January 30, 2012

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California State University, Northridge


Monday, January 30, 2012

since 1957


Students heated over enrollment freeze

Charlie Kaijo / Daily Sundial

CSUN students march through campus to protest a freeze on permission numbers to add classes.

Stefanie De leon Tzic daily sundial



Volume 53 Issue 65 • A financially Independent student newspaper

According to Attias, the communications department was affected more than any other department because of the heavy concentration of General

See enrollment, page 2

daily sundial


ore than 70 CSUN students lead by members of Central American United Student Association, Students for Quality Education and MEChA marched through campus in protest of a recent decision made by CSUN administrators to only allow graduating seniors to add classes. Starting outside Oviatt Library and winding their way through campus to Bayramian Hall, the students protested in response to CSUN's decision to only allow graduating seniors to get permission numbers to add classes. “I want to see clarity as to what’s going on,” said Osvaldo Ortiz, 22, a member of CAUSA who lead the march. “It’s frustrating. We want cooperation from the administration—to actually have a dialogue

OPINION Sparks flying over smoking issues p. 6

with students.” The protest later moved to University Hall where they were addressed outside by Interim President Harry Hellenbrand and acting administrator of academic affairs, William Watkins. “Clearly some students are going to be frozen out this term and I’m terribly sorry about that, but that’s the situation,” Hellenbrand said to the group. The decision to halt enrollment was made in order to avoid a possible $7 million penalty from the CSU for exceeding the target enrollment number. According to Hellenbrand, CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed said that enrolling more students than state funds are allocated for sends

a message to the California government that the campus can continue to operate on the current budget, jeopardizing possible increases in state money in the coming semesters. “I have an argument with Reed about the rational because I don’t think the money is there to e p e . S 4a be gotten,” Helt he S n lenbrand said. “But there is some logic to the rational.” The CSU is doing everything it can to lobby the state government for more funding, as CSUN has exceeded its target enrollment by 6 percent, said


in today’s

Department of Communication Studies Suffers

Carl Robinette

for photo d 5 openin s g C

meeting to discuss the cap on unit registration, why classes were cut and students inability to add courses was held Friday in the Aronstam Library by the Department of Communications Chair Dr. Bernardo Attias. The state calculates the number of students enrolled at CSU campuses by the number of units they’re enrolled in, or full-time equivalent students. Fifteen units equals one FTES. The state uses FTES to calculate how much money is given to universities. Once a university goes over that target and continues to admit students, it will face penalties from the CSU. The money from the additional

students’ tuition stays on the campus, rather than going back to the CSU, Attias said. “Up until recently, the chancellor (Charles B. Reed) had been allowing campuses to go over target and keep that money on campus," Attias said about the cap, which was implemented this semester. Now, he is strictly holding that campuses can’t go 3 percent over its target because the campus will be penalized $7 million, Attias said.

Students protest unit caps and permission number freeze


Meeting held to discuss social media’s role in bringing awareness to the crisis

See protest, page 2

SPORTS Matadors win backto-back, but have turnover issues p. 8

2 News January 30, 2012 • Daily Sundial • CSUN • city@sundial.csun.edu


Continued from page 1 Stephanie Thara, a CSU spokesperson. “We are working to the best of our ability to provide the services to students that they need to graduate and receive a quality education,” Thara said. Many students are concerned about their eligibility for financial aid if they are unable to enroll in 12 units. Student housing also requires that students have full-time enrollment, while foreign students here on visa or other exchange programs expressed fears about their residency status during the march. “If I don’t get 12 units I will get deported,” said student Saad Aldahlawi of Saudi Arabia. Students associated with MEChA were also distributing a petition during the protest with the goal of applying pressure to the CSU to forgive

the $7 million penalty. Petitioner Jessica Cardiel, gender and women’s studies major, said they were looking for 4,000 signatures. “I’ve been trying to add all the communications classes,” said Senai Andikiel, 22, senior communications major. “I see the seats open, but there’s a cap that the professor can’t go over and they say I can’t have the seat. It’s unfair.” Watkins assured students that there will be a statement distributed to faculty and students by email to further explain and update the situation. The communication is expected to be released shortly, though no deadline was given. Watkins said that the possibility of the freeze being lifted before the Feb. 10 enrollment deadline is not likely. “I don’t imagine that we’re going to just go back to normal unless we decide to take the $7 million penalty,” Watkins said. “But that’s not very responsible in my position.”

