The Portland Daily Sun, Thursday, April 21, 2011

Page 1


VOL. 3 NO. 56





Wind power activists unveil energy agenda BY CURTIS ROBINSON THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

‘Restrepo’ director killed in Libya See the story, page 2

The writing on the wall; graffiti and society See Jeffrey S. Spofford’s column on page 4

Cheap energy only looks that way See Curtis Robinson’s column on page 4

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The answer to America’s energy future is literally blowing in the wind, according to a group that supports a flotilla of offshore windmills about 20 miles off Maine’s coast. Oceana Maine, the state-level branch of the large international group, used the one-year anniversary of the BP oil spill yesterday to renew

calls for a clean energy future. And the half-dozen speakers in the Ocean Gateway lobby made it clear that they mean clean as the wind. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree explained that she already lives in a place where that vision is realized, albeit on a small island. Her home island of North Haven, about 12 miles off the coast of Rockland has about 350 see WIND page 3

U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-Maine, is shown at a press event Wednesday discussing ocean protection. (CURTIS ROBINSON PHOTO)

Vacation week day campers explore, learn Niko Paulu, 7, surveys a pond where children taking part in a Maine Audubon vacation week camp learned about water quality Wednesday at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth. The Maine Audubon center is one of several venues for vacation week day camps. The Salvation Army is offering a new day camp to help families affected by the loss of grant funding. For stories on these day camps, see page 8. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Back-and-forth continues over graffiti BY MATT DODGE THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

It was an often-heated battle over semantics, aesthetics and property rights Tuesday night as artists, vandals and property owners gathered at Space Gallery for a panel discussion on “street art versus graffiti.” Organized by the Portland Arts and Cultural Alliance, the discussion comes as city council considers a citizen-initiated graffiti ordinance that would fine and track those who vandalize property, as well as levy fines on property owners who fail to

“Graffiti, unfortunately, is an art form that includes illegality, that’s part of the kick of it and what it culturally broke out of.” — Artist Tim Clorius at Tuesday panel discussion promptly remove graffiti. The four-person panel took the stage included for Jay York, a fine art photographer and outspoken opponent of graffiti,

and Trish McAllister, the city’s neighborhood prosecutor. Balancing the conversation were professional artists Tim Clorius and Kyle Bryant, who both developed their skills in the world of illegal street art, but said they no longer participate in the practice. Andy Graham, president of PACA’s sister city arts group Creative Portland, was scheduled to sit on the pro-street-art side of the panel, but abdicated his seat to Clorius soon after the discussion began. see PANEL page 15

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011

GOP gets online for 2012 (NY Times) — Unlike in the last presidential campaign, Republicans are better prepared to compete online in the 2012 contest. “The notion that the Internet was owned by liberals, owned by the left in the wake of the Obama victory, has been proven false,” said Patrick Ruffini, a Republican political online strategist who is now advising the exploratory campaign of Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota, after working as a digital adviser to President George W. Bush’s campaign in 2004 and later to the Republican National Committee. During last year’s midterm elections, Republicans caught up with Democrats in using technology and social networks, and now many Republicans elected to the House and Senate are using these tools more than Democrats, according to several political and technology experts. “This will be the first election in modern history that both parties are understanding the potential of the technology to change the results of the election,” said Andrew Rasiej, a co-founder of, a blog that covers politics and technology, and a digital adviser to Democrats since Howard Dean’s presidential campaign in 2004. “Both Republicans and Democrats are ready to use online platforms and are no longer skeptical of its potential.” What Republicans recognized after Senator John McCain’s bruising defeat in 2008 is that Mr. Obama’s digital strategy was deeply integrated into his real-world campaign. Mr. Obama’s team used its Web site, e-mails and text messages to do more than broadcast his campaign message. The tools made it easier for people to donate online, to volunteer for the field operation, particularly in caucus states, and to assume responsibility for other aspects of the campaign, like assembling groups of neighbors for a chat and creating the Obama ’08 iPhone app. “You learn more from losing than winning sometimes,” said Matt Lira, who worked on the digital team for Mr. McCain’s presidential campaign and who is now director of new media for Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House Republican majority leader. Mr. Lira said that House Republicans, meeting in January 2009, made a commitment to get into the digital game and moved aggressively during last year’s midterm elections to sign up members and potential candidates on Twitter and Facebook.


Politics is not a game. It is an earnest business.” —Winston Churchill

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3DAYFORECAST Today WINDY High: 52 Record: 85 (1957) Sunrise: 5:49 a.m. Tonight Low: 33 Record: 20 (1875) Sunset: 7:32 p.m.

Tomorrow High: 53 Low: 33 Sunrise: 5:48 a.m. Sunset: 7:33 p.m.

DOW JONES 186.79 to 12,453.54

Saturday High: 54 Low: 40

S&P 17.74 to 1,330.36

NASDAQ 57.54 to 2,802.51



DAILY NUMBERS Day 2-4-0 • 5-0-6-2 Evening 5-2-6 • 2-9-4-7

MORNING High: 1:48 a.m. Low: 8:14 a.m.

4,448 U.S. military deaths in Iraq.

EVENING High: 2:30 p.m. Low: 8:26 p.m. -courtesy of

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

‘Restrepo’ director, photographer with Getty agency killed in Libya BY C.J. CHIVERS THE NEW YORK TIMES

BENGHAZI, Libya — Tim Hetherington, the conflict photographer who was a director and producer of the film “Restrepo,” was killed in the besieged city of Misurata on Wednesday, and three photographers working beside him were wounded, one fatally, when they came under fire at the city’s front lines. Chris Hondros of the Getty photo agency died within a few hours of devastating brain trauma. Guy Martin of the Panos agency suffered a severe pelvic wound, according to Andre Liohn, a colleague who was at the triage center where the photographers were rushed by rebels after they were struck. Mr. Hondros suffered an extensive loss of brain tissue and was revived twice before being triaged from care. He spent several hours in a coma and died after 10 p.m., Mr. Liohn said. Mr. Martin, a British citizen, underwent vascular surgery Wednesday night, according to the same account. As the night progressed, Mr. Liohn said that Mr. Martin’s bleeding had been stopped and that his prospects had improved. The fourth photographer, Michael Christopher Brown, suffered shrapnel injuries to his left shoulder, but his life was not in danger. He was resting Wednesday night. Misurata, Libya’s third-largest city, has

Tim Hetherington in 2008. Heterington’s film, “Restrepo,” showed at the Nickelodeon Theatre last September, and SPACE Gallery in Portland screened the film last November. Hetherington and Chris Hondros of the Getty photo agency died in Libya when they came under fire. (Eddy Risch/European Pressphoto Agency/New York Times)

been cut off by land from the rest of the country by military forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. It has been the

scene of intensive, close-quarters fighting for weeks. Hundreds of Libyans have been confirmed killed.

War in Libya could drag on, military analysts say BY STEVEN ERLANGER THE NEW YORK TIMES

PARIS — France and Italy said on Wednesday that they would join Britain in sending some liaison officers to support the rebel army in Libya, in what military analysts said was a sign that there will be no quick and easy end to the war in Libya. The dispatching of the liaison officers — probably fewer than 40 of them, and

carefully not designated as military trainers — is a sign also, they said, that only a combination of military pressure from the sky, economic pressure on the regime and a better-organized and coordinated rebel force will finally convince Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi that he has no option but to quit. “Some countries thought the Libya operation could be over quickly,” said a senior NATO ambassador. “But no military com-

mander thinks so.” Sending advisers to Libya is the latest in a series of signs of trouble for the NATO campaign, which began in earnest with a stinging, American-led attack but has seemed to fizzle since operational command was transferred to NATO on March 31. After that, a rebel offensive was smashed by Qaddafi forces, who sent the rebels reeeling toward the eastern city of Ajdabiya.

Lighter winds help in battle against Texas wildfires BY CATRIN EINHORN AND SARAH WHEATON THE NEW YORK TIMES

Firefighters from 34 states received some help from the weather on Wednesday as lighter winds helped slow the spread of the wildfires burning across Texas and allowed heavy air tankers to drop thousands of gallons of flame retardant. The respite was not expected to last more than a day, however, as firefighters also used bulldozers, fire engines, helicopters

and modified crop dusters to respond to 22 major fires Wednesday, with more than a million acres burning across the state. “It’s like trying to stop a tornado on the worst days,” Mark Stanford, fire operations chief for the Texas Forest Service, said. Of particular concern is a fire known as the Possum Kingdom complex in parts of Stephens and Palo Pinto Counties, a group of four fires that have essentially morphed into one and threaten 600 homes and sev-

eral towns in the area, many of which have seen evacuations. Although that fire is only about 50 miles west of Fort Worth, officials are not worried about it spreading there, because of wind conditions and barriers like highways and rivers. On Wednesday, a national team assumed management of the Possum Kingdom fire. Texas’ worst drought in nearly half a century has turned the state into a tinderbox.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011— Page 3

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

State says no charges expected after deck collapse in Carrabassett

Paper: Chief Craig applies for police chief job in Cincinnati

The weekend collapse of a deck at a Carrabassett nightspot was likely caused by the combined weight of too many people on it at the same time, the State Fire Marshal’s Office reports. The deck was attached to a fire escape from the second floor of the Rack. Investigators say no charges are anticipated, according to a Maine Department of Public Safety press release. Those hospitalized were Monica Yesmentes, 50, of Gardner, Mass.; Sandra Walczyk, 27, of Old Town; Judd Vear, 25, of Orono; Brescian Lander, 35, of Orono; and Patrick Frisbee, 25, of Eliot. Four of those injured were transported by ambulance to the Farmington hospital and one was taken by private vehicle, the press release stated. Up to 10 people were on the deck when it collapsed, the state reported. The Fire Marshal’s Office will be involved in the approval process, if the owners of the business decide to rebuild the fire escape and deck, the press release stated.

PORTLAND — Police Chief James Craig has applied for a police job in Cincinnati, the Portland Press Herald reports. Craig has been Portland’s police chief since May 2009. He is among the 37 candidates who applied. Craig, 54, said Tuesday that his application in Cincinnati should not be interpreted as a sign that he’s trying to leave Portland, the PPH reported.

Brunswick fire victim dies, state fire marshal’s office reports The State Fire Marshal’s Office says a Brunswick man, severely burned when his apartment caught fire in February, died over the weekend. Richard Rugg, 63, had been hospitalized since the Feb. 16 fire swept his apartment at 84 Union St. in Brunswick, reported the Maine Department of Public Safety. Investigators said Rugg had been cooking on the stove when the fire swept his apartment. He suffered severe burns to more than half of his body and died Sunday at Maine Medical Center in Portland. Fire Marshals also reported that last weekend’s fire in downtown Brunswick that destroyed a large apartment house on Maine Street started underneath a stairwell near electrical wiring, but because of the extent of damage and because inspectors could not enter the burned out building, the official cause of the fire will be listed as undetermined. Fire Marshals said the fire is likely accidental, state officials said. The stairwell where the fire broke out was off Mason Street in the middle of the large three-story brick building, which was torn down in the aftermath of the Sunday morning fire.

