The Portland Daily Sun, Friday, April 20, 2012

Page 1

FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 2012

VOL. 4 NO. 56





Dogs on leashes and other novelties

‘Overflow is at capacity’ for homeless shelters, spurring quest for space

See Cliff Gallant, page 5

Three committees formed to seek solutions — Page 3

Steampunk epiphany at the Mansion — Page 8

Burglar steals cash register from diner See story on page 13 Martha Vibbert of Boston reads up on Tom Couture’s photographic take on steampunk-inspired scenes at Victoria Mansion Thursday. Vibbert and Noah Lattanzi, also of Boston, caught a glimpse of Victoria’s Wonderama, an exhibit which continues through Saturday. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

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Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012

The Band’s Levon Helm dies at 71 (NY Times) — Levon Helm, who helped forge a deep-rooted American music as the drummer and singer for the Band, died on Thursday in Manhattan. He was 71 and lived in Woodstock, N.Y. His death, at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, was from complications of cancer, a spokeswoman for Vanguard Records said. He had recorded several albums for the label. In Helm’s drumming, muscle, swing, economy and finesse were inseparably merged. His voice held the bluesy, weathered and resilient essence of his Arkansas upbringing in the Mississippi Delta. Helm was the American linchpin of the otherwise Canadian group that became Bob Dylan’s backup band and then the Band. Its own songs, largely written by the Band’s guitarist, Jaime Robbie Robertson, and pianist, Richard Manuel, spring from roadhouse, church, backwoods, river and farm. After the Band broke up in 1976, Helm performed at every opportunity, working with a partly reunited Band and leading his own groups. He also acted in films, notably “Coal Miner’s Daughter.” In the 2000s he became a roots-music patriarch, turning his barn in Woodstock — which had been a recording studio since 1975 — into the home of down-home, concerts called Midnight Rambles, which led to tours and Grammy-winning albums. Helm gave his drums a muffled, bottom-heavy sound that placed them in the foundation of the arrangements, and his tomtoms were tuned so that their pitch would bend downward as the tone faded. But his playing didn’t call attention to himself. Three bass-drum thumps at the beginning of one of the Band’s anthems, “The Weight,“ were all that he needed to establish the song’s gravity. His playing served the song. But in being tersely responsive to the music, it also had an improvisational feel. In a 1984 interview with Modern Drummer magazine Helm described the “right ingredients” for his work in music and film as “life and breath, heart and soul.”


I like walking on the edge.” —Levon Helm

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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

India, eye on China, tests missile with longer range NEW DELHI (NY Times) — India said Thursday that it had successfully launched a missile with nuclear capability and a range of 3,100 miles, giving it the ability to strike Beijing and Shanghai and heightening fears of an Asian arms race. With the launching of the missile, called the Agni 5, India joins a small group of countries with long-range nuclear missile capability, including China, Britain, France, Russia, Israel and the United States. Agni is the Hindi word for fire. The launching comes amid growing international apprehension about the militarization of Asia and a stepped-up strategic rivalry there between the United States and China. In March,

Beijing announced a double-digit increase in military spending, and India recently became the world’s top arms buyer, displacing China, in part because China has increased it domestic production of weapons. And on Thursday, South Korea tested a missile capable of hitting anywhere in North Korea, less than a week after North Korea launched a rocket that failed minutes after takeoff. The missile launching in India “increases the perception of an arms race, and the reality of an arms race, in East Asia, particularly between China and India,” said Graeme P. Herd, head of the international security program at the Geneva Center for Security Policy, which trains diplomats on peace and security issues.

U.N. and U.S. take sharper tone on Syrian government BEIRUT, Lebanon (NY Times) — The secretary general of the United Nations gave a dark appraisal of the Syria conflict on Thursday, accusing its government of failing to carry out nearly every element of the peace plan that took effect a week ago, obstructing work by an advance team of cease-fire monitors and doing nothing to alleviate an intensifying humanitarian crisis on the ground. The appraisal, made at the United Nations by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, came as new pressure on the Syria government was looming from Paris, where Secretary of State

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Hillary Rodham Clinton, attending a meeting of the Friends of Syria coalition of countries seeking to aid the Syrian opposition, called for a new Security Council resolution to enforce sanctions on President Bashar al-Assad’s government. In her remarks, Clinton acknowledged such a resolution was likely to be vetoed by Russia, a staunch supporter of Assad, but that even Russia had recognized “that we are not in a static situation but a deteriorating one.” She also hinted at a possible NATO role in the conflict because of Syrian shelling last week across the border into Turkey,

a NATO member, where thousands of Syrian refugees and armed anti-Assad groups have sought sanctuary. She said Turkey had discussed such an option at a NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels this week. Under an article in the NATO treaty, an attack on one member can be construed to be an attack on all. In a statement from the Paris meeting, the Friends of Syria group, which includes the United States, France, Britain, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, said that if the peace plan failed, “the U.N. Security Council and international community would have to look at other options.”

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Retirements dim hopes of democrats to retake House CONCORD N.C. (NY Times) — Representative Larry Kissell slid into a diner booth here and sought to explain — with no small amount of irritation, since he has apparently been asked many times — his decision to run in his newly configured House district in contrast to two fellow North Carolina Democrats who retired rather than risk defeat in districts reshaped by Republicans. Republicans see North Carolina as the state that stands between Democrats and their dreams of retaking the House. Congressional redistricting, a decennial process that generally allows the party in power in each state to draw new lines, has not created a ton of opportunities for new seats for Republicans, as the party powers once expected. It has forced multiple House Democrats, viewing their odds in new districts as slim, into retirement. Many of those districts are now either in play or solidly Republican, making the climb for Democrats all that more onerous. On paper, Democrats need a net gain of 25 seats to take back House control. In reality, the number is closer to 30 or even 35 since the party not only is likely to lose the seats of retiring Democrats in North Carolina, but also face tougher odds in Arkansas, California, Oklahoma, Indiana, Illinois and perhaps in Arizona, in the district once served by former Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Over all, 15 Democrats have announced their retirements from the House, compared with 10 Republicans. Seven Democrats and eight Republicans have also opted to run for other offices. Among the lot, Republicans leave far more safe seats behind than their Democratic counterparts.


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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012— Page 3


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Committees to tackle strain on homeless shelters BY CRAIG LYONS THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

In order to meet the growing demand from Portland's homeless population, a group of shelters has agreed to set up three committees to develop a strategy to address the need in the community. The city's Emergency Shelter Assessment Committee will look at three areas — which include rehousing efforts, coordinated services and additional space — to meet the demand for shelters, according to Doug Gardner, the city's director of health and human services. ESAC is a group that brings together representatives from the homeless shelters, social service agencies and advocacy groups to specifically deal with the issues of homelessness. The initiative was establish in concert with a continuum of care grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. During the past two years, Gardner said, the city has seen a significant increase in its homeless population. "There's been a steady increase," he said, and it's across all the city's demographics. In March, the city's various shelters housed a total of 365 individuals — which is a 20 per-

“It has really gotten to a point where the overflow is at capacity.” — Doug Gardner, Portland’s director of health and human services cent increase over the number for March 2011, according to statistics for HHS. Given the increasing population, Gardner said, the city created several overflow locations. Since then, he said, the shelters' plight has worsened. "It has really gotten to a point where the overflow is at capacity," he said. The ESAC group last week convened an emergency meeting since the situation needed to be addressed, Gardner said, and that group has recommended that some committees be formed that can work quickly. ESAC has recommended that three committees be established to look at the overcrowding issues from three different perspectives. Gardner said one group will look at creating a system so housing vacancies can be found more efficiently; the second will look at what resources are available

within the faithbased community; and the last will look at what building might be available within the city if additional shelter space is needed. He said the group has yet to figure Gardner out a timeline for the committees' work. The answer won't come from one organization, said Gardner, and it will take a group of providers to help find a solution. Gardner said the system is overtaxed and overburdened and on any given night, the shelters are housing 50 more people than they normally have capacity for. The committee is trying to find a way to deal with the problem, said Gardner, since there's no single factor that can be easily tackled to stop homelessness. "That's what makes this more challenging to develop strategies around," he said. To deal with the issues at the root of homelessness, Gardner said, the city created a task force to develop a strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness in Portland. "That's moving forward," he said.