The Money is There

enrollement Continued from page 1

Education courses it offers. Attias said before the university implemented the cap, the department was told to go over its FTES limit only if it had the capacity. A few days prior to the semester, the chair was notified it had to cut down its number of FTES by about 40 percent – from 900 students to 540. “We were able to add a few classes at the last minute, so the (overall) cuts roughly amount to about 33 percent,” Attias said. “We captured back about 7 percent of those FTES.”

According to Attias, the enrollment crisis is very much a state budget issue. CSUN could afford to open up classes, but the state has steadily been investing less in education. “We have the money on campus,” Attias said. “If it was just a matter of ‘can we afford to open more classes,’ we probably can.” The CSU system has suffered $750 million over the past two years. The CSU board of trustees also approved a 9 percent tuition increase for the 20122013 fiscal year last November, in a 9 to 6 vote, according to the Sundial. “Tuition has been increasing for

Charlie Kaijo / Daily Sundial

CSUN students march past Manzanita Hall to protest a freeze on permission numbers to add classes.

over a decade and I don’t see that coming down until there’s new priorities in California,” Attias said. But it’s not just the state's priority, but also the state politics that are creating this problem, Attias said. “In terms of the political priorities of the state, we value education when we talk about it, but we don’t see that value playing out in the investment of education,” Attias said.

#FundEduCSUN Attias advised students to channel their energy into writing to those who make the decisions that affect education, from the university’s Interim

President Dr. Harry Hellenbrand, to California state legislators. Although it will not let students add classes this semester, it will, in the long run, create classes for them, and help stop the systematic divestment from education, he said. As a result of the meeting, CSUN’s Communication Association and other students have initiated the Fund Education group, which aims to bring awareness to the current crisis through social media such as Facebook and Twitter. The group will utilize #FundEdu and #FundEduCSUN on Twitter as their hashtags. The campaign’s first event is set

to take place Feb. 2 at 12 p.m., where several students will convene in front of the Oviatt Library to hand out fliers that inform students of the situation and ask them to send live tweets and Facebook posts to Chancellor Reed, Gov. Jerry Brown and others. “It’s about the accountability factor,” said Ashley Luke, 21, double major in journalism and Central American studies, has not been affected by the cap because of her status as a graduating senior. “When I received more emails about the Student Recreational Center (SRC) being open rather than the permission freeze, it makes you think where the priorities are,” she said.


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News 3 January 30, 2012 • Daily Sundial • CSUN • city@sundial.csun.edu

Calendar of Events 30


Scavenger Hunt

Men’s Basketball vs. UC Santa Barbara

When: Jan. 23- Feb. 27 Where: Online What: The Financial Aid and Scholarship Department invites you to take our online Scavenger Hunt Challenge for a chance to win one of four $50 Matador Bookstore gift cards.

31 Endangered Languages: Global and Local Perspectives

Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Where: Oviatt Library Presentation Room What: The CSUN Linguistics Club invites you to join for an evening with Dr. K. David Harrison and Dr. Gregory Anderson from the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages and the documentary, The Linguists. They will be speaking about their efforts to document and revitalize endangered languages around the globe.

The Politics of Passion (Graffiti and Violence): Honduras at the Crossroads of a Coup d’Etat time: 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Where: Whitsett Room Description: A Dr. Hector Leyva, author of nine books on Honduran and Central American literature and culture, lecture sponsored by the Central American Studies Program and the College of Humanities Academic Programming Fund.


time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Where: Matadome What: Free admission for CSUN Students with I.D.


time: 7 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. Where: CSUN Cinematheque (Alan Armer Theater in Manzanita Hall): Michelangelo Antonioni Retrospective What: A showing of the 1952 film I Vinti (The Vanquished). Antonioni’s unique triptych film tells three stories of well-off youth who commit murder.

submit your event

Go online to DAILYSUNDIAL.COM to add your club or organization’s upcoming event to the calendar for free. Open house Attention all writers, reporters, photographers, artists and designers: Are you brimming with story or multimedia ideas? Desperate to add more clips to your resume? Gain valuable experience by contributing to CSUN’s Daily Sundial. Join us for an informational meeting to learn more about our exciting opportunities. Open house is Thursday, Feb. 9 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.

