University of Maine Law Alumnus Kieran Shields ‘96 will be giving a talk about his new book, “The Truth of All Things” in the University of Southern Maine Portland Bookstore. Copies of the book will be on sale after the talk. This event is free and open to the public. “The Truth of All Things” follows newly appointed Deputy Marshal Archie Lean, who is called in to investigate a prostitute’s murder in Portland, Maine. Lean soon discovers the murder is just one in a series of ritualized killings that are reminiscent of the Salem witch trials. Lean must decipher the patterns and rituals of these murders before the killer can close in on his final victim. Kieran Shields grew up in Portland. He graduated from Dartmouth College and the University of Maine School of Law. He currently lives on the coast of Maine with his family. “The Truth of All Things” is Shields’ first novel. For more information, contact USM Tradebook Manager Barbara Kelly, at 780-4072.

‘Uncle Bob’ by Mad Horse Theatre Company 7:30 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company’s Dark Night Series returns with Austin Pendleton’s “Uncle Bob.” “Uncle Bob” marks the directorial debut of Mad Horse Theatre Company member Nate Speckman. It stars guest artists Jacob Cote and Paul Haley. The production opened Monday, March 19, and will run on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings through March 28. All performances will be at Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard, in Portland. Show time is 7:30 p.m. All performances are Pay What You Can, with a suggested donation of $10.

Known for her realistic portrayal of Billie Holiday in concert and on the theatrical stage, Mardra Thomas is a true jazz vocalist with a voice well suited to showcase Holiday’s sculptured phrasing that stamped a signature style on jazz singing. The Freeport Factory Stage will premiere the soulful and shattering production of “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill,” on Thursday, March 29. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Thursday, March 29 Falmouth Memorial Library fundraiser ends 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Falmouth Memorial Library’s monthlong silent auction and annual fundraiser, “Beauty and the Books,” will end on Thursday, March 29. Dozens of art and craft items are available for bidding. On Thursday, March 29, a Grand Finale Reception will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the library’s Russell Room. Refreshments from local vendors will be served. FMI call 781-2351.

‘Ulysses’ for the fun of it 6 p.m. The Maine Irish Heritage Center is offering literature lovers a unique opportunity to experience “Ulysses” by James Joyce by listening to it being performed by Irish actors, Jim Norton and Marcella Riordan. Hosted by Ellen Murphy, this event is every Thursday at 6 p.m. through June. Audiobooks version of the novel. Library at the Maine Irish Heritage Center, 34 Gray St., Portland. 899-0505.

WHS Girls Basketball Boosters meeting 6:30 p.m. Jm Richards, Westbrook High School Girls Basketball Booster president, announced that the WHS Girls Basketball Boosters will be holding an annual “Election of Officers” meeting in March. All residents of Westbrook are welcome to attend and participate, at the WHS Cafe. A partial agenda includes year in review; finances; upcoming fundraisers, elections.

PATHS Fashion Show benefit 6:30 p.m. The fashion marketing program at Portland Arts and Technology High School (PATHS) presents “Collection 2012,” a fashion show featuring original student garments, at 6:30 p.m. in the Portland Public Library’s Rines Auditorium. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students. They will be sold at the door. A portion of ticket proceeds will benefit Scarborough-based Partners for World Health, a nonprofit group that sends health care volunteers and unused medical equipment to third world countries. The fashion marketing program received a $450 grant from Painting for a Purpose to help promote the nonprofit group.

Maine Festival of the Book 7 p.m. This year’s Maine Festival of the Book, to be held in Portland from March 29 to April 1, once again boasts a full schedule not just for adults, but for younger ages, too. Children and youth programming will be featured on Saturday, March 31 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Abromson Center, University of Southern Maine, Portland. Programming includes readings and book-related, hands-on activities with children’s authors and illustrators Brenda Reeves Sturgis, Lynn Plourde, Rebekah Raye, Jeannie Brett, Barbara Walsh, Anne Sibley O’Brien, Reza Jalali, Maria Testa, and Nathan Walker, along with programs featuring young adult authors Amalie Howard, Elizabeth Miles, and Sarah L. Thomson, graphic novelist Ben Bishop, and the professional writers of The Telling Room. Program topics include family pets, multicultural stories, and mountain adventures, along with vampires, turkeys, cows, squirrels, and other creatures, too. Additional children and youth authors will be

at the festival selling books and signing them from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday. Thursday, March 29, 7 p.m. — An Evening with John Cole, Glickman Family Library, University of Southern Maine, Free. A lecture by John Cole, founding director of the Center for the Book, Library of Congress (presented in conjunction with Maine Humanities Council and the Katech Cheney Chappell ’83 Center for Book Arts at USM.) Friday, March 30, 7:30 p.m. — Opening Night: Tony Horwitz, Abromson Center, University of Southern Maine. Pulitzer Prize-winner Tony Horwitz, author of the historical narratives Midnight Rising and Confederates in the Attic gives an illustrated talk. (Tickets to benefit Maine Reads at starting in February.). For a complete festival schedule go to

