The Portland Daily Sun, Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Page 1

Federal grant to fund 12 new firefighters

CSAs: Farms, foodies unite for summer haul

Referendum today on $89 million school budget

See story, page 3

See the story in Locavore, page 7

See the story, page 9

TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2011

VOL. 3 NO. 69





Initial vote likely tonight on graffiti ordinance BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

After another round of revisions that eased fines and restrictions on property owners, proposed antigraffiti rules being debated by a city council subcommittee over the past four months could face a preliminary vote tonight at City Hall. Councilor Ed Suslovic, who chairs the Public Safety Committee, says he’s hoping to advance the

“I am supportive of it without the punitive fines on property owners.” — David Marshall, councilor and mayoral candidate measure to the full city council. “We’ve been working on this since January, and we’ve had several public meetings, and taken input,

and it’s certainly been widely publicized, so I feel like we have really bent over backwards to make sure everyone gets a chance to weigh in,” Suslovic said. The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. tonight in City Council Chambers. The ordinance, which was introduced earlier this year, is viewed by many city officials as a crucial component in the ongoing battle against graffiti. see GRAFFITI page 9

Mainers among hardest hit at pump, study finds AAA: 11 percent of April incomes spent on gas BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Maine families had to budget $100 extra this April compared with a year ago to cover the rising cost of gasoline, making Maine one of the hardest-hit states in the current run-up of gas prices, AAA Northern New England reported. "In April, when gas was $3.81 a gallon, Mainers were spending about 11 percent of their household income on motor fuel. That was the highest as a percentage in New England, it was one of the highest in the nation, actually," said Pat Moody, director of public affairs for AAA Northern New England. "If you take a look at that 109 gallons of fuel that a household is using in the month of April, when it's up about $1 from last year, you're looking at over $100 more (spent per household) in April for gas than a year ago," Moody said. The Oil Price Information Service, which provides gas price data to AAA, recently crunched the numbers to see how much

AAA Northern New England fielded over 1,100 calls for gas assistance in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont from January through March, a 22 percent increase from the same period last year. Mainers and others around the nation are paying as a share of monthly income for gas. The average Maine household bought 109 gallons of gas in April, when gas was at $3.81 per gallon, the study found. Based on a $45,700 median annual household income in Maine, that meant 11 percent of income was spent on gas in April, Moody said. see GAS page 16 RIGHT: On Monday, the Gulf gas station at 754 Congress St. reflects what calls the highest gas price in Portland, $4 a gallon for regular. The site reports that another Gulf gas station, at 205 Brighton Ave. and St. George Street, has the lowest gas price in Portland, $3.87 per gallon. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Film highlights Maine's changing farm scene BY MATT DODGE THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A film focusing on the lives and livelihoods of Maine’s farmers will make its television debut in the coming weeks as one organization aims to illustrate the vibrancy of today’s farming scene in the state.

Debuting on Maine Public Broadcasting network on Thursday, May 19, “Meet Your Farmer” is a co-production of Pull Start Pictures and The Maine Farmland Trust, offering a series of eight short profiles on farms in Maine. “The Maine Farmland Trust wants to help every aspect of agriculture,

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but the mission of the [film] is to try to profile a bunch of different types of farming in the state and look at the diversity of agriculture in Maine,” said Jason Mann of Pull-Start Pictures. Each of the seven- to eight-minute vignettes catalogs life on a different Maine farm, from a massive Aroostook

County potato harvest to a struggling Western Maine dairy farm, seventhgeneration farmers Downeast and newcomers in Portland’s own backyard. “I never have thought farmers didn't work hard, but to see it first hand is something else,” said Mann.

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see FARMS page 6

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SSUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Calif. college adds major in secularism (NY Times) — Colleges and universities have long offered majors in religion or theology. But with more and more people now saying they have no religion, one college has decided to be the first to offer a major in secularism. Starting this fall, Pitzer College, a small liberal arts institution in Southern California, will inaugurate a department of secular studies. Professors from other departments, including history, philosophy, religion, science and sociology, will teach courses like “God, Darwin and Design in America,” “Anxiety in the Age of Reason” and “Bible as Literature.” The department was proposed by Phil Zuckerman, a sociologist of religion, who describes himself as “culturally Jewish, but agnosticatheist on questions of deep mystery.” Over the years he grew increasingly intrigued by the growth of secularism in the United States and around the world. He studied and taught in Denmark, one of the world’s most secular countries, and has written several books about atheism. “It’s not about arguing ‘Is there a God or not?’ ” Mr. Zuckerman said. “There are hundreds of millions of people who are nonreligious. I want to know who they are, what they believe, why they are nonreligious...It has not been studied. The percentage of American adults who say they have no religion has doubled in 20 years, to 15 percent, according to the American Religious Identification Survey, released in 2008. The survey was conducted by researchers at Trinity College in Hartford, which houses the Institute for the Study of Secularism, Society and Culture but does not have a distinct major in secular studies. Barry A. Kosmin, the director of the institute, said Pitzer College would be the first to have such a major. The institute hosted a conference for academics in California a few years ago on how to develop courses on secularism, which Mr. Zuckerman attended. Initially, Mr. Zuckerman said he found some skepticism on campus about a secular studies major. “I had to convince them that this is not an antireligion degree, any more than a religion department exists to bash nonbelievers,” he said. Pitzer, founded in 1963, is known as a liberal college that emphasizes community service and environmentalism, and its students receive an inordinate number of Fulbright fellowships for study abroad. It is one of the seven Claremont Colleges, neighboring campuses where students may take courses at institutions other than their own.


Faith is reason grown courageous.” —Sherwood Eddy

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIGEST––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


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1,572 U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan.

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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Officers and inmates killed in Iraq jail revolt BY JACK HEALY THE NEW YORK TIMES

BAGHDAD — An insurgent leader accused of plotting the deadly siege against an Iraqi church last autumn led a bloody revolt for several hours early on Sunday morning inside a Baghdad prison, the security authorities said. The prison holds some of the people suspected of being the country’s most violent terrorists. Several inmates seized a cache of grenades and other weapons and killed six security officers, including a high-ranking counterterrorism official. The inmates overran part of the prison until they were beaten back by an Iraqi police assault team around 4:30 a.m. Eleven inmates were killed, the officials said. It was the latest in a string of riots and jailbreaks that have embarrassed government officials and exposed gaping security flaws in Iraq’s detention system. “These terrorists took the benefit of carelessness,” said Hakim al-Zamili, who sits on the Iraqi Parliament’s security committee and is a vocal critic of the government. “The Iraqis are using the wrong strategy with prisoners and terrorists.” Iraqi officials said that the assault appeared to have been planned in advance,

but they provided few details. The office of the prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, released a statement saying that he had formed a committee to investigate the episode. He ordered security forces to be “more alert” to prevent future breaches. The violence came amid warnings of heightened attacks in revenge for last week’s killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Iraqi intelligence officials said that the inmates were members of the Sunni extremist group Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, and that the authorities had been interrogating them about possible reprisals for Bin Laden’s death. On Thursday, a suicide bomber attacked a police training center in the southern Shiite city of Hilla, killing 25 people. The authorities blamed Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia for the assault. The melee inside the Baghdad prison began around 10 p.m. on Saturday when the man believed to have masterminded the church attack, Huthaifa al-Batawi, seized a police lieutenant’s pistol, shot him in the head and led other inmates on a rampage, the officials said. It was unclear exactly where Mr. Batawi was when he grabbed the gun, but the authorities said that he and the other

inmates had not been handcuffed, making it easier for them to overpower their captors, break out of a holding area and overrun the jail. They killed five other officers, including Brig. Gen. Moayed al-Saleh, who oversaw counterterrorism operations in Karada, an upper-middle-class neighborhood of Baghdad. As reinforcements arrived, five inmates were killed trying to escape in a stolen police vehicle, and five others were killed later by the Iraqi police. The assault was especially galling because it occurred in the shadow of the heavily guarded headquarters of Iraq’s Interior Ministry and happened in a prison that holds dozens of high-value detainees. Iraqi politicians were quick to criticize security measures in the facility, where the grenades seized by the inmates had been sitting on a table. Critics said that officers there appeared to underestimate the threat posed by the inmates. “They are very dangerous, these prisoners,” said Adnan al-Asadi, a former deputy interior minister and a member of Parliament. Duraid Adnan and Khalid D. Ali contributed reporting.

Study in Korea puts autism’s prevalence at 2.6%, surprising experts BY CLAUDIA WALLIS THE NEW YORK TIMES

An ambitious six-year effort to gauge the rate of childhood autism in a middle-class South Korean city has yielded a figure that stunned experts and is likely to influence the way the disorder’s prevalence is measured around the world, scientists reported on Monday. The figure, 2.6 percent of all children aged 7 to 12 in the Ilsan district of the city of Goyang, is more than twice the rate usually reported in the developed world. Even that rate, about 1 percent, has been climbing rapidly in recent years — from 0.6 percent in the United States in 2007, for example. But experts said the findings did not mean that the actual numbers of children with autism were rising, simply that the study was more comprehensive than previous ones. “This is a very impressive study,” said Lisa Croen, director of the autism research program at Kaiser-Permanente Northern California, who was not connected with the new report. “They did a careful job and in a part of the world where autism has not been well documented in the past.” For the study, which is being published in The American Journal of Psychiatry, researchers from the Yale Child Study Center, George Washington University and other leading institutions sought to screen every child aged 7 to 12 in Ilsan, a com-

munity of 488,590, about the size of Staten Island. By contrast, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States and most other research groups measure autism prevalence by examining and verifying records of existing cases kept by health care and special education agencies. That approach may leave out many children whose parents and schools have never sought a diagnosis. In recent years scientists have come to see autism as a spectrum of disorders that can include profound social disconnection and mental retardation, but also milder forms, like Asperger’s syndrome, that are pervasive and potentially disabling but that often go undiagnosed. “From the get-go we had the feeling that we would find a higher prevalence than other studies because we were looking at an understudied population: children in regular schools,” said the lead researcher, Dr. Young-Shin Kim, a child psychiatrist and epidemiologist at the Yale Child Study Center. South Korea was chosen not only because autism prevalence had not been measured there, but also because its national health care system, universal education and homogeneous population made it a promising region for a planned series of studies that will also look at genetic and environmental factors in autism. The study, which was largely financed by the research and advocacy group Autism

Speaks, raises the question of whether a similarly high prevalence would be found in the United States if all children were screened. Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, chief of developmental disabilities at the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities of the C.D.C., acknowledged that her agency’s records-based approach probably missed some autistic children — especially among the poor, among racial minorities and “potentially among girls” — and said the agency was interested in taking part in a population-based approach like the Korean study. “We believe this will be a way to get as complete an estimate of A.S.D. prevalence as possible,” she said in an e-mail, using the abbreviation for autism spectrum disorder. Most cases of autism spectrum disorder in the Korean study, the researchers said, turned up among children in regular schools who had no record of receiving special education or mental health services. A third were found among a “high-probability group” of 294 children who were attending special-education schools or were listed on a registry of disabled children. The children in that high-probability group were similar in many ways to children with autism in the United States and elsewhere. Fifty-nine percent were intellectually disabled, or mentally retarded; more than two-thirds had full-blown autism, as opposed to milder forms like Asperger’s; and boys outnumbered girls five to one.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011— Page 3


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–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Federal grant to fund 12 new firefighters The city of Portland has received a federal grant that will reinstate 12 firefighter positions eliminated during city layoffs in 2009 and 2010. The $1.05 million Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant will fully-fund the new positions for the next two years. U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree, who supported the city’s grant request in Washington, announced the award yesterday in a press release. “The City of Portland has had to make some devastating cuts during the economic downPingree turn and I’m glad they will be able to recoup some of the losses.” she said in a statement. “It’s absolutely critical that the Portland Fire Department has the capacity to protect its residents and businesses. If we want the city to LaMontagne continue to grow as an economic center, we need to make sure this emergency service is strong,” Pingree continued. Nicole Clegg, a spokesperson for the city, said the funding should translate into faster response times for firstresponders crews. The SAFER grant is “going to allow us to reinstate our Heavy Rescue Unit, which will help us with response time and help us enhance our response to various emergencies, from confined space to hazardous materials,” Clegg said yesterday. The Heavy Rescue Unit’s responsibilities include search and rescue, vehicle extraction, hazardous materials, and confined space operations, the release said. Clegg added that fire chief Fred LaMontagne is already looking for grants and other funding sources to maintain the positions past 2013. Although Portland eliminated a total of 19 positions in 2009 and 2010, Clegg said most of those firefighters were called back to fill slots that opened through retirements and job changes. She said the new positions would likely be filled with new hires. Not including the grant, the fire department has an authorized strength of 205 firefighters, paramed-

ics and EMTs for fiscal year 2011, which ends June 30.

