The Daily Titan - April 25, 2012

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April 25, 2012

Vol. 91 Issue 44

College Students Prepare for Graduation Check out how these soon-to-be alumni are handling all the stress.

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LOCAL | Prescription drug disposal

Fullerton police to take back old drugs Program designed to keep pills out of the wrong hands SHEILA DEL CID Daily Titan

The Fullerton Police Department will be participating in National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. National Prescription Drug TakeBack Day is a program that creates a permanent process for people to safely and conveniently dispose of their prescription drugs. The program is sponsored by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the U.S. Department of Justice. The police department is also in partnership with the Orange County Community Service Programs for the event to help the community get rid of unused or expired prescription medications. The DEA event will be the fourth National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day in the past two years, reported CBS News. “Prior to this there has not been an organized process in which people can get rid of their old, expired, unused or unwanted prescription drugs,” said Cpl. Tim Kandler of the Fullerton Police Department. “People say I’ll just flush it down the toilet … It goes into places where it may not be dissolved and taken care of.” The police department has had good turnouts, Kandler said. In April 2011, the department collected 15 boxes full of pharmaceuticals weighing in at about 175 pounds. In October, the department composed 270 pounds with a total of 11 boxes. Nationally, the DEA, who facilitates this process, reported they have removed almost 500 tons of medication, Kandler said. On collection day, law enforcement is present to take possession of the unused substances safely.

Kate Hagemann, associate for policy and programs of Product Stewardship Institute, said they host a website called the National Drug Take-Back Network, which has resources on how local government, law enforcement and pharmacies can start their own Take-Back program. However, Hagemann said she is not affiliated with this National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. The organization advocates for state legislation to create statewide Take-Back programs that are based on more permanent state funding, Hagemann said. “Pharmaceuticals issues are obviously very different than other (supplies),” she said. “It has an immediate public health consequence if it is not managed safely. So … obviously we’re promoting Take-Back programs, not only because they can reduce the impact from obstacles in the water ways, but mainly because they can prevent immediate improvement in public health, help reduce prescription drug abuse and reduce instance of poisoning and misuse within the home.” Hannagan also said that one of the important things about the DEA hosting the National Take-Back events is that they have been very visible and, therefore, successful in bringing public awareness about the need to clear out their medicine cabinets for the environment and the coast. “I think we know that having an event twice a year isn’t really convenient … You know you got a lot of people participating in the event, but there are a lot more people who missed it and couldn’t make it, or didn’t hear about it,” Hannagan said. “So one of the things we see (when) moving forward is establishing permanent Take-Back programs, so it is easy as possible for people to manage the material safely.” See DRUGS, page 3


ALLAN XU / Daily Titan About 15 male students literally walked in women’s shoes during the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, which started in the Quad at 11:30 a.m.Tuesday. The walk took place alongside The Clothesline Project, an annual event focusing on the plight of sexual assault victims.

CAMPUS | Building blocks of tomorrow

CAMPUS | Saving spots

Science students set sights on future materials

New website aims at easing parking pains

Recyclable materials added to concrete to promote sustainability



Daily Titan

It’s 11:27 a.m., class starts in three minutes and there is no parking in sight. This is a problem that many Cal State Fullerton students deal with on a daily basis. However, a new website created by a CSUF student is geared towards tackling the problem. Dhaval Bhatt, a fifth-year accounting major, started the website The website aims to pair students up according to class schedule so that when one student leaves, another can take their parking spot. The idea came to Bhatt last semester as he was looking for parking. “I actually came to school one time and I (picked up) this girl named Tanya who was walking to her car. I dropped her off and, before I dropped her off, I asked if I can have her number so I can call her instead of wasting 20, 30 minutes every day looking for parking,” said Bhatt. From there, Bhatt decided to start a website to help other students find parking buddies. He sat down and started drawing out the logos. From there it was just a matter of finding programmers. Once logged in, the user can input their class schedule and the website will search for a parking buddy.

Daily Titan

Daily Titan File Photo is a website aimed to pair students as parking buddies according to their class schedules so that they may have parking spaces available when one leaves school and the other arrives.

“They can go to the homepage and there they will see their timetable and they will see a column called ‘Buddy Column.’ As soon as there’s a match for them, they can see their buddy on that column. And when they click on that buddy they will see their contact information and email,” Bhatt said. Neil Kuritzky, a business professor at CSUF, gave Bhatt advice on the website. “The concept seems good; how this turns into a profit needs to still be determined,” said Kuritzky. Samuel Anderson, a fourth-year computer science major, sees the website as a positive step

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toward less parking frustration. However, he thinks there is a privacy problem with it as well. “It sounds like a really good idea. It sounds like it could definitely have a lot of positive points,” said Anderson. “But it seems as though there may be a few negative points that people may point out. Like having their information online that’s accessible to other people. I think that some people could use it for the way it’s intended, but some people could use it to harass (others).” See BUDDY, page 3

Students of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition and STEM Teacher Education program showcased a variety of their research projects and posters Tuesday at the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Cal State Fullerton. Brent Frazer, Martha Nevarez and Adam Moler are civil engineering majors who presented their project at the event. They worked together to test recyclable materials to be used as fiber-reinforced concrete. The concrete was premixed and the students added the fiber reinforcements. “We have a machine in the engineering lab where we were able to test — like crush — the hardened concrete cylinders,” said Moler. With everyone concerned with being more environmentally friendly, the students thought their project would fit well. Today’s construction market is

all about going green, said Frazer. He added that his team thought it would be a good opportunity to use recyclable materials in concrete. “Concrete is good with compressive forces, but it’s really poor with tensile (tension), so the fibers ideally would make the concrete stronger in tension,” Frazer said. The team ran into some issues along the way including not forecasting that the wood would absorb water when they were making the concrete mixture. Nevarez said the students have a choice of taking a class or participating in a senior project. She added that this project is about teamwork and working well with others. “It shows an interest in what you want to do,” said Nevarez. “It shows that we’re actually more interested in the field than just trying to pass whatever class you can get.” Completing a senior project shows the student has initiative and that they want to make their own discoveries, Moler said. He added that working with classmates and learning how to solve problems taught them how to make team decisions. See MATH, page 2


April 25, 2012


DTBRIEFS Over 1,500 May Lose Jobs

ALLAN XU / Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton students pay $3 every week for games despite being enrolled in Kinesiology 117A and B, which is a bowling class. Students bowl in the Titan Student Union Underground for numerous hours.

