The Daily Titan - March 1, 2012

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March 1, 2012

Vol. 91 Issue 17

Los Angeles unveils the Apology Act Monument The Mexican Repatriation Program in LA recognizes Mexican-American residents in California who were deported.

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STATE | Pension plan

GOP stirs pot on pensions California Republicans’ long-term compensation plan mirrors that of Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat MATT ATKINSON Daily Titan

Republicans in the State Assembly and Senate announced Feb. 22 that they will support Gov. Jerry Brown’s plans on pension reform in a move challenging their Democrat counterparts. Brown launched his 12-point plan for a dramatic overhaul of public employee pensions back in October. In it he proposed a system that combined the current format of guaranteed pensions with the 401(k) savings plan that many private companies use. This new system, if passed, would be in place for all new workers coming into the public sector. Democrats and labor unions have been hesitant to back this plan, stating in press reports they are taking their time to examine the bill. According to a press release sent by Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff and Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway, this motion is an attempt to “(call) upon Democrats in the Legislature to work with them across party lines to enact the Governor’s reforms.” “While we have heard Democrats give lip service about supporting his plan, none of their members have committed to supporting it, or even carrying it,” said Huff in the press release. “Republicans are backing this bill because it plays directly into their base,” said Shelly Arsneault, a political science professor at Cal State Fullerton, by email. “It’s certainly not surprising,” Arsneault said. “But the legislative branch is about majorities and the Republicans don’t have the majority.” Currently the Democrats hold a 25-15 majority in the state senate and 52-27 majority in the state assembly. Although Republicans don’t have as much sway in the state legislature, their support does put the ball in the Democrat’s court to make a move regarding Brown’s proposal. “They think they’re calling what they see as Brown’s bluff,” said Matthew Jarvis, political science professor, in an email. Public employees include CSUF faculty and staff. If pensions are changed, it could affect how much professors would have to contribute to their pensions, as well as their potential age for retirement. See PENSION, page 2

FEATURES | Checkpoints

Please stop, our cars are not meant for stealing Santa Ana activists argue that DUI stops target groups unfairly AMBER STEPHENS Daily Titan

Brightly painted yellow and red signs danced down the streets as a mass of protesters made their way through the avenues of Santa Ana during a May Day protest last year. Larger than life puppets, carried on the shoulders of more than half a dozen demonstrators, represented students and workers. The most notable image — a large photographic cutout of Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, with a sign, reading “For Sale: Santa Ana,” beneath him. The protest was just one of the actions documented by independent Orange County filmmaker Jose Luis Gallo in Stop Stealing Our Cars. On Saturday, more than 130 attendees viewed the bilingual documentary during two screenings at El Centro Cultural de Mexico in

ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan An activist leads protesters in front of an Arab-American festival in Garden Grove last September. Similar protests have taken place supporting and opposing the revolutions in other countries.

World still watching revolution Tunisia’s 2010 revolt began a regional movement against socalled opressive governments LANCE MORGAN Daily Titan

Just last February, if the countries Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, and Syria were mentioned in the same sentence, many wouldn’t find an apparent connection, besides their geographic locations: the Middle East and North Africa. Today, protests and revolutions in these countries have earned them the moniker the “Arab Spring.”

Santa Ana DUI Checkpoint Facts In 2009... RR112 DUI’s through checkpoints RR504 vehicles were impounded from unlicensed drivers RRGenerated $40 million in towing fees and police fines RRPolice officers received about $30 million in overtime pay for the DUI crackdowns Investigative Reporting Program at UC Berkeley with California Watch (2010) downtown Santa Ana. The film is about the struggle of activists attempting to change a DUI checkpoint tow policy. Members of the community argued the checkpoints were found to not be netting drunk drivers, and were instead towing the cars of unlicensed drivers and charging massive fees. The film featured activists from the Orange County May Day Coalition who fought against a policy they said

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unfairly targeted low-income and Latino families in Santa Ana. The documentary, a nearly yearlong effort depicts a tightly-knit group of activists tirelessly pushing for change at Santa Ana City Council meetings and attending multiple Public Safety Committee meetings late into the night. See STEAL, page 7

However, the question as to whether these numerous countries can ultimately weather such a transition is yet to be determined. Although the long-term effects these revolutions will have on the Middle East and other global actors is still unknown, there has already been much speculation, both good and bad, that there will be long-term implications on both regional and world stages. The “Arab Spring” movement began in Tunisia at the end of 2010, said Albert Wolf, a Ph.D. candidate in political science at University of California, Irvine. “Starting December 2010, there was a series of protests that began in Tunisia as a result of a merchant that lit himself on fire,” Wolf said.

In the fourteen months that followed, several other countries in Northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula region began to follow the example set in Tunisia. The main slogan, “Ash-sha’b yurīd isqāt an-nizām” (which translates in English to, “the people want to bring down the regime”) has become a hallmark slogan of the young protesters in several of the countries. “What happened was that you saw a domino effect after the protests in Tunisia. They took down the long standing leader of Tunisia, named Ben Ali,” Wolf said. See ARAB SPRING, page 2

SPORTS | Men’s hoops

Vaughn, Seeley lead in victory Despite a rough start, CSUF finishes strong to remain in 2nd BLAKE FOGG

Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton basketball team remains in second place after shaking off a woeful firsthalf shooting performance and dispatching last place Cal State Northridge 87-76 in Titan Gym Wednesday night. The Matadors (7-21) played their final game of the season. The program is on probation and prohibited from playing in the Big West Tournament. The team gave the Titans all they could handle in their last game. “It’s a tough situation because it’s their last game … You don’t know how they are going to react,” said Head Coach Bob Burton. “Kids are either going to come in and lay down or play really hard … I saw them play against UCI on TV and I was scared to death of them because they played so hard.” Kwame Vaughn and D.J. Seeley led the Titans scoring 25 and 24 points, respectively. Seeley was

ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan Guard D.J. Seeley attempts a slam dunk on Northridge’s Frankie Eteuati Wednesday night in a 87-76 win. Seeley scored 24 points and got seven rebounds.

active on the boards grabbing seven rebounds and Vaughn dished out a game-high five assists and committed no turnovers. “I just wanted to simplify it tonight — get my teammates involved early — but tried to stay aggressive at the same time,” said Vaughn.

CSUF had its hands full in the first half. The Titans are known for their fast-paced offense and the Matadors were equally willing to up the tempo. See HOOPS, page 10


March 1, 2012


ARAB SPRING: Experts believe the Internet and social media played a vital roll in organizing uprisings ...Continued from page 1 Subsequently, governments in three more countries were overthrown. Hosni Mubarak, the president of Egypt was ousted by a revolt led largely by young Egyptians in February 2011. The Yemeni Revolution involved thousands of protesters and started in concurrence with the protests in Egypt. In October, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was shot after a revolution in his country. Wolf believes that the Internet, particularly the social networking site Facebook, played a major role in helping some of these protesters get organized, most notably in Egypt. Bill Julius, professor of political science at CSUF, agrees with Wolf that social media played a large part in countries like Egypt and Tunisia when the use of phone systems was unavailable to most protesters. “Social media was the only way of communicating that whole revolution,” Julius said. Such dynamic revolutions do not come without a price to the people of many of these countries. Currently, tensions in Syria are heightened as a Syrian activist group reported Monday that 144 Syrians have died as a result of violence in the past few days, according to the Associated Press. “Democratic transitions are generally very hard to pull off … There are a number of things that could impede them. One, for example, is level of wealth. There is debate that goes on between the relationship between growth and governance, but many people tend to agree that the per capita income of a country needs to be around $5,000 dollars a year for, what we call

‘liberal democracy’ here in the U.S. to take root,” Wolf said. Despite the economic challenges in any sort of revolution, there are examples of religiously Muslim countries making a democratic system work. Wolf said he believes Islam is compatible with democracy. “When you look at states like Turkey for example, it is a Muslim-majority country, but it is also democratic,” Wolf said. “If you go beyond the Middle East and you look at a place like Indonesia for example, that also shows Islam and democracy are compatible.” Countries in transition toward democracy are often referred to as “incomplete democracies” or “mixed regimes,” and are more likely to fight or take part in wars than other democracies, Wolf said. An example of this is the number of politicians that make up the Freedom and Justice Party (an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt) that won several positions in office in the Egyptian election last September. Many speculate that these sorts of parties have a propensity to not support peace with Israel and are often highly nationalistic, which may lead to instability in the region. Ramsey Badawi, 22, a political science major, believes that a significant aspect behind the youth’s role in the Arab Spring was the rejection of the status quo. “As both an Arab-American and a college student, the Arab Spring has made me extremely proud. There are many misconceptions that surround that part of the world and to see the youth organize so peacefully and effectively was incredible,” Badawi said.

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ALVIN KIM / For the Daily Titan Protestors gathered outside the Arab American Festival, hosted by the Arab World Newspaper, to rally against businesses or individuals that support the Syrian regime. An estimated 150 people attended the Sept. 24, 2011 protest outside the Festival.

