The Daily Titan - February 8, 2012

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February 8, 2012

Vol. 91 Issue 5

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Women: 20,670

Men: 15,486

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Steven Watts, 21, sits on a couch between four female students, (left to right) Masoona Razavi, 20, Zahra Zaidi, 18, Marla Kaufman, 52, and Linh Phan, 21, in Steven G. Mihaylo Hall. In fall 2011, women made up 57 percent of the student population.

Some students overwhelmed by the disparity between the genders at CSUF MEC VALLE Daily Titan

Historically discouraged from seeking an education, women today make up most of the CSU. At Cal State Dominguez Hills and Cal State

Los Angeles alone, women make up at least 60 percent of the student body. According to the CSU gender gap search engine, at Cal State Fullerton there are 15,486 men enrolled and 20,670 women, creating a gender gap of 5,184. Women made up 57 percent of the fall 2011 student population, according to research by Cal State Fullerton analytical studies. Christine Nguyen, a freshman at CSUF, said there is an overwhelming

amount of female students. “In my classes … I see more girls than boys,” said Nguyen. “In one of my classes there are only five boys out of 30 or 40 students.” Eric Yin, who is in his second year at CSUF, said the gender gap is correlated to the majors offered at CSUF. “Maybe a lot just go here seeking the right major,” said Yin. Yin said the highly esteemed reputations of certain majors are the forces that attract more women to the

school as opposed to men. “From what I hear, nursing is a pretty popular major among women, so I guess it’s really one of the top majors here … that could be a factor,” Yin said. There are several factors that have contributed to this shift. Renae Bredin, Ph.D, a professor in women’s studies, said some of the majors offered at CSUF resonate more with female students, such as nursing and teaching.

Bredin said, historically, this university began as a teacher’s college and the teaching profession has been dominated by women. In other words, what CSUF has to offer attracts more women than men, and as a result the gender gap is created. This shift occurs simply because the amount of women choosing to go to college is increasing to a greater extent, Bredin said, and that this is not because of male students not going to college. In fact, the number of men going to

POLITICS | Prop. 8

Prop. 8 unconstitutional California ruling may serve as precedent for federal decision YVETTE QUINTERO Daily Titan

ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan An organizer decorates The Episcopal Church of the Messiah in Santa Ana for a celebration rally after judges overruled Prop. 8 in California.

The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down California’s ban on same-sex marriage Tuesday, deeming the 2008 ballot measure Proposition 8 unconstitutional. In the 2-1 decision, the federal appeals court ruled the ban as a violation of the rights of gay Californians, concluding the law violates the 14th Amendment. “All that Proposition 8 accomplished was to take away from same-sex couples the right to be granted marriage licenses and thus legally to use the designation of ‘marriage,’” wrote Judge Stephen Reinhardt in the decision.

“Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California, and to officially reclassify their relationships and families as inferior to those of opposite-sex couples.” The ruling is limited to California as of now, but it may pave the way for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on the issue as early as next year. The court left a stay on the ruling, which had previously been issued by a lower federal court, and will not allow gay marriages to resume immediately in the state if the case is appealed. Prop. 8 proponents have vowed to appeal the decision, and the opposition to the court’s decision is evident. See PROP 8, page 2

CSUF | Parking problems

Parking remains an issue Neighboring blocks require permits to park SHEILA DEL CID Daily Titan

With parking permits this semester costing $220 for vehicles and $75 for motorcycles, students choosing not to buy them have had to find alternative parking locations offcampus, resulting in backlash from neighborhood residents.

Resident complaints have resulted in residential parking zones being established in blocks adjacent to Cal State Fullerton. The main issue reported by residents is the increase in littering, music and blocking access to driveways, which led the city council to approve an ordinance requiring a parking permit for surrounding university grounds. Similar to students, residents have to submit an application including proof of residence and license plate

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numbers for the vehicles utilizing the permit. Instead of buying a parking permit every semester, the permit for residents is valid for one year. “CSUF parking fees are higher to pay the debt service on the three parking structures that were built,” said Mary Ellen Frazier, administrative analyst with Parking and Transportation Services. See PARKING, page 2

STEPHEN McGLADE / Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton students park on Derek Drive near campus to avoid paying for parking. It is one of the last residential streets near campus with no parking restrictions.

college after high school has stayed consistent. Bredin said a big reason there isn’t a growing number of men going to college – specifically minority men – is due to a lack of outreach. Also, there is not enough effort in giving these men the resources and confidence allowing them to believe they can go to college. See GAP, page 3

SPORTS | Eli vs. Peyton

Mannings each build own legacy Eli and Peyton have won three of the last five Super Bowls ANGEL MENDOZA Daily Titan

The Mannings. When most football fans hear those words, they know exactly who is being talked about. They have been called the royal family of football, and with good reason. Archie Manning played quarterback in the NFL for 12 seasons and had two sons that would succeed him and play that same position. Peyton and Eli Manning are undoubtedly the most successful pair of brothers to ever play in the NFL. They have both won the Super Bowl and have both been named Super Bowl Most Valuable Players. But when it’s all said and done, who will have the greater legacy – Peyton or Eli? Peyton Manning is one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play football. He was the No. 1 pick of the Indianapolis Colts back in 1998 and has since put up extraordinary numbers. See MANNINGS, page 8


February 8, 2012


ASI hits the ground running this spring ASI packs this spring semester with fun events on campus ANDERS HOWMANN Daily Titan

With early events such as free cookouts for students, a strong presence at the Homecoming tailgate and game, the I Heart CSUF advocacy campaign for Gov. Jerry Brown, providing students with free copies of the New York Times, USA Today and the Orange County Register and early plans to renovate the Titan Student Union, Cal State Fullerton’s student government, Associated Students, Inc. has been implementing many new programs based on CSUF student feedback. ASI plans to continue this momentum throughout the semester with programs such as night student outreach, voter registration campaigns to increase student voters at CSUF and campaigns to increase student involvement in ASI and the student government’s spring elections. Trina Tan, ASI chief communications officer, said ASI will be providing pizza and coffee to students who take classes later in the evening. These events will be similar to the ASI cookouts, which are held

four times a semester for students who take classes during the day. “After doing some research on what the profile of a night student is, we want to serve them and come to them because they don’t usually know what services ASI can provide,” said Tan. According to Tan, ASI will be handing out information on what is open on campus after 5 p.m., including Student Recreation Center hours and restaurants. Two to three of these events will be held throughout the current spring semester. In addition to free food on campus, the Titan Student Centers Governing Board is currently conducting focus groups on whether the TSU should be renovated and, if so, what needs to be improved. Christian Urcia, TSC board chair, said over 80 students have participated in the focus groups. While the results aren’t in yet, Urcia sat in on some of the sessions and saw some trends in student opinion. “The general consensus that I have received is that it is really time for an update of the TSU,” said Urcia. The TSU has not been renovated for 20 years. “That’s a long time to go without the renovation of a building,” Urcia said.