Area schools win Safe Routes funding DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT Longfellow Elementary in Portland, Freeport Middle and Mast Landing Elementary Schools in Freeport, Pleasant Hill Primary School in Scarborough and Canal, Congin, and Saccarappa Elementary Schools in Westbrook all received “mini-grants” through the Maine Safe Routes to School Program. Longfellow Elementary will use the grant for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education Presentations in school curriculum; Bike Train to School on National Bike to School Day (May 9); a Bike Skills Rodeo; and “Kidical Mass” family bike rides in spring, summer and fall, according to the Maine Department of Transportation. The other schools listed similar applications of the grant. In Scarborough and Westbrook, Healthy Rivers Region partnered on funding, MaineDOT reported. The Maine Safe Routes to School Program announced the selection of its 2012 mini-grant recipients last week. The program is made possible through the federal Safe Routes to

School program with the assistance of several local Healthy Maine Partnerships, according to a program press release. Twenty-one schools, municipalities and organizations from across the state will receive $250-$500 to support projects designed to encourage students and their families to safely walk and bicycle to school, the press release stated. The mini-grant activities, some led by students, will occur this spring and, for some communities, continue through the fall. “We continue to be impressed with how communities can leverage a very small amount of funding and a lot of commitment to develop new programs and to build upon strategies that may already be working well,” said Dan Stewart, the State Safe Routes to School coordinator at MaineDOT. “We received three times the number of applications as last year’s process, which is a great sign of the activity and interest in walking and biking for young people around the state — as well as the desire communities have for a variety of transportation options.”

In January, Bob Reynolds, who said he is homeless, pauses in a doorway at 566 Congress St. near a replica of a Maine labor mural. By March, the city’s various shelters housed a total of 365 individuals — which is a 20 percent increase over the number for March 2011, according to statistics for the city’s Health and Human Services Department. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012

––––––––––––– COLUMN –––––––––––––

Not quite a teen, yet sold for sex If you think sex trafficking only happens in faraway places like Nepal or Thailand, then you should listen to an expert on American sex trafficking I interviewed the other day. But, first, wish her happy birthday. She turns 16 years old on Thursday. She asked me to call her Brianna in this column because she worries that it could impede her plans to become a lawyer if I use her real name. Brianna, who grew up in New York City, is smart, poised and enjoys writing poetry. One evening when she was 12 years old she got into a fight with her mom and ran out to join friends. “I didn’t want to go home, because I thought I’d get in trouble,” she said, and a friend’s older brother told her she could stay at his place. ––––– Brianna figured she would The New York go home in the morning — and that that would teach her mom Times a lesson. But when morning arrived, her new life began. “I tried to leave, and he said, ‘you can’t go; you’re mine,’ ” Brianna recalled. He told her that he was a pimp and that she was now his property. The pimp locked her in the room, she recalled, and

Nicholas D. Kristof

see KRISTOF page 5

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper Mark Guerringue, Publisher David Carkhuff, Editor Craig Lyons, Reporter Natalie Ladd, Business Development Joanne Alfiero, Sales Representative Contributing Writers: Timothy Gillis, Marge Niblock, Christian Milneil, Bob Higgins, Karen Vachon, Cliff Gallant, James Howard Kunstler Founding Editor Curtis Robinson THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5806 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5806 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Dogs on leashes and other canine novelties One has to be very careful what one says here. Dogs have achieved a status today that once was unimaginable, at least in my world. I’ve had to be reeducated in this regard, and it’s a matter that I dare not take lightly. You see, I was a country kid and we had a dog that I still miss to this day. Pixie was her name, and we loved her, but we knew she was a dog and everyone treated her like a dog. We patted and hugged her a lot, she knew she was loved, and, yes, she was considered to be a member of the family, but only sort of. Full family status was reserved for, you know, people. Pixie was a mongrel. Which was, of course, the only kind of dog to have. Everyone said that pure bred dogs are stupid and selfish and drool a lot. Besides, you have to buy them. Imagine buying a dog. We had all we could do to give Pixie’s puppies away. Everyone already had a dog. But the puppies were always cute beyond words and full of life, so one by one they went here and there. Out in the the country, taking a dog for a walk was an alien concept. They ran free with us kids wherever we went. I really can’t recall the existence of a leash. No way anyone was going to put a collar around Pixie’s neck and drag her around by a leash when I was around. So you can see why I’ve had trouble adjusting to the new order of things. Having a dog is no longer a simple matter. It’s a commitment that in some ways is even greater than that of having children – at least children tend to become less dependent as time goes on. With dogs you’ll always be the one to feed them, bring them to the vet, and take them for walks at least twice a day. And you’ll also always be the one who’s responsible for their psychological state of mind. You have to pay a lot of attention to whether

Cliff Gallant –––––

Daily Sun Columnist Out in the the country, taking a dog for a walk was an alien concept. They ran free with us kids wherever we went. I really can’t recall the existence of a leash. or not they’re happy and you have to know what to do if there’s any indication that they’re not. If they chew up your shoe, for instance, you can’t give in to the urge to swat, heavens no. Dang the loss of the shoe, you have to ask yourself what the dog was trying to communicate by acting out in that way. It couldn’t be that they did it just because they’re a dog and like to chew things up, it’s more likely that you haven’t been paying enough attention to them lately and they’re angry with you. So you try to do better. This all would be a lot harder to take if I didn’t love dogs. I do, though, so there you go. I also live near the Eastern Prom, so it’s good that I love dogs, otherwise my life wouldn’t be worth living. The sunrises and island views are nice, as is the Fourth of July, but dogs are really what the neighborhood is all about. We’ve got something up here called April Stools Day, a day when volunteers fan out across the Prom picking up the year’s accumulated doggie deposits. The name of the day is so good it’s almost too much to bear. Diane Davidson, whose husband Jeff

I just can’t bring myself to describe. Just show up and look for people carrying little blue plastic bags bulging with, well, bulging. Which brings up a point. Picking up after your dog is a good thing, for many different reasons, but what are people thinking when they leave the little plastic bags on the ground instead of disposing of them properly? Wouldn’t it be better if they hadn’t made any kind of effort at all? Dog stuff eventually gets washed away by the elements, but plastic is forever. So if people are not going to follow through and dispose of the goods Steve Duong walks the East End Beach with chihuahuas Dude (front) and properly maybe Fandango. Also enjoying the summerlike conditions was a third dog, Queso, they should just a chihuahua Jack Russell terrier mix. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) leave things as they lie. They might get came up with the name, started April some scornful looks from their fellow Stools Day about twenty years ago. dog walkers, that’s true, but they’d be In the intervening years it’s become a an absolute hero to the next dog to very lively social affair and a lot of fun. come along. Amazing that some people can make Arf. Arf. even picking up doggie stuff into a cool thing. Be there or be square: tomor(Cliff Gallant of Portland is a regurow, Saturday, April 21, around nine lar columnist for The Portland Daily in the morning. There’s even prizes Sun. Email him at gallant.cliff555@ and trophies involved, if you can believe it. The trophies are for things

“I tried to leave, and he said, ‘you can’t go; you’re mine’” KRISTOF from page 4

alternately beat her and showed her affection. She says that he advertised her on, the leading Web site for sex trafficking in America today, as well as on other Web sites. “He felt that Backpage made him the most money,” Brianna said, estimating that half of her pimp’s business came through Backpage. Backpage accounts for about 70 percent of America’s prostitution ads (many placed by consenting adults who are not trafficked), according to AIM Group, a trade organization. Backpage cooperates with police and tries to screen out ads for underage girls, but that didn’t help Brianna. Backpage is owned by Village Voice Media, and significant minority stakes have been held in recent years by Goldman Sachs and smaller financial firms such as Trimaran Capital Partners and Alta Communications. My research shows that representatives of Goldman, Trimaran and Alta, along with a founder of Brynwood Partners, all sat on the board of Village Voice Media, and there’s no indication that they ever protested its business aims. When I wrote recently about this, these firms erupted in excuses and self-pity, and in some cases

raced to liquidate their stakes. I was struck by the self-absorption and narcissism of Wall Street bankers viewing themselves as victims, so maybe it’s useful to hear from girls who were victimized through the company they invested in. I met Brianna at Gateways, a treatment center for girls who have been sexually trafficked. It’s in Pleasantville, 35 miles north of New York City, on a sprawling estate overseen by the Jewish Child Care Association. Gateways is meant for girls ages 12 to 16, although it has accepted one who was just 11 years old. Virtually all the girls have been sold on Backpage, according to Lashauna Cutts, the center’s director. Gateways has only 13 beds, and Cutts says that the need is so great that she could easily fill 1,300. “I have to turn away girls almost every day,” Cutts told me. The public sometimes assumes that teenage girls in the sex trade are working freely, without coercion. It’s true that most aren’t physically imprisoned by pimps, but threats and violence are routine. The girls typically explain that they didn’t try to escape because of a complex web of emotions, including fear of the pimp but also a deluded affection and a measure of Stockholm syndrome.

