December 5, 2011 Daily Sundial

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California State University, Northridge

Monday, December 5, 2011

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Volume 53 Issue 56 • A financially Independent student newspaper



Pay-per-unit colleges may present cheaper alternative p. 3

Women’s basketball lose close game at Pepperdine p. 6

How LAPD broke the law, and no one was watching p. 4

CSU cancels meeting, fears protesters The board of trustees don’t want a repeat of the last meeting, which ended in arrests and damaged property ron rohky daily sundial


he CSU board of trustees announced the cancellation of its special committee meeting on presidential selection and compensation due to safety issues regarding a broken glass door caused by protesters at a previous meeting, and threats that protesters would return. “We got word of a couple of groups that want to protest and our building isn’t in a state where

we could move a large number of people if needed,” said Erik Fallis, a spokesperson for the CSU. “What Refund California (a group demanding public education refunds) did to our front door by vandalizing it makes it impossible to maintain logistics and secure everyone if we can’t use the main entrance.” “Currently, we’re using side doors, and it’s just physically impossible with our layout right now to move large numbers of people in and out,” he added. The meeting, originally planned for Monday, Dec. 5, was

set to consider a single action item of updating its policy on presidential compensation, according to a press release. During the previous meeting, held on Nov. 16, the board of trustees voted to increase Fall 2012 tuition by 9 percent. During the vote, protesters from Refund California and police clashed outside the chancellor’s office and the altercation led to numerous people being pepper-sprayed, four arrests and a broken glass door. “We made this decision based upon our experience at the last board meeting where a large num-

ber of protesters attended, which is difficult to manage under the best of circumstances,” said CSU Board Chair Herbert L. Carter in a press release. “Our ability to guarantee the safety of crowds that we anticipate may wish to attend has been further compromised due to the damage to the entrance of our building that is still under repair. In light of all of this, and the fact that the agenda for the special meeting included only one action item, the board made the prudent decision to cancel the meeting.” The cancellation also put a

hold on a planned action by CSU students to protest the meeting. The Northridge, Long Beach and Sonoma factions of CSU’s Student for Quality Education had originally planned to protest the Dec. 5 meeting, but have now set their sights on the Jan. 24 meeting instead. “The (Dec. 5) protest has been postponed,” said Ashely Luke, a founding member of the protest’s Facebook group. “The board of trustees has cancelled the meeting after what happened after the last BOT protest. They don’t want a repeat of that event.”

Chicana/o classes join Occupy CSUN Katie Grayot / Daily Sundial

Empty tents line the grass at Occupy CSUN while participating students hold a meeting with the administration Friday afternoon.

One instructor finds lesson’s within the movement his students’ can learn from, some camp for a night kat o’neill daily sundial


Chicana/o studies instructor asked his classes to join Occupy CSUN Thursday night and camp with protesters, making the total number of participants over 80. Gerard Meraz, Chicana/o studies instructor, said students need to stand up to the hardships

and crisis their families continue to face on daily basis. “We have our own occupy,” Meraz said. “It is part of our history and time and (we) need to be aware of what’s going on even if they haven’t been on the front-line in downtown.” Meraz said the main point of his classes joining the occupy movement is to learn how to hold public dialogue and establish a clear message. “Whether it’s the fee hikes,

gay rights, women rights, you need to learn how to refocus your argument,” he said. Some students chose to join forces with the movement to provide support to friends and other participants. “We just thought of our friends who can’t be here because of financial disability,” said CSUN student George Martinez. Martinez said he believes there tends to be “power in num-

bers” and if more people raise awareness to their friends and colleagues, change will eventually come. Some of the Occupy CSUN movement organizers were surprised to see more participants. Ashley Luke, an organizer of Occupy CSUN, said she hopes for the best with the unexpected growth. “It makes us (organizers) motivated to go after the issue to bring around some type of

change,” she said. With the recent 9 percent tuition increase, which will take affect in Spring 2012, some students are becoming more involved and inspired to bring an end to the continual fee increases. “This is a state university, we shouldn’t have to pay for our education,” said Adriana Futalca who has been camping at Occupy CSUN for over two weeks. “We are paying more for

less,” she said. Martinez said he was informed of the different committees which are supporting the movement and is thinking of joining one. “It is crucial to take action if we don’t like something and want it to change,” Martinez said. Police and school officials have not granted the movement

See occupy, page 5

2 News December 5, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN •

Calendar of Events 05


A.S. Finance Meetings

WHEN: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: A.S. Conference Room (USU 100) DESCRIPTION: The A.S. Finance meeting to discuss current budget requests.

