The Portland Daily Sun, Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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VOL. 3 NO. 85


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VA to unveil new health-care clinic VA to open new mental health, primary care clinic on Fore St.; eventually, city could be home to large, multi-specialty facility BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Jim Balfour spreads mulch at 144 Fore St., home to a newly renovated complex that includes a new outpatient clinic for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, or VA. Balfour said the June opening of the clinic should coincide with the blooming of roses in beds along Fore Street. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

If same-day voting is ended in Maine, legislator hopes to add opt-out clause BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Legislation ending same-day voter registration in Maine may come up for a vote today, and if it does and is passed, a Portland legislator said he will offer an amendment that would allow cities such as Portland to opt out. Rep. Ben Chipman, I-Portland, said he remains opposed to LD 1376, a bill eliminating "registration of new Chipman voters on election day and during the two business days before election day." The bill was voted out of

committee last month and now faces a vote by the full Maine House of Representatives. "I'm doing everything I can to try and stop the bill from being passed, but I thought a back-up plan would be to have an amendment written," Chipman said Tuesday. "I have the amendment already drafted and being distributed," he said. "I'm only going to offer it if the House votes in favor of LD 1376," he explained. The amendment would allow a local opt-out of the new law, meaning the city clerk of Portland and clerks in other communities in Maine could decide whether to allow voter registration within two days or on the day of an election. see VOTING page 7

Veterans can expect big changes with their VA health care in Portland. Mental health services are shifting from Forest Avenue to Fore Street on June 20 when an office opens in the area of a new Residence Inn at Marriott. Health care services will also be introduced at this Fore Street location. Longer term, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hopes to convert its Portland clinic into a multi-specialty center for health care, with everything from dental care to radiology, according to Ryan Lilly, associate director at the VA Maine Healthcare System based in Augusta. "We just opened a large multi-specialty clinic in Bangor, and we think this could be a precursor to a large multi-specialty clinic in Portland. ... That's the long-term vision for Portland," Lilly said Tuesday. VA's Bangor multi-specialty clinic opened last month, the first of its kind in the state, Lilly said. The VA Maine Healthcare System has broken ground on a similar facility in Lewiston. Portland's would be the third, he said. The idea is to consolidate services in areas such as mental health, primary care, see VA CLINIC page 8

Mavodones running for Portland mayor Speaking to supporters BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN and media outside Rosemont Market on Brighton Nick Mavodones, a Avenue yesterday mornfive-term city councilor ing, Mavodones said he’d and four-time mayor, focus his efforts as mayor announced yesterday on economic development, he’s running for the education and preserving elected mayor’s post in the city’s safety net. the fall. “I want to help our Mavodones, 51, joins city to continue to grow a field of 11 other regisMavodones by enhancing the things tered candidates for the that make us great," said MavoNov. 8 election, including two dones, who is the serving his city councilors, a former state senator and a host of political see MAYOR page 7 newcomers.

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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Advisory panel: Cellphone radiation may cause cancer A World Health Organization panel has concluded that cellphones are “possibly carcinogenic,’’ putting the popular devices in the same category as certain dry cleaning chemicals and pesticides, as a potential threat to human health. The finding, from the agency’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, adds to concerns among a small but growing group of experts about the health effects of low levels of radiation emitted by cellphones. The panel, which consisted of 31 scientists from 14 countries, was led by Dr. Jonathan M. Samet, a physician and epidemiologist at the University of Southern California and a member of President Obama’s National Cancer Advisory Board. The group didn’t conduct any new research but reviewed numerous existing studies that focused on the health effects of radio frequency magnetic fields, which are emitted by cellphones. During a news conference, Dr. Samet said the panel’s decision to classify cellphones as “possibly carcinogenic” was based largely on epidemiological data showing an increased risk among heavy cellphone users of a rare type of brain tumor called a glioma. Last year, a 13-country study called Interphone, the largest and longest study of the link between cellphone use and brain tumors, found no overall increased risk, but reported that participants with the highest level of cellphone use had a 40 percent higher risk of glioma. (Even if the elevated risk is confirmed, gliomas are relatively rare and thus individual risk remains minimal.)


You have to take into account it was the cell phone that became what the modern-day concept of a phone call is, and this is a device that’s attached to your hip 24/7. Before that there was ‘leave a message’ and before that there was ‘hopefully you’re home.’” Giovanni Ribisi

3DAYFORECAST Today High: 83 Record: 95 (1937) Sunrise: 5:03 a.m. Tonight Low: 60 Record: 34 (1945) Sunset: 8:15 p.m.

Tomorrow High: 70 Low: 50 Sunrise: 5:02 a.m. Sunset: 8:16 p.m. Friday High: 65 Low: 48

THEMARKET DOW JONES 128.21 to 12,569.79 NASDAQ 38.44 to 2,835.30 S&P 14.10 to 1,345.20



DAILY NUMBERS Monday Evening 6-5-2 • 4-0-8-0 Tuesday Day 4-6-6 • 0-3-3-0

Wednesday High: 11:45 a.m., 11:43 p.m. Low: 5:33 a.m., 5:30 p.m.


Thursday High: 2:28 a.m., 2:29 p.m. Low: —, 12:24 p.m.

U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan.

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In showdown over debt, neither party is blinking BY JACKIE CALMES THE NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — In a bit of political stagecraft, House Republicans plan to bring to a vote on Tuesday evening a measure that President Obama and the Democrats were demanding not so long ago: a clean increase in the national debt ceiling, unencumbered by any requirement that spending be cut. Given that all Republicans and more than a few Democrats oppose any debt-limit increase that is not accompanied by some commitment to future fiscal restraint, the measure is doomed to fail. And for all the talk of economic crisis should Congress fail to raise the debt ceiling by August, the financial markets are likely to yawn at this vote — if only because Republican leaders have privately assured Wall Street executives that this is a show intended to make the point to

Mr. Obama that an increase cannot pass absent his agreement to rein in domestic programs. “Wall Street is in on the joke,” said R. Bruce Josten, executive vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. But beyond this week, Wall Street has reason to be nervous as Congress nears the actual deadline on Aug. 2 to raise the $14.3 trillion borrowing ceiling, said people in both parties and in finance, some of whom asked not to be identified given the sensitivity of the issue. Investors have grown accustomed to partisan games of chicken that always end with the needed increase in the government’s borrowing authority. But this showdown, many say, is riskier because of the strongly held antispending, antitax views of the many freshman House Republicans combined with the fragility of the economic recovery.

“The people who are more politically savvy realize this may not be the normal brinkmanship,” said Senator Mark Warner, Democrat of Virginia. Nor, he added, is this standoff like the fight a few months ago over the current year’s spending, which ended with a latenight deal shortly before the government would have shut down. “The thing that people are missing is that in shutting down the government you can go to the 11th-and-a-half hour, and the consequences of not doing it, while significant, are not economy-threatening,” Mr. Warner said. “You can’t go to the 11th-and-a-half hour on the debt limit. You don’t know what’s going to spook the bond markets.” The chief wild card is the House Republican majority, which was elected last November after a campaign defined more than in any year since

Karzai warns NATO on air attacks BY RAY RIVERA THE NEW YORK TIMES

KABUL, Afghanistan — In one of his sternest warnings yet concerning civilian casualties, President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday that NATO must stop air attacks on Afghan homes immediately, or face “unilateral action” from the Afghan government. Speaking at a news conference at the presidential palace in Kabul, Mr. Karzai declined to say what actions the government would or could take, saying only that Afghanistan “has a lot of ways of stopping it.” In an admonishment that carried an air of threat, he said NATO forces were on the verge of being considered occupiers rather than allies. “If they continue their attacks on our houses, then their presence will change from a force that is fighting against terrorism to a force that is fighting against the people of Afghanistan,” he said. “And in that case, history shows what Afghans do with trespassers and with occupiers.” Mr. Karzai has used similar language before, but taken with other recent statements, his comments could further threaten a relationship with his Western backers that has

President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan spoke to journalists during a press conference in Kabul on Tuesday (Mauricio Lima for The New York TimeS).

been strained over issues like night raids, corruption and the continuing scandal surrounding questionable loans and huge losses at Kabul Bank. The timing also represents a political gamble for Mr. Karzai, appealing to popular anger at home while testing the will of the American and international community to continue supporting a war that has become increasingly unpopular, especially since the killing of Osama bin Laden on May 2. NATO officials responded diplomatically, noting that Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top coalition commander in Afghanistan, understood the need to

work closely with the Afghan government to reduce civilian casualties. “General Petraeus has repeatedly noted that every liberation force has to be very conscious that it can, over time, become seen as an occupation force,” Rear Adm. Vic Beck of the Navy, a spokesman for the NATOled military coalition, said in a statement. He added, “We are in agreement with President Karzai on the importance of constantly examining our actions in light of that reality — and we are doing just that.” The American Embassy in Kabul referred comment to NATO.

1992 by voters’ antipathy toward budget deficits. More than a third are newcomers who reinforced the ranks of Tea Party sympathizers already in Congress. More numerous than the insurgents elected in the conservative waves of 1980 and 1994, many freshman Republicans have no experience in public office and consider themselves citizenlegislators who entered government to shrink it regardless of the political costs. “The faction in the Republican Party that takes a more moderate view is so much in the minority right now,” said Joseph E. Kasputys, founder of IHS Global Insight and an official in the Nixon and Ford administrations. “The people who have been sent to Washington most recently are bringing a strong message from the Republicans more to the right that really want something done about government spending.”

Obama picks Bryson for cabinet post President Obama named a California utility and energy executive, John E. Bryson, as his second secretary of commerce at the White House on Tuesday afternoon, ending a search for an executive to add a business outlook to his economic team. Mr. Bryson was chairman and chief executive of Edison International, parent company of Southern California Edison and Edison Mission Group, for nearly two decades until 2008. If confirmed by the Senate, which could be held up for unrelated reasons, he would replace Gary Locke, a former governor of Washington who is Mr. Obama’s choice to be ambassador to China now that Jon M. Huntsman Jr. has left to weigh a Republican presidential candidacy. “John is going to be an important part of my economic team, promoting American business and American products across the globe,” Mr. Obama said yesterday. “By working with companies here at home, and representing America’s interests abroad, I’m confident that he’s going to help us meet the goal that I set of doubling our nation’s exports.” — The New York Times

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011— Page 3

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As physicians’ jobs change, increasingly, so do their politics BY GARDINER HARRIS THE NEW YORK TIMES

AUGUSTA, Me. — With Republicans in complete control of Maine’s state government for the first time since 1962, State Senator Lois A. SnoweMello offered a bill in February to limit doctors’ liability that she was sure the powerful doctors’ lobby would cheer. Instead, it asked her to shelve the measure. “It was like a slap in the face,” said Ms. Snowe-Mello, who describes herself as a conservative Republican. “The doctors in this state are increasingly going left.” Doctors were once overwhelmingly male and usually owned their own practices. They generally favored lower taxes and regularly fought lawyers to restrict patient lawsuits. Ronald Reagan came to national political prominence in part by railing against “socialized medicine” on doctors’ behalf. But doctors are changing. They are abandoning their own practices and taking salaried jobs in hospitals, particularly in the North, but increasingly in the South as well. Half of all younger doctors are women, and that share is likely to grow. There are no national surveys that track doctors’ political leanings, but as more doctors move from business owner to shift worker, their historic alliance with the Republican Party is weakening from Maine as well as South Dakota, Arizona and Oregon, according to doctors’ advocates in those and other states. That change could have a profound effect on the nation’s health care debate. Indeed, after opposing almost every major health overhaul proposal for nearly a century, the American Medical Association supported President Obama’s legislation last year because the new law would provide health insurance to the vast majority of the nation’s uninsured, improve competition and choice in insurance, and promote prevention and wellness, the group said. Because so many doctors are no longer in business for themselves, many of the issues that were once priorities for doctors’ groups, like insurance reimbursement, have been displaced by public health and safety concerns, including mandatory seat belt use and chemicals in baby products. Even the issue of liability, while still important to the A.M.A. and many of its state affiliates, is losing some of its unifying power because malpractice insurance is generally provided when doctors join hospital staffs. “It was a comfortable fit 30 years ago representing physicians and being an active Republican,” said Gordon H. Smith, executive vice president of the

Gordon Smith of the Maine Medical Association, testifying, says he’s “less comfortable” with Republican positions on health care (Craig Dilger for The New York Times).