Teen charged with arson in Norway apartment fire NORWAY — Authorities have charged a 19-year-old Norway man in connection with a fire that burned a 12-unit boarding house on Monday morning. At least 14 tenants were affected by the fire, which was reported at about 1:30 a.m., police said. Todd Fickett, who lived on the first floor of the Main Street building, was arrested at about 5 a.m., according to a statement from Maine State Police spokesman Steve McCausland. He is charged with arson. Tenants in the building were alerted to the fire by a smoke detector and by Norway police and firefighters who entered the building, according to police. Investigators say the fire started on the first floor. Police said Fickett, who initially identified himself as his brother, Travis Fickett, is being held at Oxford County Jail.

Mayor to help promote Stamp Out Hunger drive Portland Mayor Nicholas Mavadones will read a proclamation of support as he joins forces with the Portland Post Office, the Salvation Army and Portland letter carriers for the Stamp Out Hunger food drive Saturday, May 19. Today at 11 a.m. the mayor and postal service officials will make a public appeal for each city resident to leave non-perishable food donations at their mailbox on Saturday, May 14 for their letter carrier to collect and deliver to local Mavodones community food banks, pantries and shelters across the city. Last year the total amount of food collected passed one billion pounds since the drive began 19 years ago, the postal service reported. Mavodones will read a proclamation, joined by Portland Postmaster David Guiney; and Diana Erickson, Letter Carrier/Executive Vice President, Maine Merged Branch 92. The kickoff event will take place at The Salvation Army, 297 Cumberland Ave. An estimated 35 million people are at risk of hunger in America, includ-

ing 12 million children, according to a postal service news release. Since 1993, the Postal Service and the NALC have partnered on the campaign to stamp out hunger.

Portland Democratic City Committee plans dinner Former Governor John Baldacci will be honored at the Portland Democratic City Committee Truman Dinner at 5:30 p.m. Friday, May 13 at the Italian Heritage Center. “All funds raised will energize the Portland Democratic City Committee to educate voters regarding Democratic candiBaldacci dates and issues, local and statewide,” the committee reported online ( Tickets are $30 per person. For details, contact Chair Jill Barkley at or 3321297 or Vice Chair Ralph Carmona at 518-9177.

Regional libraries mark Food Not Fines Week Walker Memorial Library at 800 Main St., Westbrook has declared the week of May 9 to May 14 Food Not Fines Week, part of a statewide fineamnesty-food-drive coordinated by the Maine State Library. During this week patrons who return their overdue library items will have current and past fines (not including item replacement charges) excused in exchange for donations of non-perishable food. Those food donations will be redistributed to Westbrook Food Pantry. “Many Mainers have been hit hard by the recession,” the Maine State Library wrote. “The USDA estimates

that 14.8 percent of Maine households, or nearly 195,000 individuals, are food insecure, a number that has increased significantly in recent years. In addition, Maine ranks first in New England in terms of children who are food insecure; 21.1 percent of Maine children under age 18 lack access to sufficient food. Maine State Library is pleased to promote this effort.” Also participating: Baxter Memorial Library, 71 South St., Gorham; Scarborough Public Library, 48 Gorham Road, Scarborough. For a full list of other participating libraries around Maine, go to: fines.shtml.

LePage applauds $20.8 million for Downeaster The Amtrak Downeaster, which is operated by the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority, was approved for a $20.8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Maine Gov. Paul LePage announced Monday. “We are extremely pleased that the Downeaster will be receiving over $20 million in federal grant money that will make the Downeaster not only faster, but also will allow for more frequent trips between Portland and Boston,” LePage said. “More frequent and faster trips will benefit not only passengers, but Maine businesses as well.” In March, LePage sent a letter of support with the grant application for the Downeaster, and also authorized the application for the funds, the governor’s office announced. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood thanked LePage for his support of improved rail service between Maine and Boston in a letter last month. Maine was one 24 states that applied for over $2 billion in available highspeed rail funds. This money became available when money originally awarded to Florida was rescinded after plans for a Florida high-speed rail line were canceled.

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Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011

––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR –––––––––––––

Congratulations: Holly MacEwan deserving of Friend of Habitat award Editor, On Saturday May 7, Habitat for Humanity supporters in Falmouth gathered for a pancake breakfast and pet walk that kicked off at the Foreside Church. There, a new tradition was born: the bestowing of the first annual Falmouth Friend of Habitat award. Holly MacEwan was there to accept the award in front of family, friends, and the Habitat community. Some people are shaped by their surroundings, others by biology. Holly may be a result of both: not only was she raised by the late humanitarian Bill Eastburn, but her current working environment is Falmouth Public Schools, where she is a service learning coordinator. But nature, nurture, and the workday can only go so far in determining how a person orchestrates her life. Holly takes community service beyond school, town, and state boundaries. She is known for making social justice into a lifestyle, and inspires those around her to do the same. Holly has a track record of exceeding expectations, which thanks to her father, were already atypically high. She coordinates and participates in an annual service trip to Bay Saint Louis, where she works alongside high school students on Habitat for Humanity houses in a town still healing from Katrina. In Falmouth, she manages events such as concerts or athletic fundraisers, each one involving hours of preparation at home during her “free time.” Her family can usually be spotted somewhere in the crowd at most community events, and it’s not unusual for her to be moved so much by a cause that she’ll mobilize resources and sacrifice personal time to make a difference. For refugee organizations, local shelters and pantries, and Habitat for Humanity affiliates here and abroad, Holly is an advocate and friend. This spring, Holly has been publicly recognized by Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland, Maine’s Commission for Community Service, and the Falmouth Walk Steering Committee. When receiving praise, she’s quick to redirect compliments towards her family, school community, or her equally hardworking colleague, fellow Service Learning Coordinator Dede Bennell. It has been a privilege and an honor for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland to sing her praises this spring. It is the least we can do. Stephen L. Bolton Executive Director Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matt Dodge Reporter Founding Editor Curtis Robinson THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 181 State Street, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

War gaming a concept car It was a long weekend of wargaming, but not because of any actions by the U.S. Navy Seals. This weekend was dedicated to war gaming about cars. Due to another project I was working on last week, I had been looking into “concept cars,” those bits of vapor-ware that show up at national auto shows every year. Bizarre designs, funky frames abound. Back in 2002, VW showed up at a European auto show with one of those cars that never seem to be marketed, a small 1-liter job that got an amazing 150 miles per gallon. They actually built the car, and drove it to the show, just to prove that it actually worked. VW showed up with it again in 2006, with a guarantee that the car would be for sale by 2010. That is the last anyone saw of it. I doubt that public interest has waned in a $25,000 150 MPG car, but VW thinks it has. That got me to consulting that think tank of individuals that I refer to as the “drunk tank.” Not content to sit around doing the heavy serious thinking of the day, since we don’t get paid for it, we spend a lot of time standing around smoking, and giving Captain Obvious a kick in the pants when he falls asleep.

Bob Higgins ––––– Daily Sun Columnist What would a concept car for Maine look like? This involved much heady discussion from the group of three. Since we would not be expected to drive these vehicles home if they were ever built, large quantities of beverages were consumed. First off, the vehicle must look like a truck. If you live in Maine, those folks that own trucks are the stalwart ones, the ones you call on in an emergency to help you move, shift the cord of wood to the other side of the yard, and haul you out of the ditch. The group was evenly split on whether the truck would be a “high-truck” requiring a step-up, or something you could just climb into. The deciding vote was a burp, so we could not accurately score the decision. It would come in one of two custom colors. One is not a color, but the camouflage pattern known as “mossy oak.” The other color chosen was a mish-mash of

The truck had to have built-in jumper cables, on some sort of retractable wind-up thing. No more opening the hood, or fumbling around behind the back seat and bringing out the tangled rusty mess. differing primer colors. Let roving art students and taggers just go wild with the spray cans. Another option discussed was the “adjustable gun rack.” I’m not quite sure what the adjustment size would have to be, but so long as I could fit a fishing rod or two on it, I wasn’t opposed. Such a truck would have to have a removable plow blade. Not one of those custom jobs or even an off the shelf model, but one that a six year old could hook up in about thirty seconds. We couldn’t’ think of a better designed object than something that could be hooked up by a six year old wearing mittens. One good option thrown in there for Mainers was exterior bolts. If you mash into something, you should be able to go down to the local auto parts store, buy the see HIGGINS page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Whose foreign policy is it? post-9/11 world. For those with eyes to see, the daylight It’s a good thing, for instance, that Presibetween the foreign policies of George W. dent Obama has slow-walked the AmeriBush and Barack Obama has been shrinkcan withdrawal from Iraq, and it’s a sign ing ever since the current president took of political maturity that his base hasn’t the oath of office. But last week made it punished him for doing so. It’s a good thing official: When the story of America’s postthat this White House didn’t just send 9/11 wars is written, historians will be every Guantánamo prisoner to a civilian obliged to assess the two administrations court (or back home without a trial). It’s together, and pass judgment on the Busha very good thing that many Democrats Obama era. seem willing to opt for frontier justice over The death of Osama bin Laden, in a raid procedural justice when the circumstances that operationalized Bush’s famous “dead ––––– or alive” dictum, offered the most visThe New York call for it — as they did in Abbottabad last week. ible proof of this continuity. But the more Times But there are dangers in this turnabout important evidence of the Bush-Obama as well. Now that Democrats have learned convergence lay elsewhere, in developto stop worrying and embrace the imperial presiments from last week that didn’t merit screaming dency, the United States lacks a strong institutional headlines, because they seemed routine rather than check on the tendency toward executive hubris and remarkable. wartime overreach. The speed with which many One was NATO’s ongoing bombing campaign in once-dovish liberals rallied behind the Libyan war Libya, which now barely even pretends to be con— at best a gamble, at worst a folly — was revealing fined to humanitarian objectives, or to be bound by and depressing. The absence of any sustained outcry the letter of the United Nations resolution. Another over the White House’s willingness to assassinate was Friday’s Predator strike inside Pakistan’s tribal American citizens without trial should be equally regions, which killed a group of suspected milidisquieting. tants while the world’s attention was still fixed on Bin Laden’s final hours. Another was the American missile that just missed killing Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born cleric who has emerged as a key recruiter for Al Qaeda’s Yemen affiliate. Imagine, for a moment, that these were George W. Bush’s policies at work. A quest for regime change in Libya, conducted without even a pro forma request for Congressional approval. A campaign of remotecontrolled airstrikes, in which collateral damage is inevitable, carried out inside a country where we are not officially at war. A policy of targeted assassination against an American citizen who has been neither charged nor convicted in any U.S. court. Imagine the outrage, the protests, the furious op-eds about right-wing tyranny and neoconservative overreach. Imagine all that, and then look at the reality. For most Democrats, what was considered creeping fascism under Bush is just good oldfashioned common sense when the president has a “D” beside his name. There is good news for the country in this turnabout. Having one of their own in the White House has forced Democrats to walk in the Bush administration’s shoes, and appreciate its dilemmas and decisions. To some extent, the BushObama convergence is a sign that the Democratic Party is growing up, putting away certain fond illusions, and accepting its share of responsibility for the messy realities of the

