The Portland Daily Sun, Saturday, April23, 2011

Page 1

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VOL. 3 NO. 58




Like a church filling up on Easter Sunday, Pat’s Meat Market butcher shop on Stevens Avenue suddenly became thronged with folks this week who ma y not have visited the rest of the year. “We see them all. Every holiday we just soar, we have over 600 pre-orders of ham and lamb and roast beef . It’s a lot of work,” said Jaime Vacchiano, owner of the Deering neighborhood landmark. Today from 6 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. is the last c hance for customers to buy their Easter ham or lamb at the centuryold meat market. The market isn’t open on Sunday. For some families , including the Vacchiannos in their Easter meal is as much a tradition as coloring eggs and Elliot Vacchiano cuts a pork shoulder at Pat’s Meat Market, 484 Stevens Ave., Wednesday in the lead-up to the filling baskets. Easter holiday. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO) “A lot of people say, ‘We only come here during the holiher new family. I have been here for “We’ve always carried the same days because we w ant something 45 years, we’ve had generations of ham for 45 years , the same recipe special,’” noted J aime Vacchiano, families shop here,” Vacchiano said. that works,” he added. explaining the surge of customers “We have a wonderful customer Brothers Elliot and Nic k Vacjust before any major holiday. base, you can set your w atch by chiano both work for their father in But others make a habit of daily people coming from as far as Kitthe meat market. or weekly visits to market, which tery and as far as Roc kland and Elliot Vacchiano credited “peropened in Portland in 1917. In 1951, Belfast weekly,” he said. sonalized service” for the meat Pat Vacchiano, Jaime’s grandfather, Easter is a special c hallenge, market’s success. “We have all the moved the business to Stevens however, he acknowledged. traditional cuts that you see disapAvenue. Jaime Vacchiano said he The market buys 120 legs of lamb pear in the big grocery stores ,” he has grown accustomed to the per five weeks in advance , Vacchiano said. sonal relationships nurtured by a said. Nick Vacchiano said, “It’s personfamily business. “We have to prebuy. A month in alized curb service, we’ll bring the “I’ve had fi ve generations of advance we have to order and estibag out to the car. We’re known for women shopping in front of me , mate a number,” he said. see MEAT page 7 with the youngest one shopping for

See Mark Curdo on page 8


The one that got away...

Market is rite of Easter for many

Local Feedback with a vocal legend


SoPo special election in the wake of LePage gaffs

See Curtis Robinson’s column on page 4

Retired detective hopes Facebook heats up cold case BY BOB HIGGINS THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

When most people retire , they usually plan on taking up some good fishing, and when a P ortland detective retired last year , he found himself having one thing in common with many fishermen. We always wonder if we will ever catch “the one that got away.” Back in late September of 1971, a 16-year-old girl by the name of Cathy Moulton just disappeared. She had last been seen on Forest Avenue, going to visit a friend at Starbird Music . She had stopped to buy pantyhose for a dance she w as planning on attending that night, and in her purse she had them, her house key, and not even enough money to catch a bus. In an instant, she was gone. Since then, the case has passed from one detective to another within the Portland Police Department, with an ebb and fl ow that inc luded occasionally heating up like it did a few years back. “There was always something about the case...I don’t know. It just bothered me.” said former Portland Police department Detective Kevin Cady. Cady, a 25-year police veteran who served 22 of those years at the PPD , worked the case from “the mid 90’ s until around 2005. ” Last J uly, he retired from the department, but the see CASE page 10

Apartment hunting and pierogis on a walk through Brooklyn See Heidi Wendel’s serial novel on page 5

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011

A toast to a kosherproduct innovator (NY Times) — Rabbi Tuvia Geffen, of blessed memory, more than 40 years after his death. No, we come to honor his least likely yet most enduring contribution to the Jewish people and his adopted nation: kosher-forPassover Coca-Cola. Yes, observant Jews of today, searching supermarket counters for those bottles with the telltale yellow cap bearing the Orthodox Union’s certification, and yes, Coke die-hards of any or no religion who seek out those same bottles for the throwback fl avor of canesugar Coke, you owe it all to Rabbi Tuvia Geffen. He of the long beard and wire-rim glasses and Yiddishinflected English, a man by all outward appearances belonging to the Old W orld, he was the person who by geographical coincidence and unexpected perspicacity adapted Coca-Cola’s secret formula to make the iconic soft drink kosher in one version for Passover and in another for the rest of the year . To this day , his 1935 rabbinical ruling, known in Hebrew as a teshuva, remains the standard. That ruling, in turn, did more than solve a dietary dilemma. A generation after Frank’s lynching, a decade after Congress barred the Golden Door, amid the early stages of Hitler’s genocide, kosher Coke formed a powerful symbol of American Jewry’s place in the mainstream. “Rabbi Geffen really got the importance of it,” said Marcie Cohen Ferris, a professor of American studies at the University of North Carolina, who specializes in Jewish life in the South. “You couldn’t live in any better place than the South to get it. To not drink Coca-Cola was certainly to be considered un-American.” Or look at the interplay of Jews and America from another angle. Rabbi Geffen’s solution to the Coke problem was not to forget the kosher rules and melt into the melting pot. But neither was it to decry the spiritual pollution of modernity in the form of a fizzy drink. A half-century before the era of cultural pluralism, his answer was to have the majority address the distinct needs of a minority. As a contemporary Orthodox rabbi, Adam Mintz has written in an essay on Geffen and Coke: “Struggling to fi nd their place in a land that was often hostile to their religion, American Jews respected and appreciated rabbis who sought to include them within the Orthodox camp rather than simply condemn them as sinners. Of course his approach would not have been possible had he not felt confident in his powers of persuasion.”


Bodies aren’t the same as CocaCola cans.” —Arthur Caplan

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Sunday High: 62 Low: 44 Sunrise: 5:44 a.m. Sunset: 7:35 p.m.

Saturday High: 43 Record: 81 (2007) Sunrise: 5:46 a.m. Saturday night Low: 39 Record: 22 (1947) Sunset: 7:34 p.m.

Monday High: 53 Low: 44




Albums 1. “Wasting Light” - Foo Fighters 2. “21” - Adele 3. “Paper Airplane” - Alison Krauss + Union Station 4. “So Beautiful Or So What” Paul Simon 5. “Drama y Luz” - Mana

FRIDAY’S NUMBERS Day 2-0-2 • 7-3-0-8 Evening 4-9-9 • 4-7-1-6 WEEKLY GRAND 11-18-22-26 Lucky ball: 26

MORNING High: 3:37 a.m. Low: 10:06 a.m.

1,544 U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan.

EVENING High: 4:25 p.m. Low: 10:21 p.m. -courtesy of

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

BP Agrees to Pay $1 Billion for Start of Gulf Restoration BY JOHN M. BRODER THE NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — BP will provide $1 billion for early oil spill restoration efforts in the Gulf of Mexico in a voluntary agreement with the federal government and fi ve states, company and government officials announced on Thursday. The agreement, the largest of its kind in an oil pollution case , does not absolve BP of legal liability for the explosion and spill that occurred April 20, 2010, or from the costs of any additional economic and environmental damages. The company faces fi nes and penalties of as much as $21 billion as a result of the disaster, the worst offshore drilling accident in United States history. The company could face additional penalties under a Justice Department criminal and civil investigation. The advance payment, to be divided among the states and the two lead federal agencies overseeing restoration efforts , will be used to rebuild coastal marshes , replenish damaged beac hes, conserve ocean habitat and restore barrier islands. The $1 billion does not represent the governments’ estimate of the ultimate environmental cost of the explosion and spill, which poured nearly fi ve million barrels of oil into the gulf over 87 days last year. Federal and state offi cials are conducting a review known as a natural resource damage assessment to measure the injury to the gulf habitat and devise a plan for restoring it, a process that generally takes years . Any restoration efforts financed by the $1 billion will count tow ard the company’s final liability, officials said. As the leaseholder on the well and the party responsible for the spill, BP is responsible for the entire cost, although this week it filed suit against its drilling partners , Transocean, Halliburton and Cameron International, blaming them for the accident and seeking to recover tens of billions of dollars in compensation. The agreement announced Thursday allows the complex work of environmental restoration to proceed more quic kly and ends some of the squabbling over financing among states and the fed-

eral government. The five states involved — Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas — will eac h get $100 million, as will the Department of the Interior and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The remaining $300 million will be used for projects proposed by the states and selected by the federal agencies. “This agreement is a great first step toward restoring our natural resources destroyed by the BP oil spill,” Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana said in a statement. “We are eager to continue working with public, state and federal co-trustees and BP to quic kly convert this down payment into projects to restore our damaged coast and replace our lost wildlife.” Jane Lubchenco, the NOAA administrator , said the BP spill posed unusual challenges because it affected not only beac hes, marshes and wildlife, but also the deep-sea environment and the ocean floor. “We need to be thinking not only about the coastal portions of the gulf, but also the open water and deep sea habitat,” Dr. Lubchenco said in an interview . “They are all part of an integrated system and we believe there was damage to all of that system.” She said that it w as impossible toda y to estimate the total harm to the gulf but that the $1 billion pledged by BP would allow repair work to begin sooner and create cleanup jobs in the region. Lamar McKay, president of BP America, said that the company was not legally obligated to make suc h payments until the full assessment was complete, but that financing restoration projects would speed healing in the gulf. “BP believes early restoration will result in identified improvements to wildlife , habitat and related recreational uses in the gulf and our voluntary commitment to that process is the best way to get restoration projects moving as soon as possible ,” Mr. McKay said.

China tries to curb fancy tombs of the rich that grate on the poor BY SHARON LAFRANIERE THE NEW YORK TIMES

CHENGDU, China — Ever since Deng Xiaoping signaled in 1978 that it was fine to get ric h, much of China has seemed hell-bent on that goal. But some local governments would like those who succeed not to lord it over others, at least when it comes to paying final respects. As of last month, in the cemeteries of this hilly megalopolis in south central China, modest burials are in.Fancy tombs are out. Plots for ashes are limited to 1.5 square meters, about 4 feet by 4 feet. Tombstones are supposed to be no higher than 100 centimeters, or 39 inc hes, although it is not clear that limit will be enforced. Sellers of oversize plots ha ve been warned of severe fines, as muc h as 300 times the plot’s price. “Ordinary people who w alk by and see these lavish tombs might not be able to keep their emotions in balance ,” said

Zheng Wenzhong, as he visited the relatively modest resting place of a relative at The Temple of the Lighted Lamp cemetery. That is apparently exactly what many officials fear. After a quarter of a century in whic h the gap between ric h and poor has steadily widened, the wretc hed excesses of the affluent are increasingly a Chinese government concern. China’s income inequality, as measured by a standard called the Gini coeffi cient, is now on a par with some LatinAmerican and African countries, according to the World Bank. Justin Yifu Lin, the bank’ s chief economist, last year identifi ed the growing disparity as one of China’ s biggest economic problems. Li Shi, an economics professor at Beijing Normal University, said that in 1988 the average income of the top 10 percent of Chinese was about 12 times that of the bottom 10 percent. By 2007, he said, those at the top earned 23 times more. China’s long-term solutions to the divide

include more market reforms , stronger social security programs , lower taxes on low-income families and tighter controls on illicit income . But while w aiting for Beijing for all that, some local officials are looking for ways to gloss over the gap. A regulation posted last month on the Web site of the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce, for example, banned outdoor advertisements promoting “unhealthy” tendencies, including “hedonism, feudalism and royalty , worshiping of and groveling before foreign things, supreme aristocracy and vulgar tastes.” Mr. Li said that measures governing luxury advertisements or tombs might “to a certain extent alleviate the general hatred tow ard rich people” but are essentially no more than stopgaps . Still, Chen Changwen, director of the sociology department at Sic huan University, said he saw their merit in averting social conflict. see CHINA page 10

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011— Page 3

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Security forces kill dozens in uprisings around Syria BY ANTHONY SHADID The New York Times

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Security forces in Syria met thousands of demonstrators with fusillades of live ammunition after noon pra yers on F riday, killing at least 73 people in the bloodiest da y of the fi veweek-old Syrian uprising , according to protesters , witnesses and accounts on social networking sites. From the Mediterranean coast and Kurdish east to the steppe of the Houran in southern Syria, protesters gathered in at least 20 towns and cities , including the outskirts of the capital, Damascus. The breadth of the protests — and people’ s willingness to defy security forces who deployed en mass — painted a tableau of turmoil in one of the Arab world’s most repressive countries . In scenes unprecedented only weeks ago, protesters tore down pictures of President Bashar al-Assad and toppled statues of his father, Hafez, in two towns on the capital’s outskirts, according to witnesses and video footage. But despite the bloodshed, which promised to unleash another day of unrest as the dead are buried on Saturday, the momentum of the protests seemed to fall short of the popular upheaval that revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia represented. Organizers said the movement was yet in its infancy, and the government, building on 40 years of institutional inertia, still commanded the loyalty of the military, the economic elite and sizable minorities of Christian and heterodox Muslim sects who fear the state’s collapse. Coming a da y after Mr. Assad endorsed the lifting of draconian emergency rule, the killings represented another chapter in the government’s strategy of promised concession and grim crac kdown that has left it staggering but still entrenched. “There are indications the regime is scared, and this is adding to the momentum, but this is still the

beginning,” said Wissam Tarif, the executive director of Insan, a Syrian human rights group . “Definitely, we haven’t seen the millions we saw in Egypt or Tunisia. The numbers are still humble, and it’s a reality we have to acknowledge.” In the capital, a city that underlines the very prestige of the Assad family’s four decades of rule , hundreds gathered after pra yers at the al-Hassan Mosque. Some of them c hanted, “The people w ant the fall of the government,” a slogan made famous in both Egypt and Tunisia. But security forces quickly dispersed the protests with tear gas , witnesses said. Syria’s second-largest city, Aleppo, appeared to remain relatively quiet. Larger protests, though, gathered in poorer towns on the capital’ s outskirts, drawing thousands, and some of the worst bloodshed occurred there . Other demonstrations were reported across Syria, from Qamishli in the east to Azra in the southwest. Organizers said at least some dissent w as reported in every Syrian province. In Baniyas, a banner denounced Mr. Assad and his ruling Baath Party: “No Baath, No Assad, we want to free the country.” Razan Zeitouneh, an activist with the Syrian Human Rights Information Link in Damascus , basing her account on witnesses , said 80 people were killed — 19 people in Azra, in southern Syria, and one in nearby Dara’a; 15 near Homs , Syria’s third-largest city; 40 in the suburbs of Damascus , and one in the city; one in Latakia, a coastal city in the north; and three in Hama, east of Latakia. Mr. Tarif’s group said 73 people were killed. It was impossible to independently verify those numbers. Before F riday, human rights activists reported that at least 200 people had been killed in the weeks of the revolt. In Homs, where major protests erupted this week, activists said large numbers of security forces and

police in plain c lothes flooded the city, putting up checkpoints and preventing all but a few dozen from gathering. Abu Kamel al-Dimashki, an activist in Homs reached by Skype , said that 16 of those who were protesting went missing. “I tried to go there , but I couldn’t, ” he said. “The secret police are all over Homs.” By afternoon, one resident said streets were deserted, the silence punctuated every 15 minutes or so by gunfi re. Another spoke of residents hiding at home. “We closed the windows and the curtains and hid at home,” one woman said via Skype . “The gunfire was so loud and close.” “God save us,” she added. One of the most violent c lashes occurred in Azra, about 20 miles from Dara’a, a poor town in southwestern Syria that helped unleash the uprising . A protester who ga ve his name as Abu Ahmad said about 3,000 people had marc hed toward the town square when they came under fi re. He said he brought three of those killed to the mosque — one shot in the head, one in the chest and one in the back — the oldest of whom was 20. “There is no more fear. No more fear,” Abu Ahmad said by telephone. “We either want to die or to remove him. Death has become something ordinary.” Video showed a man carrying the body of a young boy who had been shot. The protests nearest Damascus were most likely to rattle the country’ s leaders. Both sides under stand the signifi cance of the capital: Mass protests there would serve as a devastating blow to the government’s prestige. So far, security forces ha ve managed to block marchers from arriving from the outskirts — a strategy it appears to ha ve adopted in dealing with other cities like Dara’a and Homs , see SYRIA page 11

