The Portland Daily Sun, Tuesday, May, 31, 2011

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Last week, leading up to Memorial Day, city crews spent a few hours each afternoon tending to Eastern Cemetery. But it’s no secret that city finances are tight, and Portland has turned to private groups to help take care of many of its public spaces. “It's resource driven in terms of

TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2011

In between drizzles earlier this month, Timothy A. Greene, blacksmith from Parsonsfield, welds a gate at the Eastern Cemetery, part of repairs to the 1668-era landmark. Greene said the weather for welding wasn’t ideal but that he wanted to finish the job. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

“There are a huge number of stones that have been broken. We estimated that there were upwards of 670 stones that require conservation treatment, nearly 700 stones, and the cost is probably going to be close to $700,000.” — Michael Trinkley, preservation expert where crews are and what they're able to work on over the summer months,” said Nicole Clegg, spokes-

VOL. 3 NO. 84

person for the city, talking about cemetery maintenance. see CEMETERY page 6




Normandy vet honors fallen heroes of WWII City, Legion honor fallen soldiers, police officers with Memorial Day ceremonies BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Army veteran Nick Sangillo of Portland almost didn’t live to join the Normandy landings on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Sangillo recalled crossing the Atlantic to England and commenting to a crew member, “Look at that swordfish,” but the silver shape in the ocean wasn’t a swordfish. “He said, That’s no G-D swordfish, that’s a torpedo,’ this much away,” Sangillo recalled, gesturing with his hands to indicate a matter of feet. “Fifteen thousand men aboard the ship made it to England, by luck. If that torpedo had hit, I wouldn’t be talking to you today.” Sangillo, who marched Monday in Portland’s Memorial Day parade, earned four Purple Hearts at Normandy. But for Sangillo, the medals weren’t important; he marches for the fellow soldiers that were lost in the war. “This is in honor of the real heroes who didn’t make it home,” he said, explaining why

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“Fifteen thousand men aboard the ship made it to England, by luck. If that torpedo had hit, I wouldn’t be talking to you today.” — Army veteran Nick Sangillo he marches in the parade even at age 87. An Army infantryman in World War II, Sangillo doesn’t have many peers left today. Former legislator Herb Adams and parade participant noted, “Nick is one of the very last World War II vets who still march in the Portland parade. It’s declined quickly in the last five years, Nick has been a stalwart.” The invasion of Normandy, the largest amphibious invasion in world history, involved more than 160,000 troops, but few are still alive today. Time hasn’t been the only factor; the landing itself on the beaches of France proved costly. see MEMORIAL DAY page 8

LEFT: World War II veteran Nick Sangillo (left) shakes hands with Rick Cobb before Monday’s Memorial Day parade at Longfellow Square. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

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Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011

U.S. cracks down on companies that hire illegal workers BY JULIA PRESTON THE NEW YORK TIMES

TUCSON — Obama administration officials are sharpening their crackdown on the hiring of illegal immigrants by focusing increasingly tough criminal charges on employers while moving away from criminal arrests of the workers themselves. After months of criticism from Republicans who said President Obama was relaxing immigration enforcement in workplaces, the scope of the administration’s strategy has become clear as long-running investigations of employers have culminated in indictments, convictions, exponentially increased fines and jail sentences. While conducting fewer headline-making factory raids, the immigration authorities have greatly expanded the number of businesses facing scrutiny and the cases where employers face severe sanctions. In a break with Bush-era policies, the number of criminal cases against unauthorized immigrant workers has dropped sharply over the last two years. Among the employers who have felt the impact of the administration’s tactics are two owners of Mexican restaurants in the Chuy’s Mesquite Broiler chain, which are popular for their laidback Margaritaville mood and their broiled mahi tacos. On April 20, immigration agents descended on 14 Chuy’s restaurants in coordinated raids in Arizona and California, detaining kitchen workers and carrying away boxes of payroll books and other evidence. But at the arraignment days later in federal court here, no immigrant workers stood before the judge. The only criminal defendants were the owners, Mark Evenson and his son Christopher, and an accountant who worked with them, Diane Ingrid Strehlow. If the Evensons are convicted on all charges

against them of tax fraud and harboring illegal workers, they each could face more than 80 years in jail. Of 42 illegal immigrants caught in the Chuy’s sweep, only one was charged with a crime, and it was not related to the raid. Thirteen workers were processed for immigration violations — which are civil offenses — and detained or deported. The others remained in this country as witnesses or to seek legal status through the immigration courts. Under President George W. Bush, immigration agents frequently conducted high-profile factory raids, leading away scores of unauthorized workers in handcuffs, often to face jail time for document fraud or identity theft before being deported. After a raid in Postville, Iowa, in 2008, nearly 300 immigrant workers went to federal prison. The Chuy’s prosecution contrasted with the application by state and county authorities of a law that Arizona adopted in 2007 to punish employers who hire illegal immigrants; the measure was upheld by the Supreme Court on Thursday. Despite the political furor over that law, only a handful of cases have been brought against employers under its terms, which provide mainly for civil penalties. But state authorities have continued to bring criminal cases against illegal immigrant workers, leading to their deportations. The Obama administration’s record on workplace enforcement has been fiercely debated in Washington since President Obama announced that he would try, against steep odds, to pass an immigration overhaul this year. Administration officials say that their audits and investigations of employers have laid the groundwork for a system that would dissuade companies from hiring illegal immigrants.

“We have steadily increased our efforts to investigate and prosecute employers who violate the law on a serious and grand scale,” said John Morton, the director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also known as ICE. The next step, administration officials said, is to open a pathway that would allow millions of illegal immigrants in the country to live and work here legally. Republicans, pointing to the decline in arrests of unauthorized workers, say the administration is failing to remove those immigrants from the work force just when Americans are grappling with high rates of unemployment. “While President Bush’s so-called get-tough strategy clearly did not do enough to remove illegal workers, President Obama’s strategy is much worse,” said Representative Elton Gallegly, Republican of California, who is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee. Secretary Janet Napolitano of the Homeland Security Department halted

of personnel management and command style pushed him out of the running. General Dempsey will replace Adm. Mike Mullen, whose term ends on Sept. 30. Mr. Obama also announced that he was appointing Adm. James A. Winnefeld Jr. as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, replacing General Cartwright. Admiral Winnefeld currently serves as top officer of the Northern Command, based in Colorado Springs, a headquarters created after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and given responsibilities for defense of the American homeland. The president appointed the Iraq war veteran, Gen. Ray Odierno, to replace General Dempsey as the Army chief. If confirmed by the Senate — as is expected — General Dempsey will become the president’s senior military adviser, working alongside Leon E. Panetta, the Central Intelligence Agency director, who is in line to become defense secretary when Robert M. Gates retires in late June, and Gen. David H. Petraeus, who will take over from Mr. Panetta at the C.I.A. Officials said the high opinion Mr. Gates has

of General Dempsey — one shared by Admiral Mullen — was a significant factor in shaping Mr. Obama’s decision. General Dempsey carries no visible political baggage and has no vocal critics across the armed forces. The only sour notes sounded at word of his nomination came from those who regretted his departure from the post of Army chief. The exhausted ground forces, they said, need someone like General Dempsey who not only can employ the Army in combat, but also knows how to rebuild it. General Odierno, who will replace General Dempsey as Army chief, had three combat command tours in Iraq before being named top officer of the military’s Joint Forces Command. Although General Petraeus is credited with turning around a failing mission in Iraq, it was General Odierno — then serving as the No. 2 commander — who was in charge of the day-to-day fight during the so-called surge and was seen across the military as essential to the progress. He then succeeded General Petraeus as the top commander in Iraq. A high point of General Odierno’s first tour in Iraq, as commander of the Fourth

A raid on a branch of Chuy’s Mesquite Broiler in Phoenix (New York Times Photo)

the flashier raids in 2009. Until this year, ICE’s leading tactic was “silent raids,” audits of companies’ hiring documents. If immigration inspectors found irregularities suggesting that immigrant workers’ identity documents might be false, managers had to dismiss the workers or risk prosecution. Last year, according to government figures, the enforcement agency started 2,746 workplace investigations in addition to the audits, more than double the number in 2008, the last full year of the Bush administration. Fines totaling about $43 million, also a record, were levied on companies in immigration cases. Department of Homeland Security officials, speaking anonymously in order to discuss internal policy, said immigration officers were no longer authorized to carry out workplace raids unless they cooperated with federal prosecutors to prepare criminal cases against the employers. Last year, 119 employers were convicted.

Obama taps army leader as Chairman of Joint Chiefs BY HELENE COOPER AND THOM SHANKER THE NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Monday nominated Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the Army chief, to help steer the American armed forces through the three present conflicts in Muslim countries as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In a brief Rose Garden announcement in the midst of Memorial Day observances, Mr. Obama highlighted the dual roles that General Dempsey, who, as chairman, will be the country’s highest-ranking military officer, must fill as the United States brings its troops home from Iraq, begins withdrawing from Afghanistan and takes part in the NATO operation in Libya. General Dempsey, the president said, understands that “military gains and political progress must go hand in hand.” Mr. Obama noted that General Dempsey only recently assumed his job as the Army chief, a tenure, the president said, that “may go down as one of the shortest in history.” Mr. Obama had initially favored Gen. James E. Cartwright, the vice chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, before questions

President Obama’s nominee for the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, center, vice chairman nominee Adm. James Winnefeld, right, and Gen. Ray Odierno, left, to be Army Chief of Staff (New York Times Photo).

Infantry Division, based in Tikrit, was the capture of Saddam Hussein. Admiral Winnefeld commanded at sea for combat operations over Afghanistan and Iraq, and also led the Navy’s Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011— Page 3


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Detroit’s rapid rebound being built on smaller cars BY BILL VLASIC THE NEW YORK TIMES

DETROIT — After years of being outgunned by Japanese rivals, the American auto industry has made small cars a central part of its strategy, seeking to capitalize on a fundamental shift in the preferences of consumers in an era of fast-rising gas prices. By refocusing on small cars and deemphasizing the gas-guzzlers that had long sustained the industry, General Motors and Ford in particular are preserving jobs and positioning themselves to prosper. Their efforts are already paying off in the marketplace. Ford’s tiny Fiesta is the best-selling subcompact in the United States this year, and G.M.’s Chevrolet Cruze outsold every other compact car in America last month except the segment-leading Honda Civic. Nearly one in four vehicles sold in the United States in April was a compact or subcompact car, compared with one in eight a decade ago. Of the small cars sold in April, about 27 percent were American models, compared with 20 percent a year earlier. Data on sales in May will be released on Wednesday. “There is a less-is-more mentality,” said Jeremy Anwyl, chief executive of the auto research site “The market demand and receptivity for these vehicles just didn’t exist four or five years ago.” The transformation in Detroit was sparked by the worst financial crisis in generations, but was also assisted by an unusual set of circumstances. The United Auto Workers made steep concessions on wages and benefits. The Obama administration used the opportunity of the bankruptcies of G.M. and Chrysler to prod them on fuel efficiency. Japanese carmakers like Toyota and Honda became complacent about their frontrunner status. And the psychology of the American car buyer underwent a stunning change. “The most important thing we had to do was restore our reputation as a fuel-economy company,” said James D. Farley Jr., Ford’s head of global sales and marketing. “Without that, we couldn’t get a wide group of people to even consider these new products.” After decades of turning out embarrassingly uncompetitive small cars like the Chevy Vega and Ford Pinto that rarely contributed to their bottom lines, G.M. and Ford have devoted their vast global resources to producing new models that are both fuel-conscious and laden with technology and attractive features. Chrysler, the smallest of the Detroit car companies, has been slower to make the changes, but with the help of its Italian partner Fiat it is headed in

A General Motors assembly line making the Chevrolet Sonic subcompact and the Buick Verano compact in Lake Orion, Mich. (Steve Fecht/General Motors/ The New York Times).

the same direction, with a new compact model expected next year. The emphasis on smaller vehicles has proven to be a necessity for the recovering auto companies. Rising fuel prices have prompted a steady migration away from bigger vehicles since the spring of 2008, when gas hit $3.50 a gallon. Industry analysts and company executives say the shift is likely a permanent one, as consumers flock to small cars packed with features like heated leather seats, Internet access and voice-activated entertainment systems. With every new small car sold, the acceptance of American brands is reinforced as automakers erase the bad memories of their cheap and unappealing “econo-boxes” of the past. “This car has changed my impression of Detroit, big time,” said Christopher L. Garcia-Rivera of Northborough, Mass., who averages nearly 40 miles to the gallon in the Ford Fiesta he bought for $14,900 in April. The signs of change are apparent everywhere in the industry’s home state of Michigan, where Ford has converted a former S.U.V. plant to build small cars that will be available in hybrid and electric versions, and G.M. is preparing to make the first subcompact model it has ever produced in the United States. Ford got a head start on its small-car push when it hired an outsider, Alan R. Mulally from Boeing, to reorganize its operations five years ago. G.M., however, had to go through bankruptcy in 2009 before it could shed its big-truck mentality.