06 A.S. Senate Meeting

WHEN: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE: Grand Salon (USU) DESCRIPTION: Come see your representatives in action. Join us for the open forum to let us know how you are doing and to be heard!!

Hebrew Hour

WHEN: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Agour Room, USU DESCRIPTION: Hebrew Hour every Wednesday with Veronika, Israel Fellow at Agoura room, USU. Come to learn Hebrew reading, writing, slang….. and more.

Women’s Basketball vs. San Jose State

WHEN: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. WHERE: Matadome DESCRIPTION:

Due to spring 2012 registration changes, we urge you to MAKE EVERY CLASS COUNT. Be strategic in your class planning during priority/registration-by-appointment by enrolling first in units that are critical for earning your degree. For more information about the spring 2012 registration policy, go to


DECEMBER 2011 07 (CONT.) Healthcare Reform and Quality Improvement

WHEN: 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. WHERE: The CSUN Grand Salon DESCRIPTION: The Symposium will have guest speakers from the healthcare industry discuss issues related to healthcare reform, patient safety and healthcare quality. There will be live interaction with the students and real life patient case studies. Students from all disciplines are welcome to attend this event.

08 USU Craft Corner

WHEN: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. WHERE: Plaza del Sol, USU DESCRIPTION: Christmas- Philippine Lantern

Akira Kurosawa Retrospective

WHEN: 7:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. WHERE: Armer Screening Room (ASR) DESCRIPTION: Hosted by Prof. Tim Halloran. Ran (1985 - 2 hr. 40 min.) A version of Shakespeare’s “King Lear,” set in feudal Japan where aging ruler Lord Hidetora instigates a power struggle amongst his three sons. []

News 3

Pay-per-unit is cheap alternative to four-year December 5, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN •





Increasing CSU fees has students looking elsewhere anthony carpio daily sundial

Cost per unit:


Community College: $36 set price CSUN: $182.40, if taking 15 units $228, if taking 12 units $529, if taking one class (typically 3 units)

ith a 9 percent tuition increase being implemented in Fall 2012 at CSU's, pay-per-unit institutions are a cheaper alternative for students. “It’s a pathway that is far more common today than before,” said Dr. William Watkins, CSUN vice president of student affairs. He said that pay-per-unit colleges are costeffective for students who are unclear of their academic objectives. The set price for all community colleges, decided by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors is $36 per unit. With an 18 unit cap, students at community colleges pay $648 in tuition fees alone. If a student at CSUN were to enroll with the max of 15 units, they would pay $2,736. This is due to the CSU systems using a twotier system, where students that take up to six units pay $1,587 and 6.1 and above pay $2,736 for tuition. CSUN students pay $182.40 per unit if they take the new cap set at 15 units, and cost rises as less units are taken. At 12 units, students pay $228 per unit. If a student were to take one class, which is usually three units, the per unit cost would be $529. Kevin Reynolds, the news editor at Pierce College's The Roundup, plans to transfer to CSUN, but didn’t have a choice other than to attend a community college at first. “I unfortunately just didn’t try hard enough in high school and I didn’t have the grades to get accepted in (colleges),” he said. “So I went the

long route and (am working) my way into the transferring position from a two-year (college).” Reynolds, a journalism major, believes he is receiving a good education at Pierce, but thinks it differs between campuses. “I think it depends on the school you go to. I’m a journalism major here and I believe that the department here is actually a very good one,” he said. Watkins explained the differences between a community college and a four-year university. “Many individuals go to community college for what we call career purposes. They’re trying to advance themselves and take training that would permit them to move in the marketplace, often without a college degree," he said. "The career vocational preparation mission of a community college is not the same kind of objective that we have here, where we’re trying to offer a course of study that would lead to a baccalaureate degree at least.” In the current economic climate, Reynolds understands the situation that students have to face when deciding where to go for education. “You need at least a bachelor’s degree, so it’s kind of a catch-22 economically,” he said. “You get more at a two-year, but as far as society goes, that two-year degree really is the equivalent of what a high school diploma was 50 years ago.”

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Opinions Inside the Occupy LA raid December 5, 2011

Mainstream and independent media reports differ on level of violence, how LAPD blocked accountability

Ken Scarboro / Editor in chief

Ken Scarboro / Editor in chief

An officer with no visible name tag jabs a protester being directed away from City Hall. After this photograph the officer swung his baton at my camera, hitting my hand instead.