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Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011

Patients are not consumers

Earlier this week, The Times reported on Congressional backlash against the Independent Payment Advisory Board, a key part of efforts to rein in health care costs. This backlash was predictable; it is also profoundly irresponsible, as I’ll explain in a minute. But something else struc k ––––– me as I looked at Republican The New York arguments against the board, Times which hinge on the notion that what we really need to do, as the House budget proposal put it, is to “make government health care programs more responsive to consumer choice.” Here’s my question: How did it become normal, or for that matter even acceptable , to refer to medical patients as “consumers”? The relationship between patient and doctor used to be considered something special, almost sacred. Now politicians and supposed reformers talk about the act of receiving care as if it were no differ ent from a commercial transaction, like buying a car — and their only complaint is that it isn’t commercial enough. What has gone wrong with us? About that advisory board: We have to do something about health care costs , which means that we ha ve to find a w ay to start

Paul Krugman

see KRUGMAN page 6

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Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper Curtis Robinson Editor David Carkhuff, Casey Conley, Matt Dodge Reporters

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 181 State Street, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Spofford News Company

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– STAFF OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SoPo special election offers insight on ‘LePage fallout’ When a federal judge this week rejected the idea of ordering Gov. Paul LePage to immediately restore that nowcontroversial labor mural to the hallowed halls of a state employment office, it was met with a round c horus of contempt around Portland. In case you missed it, Judge John Woodcock wrote that elected state leaders “have the right to decide what to say and what not to sa y, and by extension during their term in office, they are authorized to decide what the state of Maine says or does not sa y about itself.” Hey, the governor gets to decide what art hangs on state office walls. Who knew? For a few politically wonkish folks (who would deny it if I identified them by name) the decision is a chance to continue what has been a surprisingly robust protest against the governor’s action. The anger has probably been sustainable because the mural’s movement came in the immediate wake of other LePage’s gaffes, like the “kiss my

Curtis Robinson ––––– Usually Reserved

butt” comment aimed tow ard the NAACP and confusing estrogen and testosterone during a debate over chemical regulation. But those incitements were just things said. Removing the mural was an action, and now it seems that the arty issue has the kinds of legs usually reserved for those Boston Marathon runners. Hang out in the right coffeehouses (looking at you, Bard) and some GOP fans are starting to wonder if they face “a LePage” problem in upcoming elections. You already see some reactions, with members of the governor’s own party trying to get some distance. But a recent statewide poll indicated that the gov’ s base is still approving and does anyone really think if there was a do-over election he

would poll any less than the 38 percent he got last time? For a couple of reasons , the place to watch for any LePage fallout is the District 7 State Senate race. First, it’s a truly contested district that inc ludes South Portland, Cape Elizabeth and the eastern part of Scarbor ough. About half of the voters are thought to be unaffiliated with either political party. How evenly matc hed? You likely remember it as the district where Republican J oe Palmieri, the radio host who operates the Chicago Dogs restaurant in Scarborough, lost by 75 votes after a recount. The Democrat who won, Larry Bliss of South Portland, resigned the senate to take a new job in California. The candidates are another reason to watch. Current state Rep. Cynthia Dill, D-Cape Elizabeth is a civil rights lawyer and her GOP opponent, South Portland businessman Louis Maietta Jr ., is a commercial property manager. (The election has no influsee next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SERIAL NOVEL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

The Port City Chronicle

Apartments and pierogis on a walk through Brooklyn Okay, I love Portland and you love P ort––––– land, but Daily Sun some restless Novelist residents are always wondering what else is out there . One of them being Adam, boyfriend of Gretchen Reingren, a 44-year old, divorced, criminal defense attorney and heroine of the Dail y Sun’s serial novel, The Port City Chronicle. Several weeks ago, they went to Montreal on vacation, and Gretchen wasn’t sure until the last minute whether Adam would need his return ticket. Now this week Gretc hen’s back on the road as Adam tries out yet another place, and this time also a new personality. The Port City Chronicle is the continuing story of a woman and her family seeking love and happiness in Portland in the midst of the Great Recession. You can buy Season 1 in book form, Getting Off the Earth, from There are also signed copies you can buy at the Dail y Sun offi ces, 181 State Street – that’s right above One Longfellow. The statue more or less stares into the offices.

Heidi Wendel

And now for this week’s episode of Season 2:

Why Moving to New York is Like a Guy Marrying His Mistress “The great thing about New York City is it’ s not in the United States ,” Adam said, as we w andered through Greenpoint, Brooklyn, in searc h of the building his mother grew up in. I was just as excited as he w as about the intense urbanity of the city but was still a little numb after spending an hour underground on the G train as it inched through the subw ay tunnel stopping every ten feet for one person to get off. “Granted with the G train you might as well be riding a mule,” Adam said, apologetically, not that I was blaming it on him. “When I used to visit my grandparents here as a child almost everyone in Greenpoint was Polish,” he added, pointing out the Polish restaurants that still dotted Manhattan Avenue. “They took the G train directly from Poland.” In the meantime , from what I could see abovegrund, the Poles had mostly been replaced by artsy types who had more in common with the crowd near MECA on Congress Street than anyone in Krakow. But as usual, Adam wished he could join their circus. “Just think, if we were hipsters in Greenpoint, we wouldn’t have to set an alarm or get up any particular time for work. We could just stroll around, drink coffee, walk the dogs, check out the outfits.” I wasn’t sure whether we were dog w alkers or fashion designers, but it did sound like a good life until you got into the financial details. “Right,” I said, “but probably one of us would need

to have some kind of low-paid job to support us until we made it big.” He put his arm around me. “Probably the one who’ s not doing quite as well with their art career, because our careers wouldn’t necessarily be advancing at the same pace.” But I wasn’t going down that easy. “Well I sure know which one of us I want to be.” Anyway, if he thought I was going to walk dogs to pay the rent while he banged on cans or made tire sculptures, he might as well take the G train back to Poland with his mother. “So now I guess you want to move to New York,” I said, sighing. But he shook his head. “As fabulous as that would be , I know it could never happen,” he said. “Moving to New York is like a guy marrying his mistress.” I was relieved to hear he was married to Portland, even if he was always trying to cheat on her. “What is it you think would be so muc h better about life in New York?” I asked. He motioned to the crowds walking along the sidewalk around us but couldn’t put it into words. “It’s the arts,” he said, finally seizing on something. “I want to see Das Rheingold and Die Walkure for once in my life. I’m pretty sure they never do those in Portland.” Coincidentally we had just passed an ad on the side of a bus stop for the Metropolitan Opera per forming those very operas in the fall. But evidently he hadn’t read the fine print. “They’re sold out. Which makes you wonder why they would advertise something being performed six months from now that’s already sold out.” Adam shrugged. “The point is you should buy tic kets for next year so you don’t miss it again. It worked for me, I think we should get tickets.” I thought a moment. “I’m not sure I want to go next year but I’m pretty sure I’ll want to go in 2026, so let’s buy tickets for that year.” But he didn’t get the sarcasm. “Of course if you actually lived here I bet the crowds might get to you, ” I said. “Not to mention having to watch out all the time for dog poop.” We stepped around a particularly rough patch. “Don’t worry,” Adam said. “I saw it moving towards me.” He motioned at a row of old vinyl-sided row houses . “Anyway, that’s what you should be looking at,” he said. “I’m trying to get you to look at certain things and listen to what I’m sa ying and instead you’re free-lancing all over the place, looking at other stuff and listening to the general conversation.” Apparently I’d accidentally joined the house-hunting artists’ tour of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and since no one else seemed to ha ve signed up it would be awkward if I tried to leave before the end. Not that the guide was really up to the task. Half the time he forgot about the tour and wrote down phone numbers posted on rental or F or Sale signs on the bac k of an envelope in an indecipherable

chicken scratch with short-hand abbreviations for the names of streets. Luckily I knew from past experience that the envelope would never make it out of his pocket once we got back to Portland. He also spent a lot of time mentally re-zoning various blocks and lots, which is not typical of tour guides in my experience. “Take a look at this place ,” he said, as we passed an old church with a statue of Mary in front of it. “This could easily be converted into residences if only the Virgin were removed.” He would have completely forgotten the purpose of the trip if I hadn’t suggested we ask directions from someone in tighter pants who might be more familiar with the neighborhood. But apparently that was impossible. “I would rather end up in an abandoned w arehouse in Camden on Thursday than ask directions,” he said. Which didn’t particularly surprise me since he’ d already told me he remembered the area well from visiting it as a c hild. Of course what he actually remembered was a kitchen table with a green embroidered tablecloth, a wooden manual coffee grinder his grandparents had brought from Poland, and the smell of potato pierogis cooking on the stove. His mother’s street and even the building her apartment was in weren’t as clear in his mind. So it didn’t seem likely we would stumble on the right place unless we walked back into the 1970’s. I figured the best we could probably do w as get some pierogis at one of the P olish restaurants that had somehow survived, even if the artists living in his mother’s old apartment had long since replaced the wooden coffee grinder with a Krups. But Adam wasn’t that sentimental. “Are you kidding?” he asked. “You know what pierogis are made of? They’re like donuts, you might as well just tape them right to your butt.” He usually doesn’t worry that muc h about our appearance but apparently he didn’t w ant to stick out more in the crowd than we already did. Instead we went into a coffee bar to ha ve an espresso served by a gaunt kid in a blac k knit hat with tattoos and a goatee. “Since when do you pay $3 for a coffee?”I asked, as we stood at the copper bar while the goatee looked pretentiously at Adam’s khaki pants and LL Bean boots. Back home Adam complained about pa ying more than a buck for a cup of coffee, let alone three. But he was willing to play by a different set of rules in New York. “I can’t resist a really fresh, right-out-of-the-cow’s butt espresso,” he said, holding the tiny white porcelain cup awkwardly with his large fingers. It didn’t fit him too great, same as the hipster lifestyle, but he had to try it out anyw ay. After all, he’d come a long way on the G train for a reason, and he was determined to c heck out all the stops until it reached the end.

he noted he’s not met the governor and that officials in Augusta need to “stop the bic kering.” Pressed about the mural controversy, he pretty much dismisses a reporter’s question about the art (okay, I was the reporter) as a non-issue and notes that “99.9 percent of people had never heard of it [the mural] before this.” But he also notes that after talking to a couple thousand voters, only ma ybe 200 or so knew about the Ma y 10 special election. That’s also when some towns will vote on sc hool budgets,

so that might boost turnout – but, judging by recent turnout, if your idea of a booster issue is the school budgets, things are pretty darn lean. In low-voter elections , it’s a question of who bothers to vote . And if we’ve learned anything in recent political moments , it’s that the angry folks vote.

(Heidi Wendel is a f ormer editor of the Columbia Law Review and has written f or The New York Times, among others.)

‘The governor gets to decide what art hangs on state office walls. Who knew?’ from preceding page

ence over the senate because Republicans already have 21 of 35 seats.) It would be more fun, of course, if the Republican was a wild-eyed tea-party fueled LeP age crony who embraced the mural removal. No such luck. Maietta, a former state representative who also served on the SoP o city council, calmly dismisses the mural protest and talks about keeping families in Maine. Looking for votes in South Portland this week,

(Curtis Robinson is editor of The Portland Daily Sun. Contact him at curtis@

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

‘... government spending on health care must be limited’ KRUGMAN from page 4

saying no. In particular, given continuing medical innovation, we can’t maintain a system in whic h Medicare essentially pays for anything a doctor recommends . And that’s especially true when that blank-check approach is combined with a system that gives doctors and hospitals — who aren’t saints — a strong financial incentive to engage in excessive care. Hence the advisory board, whose creation was mandated by last year’s health reform. The board, composed of health-care experts , would be given a target rate of growth in Medicare spending . To keep spending at or below this target, the board would submit “fast-track” recommendations for cost control that would go into effect automatically unless over ruled by Congress. Before you start yelling about “rationing” and “death panels,” bear in mind that we’re not talking about limits on what health care you’re allowed to buy with your own (or your insurance company’s) money. We’re talking only about what will be paid for with taxpayers’ money. And the last time I looked at it, the Dec laration of Independence didn’t dec lare that we had the right to life , liberty, and the all-expenses-paid pursuit of happiness. And the point is that c hoices must be made; one way or another, government spending on health care must be limited. Now, what House Republicans propose is that the government simply push the problem of rising health care costs on to seniors; that is, that we replace Medicare with vouchers that can be applied to private insurance , and that we count on seniors and insurance companies to work it out somehow. This, they claim, would be superior to expert review because it would open health care to the wonders of “consumer choice.” What’s wrong with this idea (aside from the grossly inadequate value of the proposed vouc hers)? One answer is that it wouldn’t

work. “Consumer-based” medicine has been a bust everywhere it has been tried. To take the most directly relevant example , Medicare Advantage, which was originally called Medicare + Choice, was supposed to sa ve money; it ended up costing substantially more than traditional Medicare. America has the most “consumer-driven” health care system in the advanced world. It also has by far the highest costs yet provides a quality of care no better than far cheaper systems in other countries. But the fact that Republicans are demanding that we literally stake our health, even our lives, on an already failed approac h is only part of what’ s wrong here . As I said earlier, there’s something terribly wrong with the whole notion of patients as “consumers” and health care as simply a financial transaction. Medical care, after all, is an area in whic h crucial decisions — life and death decisions — must be made. Yet making suc h decisions intelligently requires a vast amount of specialized knowledge . Furthermore, those decisions often must be made under conditions in which the patient is incapacitated, under severe stress , or needs action immediately, with no time for discussion, let alone comparison shopping. That’s why we ha ve medical ethics. That’s why doctors ha ve traditionally both been viewed as something special and been expected to beha ve according to higher standards than the average professional. There’s a reason we have TV series about heroic doctors, while we don’t have TV series about heroic middle managers. The idea that all this can be reduced to money — that doctors are just “providers” selling ser vices to health care “consumers” — is, well, sickening. And the prevalence of this kind of language is a sign that something has gone very wrong not just with this discussion, but with our society’s values. (Paul Krugman is a columnist for The New York Times)


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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011— Page 7

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


Five generations have served up Easter meats at Pat’s Meat Market

The Cohen -Tra cy Tea m

MEAT from page one

that. That’s why we’ve found success for the last 100 years...” “Five generations,” said Elliot Vacchiano. “We have customers who have been shopping here for 60 years.” In the era of “Big Joe” Vacchiano, Jaime’s great-grandfather who immigrated to P ortland from Italy and started a butc her’s shop at the base of Munjoy Hill, there was a meat market in every neighborhood. Over time , Pat’s Meat Market held on while others vanished. Jaime Vacchiano said the business pressures are demanding, yielding little in profit, which may explain the scarcity of private butcher shops toda y. He also theorized that a 24/7 world is inhospitable to an old-fashioned family business built on quality over expediency. Pat Vacchiano, patriarch of P at’s Meat Market on “Businesses were all c losed Stevens Avenue, is sho wn at center back in this on Sundays, when they c hanged family portrait hanging behind the cutting board in that law, it’s anybody can go into the market. Back left is current o wner Jaime Vac24-hour stores, you can go any- chiano, and in front are Jaime’s two boys, Nick (left) time,” he recalled. “It used to be and Elliot (right). (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO) people shopped for the week. Now an Easter ham. They said they’ve they’re buying daily , there’s very shopped at Pat’s for 25 or 30 years. little planning, both parents are “We travel to get our meat,” Bruce working, and they just grab this said. and grab that. Nobody’s home cook“The meat’s delicious and the ing anymore.” help is superb ,” Bruce said. “Very Bruce and Gloria Allen, formerly customer friendly. I’ve done it for of Portland and now of Westbrook, years, and I ha ven’t thought of buck this trend. They came into going anywhere else.” the meat market Thursday to buy

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The Vacchiano’s —a century in meat BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Five generations of the Vacchiano family ha ve put meat on Easter dinner tables . “Pat’s Market and Groceria Cafe , Est. 1917” reads the sign at 484 Stevens Ave. The history is that “Big Joe” and Rosina Vacchiano came to P ortland from the Naples , Italy area, and “Big Joe” started the Sanitary Meat Market butc her shop at the corner of Middle and India streets. Son, Pat, was learning the family

business by age 10 (P at’s older brother, Benny, opened Benny’ s Big Bear supermarket in P ortland). When Pat was 20, he opened the Popular Meat Market, now the site of the Cumberland County Civic Center. In this family lineage, spanning fi ve generations, Pat’s Meat Market dates bac k to 1917. Pat later moved the business to Stevens Avenue in 1951. Current owner Jaime Vacchiano hired his sons, Elliot and Nick Vacchiano, to continue the tradition.