Once, Brianna says, she looked out her window — and there was her mother on the street, crying and posting “missing” posters with Brianna’s photo. “I tried to shout to her through the window,” she remembered. But her pimp grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. “If you shout, I’ll kill you,” she remembers him saying. “If I tried to run, I thought he might kill me, or I’d be hurt,” she said. “And, if I went to the cops, I thought I’d be the one in trouble. I’d go to jail.” Pimps warn girls to distrust the police, and often they’re right. Bridgette Carr, who runs a humantrafficking clinic at the University of Michigan Law School, tells of a 16-year-old girl who went missing. A family member found a photo of the girl on Backpage and alerted authorities. Police raided the pimp’s motel room and “rescued” the girl — by handcuffing her and detaining her for three weeks. That mind-set has to change. Police and prosecutors must target pimps and johns, not teenage victims. Trafficked girls deserve shelters, not jails, and online emporiums like Backpage should stop abetting pimps. Sex trafficking is just as unacceptable in America as in Thailand or Nepal. And let’s all wish our expert, Brianna, a joyous “Sweet Sixteen” birthday!

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012

Mayors, governor issue statements on general assistance

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“disappointed” property taxpayers.” by Gov. Paul Gov. LePage responded, “Under LePage’s the block grant proposal, the state recent linehas offered municipalities’ substanitem veto of tial flexibility with regard to progeneral assisgram design, eligibility, nature of tance funding. assistance, and other program eleGov. LePage ments. The proposal allows municianswered yespalities to customize their general terday with assistance to local needs and to a statement reduce local government welfare of his own, costs. While the state cannot manstating, “The date municipalities to restructure Brennan Mayors’ assertheir general assistance programs, tion that the it is an option for mayors to conproposed welfare changes will shift sider.” millions of dollars in costs from the The coalition said that without state to local property taxpayers is this state funding, “municipalities a local choice.” will have to raise property taxes to The coalition noted that funding cover the state’s obligation.” for general assistance, emergency Brennan said, “We are supportaid distributed to towns and cities ive of the bipartisan compromise in Maine, would be hindered by the general assistance plan that was governor’s recent line-item veto to reached by the Appropriations a legislative proposal to reduce Committee as part of its deliberaLePage general assistance reimbursement tions on LD 1903. It made signififrom 90 percent to 85 percent. The governor sought cant changes in the program and set in motion a 50 percent reimbursement. Legislators polled memprocess to make further improvements.” bers in the respective parties about returning to LePage recalled his eight years as mayor of WaterAugusta this week to seek an override vote on the ville and argued that general assistance can be line-item vetoes. Democrats supported the move, restructured. but Republicans declined, seeking instead to take up “I was able to significantly lower General Assisthe issue in mid-May when the Maine Legislature tance costs through efficient management. I underreconvenes. stood the original intent of General Assistance “In March, the Mayors’ Coalition raised serious was to provide immediate short-term assistance. concerns regarding Governor LePage’s proposed Instead, for many communities, it’s become a means major changes to general assistance,” the coalito provide long-term housing and welfare benefits,” tion stated. “Those changes would have shifted he said. millions of dollars in costs from the state to local — Staff Report

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012— Page 7

Gov. Paul LePage, Clynk’s CEO Clayton King, Vice President of Retail Operations Andy Mayo and Maine DEP Commissioner Patricia gather for an awards ceremony Thursday. (Photo courtesy of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection)

Clynk wins governor’s award DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT Clynk has been recognized as part of the first state-sponsored environmental achievement awards handed out in Maine since 2005, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection reported. The South Portland-based company was honored as one of six stewards of sustainability presented with the 2012 Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence by Gov. Paul LePage and Maine Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Patricia Aho in a ceremony Thursday at Jotul North America’s headquarters in Gorham. The awards, administered by the Maine DEP and scheduled in conjunction with Earth Day, which is Sunday, "recognize entities voluntarily going beyond regulatory requirements to creatively and collaboratively initiate innovation that is both environmentally and economically sustainable," a DEP press release stated. Clynk won in the “Businesses Over

50 Employees” category for their efforts in effectively engaging thousands of Mainers in returning nearly 300 million containers since 2006 — enough to fill Fenway Park to the top of the Green Monster more than three times. Earlier this year, the company released a new service that allows its account holders to track in real time the environmental benefits that result directly from the specific beverage containers they recycle at the nearly 50 partnering Hannaford supermarkets. “In addition to bringing new customers into those participating Hannaford supermarkets from Old Town to York, Clynk’s system has benefited beverage companies by enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of Maine’s bottle return program,” the press release noted. “A partner in Oregon, where the nation’s first bottle takeback program was launched, has recently contracted with the company to bring its system there,” DEP reported.

Groups file suit over MaineCare changes DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT The Maine American Civil Liberties Union and the Maine Equal Justice Partners yesterday sued the Maine Department of Health and Human Services after a man's Maine Care benefits were cut off. The suit was filed yesterday in U.S. District Court and alleges that when the state made changes to Maine Care that removed provision that covered people who are from other countries that are legally residing in Maine and created a five-year waiting period, according to a press release. The suit centers on the case of Hans Bruns, of Fort Fairfield, who has resided in Maine since 2007 and lost his benefits last year while undergoing cancer treatments. The suit asks the court to restore Bruns' benefits as well as those of nearly 500 people who found themselves in the same situation. “Hans Bruns has cancer and is suf-

fering from incredible pain. Without proper treatment, Hans faces a terrifying and painful fight for his life with a very poor prognosis for survival,” said Robyn Merrill, a policy analyst and attorney for Maine Equal Justice Partners, in a statement. “We are asking the court to restore Hans’ health insurance coverage so he can get the full range of treatment that could result in better health outcomes and ease his suffering.” The lack of access to Maine Care for these residents may leave many of them unable to pay for their health care. “Hans and an estimated 500 other Mainers have been put in jeopardy by being inappropriately denied access to health care. We believe that current Maine law, as adopted last year, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and that health care coverage should be restored,” said Zachary Heiden, the legal director for the ACLU of Maine, in a statement.

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012

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Artist Greta Bank envisioned the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in this colorful scene in Victoria Mansion’s reception room. This exhibit originally was intended for vacant storefront windows, the artist explained, with the word, “Clearance” as part of the title. Bank transposed it, title intact, to the historic mansion. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

“A lot of Italian for not much American”

Victoria Mansion revels in steampunk creations BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN


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Faced with displays on vampire hunting, rats tangled on a bed, an absinthe-powered mechanical arm or an insect lab with robotlike creepy crawlies, Lisa Pixley admits that she wasn't sure how patrons of the regal 19th century Victoria Mansion would react. Pixley, curator of Victoria's Wonderama, an exhibit of steampunk-inspired art that's entering its final weekend at Victoria Mansion, worried that the offbeat take on Victorian society and mores would alienate visitors to Portland's one-of-a-kind pre-Civil War residence. As it turns out, she couldn't have been more wrong. "I thought there would be a few complaints from the mansion's more conventional patrons, but I guess I'm the one who needs to adjust my perspective about the community of historical museum goers, because everyone has been so awesome, wonderful, excited and supportive of this exhibition," Pixley told The Sun. "I'm overwhelmed by the positive feedback, and so proud and honored that I was so trusted with my vision for this exhibit at the mansion." Thomas Johnson, director of Victoria Mansion, said Victoria's Wonderama has electrified visitors, drawing attention from around the world. "It's been a fantastically received exhibit here, we've

Martha Vibbert and Noah Lattanzi, both of Boston, descend the staircase at Victoria Mansion Thursday after taking in the Victoria’s Wonderama exhibit. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

experienced wonderful visitation and consistently wonderful comments about it," he said. Victoria's Wonderama ends its three-week run Saturday. Johnson admits that visitors on the final two days may do a doubletake, if they aren't prepared for the intricate but often outlandish concepts captured in the separate art displays. "I don't think when poeple think of Victoria Mansion, ste-

ampunk comes to mind," he acknowledged. Steampunk, for the uninitiated, "is a literary and aesthetic movement bound up in Victoriana and an alternate history of steam technology," explains Michelle Souliere, owner of the Green Hand bookshop who blogs at Strange Maine (http://www. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012— Page 9

