The Portland Daily Sun, Saturday, April 7, 2012

Page 1


VOL. 4 NO. 47


Sussman and his evolving titles in the media See Curtis Robinson, page 5





Council to review Shipyard billing report Monday Probe faults record-keeping, communication in brewery-billing controversy — See page 3

Final step in a bayberry plantation

PIRATES vs. SHARKS Saturday, 4/7 at 7pm

Northeast Delta Dental Tote Bag Giveaway Night of Champions presented by Mercy Hospital

Elderly driver pulled from burning vehicle See page 11

ly Dai Deal

Bill Britting of American Aerial Services of Falmouth installs a plant screen on the front of the Portland Public Library main branch at Monument Square Wednesday. The library created a planter on the Congress Street facade, and the screen will protect the bayberry bushes that were planted there. The library worked with Jeff Tarling, city arborist, to choose a hardy species, library staff noted. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

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Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012

Open for Breakfast & Lunch 949 Forest Ave., Portland, Maine • 878-6575 Champions of death penalty fight to repeal it PLACERVILLE, Calif. (NY Times) — The year was 1978, and the California ballot bristled with initiatives for everything from banning gay teachers to cracking down on indoor smoking. Both lost. But one, Proposition 7, sailed through: expanding the state’s death penalty law to make it among the toughest and most farreaching in the country. The campaign was run by Ron Briggs, today a farmer and Republican member of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors. It was championed by his father, John V. Briggs, a state senator. And it was written by Donald J. Heller, a former prosecutor in the New York district attorney’s office who had moved to Sacramento. Thirty-four years later, another initiative is going on the California ballot, this time to repeal the death penalty and replace it with mandatory life without parole. And two of its biggest advocates are Ron Briggs and Heller, who are trying to reverse what they have come to view as one of the biggest mistakes of their lives. “At the time, we were of the impression that it would do swift justice, that it would get the criminals and murderers through the system quickly and apply them the death penalty,” Briggs, 54, “But it’s not working. My dad always says, admit the obvious. We started with 300 on death row when we did Prop 7, and we now have over 720 — and it’s cost us $4 billion. I tell my Republican friends, ‘Close your eyes for a moment. If there was a state program that was costing $185 million a year and only gave the money to lawyers and criminals, what would you do with it?’ ” California is not the first state to reconsider the death penalty in an era when questions have been raised about its morality and effectiveness. And even with these unusual advocates — and a new argument, that the death penalty has cost the state a fortune but produced only 13 executions in 34 years — the repeal faces tough going.


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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Jobs report tempers hopes of accelerating U.S. recovery (NY Times) — Although signs had pointed to a strengthening economy earlier this year, the jobs report on Friday came with a message: don’t get ahead of yourself. The country’s employers added a disappointing 120,000 jobs in March, about half the gains posted in each of the preceding three months. The unemployment rate, which comes from a separate survey of households rather than employers, slipped to 8.2 percent from 8.3 percent, as a lower portion of the population were looking for work. The slowdown suggests that employers remain cautious about hiring as they digest the impact of rising gas prices and

uncertainty about healthcare and pensions costs. Politicians seized on the slippage, with the Republican front-runner, Mitt Romney, characterizing the report as “weak and very troubling.” President Obama, for his part, acknowledged the “ups and downs” of the job market. While there have been some indications, like falling unemployment claims, that the job market was finding its footing, anxieties about whether a stronger pace of recovery could be sustained have been building in recent weeks. Global stock markets grew skittish this week as Spain’s ballooning debt level and weak bond offering raised the specter

of a deepening economic slump in Europe. After a strong first quarter, the United States stock market has had several days of declines. Ben S. Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, has tried to temper expectations and noted in a speech last month that the recent “better jobs numbers seem somewhat out of sync with the overall pace of economic expansion.” The March pullback eerily repeats a pattern set in the last two years, when job growth appeared to be picking up in the winter, only to slow down in the spring. The monthly snapshot of the job market from the Labor Department can reflect transitory factors, however, and are often revised.

Women enslaved by Spain’s brothel tourism boom LA JONQUERA, Spain (NY Times) — She had expected a job in a hotel. But when Valentina arrived here two months ago from Romania, the man who helped her get here — a man she had considered her boyfriend — made it clear that the job was on the side of the road. He threatened to beat her and to kill her children if she did not comply. And so she stood near a roundabout recently, her hair in a greasy ponytail, charging $40 for intercourse, $27 for oral sex. “For me, life is finished,” she said later that evening, tears running down her face. “I will never forget that I have done this.” La Jonquera used to be a quiet border town where truckers rested and the French came looking for a deal on hand-painted pottery and leather goods. But these days, prostitution is big business here, as it is elsewhere in Spain, where it is essentially legal.

While the rest of Spain’s economy may be struggling, experts say that prostitution — almost all of it involving the ruthless trafficking of foreign women — is booming, exploding into public view in small towns and big cities. The police recently rescued a 19-year-old Romanian woman from traffickers who had tattooed on her wrist a bar code and the amount she still owed them: more than $2,500. In the past, most customers were middle-aged men. But the boom here, experts say, is powered in large part by the desires of young men — many of them traveling in packs for the weekend — taking advantage of Europe’s cheap and nearly seamless travel. “The young used to go to discos,” said Francina Vila i Valls, Barcelona’s councilor for women and civil rights. “But now they go to brothels. It’s just another form of entertainment to them.”

Russia denounces U.S. sentencing of arms dealer MOSCOW (NY Times) — Russia lashed out on Friday over the sentencing of a convicted Russian arms trafficker to 25 years in prison, calling the decision by a New York court “baseless and biased” and warning that it could hamper relations between Moscow and Washington. A Federal District Court judge in Manhattan sentenced the arms trafficker, Viktor Bout, on Thursday. Bout was convicted last fall of conspiring to kill Americans after trying to sell weapons to undercover American agents posing as members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. “The American justice system, clearly carrying out a political order, ignored the arguments of lawyers and multiple appeals from different spheres made in the defense of this Russian citizen,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Russia has vocally opposed every stage of Bout’s four-year legal drama, which began in March 2008 when agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration arrested him in Thailand. There, American agents had reportedly enticed him with an offer to buy millions of dollars worth of military equipment, including AK-47s, missiles, and ultralight airplanes, a deal to which he apparently agreed. Russian officials have described the case as a conspiracy that involved government collusion with the courts, the American media and even Hollywood. Bout is said to have been the inspiration behind the 2005 film “Lord of War,” staring Nicolas Cage.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012— Page 3


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Council to review Shipyard probe Monday Agency record-keeping, communication faulted in brewer-billing uproar BY CURTIS ROBINSON THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Failure to bill a Portland brewer for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of sewer services over 15 years was most likely because of “miscommunication” between the city of Portland and the quasi-municipal Portland Water District. But poor city record keeping means we’ll never know for sure. That’s the conclusion of attorney Bryan Dench, a consultant the city hired to conduct a weeks-long investigation into a billing error involving the Shipyard Brewing Company. He delivered his final report to the city Friday and it will be an agenda item for Monday’s council meeting. The investigation focused on the installation of a 6-inch water main line at the brewery in 1996, which was erroneously established as a “water no sewer” line. As a result of this error, the brewery was not properly billed for water from the 6-inch line that was discharged into the sewer system, city officials explained. Any confusion may have been compounded by the brewery having a second 4-inch line that included a monthly sewer bill that is not under question. The Portland Water District is not a city department, but a quasimunicipal agency that supplies water to its namesake city and 11 surrounding communities. Nicole Clegg, city communications director, said Friday that it’s unclear exactly how much money is involved, but that water usage indicates missed billing would be around $1.5 million; she added that brewers are different from other uses because some water clearly goes “into the product.” Sewer bills are based on how much water customers use because water usage in most cases indicates how much wastewater a business or residence produces. Clegg said that credit toward Shipyard is estimated in the $200,000 range. Shipyard President Fred Forsley welcomed the city’s report and said the company “looks forward to moving on.” Since the investigation looked into how the billing mistake happened, it does not address a key issue: back billing. Forsley says municipal policy is that such billing can only go back 90 days, and Clegg said that issue is expected to be discussed by city officials at Monday’s meeting.

Forsley also notes that Shipyard has also helped pay for infrastructure that separates sewer and stormwater lines on its property, a process that the city has to pay for elsewhere. He also says that improvement “... led to the extension of Hancock Street and the development of two new major taxpayers, the Marriott Residence Inn and Ocean Gateway Garage, neither of which could have been built without the line separation.” In his report, Dench credits those involved — Shipyard, the city and the water district — for cooperation, but he also blamed lack of city record keeping for hampering the investigation. He also conceded that details are lost because the city employee most involved died years ago. “What must also be noted, however,” he said in the report, “is the general lack of records that would be important to resolving fully the questions presented by this inquiry.” As for “how did it happen,” the investigator says that “the available evidence does not present a confident conclusion on this all important question.” One example of lost documents that Dench noted involved one part of the Shipyard water-and-sewer work that required two applications, each in three parts, going to the brewery but also for filing with the city and with the water department. “No one can find a copy of either of the applications that must have been filed,” he noted. Using terms like “frustrating,” the investigator also said there is “no evidence that SBC [Shipyard] attempted to influence or mislead city personnel improperly.” City Manager Mark Rees said he hopes the investigation helps restore Portland’s trust. “Without question, this billing error is regrettable, and while there is no definitive answer as to how this miscommunication occurred, I am hopeful that the findings of this independent investigation are assuring to the public,” stated City Manager Rees in a press statement on Friday. “Certainly a mistake of this magnitude is unfortunate. The city is taking aggressive action to ensure that there are checks and balances in place so that something like this won’t happen again. We need to deserve the trust bestowed upon us by the public and I am hopeful that the investigation findings and our actions to remedy the situation will help assuage concerns.” The remedial actions have already turned up a dozen customers in situations similar to Shipyard, but with

Shipyard Brewing Co.'s plant is shown near the base of Munjoy Hill. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

much lower usage rates. The city said Friday that, as a part of this review, “PWD [the water district] provided the city with a complete list of current water accounts not being billed for sewer. Of the more than 18,000 accounts within Portland, 108 were identified for not being billed sewer and while the majority proved to be properties with septic systems, twelve accounts were found that needed to be charged for sewer. These accounts either represent a con-

version from septic to sanitary or new construction. The monthly charges for these accounts range from $24 to $162 resulting in an annual loss of $14,598 or .07% of the total annual budget $21 million and a total cumulative loss of revenue of $46,672.50. All accounts have been notified and are now being correctly billed for sewer.” The report as well as a list of corrective measures is available online at