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Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

LOCAL FEEDBACK: Brant Dadaleares One amazing thing about our local music scene is that some of the people who kicked down the door a few years ago – like Darien Brahms, Twisted Roots, Rustic Overtones and Walt Craven (6Gig/Gouds Thumb) – are still making top-notch music today. They’re also performing like no time has passed. These good people are still on top of their game , easily. Check any of them out next time you can. One of them is Brant Dadaleares. From Tripe to Twitchboy to his current and super, awesome new band Whitcomb; Brant has brought an intensity and passion to the lead ––––– vocal spot, unlike almost The Circle Push anyone one we’ve seen in our rock community. If you know who Brant is, chances are you’ve stared in amazement at him over the years whether he was stomping on the stage at Zootz orT-Birds or the Asylum. He has his own thing going on inside when he performs that’s very serious bordering a bit on madness. To this writer, that’s one thing I really like to see in a lead hard rock vocalist. We want out minds blown a little bit. Confuse us a we bit and make us a bit concerned. Brant has not taken any of his bands lightly nor his opportunities to be on stage, which still makes him a bit uneasy to this da y. It’s crazy that suc h a mysterious, sweaty fi st-clenching rock singer can also make such delicious delectables at one of the top restaurants in Maine!

Mark Curdo

DESCRIBE THE PRESENCE OF MUSIC IN YOUR YOUNGER YEARS. WHAT MUSIC DID YOU LISTEN TO AND HOW IMPORTANT WAS IT TO YOU? My older brothers were very muc h music guys. 70s music was [what] I w as brought up on. I still love it. I think in 1990 when I drove across country , music changed. I liked that. Change is freeing.

EVENTUALLY YOU CROSSED THE LINE FROM FAN TO PARTICPANT. WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO GO INTO PEFORMING AND RECORDING MUSIC? I was the youngest so when my brothers were performing KISS, I w as the stage hand that had to dump a fi ve gallon buc ket of dirt on top of them from the upstairs porc h. You know, for the smoke affect. True story. My brother Todd is my idol as a vocalist. He kills it. IS THERE ANY SINGER IN PARTICULAR THAT HAD MORE OF AN INFLUENCE ON YOU THAN OTHERS? Yes. Morrissey. DID YOU HAVE ANY LOCAL INFLUENCES THAT MADE YOU REALIZE, HEY I C AN ACTUALLY DO THIS FROM HERE, IN MAINE. There is a fella I know named Pete. He is the most pristine gentleman and also he can kill vocals . I ha ve nothing but respect for Mr . Giordano. (Pete sings for Twisted Roots.) Brant Dadaleares of Whitcomb, formerly of Tripe and Twitchboy, has “has brought an intensity and

Once I heard J onah Jen- passion to the lead vocal spot, unlike almost anyone one we’ve seen in our rock community. (COURkins’ vocals I hit the fl oor. I TESY PHOTO) had to have him work with day. (Dave Gutter of Rustic Overtones/Paranoid Social me. (Jonah sang for the Boston band, Only Living WitClub) Emily Hughes w as also a nice addition. There ness.) It was also nice to work with Gutter back in the is a terrifyingly great amount of musical artists that survive here in Maine . Can’t wait to work with some of them. I’VE ALWAYS FELT AROUND THE TIME OF ‘94 IS WHEN OUR LOC AL MUSIC SCENE REALL Y KICKED INTO WHAT WE’RE SEEING TODAY. SHOWS, COVERAGE OF B ANDS IN MEDIA, MERCH SALES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR BANDS SURGED AROUND THAT TIME THANKS TO BANDS LIKE TWISTED ROOTS, ROTORS TO RUST, CRADLE II GRA VE AND YOUR BAND AT THE TIME, TRIPE. TALK ABOUT THAT ERA FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE.

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That time w as amazing. It w as a time of music changing from people wanting a change. Music nowadays has a different feel and comfort. I miss that time as probably most everyone in that time “genre”. We all grew up as musicians. Therefore we as bands shall build our comfort. WHAT’S MISSING FROM THE LOCAL SCENE TODAY THAT COULD MAKE THINGS BETTER FOR THOSE INVOLVED. Be very diligent. Don’t second-guess on how talented you are. Basically, confidence within your band. I have, still to this da y, nervousness with being a confi dent vocalist. I’m scared at some shows . It’s nice to ha ve band mates that tell me, “shut up and do it!” DO YOU HAVE AN ALL TIME FAVORITE LOCAL see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011— Page 9

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

from preceding page


TRIPE EVENTUALLY GAVE WAY TO YOUR NEXT BAND, TWITCHBOY. TWITCHBOY WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE LATE 90’s MAKING A LOT OF NOISE. THE BAND WAS BIG ALMOST RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX. DID THAT HAVE ANY EFFECT ON THIS BAND GROWING AND DEVELOPING AND BREATHING REALLY? These thoughts are quite tired. When someone decides to go join another band, the feelings go away. Not in a jerk kind of way. We all love eac h other as musicians. This is musicianship. We all care about each other’s bands. We honestly have no choice. YOU’VE PLAYED EVERY ROOM IN TOWN. FROM THE STATE TO T-BIRDS TO THE PATIO UP ON ONE CITY CENTER. ANY INSTANT FEELING ON WHAT MAY BE YOUR FAVORITE VENUE T O PLAY OVER THE YEARS? Well, in town it w as The State. Even recently, we (Whitcomb) got called when the “new” State re-opened to be the band to check the new sound system. We moved all of our equipment and practiced right there . That was killer. Outside of town, my fa vorite was CBGB’s when the owners’ dog took a dump right in front of the stage when Tripe was sound checking. Classic! DO YOU GET MORE OUT OF PLAYING LIVE THAN MAKING A RECORD? IS LIVE MORE REAL TO YOU CAUSE IT’S HAPPENING RIGHT THEN AND THERE WITH, NO DO O VERS OR PRO-T OOLS TRICKERY? Every time I record I imagine what it’s gonna sound like live . I try not to scale away from that too much cuz when I listen to a record from a band that I dig I say, “you better be able to do this live!”I love the live performance of a band to be true to its recording. Raw and real.

Most of the music I tend to listen to lately is quite mellow . I’m digging the Mallett Brothers Band. Their record is sick. I dig Band of Horses . Avett Brothers have some great music as well. Gozu and Priestess rock! YOU HAVEN’T FRONTED A BAND IN SOME YEARS, THEN ALONG COMES WHITCOMB. WELL WORTH THE WAIT FOR US AND YOU I ASSUME? I WOULD SUSPECT IT TOOK ALOT TO BRING YOU BACK TO THE FRONTMAN PLACE When Whitcomb came to me, I said, “I can’t.” Little scared I guess. Fronting a band in my opinion is fun and also difficult. I don’t personally feel comfortable on stage. Never have. I absolutely love what we do as a band. It’s a form of rock that I’ve never dealt with. I think I ha ve a J ames Dean syndrome. ALL THREE BANDS ARE AMAZING, BUT WITH EACH B AND THERE’S SOMETHING DIFFERENT HAPPENING. WHAT DOES WHITCOMB DO FOR YOU THAT MAYBE TRIPE OR TWICHBOY DIDN’T. Patience in writing . That is very important. IF YOU DECIDE TO WALK AWAY FOM MUSIC AT SOME POINT, YOU HAVE A PRETTY GOOD GIG AT A PRETTY GOOD REST AURANT. (Brant has worked over ten years at Fore Street as their Pastry Chef among other things) DO P ASTRY’S REALLY ROCK THOUGH? DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECILATY PLATES? Unfortunately for you and your readers, I don’t mix business with rock. (Mark Curdo is a DJ on 94.3 WCYY and the owner of a record label, Labor Day Records, based in Portland. Mark is not only a board member of the Portland Music Foundation. He is a weekly Daily Sun music columnist.)

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One being a bit biased: Mercy “album one” (which featured Brant’ s older brother Todd) and Rotors to Rust “All That’s Heavy.” Both were a wonderful time in my life.


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Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Portland Eagles ‘There has to be somebody out Banquet Facility with Full Catering Menu 184 St. John Street Portland, ME 04102 207-773-9448 Fax 780-9793 Vicki Buzzell, Banquet Manager, ext 10

Better Meat Better Price

there that knows something’ CASE from page one

dream of the one that got away still bothers him. Crowd-sourcing being what it is these days, he set up a “Facebook Causes” page a couple of weeks ago. There, the case is rehashed, and the family begs for any information to be passed on. “There has to be somebody out there that knows something,” said Cady. Cady is working in his retirement, as folks do these days, but he took some time on Wednesday to chat with me about the page and the case. He is the equipment manager for the P ortland Pirates, and with them being in the pla yoffs this week, his time was at a premium. The details of the case were just that important to him. Here’s what police say they know so far: Moulton got into a stolen 1963 Blue Cadillac , driven by her friend Lester Everett. He had been planning on heading to Florida. Everette and Moulton picked up another passenger in P ortland, named Reid P erley. He convinced them to take the long route to Florida, taking him back to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. That is 300 miles in the opposite direction. “They ended up in Smyrna and Mars Hill, Maine. [They] were seen pic king potatoes in the week or so that followed. That is when things begin to fall apart.” said Cady. Moulton was seen there by several residents , but there the trail lies cold. “We’re pretty sure she w as alive until the fi rst of November, but after that...” said Cady. Lester Everett met up with three other friends – sisters Millie and Donna Augustine and Emmett Peter – and the group headed to Florida, looking for work. “The Augustine’s were kind of mad. They thought Everett knew some folks there , to help them fi nd work. He didn’t,” said Cady. Police say Everett returned to Tobique Point in Perth-Andover New Brunswick with a friend, John Aceto in 1973, looking for Cathy . After being met with hostility by locals in the village, they left without getting much information. The first link in the c hain is broken. Police would sure like to talk with Everett again, but that isn’t possible. He died in F ernando Beach, Florida back in 1988. Police never did fi nd the stolen car, but a witness in Florida says it sat up on blocks nearby for decades, until it was eventually scrapped. Fast forward to 1988: A hunter, walking in the woods of Smyrna, claimed to have found a body with female clothing surrounding it. He hotfooted it out of

‘Many Chinese find even a simple grave marker beyond their means’ CHINA from page 2

Meat Market

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the woods, but was unable to lead searchers back to the unique area. According to stories in the Bangor Daily News published at the time , he c laimed the body was found near a pyramid shaped collection of sap barrels, with a stove nearby. Police searched, but were unable to fi nd the formation or the remains. Fast forward again to 2004: A joint task force of family members, friends, Maine w ardens, cadaver dogs, and Cady all returned to the woods. They came up empty handed. Hampered by snow and the beginning of hunting season, they vowed to continue the search. Police tried to interview Reid Perley. “I cannot say he was a suspect. We just w anted to talk to him. That was problematic” They eventually spoke with Reid P erley, who reportedly recognized Everett from a picture shown to him. When shown a picture of Moulton, he said he’s never seen her, Cady recalls. Now the Facebook Cause page is another tool. “There has got to be someone out there that knows something” Cady told me in the interview. “I’m doing this for her family . Her parents are elderly , living in an assisted living facility off Canco Road. They would just like to be able to know what happened.” Her sister Kim Higgins (no relation to me) was 12 at the time of the disappearance. “It was just so hard on our whole family . It imprinted us eac h with an individual deeply emotional dose of reality. I was convinced for years that I would never have children ... because after feeling how losing a c hild destroyed our casual comfort of family life when my sister disappeared - I thought I would never be willing to allow myself to be vulnerable to the worldly risks of potentially losing a child of my own. At age 25 I birthed our daughter, finally coming to terms with not living my life in fear of the worst – but I swear when our daughter turned 16 it was the most diffi cult emotional year of her youth - for all of us . Any time our daughter w as just 10 minutes late getting home - my emotions reeled, my heart raced - sank - feared - mourned all over again for my sister, for what my parents must ha ve felt when my sister never came home that night.” After looking at all the details of the case, it’s easy to see why this case lingers on the mind of a former detective. After his retirement, he knows that fish is out there, just waiting, trolling the depths, perhaps feeding a voracious hunger. He wants to bring one of Portland’s lost children home. If you have ANY information, call the P ortland Police Department detectives at 874-8596 or 8748533.

“Of course, if we cannot change the fact of the disparity between the ric h and poor, the least we can do is lessen the impact of it on society and lessen the advertising of it,” he said. “A lot of people cannot handle the extravagant ways of this first generation of the wealthy. It really grates on the public.” Ostentatious tombs are particularly irksome , he said, because many Chinese fi nd even a simple grave marker beyond their means. In a coinage that captures the widespread frustration, someone struggling to afford burial costs is called a “grave slave.” “There are many examples of how the ric h can afford to bury the dead, but not the common people,” said Zheng Fengtian, a professor of rural development at Beijing’ s Renmin University. “This makes many people very angry.”

One spectacular example took place last month in Wenling, a coastal city of about fi ve million people south of Shanghai. Five brothers commandeered the grounds of a high school to bid their mother goodbye with pomp befitting a state funeral. Thousands of onlookers watched a ceremony that featured nine flower-decked limousines, a uniformed band and a 16-gun salute . One brother told reporters that his mother wanted to be buried with “face.” Just last August, though, Wenling passed a regulation against funeral “extravagance and waste.” It limited the number of cars and wreaths and prohibited processions past schools and hospitals. The high school principal, the assistant principal and the government’s head of funeral practices were all fi red, according to media reports, and the family was fined about $450.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011— Page 11

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Protester in Douma described police shooting directly at marchers SYRIA from page 3

as well. One protester in Douma described police shooting directly at marchers. “People were calling for the fall of the government, the end of the Baath P arty and freedom,” said the protester, who gave his name as Abu Kassem. “I got scared and left.” The clashes followed a security buildup around Damascus and in Homs over the preceding day. Residents of Damascus said police offi cers were seen heading Thursday from a headquarters on the outskirts in Zabadani tow ard the capital, where military security offi cers had reportedly turned out in greater numbers. In Dara’a, security forces set up checkpoints on Friday, and other deployments were reported in suburbs of the capital like Douma, Mai-

damiah and Dariah. In Homs, cellphones were hard to reach, and some land lines had been cut. On Friday, instructions were delivered to protesters from the main F acebook page, urging them to paint revolutionary graffi ti, document the protests with pictures and videos , stay peaceful and c hant slogans. To a remarkable degree they succeeded:in a country closed to most journalists, the Internet was replete with protesters’ account. The government has maintained that the uprising is led by militant Islamists, and organizers acknowledge that religious forces like the banned Muslim Brotherhood have taken part. The government has also accused foreign countries of supporting the protests. And, indeed, some of the largest have occurred in cities near Syria’ s borders: Dara’a, near Jordan, and Homs, an industrial center near conservative

northern Lebanon. On Thursday, Mr. Assad signed decrees that repealed harsh emergency rule, in place since 1963, abolished draconian security courts and granted citizens the right to protest peacefully , though they still need government permission to gather . The orders had already been handed down to his government on Tuesday, making his endorsement a formality; its timing seemed aimed in part at blunting Friday’s protests.

outstanding loans. In many cases, the agencies had not collected on the loans at all. “The situation reinforces the worst stereotype of ineffective and ineffi cient government,” Mr. Brown said in a statement with the executive order issued Wednesday. He said he was ordering all state agencies to “immediately investigate the bac klog of uncollected debts and find every penny owed to taxpayers.” The executive order comes as Mr. Brown is struggling to get his own budget approved by the Legislature. He has repeatedly said that he w ants to go to the voters to ha ve tax extensions approved, but so far has been unable to secure needed support from a handful of Republicans. At the same time , Mr. Brown remains eager to show that he is aggressively cutting down on waste.

