The Portland Daily Sun, Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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VOL. 3 NO. 75


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Mystery deepens around S. Berwick boy Maine State Police have released a photo of the “Lightning McQueen” sneakers, size 12 1/2, worn by a 4-year-old boy found dead in a wooded area in South Berwick Saturday evening. The sneakers appear to have been recently purchased, police said. Anyone with information is asked to call Maine State Police in Gray at 657-3030. (Photo courtesy of Maine Department of Public Safety)

‘Person of interest’ in Lozada case

Police release image of shoes found on child’s body BY DAVID CARKHUFF AND CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Striving for a break in a case that has investigators increasingly frustrated, Maine State Police released a photo Tuesday of the sneakers worn by an unidentified 4-year-old boy found dead in a wooded area in South Berwick Saturday evening. Police said the shoes, “Lightning McQueen”themed black sneakers bearing the emblem of a popular character from the children's movie “Cars,” appear to have been recently purchased. Anyone with information is asked to call Maine State Police in Gray at 657-3030.

“Hundreds of leads,” said Maine Department of Public Safety spokesman Steve McCausland, offering the status of the investigation. “The boy is still unidentified, the shoes we think might jar someone's memory. It is frustrating at this point.” The boy, who is believed to be between 4 and 6 years old, with blond hair and weighing about 45 pounds, was discovered at about 5 p.m. Saturday in a wooded section of town off Dennett Road. He was found by a “person from the area” roughly 35 feet from the road under a green blanket, police said. see MYSTERY page 3

Wet-weather welder


Portland police have identified a “person of interest” in the death of Elena Lozada, the local woman whose remains were found last month in Northport. Nathaniel Pete Mincher, 36, of Saco, has admitted dumping Lozada’s body in the woods near Route 52 on July 10 see LOZADA page 16

PUC approves smart meter opt-out option BY MATT DODGE THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Central Maine Power customers opposed to wireless smart meters will now have a number of alternatives available after the Maine Public Utilities Commission decided on Tuesday to allow people to opt out of the new

In between drizzles, Timothy A. Greene, blacksmith from Parsonsfield, welds a gate at the Eastern Cemetery Tuesday, part of repairs to the 1668-era landmark. Greene said the weather for welding wasn’t ideal but that he wanted to finish the job by the end of the week. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

see PUC page 3

In wake of threat, deputies find no bombs at Bonny Eagle

Issues to consider before saying, ‘I do’

Spinning a yarn

Where exactly is Natalie Ladd?

See the story on page 3

See Maggie Knowles, page 5

See page 8

See Business, page 8

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Arnold fathered child with employee LOS ANGELES (NY Times) — Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child nearly a decade ago with a member of his household staff, leading Maria Shriver, his wife, to move out after he told her earlier this year, according to people close to the family. In a statement Tuesday morning, Ms. Shriver called it “a painful and heartbreaking time” for their family. Schwarzenegger issued a statement Tuesday morning acknowledging the events, and said he informed Ms. Shriver of the affair after he finished his term in office in January. The baby was born before Mr. Schwarzenegger was elected in a special election in 2003. The revelations were first reported Monday by The Los Angeles Times. “After leaving the Governor’s office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago,” he said in a statement. “I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family.” Schwarzenegger’s associates said that the employee, who was not identified, moved out of his mansion and that she has since retired with a severance. They said that Schwarzenegger was paying full child support. The report comes after Mr. Schwarzenegger and Ms. Shriver, who have four children together, announced that they were separating after 25 years of marriage. They were a couple who commanded widespread attention because of their unusual pedigree: Mr. Schwarzenegger, a Republican, is a former movie actor and body builder. Ms. Shriver is a member of the Kennedy family who gave up a career as a television broadcaster in deference to Mr. Schwarzenegger’s desire to enter politics. In her statement Tuesday, Ms. Shriver asked for privacy. “As a mother, my concern is for the children,” she said. “I ask for compassion, respect and privacy as my children and I try to rebuild our lives and heal. I will have no further comment.” The couple at the time asked friends not to discuss the situation with members of the media, pleading for privacy. Mr. Schwarzenegger — who since leaving office has announced his plans to go back into the movie industry — made a similar plea Tuesday morning.


Failure is not an option. Everyone has to succeed.” —Arnold Schwarzenegger

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIGEST––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


3DAYFORECAST Today High: 53 Record: 92 (1936) Sunrise: 5:13 a.m.

Tomorrow High: 55 Low: 52 Sunrise: 5:12 a.m. Sunset: 8:03 p.m.

Tonight Low: 50 Record: 31 (1981) Sunset: 8:02 p.m.

Friday High: 59 Low: 52

DOW JONES 68.79 to 12,479.58 NASDAQ 0.90 to 2,783.21 S&P 0.49 to 1,328.98



DAILY NUMBERS Day 4-8-7 • 2-7-6-9 Evening 1-2-9 • 9-6-6

MORNING High: None Low: 6:14 a.m.

1,580 U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan.

EVENING High: 12:29 Low: 6:23 p.m. -courtesy of

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Pakistan and NATO trade fire near Afghan border BY SALMAN MASOOD THE NEW YORK TIMES

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistani ground troops opened fire on two NATO helicopters that crossed into Pakistan’s airspace from Afghanistan early Tuesday morning, the Pakistani Army said in a statement. In the firefight that followed, two Pakistani soldiers were wounded, it said. The clash provided another irritant to the already sour relationship between the United States and Pakistan in the wake of the May 2 Navy Seal raid that killed Osama bin Laden at a compound deep inside Pakistan, heightening American mistrust of Pakistan and inflaming Pakistani sensitivities over sovereignty. The exchange of fire on Tuesday took place at Admi Kot Post in the North Waziristan tribal region of Pakistan, an area that American officials have long regarded as a haven used by militants to attack coalition forces inside Afghani-

stan. NATO officials said they were looking into the incident, and could not immediately confirm whether the helicopters had indeed entered Pakistan’s airspace. Pakistani military officials said the NATO helicopters came about 400 yards into Pakistani territory. The Pakistani Army “lodged a strong protest and demanded a flag meeting,” it said in a statement, referring to a meeting between officials from Pakistan and NATO on the border. Last September, Pakistan shut down the land route through Pakistan that NATO uses to supply its forces in Afghanistan for more than a week after two Pakistani paramilitary soldiers were killed in a similar border clash. However galling the current clash may be to Pakistani military officials, it was not clear that they would take similar action this time, as both sides may also be seeking to pull relations back from the brink. On Monday, Senator John Kerry met with top civilian and military leaders in Paki-

stan in an effort to smooth ties. Lawmakers in both countries have responded with outrage since the Bin Laden raid. In the United States Congress, calls are rising to cut or suspend aid the billions of dollars a year in aid that flow to Pakistan since Bin Laden was killed by American commandos in Abbottabad, a small city about 70 miles from the capital that is home to a top military academy. For their part, Pakistani officials were furious that they were given no advance notice of the raid, such is the distrust between the two countries. In a closed session of Parliament last week, Pakistani lawmakers urged the government to revisit relations with the United States, warning that Pakistan might sever supply lines to Afghanistan if there were further unilateral incursions. Despite the anger on both sides, however, the Americans would like to maintain Pakistani cooperation as they try to wind down the war in Afghani-

stan, and Pakistan would like to keep aid flowing from the United States, which has amounted to more than $20 billion in the last decade. The clash on the border came as Pakistan’s prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, traveled to Beijing. Analysts said that visit was meant to signal to the United States that Pakistan saw China as an alternative source of security and economic aid. In a possible sign that cooperation had not collapsed completely, the Pakistani Army announced on Tuesday that a senior operative of Al Qaeda, Muhammad Ali Qasim Yaqub, alias Abu Sohaib al-Makki, had been arrested by Pakistani security agencies from the southern port city of Karachi. During his visit on Monday, Senator Kerry said that the government had recommitted to finding more ways to work together against terrorism and in intelligence sharing. But he stressed that “our progress in the days ahead will be measured by actions, not by words.”

Budget talks imperiled by ‘Gang of Six’ defection BY JACKIE CALMES THE NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — The already weak prospects for a bipartisan debt-reduction deal this year dimmed further on Tuesday when a Republican member of the Senate’s so-called “Gang of Six,” Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, withdrew after months of private negotiations amid differences over changes to Medicare. “He is disappointed the group has not been able to bridge the gap between what needs to happen and what senators will support,” a Coburn spokesman, John Hart, said in a statement. While the statement characterized the group’s talks as being at “an impasse,” it left little doubt that Mr. Coburn did not expect to return. “He still hopes the Senate will, on a bipartisan basis, pass a longterm deficit-reduction package this year,” Mr. Hart said. “He looks forward to working with anyone who is interested in putting forward a plan that is specific, balanced and comprehensive.”

The talks are separate from negotiations begun recently between the White House and Congressional leaders on reducing the debt. But the progress of the Gang of Six was seen as a harbinger of whether the two parties could come together and compromise on spending and taxes. Two other Republicans in the gang, Senators Saxby Chambliss of Georgia and Michael D. Crapo of Idaho, for now remain in the group along with three Democrats, Senators Kent Conrad of North Dakota, the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee; Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the assistant Senate majority leader; and Mark Warner of Virginia, the organizer along with Mr. Chambliss, of the five-month-old effort. The five met for about four hours on Tuesday, and agreed to meet again on Wednesday. The six senators had met for dinner on Monday evening and their discussion was described as impassioned at times after Mr. Coburn came with new demands for $130 billion in additional reductions in Medi-

care spending over the coming decade. The group agreed to meet all afternoon on Tuesday, but Mr. Coburn arrived at Mr. Warner’s office before the others and left before they arrived. Mr. Coburn has been considered by many to be the linchpin for the other Republicans as they faced intense pressures from the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky; the antitax activist, Grover Norquist, as well as other conservative antitax groups to quit the group and not compromise with the Democrats on any plan that would raise revenues. Yet Mr. Coburn’s involvement was always seen as fragile given his reputation as an independent thinker with little experience at compromise. And colleagues in recent days had wondered whether Mr. Coburn would withdraw after a report from the Senate Ethics Committee on the conduct of former Senator John Ensign of Nevada implicated Mr. Coburn, a friend of Mr. Ensign’s, for helping to arrange controversial payments to the husband of Mr. Ensign’s former mistress. One

controversy was enough without inviting more by reaching a bipartisan budget deal, the thinking went. The six senators have been trying since December to write into legislation the recommendations made that month by a majority of the members of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal commission. The goal was a bill that would save more than $4 trillion over 10 years, and more in the debt in years beyond that, through a mix of caps on annual domestic and defense spending, costsaving changes to Medicare and Medicaid and an overhaul of the tax code. That overhaul would end many popular tax breaks and loopholes and use the higher revenues to lower tax rates for individuals and corporations and to reduce annual deficits. Separately, the plan would overhaul Social Security to make it solvent for 75 years. Warner and Mr. Chambliss to try to write a bill that could be a model for bipartisan compromise between the White House and Republicans.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011— Page 3

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In wake of threat, deputies find no bombs at Bonny Eagle STANDISH — Cumberland County Sheriff’s deputies swept through Bonny Eagle High School Monday afternoon with a bomb-sniffing dog but found no explosives, authorities said. Classes were canceled as a precaution yesterday at Bonny Eagle after a written bomb threat was found Monday morning. The threat indicated that a bomb would go off on Tuesday, Capt. Jeff Davis said

in a news release. “To the best we can tell it is (clean),” Davis said in a phone interview, referring to the Bonny Eagle High campus. Sheriff’s deputies declined to comment on specifics about the bomb threat. This week’s bomb threat was the second at Bonny Eagle in the last five weeks. A juvenile was arrested

in an April 13 bomb threat that was reportedly sent via text message. In the late 1990s and early 2000s. Bonny Eagle was plagued by numerous bomb threats that disrupted school for weeks at a time in some cases. Davis said yesterday that the recent trend at the school had not yet reached those proportions. — Casey Conley

Police: Witness described Navy wording around license plate on truck MYSTERY from page one

The resident noticed a “newer model” navy blue Toyota Tacoma with a white license plate parked near where the body’s body was found at about 7:30 a.m. Saturday. That person found the body when they went back to the area later in the afternoon “and noticed something off in the woods,” investigators reported this week. On Tuesday, state police said the truck may be connected to someone in the military, possibly the U.S. Navy. "The witness thinks there may have been some

sort of Navy wording around a license plate frame that was on the rear of that pickup truck," McCausland said. "Somebody has got to miss this child. He is the nephew of somebody, he is the grandson of somebody,” Lt. Brian McDonough said in a press conference Monday. Between 12 and 15 police officers are investigating the case, including an officer from New Hampshire state police. The boy’s body was found within six miles of the New Hampshire border, McDonough said. The victim has been named Baby Boy "Berny" by

Law Enforcement Today, a new international web community developed by law enforcement officers (!/ The search for the boy's true identity spurred a nationwide call for information. McCausland said the case is highly unusual based on the duration of time that investigators have been trying to find the name of the victim. "We've had victims where it's taken a day or two to identify," he said Tuesday, but he noted more than 74 hours passed, and police still had no name. "That is extremely unusual," McCausland said.