Bowling brings in the money

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Many students express frustration when they realize their class has extra fees. For some students, books and equipment are often the main cause of concern as books can cost up to or more than $100. Other costs can add up over time. The classes Kinesiology 117A and B, which are beginning and intermediate bowling classes, not only have the standard tuition fee but another recurring fee through the semester. Each week, students must pay $3 at the start of class to bowl. Justin Monteleone, 20, a finance and accounting double major, works at Titan Bowl and Billiards in the TSU Underground. As a staff member, he is aware of the bowling classes’ situation. “The bowling lanes are being used even though they already paid for the section …” said Monteleone. “Three dollars a week is enough for 50 people twice a week. That includes wax, the mechanic charges, things of that nature.” Monteleone said the situation is comparable to buying books for a class and that it is necessary, even though he feels that the school could probably get away with not charging the students. “What you could do probably down the line is some business manager in the ASI or school (can pay for) the units and (then) take that $3 out somewhere else,” Monteleone said. Lisa Wilson, a kinesiology professor who runs the Monday afternoon 117A section, said the fee was explained to her as going to Associated Student, Inc. and is separate from the tuition that the students pay for the class. She believes that it helps pay for maintenance, she said. Wilson, who has been teaching since fall 2010, said the fee was in place then, as well. For a time, the fee could be

waived for students who had their own equipment, but the ability to waive the fee was taken away. “They’re getting to be here for the class,” said Wilson. “This period goes from 11:10 a.m. to 12:50 p.m., so they’re here for a long time. They bowl sometimes up to five or six games within a class period, so it’s much cheaper than the fee if they were to come in and actually bowl.” Wilson said she provides all the study materials for the students on Blackboard, and they don’t have to buy books, so the bowling fee each week is the only other expense that the students have to pay after enrolling. Gil Real, a kinesiology major who is enrolled in Wilson’s Monday afternoon class, said that when he first heard about the fee, he did not think it was OK, but after doing the math it did not matter to him. “No one has complained about it, (not) that I’m aware of. I think it’s a good price considering other bowling alleys charge a lot more,” said Real. Titan Bowl and Billiards prices for bowling at the Underground depend on the person. For students it is $1.75 per game and $2.50 for faculty and staff. For Fullerton community members, a game is $2.75. Shoe rentals are $2.50 per person. With those prices in mind, the class is cheaper than paying for a game on a regular basis, but not by much. Rates at Fountain Bowl, in Fountain Valley, are much higher at $4.50 a game on weekdays, not counting shoe rentals, which are $4 per pair. Wilson said she brings the charge to students’ attention the first day of class so that if there are any problems with it, they can be aware of it before they have to spend any money. Titan Bowl and Billiards is open seven days a week. For more information about Titan Bowl and Billiards and operating hours visit their website at

MATH: Projects intended to prepare for grad schools ...Continued from page 1 Gabriela Serna, a physics major, presented her research on electrons scattering off of biomolecules, particularly in furan and water. Serna said furan is a molecule that resembles the backbone of DNA. In the research, electrons and furan were shot at one another, and then the ionized electrons were calculated. Serna took the data and created graphs and fittings through different programs. “Through these fittings we can actually produce integral and differential cross sections, which

can be used to tell us how much damage radiation can cause (to) our bodies and how deep into our bodies,” said Serna. Serna is also taking part in an astronomy education research project. The project consists of implementing interactive methods in the classroom and seeing how it affects students compared to a regular lecture. “I didn’t know if I wanted to do this or astronomy, but being exposed to both of them, I can see which I like better. I can actually decide what kind of project I want to go into when I go into grad school,” Serna said. Lucy Odom, an applied mathematics major, and Peter Ho,

a mathematics major, teamed up to research in the field of differential geometry. They studied shapes, such as the helicoid’s angle and variance property. The duo also studied the effects of twisting the ambient base to see if the helicoid would still hold its shape. After conducting their research it was determined that the helicoid will hold its shape as long as it is induced by a tri-twisted metric given by the usual dot product. Odom and Ho extended their study of helicoids to the study of catenoids. Helicoids resemble a strand of DNA, or a double helix form, while catenoids have the shape of a black hole, said Odom. “We just kind of got really inspired from our differential geometry class,” said Odom. “We looked at one condition like the study of the helix … and then we wanted to really generalize it.” Ho will be graduating in May and applying to graduate school. He said much of graduate school is research, but participating in research now exposes him to ideas, problems and new ways of finding solutions. “With this research I am able to understand some of the biggest ideas and apply it toward applications, especially in engineering or industry where they look at specific objects or materials,” said Ho. Ho added that understanding the geometrical properties of objects or materials and how weather affects them can be helpful when studying the architecture of the rooftop of buildings.

Orange County educators may face unemployment in June if Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax proposal does not get past voters. More than 1,500 Orange County school employees, including almost 250 educators, are being notified this week that they might be out of a job if potential budget cuts are enacted, according to The Orange County Register. The tax initiative, which will be voted on in November, will increase sales tax temporarily by a half cent and ask for bigger levies on wealthier individuals. If voters don’t approve the initiative, then an automatic cut of $4.8 billion will be taken from California’s public school system to cut spending. Once schools have a transparent idea of what the future holds, they may rescind or enact the staff cutbacks. According to The OC Register, in 2011-2012 about 20,000 fulltime teachers were employed by the state, 16 percent less than the 2002-2003 year. During the same time, public school enrollment dropped 2 percent. Brief by Matt Atkinson

