The Daily Titan - April 12, 2012

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April 12, 2012

Vol. 91 Issue 37

A Day Without Shoes

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Cal State Fullerton students take their shoes off to raise awareness for those who cannot afford them. The event titled “A Day Without Shoes” was hosted on campus by Epsilon Nu Tau.


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LOCAL | Law enforcement

Two lieutenants promoted to the rank of captain George Crum and Lorraine Jones have served 25-plus years SHEILA DEL CID Daily Titan

Acting Police Chief Dan Hughes promoted Fullerton police Lt. Lorraine Jones and Lt. George Crum to the rank of captain, according to a press release. Jones, who was born in Fullerton but raised in Anaheim, is the first female officer to achieve the rank of captain in the department’s history. She is a 26-year veteran of the department. “I worked with her since we were police cadets at age 18, and have watched her develop into a strong leader,” said Hughes in an email. “She is the first female to ever be appointed to the position of captain in our department’s history, and I am extremely proud of her and eager to work alongside of her.” As a female police officer, Jones said early in her career she always had to prove herself to her peers, but that is no longer the case. “It is exciting because we have a lot of younger female officers,” said Jones. She hopes her promotion will encourage younger female officers to focus on their careers sooner and is optimistic about inspiring them to think about becoming leaders. Jones said she started late in her career because she didn’t have any role models within her organization. Now as captain, she is the commander of the department’s Services Division, which overlooks the department of officers in training and hiring, property, dispatch, records and jail. She is in charge of all the employees who are non sworn into leave. Jones is also in command of the Community Services Bureau, which includes the press information officer beat and the school resource

officers. She will oversee the Professional Standards Bureau, which includes internal affairs and the Training Bureau. “I also oversee the budget,” Jones said. “I’ve worked with a small budget before, never one of this size, but we have a senior administrative analyst who really is our budget expert. She really does the majority of the work, and I work with her to make sure that the police department’s interests are taken care of, but also that we project appropriately for the police department’s future budget.” In taking on this new position, Jones is looking forward to the opportunity to continue to help the police department work within the community. She would like to build a partnership and rebuild some of the trust they’ve lost over the last year. “I am also looking forward to working with Chief Hughes,” Jones said. “He has a very strong vision of policing with a purpose and (I’m looking forward to) working with him to help his vision to fruition, not only within the department, but within the community.” As a resident of Fullerton, Jones said it is a dream come true to be working where she was born. “It is so rewarding … When I leave work, I am a member of this community,” she said. Aside from being a police officer, Jones said she likes to travel; she has been to Europe five times in the last five years. She is a big sports fan who loves the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim and is a season ticket holder for the WNBA. Jones’ desire to help people is what inspired her to become a police officer. Crum, like Jones, is also a Fullerton native. He moved to Fullerton in 1982 and graduated from Sunny Hills High School. See CAPTAIN, page 2

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan Students gathered by the south side of Pollak libary for a candlelight vigil for Trayvon Martin and Shaima Alawadi. Wednesday was seen as a nationwide day of activism against hate crimes.

Burning candles shed light on hate

Participants share stories of intolerance and prejudice as well as ideas on how to cope AMBER STEPHENS Daily Titan

A group of about 30 students held a candlelight vigil for Trayvon Martin and Shaima Alawadi in the Quad. Students withstood chilly and windy weather to engage in honest discussions about race and prejudice in the United States. April 11 was designated by activists as the national day of action for justice for Trayvon Martin. The timing was impeccable as George Zimmerman was arrested on second-degree murder charges by a Florida special prosecutor the same day. The self-appointed neighborhood watch captain had admitted to shooting 17-yearold Martin, but had not been arrested. Although Martin was unarmed, Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law was the reasoning behind releasing

Zimmerman after questioning. Shaima Alawadi was beat to death with a tire iron in her home in El Cajon, Calif. For weeks, it was regarded as a possible hate crime because of a note found near her body by authorities that said “Go back to your own country. You’re a terrorist.” New evidence has shown it may not have been a hate crime; there may have been a family conflict that led to her death. Zeena Aljawad, a psychology major, said although new evidence has come out that the killing of Alawadi may not be a hate crime, there still needs to be justice for her death. “Cases about Middle Eastern women don’t usually get publicized in the media,” she said. “This is very important to our community.” Participants stood in a circle and shared personal experiences about dealing with hate and bigotry. Harpreet Bath, a finance studies major, spoke about the perception that America is living in a “post-racial” society. He said as a Sikh follower,

he has experienced prejudice after 9/11 because of the turban he wears on his head. “Is this the identity we want to show the world? An African American male can’t walk through a white neighborhood without fear of being shot? A Muslim woman gets beaten in her own home?” Bath said to the other students. “If we want to spark change, we have to do it here. We have to pledge to be tolerant. Just the fact we came down here tonight and had the initiative, we can rise above, educate ourselves and spark change.” Other students spoke out about prejudice against the people of color, the LGBT community and women. The discussions ranged from confronting friends and family about racist comments to the role of the military and law enforcement when it comes to institutionalized racism. See CANDLELIGHT, page 2

CAMPUS | State funding

Proposal may hurt child care quality Parents may have to apply for welfare to get subsidized child care VANESSA MARTINEZ

Daily Titan

ALLAN XU / Daily Titan Elizabeth Mejia, fourth-year human services major at Cal State Fullerton, supervises the children as they enjoy their cheese and crackers in the Children’s Center. Some teacher aides are CSUF students interested in working with children.

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Newly proposed state budget cuts may adversely affect child care for special needs children in California. The cuts child care would undergo if the proposed bill were to pass is something to worry about, especially in the case of children with special needs, said Beverly Vargish, assistant director at Cal State Fullerton’s Children’s Center. A revised version of the proposed California budget will be available in mid-May.

In early January, Gov. Jerry Brown introduced his budget proposal for the state’s 2012-13 fiscal year. According to the California Legislative Analyst’s Office, “the governor’s plan envisions multiyear tax increases and significant reductions in social services and subsidized child care programs.” Preschool California, an organization aimed to fight for child care said the proposal will save $517 million for the state, but at the cost of “slashing program eligibility” and “reducing reimbursement rates to providers” — removing “approximately 80,000 low-income children from preschools and child development centers.” Vargish said the governor’s plan

would use vouchers as an option for parents who would qualify for subsidized child care through CalWORKS, as the process for funding child care will now have to go through social services first and then through welfare if the budget proposal passes. To qualify for the voucher, a parent would have to be employed, prove financial need and would have to apply for welfare to be eligible for a voucher, Vargish said. Low-income families who qualify would be able to use the vouchers for child care. The voucher would not need to be redeemed at an accredited institution. See CHILD page 2