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However, this is just a rough estimate of the findings in what could be a long process. This week’s focus groups were only the first “leg” in a three-month process, Urcia said. Tan also stressed the importance of student feedback on these projects. “The Student Recreation Center wasn’t even here until students were actually given feedback of, ‘Hey, we want a student recreation center,’ and that’s how it came to be, so that’s why student feedback is important for this part of the (process),” Tan said. Based on what Urcia has received from students during the focus groups, many are saying that the building’s furniture and decor “aren’t as dynamic as student unions of today that other students have seen at sister campuses.” Yvette Loaeza, board of directors representative for the College of Humanities, has heard similar complaints while sitting in on some of the focus group sessions. “Students just really want a place that is just centered on campus … that feels like the living room of the campus,” said Loaeza. “Then also something that people want … is a more modern look to the building.” In addition to these ongoing focus group sessions, ASI has launched a Collegiate Readership Program on campus, providing students with free copies of various national and local newspapers. Urcia said that the purpose of

Matterhorn Closed for Six Months

LANCE MORGAN / Daily Titan ASI establishes booths by the Quad in the main campus in efforts to inform Cal State Fullerton students what they are all about, and the benefits they can provide the student.

this program is to promote student reading on campus and allow students to be informed of issues in their community and the world. He encourages all students to pick

up a copy of the New York Times, USA Today or the OC Register. Newspaper stands are available for students in and around the TSU and at the SRC.

PROP 8: Student opinion on court’s decision varies ...Continued from page 1 “We will immediately appeal this misguided decision that disregards the will of more than 7 million Californians who voted to restore marriage as the unique union of only a man and woman,” said Andy Pugno, general counsel for the coalition, the official proponents of Proposition 8, in a press release. “We are confident that the rights of California voters will finally win out.” The group of Prop 8 proponents can ask to appeal the decision in front of a panel of 11 members of the Ninth Circuit, or choose to go directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. At Cal State Fullerton, the opinions on the gay marriage ban being ruled unconstitutional vary. Some students oppose the ruling, such as Alise Chen, 20, business major, who is a supporter of Prop 8 and against same-sex marriage.

“I’m for Prop 8, so that means I am against gay marriage. I don’t think it should be something we’re teaching our kids in school history. I figured it would be turned around because of all the voters really for gay marriage. I would just hope for my future and for my kid’s future that it wouldn’t be practiced.” Amanda Glatter, 22, sociology major, is one student that supports the court’s decision to deem the ban on gay marriage unconstitutional. “It’s great that Prop 8 was overturned; it’s been a long time coming. It’s unfair that people think they have the right to tell other people how they can engage in their private affairs,” said Glatter. In addition to students, some community members such as Christopher Lemus, 22, support the court striking down on Proposition 8. “Everybody should have the right to do what they want and if getting married to another person of the same sex is what you want, then it should be your choice,” said Lemus.

PARKING: Permit prices are lower in other universities ...Continued from page 1 Parking remains to be an issue for students and the community. By 8 a.m. the surrounding neighborhoods are overflowing with commuter traffic, while the parking lots on campus have vacant spots. “I haven’t bought a permit in over a year; it is too expensive,” said business management senior Bridgette Viramontes, 22. “The price just keeps getting higher. Tuition and book fees are bad enough.” Students with parking permits, in the long run, pay a lot of money in gas, endless time sitting in traffic and searching for a spot to park. “Typically, fewer parking permits are sold in the spring semester compared to the fall semester,” Frazier said. “The number of students enrolled is just a bit less.” Without assurance in getting a parking spot, students have been spotted over a mile away parking in the residential areas between 10 a.m.


to 4 p.m. and then riding their bikes or skateboards to campus. “The safety of the students is what should be important,” Viramontes said. Fullerton Police Sgt. Andrew Goodrich said the department is unaware of any assaults, crimes, burglary or thefts in relation to the parking matter. “The people parking around there (neighboring streets) go to school,” said Goodrich. “It does create strife within those neighborhoods; people are either parking there because there is no room or because they don’t want to pay high fees.” The ordinance reads: “Permit parking in the City of Fullerton is available to regulate and manage residential on-street parking problems associated with student parking. Although the city recognizes it is desirable to allow residents to park legally on any public street, it also recognizes the inconvenience that repetitive and long-term parking has on the affected residents. The goal is to create fair and equitable usage of residential on-street parking areas.” Goodrich said before there were only about three streets that were reporting problems about parking. Now, the police department is getting reports from people farther away from campus. “Last semester I carpooled with a friend and we’d park in the residential area on Derek Drive (near Commonwealth and Chapman),” Viramontes said. “Now there are a bunch of signs saying we need a permit to park on that street too. I will avoid having to buy a parking permit at all costs.” Because CSUF is mainly a commuter school, there are affordable alternatives to driving. “Consider using transportation alternatives, such as transit; form a carpool to share cost,” Frazier said. “Besides a parking permit, the cost to commute includes the wear and tear

on the vehicle, car insurance and gas.” Jessica Santolla, 21, a philosophy student at Cal State Long Beach, said the parking dilemma is not as drastic at CSULB. “The students at Fullerton are being ripped off,” said Santolla. “If they keep building structures, the prices are going to increase. They need to focus on getting students to buy the permits, not have them park miles away from campus.” CSULB student parking permits cost much less: $123 for vehicles and $30 for motorcycles.

Safety tips When parking far away from campus keep safety in mind • Be aware of your surroundings • Hold your valuables (purse, backpack, etc.) close to you • Trust your instincts • Avoid walking alone • Do not wear head- phones while walking, skateboarding or riding your bike • Report any suspicion • Be careful of where you park • If you are being followed, go to a nearby business and ask for help • Try to stay in well-lit areas • Always let someone know where you are

Disneyland is closing its Matterhorn Bobsleds ride for the next six months, disappointing the park’s patrons who flock to the park every day. The 147-foot-tall Matterhorn ride is down for its longest and largest overhaul since 1959. Guests complain that they were given little to no notice that the popular attraction would be down during their visit. Rumors of the closing involve Disney’s habit for making their rides tie-in with their movie properties, and there is a Walt Disney film in development that takes place mainly in the Swiss Alps. This was done in 2007 when Disneyland changed the Submarine Voyage into a Finding Nemo-themed ride. However, Disney officials say they are not making any major changes and the ride is down for routine maintenance. According to a permit filed in Anaheim, the $1 million remodeling project includes brand new vehicles and a fresh coat of paint to the attraction’s mountains. Disneyland will also replace the station gates and the themed lightning while modifying the queue. Brief by Jameson Steed

Norway Killer Wants Medal Anders Behring Breivik, the man charged with killing 77 people in Norway last July, said he deserves a medal of honor for his attack, according to a report by CNN. The Norwegian court said Breivik’s mental health is still an issue, and if he is deemed insane, he may not receive the maximum possible punishment if found guilty. Breivik is accused of carrying out a bomb attack in Oslo, killing eight people, while simultaneously going on a gun rampage on nearby Utoya Island, killing an additional 69 people. Though he has admitted to carrying out the attacks, he pleaded not guilty in court. Brief by Ian Wheeler

Tensions Heat Up Over Islands Argentinian President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner accused Great Britain of militarizing the Falkland Islands in a speech given Tuesday in front of 1982 Falklands War veterans. According to, Kirchner urged British Prime Minister David Cameron “to give peace a chance” and not send modern warship to the islands. The Royal Navy is sending destroyer HMS Dauntless and a British nuclear submarine to what they are calling a routine deployment. The Argentinian president also said she would officially issue a protest to the United Nations General Assembly if the ships were deployed. Kirchner’s statement is just another episode of escalating tension between the two countries over the Falkland Islands. Dispute over sovereignty began in 1833 when British declared rule over the islands when Argentina had been claiming the islands for themselves years before. Tension reached its peak in 1982 when the two countries launched into full-scale war over the islands. The British Army was victorious, expelling Argentinian forces and any chance for them to reclaim the islands. Brief by Michael Munoz