Women in Harmony chorus secures grants in support of May concert Women in Harmony, a Portland-based chorus of 58 women’s voices, has been awarded two grants in support of its upcoming May concert, the group announced. The Maine Arts Commission has given the chorus an “Artists in Maine Communities” grant of more that $3,000 for its concert, Moving On: Immigration in Song. Choral Arts New England has also awarded the group an Alfred Nash Patterson grant of $1,000 toward the spring concert, Women in Harmony announced. Performances will take place on Saturday, May 14 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, May 15 at 4 p.m. at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland. Moving On: Immigration in Song will feature the premiere of “(F)light: A Borderlands Song Cycle” by Maine composer and former chorus member Erica Quin-Easter. The work explores the theme of immigration in the international border regions of Maine and Arizona. Quin-Easter, who lives in Stockholm, has set to music the writings of two award-winning Arizona poets, Eric Magrane and Wendy Burke. As part of the (F)light project, the poets conducted fieldwork among the border populations of Arizona and northern Maine, including the Acadian, Native-American, and working waterfront communities. The composer and the poets will present a pre-concert talk about the development of their work on both performance days. Women in Harmony director Catherine Beller-McKenna says the chorus is “delighted that the Maine Arts Commission and Choral Arts New England have recognized the value to the community of this collaboration. In an economic climate where support of the arts has dwindled, it is reassuring to know that there are organizations supporting innovative projects like this one.” Now in its 18th year, Women in Harmony espouses

a musical mission for social justice. In keeping with the theme of immigration, Moving On will feature a guest performance by Pihcintu, a local chorus of firstgeneration immigrant girls. For more information about Women in Harmony, visit

Local live audio recording company announces Decemberists EP release Satronen Sound owner and chief engineer Pete Nenortas announced the release of “Live at Bull Moose,” the limited edition EP by the chart-topping indie folk group the Decemberists. Satronen Sound recorded this live album during a concert by the band at the Bull Music Warehouse store in Scarborough in January, Nenortas said. This seven-track CD is available at all participating independent record stores including Bull Moose, while the limited supply lasts. Satronen Sound also announced the launch of their web-based social networks. The mobile live audio recording company, based out of Portland, is blogging at, and can also now be found on Twitter and Facebook at Satronen Sound. To celebrate this launch, the company has just released a pair of live concert videos featuring the jazz/funk group, Soulive. The video, recorded at the band’s appearance at the State Theatre on March 18, shows Soulive with audio recorded by Satronen Sound and HD video by Richard Pelletier of Real Media Solutions ( The videos of “Tuesday Night Squad” can be found on Satronen Sound’s Youtube channel at

State notes near-record timber harvest Maine’s Department of Conservation reported a near-record timber harvest on public reserved lands of 70,600 cords for the past winter season. The harvest, which was above that of recent years, is valued at approximately $2.23 million, a state press release noted. These funds support maintenance, operations and public access on the state lands, said Tom Morrison of the Maine Department of Conservation. The harvest involved hiring local logging contractors in 29 locations, harvesting timber across the state, and supporting more than 200 private-sector jobs, Morrison said. Logs were delivered to more than 40 Maine mills for valueadded processing.

Pingree says she ‘staunchly opposes’ increased offshore drilling WIND from page one

residents and its energy is provided by wind turbines. Pingree said she “staunchly opposes” proposals to increase offshore drilling and, responding to questions about the likelihood of drilling ever happening off Maine’s coast, noted that she would not “expect to see that” but added that she also never expected to see a nuclear plant disaster in Japan. Ben Hayman of Oceana’s Climate & Energy Campaign also tackled the “could it happen here” question, saying that “... there are currently several bills in Congress that would open up the Atlantic to offshore oil drilling, thus creating the possibility of an oil spill reaching us right here in Maine.” Previous oil spills in Maine have come from ruptured tankers, and Portland-area harbors are considered one of the top-five oil-import areas on the East Coast. As a candidate, Gov. Paul LePage voiced support for off-

“On offshore wind development, Maine’s potential is enormous. We could turn Maine from an energy importer to an energy exporter by fully implementing offshore wind in our waters.” — Ben Hayman of Oceana’s Climate & Energy Campaign

shore drilling. Hayman warned of environmental dangers, but also laid out a financial argument for wind power. “Studies have shown that investment in renewable energy jobs produces three times more jobs on average than the same investment in the oil industry,” he said. “On offshore wind development, Maine’s potential is enormous. We could turn Maine from an energy importer to an energy

exporter by fully implementing offshore wind in our waters.” The Oceana event was one of several planned for East Coast communities in advance of a Washington, D.C. meeting with federal regulators to present a new “energy plan” backed

with 100,000 petitions asking for an outright ban on offshore drilling. The plan, titled “Breaking the Habit,” calls for “eliminating our dependence on oil from the Gulf of Mexico by 2020, the Persian Gulf by 2030, and all other nations by 2033.”

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Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011

––––––––––––– COLUMN –––––––––––––

The writing on the wall In an effort to drive home my point last week that the city of Portland has about as much right to charge me when my home is written upon without my consent as they would if a crack deal occurred in my driveway while I sleep, I lumped all purveyors of street markings, whether it be writing, “blowing bubbles,” or bona-fide art all together into a less than savory category. I was wrong to do that. That is because the biggest thing I took away from the PACA’s Creative Conversations on graffiti Tuesday night at SPACE was that there are different levels of skill and varying states of mind behind the marker of every marking throughout our city. The panel at Tuesday’s event, made up of two people on each side of the issue, included two local artists ––––– who both have been participatGuest ing in the street art scene for Columnist the last twenty years. Tim Clorius, one of the panel members and an impassioned, eloquent speaker on the subject, told the audience that there are eight levels of skill when it comes to the people marking properties in Portland. When shown pictures of

Jeffrey S. Spofford

see SPOFFORD page 5

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN,

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper Curtis Robinson Editor David Carkhuff, Casey Conley, Matt Dodge Reporters THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 181 State Street, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Spofford News Company

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– STAFF COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Cheap energy only looks that way Hey, remember that old joke about the difference between a “recession” and a “depression”? Punchline: A recession is when your neighbor loses a job; a depression is when you lose your job. Yuck-yuck. The term “subsidy” in all its wanton forms has that same self-centered feeling. If you don’t take the bus much, then money going into mass transit just “subsidizes” the service and all those using it. If you use mass transit, then that’s an investment to get cars off the road. Trains are a great example. Funding for rail is often seen as a “subsidy” for train travel while roadwork and airport improvements are infrastructure. The perceptions blur even more when you get into industries that tend to socialize expenses while privatizing profits. Which brings us to the BP spill. A year ago yesterday that disaster began, and it’s both wrong and wrong-headed to say it has yet ended. Granted, they finally got the hole in the gulf to stop spewing oil, but the disaster

Curtis Robinson ––––– Usually Reserved continues. Mostly we hear about the economic problems and we are told that the region must overcome a “perception problem” that the seafood might be contaminated. Well, forgive us our perception. But a friend who blogs about the Gulf sent me a story from the St. Pete Times that says this: “Over the winter, anglers who had been working the gulf for decades began hauling in red snapper that didn’t look like anything they had seen before. “The fish had dark lesions on their skin, some the size of a 50-cent piece. On some of them, the lesions had eaten a hole straight through to the muscle tissue. Many had fins that were rotting away and discolored or even striped skin. Inside, they

had enlarged livers, gallbladders, and bile ducts. “’The fish have a bacterial infection and a parasite infection that’s consistent with a compromised immune system,’ said Jim Cowan, an oceanographer at Louisiana State University, who has been examining them. ‘There’s no doubt it’s associated with a chronic exposure to a toxin.’” Now, these were fish caught in areas of the BP spill and experts say they are damaged by oil, but the “official” line is that we should not rush to judgment. Well, that’s easier said than done. There are maybe 1.7 million problems from the BP oil spill. Let’s tackle one that follows the spot-on reasoning of writer P.J. O’Rourke, who points out that the energy crisis of a previous century was whale oil. But before we ran out of whale oil (from killing all the whales) it did a funny thing — it got expensive. It’s not really accurate to say America is hooked on oil. We are just hooked on what appears to be cheap energy. Is it? see ROBINSON page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Youth of Portland are disenfranchised, disenchanted SPOFFORD from page 4

markings throughout town provided by panelist Jay York, who on his morning walk pictorially chronicles the trespasses, Clorius explained that most of the writing shown, where it occurs on private pieces of property nailed down or not, is performed by younger people, usually in high school or just out, that feel disenfranchised. Well, imagine the shock of the anti-graffiti side of the aisle at the suggestion that teen males could feel disenfranchised by “the system.” I got the feeling sitting in the audience and seeing the facial expressions of artists reacting to property owners, that Portland’s street art community feels that most baby boomers, and even some X’ers, are in a general state of denial when it comes to the future of the system. Older citizens, having grown up in an era, save a few years in the 1970s, that featured continuous, sustained economic growth is hard for some to imagine not continuing. We’ve all bought into the argument originated by former vice president Dick Cheney in one way or another that “the American way of life is non-negotiable,” and are now just as complacent with the line of current leadership that “recovery,” ostensibly to the “way things were,” is underway. I think the graffiti artists and their younger proteges,

nuisance writers are trying to tell us that maybe the “American way of life” needs to change and that going back to the way things were just isn’t going to happen. Panelist Kyle Bryant added that the problem, as perceived by the detractors in the audience, was not going to get any better — and being in tune with that community, he is probably right. Young people, who have been treated to a high standard of living over the last fifteen years that makes the gilded 1920s look like a piker decade, are starting to get the sense that perhaps their future won’t offer the same opportunities. It could be because older leaders in the federal, local and state governments let them down, and took all the cake for themselves and mortgaged their futures. With this in mind, these young Portlanders are acting out, and as Bryant says, “It’s only going to get worse.” And that to me is the real story behind the graffiti. The same anger that has united the disenfranchisement of young people around the globe to rise up against oppressive and corrupt governments is being presented to us at home in the form of what is, by current system standards, illegal writing and for the more seasoned, beautiful art. The youth of Portland are disenfranchised. Some teenagers don’t know the details of why, some do. Even without

knowing the details and just having the sense that “something isn’t right” is leading many of them to act out. Some hide the pain with drugs, and some take it out on the ownership class with a marker. However, until something occurs to address universal fairness, those not in the wealthy 2 percent, the halls of government, or the board rooms of large too-big-to-fail banks are forced to abide by the rules and regulations established by the system. The writing remains illegal, when performed on my property without my consent, in the same way a drug deal in my driveway while I sleep does. The city of Portland does not have the right to fine me, or any other property owner for certain crimes they deem inconvenient because the people that don’t bother to learn the significance behind the graffiti writing, which included me until Tuesday night, are forced to see the result of the crime in broad daylight. But I predict this ordinance will pass and they will begin to fine property owners for the crimes of others, because the system is stacked against all of us. Maybe, unlike the graffiti community, we just haven’t come to terms with it yet. (Jeffrey S. Spofford, circulation manager for The Portland Daily Sun, lives in Portland and blogs at

It’s unlikely that Big Oil will pick up tab for illnesses ROBINSON from page 4

When the people who are getting sick from the BP spill go into their local hospitals and if people get cancer from the dispersants and pollution, I’m doubtful that Big Oil picks up the tab. Oh, there will be some famous litigation, but for the most part the

company will pay pennies on the dollar. And that, finally, is the real problem with socializing costs of our current system. The whale oil solution doesn’t kick in — it should be very, very expensive to contaminate water via fracking for natural gas or screwing up the Gulf of Mexico. But it really isn’t.