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012

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Bleacher bard It’s ironic that at the start of National Poetry Month and the Major League Baseball season, I’ve resigned myself to the loss of my youth’s most revealing poem, one that used baseball as metaphor. I wrote the verse in the late 1980s, on a sultry Bronx night, in the Yankee Stadium bleachers. The poem wasn’t long, maybe about a dozen lines, and somewhat derivative. While prolific in high school and college, as my 20s moved along I had less time to sweat over verse. But this night was different. I had driven up to New York from Virginia on business. It was also a chance to revisit old college haunts, and the Stadium was on that list. As if by ritual, I stuffed a sports poetry anthology in my bag. On the morning of the game, over breakfast, out it came. Flipping through, I chanced upon John Updike’s “Tao in the Yankee Stadium Bleachers,” one of my favorites. In ––––– the poem, Updike waxes on the existential nature of global Guest issues and personal angst, all Columnist nicely woven into a midsummer hardball tapestry: “The opposing pitcher’s pertinent hesitations,/ the sky, this meadow, Mantle’s thick baked neck,/ the old men who in the changing rosters see/ a personal mutability,/ green slats, wet stone are all to me/ as when an emperor commands/ a performance with a gesture of his eyes.” That evening, the same lines echoed above the crowd. Slugger Dave Winfield came to the plate and

Telly Halkias

see HALKIAS page 5

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN,

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper Mark Guerringue, Publisher David Carkhuff, Editor Natalie Ladd, Business Development Joanne Alfiero, Sales Representative Contributing Writers: Timothy Gillis, Marge Niblock, Christian Milneil, Bob Higgins, Karen Vachon, Cliff Gallant, James Howard Kunstler Founding Editor Curtis Robinson THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5806 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or

CIRCULATION: 13,600 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Freedom to innovate, unless you’re a terrorist The phrase “Those Yankee Engineers” didn’t come about just because someone in the world though we were good at train work. Credited to Jules Verne, he found the mechanics of Maine to be not only good at selling things to each other, but rather genious when it comes to thinking up new ways to do stuff. Earlier this week, the latest in generations of innovation ran afoul of the law; while driving a load of propane tanks he had welded together to make a pontoon boat, Joshua Prokey of Westbrook got pulled over on Route 302. Immediately, everyone jumped to the conclusion that he must be a terrorist. A state trooper at the scene was quoted as saying, “You name it, he violated it.” Initial reports said some of the cylinders he had welded together still had propane in them. This is unlikely, due to the laws of physics. If he had managed to strike an arc on a propane tank with residual propane, he would not have been building a pontoon boat, but likely would have been the first Mainer to achieve lowearth orbit. Likely what those thought on

Bob Higgins –––––

Daily Sun Columnist the scene to be residual gas was residual methyl mercaptan, a colorless gas used to make propane smell like a cross between rotten cabbage and a pile of my old socks. But the story of those that try to innovate doesn’t stop there, friends. Remember the folks that asked last year to bring “food trucks” to the streets of Portland? After several months of complex organizational dithering, the report finally came in to the Creative Portland Corporation on a note of a first meeting by a subcommittee on the subject of food trucks. Creative Portland hopes to come up with a decision soon, to forward to the council for action. Judging from the 25 minutes of meeting time regarding whether or not to accept the sub-committee report on the artistic appro-

priateness of bench design for Back Cove/Portland Trails, I’d suspect the final decision will be laid before the council sometime around October ... after tourist and selling season is over. Looking at the number of patents issued to U.S. citizens by the U.S. Patent Office in the last 10 years, and seeing what has been issued in the last 10 has equaled the entire patent history for the previous couple of hundred, it’s not hard to see that folks are getting real good about trying to create and invent ourselves out of the economy. The problem is the regulation. Let’s assume for a moment that Mr. Prokey had an idea to recycle used propane cylinders into a pontoon boat. Sketch out a plan, hand it to someone fully licensed to weld on tanks will cost you roughly $65 an hour. Float testing by a certified marine engineer? Add another decimal. State review? File those forms, then go take a nap. Whoever replaces the guy that replaces the guy that LePage’s replacement nominates might be getting back to you. Somehow, somewhere along the see HIGGINS page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

These days, a low-level minor league baseball game is perfect HALKIAS from page 4

milked a full count during an oddly patient at-bat. Sweat ran everywhere: down my neck, on my forehead as it soaked my cap, and even off my bent elbows. The players were visibly shiny, and dripping. During this epic duel between pitcher and batter, it happened. I scrambled for any kind of paper in my wallet, retrieved a 3 X 5 card, and called around for a pen. Someone handed me a Bic. I scribbled the title: “Renascence on 161st Street,” and then my first line: “The Bronx right is restless.” I remembered how Updike had worked Yogi Berra into his poem’s last line: “The thought of death is peppermint to you/ when games begin with patriotic song/ and a democratic sun beats broadly down./ The Inner Journey seems unjudgeably long/ when small boys purchase cups of ice/ and, distant as a paradise,/ experts, passionate and deft,/ hold motionless while Berra flies to left.” Suddenly: The crack of Winfield’s bat and a towering arc to right that would be the envy of any monument. Everyone around me burst up in a rising din. I sat and kept scribbling. And never saw the play. Updike left us in 2009. The Mick, whose hard partying was the stuff of legends, succumbed to his liver’s protests in 1995. Today, Berra is still with us at age 86, surfacing every spring training in the Florida sun. Winfield took his millions back to the Left Coast and eventually, a cushy ESPN analyst gig. The Stadium? Moved across the street in a polished Wall St. reincarnation.

For me, it all came together with one fastball, one drive to right, and the rabble’s anticipation at the visiting outfielder sprinting back in full stride — a few seconds when the outcome, and the ball, were left hanging. It’s been years since I’ve penned any verse. Sadly, I’m often too busy writing prose for pay to lean back in my chair and listen to iambic pentameter. And I’m way past fighting the bleacher bums in the Bronx or at Fenway. These days, a low-level minor league game is perfect. Its fledgling, hungry players aren’t yet jaded by life in the bigs. And I’m much older, but the crowd’s age is still the same: Young. For me, it all came together with one fastball, one drive to right, and the rabble’s anticipation at the visiting outfielder sprinting back in full stride — a few seconds when the outcome, and the ball, were left hanging. More than three decades later, there’s no consolation. My family and friends remind me – often not so gently – that if my office didn’t resemble Armageddon, I might have found the poem years ago. But I’m still hoping for “Renascence on 161st Street” to rise like a phoenix from the waste land therein. It’s like finally hearing a rhyme I never nailed, or reeling in that fly ball just before it cleared the fence. (Telly Halkias is an award-winning freelance journalist from Portland’s West End.)

We’ve given up on the freedom to innovate in favor of designing the perfect thing now HIGGINS from page 4

line, we’ve lost the ability to let folks risk themselves and their own fortunes. We’ve given up on the freedom to innovate in favor of designing the perfect thing we need now, with a fiveyear process to build it. Think of all the mopeds that were “illegal” to use on the Maine roads five short years ago (because of design issues). Originally, when the one that I bought was illegal, it sold at one of the local auto parts stores for $400. It got over 90 miles per gallon. As soon as Maine certified them, a thousand bucks got added to the price. What is keeping this economy from taking off like a rocket-welded propane tank is just the sort of thing that happened. Someone saw the tanks, freaked out, thought terrorist attack, and flipped on the blues. As a state and as a nation, we’re running up against something called “Parkinson’s Law of Triviality.” Essentially it’s a description of the process of Government. If you are planning to spend a year designing

a nuclear reactor, you’re going to spend a majority of that time arguing about what color to paint the bike shed attached to the parking structure. Want an example? Last week, this paper did a story on the Danforth Street elderly housing project. Quoting from that article, “A housing development for the elderly on Danforth Street will offer twice as many parking spaces for bicycles as for cars.” So the elderly are supposed to start riding “fixies” now instead of those sidewalk hogging wheelchairs? We’ve even given up on rearranging the deck chairs. What we’re doing now is holding meetings on considerations of appropriations for a budget for creating a task force to deal with the comprehensive design plan of deck chairs. By the time the first chair actually gets rearranged, the second version of this show will already be on the way ... this time in 3D. (Bob Higgins is a regular contributor to The Portland Daily Sun.)

Sussman: Former ‘hedge funder’ now ‘citizen investor’ Maine’s journalism community has been aflutter, aghast, abuzz and no doubt atwitter over news that S. Donald Sussman — billionaire hedge fund manager, financier, “frequent contributor to non-profit causes,” philanthropist, and husband of Democratic U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree — is going to own 75 percent of The Portland Press Herald and its affiliated newspaper and onliine networks. And if you want to understand the hand-wringing, just look at how his new paper struggles to describe its apparent benefactor. Wade through the search results for Mr. Sussman and you see an evolution from “New York hedge-fund billionaire” to “Maine resident and philanthropist” to (my personal favorite, in a headline no less) “citizen-investor” as he first surfaces as the partner, then fiance, then husband of Rep. Pingree. Along the way, the man who The Bollard newspaper calls “The Other Donald” picks up an initial, going from simply Donald Sussman to, sometimes, Donald S. Sussman to, apparently finally, S. Donald Sussman. Now, to be sure, not that many of us know what the heck a “hedge fund” guy does at work. But in Portland’s “Occupy” culture the “hedge fund” title is clearly negative. Run it through the progressivecode online translator and you get “pond scum repressor of the masses” with links to the “Greed Is Good” speech in Wall Street. ‘Nuff said. In the story announcing that he bought the paper, his transformation was complete and the “h-word” and the “f-word” were not applied. On the all-important first reference, he has become “financier and North Haven resident.” Other recent references trend toward “philanthropist” and political donor, with heavy emphasis on his now being “from Maine.” Ok — let me first reference cliches running from “people in glass houses” to “there but for the grace of God” to say all reporters face this challenge of quickly identifying somebody. Some call it “between the commas” and it’s clearly subjective — and that’s what makes it both telling and very, very dangerous. As a sort-of-cub reporter in Southern California, I asked an editor if a particular subject was more accurately a “developer” or a “businessman.” Either one would work, because the story was not directly about a specific projects. “You like him?” the editor asked. “Not much,” I admitted.

“Then the SOB’s a developer.” Subjective or not, the PPH identity crisis is ––––– not lost on critics of the Pingree-Sussman partUsually Reserved nership. As recently as last month, you could still find Sussman being called a hedge-fund billionaire, but not so much in news coverage. The Maine House Speaker Rep. Robert Nutting used the term to good effect in countering the paper’s opinions on state Clean Elections Law. In matters journalistic such as these, Maine has precious few voices daring to serve as umpires. But one of them is the DownEast Magazine writer Al Diamon, who also writes for many other publications in addition to his “Media Mutt” blog. Diamon embraces editorial disclosures with a zeal usually reserved for Herman Cain touting 9-9-9, so this situation is going to remain a hot button. He’s already written that the PPH has ignored disclosing conflicts with owner Robert C. S. Monks, a businessman with many interests, to the point “... that it seems to be official policy.” At the risk of straining Fair Use tolerances, let me recite that Diamon wrote of the PPH coverage that “... if MaineToday Media is serious about disclosing conflicts of interest and other ethical problems that will undoubtedly arise as a result of its new ownership, it failed miserably in its first test. The story by staff writer Tux Turkel, posted on MaineToday’s website on March 27 and published in its three daily newspapers on March 28, announcing that hedge-fund manager Donald Sussman had purchased seventy-five percent of the company left out so much significant information that it could hardly be an editorial oversight. “Sussman, through a company he founded called Maine Values LLC, now owns three-quarters of MaineToday — publisher of the Portland Press Herald, Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel. He paid a mere $3.3 million for that stake, which means the entire company is worth only $4.4 million – at least until it sells off its Waterville real estate, at which point its value will likely decline by half a million dollars or so. Sussman is married to Democratic U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree and contributes large sums to progressive causes. To date, MTM has included disclaimers about that in all stories concerning Pingree. Sussman has promised not to intrude on editorial decisions or attempt to slant news coverage.