Maine Medical Association. “The fit is considerably less comfortable today.” Mr. Smith, 59, should know. The child of a prominent Republican family, he canvassed for Barry Goldwater in 1964, led the state’s Youth for Nixon and College Republicans chapters, served on the Republican National Committee and proudly called himself a Reagan Republican — one reason he got the job in 1979 representing the state’s doctors’ group. But doctors in Maine have abandoned the ownership of practices en masse, and their politics and points of view have shifted dramatically. The Maine doctors’ group once opposed health insurance mandates because they increase costs to employers, but it now supports them, despite Republican opposition, because they help patients. Three years ago, Mr. Smith found himself leading an effort to preserve a beverage tax — a position anathema to his old allies at the Maine State Chamber of Commerce and the Republican Party but supported by doctors because it paid for a health program. The doctors lost by a wide margin, and the tax was overturned. Mr. Smith still goes to the State Capitol wearing gray suits, black wingtips and a gold name badge, but he increasingly finds himself among allies far more casually dressed, including the liberal Maine People’s Alliance and labor groups. And while he still greets old Republican friends — he is a lobbyist, after all — he spends much of his time strategizing with Democrats. Representative Sharon Anglin Treat, a powerful Democrat who was first

elected in 1990, said that she and Mr. Smith were once bitter foes. “But Gordon’s become like a consumer activist,” she said with a big smile. “I’ve seen him more times in the last few years than I can count.” Dr. Nancy Cummings, a 51-year-old orthopedic surgeon in Farmington, is the kind of doctor who has changed Mr. Smith’s life. She trained at Harvard, but after her first son was born she began rethinking 18-hour workdays. “My husband used to drive my son to the hospital so that I could nurse him,” she said. “I decided that I really wanted to be a good surgeon, but also wanted to raise healthy, well-adjusted kids I would actually see.” So she went to work for a hospital, sees health care as a universal right and believes profit-making businesses should have no role in either insuring people or providing their care. She said she was involved with the Maine Medical Association, for the most part, to increase patients’ access to care. Dr. Lee Thibodeau, 59, a neurosurgeon from Portland, still calls himself a conservative but says he has changed, too. He used to pay nearly $85,000 a year for malpractice insurance and was among the most politically active doctors in the state on the issue of liability. Then, in 2006, he sold his practice, took a job with a local health care system, stopped paying the insurance premiums and ended his advocacy on the issue. “It’s not my priority anymore,” Dr. Thibodeau said. “I think Gordon and I are now fighting for all of the same things, and that’s to optimize the

patient experience.” Many of Mr. Smith’s counterparts in other states told similar stories of change. “When I came here, it was an old boys’ club of conservative Republicans,” said Joanne K. Bryson, the executive director of the Oregon Medical Association since 2004. Now her group lobbies for public health issues that it long ignored, like insurance coverage for people with disabilities. Even in Texas, where three-quarters of doctors said last year that they opposed the new health law, doctors who did not have their own practices were twice as likely as those who owned a practice to support the overhaul, as were female doctors. Dr. Cecil B. Wilson, the president of the A.M.A., said that changes in doctors’ practice-ownership status do not necessarily lead to changes in their politics. And some leaders of state medical associations predicted that the changes would be fleeting. Dr. Kevin S. Flanigan, a former president of the Maine Medical Association, described himself as “very conservative” and said he was fighting to bring the group “back to where I think it belongs.” Dr. Flanigan was recently forced to close his own practice, and he now works for a company with hundreds of urgent-care centers. He said that in his experience, conservatives prefer owning their own businesses. “People who are conservative by nature are not going to go into the profession,” he said, “because medicine is not about running your own shop anymore.”

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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Preservation expert did not speak for Spirits Alive, according to board president Martha Zimicki Editor, Spirits Alive is a nonprofit organization incorporated in September 2007 dedicated to the protection and preservation of Portland’s historic Eastern Cemetery through a range of activities including promotion and education. We are proud that during our short existence we have been able to effect positive changes in this city-owned jewel, including landscaping and tree planting, fence repair, gravestone inventory and assessment, and organized clean-ups. Additionally we have held regular public tours to enhance understanding of the unique history of this property. We are pleased to have received recognition for our work in 2010 from the Maine Old Cemetery Association. It is the policy of the City of Portland to require that a Master Plan be in place before significant work can be done to City-owned properties. To this end Spirits Alive had to raise significant money to fund such a Master Plan, and hired Michael Trinkley of Chicora Foundation to undertake this large and expensive project. We have found that Mr. Trinkley has strong opinions about historic cemetery preservation. Spirits Alive has not yet presented Mr. Trinkley’s proposed Master Plan to the City. We wish to emphasize that Mr. Trinkley’s criticisms of the City as extensively quoted in the May 29 article in the Portland Daily Sun (“Study: Eastern Cemetery needs TLC”) are solely reflective of Mr. Trinkley’s own opinion. We find it unfortunate that Mr. Trinkley chose to talk to a reporter, without our knowledge, regarding a preservation plan for which we raised significant sums and are only now in the initial process of fully vetting prior to presenting for city approval. Spirits Alive is looking forward to strengthening its partnership with the city in working to protect and preserve the Eastern Cemetery. The Public Works Department did a beautiful job preparing the cemetery for this Memorial Day weekend, and we hope that folks took the opportunity to visit and enjoy this historic gem. Martha Zimicki Board President Spirits Alive

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matt Dodge Reporter Founding Editor Curtis Robinson THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 181 State Street, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

The art of dining out on a first date No matter how well planned or thought out they may be, first dates can be painful. They can be excruciating to actually be part of, and after the fact often require a giggle-hiding, sympathetic ear from a close friend who is listening to the train wreck of a recantation. Occasionally, it is just as painful to be an unwilling party to the real-life event as it unfolds by serving the first date couple in a restaurant or bar setting. Yet, sometimes, it is surprisingly delightful to witness first sparks fly between two virtual strangers, who most likely met, well, virtually. Not only is it a warm fuzzy, but the scientifically proven smooch-inducing chemical interaction practically guarantees a 20 percent tip. Up until a year ago, I was on both sides of the table when it came to first dates and was resigned to the fact that my experience was the fodder for the observing restaurant personnel’s entertainment, education and, hopefully, empathy. Turning this to my advantage, I always tried to arrive at the

Natalie Ladd ––––– What’s it Like?

destination at least 10 minutes before my date (which is never difficult with New Guy) and make the bartender or even surrounding innocentbystander patrons my allies by saying something like, “Hey, I’m on first date and the guy is going to be here in a few minutes. I need some kind of sign from you people if you think he’s OK . ... Or give me the thumbs down ASAP if he looks like an ax murderer.” When New Guy and I met at Vignola for our first date, the sweet woman next to me acted like Jason Varitek shooting off so many confusing signals I didn’t know if I should run out the door or coyly bat my eyelashes at him. It was more straightforward when the seasoned bartender dropped a crumbled napkin in front of

my cheese plate as his sign of resounding approval; but let’s face it, the cheese plate at Vignola always earns at least one crumbled napkin, and despite help from the bleachers, I was on my own. As it turned out, I was treated to excellent table manners and an Ultra Bright smile that night, but many first dates I’ve been and waited on don’t fare as well. I currently work at a place that offers 2-4-1 entree specials on Monday and Tuesday evenings which makes it prime real estate for a first date destination. My Creative Consulting Team and I see plenty of them on a regular basis and have compiled a short list of first date Do’s and Don’t’s based on real-life table side experience. Do your homework concerning food choices and preferences. Don’t order the Montreal Sirloin medium rare and insist she try “just a bite” if she is a serious vegan. Do dress comfortably and appropriately, as looking like see DINING page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011— Page 5

The virtues of digging in the dirt When I found that Baby Boy had buried himself up to his knees in my new raised garden, I assumed he was looking for worms. “No, mama. I growing a sister.” I also found buried toy cars, a shoe, various snacks and a remote control. Were I a more talented gardener, surely I could sprout the contents of Target. I guess he will have to settle for three kinds of kale. Now that the weeks of rain have stopped (knock, knock), green thumbs are scurrying to plant their vacant gardens. Gardening is a wonderful project for your kids to help with. Dirt, hoses, bugs…what is more alluring? Recruit your littlest ones to be your assistant. Local hardware stores sell mini-gloves, shovels and rakes. Get them their own set, plop them by a pile of soil and that will be enough to occupy them while you plant. Teach them that the seeds will turn into vegetables they can eat and flowers they can smell. It is a giant magic trick! They can also color tags to mark what is planted where and help you weed. I am still stunned when weeding (ug) and BB rushes to help. When does the “Wait, this isn’t fun!!” realization kick in? I don’t even have to bribe him with one M & M per weed. He fills up the back of his dump trucks and couldn’t be happier. “My Garden,” by Kevin Henkes, and “Jack’s Garden,” by Henry Cole, are two cute books you can read together to supplement their experience. When your older kids show an interest in having their own garden, you can start them with container gardens (manageable for when you take them over a la the kitten they prom-

with the creature in the yard. It teaches them ised they would feed). Conabout planning, organization, problem solving, tainers allow for gardening patience and teamwork. They learn how to make if you don’t have outdoor recipes with their bounty, and if you have a teen space as well as restrict that likes to cook, then you get a gold star from kids from digging up your ––––– me. lawn willy-nilly. We tend to forget that kids face stressors that Ask your tweens to Use Your Outdoor we don’t understand and that they probably make a simple map of your Voice don’t share with us. Gardening is so therapeutic grounds. At 10am, 2pm and and gives their little minds a break. 4pm, they notate where You can even create fun tests. Once you harthe sunny and shady spots vest some veggies, buy the same ones from the are. This will allow them to grocery store. In a blind tasting, ask your kids if scout the best spot for what they want to grow. they notice any difference in color, texture and A trip to the local farmer’s market or greenflavor. See if they can guess which one is the house will be an exciting way for them to choose food they helped grow. their seedlings and ask growing questions. Have Beyond the obvious them keep a gardenbenefits of spending ing journal so they We tend to forget that kids face stressors that we time with your munchknow what works and doesn’t for next don’t understand and that they probably don’t share kins and getting them year. with us. Gardening is so therapeutic and gives their outside into nature, a hidden treat of gardenNon-glazed clay little minds a break. ing is improved health. pots offer stabilThe nutrients, bacteria ity and airflow. In and microworms found smaller pots, your in soil are necessary for a healthy intestinal and kids can plant herbs such as basil, parsley and immune system. rosemary, all of which are easy and delicious. Researchers say to let kids run around bareLarger pots are needed for cherry tomatoes foot and don’t wash their hands before dinner (larger varieties require a trellis), peppers and (unless they were crawling up the subway poles). lettuce. One doesn’t need acres for a garden; Let those good microbes get into their system. you can grow salads right on the doorstep. Dr. Mary Ruebush writes in her book, “Why Sharon Lovejoy’s “Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Dirt is Good: 5 Ways to Make Germs Your Boots” has fabulous, kid friendly theme gardens Friends,” that “the most delightful sights for a like a pizza garden that grows favorite toppings parent should be a young child covered in dirt and a moonlight flower garden. from an afternoon of outdoor play.” Fresh produce is a sad rarity in schools and And if that child has a dump truck full of many homes, thus kids form a disconnect with weeds, score one more for us. what goes into their mouth. I gather a majority of young urban kids have no idea that carrots (Maggie Knowles is a columnist for The Portgrow in the ground. land Daily Sun. Her column appears WednesGardening makes them aware of where real days. Email her at Maggie@portlanddailysun. food comes from and fosters a respect of Mother me.) Earth and the vital relationship we share