April 12, 2012


CAPTAIN: Newly appointed Crum is one of the many other appointments made in office ...Continued from page 1 “I went on a ride-along with a Fullerton officer when I was a senior at Sunny Hills High School and that experience inspired me to enter law enforcement,” he said in an email. After high school, he went to Fullerton College and graduated with an A.A. in police science. He went on to Cal State Fullerton, earning a B.A. in criminal justice. “(After) graduating from CSUF, I earned an M.S. degree from Cal State Long Beach in emergency management,” he said. “I love Fullerton, which has provided many opportunities to me, so being a police officer has been my opportunity to give back to the community.” As a captain of the Uniform Division at the Fullerton Police Department, he is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Patrol Bureau and Traffic Bureau. “In addition, it is vital I support the vision and goals of Chief Dan Hughes as the department moves forward into the future,” he added. Crum’s goal is to support Hughes and assist him with his continuing efforts to instill ethics-based policing, accountability and transparency within the department. He is also looking forward to the

Both captains are committed to our community ... Dan Hughes Acting Police Chief

opportunity to join Hughes and Jones in providing quality police services to the community. As citizens, Crum and his wife are members of the Fullerton Elks Lodge, a local branch of the U.S. civic club. “I have taken an active role to develop relationships with property owners in a part of Fullerton that is being revitalized by the city,” he said. “Through a collaborative effort between the police department, the property owners, community development and code enforcement, we are making the area safer for Fullerton residents.” Crum said his greatest accomplishment is completing his formal education while being a Fullerton police officer. Working full time, raising a family and completing his formal education has been his biggest hurdle. Aside from being a police officer, Crum has a passion for the outdoors. If he had chosen an alternate career, he would have majored in forestry,

following in his father’s footsteps. “I was always intrigued by my father’s work and the fact he was always outdoors,” Crum said. He also has a passion for sports. “I can often be found at Goodwin Field watching a quality Titan baseball game,” he said. Crum and Jones were selected because of their understanding and demonstration of strong leadership principles, consistent exemplary performance and their strong ties to the Fullerton community,

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan Zeena Aljawad along with other CSUF students wear hijabs and hoodies in remembrance of Trayvon Martin and Shaima Alawadi.

...Continued from page 1

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Martin’s death has sparked a national debate about race, as well as the interactions between the black community and law enforcement, or in this case, an associate of law enforcement. Media outlets such as Time and the Globe have featured articles about “The Talk,” which is the advice given to black youth about getting pulled over by police. Robert Collins, a film studies major, came out to the vigil because it is an issue that is close to home. As a black male, he said he has experienced racial profiling by the police. “When I get pulled over — and I say ‘when’ because it happens a lot — I was taught to always address a police

officer with ‘Sir,’” he said. “... I am not going to give him any reason to have me be the next (person) to be killed because the story is (going to look like) I attacked first.” “When I reach for my wallet I say to the officer, ‘my wallet’s in my pocket. I’m reaching for it now,’” Collins said. Lucero Ramos, a sociology major, attended the vigil because of discussions of race and white privilege in one of her classes. She said she is glad an arrest has been made in the case of Martin, but there is still more work to do. “That’s just one case, though. We’re talking about so many cases and they are not going to have the same justice,” she said. “But if we ... talk about the issue and we announce it, maybe for other people, they’re going to have justice. It’s a small step in the big picture.”

CHILD: Vouchers would have to be monitored closely ...Continued from page 1 “It could go to, like I said, ‘grandma,’” Vargish said. “That doesn’t mean that grandma isn’t a wonderful person, but grandma might be older and sticks the preschooler in front of the TV because grandma can’t handle the preschooler and your money is … now going to grandma instead of going to a program like ours where quality is guaranteed.” Diana Robles-Nichols, an instructor in the Child and Adolescent Studies Department, said vouchers would have to be monitored closely to ensure the best quality care for the children. “Vouchers can work, but they would really have to be monitored differently,” said Robles-Nichols. “You always have the risk that you’re leaving your children with somebody who could potentially be abusive or neglectful and sometimes you may not identify

that until later.” Early identification of a child’s special needs is important. If not detected early, it could hinder the child’s progress, she said. “If they’re not monitored and you don’t know where they’re using them and you’re not requiring that they use them at any specific place — if it’s not licensed, if it’s not a place that’s accredited and if it doesn’t have teachers that have specialization, they’re not going to identify these needs,” Vargish said. “I’m worried for the children of the state of California, especially low-income children.” The Children’s Center, which is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, is considered a full-inclusion institution, Vargish said. As a full-inclusion day care and preschool, the Children’s Center ensures that children with special needs are included in the center’s programs. “Anything that would go for any

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free.

Valdiserri will be promoted to the rank of corporal. “At the rank of police officer, promotions come in the area of assignments (detectives, motor officers, canine handlers) and those decisions are generally determined by (an) officer’s performance evaluations,” Hughes said. “Officers must demonstrate a strong work ethic, positive work ethic and a commitment to providing great customer service to be considered for these positions.”

CANDLELIGHT: Deaths spark national race debate


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Hughes said. “Both captains are committed to our community and are also committed to a personal conduct of high integrity,” he said. “These are essential qualities necessary to be effective and to maintain public trust.” According to the press release, Sgts. Andrew Goodrich and Mike Chlebowski will be promoted to the rank of lieutenant, Cpls. Tony Rios and Rob James will be promoted to the rank of sergeant and officers Perry Thayer and Alan








other child would also go for that child with special needs,” Vargish said. The Children’s Center utilizes its Child Care Access Means Parents in Schools (CCAMPIS) grant to help parents who may be low-income and need child care, Vargish said. The grant also pays for teacher training, allowing them to attend conferences with various workshops, with a choice of attending a workshop about how to deal with children with troubling behavior or students with special needs. Although the center currently does not have any master teachers focused on working with specialneeds children, some of the teacher aides, who are students, are in the child development field and are interested in pursuing a career in working with special-needs children. The Children’s Center and the early childhood program within the Special Education Department work together with the “I Dream” program on campus, which allows students interested in becoming inclusion specialists to intern at the center, Vargish said. They are then connected with a child during their internship. According to the governor’s budget summary, “refocusing CalWORKS and subsidized child care by increasing income support to working families and reducing assistance to families who are not meeting work requirements,” will save California about $1.4 billion. Violet Marquez, 24, a liberal studies major interested in working with children with special needs, has worked for two years as a teacher’s assistant at Mariners Elementary School in Newport Beach, where she works with autistic children. “(Brown’s budget is) just going to end up hurting the kids, which will end up hurting our society because more and more kids have special needs,” said Marquez. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study of 8-year-olds, the prevalence of autism in children has increased. The ratio of children with autism used to be 1 in 110 and has increased to 1 in 88. The proposal is currently being reviewed and Californians will have the opportunity to vote on it in November.