‘I’m very relieved that now people have a choice,’ Scarborough woman says PUC from page one

program. CMP customers can choose to keep their existing meters, opt for a modified smart meter with its wireless capacity deactivated, or pay to have a wireless-activated meter installed somewhere on their property. “A smart meter is simply a meter that records the information on your usage on an hourly basis and then it uses radio frequency technology, just like a cellphone or a simple radio signal, and sends that to us,” said CMP spokesperson John Carroll. The meters will enable the utility to better manage electricity flow to consumers and allow consumers to regulate their own energy consumption, according to Carroll, who said the meters will eventually enable users to remotely switch appliances on and off. But some public health advocates say that the purported benefits are not worth the potential risks. “I’m very relieved that now people have a choice. CMP had been fighting all along trying to force everyone to have a device on their home that is very controversial, making people sick and wrecking Wi-Fi systems, making security systems malfunction — all kinds of problems,” said Elisa Boxer-Cook, a Scarborough resident and creator of “Today was really a landmark decision, we’re the first state that grants opt-outs, and I hope it sets a precedent for the rest of the country,” she said, adding that 35 communities in California have already blocked smart meter installation. Opting out of the smart meter program will carry an additional cost for those who decline the new technology. Customer’s who choose a smart meter with transmitter deactivated will pay an intial fee of $20 and a monthly charge of $10.50. Those who wish to keep their existing analog meter will have to pay $40 initially and $12 monthly. Those eligible for Long Income Heating Assistance will be charged half of the cost of their chosen opt-out option. The new opt-out choices were approved by two of

the three PUC commissioners, Vendean Vafiades and David Littell. PUC chairman Thomas Welch abstained from participating in the decision because he most recently worked for a law firm that represented CMP. “Based on sound public policy we conclude that offering a smart meter opt-out options is reasonable and in the public interest,” said Commissioner Vafiades. The commissioner said that for the smart meter program to succeed in getting the public to become actively engaged with their energy usage, “we need to allow the small minority to opt out.” In the seven months since CMP began the smart meter program, more than 200,000 meters have been switched so far, with 7,000 people asking that the new meters not be installed at their home or business, the PUC reported. The $200 million project is receiving half of its funding from the federal government in an effort to replace 600,000 mechanical meters in the state, the utilities regulator reported. The PUC initially approved CMP’s Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI) program in February 2010 with CMP citing improved customer service and storm restoration efforts, reduced utility operational costs and overall electric efficiency. But this winter the commission received seven 10-person complaints regarding smart meters. Four of these complaints were combined into a PUC investigation which was opened on Jan. 4. The investigation considered several factors, including the possibility of local opt-outs, effects of such an opt-out on the original federal Department of Energy (DOE) grant which helped fund approximately half the cost of the program, the availability of hard-wire alternatives from CMP and the cost implications for any alternatives to the current program, according to a press release from the PUC. The battle is hardly over for Boxer-Cook, who will refocus her efforts on educating CMP customers on the potential harm of the smart meters, with a goal of getting as many people as possible to opt out of the new technology.

“I think now this is a great opportunity for people to start learning a lot more about the issues and problems with smart meters so they can decide how much risk they are willing to take in their own homes,” she said. Boxer-Cook said that similar concerns have arisen in Texas and Wisconsin, and 25 California communities went as far as blocking smart meter installation. “It’s not like smart meters are being deployed anywhere and it’s going great, there are serious problems that crop up once they are deployed,” she said. Allowing CMP customer to opt out of the smart meter program will go a long way in protecting consumers from the potential dangers posed by the system, said Boxer-Cook. Smart meters use a switching mode power supply, or switching mechanism, according to Boxer-Cook, which allows the meters to convert high voltage currents to low voltage. “A lot of electronics have them, [and] it isn’t so much of a problem if it’s a single appliance. But when hooked up to your whole home wiring, the mechanism pulses high frequency spikes through all the wiring in your home,” she said. “By opting out, you remove those high frequency spikes from every wall in your house.” Those living in densely populated areas or apartment buildings might still feel some others negative effects from the new meter system, but allowing customers to opt out “alleviates a big part of the problem,” she said. Boxer-Cook advises those concerned about potential risks associated with smart meters to opt to keep their old analog model, as the wireless-deactivated model isn’t much safer in her opinion. “No one with any concerns thinks that is a viable option. If you’re going to pay to opt out, you might as well not take any risk,” she said. The public health advocate said that while she can understand why some people might be piqued by the purported benefits of the smart meter system, the Boxer-Cook clan will take no such risk, and plans on sticking with their old analog meter.

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011

––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ––––––––––––

City needs more welcoming street on West End; Valley St. too rough Editor, I was glad to see that city spokesperson (Nicole) Clegg was happy at the return of the "Welcome to Portland" sign. But, although it is "one of the major entrance ways to the city," I question how welcoming the stretch of Valley Street is between the dog park and Congress Street; it is full of potholes, uneven repairs, and breaks in the surface. The tenor of the street shows that we are a city that is considerate of our pets, supports public transportation, and is socially responsive. I believe that the Eastern Prom is being re-surfaced; it is nowhere near the condition of our "welcoming street" in the Lower West End. Perhaps a closer look at which streets need work is required. I realize that budgets are strained, but if we have money for repairs, let's fix what really needs fixing first. Wishing you health, laughter and love. The Rev. Charlie Grindle Portland

It’s important to make distinction about diversion of Suboxone Editor, In response to the May 17 article “Suboxone abuse rears its head” (Tuesday’s Portland Daily Sun) — It is misleading and potentially devastating if you don’t differentiate between diversion and abuse of Buprenorphine (Suboxone). Abuse is using it to get some kind of high. This is rare in comparison to how most diverted buprenorphine is used. Buprenorphine is a very poor choice for anyone intent on getting high, why? Several reasons: 1) It has very limited euphoric effect, as a partial opioid agonist it stimulates the opioid receptors to a much lesser degree than drugs like hydrocodone, oxycodone or heroin. 2) It blocks the effects of other opioids for days; if someone who has been taking Buprenorphine switches to drugs like heroin or hydrocodone, the buprenorphine blocks the effects rendering the added opioids useless to the abuser. 3) People abusing opioids risk putting themselves into withdrawal with the buprenorphine; buprenorphine competes with existing opioids for the receptor and “kicks off” the other more potent opioid replacing it with its own limited effect. This can result in immediate withdrawal. see LETTERS page 6

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matt Dodge Reporter Founding Editor Curtis Robinson THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 181 State Street, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Appel Farm by way of Jersey, Philly food venues Second only to the dreary springtime weather at hand, our favorite complaint d’jour is the economy. We kvetch about gas prices, the cost of a gallon of milk, the price of home heating oil, and in my case, repetitively signing up my daughter for a multi-disciplined, artsy-theater summer camp beautifully sprawled not on the pristine shores of Long Lake, but located instead in the swamps of Jersey. The camp is called Appel Farm Arts and Music Center and consists of some older bunk houses, a few newer air conditioned concrete buildings with state-of-the-art technology for each discipline offered, and a small in-ground pool. Overtly athletically-oriented and luxurious, it isn’t. To Number One, it looks like Nirvana. Yes, we live in Vacationland, but when Number One was in fifth grade, I scoured the Internet and talked to dozens of people about the right overnight place for her to experience her first, extended time away from home. It was a crap shoot with this kid as her then-emerging “stuff” wasn’t exactly conducive to being several states away from the nest for weeks on end. Even though I tearfully knew it was in her best interest to go, it was hard for both of us. Although we qualified for scholarship money, I was on my own for the balance of the tuition and travel as the expense was seen as, “entitling, excessive and unnecessary” by the few other checkbook-holding, key players in her life. I swam upstream on this year after year until she phased out age-wise, and I never second guessed my

decision because I knew for a fact that in many ways, that special place saved her way-outside-thebox, creatively-driven soul. Those eight years ago, she was emerging as a child with “stuff” ––––– too gray to be neatly categorized What It’s and labeled by the school, social Like workers, and psychiatrists, but too crystal clear to be ignored by those very same experts. There was no pushier, more obnoxious advocate than myself, but her blessed intelligence, vicarious reading and constant sketching (instead of taking notes) were also her curse as Number One managed to get through the Portland public school system with killer SAT scores and honors, even though there were a few years in a row where she literally missed more days of school than she attended. These details are null and void now that I just scrapped up a seventy-five dollar housing down payment on a dorm room, sent in another random hundred bucks to secure her place in the freshman class so she can register for courses, and stuffed twentytwo crumbled one dollar bills (tips from last night) into an envelope for the cap and gown she’ll wear June 1 at Deering High School’s graduation at the Portland Expo. All of this is relevant because Number One is in the process of applying for a highly competitive internship at her beloved Appel Farm Arts and Music Camp, where, if hired, she’ll most likely conduct drawing/anime workshops for younger campers while learning leadership skills in a safe

Natalie Ladd

see LADD page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Issues to consider before saying, ‘I do’ ‘Tis the season for something borrowed and something blue; but is it a romance buzz kill when the something borrowed is a name and the blue is the ink on a prenup? Beyond the chiffon and chicken there are issues to consider before saying, “I do.” According to, financial disagreements are the number one reason first marriages untie the knot. Right off the bat, new couples decide if they keep their money separate or have a joint account. “I wish we had a joint account so I could spend more of his money,” laughs J.J. The essence of marriage is “what is mine is yours” but people get possessive about the coin. “We had a joint account and it was like Big Brother was spying on me. He would track my spending real time on-line and I would get texts all day what did you spend that on?’ It was insane. I felt like he didn’t trust me with a penny,” says R.C. A happy medium couples find is to have a joint account for bills, household items and vacations and maintain separate accounts for personal items. Another big financial decision: prenup. Even saying the word elicits quite emotional responses from brides-to-be. There seems to be a

Maggie Knowles ––––– Use Your Outdoor Voice mixed message in yes-I-love-youplease-sign-here. But if you have family money, an established business or even have yet to make your millions, a prenup can be a smart investment. Yet Wills and Kate didn’t draft one and neither did Kelsey Grammar and his new wife. Most women see it as insulting and would never sign one. “Why do I want to essentially act out a divorce before we are married? Either he trusts this relationship enough or not. And if he does leave me for a twenty-year-old down the line, heck yes I deserve a payday,” says G.S. On the contrary, C.M who is an attorney, says, “It is a smart business move; it has nothing to do with trust. Marriage is a legal contract with a high rate of being broken. Prenups are an extremely realistic way of looking at things from that regard.” The next big item on the checklist is whether to take your groom’s name. Even though 80 percent of women change their names, it isn’t always a black and white call. In a Wall Street Journal article from May

13th, well-educated women in high salary careers are more likely to keep maiden names; celebrities and those in the medical profession are the most likely to do so. “I didn’t meet my husband until after I was established in the law firm so I keep my maiden name for work purposes,” says J.B. “It is funny that when I introduce myself with my married name, the response is, Oh, you are David’s wife’ not Oh, you are a lawyer.’ Sometimes I do get taken aback over that this split personality according to what name I give.” A study conducted last year in the Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology found that women were judged as to what name they use. Brides who took their spouse’s name were seen as more emotional, dependant and caring while those who kept their maiden names were judged to be smarter and more ambitious. Many women who keep their maiden names end up changing it when the kidlets arrive so people won’t assume they aren’t the bio mom. And I am going to be the one who says it: Don’t hyphenate or smoosh your names into some invented cutesy-tootsie thing. Smithosenberg is not a real name. If you do change your name, doing it right after the wedding is the best time when you are still running on the adrenaline of love. It is a lot of work; who knew how much stuff you actu-

ally have your name on? Don’t make the mistake of many a blushing bride and run to the DMV to get a new picture snapped for her license. “Hey, honey, can you move your hand? Yes, it sure is a pretty ring but I can’t see your face and that sparkler won’t get you out of a speeding ticket.” First stop post-honeymoon: The Social Security Office. Government has dibs on the exciting news. And bonus! You get to see a flash-forward to yourself in 50 years, waiting in line for hours screaming at the clerk that you didn’t get your check. Bridekit. com offers a complete checklist of how to efficiently change your moniker. And if at first you don’t succeed, have a party. Divorce parties are quite the rage these days. The New York Times from Sunday highlighted a couple who threw a guess-this-isn’tworking-out soiree for 200 of their closest friends—that is one way to avoid losing the chiropractor to Team Groom. I even met a woman who had a 12-carat divorce ring, “One carat for each year I put up with him,” she winked. Makes it sound like divorced is the new engaged. But here is hoping your union makes the cut for the long haul. (Maggie Knowles is a columnist for The Portland Daily Sun. Her column appears Wednesdays.)