Evaluating instructors based on GPA Administration does not expect to see every student in a given class earn top grades AJAI SPELLMAN Daily Titan

University administrators have adopted a system that is referred to as the grade distribution evaluation in response to calls for a system which demonstrates that instructors are teaching to the best of their abilities in order to maintain their careers as educators. The grade distribution evaluation process consists of certain faculty members gathering and evaluating a class’s collective GPA during a given semester. The system has been in place for some time, said College of Communications Dean William Briggs. “When we get the student evaluations back after they have been processed and the numbers that have been crunched, part of the data set that comes back tells us what the grade distribution in that class is. It is helpful for those of us that do faculty evaluations (for us) to see that student grade distributions fall within certain norms,” said Briggs. Administration expects to see a mean distribution between a 2.0 and a 2.5 GPA when reviewing these evaluations. “I would love nothing more than for every student to get an A in every class, if they earned the A, but in reality that is not going to happen. We don’t want to see classes where a class is either graded too high or too low,” Briggs said. If a grade distribution for a class is extremely high or excessively low, administration begins

evaluating the class to determine whether the class is considered to be too easy or too difficult for students. This also reflects the teachings of the instructor for that particular course and semester. “We do this to determine what is influencing (an instructor’s) evaluation. I haven’t seen this sort of thing happen very often. Instructors pretty much teach their classes, let the evaluations fall where they may and give grades in a very appropriate manner. The grade distributions typically come out in some sort of a modified bell curve,” Briggs said. Most of the time these grade distributions normally come out where the majority of students are in the C-range, according to Briggs. “If you think about what ‘C’ actually means, ‘C’ means average. A lot of students think that a C is a very bad grade. A C is not a bad grade … If you get a B, that means you are really doing above-average work, and if you get an A, you are doing superior work,” he said. Briggs’ main concerns when considering the grade distribution evaluations for a course is that every student is receiving the grade that he or she has earned. When GPA’s are off the charts, high or low, for a course and fall way out of range of the normal distributions for a particular semester, Briggs said that questions must be asked: “What’s going on? How come the scores are so low or high? Is it because you’re such an easy professor that everyone is just going to come in (your class) and get an easy A?” It is important that evaluations aren’t influenced by teachers, therefore it is encouraged that instructors assign appropriate grades to

their students, otherwise this is cause for the instructor to undergo a thorough evaluation. Kevin Lambert, a liberal studies professor, said one should consider using a variety of methods when assessing an instructor. “I think it’s very important that you assess the performance of a teacher, but assessing a teacher’s performance is very difficult and it requires that you have a number of different criteria,” said Lambert. “For example, I might be very lucky and one year have a really excellent class, which (in this) case I’m going to get really good grades from that class — (this is) not necessarily a reflection of my teaching … you need a number of different ways to evaluate teaching.” Lambert also suggested different ways the administration could carry out accessing the performance of professors. “You need things like having someone go into the classroom to see how the professor may actually teach, as well as (someone) to look at (recorded) results,” Lambert said. “Because alternatively, I could also be unlucky and end up with a really bad batch of students and the results probably wouldn’t reflect how much work I’m actually doing.” Undeclared student Samantha Nava, 20, also suggested different measures that could be taken to evaluate teachers on their performances. “I think that the faculty should meet up with each teacher after each semester to see what the grades look like and how the students have done, and if there is a grade distribution evaluation that is to be carefully considered,” said Nava. “I think that the normal GPA for that course’s semester should probably be at least a 2.0.”

PENSION: New retirement plans to be structured more like 401k ...Continued from page 1 Arsneault had concerns with the plan. “There are a few state employee unions that have gotten atypical pension agreements recently,” Arsneault said. “But CSU employees are not among them — nor are most state employees … I think the governor should be very careful here; the private sector has started hiring again, the public sector has only increased layoffs.” Unemployment rates in California have lowered slightly in recent months, but there are

still more than 2 million unemployed people in the state, around 11 percent. While Brown has spoken out against current public pension plans, neither he nor Democrats in the state legislature have reacted much to this support from Republicans. In a Los Angeles Times article, governor spokesman Evan Westrup hardly acknowledged this declaration of support, merely saying that Brown’s office will continue to work with the legislature to enact reforms. The Cal State University Employees Union (CSUEU) is the labor union that represents CSUF employees. Jacqueline Otis, the CSUEU

chapter president for Fullerton, said the union has a team examining the bill. “We have some experts looking at it,” said Otis, “And we’ll be able to give our stance when they finish.” The fate of the bill is still to be decided, but Arsneault said teachers don’t need any more cutbacks. “Attacking public pensions when jobs are harder to find and salary increases nonexistent … is a great way to ensure that no one wants to do things like teach in public schools, design public buildings, manage public parts, etc.” Arsneault said.


March 1, 2012


DTBRIEFS CSUF Student Arraignment Postponed Cal State Fullerton student and Occupy protester Sam Aresheh, 24, had his arraignment pushed to March 29 on request from his lawyer Leanne Stogsdill. Aresheh was arrested Oct. 22, 2011, the first day of Occupy Orange County movement in Santa Ana after he and three others erected tents at the Civic Center. The protesters went inside the tents to show solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The four were arrested after refusing to move when police officers ordered them to exit. “We’re just doing some legal research to see if we have a viable demure and I need a little bit more time to complete that,” Stogsdill said. Viable demure is a motion that says the prosecutor has failed to state a legal cause of action. Aresheh said his lawyer still needs time to complete research on different Supreme Court decisions that pertain to his case. Their goal is to get the case thrown, but if it isn’t, both cases will go to trial. All four members were charged with two misdemeanors: camping in the Civic Center and camping in Santa Ana. Aresheh did not take the city prosecutor’s settlement during the first hearing, but the other three protesters did. “I don’t regret the decision I made, and I don’t regret not taking the city prosecutor’s deal,” Aresheh said. “I wasn’t going to take the deal because again: I’m not guilty of what I’m being charged with.” Aresheh said this is a First Amendment issue and he will continue to fight this battle. He said it is unjust and the economic disparity in this country is visible, viable and it needs to change. Since being arrested, Aresheh has gone to several Occupy Movements, including Occupy LA, Occupy San Francisco, Occupy Fresno, Occupy Sacramento and Occupy Wall Street in New York. “This is an ongoing movement and it’s not going anywhere,” Aresheh said. “We’re here to stay, we’re here to bring real change.” Brief by Erinn Grotefend

Windows 8 Unveiled for Public Testing Microsoft rolled out its new operating system, Windows 8, for consumer testing Wednesday. Microsoft Windows President Steven Sinofsky previewed the new Windows 8 build at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. According to CNN, the new Windows will run on and scale to fit everything from desktops to laptops to the latest tablet devices. Among the new improvements, Windows 8 will feature a redesigned desktop similar to the one used on Windows phones and the Microsoft Xbox 360. Microsoft is also focusing on better integration of apps, all of which are to be made available by the Windows Store free of charge for the duration of the testing phase. The move to optimize the operating system for tablets and mobile devices is in direct response to recent competition from Apple and Google.

Fighting for the future of higher education Students and faculty will hold a march in Sacramento MEC VALLE Daily Titan

Students will gather from colleges all across California and march for higher education Monday. The march will take place in Sacramento where protesters will meet in the morning and begin their demonstration to the capitol building. Organizations representing all types of college systems, like the CSU, are organizing the march to take a stand against the lack of support higher education has received from the state government in recent years. The protest was organized by the California State Student Association (CSSA), representing the Cal State Universities, the University of California Student Association (UCSA), representing the Universities of California, and the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC), representing the California community colleges. The movement started a few years back, around

the time higher education began experiencing budget cuts. Every year since then, higher education has faced more cuts in funding, creating a domino effect that negatively affects college students. Jessie Frietze, a political science major and the ASI Chief Government Officer at Cal State Fullerton, said higher education advocates are fighting for change with the march in Sacramento. The California college systems are demanding support from the state government. “The march itself is a march in support of higher education, basically going to the capitol telling the legislatures you should value higher education,” said Frietze. “For several years now we’ve seen the legislature cut the funding for not only the CSU but all of the public higher education system.” Frietze said a few of the negative effects that budget cuts have caused for California colleges are cuts in classes and the institution of furlough days. Another consequence that colleges are faced with is the decreasing amount of money allotted to California grants for financial aid. The cost of higher education has doubled over

the past several years, Frietze said. Jackeline Alarcon, ASI lobby corps strategic communications coordinator, has personally experienced the backlash of the budget cuts. The 19-year-old political science and Spanish major, who received financial aid her first year but was disqualified for a California grant her second year. “The legislatures and the budget makers and the government, they make the budget and they allocate a certain amount of money for education and if that money is not enough for all the public institutions … then they have to start cutting from somewhere,” said Alarcon. “The problem now is students that should be given financial aid, there’s no money for financial aid.” Julio Perez, 23, a political science and Chicana and Chicano studies major, is also going to be participating in the march in Sacramento along with Alarcon. Perez has also suffered financially with the cuts to higher education funding. “I’ve been affected in so many ways. Personally, I’ve had to cut down on classes for this semester … the reason why I’m coming to school part time, I’ve had to start working more hours in

order to pay for the tuition,” said Perez. By participating in the protest, higher education supporters hope to bring awareness to the issue of the increased budget cuts. It is hoped that the march will catch people’s attention and bring awareness to what is happening with California’s public higher education, Frietze said. “They present different issues and, basically, it’s to just get the legislature to listen and to catch the public’s eye because we are seeing a loss of support for higher education,” Frietze said. Frietze said there is not much support for the higher education cause. “That really is the biggest issue — the public and the voters don’t really support higher education all that much,” Frietze said. “People will say that they support it and everybody, Democrat or Republican or whatever party will say that they want to (support it) — that they love higher education — but we don’t see that in the votes and we don’t see that in the budgets that they make.” Higher education supporters have a message and that is to demand change.