A protester stands within a circle of LAPD presenting a flower in silence, on Wednesday Nov. 30.

Ken Scarboro editor IN CHIEF


uring the raid on Occupy LA the Los Angeles Police Department broke California law and Mayor Villaraigosa called it “perhaps one of the finest moments in the history of the Los Angeles Police Department.” An initial standoff between protesters and police started the night of Nov. 27 and continued to just before rush hour the next morning. Villaraigosa’s announcment of the eviction Nov. 28 at 12:01 a.m. brought thousands of protesters and hundreds of journalists to the area around City Hall. Protesters and police handled themselves extraordinarily well the night of the first standoff, which ended in a continued occupation of City Hall park. I witnessed only one incident of physical exchange between police and protesters. On the night of Nov. 29, and into the morning of Nov. 30, LAPD evicted the 60-day-old Occupy L.A. tent city from the lawn around City Hall. Before the real eviction took place, LAPD held a last minute conference with media to discuss the what media would be allowed in when police evicted the Occupy LA encampment. LAPD originally planned to let in one media outlet from each medium (print, radio, television) into the camp while police made arrests. They later decided on three outlets from the chosen media. LAPD would block all other media, under threat of arrest, from City Hall when they evicted protesters. How LAPD broke California Penal Code California Penal Code Section 409.5 reads that any law enforcement or public safety agency may close down an area in the case of natural disaster, riot, civil disobedience and some other cases. However, Subdivision (d) of Section 409.5 reads: (d) Nothing in this section shall prevent a duly authorized representative of any news service, newspaper, or radio or television station or network from entering the areas closed pursuant to this section. (Emphasis added)

By limiting what media outlets would be allowed in during the eviction the LAPD blatantly ignored California law. LAPD ensured that the story told about the night

of the raid was the story they wanted people to hear. Not surprisingly, after the the raid all mainstream media reports were of how peacefully and respectfully LAPD and protesters handled themselves. For the most part LAPD did show great restraint. Not in numbers – 1,400 officers were used to evict hundreds of protesters – but they did refrain from using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and other less-lethal methods. Bean-bags were used selectively to remove remaining occupiers from their tree house. While LAPD held back on their technology, and many officers held themselves back physically, there were those who took the moments of chaos during the raid as a cue to let out some aggression.

Hall, then began to march forward, forcing us farther away from the scene. Police then directed us down a flight of stairs to street level. After most of the protesters and independent media made it down, police began pushing and shoving people down the stairs. One woman fell and they just kept shoving her down the steps. Some police, in a line to greet us on Temple Street, then began striking and jabbing protesters with their batons. One officer, with no visible name tag or badge number, swung for my camera with his baton, but hit my hand instead. An L.A. Times editorial stated that, according to police, batons were brandished but not used to strike people. Lies.

Decreased access equals decreased accountability

Villaraigosa successfully removed the occupation from his front lawn and LAPD successfully avoided another black mark on their long history of police brutality against demonstrators and press. The Occupy movement in Los Angeles is already moving forward as well, much like the nationwide occupations that have been removed from their physical spaces but continue to demonstrate against corporate and political greed. There are two great travesties that have come from the raid on the Occupy L.A. encampment, however. First, the LAPD blockaded open media coverage of an event which we are granted access to by law, and thus successfully covered themselves from any real accountability. The second comes up from one of our most frequent online commenters. David the small-L libertarian writes, “Blame it on the ‘brutal’ police, as usual. The city handled these people with kid gloves. When you defy lawful orders don’t be surprised if you get arrested.” David the small-L makes many keen points and observations regularly, but what disturbs me the most is the normalizing of any violence, even with “kid gloves,” against U.S. citizens exercising their first amendment rights to peaceful assembly and a redress of grievances. Allowing this lack of accountability to go unchallenged and raising the bar for acceptable violence against protesters will send us down a slippery path that people on both sides of the aisle will regret the outcome.