“We focused our resources where the market was before,” said Mark L. Reuss, president of G.M. North America. “You have got to spend money to do great small cars.” The dominance of the Japanese small car has eroded, in part, because Toyota and others didn’t consistently update their models in recent years. “Toyota really dropped the ball with their bland styling and plastic interiors,” said John Menschede, a retired county assessor in High Ridge, Mo., who paid $19,700 for a Cruze with a turbo-charged engine and Bluetooth wireless communication equipment. “I wanted something with a lot of bells and whistles and that’s what I got.” Still, foreign cars continue to give Detroit stiff competition. The Korean carmaker Hyundai has introduced well-received models, and Honda recently started selling a new version of the Civic, the perennial market leader. But instead of a few Japanese models grabbing the bulk of the sales, the compact-car segment is now a wide open field. John W. Mendel, Honda’s top American sales executive, said the Japanese carmaker was confident that its small cars would meet the challenge from the latest American models. “Better products from our competitors?” said Mr. Mendel. “That’s a good thing for the U.S. marketplace, but the Civic remains the trendsetter.” In the past, Detroit automakers neglected small cars because they could not make money on them. That has changed for several reasons. Labor costs are lower since the U.A.W. agreed

to concessions on health care for retirees and a 50 percent wage reduction for new workers. G.M. and Ford are also spreading the development costs of compact and subcompact cars across their global divisions in North America, Europe and Asia. Ford is building variations of its new Focus at factories across the world. The car’s basic design and engineering, however, was done in Europe, where consumers have long appreciated the value, fuel efficiency and performance of smaller models. “The way we work now is to use the teams that know the markets the best,” said Derrick M. Kuzak, Ford’s global product chief. The companies still earn far bigger profits on trucks and S.U.V.’s. But small cars are now commanding better prices in the showroom. A year ago, G.M.’s previous small sedan, the Chevrolet Cobalt, sold for an average price of $18,400, according to Last month, however, the typical Cruze sold for $20,600. Detroit executives are aware they still have a lot to prove. Mr. Reuss cringes when reminded of some of G.M.’s subpar products of the past, and vows never to repeat those mistakes. “Our company has been changed forever,” he said. “We’ve got a window to get it right this time.” He knew G.M. was on the right track when he parked one of the first new Cruzes off the assembly line at a supermarket in suburban Detroit, and a store employee rushed over to check it out. “She said, ‘I can’t believe Chevrolet is building a car this size that’s this good,’ ” Mr. Reuss said.

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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Soft-on-crime cycle repeats

The good news: Last year, California’s homicide rate dropped to its lowest level since 1966. Violent crimes were down from the year before. The bad news: Federal judges and California lawmakers juggling to run a state government despite a huge budget deficit are making decisions that threaten to dismantle a system that has made California a safer place to live. If they get their way, today’s state prison population of 162,000 inmates could drop by more than 40,000 within two years. Are you afraid yet? Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a 2009 threejudge panel ruling that ordered ––––– California to reduce its prison population by some 33,000 Creators inmates in two years to alleviSyndicate ate overcrowding. The problem: No one elected the federal judges, yet they seem to think they are lawmakers. The three judges ignored improvements in prison medical and mental health care — the basis for the Plata and Coleman lawsuits that spawned the decision — and then decided that the remedy for poor services in the past is to reduce the prison population in the future.

Debra J. Saunders

see SAUNDERS page 5

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, You may FAX your letters to 899-4963, Attention: Editor.

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matt Dodge Reporter

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–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Against learned helplessness Unemployment is a terrible scourge across much of the Western world. Almost 14 million Americans are jobless, and millions more are stuck with parttime work or jobs that fail to use their skills. Some European countries have it even worse: 21 percent of Spanish workers are unemployed. Nor is the situation showing rapid improvement. This is a continuing tragedy, and in a rational world bringing an end to this tragedy would be our top economic priority. Yet a strange thing has happened to policy discussion: on both sides of the Atlantic, a consensus has emerged among movers and shakers that nothing can or should be done about jobs. Instead of a determination to do something about the ongoing suffering and economic waste, one sees a proliferation of excuses for inaction, garbed in the language of wisdom and responsibility. So someone needs to say the obvious: inventing reasons not to put the unemployed back to work is neither wise nor responsible. It is, instead, a grotesque abdication of responsibility. What kinds of excuses am I talking about? Well, consider last week’s release of the latest report on the economic outlook by the Organization for Eco-

Paul Krugman –––––

The New York Times nomic Cooperation and Development, or O.E.C.D. The O.E.C.D. is basically an intergovernmental think tank; while it has no direct ability to set policy, what it says reflects the conventional wisdom of Europe’s policy elite. So what did the O.E.C.D. have to say about high unemployment in its member countries? “The room for macroeconomic policies to address these complex challenges is largely exhausted,” declared the organization’s secretary general, who called on countries instead to “go structural” — that is, to focus on long-run reforms that would have little impact on the current employment situation. And how do we know that there’s no room for policies to put the unemployed back to work? The secretary general didn’t say — and the report itself never even suggests possible solutions to the employment crisis. All it does is highlight the risks, as it sees them, of any departure from orthodox policy.

But then, who is talking seriously about job creation these days? Not the Republican Party, unless you count its ritual calls for tax cuts and deregulation. Not the Obama administration, which more or less dropped the subject a year and a half ago. The fact that nobody in power is talking about jobs does not mean, however, that nothing could be done. Bear in mind that the unemployed aren’t jobless because they don’t want to work, or because they lack the necessary skills. There’s nothing wrong with our workers — remember, just four years ago the unemployment rate was below 5 percent. The core of our economic problem is, instead, the debt — mainly mortgage debt — that households ran up during the bubble years of the last decade. Now that the bubble has burst, that debt is acting as a persistent drag on the economy, preventing any real recovery in employment. And once you realize that the overhang of private debt is the problem, you realize that there are a number of things that could be done about it. For example, we could have W.P.A.-type programs putting the unemployed to work doing useful things like repairing roads see KRUGMAN page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

California lawmakers haven’t funded Brown plan SAUNDERS from page 4

The state already had begun reducing the number of inmates — by 11,000 inmates over five years — with changes to the parole system. In addition, Gov. Jerry Brown has been pushing for a plan to transfer some offenders to county jails — which should cut the state prison population by 35,000. It may look like a wash, but it isn’t. Corrections chief Matt Cate noted there are many “unknowns.” What if a lawsuit stops the construction of the Stockton medical facility? The Plata decision “reduces our flexibility.” The biggest “unknown,” you should know, is that the Legislature hasn’t passed a bill to fund Brown’s plan to shift some costs and services to local government. As the spokeswoman for Assembly GOP Leader Connie Conway explained, Republicans think the measure “puts public safety at risk.” Conway looks at Fresno, where car thieves are let out of jail within days of their arrest, and she sees a recipe for more crime. Before this Supreme Court ruling, Republican lawmakers feared that the Brown plan would put low-level — and some not-so-low-level — offenders out on the street. With the Plata decision, however, the Brown plan has a new wrinkle. The three judges’ order involves 33 state prisons. The Brown plan would transfer jurisdiction for some 9,000 low-level offenders heretofore housed in conservation camps and out-ofstate contracted facilities. Add the two together and you get: 42,000 inmates, 33,000 of whom violated their way into the big house. Before the ruling, the state corrections depart-

ment had begun canceling contracts for the 9,800 inmates housed out of state and had budgeted for only half those slots. Cate told me Thursday that the administration is reconsidering that decision — and can quickly change course. May I suggest? Do so, pronto. “I don’t think you should assume that the administration will decide to let out anybody,” Cate admonished. But there are two forces that shout otherwise. One: The state is broke. Teachers, welfare workers and government-aid recipients look at the $9 billion corrections budget and think they could spend the money better. The state spends close to $50,000 per inmate because prison staff is well paid and federal judges have ordered health care improvements that boosted the tab for health care to $14,000 per inmate per year. Counties and cities have had to lay off law enforcement officers, and Brown promises pay local government about half as much as the “$50,000 scholarships” to take inmates off the state’s hands. Two: There’s the big liberal lie that California’s 1994 three-strikes law has bloated state prisons with pizza thieves and pot smokers. In fact, the state’s incarceration rate — 456 inmates per 100,000 residents — is slightly above the national average of 432 per 100,000. In 2009, 55 percent of state inmates had been convicted of violent or sexual crimes, 20 percent were in for property crimes like burglary and car theft. The rest were convicted for drug dealing, weapons charges, drunken driving and other charges. About 10,000 males were serving time for drug possession. You can figure most had serious priors and were housed in the cheap seats.

Even law-and-order types understand that the system must be streamlined. Nina Salarno Ashford of Crime Victims United told me, “I understand budget constraints.” For example, parole violators should go to jail — not prison. But Salarno looks at overcrowded jails, which already have had to release inmates, and fears the consequences. How do you pay for it? “It is probably going to take taxes,” she answered. No lie. There is not much point in keeping taxes low — only to have some lowlife boost your wallet. On the other hand, there’s not much point in paying higher taxes if the state slashes the number of inmates by 40,000 or more. California has been down this road before. In the 1970s, indeterminate sentences led to soft sentences for violent offenders. The public demanded tougher laws and the crime rate dropped. Now that these laws have paid off, Brown and the Democratic Legislature want to cut off their legs. The U.S. Supreme Court, in its wisdom, actually argued that three federal judges were right to conclude that releasing thousands of inmates won’t significantly increase crime and “could even improve public safety.” Justice Anthony Kennedy just restarted the cycle: soft law, doomed to be followed by brutal crime, which will be followed by harsh remedies. He has no idea what he has done.

unorthodox — but so are the economic problems we face. And those who warn about the risks of action must explain why these risks should worry us more than the certainty of continued mass suffering if we do nothing. In pointing out that we could be doing much more about unemployment, I recognize, of course, the political obstacles to actually pursuing any of the policies that might work. In the United States, in particular, any effort to tackle unemployment will run into a stone wall of Republican opposition. Yet that’s not a reason to stop talking about the issue. In

fact, looking back at my own writings over the past year or so, it’s clear that I too have sinned: political realism is all very well, but I have said far too little about what we really should be doing to deal with our most important problem. As I see it, policy makers are sinking into a condition of learned helplessness on the jobs issue: the more they fail to do anything about the problem, the more they convince themselves that there’s nothing they could do. And those of us who know better should be doing all we can to break that vicious circle.