Meanwhile, for the most part, the profits are private. Know the difference between a disaster and a tragedy? The latter is when it’s your beach. (Curtis Robinson is editor of The Portland Daily Sun. Contact him at

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Columnist embarrassed reader with response to No Labels forum Editor: Bob Higgins has written two opinion pieces on April 14 and 19 about the No Labels organization that aims to promote reasoned discourse in the political process (“Generic politics similar to generic beer,” April 14; “A political first date, gone horribly wrong,” April 19). Higgins provides a wonderful example of what has turned sour and gone rotten in today’s political scene. In Higgins’ first piece entitled “Generic politics similar to generic beer” he cynically offers his opinion that No Labels’ objective to bring people together just can’t be achieved. Yet, he promises to attend the April 16 event with “an open mind” while sneering at bipartisan products such as the tax code and the Patriot Act. And what did Mr. Higgins learn at the first No Labels meeting at the University of New England on April 16? His April 19 piece tells us that “It was like a blind date gone horribly wrong in a restaurant that does not serve alcohol.” Higgins essentially held an internal discourse with himself spewing it out to appear on today’s opinion page while complaining that the meeting organizers were spying on his notes and touching him. From what I observed at the No Labels event, Mr. Higgins behavior at the meeting was rude and disrespectful, i.e., slicing his hand across his neck to signal “cut it” when the invited State legislators were speaking. WMGE, The Morning Sentinel, and the Portland Press Herald published reports of the No Labels meeting, nicely summarizing the goals of the emerging organization and citing the Maine politicians who reach out to all to move Maine forward. These reports were informative. The Portland Daily Sun chose to publish Higgins’ opinions. Like the bad

boy in school acting out, Higgins’ pieces make this reader squirm in embarrassment. Kristina Minister, Portland

Electronic bicycles missing from story Editor, It is with a heavy heart I sit and write this but after having been shocked to my very core, weakened, saddened and casually disregarded, I am compelled to inform you that your recent front page article on bicycle trends (“’Spokesmen’ address new bike trends,” Saturday, April 16) was missing a valuable component: e-bikes. Why, right here in lovely Portland, Maine we have two very contemporary and surprisingly fun options created/designed/assembled/sold and ridden regularly. A quick trip to and www. could open a world of Pulitzer potential for the journalist daring enough to explore a mode of transportation revered in Europe, China and vast expanses of the civilized world beyond our hallowed borders. Even Canadians ride them. Dean Rock South Portland

Secession is like making a whoopie pie; don’t forget the key ingredients (Editor’s note: The Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government held a workshop on April 13 about a bill for Peaks Island to secede from Portland. The committee then voted “ought not to pass,” effectively sending secession advocates back to the beginning of the process. On the eve of the vote, Gerald Garman wrote that LD 1079, “An Act to

Authorize Peaks Island ... To Secede from the City of Portland,” would have been “a recipe for disaster.” Following is his letter explaining opposition to the failed legislation and reasons for restarting the process.) Editor, A great whoopie pie starts with a time tested recipe calling for fresh ingredients combined in exact proportions and baked for a specified time and temperature to produce a chocolate sandwich which retains the delicately made filling. Failure to follow this recipe results in an unpalatable, unsalable product. Consolidation, Secession and Annexation Title 30-A MRSA Chapter 113: Subchapter $2171 is also a recipe that residents of a territory within a municipality must follow. It requires the following procedure: Petition signed by more than 30 percent; elect five representatives; public hearing by municipal officers; advisory referendum; a vote of municipal officers; resolve conflicts through mediator; mediation report; submission to the Legislature after six months; legislative vote. Specified times, after submission of original petition, are allowed for description of problems and solutions, potential impact on both parties and attempts to resolve conflicts before submission to the Legislation. This time tested procedure (19942011) has enabled the transformation of Frye Island and Chebeague Island into Maine’s newest towns. There are no shortcuts in creating a whoopie pie and there should be none in creating a new town. The State and Local Government Committee should treat themselves to reading and improving PL 2171 by requiring a final two-thirds vote before legislative action is taken; and simply desert LD 1079, it would leave a good taste in everyone’s mouth. Gerald Garman Peaks Island

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011

P a u lP in k h a m N A B a ck B a y A u to OW

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Thursday, April 21


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8 p.m. Bassnectar and Eliot Lipp at the State Theatre. “Lorin Ashton, better known as Bassnectar, proves himself to be more than just a purveyor of bass lines. A true master of sound, Ashton separates songs into their most elemental layers before twisting, stretching and splicing them back together into an entirely new subset of electronic music. All wild party bangers, Bassnectar tracks will get any crowd moving in a nanosecond.”

Friday, April 22 The Grown Up Noise, Jose Ayerve of Spouse 9 p.m. The Grown Up Noise, Jose Ayerve (of Spouse), and GreyShield at Slainte Wine Bar and Lounge, Portland. “It’s difficult to explain the band Spouse without touching upon the frenetic, emotional, and sometimes unfocused nature of founding member and front-man, José Ayerve.” Opening for The Grownup Noise (CD Release show for “This Time with Feeling”) w/ Greyshield. (Ayerve will perform first), $5.

Caravan of Thieves at One Longfellow Square 8 p.m. Just Announced! Over A Cardboard Sea will open the show with a special duo featuring Timothy Findlen and Ukulele Eck! Stretching the parameters of acoustic swing, Caravan of Thieves has been winning immediate praise for their new and unique brand of gypsy flavored song writing and their high intensity show. The vocal harmonizing, acoustic guitar spanking husband and wife duo Fuzz and Carrie have extended their family to include fiery violinist Ben Dean and double bass madman, Brian Anderson to complete their colorful vision. Seeking inspiration from beyond the great divide, the quartet produces layers of Beatlesque vocals, driving rhythms, satirical, dramatic song writing and an overall circus of sound. $12/$18, all ages.

Saturday, April 23 An evening with Cake 8 p.m. An evening with Cake, State Theatre. Seventeen years on from their inception, CAKE is still an outsider – defiantly and proudly cutting their own path. Both their music and their way of operating in the ever-evolving marketplace are fueled by the same core principles of self reliance, democracy, and integrity that inspired their formation.

Spose and Cam Groves at Port City Music Hall 8 p.m. Portland’s most well known emcee, Spose and fellow hip-hop lyricists Cam Groves and Educated Advocates come to Port City Music Hall. Since the release of his debut album “Preposterously Dank” in 2008 on his own imprint, Spose has seen his musical endeavors reach a new plateau. He was named Maine’s “Best HipHop Act” for both 2008 and 2009 at the WePushButtons Awards and also named “Best Hiphop Act” in the Portland Phoenix’s 2010 Best Music Poll. In 2009, he released a mixtape with fellow emcee Cam Groves entitled “We Smoked It All.” A track off that mixtape, produced by Spose himself, “I’m Awesome” garnered Spose his first major label recording contract with Universal Republic Records. Spose used the opportunity to build his own company, the Preposterously Dank Entertainment label based out of Wells, Maine. Artists signed to his imprint include himself, Spose, emcee Cam Groves, hiphop trio Educated Advocates, and the space-funk-sex-r’n’b of Doctor Astronaut. In 2010, Spose released both “In Sessions,” the debut album from Educated Advocates, as well as his own indie album “Happy Medium.” $10 advance, $12 day of show, $20 VIP, 21 plus.

Hoboe will play a memorial tribute concert for the late Erik Norman Doughty — a longtime hometown friend of Hoboe guitarist Thom Metz. Doughty passed away on April 22, 2009. The concert will take place at Spring Point Tavern, 175 Benjamin W. Pickett St., South Portland, and will occur throughout the day and night of Sunday, April 24, starting at 2 p.m. (COURTESY PHOTO) Hoboe playing songs intermittently throughout. This will be Hoboe’s third Doughty Memorial concert. Hoboe’s future new drummer and close friend of bassist Ben Holt, 20-yearold Chris Bell will debut with Hoboe at their performance at Geno’s Rock Club on Friday, April 22 and will also play the Doughty Memorial show. Drummer Jon Bangs is resigning from Hoboe after their May performances, and Bell has been accepted as his replacement with Bangs’ recommendation, band members reported. Bell will be substituting for Bangs at these performances and will take the helm as Hoboe’s permanent drummer in June. For more information, visit see next page

HillyTown Presents: Milagres / Milkman’s Union / Husband & Wife at One Longfellow Square 8 p.m. HillyTown Presents: Milagres + Milkman’s Union + Husband & Wife. This triple bill will be a night not to miss. Three great performances, one night! $10, all ages. www.

Sunday, April 24 Hoboe memorial tribute concert 2 p.m. Hoboe will play a memorial tribute concert for the late Erik Norman Doughty who passed away on April 22, 2009 — a longtime hometown friend of Hoboe guitarist Thom Metz. The concert will occur at Spring Point Tavern, 175 Benjamin W. Pickett St., South Portland, and will occur throughout the day and night of Sunday, April 24 with

A 25-year-old producer and emcee, Spose, hails from Wells, where he has been making music since age 9 and rhyming since 1999 when he was 14. His new album, “Happy Medium,” is out. Spose will take the stage at Port City Music Hall Saturday. (COURTESY PHOTO)

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011— Page 7

Meat Market

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Wednesday, April 27 Steely Dan vs. Hall and Oates 9 p.m. The Clash — Main Event sponsored by Geary’s Brewing Co.; Steely Dan vs. Hall and Oates, $5 at the door. Port City Music Hall.

Still present are the intertwining layers of bass and guitardriven melodies over tight, emphatic drums. “Spouse is taking a break for a while,” writes Ayerve. “Not sure for how long, but that’s why they call it a hiatus. Our last show is April 30 in Portland.” Empire Dine & Dance; Spottiswoode & His Enemies (CD Release show); A Severe Joy (this is the new solo project Ayerve is working on). Doors: 8:30 p.m., show: 9 p.m. $8 adv/$10 door, 21 plus.

Avenged Sevenfold 8 p.m. SOLD OUT. John Prine plays at Merrill Auditorium, presented by the State Theatre. Some four decades since his remarkable debut, John Prine has stayed at the top of his game, both as a performer and songwriter. Recently honored at the Library of Congress by U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser, he’s been elevated from the annals of songwriters into the realm of bonafide American treasures.

Saturday, April 30 Ameranouche Trio (Gypsy Jazz)

Badfish: A tribute to Sublime at the State Theatre 8 p.m. Badfish is a tribute band dedicated to playing the music of Sublime. The group is named after a song appearing on the album 40oz. to Freedom. Formed in 2001 at the University of Rhode Island, the group’s members, who were computer science majors, began playing local Rhode Island clubs and quickly began selling out shows. They continued touring the East Coast and Midwest of the U.S., becoming popular on college campuses among Sublime fans who never were able to see the band due to Bradley Nowell’s 1996 death. Since then the group has done multiple national tours per year. In 2008, the band was nominated for Best Tribute Act in the Boston Music Awards. $18 advance, $20 day of show.

Last Spouse show before hiatus 9 p.m. “Bitter-sweet and awkwardly nostalgic lyrics are delivered with José Ayerve’s token ‘feather smooth/sandpaper rough’ voice. The music on Confidence is purposefully more upbeat than some of the band’s previous offerings.

7 p.m. Avenged Sevenfold with Three Days Grace and Sevendust at the Cumberland County Civic Center. Avenged Sevenfold’s “Welcome To The Family” Tour is on sale today. “The Nightmare After Christmas” Tour sold out and left many fans wanting more. Tickets: $39.75.

Thursday, May 5 Tommy Emmanuel at Merrill 8 p.m. Outback Concerts Presents: Tommy Emmanuel. “Two-time Grammy nominee Tommy Emmanuel has a professional career that spans over four decades and continues to intersect with some of the finest musicians throughout the world. A household name in his native Australia, Tommy has garnered hundreds of thousands of loyal fans worldwide. Tommy’s unique style — he calls it simply ‘finger style’ — is akin to playing guitar the way a pianist plays piano, using all ten fingers.” Merill Auditorium.

Saturday, May 7 De Temps Antan 8 p.m. “De Temps Antan is a high-energy trio featuring three of Quebec’s most talented musicians coming out of the city’s vibrant music scene. Since 2003, Éric Beaudry, André Brunet and Pierre-Luc Dupuis have been exploring and performing time-honored melodies from the stomping grounds of Quebec’s musical past. Using fiddle, accordion, harmonica, guitar, bouzouki and a number of other instruments, these three virtuosos blend boundless energy with the unmistakable joie de vivre found only in traditional Quebec music. All three members previously performed with the celebrated ensemble La Bottine Souriante (Beaufry remains a member of La Bottine). Brunet was featured in the Opening Ceremony of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver British Columbia.” Hannaford Hall, University of Southern Maine, Portland.

Sunday, May 15 Phil Kline’s ‘John the Revelator’ 3 p.m. “Considered one of the most significant works of the past decade, composer Phil Kline’s ‘John the Revelator’ is a gorgeous and powerful Mass for the 21st century. ‘John the Revelator’ finds inspiration in the writings of Samuel Beckett and poet David Shapiro, early American hymns, shape-note singing and the events of 9/11. Acclaimed for their ‘smoothly blended and impeccably balanced sound’ (The New York Times), Lionheart is joined by municipal organist Ray Cornils and Portland String Quartet for this unique presentation. The concert will feature a new work for organ by Kline, commissioned in part by Portland Ovations and Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ. Merrill Auditorium. Presented in collaboration with Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ and LARK Society for Chamber Music.