DTBRIEFS Apple Faces Lawsuit The United States Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Apple and five major e-book publishers on Wednesday, citing alleged price-fixing schemes. Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice are taking action against practices that have collectively cost consumers millions of dollars. According to, e-book prices have raised dramatically in the last few years from a standard of $10 to $13. Originally, when Amazon launched the Kindle, it set its own prices for e-book publishers. When Apple entered the e-book market with the launch of its iPad, it began letting publishers set their own prices. In turn, it took a portion of the larger profits made. The Department of Justice has stated that this led to other publishers demanding the same type of pricing from other e-book sellers. This led to a dramatic increase in standard pricing of e-books. In the last year alone, sales rose 100 percent for a total gain of over $900 million. Though none of the publishers have been officially named in the suit, three of them had reportedly already settled with the Department of Justice. Brief by Ricardo Gonzalez

8.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Indonesia A magnitude 8.6 earthquake struck off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, Wednesday. There were no reports of destruction or deaths, according to The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami watch for the entire Indian Ocean, which was later canceled. A second large quake with a magnitude of 8.2 hit two hours later. There were also a series of smaller earthquakes off the west coast of Northern Sumatra ranging from a magnitude of 5.1 to 5.4. Some residents lost power and were forced to evacuate their homes. Gary Gibson, from the Seismology Research Center in Melbourne, Australia, said that the quake moved horizontally as opposed to vertically, which makes it less likely there would be a tsunami. He also said that the tremors took place too far off shore to make an impact on land. This earthquake comes almost eight years after a 9.1 magnitude earthquake triggered a tsunami that killed more than 200,000 people in 2004, the majority of which were in Indonesia. Brief by Hailey Moran

Zimmerman Charged The day after George Zimmerman’s defense attorneys quit, Angela B. Corey, a state attorney for the state of Florida, announced at a press conference that her office had filed charges of second-degree murder against Zimmerman. Corey confirmed that Zimmerman is now in custody but would not say where. “That’s for his safety as well as everyone else’s safety,” said Corey. Corey said that she would not discuss any evidence that was obtained, and stressed patience so that the legal process can play out. Zimmerman has a new attorney, Mark O’Mara, who will seek bond for Zimmerman on Thursday, according to a CNN report. O’Mara held his own press conference after the announcement and voiced concerns about Zimmerman receiving a fair trial due to public scrutiny. The arrest stems from a Feb. 26 incident in which Zimmerman, a community watch volunteer, shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla. Zimmerman claimed that the unarmed teenager was the aggressor in the incident and that Martin led him to fear for his life. Brief by Ezekiel Hernandez


April 12, 2012


Coming to terms:


Apple’s contract RICARDO GONZALEZ Daily Titan

The true reach of Apple Inc. is massive. With millions of products in circulation — demonstrated most recently by Apple’s announcement that the company sold 3 million units of the new iPad in its first three days on the market — the Apple logo is both instantly recognizable and everywhere at once. But perhaps more daunting is the reach of Apple’s various services, namely its iTunes and App Store, which have garnered millions of users since their inception. Apple announced in 2011 that it had 200 million active iTunes accounts. As of March 5, 25 billion apps had been downloaded worldwide. According to projected census numbers for Saturday, there are 300 million people living in the United States and 7 billion people living in the world. The numbers are mind-boggling because every last one of Apple’s users and every single person who has ever downloaded something from one of Apple’s services has had to agree to a constantly updating terms and conditions agreement. In plain words, a terms and conditions agreement is made up of contractual terms with their own obligations that, if breached, can lead to termination or even litigation. This may not be a problem except for two factors: The length of the terms and conditions contract and the perception that most people do not read such agreements before clicking on the “I agree” option. The latter was proven, somewhat humorously, by British online video game retailer Gamestation in an April Fools’ Day prank. On April 1, 2010, Gamestation changed its online terms and conditions contract for purchases to include a clause that had customers agree “to grant (Gamestation) a non-transferable option to claim, for now and forever more, your immortal soul.” Of the 7,500 orders that were placed that day, not a single person caught the cryptic clause, suggesting that none of their users read the terms and conditions. There is still no word on whether customers’ souls were indeed bound to Gamestation following the eponymous prank. As for Apple’s terms and conditions, in its entirety, the agreement, which governs the use of the iTunes store, Mac App store, App store and iBookstore, is nearly 18,000 words long, including the privacy policy. If even a fraction of Apple users are anything like those in Gamestation’s experiment, one can imagine the numbers of people who are agreeing to something that they did not even read. Thankfully, Apple is not after souls — not yet at least. The terms and conditions that users agree to are fairly standard fare, letting people know to what extent they can use the products they purchase along with literature on just how much information Apple can collect from those using said services. It serves the purpose to both limit the company’s liability while also enforcing users’ rights.


9:17 PM


While the monstrously long document is not exactly unique in its content, there are still a few anomalies and oddities that users might find interesting if they were to ever lay eyes on them.

A Quick Glance at Apple’s Terms and Conditions:

Here are some examples: 9:04 PM

Gift Certificates Worth one-tenth of one cent


9:05 PM

International travelers >

iTunes service only available in U.S.

9:07 PM

Children under 13 Apple will delete their information


9:08 PM

Typographic errors Apple not responsible for misspellings


9:13 PM

Disclosure to Third Parties Helps Apple market to its customers


9:14 PM

Changing the rules Apple can update its policy at any time


Under the section for “Gift Certificates, iTunes Cards, and Content Codes,” the actual cash value for gift certificates and iTunes cards is identified as being one-tenth of one cent. This means that it would take a stack of a thousand iTunes gift cards to reach the value of a dollar bill. International travelers beware: Under “Requirements for the use of iTunes Service,” “the iTunes Service is available to you only in the United States, its territories and possessions.” Users agree “not to use” or even “attempt to use the iTunes Service from outside these locations.” Under “Requirements for the use of the iTunes Service,” Apple lists its services as available for “individuals aged 13 years or older.” Though Apple users are required to provide “accurate information,” under its “Privacy Policy,” Apple does “not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13” and will delete any information collected from a user identified as such. Under “Electronic Contracting,” it states “Apple is not responsible for typographic errors.” In lay terms, if something is misspelled or typed out incorrectly, Apple is not responsible for it. Under “Disclosure to Third Parties,” Apple reserves the right to “make certain personal information available to strategic partners,” citing phone carriers, to “provide products and services” or “help Apple market to customers.” However, Apple does not share this information with third parties for their own marketing purposes. Apple reserves the right to change its usage rules, with the last update to the Terms and Conditions occurring March 7. The last update to its privacy policy occurred October 12, 2011.