Russ Douthat

As Barack Obama has discovered, an open-ended, borderless conflict requires a certain comfort with moral gray areas. But it requires vigilance as well, and a skepticism about giving the executive branch a free hand in a forever war. During the Bush era, such vigilance was supplied (albeit sometimes cynically, and often in excess) by one of the country’s two major political parties. But in the Obama era, it’s mainly confined to the far left and the libertarian right. This vigilance needs to be mathematical as well as moral. The most dangerous continuity between the Bush and Obama presidencies, perhaps, is their shared unwillingness to level with the country about what our current foreign policy posture costs, and how it fits into our broader fiscal liabilities. Instead, big government conservatism has given way to big government liberalism, America’s overseas footprint keeps expanding, and nobody has been willing to explain to the public that the global war on terror isn’t a free lunch. The next president won’t have that luxury. In one form or another, the war on terror is likely to continue long after Osama bin Laden’s bones have turned to coral. But we’ll know that the BushObama era is officially over when somebody presents us with the bill.

Group considered the camouflage pattern known as ‘mossy oak’ HIGGINS from page 4

front quarter panel you need, and not spend all day and nine skinned knuckles finding all the blind bolts to get the old one off and the new one on. Put the bolts on the outside. It would need one of those funky air-whistle things mounted on the front grill used to scare off dogs and deer. It wouldn’t make any difference to the moose you hit, but at least you know they would get to hear

that gradually increasing above your frequency of hearing sound before they got smacked. After the group broke up, I tossed in one more. This concept truck had to have some sort of ingenious method for turning the ubiquitous big blue tarp into the fashionable big blue tent on the truck bed. Interconnecting rods or something. There was one more. The truck had to have builtin jumper cables, on some sort of retractable windup thing. No more opening the hood, or fumbling

around behind the back seat and bringing out the tangled rusty mess. So there you have it. Feel free to add on to the Maine concept car. It’s a good mental exercise, but don’t hold your hopes up. Such a car is as likely to get built and sold as that 150 mpg car that Volkswagen thinks nobody wants. (Bob Higgins is a regular contributor to The Portland Daily Sun.)

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Filmmaker: Farming in Maine ‘vibrant and growing’ FARMS from page one

Through the short vignettes, Mann said the production team hoped to educate the average Mainer about where their food comes from while profiling the hardy crop that is the Maine farmer. “I personally didn’t know anything about farming before this project,” said Mann, who, along with partner Cecily Pingree, shot and edited the project over the fall and winter of 2009-2010. “I think there is kind of an assumption that a lot of agriculture in Maine has just been in the past. That’s really a fallacy — there is farming going on now that is vibrant and growing,” he said. While Maine might not have the sprawling megafarms of a Texas or Ohio, the state is notable for the sheer number of farms operating. Maine tallied more than 8,100 farms harvesting crops and tending livestock last year, up more than 12 percent since 2002 and leading the New England states, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture census of agriculture. The average farm in Maine is shrinking — from 221 acres in the late '70s to 166 in 2007 — but many Maine farms follow a small, direct-to-consumer business model, with more than half of the state’s farms recording $10,000 or less in gross annual sales, according to a recent article in MaineBiz. While perhaps best known for those tart berries that are always preceded by “Maine” on a menu, the Pull Start team decided not to profile a local

Becky Bagley and Juris Ybans buy produce from Melody Brimmer of Snell Farm of Bar Mills at last fall’s Wednesday farmers’ market in Monument Square. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

blueberry farm, focusing instead on those northern Maine harvesters so much ingrained in Aroostook County life that many school children are allowed to miss class for the harvest. “I know potatoes are a huge part of Maine’s agriculture, but it was still kind of mind boggling to hear the numbers,” said Mann. There are 480 potato farms in Maine that harvested 62,500 acres of cropland, accounting for

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15 percent of the state’s total harvested cropland, according to the Maine Potato Board. Aroostook County, where 90 percent of the state’s potatoes are produced, ranks first in Maine for agricultural sales, providing $109.6 million, or 25 percent of the state’s total agricultural receipts, according to the 1997 Census of Agriculture. “Frankly, it was scary to see how much of that goes into french fries,” said Mann. The film also focuses on seasonal agricultural workers who return to Maine year after year to tend to the fall harvest. “We met apple pickers who have traveled from Jamaica to Maine for 25 years. You have guys who have been coming back to the same farm in Maine years and they know it like the back of their hand,” said Mann. Pull Start Pictures team’s next project also has a Maine farm focus, chronicling the story of nine organic dairy farmers who, dropped by their main processor, decided to launch a new milk company in the state. “By any normal measure of a startup business, MOO [Maine’s Own Organic] Milk has been a success. They have a product, it’s on store shelves, and some people are buying it. But because the dairy farmers involved have had to sacrifice so much income to get it started, going deep into debt in the process, the company is running out of time,” reads a description for the film on the Pull Start website. “The farmers need milk sales to pick up soon, or some will have to drop out of the company. As financial pressures mount on the individual farmers, tensions between them, and frustrations with the slow pace of improvement, flare up. But, like it or not, they’re stuck with each other. For the farmers of MOO Milk, the success of the company is their last hope.” The film, titled “Betting the Farm” is currently in the editing stages and slated for release in the latesummer, early-fall. “Meet Your Farmer” makes its television debut Thursday, May 19 at 10 p.m. and Saturday, May 21 at 11 a.m. on MPBN.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011— Page 7

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOCAVORE –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Sharing the harvest: Farms, foodies unite for summer haul BY MATT DODGE THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is an increasingly popular way to bring seasonal, local produce to the public. Under a CSA, farmers sell a certain number of “shares” to members of the local community, who agree to purchase an annual membership in the CSA. In return, members receive weekly shipments of produce throughout the growing season. With over 160 farms and 6,500+ shares, Maine’s CSA community aims to transform the relation-

Grow guide: Sweet potatoes

“CSAs are a way of expanding your food horizons, taking you out of a comfort zone.” — Matt Linehan, owner of Sparrow Arc Farms in Unity ships between food and farms. “There is no formula to a CSA. Each is unique as the community supporting it. The bottom line is that people make commitments to farms, and in return farmers make commitments to produce for their members the freshest, most flavorful, highest quality food possible,” reads a press


release from the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA). “CSAs are a way of expanding your food horizons, taking you out of a comfort zone,” said Matt Linehan, owner of Sparrow Arc Farms in Unity. “As a neighborhood, to get behind a farm and

Sweet potatoes in Maine? Yes! And gardeners who want to start their own plants can do so now. At the 2008 Farmer to Farmer Conference, put on by the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association and Maine Cooperative Extension, Farmers Mark Guzzi of Peacemeal Farm in Dixmont and Roberta Snell of Snell Family Farms in Buxton talked about their experiences growing sweet potatoes. Dr. Becky Grube of see GUIDE page 8

see UNITE page 8



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Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dogwoods find a home along the city’s Bayside Trail Portland Trails hopes to plant 101 by year’s end

Charlie Baldwin with Portland Trails waters a dogwood planted last fall on the Bayside Trail. On Saturday, the trails group introduced 22 dogwood trees, and the goal is to plant 101 by the end of the year, he said. On Monday , he was tending some of the older trees, including several buffeted by high winds. Planet Dog, a local pet supply store, donated the new batch of trees. The new trees should bear some color in a few years; technically, the blossoms are leaves, not flowers, Baldwin said. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

CSA pick-up spots reflect foodie scene UNITE from page 7

say ‘we want our food grown in Maine’ that’s huge,” he said. “It’s not like shopping, it’s more like participating in a process,” said Guy Hernandez, chef and owner of Munjoy Hill restaurant Bar Lola, which acted last summer as a pick-up spot for the Sparrow Arc Farm CSA. “Your relationship with a farmer changes a little bit, you’re no longer buyer and seller, but more of a community or cooperative. The farmer is essentially growing your food, and you get a piece of it,” Hernandez added. Linehan said CSA pick-up spots are often a microcosm of Portland’s foodie culture. “[They] are real community events, like going to a little league game or church,” he said. Want a farm-fresh haul of food each week this summer? Hurry, many farms have a limited number of shares available. Included below is a list of CSA located near Portland, and those who deliver to the city.

Community Supported Agriculture in action Cape Elizabeth Alewive’s Brook Farm Green Spark Farm Jordan’s Farm

Scarborough Broadturn Farm Inc. Deep Roots Farm Frith Farm

Portland (or pickup sites in Portland) Cultivating Community Dandelion Spring Farm Freedom Farm Summit Springs Farm Webb Family Farm New Beat Farm

Cumberland County Laughing Stock Farm, Freeport Meadowood Farm, Yarmouth Wealden Farm, Freeport Deri Farm, N. Yarmouth Pleasant Valley Acres, Cumberland Ctr. Crystal Spring Community Farm, Brunswick Juniper Edge Farm, Brunswick Milkweed Farm, Brunswick Two Coves Farm, Harpswell Morgan Hill Farm, New Gloucester The Farmer’s Eight Daughters, New Gloucester Maple Springs Farm, Harrison Rippling Waters Farm, Steep Falls — Matt Dodge

ABOVE: A new dogwood tree is shown on the Bayside Trail Monday near Somerset Street. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