Maggio Knowles

Whether it’s a first or fiftieth date, keep public displays of affection to a minimum DINING from page 4

a slob is not an aphrodisiac. Don’t wear your Jimmy Choo knock-offs if he’s shorter than you are and remember good table manners never go out of style. Always consider dessert. If your dates refuses rather reluctantly, offer to split something. It’s romantic to touch spoons over a decadent concoction, and we’ve seen strained moments melt away alongside brownie sundaes and after-dinner drinks. Ladies: Don’t make a big deal over the splitting the check, or better yet, offer to leave the tip. If you really like him you can say something like, “I’ll buy next time. ...” It lends itself to the possibility of a second date, and you’ll know where you stand if the follow-up isn’t forthcoming by the end of the evening. No matter if it’s your first or fiftieth date, keep the public display of affection to a minimum. For some people it’s a cultural reaction or a reassuring sign of affection, and to others it is an uncomfortable deal breaker. Either way no one else wants to see it go beyond a PG rating so wait until you stroll to your cars or take that walk on a moonlit stretch of beach. Don’t talk about your ex or previous relationships at the restaurant. It happens all the time, and we wonder why you don’t see the rolling eyes or hear the exasperated sigh from across the table. Do try and steer the conversation toward the other person, but if you must babble about your ex, try to avoid the stereo-typical negative

comments. We have a frequent flyer who brings in multiple first dates (fortunately not all at the same time), sits in the same bar stool, orders the same dish, and inevitably has the same monopolizing conversation about his “bitchy” ex-wives, children from different marriages, and distressing lack of money; while suggestively rubbing his trapped dates’ lower back the whole time. The women rarely get a word in edgewise and can’t get out of there fast enough. It has gone from amusing to pathetic. Other bad first date incidents include: either party getting stinking drunk before opening the menu, doing the, “I don’t care. Whatever appetizer, bottle of wine (or anything) YOU want...”, constant texting, long periods of stony silence, obviously prearranged friends or family just “showing up” (imagine that?!), not recognizing your on-line date because they lied about their age or their profile picture was taken before they gained thirty pounds, ordering an expensive meal and then just picking at it to appear delicate, purposely dragging out a meal when your date isn’t showing big interest, peppering your language with profanity, being condescending to your server, and my favorite No-No Mantra ... not following the Golden Rule no matter how trepidacious, anxious or jaded you may be. First dates can be a valuable learning experience about yourself, as well as your inaugural partner. Maybe you aren’t as tolerant or as openminded as you hoped you were. Maybe your preconceived preferences aren’t really as ingrained

as you thought after you found yourself laughing alongside someone whose wild, or seemingly mild personality is out of your comfort zone. Like many single adults, most of my first dates made the previously mentioned train wreck look like bumper cars at Fun Town, but a few special ones resulted in meeting quality people who have become true and real friends; landing a very cool job and ultimately pushing myself to get “out there” when things didn’t look or feel so good. Look at first dates like approaching a sandbox full of new kids, only geared toward adults. I clearly remember the most meaningful first dates, how we both acted, where we went and ultimately, what we ate. Truthfully, I remember what all my first dates ate and drank, even if I don’t remember their names. These things are neatly tucked away in my mind, along with the face of the bartender, if we left the server a 20 percent tip regardless of the hand signals, and, of course, the moonlit walks (or not) on the beach. My Take: While it is especially amusing for the staff and lends itself to a degree of welcomed familiarity, try and go to different places on first dates. However, consider parking, the noise and lighting level, money saving specials, a reservation to avoid overcrowded weirdness, and most importantly, to just be yourself! (Natalie Ladd and her “What’s It Like” column take a weekly look at the culinary business in and around Portland.)

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011

–––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS ––––––––––––––––

Taking the lead

Ceremony marks closing of Brunswick Naval Air Station BRUNSWICK — The Navy is formally ending a presence in Brunswick that dates back nearly 70 years, paving the way for the private sector to continue redeveloping the site. About 1,000 people attended Tuesday’s closing ceremony at Brunswick Naval Air Station featuring Navy officials, local dignitaries and Maine Gov. Paul LePage. U.S. Senator Olympia J. Snowe, R-Maine, offered remarks regarding the disestablishment ceremony at Brunswick Naval Air Base. “This marks the conclusion of an unfortunate decision-making process,” she said. “Given Brunswick’s crucial role in our national defense, I wish there would have been a very different decision regarding this valuable asset. But looking beyond today, I feel very good about the great work and perseverance of the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority. The Authority has taken on incredible efforts to transform this valuable complex into an economic benefit for the community. I commend them for their ongoing work and look forward to this being a vibrant center of commerce for our future.”

Bangor woman’s body identified

Keith Darling gives his dog a wide leash ... or no leash. Nathaniel, a Golden retriever, carries his own leash, something he has learned to do quite well, according to Darling. They were walking along State Street Monday. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Portland Police Department unveils bronze plaque honoring fallen officers BY MARGE NIBLOCK SPECIAL TO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A plaque honoring police officers who have died while in service to the City of Portland was unveiled at noon on Memorial Day in the courtyard of the Portland Police Department. Assistant Chief Michael Sauschuck presided over the ceremony before a large crowd, including five city councilors and family members of some of the fallen officers. Charles McIntosh was Portland’s first officer killed in the line of duty, when he was shot and stabbed in 1916, and Michael T. Connolly was murdered while on a foot patrol in 1930. They were the only two cases where injuries inflicted by criminals caused death, since the Portland Police Department was organized in 1848. The cast-bronze plaque measuring 2-feet by 3-feet has 14 other names listed on it. Two officers were struck by automobiles in the 1930s while on duty, but the last two names on the plaque have recent dates. Sgt. Rick Betters suffered a heart attack in 2009 and Sgt. Robert Johnsey had a tragic accident involving his service weapon in 2008. Sauschuck and Commander Vern Malloch read all of the names

BANGOR — The body of a woman found Monday in the Kenduskeag Stream has been identified by the state medical examiner’s office as 71-year-old Linda Briggs, according to the Bangor Daily News. The cause and manner of Brigg’s death are currently pending the results of further investigation, according to a spokesperson with the medical examiner. Bangor police told the Bangor Daily News that the woman’s death did not appear to be the result of foul play. Little is known about Briggs, who was discovered face-down in the stream near a bagel shop on Monday shortly before the beginning of the Memorial Day parade. The Bangor woman was fully clothed and had “no outward signs of trauma,” according to a police sargent who spoke with the Bangor Daily News.

League of Women Voters plans biennial convention in Portland

Dan Hayden (from left), Bruce Coffin and Robert Doherty unveil a plaque memorializing officers of the Portland Police Department on Monday. (Photo courtesy of Portland Police)

appearing on the plaque, along with the year they died and the cause of death. Three sergeants who are considered the department’s de facto historians unveiled the plaque. They are Robert J. Doherty Jr., Bruce Coffin, and Daniel Hayden. Chief James Craig applauded the vision of the sergeants embarking on this effort to create a fitting tribute and to serve as a reminder to all entering the station every day. It is attached to the wall next to the door where employees enter

the building. Mayor Nick Mavodones spoke and mentioned that his grandfather served in the police department from 1924 to 1954. Funding came from contributions made by former and present members of the department. The top of the plaque bears the seals of the state and the city of Portland at either side. At the bottom is a replica of the old “radiator” badge and the current breast badge seen on today’s uniformed officers.

The League of Women Voters of Maine will hold its biennial convention Saturday, June 4 at the Glickman Library, University of Southern Maine Portland campus from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration is $35 and the event is open to the public. Maine Secretary of State Charlie Summers will be the morning speaker and will discuss Maine’s laws, rules, and experience governing the Citizen Initiative/People’s Veto. Summers served two terms as State Senator, representing Scarborough, Saco and Old Orchard Beach. He is also a Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve and served in Afghanistan and Iraq on active duty. University of Southern Maine Associate Professor Ron Schmidt, Ph.D. will be the afternoon speaker, discussing the history, uses and politics of the Citizen People’s Veto in Maine. Schmidt currently serves as Chair of the Political Science Department. He specializes in political theory, racial and ethnic politics and urban politics, according to a League press release. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. The afternoon plenary session will vote on whether the Maine League should conduct a study to understand how Maine’s citizen referenda have operated in the past and what changes, if any, should be proposed to the Constitution, statutes, or departmental regulations.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011— Page 7

Mayoral race could hinge on ranked choice voting MAYOR from page one

VOTING from page one

"I think a number of cities and towns would opt out and would continue to register people on election day," Chipman said. City clerks already have discretion. Current law allows clerks to decide whether to hold onto registration cards submitted as the result of new voter registration drives or place the names on the voter list immediately and verify the addresses later, Chipman pointed out. Sponsored by House Speaker Robert Nutting, R-Oakland, the bill tightening the rules on voter registration is titled, "An Act To Preserve the Integrity of the Voter Registration and Election Process." LD 1376, while disallowing same-day registration, allows "an already registered voter who has had a change of name or a change of address within the municipality to update voter registration records up to and including on election day," according to the legislative summary.

dates wins a majority on election day, second-place votes from the last place candidate are re-allocated to other candidates' vote totals. That process continues until someone gets a majority. Mark Brewer, a political scientist at University of Maine at Orono, said Mavodones could have an early advantage even over some of his more seasoned opponents. As the city's current mayor, Mavodones could essentially run as an incumbent, said Brewer, who is not familiar with any of the Portland mayoral candidates. In addition to Mavodones, Duson and Brennan, Councilor Dave Marshall, Charles Bragdon, Erick Bennett, Zouhair Bouzrara, Jed Rathband, Jodie Lapchick, Christopher Vail, Peter Bryant and Steve Huston have registered as candidates with the city clerk’s office. Several candidates from Peaks Island are said to be running, although none have registered with the city, according to Bud Philbrick, elections adminis-

trator with the city. Registering allows candidates to raise money and form a candidate committee. Candidate nominating papers, which require between 300 and 500 signatures, aren’t available until July 1.