Disney College Program gives CSUF students a boost Members trained to be assets, encouraged to look professional SHANDELL QUIBELL For the Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton campus is filled with students who balance school with work, and a portion of those students are filling up positions with the Disney College Program. According to the Disney website, the Disney College Program is a unique series that gives participants the opportunity to build work skills, including teamwork, guest service, take part in career and personal development classes, and network with company leaders. The program allows part-time and full-time college students to gain experience working at the

Disneyland Resort. It also gives students who are new to the area a chance to meet new people. “I have made lifelong friends and have networked with people throughout the United States,” said Brian Wong, a psychology major, who just finished the program, but decided to continue working at Disneyland. “I also learned a lot about responsibilities and dedication.” Dedication is a key trait for any of the program’s members to have. Disney sticks to a strict set of rules that can be found in every cast member’s booklet. These rules apply to everything from attitude to the “Disney look.” All cast members must comply with the overall appearance that Disney has set forward. Hairstyles, accessories, tattoos, piercings, makeup and facial hair are all monitored to make

sure everything is up to Disney’s high standards. Even with the stern guidelines set forth, many members said it’s worth it for everything else they gained while participating in the program. “I got to bond with people from all over the world, all while working at the happiest place on Earth,” said Travis Marchant, a junior radio-TV-film major who went through the program years ago and recently returned again to work at Disneyland. “I would highly recommend the program to those interested because it gave me the opportunity to do things a lot of people never get to do, all while making some great memories,” he said. In recent months, program members have been able to take a behind-thescenes look at many of the Disneyland attractions, as well as take a tour of Walt Disney’s former apartment. The

opportunity to hear people high up in the Walt Disney Company speak is also available to students. But the program is not all fun and games. The Disney College Program can be rough on a student’s schedule. “Keep in mind that one will be gaining 30-plus hours of work a week,” Wong said. “Also, the pay isn’t the greatest, but it is worth having Walt Disney Company on one’s resume. Plus the benefit of getting into the parks for free is a plus.” All program members get free entry into all Disney amusement parks and a certain amount of free passes for friends and family, as well as discounts on Disney merchandise. They even get access to exclusive items that are only available to cast members. “If anyone is interested in working for Disney, I highly recommend the College Program,” said Keli Byrne, an

undeclared major. “You’ll either learn to love the company or decide it’s not for you and move on. Either way, employers love a Disney internship on a resume.” The program also offers and requires its members to take a number of classes. Program members said these classes include everything from resume and business card workshops to classes on the history of the Disney Company. The Disney College Program also offers housing to students who need it. Alumni of the program are often able to continue working for Disney either full-time or seasonally. They can also decide to apply for a Disney

professional internship, the next stepping stone in a cast member’s Disney career. Program applicants must be enrolled at least part-time in college. They must also be at least 18 years old by the time the program starts and possess unrestricted work authorization, according to program pamphlets. Representatives for the Disney College Program often make appearances at CSUF to recruit new members, take applications and answer questions from students. Interested students can also find more information as well as applications on Disney’s website.


April 12, 2012


Titan Money Matters by GILBERT GONZALEZ

“Because your money matters”

Save money for your future debt

Courtesy of MCT Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey announced on Wednesday that charges would be pressed against George Zimmerman. Zimmerman told police he shot Trayvon Martin in self defense.

Arrest in Trayvon Martin case happens after very long delay Police dragged their feet and now will face the consequences ANDERS HOWMANN Daily Titan

It’s odd that one man can admit to a shooting and not have any charges pressed against him until more than a month later. It is very peculiar that police would release a potential murderer so easily. It is even more outrageous for a defendant to use a PayPal account to fundraise for his family’s living expenses and legal fees. George Zimmerman, the Florida neighborhood watch volunteer who said he shot teenager Trayvon Martin, was charged Wednesday for second-degree murder.

This past weekend, Zimmerman had launched a fundraising website due to “the incident and subsequent media coverage” of the tragic event. His lawyers withdrew legal representation shortly after, saying they had not heard from Zimmerman and he was engaging in actions not approved by their legal counsel. It is hard to blame Zimmerman for starting a website to raise money prior to his arrest. In light of the media attention of the shooting and the federal probe into the case, Zimmerman had every right to feel as though his back is to the wall. Regardless of whether he is convicted or not of the state’s charges, he is a marked man internationally. Even President Barack Obama has commented

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nationally on the killing. His attempt to raise money, reach out to the press and case prosecutor was not a smart move by any means. However, the Sanford Police Department’s failure to charge Zimmerman in the Feb. 26 shooting with the recommendation of the Sanford Police Department’s lead homicide investigator is the most egregious offense. Florida has a self-defense law that allows individuals to use deadly force if there is a reasonable belief of a deadly threat. However, this interpretation of self-defense should be determined by the court of law. At first, Florida’s attorney general said that there was not enough evidence to charge Zimmerman with manslaughter. The attorney general came to this conclusion even though lead homicide investigator, Chris Serino, did not feel as though Zimmerman’s side of the story was entirely valid. One of the main reasons the case has received so much media coverage and backlash from the public is because of the Florida attorney general’s failure to charge Zimmerman in the first place. Surely the “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law was not meant to give a citizen the right to kill an unarmed person and be free of any criminal charges. The parents of Martin deserve to see the death of their son investigated in court. His family deserves to see the evidence laid before a jury and to see Zimmerman put on trial for the actions that he did or did not

Courtesy of MCT Zimmerman was arrested on Wednesday

commit that day. If this jury of his peers deemed that he acted unlawfully under Florida’s self-defense law, then he should be convicted. If the jury found that Zimmerman was justified in using deadly force on the 17-year-old, then at least Martin’s family would have a sense of closure. Instead, the charges were announced after a month of media coverage and national outrage. It has taken a month for charges to be brought in the case. The authorities took their time with the investigation and now the media scrunity could potentially harm Zimmerman’s constitutional right to a fair trial. If the Florida state attorney general listened to the lead investigator after the initial investigation, the story would have been much more contained as far as the media is concerned. Now there is a big legal mess that will complicate the case when it goes to court. If the state attorney general reacted in a more proactive way, both the family of Martin and Zimmerman himself would be receiving a more fair trial.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully you’ll be a postgraduate already nestled into a career. Maybe you’ll have already traded in your starter car for a brand new, off-the-lot roadster. Will you be renting, owning or still living at home? Those goals may seem a bit out of reach to you right now, especially if you’re still plowing your way through your lowerdivision undergraduate courses. How can you contemplate whether or not you’ll be ready to purchase your first home in five years when you haven’t passed the EWP? OK, so maybe five years down the road is an intersection too far away to put much thought into, but you should still be thinking further ahead than one semester. So I ask you: Where do you see yourself in two years? Depending on how many units you’ve completed thus far, the answer will vary. If you’re a sophomore or younger, in two years you might be ready to move out on your own. Or, you might be trying to get started on building healthy credit. If you’re a junior or older, you should be thinking about your living situation in two years, but also something more important. Retirement planning, though it may seem a lifetime away, begins at this stage in your life. The longer you take before you start saving for retirement, the less money you’ll have to ensure your postretirement routine doesn’t involve part-time customer greeting at your local Walmart. Most importantly, if you’re a junior or senior and you’ve been financing your education with student loans, then two years in the future could be a scary place. I sat down just the other day with a friend to talk about his finances. He recently graduated from college. What scares the crap out of me is how much debt he has from student loans. Over the course of his education, he’s racked up nearly $50,000 in student loans. Considering the rate at which our university’s tuition is increasing, a balance similar to his after four years of school isn’t hard to imagine (although in his case, he spent some time at a private university, which explains his extreme debt). According to the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the average price of a four-year, in-state university is $21,447 per year. This figure includes tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and even some extra expenses like laundry and entertainment. If you relied on student loans for all your education expenses, all four years, and with no help from family, then you could owe nearly $100,000 after you graduate. The website also provides this disturbing statistic: The average salary one year after a student graduates from college with a bachelor’s degree is $30,922 before taxes.