Curtis Robinson

see ROBINSON page 19

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012

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Bill and Judy Post of Danville, N.H., wait at the Amtrak Downeaster landing in Portland for their daughter, Holly, to arrive on the train from Boston. They said Holly attends Suffolk University in Boston. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

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Spring train-ing For its spring colors, the Amtrak Downeaster mingles green, gold and red with its trademark powder blue color scheme: green for the Boston Celtics, gold for the Boston Bruins and red for the Boston Red Sox. "It becomes a very colorful train when the teams are playing in Boston," said Wayne Davis, chairman of TrainRiders Northeast, an advocacy group for Amtrak and its Northeastern flagship train, the Downeaster. The playoffs are nearly here for the Boston Bruins professional hockey team, 2011 Stanley Cup winners, as they are preparing to meet their first round playoff opponent, either the Ottawa Senators or the Washington Capitals. But today they play their final home game, hosting the Buffalo Sabres at 4 p.m. The Boston Celtics are on the road today against Indiana, but they're home Sunday at 6 p.m. to host Philadelphia. Boston, as of Friday, was just one game up on the 76ers for the top record in the Atlantic Division. And the Red Sox ... well, they lost their season opener on the road at Detroit, a 3-2 walkoff loss to the Tigers Thursday, but their home opener at Fenway Park is next Friday, April 13, at 2:05 p.m., when they host the Tampa Bay Rays. And don't discount the blue and red of the Portland Sea Dogs. A fan wearing a Sea Dogs jersey disembarked from the Downeaster in Portland Friday, adding to the swirl of sports regalia that could be seen around the train. "Some of our fans have inquired about the train, and I've actually talked to several who have taken the train from Boston to attend a Sea Dogs game," said Chris Cameron, assistant general manager and director of media relations for the Portland Sea Dogs, Double-A Eastern League affiliate of the Boston Red Sox. But the fans are riding on what can be politically shifting rails. In late March, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate passed a 90-day extension of a highway funding bill that preserved — at least for

three months — federal subsidies for Amtrak. At that time, the Boston Red Sox were still in spring training. Today, thoughts are turning to home games at Fenway Park in Boston and Hadlock Field in Portland. As fans consider their transportation options, many will choose the train over driving. "Amtrak has been a great addition to the area," said Cameron, noting that he's among the Red Sox faithful who travel by the Downeaster. "I'm not a fan of driving into Boston and parking around Fenway Park, it's very expensive," he said. "I'd just as soon have a relaxing trip and take the train down, and it's great with the train schedule, on Red Sox game (days) they depart a little bit later so you can attend the entire game, get to the train station." Die-hard fans and casual followers of the Sea Dogs can take a quick train ride up to Portland; often, games are staggered so Boston is on the road when Portland plays at home. Cameron said game days can bring packed trains. "My experience, I always try to get my tickets ahead of time, I've seen instances where they've been sold out," he said of the Downeaster. That's music to the ears of Davis and other members of TrainRiders Northeast, who contend that the Downeaster is ideal for sports fans. "It was tailor made for events, but 23 or 24 years ago the experts wouldn't allow us to count the potential ridership there," Davis said. see next page

from preceding page

The government conducted potential ridership studies two dozen years ago during research into a launch of the Downeaster, and "the experts would not allow us to add anything to the proposed ridership figures ... They wouldn't allow us to count them," Davis said, referring to Boston sports fans. Some fans must be buying tickets. In a decade of operation, Downeaster ridership has increased from its first full fiscal year total of 262,691 to almost doubling to last year’s 509,986 passengers, TrainRiders Northeast reports. Downeaster performance numbers, both ridership and revenue, showed very strong growth during the first Passengers disembark from the Downeaster on Friday at the Portland station. Sports regalia, includtwo months of 2012, the ing this man’s Portland Sea Dogs baseball jersey, is common among commuters. (DAVID CARKHUFF group reported. January PHOTO) GRAPHIC AT LEFT: Downeaster ridership and revenue. (Courtesy of TrainRiders Northeast) ridership increased by 8.7 percent over January of 2011 and February ridership was up 11.7 percent over the The Portland Sea Dogs will play their home opener same period of last year, at Hadlock Field on Thursday, April 12 at 6 p.m., according to TrainRiders hosting the Binghamton Mets. For details, visit www. Northeast. The Boston Red Sox host the Tampa By mid-April, Amtrak Bay Rays at Fenway Park for Boston’s home opener See page 8 is expected to release on Friday, April 13, at 2:05 p.m. For details, visit its ridership figures for March. For details on taking commuter rail between Portland and Boston for Red Sox or Sea Dogs games, visit "One of the high points of my day is when they the website in," Davis said of these year-to-year comparipark/directions/index.jsp?content=rail; or visit www. sons. "Even though Amtrak nationally is up, the figures id=498344&vkey=team1_t546&fext=.jsp&sid=t546. For with the Downeaster are higher on average than Amtrak Downeaster connection information, visit www. others," Davis said. One of the rare slumps in ridership for the transportation-connections. Downeaster recently coincided with an interruption of professional sports. The NBA players' strike, 35,927 in February 2011, Davis noted. Fiscal year to which ended on Dec. 8, 2011, delayed the start of the date as of February, 346,538 had boarded the train, 2011–12 regular season from Nov. 1 to Dec. 25. It's compared with 330,817 passengers the prior fiscal not provable, but Davis suspected that the strike year to date, he said. caused a dip in Downeaster ridership, from 40,906 "They're rather dramatic increases," he said. passengers in December 2010 to 38,809 passengers The Downeaster, which operates five daily round in December 2011. trips between Portland and Boston, is planning By February, passenger numbers had rebounded, to add a Portland-to-Brunswick leg this fall. In with 40,122 passengers in February 2012, up from 2010, the state of Maine received $35 million under the federal High Speed Intercity Passenger Rail program to extend Amtrak Downeaster service more than 30 miles from Portland to Brunswick, including a new station stop in Freeport. In June, Congress will revisit transportation funding, including Amtrak subsidies. Davis said he will continue lobbying for the Downeaster, noting his own recent experience. "I traveled four times in March, and the trains were packed. The one I was on on a particular day had been sold out Bill Post and daughter, Holly, pose with a conductor at the Portland landing for the Amtrak Downeaster, three days ahead," he where Holly was arriving from Boston. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO) said.

Boston: A Moveable Feast

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012— Page 7

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012


Boston: A Moveable Feast Celebrate spring in the art and soul of Boston. Art is in bloom at two remarkable Boston museums. Both the Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum and Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) have built dazzling new wings, and Maine mud season is a great excuse to check them out. Portlanders can be in the heart of Boston in a couple of hours, enjoy a slammin’ day of art and adventure, and be home in time for Letterman. Take the Downeaster or Concord Coach and grab some sleep and free WiFi in transit. The iconic bronze Indian greets MFA visitors with face raised and arms lifted to the spring sun. Inside, the newly expanded space is light and airy, with a relaxed vibe occasionally spiked by the voices of excited children. (Note to self: school vacation can be kiddie chaos.) The New American Cafe has transformed a former gnarly courtyard into a soaring contemporary glass space. The queue is daunting but worth it — the sausage-blue cheese flatbread and golden-apple crisp are great reasons to linger. First things first: I stand in front of John Singleton Copley’s portrait of Paul Revere which grounds me — right here and right now — in Boston. Other local treasures include Childe Hassam’s Boston Common at Twilight, and John Singer Sargent’s The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit, that mysterious quartet of girls in white pinafores gazing in four directions. Contemporary art also has a new home in the MFA’s dramatic I. M. Pei-designed wing. I pause for several minutes at Josiah McElheny’s Endlessly Repeating Twentieth Century Modernism, all hand-blown glass and mirrors. Did I “get” it? No. Did I love it? Yes. At the stunning urban palazzo up the street, Isabella Stuart Gardner’s “Fenway Court,” another magical mystery tour awaits. The new modern glass wing by Renzo Piano includes a bright horticultural space where students are sketching red amaryllis. New meeting space called the “living room” blooms in nasturtium tones, a favorite edible blossom at the Gardner. A new exhibition gallery occupies three transparent glass stories whose remarkable ceiling moves up and down according to the art on display. The new Cafe G’s contemporary furnishings and pendant lights are warm and convivial — a great

Travel Local ––––– Elizabeth MargolisPineo spot for lunch, afternoon “tea,” or wine and small plates. I enjoyed chef Crowley’s Cape Cod oyster stew and delicate fried oysters. Decadence, New England-style, is Cafe G’s warm cinnamon doughnuts and champagne, one of Mrs. Gardner’s personal favorites. Things have certainly improved in the historic Gardner palace, too, starting with the lighting. Visitors can actually see the famous Rembrandts, Titians, and Sargents. The music room is livelier, too, with tile and upholstery cleaned and cleverly restored. The old piano is still played, keeping the room’s legacy of music alive. The Venetian courtyard is as lovely and mysterious as ever, with fresh seasonal plantings and graceful marble statues. If, like me, you can’t possibly be satisfied with a one-day art immersion, indulge in a weekend. If you’re in the mood for a posh art-soaked retreat, Boston Classic Bowfront Home South End. (Elizabeth Margolis-Pineo photo) try Boston’s Mandarin Oriental Hotel. I can’t a Frank Stella. Even if it’s not in the budget (and remember the last time I checked my e-mail under it probably isn’t), this distinguished hotel and its

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amazing art collection are worth a visit. Do as the locals do — sit in the bar admiring the art and each other. You can’t beat the sumptuous setting. Try the Mandarin’s signature Master’s Flame martini, a fresh surprise of cilantro, red chili, and ginger. Wild mushroom arancini, risotto cakes with truffle aioli, are superfino bar snacks. Portland native Anthony Ramonas manages Asana restaurant, so the dazzling fare is no surprise. For a neighborhoody, elegant stay, I recommend the Inn at St. Botolph in the South End. Centrally located, the St. Botolph has a boutique feel and loads of urban charm, plus the money-saving option of self-catering. Ask the friendly innkeepers about weekend packages. At dusk, take a walk through nearby Park, Rutland and Concord Squares. If, like me, you don’t mind being a peeping Tom, you can glimpse spectacular architectural flourishes in the grand brownstones. From here, it’s an easy daytime walk to the MFA and the Gardner, plus Newbury Street galleries and Back Bay. And of course, it’s a prime spot for exploring the vibrant shop-and-restaurant scene in the revitalized South End. I start my personal South End epicurean tour at Charlie’s Sandwich Shoppe, famous for turkey hash and eggs, strong coffee, and Celtics and Red Sox gossip. If you have room, cruise to the Buttery across the street, a sophisticated spot with dangerously addictive cupcakes above-stairs and fine dining below. A bit further down Shawmut Ave., the Syrian Grocery packs hundreds of amazing tastes into a see BOSTON page 9