Victoria Mansion director: ‘It’s a wildly fun show’ from preceding page

"Think gears and clanking gizmos, all the best contraptions of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne brought to life, sporting brass and velvet with all the bells and whistles." Souliere celebrated the Wonderema exhibit, urging the public to sample the outgrowths of imagination at 109 Danforth St. "Take steampunk, and steep it in the rarified air of the Victoria Mansion, fermented in the intense imaginations of a handful of determined artists, and you have an alembic to create the finest gold from these ingredients," she wrote. For Johnson, Victoria's Wonderama has been a steady draw. "It's attracting a lot of attention for us," Johnson said. Last Saturday, 140 people came through the doors, "an extraordinary number of people" to visit the mansion, he said. Two women flew up from Washington, D.C. specifically for the exhibit. "I'll be honest, I did not know the depth of interest in this internationally, we've had people from London and Europe making comments on our site about it. It's been a wonderful experience for us," Johnson said. Pixley, founding member of the Pickwick Independent Press, a fine art printing facility in Portland, brought the concept to Johnson. "We were approached by Lisa Pixley, because she knew the mansion, and all of her friends in their 20s and 30s, they had never been here," Johnson recalled. "It's been amazing how many people, fully 95 percent of the people who have come through the house, have never been here before. They're consistently amazed." Couture, one of the artists involved in the exhibit, wrote that he had never been inside the mansion but

About the exhibit Victoria Mansion, also known as the Morse-Libby House, was built between 1858 and 1860 as a summer home for Ruggles Sylvester Morse, a Maine native who made his fortune in New Orleans as the proprietor of luxury hotels. Victoria’s Wonderama, according to its curator, Lisa Pixley, is a unique, site specific art exhibit inside Victoria Mansion at 109 Danforth St., Portland. The exhibit, which opened March 30, runs through Saturday. The exhibit may be visited between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. today and Saturday. The admission price is $10. For details, visit Check out artists exhibiting in Victoria’s Wonderama. They include Greta Bank: http://www.; Stephen Burt:; Mike Libby: collection/Beetles; Christian Matzke: http://www.; Scott Peterman:; David Twiss: http://; and Tom Couture: http://

had put it on his wish list of places to photograph. His display of color photography in the Wonderama exhibit evokes the feeling of tintypes of the 1800s. "Many of the artists said, they've exhibited in galleries and a gallery type atmosphere before, but their work didn't seem fully integrated before, but it does here," Johnson said. Souliere said Victoria Mansion makes perfect sense as the setting for a steampunk art exhibit. "It's the perfect time frame, and the elaborateness of the mansion really lends itself to that aesthetic," she said. Movies such as "Sherlock Holmes" have helped popularize the steampunk subgenre, and Souliere said she has witnessed a surge in interest in the

melding of history and fantasy at her bookshop. "There's been a trickle for a long time, but now there's a flood of steampunk fiction," she noted. Outside the literary world, many people who work in the dramatic arts, particularly in costuming, harbor a secret fascination with steampunk arts, and short film makers "always seem to have a closet steampunk project," Souliere noted. As for the Victoria Mansion display, Johnson said he thinks the art exhibit enhances the overall experience, casting the house's interior in sharper relief. "It's a real different experience in the mansion," he said. Then, there's the sheer novelty of it. "It's a wildly fun show," Johnson said. Christian Matzke drew inspiration from H.G. Wells, H.P. Lovecraft and Bram Stoker for his rollicking display in the library. "It's complete fantasy, it's an alternate reality," Johnson noted. "The library is set up as the library of the Great White Hunter at the turn of the century when Earth had a war with Mars. ... There's a Martian head hanging on the wall, fully articulated false arm, in the alternate reality a hunter lost his arm. ... There's a vampire kit in the library, there's this really amazing thing, it's called a Nosferat-View." The Nosferat-View, a somewhat tortured wordplay on the famous vampire film, "Nosferatu," is a device that allows a vampire hunter to scan a room, with the aid of specially placed mirrors, and detect the presence of bloodsuckers. "If you're in a room with people you can tell who the real people are and who are the vampires," Johnson explained. Finally, if there's a lesson to be learned from the Wonderama exhibit, perhaps it's that everyone can loosen up occasionally and have some fun. "I think it shows house museums don't necessarily have to be stuffy places," Johnson said.


by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis You have great empathy for another person’s plight. Your high level of emotional intelligence allows you to somehow understand even though you don’t have personal experience with the matter. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Thinking that you are supposed to know something will keep you from asking the questions that will lead you to really know it. If you dare to speak up, you’ll find that you’re not the only one in the room who’s in the dark. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ll be attuned to the sighs of the world. Sometimes sighing is an expression of letting go, and other times sighing says, “Look at me. I’m in psychic pain or longing or some other state of needing what I don’t have.” AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). People think they know you, but they really shouldn’t assume. You’re far too deep and complicated to be summed up with stereotypes or understood by type. Assert your originality, and show them all. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” Spoken like a true Pisces, these words by Albert Einstein may help you with your spiritual accounting today. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 20). This year you’ll put yourself out there in a bigger way. Somebody is looking for the qualities you embody, and you’ll be sought after in the weeks to come. There’s a promotion in May. In June, you express yourself beautifully, and life conforms to your specifications. You’ll replace a vice with something positive in August. Cancer and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 19, 26, 8 and 45.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Some people consider the colloquial “whatever” to be a curse word. It’s certainly an expression to avoid today, especially in regard to relationships that are already in a precarious place. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll have many blessings to count, and even better than that is the fact that these seem to be the blessings you most need. You’ll use your resources to serve and support the people you hold dear. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Clinging to old emotional patterns is not your style. You’ll hold your inner life up to examination. You’ll determine the patterns that need to be broken and put an end to them. Scorpio helps. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’re up on the latest news, and you’re ready to participate and do what’s expected of you. That’s not to say that any of it makes you happy, as you are plugged into an artistic, objective and non-conformist vibration now. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There’s something you really want to do, but your progress is excruciatingly slow. This is all the more reason why you should celebrate every move you make toward your goal as a small victory. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your latest interest is in something your friends and colleagues find unfamiliar. Go forward anyway; you’ll be a trailblazer. Your sophisticated taste will catapult everyone into the future eventually. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). There are times when the ethereal world seems more real than the so-called real world, and indeed it may be so, especially when the moon is in dreamy Pisces. After all, most things that exist started out as mere imaginings. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012

1 4 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 26 29 32 36 38 39 40 41 42

ACROSS Chow or collie Tobacco-drying kiln Presents Strong desire Longest river French farewell Fountain order Envelop Martini & __; wine makers Eternal DDE’s predecessor More stupid Barbie and Ken Sign of a gas leak, often Kitchen mixer Turns over Little miss African nation Easy gait Quarrel Consequently Vane direction

43 Bridal gown accessory 44 Lovers’ meeting 45 One-celled organism 47 Buck or doe 49 Weak & fragile 51 Uncommon occurrence 56 Jacuzzi 58 Neurotic impulse to steal 61 Prickly plants 63 Require 64 __ it; made a mess of things 65 Made from a cereal grain 66 “How __ you!” 67 Swiss capital 68 Mistaken 69 Slip sideways on the road 70 “__ a Small World”


DOWN Operated a car

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 21 25 27 28 30 31 32 33 34

City in Utah __ up; gets ready Move __; progress Haughtiness Bench board Lukewarm Use Listerine Wedding vow Tall tale “__ of the d’Urbervilles” Clubs or hearts Secondhand Those born in early August Gallant Procrastinator’s word Villain Inflexible; stiff __ Benedict; breakfast order Cheer Hopping insect Rich soil Legal phrase meaning “by the

fact itself” 35 Falk or Finch 37 Bylaw 40 To no __; without results 44 Mine car 46 __ soda; cake ingredient 48 Wore away 50 Loans

52 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 62

Jewish leader Bay Bleacher levels Sign of sleepiness Flat-bottomed boat Late Jack of TV Mountaintop Hatcher or Garr Caesar’s X

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Friday, April 20, the 111th day of 2012. There are 255 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On April 20, 1912, Boston’s Fenway Park hosted its first professional baseball game while Navin Field (Tiger Stadium) opened in Detroit. (The Red Sox defeated the New York Highlanders 7-6 in 11 innings; the Tigers beat the Cleveland Naps 6-5 in 11 innings.) On this date: In 1812, the fourth vice president of the United States, George Clinton, died in Washington at age 72, becoming the first vice president to die while in office. In 1836, Congress voted to establish the Wisconsin Territory. In 1861, Col. Robert E. Lee resigned his commission in the United States Army. (Lee went on to command the Army of Northern Virginia, and eventually became general-in-chief of the Confederate forces.) In 1889, Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria. In 1912, author Bram Stoker, the creator of Dracula, died in London at age 64. In 1945, during World War II, allied forces took control of the German cities of Nuremberg and Stuttgart. In 1968, Pierre Elliott Trudeau was sworn in as prime minister of Canada. In 1972, the manned lunar module from Apollo 16 landed on the moon. In 1978, a Korean Air Lines Boeing 707 crashlanded in northwestern Russia after being fired on by a Soviet interceptor after entering Soviet airspace. Two passengers were killed. In 1992, the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS Awareness took place at London’s Wembley Stadium. Comedian Benny Hill died in his Greater London flat at age 68. In 1999, the Columbine High School massacre took place in Colorado as two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, shot and killed 12 classmates and one teacher before taking their own lives. In 2010, an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, leased by BP, killed 11 workers and began spewing an estimated 200 million gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico for nearly three months. One year ago: Two Western photojournalists, including Oscar-nominated film director Tim Hetherington, were killed in the besieged Libyan city of Misrata while covering battles between rebels and government forces. The U.S. government announced new protections for air travelers when airlines lose their bags, bump them off flights or hold them on the runway for hours. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Leslie Phillips is 88. Actor George Takei is 75. Singer Johnny Tillotson is 73. Actor Ryan O’Neal is 71. Bluegrass singer-musician Doyle Lawson is 68. Rock musician Craig Frost is 64. Actor Gregory Itzin is 64. Actress Jessica Lange is 63. Actress Veronica Cartwright is 63. Actor Clint Howard is 53. Actor Crispin Glover is 48. Actor Andy Serkis is 48. Country singer Wade Hayes is 43. Actor Shemar Moore is 42. Actress Carmen Electra is 40. Reggae singer Stephen Marley is 40. Rock musician Marty Crandall is 37. Actor Joey Lawrence is 36. Country musician Clay Cook is 34.