(Email Debra J. Saunders at To find out more about Saunders, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

A Works Progress Administration-style program might create jobs KRUGMAN from page 4

— which would also, by raising incomes, make it easier for households to pay down debt. We could have a serious program of mortgage modification, reducing the debts of troubled homeowners. We could try to get inflation back up to the 4 percent rate that prevailed during Ronald Reagan’s second term, which would help to reduce the real burden of debt. So there are policies we could be pursuing to bring unemployment down. These policies would be

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Voter registration bill would prevent fraud, abuse in Maine’s elections (This letter was addressed to members of the Maine Legislature, including Maine Rep. Mark Dion. Sponsored by House Speaker Robert Nutting and Secretary of State Charles Summers, LD 1367 would end the practice of allowing Mainers to register at the polls on election day. The practice was passed into law by the legislature in 1973.) Editor, I am writing, as a constituent, and a legitimate registered voter to ask that you represent me by supporting LD1376. It's time to do away with "motor voter" laws that have subjected our elections to unprecedented fraud. According to Rep. Ben Chipman, 56,000 people registered to vote in the last few days before the 2008 General Election. Can you tell me how many of those registrations have been verified in any way? Please tell me how you know this. Officials I've spoken to have said that, unless the election is extremely close, most will NEVER be verified. So, potentially fraudulent voters not only affect the outcomes of elections, but also remain on our rolls as

"previously registered". The general pattern of voter fraud in recent American history involves community organizers and unionists "creating" voters with bogus registration drives where the "mistakes" can be blamed on indigent canvassers (google: ACORN voter fraud). Then phony voters from larger states are brought to smaller states where they will have a greater impact. Local activists and operators also cast duplicative votes on behalf of deceased or departed residents. I ask you to stand against these practices and protect the voting process in the interest of all fair-minded Mainers. The bill coming before you, LD1376, is a step in the right direction. I believe further measures are required to fully secure our electoral system, and I expect you to support reforms such as the following: Require valid ID at the polling place. Require registrars and clerks to verify EVERY new registration PRIOR to election day. Restrict absentee voting for 'convenience' reasons. Medical, military and other sworn and documented reasons may be accepted. More severe penalties, including jail time or deportation, for voter fraud and voter registration fraud. A public awareness campaign for harsher penal-

ties, similar to the "Click It Or Ticket" campaign. Post-election analysis and investigations to punish those who commit voter fraud. It's a sad fact that this fraudulent activity primarily benefits your party, Senator. Of course I'm not implying that you are involved, but it is important to resist the urge to defend your party. Don't participate in the usual anectdotal scare tactics, such as "My Granny can't afford an ID!", or my favorite: "Poor people and people of color can't get in to register early, so this is a classist, racist attack!". If you wish to make a rational argument, do so in the Senate Chamber. ... But please do not engage in the kind of nonsense that weakens people's faith in the fairness of the system, rather than strengthening that faith. My final question to you, Senator, is this: "Are you serious about protecting the integrity of our electoral process?" If you are, stand up and vote to begin the process of rooting out this serious threat to our state and our nation. I will be watching, talking with my friends, neighbors and co-workers and I will be voting. I sincerely trust that you will do the right thing. Stephen H. Donovan Portland

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Duson files paperwork to run for mayor (Editor’s note: Due to a layout error, this story did not appear correctly in Saturday’s Portland Daily Sun. The article is being reprinted.) BY CASEY CONLEY

“I am a listener and I am a collaborator. I bring to the table skills of working with eight other strong persons to figure out what we need to do to move things forward, and what we need to plan on doing to keep things moving.” — Jill Duson, candidate for mayor of Portland


After several months of deliberation, four-term City Councilor Jill Duson has decided to run for mayor. Duson registered as a mayoral candidate with the city on Friday, becoming the 11th candidate to file ahead of the Nov. 8 election. In a brief phone interview, Duson said she has proven that she can get things done during her 10 years on the city council and her two terms as mayor. “I am a listener and I am a collaborator. I bring to the table skills of working with eight other strong persons to figure out what we need to do to move things forward, and what we need to plan on doing to keep things moving,” she said. Duson, 57, said whoever is elected mayor should be capable of building “long-term relationships” at the state and federal level, but must also be able to work well with city staff. “I think this role really requires someone who can lead and collaborate, not someone who thinks leadership is about being boss,” she said. “Leadership is about getting things done with others.” Duson filed candidate paperwork at about noon yesterday, said Bud Philbrick, an election administrator in the city clerk’s office. Registering with the city allows candidates to raise money and form a committee. Duson is the second sitting councilor to announce a bid for mayor. Councilor Dave Marshall, whose district includes the West End and parts of Parkside, declared several weeks ago. Duson has been mulling a run for some time, but as recently as last month said she was still thinking it over. She said yesterday that she had always intended to make a decision by Memorial Day. While not unexpected, Duson’s entry into the


race immediately shakes up the field that has no shortage of candidates, but only three who have

been elected to public office by city voters. Indeed, of the 11 people that have registered with the city, Duson is the only candidate who has won a citywide election. She is also the only former mayor under the current system to enter the race. Currently, the city’s mayor is chosen from among the nine city councilors for a one-year term. Last November, voters amended the city charter to elect the mayor to a four-year term through ranked-choice voting. That system allows voters to rank their favored candidates numerically. If no candidate receives a majority on election day, the last place candidate is eliminated and that person’s second-place votes are re-allocated to other candidates, according to the website This process continues until one candidate receives a majority. Duson is the second high-profile Democrat to enter the race in two weeks (former state senator Mike Brennan declared May 16) but she isn’t expected to be the last. Current Mayor Nick Mavodones is said to be near a decision about whether he will run for mayor. Other than Duson, Brennan and Marshall, Charles Bragdon, Erick Bennett, Zouhair Bouzrara, Jedd Rathband, Peter Bryant, Steven Houston, Jodie Lapchick, and Christopher Vail have registered as candidates with the city. Candidates can start gathering signatures for the election on July 1. Between 300 and 500 signatures are required on official candidate nominating papers.

Eastern Cemetery tombs focus of concern CEMETERY from page one

That’s not good enough, according to a consultant hired by the private group that caretakes the city’s oldest major cemetery. In a new assessment of Eastern Cemetery, Chicora Foundation found “$200,000 easily” in maintenance needs. “I'm not pointing my finger at the guys that are out there trying to do the best they can, but are being told, ‘You have to spend your time out there at the soccer field,’” said Michael Trinkley, director of the Chicora Foundation, a Columbia, S.C.-based nonprofit heritage preservation organization. “You can always build another playground, you can't build another Eastern Cemetery,” Trinkley said. It’s not uncommon for cities to neglect their cemeteries, he said. In the case of Portland, the City Council “has just an extraordinary resource” with the 350-year-old Eastern Cemetery. Trinkley said the bottom line is: “You either take care of it, or you lose it.” First priority issues such as creation of policies and procedures for protecting the cemetery don't carry a specific cost; a volunteer cemetery watch, for example, could reduce van-

A tomb at Eastern Cemetery is shown in this image from consultant Michael Trinkley, director of the Chicora Foundation, who studied the cemetery’s condition and maintenance needs. (COURTESY PHOTO)

dalism without adding to the budget. Some of the fences need repainting, trash accumulation is a major issue, Trinkley said. Then there are the bigger-ticket items. Inspection of below-ground tombs is needed, and the city can expect a “significant cost” from that,

Trinkley said. At a rate of inspecting 10 tombs a year, the city could expect a $16,000 annual cost. Of course, not tending to these 100 or more tombs could prove more costly, particularly if a tomb collapses on a visitor, Trinkley noted.

Holly Doggett, volunteer with Spirits Alive, agreed. “When Chicora was here, they were able to go down and see one of the tombs and do an inspection on how the tombs are holding up,” she recalled. The ceiling of this particular tomb was falling in. “Part of the master plan suggests a yearly inspection of several tombs because the worst thing that could happen is one of those tombs collapsing,” she said. Spirits Alive wrote grant proposals to get money for a master plan and contracted with Chicora Foundation. Adoption of the master plan requires Portland historic preservation approval and then the City Council’s OK, Doggett said, both of which are in the process. For just over $12,000, the foundation studied Eastern Cemetery and drafted its assessment, according to Trinkley. “This is the first master plan that we know of that's been funded by a private group rather than by the city itself,” Doggett said. “The master plan has a section on history, it has a section on how to improve the security, the cleanliness of the cemetery, and how to work with the city ...” she noted. see MAINTENANCE page 9

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011— Page 7

When children’s scribbles hide a prison drug Suboxone ‘the drug of choice’ BY ABBY GOODNOUGH AND KATIE ZEZIMA THE NEW YORK TIMES

WINDHAM — Mike Barrett, a corrections officer, ripped open an envelope in the mail room at the Maine Correctional Center here and eyed something suspicious: a Father’s Day card, sent a month early. He carefully felt the card and slit it open, looking for a substance that has made mail call here a different experience of late. Mr. Barrett and other prison officials nationwide are searching their facilities, mail and visitors for Suboxone, a drug used as a treatment for opiate addiction that has become coveted as contraband. Innovative smugglers have turned crushed Suboxone pills into a paste and spread it under stamps or over children’s artwork, including pages from a princess coloring book found in a New Jersey jail. The drug also comes in thin strips, which dissolve under the tongue, that smugglers have tucked behind envelope seams and stamps. “It’s become a crisis in here, to be honest with you,” said Maj. Francine Breton, administrator of the Cumberland County Jail in Portland. “It’s the drug of choice right now.” Law enforcement officials say that Suboxone, which is prescribed to treat addiction to heroin and powerful painkillers like oxycodone, has become a drug of abuse in its own right, resulting in prison smuggling efforts from New Mexico to Maine. Addicts buy it on the street when they cannot find or afford their drug of choice, to stave off the sickness that comes with withdrawal. But some people are also taking it for the high they say it provides. After Suboxone strips were discovered in two letters, the Cumberland County Jail set a new rule in March that all inmate mail must arrive in white envelopes. That way, Major Breton said, officials can detect the orange tint of the strips when they hold an envelope up to the light. The jail also rips the stamps off every piece of mail before delivery because senders were putting a paste made of crushed Suboxone pills on the back of stamps for inmates to lick off. The Maine Correctional Center tightened its mail policy in 2009 specifically because of Suboxone smuggling. Officials there remove all mail from envelopes before delivering it, then send the envelopes to the “burn barrel.” Any mail containing crayon scribblings, stickers, glitter glue or any “foreign substance” is not delivered. “We’ve had too many people dry the stuff onto the pages, then get a kid to color over it,” said Capt. Mark James, who supervises the mail room, adding that Suboxone has at times been discovered on a daily basis. In Nesquehoning, Pa., officials at the Carbon County Correctional Facility intercepted three letters with Suboxone strips under the stamps in January and later charged five inmates and six others, including a son of one of the prisoners, with conspiring to smuggle the drug into the prison. In February, three coloring book pages, including two depicting Snow White and Cinderella, sent to a prisoner in the Cape May County jail, were splotched with the words “To Daddy” and an orange substance that turned out to be Suboxone.