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012— Page 9

BOSTON from page 8

small “tagine” of a space, with nuts, hummus, olives, and more. Polka Dog Bakery keeps the love alive with dog biscuits, wonder-nuggets, dynabones and endless array of hand-made doggy treats. Formaggio is a feast for cheese hounds, with a selection of curated wines, savory artisanal snacks, and cheese, glorious cheese. Taste your way though this maze, I dare you. At the end of the line is newcomer Coppa, whose wood-fired pizza and charcuterie plates are already legendary. Try the white clam and bacon pizza — I can’t stop thinking about it. Fortified, cruise the gallery scene on Newbury Street in Back Bay. A favorite is the Galerie D’Orsay where I revel in “Marc Chagall, Featuring the Circus.” Next-up, artist Bruno Zupan celebrates spring in works from Paris, Mallorca, Venice and beyond. Take a walk through the blooming Public Garden and Beacon Hill to The Charles Street

jail, now The Liberty Hotel, for gallery night each Tuesday in the soaring rotunda. Preserved jail cells and ironwork are unsettling but nifty nods to the building’s penitentiary past. Enjoy a drink or meal at CLINK, Alibi, Scampo, or Catwalk. In summer, savor a cocktail in The Yard. At day’s end, head for Mistral, a sophisticated



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Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012

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ABOVE LEFT: Paul Revere, 1768 John Singleton Copley, American, 1738 — 1815 Oil on canvas courtesy MFA Boston; Marc Chagall, “Le Cirque M. 527” at Galerie D’Orsay. (Elizabeth MargolisPineo photo); BELOW: Frank Stella, “Moby Dick” courtesy Mandarin Oriental, Boston; BELOW LEFT: Boston MFA Indian greets spring weather. (Elizabeth Margolis-Pineo photo); cheese and pasta board at DePasquale’s North End. (Elizabeth Margolis-Pineo photo)

Charlie’s Sandwich Shoppe South End (Elizabeth Margolis-Pineo photo)

Boston can dazzle the most experienced foodie TRAVEL from page 9

is a mystery of deep earthy flavor. Try the succulent beef tenderloin — when a total stranger offers me a bite off his plate, amazingly enough, I reach out and take it. Straddling Back Bay and the South End, this high-end Boston go-to is truly the place where everybody knows your name. Nightlife buzzes at the Beehive, a favorite spot for live music, and no cover charge. This venerable Tremont Street jazz club is great place to see and be seen in grand old historic atmosphere. The hive has two levels — as performers flex their musical muscle

below, you may prefer the softer vibe upstairs. The Saturday and Sunday jazz brunches are legendary; try anything “Benedict.” If all this talk of food has made you hungry, you might also enjoy a North End Food Tour, a three-hour ramble from cannoli to capicola, rucola to ravioli and everything in between. We begin at a specialty bakery, cruise through an olive oil tasting and salumi sampling, try some spectacular cheeses, and

end with spot of limoncello — a tasty and edifying journey. A few Italian classics are demystified on the tour — ask me anything about balsamic vinegar. You’ll emerge with solid restaurant recommendations, eat like a king, and sound like an expert. For me, Boston is the ultimate moveable feast. Daytrip or weekend, I never tire of it. (Elizabeth Margolis-Pineo is creator of

The Portland Daily Sun

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012— Page 11

Elderly man rescued from burning car by passerby

Other bystanders helped as well BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

ABOVE: Roger Snow, 87, of Scarborough, escaped this inferno after his car crashed near the Nonesuch River Friday morning. Snow "apparently suffered some kind of medical issue" and lost control of his Dodge Neon, reported Scarborough Police Sgt. Tom Chard. The car, traveling westbound on Route 114, crossed the center line and went off the road, hit a ditch and caught fire, Chard said. ABOVE RIGHT: Scarborough fire crews extinguished the blaze, which totaled the vehicle. (Photos courtesy Scarborough Police Department)

A passerby pulled an elderly man from his vehicle after the car crashed on Route 114 and burst into flames, Scarborough Police reported. The incident happened Friday morning near the Nonesuch River. The driver, Roger Snow, 87, of Scarborough, "apparently suffered some kind of medical issue" and lost control of his Dodge Neon, reported Scarborough Police Sgt. Tom Chard. The car, traveling westbound, crossed the center line and went off the road, hit a ditch and caught fire, Chard said. "A passerby pulled him out of the vehicle and saved his life," Chard said. The passerby was Steven Butler, 56, of Buxton. Other bystanders helped Snow and Butler out of the ditch. Scarborough Fire Department responded. The car was totaled. Snow was taken to Maine Medical Center for non-life-threatening injuries, Chard said.







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by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Whatever you do, your instinct is to do it with style. This may take more money, time and effort than you originally wanted to give. However, you’ll go forward anyway and later be glad you did. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Beware of trying to manage your feelings. Trying to feel what you think you should feel isn’t going to work. When you let your true feelings flow and accept them, other impulses such as grace and love will emerge. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your heart is not exactly overrun with joy, but it is pretty full, and you have much love to give. Certainly you’re better off than most. And you’ll be in just the generous mood to try to even things out by contributing all you can. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You may feel guilty for seeking happiness when there is so much need and pain in the world. But you owe it to the ones who are suffering to experience all the joy you possibly can. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It’s been said that laugher is a form of exercise for your insides -- like jogging. Your sense of humor will be going strong, so share it. Everyone around you needs this kind of “workout.” TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 7). This year turns up your creativity and drive. By April’s end, a new project consumes your energy and gives back tenfold. You’ll have the attention of major players in May. In June, friends lead you to different work. A trip in October helps financial prospects. The most romantic months will be July and December. Gemini and Sagittarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 2, 34, 40 and 18.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Sometimes it’s lonely at the top, but you don’t really mind because there is so much that’s enjoyable there. Besides, you’ve worked so hard to get where you are. You can always remedy the situation by reaching out to friends. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You can handle the truth -- almost any truth -when it’s presented in a non-emotional manner. It’s the feelings that make facts difficult to process sometimes. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re getting a certain reputation with yourself. What you think about you is the only opinion that really matters today, as any other opinions aren’t likely to affect you. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Center yourself. If you don’t know how, it’s worth learning, because there’s much to gain from being in a solid place internally. For starters, you’ll be able to correctly assess your situation and make a winning play. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You like money because it buys you the freedom to arrange your life the way you want it. Without funding, less is possible. Seek financial aid to broaden your horizons. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You feel ready to take things to the next level. Don’t try to convince another person to feel the same. Act like they already do feel the same, and it will just happen naturally. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll feel better for getting something off of your chest. Whether it should go in your diary or you should actually tell the other person, well, that depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. Which way is most selfless?

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012

1 6 10 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 22 24 25 26 29 30 31 33 37 39

ACROSS Takes a nap As blind as __ Omelet ingredients Extreme Actress Turner Hat’s edge Blossom Pot covers Rum __; small cake saturated in liquor Engagement Wobble Talk with God Most uncanny Dwarfed Japanese tree Stopped __ of these days; eventually Still; lifeless Connery and Penn Wake up Cornered

41 42 44 46 47 49 51 54 55 56 60 61 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

Pass over Reliable; sound TV’s “Green __” __ skating; Olympic sport Force another to accept by deceit Not allowed Mollusk lined with mother-of-pearl Windy day toy Commands Wretched Wander Rotten to the core Robin Hood’s projectile Garment of ancient Rome Small brook Kid around with “So be it!” Pegs for Jack Nicklaus Lawn tool

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 32 34

DOWN Bumpkin Perpendicular add-ons Discontinue Scout groups Japanese warrior Ease; alleviate Arrestee’s hope Conjunction Sampled Times when water is flowing out Crumble cheese Derides; taunts Intelligent Eva Marie __ Raw minerals Go into Supervisor Climb __; mount Mr. Diamond Build Wipe away Related

35 36 38 40 43 45 48 50 51

Friendly Ran quickly Armed soldier Sum deducted Entryway Fill completely Put in Got closer to Vital artery

52 53 54 56 57 58

Sweeper’s item Saying Murders Stack Boast __ it; fall apart emotionally 59 Water holder 62 Compete

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012— Page 13

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Saturday, April 7, the 98th day of 2012. There are 268 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On April 7, 1922, the Teapot Dome scandal had its beginnings as Interior Secretary Albert B. Fall signed a secret deal to lease U.S. Navy petroleum reserves to his friends, oilmen Harry F. Sinclair and Edward L. Doheny. On this date: In 1788, an expedition led by Gen. Rufus Putnam established a settlement at present-day Marietta, Ohio. In 1798, the Mississippi Territory was created by an act of Congress, with Natchez as the capital. In 1862, Union forces led by Gen. Ulysses S. Grant defeated the Confederates at the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee. In 1927, the image and voice of Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover were transmitted live from Washington to New York in the first successful long-distance demonstration of television. In 1939, Italy invaded Albania, which was annexed less than a week later. In 1948, the World Health Organization was founded in Geneva. In 1953, the U.N. General Assembly elected Dag Hammarskjold (dahg HAWM’-ahr-shoold) of Sweden to be secretary-general. In 1962, nearly 1,200 Cuban exiles tried by Cuba for their roles in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion were convicted of treason. In 1969, the Supreme Court, in Stanley v. Georgia, unanimously struck down laws prohibiting private possession of obscene material. In 1972, mobster Joe Gallo was shot to death by rival gangsters during his 43rd birthday celebration at a New York City restaurant. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter announced he was deferring development of the neutron bomb, a high-radiation weapon. In 1983, space shuttle astronauts Story Musgrave and Don Peterson took the first U.S. space walk in almost a decade as they worked in the open cargo bay of Challenger for nearly four hours. One year ago: A man shot and killed 12 children at the Tasso da Silveira public school in Rio de Janeiro; the gunman, a onetime student at the school, shot himself after being cornered by police. Today’s Birthdays: Actor R.G. Armstrong is 95. Sitar player Ravi Shankar is 92. Actor James Garner is 84. Country singer Cal Smith is 80. Actor Wayne Rogers is 79. Media commentator Hodding Carter III is 77. Country singer Bobby Bare is 77. Rhythm-and-blues singer Charlie Thomas (The Drifters) is 75. California Gov. Jerry Brown is 74. Movie director Francis Ford Coppola is 73. TV personality David Frost is 73. Singer Patricia Bennett (The Chiffons) is 65. Singer John Oates is 63. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is 63. Singer Janis Ian is 61. Country musician John Dittrich is 61. Actor Jackie Chan is 58. College and Pro Football Hallof-Famer Tony Dorsett is 58. Actor Russell Crowe is 48. Christian/jazz singer Mark Kibble (Take 6) is 48. Actor Bill Bellamy is 47. Rock musician Dave “Yorkie” Palmer (Space) is 47. Former football player-turned-analyst Tiki Barber is 37. Actress Heather Burns is 37. Actor Kevin Alejandro (TV: “Southland”) is 36. Actor Conner Rayburn is 13.