I witnessed a different story while photographing the eviction of Occupy L.A. When police rushed out of city hall into the park to begin circling around groups of protesters, I worked my way into the center of the park where a group of occupiers set up a tent and sat around it with linked arms. Moving toward the center I saw many officers kicking over trash cans, tearing down tents and pop-up shelters, and pushing and striking protesters with their batons. After the initial scuffle of trying to get officers into place, there were no incidents and protesters, police and media braced for the next step. LAPD began giving warnings to protesters that the gathering had been declared an unlawful assembly and they were instructed to leave the area or face arrest or “other police action.” Police then issued the same warning to all media in the area. As the last warning for media was given, I found an officer escorting media out of the area, and I followed them out of the park. What happened as arrests were made I cannot say, and other reports are fuzzy because LAPD parked buses along First Street blocking the view of the media pen in front of police headquarters. The area protesters, independent media and myself were directed to after exiting the park was a courtyard of the Information Technology Agency, well out of view of City Hall and elevated above Temple Street. Police formed a line blocking us from City

A successful resolution

How to contact us Sundial • • Twitter: @dailysundial

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Published Mon.-Thurs. by the Department of Journalism at California State University, Northridge. Manzanita Hall 140, 18111 Nordhoff St. Northridge, CA 91330-8258 News (818) 677-2915 • Advertising (818) 677-2998 Fax (818) 677-3638 •

News 5 December 5, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN •


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Kat O’Neill / Daily Sundial

Students of Chicana/o studies instructor Gerard Meraz joined Occupy CSUN Thursday night and camped with the protestors.


Continued from page 1 permission to camp out and occupy the space because the administrators’ are concerned about the safety of people living in tents, Luke said. However, movement leaders hold regular meetings with school adminis-

trators. “I guess they feel for us and don’t mind our encampment movement,” Luke said. Marvin Stern, CSUN alumni and activist who joined Occupy L.A. the first day it formed, said he wants to witness the movement of Occupy CSUN grow. “If people are not able to assemble peacefully, then we

failed as a nation. We are trying to speak for the 99 percent who are not able to afford education, who have lost their jobs, and who lost their homes, their future is oblique,” he said. Four classes participated in the one-night stay; CHS 100 Chicano Culture, two classes of CHS 111 Chicano + The Art and CHS 155 University Writing.



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December 5, 2011


Follow us on Twitter @sundialsports57 for play-by-play coverage of CSUN sporting events

Women's Basketball

Wave of turnovers sink Matadors Erving's perfomance not enough as CSUN falls short at Pepperdine anthony carpio daily sundial


ALIBU - With 16 seconds left and CSUN trailing 64-61, freshman Jessica Duarte knocked down the game-tying 3-pointer, but the solid play of Pepperdine guard Jazmine Jackson and an ill-timed turnover cost the Matadors the win as they fell 68-64 Saturday afternoon at Firestone Fieldhouse. Jackson’s layup put the Waves ahead 66-64, leaving CSUN with six seconds to respond. However, freshman guard Ashlee Guay turned the ball over at the other end, putting a finish to the Matadors’ hopes of a comeback victory. “We didn’t take care of the basketball,” CSUN head coach Jason Flowers said. “We didn’t get stops when we needed to. That kind of sums it up. It’s the reality of winning close

games.” CSUN’s 26 turnovers created 21 points for the Waves, but there were a few positives for the Matadors. With CSUN down 60-59, Kaitlyn Petersen made a jumper to regain the lead for Northridge with 1:36 left in regulation. Seconds later, the Matadors saw their one-point lead turn into a three-point deficit on Jackson’s free throws and layup. Flowers’ squad limited Pepperdine to 38.6 percent shooting from the field and only 4-of-13 from behind the arc. CSUN center Jasmine Erving, who led the team with 27 points and 10 rebounds, understood the errors the team made in the last minutes of the game. “We just made minor mistakes at a crucial time,” she said. “Our team is really young this year. Obviously we have five new freshman and two transfers, but we don’t ever use

that as an excuse. “Coach tells us that we’re all basketball players. It doesn’t matter how old or young we are, we have to get the job done and today, at crucial times, we just didn’t do that.” As a team, the Matadors shot well from the field, making 48.3 percent (28-of-58) of their attempts. They only made four of 16 3-pointers, however. Free throws made the biggest difference as CSUN only had five attempts while Pepperdine found itself at the charity stripe 23 times. “We could have maybe been a little more aggressive on the offensive side,” Erving said. “Our field goal percentage was the best that it’s been all year, so we definitely were shooting well, but (free throws) definitely was key. We need to get to the free-throw line more.” For the first 10 minutes of the game, it looked as if it


Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Los Angeles Times Daily Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Crossword Joyce Lewis Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

would be a repeat from Thursday’s game against Santa Clara. The Waves came out hot, with their first three baskets coming from behind the arc. But the Matadors prevented Pepperdine from making any more from long distance for the rest of the half. The Waves were up 15-12 with 11:43 left in the first half, but when it seemed like they were running away with the game, Northridge made a push of its own to remain within striking distance. CSUN managed to hang on in the first half, only trailing by six points. Erving did most of the work for the team, scoring 17 points and grabbing five rebounds in the period. Petersen made the only 3-pointer for the team in the half. The Matadors had trouble executing their offense in the first 20 minutes and shot 36.7 percent (11-of-30) from the field.