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‘I think a number of cities and towns would opt out’

Portland Mayor Nick Mavodones launched his campaign for the November mayoral election Tuesday. Surrounded by supporters, Mavodones made the announcement in front of Rosemont Market and Bakery. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Pizza - Pasta - Parmagiana - Espresso - Cannoli - Steak

second straight one-year term as the city’s ceremonial mayor. "That means an economic development strategy that supports everyone, from our countless restaurants and galleries to large employers like Unum.” In a statement, Mavodones also cited his “long history” of bringing people together to solve difficult issues. “I have a track record of leading on big issues and in tough times,” he said. “We responsibly managed our finances during the recession, and two weeks ago, we were able to unanimously pass a budget that protected the core services people rely on.” The November mayoral election will be Portland’s first since the 1920s. Voters last fall approved changes to the city charter that converted the oneyear, largely ceremonial mayoral post into a fouryear elected position with more authority, including veto power over the budget. The position also includes a significant pay increase: The person who is elected mayor will earn about $66,000, up from about $7,200 now. Mavodones, who has been getting asked almost daily for the past several months whether he is running, said yesterday he wanted to declare after the $201 million city budget was approved. Although there are still five months before election day, Mavodones is one of three high-profile Democrats to declare for the race in the past few weeks. Former mayor and four-term city councilor Jill Duson registered with the city on Friday, and former state senate majority leader Michael Brennan registered May 13. While it’s too soon to declare a front runner in the race, political observers predict those three could be among the top finishers on election day. “Name recognition is critical to getting elected in any political contest, but especially when there is a large and crowded field,” said Ted O’Meara, a managing principal with the Portland-based communications agency Garrand. “Having already served as mayor certainly gives Duson and Mavodones a leg up on lesser known candidates, but having several well-known candidates in the race (I would include Mike Brennan) also increases the odds that no one will will get a majority, which makes the potential role of (instant runoff-voting) in this race all the more interesting,” O’Meara continued. O’Meara, who ran Eliot Cutler’s 2010 gubernatorial campaign, is not affiliated with any of the candidates for Portland mayor. Indeed, the 2011 mayor's race could be decided by ranked choice voting, which allows voters to rank the candidates by preference. If none of the candi-

CORRECTION Jed Rathband is a candidate for Portland mayor. Several recent articles on the mayor’s race have misspelled Rathband’s first name.


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Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011

BUSINESS Forest Ave. clinic to close as new Fore St. site opens VA CLINIC from page one

dental care, physical therapy, optometry, radiology and pharmacy, he said. For now, Portland can welcome a combination of primary care and mental health services at 144 Fore St. On Monday, June 20, the VA Maine Healthcare System will open its new outpatient clinic in a building renovated over the winter. The clinic's opening means veterans who travel from Portland to Saco for primary health care will have a local choice, and those who receive mental health services from a clinic on Forest Avenue will see that office closed but will be directed to the new clinic on Fore Street. "If you're eligible for care in the VA system, you can get your care in Portland now," said Lilly. The Portland Mental Health Outpatient Clinic at 509 Forest Ave. — which offers services such as Suboxone Intensive Outpatient Program in support of recovery from opiate addiction and VA Home-Based Primary Care — will close in mid-June when the VA's new clinic on Fore Street opens, Lilly said.

Ledgewood Construction made extensive renovations at 144 Fore St., home to a new outpatient clinic for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Effects of this change should be "totally seamless, the only thing that will change is the address for them," Lilly said. The VA Maine Healthcare System is moving into rented space with a five-

year lease, Lilly said. "It's part of the overall effort to bring access closer to where veterans live," he said. The VA Maine Healthcare System operates Togus, the 67-bed hospital

and medical facility near Augusta. About 40,000 veterans in the state are served systemwide at the hospital and numerous clinics and other facilities, Lilly said. Ledgewood Construction of South Portland, is contractor on the renovation at Fore Street. The company also was general contractor on a $25 million 179-suite Residence Inn by Marriott across the street from the new clinic. Joe Bumps, project manager with Ledgewood Construction, estimated that the VA Maine Healthcare System will move into about 9,500 square feet of space in a building formerly occupied by Express Copy (Express Copy moved to a nearby location). Renovations started last fall and continued into March, he said. "It was extensive, the only thing we left was the wall and the roof shell, and we completely gutted the interior out," Bumps said. Arabica coffee roaster and SMRT architects also occupy the building. Space remains for rent, ranging from 1,500 to 21,000 square feet, according to a sign by owner JackRabbitLLC.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WHAT’S IN A NAME? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Sarajo dazzles with high-end historical clothing, textiles, artifacts Established in 1998 in New York City’s SoHo neighborhood, Sarajo is a unique shop specializing in historical clothing, textiles and artifacts. From antique textiles and Asian garments to

LOCATION: 531 Congress St. HOURS: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday CONTACT:

embroidered tapestries, Buddahs, antique silver jewelry and tribal artifacts, the shop is a onestop shop for collectors and decorators looking for handmade, one-of-a-kind items, and windowshopper looking to learn more about the history of textiles. The commercial space at the corner of Congress and Casco streets also houses one of the most ornate and unique works of art in town today. Peaking through the vinyl window advertisements showing close-up shots of antique jewelry, you can make out a large, meticulously carved wooden box, but unless you are in the market for antique Asian textiles or tribal artifacts, you might not ever find an occasion to walk in and learn more. The ornate box is a wedding bed from Malaysia, according to gallery assistant Glen Mies. The mid19th century piece is carved from cedar wood and is made in the Straits Chinese style, according to the gallery’s website. “Settling along the major trade route that opened up between China and the Indian ocean in the 18th century, the so called Straits Chinese brought much of their Chinese culture with them, yet also took on much of the local culture, be it the Malay people or the British colonialists,” reads a description on Sarajo’s site. “Straits Chinese furniture is a fusion of Chinese see SARAJO page 9

A display of artifacts at Sarajo, a gallery specializing in antique textiles and costumes from around the world, antique AngloIndian and Islamic furniture, tribal art and jewelry as well as hundreds of unique ethnographical items. (MATT DODGE PHOTO)

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011— Page 9

BUSINESS Trends: ‘Right now Chinese textiles are selling very quickly’ SARAJO from page 8

Xing dynasty ornateness and early 19th century English dignity and decorum, all adapted to tropical climate. This bed is made of nam wood, a Chinese variety of cedar. Of unusually ample proportions and with doors and finished surfaces on all four sides, it was no doubt commissioned by a wealthy and important family,” the description reads. Like much of the work displayed at Sarajo, the canopied bed comes with a significant price — $43,000. Aimed at attracting decorators and textile collectors, the average item at the shop runs between $2,000 and $3,000, with some older, rarer items priced around $14,000. Those with a more modest decorating budget can still browse the

expansive and esoteric selection. Chinese textiles are currently enjoying a boom in the antique textiles market, which have become a focus at the shop as of late, according to Mies. “Right now Chinese textiles are selling very quickly so I suppose we are focused on buying those at the moment,” he said. “We also have a lot of Uzbek and Indian textiles. It’s mostly textiles and mostly Asian, but we have things from all over,” said Mies. Working as a gallery assistant, Mies said he does a lot of restoration work on pieces in the gallery while owner Yosi Barzilai handles most of the sales and buying. “Some of the textiles are old and have a lot of holes in them, [I] patch holes, darn holes, reweave holes and try to make it semi invisible,” he said. “I also

do a lot of mounting for wall displays or just stabilizing. Sometimes [the pieces] are so tattered they have to be on a tooled background to keep them from falling apart.” Other unique pieces in Sarajo’s collection include a medical tourniquet with a field guild to emergency

medical procedures printed onto the fabric. Mies said the bandages were used during the World War I era. One of Mies’ favorite pieces currently on display at the shop is a Chinese bamboo underjacket. Made of minute pieces of hollow bamboo threaded together by string, the intricate undergarment was worn under a silk robe to keep the silk from sticking to a sweaty body in the summer heat. Mies recently completed some restoration work on the underjacket, a meticulous process given the thousands of knots, beads and bamboo that make up the artifact. — Matt Dodge LEFT: A canopied, carved bed made in the Straits Chinese style on display at Sarajo, a gallery specializing in antique textiles, Asian wearables, embroidered tapestries, Buddahs, Islamic furniture, Maharaja portraiture, antique silver jewelry and tribal artifacts. (COURTESY PHOTO)

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Falm ou th $414,000

Gallery assistant Glen Mies folds a rug at Sarajo, a gallery and shop at 531 Congress Street. Mies does much of the restoration work for the shop, including darning, sewing and reweaving of antique textiles. (MATT DODGE PHOTO)

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by Lynn Johnston by Paul Gilligan

By Holiday Mathis SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll rehearse certain things that others wouldn’t take the time to practice. That’s because you see the value in presenting yourself in a smooth, cool manner. One advantage is that people will immediately trust you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You can relax in the knowledge that no one will rate your performance unless you specifically ask for such an evaluation. Feel free to do things the way you want to do them. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). In the past, you’ve said “yes” when you wanted to say “no.” You’ve since learned your lesson. You will get the chance to prove it today, as you make the choice that’s right for you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You have a special gift for dealing with eccentric people. You have ways of maneuvering their tricky personality traits, understanding what they really mean and accepting them for who they are. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your body has an intelligence you can trust. Pay attention to physical signals. If you’re not sure what they mean, pose the question to your body and see if an answer pops to mind. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June 1). It is a year of increased personal power. An important accomplishment you make by the end of September will illustrate the point. Between now and then, you will focus your efforts and keep from procrastinating. A key purchase in October will make your work easier. Love and laughter fill your house in the new year. Libra and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 50, 15, 33 and 17.

Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Once upon a time, you may have fantasized about finding the prince or princess of your dreams. But now you have some very practical and realistic goals for your love life, and you are rapidly approaching them. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Mingling with new people, you’ll find you immediately click with some -- with others, not at all. So stick where you feel the magic. That’s where you’ll feel free to express the diverse facets of your talent. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). A distracting influence may actually do you a favor. Some will find it difficult to get back to work after the disruption, but you’ll find the break in order to be creatively invigorating. CANCER (June 22-July 22). When your emotional needs are met, you feel physically strong and able. The affection and attention of a loved one will have a positive effect on your health. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You used to think there was no such thing as “too nice.” Now you understand that a certain person will keep pushing and asking until you have nothing more to give. It’s only healthy to hold some back for yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You don’t have to be the best in order to win the vote that counts. You will be chosen because you’re a terrific fit, not because you’re the most experienced and qualified. You know how to be a good partner. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Find creative inspiration. It is not an indulgence so much as a way for you to save the world. Indeed, the evolution of man depends on the dreams of healthy minds.

by Aaron Johnson


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ACROSS 1 Bucket 5 Moneys owed 10 Tied-together logs afloat 14 Aware of the shenanigans of 15 Thoughts 16 Wheel rod 17 Make a tiny cut 18 Combativeness 20 Sunbather’s reward 21 Frothy drinks 22 Rattled 23 Diminished 25 Twenty-__; blackjack 26 Jolted 28 Kindling 31 Anticipate 32 Once every 24 hours 34 Chatter 36 Wind direction indicator 37 Like the garden after a shower

38 39 40 41 42 44

57 58 59 60 61 62 63

Relinquish Mr. Carney Narrow boat Motherless calf Get away Paleness of the complexion Pack animal Black-and-white, bamboo-eating mammal Male honeybee Bundle of hay __ Lanka Draw new zoning lines Consumer Perched atop External Quick glance Clinton’s VP Poor Inquires

1 2 3

DOWN Emily or Markie “__ Karenina” Migrants; drifters

45 46

47 50 51 54

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 35

Cut off Called using an old phone Trimmed the lawn Pleads Street-paving substance 180˚ from NNW Scraped Allies’ WWII foe Ice sheet afloat Canvas shelter Like a summery day Assist in crime Soft cheese Greasy Coffee Cognizant Laundry soap brand Spectacles TV’s forerunner Ridge of sand “Much __ About Nothing” Look long and hard

37 38 40 41 43 44 46 47

Atlas pages Freezing Boxes Great __; very large dog Pointed tooth Trivial Walked the floor Medication

48 49 50 52 53 55 56 57

Car taken back Fragrance Use the teeth Stink Annoys Heavy weight Regret __ tree; in a difficult spot