Philadelphia farmer’s market one memorable stop LADD from page 4

and familiar environment. She also hopes to help out in the infirmary as she remembers all too well what it’s like to have fear, anxiety and depression far away from home that manifests itself in sneaky physical ways. While my hopes are high that Number One gets the job for all the right reasons, the truth is that I can’t wait to make the trip once more to Elmer, New Jersey via Philadelphia. As I look back on those summers we made the flight from Manchester to Philly, and then drove the forty-five minutes over the Walt Whitman Bridge to camp, I am nostalgically filled with memories of rental car conversations (anyone with middle and high school aged children knows that car rides are perfect for meaningful conversations as no eye contact is made), and honestly ... of the really great places we stopped to eat each year! Philadelphia has the first, best, coolest and most original farmer’s market in the country. The Reading Terminal Market opened in 1892 and still touts itself as the largest market under one roof. The place is an all-things fresh and unique food lover’s dream, and I must confess (having tested my own conclusion six years in a row ... just to be sure!) to the fact that Pennsylvania Amish Country whoopie pies really do rival our own official Maine made treat. The Reading Terminal is home to many Amish run stands of all types, and the charm, pride and sincerity that accompanies their freshly baked whoopie pies is as special as the delicacy itself. There is also an amazing cheese, wine and beer place called TRIA in Philly’s Rittenhouse Square that I revere as much as the Artisanal boutique cheese cave in NYC, but nothing fills my heart like the image of Number One and I sitting side by side at the end of the counter at the Elmer Diner, stall-

I am reminded that there are obvious pleasures in life (like whoopie pies) offsetting the tendency to let these things overshadow the simple and good. Favorite foods, special dining spots, and traditional road trips are sure indicators and silent partners in making life’s natural progressions easier and more enjoyable. ing for a few more minutes before I drop her off at Appel Farm. The Elmer Diner is one of those places with everything imaginable on the fifteen-page menu and the last time we went, I saw an elderly woman eating liver and onions smothered with gravy and bacon while her dapper, bow-tied husband was eating an enormous strawberry waffle. The place is family run by various generations with coinciding degrees of Greek accents, and I love it there because the woman who must be chained to the counter remembers us and from year to year, by name. Sadly, money woes and the scary economy are foremost for all of us on some level. If Number One gets the internship, TRIA won’t make the cut this trip, but I am reminded that there are obvious pleasures in life (like whoopie pies) offsetting the tendency to let these things overshadow the simple and good. Favorite foods, special dining spots, and traditional road trips are sure indicators and silent partners in making life’s natural progressions easier and more enjoyable. We have choices ... we can worry or we can celebrate the successes in smaller, more modest, but equally as meaningful ways. The medium rare porterhouse may become a Philly cheesesteak, but the memories will surely be just as savory.

My Take: While not running off to Elmer, New Jersey, we stay home and build our traditions around weather-permitting trips to our own farmer’s markets, to Lib’s (along with the rest of North Deering) for a soft serve ice cream (Bad Dog is particularly fond of the kid-sized dish of vanilla topped with a bone shaped biscuit), short car rides to OOB for pier fries, and sparking up the fire pit for s’mores and burnt hot dogs. Meanwhile, Number One is sitting patiently with a new anime character that is subtly taking shape, and hopes for a different kind of summer at Appel Farm ( while summoning up all her courage and inner-strength for college in the fall. (Natalie Ladd and her “What’s It Like” column take a weekly look at the culinary business in and around Portland.)

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN,

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

They’re just chum in the shark tank Chum in the shark tank. That’s what Republican candidates are this year. Everyone is circling and waiting to take a bite out of their hides: the media, the bloggers, the tea party, the religious right, the oppo researchers, the think tanks. The list goes on. So perhaps it should not be a surprise when potential candidates opt out of the bloodlust. Mike Huckabee, who had a chance for the Republican nomination, pulled out Saturday night. And Donald Trump, who had no chance, but who would have been good for a few laughs, pulled out Monday. Huckabee said that he and his wife knew that if he ran this time they would be subject to “brutal, savage attacks.” But instead of the presidency, Huckabee declared, he has found “an inexplicable inner peace, a peace that exceeds human understanding.” For some reason, this reminded me of Bill Murray in “Caddyshack” saying he had caddied for the Dalai Lama, who stiffed him for a tip after 18 holes. “’Oh, uh, there won’t be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness,’” the Dalai Lama tells Murray, who decides, “So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.” I don’t know why Huckabee’s inner peace should be inexplicable, which is to say beyond explanation. It seems pretty easy to explain to me. He is only 55 and can still run in 2016, when the presidency will be an open seat. In the meantime, Huckabee has a chance to take over the Fox News Channel show being vacated by Glenn Beck, which means Huckabee can maintain a high profile and grow rich in the bargain. For Donald Trump, the decision

Roger Simon

You think Rudy Giuliani is a happier man today because he ran in the primaries of 2008? He was the only Republican who entered the primaries and didn’t get a single delegate at the nominating convention.

––––– Creators Syndicate was even more straightforward. He wanted to run, his family wanted him to run, but his hair said no. Sorry. Couldn’t resist. In reality, Trump decided being the developer of incredibly vulgar buildings was more appealing than leading the free world. “I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half-heartedly,” Trump said. “Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion, and I am not ready to leave the private sector.” Some think running in the primaries carries a huge upside: Everybody gets to know you better. But running in the primaries also carries a huge downside: Everybody gets to know you better. You think Rudy Giuliani is a happier man today because he ran in the primaries of 2008? He was the only Republican who entered the primaries and didn’t get a single delegate at the nominating convention. Heck, Duncan Hunter got one. Alan Keyes got two. And Fred Thompson got 11, even though he rarely left his hotel room. But Huckabee is out, even though he came in second in the 2008 delegate count. And while I do not doubt him when he says his reasons are primarily spiritual, I do doubt the political analysts who say he would have done better this time than last.

The Republican Party of today is not the Republican Party of 2008. It has gotten a lot more strident, a lot more shrill and a lot more just plain vicious. I interviewed Huckabee in Iowa just before he came in an unexpected second in the Ames Straw Poll in the summer of 2007. This led to his victory in the Iowa caucuses in 2008, which unfortunately for him turned out to be the emotional and political high point of his campaign. “I’m a conservative, but I’m not mad at anybody,” he told me in a mantra that came to symbolize his campaign. Iowans liked that. Republicans in Iowa tend to be more conservative than Republicans in other states, but they are still Iowans. For the most part, they are not haters. And they liked Huckabee’s low-key, down-home charm. “I can’t buy you, I don’t have the money, I can’t even rent you,” Huckabee told the crowd at Ames. “The straw poll is not about electing a straw man, but giving the people of Iowa a chance to prove they are mature voters and savvy. They are buying the cereal, not just the box.” But Huckabee wasn’t some naif with hayseed in his hair and the dew still wet behind his ears. He was an experienced politician. And contrary to some recent rewriting of history, Huckabee did have a staff, he did have advisors, and they did a good job. Huckabee also knew, on occasion, how

to shiv the other guy. Just after Mitt Romney made a nationally televised speech asking people not to discriminate against him because of his religion, Huckabee asked in a New York Times magazine article, “Don’t Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?” For the record, a spokesman for the Mormon Church said that Mormons do not believe this. And Huckabee did apologize. It seemed unlike him. But that is what campaigns do to you. In 2008, the Republicans were just playing Whack-A-Mole with each other, however. In 2012, they will be using tactical nukes. The media will have no Democratic race to divide their attention, and every sharp elbow, every punch to the chin and hook to the ribs will be covered, echoed and magnified. “The hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning,” Adlai E. Stevenson once said. It’s tough to do. Sometimes too tough. Which may be the real reason why Mike Huckabee is going to sit this one out. (To find out more about Roger Simon, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Patients desperately want to end their addictions, so they seek out buprenorphine euphoric response. For all of these reasons, buprenorphine is a poor choice that anyone intent on getting high will not choose for very long, if at all. However, these


LETTERS from page 4

4) Cost; one tablet of buprenorphine costs as much as one bag of heroin, which provides far more

properties of buprenorphine do not protect us from policy makers who, in effect, ration buprenorphine creating the conditions for diversion. What we do see in areas like Portland, where buprenorphine treatment from a doctor is scarce, is people seeking and obtaining buprenorphine sometimes illegally, but not for the purpose of abuse but for the purpose the buprenorphine is intended for to stop their cravings and withdrawal. Patients desperately want to end their addictions, which is a life threatening condition, and will do almost anything to stop it. When they can’t get help legitimately from a doctor they seek it any way they can. You limit any lifesaving treatment and watch a street market develop. Limit insulin like we do with buprenorphine and it will appear on the streets, but that doesn’t mean it is being abused. I’ve had parents email me telling me that they were buying buprenorphine illegally for their adult son while he was on a waiting list for legitimate treatment. Overwhelmingly diverted

buprenorphine is being used for its indication, to stop cravings and withdrawal, which allows patients to make positive changes in their lives and end the cycle of addiction. It is the limited access that is the cause of the diversion. Even after nine years of aggressive recruitment less than 1 in 100 of the doctors eligible to prescribe the opioid drugs people become addicted to, are prescribing the safer buprenorphine treatment. That mere 1 percent is further limited by federal law to how many patients they can save at any one time. This limits access, raises prices, and most tragically stands between someone’s loved one and a treatment that could save their life. Abuse and diversion are two different things with different causes and different solutions. The solution to diversion is more access not more restrictions. Timothy Lepak President, NAABT, Inc. National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011— Page 7

Craig: Traffic death a wake-up call on mental health issues BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A local man who died late Monday after being struck by a vehicle on Congress Street near the Westgate shopping plaza had a history of mental health and substance abuse issues, Portland Police Chief James Craig said yesterday. Craig called the death of David Westfall, 51, a "human tragedy" that came despite repeated efforts by local police and mental health officials to direct Westfall into treatment. “This was certainly a tragedy, and there was a lot of work that went in to trying to help and save this individual, and it’s just another in a series of issues in our mental health system that we need Craig to focus on fixing,” Craig said. Westfall, who police said was a transient, was struck at around 9:45 p.m. near the intersection of Congress and Caleb streets, by a Subaru driven by

Julie Goff. Goff, 50, of Portland, was outbound when she hit Westfall, who was crossing the road on foot, police said. Goff has not been charged in connection with the accident, and police don’t believe she committed a crime. Over the years, police have had repeated contacts with Westfall, including one incident from two weeks ago where Westfall reportedly passed out on a city street. Westfall was given basic treatment following that incident, but not the long-term services he needed, Craig said. He told reporters that this was the latest reminder of why certain aspects of Maine’s involuntary treatment laws should be reconsidered. “I have been talking about it since I arrived here two years ago. I thought it was very odd that we just couldn't do more,” Craig said. “With the business of involuntary versus voluntary treatment, I strongly believe that when someone is in crisis ... these are people that can't make informed decisions, and they need to be involuntarily treated,” he continued. In most cases, state law prohibits first responders and mental health officials from forcing anyone

into a treatment program against their will, said Jo Freedman, the police department’s mental health coordinator. “We have to have people who want to get help,” she said. People can only be involuntarily treated if they are deemed “immediate” risks, she added. Although the latest statistics weren’t available, police officers are spending more and more time dealing with mental health-related calls. In the last three years, that category of calls has increased 5.4 percent, Cmdr. Mike Sauschuck said. On any given day, between 40 and 60 percent of the calls are related to mental health issues, Freeman added. Craig said his office is seeking changes to the law, but said the process is slow going. The chief declined to comment on whether Gov. Paul LePage’s proposal to scale back Medicaid coverage for some adults would impact mental health issues in the city. Craig said he had not yet had time to analyze the governor's plan. City officials say the LePage proposal, which would eliminate coverage for 16,000 adults, would prevent some patients from receiving prescription drugs for mental illness.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Portland’s Waynflete School gets $2 million scholarship endowment Waynflete School will receive a $2 million grant to allow the private school to establish a permanent endowment for gifted and talented students, the Forecaster reported. The Malone Family Foundation, established in 1997 to improve educational access for gifted to students who lack financial resources, was the organization to grant the $2 million. “We are honored and thrilled to have been chosen ... for this award,” Waynflete Head of School Mark Segar said in a written statement. “This endowment grant will enable us to expand our long-standing financial aid program to support additional students of exceptional ability and promise.” Waynflete was chosen for the grant by an independent panel that considers a school’s academic caliber, quality of staff, attention to individual student needs, commitment to financial aid and diversity of the student body, according to the Forecaster. The endowment will provide financial aid awards for gifted and talented students grade seven and up.