New policy extends faculty office hours The policy requires office hours to be at least three hours MICHAEL MUNOZ Daily Titan

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Juliana Romo, 20, shops at the Students ACT’s Green Living event in the Quad on Nov. 11, 2011. Proceeds from Green Living March 7 and 8 will help fund the next Social Justice Summit in April. Everyone is open to come support the cause.

Green living for CSUF Volunteer group embraces recycling through fundraising event ROXANNE TELLES Daily Titan

For those students looking to support a more environmentally-conscious lifestyle, look no further than Cal State Fullerton’s very own volunteer organization, Students ACT. Students ACT (Advocating Civic Transformation) will be hosting its annual Green Living Fundraiser in the Quad Wednesday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fundraising event is meant to benefit the organization’s Social Justice Summit. Green Living gives students the opportunity to promote recycling by purchasing second-hand items at affordable prices. The sale will feature a variety of used merchandise, such as clothing, books, movies and more. Nick Barrington, project director for the Volunteer and Service Center, has been collecting donations over the past month for this event. “It’s sort of like a thrift store on campus, in a way. We collect donations from other students, friends, family, and try to encourage the idea of sustainability, of reusing materials that somebody else does not want,” said Barrington. “We sell those and all of the proceeds go to our Social Justice Summit and all of the remainder of the items usually get donated to shelters.” The Social Justice Summit is a one-day, free event that Students ACT puts together every April. It is open to the public and offers a variety of workshops, speakers and different resources to educate people in the community about a broad spectrum of social inequality issues, giving the public the opportunity to learn more.

Amy Mattern, coordinator of the Volunteer and Service Center, said the event will educate people on how to take action on issues affecting various communities. “Not only that, but how you can take action on those issues. It’s a student driven event, so the students plan, organize it and raise the money to put on this event,” said Mattern. “It’s really driven by their passions and what they’re interested in and what they want to learn about or what they know a lot about and what they want more people to know about. It’s a day that expresses that and gives people an opportunity to learn more.” Karley White, project director, worked on the planning committee for Students ACT last year and has great expectations for the event this semester. “For November, we did only one day because it’s usually kind of a smaller thing and it’s at the beginning of the year so fundraising isn’t quite as hectic,” said White. White said Students ACT is running the event for two days this year to reach more students. “I think they always get better because we have more experience, so they just keep getting better and better,” Mattern said. “It’s a great opportunity to help support the (Social Justice) Summit and also learn about reusing items from our daily lives.” Students are encouraged also to give back to the community, making a difference by donating items to support Green Living. Although the deadline is Friday, students may bring their unwanted items to the Volunteer and Service Center in the Titan Student Union Room 2 until Tuesday prior to the event. “We’ll take just about anything people don’t use anymore,” Barrington said. “It sounds clichéd but one person’s junk really is another’s treasure.” For more information, contact the Volunteer and Service Center or email

The Academic Senate passed a new office hours policy that will require faculty to extend their office hours to a minimum of three hours per week. The move comes in an effort to give students ample opportunities to meet with faculty if they have questions. Full-time faculty will be required to uphold the new three-hour minimum, and part-time faculty hours will be based on a pro-rated basis, but must serve a minimum of one hour per week. The executive committee who established the new policy said they reviewed office hours policies from other Cal State Universities and the standard expectations of all faculties across the Cal State Fullerton campus. “The committee members agree first and foremost that it is very important for faculty to be available to students and to some extent the general public during office hours,” said Kathryn Dickson, Ph.D., professor of biological sciences and Faculty Affairs Committee member. “One of the main focuses was the importance of personal contact with students, the data that shows that these contacts with faculty are really important with student’s success with retention that was one of our guiding principles in establishing (the policy.)” Dickson also said the committee agrees that just responding to emails online is not sufficient enough for the students compared to the face-to-face meeting they can have during office hours. However, the new policy doesn’t forbid emails but encourages them. It states that meeting with students via email or by appointment, especially to accommodate those students who are unable to meet instructors during their designated office hours, is recommended. The new required office hours will

benefit all students especially those who need more flexible schedules due to their busy lives. For Yessika Aguilar, 24, human services major, her busy schedule outside of school doesn’t permit for accessibility to her professors. Juggling work, school and an internship leaves Aguilar with no time to ask professors questions. “I’m constantly rushing to get over here from my internship and I rush from work to my internship,” said Aguilar. “I actually ask them right there and then after class or before class I get there early and ask any concerns I have but I really have never had a chance to talk to somebody in their office hours because it doesn’t work with my hours.” Lynda Randall, Ph.D., professor of secondary education and academic senator, who voted for the policy, sees the benefit for the students but also for faculty. “I think it is our responsibility to be available for the students … but also be available to our colleagues and being able to do the business of the university which is to support students and their learning and to also be available for questions and concerns and decision-making with your own teaching colleagues,” said Randall. A concern that was discussed during the approval of the policy was the required office hours for faculty during summer and intersession, which under the new policy will be three hours per week. Due to the fast-paced courses, the accessibility to professors is crucial. “There may be instructors who feel that it wouldn’t be necessary to have as many hours for intersession because you’re teaching generally one class, but the issue is that intersession is very compressed for the students so they’re likely to have a lot of questions during the given week, especially at the beginning of the semester,” Randall said. “Ultimately our goal is to be able to give prompt feedback to students and be able to answer their questions so they are not left waiting.”

Brief by Ricardo Gonzalez

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March 1, 2012


Kendall Roderick, junior graphic design major, works on a 3D design project for her design class. Arts Week has many events and demonstrations open to all majors.

Myan Chacon, instructional support technician for the Visual Arts Department, teaches shop saftey for the sculture and wood classes.

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan Mark Upson, student and faculty member, works on his convergence-themed project, part of a competition for Emulex, a computer software company.

Arts Week continues with networking mixer, professionals present Professional artists come to campus to help mentor students SEPIDEH NIA Daily Titan

Eric Clausen, a sculpture and ceramics major, holds one of his projects near the furnaces during his hot glass blowing class.

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Arts Week was in full swing Wednesday during the Visual and Performing Arts Networking Mixer. Students got a chance to mingle with 18 professionals in fields pertaining to art and entertainment. The CSUF Golleher Alumni House was filled with circular tables, and two professionals sat at each one. Students sat and stood around the tables and asked questions regarding school, internships and the day-to-day life of the individuals’ careers. Darian Martinez, 22, an illustration major, was one of many students who attended the event. “I came out to the mixer to meet other fellow students and try to meet some of the industry insiders to try to get an inside and maybe some tips,” said Martinez. Arts Week Adviser Stephanie Cuellar, 26, a grad student studying higher education, spoke about what prompted the committee to have a mixer.

Based on the evaluation from last year’s arts week, the students had a desire to meet different professionals from the performing and visual artist industries. So in response to that, that was one of the events that we automatically knew we would be doing. Stephanie Cuellar Arts Week Adviser

“Based on the evaluation from last year’s arts week, the students had a desire to meet different professionals from the performing and visual artist industries. So in response to that, that was one of the events that we automatically knew we would be doing,” said Cuellar. Ariel Gentalen, 21, an art history major and Arts Week coordinator, said she was extremely pleased with the event, and the entire week in itself. “I wanted people to know that it was Arts Week. Someone who never heard of Arts Week could go and tell someone else who never heard of it and they could have a conversation about it and that’s what’s happened,” said Gentalen. Armando Roque, an art director

at Strottman, wanted to give back and help mentor students. “It gives students a different perspective in terms of what the industry is really like versus assignments that are found in the classroom,” he said. Dwayne Mason, 21, an animation major, had the same idea as Roque. “I feel like it’s really cool to take a step outside of the classroom environment where we can see other people’s work and how they actually really got started in their careers. More so than just working on actual projects and assignments that are based on a syllabus and curriculum,” said Mason. The event connected with people in the industry who would otherwise be difficult to talk to. “It’s good that they come to us and we have the opportunity to walk up and talk to them casually and very nice atmosphere and there is no pressure in trying to get a job or anything,” Martinez said. Susan Volpe, the owner of the Assunta Fox Gallery in Santa Ana, Calif., said she wished she had taken more advantage of the similar events she had when she was going to school. “I realize that I should have paid more close attention to the people that were there and what they were saying, but of course at the time you’re younger and you just don’t do that,” she said. Volpe was there to give aspiring artists advice on how to successfully exhibit their work. “I would say work hard at your art, get a website, network, go to a lot of shows, see what’s out there, see what’s selling, brand yourself, market yourself and do the best that you can … and have a ‘Plan B,’” she said. Students said they were pleased with the events that Arts Week had provided so far. “I feel like the Arts InterClub Council has done a great job with planning these events for this year’s Arts Week, and I’m a very proud art major, and I’m really excited to see what else they have in store for the rest of the week,” Mason said. Arts Week will continue Friday with the faculty-closing reception for the “No Regrets” exhibit.