So far this year, he has issued executive orders cutting the state’ s vehicle fleet and state employee cellphones as well as banning the dispersal of promotional items like key chains. Under state la w, employees are able to receive hardship advances from their pa ychecks and for work travel from an agency’ s discretionary fund. But many agencies had not been following state regulations by taking the money out of the employees’ paychecks. After three years, the money cannot be collected without an employee’s consent. “The state’s poor debt collection and accounting practices are fl eecing public coffers at a time when vital public programs are being decimated by unprecedented budget cuts,” the state controller, John Chiang, said in a statement Wednesday.

The reforms are at the heart of a debate taking place in Syria, where many fear the prospect of chaos or score-settling in the event of Mr . Assad’s fall. Many activists said the reforms so far were too little and too late; in the words of Haitham Maleh, an oft-imprisoned activist and former judge , “The mentality of the regime has to change.”

California is owed millions of dollars by state employees LOS ANGELES — When the State of California began handing out i.o.u.’s in 2009 because of a cash shortage, taxpayers were predictably aghast. But few knew at the time that even as pa y-you-later notes kept going out, state agencies were also doling out millions of dollars in interest-free loans in the form of salary and tra vel advances to employees without collecting repayment. Now, with the state budget facing a devastating $26.5 billion defi cit, Gov. Jerry Brown is demanding that agencies immediately stop the practice and determine how much money employees with unpaid loans owe the state. The state controller began investigating the practice two years ago and has issued several audits about the practice . In 2009, for example , an audit found that 11 agencies had more than $13 million in

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Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––EVENTS CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– $25. To register, please call 774-1822.

Saturday, April 23

Meet the Artist: 2011 Biennial Talks

11 a.m. to noon. Avy Claire, Rachel Katz, Kim Bernard, & Mark Wethli at the Portland Museum of Art. This is a series of informal artist talks to learn more about the pr ocess and inspiration of these artists and their work on view in the 2011 Portland Museum of Art Biennial. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Suzannah Sinclair, Liv Kristin Robinson, Heath Paley and Robert Shillady; 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., Michael Shaughnessy, Carol Aronson-Shore, Richard Veit and Clint Fulkerson.

Symposium on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

9 a.m. Maine Veterans for Peace is sponsoring its fourth Symposium on Post T raumatic Stress Disorder: Surviving Trauma. The all-day event will be held at the Abromson Center of the University of Southern Maine with doors opening at 8 a.m. and pr ogram beginning at 9 a.m. Featur ed speakers will be: David Meyer, PhD, staff psychologist with the PTSD Clinical Treatment Team at Togus VA Medical Center; Kate Braestrup, community minister with the Maine Warden Service and best-selling author of “Her e If You Need Me”; Michael Uhl, PhD, V ietnam veteran who has been diagnosed with PTSD. Author of “Vietnam Awakening”; Camilo Mejia, Iraq war veteran and casualty of PTSD. Author of “Road Fr om ar Ramadi: The Private Rebellion of Staff Sergeant Camilo Mejia”; Charlie Clements, MD, a V ietnam veteran, he is cur rently director of the Carr Center for Human Rights at the Harvard Kennedy Center. Author of “Witness to War” which chronicles his experiences as a physician and human rights activist in El Salvador, and his own struggle with PTSD. W orkshops will include: NonInvasive Treatment Options for PTSD; Refugees from War Torn Countries and their Needs; Surviving in Silence; Evidence-based treatments used for returning veterans and the trauma continuum. The Mobile Vet Center, a counseling and r eferral service for veterans and their families, will be on site throughout the day. The event will benefi t health care professionals veterans and their loved ones, and others who have been victimized by trauma. Professionals will receive Certificates of Attendance that will delineate “contact hours” which may qualify for Credit Equivalent Units. To pr e-register (recommended), or for additional information, go to

Dark Follies: Vaudeville Never Died

8 p.m. Dark Follies: Vaudeville Never Died — It was just resting its eyes! Show Times: April 22 at 8 p.m., April 23 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. “For nearly four years Dark Follies has br ought its vaudeville style variety show to the str eets of Portland, Maine during First Friday Art W alks from June to September. Featuring live music, dancing, juggling, side show acts, and more they have entertained crowds of all ages on many a summer night. … Your favorite Portland str eet vaudevillians are taking their show fr om the downtown square to the Lucid Stage. Join Dark Follies for a full scale revival of the vaudeville variety show . With performances by Kait-ma, The Lovely Janice, Cait Capaldi, Bus Stop Love, Lindsey Feeney, Antebellym, Sybil, Jan Hanseth, Scavenger, The Dark Follies Rhythm Or chestra, and more! Lady Selcouth, Mistress of the Dark Follies presides over this extravaganza of dance, song, comedy and vaudeville antics!” Tickets ar e $12 general admission seating $10 students/seniors and may be pur chased at the Lucid Stage box office and

Earth Day celebration in Bar Harbor

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Once again, College of the AtlanPort Authorities vs Boston Massacre tic is inviting the gr eater Maine community to an 6 p.m. A WFTDA Sanctioned Bout in Maine roller Earth Day celebration. This year it will be held derby, this event takes place at the Portland on Saturday, April 23. The celebration this year Expo. Todd the Rocket will pr ovide bout music. is being or ganized entirely by students, who ar e Tickets $10 advance, $13 doors, $5 kids 6-12, enthusiastically sharing their talents, creations and free for kids 5 and under . After-party at Empir e expertise. COA’s student-run Earth Day combines Dine & Dance. “The Port Authorities, ranked No. environmental and social awareness with a variety 11 in the East, take on the Boston Massacr e, of artistic and folkloric festivities. Among the arts ranked No. 4. The Port Authorities enter this bout activities are an African dance workshop by COA with three wins and one loss in 2001. Their latest alumnus Tawanda Chabikwa who has r eturned to teach dance at the college for a term, music perfor- “A single African-American mother struggles to clear her name after being wrongly accused win against No. 9 DC All-stars should land them mances, a drumming circle, storytelling, face paint- and arrested for dealing drugs in an impoverished to wn in Texas,” reads the plot synop- a higher spot in the rankings, while Massacr e’s ing and art displays. Look for mural-making, circus sis for “American Violet,” a fi lm screening on Sunday at the University of Southern Maine. loss to No. 7 Montr eal will cause a dr op for their ranking. Massacre’s definitely got the upper hand activities, slam poetry, and invisible theater as well. (COURTESY PHOTO) in this bout, but the Port Authorities should be There will also be music sharing, so bring your own able to keep the score close to make for an excitinstruments.” For information contact Jose Merlo cal Society’s new fl agship website, AmericanAncestors. ing bout. The Port Authorities have played the Massacr e at or 460-2239 , or the college at 288org. This extensive online genealogical r esource has every year since 2008 and have lost every bout. The team 5015, or more than 3,000 digitized collections and more than 135 plans to use their line-ups strategically in or der to stand a Genealogy Workshop: Using million records covering New England, New Y ork, and chance against the Massacre’s heavy line-ups of defensive 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Genealogy Workshop: Using other areas of family research dating back to 1620. This blockers. And then ther e’s Claire D. Way, the Massacr e’s Presenter: Ryan Woods, Direcworkshop will offer strategies for maximizing your search star jammer, who seems to hop, skip and duck her way tor, Internet Technology, New England Historic Geneaexperience as well cover tips and techniques for navigathrough every pack.” logical Society. Join the Maine Historical Society for an tion and personalizing your online experience. Registrainsider’s look into the New England Historic Genealogi-

tion is required. Fee: MHS Members: $15; Non-Members:

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Fur Cultural Revival peace rally for Darfur

7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Meg Perry Center, 644 Congress St., Portland. Fur Cultural Revival (part of The Darfur Community Center of Maine) pr esents a Rally for Peace in Darfur at The Meg Perry Center , 644 Congress St. This event is free and open to the public, however , donations will be accepted for Fur Cultural Revival. Speakers will include Darfur Genocide survivor El-Fadel Arbab, as well as local activists and members of the Sudanese refugee communities. There will be a showing of the fi lm, “The Devil Came On Horseback.” Starring Brian Steidle, this fi lm premiered at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival and covers the story of the Darfur genocide. The film has a running time of 85 minutes. Sudanese snacks and r efreshments will be served. “ Since 2003, more than 400,000 people have been killed in Darfur, Sudan. More than 2.7 million people have been displaced. Southern Maine now boasts the lar gest organized Darfuri refugee community in the United States. Although Sudanese President Al-Bashir is now wanted by The Inter national Criminal Court for war crimes in Darfur , the genocide continues.”

Sunday, April 24 Sacred Living Gatherings

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Unity Center for Sacred Living, an open, interfaith, Oneness oriented Spiritual Community , is “here to evolve consciousness thr ough what we call The New Spirituality. We know that the essence of Spirit is within see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011— Page 13

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‘Hospice the Musical’ workshop series

1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. “‘Hospice the Musical’ A W orkshop in Three Acts, facilitated by Lenora Trussell, ‘End-of-Life Tour Guide’” Sundays, April 24, May 1, May 8, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, 524 Allen Avenue Ave., Portland. “This series is about looking at that end-of-life journey we are all destined to take … someday. Each class stands alone. You may attend any or all. 1. Easter , April 24, “I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly,” what can we expect to be able to manage during our dying pr ocess? 2. May Day, May 1, “Somewhere Over The Rainbow,” what’s next? An exploration of purpose and destiny . 3. Mother’s Day, May 8, “If you Love, Love, Love Me,” nuts and bolts information about end-of-life pr eparations. What we want, need, and have to do befor e we die AND what we will do. Trussell is a certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse who has written two books, “Pain Smarts” and “Circling the Drain,” which will available at the workshops. “She brings a humorous, sometimes poignant, mostly informational approach to her workshops, and considers herself an ‘End-of-Life T our Guide’ assisting in the navigation of End-of-Life journeys.” For more information contact the chur ch at offi ce@a2u2. org or 797-7659.

St. Augustine of Canterbury Anglican Church Holy Week services at Old Orchard Beach

4 p.m. St. Augustine of Canterbury Anglican Chur ch, located at Cathedral Pines Chapel, 156 Saco A ve., Old Orchard Beach, announced its Holy Week Schedule. Holy Week wraps up on Sunday April 24, with the Great Celebration of Easter and the Resurr ection of Jesus Christ at 4 p.m. The Rev. Jeffrey Monroe MM is Rector.

‘American Violet’ screening by Maine Civil Liberties Union, National Lawyers Guild chapter at USM

4 p.m. The Maine Civil Liberties Union and the National Lawyers Guild student chapter of the University of Maine School of Law present the second installment of “2011 Civil Rights Movie Nights,” a monthly series of fi lms examining legal controversies regarding civil liberties and civil rights. April 24: “American Violet” A short discussion of the issues raised by the fi lm will follow each showing. “Inspir ed by true events, this penetrating drama centers on Dee Roberts (Nicole Beharie), a 24-year-old mother of four who’s forced to take on a corrupt district attor ney (Michael O’Keefe) when she’s unjustly prosecuted in a large-scale drug case. Directed by Tim Disney , the inspiring tale also stars Alfr e Woodard as Dee’ s mother, Alma, Tim Blake Nelson as ACLU attorney David Cohen and Will Patton as retired narcotics officer Sam Conroy.” All showings are at 4 p.m. in the Talbot Lecture Hall, Luther Bonney Hall at the University of Southern Maine and are free and open to the public.

Monday, April 25

Community Development Block Grants week

Portland Music Foundation teams with Bayside Bowl for Music Industry & Community Night

7 p.m. As the Portland music industry continues to gr ow and expand, the Portland Music Foundation would like to help everyone working in the community to make connections and get to know one another . The PMF will host a Music Industry & Community Night at Bayside Bowl, located at 58 Alder Street in Portland. Anyone working in the music industry — musicians, promoters, club owners, journalists, engineers, etc. — can come out to the fr ee event, have a drink, maybe do some bowling, and hang out with other people in the music business. For mor e information on the PMF, visit

Public hearings on budgets

7:30 p.m. The public will have one of several opportunities to voice their opinion on the Portland Public School system and the City of Portland’s municipal budget. Monday, May 2, the City Council will hold a public hearing for the municipal budget only and will vote on the school budget. The school budget will then be sent to the voters for a citywide vote Tuesday, May 10. The City Council will vote on the municipal budget May 16. Monday, April 25, 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers: City Council Public Hearing for school budget only. Thursday, April 28, 5:30 p.m., Room 209 : Finance Committee Public Hearing, public comment taken on city budget. Monday, May 2, 7 p.m., City Council Chambers: City Council Public Hearing for city budget only. Tuesday, May 10: Citywide vote on school budget. Visit the city’s website for the latest information on the budget pr ocess, Budget_Process.

Tuesday, April 26 Sea Dogs College Fair at Hadlock Field

3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Portland Sea Dogs, Double-A affi liate of the Boston Red Sox, will be hosting a College Fair at Hadlock Field prior to that evening’ s Sea Dogs game scheduled for 6 p.m. against the Binghamton Mets. More than 50 colleges fr om New England will be participating in the third annual event. “The Sea Dogs College Fair provides students with the unique opportunity to gather information from colleges thr oughout Maine and New England as well as meet with college admissions counselors in a social setting at a Sea Dogs baseball game. Last year over 300 students took part in the Sea Dogs College Fair with even mor e expected in 2011.” All students interested in attending the College Fair must have a game ticket for the April 26 Sea Dogs game against the Binghamton Mets. Students ar e eligible to r eceive two free tickets to the game; additional tickets can be pur chased at the discounted rate of $3. Students looking to receive their two free tickets to attend the game and the college fair should contact the Sea Dogs Ticket Offi ce at 879-9500.

DownEast Pride Alliance ‘Business After Hours’

5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St. “Delicious hot appetizers, cash bar with $5 drink specials and media table will be pr ovided. Flask isa newly r enovated bar offering pub-style food in a cozy envir onment. They offer homemade food, plasma TVs, live music and local entertainment. ... The DownEast Pride Alliance (DEP A) is a GLBTQ business networking gr oup in Souther n Maine

Every Tue. Night is Benefit Night at Flatbread Join us from 5 - 9

Tuesday, April 26th $3.50 will be donated for every pizza sold.

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meeting monthly at local establishments for ‘Business After Hours’ events that provide a safe forum for, and help strengthen, the local gay and gay-friendly business community.” FMI:

Wednesday, April 27 Walking tours about mobility on Congress Street

noon. The city of Portland in collaboration with Gr eater Portland Metro Bus, the Portland Downtown District, the Greater Portland Council of Gover nments and the Portland Area Comprehensive Transit System will host a public meeting to discuss ways to impr ove mobility on Congress Street between State Str eet and Franklin Str eet including the feasibility of establishing a bus priority corridor fr om High Street to Elm Street. Prior to the meeting, the public is invited to participate in one of two guided walks along the corridor from Longfellow Square to Lincoln Park. For mor e information about the meeting and the Portland Mobility Project, visit the city’ s website at http://www To RSVP for the tour or public meeting or to submit questions, email Noon: Guided walking tour of the corridor from Longfellow Square; 1 p.m.: Guided walking tour of the corridor from Lincoln Park; 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.: Public Meeting, Institute for Contemporary Art Maine College of Art, 552 Congress St.