CTN 5 Expedition 30 Odd



8 9





10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Just


Tour Stop Style City

Escape Routes Finding The Firm (N) (In SteLaw & Order: Special News Saturday Victims Unit “Spiraling Night Live WCSH iconic New York scenes. reo) Å (N) Å Down” Å (N) Å Cops “First Cops Bones A storm chaser News 13 on The Big Q’Viva! The Chosen The FOX Bang final cast arrives in Las WPFO Respond” “Chases & may have been mur(N) Stings” dered. Å Theory Vegas. (N) Å Movie: ›››‡ “The Ten Commandments” (1956, Historical Drama) Charlton Heston, Yul WMTW News 8 at WMTW Brynner, Edward G. Robinson. Biblical hero Moses leads the Israelites to freedom. (In Stereo) Å 11 (N) Classic Arts Showcase TWC TV NBA D-League Basketball As Time



APRIL 7, 2012


Doc Martin “Happily

William and Mary Wil-

Front Row Center (In Stereo) Å funeral. Å American Masters Au- The Red Globe thor Margaret Mitchell. (In Green Trekker (In Stereo) Å Show Stereo) Nite Show It’s Always It’s Always Futurama with Danny Sunny in Sunny in (In Stereo) Cashman Phila. Phila. Å WGME Ring of 48 Hours Mystery (In News 13 at Honor Stereo) Å 11 (N) Wrestling Law & Order Å Sports Raymond

MPBN Goes By Å Neighbors Ever After” Replacement liam and Mary attend a

vicar. Å Masterpiece Classic Orphan boy becomes a gentleman. (In Stereo) Community Kick Start Auditions


Poirot “The Dream” WENH Recurring dreams of suicide. Å Family Family Guy Å WPXT Guy Å


WGME Met Your


WPME Criminal Minds Å


DISC Deadliest Catch Å

Deadliest Catch Å


FAM Movie: “A Bug’s Life”

Movie: ››› “Cars” (2006, Comedy) Voices of Owen Wilson.


USA Movie: ›››› “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1962)

“Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End”


NESN NHL Hockey Buffalo Sabres at Boston Bruins.


CSNE NBA Basketball: Celtics at Pacers

SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet


How I Mother


Mike & Molly Å

Criminal Minds Tornadoes expose bodies in Kansas. Å (DVS) The Unit “The Wall”


Deadliest Catch Å


ESPN NBA Basketball Orlando Magic at Philadelphia 76ers. (N)


ESPN2 College Hockey

Psych (In Stereo) Å



Psych (In Stereo) Å

SportsCenter (N) Å Psych (In Stereo) Å




DISN ANT Farm Shake It



TOON Movie: “Transformers”

King of Hill Childrens Loiter


NICK iCarly (N)

Victorious Victorious ’70s Show ’70s Show Friends


MSNBC Lockup

ANT Farm ANT Farm Jessie Fam. Guy

Lockup: Raw

Lockup: Santa Rosa


CNN Big Hits-Drms

Piers Morgan Tonight

CNN Newsroom (N)


CNBC American Greed

The Suze Orman Show Debt/Part



Huckabee (N)



Movie: ››‡ “Van Helsing” (2004) Hugh Jackman. Å


LIFE Movie: “Adopting Terror” (2012) Sean Astin.




Undercover Boss

Justice With Jeanine

Undercover Boss

Batman Dirty

NBA Basketball

Baseball Tonight (N) Psych “Daredevils!”

Deadliest Catch Å


The Five


Shake It

Boondocks Aqua Teen Friends

Lockup: Raw Big Hits-Drms American Greed Jour.

FOX News

Leverage Å Leverage Movie: “Stolen Child” (2011) Premiere. Å Undercover Boss

Undercover Boss


AMC Movie: ›››› “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (1975, Drama) Å


HGTV Candice


TRAV Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures

Haunted Plantation


A&E Storage





Genevieve Color Spl. Interiors Storage

BRAVO Housewives/Atl.



“One Flew Over” Hunters Parking


Movie: ››› “Ocean’s Eleven” (2001) George Clooney.

HALL Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier


SYFY “The Matrix Reloaded”


ANIM Must Love Cats (N)

Tanked: Unfiltered (N)

Tanked: Unfiltered (N)

Tanked: Unfiltered


HIST American







COM “Talladega Nights:”

62 67 68 76



Celebration of Gospel 2012 Å


Big Bang

SPIKE Movie: “A Bronx Tale”

Movie: ›› “Semi-Pro” (2008) Will Ferrell. Å

“40-Year-Old Vir”

Big Bang






Big Bang

Movie: ››› “Shrek 2” (2004, Comedy) Å


Movie: ››› “Ocean’s Twelve” (2004) George Clooney. (In Stereo)


OXY Movie: ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Å

Movie: ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Å


TCM Movie: ›››‡ “Gilda” (1946) Rita Hayworth.

Movie: “The Lady From Shanghai”



Movie: ››‡ “The Longshots” (2008) Å

Movie: ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009) Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox. Big Bang


Movie: ››‡ “The Matrix Revolutions” (2003) Keanu Reeves. Premiere.

TVLND Home Imp. Home Imp. King TBS


Ocean 11




Hunters Parking


7 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 31 35

ACROSS Port wine mulled with oranges and cloves Censures severely Do I have a volunteer? Go beyond Red figures on the golf course Location of the Circus Hall of Fame Sad and wistful Meaningful gesture Family dog or cat Underwater shocker Shade tree Directed Plopped Domesticated Reduce in rank Pronounces an initial H English Channel port

Fire Down

36 “Silkwood” star 37 Peachy 39 Rose of the diamond 40 Skin cream 42 Badmouthed 44 Eye parts 46 Web spots 47 Fido’s doc 48 Deity 50 Use a ship as a weapon 51 Goddess of folly 54 Schooner contents 55 Prayer’s finale 57 Extrusion gadgets 59 Rust-prevention layer 61 Scowls 62 Required 63 “Seinfeld” or “Taxi” character 64 Expects to fail 65 Religious principles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 24 27 28 30 31

DOWN Sew temporarily Accustom Actress Thorndike Brewer’s requirement Carousing “New Yorker” writer S.J. __ Profit’s antonym Benefit Blended seamlessly together Stigmatized Silly goose Stays the night Intimate chat Splashed and spotted Doles (out) Runs out of energy Distributes the cards Drags about moodily Started up

32 Coast 33 Remorseful individuals 34 Step 38 Progressing goalward 41 Decorations of office 43 Cecil B. or Agnes

45 Ethiopian’s neighbor Talk out of Eaglet’s residence City on the Adige Satisfactory symbols 56 Beatty and Rorem 58 James of “Misery” 60 Baby food 49 51 52 53

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012


Help Wanted

DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

TRACE Elliot GP7SM 250 7 Band Series Bass Head $299/obogreat condition, works perfectly. Call Rob @ 603-520-4447.


For Rent

For Rent

For Sale


PORTLAND- Danforth, 2 bedrooms, heated, renovated Victorian townhouse, 2 floors, 1.5 baths, parking. $1400/mo (207)773-1814.

ROOM for rent upper Sawyer St. South Portland, ME.. $130/wk. 6 month minimum. (207)233-6056.

NEW Serta mattress sets (queen- $180), (full- $175). Call today 207-591-4927.

Auto Recyclers paying cash. (207)615-6092. BUYING all unwanted metals. $800 for large loads. Cars, trucks, heavy equipment. Free removal. (207)776-3051. BUYING Junk vehicles, paying cash. Contact Joe (207)712-6910.

Cash for autos and trucks, some metals. Call Steve (207)523-9475.

PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $550-$875. (207)773-1814.

PORTLAND- Woodford’s. 1 and 3 bedroom heated. Bright rooms, oak floor, just painted. $775-$1300/mo. (207)773-1814.


WINDHAM- 1 bedroom, utilities plus cable included. Yard parking, partial rent for some work. (207)892-7150.

For Rent-Commercial PORTLAND Art District- Art studios, utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 occupied studios. $325 (207)773-1814.

Services A-TEAM Complete (207)615-6092.



Looking To Rent CARL, please call the Teacher back with a dog, please leave a loud, clear, working phone number (207)632-3135. RETIRED teacher with small quiet 11lb lap dog seeks first floor apt within 10 minute drive of Portland. (207)632-3135.

We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.

WET BASEMENTS, cracked or buckling walls, crawl space problems, backed by 40 years experience. Guaranteed 603-356-4759

Help Wanted


Wanted To Buy

OWNER Operators wanted! 85% of gross, 40% advance on loads. No forced dispatch trailer Rental program. Owner Op's with own authority welcome. Flatbed, dry-van and specialized. 866-572-7297.

2000 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic, metallic green and black, new factory re-build Harley Davidson motor, looks and runs great, many extras, $7800 call Paul in Berlin at 603-752-5519, 603-915-0792 leave message.

I pay cash today for broken and unwanted Notebooks, Netbooks, and Macbooks. Highest prices (207)233-5381.


