The Daily Titan - April 26, 2012

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April 26, 2012

Vol. 91 Issue 45

CSUF Hosts Blood Drive Check out how the American Red Cross blood drive on campus helped donors make a difference.

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CAMPUS | Smoking policy

Hagan’s signature final stage in ban Interim president plans to approve ban before leaving CSUF MICHAEL MUNOZ Daily Titan

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Sheriff-Coroner Sandra Hutchens (right) of the Orange County Sheriff Department and Cpt. Steve Doan of North Operations Division present their proposition for Yorba Linda.

OC Sheriff to take jurisdiction Sheriff’s Department option cheaper than continuing with Brea AMBER STEPHENS Daily Titan

After a nine-hour special meeting, the Yorba Linda City Council decided by a 3-2 vote to hire the Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) for its police services, terminating a 42-year relationship

with the Brea Police Department. The city decided to hold a competitive bid for police services after a $3-million budget shortfall was projected. Over 500 residents attended throughout the course of Tuesday night’s meeting, which ended after 3 a.m. Wednesday. A majority of attendees wore big yellow buttons that read “Brea Yes!” in support of the Brea Police Department. The meeting featured proposals

from Anaheim Police Chief John Welter, Brea Police Chief Jack Conklin and the Orange County Sheriff Department’s Sandra Hutchens. Anaheim outlined a package that would cost an annual $10.9 million, not including startup costs of almost $887,000. The OCSD proposal was for $9.8 million a year, which did include startup costs. Brea offered two options: keep the current level of service for $10.7 million, or another

proposal that would cut two officers and cost $10.3 million. While questions were asked by the council of each of the agencies about their services and financial costs, Councilmember John Anderson pressed aggressively for answers, particularly from the Brea Police Department over expenditures such as pension funds. See POLICE, page 2

CAMPUS | “Trigen” Power Plant

A massive beast that sustains Cal State Fullerton

The smoking ban that will sweep Cal State Fullerton starting summer 2013 is in the final process of becoming a University Policy Statement (UPS). The final step is for Interim President Willie Hagan to build a policy from the smoking ban resolution passed by the Academic Senate and sign it into action. “My goal is to draft a Presidential Directive that encompasses the entirety of the resolution passed by the Senate along with additional information on issues such as smoking cessation programs,” Hagan said. With Hagan’s term as CSUF’s interim president coming to a close, he assures that the smoking policy will be signed before he leaves the campus. He will become interim president at CSU Dominguez Hills effective June 11. “Because I only have seven weeks left on the job and a busy schedule — if I don’t feel I can complete the directive to my satisfaction, I will sign the nosmoking policy recommendation in its current form as sent to me by the Senate,” Hagan said. The smoking ban passed by the Senate will be an all-campus ban that will begin Aug. 1, 2013. The ban will curtail the current smoking ban which allows smokers to smoke on campus as long as they are 20 feet away from

Government refunds workers for travel

Few students are aware of one of CSUF’s power sources



The General Services Administration increased the 2012 mileage reimbursement rate for federal employees who use their personal vehicles for work. Even after the governor-appointed Citizens Compensation Commission (CCC) had voted to cap the monthly car allowance at $300 last year, the attorney general’s office later resolved that the panel did not have the proper jurisdiction to endorse the allowance cap. The panel is currently working on a possible challenge to the attorney general’s decision, which was made April 17. As of last week, employees using cars will be reimbursed 55.5 cents per authorized work-related mile. The GSA established the rates based on several factors including the cost of fuel, the depreciation of the original vehicle’s cost, maintenance and insurance. So, for example, if a federal employee drove a car that averaged 30 miles per gallon, they would be getting over $16 for a gallon of gas. Assemblyman Jim Nielson (R-Gerber) claimed 5,157 miles driven on state business in February, which returned a reimbursement check of $2,733. Assemblyman Dan Logue (R-Linda) claimed 4,304 miles, which earned him a check of $2,291.

As students walk toward the heart of campus from the Nutwood Parking Structure, they might notice the small plumes of steam that rise from the adjacent building. They might even notice the humming from the building in passing. These are probably fleeting thoughts, covered by much more pressing ones, like how a paper will be finished before their afternoon class or how prepared they are for an exam. Few know that this is the heart that powers CSUF, known as the “Trigen” plant. Within this $20-million, 8,000-square-foot facility is a highly efficient, environmentally friendly turbine generator that uses natural gas that runs from the Chapman Avenue and 57 Freeway junction to power a large turbine. This turbine can produce around 4.4 megawatts of electricity; enough energy to power around 4,000 homes. Excess heat from the turbine is then cycled into two massive water chillers/heaters that provide all of the hot and cold water for every building on campus except for the Titan Student Union and student housing, based on demand. These chillers use a solution of lithium bromide and water, instead of poisonous refrigerants like freon, to heat and cool tap water across campus. As the water evaporates within the system, it naturally cools the tap water that will be used by students and faculty across campus.