Health insurance bill to become law Gov. Paul LePage signed a bill overhauling the state’s health insurance system on Tuesday. The Senate voted 24-10 on Monday to give final approval to LD 1333. The decision followed hours of spirited debates on the Senate floor during which Democrats accused Republicans of expediting the bill’s passage through the House. “Republicans have clearly demonstrated that health care reform is important. More importantly, Republicans have shown that Mainers come first. More choice and competition will drive down the high costs of insurance premiums making coverage more affordable to everyone,” said LePage. The bill would drastically change the state’s health insurance market, allowing New England companies to sell insurance in Maine by 2014 and giving insurance companies more leeway in setting rates based on occupation and place of residence. The bill, “An Act To Modify Rating Practices for Individual and Small Group Health Plans and To Encourage Value-based Purchasing of Health Care Services,” is a Republican endorsed measure introduced by Rep. Wesley Richardson. The changes are directed at the estimated 40,000 people who buy insurance either independently or through employers with 50 or fewer employees,

but now almost all health insurance policyholders will have to pay a tax on premiums that could be as much as $4 per person per month, according to MaineToday Media. Legislators, federal and state workers are exempt from the tax. Some supporters say the bill will increase competition lead to lower rates, especially for younger people. They say the measure will help small businesses by allowing job creators with fewer than 50 employees to band together to purchase insurance. By widening the insurance pool and reducing risk, some say the companies that power Maine’s economy can drive down their health insurance costs and make room to expand and hire more Maine people. “I’m also supportive of this measure because it will create jobs,” said LePage. “Maine Businesses, big and small, are struggling with the high costs of health LePage insurance for employees. It’s a burden that is getting in the way of creating jobs. When we lower costs to businesses they are able to hire more people,” he said. Those opposed say it would increase costs especially for people living in rural areas. House Democratic Leader Rep. Emily Cain of Orono spoke out against the measure. “We have established a theme this session that I am personally proud of, and believe in: The best work we do, we do together,” said Cain. “By that standard, LD 1333 is not our best work.” “It repeals the State Health Plan and the Advisory Council on Health Systems Development, it includes a rushed expansion of rating bans that will lead to increased rates, it includes surcharges - or taxes of $4 on all health insurance policies and it will lead to fewer choices and higher rates for rural Mainers and businesses,” said Cain. “But it’s not too late to go back and work together. Democrats have offered compromise proposals, and continue to stand ready to work together,” she said.

Exit ramp closings planned on I-295 Exit 20 in Freeport and Exit 28 in Brunswick on Interstate 295 will force ramp closures beginning this week as paving continues on I-295.

Ramps will be closed periodically while crews work on the roads nightly from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m., according to the Maine Department of Transportation. The southbound on-ramp from Park Avenue in Portland will also be closed until nearby work is completed on highway bridges. The Maine DOT advises motorists to use caution in the area of the Washington Avenue northbound exit, where crews will begin to separate the local through-road over Tukey’s Bridge from the travel lanes on I-295. Work on I-295 is expected to continue through the fall.

Fisheries enforcement penalties to be returned in wake of probe U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke announced Tuesday that $649,527 in fisheries enforcement penalties will be returned to 11 individuals or businesses after an independent review of their cases concluded the NOAA enforcement program had in some instances “overstepped the bounds of propriety and fairness.” In his decision memo issued today, Secretary Locke acted on 30 cases reviewed by the Special Master, Judge Charles Swartwood III, accepting all of his recommendations that the law allows and taking additional actions in several cases. Secretary Locke appointed Judge Swartwood to conduct the independent review of cases identified by the Department of Commerce’s Inspector General as problematic. The individuals and businesses will receive their remittances within 30 days of receipt of payment information. “As a former prosecutor, I expect our entire law enforcement program to uphold high standards and maintain the public’s trust. Enforcement has to be fair, uniform and consistent. I accepted all of the Special Master’s recommendations in every instance where I have authority to do so under MagnusonStevens Act, and in some cases I went beyond the Special Master’s recommendation,” said Secretary Locke. “In addition, we are implementing additional reforms to make regulations and enforcement more fair and effective. We inherited this decades-old problem, but it’s ending on my watch.” Among the businesses and fishermen who will receive returned penalties are the Gloucester Seafood Display Auction ($16,515) and former New Bedford sea scallop fisherman Lawrence Yacubian ($400,000), whose cases date back to the early 2000s. During the period of time associated with the 30 reviewed cases, NOAA investigated over 40,000 incidents.

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011

BUSINESS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WHAT’S IN A NAME? ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– to what Vosmus calls the “special attention of a small store.” Central Yarn offers a wide selection of yarns and other materials catering to those who knit, do hook BY MATT DODGE rugs or needlework. THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN “It’s about giving your customers that one-on-one LOCATION: 569 Congress St. attention,” said Vosmus on CONTACT: 775-0852 Tuesday afternoon as she HOURS: Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m. worked on mastering a new to 5 p.m. (7 p.m. on Thursday) “from the toe-up, two-at-aSunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. time” sock-knitting pattern in the cozy shop — “There’s Congress Street offers an array an awful lot of new techof goods and services from Munniques out on sock knitjoy’s Rosemont Market to Libting,” she said. bytown’s Tony’s Donuts, but few Central Yarn offers shops along Portland’s main thorclasses on certain night oughfare offer the same combinafor all skills levels, a tion of service, selection and local “nice group of people, all history as Central Yarn Shop. socializing,” according to Located in roughly the same Vosmus. block of Congress Street for the last The shop currently 62 years, Central Yarn was started offers classes on Monday Rhona Vosmus and friend of the shop Kathy Conley stand in front of a wall of yarn at Central Yarn Shop. A downtown by the parents of current owner nights, with more class Rhona Vosmus, who resisted the fixture for 62 years, Central Yarn Shop has been located on the same block since Vosmus’ parents founded the busi- options available during siren song of the family business ness. Offering a wide selection of yarns as well as classes, Central Yarn Shop caters to a dedicated crowd of crafters. the winter months when (MATT DODGE PHOTO) as long as possible. people are feeling partic“I was never going to go into it, ularly restless and lookturned into a full-time job and ended with Vosmus but I ended up back in Maine after ing to pass the hours with a pair of knitting eventually taking over the entire operation. “I’m I got out of school, the kids grew up and my father needles. here more than I'm home, but I’m real happy right kept asking me if I wanted his business,” she said. “We’re very busy in the winter months,” said here,” said Vosmus. Vosmus declined her father’s offer multiple Vosmus, who understands the appeal of cozying Twenty years later, Central Yarn has managed times, but eventually made a concession and up with a craft project over the long winter. to weather some dark economic periods and a started working at the shop a few hours a week. “I just need a fireplace right there,” she said, changing Congress Street business district thanks As things tend to happen, a “few hours a week” motioning to a corner of the shop.

Central Yarn Shop

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Savings Bank of Maine now The Bank of Maine GARDINER — Savings Bank of Maine announced its official name change to The Bank of Maine. The new name is part of the bank’s rebranding initiative, which features a redesigned logo and brand identity, a new easy-to-use website and the introduction of an innovative new checking account, The Promise Account, the bank announced. These latest changes come after a year of transformation for the 177-year-old bank. “At The Bank of Maine we’re redefining who we are, what we do and how we do it,” said John W. Everets, chief executive officer and chairman. “Our customers’ needs are changing, and we are changing with them. ...”

Last chance to guess where Natalie Ladd is pictured Think you know your Portland area bars, restaurants and music venues? Can you figure out where columnist Natalie Ladd recently had her long overdue picture taken by Susan Gatti Photography? Send your guess in to and put “Natalie is at…” in the subject line. Guess correctly (and as many times as you’d like) and win a $20 gift certificate to the mystery photo shoot location. Contest ends Sunday, May 22 and winners will be announced on Wednesday, May 25 in Natalie’s column. (Photo by Susan Gatti Photography)

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011— Page 9

Public works display

This year marks the 51st celebration of National Public Works Week, and a display at Portland City Hall caught the eye of Bill Ranzetta on Monday. Portland Public Services will be hosting an Open House from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 21, at the department’s Central Maintenance Facility on Hanover Street in Portland. Equipment will be on display and refreshments will be available. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

City to honor Oakhurst Dairy’s Bennett today during Arbor Week DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT Today at noon in Deering Oaks Park, between the Castle and ball field, Portland Public Services crews will plant a white oak tree donated by the Friends of Deering Oaks President Anne Pringle and her husband in memory of Stanley Bennett. Bennett, 64, of Falmouth, the head of Oakhurst Dairy, died in February. Mayor Nicholas Mavodones will join members of the Bennett family, Friends of Deering Oaks, fellow City Councilors and city staff for the planting, a tribute to the legacy Bennett has left the community, the city announced. "Having spent much of his youth in Deering Oaks, Bennett developed a lifelong passion for trees and throughout his life and career as CEO of the family business, Oakhurst Dairy, he worked to ensure that Deering Oaks and the city as a whole had sufficient resources to replace trees lost to storms and natural decline — making sure that Portland would always be known as the Forest City," the city reported in a press release. Bennett believed that maintaining a healthy stock of trees within Portland provided both aesthetic and environmental benefits to the city’s neighborhoods, the city reported. In 1992, Bennett conceived the Oakhurst Millennium Tree Challenge,

“Having spent much of his youth in Deering Oaks, Bennett developed a lifelong passion for trees and throughout his life and career as CEO of the family business, Oakhurst Dairy, he worked to ensure that Deering Oaks and the city as a whole had sufficient resources to replace trees lost to storms and natural decline — making sure that Portland would always be known as the Forest City.” a fundraising effort to raise money for the planting of 1,000 trees in the city by the year 2000. At the turn of the century, trees had been planted in every Portland neighborhood, park, school, and playground as well as on Peaks Island, Little Diamond Island and Cliff Island. After the successful challenge, Bennett and Oakhurst remained major supporters of the Portland Tree Trust, a city-sponsored effort to renew and increase the city’s tree inventory. Deering Oaks was just one destination that benefitted by this support with more than 40 new trees planted since 1993. The park is a fitting location for a tree planted in honor of Bennett’s remarkable contributions to the city’s open spaces.

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by Lynn Johnston by Paul Gilligan

By Holiday Mathis one who sees you as a tower of strength will open up and show a vulnerable side. You’ll be a comfort, and you’ll also provide practical help in ways that will surprise you both. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll have luck with joint ventures. You trust the other person, but you both need to understand exactly what you’re agreeing upon. Put the details on paper. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re not trying to be anyone else, and yet you’ll notice that you’ve picked up a few habits from those you admire. Soon these behaviors will be so automatic that they’ll feel like a natural part of you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your imagination is vivid. The lines between what is real and unreal are blurred. Also, you’ll give a great deal of thought to planes of existence beyond physical reality. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’re trying to do a job well, though it’s not as easy as you once thought it would be. Stop trying to be good at it. Try to be bad at it instead. The freedom will liberate you from mental blocks. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 18). You’ll enjoy improved health and vitality as you moderate your vices and add zesty habits to your routine. Your home will be a place of peace, tranquility and, after the renovations that happen in June, beauty. New meetings in July are life-changers. There’s a reason to travel in August. You’ll close a deal in September. Cancer and Aquarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 38, 28, 31 and 2.

Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll communicate well. You may not be able to avoid confrontation, but with your honest and direct approach, at least you can make it brief and relatively painless. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Juggle, march, draw or dance. These kinds of activities build right brain to left brain communication. There’s nothing you can’t do once you get both hemispheres working together. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll slip into a positive state this morning and stay there all day long. While in this happy mood, every problem has a solution, and you are a bubbling font of creativity. CANCER (June 22-July 22). The task at hand will be unusually challenging. It doesn’t all have to be accomplished in one day, though. Perhaps this is best approached with short blasts of intense focus followed by long breaks LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You might be feeling underwhelmed by the results you’ve been getting from yourself lately. You know that you are capable of greater things. Practice is key. Be diligent. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). This will be a highly productive day. You’ll complete an entire unit of work. You’ll start out strong and finish even stronger. Get a cheerleader to motivate you through the middle. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll do your best with many people around. You need to bounce your ideas off of a variety of different characters. The response you get will lead to new and improved ideas. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The

by Aaron Johnson


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ACROSS 1 Skating rink’s shape 5 Meat shunner 10 Thin cut 14 __ one’s time; wait patiently 15 Steer clear of 16 Nat King __ 17 “When the frost __ the punkin...” 18 Debatable, as by employers and employees 20 “My Gal __” 21 Bowling targets 22 In a bad mood 23 Official order 25 Whopper 26 Attach new shoe bottoms 28 Collapse, as a business 31 Do very well 32 Tooth filling 34 Just purchased 36 Gorillas 37 Short

3 4

62 63

German wife TV’s __ Rickles Shade of gray Bleacher levels NY’s __ Island Pester Furious Disinterested Group of eight “__ and Circumstance” __ Wednesday; Lent opener Colorless imitation gem Follow orders Hot’s opposite Artist’s stand Part of an envelope Fills with wonderment Nervous Big celebration

1 2

DOWN Kimono sashes Passport stamp

32 33 35

38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 50 51 54 57 58 59 60 61

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Teenager __ Goodman of “Dancing with the Stars” Italian city of canals Happening Chokes Turmoil Hair bonnet Frightened Gray wolf Misfortunes Golf ball pegs In a very cold way Aspirin or Advil Fawn bearers Be lazy Peruse Former team from Montreal Escape Illegible Boscs and Bartletts OPEC member Tiny insect Wimp

37 38 40 41 43 44 46 47 48

Lost vital fluid Blaze Ohio or Oregon Protective sheet of plastic Improves; fixes Not beautiful Skeleton parts Killer whale Sturdy dog with a

dense coat Flooring piece Pillar Chair or pew Extravagant publicity 55 Caribbean __ 56 Light brown 57 Take __; depart 49 50 52 53