‘The future of coastal management in Nova Scotia’ at College of the Atlantic

4:10 p.m. Nova Scotia is considering a new management focus for its waters, and one of the key fi gures in developing the policy is a College of the Atlantic graduate. Justin Huston, chair of Nova Scotia’s Provincial Oceans Network, will be returning to COA to discuss his work. The talk, “Our Coast: The future of coastal management in Nova Scotia,” will be in the college’s McCormick Lecture Hall. It is part of the college’s spring Marine Policy Speaker Series. Huston is the chair of Nova Scotia’ s Provincial Oceans Network, an interdepartmental body responsible for the development and implementation of the pr ovince’s new 10-year coastal strategy program, the fi rst of its kind in Canada. Unlike the United States, where federally supported state coastal management programs have been in place since the 1970s, Canadian provinces are only now beginning to develop their own coastal management pr ograms. or 288-5015, 801-5715. Free.

Business After 5/Online Auction

5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Each year the Falmouth/Cumberland Community Chamber awar ds scholarships to seniors of Falmouth and Gr eely high schools to further their education. This year we ar e hosting an online auction to benefi t the scholarship fund which can be found at www The site may be visited at anytime and bidding will be held fr om April 14 thr ough April 28, 2011. In addition, we will be hosting a social event at OceanV iew Retirement Community where we will also have web access to encourage last minute bidding. T o donate for the auction, contact Jim Bar ns, 781-7677, or Ann Armstrong, 347-2355, Register by April 26.

UMF salutes Peace Corps 50th Anniversary

7 p.m. to 9 p.m. In celebration of the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary, University of Maine at Farmington Car eer Services and Ferr o Alumni Center ar e joining together to sponsor “Serving America and Around the World: A Forum Exploring Opportunities in Service.” This event is fr ee and open to the public and will be held fr om 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., North Dining Hall A, UMF Olsen Student Center. see next page Restaurant & Sports Bar

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5:30 p.m. Public Hearing on the 2011-2012 Community Development Block Grants allocations, City Council Chambers, City Hall. “Starting April 25, the City of Portland will commemorate National Community Development W eek with a series of events kicking-of f with a press conference Monday at City Hall with City of Portland Mayor Nicholas Mavodones, Portland City Councilors Councilors, staff and Community Development Block Grants r ecipients as they highlight projects that have helped make Portland a livable community. National Community Development week provides the city an opportunity to draw attention to the many positive impacts generated by both CDBG funds and the HOME Investment Partnership pr ogram from the construction of the Bayside trail, to community policing efforts, to the r ehabilitation and fi rst time homebuyer pr ograms. All events are free and open to the public wher e one lucky attendee will r eceive a gift car d from Hot Suppa!. Light refreshments provided by Local Spr outs will be served. Both Hot Suppa! and Local Spr outs are small local businesses that have received CDBG funding. On Friday at 10 a.m., residents are invited to join staf f for a walk along the Bayside Trail. The trail was designed to re-imagine the area, stimulate economic development and build a welcoming and safe neighborhood for residents and local businesses. The one-mile trail has transformed a 13.2-acre corridor that runs parallel to Mar ginal Way through the Bayside Neighborhood into a ribbon of gr een that will connect the Eastern Prom with Deering Oaks Park. The $2.3 million trail was funded in part by a $100,000 CDBG grant and helped the city reclaim and decontaminate a pr ominent brownfield

for recreational use in the downtown.” Events: Tuesday, April 26, 6 p.m., Housing Pr ograms Information Session, Room 24, City Hall. W ednesday, April 27, 3 p.m., retirement party for Dwight Gailey, Room 209, City Hall; Friday, April 29 , 10 a.m., walk the Bayside T rail, see a number of CDBG projects along the way, meet at front steps, City Hall.

Pizza - Pasta - Parmagiana - Espresso - Cannoli - Steak

each and every one of us, and our aim is to cr eate a safe and sacred space for each person to explore their own perception of Spirituality. UCSL offers weekly gatherings that are informative, cr eative, interactive, and sometimes cer emonial followed by fellowship.” Sacr ed Living Gatherings on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Williston-W est Church, Memorial Hall (2nd fl), 32 Thomas St. Portland. For more information call 221-0727 or email


by Lynn Johnston

by Paul Gilligan

By Holiday Mathis say you ar e what you believe. But on days like today, when your mind is so open that you could believe everything just as easily as you could believe nothing, you realize that who you ar e goes deeper than the mind. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Because what you have is so desirable, it needs to be pr otected. This takes time and ener gy. Is it worth it? The same assets that put you in a sticky situation will get you out of it, too. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19 ). You will be at your best today . You’ll present yourself in a way that’ s unexpected. You’ll turn heads and make people smile, laugh and think. The world is more exciting because you’r e in it. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Even when fashion is at its most beautiful, it still must change. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be fashion. A special relationship is like this now, too. What makes it so lovely is that you know it can’ t stay this way forever. PISCES (Feb. 19 -Mar ch 20). Your face is like a billboar d for your emotions. You won’t be able to hide your feelings or play it “cool,” so you may as well go the opposite way and expr ess the truth. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 23). You have the ability to make huge amounts of money this year , though this is not inevitable. Much depends on aligning your interests and ridding yourself of conflicting values and goals. May features a stylish new look. June is your chance to travel. Someone commits to you in July. October featur es a home investment. Leo and Cancer people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 32, 31, 24, 43 and 11.

Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

ARIES (March 21-April 19). It’s like the right and left sides of your brain are having a ping-pong match, as your day’s work requires both creativity and logic. Write down your ideas. You’re on a hot streak. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Wher e three or mor e people ar e assembled, there will be politics. Instead of wor rying about how this will play out, you get into the spirit of it and make sur e it works in your favor. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Remember that no one is above human nature, and expect to make a few mistakes. Keep going when you do. Affi rm to yourself: I am the pure, refined essence of awesome. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Y ou like to have a choice, but you also want to have things narr owed down a bit. It’s easier to choose fr om three than from 103. Someone in the middle who knows you well will make life easier for you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It will be important to get in touch with people you know and like. If it’ s difficult to do so, it’s a sign that your system of organization is off. This is the moment to get a better one. Virgo can help. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Y ou’ll be trusted with critical information. You know what to tell and what not to tell. Your savvy day-to-day dealings will be noticed by the one you want to impress. You are earning a position of power. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Maybe you’re not pr epared. Or maybe you’r e just prepared for the wrong thing. Either way, it’s just the kind of glitch that brings out your best. You’ll be amazed at your own ingenuity. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Some

by Aaron Johnson


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011

ACROSS 1 Irritate 5 Like a twang 10 Raise 14 Concept 15 Run and wed 16 Competent 17 Outer garment 18 Charge that places blame 20 One of Santa’s little helpers 21 Fir or banyan 22 Assail; hem in 23 Nonsense 25 “For __ a Jolly Good Fellow” 26 Drunk 28 Cake maker’s mixture 31 Uses a towel 32 Frets; worries 34 Curved bone 36 Mischief-makers 37 Not hopeful, as a situation 38 Word after Scotch or duct

39 “__ whiz!” 40 Sixteen ounces 41 One who gets just his feet wet 42 Helping with the dishes 44 Ali’s sport 45 Last part 46 Souvenir; memento 47 Seaweeds 50 Unable to hear 51 Part of a blackjack 54 Office meeting areas 57 Smallest bit of an element 58 Wicked 59 Own up 60 Bacterium 61 Opposite of acknowledge 62 Encounters 63 Small whirlpool 1

DOWN Uncle Ben’s product

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 35

False deity Bug that sucks plant juices Have a meal Got closer to Narrow street White fish Hairy as an __ Lower limb Most recent Heron’s cousin Floating sheet of ice Canvas shelter Helps in crime Foot digits Small bills Bird of prey Single gulp Like a threeminute egg Rosary piece Did away with Become mature, as fruit Hit hard Half of a score Mass detached

from a glacier James __; 007 Cab Longed Lobo Annually Animals Send in, as one’s payment 47 Not up yet 37 38 40 41 43 44 46

48 Hate’s opposite 49 Make progress 50 Capitol roof’s feature, often 52 Drape puller 53 TV show award 55 Male sheep 56 “__ to Billy Joe” 57 Grow old

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011— Page 15

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Saturday, April 23, the 113th day of 2011. There are 252 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On April 23, 1616, English poet and dramatist William Shakespeare, 52, died on what has been traditionally regarded as the anniversary of his birth in 1564. On this date: In 1789, President-elect George Washington moved into the first executive mansion, the Franklin House, in New York. In 1791, the 15th president of the United States, James Buchanan, was born in Franklin County, Pa. In 1896, the Vitascope system for projecting movies onto a screen was publicly demonstrated in New York City. In 1910, former President Theodore Roosevelt delivered his famous “Man in the Arena” speech at the Sorbonne in Paris. In 1954, Hank Aaron of the Milwaukee Braves hit the first of his record 755 majorleague home runs, in a game against the St. Louis Cardinals. (The Braves won, 7-5.) In 1961, Judy Garland performed her legendary concert at New York’s Carnegie Hall. In 1968, student protesters began occupying buildings on the campus of Columbia University in New York; police put down the protests a week later. In 1969, Sirhan Sirhan was sentenced to death for assassinating New York Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. One year ago: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed the nation’s toughest illegal immigration law, saying “decades of inaction and misguided policy” had created a “dangerous and unacceptable situation”; opponents said the law would encourage discrimination against Hispanics. Today’s Birthdays: Actress-turned-diplomat Shirley Temple Black is 83. Actor Alan Oppenheimer is 81. Actor David Birney is 72. Actor Lee Majors is 72. Irish nationalist Bernadette Devlin McAliskey is 64. Actress Blair Brown is 63. Writer-director Paul Brickman is 62. Actress Joyce DeWitt is 62. Actor James Russo is 58. Filmmaker-author Michael Moore is 57. Actress Judy Davis is 56. Actress Jan Hooks is 54. Actress Valerie Bertinelli is 51. Actor Craig Sheffer is 51. Actor George Lopez is 50. Rock musician Gen is 47. U.S. Olympic gold medal skier Donna Weinbrecht is 46. Actress Melina Kanakaredes is 44. Rock musician Stan Frazier (Sugar Ray) is 43. Country musician Tim Womack (Sons of the Desert) is 43. Actor Scott Bairstow (BEHR’-stow) is 41. Actor Barry Watson is 37. Actor Kal Penn is 34. MLB All-Star Andruw Jones is 34. Actress Jaime King is 32. Actor Aaron Hill is 28. Actress Rachel Skarsten is 26. Tennis player Nicole Vaidisova is 22. Actor Dev Patel (“Slumdog Millionaire”) is 21. Actor Matthew Underwood is 21.


Dial 5 6






13 17

CTN 5 Focus on

8:30 Bulletin

APRIL 23, 2011



Commissioners Mtg

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Community Bulletin Board

Chase “Father Figure” Law & Order: LA A car Law & Order: Special News Saturday Night WCSH A corrupt cop preys on contain a dead body and Victims Unit A stranger single mothers. (N) no driver. Å assaults an FBI agent. Live Å Cops (N) Cops (In America’s Most News 13 on The Office Fringe “6:02 AM EST” Wanted: America Fights FOX “Money” Å Walternate wreaks havoc WPFO (In Stereo) Stereo) (PA) Å (PA) Å Back (N) Å “over here.” Movie: ›››‡ “The Ten Commandments” (1956, Historical Drama) Charlton Heston, Yul News 8 WMTW at WMTW Brynner, Edward G. Robinson. Biblical hero Moses leads the Israelites to freedom. (In Stereo) Å 11 (N) 40th Great TV Auction MPBN

Poirot A don is opposed Masterpiece Classic German-Jewish refugee Stereo) Å prompts reactions. Ugly Betty “In the Stars” Community Scrubs (In WPXT Matt’s mother asks Betty Auditions Stereo) Å for a favor. CSI: NY The CSIs CSI: Miami “Reality Kills” A reality TV star is murWGME unearth a century-old corpse. Å dered. Å WPME Movie: ››› “Eight Below” (2006) Paul Walker. WENH to women’s rights. (In


DISC Desert Car Kings Å


FAM Movie: “Jumanji”

Movie: ››› “Beetlejuice” (1988) Alec Baldwin



USA Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU


NESN Pitch

MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. (Live)


CSNE MLS Soccer: Sporting at Revolution


ESPN NBA Basketball: Spurs at Grizzlies


ESPN2 College Baseball

Red Sox

Desert Car Kings Å

William and Kate The The Red Globe TrekRoyal Wedding (In Green ker “Nigeria” Stereo) Å Show Entourage True Hollywood Story American “Manic Mon- “Courteney Cox” Actress Dad “Tearday” Courteney Cox. jerker” 48 Hours Mystery Stu- WGME Entertaindents help to exonerate a News 13 at ment Toman. (N) Å 11:00 night (N) Deadliest Catch Å The Unit “Two Coins”


S Beach

S Beach

Law & Order: SVU Pregame

Desert Car Kings Å

SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet

NBA Basketball: Thunder at Nuggets

Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å

Movie: ››‡ “The Whole Nine Yards” (2000)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Movie: ››› “Space Cowboys” (2000)




DISN Movie: “Lemonade Mouth” (2011)


TOON “The Wizard of Oz”

King of Hill King of Hill Venture

Fam. Guy

Boondocks Boondocks


NICK iCarly

Victorious iCarly


My Wife



MSNBC Lockup: Raw

Good Luck Shake It George

CNN CNN Presents Å

Piers Morgan Tonight


CNBC American Greed

The Suze Orman Show Debt/Part





Movie: ›››‡ “Jurassic Park” (1993) Å


LIFE Movie: “Serendipity”



Justice With Jeanine

48 Hours: Hard Evid.


Wizards My Wife

Lockup Orange County Lockup Orange County Lockup: Raw



Shake It

CNN Presents Å

Newsroom Debt/Part

Geraldo at Large Å

American Greed Jour.

FOX News

Movie: ›‡ “10,000 B.C.” (2008) Steven Strait.

Movie: “William & Kate” (2011) Ben Cross. Å 48 Hours: Left

“William & Kate” Å

48 Hours: Left

48 Hours: Hard Evid.


AMC Movie: ›››‡ “Die Hard” (1988, Action) Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman.


HGTV Cash, Cari Block


TRAV Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures


A&E Dog





BRAVO House “Half-Wit” Å


Antonio Storage


Movie: “U.S. Marshals” House Parking


Hunters Parking

House “Top Secret”

House “Fetal Position”


HALL The Waltons Å

The Waltons Å

The Waltons Å


SYFY “Final Destination 2”

Movie: “Roadkill” (2011) Diarmuid Noyes.

Movie: “The Hitcher”


ANIM It’s Me or the Dog (N)

Cats 101 Å

It’s Me or the Dog



COM › “Disaster Movie”

62 67 68 76

Jesus: The Lost 40 Days Å

Movie: ››› “Training Day” (2001) Denzel Washington. Å



Movie: ››› “American Gangster”

South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Two Men

Two Men

Two Men

Two Men



TVLND All-Family All-Family Raymond








“Slumdog Millionaire”

The Waltons Å

Cats 101 “Kittens” (N)

HIST Secret Access: The Vatican Å


House “Airborne”

Movie: ›››‡ “Shrek” (2001) Å

SPIKE “Crocodile Dundee”

Movie: ›››‡ “Shrek” (2001, Comedy) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Crocodile Dundee II” (1988)


OXY Movie: ›› “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (2003) Å


TCM Movie: ›››› “Gunga Din” (1939) Cary Grant.



9 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 31

Fun “Crocodile Dundee”

“How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” Movie: ››‡ “Sea Fury” (1958) Stanley Baker.