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The Maine Civil Liberties Union sued last year on behalf of a woman who was arrested on a traffic violation while taking Suboxone for opiate addiction but not allowed to continue her treatment in jail. The parties settled out of court, but Zachary Heiden, the group’s legal director, said he would continue to press for Suboxone treatment in the state’s jails. “If they’re not providing a way for inmates to treat their addictions,” he said, “it makes sense that they’re using unlawful means to get The Windham prison, like many others, has a problem with Suboxone, a drug used for opiate addiction. that treatment.” Others are probably (Craig Dilger for The New York Times) seeking a high, though some experts interIn Massachusetts, Suboxone makes up 12 percent viewed said they were puzzled as to why Suboxone of all contraband discovered in state prisons, said would be more sought after than other opiate drugs. Terrel Harris, a spokesman for the state’s Execu“Maybe some people think it’s a safer opiate to tive Office of Public Safety. And in New Mexico, abuse because of the ceiling effect,” said Dr. Daniel prison officials foil attempts to smuggle Suboxone to P. Alford, a professor at the Boston University inmates about once a week, said Shannon McReynSchool of Medicine who runs a Suboxone clinic at olds, a spokesman for the New Mexico Corrections Boston Medical Center. Department. Or, he added, “Maybe there is some mystique “Typically what inmates will try to do is quarter about it.” the pill up and sell it for $25 a hit,” Mr. McReynolds Captain James described Suboxone as more said. “adaptable” than other drugs, suggesting that it is The Food and Drug Administration approved Subeasier for smugglers to manipulate. oxone in 2002 as the first narcotic that doctors could William Lawhorn, the director of facility operaprescribe for addiction to opiates. Seen as a more tions for the Vermont Department of Corrections, convenient alternative to methadone, which can be said Suboxone was the predominant contraband in dispensed only at federally licensed clinics, it blocks the state’s prisons. Mr. Lawhorn said corrections offithe effects of opiates while reducing cravings and cers have found crushed Suboxone in shoes and the easing withdrawal symptoms spines of magazines. So many people were sewing A spokeswoman for Reckitt Benckiser, the drug’s Suboxone pills into the seams of clothing and stuffmanufacturer, said in an e-mail that the company ing it into the drawstrings of sweat pants, he said, was “aware that a certain level of Suboxone diverthat one women’s prison would repeatedly wash sion and abuse exists,” and that it had taken steps and dry on high heat every piece of clothing sent in to counter it. care packages. To deter abuse, Suboxone contains naloxone, a At the Maine Correctional Facility one recent substance that precipitates withdrawal symptoms morning, Mr. Barrett sat at a table in the windowwhen the drug is injected. Suboxone also has a ceilless mail room, slicing open dozens of envelopes. He ing effect, with the effect leveling off after a certain carefully inspected a photograph and scraped two dosage. stamps off a postcard. A card with purple stickers But users can experience euphoria, especially if was to be returned to its sender, as was a letter they do not take it regularly, and Suboxone, whose doused in perfume, a technique Mr. Barrett said main ingredient is buprenorphine, is increasingly was sometimes used to try to fool drug-sniffing dogs. sold on the street in New England and other regions The week before, he said, a child’s picture tested where it is commonly prescribed. positive for drugs. A Brown University study in 2009 found that only “Every time a drawing comes in from a child you seven state prison systems offered buprenorphine have to scrutinize it because it might not be from a treatment to inmates, and only under narrow cirkid,” he said. “It’s sad.” cumstances.

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Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day honors CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Veterans of Foreign Wars members (from left) Todd Mitchell, Steve San Pedro (holding the American flag), Bob Bernard and Rick Cobb march in the Portland Memorial Day parade Monday. BELOW: Members of the Portland Fire Departmnt take part in the parade. BOTTOM RIGHT: Phil Foley of Portland watches the parade from Longfellow Square. BOTTOM MIDDLE: Slugger, the Portland Sea Dogs’ baseball team mascot, waves to onlookers. BOTTOM LEFT: A spectator holds miniature American flags. MIDDLE LEFT: The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department is represented. MIDDLE: Shannon Folsom, Miss Collegiate America, waves to spectators along the parade route. Portland Police Department Color Guard and the Portland Fire Department Color Guard, the Portland and Deering High School band, the AMVETS Post 25 Color Guard, Boy Scouts of America, Girls Scouts of America and many others participated in Monday’s Memorial Day parade.

Photos by David Carkhuff

‘The real heroes didn’t make it home. They’re over there’ MEMORIAL DAY from page one

“Where we landed at Omaha Beach, the 29th Division, we lost 2,600 men,” Sangillo recalled. “That really hurt, it still hurts today. Sangillo said five brothers served in the military, “four of us made the Normandy invasion, two Navy and one Merchant Marine, we all made it back.” “There were others who were hit worse than I was, but I got the Purple Heart,” Sangillo mused. “I was pulled out of a foxhole three times, I got hit on the beach, I had a piece of shrapnel in my left leg.

... I pulled the shrapnel out and I was bleeding. ... I was run over by a Tiger 6 tank, the biggest one Germany made. But you know what won that war? We had more bronze than they did, more bronze, more guts,” Sangillo said. Sangillo didn't want to focus on his wartime memories, however. He emphasized that Memorial Day holds a larger meaning. “The real heroes didn’t make it home. They’re over there,” he concluded. The city and the Harold T. Andrews Post 17, American Legion together sponsored Monday’s Memorial

Day Parade, which started with a parade down Congress Street and concluded with a wreath laying ceremony at the monument in Monument’s Square. In a noontime ceremony at the Portland Police Department, officials in a separate ceremony honored the 16 Portland police officers who lost their lives while serving the city of Portland. A plaque, inscribed with the name and rank of each of the officers who lost their lives through illness, accident or in the line of duty while in service to Portland, was installed in the Portland Police Department Courtyard.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011— Page 9

Eastern Cemetery is at a ‘critical juncture’ MAINTENANCE from page 6

“The cemetery has been horribly abused for much of its life, and I see the city

Trinkley said he devised a checkgoing through these episodes or these cyclical patterns of taking care, trying to list of needs, including: water faucet undo damage that’s been done by years of not taking care, and then suddenly installation; a dedicated maintenance crew (Trinkley said the cemetery was losing interest.” — Michael Trinkley, preservation expert mowed only three times last season). “There needs to be an understanding the problem as unauthorized access. tant cemetery, particularly because of that you have to maintain this propThere are issues with the homeless the underground tombs and the fact erty,” he said. and vandals abusing the cemetery, that they're a different type of archiEastern Cemetery requires addiTrinkley said. tecture, a different type of mortuary tional conservation efforts, he said. While applauding the work of Spirtechnique. I think it has the poten“There are a huge number of stones its Alive, he said, “You're really at that tial to be an extraordinary tourism that have been broken,” Trinkley cusp, you're at a very important crossresource. I think it's underutilized. I said. “We estimated that there were roads.” think Spirits Alive is doing a very fine upwards of 670 stones that require Eastern Cemetery has suffered job in terms of the tour, but it could conservation treatment, nearly 700 through a cycle of city inattention be so much more to the city,” Trinkley stones, and the cost is probably going interrupted by spurts of maintenance, said. to be close to $700,000.” Trinkley said. “First and foremost, there needs Spirits Alive hasn’t been idle. The “The cemetery has been horribly to be a commitment on the part of group launched a transcription project abused for much of its life, and I see the city to take care of this historic to document and record information the city going through these episodes resource,” he concluded. from headstones. An 1890 map conor these cyclical patterns of taking tained plots with assigned numbers, care, trying to undo damage that's For more information about Spirits rows, sections, that kind of data, and been done by years of not taking care, Alive, visit For a century later, the map was updated, and then suddenly losing interest,” he more about the Chicora Foundation, but details about who is buried there said. visit the foundation’s Facebook page. remain murky. The years of neglect showed when The Association for Gravestone Stud“No one has ever gone in and recorded Trinkley came to inspect the cemetery ies is holding its annual conference anything more than birth and death off last winter. at Colby College in Waterville, June the stones,” Doggett said. “There may be more damage in that 14-19. For details, visit http://www. Spirits Alive volunteers are docucemetery than in any cemetery that menting the condition of headstones, we've ever worked at,” he said. developing a new map of what exists The cemetery is at a critical junctoday,” We hope to be finished this year ture and needs a lot of attention, with every stone in the cemetery, this Trinkley said. is our fourth year of transcribing,” she The public commitment is worth it, said. not only for long-term preservation The public can help. On Saturday, but for short-term tourist opportuniJune 11, from 9 a.m. to noon, Spirits ties, he said. Alive plans a work party at the cem“It's well worth its historic designaetery. tion, it is a very historically imporWith a grant from Spirits Alive, the city has contracted with StandFast Works Forge of Parsonfield to make repairs to the cast iron fence that runs the length of the Eastern Cemetery along Congress Street. Blacksmith Timothy Greene removed a picket and used it to make a mold. He then cast the pickets in sections that cannot be repaired or are missing, Doggett explained. “He is going to repair salvageable pickets on site. Spirits Alive has also donated the funds to have the Forge repair and modify gates and latches to be lockable so we’ll no longer have to rely on the chain with a padlock,” she said. The cemetery is open Memorial Day through Labor Day by a city park ranger; the rest of the year, a key is available by permission for those wanting to explore the historic burial ground. But authorized Headstones lean in the Eastern Cemetery on a recent foggy morning. use isn’t as much (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

About Eastern Cemetery There are 16 cemeteries maintained throughout the City of Portland; the majority of them not having had a burial in years. The cemeteries are maintained by a crew of five full-time employees supplemented by seasonal help in the spring. Two cemeteries, Evergreen and Forest City, remain active with an average yearly total of 300 burials. Eastern Cemetery is the oldest major cemetery in the City of Portland. Established in 1668, with the earliest recorded burial in 1718, it is on the National Register of Historic Places. Originally, only the southeastern half of the present cemetery was utilized. The other half was unfenced and used as a public common. In 1820 this second half became part of the cemetery. The cemetery was active until the 1860s and occasionally after that. It totals approximately 5.3 acres in size. The present iron and granite fence along Congress Street was erected in 1852. The granite receiving tomb to the right of the entrance was erected in 1849. Both were rehabilitated in 1986. SOURCE: The city of Portland historiccemeteriesinfomation.asp


by Lynn Johnston by Paul Gilligan

By Holiday Mathis are vulnerable to critical people now. But not all criticism is negative. In fact, you’ll probably hear the specific words you need to know in order to make immense improvements to your work. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You socialize for fun, but you also see it as a job, which it is. Deals will get made during happy hour. You may be smiling and laid-back, but you’re out there promoting your business at the same time. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Others want to know your secret, but it’s not something you can share. This is mostly because it comes so naturally to you that you don’t know how you do it. You simply know how to make people happy. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll do some work on your image, making certain enhancements that keep you intriguing and appealing. This might include updating your technical skills. Image is, after all, more than skin deep. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There are so many people who are trying to do what you already do so well. You really are doing the world a disservice unless you share what you know. In your heart, you are a teacher. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 31). Your domestic needs will coincide nicely with other aspirations. You will attract supportive people and also competitors who push you to be your best. There is some restlessness around July, and you’re likely to take off on spur-of-themoment adventures. Unlikely partnerships are featured in August. Invest in October. Cancer and Leo people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 38,14, 30, 5 and 1.

Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Over the course of a day, the job before you goes from being pleasant to tolerable to tedious. To avoid turning into a grump, take some time to play. Get in a few good belly laughs, and your optimism returns. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Exercise helps you blow off steam. When you return to the day’s work, you’ll manage your frustration level better and remain in control of even the trickiest situation. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Someone is doing what you want to do in a way you hadn’t thought of until this living example revealed itself to you. You’ll be emboldened by what you learn. CANCER (June 22-July 22). As the first water sign of the zodiac, you have a tendency to let your emotions steam, boil, flow or freeze according to the climate around you. Today the hand that guides the thermostat is yours. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Sometimes work can be a grind, but today you’ll get paid to do something you love, and the exchange deserves some kind of celebration. Remember when this was all a faraway dream to you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Overthinking is a danger now, so make a plan, and then move through it quickly and with certainty. Leave no room for doubt, and your interaction will be graceful. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You will get rid of the attitudes that are holding you back. A ritual will help you make this a lasting change. Something ordinary, like washing your hair, will have spiritual significance. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You

by Aaron Johnson


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ACROSS 1 Plant seeds 4 Passenger 9 Broad 13 British thermal __; BTU 15 Wear away 16 TV’s “American __” 17 List of dishes 18 Cuban dance 19 Bacterium 20 Divided into parts 22 __ into; scolds sharply 23 Lowest male singing voice 24 Highest card 26 Detests 29 Argued against 34 Shoe sole ridge 35 Passed out cards 36 Beer’s cousin 37 Simple timber float 38 Keep a cooking turkey moist 39 Ms. Drescher

40 Suffix for differ or depend 41 Gets up 42 Hilarious folks 43 Roof window 45 Type of sofa 46 Actress Lupino 47 Football kick 48 Seaweed 51 Raising kids 56 Clothing 57 Schemes 58 Part of speech 60 Wicked 61 Embankment 62 Al or Tipper 63 Knighted woman’s title 64 Put forth effort 65 Filbert or pecan 1 2 3 4

DOWN Total Small bills Chablis or port Break in the school day

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 38 39

Many golf clubs Word of warning On __; jittery Legible Small hairpiece Concept Flat-bottomed boat Lawn trees Towing vessel Shopping place Use scissors TV’s “Green __” Unable to think of an answer Big and bulky Adjust an alarm Has a meal Fortune-teller’s deck Thrill Thickheaded __ off; leave quickly “The __”; New York City Appropriate

41 __ of; free from 42 Payment to a landlord 44 Legally responsible 45 End of day 47 “__ Piper picked a peck of pickled...” 48 Grew old

49 Volcanic output 50 “__ Reaper”; death 52 TV’s __ Trebek 53 Roam; wander 54 Lunchtime 55 Hindu teacher 59 Tennis court divider

Saturday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Tuesday, May 31, the 151st day of 2011. There are 214 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On May 31, 1911, the hull of the British liner RMS Titanic was launched from its building berth at the Port of Belfast, less than a year before the ship’s fateful maiden voyage. On this date: In 1790, President George Washington signed into law the first U.S. copyright act. In 1859, the Big Ben clock tower in London went into operation, chiming for the first time. In 1889, more than 2,000 people perished when a dam break sent water rushing through Johnstown, Pa. In 1910, the Union of South Africa was founded. In 1941, “Tobacco Road,” a play about an impoverished Southern family based on the novel by Erskine Caldwell, closed on Broadway after a run of 3,182 performances. In 1961, South Africa became an independent republic as it withdrew from the British Commonwealth. In 1970, a magnitude 7.9 earthquake in Peru claimed an estimated 20,000 lives, according to the U.S. Geological Survey’s website. In 1977, the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, three years in the making, was completed. In 1985, at least 88 people were killed, more than 1,000 injured, as over 40 tornadoes swept through parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York and Ontario, Canada, during an eight-hour period. In 1994, the United States announced it was no longer aiming long-range nuclear missiles at targets in the former Soviet Union. One year ago: Al-Qaida announced that its No. 3 official, Mustafa al-Yazid, had been killed along with members of his family. (A U.S. official said al-Yazid was believed to have died in a U.S. missile strike.) Today’s Birthdays: Actress Elaine Stewart is 82. Actor-director Clint Eastwood is 81. Singer Peter Yarrow is 73. Former Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite is 72. Singermusician Augie Meyers is 71. Actress Sharon Gless is 68. Football Hall-of-Famer Joe Namath is 68. Actor Tom Berenger is 61. Actor Gregory Harrison is 61. Actor Kyle Secor is 54. Actress Roma Maffia (maFEE’-uh) is 53. Comedian Chris Elliott is 51. Actress Lea Thompson is 50. Singer Corey Hart is 49. Actor Hugh Dillon is 48. Rapper DMC is 47. Actress Brooke Shields is 46. Country musician Ed Adkins (The Derailers) is 44. Jazz musician Christian McBride is 39. Actress Archie Panjabi is 39. Actor Colin Farrell is 35. Rock musician Scott Klopfenstein (Reel Big Fish) is 34. Actor Eric Christian Olsen is 34. Rock musician Andy Hurley (Fall Out Boy) is 31. Actor Jonathan Tucker is 29. Rapper Waka Flocka Flame is 25.




CTN 5 Lighthouse Jubilees







13 17


MAY 31, 2011

9:00 Healthvw


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Community Haskell-House

Bulletin Board

America’s Got Talent (Season Premiere) Hopefuls The Voice Vocalists advance in the competiWCSH audition for the judges. (N) (In Stereo) Å tion. (N) Å Glee “Auditions” The Raising Traffic News 13 on FOX (N) Hope Å Light (N) Å WPFO students recruit new members. Å Jimmy NBA 2011 NBA Finals Dallas Mavericks at Miami Heat. Countdown (Left in Progress) Game 1. From the AmericanAirWMTW Kimmel Live (N) (N) lines Arena in Miami. (N) (Live) Å NOVA “Secrets of the Beyond the Light Beyond the Light MPBN Parthenon” Construction Switch Carbon capture Switch (In Stereo) Å of the Parthenon. and storage. Å Are You Keeping As Time Reggie Outnum- The Red Up Appear- Goes By Å Perrin bered Å Green WENH Being Served? ances Show One Tree Hill Clay and Hellcats Savannah’s Entourage TMZ (N) (In WPXT Quinn fight for survival sister is seriously injured. (In Stereo) Stereo) Å after being shot. Å (In Stereo) Å Å NCIS “One Last Score” NCIS: Los Angeles A The Good Wife Alicia WGME A new special agent ar- book contains top-secret is involved in an ethics rives. Å (DVS) information. scandal. Å Smarter Lyrics Lyrics Curb Saver WPME Smarter Deadliest Catch (N)

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60 Minutes on CNBC

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Movie: ›››‡ “Forrest Gump” (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright. Å


LIFE Movie: ›‡ “Obsessed” (2009) Idris Elba. Å



Spouse vs. House (N)


Greta Van Susteren



AMC Movie: ›› “U.S. Marshals” (1998) Tommy Lee Jones. Å


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Movie: “U.S. Marshals”

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The First 48 Å Decorators


HALL Little House


SYFY Movie: ›› “The Core” (2003, Action) Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank.

“Star Trek: M.P.”


ANIM Planet Earth Extremes Organisms that thrive.

Planet Earth Extremes






COM South Park Tosh.0

67 68 76




Movie: ››› “X-Men” (2000) Hugh Jackman.

TVLND All-Family All-Family Raymond TBS

Planet Earth Å


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Fa. Affair


The Mo’Nique Show

Tosh.0 (N) Macdonald Daily Show Colbert Movie: ››› “X-Men” (2000) Hugh Jackman. Raymond


Roseanne Å

The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Conan

SPIKE Auction





OXY Movie: ››› “Clueless” (1995, Comedy) Å


TCM Movie: ››› “My Pal Trigger”



1 4 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 26 27 30 33 36 37 39 41 42



Movie: ››› “Clueless” (1995, Comedy) Å

Movie: ››› “Smoky” (1946)



Lee & Grant (N) Å

Movie: ››› “Love & Basketball” (2000) Å

60 62


Argyle Sweater

The by Scott Hilburn

Love Handles: Couples How I Met How I Met



Fam. Guy

The Last Word

CNN In the Arena (N)



’70s Show ’70s Show

38 41


Men of a Certain Age

King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Rachel Maddow Show The Ed Show (N)

Daily SportsNet

SportsCenter (N) Å

Sup. Bowl NFL’s Greatest Games (N)

DISN “Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy”


Law Order: CI

Baseball Tonight (N)

Criminal Minds Å


34 36

Deadliest Catch Å

Law & Order: SVU

Game 365 World Poker Tour: Sea Sports

33 35

Keith Barry


ACROSS Scoffer’s comment Fire starters Brits’ raincoats Half of deux Legging of WWI Height: pref. Mr. Roper on “Three’s Company” Plant stalk Camus or Gore Narragansett baby Cozy abodes ASCAP rival New England cape Get wind (of) Gym teacher’s deg. Spanish water Soprano Sills, casually Rise from a lower source More humorous Shoe parts Bobby of “Bye Bye Birdie”

43 44 45 46 49 51 52 56 59 60 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 1 2 3

Movie: “Wild Stallion”

Part of the U.K. Ye __ Shoppe Full of: suff. Reproductive item Line of seats Night sch. course Of days gone by The undead, in a way? Forcibly compel Region Funeral bell “The Lawrence __ Show” Len of “The Four Seasons” Liquid meas. Kinks 1970 hit Form into a ball Amtrak stop

4 5 6 7 8

DOWN Chinese cuisine American chameleon Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

31 32 33 34 35 38

9 10 11 12 13 18 22 24 25 28 29

Not dense Football kick Kin of the FBI Numbered hwy. Australian sheepdog Ward of “Once and Again” Stoneworker Bronte pen name Street-sign abbr. Vague amount Constituent of natural gas Mollusk’s appendages Fox’s title Videos channel Poplar tree Sudden forward movement Beseeched Option word ‘60s hairdo Fellows Downplay Like some sweaters

40 41 43 47

Female labor grp. Contents abbr. Ambulance initials Network of meteorological stations 48 Consult a reference for 50 Honshu port 53 Bottom-of-the-

barrel stuff 54 Acclamation 55 “Gianni Schicchi” soprano role 56 Hinged tongue 57 Cookie sandwich 58 1700 in letters 59 __ En-lai 62 JFK info letters 63 Up to, briefly

Saturday’s Answer

Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Property tax, rent refund deadline today for Mainers Portlanders applying for the Maine property tax and rent refund program — the so-called " Circuit Breaker " refunds — for the year 2009 face a deadline today, Tuesday, May 31. Former Portland state representative Herb Adams, a sponsor of the program, reminds Mainers that refunds may be up to $1,600 for qualifying renters, homeowners, and elders. "It is one of the best, fastest direct-to-you tax relief programs on the books for Mainers, " said Adams. "It is growing every year, especially in these tough times. But you have to apply to get in and see the green."