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Wednesday, May 18, the 138th day of 2011. There are 227 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On May 18, 1911, composer-conductor Gustav Mahler died in Vienna, Austria, at age 50. On this date: In 1765, about one-fourth of Montreal was destroyed by a fire. In 1896, the Supreme Court, in Plessy v. Ferguson, endorsed “separate but equal” racial segregation, a concept renounced 58 years later in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. In 1910, Halley’s Comet passed by earth, brushing it with its tail. In 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a measure creating the Tennessee Valley Authority. In 1953, Jacqueline Cochran became the first woman to break the sound barrier as she piloted a Canadair F-86 Sabre jet over Rogers Dry Lake, Calif. In 1969, astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, Thomas P. Stafford and John W. Young blasted off aboard Apollo 10 on a mission to orbit the moon. In 1980, the Mount St. Helens volcano in Washington state exploded, leaving 57 people dead or missing. In 1981, the New York Native, a gay newspaper, carried a story concerning rumors of “an exotic new disease” among homosexuals; it was the first published report about what came to be known as AIDS. In 1991, Helen Sharman became the first Briton to rocket into space as she flew aboard a Soviet Soyuz spacecraft with two cosmonauts on an 8-day mission. One year ago: Grilled by skeptical lawmakers, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar acknowledged his agency had been lax in overseeing offshore drilling activities, and that might have contributed to the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Bill Macy is 89. Hall-of-Fame sportscaster Jack Whitaker is 87. Actor Robert Morse is 80. Actor and television executive Dwayne Hickman is 77. Baseball Hall-of-Famer Brooks Robinson is 74. Bluegrass singer-musician Rodney Dillard (The Dillards) is 69. Baseball Hallof-Famer Reggie Jackson is 65. Actress Candice Azzara is 64. Country singer Joe Bonsall (The Oak Ridge Boys) is 63. Rock musician Rick Wakeman (Yes) is 62. Actor James Stephens is 60. Country singer George Strait is 59. Rhythm-and-blues singer Butch Tavares (Tavares) is 58. Actor Chow Yun-Fat is 56. Rock singer-musician Page Hamilton is 51. Singer-actress Martika is 42. Comedian-writer Tina Fey is 41. Rapper Special Ed is 37. Rock singer Jack Johnson is 36. Actor Matt Long is 31. Christian-rock musician Kevin Huguley (Rush of Fools) is 29. Actor Spencer Breslin is 19.




CTN 5 Main Social Justice














MAY 18, 2011 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Portland Water District Meeting

Community Bulletin Board

Minute to Win It “The Minute to Win It Two Law & Order: Special News Tonight Odd Couple” California contestants face chalVictims Unit “Smoked” Show With natives compete. (N) lenges. Å (N) Å Jay Leno American Idol “Three Finalists Compete” The News 13 on FOX (N) Frasier (In According finalists each perform three songs. (N) (In Stereo Stereo) Å to Jim Å Live) Å The Middle The Middle Modern Cougar Happy End- Happy End- News 8 Nightline “The Bridge” “Spring Family Town (N) Å ings “Bo ings (N) Å WMTW at (N) Å (N) Cleaning” (N) Å Fight” 11PM (N) Charlie Rose (N) (In Secrets of the Dead NOVA The Sphinx and NOVA “Building PhaRoyal tomb of Pharaoh the people who built it. (In raoh’s Ship” Reconstruct- Stereo) Å ing a vessel. Psusennes I. Stereo) Å (DVS) Antiques Roadshow Freedom Riders: American Experience Blacks American Experience “Biloxi” Signed baseball; and whites travel together. (N) (In Stereo) Å (DVS) Freedom songs. (In Stesword. Å reo) Å (DVS) America’s Next Top America’s Next Top Entourage TMZ (N) (In Extra (N) Punk’d (In Model The final two mod- Model “Season Finale” “Fire Sale” Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Stereo) Å els are chosen. The winner is chosen. Å Å Criminal Minds “Coda” Criminal Minds A sus- Criminal Minds: Sus- WGME Late Show Reid connects with an pected human trafficking pect Behavior “The Girl News 13 at With David autistic child. ring. (N) in the Blue Mask” 11:00 Letterman Burn Notice Å Burn Notice Å Curb Local Star Trek: Next








DISC MythBusters Å


FAM Movie: “Jurassic Park”

Movie: ››‡ “Jurassic Park III” (2001)

The 700 Club Å


USA NCIS “Faith” Å

NCIS “Moonlighting”

NCIS “Obsession”

NCIS “Bounce” Å


NESN MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Boston Red Sox.


Red Sox



CSNE Ball Up Streetball


SportsNet Celtics


ESPN MLB Baseball: Rockies at Phillies


ESPN2 Women’s Soccer

Without a Trace Å

MythBusters (N) Å



Filthy Cities (N) Å

MythBusters Å

Baseball Tonight (N)

SportsNation Å

30 for 30 Without a Trace Å

Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å




DISN Movie: ›› “High School Musical 2” (2007) Å




King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy


NICK My Wife

My Wife



MSNBC The Last Word


Good Luck Good Luck Wizards Lopez


Rachel Maddow Show The Ed Show (N) Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å


CNBC Mind of Google

American Greed

Nuclear Meltdown (N)


The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)




Greta Van Susteren

NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Chicago Bulls. (N) (Live) Å

LIFE The First 48 Å

Lottery Changed

Vanished, Beth


Spouse vs. House (N)




AMC Movie: ››‡ “The Matrix Revolutions” (2003) Keanu Reeves. Å


HGTV Property

49 50 52





Mad Money The O’Reilly Factor How I Met How I Met Extreme


“Matrix Revol.” Hunters



TRAV Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Conqueror Conqueror Man, Food Man, Food A&E Beyond Scared




Top Chef Masters (N)

Top Chef Masters



Gold Girls Gold Girls

BRAVO Matchmkr Housewives/NJ


HALL Little House



SYFY Ghost Hunters Å

Ghost Hunters Å


ANIM River Monsters

River Monsters Å

Hogs Gone Wild

River Monsters Å


HIST Larry the Cable Guy






The Game The Game Movie: ››‡ “The Longshots” (2008) Å

The Mo’Nique Show


COM Chappelle Chappelle South Park South Park South Park Work.

Daily Show Colbert

67 68 76




There Yet? There Yet? Browns

SPIKE UFC Unleashed


TCM Movie: ›››‡ “The Wolf Man”

Movie: ››› “The Sixth Sense” Cleveland Cleveland Home Imp. Home Imp.




The Ultimate Fighter

Conan (N) Repo

1 4 7 10 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 24 25 26 28 29 30 31

ACROSS Edwards or Andrews, e.g. __, humbug! Pursue romantically Love-handles makeup Aussie hopper Lawyers’ org. Quaint hotel Tell it like it isn’t Wealthy man Born in Brest Wash. neighbor Start of a W.I.E. Gates quote BP merger partner Part of ISS Time periods Architect Pei’s first name Italian wine region Typical Wisconsin farm Brain, spinal cord, etc.

32 34 35 36 42 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64



Movie: ›››› “The Prisoner of Zenda” (1937)




The Ultimate Fighter

OXY Rumor

Ghost Hunters Å


Movie: ›› “Where the Heart Is” (2000) Natalie Portman.



Ghost Hunters Å

Movie: ››› “The Sixth Sense” (1999) Bruce Willis.

TVLND All-Family All-Family Raymond


Dog the Bounty Hunter



Argyle Sweater

The by Scott Hilburn

Inside the NBA (N)

The First 48 Å


Fam. Guy

The Last Word

CNN In the Arena (N)



The Nanny The Nanny



Dennis SportsNet

SportsCenter (N) Å

Story Will

Part 2 of quote Public conveyance Dawn goddess Part 3 of quote Accomplished First name in B-29 lore Oddball This place Males only Premed subj. Beneath End of quote Fort Worth sch. Spherical body More amusingly clever That woman Our star Botheration Sell-out letters Seaman’s org. 112.5 degrees from W Tokyo coinage Clairvoyance letters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 22 23 27 29 30 32 33 34

DOWN Antiquated Crew leaders Blubbers Low singing voice Border upon Cannabis resin Shoe’s decorative toecap Ryan or Tatum Like Ogden Nash’s lama Put the pedal to the metal Flight figure Kickoff aid To __ his own Inside: pref. Toronto team, casually Neighbor of Isr. Part of AARP __ and the Belmonts Enveloping atmosphere Breach of secrecy Rounded swelling

36 Occupant: abbr. 37 Provokes with persuasion 38 Perfectly 39 Dishonorable 40 Close at hand 41 Escape 42 Reynolds’ co-star in “The End” 43 People of the

press? 44 Morning moisture 47 Determine weight by lifting 49 ‘60s hairdos 50 Back at the track 52 Velvety flora 53 Go by Greyhound 54 Caledar watch abbr.

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011


For Sale


DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

2- 2006 Zuma Yamaha 49cc registered moped with under 700 miles, the other under 600, just like new. $1200 each or $2000 both. Call (603)752-3316.

Home security, surveillance, entertainment & automation. No monthly fees! Shop with confidence! VeriSign secure.

AIR conditioners- 8000BTU portable $95, like new. 5000BTU window unit, $25. (207)883-3919.



For Rent

For Rent-Commercial

PUPPY spring sale, 20% off small mixed breeds. See website for more details: (207)539-1520.

USED inflatable boats wanted. Any condition. And used inflatable boats for sale. (207)899-9544.

PORTLAND- Danforth Street, 1 bedroom, heated, newly painted, hardwood floors. Modern eat-in kitchen. $850. (207)773-1814.


PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $475-$875. (207)773-1814.

FOR SALE/ RENT: Commercial/ Residential property with retail possibilities and living quarters upstairs in busy Portland suburb, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, asking $1700/month plus utilities. Available July 1st. Interested pls. call (207)671-8520.

CAMPER: Two miles from OOB Pier. 1991 Casa Villa 40' park model. Pinehurst Campground, already on corner lot with new Florida room, new rugs throughout. First year lot rental paid, great condition, have Title, asking $11,500, 449-2928, 723-0286.

PORTLAND Art District- Art studios with utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 studios. $325 (207)773-1814.


Announcement PORTLANDTALKS.COM Rant and rave! Have you been silent too long? You can make a difference.

MAINESATELLITETV.COM Watch over 3500 channels with no monthly fees. Software $49.95 for PC and Laptops.


Flea Market

BUYING all unwanted metals. $800 for large loads. Cars, trucks, heavy equipment. Free removal. (207)776-3051.

ARTISTS and Craftsmen wanted for Westfest Fair. May 21st. FMI (207)415-3877.

RAMSEY Services- Dead or alive! Cash for cars, running or not. Up to $500. (207)615-6092.

WANTED Artist and Crafters for spring art show at Reiche School. Tables $15-$25, May 21st., 10-4pm, FMI 415-3877.

PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 1 bedroom heated. Newly installed oak floor, just painted. $675/mo. (207)773-1814. WESTBROOK large room eff. furnished, utilities pd includes cable. Non-smokers only. No pets. $195/wkly (207)318-5443.

SHOP/ Office, 570 Brighton, Portland. 400 s.f., 1st floor, parking, low rates. (207)807-1004.

For Sale 2 plots at Brooklawn Cemetery, South Portland. Value $1850, selling for $1450. (207)332-9180.

Services Home repairs, kitchen & bath remodeling, window & door replacement. Decks, additions, garages, wood rot repairs & gutters. Call Bob Tripp 650-3454.

DUMP RUNS We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.


PA-PA Dan’s Mowing- No, you won’t get a pizza, but you’ll get a neatly cut yard! Brighton, Stevens, Allen and Washington Avenue areas, formerly with Lucas Tree. $30-$35, (207)878-6514.

Wanted To Buy I buy broken and unwanted laptops for cash, today. Highest prices paid. (207)233-5381.

Yard Sale SOUTH Paris Coin/ Marble Show- 5/21/11, American Legion Post 72, 12 Church St, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission. SOUTH Portland Coin/ Marble Show- 5/28/11, American Legion Post 25, 413 Broadway, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission. YARD SALE: 494 Stevens Ave. 9am-12pm. Good items for sale not junk.