Ex-BP Engineer Criminally Charged A former BP engineer was criminally charged under suspicion of destroying evidence regarding the Deepwater Horizon oil platform more than two years after the infamous 2010 spill in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times. Kurt Mix, 50, was charged with two counts of obstruction of justice in the U.S. District Court’s Eastern District of Louisiana Tuesday. According to the charges, Mix deleted more than 200 text messages between himself and his supervisor when he was informed that lawyers would be collecting his electronic files in October 2010. One of the texts deleted allegedly contains Mix’s estimate of the oil’s flow rate, about three times the official estimated rate that BP was giving at the time. Mix’s texts are alleged to contain information that show BP’s efforts were failing. The charges also accuse Mix of a similar action in August 2011. Some of the texts were recovered, which is why Mix now faces a criminal trial. If convicted, Mix could face 20 years in prison and fines up to $250,000 per count, according to the LA Times. Brief by Matt Atkinson

Club Raises Money Through Concert The fourth annual Cal State Fullerton benefit concert is being hosted by Project PATHE (People Against Trafficking and Human Exploitation). The concert will take place May 4. Project PATHE has hosted several discussions on human trafficking over the years at CSUF. This year, they will try to help draw attention to their cause by holding the benefit concert. The concert is titled “Path to Justice.” The money raised at the concert will go directly to organizations and groups supporting or benefitting survivors and victims of human trafficking. A variety of bands will be performing. The concert will be held at the Titan Pub in the Titan Student Union. The concert will begin at 6 p.m. Tickets are on presale for $5, but will be $6 at the door on the night of the show. Brief by Jameson Steed


April 25, 2012


Former producer speaks of his humble beginnings Joseph Boucher talks about breaking into the entertainment industry. JAMESON STEED Daily Titan

Joseph Boucher, a former producer of popular animated shows, including The Simpsons and King of the Hill, spoke to a room of Cal State Fullerton students Tuesday as part of Comm Week. Boucher was invited to speak about his experiences producing primetime animation. He spoke on rising up from his humble beginnings to producing one of the most popular animated programs of all time. Boucher got a job in the mailroom on the Fox Studios Lot after talking to a receptionist, who liked him enough to help him get a job. “When you go out to the world, you never ever think that you are above people,” said Boucher, explaining how to get into the industry. “I would take any low job presented, just to get your foot in the door,” Boucher said. Boucher was able to get a few production assistant interviews thanks to his entry-level position at the studio and the end of the writer’s strike. He then became a stage production assistant on The Tracey Ullman Show, where The Simpsons originated. When The Simpsons became its own show he was immediately thought of for the show because he

worked with Matt Groening and his team on The Tracey Ullman Show. “I fell into it (animation),” Boucher said, who also tried to work in live action, but found it hard to get out of animation. Jasmine Tanner, 24, a senior animation major, said she was surprised to hear just how little experience Boucher had in animation to progress so far up that career path. “To be a producer, you don’t need to know anything about animation,” she said. Boucher also presented a show he produced called Urbania, which was shelved after it was sold to Comedy Central. However, the clip got big laughs and applause from the audience. Boucher did not have much to say on his role as a producer on the shows he worked on. He said he does a little bit of everything. “I look at the job as a producer … as I do whatever it takes to get it done,” Boucher said. While Boucher was talking about the show pitch and coming up with story ideas, he was asked a question about how he visualized what people want to see. “No one really knows what people want to see,” Boucher said. “I think people want to see something that excites them and (something) they haven’t seen before … and they can relate to.” “I think the biggest thing as a storyteller is (to) live your life and not to be afraid to live your life creatively,” Boucher said, speaking directly to the

When you go out to the world you never ever think that you are above people ... I would take any low job presented. Joseph Boucher Former TV Producer

writers in the audience. Kimberly Neebe, 25, a senior animation major, had a chance to speak to Boucher during and after the panel. “Different productions are different based on what show they’re on. It’s not a set standard,” said Neebe. Boucher said his years as an athlete helped prepare him for his role as a producer. “Being an athlete has helped me with producing … it really is a team effort,” Boucher said. “You are only as good as the people you have surrounding you.” Boucher also gave advice on how to become noticed by employers in the digital age. He said his 12-yearold daughter made around 100 original films that she has posted online. She already has hundreds of followers. “No one should be telling you what you can’t do,” Boucher said. But Boucher said he doesn’t mind where he ended up because he enjoys his job and working in animation. “If you are in the zone and you’re doing stuff you love to do, it doesn’t feel like work,” he said.

Activist presents lecture on history

DRUG: Permanent programs discussed for the future ...Continued from page 1 Hannagan said their organization is excited that the DEA has been successful so far, but they are hopeful that they will see more permanent programs and more sustainably financed Take Back programs. The Fullerton Police Department is located at 237 W. Commonwealth Ave. at the northeast corner of the intersection of Commonwealth and Highland Avenue. There will be a drive-thru collection station set up on the Highland side of the department for those wishing to participate in this program, Kandler said. “You don’t even have to get out off your car,” he said. “We take it and put it in the box. There is no paperwork to fill out. All you have to do is drive up. We don’t take any illegal street drugs. It is all prescription and overthe-counter drugs.” After the medication is disposed of, the DEA takes all the drugs to a secure location so that the medication doesn’t end up in the wrong hands. “We have to worry about people getting into medicine that is for public health reason if they take medicines that are expired,” Kandler said.

Photo illustration by ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan The National Drug Take-Back Day program, which is intended to reduce improper disposal of expired medical prescriptions, will have a drive-through for the convenience of residents. After the medication is retrieved the DEA will take the drugs to a secure location.

Jenna Tibajia, a registered nurse at Glendale Adventist Medical Center, said people should know the use, frequency, side effects and expiration date of their medications. “I have had patients come to the hospital because they either misused the meds by not taking them appropriately, or not taking them at all when they should,” said Tibajia. Prescription medications can

become hazardous. Organizers especially want to keep these drugs away from children. “We just don’t want it lying around,” Kandler said. “We’d rather it be disposed of safely and properly so that no one gets a hold of something they are not supposed to have. Especially with the amount of abuse we have of prescriptions drugs.”