Dial 5 6


8 9

CTN 5 S. Katsos

8:30 Outlook

Who Do You Think You WCSH Are? Reba McEntire explores her ancestry. The Finder “The ConverWPFO sation” Walter looks for a missing father. (N) Shark Tank Mark CuWMTW ban upsets the other sharks. Å TWC TV Mainely Motorsports Washing-

APRIL 20, 2012

9:00 Comedy


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Midnight Mausoleum


Grimm Monroe and Ro- Dateline NBC (N) (In salee harbor a suspect. Stereo) Å (N) Å Fringe The team battles News 13 on FOX (N) the Observers in 2036. (N) (In Stereo) Å Primetime: What Would 20/20 (In Stereo) Å You Do? (In Stereo) Å Paid Prog. Republic

Maine Auto King


Tonight Show With Jay Leno The Office The Office (In Stereo) (In Stereo) Å Å WMTW Nightline News 8 at (N) Å 11 (N) Classic Arts

Inside Art in the Twenty-First Charlie Rose (N) (In Washing- Century “Boundaries” (N) Stereo) Å ton Å Å (DVS) World War II: Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Art in the Twenty-First Nazis and the West “Cracks in the Alliance” Meet- Century “Boundaries” (N) ing. (In Stereo) Å Å (DVS) Supernatural A friend Excused (In American It’s Always That ’70s asks Sam and Dean for Stereo) Å Dad Å Sunny in Show Å help. (N) Å Phila. CSI: NY “Cavallino Ram- Blue Bloods Danny and WGME Late Show pante” A woman is found Linda plan a romantic News 13 at With David dead in a Ferrari. weekend. Å 11 (N) Letterman Monk (In Stereo) Å Law Order: CI Paid Prog. Law CI


Need to Know (N) Å (N) Å Priceless Antiques WENH Antiques Roadshow Roadshow Nikita “Wrath” A vengeful WPXT man targets Nikita. (N) Å


WGME Molly Å


WPME Monk (In Stereo) Å


DISC Deadliest Catch “Social Reload” (N) Å


FAM “A Cinderella Story”

Movie: “Another Cinderella Story” (2008)


USA Law & Order: SVU

Fairly Legal (N) Å


NESN MLB Baseball: Yankees at Red Sox


CSNE NBA Basketball: Celtics at Hawks



ESPN NBA Basketball: Celtics at Hawks

NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at San Antonio Spurs.


ESPN2 SportsCenter Special:



MPBN ton Week

Mike &

Rules of Engagement Å

Cold Case Å

Maine Watch

Deadliest Catch Å

Deadliest Catch Å The 700 Club Å

In Plain Sight (N) Å Daily


SportsNet Sports

Suits Å Daily




Boxing Noe Gonzalez vs. Adonis Stevenson. (N)

SportsCenter (N) Å

Cold Case “The River”

Flashpoint Å

Cold Case “Joseph”




DISN Movie: ››› “Monsters, Inc.” Å


TOON Cartoon Planet

King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy


NICK Sponge.





MSNBC The Ed Show (N)

Fish George


’70s Show ’70s Show Friends

Rachel Maddow Show Lockup: Colorado

Lockup: Pendleton Erin Burnett OutFront

CNN Anderson Cooper 360


CNBC NHL Hockey Detroit Red Wings at Nashville Predators. (N) (Live)



The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)



Law & Order


LIFE To Be Announced



Say Yes


Piers Morgan Tonight


Say Yes

Good Luck Austin

Anderson Cooper 360

Mad Money

Greta Van Susteren

The O’Reilly Factor

Movie: ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Premiere.

“I Love You, Man”

Amer. Most Wanted

Amer. Most Wanted

Amer. Most Wanted

Say Yes

Gypsy Wedding

Say Yes

Say Yes

Say Yes


AMC Movie: ›››› “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (1975, Drama) Å


HGTV I Brake for Yard Sales


TRAV Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures (N)

The Dead Files Special Ghost Adventures


A&E Storage





BRAVO Housewives/NJ

Flea Mar

Hunters Storage



Movie: “King Arthur” Hunt Intl Storage


Hunt Intl Storage

Hunt Intl Storage



HALL Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier


SYFY WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) Å

Dream Machines

Fact or Faked


ANIM North Woods Law

North Woods Law (N)

North Woods Law

North Woods Law

Sold! Å

Sold! Å



HIST American Pickers Å BET


COM Sunny

62 67 68 76


Sold! Å

Movie: ›› “Like Mike” (2002) Lil’ Bow Wow.



Movie: ››› “Taken” (2008) Liam Neeson. Payne


SPIKE “Alien vs. Predator”




Movie: “Like Mike 2: Streetball” (2006) Å Ultimate Fight








Movie: ›› “The Wedding Date” (2005)


Movie: ›› “Doom” (2005) The Rock. (In Stereo) Best Ink Å House “Wilson” Å


OXY Best Ink Å


TCM Movie: ››‡ “Ski Party” (1965) Frankie Avalon.


Sold! Å


South Park Movie: ››‡ “Dumb & Dumber” (1994) Jim Carrey. Å

TVLND Home Imp. Home Imp. Raymond TBS


1 4 9 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 25 27 30 34 37 39 40 44 45

“Alien vs. Predator” House (In Stereo) Å

Movie: ›› “Winter a Go-Go” (1965)

ACROSS Spanish article Accomplish incorrectly Pulverize Dramatic division Ryan or Tatum Comic/actress O’Donnell Study of non-living systems Tennis champion Monica South Korean capital Turner or Kennedy Puts up Jodie Foster title role Litigants Took by force Ex-Dolphin QB Marino Gaucho’s rope Apportion (out) Basic energy Dr. Zhivago’s love Biblical peak

46 Unit of electrical resistance 47 Weak in body 50 Fluffy 52 Profound 54 Eyeball lasciviously 58 Half a natural twenty-one 61 Entertainer Channing 64 Fourteen-pound weight 65 Quality of solid objects 68 Subject of Caesar 69 Lamp resident? 70 Cambridge, MA sch. 71 Separated 72 Breaks suddenly 73 Affirmative reply

1 2 3 4

DOWN Gap in time Earthy pigment Fashion Dampness

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 41

Back of the bus. Black and Red, e.g. Broad valley Nancy of “Pollyanna” Openwork grating Future fish Fails to be Pleasant city in France? Instrument of title Brief times Guidelines You ain’t __ nothin’ yet! Chauffeur-driven wheels Blast it! Prim and proper Goose egg Incise deeply Judge worthy Spot for a nosh Comic King Soft-toy stuff Florence’s flooder Hotel employee

42 43 48 49 51 53 55 56

Ketch’s sister Subtle moves Not so long ago Hoover Dam’s lake Himalayan bigfoot Smug puritans Spacious Leibovitz or Lennox

57 58 59 60 62 63 66 67

Quizzes Gillette razor Pork cut Columnist Bombeck Portent Horne of music Sense organ Wee dram

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012


Help Wanted

DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.




For Rent

For Sale

MAY 5th Sport Cards Show 9-4pm, free admission, 284 danforth St, Portland. Dealers contact Ed Rubin (207)541-5013.

BUYING Junk vehicles, paying cash. Contact Joe (207)712-6910.

WINDHAM- 1 bedroom, utilities plus cable included. Yard parking, partial rent for some work. (207)892-7150.

BATTERIES- 123 Lithium, good til 10/12, $2.50/ea or $15/dozen. (207)854-3489.