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: How can I help a friend who is convinced his neighbors are bombarding his house with rays that have affected his health and caused the death of one of his dogs? “Edwin” is a retired engineer in his early 70s, divorced for 10 years. When my husband was ill, Edwin was the only coworker who bothered to visit. In the 15 years since my husband passed away, I’d lost track of Edwin until he showed up at my door six months ago, haggard and disheveled. He then told me of all the strange things that had been happening -- the rays that caused him to suffer abdominal pain and drove his dogs to whimper and hide under tables. He said the dogs refuse to drink the tap water, and when he showers, his skin burns and tingles. In an effort to protect himself and his dogs, he has papered his walls with aluminum foil and put plastic and newspaper on the carpet so the dogs can relieve themselves indoors. Edwin has called the police a number of times, asking them to check for rays emanating from neighboring homes, but of course, they labeled him a crank. The last time he called, he was put in handcuffs and taken to a mental health facility for two weeks. He said they gave him drugs that made him nauseated and confused. Edwin’s stepson refuses to help, and his ex-wife lives in another state. If I were to tell Edwin that he’s suffering from severe paranoia, he’d think I joined the ranks of his tormentors. Please tell me how to help. -- Want To Make Things Right Dear Want: Start from a place of reality. Edwin has abdominal pains. Regardless of the cause, he should seek medical attention. Call the National Alliance on Mental Illness (nami. org) at 1-800-950-NAMI (1-800-950-6264) and ask for a referral. Perhaps you could offer to go with him to see a doctor. And it is possible there is some environmental contamina-

tion that is causing Edwin’s problems. Try the Environmental Protection Agency ( Dear Annie: I live in a semi-rural area where people tend to “drop off” unwanted pets. I hope you can find room in your column for my message. To the person who left three small dogs on a hilly road near my home late last fall, here’s what happened: One of the dogs disappeared, probably prey for a coyote. The remaining two survived the winter without starving to death. We often saw them near the road where you left them, watching the cars and waiting for you to come back. When we tried to catch them, they ran off. This morning, I saw one of them dead on the road, hit by a car. He was probably still watching for you to return. If you can no longer take care of your pet, please don’t believe he’ll be fine if you abandon him in the country. He will not be fine. Your pet is dependent upon you for his survival. If you can’t keep him, please take him to an animal shelter. -- Elaine in Kentucky Dear Elaine: Thank you for reminding our readers that domesticated animals do not fare well in the wild. Readers, please be kind to your pets. If you can no longer keep them, make sure they are placed where they will be cared for. Dear Annie: I empathize with “Quiet and Scared,” who had to give a speech. Many years ago, I had much the same problem. Only in my case, I was singing solos. Someone advised me to ignore everyone else and devote my full attention to one person at the back of the room and perform only for them. It worked. My voice projected out across the entire room. This was the best performance advice I ever received, and I have since passed it on to my children and grandchildren. -- Aging Grandma

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

ARE YOU READY FOR A CHANGE? Enjoy the quality of life found in the Mt. Washington Valley while working in a progressive hospital that matches advanced medical technology with a compassionate approach to patient care. Join our team and see what a difference you can make! In addition to competitive salaries, we offer an excellent benefits package that includes health/dental, generous paid time off, matching savings plan, educational assistance and employee fitness program. We have the following openings:

• RN Care/Case Manager- Full Time. BSN preferred. Strong interpersonal skills, critical thinking capabilities and outstanding internal and external customer relations skills. Previous case management experience desired. Clinical experience with ability to proactively interact with physicians on current and proposed care within an acute care environment required. Knowledge of insurance plans, including Medicare reimbursement helpful. Position involves discharge planning and assisting patients with care transitions. • Night Clerk/Clinical Support- Full-time and Per Diem. Night shifts. Must hold current EMT or LNA Certification. Perform duties based in the ED area, Switchboard/Registration and support. • Medical Records Clerk- F/T Temp. Min two yrs ofc exp. Familiarity with healthcare billing and diagnostic coding preferred. Computer literate. • LNA- Per Diem. Provide care and activities of daily living for multiple residents of the Merriman House. Experience and NH LNA license required. • LPN/RN- Per Diem. Rotating 12 hour shifts • RN- FTE 0.9. Medical-Surgical Nurse, BLS/ACLS certified. Day/Night, 12 hr shifts. Experience preferred. • RN- Full-Time. ACLS/PALS/BLS and some acute care experience and critical care experience preferred. Must take rotating call. Positive attitude, team player, computer skills and critical thinking skills required. • RN- Full-time. Rotating 12 hr shifts, Labor experience, ACLS, NRP, Fetal monitoring. A completed Application is required to apply for all positions Website: Contact: Human Resources, Memorial Hospital, an EOE PO Box 5001, No. Conway, NH 03860. Phone: (603)356-5461 • Fax: (603)356-9121

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To place a classified call 699-5807

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011— Page 13

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Wednesday, May 18 Cheverus High student art show 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cheverus High School will host its annual Student Art Show May 16-20. This year’s show will involve more students than ever and present a large range of styles, techniques and types of art. The work to be presented is impressive in its scope and demonstrates the wide variety of art interests and talents of Cheverus students. The show will feature art in glorious colors and multiple textures, and will showcase a wide variety of mediums: watercolor, oil, three-dimensional work, wood prints, stained glass, calligraphy and pen and ink. The Art Department, through teacher John Frisoli, challenges students to use their creative abilities to express their thoughts and inspirations through art. Visitors will enjoy viewing these inspired works. The show will be judged by a local artist. Top three winners will be selected and other students will receive honorable mention awards. The public is welcome to visit and view the show at Loyola Hall on the Cheverus High School Campus, 267 Ocean Ave., Portland, from May 16-20 from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily.

Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network Meeting 7 p.m. Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network Meeting at the Falmouth Memorial Library, located at 5 Lunt Road in Falmouth. This meeting is geared towards newcomers to kayaking and anyone who wants to connect with other kayakers. Come enjoy a slide show of sea kayaking in Maine, good company and delicious refreshments. Experienced paddlers will discuss kayaking safety, necessary equipment, cool gear, how to choose a boat and ideas for trips. Make some new friends and plan summer adventures. No charge, no registration, all are welcome. For more information visit

A Dash of Diva presents The Relish Magazine Cooking Show at the Portland Expo

5 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Portland Expo, 239 Park Ave. Dash of Diva. Tickets: $20 for general admission, $30 for VIDs (Very Important Divas). VIDs get access to the Expo starting at 4:30, plus they will have a catered backstage party with Chef Jon from Relish. Every Diva will receive an apron and a gift KinderKonzerts bag filled with great items from: Relish, Cal9:30 a.m. From honks and beeps, to sirens endar Islands Maine Lobster, Cabot House and squeaks, the Portland Symphony Orchestra (PSO) Percussion Trio will “transport” Maine State Treasurer Bruce Poliquin will speak at DiMillo’s On the Water, 25 Long Wharf, Friday, May 20 Furniture, Broadway Gardens, Massage Envy, Lia Sophia, Silpada, Selby Shoes, audiences in Maine through a musical explo- at noon. (COURTESY PHOTO) Cabot Cheese, Lindt Chocolate, The Maine ration of the sounds of inventions that move Mall and Hammond Lumber Company. Door people and things. Fifteen KinderKonzerts in two Islandport Press authors please visit www.twomaines. prizes include: Tickets to the Seacoast Country Music Fessix Maine communities will introduce children ages four com. General seating $10. (Not suited for children.) St. Lawtival featuring Brad Paisley (along with Blake Shelton and to seven to the percussion instruments in a fun, interacrence Arts Center. Tickets at: Jarrod Niemann), Cabot House Furniture, $150 to Kerrytive program. “Sounds All Around” will be presented May gold, and more! Tickets are available through www.portTIX. 17 through May 27 and marks the conclusion of the 2010com Thursday, May 19 2011 series of KinderKonzerts. These 35-minute concerts encourage active participation from the audience of kids John Manderino at Longfellow Books encouraging them to sing, dance, wiggle, clap, and most 7 p.m. John Manderino will read from his latest novel, AARP Driver Safety Class for seniors of all, have fun listening and learning with PSO musi“The H-Bomb and the Jesus Rock,” at Longfellow Books. 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. An AARP Driver Safety Class for drivers cians. Teacher’s Materials are available for download PortLongfellow Books events are free to attend and open to age 50 and older will be presented at the AARP Maine State KinderKonzerts are sponsored by Time the community. Manderino’s fourth novel, “The H-Bomb Office, 1685 Congress St., Portland. The registration fee is Warner Cable, with additional support provided by Acadia and the Jesus Rock” takes place against the backdrop $12 for AARP members, $14 for others. To register, phone Insurance, Target and Macy’s. Tickets for the Portland Symof the Cuban Missile Crisis. “Two children, brother and Phil Chin, AARP volunteer instructor, at 846-0858. Because phony Orchestra’s KinderKonzerts are $4. For additional sister who, while searching for empty bottles in a vacant class size is limited, early registration no later than May 12 information and reservations visit www.portlandsymphony. lot, discover a rock which looks like Jesus, immediately is advised. org or call 773-6128. declaring it a Possible Holy Object. Then enters an older Burdock Benefit Bash boy who tries to steal the rock intending to use it as a ‘Growing Up in Brooklyn’ author in Biddeford 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Burdock Benefit Bash at Local Sprouts lucrative sideshow exhibit, complete with fliers: Is it 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Book signing and reading, McArthur Cafe, featuring local artists, Peter Hazen, Chris Pulsoni, Jesus? Or just a rock? You decide! Approaching the 50th Library, Biddeford. ‘Growing Up in Brooklyn’ with local Tina Smith and the Rhythmic Cypher crew and the Tricky anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, ‘The H-Bomb Maine author, artist and musician Barbara Duke. Free. Britches. Portions of the night’s proceeds from dinner and and the Jesus Rock’ provides a unique, children’s-eye drinks sold will go to the Burdock Gathering 10-year anniReEmergence CommUNITY Party view of that near-Armageddon.” versary, Aug. 2-9 in Starks. For more information on the 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Community Art Show, followed by Dance ‘Shameless! The Musical’ at Lucid Stage Burdock Gathering please visit, Party from 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.: Dance Party featuring 7:30 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre presents, as part of its 25th site/burdockgatheringmaine/ or visit us on Facebook @ Hoboe (rock) and Mystic Vibes (reggae). The League of anniversary season, the world premiere of “Shameless! The 2011 Burdock Gathering. Young Voters Education Fund will be hosting its sixth annual Musical,” running through May 18. Performances are May ReEmergence CommUNITY Party! “Each spring, over 300 Portland Police Department forum 16-18 at 7:30 p.m. at Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard in young people join us for this exciting event to celebrate local with the city’s deaf population Portland. All shows will be pay-what-you-can. “Shamearts and music, and to educate and engage our peers on 6 p.m. The Portland Police Department with assistance less!” was written by Portland writer and musician Jason local issues. This year’s theme is ‘CommUNITY: Embracing from the Maine Center on Deafness will host a second Wilkins, whose last musical (Naked In Portland) enjoyed a Portland’s Cultural Diversity.’ We will highlight Portland artforum with the city’s deaf population to discuss safety consuccessful run at the PSC Studio Theater. “Shameless!” is ists, cultural dancers, and cultural organizations that work cerns and ways the department can improve its relationship directed by Mad Horse Theatre Associate Artistic Directogether to preserve the cultural diversity for which Portland with the community. Deering Masonic Lodge, 102 Bishop tor Peter Brown. The show features a cast of six, includis so well known. The evening will feature writers, painters, St. “The forum will provide an opportunity for members of ing Cathy Counts (Good Theater), Michael Tobin (Old Port a wide variety of dancing entertainment including African the deaf community and those connected to them, includPlayhouse), Jonathan Carr (Lyric Theater), Benjamin Row dancers, break dancers, belly dancers, and fire dancers, as ing family members, employers and neighbors, to share (Legacy Theater), Bartley Mullin (Seacoast Repertory Thewell as local music and entertainment. You will also get a their thoughts openly and hear from the department about ater) and Megan Jackson (USM Theater Department). chance to vote for your favorite cupcake in our Cupcake efforts to ensure that Portland is an inclusive and safe Shane Van Vliet (Portland Stage Company) is the music Mayor contest.” SPACE Gallery, 538 Congress St. community for all.” ASL interpreters will be available at the director. “‘Shameless!’ is the story of what happens when Crash Barry and John McDonald reading forum. For more information about the forum, call 874-8927 gay rights and the religious right collide within the confines 7 p.m. “Two Maines,” a reading by local authors Crash or email of a single family. It combines wild comedy, heartbreaking Barry and John McDonald. Local Portland authors Crash drama, and catchy folky pop tunes; it blends real heart, real The Longfellow Gardens discussed at MHS event Barry and John McDonald will present an evening of their family values, and (possibly) a bit of controversy.” Ticketing 7 p.m. The Annual Olmsted Lecture with Maine Historical “blunt, charming and ever so comical local tales from their information can be found on the web at www.lucidstage. Society. “The Longfellow Gardens: The Evolution of Two most recent publications.” John McDonald has been telling com or by calling 899-3993. Landmarks” by Lauren Meier, Pressley Associates, Camstories around the state for years, and his weekly column bridge, Mass. “This gala evening will celebrate the rich hisis published in many Maine newspapers. John is also the tory and recent rehabilitation of the Longfellow Garden at Friday, May 20 founder of the Maine Storyteller Festival and his talk show Maine Historical Society in Portland and the garden at the can be heard each weekend on WGAN in Portland. John Longfellow National Historic Site in Cambridge, Massachuwill read excerpts from his book “A Moose and a Lobster Maine Treasurer Bruce Poliquin with MHPC setts.” Walk into a bar.” Crash Barry worked for a decade as a noon to 1:30 p.m. The Maine Heritage Policy Center presprint and radio reporter in Portland, specializing in his own Back Cove Neighborhood Association ents “Fiscal Prudence: The Foundation of a Healthy Pristyle of undercover journalism. He stayed in homeless shel7 p.m. The Back Cove Neighborhood Association (BCNA) vate Sector Economy and Job Creation” by Bruce Poliquin, ters and flophouses, cleaned nasty apartments and restauis holding its annual meeting at 7 p.m. in the new Ocean Treasurer of Maine. DiMillo’s On the Water, 25 Long Wharf, rants, infiltrated religious cults and hate groups, to provide Avenue School, 150 Ocean Avenue in Portland. Anyone Portland. MHPC Member: $17 per person, inclusive of tax detailed reports from a unique perspective. A former media who lives or works in the Back Cove area, or has a child and gratuity. Non-Member: $22 For additional informacritic, talk show producer and guidebook author, Crash attending Ocean Avenue School, is invited to attend. On the tion, please contact Amanda Clark at 321-2550 or aclark@ Barry also labored as a janitor, bartender and bouncer. agenda are elections for 2011-2012 officers, discussion of Crash will be reading from his freshly published novel “Sex, the mayoral race, and plans for a summertime event. FMI, see next page Drugs and Blueberries.” For more on this reading and these contact John Spritz, 773-0872,

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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Portland Public Schools graduations begin 8:30 a.m. Portland Arts and Technology High School (PATHS) kicks off graduation ceremonies. The Portland Public Schools will hold the following graduation ceremonies: May 20, 8:30 a.m., Building B, Portland Arts and Technology High School graduation for the morning session; May 20, 11:30 a.m., Building B, Portland Arts and Technology High School graduation for the afternoon session; June 1, 10:30 a.m., Portland Expo, Deering High School graduation; June 2, 10:30 a.m., Merrill Auditorium, Portland High School graduation; June 2, 6 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, Casco Bay High School graduation; June 9, 6 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, Portland Adult Education graduation.