How to grow Maine sweet potatoes and once the soil is warm — usually GUIDE from page 7 around the first week of June. the University of New Hampshire The soil should be well drained, Cooperative Extension described not too fertile, and have a pH of 6.5 her research and N.H. growers’ to 6.8.Set the slips about a foot apart experiences with the crop. within rows that are at least 3 feet Here’s a brief “how-to.” Sweet potaapart. Planting them through black toes are grown from “slips,” which are plastic will provide the warm soil that rooted cuttings of sprouts that grow promotes their growth best, but you from the potatoes. You can encourage can grow them without plastic. Dig a sweet potato to send out sprouts by sweet potatoes in the fall, around late setting it horizontally September. They can take in moist sand, perlite or a light frost but not a hard vermiculite and keepfrost then. ing it at 75 to 80 degrees Cure the potatoes by (next to the wood stove, exposing them to warm for instance, or on top of a temperatures (85 degrees, water heater). if possible) for about a Use an organic sweet week. This will help heal potato for sprouting; nonany wounds on the surface organic sweet potatoes are of the vegetables so that often treated with sprout they last longer in storage. inhibitors. The sprouts Store the potatoes at 55 to grow into vines, which can 60 F and 75 to 80 percent be pulled from the sweet relative humidity, much potato, rooted in water like winter squash. Temand planted in the garden Sweet potatoes at Johnny’s peratures under 50 can after all danger of frost Selected Seeds’ demon- easily damage the roots. stration garden at the 2008 has passed. They take a few weeks in Once sprouts appear, set Common Ground Country storage to develop their the sweet potato root in a Fair. (JEAN ENGLISH PHOTO) sweet flavor. sunny window. As sprouts Guzzi had some sweet potatoes grow to 6 inches long or so, twist them that were still good in storage a year off the sweet potato and stick them in after harvest, so growing sweet potaa glass of water to root. These are your toes is one way to help feed yourself slips. (If you don’t want to grow your locally for several months. own slips, you can buy them from John(This article is provided by the ny’s Selected Seeds; other sources are Maine Organic Farmers and Garlisted in the article at deners Association, MOFGA, P.O. Plant rooted slips in the garden Box 170, Unity, ME 04988; 568-4142; after all danger of frost has passed;

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011— Page 9

Referendum today on $89M school budget BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A referendum vote will take place today on the proposed $89.4 million school budget plan for 20112012 school year. The only question on the ballot will ask voters if they want to approve the budget for the 2012 fiscal year, which starts July 1. A majority of voters must approve the plan for it to pass. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. citywide, and all of the city’s regular polling places will be open, said City Clerk Kathy Jones. City residents who are not registered but wish to vote must bring at least one form of valid ID to register at the polls. School referendum votes are generally low-turnout affairs (last year, just 2,381 of the city’s nearly 52,000 registered voters turned out). Even so, Jones said it will be business as usual at the polls for city

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. citywide, and all of the city’s regular polling places will be open. election workers. “We are prepared and ready go to,” Jones said in preparation for the vote. “We have had training, and everything is good to go.” The fiscal year 2012 proposed school budget adds five days to the school year and preserves most academic and athletic programs. But it calls for fewer teachers and support staff to help close a $6 million funding gap created in part from the loss of federal stimulus funds. According to The Forecaster, 31.5 city-funded jobs and 35.6 grant-funded positions would be elimi-

nated under the proposal, which was endorsed by the school committee and the city council. More than 40 school district employees also signed up for early retirement. Those staff reductions came despite wage concessions from the city’s teacher’s union that saved the district more than $800,000 next year. The $290 million combined city and schools budget is expected to bring a 2 percent overall property tax increase, raising the city’s tax rate to $18.28 per $1,000 in assessed value. Unlike presidential or gubernatorial elections, the school referendum ballots will be counted by hand. That's because the department did not have time to program electronic ballot readers used in November elections, Jones said. Residents with questions about their polling place can visit the clerk’s website at www.portlandmaine. gov/voter/voter.asp or call 874.8610.

Marshall says he doesn’t support penalties for property owners GRAFFITI from page one

Joe’s Smoke Shop on Congress Street used to be a frequent victim of vandalism until the owners commissioned a mural from local graffiti stalwarts Turtle and Koi, shown here on the east side of the building. (MATT DODGE FILE PHOTO)

the 10-day window. “If someone is being responsive, they can avoid a fine. If it’s during winter and it’s impossible to get the graffiti cleaned up, all they’ve got to do is come in with a plan,” Suslovic said. The revised ordinance would no longer exempt property owners from the ordinance from Jan. 1 through April 30. Instead, the same rules would apply year-round. It also allows for a six-month “sunrise” provision that gives property owners time to

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“It's important for the city to take an official stand against graffiti and the problems it signifies in our community,” said Trish McAllister, the city’s neighborhood prosecutor, in an email. She helped draft the proposal with help from Doug Fuss, a local bar owner. “Adoption of an ordinance will not replace the criminal prosecution of those who are caught committing graffiti; it simply gives more alternatives to enforcement officials and the local judiciary when it comes to addressing this problem,” McAllister continued. The plan would impose civil penalties on anyone caught writing graffiti as well as property owners who fail to remove graffiti from their buildings. It would also create new restrictions on sale and possession of “graffiti implements” — spray paint and art markers — and hold parents responsible for vandalism caused by their underage children. Some of the more controversial aspects of the ordinance — fining property owners who don’t remove graffiti within 10 days from receiving a city notice — are watered down in the latest draft. Newly proposed language would fine non-compliant property owners $100 or less for a first offense, instead of $250. Property owners could also avoid fines by presenting a graffiti abatement plan to city officials within

prepare for the new regulations. Councilor Dave Marshall, a committee member and declared mayoral candidate, is proposing revisions that go even further. He wants to establish language dealing with legal graffiti murals like those found on Joe’ Smoke Shop or The Asylum nightclub, and also wants to do away with fines for non-compliant property owners. He believes most property owners will comply with the rule to remove graffiti with or without the fines. But

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for those who don’t, he says a provision allowing the city to remove graffiti themselves, and bill property owners for the work, plus a 10 percent fee, would achieve the desired result. “I see the fine against property owners as an unnecessary, punitive measure that we can strip out of the ordinance and still have the ordinance be more effective and embraced by a wider segment of our property owners in the city,” Marshall said yesterday in a phone interview. Marshall, who is in San Diego visiting family, won’t attend tonight’s meeting, leaving his amendments in doubt, at least during this stage in the ordinance review. As far as Suslovic is concerned, the question of fines for property owners has already been resolved. “I think we have debated the fines quite a bit,” he said yesterday, adding, “My feeling is there is pretty strong support to leave fines where they are proposed.” McAllister said she also supports leaving the fines in place. “Such a strategy simply gives the city more enforcement tools to be able to use as necessary in the cases of very negligent/non-responsive property owners,” she said. Marshall, an artist who owns a gallery on Congress Street, indicated he may not support the proposal if the fine schedule remains intact. “I am supportive of it without the punitive fines on property owners,” he said.

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by Lynn Johnston by Paul Gilligan

By Holiday Mathis as you can muster. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). How can you take a relationship to more splendid levels? You will accomplish this aim, mostly because you have the creativity, curiosity and moxie that it takes to ask this question. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll connect with a part of your past. Maybe you’ve let go of certain grudges and moved past some old opinions. But there’s still a kind of electrical charge when you touch on this part of your history. It may surprise you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You like to think that when you love someone, you give everything. But when you think about how this plays out in practical terms, it may not add up completely. You’ll temper romantic notions with reasonable ones. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Brief conversations are favored. If you’ve stopped talking but your audience is still listening, that’s a good sign. You can always carry on with this later. For today, it’s best to quit while you’re ahead. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’re on a sort of mission. You’ll have to be your own cheerleader. A distant image of the future you seems to be coming nearer every day as you grow into the person you want to be. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 10). Persuasion and negotiation are strong suits for you this year. Whether for personal gain or on behalf of your business or family, you win people over and make deals in June with great finesse. A lump sum comes in the mail or by wire this month. Adventure takes wing in August. Wedding bells ring in February. Cancer and Libra people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 14, 46, 48, 42 and 22.

Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Implement timesaving strategies, and rid yourself of activities that take you away from your goals. A Virgo or Libra can help you set up your personal business in a way that will serve you for years to come. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You love it when something new comes into your world, but you also know it is best to be careful with things you know nothing about. Your inexperience makes you vulnerable. Step back and observe. Err on the side of caution. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). A battle goes on inside of you. It seems that you are the only witness to this struggle, but this is not the case. Someone is so in tune with you that he or she can look into your eyes and know what you’re going through. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You will be involved in a project that captures your full attention and transports your mind, body and spirit to a level of awareness from which there is no going back. This is a life-changing experience. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your attention goes to your appearance and updating your look. Your desire to be perceived in a certain way may lead you to retail outlets. You will not be outdone by the fashionable crowd. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Why you choose one direction instead of another is a mystery. You defy the laws of marketing and laugh in the face of persuasion. You definitely have your own mind. Many will try to predict your next move; none will succeed. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Play it cool. Don’t tell all you know or show all you have. Offer a glimpse and hold back the rest. Let others know you’ve held something back in as nonchalant a way

by Aaron Johnson


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ACROSS 1 Got first prize 4 Dark yellowish brown 9 “Phooey!” 13 TV’s “American __” 15 Chutzpah 16 City in Texas 17 No longer here 18 Weeps 19 Beige shade 20 Able to roll with the punches 22 Observer 23 “Beat it!” 24 Scientist’s workplace 26 Reverberated 29 Boon 34 Comes down in buckets 35 Brazenly impulsive 36 And not 37 Travelers’ stopovers 38 Cowboy shoes 39 Take __ account;


consider Scoundrel Fill with joy Disgusting person Lethargic Like rough sandpaper Hither and __; here and there Prepare in advance Dishonest one Departure from what is usual Peruvian Indian Moran & Gray Once more Isn’t able to Ascends Far’s opposite Leg joint Run-down; shabby Pigpen

1 2

DOWN Hairpiece Skunk’s defense

40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 51 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35

Zero Naked Deserve Soft cheese Fair; balanced Fidgety Nerds Risqué Farmland unit Sightseeing trip Things taught Frosts a cake __ Wednesday; Lent opener Sevareid and Clapton Erie or Panama Gandhi, for one Thin soup Overdue Situated near the center Short letters Feel around in the dark Constricting snakes

38 Has __ on; refuses to see the truth 39 Tehran resident 41 Sense of selfesteem 42 Outer garment 44 Twirl 45 Elegant 47 Longed

48 Enjoy a lollipop 49 __ instant; suddenly 50 Facial woe 52 1 of 5 “Greats” 53 Clamp 54 Wallet singles 55 Tidy 59 Distorted

Saturday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Tuesday, May 10, the 130th day of 2011. There are 235 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On May 10, 1941, Adolf Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, parachuted into Scotland on what he claimed was a peace mission. (Hess ended up serving a life sentence at Spandau prison until 1987, when he apparently committed suicide.) On this date: In 1611, Sir Thomas Dale arrived in the Virginia Colony, where, as deputy governor, he instituted harsh disciplinary measures to restore order. In 1775, Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys, along with Col. Benedict Arnold, captured the British-held fortress at Ticonderoga, N.Y. In 1865, Union forces captured Confederate President Jefferson Davis in Irwinville, Ga. In 1869, a golden spike was driven in Promontory, Utah, marking the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in the United States. In 1924, J. Edgar Hoover was given the job of FBI director. In 1940, during World War II, German forces began invading the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and France. The same day, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned, and Winston Churchill formed a new government. In 1960, the nuclear-powered submarine USS Triton completed its submerged navigation of the globe. In 1978, Britain’s Princess Margaret and the Earl of Snowdon announced they were divorcing after 18 years of marriage. One year ago: President Barack Obama introduced Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, billing her as a unifying force for a fractured court. Today’s Birthdays: Author Bel Kaufman (“Up the Down Staircase”) is 100. Sportscaster Pat Summerall is 81. Author Barbara Taylor Bradford is 78. TV-radio personality Gary Owens is 72. Actor David Clennon is 68. Singer Donovan is 65. Singer Dave Mason is 65. Actor Bruce Penhall is 54. Former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., is 53. Actress Victoria Rowell is 52. Rock singer Bono (U2) is 51. Rock musician Danny Carey (Tool) is 50. Actor Darryl M. Bell is 48. Playwright Suzan-Lori Parks is 48. Model Linda Evangelista is 46. Rapper Young MC is 44. Actor Erik Palladino is 43. Actor-singer Todd Lowe is 39. Country musician David Wallace (Cole Deggs and the Lonesome) is 39. Actress Andrea Anders is 36. Race car driver Helio Castroneves is 36. Rock musician Jesse Vest is 34. Actor Kenan Thompson is 33. R&B singer Jason Dalyrimple (Soul For Real) is 31. Rock musician Joey Zehr (Click Five) is 28. Singer Ashley Poole (Dream) is 26. Actress Odette Yustman is 26. Actress Lauren Potter (TV: “Glee”) is 21.