Although the statistic doesn’t account for the fact that some majors make more money after graduation, and some graduates from specific universities are paid more, the crux of the issue is this: Debt is bad and money is scarce. Rather than praying you’ll land a better-than-entry-level job right after college and stressing about your soon-to-be due loans, start preparing to pay them off now. Your first priority is to minimize your debt obligations. If the only debt you have after commencement is student loans, you’re off to a good start. Credit card debt and auto loans will significantly decrease the amount of funds you’ll have available to pay off your student debt. Monthly payments on these loans can range anywhere from $200 to $1,000 for several years. If you typically pay that much for the combination of credit cards and your car every month, can you imagine having to shell out the extra money for your loans? The worst case scenario is that you might end up defaulting on the loans because you can’t afford all your bills. If that happens, say goodbye to your chances of purchasing a home any time soon. Your next priority after becoming semi-debt free is to maximize your savings. The typical grace period before you start repaying a student loan is six months after graduation. This may sound like plenty of time, but if you’re one of the many postgrads struggling to find work after college, six months isn’t enough. The more money you are able to store away in a savings account, the better prepared you’ll be when it comes time to start making payments. My grandmother’s advice to me when I scored my first paycheck was to save half every time. Fifty percent, although a good idea on paper, is really aggressive and may be counterproductive. You want to be a disciplined saver, but if you can’t enjoy your earnings, you might be disinclined to save anything. You would be better off saving up to 30 percent. Before you get carried with unnecessary calculations, trying to figure out 30 percent of your income, keep it simple by sticking to this strategy: Save $30 from every $100 you get paid. That wasn’t too complicated, was it? Lastly, you need to have a good understanding of how much interest is being charged on your loans. The reason your payments will be so astronomical is because of the effects of interest on your loans. For example, federal student loans like Perkins and Stafford loans could carry interest rates ranging from 5 to 7 percent. Two years from today, future-you could either be thanking present-you for planning correctly, or cursing present-you for dropping the ball. Whether you’re planning your grad party or starting out in your new career at that point, what you do today will set the foundation for success.


April 12, 2012


Political attack ads fail to address real issues Campaigns focus on negativity instead of positive engagement MATT ATKINSON Daily Titan

COURTESY OF MCT Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum announced he is dropping out of the 2012 election. Santorum faced criticism from both sides of the political spectrum about his extreme conservative views. He cited his daughter’s medical condition as the reason for withdrawal.

Rick Santorum drops out of the presidential race The GOP candidate abandoned his election bid at the perfect time AJAI SPELLMAN Daily Titan

The fact that Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has thrown in the towel early clearly shows that he realizes that his presence in this political race is irrelevant at the present moment. As a fan that has been keeping up with the political games, I would say that at this point the official GOP candidate is going to need as much time as possible to prepare for the more important faceoff. In other words, Santorum won’t necessarily be missed, but it is safe to say that his forfeit was, to many, very much appreciated. According to CBS News, Santorum forfeited the race so that he could utilize his time praying over his daughter Bella, 18, who suffers from a genetic condition called trisomy 18, also known as Edwards syndrome. Santorum’s daughter had been sick over the weekend, and this is when he had “supposedly” made his decision to depart from the race. It’s merely an excuse for a graceful exit on Santorum’s behalf. It’s the perfect justification for a quitter to quit, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Santorum knew that he was no match for Mitt Romney, and by him leaving the race the way that

he did makes for saving face. He has managed to recover his image and just in enough time for 2016’s presidential elections. Political consumers favor the more popular candidate, Romney. The other Republican candidates don’t stand a chance against Romney or President Barack Obama. I don’t feel that any of the Republican party’s candidates are good. However, Romney just happened to be the best of the worst. When considering the campaigns, Romney seems to be the candidate who has been working at making a name for himself longer than the other candidates. According to a CBS News political analysis, Romney was able to leverage his organizational and financial advantage over Santorum to build up a delegate lead and keep his rival from victories in states like Ohio and Michigan. Santorum was never able to shake the perception that he could not beat President Obama in the fall, with GOP primary voters overwhelmingly citing Romney as the most electable candidate in exit poll after exit poll. Matthew G. Jarvis, Ph.D., assistant professor of political science at Cal State Fullerton, would agree with the statement

When considering the campaigns, Romney seems to be the candidate who has been working at making a name for himself longer than the other candidates.

Our TV screens have been invaded. Every election cycle has ads hailing politicians as the noble saviors of this great, yet sadly weakened nation. But if we are to have such aweinspiring heroes, they’ll need some dastardly villains to face off against. The opposing party disagrees with us, so we must show the people how horrible they truly are. Even if we disagree with politicians, it is hard to make them appear completely abhorrent. Unless we just twist the facts and use appeals to emotion, attacking the candidates directly instead of their ideals or plans. Attack ads are nothing new. The first notable example, often claimed as the turning point for this medium, occurred back in 1964, when Lyndon B. Johnson ran an ad against his Republican opponent. The ad showed a little girl picking flowers, with a countdown narrated over her actions. When the countdown hit zero, a nuclear explosion went off, implying that choosing Johnson’s opponent would lead to nuclear war. This ad became notable not necessarily for the content, but because it expanded well beyond its original scope. Media outlets started to cover it as news, which brought the attention

of the public. It became news and impacted public opinion. Nowadays with the mass creation of Super PACs (Political Action Committees) flooding millions of dollars into political ad campaigns, these kinds of ads are more widespread than ever. Just like in 1964, notable attack ads today get hosted on a variety of network and cable TV news channels. This magnifies their impact, said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania in an interview with NPR. Super PACs add to the issue by creating a buffer between politicians and those who would try to hold them accountable for their actions Since a Super PAC can attack anyone and is not officially sponsored by a candidate, there are almost no consequences. If the ad receives criticism, it can be shifted from the candidate onto the SuperPAC. If the ad is a success, the opponent is hurt and the candidate uplifted. The problem is America does not want or need its politicians having a slap-fight over the airwaves. Talk about the issues. Talk about the facts. Talk about what you are going to do to help this country. Stop using rhetoric-infused hyperbole. Stop talking about how your opponent once caused everyone in America to lose their jobs based on some dodgy statistics you twisted to fit your campaign.

Most people will agree that these ads are distasteful and represent the problems with politics today. So why do they still exist?