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Wednesday, June 1, the 152nd day of 2011. There are 213 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On June 1, 1861, Capt. John Quincy Marr, CSA, was killed during a skirmish with Union cavalrymen near Fairfax Court House in Virginia; he is widely regarded as the first Confederate officer killed in the Civil War. On this date: In 1792, Kentucky became the 15th state of the union. In 1796, Tennessee became the 16th state. In 1813, the mortally wounded commander of the USS Chesapeake, Capt. James Lawrence, gave the order, “Don’t give up the ship” during a losing battle with the British frigate HMS Shannon in the War of 1812. In 1868, James Buchanan, the 15th president of the United States, died near Lancaster, Pa., at age 77. In 1909, the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition opened in Seattle. (The fair closed in October the same year.) In 1943, a civilian flight from Portugal to England was shot down by the Germans during World War II, killing all 17 people aboard, including actor Leslie Howard. In 1958, Charles de Gaulle became premier of France, marking the beginning of the end of the Fourth Republic. In 1961, an earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale shook northeastern Ethiopia, killing 160 people. Regular FM stereo broadcasting began in the United States. In 1971, American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, 78, died in Stockbridge, Mass. In 1980, Cable News Network made its debut. One year ago: Attorney General Eric Holder said federal authorities had opened criminal and civil investigations into the BP oil spill. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Richard Erdman is 86. Actor Andy Griffith is 85. Singer Pat Boone is 77. Actor-writer-director Peter Masterson is 77. Actor Morgan Freeman is 74. Actor Rene Auberjonois is 71. Opera singer Frederica von Stade is 66. Actor Brian Cox is 65. Rock musician Ronnie Wood is 64. Actor Jonathan Pryce is 64. Actor Powers Boothe is 63. Actress Gemma Craven is 61. Blues-rock musician Tom Principato is 59. Country singer Ronnie Dunn is 58. Actress Lisa Hartman Black is 55. Singer-musician Alan Wilder is 52. Rock musician Simon Gallup is 51. Country musician Richard Comeaux is 50. Actor-comedian Mark Curry is 50. Actor-singer Jason Donovan is 43. Actress Teri Polo is 42. Basketball player-turned-coach Tony Bennett is 42. Actor Rick Gomez is 39. Model-actress Heidi Klum is 38. Singer Alanis Morissette is 37. Pop singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile is 30. Actor Taylor Handley is 27.




CTN 5 Main Social Justice


2011 Stanley Cup Final TBA at Vancouver Canucks. Game 1. From Rogers News WCSH Arena in Vancouver, B.C. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å












JUNE 1, 2011 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Portland Water District Meeting

Community Bulletin Board

Tonight Show With Jay Leno So You Think You Can Dance “New York and News 13 on FOX (N) Frasier (In According Salt Lake City Auditions” Dancers audition for the Stereo) Å to Jim Å judges. (N) (In Stereo) Å The Middle The Middle Modern Modern Cougar Happy End- News 8 Nightline “Foreign “Errand Family Family Å Town “All ings “Pilot” WMTW at (N) Å Exchange” Boy” Å “Chirp” Mixed Up” 11PM (N) American Masters Life Great Performances at the Met “Nixon in China” President Nixon visits China. and work of conductor (N) (In Stereo) Å James Levine. (N) Å Antiques Roadshow The Last Ridge (In American Experience Medal of Honor Three Congressional sword; Stereo) Å “War Letters” Personal medals of honor. (In Stemantel clock. (N) Å letters during war. reo) Å (DVS) America’s Next Top America’s Next Top Entourage TMZ (N) (In Extra (N) Punk’d (In Model “Patricia Field” (In Model Posing while rid- “Running Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Stereo) Å ing a roller coaster. on E” Å To Be An- Rules of Criminal Minds “Sense Blue Bloods “Pilot” Ja- WGME Late Show nounced Engage- Memory” Unusual mur- mie starts his new life as News 13 at With David ment Å ders in Los Angeles. a cop. Å 11:00 Letterman Burn Notice Å Burn Notice Å Curb Paid Prog. Star Trek: Next








DISC MythBusters Å


FAM Movie: ››› “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl”

The 700 Club Å


USA NCIS “Vanished” Å

NCIS “Doppelganger”

NCIS “Jurisdiction”


NESN MLB Baseball: White Sox at Red Sox





CSNE Boxing Jason Davis vs. Frankie Gomez.


SportsNet Sports


ESPN MLB Baseball San Francisco Giants at St. Louis Cardinals. (Live) Å


ESPN2 E:60 Å



MythBusters (N) Å NCIS “Blackwater”

30 for 30 Å

Without a Trace Å

MythBusters Å

Keith Barry

Without a Trace Å

Criminal Minds Å



King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy


NICK My Wife

My Wife



CNN In the Arena (N)


CNBC American Greed

Suite/Deck Shake It

Criminal Minds Å

DISN “Wizards of Waverly Place”


MSNBC The Last Word


Crime Inc.

The Mentalist Å Cake Boss Å

Vanished, Beth


Surprise Homecoming Extreme


AMC Movie: ››‡ “Conan the Barbarian” (1982) Arnold Schwarzenegger.


HGTV Property


The O’Reilly Factor Franklin & Bash “Pilot”

The First 48 Å






How I Met How I Met Extreme

“Conan the Destroyer” Hunters



TRAV Man v. Food Nation

Man v Fd

Man v Fd

Sand M.

Sand M.

Man, Food Man, Food


A&E Beyond Scared





Dog the Bounty Hunter


BRAVO Housewives/NJ


Platinum Hit

Top Chef Masters (N)

Top Chef Masters


Gold Girls Gold Girls


HALL Little House



SYFY Ghost Hunters (N)

Haunted Collector (N)

Hollywood Hollywood Haunted Collector


ANIM River Monsters

River Monsters

Hogs Gone Wild

River Monsters


HIST American Pickers Å

American Pickers (N)


Swamp People Å



61 62 67 68 76




Movie: ››› “Baby Boy” (2001) Tyrese Gibson, Omar Gooding. Å

The Mo’Nique Show

COM Chappelle Chappelle South Park South Park South Park Work. FX

Movie: ››› “X-Men 2” (2003, Fantasy) Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman.

TVLND All-Family All-Family Raymond TBS



SPIKE UFC Unleashed (N)


Cleveland Cleveland Home Imp. Home Imp.



The Ultimate Fighter

OXY Movie: ›› “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”


TCM “The House on 92nd Street” (1945)


1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 28 31 35 36 39 40 43

Daily Show Colbert Movie: “X-Men 2”





The Ultimate Fighter


According to Paris

According to Paris

Movie: ›››‡ “Night Train to Munich” (1940)

ACROSS Start of a Dick Cavett quote German sausage 4th-century date College military org. Calvino or Balbo Greek letters Elbe tributary Race the engine New York City river Part 2 of quote Married Decade divs. Young wolf Waitress on “Alice” Sinatra song, “__ Life” “__ the land of the free...” Off the boat French clergyman Part 3 of quote Actress Arden, casually

Argyle Sweater

The by Scott Hilburn

Mad Money

Greta Van Susteren

Franklin & Bash “Pilot” Men of a Certain Age


Fam. Guy

The Last Word

Crime Inc. (N)

The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)



’70s Show ’70s Show

Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å


LIFE The First 48 Å


Piers Morgan Tonight

43 44


Good Luck Wizards

Rachel Maddow Show The Ed Show (N)



Basketball Harlem Globetrotters.




SportsCenter (N) Å

Repo Above

44 1962 John Wayne movie 45 __ pro nobis 46 Views as 48 Up to, briefly 49 Break down, as a sentence 51 __ Beta Kappa 53 Vietnamese holiday 54 Part 4 of quote 62 Cake finisher 63 True 64 Capacious boats 66 “Damn Yankees” role 67 “A Dandy in __” 68 Remove flawed ones 69 Like Nash’s lama 70 Track gatherings 71 End of quote

1 2 3

DOWN Wrath Garb for Claudius Ancient Roman outfit

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21

22 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33

Write hastily Belushi biography Sch. on the Rio Grande Boffo review Bit of slander Turvy preceder “Gentle Ben” of the PGA Plug of tobacco Bobby’s blackjack Comparative phrase Bad-debt collections, for short Table scrap Really impressed Throw with effort Ford from Tennessee Parade component Christine of “Chicago Hope” Ryan or Patrick Find repugnant Ski-slope rides

34 Stiff bristles 37 To the __ degree 38 Women’s patriotic org. 41 Worldly 42 Grow on the vine 47 That lady 50 Tack on 52 Imam’s religion 53 Bath powders 54 Hawaiian port

55 Business school subj. 56 Proofreader’s cut 57 Cyrano’s distinction 58 Do clerical work 59 Stand by 60 Faithful 61 Tex. neighbor 65 Letters on some cameras

Yesterday’s Answer

Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011


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For Rent

For Sale


AKC yellow labs $700. First shots, AKC papers, vet health certificate. Ready 5/28. Conway (603)726-6273.

PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $475-$875. (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814.

IDAFAB Services- Painting, pressure washing, deck restoration, screen repair, window washing. Free demonstrations available. 10 years experience. (207)415-8270.


MOVING Sale- Solid maple triple dresser w/ mirror, $200. Ratan aquarium stand, new, $125. 2 recliners, circa 1960, excellent condition, $50/ea. Porcelain Chinese lamp $75. Square 36” leather top coffee table $50. (251)895-8953, Portland.

1987 Chevy Elcamino, V8 auto, runs good, driven daily. $1947. (207)791-7874. BUYING all unwanted metals. $800 for large loads. Cars, trucks, heavy equipment. Free removal. (207)776-3051.

For Rent PORTLAND- Danforth Street, 1 bedroom, heated, newly painted, hardwood floors. Modern eat-in kitchen. $850. (207)773-1814.

PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 1 bedroom heated. Newly installed oak floor, just painted. $675/mo. (207)773-1814. WESTBROOK large room eff. furnished, utilities pd includes cable. Non-smokers only. No pets. $195/wkly (207)318-5443.

For Rent-Commercial PORTLAND Art District- Art studios with utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 studios. $325 (207)773-1814.


Services DUMP RUNS We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.

St. Judes - $5

PA-PA Dan’s Mowing- No, you won’t get a pizza, but you’ll get a neatly cut yard! Brighton, Stevens, Allen and Washington Avenue areas, formerly with Lucas Tree. $30-$35, (207)878-6514.

Yard Sale AUBURN, Lewiston Coin/ Marble Show- 6/11/11, American Legion Post 31, 426 Washington St, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.