March 1, 2012



Cyber masochism becomes new tween trend Young girls turn to YouTube to satisfy fears of their self-image SHEILA DEL CID Daily Titan

There are many videos of young girls asking YouTube users if they are ugly or pretty, which has become a troubling trend. We always seem to be looking for approval, but this is just disturbing. Growing up is hard enough. We all have doubts about what we look like at some point in our lives; I get it. But asking YouTube users for their opinion? Is that what this world has turned into? “I have a question. People tell me this all the time. So, I don’t know, is it true? People say I’m ugly. So tell me, am I?” asked user BeautifulAndProud, who received several negative comments regarding the size of her forehead. “I just want to make a really random video seeing, if like, I was ugly or not,” said user sgal901, who showed the YouTube universe several pictures of

her striking similar poses. “I don’t care if I’m ugly or not, I just want to know, ‘cause I’ve been picked on a lot,” said user sidsizzle123, who encouraged viewers to rate her and leave comments either way. The fact that these young girls think they understand the concept of beauty on a deeper scale, where it affects their everyday lives, is scary. Comments stating not worry about boys and focus on school are treating them like children, as they should be. In contrast, those making offensive comments are truly the ugly ones. I could understand users lashing out at older women with revealing clothes to be treated nasty, but that’s not the case. These are girls and clearly not old enough to know what they are doing or why. They didn’t logically think it through. Their parents are obviously not supervising, and people need to realize that they are still children and need to be treated as such. This is cyberbullying at its finest. I doubt negative comments would be made towards these girls in person. Those with negative remarks are bullies and scaredy-cats hiding behind


“Politically liberal musings from a former corporate slave”

Politicians respond to protests with new law With the emergence of activism on the political horizon again, the presidential election in 2012 will no doubt proceed without acts of dissent, protest and action on behalf of American citizens. However, the very candidates that need to be in touch with the average citizens are the same ones who now have extra protections from demonstrators — at the cost of criminalizing protests and suppressing constitutional rights. Late Monday night, the House of Representatives passed the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011, 388-3. The bill passed the Senate unanimously earlier this month, and now it’s heading to the White House for President Barack Obama’s signature. According to Russia Today, the bill covers any person protected by the Secret Service. It makes it an offense for anyone to protest or assemble without permission on grounds where the Secret Service is protecting a government official or any building or grounds “restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance.” High profile politicians often receive protection, not just the president. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is expected to receive Secret Service protection in the coming days. GOP presidental candidate Mitt Romney already receives such security. HR 347 expands current law to make it a crime to enter or remain in an area where an official is visiting even if the person does not know it’s illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect it’s illegal, changing the ramifications of intent. So what does this mean for the upcoming 2012 election? Other than the slow erosion of our First Amendment rights, it means any American citizen who dares to “disrupt” either on purpose or accident, a politician with such status. In other words, it is a federal offense. The term “disrupted” is broad and what locations are deemed “legal” or “illegal” can be debated, leading to the possibility of journalists who are too pushy with tough questions to be encompassed in the law. It also could mean activists who want speak out against presidential candidates at campaign events will be subject to automatic arrest, just for assembling. The language of the bill is open to legal interpretation, making it easier for free speech to be suppressed and access to our representatives have even greater restrictions. The possibilities of where this law can go are endless and represent the countless efforts

of the political elite to harness dissent. While politicians may need extra security, criminalizing this type of activity is a violation of the First Amendment. An activist with Occupy Wall Street, Luke Rudkowski, attended a Mitt Romney campaign event last month where he filmed Romney about his stance on the Federal Reserve. Rudkowski was kicked out of the event. In recent months, all three of the major Republican candidates have been subject to “glitter bombing” — a playful but poignant tactic where gay rights activists sprinkle glitter on officials who oppose gay marriage. These actions could be considered illegal under the new bill. There is not much of a direct connection between politicians and citizens as it is, aside from photo ops on campaign trails. Most average citizens don’t rub shoulders with the political elite, causing an obvious detachment and distancing of politicians with their voters. This is an issue that will keep coming up in the election, as the widening gap of the rich and poor is now in mainstream dialogue, in part to the efforts of the Occupy Wall Street movement. With this bill, politicians are further distanced from the very people they are supposed to represent. When harmless actions make them so uncomfortable and annoyed that they feel the need to create this bill, it shows how afraid they are of the growing political dissent in our country.

a computer. YouTube has a vast array of people that can access their site easily, and who knows what type of dangerous (not just cruel) people they are exposing themselves to. It seems like the younger kids are, the more they care about what other people think. They are 12 and don’t need to be posting videos of themselves on the Internet. Go outside and play. Recently, I hung out with my cousin and her daughter. She’s not even 5 years old and she had makeup on. Her baby’s head was doused with hairspray, and she had a halter-top dress on. We are encouraged to be like this since we are little. That is why kids grow up too fast these days. The media puts a lot of pressure on everyone to be skinny and have a stylish wardrobe. Good looks seem to be valued more than good character. “This is a masochistic defense mechanism that teenagers are using to quell their anxiety,” said psychiatrist Gale Saltz in an interview with NBC’s Today show. “This is a self-destructive yet, unconsciously, coping mechanism. They’re trying to feel better, but it’s

Courtesy of MCT ABC’s 2006 television series Ugly Betty centers around a hard-working, yet homely, woman who faces the challenges of working in a self-imagecentered fashion magazine. Some preteens could learn a thing or two about fighting society’s norms and loving themselves before loving looks.

self-destructive and it’s not working.” Kids feel they need to feel good about themselves only through physical acceptance, which shows how warped society has become.

I know it is hard to be around your kid 24/7, but where are the parents in situations like this? The advancement in technology has made parents lazy. Parents need to be able to mediate

and put restrictions on their children instead of just handing them a gadget to get their kid out of their hair. Sad to say but parents don’t raise kids anymore; the Internet does.

Technology trumps only in the short run In-class distractions that we consider personal necessities take away from our education TIM WORDEN Daily Titan

As part of the Millennial generation, we are accustomed to being constantly plugged in to the Internet and social networking websites. We’ve grown to believe that if we are not constantly connected online, then we are missing something important. I have this same fear. At school, I check my Facebook on my cell phone before and after every class, and every few hours or so when I am bored. The Information Age, a digital age of nearly limitless information, has brought us instantaneous, readily-accessible knowledge. That sounds great on the face of it. But it has a hidden danger. The Information Age has instilled in us short attention spans. We use Google to quickly look up something but just as quickly forget it. We have become seekers of instant gratification. In addition to this, the Internet and Google have alienated us from the physical world and limited face-to-face interactions, said Andrew Nachison, co-founder of We Media. “Perhaps (Google has) made us impatient, or shortened our attention spans, or diminished our ability to understand long thoughts. It’s enlightened anxiety. We know more than ever, and this makes us crazy,” Nachison said. I made a Twitter account in December and deleted it last week because it was disgusting me. The 140-character tweets are often shallow, vanity posts like, “LOL look what i did w/ this person.” Twitter promotes short attention spans by featuring short, flashy posts begging for attention. I would scan a tweet and move to the next without any hesitation. Before long, I had read pages of tweets and realized I had done absolutely nothing productive. A Pew Research Center survey found that 39 percent of adults claimed to use their cell phone to entertain themselves when they are

Courtesy of MCT Fun fact: According to a 2009 article published by the Daily Mail, fish can actually retain information for up to five months, instead of three seconds as believed. But then again, they don’t constantly have a cell phone in their face in class, do they?

bored. Look around in your next lecture class, and you will probably find a lot of students doing it. Students should not use any disrupting electronics during class. That includes using cell phones and laptops for any reason except for taking notes. When you pay attention in class, you may come to find that your it really is not as boring as you think it is and in turn, you may get a better grade. This semester I have vowed not to check my phone during class because the temptation to not pay attention is too great. The best way to cure short attention spans is to read. I suggest a good fiction novel like The Hunger Games or Harry Potter. Once you get caught up in a good book, you will want to keep reading. A 2007 National Endowment for the Arts study found that high school seniors scored better in reading and writing tests the more frequently they read. In fact, the study, titled “To Read or Not to Read,” found a correlation between reading habits and test scores.

Regardless, the heart of the issue is that we are living in a world where everyone goes online and everyone is expected to go online. We even have online-only classes! And constantly being plugged in to the virtual world has messed with our brains a little bit. It has lessened our attention spans and discouraged critical thinking and deep discussions. We are glued to our televisions, addicted to checking our Facebook and in love with our iPhones. But can’t we just put down all our electronic devices and have a face-to-face conversation? Or, at the very least, can we go one class period without checking our cell phones? Not only does it disrupt your learning process, but it disrupts mine and the rest of the class. The Internet has made us (myself included) seekers of instant gratification who become frustrated if our computer is being slow and — OMG — our Facebook takes 15 seconds to load. In the wise words of Henry David Thoreau, “Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify, simplify!”