Tessie Navarro / Visual Editor

Center Jasmine Erving (34) led all scorers with 27 points.

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Solution above.

Sports 7 December 5, 2011

• Daily


• CSUN •

men's Basketball

CSUN shoots itself into a loss alonso tacanga sports editor


ANTA CLARA – As it’s been the theme for the whole season, 3-pointers weren’t falling for the Matadors Saturday night at the Leavey Center. There were less than three minutes left in the second half and CSUN had only made a single 3-pointer for the period. The Matadors, however, remained unfazed and kept heaving them up. The attempts only resulted in added scratches to the Santa Clara hoops. “It’s kind of like that with the confidence,” CSUN guard Vinnie McGhee said. “I know if I miss a shot, I tell myself I’m going to make the next one.” With the end result being a 9-for-31 performance for shots from beyond the arc and a 71-58 loss to the Broncos, the Matadors (1-6) couldn't have gained much confidence from this outing. CSUN held the Broncos (5-2) to 29.2 percent shooting in the second half, but shot 25 percent itself, including 22 percent from deep (4 of 18). At a point late in the game,

CSUN was 1-for-12 in threes for the second half. McGhee added a couple in the final minute of the game to bring up the statistic. McGhee was 3-for-8 in threes for the night, as was guard Josh Greene. Starting point guard Aqeel Quinn went 0-for-4 and backcourt teammate Stephen Hicks shot 1-for5. “We were just taking bad shots and putting a lot of pressure on our defense,” said the senior, who finished with 11 points. CSUN didn't do much better offensively from inside the arc as it finished the game at 10-for-31 in two-point field goals. Despite the struggles, however, the Matadors only trailed 55-48 with 7:07 left in the game. Defense was keeping them within reach of an improbable victory. "This was probably our best defensive effort all season long," said CSUN head coach Bobby Braswell, whose team held the Broncos to 32.7 percent shooting for the game. Unfortunately for Braswell's team, the offensive struggles were just too great to overcome. Santa Clara, which

was led by Kevin Foster's 20 points, went on a 14-4 run to make its lead 69-52 and put the game out of reach with 1:15 to go. "If we shoot the ball half decently, who knows how it ends up," Braswell said. "We’re down eight or six points in the second half and we’re not making shots at all." It wasn't only the Matadors' inability to make a shot from wherever they took it, it was also their fouling, another trend of the young season. CSUN sent the Broncos to the line 43 times in contrast to its 13 attempts. Santa Clara made good on 29 of those free shots. So while Braswell credited his team for the best defensive outing of the year, it wasn't an impeccable effort. "That’s the hard part," Braswell said. "It’s hard to say it’s a great defensive effort when you foul as much as you foul tonight." The Matadors started the night minus two big bodies due to the indefinite suspensions of forwards Thomas Jacobs and Frankie Eteuati. Braswell said Jacobs had "attitude" problems while Eteuati missed a practice earlier this week. The coach

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Jonathan Pobre / Contributing Photographer

Santa Clara forward Yannick Atanga, left, and CSUN guard Aqeel Quinn eye a rebound on Saturday night at the Leavey Center in Santa Clara.

will decide when to reintegrate them to the team. Freshman Stephen Maxwell, who had an impressive Division-I debut Wednesday against Cal State Bakersfield, got the start against Santa Clara, but two quick fouls relegated him to the bench for most of the first half. Despite being under-

manned, CSUN took a 23-20 lead following a McGhee 3-pointer with 6:20 left in the first half. But the Broncos came back with a 7-0 run to regain the advantage. The Matadors went into halftime trailing 38-34. Hicks scored 12 of his team-high 18 points in the period. CSUN was within striking

distance of the Broncos for most of the second half, but couldn't buy a bucket and fell to 0-5 on the road. "It’s more mental than it is physical," Braswell said of his team's offensive bugaboos. "We got some guys that can shoot the ball better and we got to get them to shoot the ball better."


December 5, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN

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