February 8, 2012

When students mess up, justice is served MATT ATKINSON Daily Titan

If a person is charged with a crime, they can fight the charges in court. Similarly, if a student is charged with breaking Cal State Fullerton policy, they can contest it through the campus judicial process. The Judicial Affairs Office, where every disciplinary case is sent, only employs three people: the associate dean, a full-time administrative assistant, and a part-time graduate assistant. Sandra Rhoten, associate dean of Judicial Affairs, is in charge of overseeing and managing the judicial process. Rhoten said almost 70 percent of cases involving academic dishonesty are related to plagiarism. The Judicial Affairs Office handles several cases each semester. “In the last five years we have averaged about 230 academic dishonesty cases and 320 nonacademic cases. About 5 percent of the cases referred may be withdrawn or dismissed,” said Rhoten. The job involves reviewing accusations, meeting with accused students for administrative review and determining whether or not a student should be charged with a violation. Alternatively, the case can be dismissed if there is not enough evidence to support the accusation. Academic dishonesty cases also include cheating, falsifying academic records or unauthorized collaboration. Non-academic cases include alcohol or drug related citations, harassment or any other behavior that violates state or federal laws. According to University Police, an incident they file that involves a student is reported to the Judicial Affairs Office for review. If a student is reported for breaking policy they can either accept or fight the charge against them. If they choose to contest the charge, a hearing officer listens to the case and submits recommendations to the president, who issues the final decision. All the cases are confidential. During this time, parents can only become involved if the student gives consent, which Rhoten said happens in about 15 percent of the cases. This involvement can be in the form of phone conversations or attending the administrative review as an adviser.

Some students said that it’s hard to know where to go and what can be done to help their case. Eliot Cossaboom, 22, a triple major in linguistics, English and Japanese, said a friend of his had difficulty getting his case through the process without any support. “He spent several weeks trying to go through the process and said he never got any help whatsoever,” said Cossaboom. According to the Judicial Affairs website, each student is responsible for submitting their own defense and seeking out advisement. Although a lawyer can be contacted to advise the students, they cannot attend either the administrative review or disciplinary hearings. Rhoten said lawyers are more common if a student might be facing criminal charges related to the offense. Campus police release annual reports on crime statistics. The department does report alleged offenses to university officials, and sometimes allows the university to take disciplinary action rather than make an arrest. Lt. John Brockie said about 27 cases involving students are reported to Judicial Affairs each semester, with no exceptions. If the student accepts the charges, this process is skipped. Instead they sign a form accepting the charges and any disciplinary action that might occur. Rhoten said the form of punishment widely varies from case to case. “Some students end up with a warning while other students are suspended or expelled,” she explained. What punishment is chosen depends on the variables of each case, such as the offense, the student, etc. But the Judicial Affairs Office isn’t only about handing out punishments. The office is also in charge of organizing events that encourage academic honesty and help students understand the expectations of university policy. “For example, I facilitated a class session on academic integrity in all of the University 100 classes in the fall,” Rhoten said. “I also provide outreach to faculty and staff to help them understand the university policies so that all students are treated fairly.” The Judicial Affairs website contains many tips for stopping academic dishonesty before it starts. If students are musically inclined, they have the option to listen to Judicial Affair’s own “Integrity Rap.”


List of Offenses ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty cases are any act which attempts to gain an unfair academic advantage or assisting or permitting others to do so.

• Cheating on exams or assignments • Unauthorized collaboration • Plagiarism • Falsifying academic records

NON-ACADEMIC: Non-academic cases involve policies unrelated directly to schoolwork, but affect the university community as a whole.

• Alcohol misuse (underage drinking, drunk driving, etc.) • Harassment • Possession of weapons on campus • Encouraging misconduct in other students • Any behavior that violates local, state or federal laws

College Legal Clinic to host Law Day Cook-Out TIM WORDEN Daily Titan

The College Legal Clinic (CLC) is hosting its Law Day Cook-Out for students interested in pursuing a law career today in the Quad from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cookout will have free food and free prep courses for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). Law school representatives from Trinity Law School, UC Irvine School of Law and Western State University College of Law, among others, will be in attendance. The Pre-Law Students Association (PSA), a new club for students who want to go to law school, will also be present at the cookout. “We do the Law Day Cook-Out so that people who are interested in law school can come out and mingle with other students who are interested in that as well,” said Andrea Sanchez, annex office manager. Sanchez said it is difficult being a pre-law student because there is no set major or curriculum at Cal State Fullerton for lawyers. “You kind of have to figure your way out,” Sanchez said. Intern Matthew Eshraghi said that a lot of pre-law students go through the process of applying for law school with ambiguity, so he hopes the cookout can help students learn about applying. “It’s really vital that we have these programs for students because they really have no guidance in this matter … it’s really helpful to be gathered with people that are like-minded, who have the same interests in common,” Eshraghi said. The CLC, which was founded in 1972, also has free legal consultations every Thursday night throughout the semester for students and faculty at the annex office in the Titan Student Union Room 258. Students can visit the annex

office or the main location, at 1231 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton, to receive referrals or consultation. “Students can come in and get free consultations with a practicing attorney and get all their questions answered,” Sanchez said. Eshraghi said that a lot of the attorneys give free over-the-phone consultations as well. If the student decides to hire the attorney, the attorney will charge the student less because the student is going through a college legal clinic. “Some (attorneys) charge on a sliding scale … based on the client’s ability to pay, so it’s really beneficial to college students,” Eshraghi said. Sanchez said that 23 students have used the attorney consultation service at the annex location this semester. The CLC is intern-run, and students can take the political science and criminal justice internship as class credit. The clinic is certified by the state bar as a referral service. “If people are interested in going to law school I would definitely encourage them to take the internship, its very insightful,” Eshraghi said. CLC Executive Director Nina Mohammed said the legal clinic is a resource for students’ legal needs. “Our goal is to promote education and facilitate legal assistance,” said Mohammed. “We realized that a lot of people still don’t know that we’re here and we think it’s a valuable asset, especially since college students tend to have less money,” Sanchez said. Mohammed said the CLC will have two fundraisers this year to celebrate the clinic’s 40th anniversary. The CLC will be hosting Hot Dogs with the CLC March 7 and Tacos with the CLC April 18. Both events, like today’s Law Day CookOut, will be held in the Quad.

GAP: Access to education may be the problem

ALLAN XU / Daily Titan Women made up 57 percent of the fall 2011 student population, according to research by Cal State Fullerton analytical studies.

“Certainly, I think we need to address the problems of young men who feel like they can’t go to college,” said Bredin. “One of the areas that really needs to be seriously addressed is the question of young Latino, AfricanAmerican, Asian men … who feel like they don’t have access.” Bredin said programs that provide outreach and mentoring for young minority men will help more men of color to go to college. Once there, Bredin said programs helping men get through college need to be implemented as well. So, hopefully, not only are more men going onto higher education, but more are graduating from college too. Another huge factor Bredin

related to the gap is that women are realizing the opportunity at hand and taking it. “More women understand that in order to make the same amount of money that a man makes, they have to get a college degree,” Bredin said. Being independent and


...Continued from page 1

GENDER gap Fall 2011:

• Women counted for 90 percent of the undergraduate credential program

obtaining a career is a message women have been receiving since the women’s rights movement began in the 1850s. Nguyen said it is the whole concept of women’s independence that has been the driving force behind this growing gap. “It’s pop culture,” she said.