March 1, 2012


Re: A world without religion is a world actually spared In response to Vanessa Martinez’s argument that the world would be better off without religion, I won’t go into detail and try to look for specific examples of how religion has helped the world, but I am sure that some good has been given to the world through religion, followers and their actions. Would a religion-free world be better than what we have now? I’m not too sure exactly, but it possibly could mean that those confused people in Jonestown, who were misled by a leader’s teaching could still be alive right now. And maybe that girl’s mother would not have developed homophobia because of her religious beliefs, thus saving her daughter from feeling miserable and hanging herself. The same concept goes for other examples of when religion seemed to be an enemy. I am a Christian, and reading this article had an effect on me because I understand the writer’s angry sentiment. I felt this bitterness against ignorant teachers who have the potential to poison minds or otherwise mislead.

I agree with the writer in her sort of sentiment against these circumstances, and I would not want to fall in the same trap. Vanessa got me to think about what life without religion would be like for me. For starters, I would not have to worry about how I lived my life, which would be a definite benefit in some sense. But — and this is a big but — I wonder if I would still be the same self-aware, truth-desiring person I am now. Would I care to look at myself in the mirror and ask myself deep questions that penetrate into what I truly desire? Maybe I would have somehow matured into the person I am now without religion, but it sure didn’t happen before I became devoted to Christianity. So in a sense, I owe my maturity (and my satisfaction that I’ve grown of having matured) to my faith; I don’t see how it could have happened any other way.

Sergio Rocha Undeclared

The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Letters must refer to an article published within the last week. Once a letter is submitted it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be edited for length, grammar and spelling. Letters may be sent to

The State of Christendom by DAVID HOOD

“Gimme that old tyme religion”

Intelligent solutions “How was the universe made?” These are often words asked of mothers from their children when they ponder the stars or the earth. The proper answer from biology class is that the whole universe came from a dense ball of mass that somehow exploded into the bodies of the universe we call the stars and planets. Of course, the official explanation is much more nuanced, but that is the basic explanation given. And that’s it. No other alternative theories, postulates, inquiries explored. And God forbid anyone croak the phrase “intelligent design” under their breath. I’m not here to debate alternate theories of the origin of the universe; only to explain the irony science presents when looking at cosmology through a singular lens. And why the phrase “intelligent design” does not automatically mean “creationism” or antiDarwinism. And why the Big Bang Theory doesn’t necessarily present a Christianity-based theological dilemma. Before I went into journalism, physics (namely, particle physics) was my forte and my major. In this wonderful realm of science, I was taught that science is about challenging the status quo; that

the fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics only worked in special cases, no matter how foundational the concepts are. Yet when we deal with fundamental cosmology, one theory that scientists now are starting to doubt still dominates the market. This is a paradox. Now, again, I am not making a value judgment. I am just pointing out the very interesting irony. When a singular theory pushes everything out, science ceases to become science. The freedom to explore “outside the box,” if you will, gets choked and suppressed, leaving us only with the sun revolving around the earth and no alternate theory as a legitimate challenger. At its most basic level, intelligent design very simply — at best — suggests that there was something — or someone — that set the universe moving. Something external lit the match that set the Big Bang off. At best. At worst, there are those that jump to a Creator — God. And I do proclaim myself to be a devout and practicing Christian, but I think going from intelligent design to God is a fallacy, primarily because not every legitimate and learned






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scientist that supports intelligent design supports creationism. Creationism according to the Genesis accounts is difficult to support, even as a Christian. There are logical problems with the Genesis account that cannot be taken seriously. Just one example out of many and not to be taken as the end-all-be-all, is that to define a “day,” as the writer(s) of the Genesis account did, one must have the cycle of the sun. Yet, the sun and the moon that define time didn’t come until the fourth “day.” Traditional Christians cite 2 Peter 3:8, which says, “Do not forget this one thing, dear friends: with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day” to explain that it might have taken 7000 years to create the world. However, that presents another problem: When God created Adam on the sixth day, did it take 1000 years? And when God rested, did that take another 1000 years? And then there’s what I call the “theological cop-out,” which asserts that since God is God, being omnipresent (always everywhere), omnipotent (all-powerful), and omniscient (all-knowing) — being God — we can’t with our feeble and limited minds understand Him. And that I fully reject as well. If we are incapable of understanding the origin of the world because God is proverbially “too big,” then we must throw out the entire argument altogether. Yet I am not claiming a value here either. I am simply pointing out logical inconsistencies that plague both sides of this important discussion. The state of Christendom is coming to a point where it must face these logical inconsistencies within itself, especially with the militant atheists like Richard Dawkins threatening the validity of theism all at once because of them. And the rest of the world must follow its own scientific method and consider all logical possibilities, objectively as empirical study demands it.

Best of the very best Impactful professors are one of the biggest keys to your success MARK PAYNE Daily Titan

Does it matter what qualities your professors bring to the classroom? You bet your beautiful diploma it does. During your stay at Cal State Fullerton, the professors and instructors you come in contact with will have an immense amount of influence in the direction your life takes. The road you travel the rest of your days will be highly dependent on your education. The jobs you get, the friends you make and your views on life will come from the lessons you receive while attending CSUF. If you are just starting out on your adventure through academia and haven’t decided what major best suits you, or even if you have already found your calling, chances are a professor will have a big part in helping you make up your mind. These educators whom you can connect with, can respect and can admire will help mold your outlook towards the future. It is a fact that lazy and unmotivated instructors are out there, so it’s in your best interest to avoid them in order to get the best education possible. So, just what are the most important qualities? There are many qualities and characteristics that are at the top for evaluating good instructors, but there are three that really stand out. The first and biggest quality is professionalism. Good professors know the material being taught, and can present it in an engaging manner using congenial communication skills. If they care enough about their subject, they will bring passion to the classroom by creating discussion, share ideas and even spark debates between students. Joanne Oliver is a retired reading and writing part-time lecturer who teaches two classes a semester. She feels teachers need to have content knowledge as well as pedagogical

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Sometimes it’s difficult to get everyone’s attention in a lecture hall of this size, but the best professors know that extra passion and animation is all it takes to get everyone to focus.

knowledge, because if they don’t know how to teach, the content is not embedded in student learning. “I think you need to be open-minded, have a sense of accountability, and you need to be flexible and understanding,” she said. It becomes obvious that a large majority of the educators on campus do a lot of thinking about what they need to do to be the best instructor they can be, lest they wind up with less than desirable end-of-thesemester evaluations both in writing and on The next characteristic is availability. Good professors go that extra mile by being helpful to students, and by making themselves available beyond office hours and keeping their ears open for whatever concerns students may address and providing adequate solutions. Students may feel discouraged to see a professor when they’re struggling. Especially if said professor comes off as too busy or uncaring, which could be a false accusation misconstrued by his or her lack of availability before and after class or during office hours. The final and most important is humanity because the best

teachers treat students just as well as they would like to be treated. They dominate as professors in the classroom, but are willing to step down off their pedestal and make a personal connection with their students. They are eager to know their interests and opinions about the subject to get an idea of just how much they will get out of the class. Do students think about the qualities a good professor needs to posses? Maybe not to the same degree as the instructors, but they are aware of what characteristics they like to see in their professors. Informative lectures sans the monotone, approachability and understanding all rank high on students’ goodqualities-of-a-professor lists. If they felt their professors met those needs alone, then the rest would be easy. Every professor or instructor you encounter on your way to graduation will have some influence on your life. The qualities each one brings to the classroom may vary, but they all have something to give. It is up to you as a student to demand the best qualities in your teachers, and by doing so you will get the best out your life-changing experience at CSUF.

Exercising their First Amendment rights, even from behind bars Prison strikes ensue as even felons can’t deal with overcrowding JOHN SOLLITTO Daily Titan

Across the state of California, a hunger strike has taken over at least a dozen prisons. Inmates are concerned with their own living conditions and prison overcrowding. Recently 27-year-old Christian Gomez, doing time for first-degree murder and attempted murder, died of health complications while participating in a hunger strike. Advocates are trying to bring attention to the conditions of the inmates and the problem with the California prison system.