Single people with a 2009 household income of $64,950 or less, or families with a 2009 income of $86,600 or less, may qualify. If your property tax was at least 4 percent of total household income, or if your rent in 2009 was at least 20 percent of your household income, you are over the first hurdle, noted Adams. Low-income seniors do not have to meet these requirements, noted Adams. "The forms are simple and the state does the math for you," he said. "Elders get the larger amount under any program they qualify for, and the state figures it out for them. But you must apply by the

deadline, which is right on top of us." Mainers may file online at for free, or print a free application from www., notes Adams. Adams has also deposited free hard copies of the application at the reference desk of the Portland Public Library. Applications for the year 2010 refund period open this August 2011, says Adams. Refunds for Portland renters averaged $419 in the last cycle and about $759 for city property taxpayers. — The Daily Sun

Tukeys Bridge project proceeds; crews separate Washington Ave., close Exit 8

Construction crews working on Tukeys Bridge have erected a concrete barrier that separates Washington Avenue from I-295 Northbound, making Washington Avenue a local road, the Maine Department of Transportation reminds the public. This concrete barrier completely closes off Exit 8 from northbound I-295 traffic. Motorists should expect delays during

the evening commute. “Because drivers will temporarily not have access to and from Washington Avenue and I-295 North, we’re recommending two official detour routes,” said MaineDOT Bridge Program Manager David Sherlock. “I-295 drivers wishing to access Washington Avenue outbound from Portland should detour at Exit 6B

onto Forest Avenue to Ocean Avenue to Washington Avenue,” Sherlock explained. “From in-town Portland, drivers can access I-295 North from Washington Avenue via Congress Street and Franklin Street Arterial.” MaineDOT advises motorists that there will be backups during the evening commute and that commuters should consider carpooling, taking

the bus, and adjusting afternoon work schedules in order to reduce traffic congestion between 4 and 7 p.m. “Portland is still open for business and easily accessible,” Sherlock said. “But northbound travelers who are not planning to stop at Portland should consider taking the Maine Turnpike.” — The Daily Sun



Dear Annie: I’ve been married to “Sherwin” for two years. We are both in our 50s. He has two grown children, and I have two teenagers who still live with us. Before we married, I thought Sherwin was perfect for me. We enjoyed everything together, and he made me feel special. Once we said “I do,” however, I saw a different side. He spent most evenings on his computer or watching TV, no longer helped around the house and only wanted to pay one-fourth of the bills since my two children and I also live here. I own my home. Sherwin threatened to leave me if I didn’t put his name on the deed. I refused since our marriage had been so rocky. So a month ago, he left, taking our savings and all my jewelry with him. I have not let him back into the house. He has apologized over and over and returned the money and jewelry. I am not mad at him, Annie. I just don’t trust him. He begs me not to give up and promises to do better. I have seen a counselor, who reminds me that my job is to take care of my kids and myself and not be swayed because I feel sorry for Sherwin. In my heart, I believe I am better off without him. But every time I tell him it’s over, he falls apart and apologizes. I hate to see him like this. Please advise. -- I Am Stuck Dear Stuck: Sherwin is manipulative. He charmed you into marriage, then intimidated and bullied you to get his way, and finally stole from you and walked out. Now he is playing on your sympathy in order to get back into your life. We wouldn’t trust him, either. In fact, we’d run as far away as possible. You can feel sorry for him from a distance. Dear Annie: My husband has always been a heavy drinker. He mostly drinks alone, at home, and can go through two large bottles of vodka a week. He’s 65 and retired and stays active, playing golf and

hockey every day, after which there may be lunch and drinks. He appears to be sober all the time, and his drinking does not impact on his responsibilities. He rarely seems drunk, although occasionally, I notice some slurred speech and drooping eyes. For the past few years, he’s made sure I don’t see him coming into the house with his liquor purchases, and he sneaks the empties out to his truck. Recently, he’s been drinking first thing in the morning. I believe he knows there’s something wrong, but he’s not ready to admit it. I take care to be tactful and nonconfrontational. He takes medications for arthritis, blood pressure and stomach pain, and I’m worried. If I talk to his doctor, he would consider it a betrayal. Am I overreacting? Is he an alcoholic? I know about Al-Anon, but I’m not interested in being part of a group. Can you suggest any other resources? -- Worried Wife Dear Wife: You can look into individual therapy for yourself, and there are many suggestions online for dealing with an alcoholic spouse. Although you aren’t interested in being part of a group, we still recommend you check the Al-Anon website ( for literature and suggestions. Dear Annie: “Ex-Professor Out East” said he was accepting of his wife’s platonic relationship with another man. He should learn the term “polyamory.” My husband and I are happily married and found polyamory to be a welcome alternative. We both have loving relationships outside the marriage, with the other’s blessing. This type of lifestyle can add new dimensions to an otherwise stale relationship. -- Happily Poly in Ohio Dear Ohio: Polyamorous relationships can be platonic or sexual, but the important part is, they are not secret. The spouse knows and accepts. As long as both partners agree, we say to each his (or her) own.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis


For Rent-Commercial

AKC yellow labs $700. First shots, AKC papers, vet health certificate. Ready 5/28. Conway (603)726-6273.

PORTLAND Art District- Art studios with utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 studios. $325 (207)773-1814.


For Sale

1987 Chevy Elcamino, V8 auto, runs good, driven daily. $1947. (207)791-7874.

AIR conditioners- 8000BTU portable $95, like new. 5000BTU window unit, $25. (207)883-3919.

BUYING all unwanted metals. $800 for large loads. Cars, trucks, heavy equipment. Free removal. (207)776-3051.

Boats USED inflatable boats wanted. Any condition. And used inflatable boats for sale. (207)899-9544.

For Rent PORTLAND- Danforth Street, 1 bedroom, heated, newly painted, hardwood floors. Modern eat-in kitchen. $850. (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $475-$875. (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 1 bedroom heated. Newly installed oak floor, just painted. $675/mo. (207)773-1814. WESTBROOK large room eff. furnished, utilities pd includes cable. Non-smokers only. No pets. $195/wkly (207)318-5443.

MOVING Sale- Solid maple triple dresser w/ mirror, $200. Ratan aquarium stand, new, $125. 2 recliners, circa 1960, excellent condition, $50/ea. Porcelain Chinese lamp $75. Square 36” leather top coffee table $50. (251)895-8953, Portland.

Services DUMP RUNS We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858. IDAFAB Services- Painting, pressure washing, deck restoration, screen repair, window washing. Free demonstrations available. 10 years experience. (207)415-8270. PA-PA Dan’s Mowing- No, you won’t get a pizza, but you’ll get a neatly cut yard! Brighton, Stevens, Allen and Washington Avenue areas, formerly with Lucas Tree. $30-$35, (207)878-6514.

Yard Sale AUBURN, Lewiston Coin/ Marble Show- 6/11/11, American Legion Post 31, 426 Washington St, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.

CLASSIFIEDS • CALL 699-5807 DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011— Page 13

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Tuesday, May 31 MOFGA Farm Training Project at Broadturn Farm in Scarborough

5 p.m. Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association’s 2011 Farm Training Project (FTP) Workshop Series. The 2011 season will kick off with workshops on Starting with the Soil: Sustainable Soil Management. There will be two offerings of this workshop — first on Tuesday, May 31 at 5 p.m. at Broadturn Farm in Scarborough, and second on Wednesday, June 1 at 5 p.m. at Village Farm in Freedom. The FTP workshops are designed for and targeted to participants in MOFGA’s Apprenticeship Program, but are free and open to anyone interested. They are intended to give apprentices and other young, beginning, and aspiring farmers the chance to visit other farms, learn from farmers about their areas of expertise, and socialize with peers. The workshops follow an informal format. They generally begin in the late afternoon with a farm tour, followed by a presentation and demonstration on the topic of the day. Participants are then invited to stay for a potluck supper and discussion bring a dish or something fresh from the farm to share. For more information about or directions to any of the workshops, or to get yourself on a reminder mailing list, email April or call 568-4142.

Wednesday, June 1 Portland Public Schools graduations

10:30 a.m. It’s graduation season in Portland. The Portland Public Schools will hold the following graduation ceremonies: June 1, 10:30 a.m., Portland Expo, Deering High School graduation; June 2, 10:30 a.m., Merrill Auditorium, Portland High School graduation; June 2, 6 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, Casco Bay High School graduation; June 9, 6 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, Portland Adult Education graduation.

KeyBank and the Maine Small Business Development Centers small business seminar

4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. In an effort to help more Maine entrepreneurs and small business owners access resources and expertise, KeyBank and the Maine Small Business Development Centers (Maine SBDS) are teaming up to offer free informational events exclusively for Maine small business owners. A June 1 session will take place at the Key Plaza at 23 Water Street in Bangor. A June 7 session will take place at the KeyBank branch at 400 Forest Ave. in Portland. All of the sessions will run from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. They are free and open to the public. For more information or to register, go to

Old Orchard Beach charter commission

7 p.m. The Old Orchard Beach charter commission is having a public hearing on the proposed charter. There is a synopsis of the charter changes available at town hall. 1 Portland Avenue, Old Orchard Beach. http://www. chartercom

Portland’s Public Schools spring concerts

7 p.m. Family members, friends and other area residents are invited to attend the following concerts in Portland’s public schools: Lyman Moore Middle School: June 1, 7 p.m., Moore cafeteria. King Middle School: June 2, 7 p.m., King cafetorium. King Bridge Festival: June 6, 12 to 8 p.m., Deering Oaks bandstand. (Rain location is King Middle School cafetorium.) See details at Fifth grade after-school orchestra concert: June 6, 6:30 p.m., Lincoln gym. Lincoln Middle School: June 7, 7 p.m., Lincoln gym. Elementary band and strings concert: June 8, 6:30 p.m., Lincoln gym.

Thursday, June 2 Cocktail reception honoring Stephen Bowen

6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Maine Department of Education Commissioner Stephen Bower, Portland Country Club, Eleven Foreside Road, Falmouth. Tickets are $30 each and include hor d’oeuvres, wine and beer. “Please join us as we celebrate Steve Bowen’s appointment to Commissioner, Maine Department of Education. Steve Bowen served as Director, Center for Education Excellence at The Maine Heritage Policy Center and he will discuss his goals and philosophies for Maine’s Education system. This event is hosted by the Board of Directors of The Maine Heritage Policy Center.

‘The Thinking Heart’ in Portland

7 p.m. Four performances of “The Thinking Heart: the Life and Loves of Etty Hillesum,” will be presented in the Portland area during April, May and June. Conversation concerning the work will follow performances. Glickman Family Library at the University of Southern Maine, 314 Forest

Hansel & Gretel battle the Witch in a rehearsal for PORTopera. PORTopera’s gala dinner dance and auction, in support of the group’s 17th festival season production of Donizetti’s “The Daughter of the Regiment” (La Fille du Régiment) will be held Friday, June 3 at the Sable Oaks Marriott in South Portland. PORTopera will present “The Daughter of the Regiment” on July 28 and 30 at Portland’s Merrill Auditorium. (COURTESY PHOTO) Ave., seventh floor, Portland, on June 2, at 7 p.m. This performance is sponsored by Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance. Contact: Joshua Bodwell, executive director,, 228-8263.

Daphne Kalotay and Jane Roper book readings

7 p.m. New England authors, Daphne Kalotay and Jane Roper will each be reading from their debut novels, “Russian Winter” and “Eden Lake,” at Longfellow Books. Longfellow Books events are open to the public and always free to attend. Daphne Kalotay’s short stories have appeared in various literary journals and magazines and she has taught literature and writing at Middlebury College and Boston University “Russian Winter,” her first novel, was a finalist in the James Jones First Novel competition and is being published in 19 foreign languages. Fellow Boston resident, Jane Roper is a graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop and writes Baby Squared, a narrative blog about her adventures in twin parenting, at She spent her first 15 summers at summer camps in Maine inspiring the premise of her debut novel, “Eden Lake.”

Portland’s Public Schools spring concerts

7 p.m. Family members, friends and other area residents are invited to attend the following concerts in Portland’s public schools: King Middle School: June 2, 7 p.m., King cafetorium. King Bridge Festival: June 6, noon to 8 p.m., Deering Oaks bandstand. (Rain location is King Middle School cafetorium.) See details at Fifth grade after-school orchestra concert: June 6, 6:30 p.m., Lincoln gym. Lincoln Middle School: June 7, 7 p.m., Lincoln gym. Elementary band and strings concert: June 8, 6:30 p.m., Lincoln gym.