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4 News January 30, 2012 • Daily Sundial • CSUN • city@sundial.csun.edu

Scan the QR code to see more pictures and videos from Thursday’s grand opening of the Student Recreation Center.

Kat Russell / Daily Sundial

Debra Hammond (middle), the executive director of the University Student Union had the honor of tearing the red banner that officially opened the SRC.

Kat Russell / Daily Sundial

Farah Yacoub / Daily Sundial

Dream World Cirque artists performed various acts throughout the day at Plaza del Sol for the grand opening.

Several different food trucks served participants at the opening of the Student Recreation Center from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. near Plaza del Sol.


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News 5 January 30, 2012 • Daily Sundial • CSUN • city@sundial.csun.edu



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Kat Russell / Daily Sundial

As soon as the opening ceremony ended, tours of the Student Recreation Center began.

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Starting Wednesday, February 1, fill out a ballot in the Sundial or log on to our website to vote on the best food, drinks and more around CSUN. Results will be published in a special section March 22.



January 30, 2012



Non-smoker says:

BAN smoking!

Improving on-campus health does not require drastic measures

Katt O'Neill / Daily Sundial

JoelLE Katz social media editor


f there is one thing that I have made a promise to do (and have thus far kept) it is to not smoke. I plan to live a long, heart and lung diseasefree life.

However, I cannot imagine a world where I need to share company or a classroom with someone who cannot be granted their ashy relaxer when much needed. The UC system has recently put a ban on smoking on their campuses that will take effect over the next two years. Earlier last semester, the student organization, Campuses Organized and United for Good Health (COUGH), petitioned to ban smoking at CSUN. The freedom to smoke should not be eliminated on our campus, but restricted to designated smoking areas or zones.

Now, you may ask why someone like me, who knows about the health risks associated with smoking, would support the cause to allow it to continue on campus. Lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and emphysema are just a few of the many diseases connected to smoking. Second-hand smoking can cause just as many health risks and in many cases, can often kill. No smokers, I am not preaching to you and I do not discriminate against your personal choice to smoke. I understand your dire need to take a chill pill in a stressful situation or even when you are just drunk. The habit is simple to understand – smoking is an addiction and those who choose to start the habit can find it extremely hard to end, even if they are aware of the health risks and make the decision on their own

to quit. This is not to say, however, that those who love their bodies and their health should be put at risk everywhere they go by those who choose to slowly kill their lungs. Instead of eliminating smoking completely, we should limit the negative effects by creating designated smoking areas around campus where he/she with a distaste for smoking knows not to enter. Yes, I get it COUGH, none of you condone smoking and I’m sure it’s for reasons similar to mine: you enjoy living. However, this zeal to clear our air favors one bad habit over another. Why is it that alcohol, a substance that can physically and mentally alter a person’s actions, something that can be much more dangerously abused, is allowed on campus? The Pub doesn’t serve hard liquor, but a beer can lead to

another one and can lead to much worse than a cigarette. No one on campus is telling the drinkers whether or not they can get inebriated, so why should someone tell the smokers how much they can smoke? I would never want to put myself at risk of being next to a smoker in class after being refused a quick cigarette break. Have you ever been around someone who can’t have a much-needed cig? I dare you to sit in a room full of student smokers who just came from a two-hour long lecture about microscopic organisms living in our backyards, been given 80 pages of reading over the weekend after they fought with their boyfriend or girlfriend and tell them not to have their regular substance which calms them down. Go ahead and give me a call after your migraine

has gone away from listening to their bitching and moaning. As of right now, smoking is not allowed in buildings, state-owned vehicles or within 20 feet of campus buildings. I would not reject, as I’m sure smokers would concur, selected sectioned-off areas around

campus where smoking is prohibited. Maybe smokers can make smoking friends there. It’s a win-win for everyone. So, non-smokers, do me and yourselves and favor and think before pissing off the smokers. I wouldn’t want to be one of you in that situation.

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Published Mon.-Thurs. by the Department of Journalism at California State University, Northridge. Trisha Sprouse / Daily Sundial

Ashtrays are located at least 20 feet away from building entrances on CSUN's campus.