BUDDY: New site’s user privacy a concern for some ...Continued from page 1 Bhatt hopes the website will help students bypass the stress of parking. “It’ll save gas for students, money, time (and) stress. It’ll create new relationships, students will meet new people and they will network,” Bhatt said. “It’s a new way of doing things and I’m hoping it will hopefully maximize (students’) happiness.” However, Bhatt doesn’t want the website to be abused by those participating in illegal activities, such as permit sharing. “It’s not carpooling; this is not about permit sharing, which is actually illegal. This is a different type of concept where users will be paired up with a buddy so they can cooperate and switch off the parking space,” Bhatt said. The website launched last week, and it has about 16 users so far.

“Students need the opportunity to experience. The issue of success is secondary,” Kuritzky said. The more students who join the site, the better chance students have of finding a parking buddy. Bhatt hopes to add more features to the website within the next couple of months. “I only have parking lots and structures right now, but I will be adding streets in the fall. So even people who park in the streets can sign up for this,” Bhatt said. The website is also aimed at clearing some of the problems associated with parking for students. “I believe that students do need the ability to save time when looking for parking, particularly in the mornings, as a lot of students are not morning people,” Kuritzky said. If is a success on campus, then more universitites will be added in the fall. In order to use the website, students must sign up and start adding their school schedule. Once a match is found, they will be notified on their homepage.

Tom Hayden is the speaker at the fourth annual Hansen Lecture RICARDO GONZALEZ Daily Titan

Lifelong activist Tom Hayden will speak at this year’s Hansen Lecture at the Arboretum Thursday at 5:30 p.m. The event is the fourth annual iteration hosted by Cal State Fullerton’s Center for Oral and Public History (COPH). The makeup of the Hansen Lecture series has changed over its brief tenure, originating as a multipanel symposium when it began in 2008. However, its focus on both preserving and projecting history is something that remains unchanged. “It brings history to life in a way that compels students, professors and the general public to reflect on the relationship between past and present,” said Steve Jobbitt, assistant professor of history in an email. “And because events like this bring people together, it also opens up the possibility for critical dialogue on current social, political and even moral issues.” Raymond Rast, assistant professor of history and an associate director of COPH, said the center usually invites nationally prominent speakers whose work illustrates the value of oral and public history. In a career that has spanned over 50 years, Hayden was both a Freedom Rider and an active opponent of the Vietnam War in the 1960s, led grassroots movements on tobacco reform in California during the 1970s, and served on the California State Assembly and State Senate in the ‘80s and ‘90s. “This year’s speaker, Tom Hayden, is something of a departure from prior speakers because he’s not someone who would be considered a public historian,” Rast said. “But we invited him because, he’s not only someone who has played a prominent role in so many events related to our nation’s history over the past 50 years, but he’s also someone who — as a speaker, a writer and a teacher — is very

Courtesy of CSUF Media Relations Tom Hayden’s experience in the past 50 years, which includes being a Freedom Rider and an active opponent of the Vietnam War, made him a prime candidate for the lecture.

reflective about the role of history and memory in our society.” Hayden continues to be active in that society by writing for an activist publication, The Nation, and is the founder and director of the Peace and Justice Resource Center in Culver City, Calif. The visit also coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Port Huron Statement. The document, authored by Hayden himself in 1962 while he was a member of the Students for a Democratic Society, expressed discontent with the perpetuated social injustices of that time. “The Port Huron Statement really launched a generation of student activism and engagement in local and national politics,” Rast said. The significance and message of the Port Huron Statement still carry weight today. “I see the spirit of the early ‘60s today in the direct action of undocumented undergraduates, the students fighting tuition increases, the Occupiers and environmentalists warning against global warming,” said Hayden in an email. Hayden also said student journalists and internet bloggers are extremely important in the spread of one of his tenants —

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participatory government. “(Hayden) comes to campus at a time when our students are facing soaring tuition rates, a mounting student debt crisis and a precarious future on the job market,” Jobbitt said. “If anyone can put the current crisis into a historical context for students and faculty, it is Hayden.”


April 25, 2012


Are you living together in perfect harmony? Cohabitation may do a couple more good than harm in the long run MAEGAN CASTRO-FLORES Daily Titan

Moving in with the significant other in your life can be a big step that can make or break the relationship. Not only are two people committing themselves to their relationship by moving in together, they are also bringing something else to the table: The ability to see if the relationship can survive for better or for worse before walking down the aisle. Cohabitation, which occurs when a couple decides to live together before marriage, is becoming more of the norm in today’s society. Sometimes they move in together because of personal circumstances, while other times they do it because they are ready to take a major step before getting married. Either way, cohabitation really helps couples get to know each other — with all the ups and downs. An article from, “News Flash: Shacking up does not lead to more divorce,” cited the New York Times

about the downside of cohabiting before marriage. The New York Times article stated that couples that lived together prior to marriage are less content in their marriage. Therefore, they are more likely to get a divorce. How is that possible? If you’re not satisfied while living with the person you’re dating, then why in the world would you marry them? If you’re not happy and decide to not get married, then guess what? You won’t have to deal with the turmoil of a divorce. The New York Times article attributes couples moving in together because of the “sexual revolution and the availability of birth control.” Really? Is this what a real relationship, before marriage, has boiled down to? Sex? Yes, sex is a major factor in any relationship — it’s love between two people. Sex is not some meaningless act with cohabiting couples, and the availability of birth control is not a reason why couples move in together. Living together with your partner before getting married can be an excellent opportunity to see the “other” side of your other half. Cohabitation can be a touchy subject