The hunger strike started July 1, 2011 at California’s Pelican Bay State Prison and has since spread to other prisons in California. Demands include ending group punishment, ending solitary confinement and providing more adequate and nutritious food. In general, I have a hard time sympathizing with people like Christian Gomez who were convicted for major crimes like premeditated murder and then go on voluntary strikes because they don’t like how they’re being treated in jail. Prisoners have three square meals a day and a roof over their head. If capital punishment was not still under review by the judicial branch of California, otherwise some of these people who receive life sentences may end up being executed. There is definitely a problem with the prisons being overcrowded. It’s also a burden for taxpayers to be pay for room and board for people that commit crimes. The conditions in the prisons aren’t something that can be remedied right away, but what really is the problem is the threestrike rule. Granted, the rule itself has landed a lot of repeat offenders in jail that deserve to be there, drunk drivers and the like. However, a lot of small-time repeat offenders go to prison when in reality their crimes don’t warrant a trip to the Iron Bar Hotel. What’s more is that some of these people who get thrown in with the hard criminals either end up worse than when they got in to jail, as opposed to getting better. They might escalate to higher crimes because of the trauma and hardships they faced. But what’s to be done? Obviously the three-strike rule,

when implemented correctly, works the way it is supposed to. There isn’t a doubt that it is also to blame for crowding in the prisons. With that being said, there are more constructive ways to handle some of these minor offenders rather than sending them to jail and causing overcrowding. Parole officers could be used to check up on small time offenders to ensure they’re doing some sort of court-mandated service to ensure they are punished for their crime. Maybe small time criminals could be made to do more community service for public works like road and building construction. They could be fit with those ankle bracelet things too to make sure that they stay on their job site. Making convicted felons work and actually give back to communities might be better than just shoving them in jail and letting them rot with the people who really deserve to be there. It means less people to feed in jail for the taxpayers, more room for the hardened criminals and a healthy and helpful punishment for people who aren’t such a menace to society as others. This is obviously a polarizing topic. There are groups concerned with the judicial and prison system because of personal interest or political reasons, but on the other hand, there are lots of people who don’t care at all. The truth is that everyone should care, but the facts of the matter shouldn’t be forgotten. These people have committed crimes, small or large, and there needs to be some sort of repercussion for that. Finding the balance is the hard part, but there are several possible solutions if we are aware of the problems at hand.

March 1, 2012



Lifting away the opaque shroud

Associated Students Inc. is one of CSUF’s least understood organizations LAUREN HARRITY Daily Titan

Most people on campus have heard of Associated Students Inc., but not everyone knows about all the work that goes on behind the scenes at ASI. The group was founded in 1959, when Cal State Fullerton students voted to organize a student government, initially known as the Student Senate. In 1976, the Student Senate was incorporated into CSUF and became a nonprofit organization known as Associated Students Inc. Student fees paid each semester support ASI and the various programs it puts on. Those programs include open-mic nights in the Titan Student Union, student clubs and the ASI Spring Concert. The governing board of ASI is broken up into two groups — the Board of Directors and the Executive Staff. These two groups work together to advocate students’ interests both on campus and in the state and national legislature. ASI’s mission statement states that it is its hope that it can enhance student life through a wide variety of social, cultural and recreational programs. “Our biggest goal was to change students for the better. We advocate on behalf of 36,000 students,” said Eric Niu, ASI president and CEO. The board, much like a corporation, is in charge of approving funding and policy changes. It consists of representatives from each of the eight colleges on campus. In contrast, the Executive Staff manages student interests on a day-to-day basis. There are six members of the Executive Staff who work both together and separately to advocate students’ needs and interests to CSUF faculty and administration. Their work includes numerous meetings with administration and students clubs, attending conferences and organizing events for the CSUF community. “We meet with student leaders, different committees and programs and, for instance, we go to conferences once a month called CSSA (California State Student Association), which addresses social issues

DT File Photo ASI’s members meet every Tuesday in order to advocate student interests in campus activities and civics.

and higher education issues,” Niu said. Each member of the Executive Staff is also a student at CSUF, which means they also have to juggle all their work with classes. “They are in here pretty often, but when they are gone you always know that they are in meetings or in class,” said Chanel Raquel, an ASI consultant. Niu oversees the work of the other staff members through individual meetings and staff meetings. Each staff member has different responsibilities. For example, Megan Martinez, chief administration officer, manages University Affairs and works with the Titan Student Centers Governing Board to make sure the student voice is heard. Many members of the Executive Staff work closely with Lobby Corp, which is an organization that looks at legislation and how it affects students. The members work to get students more engaged in civics and work for the betterment of society. Chief Governmental Officer Jessie Frietze also works with Lobby Corps. “They (Lobby Corps) also look at different social issues and try to bring

We advocate on behalf of 36,000 students Eric Niu ASI President

events that engage students in political issues,” Frietze said. Other important committees include the Scholarship Committee, which selects recipients for the ASI scholarship, and Titan Tusk Force, which organizes many events on campus to promote Titan pride. “Overall, our priority this year is to increase communication and advocacy between the students and ASI,” Niu said. ASI continues to look to the future with its next big event, an awareness rally Monday. The organization hopes to bring awareness to students about issues such as budget increases, textbooks and different university policies as a result of the rally. Through events like the awareness rally and various committee meetings, ASI hopes to increase its visibility to students and get them more involved.

STEAL: Film brings about legal change ...Continued from page 1 Many activists spoke out at meetings, telling the council the DUI checkpoints were ineffective at catching drunk drivers, and the high fees for towing were a burden for undocumented immigrants, who, by law, cannot obtain drivers licenses. State law requires the vehicles of unlicensed drivers to be impounded for 30 days, which can cost the owner of the car over $1,000 in fees. In the film, one woman speaking at a city council meeting said she was charged upwards of $3,000 to get her car back. She said she was unable to take her children to school, go to her ESL (English as Second Language) class and buy groceries as a result of her car being taken away. Another scene in the film shows a different woman holding back her tears as her car is being towed away, offering a deeply humanized look at the effects of the policy, which activists said left families out in the cold after their cars were taken away. Throughout the film, community members demand a fairer policy from their city leaders. “When you take away the policy, what you have is men with guns taking away our property and money,” activist Scott Sink is shown telling the Santa Ana City Council at a meeting last year. A 2010 study by the Investigative Reporting Program at UC Berkeley with California Watch found that, in 2009, Santa Ana netted 112 DUI’s through the checkpoints and impounded 504 vehicles — more than any other city in Orange County that year. According to the study, for every one drunk-driving arrest that the Santa Ana Police Department made in 2009, it impounded 4.5 vehicles. The study also found impounds at checkpoints generated $40 million in towing fees and police fines, which is divided between cities and towing firms. It also found that police officers received about $30 million in overtime pay for the DUI crackdowns. The study stated that cities where Latinos represent a majority of the population are seizing cars at three times the rate of cities with small minority populations, and sobriety checkpoints were frequently placed to screen traffic within, or near, Latino neighborhoods.

A new policy went into effect last October, culminating the effort that took almost a year. The new Santa Ana Police Department policy instructs officers to give an unlicensed driver 20 minutes or more to call the vehicle’s registered owner or another licensed driver to drive the vehicle away. A 30-day impound can be authorized when a driver has previously been cited for unlicensed driving at least once in the past nine months or twice in the past three years. Before the law passed, it was once in the past year or twice in five years. Theresa Dang is the executive producer of the film, volunteer at El Centro Cultural de Mexico and activist with the OC May Day Coalition, which consists of multiple community and activist groups in Orange County. She said the policy change was the biggest victory in her 12 years since she started working with El Centro Cultural de Mexico, although it was not perceived that way at first. “We never had a celebration because we didn’t consider it to be a victory. We didn’t get everything we wanted,” said Dang. “We wanted 100% of what we recommended and we wanted that to be the new policy … we didn’t think we had cause for celebration. We are four months into the new policy, and because the number of impoundments has dropped so dramatically, now we have cause for celebration.” According to the film, impounds have dropped 75 percent since the new policy was enacted in October. The Q-and-A session after the screening included viewers giving praise for the documentary. Madeleine Spencer, an Occupy Santa Ana activist, commented on the unique and uplifting message the documentary was for grassroots activists. “There’s not a whole lot of documentaries that show the complete process of a community effort from start to finish, especially with showing accomplishment at the end,” said Spencer. Jose Luis Gallo was the director and producer of the documentary. He said he took days off from work in order to edit 25 hours of footage for the 75-minute film. “We wanted to show what the community can accomplish when they come and work together,” said Gallo. “I hope that was the message that was projected from the documentary. If that was the message that was portrayed, then I think we succeeded.”

TRAVEL STORY | Caribbean cruise

Floating away in a retirement home SEPIDEH NIA Daily Titan

The Southern Caribbean has a vivid history of perilous pirates and buried treasures. When my father told me we were going to visit the islands of Barbados, St. Thomas and Antigua, I was thrilled to explore Blackbeard’s turf. Sadly, my excitement was deflated when I found out I would be “exploring” the Southern Caribbean through the porthole of a cruise ship — or what I’d like to call a retirement home on water — for seven days. I feel fortunate enough that I have been able to visit the places I have seen, even if my travels have been via cruise. I have been on over 12 cruises in my lifetime. The ones I have experienced as a child were amazing. Cruise ships probably offer more activities for kids than for adults. As I’ve grown older and lost the motivation to participate in the scavenger hunts, I’ve become bored on cruises. Our trip began with a flight from LAX to San Juan, Puerto Rico, where we boarded the cruise ship. Unfortunately, we did not get a chance to explore the city, speak to any of the locals or go sightseeing. The breakfast and lunch room in the ship resembled a high school cafeteria. Lines of tables occupied by people who don’t want to sit next to you filled the room. Finding yourself hungry at lunchtime? Try the all-you-can-eat buffet. The food was relatively the same every day. Hamburgers, some sort of pasta, chicken, beef and fish were a staple on the ship. Dinner was another matter completely. It was a formal affair with linencovered tables, waiters, assistant waiters and 12 forks that all looked the same. Even the dinner was all you can eat. One could simply glance at the

menu and say, “That will do.” They would then be presented with a mountain of elegantly created dishes that come from all over the world. After dinner, guests would wobble to the theatre for an enthusiastic performance from a lineup of singers and dancers, magicians, comedians and figure skaters. Some people, including myself, would mock the shows and call them corny — while silently enjoying them. Each morning, we would wake up at the crack of dawn and head to whichever excursion awaited us. Most of the time it was a beach, which was a pity because we traveled so far to see something so ordinary. Surprisingly, some of the excursions proved to be very educational as well as exciting. For example, I learned that if I’m kayaking with my father, he will not paddle. When we docked in San Juan,


I experienced my first full day exploring an island. Unfortunately, it only lasted one day. San Juan is a bustling city with a colorful history of pirates and battles. We visited one of the military forts used to keep people from taking the island. In this city, I had my first taste of Puerto Rican food. There is a restaurant in Old San Juan called La Vaca Brava. Its towering meat dishes convey a level of culinary genius that words cannot describe. All in all, cruises are fun with the right people. The bigger the group, the better it is. If it is with the same people who don’t necessarily want to do the same things you want to do, it grows to be rather lonely. Will I go on another cruise? Not if I can help it, but I would definitely revisit the Southern Caribbean islands.