• 58 percent of CSUF firsttime freshmen were women • For students studying for their master’s degree, 58 percent were women.

• For the post-baccalaureate credential program, it was 80 percent women


February 8, 2012



“Let’s get personal”

Be hers, be his As we are all aware, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. And while everyone is going to go gaga over The Vow or Beauty and the Beast 3D to celebrate, I’m probably going to be in line for The Woman in Black to see Daniel Radcliffe play someone who isn’t Harry Potter. I refuse to give sappy romance novels or archetypal chick flicks that Gerard Butler is not in (e.g. P.S. I Love You, chock-full of sexy Irish lilt and death) a chance, and I’m not 100 percent sure why. It could be that I refuse to be the stereotypical woman who develops a strong connection with a work of fiction to make it easier to get in touch with her feminine side. Or, quite possibly, it’s that real, genuine love stories are much better than anything Hollywood, Disney or Stephanie Meyer could come up with. Take Jacob, for example. In the Old Testament, he was known as the crafty bastard who pretended to be his older brother Esau to receive his blind father’s blessing. But his love life was even more scandalous. He escaped his older brother’s wrath to live with his Uncle Laban. While he was there, he fell head over heels in love with Laban’s younger daughter Rachel, and asked for permission to marry her. Laban, an even craftier bastard, said he would give Jacob permission to marry his daughter as long as Jacob worked for him for seven years to pay off the bride price. Seven years and one night of marital consummation later, Jacob realized that Laban disguised Rachel’s older sister Leah with a

veil and had married her to him instead. Undoubtedly pissed, Jacob was willing to work another seven years for his trickster uncle to pay the bride price for Rachel. He was successful, and incest and polygamy aside, it made for a great love story and a great test of both Jacob and Rachel’s patience and perseverance. Speaking of polygamy, the Shah Jahan was another great romantic. If the 17th century Indian emperor’s name doesn’t ring any bells right away, his famous mausoleum, the Taj Mahal, will. He built it as extravagantly as he could for Mumtaz Mahal, the favorite of his three queens, after she died giving birth to their 14th child. Now it’s one of the most popular tourist attractions in India.

It’s not a mandatory requirement to work 14 years, build a magnificent tomb or give up your throne for the one you love. And if it is, trust me, you fall short by a long shot. King Edward VIII went so far as to give up his throne for his girl. You would remember this story if you happened to see The King’s Speech, starring Colin Firth and my favorite Aussie Geoffrey Rush. Eddie proposed to American Wallis Simpson just months after being crowned king in 1936. But being the head of the Church of England, it was most improper for him to marry a woman who had already been divorced, and Prime

Minister Stanley Baldwin was threatening to resign over the charade. Not wanting to rock the boat any further, Eddie abdicated his throne and publicly announced, “I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love.” But the most notable story is of Saint Valentine, a Roman priest in the third century. He rebelled against Claudius II and illegally married young lovers in secret after the heartless emperor decreed that single men made better soldiers when they didn’t have a wife or girlfriend on their mind in battle. Valentine was eventually discovered and sentenced to death. Legend has it he fell in love with his jailer’s daughter during his final days alive, and wrote her a letter that was signed, “From your Valentine.” Hence this wonderful Hallmark holiday that we celebrate Tuesday with blinding bright jewelry, expensive chocolates, outrageously large bouquets of flowers and very public displays of sickening affection. Valentine’s Day tends to make me a little uneasy. It’s not because I’m single and jealous of all the other couples madly in love. In fact, it’s awesome getting a box of chocolates from my mother every year and not feeling obligated to share them. But this one February day tends to become a huge public spectacle, and we tend to forget that we should love our boyfriend or girlfriend with the same excitement and energy 365 days a year. It’s not a mandatory requirement to work 14 years, build a magnificent tomb or give up your throne for the one you love. And if it is, trust me, you fall short by a long shot. Just spend some time with your significant other and remind yourself exactly why you fell in love with him or her in the first place. That’s what Valentine’s Day should really be about.


Re: Traveling past reason Andrea Ayala’s uncritical story, “Traveling past reason” in the Jan. 30 issue of the Daily Titan, seems to support the Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network (MUFON) speaker Christopher O’Brien’s discussion of “ … unexplained occurrences in ancient times, such as spaceship-like figures in medieval time art.” This is unfortunate, because the article implicitly validates a widespread – though fundamentally wrong – understanding of art history; that “If it looks like X to my 21st century eyes, then it must be X.” I suppose this is what O’Brien meant when he suggested to his audience to “get creative when

ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan Linda May, a board member for the Orange County Equality Coalition, makes a speech at a celebration rally over the Prop. 8 overruling decision. In 2008, 7 million Californians voted for the ban on same-sex marriage, while 6.4 million Californians voted in opposition to it.

Prop. 8 condemns, it does not defend DAVID HOOD Daily Titan

Leviticus 18:22 in the English Standard Version Bible “clearly” states: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” Traditional theology renders this verse (and others, as some claim), a clear mandate to condemn homosexuality. For if God surely considers “a man lying with another man” an “abomination,” then so should we, right? Wrong. The basic tenets of literary exegesis and analysis, coupled with some basic ground rules in hermeneutics, coupled with a reformed perspective on the inerrancy of Scripture, this passage (and perhaps four others), shows quite a different story. Before we continue, it must be understood that this is a response to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling that California’s Proposition 8, which rescinded marriage equality, was unconstitutional in a ruling yesterday. Moving along, I challenge anyone with a basic knowledge of Scripture to do a search of the word “abomination” (in English; we’ll get to Hebrew later) in the Torah (first five books of the Bible and the “Law” to Jews) and see what results are. Critically thinking, if one thing is an “abomination” to God, are there other things? Seemingly, there are. Deuteronomy 22:5 says that exchanging coats between guys and girls is an abomination. Deuteronomy 17:1 says that if you sacrifice a sheep that has a “blemish” (like a cyst or other things), it’s an abomination. In addition Deuteronomy 25:16 says anyone who is dishonest is an abomination to the Lord. Lastly (my favorite) Deuteronomy 7:25 says if anyone brings an “abomination” into your house – abomination, meaning a conquered people group – you should detest it. In Hebrew, the word for “abomination,” according to Strong’s Hebrew and Greek concordances, is toebah. This word is associated with a number of other Contact Us at

looking at ancient cultures in are generally not objective firstorder to better understand the hand accounts of the events they past.” Yeah, that’s the ticket. purport to convey. Show me some “spaceship-like Let’s just get creative and make figures in medieval time art,” up stuff. and I will show you common This is true only for those personifications of the sun who refuse to do any research and moon, which are nothing that might actually disprove more than repetitions of the their presuppositions. It is older Greco-Roman tradition the basic platform of many of depicting the sun and moon pseudoscientific theories. The simple truth is that with faces or even bodies. Or we know quite a lot about Halley’s Comet. Or angels. Or those so-called “unexplained the Holy Spirit. Et cetera. occurrences.” But one must first realize that ancient and medieval art was not meant to depict the world with Christopher Slogar, Ph.D. documentary attention to reality. Associate Professor, Art History Those images are symbolic and Department of Visual Arts highly manipulated stories; they