St. Judes - $5



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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012— Page 15


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ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: My 64-year-old brother has refused to talk to my 86-year-old father for nearly 10 years. When our mother died, Dad married a nice Christian widow. He then sold the family home. He and his new wife built a new one in another town. My brother still thinks Dad should have split the sale profit with his children since half the house belonged to our mother. As far as I am concerned, Dad was not obligated to do this. By law, my mother’s assets passed to her surviving spouse, which means Dad owned the house outright. He lives solely on his Social Security benefits and needed the money. My brother has had multiple sclerosis for 30 years. He and his family struggled financially, and my parents gave them a lot of money over the years to keep them afloat. For my brother to want more is shocking. My other siblings and I don’t feel entitled to any of Dad’s money. My brother’s children are grown. When his daughter married four years ago, he didn’t invite Dad to the wedding. She is expecting a child, and Dad learned about it through other family members. He is deeply hurt by this. Dad’s health is starting to deteriorate. He has tried to make contact with my brother several times, to no avail. My siblings are ready to give up. Our brother spends no holidays with us and doesn’t get in touch for any reason. I suggested Dad leave him alone. There is nothing he can do at this point. Do you agree? If not, what do you suggest? -Puzzled in Indiana Dear Indiana: How sad that your brother is willing to abandon his family over money. After 10 years, it’s doubtful he will rethink his sense of entitlement. We suggest you keep in touch on a Christmas-card level, sending birthday wishes once a year, keeping him updated about Dad’s health. He may not respond, but it requires only minimal effort and leaves the

door open should he ever change his mind. Dear Annie: Is it OK to tell a woman that her husband had a three-year affair? I have ample proof because the Other Woman happens to be a dear friend of mine. The husband is the most selfish person I have ever met. If it were me, I would absolutely want to know. However, I understand that not all women are like me. The Other Women would rather not speak up, although she would tell the truth if asked. However, I believe that ship has sailed. The wife once had suspicions, but her manipulative husband managed to convince her otherwise. So, should I tell her or not? -- Unsure in Miami Dear Unsure: Some women can live with the illusion that their husbands are faithful even if they suspect otherwise, but having the truth shoved in their faces makes them angry -not with the husband, but with the messenger. You obviously don’t like this man and would enjoy seeing him suffer, but the news would mostly hurt his wife. If there is a chance she has contracted an STD from her philandering husband, she should be told. Otherwise, please stay out of it. Dear Annie: My heart goes out to “Lonely in New York,” the 70-years-young lady who would be happy kissing, hugging, cuddling and having a sex life. I am in a similar situation with my wife. You should put the two of us together, thereby solving two problems at the same time, without either of us having to leave our marriages. How about it? -- Lonely in Kelowna Dear Lonely: Sorry, but we don’t run a matchmaking service. And there are inherent risks in connecting anonymous readers with each other. Please find a better solution to your problem than cheating on your wife. To our Jewish readers: A happy and healthy Passover.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

–––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS ––––––––––––––––

Neighbors rally around woodlands DAILY SUN STAFF REPORTS Portland residents concerned about potential development of a privately owned “urban forest” in their neighborhood of Canco Road have scheduled a meeting that is expected to include a city councilor familiar with the situation. The meeting is Tuesday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ocean Avenue Elementary School. At issue is a pending sale of nearly 13 acres of undeveloped woods and wetlands located off Canco Road. Nearby residents worry that the current zoning of "light industrial" opens up development possibilities that would impact their use of the property currently owned by a Central Maine Power subsidiary. Residents have long used the area and have reportedly even made improvements like hiking paths and pedestrian bridges. In announcing the meeting Friday, concerned residents also said that District 4 Councilor Cheryl Leeman would attend. Residents say that part of their concern is an “understanding” that some neighbors had that any sale of the property would include community notice and comment. They have launched a Facebook page: The meeting announcement included a statement from the Back Cove Neighborhood Association, which said it “recognizes the importance of the Canco Woods property to both the Back Cove neighborhood and larger community. As one of Portland’s last undeveloped urban wild spaces, this area has been an important asset to the neighborhood for decades and offers a unique informal network of trails that is currently widely used by residents of the Back Cove neighborhood and beyond.”

Bill on teen driving up for hearing The Maine Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Transportation will hold a public hearing and work session on LD 1912 — “An Act To Encourage Teen Driving” — on Tuesday, April 10, at 1 p.m. in State House, Room 126, the Office of the Secretary of State reported. LD 1912 was approved by the Legislative Council as an after deadline bill in response to the high number of teen fatalities occurring in Maine over the past four months, the Secretary of State noted. The bill extends the period of restrictions imposed on intermediate driver’s licenses, increases penalties and terms of license suspensions.

Pirates to reach 4 million fan mark The Portland Pirates hockey franchise is nearing the milestone of 4 million fans. The Pirates stand just 17 fans from breaking the record, the team reported. The mark will be broken today when the Pirates host the Worcester Sharks at the Cumberland County Civic Center at 7 p.m. “The team, in its 19th season in Portland, has consistently increased its average attendance in each of the past three seasons, and will do so again this season,” the Pirates reported in a press release. During the current season, the Pirates are averaging 5,171 fans per game through 35 of 38 home dates. The Pirates have been the major tenant of the Cumberland County Civic Center for the past 19 seasons. Since the building opened in 1977, it has welcomed more than 17,250,000 patrons for sporting events, concerts and other shows. The team arrived in Portland in 1993 after relocating from Baltimore, Md. The Pirates have won the Calder Cup once in 1994. The team has also won two conference championships (1994, 1996) and three division championships (2006, 2008, 2011). In the coming weeks, the Portland Pirates will unveil a list of events and celebrations for a 20th Anniversary season in Portland. The team has already released a special 20th Anniversary logo and will announce specific plans for events.

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012

Students reflect on unit culminating in naturalization ceremony BY NATALIE LADD THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Lyman Moore Middle School was transformed into a Hall of Flags Friday, representing the 19 countries of the 38 soon-to-be-citizens that participated in an official oath-taking immigration ceremony in the school cafeteria. Coordinated with the Immigration and Naturalization Service and Department of Homeland Security, the ceremony represented not only a new beginning for the 38 participants, but the end of a six-week service learning unit embraced by social studies teachers, David Hilton and John Roderick. While most of the sixth grade class at Lyman Moore was busy painting flags and discussing the immigration ceremony details earlier this week, The Portland Daily Sun met with three students to discuss the service learning unit. PDS: Why is it important to be hosting this ceremony? Sophia Fagone: Actual people are becoming citizens. It's a big deal to be here legally. They can vote and that's an accomplishment. They won't have to worry if someone will break in and kill them at night Ian McCallum: They're not ruled by a dictator anymore and can practice their religion and not get thrown in jail. Dominique Hamilton: They have more freedom and more things to make life better and easier for them. And we have learned about it and I never would have thought about this." PDS: Why do you think some people are opposed to new immigrants to this country? McCallum: People who are already here are afraid immigrants will take their jobs. Hamilton: There are too many differences and people don't want things to change. American people just want American things.

New U.S. citizens take their oath during a ceremony Friday at Lyman Moore Middle School. Coordinated with the Immigration and Naturalization Service and Department of Homeland Security, the ceremony represented not only a new beginning for the 38 participants, but the end of a six-week service learning unit. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Fagone: People discriminate. Like in the Potato Blight, they discriminated against Catholics, and in the Gold Rush, against Asians, PDS: What is the most meaningful part of this whole learning process for you? Hamilton: We know we are doing something good for someone else. Fagone: We are changing these 38 immigrants lives for the better. We should be learning and know all about this stuff. They study long and hard to get

in and it's life changing. Like the test they take. If one of us failed a science test, we'd say, "My parents are going to kill me," but if they fail, they could get sent back someplace and could literally get killed. McCallum: That we are allowing immigrants in. What if you weren't allowed in the U.S? The U.S. is getting full, but the thought of people not being allowed in is terrible. Their life is horrendous if they are sent back. Every time you let an immigrant in, you save a life.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Playroom for Portland’s homeless children to be unveiled Monday DAILY SUN STAFF REPORTS Portland Mayor Michael Brennan will join members of the Cumberland County Infant/Toddler Team and representatives from The Salvation Army in officially opening the Playroom at the Army, a program designed to improve the lives of homeless children and their families, the city reported. "The playroom will give children experiencing homelessness and staying at the city’s Emergency Family Shelter a safe space to move and play, supporting the reintroduction of play into young lives during a very stressful and uncertain time," the city reported in a press release. "The space also provides a nurturing environment for parents to play with their children where training volunteers with the Salvation Army can help by modeling appropriate interactions and providing instructive parenting tools." Last year, more than 430 children along with their parents sought emergency shelter with the city, according to the city's press release. Materials for the playroom were donated by the Libra Foundation’s Raising Readers, Portland Children’s Museum and Theater of Maine and the city. Space for the playroom has been secured by the Salvation Army. Support has also been provided by the Opportunity Alliance, Youth and Family Outreach, and Preble Street. Monday's event is at 10 a.m. at the playroom, at 297 Cumberland Ave.

Maine Turnpike Authority chief sentenced to three and a half years Former Maine Turnpike Authority Executive Director Paul E. Violette, 56, of Portland was sentenced Friday to three and a half years in prison

for the theft of Maine Turnpike Authority funds, according to a press release from Attorney General William J. Schneider. Violette pled guilty in February to one Class B theft charge involving his unauthorized use of gift cards and credit cards purchased with Turnpike Authority funds for personal travel, meals and other expenses. Class B theft is punViolette ishable by up to 10 years in prison. Cumberland County Unified Criminal Court Justice Roland Cole sentenced Violette to seven years of incarceration, all but three and one-half years suspended and 1,500 hours of community service after his release from jail. Violette was elected executive director of the Maine Turnpike Authority by its board in December 1987. In 2009, the Government Oversight Committee of the Legislature requested that the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability review the operations of the Maine Turnpike Authority. OPEGA’s report, issued on Jan. 28, 2011 first identified issues with the agency’s spending, including the purchase of over $200,000 in gift cards, allegedly for charity. The OPEGA investigation revealed that Violette had, among other things, used gift cards from Akari, a Portland salon, to finance his own spa treatments and had cashed in Fairmont Hotel gift cards for stays by himself, family and friends at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City for a conference of the Winston Churchill Society and for Winter Carnival, the AG's office reported. Further investigation determined that Violette had been using gift cards purchased with Turnpike Authority funds to finance trips to Italy, Canada, Spain, Puerto Rico and France, as well as stays in boutique hotels in the Berkshires, Vermont and

Maine, the AG's office reported. Based on the information gathered by OPEGA, the Turnpike Authority’s audit and the Attorney General’s investigation, OPEGA concluded that between 2004 and 2010 Violette stole $175,000 to $230,000. Violette resigned his position as executive director on March 7, 2011. In December 2011 he settled a civil suit filed against him by the Maine Turnpike Authority with a $155,000 payment, reportedly his net worth. The Travelers and CNA Casualty paid $155,000 and $100,000, respectively, as a result of Violette’s misuse of public funds. “Mr. Violette’s sentence sends a strong message that we will fight corruption in government, regardless of an official’s power or position,” said Attorney General Schneider. “I commend OPEGA and the Government Oversight Committee for their diligent work to uncover the deliberate abuse of public trust committed by Mr. Violette.” This case was prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Leanne Robbin of Attorney General Schneider’s Criminal Division and was investigated by the Attorney General’s Investigations Division.

Police seek Trader Joe’s purse snatcher On Thursday, April 5 about 12:30 p.m. police were called to the parking lot of Trader Joe’s at 87 Marginal Way, regarding the theft of a purse, police said. A 65-year-old woman was pushing her cart of groceries to her car, when a dark-colored vehicle pulled up near her, police said. A white male with a thin build, in his early 20s, got out and grabbed the woman’s purse, police reported. The suspect got back into the car, which then fled the scene. Police are trying to identify a suspect and any other potential witnesses, including the occupants of the car. Anyone with information pertaining to this incident should call 874-8584.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012— Page 17

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Saturday, April 7 ‘Cheep’ — ‘Cheep’ Easter Sale 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Limington Extension’s “Cheep” — “Cheep” Easter Sale will be held the day before Easter, April 7, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Limington Town Hall, Route 11, Limington. Over 100 25- and 50-cent Easter baskets, hundreds of 25-cent items like bags of eggs w/candy, Easter plush, basket fillers, toys; $1 and $2 clothing, Provides BEHS scholarships.