The couple that is living while in cohabitation needs to just communicate and have real conversations. The people living together need to respect each other and learn the way their other half ticks … Then the big day will arrive. as far as religion goes. I went to a private faith-based high school, so I understand that living with someone before you marry him is pretty much not the best idea to follow. I respect that completely. I am the type of person that, if I fell in love with someone and knew that he was the one, I would make a conscious decision to move in with him. I ended up meeting an amazing guy, and I didn’t just meet him and move in with him right away. I didn’t do it to get away from home or any other issues. I did it because I fell in love with him. When he proposed, that’s when I decided that it was time to merge my life with his. I absolutely love my fiance, without a doubt. If it wasn’t for us moving in

together, then I wouldn’t know his quirks and his other issues that at times can be difficult to handle. I know what type of person I can be when I get frustrated or impatient. We have lived together for a while now, and I’ve learned so much about him as a person. I’ve learned what pushes his buttons and have been introduced to so many of his unique mannerisms. As much as you may love somebody, living with him or her can show you his or her true colors. These true colors can be anything from silly quirks to nasty issues your partner might have. These quirks or issues may not work for you — therefore, this could be a major breaking point within your relationship. Wouldn’t you want to know about these issues before you get married? This is when the concept of cohabitation before marriage comes into play. If you’ve lived with your partner for a while and have decided to part ways, wouldn’t you rather go through this process before you get married? It all boils down to this: The couple that is living while in cohabitation needs to just communicate and have real conversations. The people living together need to respect each other and learn the

way their other half ticks. As time goes on, there will be both unavoidable good and bad times as a couple and cohabitation will work to your benefit. Then the big day will arrive. Those two individuals get married and start living their lives together as husband and wife. When an argument arises, those annoying quirks will start popping up. The couple that had lived together prior to marriage will be better able to handle the situation. The first year of marriage is exciting, always full of fun and memorable moments. If a couple had not lived with each other prior to marriage, then it can be a learning curve on many levels. I’m not saying that a couple that has lived together doesn’t have its own set of issues, but it will be a little easier. Both people in the relationship will have a better understanding of how the other person works. It’s all about genuine, organic love in the end. Whether or not you “cohabitate” is up to you. You can read the articles, see the statistics and hear the stories, but only the couple in love will be able to make it work.

Favoring a tax increase on America’s top percent ROXANNE TELLES Daily Titan

Billionaire Warren Buffett, whose net worth is $44 billion as of March, according to Forbes, shared that his tax rate is lower than his secretary’s. Recently, President Barack Obama proposed to lower the federal deficit by raising taxes on the richest Americans, known as the “Buffett Rule.” The plan would require people earning at least

$1 million a year to pay at least 30 percent of their income in federal taxes. With such a large gap between the middle class and the wealthy, it’s obvious that the system is flawed. By increasing taxes on the wealthy, an attempt to eliminate those flaws is made. Although the Republicans in Congress disagree, it would result in the tax system being restructured to be more fair to a majority of Americans. During a time when average Americans are

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Letters must refer to an article published within the last week. Once a letter is submitted it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be edited for length, grammar and spelling. Letters may be sent to

struggling to get by, Obama’s plan can help create success for a large percentage of people. Under our current system, success is limited to the top earners — an extremely small amount of Americans. This system allows the rich to benefit and continue to get richer. Those in the top percentage have had great opportunities, and Obama’s plan will ensure that those same advantages are being offered to the rest of the citizens who make up the majority of the country. Members of the Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength have been openly supportive of the Buffett Rule and believe it’s the best way to guarantee success in America. These members are a part of the top percentage of the wealthy Americans, and although they don’t actually want to pay more money in taxes, they don’t believe they are currently paying their fair share. They understand that there are expenses that taxes need to pay. The wealthy should not continue to receive tax cuts because they simply don’t make sense. The belief that their tax cuts allow them to put money back into the economy by creating jobs is not true — they only allow the rich to get richer. The argument against increasing taxes on wealthy Americans varies. Many people would agree that the wealthy have earned their money by hard work and should not be punished for being successful. But we all work hard — some more than others. Just because someone has earned more money in a

Many people would agree that the wealthy have earned their money by hard work and should not be punished for being successful. But we all work hard … Just because someone has earned more money … does not mean they have worked harder than someone that doesn’t earn as much. particular position does not mean they have worked harder than someone that doesn’t earn as much. These top earners have the ability to help their country during a time when it’s needed the most. Others believe that everyone should be taxed equally because, on the surface, it seems to be a solution that’s fair. But in reality, the wealthy are often receiving bigger tax breaks than the average citizen. They are able to hire expensive and knowledgeable professionals who can set up their businesses in a way that allow them to end up paying less or getting a bigger refund check in the end. It is a mutual goal for Americans to have a strong and thriving country that provides the best possible opportunity for all. Obama’s plan needs to be implemented, as taxing the wealthy at a higher percentage will help create a stronger economy and a stronger country that will provide opportunity and success for all.

They’re your beliefs, not mine Religion needs to be kept out of politics and out of our way of life SEPIDEH NIA Daily Titan

The United States founders dreamed of a free America. They wrote in the Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Then why is it that most of the U.S. presidential candidates thus far have felt like they needed to publicize their Christian backgrounds? Christians and Christian-based religions have taken over the United States and have implemented laws that sometimes restrict the rights of everyone else. There was some controversy a while back over President Barack Obama’s religion. God forbid he should really be a practicing Muslim. But why? Why does the religion of a president or anyone else’s religion matter as long as their ethics are in order? On his website, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said that if elected he will “not only appoint an Attorney General who will defend the Defense of Marriage Act … but he will also champion a Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.” Romney has been relatively vocal on his religion. A YouTube video supporting Romney recently went viral. In the Contact Us at

video he says, “Never before has the nation so needed a God-fearing man. The founders of this great nation were God-fearing men.” One of our Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, was quoted in saying, “I am for freedom of religion and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another.” The idea that marriage is between one man and one woman stems from religion and from a time when procreation was instrumental to human survival. Romney will be using his religion and belief to take away the rights of loving couples all across the United States.

It is not like the rest of the heathen population is interfering with the rights of conservative Christians. Gay marriage, contraception and sodomy are just a few things that make NO impact on their daily lives whatsoever. Can the battle on the idea that a country and government can practice a separation between church and state get any more ridiculous? Enter former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Santorum has been very vocal about his beliefs on banning contraception and banning what he called “sodomy.”