miscellaneous things throughout the Old Testament. Of those is having sex with a woman during her period (Leviticus 18:19, 2630); pride (Proverbs 6:17 and 16:5); and remarriage to a first spouse succeeding another marriage and divorce (Deuteronomy 24:4). In addition, shaqats, another word that means “abomination,” is associated with abomination as well. This word is used twice in the Old Testament and the one I would like to highlight is eating or even touching “unclean” animals in Leviticus 11:11 and 20:25. Sorry bacon lovers, but pigs, according to the Jewish Law, are “unclean.” “Clear” isn’t exactly a word I would like to use when it comes to claiming what God considers an abomination. If we are taking the Good Word for what it says (including Paul for that matter), the “homosexuality rule” that we opened with must be placed in the same pile with the other abominations that the Old Testament is chock-full of. Especially if you take Paul for what he says and means in Galatians 2:21 (yes, in context), which states: “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law (all of the above, and others, totalling 613), then Christ died for no purpose.” That’s right, brothers and sisters, Paul just said that if righteousness (aka justification) came through the Mosaic Law (which was its purpose), then Jesus died for nothing! And I agree, there are other passages where this so-called issue of homosexuality is somewhat addressed. I am willing to engage in that discussion later, along with the inerrancy of Scripture as well. Tying this with yesterday’s monumental events, as the Church certainly has – as have those

Westboro Baptist “God-Hates-Fags” people that most contemporary Evangelicals, Mainline Protestants or even Roman Catholics or Eastern Orthodoxy don’t consider to be part of Christianity – what is clear is this: Turning to Scripture for an ethic that is barely present is a fallacy. The rules of conversion do not apply when trying to apply laws thousands of years old that aren’t even applicable to Christians to public policy. Trying to put them there is also a fallacy. But “love the sinner, hate the sin,” right? Wrong again. Where is the “love of Christ” in judging other people’s definition of love? Can we, as claimed Christians, seriously admit that we know it all when it comes to God’s definition of anything? No wonder the world has labeled us as “intolerant.” If Christians had rallied together and opposed Proposition 8 four years ago, under the banner of “We will work with you even if we believe it’s wrong” mantra, how more open would gays and lesbians be to the Gospel? Even if we hate the so-called sin, there is a person to love. And on that note, if any Christian can look someone who claims to be homosexual in the eyes and tell them that he/she is incapable of love for whatever reason, I question the love of Christ in their heart. Christians, we have to be honest with what our Bibles actually say and what they mean for us. If anything at all, follow the aforesaid “wrong” principle: Hate the “sin,” love the sinner. Because love, as Jesus demonstrated, meant meeting despised people, outcasts even, at dirt-level; understanding them and looking past whatever they’ve done wrong. To miss that completely misses Jesus’ example altogether.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Letters must refer to an article published within the last week. Once a letter is submitted it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be edited for length, grammar and spelling. Letters may be sent to

February 8, 2012


Warped Tour ‘12 on its way The Warped Tour finds its way back to Orange County after eight years JUSTIN ENRIQUEZ Daily Titan

Courtesy of MCT Every Time I Die performed at the Vans Warped Tour in 2006. Orange County will once again rock out to Warped Tour.

Van’s Warped Tour 2012 band list


A Loss For Words (Pop Punk, Post Rock) Bangups (Rock, Punk Rock) Bayside (Punk Rock, Alternative) Dead Sara (Rock) Every Time I Die (Rock, Metal) For Today (Rock) Funeral Party (Indie) I Am The Avalanche (Punk Rock, Alternative) I Fight Dragons (Rock, Chiptune / 8-bit) It Boys! (Rock, Pop) Living With Lions (Punk Rock) Lost In Society (Punk, Alternative) Make Do And Mend (Rock, Punk Rock) Man Overboard (Pop Punk, Punk Rock) Mayday Parade (Alternative, Rock) Might Mongo (Rock, Ska) Polar Bear Club (Punk Rock, Hardcore) Senses Fail (Punk Rock, Screamo) Sick Of Sarah (Rock, Indie) Sleeping With Sirens (Chiptune / 8-bit, Rock) Super Water Sympathy (Alternative, Indie) The Ghost Inside (Rock, Alternative) The Silver Comet (Alternative, Pop Rock) Title Fight (Punk Rock, Hardcore) Tonight Alive (Pop Punk, Rock) Twin Atlantic (Alternative, Rock)


Stepdad (Electro-Pop, Indie-Pop)


There are three things that every adolescent and young adult can look forward to every summer – no school, blockbuster movies and the Vans Warped Tour. This year, the Vans Warped Tour is going to do something it hasn’t done since 2004 – stop by Orange County. The last time this happened was actually on the Cal State Fullerton athletic field where bands Bad Religion, Anti-Flag, Taking Back Sunday and New Found Glory all took the stage. The Vans Warped Tour website lists Irvine as its destination this year, but no actual venue has officially been named. However, Pollstar, a website that lists concerts and tours, has listed the Great Park as a venue for the event. For those who don’t know, the Vans Warped Tour began in 1995 as a way to showcase punk rock music. However, in recent years it has featured a more diverse lineup that features acts that range from metal to hip-hop. In fact, the only act on this lineup that performed at the last Orange County event is New Jersey screamo band, Senses Fail, which was only their second year of existence at the time. The Vans Warped Tour website just recently announced the first batch of bands that will officially be on the tour. Tour staples like Bayside, Every Time I Die and the aforementioned Senses Fail will all be performing. Israel Gutierrez, 21, accounting major, hopes to see

all three bands as he has seen them before. “It was really good. There’s a lot of people, a lot of good music and the vibe was pretty cool,” said Gutierrez. For fans of pop punk, A Loss For Words, Man Overboard and Tonight Alive will be performing. “Metalheads” can look forward to After The Burial, Blessthefall and Impending Doom. In addition to reggae acts, Ballyhoo! and The Green will also be there. It’s expected that more acts will be announced within the coming weeks.

Van’s Warped Tour 2012 announces dates and locations


16 – Salt Lake City, UT 17 – Denver, CO 20 – Las Vegas, NV

21 – Irvine, CA 22 – Pomona, CA 23 – San Francisco, CA 24 – Ventura, CA 27 – San Diego, CA 28 – Phoenix. AZ 29 – Las Cruces, NM 30 – San Antonio, TX

JULY The last time this happened was actually on the Cal State Fullerton athletic field

In addition, there will be upand-coming acts like the hardcore band The Ghost Inside, which recently signed with Epitaph Records, and hip-hop acts T. Mills and Machine Gun Kelly. Many acts like Paramore, Fall Out Boy, A Day To Remember and Gym Class Heroes have used the tour as a platform to gain fans for eventual “mainstream” success. Some are not as impressed with this year’s lineup because of the lack of veteran acts. Patrick Ryan, 22, accounting and finance major, said, “I don’t really see anyone I like. I’m more into ‘90s and early 2000s music, and these guys seem pretty new.” Tickets for the entire tour will be going on sale March 30. For the complete list of bands performing and an official venue announcement, make sure to check out the Vans Warped Tour website at

01 – Huston, TX 03 – Dallas, TX 05 – St. Louis, MO 06 – Detroit, MI 07 – Chicago, IL 08 – Minneapolis, MN 09 – Kansas City, KS 10 – Indianapolis, IN 11 – Cleveland, OH 12 – Pittsburgh, PA 13 – Toronto, ON 14 – Montreal, QC 15 – Hartford, CT 17 – Buffalo, NY 18 – Scranton, PA 19 – Boston, MA 20 – Philadelphia, PA 21 – New York, NY 22 – Oceanport, NJ 24 – Washington, DC 25 – Virginia Beach, VA 26 – Atlanta, GA 27 – Orlando, FL 28 – Miami, FL 29 – Tampa, FL 30 – Charlotte, NC 31 – Cincinnati, OH