Impact of separation and divorce on children 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Kids First Center, 222 St. John St., Suite 104, Portland. Four-hour workshop (for parents and professionals only) designed to reduce the negative impact of separation and divorce on children. Fee of $60/pp. Financial assistance available. 761-2709 or

History Barn Open House 9 a.m. to noon. The New Gloucester Historical Society will be sponsoring a History Barn Open House on April 7 from 9 a.m. to noon, which will feature a new display on the Masons and other town fraternal organizations.

Medicine in the Civil WarMedicine War 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Power Point Presentation by Penny Loura, member Windham Historical Society, at the Windham Public Library. Free to the public. “Have you ever given any thought to what medicines were utilized in the Civil War era What exactly was available to the soldiers when they became ill? Who cared for them when they contracted Typhoid or were wounded by the devastating effects of the Minnie ball? Do you have ancestors that served in the Civil War? Or ancestors that perhaps didn’t survive this horrific four-year period?”

Easter Celebration in OOB 10:30 a.m. Libby Library, Staples Street, Old Orchard Beach. “Come and enjoy this great opportunity. Join us for stories, crafts and an Easter egg hunt.” FMI 934-4351 or

‘The Rough Draft of My Life Story’ 11 a.m. to noon. April is National Poetry Month and to celebrate the Sam L. Cohen Children’s Library will host an event with celebrated children’s poet, Andrew Fersch. “Fersch will be reading poetry from his book, ‘The Rough Draft of My Life Story’ and will share new poems that are yet to be published. Fersch will also be collecting ideas for his new collections from the audience. Children’s Room at the Main Library. The event is for children ages 8-12. www. or

Victoria’s Wonderama 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This spring, Victoria Mansion will host an exhibit titled, Victoria’s Wonderama, a collection of artwork inspired by the Steampunk Movement. “A combination of science fiction and the post-industrial era, the Steampunk Movement envisions an alternate world in which steam is widely used to power technology. Followers of the movement examine both contemporary technology as well as Victorian-era innovations within the context of steam power. The end result? Artwork that is both retro and futuristic with a distinctly Victorian tinge. The exhibit will run through April 21. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday-Saturday. All admissions are only $10. Free croquet on the lawn Saturdays, April 7, 14 and 21, weather and turf conditions permitting. The Carriage House Museum Shop is closed during this exhibit. Regular season tours of the Mansion will resume May 1. events.aspx

USM hosts Portland Wicked Weather Forum 1 p.m. The Portland Wicked Weather Forum sponsored by the National Weather Service and the University of Southern Maine is at the Hannaford Lecture Hall at the University of Southern Maine in Portland. “The event is a first of a kind in northern New England and is free and open to the public. All ages are welcome. The purpose of the forum is to give the public an opportunity to learn more about weather and weather safety, and to meet and greet some of their favorite television weather forecasters. Included in the program are talks about hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning, and nor’easters, and how we can prepare for these storms. Also included are talks on Portland’s weather extremes and the extreme weather atop Mt. Washington. There also will be talks about observing, forecasting, and broadcasting the weather. Finally, there will be a presentation on how changing weather conditions could potentially affect water levels along the Maine coast and what can be done to build more resilient coastal communities. In addition to the program, the National Weather Service, Maine Emergency Management Agency, Mount Washington Observatory, and other organizations will be available in the lobby to answer questions and provide additional information about the weather and weather safety. No tickets are necessary and seating is on a first come basis. The lecture hall seats over 500,

Meteorologist Steve Capriola researches weather data at the Gray station of the National Weather Service. Today at 1 p.m., the National Weather Service and the University of Southern Maine are hosting the Portland Wicked Weather Forum at the Hannaford Lecture Hall. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) and based on the interest in the weather in northern New England, we expect to have a good turnout. To view the agenda for the event, go to: forum. Hannaford Lecture Hall is in the Abromson Center on the campus of The University of Southern Maine and is easily accessible from the Forest Avenue exit of Interstate 295. Free parking is available in the parking garage adjacent to the Center. For directions, go to: Abromson Center

‘Never Again, the Rwandese Genocide’ 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Rwandese Community Association of Maine presents a half-day commemoration and education forum entitled “Never Again, the Rwandese Genocide” on April 7, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. “We will be hosting this moving candle-lighting and witnessing ceremony at the Gerald Talbot Lecture Hall at the University of Southern Maine here in Portland. The candle lighting ceremony will take place in front of Luther Bonney Hall facing Brighton Avenue around 2 p.m. The education forum will bring a noted human rights speaker Cushman Anthony to address the audience and there will be a panel discussion among leaders in Talbot Hall at USM.” In partnership with the City of Portland and the Office of Multicultural Student Afïairs at USM. This event will be free to the publie.

USM Portland Campus Book Arts Exhibit 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Kate Cheney Chappell Center for Book Arts is presenting an exhibit, “Chronology of a Life: Artist’s Books, Poems, and Publications of Georgiana Peacher,” by Georgiana Peacher, which will be on display in the Unum Great Reading Room, seventh floor, Glickman Family Library, on USM’s Portland campus, through April 30. Library hours are Monday-Thursday, 7:45 a.m.-11 p.m.; Friday, 7:45 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m.-11 p.m. There will be a reception for the exhibit on Saturday, April 7, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Both events are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Rebecca Goodale, Book Arts coordinator, at 228-8014. Nancy Leavitt and Penny Hall are the curators for the exhibit. Georgiana Peacher is professor emerita at City University of New York. She is an author, dramatist and book artist. She currently lives in Maine. Kate Cheney Chappell established USM’s Center for Book Arts in 2008. The Center celebrates book arts through lectures and workshops, and exhibits of artists’ books.

Book artist Georgiana Peacher exhibit 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Kate Cheney Chappell Center for Book Arts is presenting an exhibit, “Chronology of a Life: Artist’s Books, Poems, and Publications of Georgiana Peacher,” by Georgiana Peacher, which will be on display in the Unum Great Reading Room, seventh floor, Glickman

Family Library, on University of Southern Maine’s Portland campus, through Monday, April 30. There will be a reception for the exhibit on Saturday, April 7, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Both events are free and open to the public. Nancy Leavitt and Penny Hall are the curators for the exhibit. Georgiana Peacher is professor emerita at City University of New York. She is an author, dramatist and book artist. She currently lives in Maine. Kate Cheney Chappell established USM’s Center for Book Arts in 2008. The center celebrates book arts through lectures and workshops, and exhibits of artists’ books. For more information, contact Rebecca Goodale, Book Arts coordinator, at 228-8014.

Alan Lomax: ‘American Patchwork’ 4:30 p.m. SPACE Gallery presents: “From 1978 to 1985, the famed folklorist Alan Lomax traveled through the American South, documenting its traditional music — brass bands, second-liners, and Mardi Gras Indians in New Orleans; miners, moonshiners, and Primitive Baptists in Kentucky; flat-footers, string bands, and Piedmont blues in North Carolina; Cajun cowboys, Creole fiddlers, and Zydeco stompers in Louisiana; fife-and-drum ensembles, gospel quartets, and former railroad track-liners, levee-camp muleskinners, and players on the pre-war blues circuit in Mississippi. This footage ultimately totalled over 400 hours and was edited into Lomax’s ‘American Patchwork’ series, which aired on American public television in 1991. But the lion’s share has never been seen publicly. Nathan Salsburg, an archivist and producer from the Alan Lomax Archive, will be screening a program of assorted clips from the ‘American Patchwork’ collection with a Q&A to follow. Co-sponsored with 317 Main St. Community Music Center, with support from Bangor Savings Bank.

Film: ‘Jiro Dreams of Sushi’ 5 p.m. “‘Jiro Dreams of Sushi’ is the story of 85 year-old Jiro Ono, considered by many to be the world’s greatest sushi chef. He is the proprietor of Sukiyabashi Jiro, a 10-seat, sushi-only restaurant inauspiciously located in a Tokyo subway station. Despite its humble appearances, it is the first restaurant of its kind to be awarded a prestigious 3 star Michelin review, and sushi lovers from around the globe make repeated pilgrimage, calling months in advance and shelling out top dollar for a coveted seat at Jiro’s sushi bar.” $7/$5 for SPACE members, sponsored by Rabelais, Fine Books on Food & Wine. Also Sunday at 7:30 p.m. events.php

Maine Roller Derby 5 p.m. Maine Roller Derby’s Port Authorities vs. Fog City Rollers (New Brunswick), Happy Wheels in Portland, tickets $5. Afterparty at Flask Lounge. events see next page

Page 18 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

‘Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill’ at Freeport Factory Stage 7:30 p.m. The Freeport Factory Stage features the “soulful and shattering production” of “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill.” “This production features the incomparable jazz singer, Mardra Thomas as Billie Holiday, with local musician Flash Allen at the piano. Directed by Julie George-Carlson, ‘Lady Day’ is a fictional account of the final appearance by Billie Holiday at a seedy night club in Philadelphia, only four months before her death at the age of 44. The play, written by Lainie Robertson, was originally produced in 1989 and has enjoyed great success in regional theaters for the past 20 years.” ‘Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill’ runs from March 29-April 14, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. All Thursday performances are “Pay-What-You-Can” — ticket prices for all other performances are $19 general admission and $15 seniors and students with ID. Group discounts and subscription tickets are available. For reservations call the box office at 865-5505 or visit the website,

‘Bridge’ — the Charlie Howard story at UMF

have the use of the historic library on Congress Street and may attend events including readings by local and national authors and travel lectures presented by producers of films from around the world. The library welcomes new members. If interested, contact Pat Larrabee at 773-8396.

Tuesday, April 10 Free Income Tax Preparation 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free Income Tax Preparation at the Portland Public Library. The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program is offering free federal and state of Maine income tax preparation and free electronic filing in Portland at the Main Branch of the Public Library at 5 Monument Square. With electronic filing and direct deposit, refunds can be received in as little as eight days. Although walk-ins are accepted, appointments are preferred. To make an appointment, call 776-6316.