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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011— Page 13

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For Canucks or Bruins, four decades of waiting about to end BY JEFF Z. KLEIN THE NEW YORK TIMES

The Stanley Cup finals get under way Wednesday, and two great hockey cities on opposite ends of the continent — Boston and Vancouver, British Columbia — are going full throttle in support of their teams. “It is a dream come true, definitely,” said Bruins forward Milan Lucic, a Vancouver native who played junior hockey for the Vancouver Giants. “It’s going to be a great experience going back home. Usually it’s win or go home, but in this case it’s win and go home.” If the Canucks prevail, their fans will celebrate the first Stanley Cup title of the club’s 40-season existence, and the city’s first since the Vancouver Millionaires of Cyclone Taylor and Mickey MacKay lifted the trophy in 1915. If the Bruins win, Bostonians will celebrate for the first time since 1972, when Bobby Orr scored the Cup-winning goal in Game 6 against the Rangers at Madison Square Garden. It all begins in Vancouver in the wake of three memorable playoff rounds. Of 82 playoff games played this spring, 54 were decided by one goal or by two, with one being an empty-netter. The Canucks are heavy favorites. But there is plenty of reason to like the Bruins’ chances. Vancouver had the best record in the regular season, as well as the league’s best goals-for and

goals-against averages. But the Bruins, who finished sixth over all, beat the Canucks in their only meeting, a 3-1 victory in Vancouver on Feb. 26 . Bruins goalie Tim Thomas has allowed one goal in three career starts against the Canucks. The acrobatic Thomas, 37, is a late bloomer who pursued his career through Europe, the minor leagues and injuries. He has a Vezina Trophy on his résumé, and will perhaps have a second one after this season’s awards are announced. But one thing he does not have is a Stanley Cup. His .938 goaltending mark in the regular season, an N.H.L. record, helped get the Bruins to the playoffs. His .929 postseason mark leads all goalies who made it past the first round, and there is no question that had he not maintained that kind of efficiency, Boston would not have reached the finals. But against Tampa Bay in the semifinal round, Thomas often looked ordinary. Even in the memorable 1-0 victory over the Lightning in Game 7, he allowed several juicy rebounds among his 24 saves, and only the tight work of the Bruins’ defensemen and backcheckers prevented Tampa Bay from turning them into goals. Thomas’s counterpart for Vancouver, Roberto Luongo, has followed a strong .928 season with a .922 postseason. But he has had dodgy moments, too, and in the first round he was yanked as starter while Vancouver was blowing a three-games-to-none lead over Chicago.

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: Our nation’s schools provide the majority of American children with at least one of their daily meals. Unfortunately, more than 90 percent of the school meals do not measure up to national nutrition standards. This is worrisome because we know how important food is to the development of healthy bodies and minds. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is considering requiring our schools to add more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to their breakfast and lunch meals, while also lowering the levels of fat, sodium and calories. These measures are steps in the right direction, but to keep these efforts moving forward, our nation’s policymakers need to know they have the public’s support. Our website, www., has information on how your readers can help ensure all students are offered safer, healthier school meals. Now is the time to focus on America’s children. They deserve a healthy start. -- Sincerely, Erik D. Olson, Deputy Director of the Pew Health Group’s Food Portfolio Dear Erik Olson: Those of us who remember school lunches understand that expedience and cost were the overriding factors in what was served. While some children learn about healthy food at home and are disciplined enough to make wholesome choices on their own, many are not as well educated about proper nutrition or have difficulty resisting temptation. Healthful offerings at school can make a huge difference. We hope our readers will check your website and see how they can help our children grow up strong and healthy. Dear Annie: I am looking forward to my beautiful daughter’s wedding. She wants her father, my ex, to walk her down the aisle. He comes from a very dysfunctional family, and none of them speaks to the others. My ex, who is helping to pay for the wedding, insists that

no invitations go out to any of his family. He has threatened to walk out if any of them attend. However, unbeknownst to him, our daughter has developed a good relationship with her “Aunt Marie and Uncle John.” They have been there for her and contributed so much to her life. They even put hours of labor into upgrading her newly purchased home. Obviously, my daughter very much wants to invite this aunt and uncle. Should she disregard her father’s wishes and risk the chance that he will not be any part of her wedding? She could ask her stepfather to escort her down the aisle. He has raised her for the past 15 years. However, she loves her father and does not want to alienate him. It is terribly important to her that he give her away. What should she do? -- Mother of the Bride Dear Mother: We dislike it when people issue ultimatums about who can be invited to what. Your ex-husband has put his daughter in a terrible position on her wedding day. She needs to talk to him, explaining that her aunt and uncle have been very good to her, and it would mean a lot if he would be flexible enough to include them. If he refuses to reconsider, your daughter must decide how important it is that her father, and not her stepfather, walk her down the aisle. Sorry. Dear Annie: Thank you for printing the letter from “Kuttawa, Ky.,” who has issues with background noise and loud commercials during TV programs. My husband is a sci-fi fan who is going deaf. I, on the other hand, have super-sensitive hearing and can hear a pin drop at 50 feet. Too many times, he complains that he cannot hear the dialogue and cranks up the volume, when the background noise is excruciating to people with normal hearing, let alone those like me. Kuttawa is not the only one suffering from the cacophony. -- Guelph in Canada

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

Luongo was the winning goalie for Canada in the Olympic gold-medal game in Vancouver in 2010, but he still has a reputation for shakiness — one that will probably not be dispelled until he has won a Stanley Cup. Still, this series is about more than just goaltending. This spring, Bruins Coach Claude Julien united the towering Slovakian defenseman Zdeno Chara with the solid German Dennis Seidenberg to create an effective shutdown pair. They will shadow the Sedin twins, Henrik and Daniel, who have been effective on the power play — but not effective at equal strength, where each is minus-4. The Canucks’ best player this spring has been Ryan Kesler, with 7 goals, 18 points and a plus-6 mark, but his health is unclear. He missed part of Game 5 in the semifinals against San Jose because of what was believed to be a groin injury. The Bruins’ offense is led by Nathan Horton, playing in the first playoff series of his career after six seasons in Florida. He scored to give the Bruins an overtime victory over Montreal in Game 7 of the first round and a 1-0 win over Tampa Bay in Game 7 of the third round, making him the first player to score two decisive Game 7 goals in the same year. The Bruins’ power play this spring has connected on only 5 of 81 chances, compared with Vancouver’s 17 for 60. Mark Recchi, the Bruins’ 43-year-old forward, has played 46 minutes on the power play this spring without scoring a point. The vast majority of time is played at even strength, however, and here the Bruins have outscored opponents, 48-29. The Canucks’ goal record at even strength is 31-31. Face-offs could prove interesting, too. The Bruins’ top man is Patrice Bergeron, who has won a playoffhigh 62.5 percent of his draws. The top man for Vancouver Coach Alain Vigneault is Manny Malhotra, who is day-to-day after sustaining an eye injury in mid-March. He is unlikely to play in Game 1.

Video game determines Canucks will win Cup BY JOANNE C. GERSTNER THE NEW YORK TIMES

Don’t mess with the video game simulation, as it appears to know all, at least when it comes to hockey. The EA Sports simulations of the 2011 Stanley Cup playoffs have been eerily correct, nailing the results of 13 of 14 series so far. And what about the last series, the Stanley Cup final? The simulator is going with the Vancouver Canucks, in seven games, over the Boston Bruins. The engine plays the contests out, using its N.H.L. ‘11 game, making things as realistic as possible. If the EA simulation engine is right about the Canucks, it probably deserves its own little trophy for being quite the forecaster. The 2010-11 season predictions, released on Oct. 6, 2010, had the EA simulation engine picking the Canucks to win it all. And to make things more cyber-spooky, the EA engine picked the Bruins to make the Stanley Cup finals. The peek into the future promises quite the barn-burner of a Stanley Cup. Two of the games will go into overtime, with the Bruins winning both. But the Canucks will take the decisive Game 7, according to the simulation engine, 3-1 on their home ice in Vancouver. For the record, the EA simulation engine was right last year too, picking the Chicago Blackhawks to win the Stanley Cup.

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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Wednesday, June 1 Portland Public Schools graduations 10:30 a.m. It’s graduation season in Portland. The Portland Public Schools will hold the following graduation ceremonies: June 1, 10:30 a.m., Portland Expo, Deering High School graduation; June 2, 10:30 a.m., Merrill Auditorium, Portland High School graduation; June 2, 6 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, Casco Bay High School graduation; June 9, 6 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, Portland Adult Education graduation.

KeyBank and the Maine Small Business Development Centers small business seminar 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. In an effort to help more Maine entrepreneurs and small business owners access resources and expertise, KeyBank and the Maine Small Business Development Centers (Maine SBDS) are teaming up to offer free informational events exclusively for Maine small business owners. A June 1 session will take place at the Key Plaza at 23 Water Street in Bangor. A June 7 session will take place at the KeyBank branch at 400 Forest Ave. in Portland. All of the sessions will run from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. They are free and open to the public. For more information or to register, go to

Old Orchard Beach charter commission 7 p.m. The Old Orchard Beach charter commission is having a public hearing on the proposed charter. There is a synopsis of the charter changes available at town hall. 1 Portland Avenue, Old Orchard Beach. http://www. chartercom

Portland’s Public Schools spring concerts 7 p.m. Family members, friends and other area residents are invited to attend the following concerts in Portland’s public schools: Lyman Moore Middle School: June 1, 7 p.m., Moore cafeteria. King Middle School: June 2, 7 p.m., King cafetorium. King Bridge Festival: June 6, 12 to 8 p.m., Deering Oaks bandstand. (Rain location is King Middle School cafetorium.) See details at Fifth grade after-school orchestra concert: June 6, 6:30 p.m., Lincoln gym. Lincoln Middle School: June 7, 7 p.m., Lincoln gym. Elementary band and strings concert: June 8, 6:30 p.m., Lincoln gym.

Downeast Humor and Magic Show 7:30 p.m. Tom Clark and Marcus Steelgrave in Downeast Humor and Magic Show at Lucid Stage. $10. 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. 899-3993.

Thursday, June 2 Cocktail reception honoring Stephen Bowen 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Maine Department of Education Commissioner Stephen Bower, Portland Country Club, Eleven Foreside Road, Falmouth. Tickets are $30 each and include hor d’oeuvres, wine and beer. “Please join us as we celebrate Steve Bowen’s appointment to Commissioner, Maine Department of Education. Steve Bowen served as Director, Center for Education Excellence at The Maine Heritage Policy Center and he will discuss his goals and philosophies for Maine’s Education system. This event is hosted by the Board of Directors of The Maine Heritage Policy Center.

‘The Thinking Heart’ in Portland 7 p.m. Four performances of “The Thinking Heart: the Life and Loves of Etty Hillesum,” will be presented in the Portland area during April, May and June. Conversation concerning the work will follow performances. Glickman Family Library at the University of Southern Maine, 314 Forest Ave., seventh floor, Portland, on June 2, at 7 p.m. This performance is sponsored by Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance. Contact: Joshua Bodwell, executive director,, 228-8263.

Daphne Kalotay and Jane Roper book readings 7 p.m. New England authors, Daphne Kalotay and Jane Roper will each be reading from their debut novels, “Russian Winter” and “Eden Lake,” at Longfellow Books. Longfellow Books events are open to the public and always free to attend. Daphne Kalotay’s short stories have appeared in various literary journals and magazines and she has taught literature and writing at Middlebury College and Boston University “Russian Winter,” her first novel, was a finalist in the James Jones First Novel competition and is being published in 19 foreign languages. Fellow Boston resident, Jane Roper is a graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop and writes Baby Squared, a narrative blog about her adventures in twin parenting, at She spent her first 15 summers at summer camps in Maine inspiring the premise of her debut novel, “Eden Lake.”

Portland’s Public Schools spring concerts 7 p.m. Family members, friends and other area residents

Allison Libby of the Calamity Janes (right) bumps and grinds it out in a bout with the Providence Killah Bees on May 14. Maine Roller Derby action resumes Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Portland Expo. For more information, go to (Photo by Scott Lovejoy Jr.) are invited to attend the following concerts in Portland’s public schools: King Middle School: June 2, 7 p.m., King cafetorium. King Bridge Festival: June 6, noon to 8 p.m., Deering Oaks bandstand. (Rain location is King Middle School cafetorium.) See details at Fifth grade after-school orchestra concert: June 6, 6:30 p.m., Lincoln gym. Lincoln Middle School: June 7, 7 p.m., Lincoln gym. Elementary band and strings concert: June 8, 6:30 p.m., Lincoln gym.