Wednesday, May 18 Steve Martin: An Evening of Bluegrass & Banjo

Ameranouche will offer “the joyful, uplifting, and dance-inducing sounds of Gypsy jazz” at Mayo Street Arts on Saturday, April 30. (COURTESY PHOTO)


7:30 p.m. “Performing with The Steep Canyon Rangers, An Evening of Bluegrass & Banjo, Merrill Auditorium. The legendary Steve Martin is a true renaissance man. Now the actor, comedian, novelist, playwright, and musician teams up with the accomplished bluegrass quintet Steep Canyon Rangers for an evening of bluegrass and banjo. Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers first played together in 2009, garnering praise from fans and critics alike. The popularity of their joint live performances has resulted in a new album, Rare Bird Alert, due out this spring. This is Martin’s second bluegrass album. His first, The Crow/New Songs For The Five-String Banjo, won a 2010 Grammy for best bluegrass album. The Steep Canyon Rangers are a classic five-man string band comprised of a guitar, fiddle, upright bass, banjo and mandolin. Martin adds a second banjo and additional vocals making for a unique and exciting sound.” Portland Ovations is pleased to announce that Tony Trischka & Territory have been added to the concert featuring Steve Martin with Steep Canyon Rangers.




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8 p.m. Mayo Street Arts features Ameranouche Trio (Gypsy Jazz); $10 at the door. “Ameranouche (pronounced uhMARE-uh-noosh) features two French acoustic Gypsy jazz guitars and upright bass, and is a winner of Best of New Hampshire awards as well as being veterans of the famed Newport Jazz Festival. The group tours nationally, year-round, and has released two albums, largely of original music inspired by legendary Gypsy guitarist, Django Reinhardt.National Lampoon director, Kevin Wheatley, calls Ameranouche ‘the new sound of America.’”

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Friday,April 29 John Prine, presented by the State Theatre, performing at Portland’s Merrill Auditorium

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from preceding page

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011

Looking for snakes, tackling farm chores Vacation week camps usher kids outdoors BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

The game “rock, paper, scissors” came to life in an ecological way Wednesday as children acted out the parts of frogs, mosquitoes and kingfishers. The kids gamely flapped imaginary wings, brandished stingers and hopped like frogs before chasing each other across the grass. Welcome to the April Vacation Week camp at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth, headquarters of the Maine Audubon. “I think parents who come here, where we differ from other camps at this time of year, they know that we get them outside a lot,” said Cathy Stivers, environmental educator with Maine Audubon. “If it’s not absolutely pouring or as long as there’s no lightning, we get them outside.” Wednesday was no exception, as the youngsters trooped down to a pond and looked for aquatic creatures, while another group of preschoolers took to the woods to learn about woodland life. Today, the theme is “Who’s That Stirring in the Mud?” Kids will roll up their sleeves and find critters in the mud of the pond and underneath forest logs. At 10 a.m. Friday, Gilsland will host a “close-up encounter with live

salamanders, turtles and other coldblooded creatures.” This presentation is open to the public as well. “Every vacation week we have a live animal presentation for the public; the kids, of course, get front-row seats,” Stivers said. This week, campers will hope that someone spots a snake so they can catch it and liven up the exhibit. Frogs, salamanders and turtles can’t match the excitement factor of a snake slithering through the terrarium, Stivers noted. “Last year I think we found a snake right before hand,” she recalled. “We Maine Audubon day camp leader Carolyn Findeisen directs a team strategy session during outdoor games at Gilsland Farm in know where the sal- Falmouth Wednesday. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO) amanders are ... and we know where the the staff do, that’s how we all started,” things to do so they can be in the barn frogs and tadpoles are.” she said. close to the animals,” he said. Children ages 6 to 11 take part in At Wolfe’s Neck Farm in Freeport, With four miles of coastline, Wolfe’s the Gilsland vacation week camp. The love of nature is paired up with eduNeck Farm offers children a chance camp has attracted children from as cation about farm life. to “see the changes that are going on far away as Waterville, Stivers said. Parents can sign their children up right now,” Tadlock said. “A lot of kids just have a love of it, as for a day at a time in the demonstra“I think that’s why parents send tion farm’s vacation camp, held 8:30 them. It’s an opportunity for kids to a.m. to 3 p.m. daily through Friday. get outside, the weather is starting to Today, the camp focuses on “magic in turn and we’re starting to see plenty the woods,” and Friday is an Earth of signs of spring around here,” he Day theme, according to Eric Tadlock, said. director of education. April Vacation Camp at Wolfe’s Neck “The kids spend the entire day out Farm costs $45 per day or $200 for the on the farm or in the forest or down full week for members. Nonmember at the salt marsh, there’s a different price is $60 per day or $250 for the full team for every day,” Tadlock said. week. For details, email education@ Each morning begins with chores on or call 865-4469, the farm — something that campers ext. 103. seem to relish, Tadlock said. At Gilsland Farm, members cost “The kids love to go down to the for April Vacation Camp is $55/day, coast and look in the tide pools, but $250/week; nonmembers pay $70/ I would say the kids love the chores day, $320/week. For more informathe most, they love the interaction tion about Maine Audubon camp prowith the animals. They look for more grams, visit

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Joshua Shunk, 9, of Portland arranges a rope and cones for a game during vacation week day camp with Maine Audubon Wednesday. Kids donned coats at Gilsland Farm for a day mostly spent outdoors. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011— Page 9

Starting them young, Gilsland offers woodland walking tour for youngsters Preschoolers line up after an exercise on woodland ecology at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth. At 10 a.m. Friday, Gilsland will host a “close-up encounter with live salamanders, turtles and other cold-blooded creatures.” This presentation is open to day campers and the public as well. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Salvation Army launches day camp to fill funding gap BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

The end of a scholarship program doesn't mean the end of camp for kids in the Greater Portland area. The Salvation Army stepped up when a foundation ended its funding of a "summer champs" camp scholarship program, which provided $500 per child for camp attendance, explained Major Penny Shaffer with the Salvation Army. "We're starting up a day camp program trying to fill in the gap where the scholarship monies are no longer available," Shaffer said Monday during a camp rally. The "Laugh & Learn with the Salvation Army!" day camp runs from June 20 through Aug. 26. Applications

will be taken starting May 16. The end of the foundation grant caused a flurry of phone calls and concern that children would fall through the cracks, Shaffer recalled. "Back in January we said, 'Well, what can we do to help?' That's how we came up with it. We asked around and nobody really had a plan," she said. New this year, the day camp program will serve 30 children a week for eight weeks. An existing residential camp at Camp Sebago will continue this summer, running in June and July, and can accommodate 150 children for two weeks, Shaffer said. The summer camp is geared to children living in Portland, South Portland, Scarborough, Falmouth, Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland and

Savanna Demmons (left), 9, and Neenah Hall, 10, hoist giant dice for a game at the Salvation Army Portland Corps Monday during a kickoff for a new day camp program. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Westbrook. Both with the new day program and with the continuing summer camp, the Salvation Army is trying to meet needs during tough economic times, Shaffer said. "Affordable child care is going to be the challenge this summer for those without 'summer champs' scholarships," Shaffer said. "That's who we're hoping to help. Mom and dad have to go to work all day, what do we do with our kids? Send them to the Salvation

Army day camp." Ashley Kuntz, program development associate, said the day camp will take kids to places such as the galleries of the Portland Museum of Art and the beaches of Sebago Lake. Cost of the day camp is $40 per week. For more information, call Ashley at 774-4172. Cost of the summer camp is $30. For more information about summer camp, contact Lynda Butts at 774-4172 or email


by Lynn Johnston by Paul Gilligan

By Holiday Mathis SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You won’t knock what you haven’t tried. Furthermore, you’re not likely to believe the reviews, regardless of whether they are good or bad. You feel compelled to experience it all for yourself, so dive in. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A friendly visit will have far-reaching benefits. You will touch on a variety of interests and topics, which will be most enlightening. Bring things back around to your main point at the end. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Persuasion is a combination of science and artistic application. You’ll go by the book until you sense that something more is needed. That’s when you use your instinct to strike a deal. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll be presenting a case to a group. They are likely to remember the beginning and the end of what you say -the middle, not so much. So focus on a strong opening and a closing that makes them say “wow.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Drama relies on conflict. And though you like a good story as much as the next person, when it comes to your everyday life, you’d rather everyone just get along. You’ll be the peaceful agent that makes that possible today. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 21). There’s a windfall within the next four weeks. The way you use your resources will favorably influence how others feel about you. All efforts to be creative and memorable will be a joy to execute. You’ll acquire new skills in May. June brings a bold career move. You’ll celebrate family additions in September. Capricorn and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 2, 50, 15 and 11.

Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

ARIES (March 21-April 19). The great outdoors will be the location of your good fortune. In nature, you will feel connected to all things. This connection is made easier by bug spray, sunscreen and proper outdoor attire. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Someone who is receptive to you will bring out your very best. The barriers to your creativity come down, and you feel momentarily invincible. Arrange to be around this person more often. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll do all that is expected of you, and then you’ll do a little bit more. It’s the extra edge that leads to your success. And you’ll love the astonished reaction you get as you deliver the unexpected. CANCER (June 22-July 22). What you do from nine to five will not be nearly as crucial to your happiness as what you do from five to nine. Concentrate your efforts on making the afterhours special for you and your loved ones. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’re loyal, and you take care of your people. That’s why you’re likely to do more to forward the agenda of a group than you would do on your own behalf. This is an ideal time to ask for introductions, pointers and access to resources. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Someone close to you has become too isolated, and you’re just the one to help. This person is floating along in his own bubble, but you can burst the bubble with honesty and plain words. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re usually not interested in making the hard sell, but today is different. You see how good a situation could be for you or someone you love, and you’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen.

by Aaron Johnson


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011

ACROSS 1 Pull hard 4 Flowed back 9 Parts of overalls 13 Architect Christopher __ 15 Monk 16 “I haven’t the faintest __” 17 Meanie 18 Untrue 19 Be lazy 20 Personnel 22 Depressed 23 Street-paving substances 24 Caribbean or Mediterranean 26 Kidnap 29 Grand __; current Jeep model 34 Without companions 35 Insulting remarks 36 On __ fours; crawling 37 Talk wildly

38 Goatee spots 39 Dry as a desert 40 “__ on a Grecian Urn” 41 Throw 42 Babble 43 Very young bird 45 Second of two 46 Hightail it 47 Sell 48 Fountain order 51 Baptizes 56 Swamp critter, for short 57 Makes well 58 As __ as ice 60 Facial woe 61 Bird of prey 62 Smell 63 Orchestra section 64 Piece of asparagus 65 __ on; watch from hiding


DOWN Cut in __; halve

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35

Strong desire Virus Serious attempt Hee-haws Liver secretion __ up; relax Bureaus City in Spain TV’s “American __” Boyfriend Out of danger Farthest planet from the sun Bridal veil material Pauser’s syllables Moses’ brother Part of a knife Cooing birds Hang on Suspended from a hook Jeweler’s measure Privileged class Firstborn of two Part of the leg

38 Settles for sure, as a deal 39 Design style of the ‘20s & ‘30s 41 Respiratory infection 42 Breathe heavily 44 Tiny amounts 45 Smaller

47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 59

Country estate Strikebreaker Killer whale Knotts & others Pile Become furious Silent assents Meal in the sty Wipe, as plates

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Thursday, April 21, the 111th day of 2011. There are 254 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On April 21, 1910, author Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, died in Redding, Conn., at age 74. On this date: In 1509, England’s King Henry VII died; he was succeeded by his 17-year-old son, Henry VIII. In 1649, the Maryland Toleration Act, which provided for freedom of worship for all Christians, was passed by the Maryland assembly. In 1789, John Adams was sworn in as the first vice president of the United States. In 1836, an army of Texans led by Sam Houston defeated the Mexicans at San Jacinto, assuring Texas independence. In 1918, Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the German ace known as the “Red Baron,” was killed in action during World War I. In 1930, a fire broke out inside the overcrowded Ohio Penitentiary in Columbus, killing 332 inmates. In 1940, the quiz show that asked the “$64 question,” ‘’Take It or Leave It,” premiered on CBS Radio. In 1960, Brazil inaugurated its new capital, Brasilia, transferring the seat of national government from Rio de Janeiro. In 1971, Haitian President Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier died at age 64; he was succeeded by his son, Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier. In 1986, a rediscovered vault in Chicago’s Lexington Hotel that was linked to Al Capone was opened during a live TV special hosted by Geraldo Rivera; aside from a few bottles and a sign, the vault turned out to be empty. One year ago: Pope Benedict XVI promised “church action” to confront the clerical abuse scandal. Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was suspended for six games for violating the NFL’s personal conduct policy. (Commissioner Roger Goodell handed down the punishment after prosecutors decided not to bring charges in a case involving a 20-year-old college student who’d accused Roethlisberger of sexually assaulting her.) Former Nuremberg prosecutor Whitney Harris, 97, died in Frontenac, Missouri. Today’s Birthdays: Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II is 85. Actress-comedian-writer Elaine May is 79. Actor Charles Grodin is 76. Singer-musician Iggy Pop is 64. Actress Patti LuPone is 62. Actor Tony Danza is 60. Actress Andie MacDowell is 53. Rock singer Robert Smith (The Cure) is 52. Rock musician Michael Timmins (Cowboy Junkies) is 52. Actor John Cameron Mitchell is 48. Rapper Michael Franti (Spearhead) is 45. Rock singer-musician Glen Hansard (The Frames) is 41. Comedian Nicole Sullivan is 41. Rock musician David Brenner is 33.