Meet Portland’s city manager finalists 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Portland’s City Manager Search Committee, comprised of City Councilors Cheryl Leeman (chair), John Anton and Jill Duson, announced the selection of three finalists from 65 applicants for the city’s top administrative position, city manager. The finalists include City of Portland Acting City Manager Patricia Finnigan, Framingham, Mass. Town Manager Julian Suso, and North Andover, Mass. Town Manager Mark Rees. As a part of the selection process, the public is invited to a reception to meet the finalists at the State of Maine Room in City Hall Friday between the hours of 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The City Council will begin interviews this weekend and will make a final recommendation for city manager next month. The City Council commenced their search for a new City Manager in February following the retirement of City Manager Joseph E. Gray.

Economist Stewart Wallis at Hour Exchange event 5:30 p.m. World renowned economist Stewart Wallis of the New Economics Foundation in the United Kingdom is coming to the Maine Irish Heritage Center to speak on “The Great Transition.” “The Great Transition is about retooling local and global economies toward an economy that produces good jobs for everyone, improves human wellbeing, and decreases social inequality — and does this all within planetary limits.” The event is being presented by Hour Exchange Portland and is free and open to the public, doors open at 5:00 and there will be an open Q and A session to discuss local solutions. All donations collected will go towards sustaining Hour Exchange Portland’s operations. “Hour Exchange Portland creates an alternative local economy of neighbors helping neighbors. Neighbors exchange service cash-free and tax-free based on the currency of time, where everyone’s time is equal no matter what the service being provided. Over the years Hour Exchange Portland members have exchanged over 140,000 hours of community service and provided over 22,000 hours of free health care. Just last year members of Hour Exchange Portland were able to winterize nearly 100 homes and the Exchange helped approx. 140 seniors, 50 people with disabilities, 40 single parent families, and 400 lower income neighbors in the greater Portland area get services they needed while they contributed back to the community, utilizing their skills to help others. Anyone interested in finding out more or joining Hour Exchange Portland can visit their website”

‘Into Eternity’ 6:30 p.m. “Into Eternity” screening at the Portland Museum of Art. Friday, May 20, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, May 21, 2 p.m.; Sunday, May 22, 2 p.m. NR. A film being screened at the Portland Museum of Art explores an effort to encapsulate radioactive waste underground. “While gigantic monster machines dig deeper and deeper into the dark, experts above ground strive to find solutions to the radioactive waste issue, solutions that can secure mankind now and in the future. A documentary timecapsule, it is a wondrous and frightening journey into the underworld and into the future.” In English, Finnish, and Swedish with English subtitles.

Spring for 317! 7 p.m. The stage at the St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress Street, Portland, will come alive with the sounds of Bluegrass, Celtic, Folk, Country and more at Spring for 317!, the annual concert to benefit the 317 Main Street Community Music Center scholarship fund. The multi-talented teaching staff at 317 Main Street will present a vigorous selection of the wide variety of music styles taught at the music school. Some of Maine’s best-known acoustic musicians will mix it up in many different arrangements and configurations in what promises to be night of great cameraderie and boundary-pushing musicianship. Performers will include Melissa Bragdon, Erica Brown, Diana Hansen, Robin Jellis, Danielle Langord, Carter Logan, Andrew Martelle, Jason Phelps, Nicole Rabata, Steve Roy, Matt Shipman, Kathy Slack, Joe Walsh, Jed Wilson, Tom Whitehead, and student guests. The Portland-based bands (made up largely of 317 staff) The Jerks of Grass, The Stowaways, and Niaia will perform as well. All tickets are $20. All proceeds go directly to

the scholarship fund. Children are welcome. St. Lawrence Arts Center is handicapped accessible. Tickets are available online at (http://www.brownpapertickets. com/event/172289) and in person at the Front Desk at 317 Main Street in Yarmouth during regular business hours.

Saturday, May 21 Daylily and Hosta Society plant sale 8 a.m. to noon. Southern Maine Daylily and Hosta Society is having their annual plant sale May 21 from 8 a.m. to noon. It is held in the Horticulture Building at Southern Maine Community College on Slocum Drive in South Portland. Look for Plant Sale signs on campus. There will be daylilies, Hostas and other perennials for sale.

Friends of Feral Felines 12th annual Plant Sale 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Rain or shine at 102 Saco St., Westbrook (corner of Saco Street and West Valentine Street). All proceeds benefit Friends of Feral Felines and helping feral cats in southern Maine.

Deering Yard Sale 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Deering High School Yard Sale, costumes, properties, books and more. On the lawn, in front of the auditorium. For more information, please contact Kathleen Harris at 874-8260.

Foreside Garden Club plant sale 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Foreside Garden Club is having its annual plant and bake sale the Falmouth Shopping Center on Rte. 1 in Falmouth. We will be selling perennials dug from our gardens, annuals and hanging baskets, herbs, and garden

Jude Barker. 780-0118

National Public Works Week event in Portland 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend regional events in the southern part of the state to celebrate National Public Works Week, May 15-21. With the theme of, Public Works: Serving You and Your Communities, the Maine Chapter of the APWA is proud to host several regional events where the public can view various equipment used everyday to keep roads and public infrastructure working properly. Portland Public Services will be hosting an Open House at their Central Maintenance Facility on Hanover Street in Portland. Equipment will be on display and refreshments will be available.

Second annual WestFest 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The West End Neighborhood Association will host the second annual WestFest event to be held rain or shine at the Reiche Community Center. “Our first event in 2010 was a huge success and we are looking forward to gathering the community once again for a day of food, fun, music, arts and crafts, animal, kid activities and MORE. WestFest 2010 brought 700 people out to enjoy the day at Reiche Community Center and we expect an even bigger crowd this year.”

Meet three authors in Portland 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Meet and greet three Maine authors at Arby’s on Forest Ave., Portland on May 21 and 22, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on both days. Eugene Elcik, the 78-year-old author of ‘desperation of souls’ and the soon to be released ‘The Lobsterman of Deep Cove, Maine’ will be available to answer questions and sign books. The audacious crazy Dane author who made Maine his home will have both

Joe Chandler of Portland browses through the ears of corn at the Wednesday’s farmer’s market at Monument Square. He was checking out produce at the booth for Pleasant Hill Gardens of Scarborough. The Portland Downtown Farmer’s Market returns to Monument Square today from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) related items as well as homemade baked goods.Thank you. For more info call Mimi Hinkel at 829-3578.

National Public Works Week event in Westbrook 9 a.m. to noon. The public is encouraged to attend regional events in the southern part of the state to celebrate National Public Works Week, May 15-21. With the theme of, Public Works: Serving You and Your Communities, the Maine Chapter of the APWA is proud to host several regional events where the public can view various equipment used everyday to keep roads and public infrastructure working properly. The town of Westbrook will be hosting an Open House and Reception at their facility on Saco Street in Westbrook This event will include tours of the facility, refreshments, and equipment will be on display. This event will also give the resident of Westbrook a chance to speak to management and staff of the Westbrook Department of Public Services and to learn more about a possible new Public Services facility.

UNE Commencement 10 a.m. The University of New England will award associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees — in osteopathic medicine, health sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, human services, education, management and the liberal arts during a commencement ceremony at the Cumberland County Civic Center. Graduates will need to arrive for the line up at 9 a.m. Doors will open for general seating at 9 a.m. U.S. Representative Michael H. Michaud, who represents Maine’s 2nd congressional district, will be the guest speaker at the 2011 University of New England Commencement exercises. Michaud will be awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree.

Maine Law’s Commencement 10 a.m. The Honorable David Brock Hornby, U.S. district court judge for the District of Maine, will be the keynote speaker at the University of Maine School of Law’s 2011 Commencement in Merrill Auditorium, Portland. Hornby joined the court in 1990 after his nomination by President George H.W. Bush and was chief judge from 1996 to 2003. In 2009, he received the prestigious Edward J. Devitt Distinguished Service to Justice Award, an annual honor given to a federal judge of national stature and exemplary contribution to justice. Hornby assumed senior status on the court in May 2010. After graduating from Harvard Law School in 1969, Hornby clerked for Hon. John Minor Wisdom of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Following his clerkship, he served as an associate professor of law at the University of Virginia School of Law, then moved to Maine and engaged in private legal practice. In 1982, Hornby became a federal magistrate judge for the District of Maine, a position he held until his appointment as an associate justice for the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in 1988. Ninety students will be awarded degrees at Saturday’s ceremony. http://

Tour of Calvary Cemetery 10 a.m. The Maine Irish Heritage Center plans a tour of Calvary Cemetery on Main Street, South Portland, by Matthew

books; ‘Jerry the Joyful Jet’ and ‘The Almost Always Audacious Adventures of Larry and Wuppy ... The Easter Puppy’ available for sale and autographs. Lars will also have several pieces of his art on sale at prices the State of Maine can afford to replace the mural! Clay Hurtubise, owner of Raven House Publishing, and author of ‘Drug Trip’ and “Shaman: Devil’s Deal’ will also be at the event.

Multicultural Exercise for Health and Love noon to 6 p.m. Portland will hold its sixth annual Multicultural Exercise for Health and Love: a health fair that focuses on health screenings and referrals for racial and ethnic minority communities in the Greater Portland area. The event will celebrate the health and well being of Portland’s vibrant ethnic communities with multicultural food, dance and festivities. All attendees will be encouraged to take advantage of the culturally sensitive diabetes and heart health screenings, risk assessments and counseling. For more information, contact Dr. Bankole, A. K. at 207-8748773, or via email Admission is free. Portland Exposition Building, 239 Park Ave.

MPA Rising Tide Awards Dinner 6 p.m. Maine People’s Alliance Rising Tide Awards Dinner, Woodford’s Congregational Church, UCC, 202 Woodford’s Street, Portland. Doors open at 6 p.m. “As always, our annual dinner will be a chance to celebrate the progressive leaders whose commitment to social change has made a real difference for Maine families and communities. Award winners include MPA member Shanna Rogers from Lewiston, Kit St. John of the Maine Center for Economic Policy and Representative Diane Russell of Portland. This year’s dinner will also be a chance for hundreds of us to recommit ourselves to the fight for justice. We know that Governor LePage’s vision for Maine is not shared by the majority of Mainers. We can stop him and his corporate backers, but we’ll have to work hard — door-knocking, phone-banking, writing letters — especially between now and 2012.” Keynote speaker Jesselyn Radack, Homeland Security Director of the national Government Accountability Project (the nation’s leading whistle-blower group), will share her experience holding government accountable to our vision of a just and free society. Tickets are $20 or $150 for a table of eight. Discounted tickets are available for a limited time by emailing charlene@ 797-0967 to order by phone.

‘Seven Shades of Green’ screened 7 p.m. A screening of the documentary, “Seven Shades of Green” at the Maine Irish Heritage Center (Includes conversation afterward with writer/director Justin Bell.) Watch the trailer at: “Seven Shades of Green” is a feature length documentary showing the journey of a partial Irish-American narrator from home in Boston up to Maine and over to Nova Scotia, to Scotland, then to Ireland. Themes explored include: Irish identity, immigration to the US and Ireland, history, the economy, faith, and storytelling itself. Suggested donation $7. Call 780-0118 or 232-2001. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011— Page 15

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Portland Youth Dance Company 7 p.m. The Portland Youth Dance Company will highlight unique choreography and dancers at Portland High School. The show, “A Year in the Making,” will feature choreography developed by local artists and Broadway choreographers. The evening’s performance will also feature the dancers from the Outreach program. “Since 2002, over $15,000 dollars have been awarded to 21 underprivileged dancers to take dance classes through the scholarship program. This year’s show is sponsored by The Thomas Agency and Canney Communications.” The Outreach program has been running since 2006 and has reached over 700 students in the greater Portland area. Students have been given an opportunity to learn from Company members and members have been given a chance to teach and give back to their community. Portland Youth Dance is committed to promoting leadership, character and services through dance performance, educational and dance outreach. Call Portland Youth Dance at 712-4308 or purchase tickets at CascoBay Movers on Forest Avenue in Portland.