CTN 5 Lighthouse Jubilees


The Biggest Loser Contestants show what they WCSH have learned. (N) (In Stereo) Å






13 17


MAY 10, 2011

9:00 Healthvw


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Community Haskell-House

Bulletin Board

The Voice Team mem- News Tonight bers compete in a dueling Show With duet. (N) Å Jay Leno Glee “Prom Queen” Glee Raising Traffic News 13 on FOX (N) Frasier According “Room Ser- to Jim Å WPFO club schedules a prom Hope (N) Å Light (N) Å performance. (N) vice” Dancing With the Stars Dancing With the Stars Body of Proof “Buried News 8 Nightline WMTW “Greatest Results Show Another couple is elimi- Secrets” A homicide de- WMTW at (N) Å Performances” nated. (N) Å tective is killed. (N) 11PM (N) Frontline “Kill/Capture” Independent Lens “Bhutto” Benazir Bhutto. (N) (In NOVA Archaeologists MPBN explore Machu Picchu. Targeting killing by the Stereo) Å U.S. military. (N) Å (In Stereo) Å (DVS) NHPTV Spring Auction WENH

One Tree Hill Traveling Hellcats Red’s ex continues to stir up trouble. Stereo) Å (N) Å NCIS “Swan Song” NCIS: Los Angeles WGME Tracking the Port-to-Port NCIS gets information on killer. (N) an old case. (N) Smarter Lyrics Lyrics WPME Smarter WPXT to Puerto Rico. (N) (In

Entourage TMZ (N) (In (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Å The Good Wife “Getting Off” Defending an adultery website owner. Curb Paid Prog.

Extra (N) Punk’d (In (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Å WGME Late Show News 13 at With David 11:00 Letterman Star Trek: Next


Deadliest Catch Å


DISC Deadliest Catch Å


FAM Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club Å


USA Law & Order: SVU

27 28

Deadliest Catch (N)


Law & Order: SVU

Law Order: CI

NESN MLB Baseball: Red Sox at Blue Jays


Red Sox


CSNE Basketball Golfing

Ball Up Streetball


SportsNet Sports


ESPN 30 for 30

Fields of Play

Baseball Tonight (N)


ESPN2 Year/Quarterback

30 for 30 Å

Without a Trace Å

Law & Order: SVU

E:60 (N)

Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å




DISN Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Good Luck Suite/Deck Phineas


TOON Looney


NICK My Wife

My Wife

36 37

MSNBC The Last Word

Criminal Minds Å


Good Luck Good Luck

King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Chris

Dennis SportsNet

SportsCenter (N) Å




Rachel Maddow Show The Ed Show (N)

Fam. Guy

The Nanny The Nanny The Last Word


CNN In the Arena (N)

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å


CNBC Coca-Cola

60 Minutes on CNBC

60 Minutes on CNBC

Mad Money

Greta Van Susteren

The O’Reilly Factor



The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)



NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Chicago Bulls. (N) Å


LIFE American Pickers Å



Child Frozen in Time

NBA Basketball

American Pickers Å

How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met

Tiniest Girl



Child Frozen in Time




AMC Movie: ››› “Rio Bravo” (1959, Western) John Wayne. Å


HGTV First Place First Place Property


TRAV Bizarre Foods

Bizarre Foods

Bizarre Foods

Bizarre Foods


A&E The First 48 Å

The First 48 Å

The First 48 Å

The First 48 Å


BRAVO Housewives/OC


Bethenny Ever After

Movie: “The Cowboys” Property

Pregnant in Heels (N)

Pregnant in Heels


Gold Girls Gold Girls


HALL Little House on Prairie Frasier


SYFY Movie: ››› “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” (2008) Å


ANIM Planet Earth “Deserts”

Madagascar (In Stereo) Å

Planet Earth “Deserts”


HIST Larry the Cable Guy

Larry the Cable Guy

How the States

Ax Men Å



Fa. Affair

Fa. Affair

The Mo’Nique Show


COM Jeff Dunham: Arguing


Macdonald Daily Show Colbert

62 67 68 76




Movie: ››‡ “Notorious” (2009) Premiere. Å Tosh.0


Movie: ›››‡ “The Wrestler” (2008) Mickey Rourke.

TVLND All-Family All-Family Raymond TBS


“Beauty & Beast”

Movie: ›››‡ “The Wrestler” Raymond


Roseanne Roseanne

The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Conan (N)





OXY The Bad Girls Club


TCM “My Brother Talks to Horses”


The Bad Girls Club




1 6 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 26 29 33 34 37 38 39 40 41


Love Games: Bad Girls Movie: “Just Friends”

Movie: ›››‡ “The Rocking Horse Winner”



Argyle Sweater

The by Scott Hilburn

ACROSS Opening night Himalayan monk Ms. from Cadiz Kagan of the Supreme Court Gifts to the needy Zap with light Bill Murray movie Whizzes Newman’s “Exodus” role Three-way connection Greek letter Cuddle Relative of pitch? Pole Board, as a trolley “__ kleine Nachtmusik” Reagan cabinet member Nautically to the left Tour segment “Le __ du

She Went

printemps” Like a seam Marine shade Tightwad Ferocity Clothes valet Colorful perch Handled roughly Neighbor of Brazil Radio static letters Castle ringer Hump on a ship Part of CPA Cogito __ sum City in a WWI song 67 Encrusted 68 Egyptian port 69 President after Grant 42 43 44 45 46 48 50 54 58 59 61 64 65 66

1 2 3 4 5

DOWN Transfer image Satellite of Jupiter Obscure Sturm __ Drang Scottish river

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 24 25 27 28 30 31 32 34 35 36

Bert of “The Wizard of Oz” Jai __ 2105 Sidewise Czechs and Poles, e.g. Tout’s hangout Either part of a fly? DDE’s political opponent At once, to an MD Albanian currency Borg of tennis Small concavity French river Lawn trimming tool Chagall painting, “__ in Green” Sgt.’s superior Fury Jewish sect member Puccini work Energy source

38 Japanese verse 41 Pet protection grp. 43 Esters of boric acid 46 Waxy: pref. 47 __ nitrate 49 Shabby 51 LSD guru Timothy 52 Awards honcho

53 55 56 57 59 60 62 63

Causeways Spiritual adviser Entreat earnestly All-inclusive breadth Brit’s raincoat S. American tuber N.T. book Lamb’s lament

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Help Wanted


DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

THE University of Southern Maine invites applications for Art Department Environmental and Safety Technical Technician #1643. The University has an institution-wide commitment to inclusion, diversity, multiculturalism, and community. Complete position information including required qualifications and the application process is a v a i l a b l e a t :

PA-PA Dan’s Mowing- No, you won’t get a pizza, but you’ll get a neatly cut yard! Brighton, Stevens, Allen and Washington Avenue areas, formerly with Lucas Tree. $30-$35, (207)878-6514.



For Rent

For Rent-Commercial

PUPPY spring sale, 20% off small mixed breeds. See website for more details: (207)539-1520.


PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $475-$875. (207)773-1814.

SHOP/ Office, 570 Brighton, Portland. 400 s.f., 1st floor, parking, low rates. (207)807-1004.

Watch over 3500 channels with no monthly fees. Software $49.95 for PC and Laptops.

Flea Market Announcement PORTLANDTALKS.COM Rant and rave! Have you been silent too long? You can make a difference.

Autos RAMSEY Services- Dead or alive! Cash for cars, running or not. Up to $500. (207)615-6092.

ARTISTS and Craftsmen wanted for Westfest Fair. May 21st. FMI (207)415-3877. WANTED Artist and Crafters for spring art show at Reiche School. Tables $15-$25, May 21st., 10-4pm, FMI 415-3877.

For Rent

PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 1 bedroom heated. Newly installed oak floor, just painted. $675/mo. (207)773-1814. WESTBROOK large room eff. furnished, utilities pd includes cable. Non-smokers only. No pets. $195/wkly (207)318-5443.

Services For Sale CAMPER: Two miles from OOB Pier. 1991 Casa Villa 40' park model. Pinecrest Campground, already on corner lot with new Florida room, new rugs throughout. First year lot rental paid, great condition, have Title, asking $11,500, 449-2928, 723-0286.

For Rent-Commercial PORTLAND- Danforth Street, 1 bedroom, heated, newly painted, hardwood floors. Modern eat-in kitchen. $850. (207)773-1814.

PORTLAND Art District- Art studios with utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 studios. $325 (207)773-1814.

Dear Annie: My six-month dental checkup is fast approaching, and I’m dreading it because it’s so painful -- not the cleaning, the yakking hygienist. The woman is quite nice and gentle. I would love to get the cleaning done, but she talks with her hands. The dental tools become an extension of her hands, so as she talks about her family, she’s not working on my mouth. I really love my dentist and the staff. How do I get this lovely lady to simply clean my teeth and not talk so much? -- Michigan Dear Michigan: You can sweetly ask the hygienist to please focus more on your teeth because your time is limited. If that doesn’t work, you can register a complaint with the dentist. Or invest in a set of headphones. When you see the hygienist, stick them in your ears, close your eyes and say the music helps you relax. She’ll stop talking if she has no audience. Dear Annie: I read the letter from “Thrown for a Loop,” whose husband was seen having lunch with another woman, as well as all the responses to that letter. One day, my wife received a telephone call from a friend, informing her that I was at a restaurant with another woman. My wife replied, “Yes, he is having lunch with ‘Lindsey,’” a young woman I was mentoring. Perhaps we appeared suspicious because we were laughing and having a good time. Does that portend an affair? I hope not, because during my 42-year professional career, I sometimes went to lunch with women colleagues. I never failed to telephone my wife in advance, telling her who I was lunching with. I greatly appreciate my wife’s trust, which has enriched my life and allowed me to enrich the lives of others. Our mutual trust strengthened the bonds of our marriage. Next year we will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. -- Washington

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

Yard Sale

CARPENTRY Home repairs, kitchen & bath remodeling, window & door replacement. Decks, additions, garages, wood rot repairs & gutters. Call Bob Tripp 650-3454.

AUBURN, Lewiston Coin/ Marble Show- 5/14/11, American Legion Post 31, 426 Washington St, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.


PLANT & Book Sale- Sat. May 14th, 9-1pm. Allen Ave Unitarian Universalist Church, 524 Allen Ave, Portland. Perennials, annuals, houseplants, herbs, gently used garden equipment and more, plus books of all types!

We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.

MAINEX10.COM USED inflatable boats wanted. Any condition. And used inflatable boats for sale. (207)899-9544.