01 – Milwaukee, WI 04 – Seattle, WA 05 – Portland, OR

Ballyhoo! (Reggae, Rock) Echo Movement (Rock, Reggae) The Green (Reggae, Pop) Tomorrow’s Bad Seeds (Rock, Reggae)


After The Burial (Metal) blessthefall (Metal, Rock) Chelsea Grin (Deathcore, Metalcore) Impending Doom (Metal, Metalcore) Memphis May Fire (Post-Hardcore, Metal) Rise To Remain (Metal) Skip The Foreplay (Metalcore, Dubstep) Vampires Everywhere! (Rock, Metal) Vanna (Post Hardcore)

Rap / Hip-Hop

Hyro Da Hero (Rap / Hip-Hop, Rock) Machine Gun Kelly (Rap / Hip-Hop) T. Mills (Rap / Hip-Hop) The Constellations (Indie, Rap / Hip-Hop)

Chronicle’s superheroes Chronicle review

JAMESON STEED For the Daily Titan

Chronicle is the first superhero film in a year jam-packed with the genre, and if it is any indication, we are in for a good one. Andrew Detmer (Dane DeHaan) is a teenager living with an abusive drunk of a father and sick mother who starts to videotape his life. His only friend is his cousin, Matt Garretty (Alex Russell), whom he isn’t very close to. One night at a party, Andrew, Matt and Steve Montgomery (Michael B. Jordan), the popular student body president candidate, find a mysterious hole in the woods. Not to give much away, but what they find in the hole gives all three the power of telekinesis, which is, when one of them looks it up, the ability to move objects with the mind. For some reason, none of them knew

what telekinesis was before looking it up. They of course do what we would all do if we were given super powers – the most immature, stupid and fun things we could think of. They pull pranks on shoppers, move a woman’s car and impress their fellow students at a talent show. That is only the first half of the movie, and all good things must come to an end. The second half is dedicated to the darker side of these powers, as everything starts to fall apart for Andrew when he is provoked to use his powers against his abusive father. What is impressive is how likable the characters are. Although you know Andrew’s downfall is going to lead to amazing fight scenes, you do not want to see that happen. It is quite upsetting to see Andrew go bad after watching his journey. The found footage genre is more of a gimmick than a genre. This movie in no way transcends that. In fact, it’s the biggest problem. Director Josh Trank finds ways to ignore it by having Andrew use his powers to hold the camera in a way where it actually


feels like we are watching a real movie. Nothing here is new, but it somehow feels fresh due to the new blood that worked on the project. This is Trank’s first film and he handles it tremendously. The airplane sequence alone, while he was already working with a low budget, is enough to make him a director to watch out for. The screenplay is by Max Landis who has only written a few shorts, yet he was able to create incredibly likable character-driven drama out of characters who are nearly stereotypes from the get go. Many veteran screenwriters have trouble pulling that off. All three actors had their work cut out for them. They are on screen at all times and have to carry the entire film. If one isn’t good, it could ruin everything. Luckily, they all hold their own. Hopefully we will see more of these three young actors. Chronicle will most likely be forgotten once the avalanche of superhero films rush in later this year, but those films have a lot to live up to now. It is well worth seeing.


February 8, 2012


Dates and gifts to make your valentine swoon What to do around Southern California for Valentine’s Day SEPIDEH NIA Daily Titan

It seems as though the entire country has gone gaga for Valentine’s Day. Restaurants, movie theaters and even sporting events are centered on the romantic holiday. However, are these holiday deals too much? Natalie Chau, a thirdyear business finance management major, said, “I think the deals especially made for Valentine’s Day are good, especially for everyone who has a significant other or who wants a valentine. It’s a good attraction for them.” Restaurants have revamped their menus to entrance lovebirds that prefer to go out for a special dinner. Fullerton restaurant The Cellar is offering a special four-course Valentine’s Day dinner for $79 per person. Other restaurants such as the Bayside restaurant in Newport Beach and The Clubhouse in South Coast Plaza also offer similar deals (although prices vary). If your budget doesn’t cover an expensive dinner, other restaurants like Yard House offer special aphrodisiac appetizers and entries for a more affordable price. But be ready to sacrifice the ambiance of The Cellar. Some students, such as Stephanie Flores, a third-year business accounting major, prefer a classic date night. “Maybe like a dinner deal and a movie,” said Flores. For those students who want to add a romantic film to their Valentine’s dinner plans, AMC Downtown Disney’s 12 Theater will have a special showing of Gone with the Wind at 9 p.m. Students can spend their Valentine’s Day in Disneyland,

have dinner in one of Disney’s restaurants (maybe even the Blue Bayou) and end the night watching one of the (arguably) most romantic movies ever made. If students wish to travel an hour north, Los Angeles offers a lot of Valentine’s Day activities that are for the more unconventional couples. Couples can participate in the Venice Beach bike scavenger hunt, learn about the mating rituals of animals at the L.A. Zoo or go on the Victorian Valentine tour at the Grier Musser Museum. If the issue is more of what to buy than what to do, Valentine’s Day celebrators can stick to the basics. Godiva chocolates are, and probably always will be, in full swing. Heartshaped boxes anyone? Local florists are also offering Valentine’s Day deals on roses and other floral arrangements to melt your significant other’s heart. Or you can create your own teddy bear from Build-A-Bear Workshop! Tommy Mam, a third-year business administration major, wants to give his girlfriend something special. “I was going to make something for my girlfriend so I hope they have reflectors on sale with her name,” said Mam. Gift shop Things Remembered in the Brea Mall has just what he is looking for. They currently have a large variety of Valentine’s Day gifts to engrave. However, for those of you who have found yourselves without a significant other, The Queen Mary has an event just for you. The Valentine’s Day Red Hot Singles Mix and Mingle will take place on the haunted ship. The good thing about living in Southern California is that there are a million options of events on Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a long term relationship, just dating or fabulously single. There is always something to do.

Valentine’s Day Date Map Check out some of the local hot spots with your Valentine for a romantic day out 1.) Godiva | Things Remembered 1065 Brea Mall Brea, CA 92821 (714) 671-0793 | (714) 255-1513


2.) La Vie en Rose Restaurant 240 S. State College Blvd.


Brea, CA 92831 (714) 529-8333


3.) The Cellar 305 North Harbor Boulevard Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 525-5682 4.) Mums The Word Florist 1175 N. Berkeley Ave.


Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 525-0313 5.) Build-A-Bear Workshop 1540 S. Disneyland Dr., Suite 101 Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 776-5980 6.) AMC Downtown Disney 12 1565 Disneyland Dr.