Candidates require knowledge of preventative maintenance processes and techniques. Must be familiar with pneumatic, hydraulic and some electric controls. (Rocheleau & Uniloy Blow Mold machines preferred.) Great compensation package. R e s p o n d t o :

Looking To Rent

A-TEAM Complete (207)615-6092.


DB Lawncare, will take your junk, leaves and grass to dump. Lowest price (207)274-0761.

DUMP GUY We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.

Cash for autos and trucks, some metals. Call Steve (207)523-9475.

Autos PORTLAND2004 Dodge Durango SLT. 8 passenger. Must see. $4000/obo. (207)878-3879, leave message. 2007 Black Envoy Denali, 107k miles, needs new engine. Very well maintained. $9000. (603)662-2997.

A-TEAM Auto Recyclers paying cash. (207)615-6092. BUYING all unwanted metals. $800 for large loads. Cars, trucks, heavy equipment. Free removal. (207)776-3051.

For Rent PORTLAND- Danforth, 2 bedrooms, heated, renovated Victorian townhouse, 2 floors, 1.5 baths, parking. $1400/mo (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $550-$875. (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Woodford’s. 1 and 3 bedroom heated. Bright rooms, oak floor, just painted. $775-$1300/mo. (207)773-1814.


For Rent-Commercial PORTLAND Art District- Art studios, utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 occupied studios. $325 (207)773-1814.

BAZOOKA Navigator 26" double suspension folding bike, silver with gel seat, retails for $600, used 3 times, asking $400, 723-4032.

For Sale 1- 1951 Winchester model 12, 20 gauge. Plain barrel, modified choke; a good shooter, $600. Other gun D.P.M.S. AR-15, duracoat digital camo; rifle length 20” 223-556, pre-ban/ bayonet, three 30 round clips, 4x16 scope, carry handle, open sites, new Bulldog case, $1000. May consider trades. (603)662-7590. BRAND new mattress sets $180. Call today 207-591-4927.

TRACE Elliot GP7SM 250 7 Band Series Bass Head $299/obogreat condition, works perfectly. Call Rob @ 603-520-4447.

RETIRED teacher with small quiet 11lb lap dog seeks first floor apt within 10 minute drive of Portland. (207)632-3135.

Motorcycles 2000 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic, metallic green and black, new factory re-build Harley Davidson motor, looks and runs great, many extras, $7800 call Paul in Berlin at 603-752-5519, 603-915-0792 leave message.

Wanted To Buy I pay cash today for broken and unwanted Notebooks, Netbooks, and Macbooks. Highest prices (207)233-5381.

Yard Sale


Recreation Vehicles

HIGHEST cash price paid for your scrap box trailers, school busses, heavy equipment and cars. (207)393-7318.

2011 Keystone Bullet bunkhouse, model 286QBS, just like new, used twice, $19,900/obro. (603)662-2997.


WWW.IPODFIXIT.COM Fixing all Apple products! iPads, iPhones, Smartphones, Game Systems, LCD-TV's. Not listed? Just ask! 603-752-9838.

SOUTH Portland 4th Saturday coin show- Buying and sellingAmerican Legion Post 35, 413 Broadway, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179, free admission.


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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012— Page 13



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could scratch together $3,000 to put toward their wedding, but that’s it. I don’t want to use the little money I’ve saved toward my retirement. I’ve already spent a fortune on my dress, the gifts and all the little extras. So my question is, how do I offer $3,000 and say that is all I have to give toward the actual wedding? Do I need to apologize? Should I take out a loan or borrow from my retirement to save face? This whole thing is keeping me up at night. -- The Bride’s Mother Dear Mother: Parents should never put themselves in hock in order to pay for a child’s wedding. An adult bride and groom should pay for their own nuptials whenever possible, even if that means cake and punch in the backyard. Tell your daughter you love her very much, and you will be happy to give her $3,000 toward the cost of her wedding. Period. You don’t need to apologize or take out a loan. If she wants something more elaborate, it’s her problem, not yours. Dear Annie: I read the letter from “Not Romeo and Juliet,” who said that many years ago, there was some unspecified rift between her family and her boyfriend’s family. Now that she and the boyfriend have reconnected and wish to marry, the families are angry and vehemently against it. The first thing they should do is have their DNA checked. I’d bet there was an affair between two of those parents and the kids are related. - First-Time Writer from Iowa Dear Iowa: You could be right, although the rift extends to every member of both families. While an affair seems a likely basis for the animosity, we would hope the parents would inform the couple if they shared DNA. Instead, they are vague, saying only that they won’t attend the wedding. We think the couple deserves to know why.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

Prickly City

Burglar steals cash register, money from popular Portland diner BY JEFFREY S. SPOFFORD THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN for special offers and discount coupons

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: Bob and I are both divorced from our previous spouses. His ex-wife was unfaithful, and so was my exhusband. We fell in love even though we live miles apart. I recently visited him for the second time to talk about our future plans. He wanted me to meet his friends, and I happily agreed. “Tina” is a longtime family friend. Bob is godfather to two of her children. She claims to be best friends with Bob’s exwife. But during dinner, Tina made inappropriate advances toward Bob. He finally confessed that they had a one-night stand when he discovered his wife was cheating. They swore never to speak of their tryst. This happened long before he met me, and Bob says he feels terrible about it. But Tina made sure I knew they had a sexual history. It took every bit of reserve to maintain my composure that evening. While I have zero respect for a woman who sleeps with her best friend’s man, I am also unhappy with Bob. He has done everything within his power since then to prove that he loves me and wants a future with me, including marriage, but I cannot get past the fact that he and Tina crossed a boundary and still expect to remain friendly. What kind of man would try to merge his past with his present? -- Feeling Confused Dear Confused: Bob has been honest with you, but as godfather to Tina’s children, she will always be in the picture. Do you trust him not to put himself in a compromising position? That is the sole issue. You cannot change the past. You can only accept it and move forward. You and Bob might benefit from premarital counseling. He sounds worth it. Dear Annie: My daughter is planning a wedding to a great guy, and I am thrilled for her. The problem is, he comes from a very wealthy family. I live in a mobile home. If I’m lucky, I

In the wake of Thursday’s burglary, where the cash register and all of its contents were stolen, employees at Steve & Renee’s Diner in East Deering made use of a temporary make-shift cash register that included several change bowls and a cigar box. (JEFFREY S. SPOFFORD PHOTO)

by Scott Stantis

A chilly mid April breeze wafting across the empty breakfast counter greeted Pete Wescott when he arrived at Steve & Renee’s Diner on Washington Avenue in East Deering at 4 a.m. Thursday. Immediately noticing the cash register missing, he looked over to see that someone had entered the diner between the times it closed Wednesday until he arrived, through the now-pried-out drive thru window facing Tukey’s Bridge. Portland Police were called to the diner immediately upon Wescott’s discovery and found that someone had broken through the plexiglass window, climbed through and removed the cash register from the restaurant. The diner’s owner, Renee Wright, arrived soon after the police. The routine was one familiar to Wright, explaining to The Sun that this was the second time in less than a year her establishment had been burglarized, adding, “We’ve been here 30 years and I can’t count the number of times we’ve been broken in to.” Wright said that there was exactly one hundred dollars in the register for the early morning crew to make change. The biggest loss, she said, was the cash register itself. “A new cash register goes for $250, and that is for a cheap one!” Joking about how she always seems to be using a new register, she quipped, “At least I don’t have to worry about my registers breaking down.” Though she can’t be sure as to the identity of the thief, she has a feeling it may be someone who knows the diner. Artwork that hung in the window was neatly set to the side, and a hand-painted sign that was attached to the register was carefully removed and left on the counter. Both examples, Wright feels were not hallmarks of the typical burglary. To the persons responsible for this and all previous break-ins, Wright made a plea: “Will you please stop breaking in to my diner. For God’s sake, if you need help, come see me, bring back my money and you can work it off with a job right here.” The Portland Police ask that you text the word “GOTCHA” and your tip to 274637 (CRIMES) or call 874-8584 to anonymously report any information you may have about this or any other crime in the city. In December, Renee Wright, owner of Steve & Renee’s Diner, stands behind a wall stacked with Toys for Tots toys donated by her customers. (JEFFREY S. SPOFFORD FILE PHOTO)

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012

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Friday, April 20 Author Martha Manning noon to 1 p.m. Author talk at the Portland Public Library Local Author Series. Author Martha Manning speaks about her book, “Trackless Snow: One Woman’s Journey from Shame to Grace,” at the Friday Local Author Series at Portland Public Library in Meeting Room No. 5. “This talk deals with the bold adventure of taking a daring look into one’s trackless snow as part of your life tasks. Trackless Snow symbolizes areas of your life that have been left unexplored. This talk is particularly geared toward older women who have ignored or forgone parts of themselves due to the exigencies of life.”