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I married “Theo” three years ago. The marriage started out OK, but then I discovered he had a drug addiction. After a great deal of pushing from me, Theo finally got clean two years ago. The problem is, he has not held down a job since he moved in with me six years ago, while I have worked a full-time third shift to support my children and household. It’s not enough to make ends meet. Our utilities have been turned off, we have had multiple vehicles repossessed, and we have been evicted more than once. We recently began sharing living space with my sister and her two kids, but lately, we’ve had difficulty paying our portion of the rent. I have screamed, begged, pleaded, cried and even cussed him out, telling him to get a job, to no avail. He uses the excuse that he doesn’t have a GED and can’t get a job that will pay him what he “deserves.” I don’t care if he takes a minimum-wage job as long as he contributes enough so we don’t keep losing our home. We have been through marriage counseling, and even our pastor told Theo to get a job. He tried, briefly, but was fired after two days because he insisted on telling his supervisor what to do. I am fed up. Am I wrong to lose patience? Theo did manage to get clean and start attending church. Maybe I need to give him more time. But, Annie, I can’t do this by myself. I have been considering a divorce, but it’s not what I want. What do I do next? -- Frustrated Christian Dear Frustrated: More time isn’t going to help unless Theo addresses the underlying problem. We think he’s depressed and is deliberately sabotaging his job efforts. In fact, Theo’s drug use may have camouflaged depression if it was a form of self-medication. Ask him to discuss this with his doctor and pastor and get an appropriate, low-cost referral.

Wanted To Buy I buy broken and unwanted laptops for cash, today. Highest prices paid. (207)233-5381.

by Scott Stantis

Home security, surveillance, entertainment & automation. No monthly fees! Shop with confidence! VeriSign secure.

SOUTH Paris Coin/ Marble Show- 5/21/11, American Legion Post 72, 12 Church St, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.


SOMEBODY ELSE WANTS IT! Got something special you no longer use? Sell it in the Classifieds. It may just be the perfect item to fill somebody else’s need. Call us today!

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011— Page 13

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Tuesday, May 10 Police Unity Tour Chapter Two The Police Unity Tour Chapter Two will consist of Law Enforcement Officers bicycling from Hamilton Township, New Jersey to Washington D.C. to honor “Fallen Officers” who have died in the line of duty. The primary goal is to raise funds for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and the operating cost for the participating officers. Old Orchard Beach’s own Officer “Scott Jarrett” will participate in this year’s tour on May 10 where he will ride the motorcycle escorting the bikers leading the way where they will tour from South Jersey through towns where officers have fallen in the line of duty before departing the State en route to the national’s capital. This is a 50 to 80 mile per day trek from New Jersey to DC. This is a non-profit organization under Section 501©)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. (Tax Identification Number 20-8960869). The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial was founded in 1983 by members of the United States Congress who wanted to recognize the service and sacrifices of all enforcement officers who have ever died in the line of duty.

Portland Public School System’s budget vote 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Portland voters will be asked to approve the Portland Public School System’s budget in a citywide referendum. Maine’s School Administrative Reorganization Law now requires all school districts to hold elections for approval of their budgets. Detailed information about the Portland school budget may be found on the Portland Public Schools Web site at All local polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more detailed information about where or how to vote, contact the City Clerk’s office at 874-8677 or visit their webpage at

are plenty of first-time smartphone users who may want a little help figuring out everything their advanced phones have to offer. U.S. Cellular is hosting a free workshop on Wednesday, May 11 at 7 p.m. at 295 Forest Avenue in Portland to guide attendees through all of the functions and features of Android-powered devices, BlackBerry and Windows smartphones. Associates will answer questions and demonstrate common features such as e-mail access, web browsing, calendar synchronization and browsing for apps.” U.S. Cellular, 295 Forest Ave., Portland, 774-0407

Thursday, May 12 Juan Williams guest speaker at Salvation Army benefit dinner 6 p.m. The Salvation Army of Greater Portland, in partnership with Clark Insurance, invites the public to be a Sponsor and/or “Friend” of its upcoming “Champions for Kids” Benefit Dinner scheduled for May 12 at the Holiday Inn on the Bay. “Juan Williams, one of America’s leading political writers and thinkers, will be the guest speaker for the evening. Most recently a senior correspondent for NPR, he is currently a political analyst for Fox Television, and a regular panelist for FoxNews Sunday.” 6 p.m. for a reception, followed by dinner and program. Immediately after the program, Williams will host a book signing.

Green Space Gathering

6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Portland Parks Commission will host its second annual city-wide parks forum, a Green Space Gathering. The public is invited to learn about the wide variety of green spaces within the city, efforts underway by the city and citizen groups to improve the parks and opens Portland Regional Chamber spaces, opportunities available to the public to get and SCORE roundtable discussion involved, and ways to start a community organiza8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Join the second roundtable distion to adopt-a-park/spot in the city. The forum will cussion between the Portland Regional Chamber also include a public discussion where members and SCORE. “This is an opportunity to learn from of the community can pose questions or provide your in-business peers established best practices for feedback on their favorite park or open space to a dealing with some of the business challenges preBartley Mullin and Megan Jackson enact a prayerful moment from Mad Horse Theatre’s panel of city staff and organization representatives. sented by the current environment. There will be no Production of “Shameless! The Musical.” The comedy production kicked off at Lucid Stage Merrill Rehearsal Auditorium. For more informaformal presentations at this meeting. The roundtable on Monday and continues this week and next. (COURTESY PHOTO) tion about the Parks Commission and the Green is designed as a facilitated peer-to-peer discussion Space Gathering, visit http://greenspacegatherof what works and what doesn’t in selected areas of six, including Cathy Counts (Good Theater), Michael To RSVP or reserve a table for of business management. The topic for discussion will be Tobin (Old Port Playhouse), Jonathan Carr (Lyric Theater), the event, contact Melissa Graffam at mag@portlandmaine. selected by the participants of the roundtable at the start of Benjamin Row (Legacy Theater), Bartley Mullin (Seacoast gov or 874-8823. the meeting. Both SCORE counselors and Chamber memRepertory Theater) and Megan Jackson (USM Theater MCLU 2011 Justice Louis Scolnik Award bers will serve as facilitators for the roundtable discussion. Department). Shane Van Vliet (Portland Stage Company) is 7 p.m. The Maine Civil Liberties Union Foundation will The Continental Breakfast and Program are provided at no the music director. “‘Shameless!’ is the story of what happresent the 2011 Justice Louis Scolnik Award to Cushman cost to participants. We ask only that you come prepared to pens when gay rights and the religious right collide within Anthony at 7 p.m. at the Harraseeket Inn in Freeport. A participate in the discussion.” 772-1147 the confines of a single family. It combines wild comedy, reception for event sponsors will take place immediately Three events scheduled for Glenna Johnson Smith heartbreaking drama, and catchy folky pop tunes; it blends preceding the dinner at 6 p.m. “Cush Anthony epitomizes noon. Glenna Johnson Smith, author of the highly real heart, real family values, and (possibly) a bit of controservice,” said Shenna Bellows, Executive Director of the acclaimed “Old Maine Woman, Stories from The Coast versy.” Ticketing information can be found on the web at Maine Civil Liberties Union. “His guiding focus has always to The County,” has scheduled three upcoming or by calling 899-3993. been equality and justice for those most vulnerable in our ances in the Portland area. On Tuesday, May 10, Smith will communities.” In 1971, Anthony was elected the third Presispeak and sign copies of her book at noon as part of the Wednesday, May 11 dent of the MCLU. He would oversee the hiring of the fledgLunchBox Friends program at the Falmouth Public Library. ling organization’s first Executive Director, Neville Woodruff. The library is located at 5 Lunt Road. Audience members His priorities as President reflected the major issues of the Eggs & Issues features FairPoint should bring their own lunch; beverages will be provided. era, tackling cases that involved free speech and prisoners 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce, On Wednesday, May 11, she will speak and sign copies rights. Eggs & Issues Networking: 7 a.m. Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Proof her book from noon to 1 p.m. at the Brown Bag Lunch gram: 8 a.m. Holiday Inn By the Bay, Portland. Mike Reed, Deering High School Players with the Bard Lecture Series at the Portland Public Library. The event will corporate president in Maine of FairPoint Communications 7 p.m. The Deering High School Players present “A Midbe held in the Rines Auditorium at the library, 5 Monument “will speak about the company’s efforts to build and expand summer’s Night Dream” on May 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. and on Square. Also, at 7 p.m., she will chat with readers and sign on its investment in broadband and high speed networking May 14 at 2 and 7 p.m. in the Deering auditorium. Tickets copies of her book at Longfellow Books in Portland. The to residents and businesses, the future of the telecommumay be purchased in advance at the Deering attendance store is located at One Monument Way. Smith, a Presque nications in Maine, as well as, its experiences and recovery office during school hours (7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) for $7 Isle resident and longtime columnist for Echoes magazine, from the Chapter 11 process. As a company with 1,500 (adults) and $5 (students). Tickets at the door on the night writes about the complexities, absurdities and pleasures employees, Mike will discuss FairPoint Communications’ of each performance are $10 for adults and $5 for students. of everyday modern life, her childhood on the coast in the impact on the economy and its involvement and commitFor more information, contact Kathleen Harris at 874-8260 1920s and 1930s, and the joys that old age brings. ment in supporting economic development in the state. He or at Portland Greendrinks networking event will also describe his efforts at bringing a face to the com‘Gershwin Girls!’ revue in Freeport 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Portland Greendrinks’ next networking pany as it rebuilds its reputation and trust with the public.” 7:30 p.m. “Gershwin Girls!” is a Cabaret style musical revue event will take place at Bayside Bowl 58 Alder St. Featured Maine Organization Of Storytelling Enthusiasts featuring the songs of George and Ira Gershwin. The allnonprofit for May is the Maine Academy of Modern Music. 7 p.m. Maine Organization Of Storytelling Enthusiasts presfemale cast will sing many of the Gershwins’ most popular ents Storytelling Swap and Feature. Swap from 7-8 p.m., tunes, with narration about their lives in between songs. ‘Shameless! The Musical’ at Lucid Stage Feature from 8:15-9 p.m. Portland Public Library, MonuConceived, written, and directed by Jon Wojciechowski 7:30 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre presents, as part of its 25th ment Square. Hosted by Debb Freedman. Feature Teller: Jr., and with musical direction by Charles Grindle. Perforanniversary season, the world premiere of “Shameless! Dan Lynch from Provincetown, Mass., known to all as Stomances are May 12 through May 29, Thursdays through The Musical,” running through May 18. Performances ryman Dan. An Evening of stories from, on and around the Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are May 9-11 and 16-18 at 7:30 p.m. at Lucid Stage, 29 Ocean. “He is instrumental in reviving storytelling in Provare $18 and $15 for Seniors and Students for the show Baxter Boulevard in Portland. All shows will be pay-whatincetown, his home, Truro and Springfield. He honors his “Gershwin Girls.” Tickets available through Brown Paper you-can. “Shameless!” was written by Portland writer and celtic roots and encourages everyone to tell.” Tickets. See The Freeport Facmusician Jason Wilkins, whose last musical (Naked In Porttory Theater is located at 5 Depot Street in downtown FreeFree Device Workshop with U.S. Cellular land) enjoyed a successful run at the PSC Studio Theater. port. 865-5505 7 p.m. “With a recent study showing a nearly 80 percent “Shameless!” is directed by Mad Horse Theatre Associate increase in smartphone shipments from a year ago, there Artistic Director Peter Brown. The show features a cast see next page

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Mad Horse Theater presents ‘Spring Awakening’

This will be Howie’s only to Maine for this book tour, Don’t miss out!”