5 6

Anaheim, CA 92802 (888) 262-4386

Fullerton sees French Film Festival arrival


Fullerton College to get a taste of French cinema in March CAMYRON LEE Daily Titan

A decade of Potter - now horror The Woman in Black Review


Who could forget the four words that defined our generation: “You’re a wizard, Harry”? Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who played the infamous “boy who lived” in the eight-part movie franchise based on the book by J.K. Rowling has since moved on to more mature roles. But can he ever shake his Harry Potter image? This weekend was the moment for truth for Harry Po – I mean, Daniel Radcliffe – as he took one more step away from Harry Potter (and Broadway) and tried his hand at a period piece horror film by director James Watkins, titled, The

Woman in Black. Radcliffe plays Arthur Kipps, a widower with a 4-year-old son who sets off to a remote village to settle a deceased woman’s paperwork only to find himself face to face with a vengeful spirit. Haunted houses, evil ghosts…and the Hogwarts Express(?), this movie is a step in a very creepy direction out of the Harry Potter canon (for the most part). Despite the many roles that Radcliffe has played since he started off as Harry Potter, some students (myself included) have a hard time seeing him as anything but the boy wizard with the scar on his forehead. Katie Claburn, a fourth-year sociology major, is going to try to keep an open mind as she watches The Woman in Black. “It still looks good and I’ll probably try to look outside of Harry Potter, but it’s so hard because it’s the first thing I saw

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him in and I saw him in it once a year from then,” said Claburn. Others, like Nina Nguyen, a fourth-year Asian American studies major and biology minor, think that Radcliffe has the potential to move away from being “Potter.” While discussing Radcliffe’s Broadway roles, Nguyen said, “At first I looked at him as being Harry Potter, but as he plays into his role, you can see him fully in that role and you don’t see Harry Potter anymore.” Was Radcliffe brave in jumping to the horror genre right after Harry Potter? Arya Zarafi, a second-year radio-TV-film major, said, “I think The Woman in Black does not come anywhere near to the caliber of the bravery of coming away from the Harry Potter franchise as Equus did.” Equus is a Broadway show in which Radcliffe bared it all for a live audience, and proceeded to – well lets just say have happy times

on a horse. So did I see Harry Potter, or Daniel Radcliffe in The Woman in Black? Well, I must admit that during the parts where my eyes were open, Radcliffe seemed to have proven himself as a rather good horror genre actor. I found myself searching for Harry Potter to help ease the fear I felt from that actual film (yes, it’s a horror movie that’s actually scary). So for the actual movie, it’s a good haunted house movie. The cinematography was good, the acting in the beginning was a little bit too Broadway (but I’ll forgive Dan for that one); however towards the end, Radcliffe’s performance was not only believable, but captivating. I look forward to Daniel Radcliffe’s career as an actor outside of Harry Potter, even if it means watching a naked horse movie in the future (Equus: The Movie anybody?).

Suspense, intrigue and entertainment played to the melodious soundtrack of the French language can only be found in the art form that is French cinema. This year, Fullerton College in conjunction with the French American Cultural Exchange (FACE) council will introduce the third annual Tournées French Film Festival and bring French film to movie lovers in the Fullerton community. “French culture is another perspective, any time we look at art, we are looking at some sort of expression of culture,” said Jack Mierop, committee member and Cal State Fullerton professor of human communications. “This (festival) is an opportunity to gain a little insight into French culture. They’re doing wonderful things as well. It’s a great way to become more culturally aware,” he said. This year the festival will be featuring five critically acclaimed films that were specifically selected after screening more than 30 films, according to Violette VornicelGuthmann, festival committee chair at Fullerton College. “We try to keep our audience in mind, the fact that it is a young audience, students mostly. We want variety, quality. We want a good story,” said VornicelGuthmann about carefully selecting the film list. The festival will open Feb. 24 by featuring A Prophet (Un Prophet), which received an Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Film in 2010. The story unfolds in a French Prison dominated by the Corsican mafia in a tale of intrigue and plot twists, according

to Vornicel-Guthmann. A guest speaker will introduce each film, which will include four other critically acclaimed films that vary in genre. These films are Queen to Play (JOUEUSE) which will be shown Feb. 25, A French Gigolo (CLIENTE) shown Feb. 29, ROMAN DE GARE shown March 1 and Shall We Kiss? (UN BASIER, S’IL VOUS PLAIT), which will be shown March 6.

French culture is another perspective, any time we look at art, we are looking at some sort of expression of culture Jack Mierop Committee Member

“It is kind of interesting to look into the different cultures and the way they see things, whether it’s funny or not funny, it’s just an interesting way to broaden your horizons about other people from other countries,” said Carol Rehfield, committee member and administrative assistant at Fullerton College. All the films were chosen from a list provided by the event’s primary sponsor, FACE, which has provided Fullerton College with a five-year grant to host the Tournées Festival. FACE partners with various universities to bring contemporary French cinema to American colleges and enhance French-American relations through the arts. The festival will debut Feb. 24 and will run through March 6. Tickets can be purchased at the Fullerton College campus theater box office for $6.50. Tickets are valid only once for each night. For more information about the event or ticket sales visit BoxOffice.


February 8, 2012

Crossword Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE JANUARY 17, 2012


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Edited by Rich Norrisbrought and Joyce Lewis to you by

ACROSS 1 __ Romeo: sports car 5 Cleveland NBAers 9 With 66-Across, actress born 1/17/1922 14 Weevil’s target 15 __ II razor 16 Love, in Italia 17 Fit to __ 18 20-Across role for 9-Across 19 Infuriates 20 Sitcom costarring 9/66Across 23 Really revel in 24 Neptune’s realm 25 NFL position 27 “Baby and Child Care” author 30 Entertain in style 33 Congestion site 36 Frasier’s brother 37 Dramedy on which 9/66Across had a recurring role 40 Buckeye State sch. 42 Miss America accessory 43 Message on a dirty car 45 Becomes fond of 50 White House advisory gp. 51 Skater Midori 54 Went out with 55 Sitcom costarring 9/66Across 60 Suppress 61 55-Across role for 9-Across 62 “American ___” 63 Fur tycoon 64 Lender’s security 65 Canadian vocalist Vannelli 66 See 9-Across 67 Not as much 68 Political cartoonist Thomas

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By Matt Skoczen

3 Armadas 4 Good thing to get in competition 5 PC corner key 6 Yankee slugger, familiarly 7 Flower holders 8 Public embarrassment 9 Italian seaport 10 Mideast VIP 11 One in a phone bill list 12 Bridge support 13 “That’s affirmative!” 21 Marsupial that plays dead 22 Long-snouted swimmer 26 Legal thing 28 Op. __: footnote abbr. 29 Necktie feature 31 Fencing challenge 32 Italian actress Scala 34 Prefix with form 35 Cabbagy side dish 37 Dunkable Italian cookies

DOWN 1 Died down 2 Mandrake the Magician’s assistant

Monday’s Puzzle Solved

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38 “That’s amazing!” 39 Generation 40 BYOB word 41 Cannabis preparation 44 German article 46 Bad-mouth 47 Ballparks 48 Dovetail sections 49 Less than 100 shares of stock


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Daily Sudoku: Thu 5-Jan-2012

2 7 1 4 3 5

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Your friends appreciate you for who you are. There’s no need to try to be somebody else. Your motivation and words are especially powerful now.

1 6 5 2 8 7

7 1 4 8 5 2 6 3 9 6 2 5 3 9 1 7 4 8 Daily Sudoku: Thu 5-Jan-2012

3 1

6 9


3 8 6


7 2 9 3



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7 4

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

5 3 8 9 4 1

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Don’t be afraid to ask for directions. Listen to someone who knows better than you. Stay out of trouble for now, and have a mellow Monday.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2012. All rights reserved.