‘Late Nite Catechism’ performed at Freeport Factory Stage

7:30 p.m. The Smash Off-Broadway hit, direct from New York, “Late Nite Catechism” will feature Colleen Moore, who has played the role of Sister in New York as well as the National Tour. This show has been praised by Catholic Standard and Times, Catholic Explorer and called “uproarious” by the New York Times. Laugh your Sins off and don’t let Sister catch you with gum in your mouth! Performances are June 2 through June 12, Tuesdays through Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $27/$22.50 for seniors and students, and are available through Brown Paper Tickets, link to the ticket outlet can be found at 865-5505 The Freeport Factory Stage is located at 5 Depot St., downtown Freeport, just one block east of L.L. Bean.

Friday, June 3 Author Lynn Plourde visits Reiche School

9 a.m. Lynn Plourde, a well-known children’s author, will spend all day at Reiche Community School in Portland. She will work with students and participate in a school-wide assembly. Plourde is the author of “Teacher Appreciation Day,” “Pigs in the Mud,” “Class Picture Day” and many other books. Reiche students have created plays, puppet shows, poems, letters and a newscast based on her stories. Beginning at 9 a.m., Plourde will visit classrooms and watch the student presentations. Reiche families and other community members are invited to attend the assembly with Plourde from 1:30 to 3 p.m.

Tours of Spring Crossing housing in Westbrook

1 p.m. Westbrook’s newest affordable housing community for senior citizens gets its first official viewing Friday, June 3, at 1 p.m. at an open house for federal, state, and local officials — along with the public. Spring Crossing, a 34-unit senior community at 19 Ash St., on the banks of the Presumpscot River, is a project of Westbrook Housing, Westbrook Development Corporation and Spring Crossing Associates Limited Partnership. Funded by Maine Housing with financing assistance from TDBank and Northern New England Investment Fund, the low-income tax credit property for individuals age 55 and over is expected to receive its first residents in June, according to John Gallagher, executive director of Westbrook Housing and president of Westbrook Development Corporation. In addition to the Friday afternoon open house, Westbrook Housing officials are hosting tours of the building from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 4 during Westbrook Together Days. Since ground was broken in July, the $3.3 million construction project—headed up by Great Falls Construction of Gorham— has created about 100 jobs, involved some 25 local subcontractors and has had a payroll of more than $1 million, according to a press release.

Westbrook Together Days

3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Westbrook Together Days. This annual event put together by the Westbrook Community Chamber features local groups, local artisans, local service clubs and amusement rides. Expect 20-30 performers and entertainers as well as a parade down Main Street Saturday morning and the auction Saturday afternoon. The festivities are concluded with a fireworks show at 9:30 p.m. Saturday night. Riverbank Park, 655 Main St., Westbrook. June 3-June 4. Friday 3 p.m. until 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. No cost for admission. Tickets can be purchased for amusement rides. see next page

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

‘Refashioned’ at the PMA

5 p.m. to 8 p.m. May 21 through July 31, the Portland Museum of Art presents “Refashioned.” “Inherent in the structure of a garment is the story of its purpose, time, and place. Contemporary artists, Lauren Gillette (York, Maine), Anne Lemanski (Spruce Pine, North Carolina), and Angelika Werth (Nelson, British Columbia), use the configuration of an article of clothing or hairstyle as an armature for historical narratives. Their work begins with the desire to communicate details of a life revealed in the conventions of outward appearance. In sculptural jackets, hairstyles, and dresses, the artists reconstruct identities, reuse materials, and reinvent historical personas. The exhibition will feature 21 objects lent by the artists. Refashioned is the third in a series of exhibitions called Circa that explores compelling aspects of contemporary art in the state of Maine and beyond. Circa is a series of exhibitions featuring the work of living artists from Maine and beyond. Circa is made possible by S. Donald Sussman. Corporate support provided by The VIA Agency.” Opening celebration: Friday, June 3, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

First Friday at Geno’s Rock Club

5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Art Walk at Geno’s Rock Club is free, and open to all — Jessica Butts will be exhibiting her newest multimedia pieces in the lobby. Refreshments will be provided. Live music show doors open at 9 p.m., cover is $5, 21 plus/proper ID required. Bands: Brenda —; Over a Cardboard Sea — Contact Peri Broadbent for more information at genos.

Opening for artist Leslie Wicks

6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Local artist Leslie Wicks welcomes guests to her opening at Running with Scissors studios and gallery. The show features both sculptures and prints. Refreshments will be served. 54 Cove St., Portland. 699-4242.

‘My Perestroika’ at the PMA

6:30 p.m. “My Perestroika” screening at the Portland Museum of Art. Friday, June 3, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, June 4, 2 p.m.; Sunday, June 5, 2 p.m. NR. “‘My Perestroika’ follows five ordinary Russians living in extraordinary times — from their sheltered Soviet childhood, to the collapse of the Soviet Union during their teenage years, to the constantly shifting political landscape of post-Soviet Russia. At the center of the film is a family.”

PORTopera Dinner/Dance & Auction

6:30 p.m. PORTopera, Maine’s only professional opera company, hosts its annual gala Dinner/Dance & Auction at the Sable Oaks Marriott in South Portland. This year’s gala supports the company’s 17th season main stage performance: Donizetti’s The Daughter of the Regiment (La Fille du Régiment); and the gala is French-themed. PORTopera Dinner/Dance guests dine and dance in elegance. The evening begins with a cocktail hour, with wine and hors d’oeuvres. Master of Ceremonies is Frank E. Reilly, spouse of gala co-chair Sharon Reilly, and auctioneer is Tom Saturley. The Bob Charest Band provides live music for dancing and listening until 11 p.m. Dinner is classically French and opera-inspired. Entrees include Chicken Marengo; according to legend, Chicken Marengo is an entrée ingeniously crafted by Napoleon’s chef after a military conquest, the Battle of Marengo, and thusly named. For vegetarians, Crêpes Vivandiere takes its name from vivandieres, the women attached to regiments of soldiers whose duties were to sell wine for their canteens. Marie, the lead female in La Fille du Régiment, is a fictional example of a vivandiere. Items up for auction include “walk-on” roles in the opera performance as well as a week in a Swiss chalet, an exclusive PORTopera design pendant crafted by Peapod Jewelers, opera trips to New York, Washington, Santa Fe and San Francisco and more. The gala is PORTopera’s largest fundraiser each year, allowing the opera to continue bringing the joy of opera and music to Maine year after year. The gala is open to the public. Tickets are $125 per person, and tables of 8 or 10 are available. Tickets must be purchased in advance through the PORTopera office (8797678). Suggested dress is black tie. PORTopera will present “The Daughter of the Regiment” on July 28 and 30 at Portland’s Merrill Auditorium. For more information, visit www.

Fairy Tale Players

7 p.m. In June, Acorn Productions wraps up the company’s second season of performance by the “Fairy Tale Players,” an ensemble of kids, teens and adults who have studied at the Acorn Acting Academy. The troupe’s last production of the season is the classic fairy tale Rapunzel, adapted and directed by Acorn faculty member Stephanie Ross, who is also the Director of Drama at Massabesic High School.

In June, Acorn Productions wraps up the company’s second season of performance by the “Fairy Tale Players,” an ensemble of kids, teens and adults who have studied at the Acorn Acting Academy. The troupe’s last production of the season is the classic fairy tale Rapunzel, adapted and directed by Acorn faculty member Stephanie Ross, who is also the Director of Drama at Massabesic High School. Pictured (from left) are Gus Febles. Jeremiah Vantassel (carrots), Joe Begos, Nate Jacobs, Adrienne Cordes, Jane Evans (adult), Isabella Levine, Angela Moline (in “tower”). (COURTESY PHOTO) “Acorn’s version of the classic story begins with a young couple who desperately want a child. An evil enchantress Dame Gothel manipulates them into promising her their first born in exchange for all the Rampion (otherwise known as Rapunzel) vegetable they can eat. Saving the day are a delightful garden of enchanted vegetables who talk, sing and put themselves in harm’s way in order to help Rapunzel and her heroic Prince finally find their way back together.” The production runs from June 3 to 19 in the Acorn Studio Theater in Westbrook, with tickets $7 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. Rapunzel is suitable for all ages, especially younger children who will love the antics of the garden vegetables. Call Acorn at 854-0065 or visit for more info or to order tickets.

Steve Tesh, others at Mayo Street

7:30 p.m. Steve Tesh, Chris Teret and Stephanie Rabins, Chriss Sutherland, and Micah Blue Smaldone at Mayo Street Arts. $5.

‘Late Nite Catechism’ performed at Freeport Factory Stage

7:30 p.m. The Smash Off-Broadway hit, direct from New York, “Late Nite Catechism” will feature Colleen Moore, who has played the role of Sister in New York as well as the National Tour. This show has been praised by Catholic Standard and Times, Catholic Explorer and called “uproarious” by the New York Times. Laugh your Sins off and don’t let Sister catch you with gum in your mouth! Performances are June 2 through June 12, Tuesdays through Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $27/$22.50 for seniors and students, and are available through Brown Paper Tickets, link to the ticket outlet can be found at 865-5505 The Freeport Factory Stage is located at 5 Depot St., downtown Freeport, just one block east of L.L. Bean.

Saturday, June 4 Grand opening of 10-mile Forest City Trail

8:30 a.m. Portland Trails will celebrate its 20th znniversary on National Trails Day with the grand opening of the Forest City Trail. Activities are scheduled throughout the day including a ribbon cutting ceremony at noon at the Casco Bay High School and PATHS campus. Portland Trails recently made major improvements to the walking trails behind the school buildings that are part of the Forest City Trail. Portland Trails co-founder Tom Jewell will lead a guided walk of the Forest City Trail with Bob Crowley, winner of “Survivor: Gabon,”

the hit reality television series. RSVPs will be required for this 10-mile hike across Portland. A $10 registration fee includes lunch. Individual guided walks of the major open spaces along the Forest City Trail will also be offered as part of the day’s festivities. 8:30 a.m.: Portland Trails Trail Manager Jaime Parker will lead a tour through the Fore River Sanctuary. Meet at the Frost and Congress Street trailhead; 10 a.m.: City Arborist Jeff Tarling of Portland Public Services will offer a tour of Evergreen Cemetery. Meet at the Duck Pond in the Cemetery; 1 p.m.: Portland Trails Board Member Roger Berle will lead a walk through the Presumpscot River Preserve starting from the Overset Road trailhead.