Dial 5




10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CTN 5 Community Bulletin Board


Community The Paul Reiser WCSH (N) Å Show (N) American Idol A contesWPFO tant is eliminated. (N) Å




APRIL 21, 2011





The Office Parks and (N) Å Recreation (N) Å Bones “Finder” A security guard’s remains are found. (N) Å Wipeout Obstacles Grey’s Anatomy Merinclude Flipsy Daisy. (In edith runs the ER for a Stereo) Å night. (In Stereo) Å Maine Conversa- Doc Martin Martin’s parWatch tions with ents visit; startling news. Maine (In Stereo) Å Roadside Windows to Nature “Suvivors of the Stories Å the Wild Å Firestorm” Animals are nursed back to health. The Vampire Diaries Nikita Alex is assigned to “Klaus” Elena makes a an overseas mission. (N) discovery about Klaus. (In Stereo) Å The Big Rules of CSI: Crime Scene InBang Engage- vestigation “Fracked” (In Theory ment Å Stereo) Å (DVS) Without a Trace Å Without a Trace Å

30 Rock “100” “TGS” News faces cancellation. (N) (In Stereo) Å News 13 on FOX (N) Frasier “My Fair Frasier”

Tonight Show With Jay Leno According to Jim Å

Private Practice “Blind Love” Charlotte’s attacker is injured. Å The Rehearsal

News 8 Nightline WMTW at (N) Å 11PM (N) Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

Frontline “The Silence” Abuse of Native Americans; Ai Weiwei. Å Entourage TMZ (N) (In “Less Than Stereo) Å 30” The Mentalist “The Red Ponies” A jockey is murdered. Å Curb Saver

Mother Nature’s Child Nature promotes good health in children. Å Extra (N) Punk’d (In (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Å WGME Late Show News 13 at With David 11:00 Letterman Late Night Star Trek








DISC Deadliest Catch Å


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The 700 Club Å


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Law & Order: SVU


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CSNE Ball Up Streetball


SportsNet Sports


ESPN Football

SportsCenter Special:


ESPN2 MLS Soccer New York Red Bulls at D.C. United.



NFL Live

Criminal Minds Å

River Monsters Å Law & Order: SVU

Criminal Minds Å

Hogs Gone Wild Å Law & Order: SVU

Deadliest Catch Å

MLB Baseball: Red Sox at Angels SportsNet Sports


Baseball Tonight (N)

SportsCenter (N) Å

SportsCenter Special


Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å


DISN “Adventures of Sharkboy”


TOON Hole/Wall



King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy


NICK My Wife

My Wife



My Wife


MSNBC The Last Word

Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Wizards Lopez

Rachel Maddow Show The Ed Show (N)


CNN In the Arena (N)


CNBC Goldman Sachs: Power Trash Inc: The

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The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)



NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Philadelphia 76ers. (N) Å Police Women


Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å


LIFE Royal Wedding

My Wife

The Last Word

Fuel (N)




Mad Money

Greta Van Susteren

The O’Reilly Factor

NBA Basketball

Royal Wedding

Royal Wedding

How I Met How I Met

Police Women


Police Women





AMC Movie: ››‡ “Sudden Impact” (1983) Å


HGTV First Place First Place Selling NY Selling NY House


TRAV Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Triple Rush (N) Å


A&E The First 48 Å


BRAVO Housewives/NYC

Movie: ››‡ “Sudden Impact” (1983) Å

The First 48 Å




Triple Rush Å

Manhunter Manhunter Manhunter Manhunter





HALL Little House



Gold Girls Gold Girls


SYFY Connor Chronicles

Connor Chronicles

Connor Chronicles


ANIM The Bear Whisperer

The Bear Whisperer

The Bear Whisperer

The Bear Whisperer


HIST Swamp People Å

Swamp People (N)


Top Shot Å



61 62 67 68 76





NYC Chrono


Movie: ››‡ “The Longshots” (2008) Å

COM Futurama



South Park South Park South Park Daily Show Colbert

Two Men

Two Men

Two Men

Two Men

Archer (N) Archer



TVLND All-Family All-Family Raymond





3’s Co.

Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy

Conan (N)



Fa. Affair

Movie: ›‡ “Rush Hour 3” (2007) Jackie Chan.


Jail Å

TNA Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) Å Snapped Å


OXY Slave Girls of India


TCM Movie: ›››› “12 Angry Men” (1957) Å


The Mo’Nique Show

1 4 8 14 15 16 17

19 20 21 23 24 26 29 32 33 34 36 40 44 45



Snapped Å

Snapped Å

Sidney Lumet

Movie: “The Hill” Å

ACROSS Multiply-curved wheel Losing cause? Bonds and fetters Tenth of MDX Bank seizure, briefly Estonia neighbor With 26A, gourmands’ assets Former U.N. leader French measure Salty seven Chowed down Strike by Zorro See 17A Doubting Thomas Coach Ewbank Umpire’s call Type of dancer Cliff dwelling Decorative light fixture Shorthand expert Other

46 Fly-fishing action 47 Footnote abbr. 49 Aristocratic luncheons 52 With 66A, Fifth Avenue landmark 56 Oscar winner Kedrova 57 Island garland 58 Algerian port 60 Release 63 Better than even chance 66 See 52A 68 Steffi Graf’s husband 69 Antique shoppe’s affectation 70 Scot’s refusal 71 Madagascar insectivore 72 Ink spot 73 Verizon, once

1 2

DOWN Third of ML Lenin Peak’s range

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22

25 27 28 29 30 31 35 37 38

Christmas plant Most arid Last of cash? Collection of ancient poetry Accents Defoe’s castaway Shack Fire flakes Soulful Hayes “Ode to Joy” symphony Gluts Golf hazard Under the most negative circumstances Eminent Intend First second son Mama pigs Writer Vonnegut Dijon’s department Gerard or Hodges Diverging from a common point Somali supermodel

39 41 42 43 48 50 51 52 53 54

Omar of “House” BTU part East Asian desert French eye Full of incongruity Boneless cut of meat Left the scene Parade entry Rocky shelf Quinn of “The

Book of Daniel” Mr. Moneybags Invalid Pesky insect S-shaped molding 64 Lith. or Azer., once 65 Sugary suffix 67 Wedding vow 55 59 61 62

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011



Wanted To Buy

DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

DUMP RUNS We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.

I buy broken and unwanted laptops for cash, today. Highest prices paid. (207)233-5381.


For Rent

For Rent

For Sale

UNITY CENTER FOR SACRED LIVING is an open interfaith, Oneness oriented spiritual community. We hope you will come join us for our alternative services on Sundays from 10-11am at the Williston-West Church, Memorial Hall (2nd fl), 32 Thomas St., Portland, ME (207)221-0727.

NEAR Ivex Lavatories on Saco St, raised ranch with garage. 2 br, heated. $1100/mo. (207)797-2891.

WESTBROOK large room eff. furnished, utilities pd includes cable. Non-smokers only. No pets. $195/weekly (207)318-5443.

BEDROOM7 piece Solid cherry sleigh. Dresser/Mirror chest & night stand (all dovetail). New in boxes cost $2,200 Sell $895. 603-427-2001

For Rent-Commercial

CUSTOM Glazed Kitchen Cabinets. Solid maple, never installed. May add or subtract to fit kitchen. Cost $6,000 sacrifice $1,750. 433-4665

WWW.PORTLANDTALKS.COM Rant and rave! Have you been silent too long? You can make a difference.

PORTLAND- Danforth Street, 2 bedrooms, heated, newly painted, hardwood floors. $850/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $475-$850. (207)773-1814.


PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814.

WWW.MAINESATELLITETV.CO M Watch over 3500 channels with no monthly fees. Software $49.95 for PC and Laptops.

PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 1 bedroom heated. Newly installed oak floor, just painted. $675/mo. (207)773-1814.

PORTLAND Art District- 2 adjacent artist studios with utilities. First floor. $325-$350 (207)773-1814.

For Sale BED- Orthopedic 11 inch thick super nice pillowtop mattress & box. 10 year warranty, new-in-plastic. Cost $1,200, sell Queen-$299, Full-$270, King-$450. Can deliver. 235-1773

PRINCESS Diana doll, Danbury Mint, original box, $40. Maple bookcase headboard for double bed $10. (207)653-2974.

Personals MEET your soulmate. Affinity is Maine’s number 1 online and offline dating resource. (207)221-6131,

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: Nearly 20 years ago, I was convicted of drunk driving and given a year’s probation. My brother, “Joe,” immediately cut off all contact. I got treatment for my drinking problem and have been sober ever since. I know Joe was hurt and embarrassed by what I did, and I would like to make amends. I have sent him Christmas and birthday cards wishing him well, but have never received a response. I was not invited to his wedding, and now I have a sister-in-law and two nephews I have never met. My parents are in poor health, and I fear my next meeting with Joe will be at their funeral. Mom says I should wait for Joe to contact me, but since that has not happened, I feel I should make another effort to let him know I am sorry. I want to bury the hatchet. Any advice? -- Midwest Brother Dear Midwest: Joe seems very unforgiving. You cannot force him to contact you, but it is OK to try periodically. We assume your parents have informed Joe that you have been sober and responsible for the past 20 years. We also hope they have encouraged him to give you another chance. Please ask them to find out what it would take for Joe to consider you his brother again. Dear Annie: My best friend, “Kim,” and I moved into an apartment together a couple of months ago. We’ve known each other since high school and always got along wonderfully. However, she is a control freak when it comes to our living space. From Day One, she insisted on taking charge of the decorating and deciding which one of us would do what chores and when. She goes nuts if the dishwasher isn’t emptied immediately or if the utensils are not put away in a certain order. If a throw rug is a little crooked, she complains that

the place is a pigsty and blames me. I dread spending time in the apartment. I am not a slob. I do my best to keep the place clean, but Kim is never satisfied. I work two jobs and always pay my share of the bills on time. I am tired of being treated like a maid. We have nine months left on our lease, and I’m not sure I can stand it. Please help. -- Fed-Up Roommate Dear Roommate: Some roommates are wound a little tighter than others. You can try talking to Kim, explaining calmly that you find it too difficult to adhere to her standards, and that unless things can lighten up, it may be best to part ways when the lease expires. Until then, absent yourself as much as possible, take a lot of deep breaths and hang in there. Dear Annie: I saw the letter from “Texas Single Woman,” who read about the “pass the piggy” game in your column and recounted how her father traumatized her with the use of a pig trough to remind her of mealtime manners. My husband and I also read about the “pass the piggy” game in your column and thought it was a great idea for our manners-challenged 5- and 3-year-old boys. The next day, we bought a cute little pink plastic pig, explained its purpose and commenced dinner. The boys competed eagerly to see who could have the worst manners and win the pig. I can’t speak about their psyches, but our dinnertime peace was battered. The next day, we changed our approach and awarded the pig to displays of good manners. That brought about even more competition and so many demands for recognition of good manners that no other dinner conversation was possible. We have since retired the pig to a sideboard where it reminds us that where our boys are concerned, there are no easy fixes. Thanks for the laughs. -- Lana from Torrance, Calif.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

MAINEX10.COM. Home security, surveillance, entertainment & automation. No monthly fees! Shop with confidence! VeriSign secure.