Stop wasting our time. Most people will agree that these ads are distasteful and represent the problems with politics today. So why do they still exist? Part of the problem is that these ads tend to stick in people’s minds. We remember the negative things more easily than the positive. The other side of the issue is how much media representation they get. On the same previously mentioned NPR broadcast, Vin Weber, a Republican consultant and former member of Congress talked about an ad against John Kerry in 2004. Although the ad was only broadcast to about 1 percent of the population, almost 80 percent claimed they had seen it, due to the amount of coverage it had been given by the media. Just because a tactic is effective at persuading people does not make it ethically acceptable, or a good argument in a campaign. Attack ads make politicians seem dirty, and they don’t seem too eager to escape the stereotype.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Letters must refer to an article published within the last week. Once a letter is submitted it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be to edited for length, grammar and spelling. Letters may be sent to

that of all the candidates, Romney has been campaigning the longest and is considered to be the hardest working amongst the others. “Running for president is a long slog. Mitt Romney has been running for president since 2005 to 2006,” said Jarvis. “When he flamed out in 2008, he picked his withdrawal to set up 2012. He’s been running for president since before he stopped running the last time. It’s a long haul and so you have to line up endorsements and get (financial backing way ahead of time).” This is exactly the same approach that Santorum is taking by leaving the race early. Santorum is now focused on getting his name out there so that he can be recognized later on down the line when it is time for the next Republican primary election.


April 12, 2012


Exploring LA with scavenger races CityRace provides teams with a day of fun and a chance to explore the city MICHAEL MUNOZ Daily Titan

LINDSEY HASTINGS / For the Daily Titan The handmade Pura Vida bracelet’s signature is a “P” charm tied to every piece. The bracelets are now produced at a rate of 60,000 pieces a month in Costa Rica.

Pura Vida finds philanthropy The Costa Rican brand expanded with help from two Californian students LINDSEY HASTINGS For the Daily Titan

Griffin Thall, 25, and Paul Goodman, 23, were on vacation in Dominical, Costa Rica after graduating from San Diego State University for some necessary relaxation, when they discovered the business opportunity of a lifetime. While exploring the popular tourist destination, they met Jorge, who sold friendship bracelets in earth tones for a couple of dollars on the beach and made little money. “Everyone that goes on a trip ends up bringing back some kind of handmade good,” said Thall. Yet these bracelets shortly kicked Thall’s marketing education into gear. Thall and Goodman saw the obvious potential in selling the bracelets as a movement while promoting a conscious and simple lifestyle. They told Jorge that the pieces could sell in the U.S., and asked to purchase 400 of the bracelets. Thall said Jorge was completely floored by the request because he had suddenly sold more bracelets in one day than he would

normally sell in an entire year. Back home, the bracelets sold out. The friends reconnected with Jorge and developed the brand with eye-popping colors and a “P” charm tied to every piece. Now, only a year and half after launching the business, Pura Vida is in over 1,000 retail stores across the nation, and the company has a few campus reps at Cal State Fullerton. However, success did not lead the friends down a corporate, profit-driven path. Thall and Griffin still order every bracelet from Jorge, except now at a rate of 60,000 pieces a month. According to Thall, this increase has allowed Jorge to rent an office and hire over two dozen people from his community, some of whom were previously homeless. One percent of every Pura Vida sale goes to the Surfrider Foundation, an organization that cleans up beaches. The company has expanded to include other products made in Los Angeles, but 1 percent still goes to Surfrider. Thall and Griffin also have special bracelets made to support specific organizations such as the American Heart Association, but Costa Rica remains at the heart of the business. “Our model isn’t just donating, it’s providing jobs and opportunity … That’s something that has more value than just

donating to a charity … We’re affecting people’s lives directly,” Thall said. Yet what is a Costa Rican native’s take on this trend? Jonathan Cerdas, founder of Santos Tour, a company that aims to create sustainable tourism in Costa Rica, takes a practical standpoint. “They are making more than they expected, so this is just good for the guys that make the bracelets … It’s just an opportunity,” he explains. Cerdas said he believes the partnership could go a long way. “This is gonna help to promote my country,” he said. Fellow entrepreneurs also recognize the charitable model. Lauren Miller, owner of the Laurenly Boutique in the Orange Circle, instantly fell for the bracelets. “I love finding new lines, especially companies that are for a good cause and have meaning behind their story,” said Miller. Laurenly carries quite a few jewelry lines behind philanthropic causes. “It’s not mass produced and it shows in the quality of the bracelets,” she said, and possibly plans to carry other items from the company in the future. At the moment, Laurenly is one of the only boutiques near Fullerton to carry the bracelets.

The scene is set. Ambitious teams gather around Placita De Dolores Park in Los Angeles and the tension builds as they wait for the unknown. Each team giving their clues, and the pressure has reached a boiling point. At the sound of the word, “Go!” each team races off in different directions, embarking in urban adventure scavenger hunt. No this isn’t an episode of CBS’s popular reality show The Amazing Race. This is actually CityRace. CityRace is a scavenger hunt race, set in various landmarks within Los Angeles County such as Placita Olvera, Hollywood, Santa Monica and Chinatown. The competition allows teams of two or four out to discover these landmarks. They do so by solving and deciphering riddles and clues while exploring each site. The clues range from easy with questions like, “What was the street name before Olvera Street?” (Quick, Google!) to the obscure, like “this “river bench” is where red meets gold?” (Um...Google?) The main worry is time. This is a race and the clock counting down really discombobulates you and puts your team’s skills to the test. In 2004 John Hennessy, producer of both Race LA and City Race, and a huge fan of The Amazing Race, decided to take that concept of discovering culture and history through a race and bring it to Los Angeles. What initially started as an idea of doing something fun with his friends, soon became a successful enterprise. “I never imagined or intended it would become my career; I thought it was going to be something that I would get some friends … Do something for fun,” said Hennessey. “The reaction people had to that first one were so extreme, and I had so much fun putting it together that it took off after that.” Unlike CityRace, Race LA finds teams of two (like The Amazing Race) traveling all over Los Angeles County to various diverse landmarks, not just one. The challenges are more physical, but mental challenges are still have a dominant

You’re going to find yourself in a situation where you might disagree on an answer. How are you going to come to a conclusion? ... It’s (a) teamwork kind of thing. Molly Draper Team Motiff

presence in Race LA. Hennessey said it takes about 4-6 months to prepare each race, ensuring that all races are different, diverse and fun. Race LA has become so successful past players and winners of The Amazing Race, have taken part of the action. Following the success of Race LA Hennessy created CityRace, focusing the races to one centralized location. Molly Draper and Tiffany Wo, members of Team Motiff, participated in the Placita Olvera CityRace. This was their first time participating in the race. Although they had fun, the race was more challenging than what they previously expected. “I don’t think we placed because the questions were a lot harder than we thought,” said Draper. “They run really deep in trying to have you understand more about the history — (more) than just (Olivera) street itself or the location,” said Wo. As much as history plays a part of the race, Hennessy said it isn’t a history class, it is about having fun. This is Team H.A.M!!! member Sara Medina’s second time participating in the scavenger hunt. Medina said the race gives her a chance to bond with her friends and that working together is essential. “You’re going to find yourself in a situation where you might disagree on an answer. How are you going to come to a conclusion? Which answer (are you) going to use. It’s (a) teamwork kind of thing,” said Medina. “Just have fun … you don’t want to take the race so seriously that you’re just ignoring all the fun that could be had.” To find more information on registration deadlines, how to participate in the events and to discover CityRace locations such as the newly added Laguna Beach race, visit