March 1, 2012


Some careers are best kept within the family This CSUF professor shares his love for jazz music with students

He has a whole lifetime of experience in music and puts a lot of care into determining what music is essential for the job


Charles “Chuck” Tumlinson picked up his first trumpet at age 9 and hasn’t put it down since. It is no surprise that he decided to teach music. Tumlinson, who is currently in his 11th year teaching music at Cal State Fullerton, comes from a long line of teachers and musicians. Both of his grandmothers were teachers and his mother was a junior high teacher. “I would get to hear about the life of the teacher around the kitchen table,” he said. At age 6, Tumlinson’s mother, a piano player, taught him how to play the piano. Even though she had to talk him into it, Tumlinson said that he is thankful that his mother forced him to play because the training was a great foundation for his future instrument — the trumpet. A native Texan, Tumlinson traveled to and grew up in Kansas where he studied at Wichita State for his undergraduate degree. It was there that he met his future wife. According to Tumlinson, he played in the trumpet section, she was in the violin section, and the rest was history. For his graduate degree, Tumlinson studied at University of North Texas. He finally moved to California when he was offered his current teaching position at CSUF. Like most other musicians, Tumlinson is able to play multiple

Dan St. Marsielle Friend/Fellow Musician

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Professor Charles Tumlinson, Ph.D, sits on the steps of the Kathryn T. McCarty Grand Foyer inside the Clayes Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, Feb 29.

instruments. Along with the piano and trumpet, he is able to play the bass guitar. In terms of bass, he prefers to play rock and bluegrass styles, which he picked up while he lived in the Midwest. Improvisation was one of the things that attracted Tumlinson to jazz. The importance of improvisation is what intrigued him the most. “That’s what we do most of the time in life,” said Tumlinson. “Our daily life is improvised.”

Tumlinson has played with multiple famous musicians and prolific bands. One of his highlights was playing with piano legend Ray Charles. “It’s the typical life of a musician,” Tumlinson said. “They come into town and they need a horn section or they need an orchestra.” Tumlinson and his wife, a fellow musician, had the responsibility of contracting the backup orchestra for Charles and Tumlinson recieved the opportunity to

perform next to him. Dan St. Marseille, a friend and fellow musician of Tumlinson, has known him for six years. They first met while working on a big-band gig. Marseille describes his band mate as a man of the highest character with outstanding skills as a teacher and musician. “He has a whole lifetime of experience in the music and puts a lot of care into determining what music is essential for the job,” said Marseille. Marseille said that Tumlinson is

very dedicated and is very skilled at programming music. He also said that Tumlinson has a lot of experience playing in various groups ranging from big bands to small groups. Jazz musicians are known to be the wandering type. Tumlinson plays in a few bands and is also a freelance musician. He is also the leader of his own band, The Chuck Tumlinson Big Band, which plays at Steamers Jazz Club and Café. John Urban, a student in the CSUF jazz department from

2005-2010, has known Tumlinson for eight years. They first met during Urban’s junior year of high school when he took part in a summer music program at CSUF. As a musician, Urban said Tumlinson knows what he’s doing. “He is also a good trumpet player, which I understand can be a particularly hard instrument to keep up when running a jazz department,” said Urban. Urban played in a combo and a big band that Tumlinson directed for a few years. According to Urban, the atmosphere during band practice is always positive. Urban cites the ambience as part of the reason he applied to CSUF. “I liked how he ran the band when I was in high school at the CMA (California Music Academy) clinic,” Urban said. “I remember him being very positive and encouraging.” Tumlinson said he does not plan to retire from teaching anytime soon. “In a way, you never retire from music,” Tumlinson said. When he does retire from CSUF, Tumlinson wants to write more instrumental music and record a CD that has a mixture of his own compositions played along with other compositions.

An invaluable opportunity to meet the best in the field Nineteen students were chosen for a Q-and-A with tycoon Warren Buffett IRMA WONG

For the Daily Titan

Few people have the chance to interview one the richest men in the world. More rare is the opportunity to ride in the passenger seat of his beige Cadillac. Carrie Eiler, a recent graduate in information systems and decision science, is one of the those lucky few. Last fall, Eiler was selected to fly out of state to personally meet the multimillionaire business mogul Warren Buffett and question him about his life. To top it off, she, with other classmates, was also invited to a lunch date where they got to feast on salad, steak and Buffett’s favorite — root beer floats. Meeting Buffett meant a great deal to the students, especially since the

opportunity might not present itself again. Gaining the privilege to ask questions about the business world from one of its most successful figures was appealing. Elizabeth Garcia, 20, an accounting major, said, “It was important getting exposure to a man so knowledgeable of the business world. We were able to pick his brain about his start.” Nineteen Cal State Fullerton business students jetted for a trip to Omaha, Neb. to meet with Buffett, the noted primary shareholder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett’s holding company is commonly recognized for its investments in companies such as Gillette and See’s Candy. The 19 students chosen to meet Buffett were picked from a list of about 90. Parth Bhatt, a recent graduate in economics, with permission from Berkshire Hathaway, was in charge of recruiting and selecting students based on their GPA, participation in finance courses and argument of why they should be chosen to

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go on the trip. Bhatt took part in the selection committee because his persistence to contact Buffett’s officials is what landed CSUF the invitation to Omaha midway through the 2011 year. Andrew Cavish, 20, a finance major, had long awaited the day he could meet his idol in person. He had a front-row seat at the Q-and-A and shared that it took him a while to realize that one of the richest men in the world was standing right in front of him. Anthony Kress, a senior business administration major, enjoyed that Buffett answered questions with significant, valuable advice and knowledge. He can also refer to the words of Buffett by glancing at the several notes he took at the Q-and A. Students questioned Buffett for a few hours and were extended an offer for lunch at his favorite restaurant, Piccolo’s, shortly after. Before leaving, Eiler said she was chosen

to be personally chauffeured by Buffett himself. On the way, more questions were welcomed by the finance tycoon. Dhaval Bhatt, 22, an accounting major and brother of Parth, shared that Buffett was very down to earth and modest in nature. He especially appreciated that Buffett did not make any special entrance into the restaurant, he just walked in and started doing his thing. During the lunch, students comfortably engaged in conversations with Buffett. He made everyone feel comfortable with his amazing public-speaking skills. After a lunch paid for by Buffett, everyone got the opportunity to take pictures with the “Oracle of Omaha,” where they shared a few laughs. One of the most memorable chuckles in the trip, according to Bhatt, was when Buffett proposed marriage on one knee to a fellow CSUF peer, Minh Thao Tran, in front of everyone at Piccolo’s.

It was important getting exposure to a man so knowledgeable of the business world. We were able to pick his brain from the start. Elizabeth Garcia Accounting Major

Buffett wanted to calm Tran’s nerves by making a joke. Kress also shared some time with Buffett after lunch. Kress conversed with Buffett about a stadium across his hotel in Omaha. Buffett shared that the College World Series was played there and told Kress to bring CSUF back out for the World Series again. At the end of the meeting, it was only fitting that students gifted Buffett with a CSUF jersey to remember them by.