Portland Children’s Film Festival 7 p.m. East End Community School is sponsoring the first Portland Children’s Film Festival on Thursday, March 29 through Sunday, April 1 at several locations throughout the city. The festival will feature local, national and international children’s films and workshops, the school district reported. Local films will include a premiere of short films produced by Portland children ages four to 11. Elementary schoolchildren in Portland submitted films as part of the festival’s Young Filmmakers Contest. The winning films will be shown at the Red Carpet Premiere at the Nickelodeon Cinemas on Thursday, March 29 at 7 p.m. and at the Portland Public Library on Saturday, March 31 at 12:45 p.m. The festival will take place at Nickelodeon Cinemas, St. Lawrence Arts and Cultural Center, Zero Station, East End Community School, the University of Southern Maine’s Masterton Hall at 71 Bedford Street, the Portland Public Library and the Portland Museum of Art. See a complete schedule of events at

‘Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill’ premieres at Freeport Factory Stage 7:30 p.m. The Freeport Factory Stage will premiere the “soulful and shattering production” of “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill,” on Thursday, March 29. “This production features the incomparable jazz singer, Mardra Thomas as Billie Holiday, with local musician Flash Allen at the piano. Directed by Julie George-Carlson, ‘Lady Day’ is a fictional account of the final appearance by Billie Holiday at a seedy night club in Philadelphia, only four months before her death at the age of 44. The play, written by Lainie Robertson, was originally produced in 1989 and has enjoyed great success in regional theaters for the past 20 years.” ‘Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill’ runs from March 29-April 14, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. All Thursday performances are “Pay-WhatYou-Can” — ticket prices for all other performances are $19 general admission and $15 seniors and students with ID. Group discounts and subscription tickets are available. For reservations call the box office at 865-5505 or visit the website, see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

‘Ghosts’ at SPACE 7:30 p.m. “What happens when we cannot bring ourselves to leave? Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen staged the answer in 1881 with Ghosts, portraying a world of sexual repression, religious hypocrisy, and the inescapable influence of our parents’ choices. Local theater company Lorem Ipsum (The Threepenny Opera, Blood Wedding, Ubu Roi) revisits this piece of classical theater with the help of Last House Productions and Budget Fabulous Films, giving an immersive theater experience to Ibsen’s timeless examination of duty and deceit.” $10, all ages. Also Friday through Sunday, SPACE Gallery.

‘The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds’ at Lucid Stage 8 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents the American classic with the tongue twisting title, “The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds,” by Paul Zindel. The play opens March 15, and runs Thursday to Sunday through April 1, at Lucid Stage in Portland. “Zindel’s masterpiece, which won an Obie Award, a New York Drama Critics Circle Award, and the coveted Pulitzer Prize for Drama, tells the story of single mother Beatrice Hunsdorfer, and her teenage daughters, Ruth and Matilda. Abandoned by her husband and saddled with two children, Beatrice hates the world. She thinks she just needs the right opportunity, and everything will get better. Older sister Ruth knows the reputation her mother has around town, but she seems sadly fated to repeat her mother’s mistakes in her own life. Shy Matilda, or Tillie, is the joke of her school and her family, until a teacher opens her eyes to the wonders of science. When Tilllie’s project on the effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigold seeds is chosen for the school science fair, the dysfunctional family dynamic comes to a head.”

Friday, March 30 Victoria’s Wonderama 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This spring, Victoria Mansion will host an exhibit titled, Victoria’s Wonderama, a collection of artwork inspired by the Steampunk Movement. “A combination of science fiction and the post-industrial era, the Steampunk Movement envisions an alternate world in which steam is widely used to power technology. Followers of the movement examine both contemporary technology as well as Victorian-era innovations within the context of steam power. The end result? Artwork that is both retro and futuristic with a distinctly Victorian tinge. The exhibit will open March 30 and run through April 21. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday-Saturday. All admissions are only $10. Free croquet on the lawn Saturdays April 7, 14 and 21, weather and turf conditions permitting. The Carriage House Museum Shop is closed during this exhibit. Regular season tours of the Mansion will resume May 1.