PHOTO BOOTH We bring the photo booth and the fun to your occasion. (207)776-8633. RAMSEY Services- Reasonable rates, 1 call does all! Moving, clean ups, clean outs, yard wor, junk removal, demo, replace/ repair homework, apartment prep: cleaning, repairs, painting. (207)615-6092. STEVE Lothrop Construction. Decks, additions, flooring, siding, roofing, woodrot. Senior discounts. Fully insured, references (207)513-1220.

Wanted 300- 500 sq.ft. workspace to share or lease, pay $200/mo with utilities, access to toilet. Portland, South Portland area. (781)249-0323.

Yard Sale 14 Liberty Lane, Unit 73- Fr Maine to Wyoming- Downsizing- Not your everyday moving sale; Exclusive furniture and house access. Saturday. Apr 23rd 8-2pm, call (207)761-0130 8-7pm. Solid col. oak din. table, 4 cushioned swivel arm chairs plus lazy susan, floral design Chippendale chair, 3 oak barstools, 4 pieces wrought iron in/ outdoor patio set, Karastan 70D-706 (color ivory) sarouk carpets (like new, various sizes), 27’ Magnavox color TV, Serta boxspring and mattress, Lane padded top bench cedar chest with key (new) (special offer), great books of the Western World, vintage edition, all 54 volumes in shelves, never used, Yamaha keyboard, Portatone PSR-270, mic stand, case, pedals, etc. Elegant mahogany wood/ white mesh room divider. Various accent lamps (old and modern) artifacts, pictures, collectors items, Country & Western music books, albums, videos, office, computer table (adjustable), & more! Original. Price sales sheet for most items. Cash only. SOUTH Portland Coin/ Marble Show- 4/23/11, American Legion Post 25, 413 Broadway, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.

The Daily Sun Classifieds “Can you send me prices for display ads in the Sun... I am really happy with the results from the Sun classifieds and I want to expand... I have tried the other papers... zero replies... nothing even comes close to The Sun...” — An advertiser who gets results using the Sun’s classifieds.

To place a classified call 699-5807

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011— Page 13

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– economy and improve Portland’s urban environment. The celebration will feature local, organic food, compost demonstrations, agricultural presentations, seed/sappling give-aways, dance performances, art, street musicians, face painting, and much more. The event offers fun, free activities for all ages. Wolfe’s Neck Farm will showcase local agricultural and environmental education activities for youth including displaying some of their farm animals. The Department of Public Services will provide information on ways residents can prevent stormwater pollution, an important environmental effort to improve the health of the city’s natural waterways. Nearly 30 organizations including Local Sprouts Cooperative, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Maine Standard Biofuels, ecomaine, Open Sky Fund and Soma Massage & Wellness will participate in the celebration.”

Thursday, April 21 Spring Egg-stravaganza at College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. College of the Atlantic’s George B. Dorr Museum of Natural History is offering a celebration of the egg, a Spring Egg-stravaganza, combining egg decorating and egg learning. Using natural dyes from spinach, grapes, tea, and flowers, participants will be dying hard-boiled eggs. For those longing for a little glitter in their lives, there will also be the opportunity to decorate paper eggs with yarn, glitter and markers. The celebration includes an egg hunt for plastic eggs filled with candy as well as slips of paper with fun facts about egg-laying animals: birds, spiders, fish, frogs, and snakes. The Egg-stravaganza is focused on young children, ages 2 to about 10. 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor. No pre-registration necessary. 288-5395, 801-5839, or

Tedford Homeless Shelter fundraiser 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. In an effort to end homelessness in the mid-coast region, area businesses will join Gov. Paul LePage at the Southern MidCoast Chamber of Commerce where a fundraiser will take place from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. The benefit will raise money for the Tedford Homeless Shelter at 34 Federal St. in Brunswick. The Brunswick Area Interfaith Council established Tedford in 1987 after a growing number of people sought shelter at mid-coast Maine churches. Gov. LePage announced a Capitol for a Day event will be held throughout Sagadahoc County on Friday, April 22

Lobster management on the West Coast talk at College of the Atlantic 4:10 p.m. Continuing College of the Atlantic’s spring Marine Policy Series, Carla Guenther, community coordinator of the Penobscot East Resource Center in Stonington, offers a talk in the college’s McCormick Lecture Hall. Guenther will be speaking about lobster management on the West Coast. She offers a socioecological analysis of fishery response and impacts of Marine Protected Areas in Santa Barbara, Calif. McCormick Lecture Hall, 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor

‘The Elephant in the Living Room’

6:30 p.m. “The Elephant in the Living Room” screens at Movies at the Museum at the Portland Museum of Art. Friday, April 22, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 23, 2 p.m.; Sunday, April 24 2 p.m. NR “The Elephant in the Living Room 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Portland Regional Chamis a documentary film about the controverber presents Business After Hours at the sial American subculture of raising the most Fireside Inn & Suites (formerly the Holiday dangerous animals in the world as common Inn Portland West) with co-sponsor Spring household pets. Director Michael Webber Meadows Golf Club for networking, great follows the journey of two men at the heart of food, cash bar and the 50/50 drawing. the issue. One, Tim Harrison, a man whose mission is to protect exotic animals and the public, and the other, Terry Brumfield, a bigThe Portland Sea Dogs hearted man who struggles to keep his two return to Hadlock On Sunday, May 1, at 2:30 p.m. and Tuesday, May 3, at 7:30 p.m. in Merrill Auditorium, the Portland Symphony pet African lions that he loves like his own 6 p.m. The Portland Sea Dogs, Double-A Orchestra will perform its final concerts of the PSO’s 2010-11 season; they feature Ravel’s full score for his family.” affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, return to ballet Daphnis et Chloé. Mozart’s Bassoon Concerto features PSO principal bassoonist, Janet Polk (pictured), events/movies.php Hadlock Field for a seven-game/eight-day and the program opens with Wagner’s Prelude and Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde. Portland Symphony ‘Killer Joe’ screening homestand beginning Thursday, April 21 at Orchestra Music Director Robert Moody will present a preview of the 2011-2012 PSO season on Wednesday, 6 p.m. against the New Britain Rock Cats May 4 at 5:30 p.m. at the Merrill Auditorium Rehearsal Hall. The event is free and open to the public. (COUR- 7:30 p.m. “Killer Joe” screening. “(Please note: Due to graphic violence, nudity and (Minnesota Twins). The homestand will fea- TESY PHOTO) strong adult content, no one under 18 will ture the first fireworks game of the season be admitted.) Drugs, guns, sex, and counon April 22, as well as the first bobblehead Stations of the Cross. During Holy Week, on April 21, try-western: this ain’t your daddy’s night at the theater. doll giveaway of the season, Jon Lester, on April 27. Maundy Thursday at 7 p.m., there will be Holy CommuSomething like the love-child of Sam Shepard and Quentin Matt Gallagher at Longfellow Books nion and Stripping of the Altar. On April 22, Good Friday, Tarantino, “Killer Joe” lures you with pitch black humor into 7 p.m. Matt Gallagher will read from his memoir, “Kaboom,” from noon until 3 p.m., there is the remembrance of the the trailer-trash world of a greedy and vindictive Texan clan based on his blog written during his time serving in Irag, Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross called Tres Ores. It begins desperate enough to murder their mother for her insurance at Longfellow Books. “Based on Captain Matt Gallagher’s at noon with the Stations of the Cross and Meditations on policy. Unable to pull off the dirty deed themselves, they hire controversial and popular blog, ‘Kaboom’ resonates with the Last Words of Christ in the Cross. Holy Week wraps up a contract killer who sinks his claws into their young daughter ironic detachment from — and intimate yet timeless insight on Sunday April 24, with the Great Celebration of Easter and sends their plan spiraling out of control. In his first play, into — a war Americans are still trying to understand. When and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ at 4 p.m. The Rev. Pulitzer Prize-winner Tracy Letts pushes Southern Gothic to the blog was shut down in June 2008 by the U.S. Army, Jeffrey Monroe MM is Rector. a pulpy, shocking extreme, creating a visceral experience questions were raised in the halls of Congress and even that builds tension to a jaw-dropping, hilariously depraved Portland Pirates Playoff Hockey, Game 5 a few eyebrows were raised at the Pentagon. Matt Galclimax.” SPACE Gallery. $12 general/$10 members, 18 plus. 7 p.m. Portland Pirates Playoff Hockey MISSION: 16W, lagher’s extraordinary literary style, graceful narrative and powered by Time Warner Cable continues with the Game Dark Follies: Vaudeville Never Died penetrating wit captures the voice of a generation of sol5 of the Atlantic Division Semifinals at the Cumberland 8 p.m. Dark Follies: Vaudeville Never Died — It was just diers, the quirkiness of military life, and the soul of a war.” County Civic Center. The first 2,000 fans into the game resting its eyes! Show Times: April 22 at 8 p.m., April 23 at ‘A History of the Barns of Maine’ will receive thundersticks courtesy of Time Warner Cable. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. “For nearly four years Dark Follies has 7 p.m. The New Gloucester Historical Society will hold its Game 7 of the series, if necessary, will be played Monday brought its vaudeville style variety show to the streets of monthly meeting to hear an illustrated talk by Don Perkins, (April 25th) at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center. Portland is in the Portland, Maine during First Friday Art Walks from June to local reporter and noted “barnologist,” titled “Our Barns: A best of seven series 2-2 against the Connecticut Whale. September. Featuring live music, dancing, juggling, side History of the Barns of Maine.” The meeting will be held at Individual tickets for all first round home games are availshow acts, and more they have entertained crowds of all the New Gloucester Meetinghouse, next to the Town Hall able by visiting, by calling 775-3458 ages on many a summer night. … Your favorite Portland on Rte. 231. The public is invited. Refreshments will be or by visiting the Cumberland County Civic Center Box street vaudevillians are taking their show from the downserved. Don’s talk will include dozens of barn photos of the Office. town square to the Lucid Stage. Join Dark Follies for a full local area and will include a history of farming in Maine and scale revival of the vaudeville variety show. With perforFriday, April 22 the large number of influences on changing barn design. mances by Kait-ma, The Lovely Janice, Cait Capaldi, Bus Society members will hold a business meeting following the Stop Love, Lindsey Feeney, Antebellym, Sybil, Jan Hanseth, 2011 Urban Earth Day Celebration program. Scavenger, The Dark Follies Rhythm Orchestra, and more! 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. MENSK, Flintstonecar and the City of Lady Selcouth, Mistress of the Dark Follies presides over St. Augustine of Canterbury Anglican Church Portland will host Portland’s 2011 Urban Earth Day Celethis extravaganza of dance, song, comedy and vaudeville Holy Week services at Old Orchard Beach bration. Monument Square (rain location, Portland Public antics!” Tickets are $12 general admission seating $10 stu7 p.m. St. Augustine of Canterbury Anglican Church, Library) “The event brings together many of Portland’s envidents/seniors and may be purchased at the Lucid Stage located at Cathedral Pines Chapel, 156 Saco Ave., Old ronmental and nonprofit organizations, artists, sustainable box office and Orchard Beach, has announced its Holy Week Schedule. businesses and residents and will give the public an oppor-

Business After Hours with the Portland Regional Chamber

Every Wednesday until April 20, there will be at 6 p.m.