In an ABC News interview, Santorum said that it should be up to the state to pass those laws, laws that would in turn take away the rights of millions of people. How did he win the Republican primary elections in states such as Iowa and Kansas? If all states were required to vote on laws which banned contraceptives and sodomy, then it is a somber chance that it would actually pass in some states. According to a report from the Guttmacher Institute, it is believed that about 62 percent of women aged 15-44 are currently using a method of contraception. But that does not stop Santorum from trying to push his religious beliefs about birth control upon the sexually active population and those who use it for hormonal help. There is no law saying that everyone has to wear a condom when they have sex. It is not like the rest of the heathen population is interfering with the rights of conservative Christians. Gay marriage, contraception and sodomy are just a few things that make NO impact on their daily lives whatsoever. It is a choice whether to use birth control or marry someone of the same sex. Lawmakers have no right to use their extreme beliefs as a platform to pass laws which will take away rights. Religion is all about the person and their interaction with their God(s). There is no place for religion in government, especially when this nation is built on the idea of religious freedom and freedom from religion.

April 25, 2012



Heat wave of fans and music Coachella starts with rain and ends shining over the two weekends MICHAEL MUNOZ Daily Titan

ALLAN XU / Daily Titan (From left) students Michelle Mora, Kent Marume and Nina Nguyen (far right) were led in circle painting by Hiet Nguyen on the Titan Lawn. Students walking by were able to join in. This is the finished product.

Far East-influenced art walk CSUF celebrates Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month with culturally inspired pieces of art

MEC VALLE Daily Titan

Students making their way through Titan Walk Wednesday may have seen groups of people sitting on the lawn, paint brushes in hand. With artwork displayed on Titan Walk, various Asian American clubs participated in A3’s (Asian American Art) “Weaving the Pattern of our Asian Pacific American Narratives.” A few of the clubs that participated in the event were the Association of Chinese Students (ACS), Cambodian Student Association (CSA) and the Nikkei Student Union (NSU), which consists of Japanese emigrants and their descendants. The art walk is just one of the events planned by the Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month committee that showcases Asian heritage and culture. Jason Huynh, 21, is a mechanical engineering student and one of the artists of the showcased pieces, which includes “Monkey King,” “Asian Dragon Sketch” and “Asian Dragon in Heaven.” The “Monkey King,” Huynh said, is part of a Chinese Buddhist folk tale that tells the story of a monkey being born of a rock and having magical powers. The monkey king was involved in a major battle which he lost, and as punishment was locked up in a mountain, Huynh said. Huynh added that after the monkey king’s imprisonment, he and a few

others were on a quest searching for sutras and trying to reach nirvana. “I chose these pieces because I thought since I’m from ACS I wanted to bring more to the Chinese art and get it out there and have people see what it is like,” said Huynh. Kylie Ho, 21, a ceramics major and another artist from ACS, showed off a water painting called “The Path to Clarity,” along with a few ceramic pieces as well. Ho’s water painting and one of her ceramic depictions of koi fish were related to a trip she took to China. Miou Taniguchi, a 22-year-old international business and Japanese student, was another artist who participated in the event. Taniguchi displayed a photo album which showed pictures of her coming-of-age ceremony called Sei Jian Shiki. “In Japan you turn into an adult, or you come of age, when you’re 20 years old, and there is a ceremony that people usually attend ... They congratulate you for turning into an adult,” said Taniguchi. “Girls usually wear furisode, and they are a type of kimono ... The sleeves go all the way down to the ground; they are really, really long ... In the old days they would use these photos for marriage arrangements.” The event consisted of interactive group paintings hosted by Circle Painting. Not only was there a display of artwork, but there was also a poetry reading by Traci Kato-Kiriyama and a viewing of the film Journey from the Fall. Nina Nguyen, 23, the president of the Asian Pacific Islander Student Association, hopes to get more awareness toward the history of Asian Americans. “Through this collaborative effort, we’re hoping that the students can be more culturally diverse and learn more about cultural competency and hoping that they can see the artwork,” said Nguyen.

Ahh, Coachella. Where feathers, glitter, body paint and pasties are the norm. Where water is more valuable than gold. If you don’t believe me, the lines for the water refill stations were drastically longer than both the restrooms and the food court. Where the musical landscape gathered to be a part of this pop cultural hot spot: This is Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival 2012. The 102-degree weather didn’t stop the masses from gathering and experiencing the 13th annual Coachella festival that brought artists ranging from the diverse musical world of electronic, indie, hip-hop, rock and even the dead (more on that later). This was the first year the festival was divided into two weeks. The second week experienced the deserttype temperatures considered normal for the festival. The first week saw rain, a first for the festival. The scorching heat could prove deadly, especially when bands performed during the peak of the heat. I almost suffered a heat stroke dancing to Neon Indian’s “Polish Girl” in the Outdoor Theatre at 4:25 in the afternoon, but it was worth it. After watching Santigold dominate the Coachella Main Stage performing hit after hit, I was convinced that I found my dream job — becoming one of her backup dancers. These two women had so much energy, it was infectious. It also proved dangerous as one of the dancers had to leave the stage from from dealing with the heat (at 3:35 in the middle of the afternoon!). One job I don’t want is being St. Vincent’s lead singer Annie Clark’s guitar tuner. For someone who looks like a sweet, angelic person, her music is far from that. She shredded her guitar with abandon and sank her teeth into the Gobi tent and never let go. That was until her guitar wasn’t tuned right, to which she yelled, “This is live music.” Clark’s remark could be a dig

at the laptops that compose electronic music or directed to her stage team. Speaking of electronic music, it dominated the desert this weekend. You had Swedish House Mafia, Afrojack, Martin Solveig and Kaskade, current leaders of the electronic/ dance music, all performing at Coachella. At one point you had to choose between Justice, Girl Talk and Calvin Harris, I stayed for Justice and then ran to catch Calvin Harris. That would be my biggest gripe of Coachella, the scheduling of the artists. The hardest part is deciding which artist to watch when both, or more, of them are performing at the same time. I had to give up on watching Gotye to watch the Weeknd. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Some set highlights included GIRLS, whose rendition of their hit “Vomit” soared thanks to the impressive backup singers who looked like they had just come out of the set of the motion picture Ray. Bon Iver did a spectacular job, especially when creating a mood that fit perfectly with the music. His stage was designed to look like an abandoned church or séance. Other festival highlights included The Rapture, At The Drive-In, Florence and the Machine, Gary Clark Jr. (who deserved a bigger stage) and newcomer Azealia Banks. Banks literally threw a ‘90s house party in the Gobi tent. The rapper