A one-stop shop that brings the fashion industry together The website is employed by designers, wholesalers, bloggers and publicists KRYSTALE RANKIN For the Daily Titan

Last March, The Factory People featured their newly designed home page with the clothing brand Society for Rational Dress. The Factory People is an online community for people who love fashion. It acts as a social broadcasting network, blog spot, sales network, shopping network and wholesale buying network with anything that has to do with fashion. Although the company deals with retailers, wholesalers and upscale fashion designers,

access to the shopping fashion network is not exclusive — anyone can join. The Factory People is an online fashion marketplace intended to be a place in which everything fashion-related can be accessed. Annie Williams, the person in charge of designer relations at The Factory People, said that “The Factory People is a tool for the fashion industry to turn wholesale ordering into retail sales with a click. The development technology is deep and is literally Facebook, Twitter and YouTube all built on a multioption retailer cart like Amazon.” The Factory People is a network used by designers, retailers, photographers, publicists, bloggers, celebrities, filmmakers, models and more. The website offers the option to browse through galleries of other people

who use the site. This allows people to network and reach out to other people who may interest them. The Factory People acts as a platform for established or emerging designers because it allows designers to be noticed internationally. Name-brand collections can be previewed and shopped all on the same site as soon as it hits the runway. Some designer brands that are available at The Factory People are Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen and other lesser-known labels. The Factory People strives to become a website that is convenient and easy by allowing people to catch up on their shopping, fashion reading, blogging and interact with others who have the same interests. Williams said The Factory People is also

great for college students because it allows for an all-access pass to fashion. “Some students might not attend a school that has any fashion programs or clubs, but this is a way for those that are interested to not be left out,” said Williams. “Students can access all their favorite things on one website: Reading blogs, shopping, rate designer products, build a closet space filled with your favorite clothes and connect with other students from around the world. No more going to 20 different websites just to catch up on reading or shopping.” Business entrepreneurship major Jen Kreuder said, “I love how convenient The Factory People is to use. Everything I’m looking for is from one website. Kudos.” Victoria Gomez, a political science major

and avid window shopper, said, “I love the style of the website. I especially love reading the little blogs where people can talk about the clothes or other fashion-related stuff. The website has many cute things that I love to look at and window shop.” No more multiple Web browsers open to shop, compare and read about clothes. No more sifting through Google searching for the legitimate fashion designer’s website or blog. It is all in one place — The Factory People. The Factory People was launched back in October 2011 and is still relatively new and underground. They hope to expand to more people and are already working on launching a Web page design.


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April 12, 2012

Crossword Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE APRIL 10, 2012

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ACROSS 1 Dark, to a poet 5 Tony who played a sitcom 17Across employee 10 Sitters’ charges 14 Lee with frozen desserts 15 Barkley who served under 41Across 16 “... thunder, lightning, __ rain?”: “Macbeth” 17 It arranges pickups 19 Modest dress 20 Like a crowd in awe 21 End-of-week exclamation 22 Vagrants 25 Emir 28 Mocedades hit whose title means “you are” 30 Golf units 31 Slippery swimmer 32 How Dennis Eckersley pitched 36 Simple ... or a hint to the hidden puzzle theme in 17-, 25-, 50- and 59-Across 40 Desexes 41 FDR’s successor 44 Outbursts that provoke blessings 47 Harley alternative 50 Maryland seafood fare 54 The Lusitania, e.g. 55 Sidewalk border 56 Guitarist, slangily 58 Carlisle’s wife in “Twilight” 59 Sit-up relatives 63 It may be barred or bolted 64 Songs for two 65 English aristocrat 66 __, meeny ... 67 Muslim god 68 June 6, 1944

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Messes can lead to improvements. Let a change occur naturally. You may receive more than you gave. It’s okay to have abundance. Enjoy it, and share. You can handle it.

7 6 3

2 5 8 6 3 2


Daily Sudoku: Sat 7-Apr-2012 hard

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Find a quiet place to recharge your batteries, and get into a writing project. A friend’s change of plans could affect you. Visualize your next investment.

7 9 2 3 1 6 4 5 8

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) New opportunities open up for the future. Act today, even if it’s just one tiny step. Study and learn with a partner or friend ... it’s easier and more fun.

Daily Sudoku: Sat 7-Apr-2012

6 7

5 9 5 9 1



7 6 5

4 4 6

5 8 6 3 2 2

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1 2

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

5 6 3 4 9 8 2 1 7

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Watch out for hidden surprises. Take advantage of excellent connections. Travel looks good, if you stick to your budget. Get out and make something happen.


8 4 1 2 7 5 3 9 6

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Discover a brilliant financial insight. Another’s generosity benefits you. Articulate it so you can share it with others. What comes around goes around.

1 2


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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Study and discover a treasure. Learn from friends who have plenty, as they can teach you a lot. Get in someone else’s world, and you see that your view’s not the only one.


4 6

5 7


9 7 6 8 4 3 1 2 5

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Dig and uncover surprises. You have the resources you need. A private contact in a big company is quite helpful. Write down your discoveries and share them.

39 Biggers’s detective 42 54-Across pronoun 43 Pit goo 44 Acquiesce 45 Defoe title surname 46 Longtime Tiger Woods coach Butch __ 48 Astronaut Shepard

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5 9 5 9 1


3 5 4 7 2 1 6 8 9

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) An amazing breakthrough in love develops spontaneously. And there’s more money coming in! Count your lucky stars, and drink it in deeply. Journal to remember it later.


1 2 8 6 5 9 7 4 3

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Surprises at work could catch you off guard. Learn from an experienced mentor, especially all of those resource-conservation strategies that save money. All’s well that ends well.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20) All the pieces are coming together for romance. Discover hidden resources when planning a project. Creativity blossoms as older tasks get completed. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Let someone else stir up trouble. Notice automatic reactions, and keep quiet. What are you really committed to? Remember home, family, friends and love. Grow them all.

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved Monday’s Puzzle Solved


2 3 9 1 8 7 5 6 4

Aries (March 21-April 19) A distant development is in your favor. Gain more than anticipated, and pay back a debt. Buy something that makes your work easier. Make long-term plans.


6 1 5 9 3 4 8 7 2

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DOWN 1 Key to the left of F1 2 Sheepish reply?