Falmouth Historical Society table games 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. At Holy Martyrs Church, 266 Foreside Road, Falmouth. “Did you register for The Falmouth Historical Society’s biannual fundraiser table games on March 30 from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call your friends who play bridge or other table games. Put a foursome together and enjoy a light lunch and beverages. $12/person and all proceeds benefit The Falmouth Historical Society. For reservations call Mary Honan at 781-2705 or The Society at 781-4727.”

Peter Bebergal at the Portland Public Library noon to 1 p.m. Peter Bebergal, author of “Too Much to Dream.” The Friday Local Author Series is held from noon to 1 p.m. in the Main Library’s Meeting Room 5. Portland Public Library.

April Fools Weekend events at The Woods 2 p.m. The Woods at Canco, an independent senior living community located at 257 Canco Road in Portland, invites area seniors to its free April Fools Weekend events March 30 through April 1. Events include a women’s Tripoli challenge on March 30 at 2 p.m., a singing performance with Dave on March 31 at 3 p.m., and Name That Tune on April 1 at 3 p.m. To RSVP, or to learn more, please call The Woods at Canco at 772-4777.

Birdie Googins at Emerald City 6 p.m. Maine Queen of Comedy is releasing a DVD of her stand up comedy show: “Birdie Googins: Accidentally Maine’s Only Supermodel & Possible Future Queen.” “Fabulously popular, superbly glamorous, always making a cutting edge fashion statement that only a super model can make. Ms. Googins will be making her appearance at Emerald City in Portland on Friday, March 30, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. promoting her DVD and signing autographs. DVD’s

will be available for purchase, with autograph … priceless!!” 564 Congress St.

The Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou 7 p.m. The Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou in Portland. “Considered one of the foremost religious leaders of his generation, Reverend Sekou is an author, documentary filmmaker, public intellectual, organizer, pastor and theologian. Reverend Sekou will read from his collection ‘Gods, Gays, and Guns: Essays on Religion and the future of Democracy’ at Longfellow Books at 7 p.m. Longfellow Books events are open to the public and always free to attend.

Maine Festival of the Book 7:30 p.m. This year’s Maine Festival of the Book, to be held in Portland from March 29 to April 1, once again boasts a full schedule not just for adults, but for younger ages, too. Children and youth programming will be featured on Saturday, March 31 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Emerald City, 564 Congress St., will host Birdie Googins for a CD release on Friday at 6 p.m. (COURTESY Abromson Center, University PHOTO) of Southern Maine, Portland. Programming includes a full schedule not just for adults, but for younger ages, too. readings and book-related, hands-on activities with chilChildren and youth programming will be featured on Saturday, dren’s authors and illustrators Brenda Reeves Sturgis, Lynn March 31 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Abromson Center, Plourde, Rebekah Raye, Jeannie Brett, Barbara Walsh, University of Southern Maine, Portland. Programming includes Anne Sibley O’Brien, Reza Jalali, Maria Testa, and Nathan readings and book-related, hands-on activities with children’s Walker, along with programs featuring young adult authors authors and illustrators Brenda Reeves Sturgis, Lynn Plourde, Amalie Howard, Elizabeth Miles, and Sarah L. Thomson, Rebekah Raye, Jeannie Brett, Barbara Walsh, Anne Sibley graphic novelist Ben Bishop, and the professional writers O’Brien, Reza Jalali, Maria Testa, and Nathan Walker, along of The Telling Room. Program topics include family pets, with programs featuring young adult authors Amalie Howard, multicultural stories, and mountain adventures, along with Elizabeth Miles, and Sarah L. Thomson, graphic novelist Ben vampires, turkeys, cows, squirrels, and other creatures, too. Bishop, and the professional writers of The Telling Room. Additional children and youth authors will be at the festival Program topics include family pets, multicultural stories, and selling books and signing them from noon to 2 p.m. on Satmountain adventures, along with vampires, turkeys, cows, urday. Friday, March 30, 7:30 p.m. — Opening Night: Tony squirrels, and other creatures, too. Additional children and Horwitz, Abromson Center, University of Southern Maine. youth authors will be at the festival selling books and signing Pulitzer Prize-winner Tony Horwitz, author of the historical them from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday. narratives Midnight Rising and Confederates in the Attic ‘Swan Lake’ gives an illustrated talk. (Tickets to benefit Maine Reads at 2 p.m. Performances of “Swan Lake” are scheduled for 2 starting in February.). For a complete p.m. on Saturday, March 31, and 2 p.m. on Sunday, April festival schedule go to 1. Tickets are on sale through Porttix at 842-0800, online