USM Arboretum Day and Plant Sale in Gorham

9 a.m. to noon. The dedication of the Joe B. Parks Rhododendron Garden, gardening workshops, children’s activities and refreshments are all part of the inaugural University of Southern Maine Arboretum Day and Plant Sale. The free, public event will be held, rain or shine, adjacent to the USM Academy Building on USM’s Gorham campus. The Academy Building overlooks School Street (Route 114). Parking is available at 68 School St. The garden dedication will be at 9:30 a.m., followed by workshops every 15 minutes. The plant sale will include vendors from O’Donal’s Nursery, Meservey Farms and local garden clubs. “The Joe B. Parks Rhododendron Garden, located in front of the historic Academy Building, is “green” in more ways than one. All the plants are hybridized rhododendrons and azaleas that the late Dover, New Hampshire horticulturalist Joe Parks developed to withstand the New England climate and resist insects. Parks once said he struggled for more than 40 years with ‘a disease known as gardening.’ In 2007, he donated plants from his backyard gardens and took the lead in development of Dover’s Joe B. Parks River Walk and Gardens. Parks, who died in 2010, also decided to move plants from his home in Dover to USM for the use and enjoyment of the entire community. Benches and original artwork from the Parks’ home have been woven into this large garden space that serves as an outdoor classroom and a place for reflection.” For more information, contact Betsy Uhuad of USM at 780-4714, or Tyler Kidder at tkidder@

New Gloucester History Barn Open House

9 a.m. to noon. The next monthly New Gloucester History Barn Open House will be held at the History Barn, right behind the Town Hall on Route 231. Historic photos and vehicles are on display. The next Open House will be July 2 and will feature a public reading of the Declaration of Independence. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011— Page 15

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Maine Historical Society annual meeting

9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Maine Historical Society Annual Meeting: Looking (Back) At Television. “Join us to conduct the official business of MHS, and for a look at the early days of television in Maine. The annual meeting includes awards, the welcoming of new Trustees, and a talk by Fred Thompson, former head of the Maine Broadcasting System (1983-1998). MHS membership and registration for the event required.” For more information, click here. To register, please call 774-1822.

Used book and DVD sale at Windham Hill church

9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A used book and DVD sale will be held at the Windham Hill United Church of Christ at 140 Windham Center Road in Windham. There will be a huge selection of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books available. FMI call the church at 892-4217.

Portland Jetport Aviation Expo 2011

and residents about the history of Maine. Volunteer whenever is convenient for you –- we run trains seven days a week along the waterfront. We offer a fun and enjoyable environment to volunteer in the community this summer. No technical skills are needed — training provided.” Limited seats available on June 4, please RSVP to 828-0814 or e-mail:

Westbrook Together Days

10 a.m. Westbrook Together Days. This annual event put together by the Westbrook Community Chamber brings together the best of Westbrook, local groups, local artisans, local service clubs, and great food along with amusement rides. “We will have 20-30 performers and entertainers as well as a parade down Main Street Saturday morning and our Annual Auction Saturday afternoon. The festivities are concluded with our fabulous Fireworks show at 9:30 p.m. Saturday night. Riverbank Park, 655 Main St., Westbrook. June 3-June 4. Friday 3 p.m. until 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. No cost for admission. Tickets can be purchased for amusement rides.

Herbal Primer Workshop

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Portland Jetport Aviation Expo 2011, June 11-12. Military, Antique, Special Interest aircraft, demos, fly-bys, displays, Helicopter and Bi-plane rides, food, charity plane-pull and more. Free admission and free parking (follow event signs at Jetport). Please, no pets, weapons or smoking. Sat. 9-4 Sun 9-3.

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. An Herbal Primer Workshop will be held at the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Route 26, New Gloucester. The workshop covers all the basics of herb growing from starting seeds to using what you grow. Betsey-Ann Golon, Shaker Village herb gardener, is the instructor. Fee: $40 (pre-registration required).

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch provided. “Retired? Interested in history? Looking for a fun part-time activity? The Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad has immediate openings for train crew! We are looking for individuals who enjoy talking with visitors

1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Shape Note Singers will be gathering for their annual singalong at the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Route 26, New Gloucester. The singalong is open and free of charge to the public.

Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Volunteer Training



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Shape Note Singers in New Gloucester

College of the Atlantic commencement

2 p.m. College of the Atlantic will hold its 39th commencement. This will be COA’s largest graduation, with 85 seniors and two graduate students. Actress Jane Alexander, former head of the National Endowment for the Arts, will give the commencement address. Like every COA event, this will be a green celebration. Young scientists, entrepreneurs, novelists, artists, public policy analysts, potential medical practitioners and organic farmers from 11 nations, including the United States, and 24 states will be receiving diplomas. Among them are a Watson fellow, a Goldwater Scholar, a Udall scholarship honorable mention, three recipients of Garden Club of America scholarships, three recipients of Kathryn W. Davis Projects for Peace awards and a recipient of an international poetry prize. All will be receiving degrees in human ecology, COA’s one major.

SMCC Composite Technology meeting

4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Southern Maine Community College is holding a public meeting to provide information about the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Composite Technology scheduled for initial offering at the SMCC Midcoast Campus at Brunswick Landing in the fall. Applications are currently being accepted, and anyone interested in learning more about the program or admission procedures is encouraged to attend. “Composite technology is designated as a high growth/high demand industry in Maine. SMCC is working with regional employers to provide a skilled workforce to meet increasing demands.” Resilient Communications at Brunswick Landing. Enter the former BNAS through the main Cook’s Corner entrance. For more information on the degree program, contact Randi Paine at 741-5624. see next page

Mathieu’s Market


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from preceding page

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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Latin Dance with Dj Johnny Mambo!

5 p.m. to 9 p.m. “Crystal, Heather, & Maria Cron will be going to Cuba this summer with the Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan. They are asking for support. Every year people opposing the U.S. blockade against Cuba join Pastors for Peace in taking taken humanitarian aid to the island. On their way to Cuba this year, they will travel in buses and trucks through 130 US and Canadian cities. They’ll be collecting construction, medical, and educational supplies for our Cuban sisters and brothers. People they meet along the way will learn about Cuba and the U.S. blockade. Crystal is considering study at the Latin America School of Medicine in Havana, so she’ll be visiting that school.” Doors open at 5 p.m., dinner served at 5:30, dance begins at 6:30 p.m. Hope.Gate.Way, 185 High St., Portland. Donation of $15 is suggested. Admission includes a Cuban/Peruvian meal, including Flan. For more information about this event, call Maria at 272-2071. People unable to attend may send donations to: Crystal Cron, 117 North St., Portland, ME 04101. Let Cuba Live of Maine ( sponsors the proceedings. For information about Pastors for Peace and the Friendshipment, go to

Calamity Janes vs. Queen City Cherry Bombs

6 p.m. Calamity Janes vs. Queen City Cherry Bombs (NHRD home team) in Maine Roller Derby action. “Portland Expo. TD Bank will be sponsoring a table for the Special Olympics at the June 4 and June 18 bouts. Stop by on your way to your seats to meet some Special Olympic Athletes and donate to the cause. Last year the Bank helped raise over $1,000,000 and has committed to raise another $1 million in 2011.” Tickets $10 adv.; $13 doors; $5 kids 6-12; free for kids 5 and under. After-party at Empire Dine & Dance.

George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic

8 p.m. George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic on the Maine State Pier, presented by Maine State Pier Concert Series. “Funk legend and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelics kick off the Maine State Pier Concert Series. This show promises the best funk concert dance party complete with vendors, street performers and beer garden, all set against the backdrop of Portland Harbor.” General admission seating. All tickets $30 including $3 service fee. Rain or Shine. All tickets will be mailed. or

Sunday, June 5 Bicycle Coalition of Maine’s Women’s Ride

9 a.m. This all-women’s ride is suited for all ages and fitness levels, with distances of five, 15, 25 and 50. The ride offers beautiful views of the countryside and coast. Proceeds benefit the Bicycle Coalition of Maine’s work to improve bicycling in Maine. Preregistration is encouraged. For more information or to pre-register, go to or call 623-4511. L.L. Bean’s Casco Conference Center, Casco Street Freeport. Rides begin at 9 a.m. www.

Join the conversation

Conductor Bruce Fenlason points out sites to passengers on the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad. A volunteer training for the railroad is Saturday, June 4. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

Portland Jetport Aviation Expo 2011

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Portland Jetport Aviation Expo 2011, June 11-12. Military, Antique, Special Interest aircraft, demos, flybys, displays, Helicopter and Bi-plane rides, food, charity plane-pull and more. Free admission and free parking (follow event signs at Jetport). Please, no pets, weapons or smoking. Sat. 9-4 Sun 9-3.

Unity Center for Sacred Living

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Unity Center for Sacred Living, “an open, interfaith, Oneness oriented Spiritual Community ... here to evolve consciousness through what we call The New Spirituality,” is holding services. “We know that the essence of Spirit is within each and every one of us, and our aim is to create a safe and sacred space for each person to explore their own perception of Spirituality. UCSL offers weekly gatherings that are informative, creative, interactive, and sometimes ceremonial followed by fellowship. We hope you will come join us for our alternative services known as Sacred Living Gatherings.” Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Williston-West Church, Memorial Hall (2nd floor), 32 Thomas St. Portland. For more information call 221-0727 or email

St. Augustine of Canterbury Church services

10 a.m. St. Augustine of Canterbury Church will add a 10 a.m. Sunday morning Holy Communion service and a Wednesday evening Holy Communion service at 7 p.m., beginning on June 5. The parish worships at 4 p.m. on Sunday at the Cathedral Pines Chapel at 156 Saco Ave. in Old Orchard Beach. Father Jeffrey W. Monroe is Vicar and Father Joseph Bizimana is assistant Vicar. For additional information, contact 799-5141.

Monday, June 6 Bridge Music Festival

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noon to 8 p.m. King Middle School and the Portland School Department will present the fourth annual Bridge Music Festival. This year’s event will take place at the Bandstand in Deering Oaks Park in Portland (rain location King Middle School Cafetorium). The Bridge Music Festival’s mission is: To establish and foster a connection between student and professional musicians in greater Portland; to encourage performers to reflect upon the importance and transformative power of music education in their lives; to afford students invaluable experience through actively participating in the planning, production, and execution of the festival; to raise awareness and support for local performing artists.

Cancer Resource Open House

5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Have you been meaning to introduce someone to the Cancer Community Center but haven’t known the best way to do it? Here is your answer. The Cancer Community Center has teamed up with the City of South Portland Wellness Committee to provide a free Cancer Resource Open House for the general public. The Open House will feature a whole bunch of cancer-related practitioners and speakers who will share their expertise on supplemental supports such as: Meditation, Massage, Pilates, Acupuncture, Immunity-boosting diet, Cancer support groups, the Maine Buddy Program, and much more. South Portland Police Officer, Linda Barker, finished cancer treatment and found herself wondering why she hadn’t reached out to the Cancer Community Center while in treatment. ‘I want people to be aware of the Center before a diagnosis. I want people to know the Center is not only for people being treated for cancer; it is a free resource for caregivers, friends and family members of those with cancer,’ says Officer Barker. ‘The way I see it, even if you don’t have cancer, you should stop in to the Open House on June 6th so you can be a resource to that colleague, cousin, or friend who has been diagnosed.’” openhouse.htm

Cheverus High School graduation

6 p.m. Cheverus High School announced that the speaker at the Class of 2011 graduation ceremony will be Richard Clifford, SJ, founding Dean of Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry. The ceremony will be held at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Richard J. Clifford, S.J., a native of Lewiston, Maine, is Professor of Old Testament. He taught biblical studies at Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge from 1970 to 2008. He was ordained as a Jesuit priest in 1966. He in graduate of Boston College (A.B., M.A.), Weston School of Theology (S.T.L.) and Harvard University (Ph.D.). He was General Editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly and is a former President of the Catholic Biblical Association. As well as teaching and lecturing in scholarly circles, he also is active in adult education in various New England dioceses. He is also the author of many academic and religious articles and publications. This year’s Valedictorian is Deirdre C. Lambert. Lambert is the daughter of Kim Caldwell and John Lambert of Cumberland Foreside. She will be addressing her class and guests at the graduation ceremonies. Salutatorian of the Cheverus Class of 2011 is Jessica A. Kraus. Kraus is the daughter of Kathleen and Jonathan Krause of Kennebunkport.

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