Will Juggle for Water! benefit 7:30 p.m. Will Juggle for Water! A Benefit live action and comedy showcase by famed juggling act “TWO” at the St. Lawrence Arts Center. This performance is a benefit for Engineers Without Borders (EWB). For more information on the act please visit Tickets are $15 and available by placing advanced order at 347-3075 or by purchasing at our box office the evening of the show. www.

Sunday, May 22 Unity Center for Sacred Living 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Unity Center for Sacred Living, “an open, interfaith, Oneness oriented Spiritual Community ... here to evolve consciousness through what we call The New Spirituality,” is holding services. “We know that the essence of Spirit is within each and every one of us, and our aim is to create a safe and sacred space for each person to explore their own perception of Spirituality. UCSL offers weekly gatherings that are informative, creative, interactive, and sometimes ceremonial followed by fellowship. We hope you will come join us for our alternative services known as Sacred Living Gatherings.” Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Williston-West Church, Memorial Hall (2nd floor), 32 Thomas St. Portland. For more information call 221-0727 or email

Maine Comics Arts Festival 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Maine Comics Arts Festival returns to Portland this May to celebrate the comic book art form. Over 100 comic writers, artists, publishers and cartoonists are expected to attend and exhibit at the third annual event on May 22 at Ocean Gateway on Portland’s waterfront. This year the festival has partnered with the Portland Public Library to offer programming on Saturday, May 21. Workshops and discussions include workshops on graphic novels, drawing workshops for kids, and many other events. All of Saturday’s events are in the library located at 5 Monument Square in Portland and are free and open to the public. The main festival exhibit runs on Sunday, May 22 at the Ocean Gateway facility located on Thames Street on Portland’s waterfront. Admission is $5, with kids 12 and under admitted free. For additional information visit the official festival website at http:// or call Casablanca Comics at 780-1676. The Maine Comics Arts Festival is a production of Casablanca Comics of Portland. “Casablanca Comics is an award winning comic book retail store with two locations in southern Maine. Store owners Rick Lowell and Laura O’Meara have been sharing their love of comics with the public since 1987.”

Animal Refuge League Spring Fling Open House 10 a.m. The Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland will be holding a Spring Fling Open House at its facility, 449 Stroudwater St., Westbrook. The event features the ARL’s annual kitten shower, where guests are invited to fill the “Kitty Care-A-Van” with necessary supplies for the kittens expected to arrive in the next few weeks. The popular annual plant sale will kick off the event at 10 a.m. with all other festivities beginning at 11 a.m. “This year some very exciting features have been added to make it a memorable event for the whole family. Kid’s activities (such as face painting and crafts), fun family photos, and exciting new animal demonstrations. Miss Teen Maine USA 2011, Alexis McIwain will start the festivities by introducing the ARL’s new mascot, Miss Kitty and guests are invited to enjoy bake sale items (for humans and pets!) animal supplies, food and much, much more!”

Herb Adams lecture on the Civil War 2 p.m. Lecture by local historian Herb Adams on the Civil

Historian Herb Adams prepares to place new American flags next to headstones for African-American veterans in Eastern Cemetery during a trip there earlier this year. Adams will speak Sunday, May 22 at the Maine Irish Heritage Center on the Civil War’s Sesquicentennial. The bombardment of Fort Sumter on April 12-14, 1861 was the opening engagement of the American Civil War. April 14 marked the 146th anniversary of the date when President Abraham Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theater by John Wilkes Booth. Adams has written extensively about Booth, who visited Portland to perform in a play prior to the war. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) War, the first of many at the Maine Irish Heritage Center to commemorate the 150th anniversary. The bombardment of Fort Sumter on April 12-14, 1861 was the opening engagement of the American Civil War. 780-0118

SMCC commencement 2 p.m. Southern Maine Community College will celebrate its sixty-fourth commencement at the Cumberland County Civic Center. Tickets are not required, and there is no limit to the number of guests that can attend. For anyone requiring special accommodations or seating, please contact the Student Life Office at 741-5967. Event parking for students and guests is available at the municipal garage adjacent to the Civic Center.

‘The Thinking Heart’ in Portland 3 p.m. Four performances of “The Thinking Heart: the Life and Loves of Etty Hillesum,” will be presented in the Portland area during April, May and June. Conversation concerning the work will follow performances. Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, 524 Allen Ave., Portland, on May 22, at 3 p.m. Contact: Caroline Loupe, cmloupe@, 926-5983. Admission: Donation requested. Glickman Family Library at the University of Southern Maine, 314 Forest Ave., seventh floor, Portland, on June 2, at 7 p.m. This performance is sponsored by Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance. Contact: Joshua Bodwell, Executive Director,, 228-8263.

‘Jekyll & Hyde’ auditions in Auburn 6 p.m. Lewiston-Auburn Community Little Theatre is announcing auditions for “Jekyll & Hyde,” the musical, calling for a huge cast, adults only please, on Sunday, May 22, and Monday, May 23, both days at 6 p.m. at Great Falls Performing Art Center, 30 Academy St., Auburn. Performance dates are August 5-14. FMI, please access

Monday, May 23 Rally for Peace in Darfur noon to 1:15 p.m. Fur Cultural Revival (part of The Darfur Community Center of Maine) presents a Rally for Peace in Darfur/A New Southern Sudan at Monument Square (if it rains, the event will be in The Meg Perry Center, 644 Congress St.) This event is free and open to the public.

College scholarships for Riverton students 1:30 p.m. C Port Credit Union will give 15 college scholarships of $100 each to third, fourth and fifth graders at Portland’s Riverton Elementary School at an awards ceremony on May 23 at in the Riverton cafeteria. The credit union began partnering with the school on the “Riverton and Beyond” program four years ago. “The program aims to raise students’ aspirations and to get them thinking early about postsecondary education. Students work

with a college advisor to identify what they love to do now and how that might carry into future college studies. They also learn about writing college scholarship essays. The credit union chooses scholarship recipients based on their essays.”

Tuesday, May 24 The Tuesday Group artists 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Tuesday Group, a group of local artists, will be exhibiting at the Falmouth Memorial Library, 5 Lunt Road, Falmouth, continuing through the end of June. The exhibit is free and open to the public during library hours. (Monday, Friday, Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.). For more information visit the library’s website: www.falmouth. or call 781-2351.

Bark in the Park at the Sea Dogs 4:30 p.m. The Portland Sea Dogs, Double-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, will host the annual “Bark in the Park” event when the Sea Dogs take on the New Hampshire Fisher Cats at 6 p.m. at Hadlock Field. “Take your dog out to the ballgame and enjoy a baseball game with the entire family. The Sea Dogs will open a special section located along the left-field line in the ballpark for fans to be able to attend a Sea Dogs game with their beloved dogs. Tickets for the special dog section of the ballpark are $9 and include access to the park for both yourself and your dog. Only 300 tickets are available. Tickets for you and your dog are available for $9 by calling the Sea Dogs’ Box Office at 879-9500 or online at by clicking on the “Bark in the Park” icon.” Gates open for the Bark in the Park at 4:30 p.m., and there will be a special entrance for the dogs and their owners. There will be a doggie parade at 5:15 in which fans may parade around the warning track with their dogs, lead by Slugger the Sea Dog. After the parade, those who have tickets to the Bark in the Park section of the park are welcome to enjoy the canine relief area, wading pool, watering station, and dog treats. Doggie Valets will be on hand to care for pets while people visit the Hadlock Field Concourse. The event is B.Y.O.B (Bring your own bag).

DEPA ‘Business After Hours’ 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The DownEast Pride Alliance “Business After Hours” Networking Event will take place at District, 45 Danforth St., Portland. “Delicious appetizers, cash bar & media table will be provided. District is an American neighborhood restaurant & raw bar.” FMI: “The DownEast Pride Alliance s a GLBTQ business networking group in Southern Maine meeting monthly at local establishments for ‘Business After Hours’ events that provide a safe forum for, and help strengthen, the local gay & gay-friendly business community.”

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Saco man says Portland woman died from drug overdose LOZADA from page one

of last year; but he says Lozada suffered from an overdose earlier that day and was dead when he left her, Chief James Craig told reporters yesterday. No charges have been filed against Mincher, who came forward with the information in February after being questioned by York County sheriff’s deputies during a traffic stop. Since then, Portland police have had reguLozada lar contact with Mincher, who served six years in a Maine state prison for arson. “He’s not in custody, he’s just a person of interest at this point,” Craig said at the press conference at Portland police headquarters. Lozada, 24, had a history of depression and drug abuse, according to her mother, Carrie Cronkite. She was reported missing last July, and police consider her death suspicious. Cronkite said Mincher should have taken her daughter to a hospital instead of leaving her in the woods.

“For the life of me, I don’t understand why he did not call 911,” Cronkite said, adding, “He is not a doctor, he had no authority to pronounce her dead, so in that case if she was still alive when he put her out here, it was homicide.” Craig said the case is still actively under investigation. Bone fragments later identified as Lozada’s were discovered in Northport on April 17, not far from where Mincher said he left her body. Authorities initially searched the area in February but were unable to locate any remains under several feet of snow. Despite challenges from the snow and deep water from spring snow melt, police were able to recover evidence from the scene, Craig said. Mincher told police he picked up Lozada on Congress Street and that the two “consumed drugs.” He said she died a short time afterward from what he believed was a drug overdose. Police did not disclose what type of drugs were involved. It’s not clear if the two knew each other before meeting last July. “Mincher told detectives that he brought her body to Northport, Maine, and left her in the woods,” Craig said. Police believe Mincher used to live near Northport, a town of roughly 1,500 people located near Belfast. Cronkite said she’s haunted by the

Carrie Cronkite (center) said her daughter, Elena Lozada, was a beautiful person who struggled with depression and substance abuse since she was a teenager. Cronkite was speaking at a press conference yesterday at Portland Police Department. At left is Bethany Lozada, Elena’s sister; at right is Portland Police Chief James Craig. (CASEY CONLEY PHOTO)

thought that her daughter was still alive when Mincher left her in the woods. “I pray that justice will be served, because I cannot stop thinking about the fact that Elena could have still been alive when this person put her out in the woods,” Cronkite said. “There is a very good chance that she may not have been dead.” The state medical examiner’s office is still trying to determine the cause of death. Craig said Mincher has not been charged with a crime for dumping Lozada’s body in the woods. “If someone is suffering or ill, we have a responsibility to contact authorities and seek medical help. But certainly there are a lot of dimensions to this investigation that I can’t go into at this point,” he said, when asked by a reporter whether it was a crime to dump a dead body. Cronkite, who lives in the town of Westfield, in Aroostook County, described her daughter as a “beautiful person” who struggled with drugs as a coping mechanism for depression and bipolar disorder. She said Lozada began making “difficult decisions” at age 13, and by age 17

was placed in a rehab facility for six months. When she turned 18, Lozada left the clinic and moved to Portland, where she rented an apartment but struggled to hold down a job. “She tried to work, but was unable to keep those jobs because of her mental health issues. She relapsed into drugs and Elena just declined over the years,” Cronkite said. “But Elena always called home, she always wrote letters, she always sent me cards, she always came home on holiday weekends. .. and she would always say, ‘One day Mommy, I am going to change.’” Through her church, Cronkite has begun raising money for Elena’s House, a drug treatment center specializing in treatments for teenage girls. She said it was her daughter’s “dream” to open such a facility. “I do believe that one day Lena’s House is going to be a reality,” Chronkite said. Police are asking anyone with information about Mincher, Lozada or the open investigation into her death, to call Portland’s detective division at 874-8533.

SMCC Entrepreneurial Center notes winners at May 11 awards luncheon DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT The Entrepreneurial Center at Southern Maine Community College celebrated with an awards luncheon on May 11, the center reported. Award winners at this year’s event included: Bob and Debbie Lothrop of Chasin’ the Ring BBQ ( were awarded “Entrepreneurs of the Year.” The Lothrops started their business a year ago after winning a BBQ competition and have worked hard to experience fast growth, the center noted. They recently won “Best Sauce” at the Maine BBQ Showdown. Chris Speh, current chair of the

Maine Angels ( was awarded “SMCC Entrepreneurial Center Volunteer of the Year.” “Speh has served unselfishly at the center since its inception by volunteering whenever needed to help new entrepreneurs grow their businesses,” the center reported. Chris Phillips of Chris Phillips, Plant Geek was awarded “The Heart of the Incubator.” Phillips has spent hundreds of hours in the business incubator working on his own business and helping others to succeed, the center noted. The goal of the Entrepreneurial Center is to expand services at SMCC and to build stronger partnerships with Maine entrepreneurs.

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