Stache Pag

9:30 p.m. Mustaches will tickle the fancy of Portlanders, with the fifth annual Stache Pag, to be held Friday, March 30, at Port City Music Hall, and “The International Moustache Film Festival brought to you by Progressive” Saturday, March 31, at the Deering Grange Hall, Portland. The Stache Pag is when dozens of moustachioed men from across Maine, and the world, will compete for trophies in four moustache categories: The Uncle Rico, The Magnum PI, The 1899 Maine Legislature and The Thigh Tickler. After several rounds of rigorous judging, crowd applause determines the winner of each category. The March 30 event will be held at Port City Music Hall. 7:30 p.m. — Special Advance World Premiere screening of inaugural Stache Film Fest exclusively for Stache Pag contestants and VIP’s. 9:30 p.m. — Doors open to public. A portion of the proceeds from the event go to benefit MENSK and MyStacheFightsCancer. Visit www. “The International Moustache Film Festival brought to you by Progressive” will be Saturday, March 31, at the Deering Grange Hall, Portland, with screenings at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. The film festival proceeds are going to benefit the non-profit film archive Northeast Historic Film in Bucksport. Visit

Saturday, March 31 Adoptable Dogs in Sanford 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Animal Welfare Society Mobile Adoption Team will visit Tractor Supply, 1170 Main St., Sanford with adoptable dogs. For more information, call Animal Welfare Society ( at 985-3244 or Tractor Supply at 490-0034.

Maine Festival of the Book noon. This year’s Maine Festival of the Book, to be held in Portland from March 29 to April 1, once again boasts

at, or at the Merrill Auditorium box office: noon to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Tickets are priced at $20-$40, and discounts are available for groups, seniors and children. “Maine State Ballet is one of the state’s leading performing arts institutions. Its two major components are the School for the Performing Arts, offering instruction in several dance styles to more than 500 children and adults; and the Maine State Ballet Company, comprised of more than 25 professional dancers who train and perform at many venues throughout the year. Two local foundations, the Sam L. Cohen Foundation and the Davis Family Foundation, each contributed $7,500 to the production. The funds will be used to offset technical costs of the ambitious production, including special lighting.” For more information, call Maine State Ballet at 781-7672, or visit

Portland Women’s Rugby Football Club 2:30 p.m. “With the announcement of USA Rugby’s plan to create more women’s teams, the Portland Women’s Rugby Football Club is ready to train hard, play harder, and defend their championship title this spring. This past fall, the Portland Women’s Rugby team won the Northeastern Rugby Union Champions title in New Jersey, earning them the number one seed in the country and a place at the USA Rugby Nationals in Virginia Beach in November. After a loss to the Sacramento Amazons and then two consecutive wins against Memphis and Burlington, the team finished fifth place in the nation for DII Women’s Rugby.” On Saturday, March 31, PWRFC will host their home opener with a 2:30 p.m. kickoff against Norwich University at their home field, 120 Fox St. in Portland. For more information about PWRFC, or questions about joining, contact President Brittney Braasch ( or visit see next page

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, March 28, 2012

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Guests receive a bowl, soup, and bread. All are welcome. The suggested donation is $10. Haiti crafts will be for sale. Haitian folk music. 773-6562

The International Moustache Film Festival

Owl Prowl

3 p.m. and 7 p.m. “The International Moustache Film Festival brought to you by Progressive” will be Saturday, March 31, at the Deering Grange Hall, Portland, with screenings at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. The film festival proceeds are going to benefit the nonprofit film archive Northeast Historic Film in Bucksport. Visit

Cesar Chavez Observance 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Maine Global Institute presents a Cesar Chavez observance at the First Parish of Portland, 425 Congress St. in observance of Chavez’s birthday and the 50th anniversary of his founding of the United Farm Workers of America. “The growing importance of Chavez going into this century is much more than that of being a union and Latino civil rights leader. Over 65 percent of the New England supported Chavez boycott efforts during the 1970s because he sought to address the basic human needs of America’s poorest working people. Last year, we celebrated the first ever observance ever held at First Parish with presentations on the universality and diversity of Chavez. This March 31 promises to be a discussion on what the values of Chavez mean for this American century.” 518-9177

6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Take part in a unique nighttime adventure — calling in owls during breeding season. $35/$45. www.