4 8 7 5 6 2 9 3 1


3 Heavenly body 4 Cheese-topped snacks 5 Electricity generators 6 ___-Bits: cereal 7 Pro hoopster 8 “The Prisoner of __” 9 Vague quantity 10 Tiny fairy tale hero 11 Starting point 12 Cleaned (up) 13 Searches like a detection dog 18 Give the boot 22 Donkey syllable 23 Cinnabar or magnetite 24 Lugosi of “Dracula” 26 Having a lot of nerve 27 Chef Cat __ 29 Patriotic Olympics chant 33 Believer’s suffix 34 Gray hair disguiser 35 Place for a ring 37 Elitism 38 Fed. antidiscrimination org.




By David Steinberg

Daily Sudoku: Sat 7-Apr-2012


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis brought to you by


49 Chopped, as garlic 51 Afghan capital 52 Stand out in a field 53 Mattress giant 57 Sled dog command 59 Drillers’ org. 60 “I’ve been __!” 61 Important time 62 Surreptitious


April 12, 2012


Titans get back to conference play The CSUF baseball team will travel to UCI for three-game series JUSTIN ENRIQUEZ Daily Titan

ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan The Cal State Fullerton baseball team suffered a 4-2 loss to No. 7 UCLA Tuesday and is looking to bounce back as it travels to UCI for a three-game series beginning Friday.

The Cal State Fullerton Titans baseball team (21-11) looks to bounce back from a tough loss to UCLA with conference wins in a series against the UC Irvine Anteaters (17-12). The series will take place at UCI’s Anteater Ballpark with a game Friday starting at 6:30 p.m., Saturday at 1 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. The final game in the series will take place Sunday. It will also be televised on ESPNU. The No. 16 Titans lead the Big West Conference with a conference record of 5-1. UCI is looking to improve on

their conference record of 3-3. In a nonconference matchup on Tuesday, the Titans fell to No. 7 UCLA 4-2. UCLA’s strong pitching was the difference as four Bruins pitchers held the Titans to four hits. In a six-inning pitching effort, freshman southpaw Grant Watson received the win, improving his record to 7-1. Watson pitched a no-hitter through the first four innings. They also had help on the offensive end in those innings as they scored all of their runs in the first four innings: One in the first inning and three in the bottom of the fourth. Watson’s no-hitter was broken up by Titans freshman infielder Matt Chapman with a single in the fifth inning. The Titans were then able to cut the UCLA lead in half as they

loaded the bases in the fifth when junior outfielder Anthony Hutting hit a single that put a run on the board followed by a sacrifice fly by sophomore catcher Chad Wallach that made the score 4-2. The Titans were unable to rally any more after that. As a result, freshman pitcher Koby Gauna received the loss to fall to a record of 3-3 for the year after giving up all four runs — two of which were earned. The UCI Anteaters are also looking to bounce back from defeat as they were swept on the road by Cal Poly San Luis Obispo April 5 to April 7. In the final game of the series, the Anteaters gave up four runs in the first, which contributed to the 8-1 loss. Sophomore pitcher Phillip Ferragamo received the loss as he threw for six singles that resulted

in those four runs in the first inning. The only bright spot in the game came from freshman catcher Jerry McClanahan who got the Anteaters’ lone run in the fifth. McClanahan had a season-high week as he had an .875 on-base percentage and hit .750 (3 for 4) in two of the games against Cal Poly SLO. McClanahan now has a batting average of .250 along with 10 hits and six RBI. The first pitch for Sunday’s game, which will air on ESPNU, is scheduled for 2:03 p.m., and broadcasters Mark Neely and Mike Rooney will be providing commentary for the game. For more information regarding the televised game or the upcoming series with the UCI Anteaters, go to

Tennis team looks to end on high note Titans eyes .500 season with only five games remaining ANGEL MENDOZA Daily Titan

With the Big West Conference Championship coming up at the end of the month, the Cal State Fullerton tennis team still has an opportunity to go in with some momentum. Their current record is a lowly 6-8, with a 0-3 conference record, but four of their remaining five games are against conference opponents. If they finish strong, the team has the opportunity to finish above .500 in the Big West standings and the season. Juniors Tiffany Mai and Morgan McIntosh have lead the way for the Titans all season, each racking up eight singles victories thus far. Mai and McIntosh also have five doubles victories as a team. Freshman Kalika Slevcove and

junior Monica Rodriguez have also added some firepower for the Titans. Slevcove has four singles victories, while Rodriguez has seven singles victories up to this point. As a doubles team, they’ve been dynamic all season, winning eight matches. The team started off strong but lost five of their six games. Their biggest proponent has been close losses and struggles in the doubles matches. They have managed to win only one doubles point in their last six games. During the Titans current three-match losing streak, all the losses having been decided by one point. Here’s a look at the rest of the Big West Conference: Long Beach State (13-5) The 49ers have been riding high all season and are currently undefeated in the conference at 7-0. Three of their five losses have come by way of only a single point. Anais Dallara is the team’s most consistent player. The French native has 25 wins overall on the

season, three shy of tying the singleseason school record. UC Irvine (13-5) Winning only three of their first seven games to start the season, the Anteaters chances in the Big West looked bleak. Those early season struggles weren’t enough to derail UC Irvine, as it has won 10 of their last 11 games and is currently on a five-game winning streak. UC Irvine is currently 5-1 in the conference. Cal State Northridge (10-7) The Matadors have won four of their last six games but are only 3-4 in Big West Conference play. Jennifer Sher is one of the biggest reasons this year’s team has been so competitive. She has 10 wins in singles and doubles play, respectively. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (8-9) Gabby Gatewood and Kathryn Webb have lead the way for the Mustangs all season, each racking

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up nine singles wins. In the doubles matches, Jocelyn Davis and Alexa Lee’s 10 wins have made them Cal Poly SLO’s most consistent team. The Mustangs are 2-5 in their last seven games. UC Santa Barbara (8-13) The Gauchos started off the season 3-7 and things haven’t gotten better for them since then. They are 1-3 in their last four games but have managed a 3-3 conference record thus far. UCSB finishes off its season against CSUF and UC Riverside. UC Davis (7-11) The Aggies are 3-2 in the Big West but have had trouble maintaining momentum. They’ve had impressive wins against schools like Cal State Northridge and Weber State. Three of their next four games are against conference teams, so they might just be able to make a run.

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan Freshman Jessica Pepa, Cal State Fullerton’s No. 6 singles player, serves the ball during her doubles match against Portland University. The Titans face LBSU Thursday at 2 p.m.

Pacific University (4-12) There’s not much to smile about for Tigers women’s tennis this season. They are 1-4 in conference play and are on an eight-match losing streak. The Tigers look to salvage their season against UC Irvine, UC Davis, and CSUF in their last three games.

UC Riverside (3-11) There’s not a lot to say for a team that started the season off with a 1-8 record. The Highlanders have four shutout losses under their belt and are 0-5 in Big West Conference play this season.

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