2 9 6 4 7 5 9 8

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today’s perfect for an artistic project in which you can let your emotions flow. Let the music move your heart, and find beauty in hidden places.



7 4

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Get organized for increased productivity. Schedule tasks that you’re really committed to, and erase those that you know you’ll never do. Your analytical intellect is sharply honed.




Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Gather the information to grow stronger. Make room for your dreams. Spend time outdoors and in nature to find inspiration. Have a friend support you.




Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Write down your insights. Take action to remedy an uncomfortable situation. Offer your peacemaker skills. Get lost in your work.



4 8 6 3 7 2

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Another clever idea lights up your passion. Others are excited about it, too. Don’t launch it yet. There are a few days of busy creative bustle first.


8 6

7 9 2 1 5 6



8 2 3 6 1 9

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Take careful inventory of your resources, and you’ll find an answer you’ve been looking for. Plan your course of action. Dream up a new source of income. Consult with experts.



3 5 9 7 6 4

Cancer (June 22-July 22) You can learn whatever you need to know. Go over the instructions. Go straight to the source to really get the story. Search for buried treasure.

2 6

9 1 4 8 2 3

1 4 2

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Move quickly and there could be money involved. Don’t dip into savings. A long trip could be part of the picture. Keep your day job until your night job pays.

5 8 7 4 1 3 2 9 6

Taurus (April 20-May 20) A word from you helps a loved one stay on track. Your intuition’s right on target. Follow the recipe and adapt as necessary. Step into responsibility and shine.


Daily Sudoku: Thu 5-Jan-2012

Aries (March 21-April 19) Gather the information, and then act decisively. Provide excellent service, and exceed expectations. Soak up the applause, and acknowledge who helped get you there.


52 Immune system agent 53 Kukla’s puppet pal 56 __ one’s own horn 57 About, on a memo 58 Barely gets, with “out” 59 Soccer moms’ rides 60 Went out with


February 8, 2012


Mannings: Younger brother proves he’s just as elite



SPORTS | Softball preview

High hopes on horizon The Titans will begin their season on the road at the Texas Classic Thursday



Courtesy of MCT

Courtesy of MCT

New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning celebrates his second Super Bowl victory on Feb. 5th. Eli was named the Super Bowl MVP for the second time in his career.

Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning holds the Vince Lombardi Trophy after winning the Super Bowl in 2007. Peyton was also named Super Bowl MVP.

...Continued from page 1 He is the all-time Colts franchise leader in passing yards, wins, pass attempts, pass completions and passing touchdowns. Peyton also holds the NFL record for most MVP awards with four and led his team to a Super Bowl victory in 2007 against the Chicago Bears. This past season also showed how invaluable of a player he was to the Colts. With a neck injury keeping him sidelined for the entire 2011 season, Indianapolis went 2-14 without him. While his gaudy stats and unrelenting work ethic have secured Peyton a place in the Hall of Fame, his struggles in the playoffs cannot go unnoticed. The Colts have gone 9-10 with Peyton under center in the postseason, including a loss in the Super Bowl to the New Orleans Saints two years ago. When Eli Manning was drafted No. 1 overall in 2004 by the San

Diego Chargers, and subsequently traded to the New York Giants, many pundits and fans described him as “Peyton’s little brother.” He was never expected to put up stats like Peyton or be the leader that his older brother was. His first couple of years in New York didn’t help his cause either. He struggled to lead the team to success until the 2008 postseason. The Giants made it into the playoffs and won three straight road games to make it to the Super Bowl against the heavily favored New England Patriots. In one of the biggest upsets in sports history, Eli led New York to the championship with a 17-14 win and was named Super Bowl MVP that year. This past Sunday cemented his legacy even further by defeating the Patriots a second time in as many Super Bowls and being named MVP yet again. Many feel this win made Eli a lock to go into the Hall of Fame. As of today, Eli holds a 9-3 record in the playoffs. Five of those wins

have come on the road, a feat no other quarterback in NFL history has ever achieved. Peyton holds the edge in regular season stats and awards, while Eli has dominated in the playoffs. Quarterbacks tend to be judged by playoff and championship success, which is why I believe Eli Manning will have a stronger legacy than his older brother. Eli is only 31 years old and surrounded by younger and superior talent. He has at least seven more years where he’ll be able to play at a high level. Eli will have the opportunity to catch up to some of Peyton’s regular season stats, and will probably have more playoff success. Peyton, on the other hand, is 35 years old and coming off neck surgery, making his future as uncertain as ever. Eli already has one more Lombardi trophy than Peyton. I wouldn’t bet against him getting a couple more before it’s all said and done.

With the 2012 women’s softball season opener approaching, the Cal State Fullerton Titans are very optimistic and enthused to begin what looks to be a promising season. The Titans, who were picked to finish third in the 2012 Big West Conference, according to a vote of the league’s coaches released by the conference office, will open the season Thursday at the Texas Classic in Austin, Texas against the hosting Longhorns at 5 p.m. Titan Head Coach Michelle Gromacki is in her 1 3th season and has high expectations for her team this season, which she says has a lot of depth and the potential to be a very good team. “I’m going to tell you right now our goal is to win the Big West. Our goal is to be invited to the NCAA regional post season; those two things are going to be what we are after,” said Gromacki. Returning for the Titans are eight starters, including senior standouts infielder Nicole Johnson and utility player Adri Martinez. Junior outfielder Ashley Carter will also help lead the way for the Titans. Johnson, a 2011 All-Big West Conference honorable mention selection at third base, hit a team leading .331, adding five home runs and 17 RBIs last season, and said that she’s focused on just getting better and helping her teammates become better players. “I think that one of the things that I’ve really tried to improve on is really giving what I have to other people and trying to help them out and make them better,”

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Senior infielder Nicole Johnson reads the sign from her third base coach in a game last year. Johnson earned a 2011 All-Big West honorable mention selection at third base.

said Johnson. “My main goal right now is to really help my team and grow in that aspect so that I can be an asset for them and really help whoever is playing next to me, making sure that they are the best they can be because we’re only as good as the weakest person on the field.” Martinez and Carter also played major roles as well a season ago. Carter, an All-Big West Conference honorable mention selection in the outfield as a sophomore last season became a force for the Titans batting .312 with 19 runs scored, three triples, eight RBI and finished the season with a team-high 16 multi-hit games, while Martinez started 46 of the team’s 47 games and hit .289 with two doubles, 14 runs scored, five RBI and tied for the team lead with seven stolen bases a season ago. “Right now I think we’re in a good place. I think we definitely haven’t gone backwards and we’re growing each practice … so I think right now we’re in a good place,

Crave: Dining Out Th e D ail y T i tan’s g u i de o f the b est pl a ces to e at and dri n k i n O rang e Co u n ty.

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you know, going into our first tournament, so we’ll see how that goes,” said Martinez. “Personally, I just want to give it everything that I have with it being my senior year, my final year of my career. I want to go all out and not have any regrets, and I want my team to know that.” The Titans also bring back returning pitchers senior Katey Laben and junior Aly Fascetti to the circle. Freshman pitcher Desiree Ybarra, one of seven Titan newcomers, also looks to work her way into the rotation as well. Coach Gromacki said Fascetti has been looking sharp and hopes that her momentum of pitching can take the Titans right through the season. Gromacki also said she has high expectations for her newcomers. The Titans hope to be a powerhouse in the Big West Conference this season, and have their eyes set on nothing less than a conference championship and a trip to the NCAA tournament.

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