tunity to learn about local efforts to promote the city’s green

see next page

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Today the Portland Pirates will skate at 10 a.m. at the Civic Center in preparation for Game 5 of the Atlantic Division Semifinals to be played tonight at 7 p.m. The Connecticut Whale won 3-1 in Game 4 of the their best-ofseven Atlantic Division Semifinal Series to even the series at 2-2. (COURTESY PHOTO)

from preceding page

Saturday, April 23 Symposium on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 9 a.m. Maine Veterans for Peace is sponsoring its fourth Symposium on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Surviving Trauma. The all-day event will be held at the Abromson Center of the University of Southern Maine with doors opening at 8 a.m. and program beginning at 9 a.m. Featured speakers will be: David Meyer, PhD, staff psychologist with the PTSD Clinical Treatment Team at Togus VA Medical Center; Kate Braestrup, community minister with the Maine Warden Service and best-selling author of “Here If You Need Me”; Michael Uhl, PhD, Vietnam veteran who has been diagnosed with PTSD. Author of “Vietnam Awakening”; Camilo Mejia, Iraq war veteran and casualty of PTSD. Author of “Road From ar Ramadi: The Private Rebellion of Staff Sergeant Camilo Mejia”; Charlie Clements, MD, a Vietnam veteran, he is currently director of the Carr Center for Human Rights at the Harvard Kennedy Center. Author of “Witness to War” which chronicles his experiences as a physician and human rights activist in El Salvador, and his own struggle with PTSD. Workshops will include: NonInvasive Treatment Options for PTSD; Refugees from War Torn Countries and their Needs; Surviving in Silence; Evidence-based treatments used for returning veterans and the trauma continuum. The Mobile Vet Center, a counseling and referral service for veterans and their families, will be on site throughout the day. The event will benefit health care professionals veterans and their loved ones, and others who have been victimized by trauma. Professionals will receive Certificates of Attendance that will delineate “contact hours” which may qualify for Credit Equivalent Units. To pre-register (recommended), or for additional information, go to

Earth Day celebration in Bar Harbor 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Once again, College of the Atlantic is inviting the greater Maine community to an Earth Day celebration. This year it will be held on Saturday, April 23. The celebration this year is being organized entirely by students, who are enthusiastically sharing their talents, creations and expertise. COA’s student-run Earth Day combines environmental and social awareness with a variety of artistic and folkloric festivities. Among the arts activities are an African dance workshop by COA alumnus Tawanda Chabikwa who has returned to teach dance at the college for a term, music performances, a drumming circle, storytelling, face painting and art displays. Look for mural-making, circus activities, slam poetry, and invisible theater as well. There will also be music sharing, so bring your own instruments.” For information contact Jose Merlo at or 460-2239, or the college at 288-5015, or

Meet the Artist: 2011 Biennial Talks 11 a.m. to noon. Avy Claire, Rachel Katz, Kim Bernard, & Mark Wethli at the Portland Museum of Art. This is a series of informal artist talks to learn more about the process and inspiration of these artists and their work on view in the 2011 Portland Museum of Art Biennial. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Suzannah Sinclair, Liv Kristin Robinson, Heath Paley and Robert Shillady; 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., Michael Shaughnessy, Carol Aronson-Shore, Richard Veit and Clint Fulkerson.

Port Authorities vs Boston Massacre 6 p.m. A WFTDA Sanctioned Bout in Maine roller derby, this event takes place at the Portland Expo. Todd the Rocket will provide bout music. Tickets $10 advance, $13 doors, $5 kids 6-12, free for kids 5 and under. After-party at Empire Dine & Dance. “The Port Authorities, ranked No. 11 in the East, take on the Boston Massacre, ranked No. 4. The Port Authorities enter this bout with three wins and one loss in 2001. Their latest win against No. 9 DC All-stars should land them a higher spot in the rankings, while Massacre’s loss to No. 7 Montreal will cause a drop for their ranking. Massacre’s definitely got the upper hand in this bout, but the Port Authorities should be able to keep the score close to make for an exciting bout. The Port Authorities have played the Massacre every year since 2008 and have lost every bout. The team plans to use their line-ups strategically in order to stand a chance against the Massacre’s heavy line-ups of defensive blockers. And then there’s Claire D. Way, the Massacre’s star jammer, who seems to hop, skip and duck her way through every pack.”

Fur Cultural Revival peace rally for Darfur 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Meg Perry Center, 644 Congress St., Portland. Fur Cultural Revival (part of The Darfur Community Center of Maine) presents a Rally for Peace in Darfur at The Meg Perry Center, 644 Congress St. This event is free and open to the public, however, donations will be accepted for Fur Cultural Revival. Speakers will include Darfur Genocide survivor El-Fadel Arbab, as well as local

activists and members of the Sudanese refugee communities. There will be a showing of the film, “The Devil Came On Horseback.” Starring Brian Steidle, this film premiered at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival and covers the story of the Darfur genocide. The film has a running time of 85 minutes. Sudanese snacks and refreshments will be served. “ Since 2003, more than 400,000 people have been killed in Darfur, Sudan. More than 2.7 million people have been displaced. Southern Maine now boasts the largest organized Darfuri refugee community in the United States. Although Sudanese President Al-Bashir is now wanted by The International Criminal Court for war crimes in Darfur, the genocide continues.”

Sunday, April 24 Sacred Living Gatherings 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Unity Center for Sacred Living, an open, interfaith, Oneness oriented Spiritual Community, is “here to evolve consciousness through what we call The New Spirituality. We know that the essence of Spirit is within each and every one of us, and our aim is to create a safe and sacred space for each person to explore their own perception of Spirituality. UCSL offers weekly gatherings that are informative, creative, interactive, and sometimes ceremonial followed by fellowship.” Sacred Living Gatherings on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Williston-West Church, Memorial Hall (2nd fl), 32 Thomas St. Portland. For more information call 221-0727 or email

‘Hospice the Musical’ workshop series 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. “‘Hospice the Musical’ A Workshop in Three Acts, facilitated by Lenora Trussell, ‘End-of-Life Tour Guide’” Sundays, April 24, May 1, May 8, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, 524 Allen Avenue Ave., Portland. “This series is about looking at that end-of-life journey we are all destined to take … someday. Each class stands alone. You may attend any or all. 1. Easter, April 24, “I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly,” what can we expect to be able to manage during our dying process? 2. May Day, May 1, “Somewhere Over The Rainbow,” what’s next? An exploration of purpose and destiny. 3. Mother’s Day, May 8, “If you Love, Love, Love Me,” nuts and bolts information about end-of-life preparations. What we want, need, and have to do before we die AND what we will do. Trussell is a certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse who has written two books, “Pain Smarts” and “Circling the Drain,” which will available at the workshops. “She brings a humorous, sometimes poignant, mostly informational approach to her workshops, and considers herself an ‘End-of-Life Tour Guide’ assisting in the navigation of End-of-Life journeys.” For more information contact the church at office@a2u2. org or 797-7659.

Monday, April 25 Community Development Block Grants kickoff 5:30 p.m. Public Hearing on the 2011-2012 Community Development Block Grants allocations, City Council Chambers, City Hall. “Starting April 25, the City of Portland will commemorate National Community Development Week with a series of events kicking-off with a press conference Monday at City Hall with City of Portland Mayor Nicholas

Mavodones, Portland City Councilors Councilors, staff and Community Development Block Grants recipients as they highlight projects that have helped make Portland a livable community. National Community Development week provides the city an opportunity to draw attention to the many positive impacts generated by both CDBG funds and the HOME Investment Partnership program from the construction of the Bayside trail, to community policing efforts, to the rehabilitation and first time homebuyer programs. All events are free and open to the public where one lucky attendee will receive a gift card from Hot Suppa!. Light refreshments provided by Local Sprouts will be served. Both Hot Suppa! and Local Sprouts are small local businesses that have received CDBG funding. On Friday at 10 a.m., residents are invited to join staff for a walk along the Bayside Trail. The trail was designed to re-imagine the area, stimulate economic development and build a welcoming and safe neighborhood for residents and local businesses. The one-mile trail has transformed a 13.2-acre corridor that runs parallel to Marginal Way through the Bayside Neighborhood into a ribbon of green that will connect the Eastern Prom with Deering Oaks Park. The $2.3 million trail was funded in part by a $100,000 CDBG grant and helped the city reclaim and decontaminate a prominent brownfield for recreational use in the downtown.” Events: Tuesday, April 26, 6 p.m., Housing Programs Information Session, Room 24, City Hall. Wednesday, April 27, 3 p.m., retirement party for Dwight Gailey, Room 209, City Hall; Friday, April 29, 10 a.m., walk the Bayside Trail, see a number of CDBG projects along the way, meet at front steps, City Hall.

Portland Music Foundation teams with Bayside Bowl 7 p.m. As the Portland music industry continues to grow and expand, the Portland Music Foundation would like to help everyone working in the community to make connections and get to know one another. The PMF will host a Music Industry & Community Night at Bayside Bowl, located at 58 Alder Street in Portland. Anyone working in the music industry — musicians, promoters, club owners, journalists, engineers, etc. — can come out to the free event, have a drink, maybe do some bowling, and hang out with other people in the music business. For more information on the PMF, visit

Public hearings on budgets 7:30 p.m. The public will have one of several opportunities to voice their opinion on the Portland Public School system and the City of Portland’s municipal budget. Monday, May 2, the City Council will hold a public hearing for the municipal budget only and will vote on the school budget. The school budget will then be sent to the voters for a citywide vote Tuesday, May 10. The City Council will vote on the municipal budget May 16. Monday, April 25, 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers: City Council Public Hearing for school budget only. Thursday, April 28, 5:30 p.m., Room 209: Finance Committee Public Hearing, public comment taken on city budget. Monday, May 2, 7 p.m., City Council Chambers: City Council Public Hearing for city budget only. Tuesday, May 10: Citywide vote on school budget. Visit the city’s website for the latest information on the budget process, Budget_Process. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Tuesday, April 26 Sea Dogs College Fair at Hadlock Field 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Portland Sea Dogs, Double-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, will be hosting a College Fair at Hadlock Field prior to that evening’s Sea Dogs game scheduled for 6 p.m. against the Binghamton Mets. More than 50 colleges from New England will be participating in the third annual event. “The Sea Dogs College Fair provides students with the unique opportunity to gather information from colleges throughout Maine and New England as well as meet with college admissions counselors in a social setting at a Sea Dogs baseball game. Last year over 300 students took part in the Sea Dogs College Fair with even more expected in 2011.” All students interested in attending the College Fair must have a game ticket for the April 26 Sea Dogs game against the Binghamton Mets. Students are eligible to receive two free tickets to the game; additional tickets can be purchased at the discounted rate of $3. Students looking to receive their two free tickets to attend the game and the college fair should contact the Sea Dogs Ticket Office at 879-9500.

DownEast Pride Alliance ‘Business After Hours’ 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St. “Delicious hot appetizers, cash bar with $5 drink specials and media table will be provided. Flask isa newly renovated bar offering pub-style food in a cozy environment. They offer homemade food, plasma TVs, live music and local entertainment. ... The DownEast Pride Alliance (DEPA) is a GLBTQ business networking group in Southern Maine meeting monthly at local establishments for ‘Business After Hours’ events that provide a safe forum for, and help strengthen, the local gay and gay-friendly business community.” FMI:

Wednesday, April 27 Walking tours about mobility on Congress Street noon. The city of Portland in collaboration with Greater Portland Metro Bus, the Portland Downtown District, the Greater Portland Council of Governments and the Portland Area Comprehensive Transit System will host a public meeting to discuss ways to improve mobility on Congress Street between State Street and Franklin Street including the feasibility of establishing a bus priority corridor from

High Street to Elm Street. Prior to the meeting, the public is invited to participate in one of two guided walks along the corridor from Longfellow Square to Lincoln Park. For more information about the meeting and the Portland Mobility Project, visit the city’s website at To RSVP for the tour or public meeting or to submit questions, email Noon: Guided walking tour of the corridor from Longfellow Square; 1 p.m.: Guided walking tour of the corridor from Lincoln Park; 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.: Public Meeting, Institute for Contemporary Art Maine College of Art, 552 Congress St.