‘Ethnographies of Everyday Life After Communism’ noon. Falmouth Memorial Library welcomes Kristen Ghodsee, author of “Lost in Transition: Ethnographies of Everyday Life After Communism.” “Falmouth resident and Bowdoin College professor Ghodsee describes ordinary lives upended by the collapse of communism, through ethnographic essays and short stories based on her experiences in Eastern Europe between 1989 and 2009. Join this Friends of the Falmouth Memorial Library monthly event. Bring your bagged lunch; we provide coffee and desserts. Free and open to the public.” FMI: 781-2351

7:30 p.m. The University of Maine at Farmington will present a theater workshop production of “Bridge,” “an original, new play inspired by the true story ‘The Titanic: A Survivor’s Story’ of Charlie Howard, the victim of a 1984 noon. “The Titanic: A Survivor’s Story.” Dr. hate-crime in Maine that galvanized a Karen Lemke, professor of education, St. community and the state.” In response to Joseph’s College, at the Maine Historical community interest, University of Maine Society. “Join us to recognize the 100th anniat Farmington has added an additional versary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, the evening performance of “Bridge.” Perlargest movable object built by man. Lemke’s formances of this play are free and open to the public and will take place at 7:30 (Left to right) Tim Berry, graduate of University of Maine at Farmington class of 2011, and current UMF talk will focus on the story of eight-year old p.m., April 5 and 6 with an additional student Jared Boghosian, appear in “Bridge,” a one-act drama inspired by the true story of 1984 hate- Marshall Drew who survived the sinking. performance at 7:30 p.m., April 7, in the crime victim Charlie Howard. Performances of this powerful play are free and open to the public. There is Lemke spent time with Drew in 1986 for a Performance Space in the Emery Com- an additional performance at 7:30 p.m. tonight, in the Performance Space in the Emery Community Arts story for the Bangor Daily News, and captured many of his vivid memories.” http://www. munity Arts Center on the UMF campus. Center on the UMF campus. (COURTESY PHOTO) “Written and directed by award-winning brook: Mass at 9 a.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Maine playwright Jayne Decker, this onePastel painting demonstration Windham: Mass at 10:30 a.m. Parish of the Holy Eucharist, act play was developed in a theater workshop with UMF noon to 2 p.m. Pastel painting demonstration and talk by Sacred Heart Church, Yarmouth: Masses at 8 a.m. and 11 students and tells the story of a young man as he is bulartist Wade Zahares presented by the Pastel Painters of a.m. lied and thrown off a bridge for being gay. While the main Maine at Osher Lecture Hall, Maine College of Art, Portland. character in Decker’s drama is named to honor Howard, the Free and open to the public. “Join us for a fascinating pastel Next Level Church Egg Drop services rest of the play’s characters and location are nameless — demonstration and talk Tuesday, April 10 at Maine College 9 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Next Level Church Portland will be emphasizing how this is everyone’s tragedy. ... This theater of Art and learn more about the Pastel Painters of Maine meeting at the Cinemagic Theaters at Clarks Pond in South workshop production is sponsored by the Emery Commuorganization. Event is free and open to the public.” ConPortland on Easter Sunday, located at 333 Clarks Pond nity Arts Center and contains adult language and is for a tact: Chris Beneman,, 409-2023. Parkway, for two identical experiences beginning at 9 a.m. mature audience.” and 10:15 a.m. At these services, the location of an Egg Film — ‘Sex and Money’ Drop will be revealed. “Tens of thousands of plastic eggs, 2 p.m. University of Southern Maine Lewiston-Auburn filled with candy and prizes, will be dropped from a helicopSunday, April 8 College, Room 170. “Sex and Money” (rated PG-13) film ter onto a grass field. (After the helicopter has safely left the viewing. “This is a documentary about domestic minor area) kids will then be allowed onto the field to collect eggs! sex trafficking and the modern-day abolitionist movement Roman Catholic Diocese Easter schedule For safety reasons, kids are divided up into age groups for fighting to stop it. (previously shown in the fall of 2011 at 8 a.m. Easter services in the Roman Catholic Diocese separate drops — this is why the registration form must be Flagship Cinema in Auburn). Free and open to the public. include: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Portcompleted in advance and in its entirety. Because of the This event is co-collaborated with the USM LAC Student land: Masses at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m. (Arabic), and 5 p.m. extremely high demand for participation in previous years’ Government Association and Kaplan University representaSacred Heart/St. Dominic Parish, Masses at 10:30 a.m. and events, admission to the Egg Drop must be limited - and tives.” at 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) — A reception will be held in the when the tickets are gone, they’re gone. While the event is Yarmouth I-295 project meeting parish hall following the 10:30 a.m. Mass. All parishioners completely free, we are asking everyone to bring canned 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Representatives of the Maine Departare welcome. St. Louis Parish — Mass at 8 a.m. in Polish food to donate to Wayside Food Bank, one of our great ment of Transportation will be present to listen to concerns, and 11:15 a.m. in English. St. Peter Parish — Masses at community partners.” receive comments, and answer questions from anyone with 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Our Lady of Hope Parish: St. Joseph Easter service at Merrill an interest in proposed highway reconstruction of Interstate Church — Masses at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. St. Patrick Church 10 a.m. Easter service, “a celebration of generosity, hope 295, Exit 15: Northbound and Southbound ramp improve— Masses at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. St. Pius X Church and community,” at Merrill Auditorium. The entire offering ments and parking lot development in conjunction with I-295 —Masses at 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Elsewhere in Maine, the will be donated to the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at interchange project at Exit 15 in Yarmouth. Meeting at the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland plans the following Maine Medical Center. Eastpoint Christian Church. www. American Legion Hall, 196 Main St., Yarmouth. Any inquiries services: St. Barthlomew Parish, Cape Elizabeth: Masses regarding this project may be directed to the attention of Ernie at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Parish of the Holy Eucharist, Holy Martin, Project Manager II , Maine Department of TransportaMartyrs of North America Church, Falmouth: Masses at tion. Telephone: 624-3381. Email: Monday, April 9 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Parish of the Holy Eucharist, St. Jude Church, Freeport: Mass at 9:30 a.m. St. Anne Parish, Canco Woods property meeting Gorham: Masses at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Good Shepherd 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Neighbors are concerned about the ‘Israel: Stories From The Holy Lands’ Parish, St. Margaret Church, Old Orchard Beach: Masses current sale pending of the 12.75 acres of undeveloped woods 7:30 p.m. Sandy Mortimer, travel lecture, “Israel: Stories at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. St. Christopher Parish, Peaks and wetlands located off Canco Road which is surrounded From The Holy Lands.” Presented by Maine Charitable Island Sunrise Ecumenical Service (not a Mass) and Mass on three sides by residential properties, but currently desigMechanic Association, at Catherine McAuley High School at 10 a.m. St. Maximilian Kolbe, Scarborough: Masses at nated as “light industrial.” The City of Portland has called for a Auditorium, 631 Stevens Ave., Portland. Starts at 7:30 p.m., 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., and 10:30 a.m. Church of the Holy Cross, Neighborhood Informational Meeting to discuss the issue. At doors open at 6:45. Free for MCMA members, a $2 donaSouth Portland: Mass at 9:30 a.m.; St. John the Evangelist Ocean Avenue Elementary School, Portland. Meeting hosted tion for non-members at the door. The Maine Charitable Parish: Mass at 8 a.m. St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Westby District 4 City Councilor Cheryl Leeman. Mechanic Association has about 300 members. Members

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012— Page 19

Panel rejects LePage move to eliminate MPBN funding BY MAL LEARY CAPITOL NEWS SERVICE

AUGUSTA — The Maine Legislature’s Appropriations Committee voted unanimously to reject Gov. Paul LePage’s proposal to eliminate all state funding for the Maine Public Broadcasting Network, saying the issue had become a “political football.” Several committee members spoke at a late Thursday night work session about the service MPBN provides as the anchor for the statewide emergency broadcast alert system and its unique role as a statewide radio and TV network. “At the moment it is the only radio capacity for the Allagash in English," said Rep. John Martin, D-Eagle Lake. He said he would “always” support some state funding for MPBN so that rural areas of the state will be able to receive public radio and TV programs. Key to the unanimous support of the committee was an amendment drafted by Sen. Roger Katz, R-Augusta, that directs Finance Commissioner Sawin Millett and the Maine Emergency Management Agency to work with MPBN to determine what it costs to provide the emergency alert system, a report from MPBN on their future plans and a report on how MPBN may use its transmission bandwidth to provide other services to the state for a fee. “Over the next five years the appropriations to MPBN will gradually be reduced and replaced with a fee for services agreement,” Katz said. Several panel members said while they supported the amendment, they did not want that support to be interpreted as a lack of support. “I don’t want my support to be construed as a lack of support for Maine Public Broadcasting, “said Rep. Peggy Rotundo, D-Lewiston. “ I for one think that an appropriation is a good thing.”

Rep. Tyler Clark, R-Easton, agreed with the amendment and the decision to restore funding, but he defended the Governor for making the proposal. “In a time of struggling economics and having to reprioritize everything I don’t think it’s wrong to look at MPBN, “he said. “I like the idea of fee for service. I think it is better for both the state and MPBN to say we are providing this service and this is the cost.” Martin said the study and eventual shift to fee for service is a good way to address the issue which he said has become a political football. The Governor proposed eliminating funding a year ago, and that was reduced to a $200,000 cut to the network. “Over the last year and a half it has been very clear that this has been unfortunately a political football, “said Rep. Kathleen Chase, R-Wells. “It just makes much more sense to move forward in a contractual manner and say this is exactly the services we are providing and there are no gray areas there.” Committee members praised the new president of MPBN, Mark Vogelzang for his willingness to work towards a new relationship between the network and the state. He said the committee action is a good outcome for MPBN. “We are looking for new ways to work with the state of Maine, “he said in an interview following the vote. ”I am especially pleased that we have had that $1.7 million restored. It’s not all of the money we had asked for and it will still be about a thirteen percent decline over this year into next year so it will be a tough one. But, still, we are happy.” Vogelzang said the network will work with state officials over the summer months to explore other areas where the network can provide services to the state other than the emergency alert system.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Sussman’s title changes as his role in local media evolves ROBINSON from page 5

“That’s what we know. Here’s what we don’t. “Who are the other owners? Maine Public Radio reported that former majority owner HM Capital of Dallas, Texas, still has a stake in the company, although it’s not clear how much. Minority shareholders identified in the past include former CEO Richard Connor, developer Robert C.S. Monks, and the Portland Newspaper Guild. There’s nothing in Turkel’s article that mentions their roles in the restructured operation. Nor is there any mention of who will now serve on the board of directors. ...” It goes on a bit more, but perhaps you catch the drift. Oddly, a defense of sorts for the PPH comes from the political right. Lance Dutson, chief executive officer of the Maine Heritage Policy Center was qoted in the paper as saying he

does not expect a significant change in editorial content. “The paper’s editorial content has appeared like it’s owned by Chellie Pingree and Donald Sussman for years already,” he said. “I don’t know how it could possibly become more slanted toward them.” Ouch. Sorta. In the most recent of recent coverage, you can detect where this is all heading as the stories just list him as an owner without getting into that tricky background. Clearly, in stories involving his wife, Sussman will be identified as Rep. Pingree’s husband almost as a reflex, but those ugly hedge fund dollars will fade to the background. And, in no time, any general reference will evolve into his most significant new identity. “Newspaper owner.” (Curtis Robinson is founding editor of The Portland Daily Sun.)

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Page 20 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, April 7, 2012

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