Live raptors at Gilsland Farm

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Live raptors presentation at Gilsland Farm, Falmouth. Come to 7:30 p.m. Mad Horse Theater Maine Audubon for International Migratory presents “Spring Awakening,” by Bird Day. The Center for Wildlife will bring Frank Wedekind, translated by a long-eared owl, a merlin, an American Jonathan Franzen. The play runs kestrel and a broad-winged hawk. $15/$10 Thursday through Sunday, May for adults; $10/$5 for children. www.maine5-22 at Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Blvd., Portland, 899-3993. “First performed amid scandal in 1906, University of Maine the play explores the dawning at Farmington commencement sexual and intellectual awareness 10:30 a.m. University of Maine at Farmingof young, German teenagers. ton will celebrate its 2011 commencement Banned in its 1917 New York at an outdoor ceremony behind the UMF run after one night, the play is Olsen Student Center on the UMF campus. comic, unsentimental, and brutally Theodora J. Kalikow, UMF president, and authentic.An ensemble of 20 Allen Berger, vice president for academic actors, ranging in age from 14 to affairs, will confer degrees to this year’s 70, perform the original 1906 script graduates, including the first graduates of that was the basis for the 2007 UMF’s Master of Science in Education — Tony Winning Musical sensation. Educational Leadership degree program. Wedekind’s unsentimental and “Bill McKibben, an American environmenbrutally authentic, comedic talist, author, and educator will deliver the treatment of such radical content as teenage sex, and suicide “The City Dark” is a documentary about light pollution and the disappearing night sky. Here, an expert discusses how UMF Commencement address. McKibben, created public outrage and charges birds are affected by light pollution. The film will be screened on Wednesday, May 25 at SPACE Gallery. (COURTESY PHOTO) recognized by the Boston Globe as ‘probably the nation’s leading environmentalof obscenity. Best-selling novelist ist,’ has written extensively about climate Jonathan Franzen’s exquisite translation captures all of the Saturday, May 14 change and founded, a grassroots movement dedidrama and sarcasm of the original script.” Thursdays at cated to help people across the globe become aware of 7:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m. Genealogy research trip to Boston the severe consequences of global warming to all of Earth’s Tickets are $18 and $20. Thursdays are pay-what-you-can. 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. “Join Maine Historical Society for a inhabitants.” Jeffrey Lees, graduating senior with a double For reservations please call 899-3993. More information is day of genealogical research at the New England Historic major in psychology and political science, from Vassalboro, available at Genealogical Society (NEHGS) and Massachusetts State will give the student address. Lees is an honors scholar and Archives at Columbia Point. NEHGS, which was established was inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta and Psi Chi, two Friday, May 13 in 1845, boasts a collection of more than 200,000 geneaacademic honor societies. logical and historical volumes, over one million manuscripts, West Kennebunk Kitten Shower as well as census records, vital records, deeds, probates, Riverbank Shakespeare Festival 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Join Animal Welfare Society of West military records, plus the latest resources in print, microtext, 6 p.m. The Acorn Shakespeare Ensemble, presenters of the Kennebunk for the Kitten Shower. Animal Welfare Society, and CD-Rom. The Massachusetts State Archives includes “Naked Shakespeare” series, once again offers local audiWest Holland Road, West Kennebunk. Hosted by WMTW’s Massachusetts vital records (1841-1910), 19th century pasences the treat of Shakespeare in the park with the second Shannon Moss, the event will include a Cat Photo Contest. senger lists for the port of Boston, census records, state annual Riverbank Shakespeare Festival at Riverbank Park Collect Kitten Shower Wish List items and on the day of military and judicial records, Plymouth Colony records and on Main Street in Westbrook. The centerpieces of the festithe event all qualifying donations will be weighed. The winpapers pertaining to the early settlement of Maine. Individuval are two late-period romances that contain some of the ning individual/group will receive a tour of the Shelter and a als who would like to take the MHS bus to Boston for a richest and most complex language in the entire canon: Pizza Party. day of sightseeing but who do not plan to do research are Antony and Cleopatra and Cymbeline. Additionally, the Eastern Promenade’s Pink Tulip Party welcome.” Registration required. Fee: $35 for MHS memYoung Actors Shakespeare Conservatory will present as noon to 3 p.m. Celebrate spring in a beautiful garden and bers; $45 for non-members. *Does not include admission their final showcase The Comedy of Errors. All 3 shows help fight cancer at Friends of the Eastern Promenade’s to NEHGS Library (NEHGS Admission: NEHGS Members: have been abridged to various extents and will be offered Pink Tulip Party at 23 St. Lawrence St. in Portland’s Munjoy Free; non-NEHGS members: $15). To register, please call free of charge with a suggested donation of $10. PerforHill. “Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, drinks and music while you 774-1822. mances take place May 6 to 22 on Friday evenings, Saturadmire vibrant tulips and other blooming flowers in Rob day afternoons and evenings, and Sunday afternoons and Clean Sweep Downtown in Brunswick and Robin Whitten’s Munjoy Hill retreat. A minimum donaevenings. The complete performance calendar appears 8 a.m. to noon. Brunswick Downtown Association’s annual tion of $10 is suggested. All donations benefit the Pink Tulip below. Audience members are encouraged to bring lawn Clean Sweep Downtown. Volunteers are needed to assist Project, which raises funds for the Women’s Cancer Fund chairs and/or blankets and picnic during the performances. in sweeping, weeding, and mulching. Tools are provided; at the Maine Cancer Foundation. Founded in 2006 by Robin No reservations are necessary, and in case of inclemplease bring your own gloves. Register in advance by email Whitten, a breast cancer survivor, the Pink Tulip Project has ent weather, audiences are encouraged to check Acorn’s to or sign up on the 14th raised more than $200,000 for the fund.” Please RSVP for website at or call the business in front of Senter Place and Cool as a Moose on Maine the Pink Tulip Party by sending an email to info@friendoffice at 854-0065. May 13 at 6 p.m., Cymbeline; May 14 at Street. Rain date, Sunday, May 15. 2 p.m., Antony and Cleopatra; May 15 at 2 p.m., Comedy of Spring Plant and Pie Sale Errors; May 15 at 6 p.m., Antony and Cleopatra; May 20 at 6 Peace Corps 50th Anniversary Around 8 a.m. to noon. Spring Plant and Pie Sale by the Longfelp.m., Antony and Cleopatra; May 21 at 2 p.m., Antony and the World Expo Celebration at Bowdoin College low Garden Club at North Deering Congregational Church, Cleopatra; May 22 at 2 p.m., Cymbeline; May 22 at 6 p.m., 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Bowdoin College Career Planning and the 1364 Washington Ave., Portland. Perennials from members’ Antony and Cleopatra. Free, suggested donation $10. FMI: Maine Peace Corps Association are working in tandem with gardens; baked goods; geraniums. or 854-0065 the National Peace Corps Association and the Peace Corps Plant & Book Sale at Allen Ave. Unitarian ‘Nostalgia for the Light’ at the PMA Regional Recruitment Office in Boston to bring the Peace Universalist Church in Portland 6:30 p.m. “Nostalgia for the Light” screening at the PortCorps 50th Anniversary Around the World Expo Celebra9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Allen Ave. Unitarian Universalist Church, 524 land Museum of Art. Friday, May 13, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, tion to the Bowdoin College Campus. The Expo is one of a Allen Ave., Portland. Perennials, annuals, houseplants, herbs, May 14, 2 p.m.; Sunday, May 15, 2 p.m. NR. “For his new series of nine 50th anniversary expos held around the coungently used garden equipment, plus books of all types! film, master director Patricio Guzmán, famed for his polititry in 2011. The Expo will highlight the work of the Peace cal documentaries (The Battle of Chile, The Pinochet Case), Corps over the past 50 years, while seeking to engage Greenlaw to speak at USM commencement travels 10,000 feet above sea level to the driest place on RPCVs and inspire the next generation of volunteers. Expo 9 a.m. Isle au Haut resident, best-selling author and swordearth, the Atacama Desert in Chile, where atop the mountables will feature exhibits from Returned Peace Corps Volfishing captain Linda Greenlaw will be the speaker for the tains astronomers from all over the world gather to observe unteers work from around the world, RPCV involvement in University of Southern Maine’s 131st Commencement. The the stars. The sky is so translucent that it allows them to see the Maine community as a group and information on the ceremony will take place at the Cumberland County Civic right to the boundaries of the universe.” Peace Corps as a whole. The event is free and open to the Center in Portland. Greenlaw will be awarded an honorary community. doctor of humane letters at the ceremony. Serena Dawn ‘Gershwin Girls!’ revue in Freeport Gosbee of Sebago will be the student commencement 7:30 p.m. “Gershwin Girls!” is a Cabaret style musical revue ‘Nostalgia for the Light’ at the PMA speaker at the University of Southern Maine’s 131st Comfeaturing the songs of George and Ira Gershwin. The all2 p.m. “Nostalgia for the Light” screening at the Portland mencement. She will graduate with a bachelor’s degree female cast will sing many of the Gershwins’ most popular Museum of Art. Saturday, May 14, 2 p.m.; Sunday, May in communications. It is expected that nearly 900 gradutunes, with narration about their lives in between songs. 15, 2 p.m. NR. “For his new film, master director Patricio ates will march at the ceremony. For more news, visit USM Conceived, written, and directed by Jon Wojciechowski Guzmán, famed for his political documentaries (The Battle Today at Jr., and with musical direction by Charles Grindle. Perforof Chile, The Pinochet Case), travels 10,000 feet above sea mances are May 12 through May 29, Thursdays through level to the driest place on earth, the Atacama Desert in Howie Carr Hit Man Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Tickets Chile, where atop the mountains astronomers from all over 10 a.m. South Portland Nonesuch Books and Cards. “Join are $22.50 with discounts for seniors and students, and the world gather to observe the stars. The sky is so transpopular WGAN talk show host, and author, Howie Carr for a are available through Brown Paper Tickets. See www. lucent that it allows them to see right to the boundaries of signing of his new book, Rat Bastard. Howie will be signing The Freeport Factory Theater is the universe.” in our South Portland store starting at 10 a.m. and signing located at 5 Depot Street in downtown Freeport. 865at our Biddeford store starting at 2. Come early for a good see next page 5505 place in line as we expect these events to be well attended.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011— Page 15