proved she is a force to be dealt with. As far as the festival headliners, I watched The Black Keys for a little bit to catch M83. I had already seen The Black Keys at last year’s Coachella festival so I wanted to catch someone else. Radiohead, on the other hand, was a must-see. The band proved why they are the masters of the festival circuits. Now to Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg’s set, which had taken over the Twitterverse and is all what people were talking about, no thanks to the Tupac hologram, which I must say was not needed. The two brought out the best of their music and already had sufficient guests. Look, it’s 50 Cent, Kendrick Lamar and Eminem. It’s unfortunate that the hologram is the only thing people are talking about because it was such a minor appearance, and felt a little forced. It took over not only Dre’s set but the entire festival. Now a week old, other musicians poked fun at the hologram. The Black Lips brought out a cardboard cutout of Notorious B.I.G. with them on stage to perform “Juicy” and Le Butcherettes had an Elvis impersonator (hey why not!). It’s a shame that the hologram has taken over the hype of the festival because there were plenty of other musical highlights — too many to count. Coachella proved once again why it’s the hot spot of the musical world.

Courtesy of MCT Jarvis Cocker, Pulp lead singer, performed on stage at Coachella last weekend, in Indio, Calif.


April 25, 2012



ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan Redshirt freshman infielder Eliza Crawford takes a swing at the ball during Cal State Fullerton’s win over Florida International at Anderson Family Field in March. The Titans are seeking their fourth road win in San Diego.

Titans look to rebound against SDSU CSUF hits the road to play a non conference game ANGEL MENDOZA Daily Titan

Coming off a disappointing 2-1 series loss to UC Riverside, the Cal State Fullerton softball team looks to rebound against San Diego State Wednesday. The Titans currently hold a record of 17-23 on the season with a 5-7 Big West Conference record. They are a respectable 8-8

when playing in front of their home crowd. However, they will be playing on the road against the Aztecs, which could pose a problem for the Titans. They are a lowly 3-8 on the road this season. This will be the first meeting between the two teams this season. Nicole Johnson leads the way for the Titans, batting a team-high .363 to go along with seven home runs, 24 RBIs and 33 hits. She’s also scored 26 runs and has hit 12 doubles. Ashley Carter has played well alongside Johnson, batting .338 with 16 RBIs. She is

leading the team with 46 hits. She also has a team-high three triples. Carter is also second on the team in runs scored with 25 and has stolen six bases on the season. Anissa Young continues to be the team’s power source, hitting seven home runs so far and driving in 28 RBIs. Lessa Harris, Eliza Crawford and Adriana Martinez have also added a spark to the Titans offense this season. Harris is batting .318 to go with her 34 hits and 14 runs scored.

She is also a consistent base runner, having stolen 12 bases on only 14 attempts. Crawford has driven in 21 RBIs coupled with her 30 hits. She’s also scored 18 runs. Martinez is batting a respectable .277, but leads the team in runs with 27. She also has 33 hits on the season and has been a nightmare for opponents once on base. She’s stolen 15 bases and has been tagged out only twice. From the pitching mound, Desiree Ybarra leads the Titans. Ybarra has earned 11 wins with a 4.26 ERA. She’s pitched 12 complete games, two shutouts and struck out 75 batters. Aly Fascetti has been the team’s No. 2 pitcher all season and has five wins and a 6.18 ERA. She’s pitched six complete games and has one save. San Diego State is 15-29 on the season and is an outstanding 10-3

when playing at home in front of the Aztecs fans. Hayley Miles has been the team’s best player all season. She has team highs in home runs (14), batting average (.432), RBIs (36), hits (60) and runs (49). She’s been the driving force for the Aztecs this season. Justeen Maeva, Lorena Klopp and Patrice Jackson have also been consistent all season for the Aztecs. Maeva is batting .326 to go with six home runs and 34 RBIs. She also has 44 hits. Klopp is second on the team in home runs with 11 and third in RBIs with 28. Jackson has driven in 23 RBIs and has 36 hits thus far. Rebecca Arbino and Bailey Micetich have bolstered the Aztecs’ pitching rotation. Arbino has 12 wins and a 2.16 ERA. Micetich has been a second option, winning 11 games and accumulating a 2.39 ERA.


Big West Conference 2011-2012 (as of Sunday) W L 4 8 Long Beach State

Pct. .667

UC Davis




UC Santa Barbara








Cal State Fullerton




Cal Poly




Cal State Northridge




UC Riverside




The Cal State Fullerton men’s golf team took part in the 32nd Anteater Invitational at the Shady Canyon Golf Club in Irvine Tuesday. The tournament consisted of mostly Big West Conference teams, but golfers from St. John’s University in New York and the Western Athletic Conference’s San Jose State also took part in the tournament. Titans sophomore Mark Anguiano went into the final round with the lowest score of the tournament by scoring three under in the first round and one under in the second round. On the first hole, Anguiano went four over par. He started the back nine with a double bogey, which put him at six over in the last round, dropping him to a tie for seventh overall. Anguiano’s strong performance through two rounds was not enough to keep the Titans competitive with the other teams. Long Beach State won the tournament with a score of 862 total strokes for the team through three days. St. John’s was the runner-up with an aggregate score of 870. The tournament’s best performance was by Kevin Lim from Long Beach State, a senior from Seoul, Korea. He was the only player in the tournament to finish the three days under par at -1. The Titans finished Monday with an aggregate score of 878, at 26 over par. Titans Dakota Deurr and Ryan Tetrault both tied for 14th, each scoring at seven over for the day.