‘Hedda Gabler’ at USM 7:30 p.m. “Hedda Gabler,” by Henrik Ibsen, directed by William Steele, University of Southern Maine Department of Theatre. April 20-21 and April 26-28 at 7:30 p.m.; April 22 and April 29 at 5 p.m.; special discount show at 5 p.m. on April 25, all seats $5; tickets $15, $8 for students, $11 seniors and USM employees and alumni.

‘The Pirates of Penzance’ 8 p.m. Lyric Music Theater of South Portland, an all-volunteer community theater that has been entertaining Southern Maine for more than half a century, will present “The Pirates of Penzance,” April 20 to May 5. “Gilbert and Sullivan at their finest! Young Frederic joins a band of tender-hearted pirates, indentured until his 21st birthday. Alas, discovering he is a leap-year baby, this could take longer than expected.”

Foam N’ Glow 8 p.m. Sixx Pak Entertainment presents Foam N’ Glow “‘America’s Largest Foam Party’ fuses high-energy music, ultraviolet dancers, fire performers, CO2 shows and foam into one mind-blowing combination.” Portland Expo, www.

Saturday, April 21 WENA Spring Clean-up 8 a.m. to noon. The West End Neighborhood Association’s Spring Clean-up. “Meet at Reiche Community Center to sign in. Rakes, bags, gloves and shovels provided or bring your own. We’ll be concentrating on Harbor View Park, Clark Street Park and McIntyre Park on Taylor Street. We’ll also be participating in April Stools Day at the same time, so come help us make the West End clean for spring and try your luck at finding the ‘Golden Turd’ and winning a gift card from Fetch.”

Maine’s gunpowder mills 9 a.m. “During the Civil War, at least one fourth of the gunpowder used by the Union soldiers was manufactured at the gunpowder mill located on the Presumpscot River in Gorham-Windham, mllls being located on both sides of the river. On Saturday, April 21, Windham Historical Society will present a program about these mills and the part they played in the Civil War and other wars as well as for expansion of the nation. The program begins at 9 a.m. at the Society museum, 234 Windham Center Road. The public is invited. There is no fee, but donations are welcome. At 1 p.m., following a lunch break,a tour of the gunpowder mill site and view of the artifacts still in place will be conducted by the Society and Don Wescott, Presumpscot Regional Land Trust. For more information, contact David Tanguay, 892-1306 or email Kay Soldier at”

20th annual April Stools Day and Litter Pickup 9 a.m. to noon. 20th Annual April Stools Day & LItter Pickup on the Eastern Promenade and at Fort Sumner Park, Reiche Park and Baxter Woods (rain or shine). “Come out this Saturday to help pick up a winter’s worth of litter and/or unscooped poop (you pick). The 20th annual April Stools Day & Litter Pickup will be held from 9 am to noon rain or shine Saturday, April 21. April Stools Day locations in Portland include the Eastern Promenade, Fort Sumner Park, Reiche Park and Baxter Woods. Volunteers can report to one of five stations on the Prom: near the top of Cutter Street; the Cleeves Monument at Congress Street; at the playground and ballfields; Loring Memorial Circle; and East End Beach. Special guest Scooby-Doo will cheer on volunteers at the Eastern Prom and, no doubt, beg for Scooby Snacks (ruh-roh!). Gloves and trash bags will be provided. Volunteers can choose to pick up litter, dog droppings or both. Bring a friend!” The event is sponsored by Friends of the Eastern Promenade and Portland’s locally owned Fetch pet supply store. The lucky finder of the Golden Turd will win a gift certificate to Fetch.”

Food+Farm: Grow Fair at SPACE 10 a.m. Food+Farm: Grow Fair at SPACE Gallery. “As part of Food+Farm, we offer our first Grow Fair. A variety of events, workshops and hands-on learning experience to help you along the way to producing your own food. Maine Master

Alfred Jacob with Cultivating Community prunes raspberry bushes in the Boyd Street Urban Farm in Portland. On Sunday, the public can celebrate Earth Day by coming out to Cultivating Community’s Boyd Street Urban Farm in downtown Portland and help them get ready for the 2012 growing season. Visit for details. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) Gardeners will offer free 20-Minute Gardener consultations. Urban Farm Fermentory will offer intensive workshops in home scale organic gardening and kombucha-making. Plus a variety of hands-on food production learning activities, including a seed-bomb making workshop, a harvest calendar making project for the kids and more.” www.space538. org/events.php

Gem & Mineral Show 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The state’s largest gem and mineral show to be held at Saint Joseph’s College, April 21 and 22. The Maine Mineralogical & Geological Society presents its 29th annual Gem & Mineral Show at Saint Joseph’s College on Saturday and Sunday, April 21 and 22. It is the state’s largest gem and mineral show. “More than 25 vendors, including 12 displaying jewelry, will show gems, rocks, fluorescent minerals, crystals, fossils and geodes. The show also features gold panning and gem-cutting demonstrations, along with many unusual, one-of-a-kind items for sale. Children will be able to dig for treasures in the mini-mine, win prizes on the spin wheel and handle rocks and gems at the touch table.” The event runs at the Harold Alfond Center gymnasium on Saturday, April 21, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The show includes a silent auction and hourly door prizes. Admission is $4 for adults, $3 for seniors and students 18 and under, and free for children 12 and under. Admission includes entry into our grand prize raffle drawn at the end of the show. For more information, contact or 893-6627.

Daylily and Hosta Society 11 a.m. The Southern Maine Daylily and Hosta Society will have as guest speaker Lori Jones. Jones, from Knoll Cottage Daylilies in Southampton, Mass., hybridizes large unusual form daylilies that are Zone 5 Hardy. Southern Maine Daylily and Hosta Society meets at Southern Maine Community College in South Portland in the Horticulture Building on Slocum Drive. The public is invited to attend. For more events and information go to

Race Judicata 1:30 p.m. The sneakers will hit the pavement for a good cause as the Maine Law Student Bar Association hosts the annual Race Judicata, a 5K race/walk along Portland’s scenic Back Cove. Race Judicata is a fundraiser for Maine Law’s Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic. At the clinic, third-year law students provide legal services to low-income clients. The “student attorneys” are specially licensed by the state and federal courts, and they work under the close supervision of Maine Law professors. The race starts at 1:30 p.m. Awards will be given to the top three males and females overall, and top two in the following age groups: 14 and under; 15-19; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70-79; 80 and over. Registration is $15, visit, or $20 on the day of the race. For more information, contact Maine Law student and race organizer Chris Harmon at

Maine Roller Derby 6 p.m. Maine Roller Derby’s Calamity Janes vs Pair O’Dice (Massachusetts), Portland Expo, tickets $10 adv, $13 doors; kids aged 5-12 $5, kids under 5 free. Afterparty at Flask Lounge.

Figure drawing with a live model 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Join Constellation Gallery for this open, drop in studio session of figure drawing with a live model. $10 fee. “This session provides the opportunity to work in a studio environment and interact with other artists as you draw from a live model in your preferred medium. The workshop is open to adults of all skill levels from complete beginners to experienced artists. Bring your own supplies. Light refreshments served.” Constellation Gallery, 511 Congress St.

Old Fashioned Hymn Sing 7 p.m. Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene, Route 77, will host an old-fashioned hymn sing. Refreshments following. FMI call Pastor Jon, 318-3515.

Keeping Kids Safe charity event 7 p.m. Keeping Kids Safe, a Maine charity, is holding its First Charity Event in South Portland. “A great band, food, dancing, silent auction, and cash bar. We are excited to have the band Color Blind! All proceeds benefit Keeping Kids Safe (www.keepingkidssafe. us). Advanced Tickets are $10 a piece (Day of event $15). RSVP by e-mailing or calling 450-8270 or 671-0807. RSVP on Facebook: https://www. RSVP at Event Sponsor: At Events on Broadway, 729 Broadway, South Portland.