ACROSS An E is my first and my last letter, yet one single letter I contain. What am I? Grain bristle Group of church leaders “Save the Tiger” star Weed puller Tijuana Brass trumpeter Facial feature Magical command Southern constellation Public conveyance Eng. instruction letters Occupant: abbr. Dyer Panic Irritating Getting while the getting’s good

35 Contender 36 Showing impatient expectancy 37 Portal 38 Key 40 __ Claus 41 Houdini’s last name 42 Bridge support 43 Enzyme suffix 46 Taro product 47 Type of dance 48 Sm. landmass 49 Cartridge belts 52 Former Peruvian currency 53 Combo track bet 54 Lassoing 56 In the place cited: Lat. 57 Declaring 58 Tempt 59 Plate fillers 1 2

DOWN Instructional Inflammation of

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 21 23 27 28 29 31 32 33

the kidney Deviations Financial subj. London lav. Barnstorming Makes ready, briefly Charlotte Bronte’s fictional governess Sim of “The Ruling Class” Get back old skills Wee devils Blotch The Velvet Fog Pot starters Buffalo coin Turkish title Let fly Heroic tales Samantha of “The Collector” Henry James’s “What __ Knew” Delivering, as homework Certifying under

oath 34 Young racehorses 36 Whiten a plant by excluding light 39 Of family favoritism 40 Drink using a straw 42 Struggling breather

43 Poplar tree with white bark 44 Part of WASP 45 Pass into law 47 Valuable discovery 50 701 51 Periods 52 Crucifixion letters 55 Cross or Kupcinet

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011



Wanted To Buy

DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

MEET your soulmate. Affinity is Maine’s number 1 online and offline dating resource. (207)221-6131,

I buy broken and unwanted laptops for cash, today. Highest prices paid. (207)233-5381.


14 Liberty Lane, Unit 73- From Maine to Wyoming- Downsizing- Not your everyday moving sale; Exclusive furniture and house access. Saturday, Apr 23rd 8-2pm, call (207)761-0130 8-7pm. Solid col. oak din. table, 4 cushioned swivel arm chairs plus lazy susan, floral design Chippendale chair, 3 oak barstools, 4 pieces wrought iron in/ outdoor patio set, Karastan 70D-706 (color ivory) Sarouk carpets (like new, various sizes), 27’ Magnavox color TV, Serta boxspring and mattress, Lane padded top bench cedar chest with key (new) (special offer), Great Books of the Western World, vintage edition, all 54 volumes in shelves, never used, Yamaha keyboard, Portatone PSR-270, mic stand, case, pedals, etc. Elegant mahogany wood/ white mesh room divider. Various accent lamps (old and modern) artifacts, pictures, collectors items, Country & Western music books, albums, videos, office computer table (adjustable), & more! Original price sales sheet for most items. Cash only.



For Rent

For Sale

PUPPY spring sale, 20% off small mixed breeds. See website for more details: (207)539-1520.


PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $475-$850. (207)773-1814.

BED- Orthopedic 11 inch thick super nice pillowtop mattress & box. 10 year warranty, new-in-plastic. Cost $1,200, sell Queen-$299, Full-$270, King-$450. Can deliver. 235-1773

Watch over 3500 channels with no monthly fees. Software $49.95 for PC and Laptops.

Flea Market Announcement PORTLANDTALKS.COM Rant and rave! Have you been silent too long? You can make a difference.

UNITY CENTER FOR SACRED LIVING is an open interfaith, Oneness oriented spiritual community. We hope you will come join us for our alternative services on Sundays from 10-11am at the Williston-West Church, Memorial Hall (2nd fl), 32 Thomas St., Portland, ME (207)221-0727.

ARTISTS and Craftsmen wanted for Westfest Fair. May 21st. FMI (207)415-3877.

For Rent NEAR Ivex Lavatories on Saco St, raised ranch with garage. 2 br, heated. $1100/mo. (207)797-2891. PORTLAND- Danforth Street, 2 bedrooms, heated, newly painted, hardwood floors. $850/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814.

PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 1 bedroom heated. Newly installed oak floor, just painted. $675/mo. (207)773-1814. WESTBROOK large room eff. furnished, utilities pd includes cable. Non-smokers only. No pets. $195/wkly (207)318-5443.

BEDROOM7 piece Solid cherry sleigh. Dresser/Mirror chest & night stand (all dovetail). New in boxes cost $2,200 Sell $895. 603-427-2001

For Rent-Commercial

CUSTOM Glazed Kitchen Cabinets. Solid maple, never installed. May add or subtract to fit kitchen. Cost $6,000 sacrifice $1,750. 433-4665

PORTLAND Art District- 2 adjacent artist studios with utilities. First floor. $325-$350 (207)773-1814.

PRINCESS Diana doll, Danbury Mint, original box, $40. Maple bookcase headboard for double bed $10. (207)653-2974.

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I took care of my grandson three days a week for the first two years of his life. He is now 3, and I have not been allowed to see him for nearly a year because I noticed clear evidence of sexual abuse and told my son. I took my observations to many professionals, including pediatricians, therapists, Child Protective Services, a family law attorney and even therapists who treat perpetrators. They all agreed there was abuse. My daughter-in-law has a history of dysfunction. She was diagnosed with Munchausen syndrome, which means she makes up stories to get attention. My son is depressed, drinks too much and is a workaholic who is seldom home. I had no way to get a witness or to somehow record the behavior proving my grandson was being abused. The result is, no one can do anything except slowly build a case so that if future reports come in from teachers or doctors, there will be a record. The tragedy is that the abuse has to continue for many more years before there might be enough evidence to take action. There is now a second child, but I’ve not been allowed to see him. I keep encouraging my son to figure this out and seek help. He refuses to believe any of it and demonizes me for “lying.” I’ve been told there is nothing else I can do, but am hoping you or your readers have suggestions. It is a very wrong world when this cannot be stopped. -- Northern California Dear California: If your grandson regularly sees a pediatrician, any sexual abuse should be noted and reported. We are surprised this hasn’t happened and worry that perhaps you are misinterpreting the signs. Please contact for more information and assistance. If you are certain there is abuse, we urge you to find a way to get back into your son’s good graces so you will be in a position to help those children. Say you’re sorry. Beg for forgiveness. Whatever it takes.

Those boys need someone to watch out for them. Dear Annie: My husband is 55 years old and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes six years ago. In addition, he suffers from high blood pressure and high cholesterol. His doctor prescribed oral medications and suggested he follow a low-carb diet. My husband has paid no attention whatsoever to his doctor’s advice. He eats fast food at least once a day. He dislikes vegetables and instead eats rice and potatoes, adding excessive amounts of salt and butter. He also snacks on sugary treats with no regard to the effect they have on his blood sugar levels. Worse, he is lax about taking his medications. I am having a tough time watching helplessly as my husband slowly commits suicide. He ignores my concerns. Any advice? -- Concerned Wife Dear Wife: There isn’t much you can do about someone who insists on making unhealthy choices. Your husband could be depressed, or he may need a diet that gives him different options. Talk to his doctor. See a nutritionist. Try to get Hubby to take romantic walks with you. And contact the American Diabetes Association ( for online support. Dear Annie: This is in response to “Lucky but Not Happy,” who married her husband for stability, but is no longer content because there is no passion. Whatever happened to marriage vows? Did she not say “for better or worse”? What would happen if the tables were turned and she became ill and could no longer perform in the bedroom? Would it be OK if her husband found something “better”? I am so tired of people getting divorced simply because they are bored with their spouse. Too bad. Unless there is abuse or other untenable circumstances, you made a lifetime commitment. People need to start keeping their promises, or they are meaningless. -- In It Till the End

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

DUMP RUNS We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.

MAINEX10.COM Home security, surveillance, entertainment & automation. No monthly fees! Shop with confidence! VeriSign secure.

PHOTO BOOTH We bring the photo booth and the fun to your occasion. (207)776-8633. RAMSEY Services- Reasonable rates, 1 call does all! Moving, clean ups, clean outs, yard wor, junk removal, demo, replace/ repair homework, apartment prep: cleaning, repairs, painting. (207)615-6092. STEVE Lothrop Construction. Decks, additions, flooring, siding, roofing, woodrot. Senior discounts. Fully insured, references (207)513-1220.

Yard Sale

SOUTH Portland Coin/ Marble Show- 4/23/11, American Legion Post 25, 413 Broadway, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.

The Daily Sun Classifieds “Can you send me prices for display ads in the Sun... I am really happy with the results from the Sun classifieds and I want to expand... I have tried the other papers... zero replies... nothing even comes close to The Sun...” — An advertiser who gets results using the Sun’s classifieds.

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Advertise your goods and services in the Classifieds and reach thousands of potential buyers daily. Call today to place your ad and make a sale quickly.

The Daily Sun Classifieds

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011— Page 17

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––EVENTS CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Thursday, April 28 Bates College’s fourth Presidential Symposium

noon to 5:30 p.m. The connections between diversity and learning will be explor ed in Bates College’ s fourth Pr esidential Symposium at Chase Hall, 56 College A ve., Lewiston. Admission to the symposium, “ Recognizing Change, Preparing for the Future: Developing Partnerships for Academic Success” is free and open to the public. The keynote speech will be given at noon by Alma R. Clayton-Pedersen, former vice president for education and institutional renewal and now senior scholar with the Association of American Colleges and Universities. The title of her talk is: “Making Excellence Inclusive Is an Educational Imperative.”

‘Work It Up’ celebration

5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Second Anniversary Celebration of Moving Maine Forward, One Business at a Time by “W ork It Up” Or ganization: This nonpr ofit economic development organization is inviting owners, managers and human resources executives of Maine companies to join “W ork It Up” members at this celebration of the mor e than 100,000 hours of volunteer professional services delivered to Maine businesses and nonpr ofit groups. There is no char ge for attending. “Work It Up” will highlight the r esults experienced by the 15 fi rms that were selected as r ecipients of the organization’s $3 million Economic Stimulus Pr ogram. New recipients of assistance fr om the Economic Stimulus Program will be announced. “Work It Up” is Maine’s fastest growing organization for working, non-working and under employed professionals who volunteer to deliver business solutions and project-management services to small businesses, individual entr epreneurs and non-pr ofit organizations. Portland Harbor Hotel, 468 Fore St., Portland.

Equal Time, Equal Value: Building Healthier Communities through Time Banking

7 p.m. Professor Ed Collom, Chair of Sociology at USM will be presenting “Equal Time, Equal V alue: Building Healthier Communities through Time Banking” at the Hannafor d Auditorium. “Across the globe, activists ar e creating their own local curr encies or non-cash exchanges to complement national curr encies. Community curr ency networks are ‘do-it-yourself’ groups, established with the intention of building social capital and making goods and services more accessible. This pr esentation will pr ovide an over view of local curr encies and an in-depth investigation of Time Banking. ... Light refreshments will be served and the event is free and open to the public at the USM Portland Campus inside the Abromson building with free parking in the garage attached to Abr omson. The event is being pr esented by the University of Souther n Maine Offi ce of the Provost, Research Administration and the Offi ce of Sponsored Programs and is the First Annual Provost’s Research Fellowship Presentation.”

Friday, April 29 Words & Images 2011: Resurgam Book Release Party

6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The launch for the forty-fi rst publication Words & Images will feature Kate Cheney Chappell, Adrian Blevins, and an exclusive r eading by bestselling author Andre Dubus III from his recent release Townie: A Memoir. There will be a cash bar, free hors d’ouerves, and live music from 8-9 p.m. by Olas, a Portland-based flamenco-inspired band. The event is fr ee and open to the public. W ords & Images 2011:Resurgam is the latest issue fr om Words and Images, a student-produced publication from the University of Southern Maine. Talbot Lecture Hall in Luther Bonney Hall, USM Portland Campus, 92 Bedford St.

‘The Woodmans’

6:30 p.m. “The Woodmans” screens at Movies at the Museum at the Portland Museum of Art. Friday , April 29 , 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 30, 2 p.m.; Sunday, May 1, 2 p.m. NR. “Francesca W oodman’s haunting black-and-white images, many of them nude self-portraits, now reside in the pantheon of great photography from the late 20th century. The daughter of artists Betty and George Woodman (she a ceramicist and he a painter/photographer), Francesca was a precocious RISD graduate, who came to New Y ork with the intention of setting the art world on fi re. But in 19 81, as a despondent 22-year-old, she committed suicide. The Woodmans beautifully interweaves the young artist’ s work (including experimental videos and diary passages) with interviews with the par ents who have nurtur ed her professional reputation these past 30 years, while continuing to make art of their own in the face of tragedy . The film grapples with disturbing issues, among them: parent-child competition and the toxic level of ambition that fuels the New York art scene.” ” movies.php

The Journey Within at Mayo Street

7 p.m. The Journey Within: A performance by Anca Gooje at Mayo Str eet Arts. “Discover the fascinating world of Bharata Natyam, the most ancient style of Indian classical dance in a unique experience of self discovery . The performance is presented by Anca Gooje who choreographed and performed in India and Eur ope. Come and experience this mystical art form!” Tickets online and at the door: $10.

Maine Playwrights Festival marathon evening

7:30 p.m. Acorn Productions, a nonprofit art presented located in the Dana W arp Mill, announces the complete line-up for the 10th annual Maine Playwrights Festival (MPF), the company’s annual celebration of the work of local theater artists. The month-long festival begins in early April with staged r eadings of two full-length plays. Later in the month, the MPF moves to the St. Lawr ence Arts Center, where 10 short plays will be pr esented in two evenings of r otating repertory between April 14 to 29 . Each evening of plays will be pr esented four times, along with a special marathon evening on Friday, April 29 on which all 10 plays will be performed beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tickets to the 10th annual Maine Playwrights Festival are $16 for adults, $14 for students and seniors. The MPF culminates with the second annual 24-Hour Portland Theater Pr oject, which featur es directors from five different area companies. The 24-Hour Portland Theater Project will have two performances at 5:30 and 8 p.m. on the St. Lawrence Stage on Saturday, April 30. Entrance to the 24-Hour Portland Theater Pr oject festival is $8. The 10 playwrights whose short plays have been selected for the MPF are all Maine residents hailing from a variety of communities throughout the state: Marie Coyle (Portland), Larry Crane (Southport), L ynne Cullen (Yarmouth), Shannara Gillman (Seal Harbor), Kathy Hooke (Portland), Michael Kimball (Cape Neddick), Cullen McGough (Portland), Jefferson Navicky (Portland), Isabel Ster ne (Cape Elizabeth), Michael Tooher (Portland). This year’ s short plays will be dir ected by Kar en Ball, Laura Graham, Michael Levine, Stephanie Ross, and T ess Van Horn. or 854-0065

DudeFest 2011 (‘The Big Lebowski’)

8 p.m. One Longfellow Square welcomes fans of the movie, “The Big Lebowski.” “The Dude abides over One Longfellow Square for a night of mayhem featuring a scr eening of the Coen Br others’ ‘The Big Lebowski.’” With live music fr om the fi lm performed by The Little Lebowski Under Achievers ar ound 10 p.m. and a Costume Contest! The Little Lebowski Under Achievers features Matt Shipman and Steve Roy of The Stowaways! Sign up for the Costume Contest at the show —ticket required to participate. Judges will be chosen ahead from a selection of local “Dudes.” White Russians on special all night, and wear a bathrobe for $3 tickets at the door! “Half-price tickets if you come in a bathr obe but only if there are any tickets left!” http:// www.onelongfellowsquare. com/Details.asp?ProdID=1111

Saturday, April 30 Feathers over Freeport

7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feathers over Freeport: A Birdwatching Weekend, 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Satur day and Sunday, April 30-May 1, Bradbury Mountain State Park, Pownal, W olfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Fr eeport; park admission: $3, adults; $1.50, children, ages 5-11; all others fr ee. “Feathers over Freeport: A Bir dwatching Weekend” will highlight special birding opportunities in the greater Freeport area, featuring top Maine experts, plus hikes, workshops and other activities for people of all abilities and interests at two locations – Bradbury Mountain State Park in Pownal and Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park in Freeport, according to event organizers. Sponsored by the Maine Department of Conservation’s Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL) and the Fr eeport Wild Bird Supply, organizers hope it will become an annual event showcasing the special natural resources of the area, including the annual Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch and the annual return of nesting osprey at Wolfe’s Neck Woods.