‘The future of coastal management in Nova Scotia’ 4:10 p.m. Nova Scotia is considering a new management focus for its waters, and one of the key figures in developing the policy is a College of the Atlantic graduate. Justin Huston, chair of Nova Scotia’s Provincial Oceans Network, will be returning to COA to discuss his work. The talk, “Our Coast: The future of coastal management in Nova Scotia,” will be in the college’s McCormick Lecture Hall. It is part of the college’s spring Marine Policy Speaker Series. Huston is the chair of Nova Scotia’s Provincial Oceans Network, an interdepartmental body responsible for the development and implementation of the province’s new 10-year coastal strategy program, the first of its kind in Canada. Unlike the United States, where federally supported state coastal management programs have been in place since the 1970s, Canadian provinces are only now beginning to develop their own coastal management programs. or 288-5015, 801-5715. Free.

Business After 5/Online Auction 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Each year the Falmouth/Cumberland Community Chamber awards scholarships to seniors of Falmouth and Greely high schools to further their education. This year we are hosting an online auction to benefit the scholarship fund which can be found at The site may be visited at anytime and bidding will be held from April 14 through April 28, 2011. In addition, we will be hosting a social event at OceanView Retirement Community where we will also have web access to encourage last minute bidding. To donate for the auction, contact Jim Barns, 781-7677, or Ann Armstrong, 347-2355, Register by April 26.

UMF salutes Peace Corps 50th Anniversary 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. In celebration of the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary, University of Maine at Farmington Career Services and Ferro Alumni Center are joining together to

sponsor “Serving America and Around the World: A Forum Exploring Opportunities in Service.” This event is free and open to the public and will be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., North Dining Hall A, UMF Olsen Student Center.

Film: ‘American; The Bill Hicks Story’ 7:30 p.m. SPACE Gallery screening. $7/$5 for SPACE members, all ages. “Much more than a comedian, Bill Hicks was and still is an inspiration to millions. His timeless comedy tackled the contradictions of America and modern life head on. But his unique gift was to tease apart the essence of religion, the dangers of unbridled government power and the double standards inherent in much of modern society, using nothing but his hilarious ideas and the uncompromising observational style that continues to resonate with successive generations.”

Acorn Shakespeare Ensemble finales 7:30 p.m. The Acorn Shakespeare Ensemble, presenters of the “Naked Shakespeare” series, concludes its 2010/2011 season with a series of free public shows during the months of April, May and June. The troupe kicks off its spring activities with two performances at the St. Lawrence Arts Center in late April. On Wednesday, April 27 at 7:30 p.m., the Young Actors Shakespeare Conservatory will present a showcase of sonnets, soliloquies and scenes from their training program. All members of the public are welcome on Thursday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. to witness the last performance of Acorn’s high school touring version of “Macbeth,” which has been seen by over 5,000 students in Southern Maine over the past four years. Both of these St. Lawrence shows are free with a $5 suggested donation. During the first three weeks of May, Acorn brings the first outdoor Shakespeare of the season to life with the company’s Riverbank Shakespeare Festival in Westbrook, which this year features three shows in rotating repertory: Antony and Cleopatra, Cymbeline, and The Comedy of Errors. All three shows have been abridged to various extents and will be offered free of charge with a suggested donation of $10. May and June will also bring new editions of the popular “Sonnets and Soliloquies” at the Wine Bar on Wharf Street, with selections from the company’s upcoming Riverbank Park shows on Monday, May 2 at 8 p.m. and the seasons “Greatest Hits” on Monday, June 6 at 8 p.m. Both shows are free with an $8 suggested donation. The season concludes with a unique perfomance installation on Peaks Island entitled “Cymbeline Underground” on Saturday, June 25 at Sunday, June 26th at 2 p.m. These shows are free with a $10 suggested donation.

Panel discussion on graffiti reveals divide over legality vs. art PANEL from page one

“I’m more interested in hearing what he has to say than what I have to say,” said Graham. The tone of the evening was set quickly when moderator Jennifer Hutchins, executive director of both PACA and sister city arts group Creative Portland, asked the four panelists to define the term “graffiti,” eliciting a range of responses from the panel. “Graffiti is something that exists in a community, something young people see and want to participate in,” said Bryant, a local printmaker and art school grad. “It has been around forever, it’s not going anywhere, and by demonizing and criminalizing it, you don’t really allow [artists] to plant their creative seeds.” “Graffiti is a very complicated culture, and an art form and culture only concerned with itself,” said Clorius, an established artist who said he’s taught hundreds of graffiti-based workshops at school around the country. “Graffiti, unfortunately, is an art form that includes illegality, that’s part of the kick of it and what it culturally broke out of,” he said. York and McAllister took a decidedly more legal tact. “In legal terms, graffiti is criminal mischief,” said McAllister, the city’s neighborhood prosecutor tasked with addressing quality of life issues in Portland. “After a year of speaking over and over with neighborhoods, graffiti comes up on the list number one or number two every time — it inspires a lot of frustration and passion in these groups.” But McAllister said she was willing to keep an open mind on the issue, and was eager to hear the artist’s perspectives.

“It’s so cut-and-dry to the people I speak to on daily basis; [and] there are a lot of people out there who want to say something to refute that and I want to hear it,” said McAllister. York said that as an artist he can appreciate works of street art done with permission of property

Tim Clorius explains that taggers are those who write illegal graffiti; their personalized insignias are called tags. (FILE PHOTO)

owners, but he takes a much harder line on illegal graffiti. “The only positive outcome is its entire removal from the city — every public and private space and building it’s been put without permission,” York said. “Unless the graffiti writers — and I hate to call them ‘writers’, think it would be more appropriate to call them “vandals” — unless they are willing to concede they show the disrespect of marking other people’s property, there will never be any concessions on the part of the property owners,” said York. Clorius said that the urge to write on public or private property comes from a very primal place for many. “There has been a real root impulse to say, ‘I was here,’” he said. “It’s an energy that needs to be released,” said Bryant. “They could be fighting in the Old Port, playing football, smashing bottles doing drugs or doing graffiti, but it’s an energy that has to come out one way or another,” he said. “We all have energy, it doesn’t need to be released through illegal activity of damaging other people’s property,” countered McAllister. York took issue with graffiti writers being characterized strictly as misguided kids. “We’re not dealing with disenfranchised kids, we’re talking about young adults,” he said. “Who can also be disenfranchised,” said Bryant, adding, “Graffiti has been on walls since [early cave paintings] in Lascaux.” City councilor Ed Suslovic took the opportunity to formally invite all those gathered to attend the Public Safety Committee’s next meeting on May 10, when the proposed graffiti ordinance will be discussed in a public forum at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. see GRAFFITI page 16

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, April 21, 2011


The “Creative Conversation: Street Art vs. Graffiti” forum on Tuesday night (see page 1 story) did not end with the event, but also drew a range of responses from panelists, audience members, and Internet comments written on the event’s Facebook page. Collected here are a selection of comments that followed Tuesday night’s talk. Those interested in commenting further on the city’s proposed graffiti ordinance are encouraged to attend the next meeting of the Portland Public Safety Committee, May 10, 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. “I came in with the same perspective as Trish — I wanted to learn from the two gentlemen [artists Clorius and Bryant] and I have.” — Janine Roberts, commander of the Portland Police Department’s Community Services Division. “I have been in Portland since the mid’70s. I love the tolerant, diverse community, diverse. I find graffiti non-offensive and pretty joyful … When I look at bridges and see new graffiti up, it makes me happy, but when I see tags on people’s buildings that are runny and ugly, I’m offended by them and wish they weren’t there. I know that as an old guy with money, I have a position of being tolerated in a way people writing graffiti don’t.” “It’s important to understand that we don’t want to have community that looks like every other community, we don’t want a community that is completely clean — we want places with darkness, danger, we want to have places that have graffiti and places that are spotless, clean and safe.”

— Andy Graham, president of Creative Portland, owner of Portland Color. “What if you didn’t think it was an ugly piece of writing, what is someone like [Established street artists] Swoon or Banksy wrote on your wall? Are we making aesthetic decisions or economic decisions?” — Leah Appleton, artist and MECA grad. “I thought the discussion was good but the moderator was too bias for my liking. Not that Jennifer didn’t give all the panelists equal chance to speak. But to allow a “member” of the audience to make the closing statement knowing that he’s graffiti friendly was incredibly unprofessional. It is the responsibility of the organizers to see that these forums run in a way that is fair to the subject of discussion, the panelists, and the audience. The images also lingered far to long on the “pretty graffiti” in other cities and not enough on the Portland graffiti.” — Jay York, “Graffiti vs. Street Art” panelist, photographer and local property owner. “I don’t know if this was discussed but I feel like there’s a huge difference between street art and graffiti. I’m pretty sure that anyone who ‘tags’ as part of a ‘gang’ wouldn’t try to call it art. Usually there’s a little more meaning behind street art - some kind of social commentary that’s easy for a passer by to decipher. Known street artists generally have a sense of aesthetics or maybe studied art and want to get a point across. Graffiti is more mindless rebellion or misguided self promotion.” — Kellsy MacKilligan, artist. “I thought tonight’s conversation was very enlightening on many levels. I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in such an interesting and respectful discussion of a topic that inspires a lot

Joe’s Smoke Shop on Congress Street use to be frequent victim of vandalism until the owners commissioned a mural from local graffiti stalwarts Turtle and Koi, shown here on the east side of the building. At Tuesday night’s “Creative Conversation: Graffiti Vs. Street Art” panel discussion, artists and property owners explored the idea of collaborating on similar, sanctioned street art projects. (MATT DODGE PHOTO) of passion in this city.” — Trish McAllister, “Graffiti vs. Street Art” panelist, neighborhood prosecutor for the city of Portland. “At first I was taken aback by the perceived negative reactions to the conversation but I think a lot of good came about in getting the conversation started. There are a few things that can be improved on for a future discussion, like more time defining street art; but on the whole, I believe a lot of people left with fresh perspectives. It was really great to have a conversation that begins to touch on the concepts of

who owns and creates the cityscape here in Portland.” “Towards the end there was also the lovely moment when a woman from the crowd .... suggested to Henry Pachios that he publish the photos he’s taken of graffiti on his building and uses the profits to pay to clean up more graffiti. While a lot of passions were flared last night, I think a lot of constructive comments came out, and even a few people took me up on the offer to find artists to put some street up on their property.” — Jess Lauren Lipton, “Graffiti vs. Street” organizer and artist.

Embrace it or remove it? GRAFFITI from page 15

“Everyone gets to come speak, I encourage you all to be enfranchised. This is one way that in democracy we make decisions,” he said. York said that the city’s graffiti “free wall” at the sewage treatment plant on the East End has done a lot to escalate the graffiti problem in the city. “The free walls have been a terrible experience — they’re basically a training ground,” he said, suggesting that Portland police need to make more graffiti-related arrests if they want to send a clear message. “Nobody is motivated by arrest,” said Bryant. “It’s an understood byproduct, but no one is motivated by it.” Event organizer Jess Lauren Lipton asked the panel to discuss the nature of communal authorship in a city setting where so many people share one landscape every day. “We might see the same box on the side of the road for weeks, and because 20,000 people see it, there is a sense of public domain,” said Lipton. “[What are] the rights of property owners versus the rights of the community at large? If you’re a property owner do you therefore have more say or clout on what happens in this city than someone who has not owned property yet?” she asked. McAllister responded that there is a public process in place for those who want a say on what goes on in a community. “People who rent or shop

in [Portland] all have a say, through the proper process, on what city looks like,” she said. Clorius said graffiti is often a way for non-property owners and the bureaucratically-disinterested to feel like they have a presence in their community. “You can buy yourself your spot in the light, [but] graffiti is trying to separate it from these processes. Graffiti doesn’t deal with money, committees or subcommittees,” he said. Clorius suggested that through working together, graffiti writers and property owners could combine forces. “The side of Joe’s [Smoke Shop] has been tagged a million times until [local graffiti writers] Turtle and Koi put up a mural,” said Clorius, suggesting that younger graffiti writers would not tag over a piece by an established writer in their local scene. Through a show of hands, Lipton asked property owners and artists to indicate weather they would be interested in collaborating on sanctioned street art projects around town, eliciting a number of positive responses. The forum’s final questioned reflected the staunch views of the panelists. When asked what’s the one thing Portland could do to address the issue of graffiti, McAllister said, “remove it.” Byrant responded “provide a place for it to go” while Clorius urged cooperation. “Turn it into something positive for everybody,” he said.

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