MUSIC CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Tuesday, May 10 Goes Cube / Waranimal / Huak at Space Gallery 8 p.m. It would be easy to call Brooklyn’s Goes Cube a metal band. After all, their music is heavy, loud, and often fast. But Goes Cube continually demonstrates that it exists in a universe all its own: outside the trends and styles of New York (where the band formed), and outside of the standard metal tropes - drawing on influences that also include punk, hardcore, noise, and indie rock. Their idea is simple: make the heavy heavier, fast faster, hooky hookier, and pretty prettier. Their new disc - In Tides And Drifts (The End Records) - even Local punk (post-punk/hardcore/political/art/just-call-it-great) quartet Huak have a new full-length coming this summer and open tonight’s Hillytown Presents show calls upon folk singer Jaymay, at Space Gallery. Brooklyn’s Goes Cube and local party-punk band Waranimal headline the show. 8 p.m. &8, 18 plus. Space Gallery, 538 Congress St. (COURTESY PHOTO) whose haunting melodies break hearts as the band behind her other songs, like “La Bamba”, are traditional Mexican folk Sunday, May 15 batters eardrums. Waranimal are a totally excellent party songs. We’ve covered a good number of songs from artists metal band who recently gave us a strong contender for such as Hank Williams, John Prine, Nirvana, The Beatles, show of the winter season by filling SPACE with a bounce Phil Kline’s ‘John the Revelator’ Michael Hurley, The Sex Pistols, The Replacements, Sean house, silly string, and a whole lot of crowdsurfing dudes 3 p.m. “Considered one of the most significant works of the Kingston, The Shivers, Warren Zevon... I could go on for in hawaiian shirts. Local punk (post-punk/hardcore/politipast decade, composer Phil Kline’s ‘John the Revelator’ is a awhile, but I’d like to let you know that we’re working on a cal/art/just-call-it-great) quartet Huak have a new full length gorgeous and powerful Mass for the 21st century. ‘John the few new surprise covers that we’ll be pulling out this year.” coming this summer and open this show. HillyTown PresRevelator’ finds inspiration in the writings of Samuel Beckett $15 advance, $25 day of show. 18 plus. Port City Music ents works with both national touring acts and Maine musiand poet David Shapiro, early American hymns, shape-note Hall. cians to curate unique live music experiences. $8, 18 plus. singing and the events of 9/11. Acclaimed for their ‘smoothly SPACE Gallery. blended and impeccably balanced sound’ (The New York Thursday, May 12 Times), Lionheart is joined by municipal organist Ray Cornils Wednesday, May 11 and Portland String Quartet for this unique presentation. Brzowski / Moshe / more at Empire Dine & Dance The concert will feature a new work for organ by Kline, com9:30 p.m. K-THE-I. El Shupacabra(sandbag), Virtue & DJ missioned in part by Portland Ovations and Friends of the Maine Songwriters Association Showcase Emoh Betta and One Distant Moment round out this bill of Kotzschmar Organ. Merrill Auditorium. Presented in collabo7 p.m. This month’s performers: Gif Jamieson; Ben Williamlocal underground hip-hop talent. $7, all ages. Empire Dine ration with Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ and LARK Socisom; Robert Cimitile; Teg Glendon; Nancy Sferra; Heather & Dance. ety for Chamber Music. Hardy; Connor Garvey; and Linda and Ed Cooper. One Longfellow Square.

Wednesday, May 18

Friday, May 13

Deer Tick at Port City Music Hall 6 p.m. Who is Deer Tick? Frontman John J. McCauley III explains in his own words. “I, John, have written the bulk of our songs. Lately, its been more of a band effort. Ian has contributed a few songs to our live show that we hope to record soon. Dennis is working on some songs that we’ll integrate into our catalogue, too. We’ve got three albums under our belt: War Elephant (2007), Born On Flag Day (2009), and The Black Dirt Sessions (2010). We also released an EP, More Fuel for the Fire, in 2009. Basically we play all sorts of music and are heavily influenced by legend status songwriters and performers, like Tom Petty and Sammy Davis, Jr. We consider ourselves a rock n roll band. Our live shows sometimes tend to go a bit haywire. We like to put on memorable shows, the kind of shows that you don’t see very often. If you don’t want to get covered in beer or confetti at one of our shows, I’d suggest not standing up in the front. We also like doing cover songs. Some songs, like “These Old Shoes,” are written by friends of ours; whereas

Aleric Nez live at Moody Lords 8 p.m. The Maine Radio Project, a free form Internet radio station supporting Portland’s creative community, will be hosting a show at Moody Lords featuring a performance by Aleric Nez (Phoenix BMP nominee for “Best Category Defying Act”). Show begins at 8 p.m. $5 Donation. Moody Lords is a vinyl record and vintage clothing store located at 578 Congress St. All this week, the Maine Radio Project will be broadcasting a special program with Moody Lords coowner Andrew Chang, as he plays his favorite vinyl tracks available at store. Tune in Monday through Friday at 3 p.m. at

Seasonal Disorder: South China / Henry Jamison / Dan Blakeslee / Moons of Jupiter 8 p.m. A slate of local acts gather at Biddeford’s Oak & The Ax for the release of a new compilation album. All ages.

Steve Martin: An Evening of Bluegrass & Banjo 7:30 p.m. “Performing with The Steep Canyon Rangers, An Evening of Bluegrass & Banjo, Merrill Auditorium. The legendary Steve Martin is a true renaissance man. Now the actor, comedian, novelist, playwright, and musician teams up with the accomplished bluegrass quintet Steep Canyon Rangers for an evening of bluegrass and banjo. Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers first played together in 2009, garnering praise from fans and critics alike. The popularity of their joint live performances has resulted in a new album, ‘Rare Bird Alert,’ due out this spring. ... The Steep Canyon Rangers are a classic five-man string band comprised of a guitar, fiddle, upright bass, banjo and mandolin. Martin adds a second banjo and additional vocals making for a unique and exciting sound.” Portland Ovations notes that Tony Trischka & Territory have been added to the concert. http://

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Rock N Bowl benefit concert 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Maine Academy of Modern Music will be holding its annual Rock N Bowl benefit concert at Yankee Lanes, 867 Riverside St., Portland. The event will feature performances by a number of the school’s teen rock ensembles including Static, Shift, Chrome, Average Suburban Housecats, Parenthesys, The OxyMorons, The KGT and MAMM SLAM Finalists, The Twisted Truth. Band members hail from Kennebunk, Windham, Freeport, Portland, South Portland, Scarborough, Cumberland, Falmouth and beyond. To promote the event, The OxyMorons will be performing live on FOX23’s Good Day Maine morning show Friday from 7-9 a.m.

Calamity Janes Maine Roller Derby action 6 p.m. Maine Roller Derby at the Portland Expo, Calamity Janes vs. Providence Killah Bees. Tickets $10 advance, $13 doors, $5 Kids 6-12, free for kids 5 and under. After-

party at Empire Dine & Dance. The Janes are scheduled to take on the Queen City Cherry Bombs (June 4 at the Expo), Long Island Roller Rebels (June 19 at Happy Wheels) and Conn. Yankee Brutals (November in Waterbury).

Women in Harmony concert 7 p.m. The Maine Arts Commission has given the chorus an “Artists in Maine Communities” grant of more that $3,000 for its concert, Moving On: Immigration in Song. Choral Arts New England has also awarded the group an Alfred Nash Patterson grant of $1,000 toward the spring concert, Women in Harmony announced. Performances will take place on Saturday, May 14 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, May 15 at 4 p.m. at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland. The concert will feature the premier of [F]light a borderlands song cycle by Maine choral composer and former chorus member Erica QuinEaster. Quin-Easter, who lives in Caribou, has set to work the writings of two award-winning Arizona poets, Wendy Burk and Eric Magrane. As foundation

for their work, the three artists met with naturalists, farmers, cultural workers and community advocates in the two border regions. Quin-Easter’s work is supported by a Maine Arts Commission Innovative Production grant. The composer and poets will hold a pre-concert conversation with interested audience members on both days. Now in its 18th year, Women in Harmony espouses a musical mission for social justice. Tickets go on sale May 1 at Longfellow Books, Starbird Music (Portland); Nonesuch Books (So.Portland). For more information about Women in Harmony, visit

Greater Freeport Community Chorus 7:30 p.m. Consisting of over 60 members from 22 Maine communities, the Greater Freeport Community Chorus will be performing a varied program in Spanish, Hebrew, Latin, English and Portugese, including Scottish airs, jazz, gospel, a whimsical song about two philosophical crows, and music by Mozart, Rutter, Dello Joio, and Lauridsen. The Saturday, May 14 performance will be at 7:30 p.m. at the Freeport Performing Arts Center at Freeport

High School, and the 2:30 Sunday performance will be at the Sacred Heart Church at 326 Main Street, Yarmouth. Adult tickets are $10, seniors $5, and children under 12 free. Tickets may be purchased at the Freeport Community Center, Music and Moore in Topsham, or at the door. For more information about the chorus, go to www.

‘Gershwin Girls!’ revue in Freeport 7:30 p.m. “Gershwin Girls!” is a Cabaret style musical revue featuring the songs of George and Ira Gershwin. The all-female cast will sing many of the Gershwins’ most popular tunes, with narration about their lives in between songs. Conceived, written, and directed by Jon Wojciechowski Jr., and with musical direction by Charles Grindle. Performances are May 12 through May 29, Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $22.50 with discounts for seniors and students, and are available through Brown Paper Tickets. See The Freeport Factory Theater is located at 5 Depot Street in downtown Freeport. 865-5505

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pruning and irrigating at the Deering Oaks Rose Circle

ABOVE LEFT: Valerie Hanlon shows how it’s done as she demonstrates rose pruning at the Deering Oaks Rose Circle Monday morning. City crews have conducted a first cutting back of the rose bushes. ABOVE RIGHT: John Shannon (left) and Russ Brookes with Portland Public Services check irrigation lines at the Deering Oaks Rose Circle Monday. The Rose Circle features about 600 rose bushes and is one of only 135 rose gardens in the United States where the American Rose Society previews its “All American Rose Selections.” (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTOS)

Difficult winter, gas prices spur more calls for service GAS from page one

The study offers grist for discussion about why Maine is so high on the spectrum of gas costs per household, he said. "Depending on what state you're in, the health of the economy, how much the household incomes are, obviously with Maine being at nearly 11 percent, when you compare it with New Hampshire, about 7.5 percent of their household income is spent on gas ... there's some sizable differences," Moody said. Also, AAA Northern New England fielded over 1,100 calls for gas assistance in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont from January through March, a 22 percent increase from the same period last year, Moody said. A combination of a difficult winter and spiking gas prices contributed to a rash of calls for service from AAA customers, Moody said. In Maine, AAA recorded a 22 percent increase in the number of people calling for emergency gas delivery in January, February and March, compared with the same period a year ago, he said. In California, by comparison, AAA reported a 13 percent increase for the same time periods, he said. The economy may play a role in increased demand on AAA's overall roadside assistance program. America's fleet of vehicles is aging, meaning

more calls for service due to breakdowns, Moody noted. "We've seen a considerable increase in overall call volume of people calling for our service; that happens when people aren't buying cars as often," he said. Gas prices have been the juggernaut in recent months. Since Jan. 1, when regular gas in Maine cost $3.15 a gallon, prices have escalated swiftly to the $4-a-gallon mark. The average gas price in Portland a year ago was $2.937 a gallon. The national average on Monday was $3.96 a gallon, and in Maine, the state average price on Monday was $3.98 a gallon, AAA Northern New England reported. On Monday, Portlanders were 13 cents a gallon away from the highest price they've ever paid at the pump — the historic high of $4.13 a gallon set on July 15, 2008. A Gulf station in Portland logged a price of $4 a gallon. "We've been here before; what can we do about it? There's not a whole lot that you as a motorist can do about it yourself except try to conserve," Moody said. Learning good driving practices such as gradual acceleration and trying to maintain a consistent speed can help, he said. Other tips including maintaining a vehicle and keeping tires property inflated. For more information, visit www.

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