‘Late Nite Catechism’ at Freeport Factory Stage 7:30 p.m. The Smash Off-Broadway hit, direct from New York, “Late Nite Catechism” will feature Colleen Moore, who has played the role of Sister in New York as well as the National Tour. This show has been praised by Catholic Standard and Times, Catholic Explorer and called “uproarious” by the New York Times. Laugh your Sins off and don’t let Sister catch you with gum in your mouth! Performances are June 2 through June 12, Tuesdays through Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $27/$22.50 for seniors and students, and are available through Brown Paper Tickets, link to the ticket outlet can be found at 865-5505 The Freeport Factory Stage is located at 5 Depot St., downtown Freeport, just one block east of L.L. Bean.

Friday, June 3 Author Lynn Plourde visits Reiche School 9 a.m. Lynn Plourde, a well-known children’s author, will spend all day at Reiche Community School in Portland. She will work with students and participate in a school-wide assembly. Plourde is the author of “Teacher Appreciation Day,” “Pigs in the Mud,” “Class Picture Day” and many other books. Reiche students have created plays, puppet shows, poems, letters and a newscast based on her stories. Beginning at 9 a.m., Plourde will visit classrooms and watch the student presentations. Reiche families and other community members are invited to attend the assembly with Plourde from 1:30 to 3 p.m.

Tours of Spring Crossing housing in Westbrook 1 p.m. Westbrook’s newest affordable housing community for senior citizens gets its first official viewing Friday, June 3, at 1 p.m. at an open house for federal, state, and local officials — along with the public. Spring Crossing, a 34-unit senior community at 19 Ash St., on the banks of the Presumpscot River, is a project of Westbrook Housing, Westbrook Development Corporation and Spring Crossing Associates Limited Partnership. Funded by Maine Housing with financing assistance from TDBank and Northern New England Investment Fund, the low-income tax credit property for individuals age 55 and over is expected to receive its first residents in June, according to John Gallagher, executive director of Westbrook Housing and president of Westbrook Development Corporation.

In addition to the Friday afternoon open house, Westbrook Housing officials are hosting tours of the building from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 4 during Westbrook Together Days. Since ground was broken in July, the $3.3 million construction project—headed up by Great Falls Construction of Gorham— has created about 100 jobs, involved some 25 local subcontractors and has had a payroll of more than $1 million, according to a press release.

Westbrook Together Days 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Westbrook Together Days. This annual event put together by the Westbrook Community Chamber features local groups, local artisans, local service clubs and amusement rides. Expect 20-30 performers and entertainers as well as a parade down Main Street Saturday morning and the auction Saturday afternoon. The festivities are concluded with a fireworks show at 9:30 p.m. Saturday night. Riverbank Park, 655 Main St., Westbrook. June 3-June 4. Friday 3 p.m. until 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. No cost for admission. Tickets can be purchased for amusement rides.

Gallery Show: Images of the Longfellow Garden 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday Art Walk at Maine Historical Society. “Join the local art community during the First Friday Art Walk and come see the current show in the Shettleworth Gallery, Images of the Longfellow Garden (May 6-June 30). This exhibit is a showcase of historical images that document the evolution of the garden through the years. The exhibit celebrates spring and the wonder that is shared by all who enjoy the garden. The Longfellow Garden Club will be presenting information about the Longfellow Garden, which will be open late for art walk patrons. Come and mingle with friends, enjoy refreshments and music, walk through the garden, and see Maine’s history come to life!”

‘Refashioned’ at the PMA 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. May 21 through July 31, the Portland Museum of Art presents “Refashioned.” “Inherent in the structure of a garment is the story of its purpose, time, and place. Contemporary artists, Lauren Gillette (York, Maine), Anne Lemanski (Spruce Pine, North Carolina), and Angelika Werth (Nelson, British Columbia), use the configuration of an article of clothing or hairstyle as an armature for historical narratives. Their work begins with the desire to communicate details of a life revealed in the conventions of outward appearance. In sculptural jackets, hairstyles, and dresses, the artists reconstruct identities, reuse materials, and reinvent historical personas. The exhibition will feature 21 objects lent by the artists. Refashioned is the third in a series of exhibitions called Circa that explores compelling aspects of contemporary art in the state of Maine and beyond. Circa is a series of exhibitions featuring the work of living artists from Maine and beyond. Circa is made possible by S. Donald Sussman. Corporate support provided by The VIA Agency.” Opening celebration: Friday, June 3, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011— Page 15

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First Friday at Geno’s Rock Club 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Art Walk at Geno’s Rock Club is free, and open to all — Jessica Butts will be exhibiting her newest multimedia pieces in the lobby. Refreshments will be provided. Live music show doors open at 9 p.m., cover is $5, 21 plus/proper ID required. Bands: Brenda —; Over a Cardboard Sea — Contact Peri Broadbent for more information at genos.

Opening for artist Leslie Wicks 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Local artist Leslie Wicks welcomes guests to her opening at Running with Scissors studios and gallery. The show features both sculptures and prints. Refreshments will be served. 54 Cove St., Portland. 699-4242.

‘My Perestroika’ at the PMA 6:30 p.m. “My Perestroika” screening at the Portland Museum of Art. Friday, June 3, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, June 4, 2 p.m.; Sunday, June 5, 2 p.m. NR. “‘My Perestroika’ follows five ordinary Russians living in extraordinary times — from their sheltered Soviet childhood, to the collapse of the Soviet Union during their teenage years, to the constantly shifting political landscape of post-Soviet Russia. At the center of the film is a family.”

PORTopera Dinner/Dance & Auction 6:30 p.m. PORTopera, Maine’s only professional opera company, hosts its annual gala Dinner/Dance & Auction at the Sable Oaks Marriott in South Portland. This year’s gala supports the company’s 17th season main stage performance: Donizetti’s The Daughter of the Regiment (La Fille du Régiment); and the gala is French-themed. PORTopera Dinner/Dance guests dine and dance in elegance. The evening begins with a cocktail hour, with wine and hors d’oeuvres. Master of Ceremonies is Frank E. Reilly, spouse of gala co-chair Sharon Reilly, and auctioneer is Tom Saturley. The Bob Charest Band provides live music for dancing and listening until 11 p.m. Dinner is classically French and opera-inspired. Entrees include Chicken Marengo; according to legend, Chicken Marengo is an entrée ingeniously crafted by Napoleon’s chef after a military conquest, the Battle of Marengo, and thusly named. For vegetarians, Crêpes Vivandiere takes its name from vivandieres, the women attached to regiments of soldiers whose duties were to sell wine for their canteens. Marie, the lead female in La Fille du Régiment, is a fictional example of a vivandiere. Items up for auction include “walk-on” roles in the opera performance as well as a week in a Swiss chalet, an exclusive PORTopera design pendant crafted by Peapod Jewelers, opera trips to New York, Washington, Santa Fe and San Francisco and more. The gala is PORTopera’s largest fundraiser each year, allowing the opera to continue bringing the joy of opera and music to Maine year after year. The gala is open to the public. Tickets are $125 per person, and tables of 8 or 10 are available. Tickets must be purchased in advance through the PORTopera office (879-7678). Suggested dress is black tie. PORTopera will present “The Daughter of the Regiment” on July 28 and 30 at Portland’s Merrill Auditorium. For more information, visit

Fairy Tale Players 7 p.m. In June, Acorn Productions wraps up the company’s second season of performance by the “Fairy Tale Players,” an ensemble of kids, teens and adults who have studied at the Acorn Acting Academy. The troupe’s last production of the season is the classic fairy tale Rapunzel, adapted and directed by Acorn faculty member Stephanie Ross, who is also the Director of Drama at Massabesic High School. “Acorn’s version of the classic story begins with a young couple who desperately want a child. An evil enchantress Dame Gothel manipulates them into promising her their first born in exchange for all the Rampion (otherwise known as Rapunzel) vegetable they can eat. Saving the day are a delightful garden of enchanted vegetables who talk, sing and put themselves in harm’s way in order to help Rapunzel and her heroic Prince finally find their way back together.” The production runs from June 3 to 19 in the Acorn Studio Theater in Westbrook, with tickets $7 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. Rapunzel is suitable for all ages, especially younger children who will love the antics of the garden vegetables. Call Acorn at 854-0065 or visit for more info or to order tickets.

Maine State Music Theatre presents “The Marvelous Wonderettes” in Brunswick, starting Wednesday, June 8. Here, Brittney Morello, Danielle Erin Rhodes, Morgan Smith and Lara Seibert open MSMT’s 53rd season. (Photo by Annie Rose) are the choices you’ve had to make and how have they impacted you? Tell your story and watch them played back on the spot. Every month, Portland Playback Theater puts five actors at your disposal to replay the moments of your life. Tell your story or just come to watch.”

Steve Tesh, others at Mayo Street 7:30 p.m. Steve Tesh, Chris Teret and Stephanie Rabins, Chriss Sutherland, and Micah Blue Smaldone at Mayo Street Arts. $5.

‘Late Nite Catechism’ at Freeport Factory Stage 7:30 p.m. The Smash Off-Broadway hit, direct from New York, “Late Nite Catechism” will feature Colleen Moore, who has played the role of Sister in New York as well as the National Tour. This show has been praised by Catholic Standard and Times, Catholic Explorer and called “uproarious” by the New York Times. Laugh your Sins off and don’t let Sister catch you with gum in your mouth! Performances are June 2 through June 12, Tuesdays through Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $27/$22.50 for seniors and students, and are available through Brown Paper Tickets, link to the ticket outlet can be found at 865-5505 The Freeport Factory Stage is located at 5 Depot St., downtown Freeport, just one block east of L.L. Bean.

Rory Raven at Lucid Stage 8 p.m. Rory Raven Will Read Your Mind! at Lucid Stage. $12 From Providence, Rory Raven is a mentalist. 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. 899-3993.

Saturday, June 4 Grand opening of 10-mile Forest City Trail

Portland Playback Theatre

8:30 a.m. Portland Trails will celebrate its 20th znniversary on National Trails Day with the grand opening of the Forest City Trail. Activities are scheduled throughout the day including a ribbon cutting ceremony at noon at the Casco Bay High School and PATHS campus. Portland Trails recently made major improvements to the walking trails behind the school buildings that are part of the Forest City Trail. Portland Trails co-founder Tom Jewell will lead a guided walk of the Forest City Trail with Bob Crowley, winner of “Survivor: Gabon,” the hit reality television series. RSVPs will be required for this 10-mile hike across Portland. A $10 registration fee includes lunch. Individual guided walks of the major open spaces along the Forest City Trail will also be offered as part of the day’s festivities. 8:30 a.m.: Portland Trails Trail Manager Jaime Parker will lead a tour through the Fore River Sanctuary. Meet at the Frost and Congress Street trailhead; 10 a.m.: City Arborist Jeff Tarling of Portland Public Services will offer a tour of Evergreen Cemetery. Meet at the Duck Pond in the Cemetery; 1 p.m.: Portland Trails Board Member Roger Berle will lead a walk through the Presumpscot River Preserve starting from the Overset Road trailhead.