WOMEN’S GOLF Titans Finish Third The Cal State Fullerton women’s golf team finished the final round of play Tuesday at the Big West Women’s Golf Championship at the San Luis Obispo Country Club. UC Davis won its third consecutive Big West Women’s Championship by finishing with a team total +34 — 13 strokes better than runner-up UC Irvine. The Titans’ Taylor Fowler tied for fourth best overall in the tournament at five over par. Fowler was at even par through the front nine, but scored bogeys in five of the final nine holes. Freshman Tisha Alyn Abrea finished the tournament by moving from 12th place to eighth on the final day, finishing at 13 over. UC Davis had three golfers that finished in the top-five overall, giving the Aggies a wide margin of victory in the tournament. UC Davis’ Bev Vatananugulkit, a freshman from Cerritos, Calif., was the championship’s top performer, shooting four over par through three days. Vatananugulkit finished by scoring a birdie on three of the last four holes. The Titans advanced several positions to reach fourth place after the second round on Monday, enabling them to finish third in the tournament — four strokes ahead of Long Beach State. CSUF finished with an aggregate team score of 920, leaving them at 56 over par for the tournament. The Titans finished in third place overall. They had previously placed seventh overall in each of the past two seasons. Titans golfers Se Ri Lee and Neomi Hunt finished tied for 18th in the field of 35. Briefs by Ezekiel Hernandez

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April 25, 2012

Crossword Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE APRIL 17, 2012

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ACROSS 1 Doctrine suffix 4 Predatory cat 8 Swiss bread? 13 ABBA’s home country: Abbr. 14 Sewing cases 16 Defamatory text 17 Live __: 1985 charity concert 18 *Hangman drawing 20 Pisces follower 22 Centuries on end 23 Excessively 24 *Layered lunch 28 Cabbage 29 Resident of a city at nearly 12,000 feet 33 Chance in a game 35 “__-dokey!” 38 Overplay a part 39 Words with price or premium 40 *Actor’s prompt 42 Endearing tattoo word 43 Slowly, in scores 45 “Dumb” girl of old comics 46 Message from the boss 47 Inferior and inexpensive 49 Deduce 51 *Colleague of Wyatt Earp 56 Karate belt 59 Inside info 60 Rental agreement 61 *Feature of Fulton’s Clermont 65 Strings in Hawaii 66 École enrollee 67 Baker’s device 68 Address at a Scottish pub 69 First American Red Cross president Barton 70 Venison source 71 Effort

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Roommates - Private Room

Looking for female roommate Share 4 bedroom house with 3 CSUF female students. All amentities included. Available June 1 or August 1 for 2012-2013 school year. Non smoker please. If interested call 949-584-3876

3 Filet mignon order 4 Not as much 5 Derby-sporting Addams 6 “Yes, mon ami” 7 Rechargeable battery 8 Shrank in fear 9 Oil-drilling equipment 10 Be up against 11 “Quo Vadis” emperor 12 Mark’s love, casually 15 Distort, as facts 19 Microwave no-no 21 Black, to Blake 25 Six-time baseball All-Star Moises 26 Like a newborn 27 Holiday entrée 30 Trampoline maneuver 31 Physics particle 32 Jules Verne captain 33 Powder on a puff 34 Sundance Film Festival state 36 Green prefix 37 Toyota subcompact

DOWN 1 “I, Robot” author Asimov 2 Artistic ice cream blend


4 2





Daily Sudoku: Sat 14-Apr-2012 hard

1 3 9 8 2 6 5 4 7

4 2 5 9 7 1 6 8 3

6 8 7 3 4 5 9 1 2

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

9 2 8 5 3 7 1 4 6 5 7 4 6 1 9 3 2 8 4 6 1 2 3

9 8 2 6 5

5 9 7 1 6

7 3 4 5 9

2 3 6 9 7 5 4 8 1

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8 5 9 4 2

4 5 1 7 5 8 3 8 7 7 3 4 2 1 4 1 3 6 9

2 7 3 8 1


1 2 5 3 7


6 1 8 9 4

Daily Sudoku: Sat 14-Apr-2012

3 4 6 7 8

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Try to stay grounded and close to home. Don’t rush your decision. Don’t lose your sense of direction, either. It will all get easier soon. Lie low for a while.

4 1 3 6 9


7 9 4 6 1 2 3 5 8

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Immerse yourself in writing or another artistic endeavor while your creative juices are flowing. Reinterpret a negative as a positive. Choose love. Howl at the moon.



3 1 8 5 9 4 2 7 6

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Running around with your head cut off doesn’t help. Breathe deep. Find a goal to focus on, and then take one step at a time.An older person offers partnership.

7 5

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Flexibility and a sense of humor keep you dancing gracefully today. Don’t worry about the money. When all it’s done, receive an acknowledgment with a bow.



5 6 2 7 3 8 1 9 4

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Bring your balanced view into the project. Make a choice, despite your fears. Have faith in your own solid skills. Your transformation continues as you keep up practice.


1 8

9 3 2

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Don’t be too hasty this morning. Keep it simple, and stick to core commitments. Rely on a loved one and your own common sense. Reaffirm your bonds.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Orders are coming in. The breakfast rush could leave you all aflutter; chaos could distract you from your purpose if you let it. Concentrate on providing good service.

40 Compromise with the district attorney 41 Tirade 44 Chew the fat 46 For a __ pittance 48 Plains native 50 Gal’s guy 52 Trims the lawn 53 Green-bellied sap sucker 54 Schindler of “Schindler’s List”

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Gemini (May 21-June 21) Go by the rules you set to gain respect and wealth. A careful work investment may be necessary, like a power suit or some polish for the presentation. It pays off.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Think through the consequences of your actions before committing. Rely on experienced friends, if you get stuck or confused. They’ve been there before.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20) Distractions abound this morning. More practice leads to greater skill and increased power. So keep it up! Let a partner, coach or trusted adviser support you.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Things may seem illogical or confusing. Rely on old standards for solid quality. Do more planning and research. Friends chime in. Think it over more, and the situation resolves itself.

Monday’s Puzzle Solved


8 4 1 2 5 3 7 6 9

Aries (March 21-April 19) Slow down. Don’t take on a new responsibility before considering what you want. Listen to someone who’s been there. Get the facts. How will it impact home and family?

2 7 6 1 8 9 4 3 5

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Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

Daily Sudoku: Sat 14-Apr-2012



By Gareth Bain

9 5 3 4 6 7 8 2 1


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55 Clingy, in a way 56 Oil acronym 57 Object that may be struck by the starts of the answers to starred clues 58 Thought 62 TiVo, for one 63 Wide shoe letters 64 Morn’s opposite

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