Manzanita Hall 140, 18111 Nordhoff St. Northridge, CA 91330-8258 News (818) 677-2915 • Advertising (818) 677-2998 Fax (818) 677-3638 • www.dailysundial.com

Sports 7 January 30, 2012 • Daily Sundial • CSUN • sports@sundial.csun.edu

men's basketball

CSUN snaps losing streak Gilberto Manzano Senior reporter


fter having one of their best offensive performances in a two-point loss to Cal State Fullerton Thursday, the Matadors picked up right where they left off as they shot a blazing 61 percent from the field en route to a 76-68 non-conference victory over Cal State Bakersfield Saturday night at the Icardo Center. High-scoring redshirt freshman Stephan Hicks dropped a career-high 26 points to lead the Matadors (6-13, 2-6 Big West) , who had four players in doublefigures, including 16 points from sophomore guard Josh Greene. For the second straight game, CSUN hit eight of the 15 3-pointers it took (53.3 percent). Despite the offensive surge, the Matadors had a tough time putting the Roadrunners (11-11) away. After leading by as many as 13 points, CSUN found itself with only a four-point advantage with 3:39 left in regulation. The game remained a fourpoint difference up to the one minute mark and CSU Bakersfield had an opportunity to cut into the deficit. However, Donald Johnson, who scored a team-

high 18 points off the bench, missed two shots. Eventually the Matadors put the game away at the free throw line as they snapped a threegame losing streak. Things have been so bad on offense for Northridge this season that the 76 points it scored marked only the second time in the last 10 games that they scored over 70 points. CSUN

up next: CSUN vs. UCSB When: Thursday @ 7 p.m. *Live updates on Twitter @sundialsports57

managed 84 points in a win against UC Davis Jan. 14. Even though the victory didn’t count in the Big West standings, the Matadors were in need of a pick-me-up game. CSUN gave up a game-winning layup to Kwame Vaughn in a 70-68 loss to Cal State Fullerton Thursday and were blown out by 46 points at Cal Poly on Jan. 21. Heading into Saturday’s game, Bakersfield was a perfect 6-0 against Big West teams, including a victory over CSUN at the Matadome on Nov. 30. With the win,


Northridge snapped a three-game losing streak against the Roadrunners. Freshman forward Stephen Maxwell must enjoy playing versus the Roadrunners after scoring 20 points in the first meeting and adding another 12 points in Saturday’s game. CSUN went 25-of-41 from the field and connected on 18 out of 23 free throw attempts. The Roadrunners also put up solid numbers on offense, shooting 45.7 percent from the floor and going 21-of-25 from the charity stripe. Bakersfield probably lost the game at the three-point line. The Roadrunners missed 12 of 17 3-point attempts. CSUN and CSUB had similar numbers on the stat sheet. Both teams had four players score 10 points or more, 18 assists and 12 steals. Also, the Matadors had 21 turnovers compared to the ‘Runners 20. CSUN went into the locker room ahead 41-35 and started the second half with a 7-0 run to increase its lead to 48-35. Northridge returns to Big West action Thursday with a home game against UC Santa Barbara, a team the Matadors lost to 69-61 on Jan. 19 at the Thunderdome.

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Los Angeles Daily Puzzle EditedTimes by Rich Norris andCrossword Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 More than irk ACROSS Fashionable 7 1Ending with neur5 __ Blanc, the 11 Ring leader? Alps’ithighest 14 “Take easy!” peak in 15 Bonus, 9adspeak Wintry mess Prolonged 1614 Actress Lupino unconsciousness 17 Wichita-based 15aircraft Confess openly company Like horror film 1816 Accordion-playing music satirist Practice boxing 2017Soft spreads Luke Skywalker, 2118Pact e.g. crop 22 Idaho Postal service 2419Santa __: West symbol Coast winds DUCKthe 2520“Sonic 23Hedgehog” The NFL’s Cowboys developer Energy symbol 2825Western Snake’s warning 3026 Hiker’s chewy 27 “Can __ honest snack with you?” 3228Chart for 2011used World comparisons Series champs, 36 “I on didn’t need to scoreboards that!” 30know Rogue 3732Family leader? Ring loudly 3834Early Beatle “Othello” villain 37Sutcliffe Fits of anger 4041Lower land? CRANE 4144Steakhouse Actor Davis 45section __-poly 4346Coming-of-age Yours, to Yves 47ritual Presidents’ Day 45 Medium mo. 4949Grub “__-haw!” 5051Italian bubbly Any nonzero source number divided 53 The by Dike itself Kokaral itsorg. twountil 52divides Arafat’s 2004 sections Remove, with “off” 5555Earth’s life zone “Key__ Largo” 545758Float Downmany winner 61 Where Claire shop QUAIL 6260One making big 63bucks? Not shortened, as a film 63 Payable Suit to __ 6464Default 65consequence, “Joy of Cooking” for writer Rombauer short 68 Stiller’s comedy 65 They’re often partner distinguished by 69degrees iPhone message Cowardly film 6670Slalom curve beast played by 67 God of lightning 29-Down 68 Fix, in a way, as a 71lawn Swashbuckler Flynn 72 Brother of Cain DOWN and Abel 173Danish “Ignoreshoe that brand editing change” 2 Seasonal number