Drug Take-Back program at ecomaine

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Regional waste manager ecomaine will

be a host site for the U..S Drug Enfor cement Administration’s free Drug T ake-Back program. DEA’s Maine Resident Agent in Charge Michael Wardrop said the program is offered, “so that everyone can rid their medicine cabinets and care facilities of those potentially harmful medications which impact our public safety , personal well being and clean environment.” The ecomaine site is in Portland at 64 Blueberry Road, just on the other side of the Maine u Trnpike from UNUM. Troop G of the Maine State Police will be at ecomaine as individuals drive up to drop them off any quantity of unwanted drugs. Lar ge quantities from institutional use are welcome, as well as small quantities from individuals. Last year’s Drug Take-Back Day in Maine netted 7,820 pounds of pr escription drugs. Also at the Public W orks Recycling Center at 271 Hill St., Biddefor d; Community Center on Franklin Street in Saco; new police station at 16 E. Emerson Cummings Blvd., Old Or chard; Goodwin Mills Fire Station, Lyman; Kennebunk High School; Kennebunkport Police Station on Route 9; and the Rite-Aid and Hannaford in Buxton. or www.deadiversion.

Drug take-back day in South Portland

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. “The South Portland Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration will give the public another opportunity to pr event pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially danger ous expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs. Bring your medications for disposal to the South Portland Community Center , 21 Nelson Road, or the Community Partnership for Pr otecting Children (CPPC) HUB trailer, 580 Westbrook Street. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Last September, Americans tur ned in 242,000 pounds — 121 tons — of pr escription drugs at nearly 4,100 sites oper ated by the DEA and mor e than 3,000 state and local law enforcement partners. The South Portland Police Department hosted two drug takeback dates in 2010; one in conjunction with the DEA, and a second in concert with the Cape Elizabeth Police Department and the South Portland Community Advocates for Social Action (SPCASA). Those local events netted over 280 pounds of prescription drugs.”

Meet the Artists: The Family Gallery Talk

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. “Enjoy a very special time in the 2011 Portland Museum of Art Biennial for families with exhibiting artists Alisha Gould, Carly Glovinski, and Alicia Eggert. W e love to talk as families and invite artists to join in our conversation. The artists will share tools and experiments and other parts of the art-making process that are usually left behind in the artists’ studio! The art on the wall will ‘speak to you’ with your help! All childr en must be accompanied by an adult.”

Community Dog Show at The Woods at Canco

11 a.m. The Woods at Canco retirement community, located at 257 Canco Road in Portland, is hosting its fourth annual Community Dog Show. Prizes will be awar ded in a variety of categories such as “Best Dressed,” “Best T rick” and “Mirr or Image Award.” Light r efreshments will be provided for people and pups. The public is invited to attend and donations will be collected for the Animal Refuge League of Gr eater Portland, in honor of Animal Cruelty Prevention Month. For their curr ent wish list, visit www To learn more about the fourth annual Community Dog Show , please call The Woods at Canco at 772-4777.


noon to 6 p.m. After two days worth of high ener gy performances at Empire Dine & Dance over the April 2 weekend, the Maine Academy of Modern Music and the Portland Music Foundation announced the MAMM SLAM Finalists: The Modest Proposal (Freeport HS); Finding Perfection (Scarbor ough HS); The Twisted Truth (Portland HS, Casco Bay HS, South Portland HS); Dusty Gr ooves (Cheverus High School HS); Crossed Out (Gorham HS); Wildcar d Band: Midnite Haze (Telstar High School/Bethel HS). Five of the bands wer e selected to move on to the Final Round by a panel of judges that was comprised of pr ofessionals recruited from the local music community by the Portland Music Foundation. A sixth Wildcard Band was selected by an online poll held by The Port City Music Hall will play host to the MAMM SLAM Finals on Satur day, April 30, wher e the six bands will compete for the title of Best High School Band in Maine. see next page

Page 18 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––EVENTS CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Cheverus High School auction

6 p.m. The 25th annual Cheverus High School auction, Guys and Molls, will be held at Cheverus High School, 267 Ocean Ave. “We are turning back the clock to the excitement of the Roaring 20’ s: jazz, fl appers, the Charleston, gangsters and G-men … Rumor has it that Cheverus now has a speakeasy, and that the ‘Holy Moly Club’ will be hopping with our famous live auction! Come and join in the merry mayhem and see for yourself!” 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., The Speakeasy: Silent Auction; 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Club Holy Moly: Dinner and Dessert; 8:30 p.m., Live Auction Mayhem! Tickets ar e $50 per person and will benefi t the Cheverus Scholarship Fund. For mor e information visit the Cheverus website at

‘Dancing with the Community’

6:30 p.m. South Portland Recreation teamed up with local dance studios to put on a benefi t dinner/dance similar to “Dancing with the Stars.” The benefi t dance will featur e local celebrities dancing with local ar ea dance instructors for a competition like the popular show , “Dancing with the Stars.” Participants ar e Kevin Scott, 2010 guber natorial candidate, with Ann Smith; Jill Duson, former mayor , with Sergei Slussky; Robert L ynch, a local chir opractor, with Johanna Welch; Barbara Joyce, Italian Heritage Center first lady, with John Davis; and V erne Weisberg with Elizabeth Richards. Special showcase pr esentations by Christian Clayton and Polina Kirillova, professional ballroom dancers, and Joe Cupo and Patty Medina, last year’s “Dancing with the Community” winners. Italian Heritage Center, 40 Westland Ave., Portland; doors open at 6 p.m. No tickets will be sold at the door. Call 767-2650 or go to the South Portland Recreation Department at 21 Nelson Road, South Portland.

Salt River benefits Peace Action Maine

6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Salt River will thrill the audience with their folk music and much more.” At the Sacred Heart Catholic Church located at 80 Sherman St. in Portland. Donations benefit Peace Action Maine. Suggested donations at the door $15 [sliding scale]. For mor e information please call Sally Breen at 892-8391 or e-mail

WMPG’s seventh annual Fashion Show Benefit

7:30 p.m. WMPG announces the seventh annual Fashion Show Benefit at PULSE on Spring Str eet in W estbrook. WMPG’s celebration of local fashion designers, A Night of Fashion, Entertainment and Community Fashion Show Highlights, opens its doors at 7 p.m., with 7:30 p.m. pr eshow entertainment with Dark Follies; 8 p.m. The 2011 WMPG Fashion Show; music by DJ Corbin; 9 p.m. Meet & Greet Designers and Models; 9:30 p.m. Dance Party — closing. Music by DJ (Stuck in the 80’s) Ron. Tickets available online at VIP reserved seating $20; general admission $10; students with ID $5.

Lewiston! Cabaret

7:30 p.m. Lewiston! Cabaret illuminates the stage of the Franco-American Heritage Center’s beautiful new Heritage Hall, featuring a wide array of stage performers young and old assembled for one night of great entertainment by Lewiston’s ever-popular Cabaret host Louis Philippe. Tickets are $18 and can be purchased by calling 689-2000 or in person.

Contra Dance at COA

7:30 p.m. Contra Dance with Big Moose Contra Dance Band and caller Chrissy Fowler in College of the Atlantic’ s Gates Center, 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor . Lessons at 7:30 p.m., Dance begins at 8 p.m. $6. Childr en free. www.coa. edu or 288-5015.

Spring Music Fling by Relay For Life

8 p.m. Celebrating thr ee decades of music and hits, the Relay For Life of Gr eater Portland will be hosting a Spring Music Fling in partnership with The Gold Room in Portland, featuring Motor Booty Affair, Time Pilots and Sly-Chi. “Since the theme of this year’ s Relay For Life of Gr eater Portland event is ‘A W orld With Less Cancer Is A W orld With More Birthdays’ it seemed appropriate to celebrate as many birthdays as we could in one night,” said event cochair Susan Towle. “We were fortunate to partner with The Gold Room and these three popular bands to feature music from the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s.” In addition to the dance parties that will be breaking out around The Gold Room, Relay For Life of Gr eater Portland Youth Outreach Chair Andrea Levinsky, a senior at Deering High School, is or ganizing a silent auction featuring donations from area businesses and Relay For Life of Gr eater Portland teams. Items to include four floor seats to any Red Claws game in the 2011-2012 season, live theater tickets, local restaurant gift certificates, hand-crafted pottery items and much mor e. The Spring Music Fling will take place on th at The Gold Room on Warren Avenue in Portland. Gates open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 8 p.m. and will end at 1 a.m. Show is ages 21 plus. Tickets are $20 per person and proceeds will ben-

efit the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Gr eater Portland. To purchase tickets please email gr

Sunday, May 1 Maine Green Independent Party convention

9 a.m. The Maine Green Independent Party will be holding its annual statewide convention at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick. All r egistered Greens in Maine ar e encouraged to participate. Starting at 9 a.m. the gathering will elect steering committee members and will discuss Party platform and bylaws. After lunch, pr ovided at noon, candidates for Portland’s Mayoral race will speak as will Independent Legislator Ben Chipman and a r epresentative of Maine’s labor community. Interested non-Greens are welcome to attend as non-voting guests. The public is invited to join the gathering at 6 p.m. on the Brunswick Mall for a celebration of Bringing in the May , a tradition that goes back to the 12th century. The convention closes with some drumming and dancing and ancient ritual, fr om the Library to the Mall to the beat of “The Dif ferent Drummers” (a Yarmouth Drumming circle), followed by a May Pole dance to the tunes of Doug Protsik and Friends. The May Pole Dance will be a weaving together of our intentions for building community and sustainability in the year ahead. In case of rain, the drumming will take place in the Morrill Community Room at 6 pm. The May Pole dance can be held only in dry weather. For registration and more information visit www .

Sacred Living Gatherings

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Unity Center for Sacred Living, an open, interfaith, Oneness oriented Spiritual Community , is “here to evolve consciousness thr ough what we call The New Spirituality. We know that the essence of Spirit is within each and every one of us, and our aim is to cr eate a safe and sacred space for each person to explore their own perception of Spirituality. UCSL offers weekly gatherings that are informative, cr eative, interactive, and sometimes cer emonial followed by fellowship.” Sacr ed Living Gatherings on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Williston-W est Church, Memorial Hall (2nd fl), 32 Thomas St. Portland. For more information call 221-0727 or email

The Maine Irish and their Labor Union

2 p.m. Maine Irish Heritage Center pr esents: The Maine Irish and their Labor Union Granite Cutters Inter national Union of North America. Lecture and movie by Dorothea J. McKenzie at the Maine Irish Heritage Center , 34 Gray St., Portland. “According to Charles A. Scontras in his 19 9 4 study of Maine Labor Unions, Collective Ef forts Among Maine Workers: Beginnings and Foundations, 1820-1880, ‘The Maine granite cutters, thr ough their formation of the Granite Cutters National Union, made a major contribution to the national labor movement, and for many years served as in inspirational model for workers throughout the state.’”

Portland Symphony Orchestra finale concerts

2:30 p.m. The Portland Symphony Or chestra will close its 2010-2011 season with music of W agner and Mozart, and featuring Ravel’ s luminously beautiful “Daphnis et Chloé.” Music Director Robert Moody will conduct two performances on Sunday, May 1, at 2:30 p.m. and T uesday, May 3, at 7:30 p.m. at Portland’ s Merrill Auditorium. The PSO’s season fi nale concerts are sponsored by KeyBank, with media support fr om MPBN. Ticket prices range fr om $17-$70 and are available at and by phone at 842-0800 or in person at PortTIX (20 Myrtle St., Portland). Special pricing may be available for students, seniors, and groups of 10 or more.

‘The Thinking Heart’ in Portland

7 p.m. Four performances of “The Thinking Heart: the Life and Loves of Etty Hillesum,” will be pr esented in the Portland area during April, May and June. Conversation concerning the work will follow performances. First Parish Portland, 425 Congr ess St., Portland, on Sunday , May 1, at 7 p.m. Contact: 773-5747. Allen A venue Unitarian Universalist Church, 524 Allen A ve., Portland, on May 22, at 3 p.m. Contact: Car oline Loupe, cmloupe@maine., 9 26-59 83. Admission: Donation r equested. Glickman Family Library at the University of Souther n Maine, 314 Forest Ave., seventh fl oor, Portland, on June 2, at 7 p.m. This performance is sponsor ed by Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance. Contact: Joshua Bodwell, Executive Director,, 228-8263.

Monday, May 2 ‘Health as a human right’

5:30 p.m. A public forum to discuss health as a human right is being hosted by students fr om the University of New

England School of Social Work at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Congress Street in Portland. “This collaborative event will mobilize our communities to action in the pursuit of access to equitable health r esources. The evening will include a panel discussion with health pr ofessionals and legislators, a conversation with community members and an opportunity to take action.” The event is fr ee and open to the public. Unitarian Universalist Church, Parish Hall, 425 Congress St., Portland.

Tuesday, May 3 East End Wastewater Treatment Facility Tour

10 a.m. to noon. Portland Water District invites the public to celebrate National Drinking W ater Week, May 1-May 7. “Have you ever wonder ed what happens after you fl ush? What is fl ushable, anyway? Find out how PWD tr eats millions of gallons of wastewater every day , helping to keep Casco Bay clean for wildlife and people.”

Hike Along the Sebago to the Sea Trail

1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Join Sebago to the Sea Coalition partners Presumpscot Regional Land Trust and PWD as we take a hike on the newest section of the Sebago to the Sea T rail, designed to link Sebago Lake with Casco Bay . Naturalists will point out features, habitats, and other fun environmental facts along the trail. Hike is approximately 2 miles. Sebago Lake Ecology Center.

Wednesday, May 4 33rd Annual Living With Cancer Conference

7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. The American Cancer Society’ s 33rd Annual Living With Cancer Conference will take place at the Augusta Civic Center . Volunteers and staf f from the American Cancer Society cr eated the fi rst Living With Cancer Conference in 1979. Each year cancer patients and survivors, family members, caregivers, and healthcare professionals come together to attend this event. This year’ s theme, “Facing Cancer T ogether,” is as a day of sharing personal stories and medical information designed to help cancer patients and their families as they continue along their cancer jour neys. Attendees at this day-long confer ence can participate in a variety of informative workshops, visit community resource exhibits, and share similar experiences and stories with others touched by cancer.

Portland Symphony Orchestra preview

5:30 p.m. Portland Symphony Orchestra Music Director Robert Moody will pr esent a pr eview of the 2011-2012 PSO season at the Merrill Auditorium Rehearsal Hall. The event is free and open to the public. Robert Moody will provide an overview of the upcoming season’ s concerts, including highlights of both Classical and Pops series, background on guest artists, and how the season evolved. The pr eview event will be followed by a Q&A with the audience. The PSO’ s 2011-2012 season runs from October 2011 to May 2012 and includes nine Classical and four Pops programs. Subscriptions to the PSO’s upcoming season ar e now on sale, with prices ranging from $80 to $390 depending on series and seat location. Details are available through or by calling PortTIX at 842-0800.

Roof runoff, rain gardens, and rain barrels

6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Take a guided tour of the Sebago Lake Ecology Center’s lake-friendly yard to learn about rain gardens, rain barrels, and other easy ways a homeowner can create a beautiful yard that reduces pollution. Sebago Lake Ecology Center.

Rated Local ongoing film series

7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Nickelodeon Cinemas will pr esent the second installment of Rated Local, an ongoing fi lm series showcasing eight new short works from Maine filmmakers. Organized by Portland’s Eddy Bolz, David Meiklejohn and Allen Baldwin,Rated Local will screen at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the Nickelodeon or online at the Nickelodeon’s website, http://patriotcinemas. com/nickelodeon.html.