Country Western Night at Anthony’s 7 p.m. Anthony’s Dinner Theater and Cabaret. March 31. Starring Gloria Jean from Maine Country Music Hall of Fame along with her group Timeless and Paul Andrulli and Jim Cavallaro. Call 221-2267 for reservations. Free Parking, Handicap Accessible, Beer & Wine,

U.S. Senate Democratic primary candidates debate 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Portland Club will be hosting a debate between the Democratic primary candidates for the U.S. Senate. All four candidates who will be on the Democratic primary ballot have communicated their attention to take part in the debate. The Democratic primary candidates are: Cynthia Dill, current State Senator from Cape Elizabeth; Matt Dunlap, of Old Town, a former State legislator and Secretary of State; Jon Hinck, current State senator from Portland; and Benjamin Pollard, a Portland businessman and educator.

Monday, April 2

Haiti Empty Bowl Supper 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The annual Sacred Heart/ St. Dominic Church Empty Bowl Supper to support Christ the King School in Morne Rouge, Haiti, will take place in the church hall at the corner of Mellen and Sherman streets (parking on the street and in the PROP LOT at Cumberland and Mellen). All proceeds go to teacher salaries and children’s nutrition for the six-grade school.

‘The Faces of Legal Aid in Maine’ 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. “The often invisible faces of Mainers in need of legal assistance will be brought to light in a new exhibit by photographer Martha Mickles at the Portland Public Library.” The show, “Justice for All: The Faces of Legal Aid in Maine,” will be held from Monday, April 2 through mid-July

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Rahma Hussein, 18, works at the East End Community School garden, Wednesday, where the Cultivating Community Youth Growers program tends to the beds. In season, the program also sells vegetables at the Boyd Street Urban Farm at Kennedy Park, next to Franklin Street. On Sunday, April 22, the public celebrate Earth Day by coming out to Cultivating Community’s Boyd St. Urban Farm in downtown Portland and help the nonprofit organization get ready for the 2012 growing season. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) in the lower level of the Portland Public Library next to the Rines Auditorium. It is sponsored by the Maine Bar Foundation. “The pictorial series documents the experiences of real Maine people seeking justice within Maine’s legal system. It features the faces of seniors who may lose their homes, young mothers fighting for their children’s education, and immigrants trying to reunite with their families. It promotes the right to legal assistance among people who often go unnoticed by the general public.”

Illuminating The Beauty and Tragedy of Darfur 6 p.m. “In November 2011 students from Falmouth High School participated in an extraordinary event as part of First Friday Art Walk that brought awareness to the genocide in Darfur, Sudan through their magnificent works of art. Once again, you have the opportunity to view these inspiring and breathtaking works of art created by Falmouth student artists representing Darfur’s beauty contrasted with the tragic genocide.” Illuminating The Beauty and Tragedy of Darfur will be the new “beautifully lit” gallery’s first opening in the theater lobby at Falmouth High School. The Pihcintu Multicultural Chorus, directed by Con Fullam, who were recently featured

on the Today Show, will be lending their voices to this occasion. “I am touched to the heart each time I hear them sing,” said Reza Jalali, head of Multi-Cultural Affairs at the University of Southern Maine. The Malika Sudanese dancers will be back on the theater stage in Falmouth. Viewing the artwork, mingling, meeting with the artists, and sampling Sudanese food will take place between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Student musicians will perform light background music. At 7 p.m. there will be a performance by Pihcintu and the Malika dancers. This event is free, but donations at the door will be gratefully accepted for United to End Genocide and the Fur Cultural Revival.

Third Coast Listening Room: Lights Out 7:30 p.m. “Third Coast International Audio Festival directors Johanna Zorn and Julie Shapiro host an evening of stories about metaphorical and literal darkness: blackouts, blindness, lost love, and misadventures in space. Come out for an audio ‘screening’ in the dark, and to learn more about the 2012 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge.” Co-Presented by SPACE and The Salt Institute for Documentary Studies. $5 suggested donation, free for SPACE Gallery members, all ages.

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