Daniel Hoyos / Contributor

Guard Stephan Hicks scored a career-high 26 points at Bakersfield Saturday.

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January 30, 2012




Follow us on Twitter @sundialsports57 for play-by-play coverage of CSUN sporting events

women's basketball

Sloppy victory

CSUN disappointed with number of TO's in non-conference win Anthony Carpio Sports Editor


ne would think a coach would be happy after seeing their team come back from a 32-24 halftime deficit. That wasn’t the case for CSUN head coach Jason Flowers after the Matadors (12-9, 6-2 Big West) won 54-52 against CSU Bakersfield (4-19) Saturday night at the Matadome. He took his time as he found the words to talk about his squad’s performance. “We were making (bad) decisions with the basketball,” said Flowers, carefully commenting on his team’s back-to-back 30-turnover games. “We’re not following the game plan … I’m trying to find nice ways to say this. “We’ve got to get better. Our focus to details has to get better. Our focus on execution needs to get better. We have a long way to go. We’ve got to get to work.” Though Saturday’s win was a non-conference game, Flowers was still disappointed with his team’s effort and his own. “Whatever I’ve tried hasn’t gotten through to the point to where they come out and compete and do what they’re supposed to do every possession,” he said. “That falls squarely on my shoulders. That is fully my responsibility. We’ll keep trying different methods.” Bakersfield had only six active players on its roster during the game, due to various injuries, but the Roadrunners had no problem scoring and capitalizing on the Matadors’ turnovers. “(Bakersfield head coach Greg McCall) is in a tough situation,” Flowers said.

“His team has been decimated by injuries.” Every player for Bakersfield had at least three points at the end of the first half, while CSUN only had five of its 11 players score in the period. Flowers wasn’t the only person that recognized the team’s less-than-stellar performance. “We came out slow from the start. We had really low energy,” CSUN guard Randi Friess said. “I don’t think we were all that focused, but after our halftime talk we knew we had to come out with a lot more energy and I think we did that.” The Matadors were led by center Jasmine Erving, who finished with 17 points, eight rebounds and two blocks. Erving’s two blocks tied her for first in career blocks in the program's history. Forward Jessica Duarte took over the second half, scoring 10 points on 2-of-5 shooting from behind the arc. “(Duarte) was big again offensively,” Flowers said. “I thought that Kourtney Ainsworth was huge as far as playing defense and rebounding and doing the things we asked her to do.” Friess also received praise from Flowers, who noted her defensive importance. The Matadors had a lessthan-desirable first half, tallying 17 turnovers in the first 20 minutes. And Bakersfield took advantage of Northridge’s carelessness, scoring 15 points off those turnovers. CSUN won the rebounding battle 59-31, with guard Janae Sharpe and Friess grabbing nine apiece. Although the Matadors outhustled the Roadrunners on the glass, Bakersfield took advantage of Northridge’s zone defense, making 7-of-22 from behind the arc.

Andres Aguila / Senior Photographer

CSUN forward Violet Alama played only nine minutes in the game and contributed four turnovers to the team's 30.

Key Stat Despite back-to-back 30-turnover games, CSUN stayed in the games thanks to its dominating rebounding.

@ CSU Fullerton (Wed.)

Scan this QR code for recap of Friday's men's volleyball win vs. Cal Baptist

30 turnovers +24 rebounding edge

vs. CSU Bakersfield (Sat.)

30 turnovers +28 rebounding edge

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