March 1, 2012

Crossword Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE JANUARY 12, 2012


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ACROSS 1 Certain blocker’s target 5 Chaste 11 Spotted, to Tweety 14 Fix 15 “Finished!” 16 Lacto-__ vegetarian 17 Spring blossom 18 *Publicist, often 20 QB’s scores 21 Actress Zadora 22 At the pawn shop 23 *Have nowhere to go but up 27 Minuscule bits 28 Represented, with “for” 29 Jewish wedding favorite 31 “Star Trek: DSN” character 32 Oakley with a gun 34 *1952 Cooper classic 37 Shore scavenger 39 “Git!” 40 *Shared 44 One of a Dumas trio 47 Sun, in Sonora 48 One of two elimination games 50 Carried 52 Foreshadowers 55 *Place for a row of potted plants 57 Everything, so they say 59 Small songbird 60 Place for drips, briefly 61 It suggests the vowel pattern in the five starred answers 64 Mil. plane requiring minimal runway space 65 Cooler 66 What Bonnie and Clyde came to 67 Maidstone’s county 68 Some MIT grads 69 Beau 70 Mid-month time

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2 “101 Dalmatians” mother 3 “Bruce Almighty” actress 4 Docs 5 Call on 6 Sci-fi psychic 7 Star Wars abbr. 8 Mounds of pounds 9 “... __ quote:” 10 Actress Téa 11 Glinda’s reassurance to Dorothy 12 Guacamole fruit 13 Attempts to sway 19 Comic Margaret 21 Conductor’s place 24 Drum heard around a fire 25 “I’m impressed!” 26 Some hosp. pics 30 Muslim official 33 Bark beetle victims 35 Search engine launched by Wired magazine in 1996 36 “Ain’t gonna happen” 38 MGM co-founder 40 Tritium, to hydrogen

DOWN 1 Metalworkers

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41 Oscar night hopeful 42 Twain, at birth 43 Abbr. between a first and last name, maybe 45 Revolved around 46 Gelid treat 49 Mean 51 Revels 53 Biomedical research org.



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5 6 2 8 9 1

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1 4 8 3 7 6

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Everything’s done for love. You have more resources than you thought possible, and that’s a great thing. You’re gaining wisdom. Follow your heart.

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3 2 6


8 1 9

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4 8 3 4 7 5 2 6

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You’re in charge, and you know it. With leadership comes responsibilities. You’re ready to make changes for the better. Consider options that you’ve ignored before.

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How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.


3 8 1 5 9 3 2

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your brilliance is highly appreciated, even if you don’t know it. Inspiration gets intense, and you can use it to better everything around you. Don’t waste your money.


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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) There may be schedule conflicts ... better double-check your calendar. New information could surprise you but can be very helpful. Pay attention to details.



2 7 3 4 8 5

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Gather all the information you need, and study the options for a while longer before making a decision. Your friends are your treasure.

4 8 3 4 7 5

9 3 4 5 6 7

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) New data supports your intention. Write down a brilliant insight. Some change is possible, and it works to your benefit. Learn from others.



3 8 6 2 1 4

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You’re a powerhouse, jamming towards your goals. Surround yourself with those who can provide guidance should you get lost. Hang with someone who’s been there.


7 3 3 4 9 5 5 6 7 9

4 9 1 7 5 3

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Get a firm grasp on finances. The facts give you power. It’s when it’s nebulous and fuzzy that things get weird. Stay in communication. It all works out.


very hard

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Now’s the perfect time to embark on a literary adventure. Stand up to a critic (especially if it’s inner). Others encourage. Don’t launch until you’re ready.

6 8

2 9 8 6 7 4 3 5 1

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Someone unexpected opens your eyes to new ideas and new routes. Let your passions guide you. You’re getting to the good stuff. Completion is at hand.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20) Generosity looks good on you, so spread the wealth. A word or two from you helps a loved one stay on track. Together, you solve a puzzle.


Aries (March 21-April 19) Demand the facts and you’ll get them. They help you figure out what to do next. You have the message and can get it out. Contribute to a miracle.


54 Leaves off the guest list 56 Rapper who said, “the ‘P.’ was getting between me and my fans” 58 Annoying insect 62 Two-time ETO commander 63 Blues-rocker Chris 64 Word with run or jump


March 1, 2012


Big 8th inning tames the Lions CSUF comes back with a four-run inning to continue its winning streak EZEKIEL HERNANDEZ Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton baseball team is now two games over .500 as the team continued non-conference play at home beating the Loyola Marymount Lions 6-2 Wednesday. The Titans have won four straight games. Freshman right-hander Koby Gauna made his first career start after getting two wins in relief outings in the Titans’ first two series. “He throws strikes, and he’s done it pretty well,” said Titans Head Coach Rick Vanderhook. “He had a chance to get three of our five wins.” After retiring the side in the first, Gauna ran into trouble in the second inning when he threw a wild pitch that put a Loyola runner in scoring position. A subsequent single by LMU right fielder Scott Harkin scored Alex Guthrie for the game’s first run. “I was trying to get ahead and stay ahead,

and when I did get behind I just pitched to contact and trust my defense,” said Gauna. The Titans chased out Lions starting pitcher Matt Florer by the third inning. Despite only giving up one run, Florer was sloppy on defense throughout several sequences, including an error that led to the Titans’ first run. The Titans tied the game when Michael Lorenzen was leading off on third and baited a throw by the catcher, which was mishandled by Lions third baseman Alex Guthrie. Lorenzen made a split-second dash to the plate and forced a bad throw to the plate by Guthrie that allowed him to score and tie the game. “Me and Baum (CSUF third base coach) saw him back-pickin’. Once the throw was botched, In a split-second I said I could get it, and ended up scoring,” said Lorenzen. The Lions regained the lead in the top of the seventh when Scott Harkin hit a solo home run off Christian Coronado to put LMU ahead by a run. In the bottom of the seventh, Austin Kingsolver was called on to pinch hit. He drew a walk and stole second on the next at bat.

A sacrifice advanced him to third. Then on the ensuing play by the Lions, pitcher Ramiro Carreon was called on a balk by the home plate umpire that scored Kingsolver and tied the game. “I think he was just trying to do a ‘31’, move, fake to third, throw to first. I thought he was delivering to the plate, but supposedly, it’s a balk,” said Kingsolver. In the top of the eighth, LMU runners reached first and second after a single followed by a walk. On a subsequent attempt at a double-steal by LMU, catcher Casey Watkins threw out the runner at second that helped the Titans get out of the inning unscathed. The bottom of the eighth proved to be the difference in the game. It was a big inning for the Titans who scored off the Lions’ blunders. Richy Pedroza was called to pinch hit to lead off the inning. After reaching on a single, Watkins advanced him on a sacrifice. LMU’s Aaron Griffin then walked two straight Titans to load the bases. The Titans took their first lead when Griffin let a routine fly ball bounce off the palm of his glove.

ALLAN XU / Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton freshman pitcher Koby Gauna throws a pitch against Loyola Marymount. Gauna pitched five innings and allowed only one run in route to the Titans 6-2 win over the Lions.

The runners retreated to their bases, which gave Griffin time to recover and get a force out at home. Instead, his throw went high over the catcher and into the backstop scoring Pedroza. Sophomore Keegan Dale then bunted for a hit which scored one more. Lorenzen brought in another run on a sacrifice followed by Anthony Hutting bunting in the next run on a defense seemingly caught completely off guard,

putting the Titans ahead 6-2. “We just wanted one more run, and Keegan Dale is probably the best bunter on our team. They went to a left-hander to pitch against him, and he put down the perfect bunt,” Vanderhook said. For the ninth, closer Michael Lorenzen was brought in from center field to finish the game on the mound.

MEN’S HOOPS: Titans victorious despite an abysmal shooting percentage in the first half against CSUN ...Continued from page 1 Down early, CSUF regained the lead,1816, midway through the first half after Isiah Umipig’s corner 3-pointer. The Matadors offense matched the Titans stride for stride with CSUF leading at half by one point, 37-36. Both teams shot poorly in the half. CSUN shot 46 percent and CSUF shot a lowly 36 percent. It took the Titans more than six minutes to make a field goal after Kwame Vaughn’s opening trey. Guard play was key for the Titans in the half. Vaughn and Seeley shot in double figures, 12 and 10 points, respectively. Isiah Umipig caught fire late and had eight points. The Titans saw more production in the second half with a rather unusual strategy. They didn’t call any plays. “We usually go off the board on plays and they just put the board away and we played,” said Seeley. CSUN kept the game close and after a

jumper by Josh Greene got the Matadors within one point, 46-45. The Titans jumped ahead, 60-52, on four 3-pointers; one from Seeley and guard Perry Webster each, and two from Vaughn. The Titans eventually put the Matadors away on a 15-8 run led mostly by Seeley to push their lead 80-68 — their biggest lead of the game. “I thought Kwame Vaughn gave us a terrific lift right in the surge,” said Coach Burton. “And D.J. Seeley was consistent all night long … He carried us.” CSUF beat CSUN’s halfcourt traps and got to the free throw line to win. CSUF senior forward Omondi Amoke grabbed a team-high 12 rebounds and scored eight points. Umipig finished the game with 12 points. CSUN’s sophomore guard Josh Greene scored a team high 19 points and freshman forward Stephen Maxwell had a doubledouble scoring 15 points and grabbing 12 rebounds. The Titans next play against Long Beach State Saturday at 4 p.m. in what should be a loud and rumpus affair.

GAMEoftheWeek Men’s basketball

Titans (11-4)*

VS. 49ers (15-0)* Saturday, 4 p.m. @ Titan Gym

ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan Guard D.J. Seeley fakes out a defender on his way to the basket. Seeley finished the night with 25 points in the Titans’ 87-76 conference victory.

The Titans will host the unbeaten Long Beach State 49ers on Senior Night in the season finale before the Big West Tournament on March 8 * - Denotes conference record

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