Film: ‘Holy Wars’

7:30 p.m. Film screening. “Touching down in four hotbeds of religious fundamentalism — Pakistan, Lebanon, UK, and heartland America — ‘Holy W ars’ goes behind the scenes of the 1400 year old conflict between Islam and Christianity. By filmmaker Stephen Marshall (Guerrilla News Network, Battleground) the fi lm follows a danger -seeking Christian missionary and a radical Muslim Irish convert, both of whom believe in an apocalyptic battle, after which their religion will ultimately rule the world. T racking their lives from the onset of the ‘War on Terror’ through the election of Barack Obama, Holy Wars shows that even the most radical of believers can be transformed by our changing world.” SPACE Gallery. $7/$5 for SPACE members, all ages. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011— Page 19

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Saturday, April 23 An evening with Cake

8 p.m. An evening with Cake, State Theatr e. Seventeen years on from their inception, CAKE is still an outsider – defiantly and pr oudly cutting their own path. Both their music and their way of operating in the ever -evolving marketplace are fueled by the same cor e principles of self reliance, democracy, and integrity that inspired their formation.

Spose and Cam Groves at Port City Music Hall

8 p.m. Portland’s most well known emcee, Spose and fellow hip-hop lyricists Cam Groves and Educated Advocates come to Port City Music Hall. Since the r elease of his debut album “Pr eposterously Dank” in 2008 on his own imprint, Spose has seen his musical endeavors reach a new plateau. He was named Maine’ s “Best HipHop Act” for both 2008 and 2009 at the W ePushButtons Awards and also named “Best Hiphop Act” in the Portland Phoenix’s 2010 Best Music Poll. In 2009 , he released a mixtape with fellow emcee Cam Gr oves entitled “We Smoked It All.” A track off that mixtape, produced by Spose himself, “I’m A wesome” garnered Spose his fi rst major label r ecording contract with Universal Republic Records. Spose used the opportunity to build his own company, the Pr eposterously Dank Entertainment label based out of W ells, Maine. Artists signed to his imprint include himself, Spose, emcee Cam Gr oves, hip-hop trio Educated Advocates, and the space-funk-sex-r’n’b of Doctor Astr onaut. In 2010, Spose r eleased both “In Sessions,” the debut album fr om Educated Advocates, as well as his own indie album “Happy Medium.” $10 advance, $12 day of show, $20 VIP, 21 plus.

HillyTown Presents: Milagres / Milkman’s Union / Husband & Wife at One Longfellow Square

8 p.m. HillyTown Presents: Milagres + Milkman’s Union + Husband & Wife. This triple bill will be a night not to miss. Three great performances, one night! $10, all ages. www.

Sunday, April 24 Hoboe memorial tribute concert

2 p.m. Hoboe will play a memorial tribute concert for the late Erik Norman Doughty who passed away on April 22, 2009 — a longtime hometown friend of Hoboe guitarist Thom Metz. The concert will occur at Spring Point avern, T 175 Benjamin W . Pickett St., South Portland, and will occur throughout the day and night of Sunday , April 24 with Hoboe playing songs intermittently throughout. This will be Hoboe’s third Doughty Memorial concert. Hoboe’s future new drummer and close friend of bassist Ben Holt, 20 year old Chris Bell will debut with Hoboe at their per formance at Geno’s Rock Club on Friday , April 22 and will also play the Doughty Memorial show. Drummer Jon Bangs is r esigning from Hoboe after their May perfor mances and Bell has been accepted as his r eplacement with Bangs recommendation. Bell will be substituting for Bangs at these performances and will take the helm as Hoboe’s permanent drummer in June.

Monday, April 25 Decompression Chamber Music Season Three

6 p.m. Decompression Chamber Music: This “rush hour” concert series is designed for you! Stop in for an enter taining hour on your way home fr om work. Bring a date! Have glass of wine, listen to beautiful music, become a connoisseur. Goup Bio, Piotr Buczek, Colin Davis, Mark Berger, and Decompression Chamber Music creator Priscilla Hayes Taylor combine their expertise, humor , and artistic talents to bring you fi ve compelling new concerts of sumptuous music. $10, all ages, One Longfellow Square.

Tuesday, April 26 The Bad Plus at One Longfellow

8 p.m. Forget categories and catch phrases – the sound of The Bad Plus is distinctive, eclectic and formidable. The Bad Plus have exploded all notions of what a jazz piano trio should sound like – whether at outdoor r ock festivals, jazz clubs or symphony halls. The Los Angeles Times ranked the trio “among the leaders of what might be called the Nu Jazz movement.” Newsweek declar ed their 2005 release Suspicious Activity? to be “among the

freshest sounding albums of the year.” And according to Rolling Stone, “By any standar d, jazz or otherwise, this is mighty, moving music … hot players with har d-rock hearts.” In short, a diverse array of music lovers has been seduced by The Bad Plus and their ear nest, dizzying musicianship. $30, all ages.

Wednesday, April 27 Steely Dan vs. Hall and Oates

9 p.m. The Clash — Main Event sponsor ed by Geary’s Brewing Co.; Steely Dan vs. Hall and Oates, $5 at the door. Port City Music Hall.

Thursday, April 28 Heather Maloney CD Release at One Longfellow

8 p.m. Since her head-first dive into the indie music world in November of 2009, Heather has co-written with Grammy-nominated composer Hui Cox (Richie Havens, Baba Olatunji, Liza Minelli), played more than 200 shows, and shared the stage with many celebrated acts like Meg Hutchinson, The David Wax Museum, Guy Davis, Caravan of Thieves, Carsie Blanton, Mike & Ruthy, Jill Sobule, and The Stone Coyotes. Heather Maloney’s April Fools Day release “Time & Pocket Change” is an album rich with quirks and passion. Rooted in indie-pop, T&PC is a play between the coffeehouse intimacy of folk and the dramatic narrative of opera. Unfettered vocals and guitar lines move through daring arrangements and enforce her “stop-you-dead” lyrics. (Rochester City News). Her new trio features drummer “Murph” (Dinosaur Jr, The Lemonheads) and guitarist Joseph Boyle (Peter Tork of the Monkees). $10, all ages.

Friday, April 29 John Prine, presented by the State Theatre, performs at Portland’s Merrill Auditorium

8 p.m. SOLD OUT . John Prine plays at Merrill Auditorium, presented by the State Theatre. Some four decades since his remarkable debut, John Prine has stayed at the top of his game, both as a performer and songwriter . Recently honored at the Library of Congress by U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser, he’s been elevated from the annals of songwriters into the r ealm of bonafi de American treasures.

Saturday, April 30 Badfish: A tribute to Sublime at the State Theatre

8 p.m. Badfish is a tribute band dedicated to playing the music of Sublime. The gr oup is named after a song appearing on the album 40oz. to Fr eedom. Formed in 2001 at the University of Rhode Island, the group’s members, who wer e computer science majors, began playing local Rhode Island clubs and quickly began selling out shows. They continued touring the East Coast and Midwest of the U.S., becoming popular on college campuses among Sublime fans who never wer e able to see the band due to Bradley Nowell’s 1996 death. Since then the group has done multiple national tours per year . In 2008, the band was nominated for Best Tribute Act in the Boston Music Awards. $18 advance, $20 day of show.

Last Spouse show before hiatus

9 p.m. “Bitter-sweet and awkwardly nostalgic lyrics ar e delivered with José A yerve’s token ‘feather smooth/ sandpaper rough’ voice. The music on Confi dence is purposefully more upbeat than some of the band’ s previous offerings. Still pr esent are the intertwining layers of bass and guitar -driven melodies over tight, emphatic drums. “Spouse is taking a br eak for a while,” writes Ayerve. “Not sure for how long, but that’ s why they call it a hiatus. Our last show is April 30 in Portland.” Empir e Dine & Dance; Spottiswoode & His Enemies (CD Release show); A Severe Joy (this is the new solo project Ayerve is working on). Doors: 8:30 p.m., show: 9 p.m. $8 adv/$10 door, 21 plus.

Roomful of Blues at One Longfellow

8 p.m. Even though Roomful of Blues’ lineup has changed over the years, the band has always been one of the tightest, most joyful blues ensembles in the world. Currently an eight-piece unit led by guitarist Chris Vachon, the band has never sounded fr esher or str onger. In 2010, singer Phil Pemberton took over the vocal duties, bringing his sweet and soulful vocals and adding

another bright new dimension to the jazzy , jump-blues musical roots. Their winning combination of jump, swing, blues, R&B and soul r emains their calling car d, as does their ability to fi ll the dance fl oor. Along with new members, bassist John T urner, trumpeter Doug W oolverton and , longer standing members keyboardist Travis Colby, drummer Ephraim Lowell, baritone and tenor saxophonist Mark Earley, tenor and alto saxophonist Rich Lataille , Roomful keeps on rockin’ in 2010. $25, all ages.

Sunday, May 1 Avenged Sevenfold

7 p.m. Avenged Sevenfold with Thr ee Days Grace and Sevendust at the Cumberland County Civic Center . Avenged Sevenfold’s “Welcome To The Family” T our is on sale today. “The Nightmare After Christmas” Tour sold out and left many fans wanting more. Tickets: $39.75.

Thursday, May 5 Tommy Emmanuel at Merrill

8 p.m. Outback Concerts Pr esents: Tommy Emmanuel. “Two-time Grammy nominee T ommy Emmanuel has a professional career that spans over four decades and continues to intersect with some of the fi nest musicians throughout the world. A household name in his native Australia, Tommy has gar nered hundreds of thousands of loyal fans worldwide. Tommy’s unique style — he calls it simply ‘finger style’ — is akin to playing guitar the way a pianist plays piano, using all ten fi ngers.” Merill Auditorium.

Saturday, May 7 De Temps Antan

8 p.m. “De Temps Antan is a high-ener gy trio featuring three of Quebec’s most talented musicians coming out of the city’s vibrant music scene. Since 2003, Éric Beaudry, André Brunet and Pierre-Luc Dupuis have been exploring and performing time-honored melodies from the stomping grounds of Quebec’ s musical past. Using fi ddle, accordion, harmonica, guitar, bouzouki and a number of other instruments, these three virtuosos blend boundless energy with the unmistakable joie de vivr e found only in traditional Quebec music. All thr ee members previously performed with the celebrated ensemble La Bottine Souriante (Beaufry remains a member of La Bottine). Brunet was featured in the Opening Cer emony of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in V ancouver British Columbia. Showing the talent runs deep, Brunet’ s brother Réjean is a member of another dynamic Quebecois ensemble, Le Vent du Nord.” Hannaford Hall, University of Southern Maine, Portland.

Tuesday, May 10

Goes Cube / Waranimal / Huak at Space Gallery

8 p.m. It would be easy to call Br ooklyn’s Goes Cube a metal band. After all, their music is heavy , loud, and often fast. But Goes Cube continually demonstrates that it exists in a universe all its own: outside the tr ends and styles of New Y ork (where the band formed), and outside of the standard metal tropes - drawing on influences that also include punk, har dcore, noise, and indie r ock. Their idea is simple: make the heavy heavier , fast faster, hooky hookier, and pr etty prettier. Their new disc - In Tides And Drifts (The End Records) - even calls upon folk singer Jaymay, whose haunting melodies br eak hearts as the band behind her batters eardrums. Waranimal are a totally excellent party metal band who r ecently gave us a strong contender for show of the winter season by filling SPACE with a bounce house, silly string, and a whole lot of crowdsurfing dudes in hawaiian shirts. Local punk (post-punk/hardcore/political/art/just-call-it-great) quartet Huak have a new full length coming this summer and open this show. HillyTown Presents works with both national touring acts and Maine musicians to curate unique live music experiences. $8, 18+

Sunday, May 15 Phil Kline’s ‘John the Revelator’

3 p.m. “Considered one of the most signifi cant works of the past decade, composer Phil Kline’s ‘John the Revelator’ is a gor geous and powerful Mass for the 21st century. ‘John the Revelator’ fi nds inspiration in the writings of Samuel Beckett and poet David Shapir o, early Amerisee MUSIC page 20

Page 20 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 23, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC from page 19 can hymns, shape-note singing and the events of 9/11. Acclaimed for their ‘smoothly blended and impeccably balanced sound’ (The New Y ork Times), Lionheart is joined by municipal organist Ray Cornils and Portland String Quartet for this unique pr esentation. The concert will feature a new work for or gan by Kline, commissioned in part by Portland Ovations and Friends of the Kotzschmar Or gan. Merrill Auditorium. Pr esented in collaboration with Friends of the Kotzschmar Or gan and LARK Society for Chamber Music.

Wednesday, May 18 Steve Martin: An Evening of Bluegrass & Banjo

7:30 p.m. “Performing with The Steep Canyon Rangers, An Evening of Bluegrass & Banjo, Merrill Auditorium. The legPhil Kline’s ‘John the Revelator’ 3 p.m. “Considered one of the most signifi cant works of the past decade, composer Phil Kline’ s ‘John the Revelator’ is a gor geous and powerful Mass for the 21st century. ‘John the Revelator’ fi nds inspiration in the writings of Samuel Beckett and poet David Shapiro, early American hymns, shape-note singing and the events of 9 /11. Acclaimed for their ‘smoothly blended and impeccably balanced sound’ (The New York Times), Lionheart is joined by municipal or ganist Ray Cornils and Portland String Quartet for this unique presentation. The concert will featur e a new work for organ by Kline, commissioned in part by Portland Ovations and Friends of the Kotzschmar Or gan. Merrill Auditorium. Presented in collaboration with Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ and LARK Society for Chamber Music.

Wednesday, May 18 Steve Martin: An Evening of Bluegrass & Banjo

7:30 p.m. “Performing with The Steep Canyon Rangers, An Evening of Bluegrass & Banjo, Merrill Audito-

rium. The legendary Steve Martin is a true renaissance man. Now the actor , comedian, novelist, playwright, and musician teams up with the accomplished bluegrass quintet Steep Canyon Rangers for an evening of bluegrass and banjo. Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers first played together in 2009, garnering praise from fans and critics alike. The popularity of their joint live performances has r esulted in a new album, Rar e Bird Alert, due out this spring. This is Martin’ s second bluegrass album. His fi rst, The Cr ow/New Songs For The Five-String Banjo, won a 2010 Grammy for best bluegrass album. The Steep Canyon Rangers ar e a classic five-man string band comprised of a guitar , fiddle, upright bass, banjo and mandolin. Martin adds a second banjo and additional vocals making for a unique and exciting sound.” Portland Ovations is pleased to announce that T ony Trischka & Territory have been added to the concert featuring Steve Martin with Steep Canyon Rangers. http://portlandovations. org

Saturday, May 21 David Crosby & Graham Nash at the State Theatre

8 p.m. “As a duo, longtime cr eative partners David Crosby and Graham Nash bring out the best in each other, their distinct yet complementary styles balancing an equation that delivers a seamless and inspiring musical whole. Two-thirds and one-half, r espectively, of Crosby, Stills & Nash, and Cr osby, Stills, Nash & Young, these Rock and Roll Hall of Famers ar e legendary for their airtight and crystal-clear vocal harmonies, as sublime when deliver ed by simply these two together as they ar e from the larger configurations. It is a sound that’ s one of the true touchstones of the rock ‘n’ roll era. Having tour ed as the occasional duo for four decades, Cr osby and Nash will be backed by a band consisting of James Raymond playing keyboards, guitarist Dean Parks, bassist Kevin McCor mick and Steve DiStanislao on drums. The plan calls for Crosby and Stills to switch between acoustic and electric instruments as they play their classic tunes as Wells, Maine rapper Spose will perform Saturday night at the newly allages Port City Music Hall with Cam Groves and Educated Advocates. well as a few new songs.” State Theatre. (COURTESY PHOTO)

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