7:30 p.m. Portland Playback Theatre presents the theme: Forks in the Road, First Parish Church (corner of Temple and Congress Streets), Portland. $7 at the door. “Portland Playback returns to one of its favorite themes this month: Forks in the Road. On the road of life, we all come to a fork every now and then — those moments when we have to make a choice and leave one route for another. What

9 a.m. A family-friendly walk/run around Portland’s Back Cove trail to help improve health care in northern Haiti. 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., registration; 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., welcome remarks; 10:15 a.m., runners start; 10:20 a.m. walkers start; 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Après walk festivities. “Maine Walks for Haiti is a great opportunity for people of all ages to get involved with

Maine Walks for Haiti

an international humanitarian cause and make a tangible difference in the lives of many Haitians. Proceeds from the event benefit Maine’s Konbit Sante Cap-Haitien Health Partnership. Strollers and dogs on leashes are welcome. Registration is $10 (school teams and children are free). Enjoy Haitian music, art, storytelling, and more!” Entertainment by: Gifrants, musician, Charlot Lucien, storyteller, DJ, Harold Similien. Since 2001, Konbit Sante staff and volunteers have worked in collaboration with the Haitian Ministry of health and other partners to build local capacity in all aspects of the health system ... In Haitian Creole, a konbit is a traditional Haitian method of working together to till your friends’ fields as well as your own — working together toward a common goal. The word sante means health.” For more information on Konbit Sante, please visit

USM Arboretum Day and Plant Sale in Gorham 9 a.m. to noon. The dedication of the Joe B. Parks Rhododendron Garden, gardening workshops, children’s activities and refreshments are all part of the inaugural University of Southern Maine Arboretum Day and Plant Sale. The free, public event will be held, rain or shine, adjacent to the USM Academy Building on USM’s Gorham campus. The Academy Building overlooks School Street (Route 114). Parking is available at 68 School St. The garden dedication will be at 9:30 a.m., followed by workshops every 15 minutes. The plant sale will include vendors from O’Donal’s Nursery, Meservey Farms and local garden clubs. “The Joe B. Parks Rhododendron Garden, located in front of the historic Academy Building, is “green” in more ways than one. All the plants are hybridized rhododendrons and azaleas that the late Dover, New Hampshire horticulturalist Joe Parks developed to withstand the New England climate and resist insects. Parks once said he struggled for more than 40 years with ‘a disease known as gardening.’ In 2007, he donated plants from his backyard gardens and took the lead in development of Dover’s Joe B. Parks River Walk and Gardens. Parks, who died in 2010, also decided to move plants from his home in Dover to USM for the use and enjoyment of the entire community. Benches and original artwork from the Parks’ home have been woven into this large garden space that serves as an outdoor classroom and a place for reflection.” For more information, contact Betsy Uhuad of USM at 780-4714, or Tyler Kidder at

New Gloucester History Barn Open House 9 a.m. to noon. The next monthly New Gloucester History Barn Open House will be held at the History Barn, right behind the Town Hall on Route 231. Historic photos and vehicles are on display. The next Open House will be July 2 and will feature a public reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Maine Historical Society annual meeting 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Maine Historical Society Annual Meeting: Looking (Back) At Television. “Join us to conduct the official business of MHS, and for a look at the early days of television in Maine. The annual meeting includes awards, the welcoming of new Trustees, and a talk by Fred Thompson, former head of the Maine Broadcasting System (1983-1998). MHS membership and registration for the event required.” For more information, click here. To register, please call 774-1822. see next page

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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Used book and DVD sale at Windham Hill church 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A used book and DVD sale will be held at the Windham Hill United Church of Christ at 140 Windham Center Road in Windham. There will be a huge selection of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books available. FMI call the church at 892-4217.

Portland Jetport Aviation Expo 2011 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Portland Jetport Aviation Expo 2011, June 11-12. Military, Antique, Special Interest aircraft, demos, fly-bys, displays, Helicopter and Bi-plane rides, food, charity plane-pull and more. Free admission and free parking (follow event signs at Jetport). Please, no pets, weapons or smoking. Sat. 9-4 Sun 9-3.

Westbrook Together Days 10 a.m. Westbrook Together Days. This annual event put together by the Westbrook Community Chamber brings together the best of Westbrook, local groups, local artisans, local service clubs, and great food along with amusement rides. “We will have 20-30 performers and entertainers as well as a parade down Main Street Saturday morning and our Annual Auction Saturday afternoon. The festivities are concluded with our fabulous Fireworks show at 9:30 p.m. Saturday night. Riverbank Park, 655 Main St., Westbrook. June 3-June 4. Friday 3 p.m. until 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. No cost for admission. Tickets can be purchased for amusement rides.

Herbal Primer Workshop 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. An Herbal Primer Workshop will be held at the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Route 26, New Gloucester. The workshop covers all the basics of herb growing from starting seeds to using what you grow. Betsey-Ann Golon, Shaker Village herb gardener, is the instructor. Fee: $40 (pre-registration required).

Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Volunteer Training 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch provided. “Retired? Interested in history? Looking for a fun part-time activity? The Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad has immediate openings for train crew! We are looking for individuals who enjoy talking with visitors and residents about the history of Maine. Volunteer whenever is convenient for you –- we run trains seven days a week along the waterfront. We offer a fun and enjoyable environment to volunteer in the community this summer. No technical skills are needed — training provided.” Limited seats available on June 4, please RSVP to 828-0814 or e-mail: volunteers@

League of Women Voters convention

College of the Atlantic commencement 2 p.m. College of the Atlantic will hold its 39th commencement. This will be COA’s largest graduation, with 85 seniors and two graduate students. Actress Jane Alexander, former head of the National Endowment for the Arts, will give the commencement address. Like every COA event, this will be a green celebration. Young scientists, entrepreneurs, novelists, artists, public policy analysts, potential medical practitioners and organic farmers from 11 nations, including the United States, and 24 states will be receiving diplomas. Among them are a Watson fellow, a Goldwater Scholar, a Udall scholarship honorable mention, three recipients of Garden Club of America scholarships, On June 3, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., First Friday Art Walk comes to the Maine Charitable Mechanics three recipients of Kathryn Association. The Congress Street museum will feature Barbara Holt, exhibiting watercolors and mixed W. Davis Projects for Peace awards and a recipient of an media with fiber. Her works will remain on exhibit in June. (COURTESY IMAGE) international poetry prize. All zen referenda have operated in the past and what changes, will be receiving degrees in if any, should be proposed to the Constitution, statutes, or human ecology, COA’s one major. departmental regulations.” For more information contact SMCC Composite Technology meeting LWVME President Barbara McDade at bmcdade@bpl.lib. 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Southern Maine Community College or 622-0256 or visit the League’s website at www. is holding a public meeting to provide information about the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Composite Tech-

Local Sprouts Cafe one-year anniversary

10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Local Sprouts Cafe, 649 Congress St. Local Sprouts Cooperative is celebrating the One Year Anniversary of Local Sprouts Cafe with a daylong celebration with music, art, dance and food and drink specials. Music will include Papadello, Ahmad Hassan Trio, Meghan Yates, Butcher Boy, Leif Sherman Curtis, Robin Jellis, Jimmy Dority, Tucker Louisos Daniels, Gaelle Robins, Jonah Fertig and others. There will be a dance performance in the afternoon, art making and facepainting and the celebration will be for all ages. For more information: 899-3529, food@

The Dave Astor Reunion Show 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Dave Astor Reunion Show at Port City Music Hall, 504 Congress St. Featuring Dave Astor with Tony Boffa, Steve Romanoff, and Fred Thompson. Community participation and memories welcome! “Join us to remember and celebrate one of Maine’s best-loved homegrown television shows, The Dave Astor Show (For Teenagers Only). The program, which aired on Saturday afternoons from 1956-1971, featured students from area high schools performing dance routines and other productions. It quickly became a teenage phenomenon, a fixture in numerous homes, and provided invaluable training and experiences for the students who participated. The Dave Astor Show was Portland’s own version of American Bandstand, known for its high standards and sophistication. Dave Astor and show alums will share stories followed by a broader conversation during which audience members are encouraged to share their own memories. The program will be followed by a dance party!” $5 suggested donation at the door.

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The League of Women Voters of Maine will hold its biennial convention at the Glickman Library, University of Southern Maine, Portland campus. Registration is $35 and the event is open to the public. “Maine Secretary of State Charlie Summers will be the morning speaker. He will discuss Maine’s laws, rules and experience governing the Citizen Initiative/People’s Veto. Mr. Summers was elected by the 125th Legislature to serve as Maine’s 48th Secretary of State. He served as State Director to U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe from 1995 to 2004. He served two terms as State Senator, representing Scarborough, Saco and Old Orchard Beach. He is also a Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve and served in Afghanistan and Iraq on active duty. University of Southern Maine Associate Professor Ron Schmidt, Ph.D. will be the afternoon speaker. He will discuss the history, uses and politics of the Citizen People’s Veto in Maine. Dr. Schmidt currently serves as Chair of the Political Science Department. He specializes in political theory, racial and ethnic politics and urban politics. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, and is the author of This Is The City: Making Model Citizens in Los Angeles, 2005. The afternoon plenary session will vote on whether the Maine League should conduct a study A Solstice Spectacular is Saturday, June 11 at 8 p.m. at One Longfelto understand how Maine’s citi- low Square. (COURTESY IMAGE)

Shape Note Singers in New Gloucester 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Shape Note Singers will be gathering for their annual singalong at the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Route 26, New Gloucester. The singalong is open and free of charge to the public.

nology scheduled for initial offering at the SMCC Midcoast Campus at Brunswick Landing in the fall. Applications are currently being accepted, and anyone interested in learning more about the program or admission procedures is encouraged to attend. “Composite technology is designated as a high growth/high demand industry in Maine. SMCC is working with regional employers to provide a skilled workforce to meet increasing demands.” Resilient Communications at Brunswick Landing. Enter the former BNAS through the main Cook’s Corner entrance. For more information on the degree program, contact Randi Paine at 741-5624.

Latin Dance with Dj Johnny Mambo! 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. “Crystal, Heather, & Maria Cron will be going to Cuba this summer with the Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan. They are asking for support. Every year people opposing the U.S. blockade against Cuba join Pastors for Peace in taking taken humanitarian aid to the island. On their way to Cuba this year, they will travel in buses and trucks through 130 US and Canadian cities. They’ll be collecting construction, medical, and educational supplies for our Cuban sisters and brothers. People they meet along the way will learn about Cuba and the U.S. blockade. Crystal is considering study at the Latin America School of Medicine in Havana, so she’ll be visiting that school.” Doors open at 5 p.m., dinner served at 5:30, dance begins at 6:30 p.m. Hope.Gate.Way, 185 High St., Portland. Donation of $15 is suggested. Admission includes a Cuban/Peruvian meal, including Flan. For more information about this event, call Maria at 272-2071. People unable to attend may send donations to: Crystal Cron, 117 North St., Portland, ME 04101. Let Cuba Live of Maine ( sponsors the proceedings. For information about Pastors for Peace and the Friendshipment, go to

Calamity Janes vs. Queen City Cherry Bombs 6 p.m. Calamity Janes vs. Queen City Cherry Bombs (NHRD home team) in Maine Roller Derby action. “Portland Expo. TD Bank will be sponsoring a table for the Special Olympics at the June 4 and June 18 bouts. Stop by on your way to your seats to meet some Special Olympic Athletes and donate to the cause. Last year the Bank helped raise over $1,000,000 and has committed to raise another $1 million in 2011.” Tickets $10 adv.; $13 doors; $5 kids 6-12; free for kids 5 and under. After-party at Empire Dine & Dance.

George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic 8 p.m. George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic on the Maine State Pier, presented by Maine State Pier Concert Series. “Funk legend and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelics kick off the Maine State Pier Concert Series. This show promises the best funk concert dance party complete with vendors, street performers and beer garden, all set against the backdrop of Portland Harbor.” General admission seating. All tickets $30 including $3 service fee. Rain or Shine. All tickets will be mailed. or

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