‘A Life In The Theater’ 7:30 p.m. David Mamet’s homage to show business at Freeport Factory Stage: “A Life In The Theater.” “This production features two of Portland’s most important and talented actors: Will Rhys and Dustin Tucker, and is directed by PSC Affiliate Artist, Sally Wood. Rhys and Tucker play two actors: Rhys, a sage professional with years of shows under his belt, and Tucker a promising upstart who endures counseling, life lessons and endless opinions from his elder. The relationship between the two men is ultimately transformative, and will leave audiences swept up by their experiences both on and off stage. This play is peppered with plenty of salty language, and is intended for adult audiences.” Performances are April 19-May 5, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Thursday performances are Pay-What-You-Can. (Pay-what-you-can performances are intended to be a community benefit for those who really want to see good plays, but simply can’t afford to do so) Ticket prices for all other performances are $19 general admission and $15 students/seniors. Special group pricing is available. Five-Pass Subscriptions can be purchased at $15/pass general and $12/pass student/senior. see next page

Sunday, April 22 Wake Up the Farm with Cultivating Community 9 a.m. “Celebrate Earth Day by coming out to Cultivating Community’s Boyd St. Urban Farm in downtown Portland and help them get ready for the 2012 growing season. You’ll help CC wake up the farm and you’ll get hands-on experience and an opportunity to ask the CC staff about your farming/gardening questions. Activities for all ages and skill levels. Cultivating Community’s mission is to strengthen communities by growing food, preparing youth leaders and new farmers, and promoting social and environmental justice. We use our community food work as an engine for high-impact youth and community development programs that reconnect people to the natural and social systems that sustain us all.” php or

Dedication to Stephen Aylward by Portland Trails 9 a.m. “Stephen Aylward, a popular and respected professor at Saint Joseph’s College who was instrumental in developing Portland’s Riverton Rail Trail will be remembered with a kiosk and bench on the neighborhood trail to which he dedicated much of his time, energy and skill. The dedication ceremony will take place Sunday, April 22 at 9 a.m. at the end of Harris Street. Steve Aylward was a shining example of community service at its best. In addition to being an educator who was respected by his colleagues and loved by his students, he also was heavily involved in his church, the Riverton Neighborhood Association, the City’s Landbank Commission and Portland Trails. Shortly after he was recognized with the Kay Wagenknecht-Harte Trailblazer Award for Volunteer Service for his work on the Riverton Rail Trail, and in the midst of a battle with brain cancer, Steve was killed in a car accident last October. Steve was a valuable member of the trails committee, providing creative ideas for trail development and stewardship around the city, as well as enlisting his students at Saint Joseph’s to develop projects to better understand trail usage patterns. But his real legacy with Portland Trails lies with the Riverton Rail Trail, a trail that would not exist but for his efforts. This 1.5-mile trail follows the historic PortlandLewiston Interurban Rail line and passed by his neighborhood. Riverton Rail Trail was the perfect project for Steve, combining his love of history, his belief in the importance of Portland Trails’ mission and his devotion to the Riverton neighborhood. We’ll be placing a memorial kiosk, explaining the history of the trail and the railway that preceded it, near the head of the trail on Earth Day.”

2012 Urban Earth Day Celebration 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. In Monument Square, MENSK and the City of Portland will host Portland’s 2012 Urban Earth Day Celebration. Portland Mayor Michael Brennan will kick off the event, which will showcase many of Portland’s environmental and non-profit organizations, artists and sustainable businesses. Attendees can learn about local efforts to promote sustainable business practices and improve Portland’s urban environment. “The event offers fun, free activities for all ages including demonstrations on green technology, local agricultural practices, urban gardening, recycling, bike decorating, a parade, and live music!”

WENA Butt Bucket Brigade 3 p.m. The West End Neighborhood Association’s Butt Bucket Brigade will hold an Earth Day Action at Longfellow Square. “Come pick up a bucket and gloves and join us in picking up cigarette butts on the Square, Congress, State and Pine Streets for one hour. Let’s do something nice for Mother on Earth Day!”

Spotlight Concert Series: ‘Carmina Burana’ 3 p.m. University of Southern Maine presents “Carmina Burana.” “It’s a musical homecoming when alumni join the USM Concert Band and USM Chorale in this impressive performance, conducted by Peter Martin with preparation by Robert Russell. ‘Carmina,’ made popular through movie and commercial placements, combines the rich, full sound of dissonant chords with driving rhythms that make it an amazing experience to hear – and perform. All alumni are invited to take part! Come for the concert Sunday, or stay the weekend and enjoy masterclass instruction from School of Music graduates, as well as a special Saturday evening reception. Alumni who would like to join in the performance should contact Peter Martin at for rehearsal and lodging information. $15 recommended donation at the door. Proceeds go toward music scholarships.” Merrill Auditorium, Portland.

‘Finding a Just Peace in Israel-Palestine’ 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Alice Rothchild will speak at University of Southern Maine, Portland Campus, University Events Room, seventh floor of the Glickman Library. Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights. “Finding a Just

Political science professor Stephen Aylward won an award from Portland Trails Association for leadership in helping to bring teams of people together to build trails for the nonprofit group. Killed in a car accident last October, Aylward will be remembered with the decication of a kiosk and bench on the Riverton Rail Trail, the neighborhood trail to which he dedicated much of his time, energy and skill. The dedication ceremony will take place Sunday, April 22 at 9 a.m. at the end of Harris Street. (COURTESY PHOTO) Peace in Israel-Palestine,” free and open to the public; however, donations gratefully accepted. Light refreshments will be served. Co-sponsors: Amnesty International, Colby College Student Chapter; Chaplaincy Institute of Maine (ChIME); Churches for Middle East Peace, Maine; Episcopal Peace Fellowship of Maine; First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church; Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks; Multicultural Students’ Association of USM; Partners for World Health; Pax Christi Maine; Peace Action Maine; Portland Friends Meeting; Social Action Committee of Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church; Social Justice & Peace Commission of Sacred Heart/St. Dominic Church. Contact:, 239.8060.

Monday, April 23 Earth Walk event at Lincoln Park 10 a.m. Earth Walk event at Lincoln Park, sendoff for Earth Walkers on a trek to Augusta, where, on May Day, May 1, they will present a petition for a sustainable way of life in the Hall of Flags. “Everyone is invited to join the walk, whether for just a segment or for the entire journey.” Visit Maine Earth Walk on Facebook, or email maineearthwalk@

Teen library hosts Portland Police Department Youth Services Officer Bethany Murphy 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Teens ages 12-19 are invited to the Portland Public Teen Library to meet with Portland Police Department Youth Services Officer Bethany Murphy in the Teen Library. “Have any questions about the community and the police department? Officer Murphy will be here to hang out with teens to hear from them about what’s going on in their community. For more information about Officer Murphy, please visit: bmurphy.asp. Refreshments will be served!” Murphy came to the Portland Police Department in 2008 with an accomplished background and education in health and human services and a love of sports! Officer Murphy attained her Bachelor’s Degree in Mental Health and Human Services from the University College of Bangor in 2007.

Family Place Workshop series at PPL 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Portland Public Library to host Family Place Workshop series, Mondays, April 23 through May 21, registration required. “The Portland Public Library is hosting a Family Place Workshop for children 6 months to 3 years old and their parents/caregivers. Each workshop stresses the importance of play to a child’s development. Play helps stimulate motor skills as well as brain development; therefore, as parent and child engage in meaningful and fun play with age appropriate toys the benefits are enormous. At each workshop parents will be introduced to some of the many local resources available to help them in the rewarding but challenging task of parenting a toddler. Among the topics covered will be Child Development; Nutrition; Speech/Hearing; Music/Movement; and Literacy.”

Restaurant & Sports Bar

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from preceding page

Pizza - Pasta - Parmagiana - Espresso - Cannoli - Steak

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

G R DiMillo’s BA Y SID E

Tonight’s D inner Feature Chicken Marsala… 15.95 Haddock Your Way… 16.95 • Dijon Mustard with cracker crumbs • Garlic Butter & White Wine • Florentine (Spinach & Swiss) add 2.00 all served with potato and vegetable

Today’s Lunch Feature Italian Cold Cut Sandwich… 8.95 served with cole slaw, chips and pickle

Soup du Jour: Chicken Corn… Cup $3.95 Bowl $6.95 Haddock Chowder… Cup $6.95 Bowl $9.95

Join us for happy hour and enjoy 1/2 PRICED APPETIZERS and 1/2 PRICE PIZZA 4-6PM Mon. thru Fri.! 118 Preble St., Portland, ME at the entrance to Downtown Portland

207-699-5959 •

Every Tues. Night is Benefit Night at Flatbread Join us from 5-9pm

Tuesday, April 24th $3.50 will be donated for every pizza sold. Benefit: Heifer International Monday Night April 23 Connor Garvey Thursday April 26 Low Tide Ramblers 72 Commercial St., Portland, ME Open Sun. thru Thurs 11:30am–9:00pm, Fri. & Sat. 11:30am–10:00pm

Cheapest Prices in Portland!!! Camel Snus


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Marlboro Red & Gold King 5 packs for



Three D’s Variety 885 Brighton Ave. Portland

619-7220 Mon.-Sat. 8am-9pm; Sun. 9am-6pm We accept EBT • Like us on Facebook

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, April 20, 2012

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