Daily Titan

ANDERS HOWMANN / Daily Titan The “Trigen” plant is named after its ability to produce electricity, and hot and cold water for students on campus.

Most importantly, this plant allows the campus to generate a large amount of energy that it uses on a daily basis. This allows CSUF to draw as little from the electrical grid as possible, saving the university $1.6 million in utility costs. Half of this money is used to maintain the plant and the other half goes back into the university budget to serve students. “We are paying less now than before we had the Trigen,” said Willem van der Pol, director of the physical plant. Because the plant can produce electricity, and hot and cold water, it is called the Trigen plant in regards to the three products it provides. Due to its use of natural gas to directly power the turbine, the plant generates a very small carbon footprint. Energy bought from Southern California Edison is produced largely from dirty sources such as coal. The use of excess heat from the turbine to heat and cool water makes the plant even more efficient and environmentally sound.

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Electricity from the turbine goes straight through a couple of large steel conduits to a large campus transformer next to the facility. Here, the high-voltage electricity is converted to a lower voltage that can be easily distributed across the campus. “We wanted to become as Edison independent as possible,” said Campus Energy Coordinator Jeff Bechtold. While CSUF cannot act independently of Edison due to state regulations, the campus receives most of its peak demand of around 7.4 megawatts of electrical energy from the plant. Coupled with the newly built solar systems which produce about 1 megawatt of electricity, CSUF can produce 5.4 megawatts of energy on its own. Van der Pol said this self-reliance makes campus energy costs much more stable over time. See POWER, page 10

See BAN, page 2

STATE | Commuter compensation

New policy will reimburse travel for federal employees

Daily Titan

campus buildings. Talks to pass a smoking ban across the campus began in the Academic Senate three years ago. It began with a questionnaire in the Senate that asked the Senators if they would consider an all smoking ban on campus. Academic Senate Chair Jack Bedell then took the outcome of the vote to the Senate, which in turn created an executive committee to create a no-smoking policy. “It has been talked about for a good three to three-and-a-half years. It has just been languishing, so that this year we decided to upper out on it,” Bedell said. The Academic Senate unanimously voted for the smoking ban policy, the same week Associated Students, Inc. voted to approve support for a smoking ban on campus. The consensus of the two organizations that represent both faculty and students, initiated Hagan to fully support the smoking ban. “(Effective governance) requires avid consultation and communication. I think receiving resolutions from the Senate and the students indicates that that kind consultation has occurred, so upon these resolutions I will support a smoke-free campus,” Hagan said, during the Feb. 23 Academic Senate meeting when the ban was passed. Hagan suggested that the ban was a step in the right direction concerning student health, but said many issues will arise from the ban that the Senate will have to deal with.

If Nielsen continued to claim mileage for the rest of the year at the same rate he was for the beginning of the year, he may be adding at least $27,000 in mileage reimbursements to his $95,000 salary and $28,000 in annual taxfree per diem expenses. Detailed travel logs filed by lawmakers have not been released, alluding to concerns of privacy, security and legislative privilege. The logs would show whether or not the mileage was used for business or personal reasons and would ease growing concerns about the policy. The GSA mileage reimbursement differs from that of the IRS’ standard mileage rate in that the GSA reimbursement rate directly compensates the federal employee for every mile driven for official reasons. The IRS’ standard mileage rate is the amount provided for optional use by taxpayers to authenticate the amount of deductible costs per mile for business purposes. The mileage amount is not reimbursed to the taxpayer. Instead, the IRS’ mileage rate is deducted from the individual’s income for determination of a taxpayer’s adjusted gross income. “It’s not a mandatory thing for anyone but direct higher federal government employees in the executive branch,” said Ed Davis, program analyst for the GSA. “But other people do use it.” See TRAVEL, page 2


April 26, 2012


BAN: ‘A historic move’ for CSUF

TRAVEL: CSUF and city also give car allowances to some employees ...Continued from page 1 Cal State Fullerton has a similar reimbursement plan in place, but differs slightly both in price and policy. The reimbursement rate is five cents less, 50 cents to the GSA’s 55.5 cents and is open to all authorized faculty, staff or student employee jobrelated travelers. President Garcia is also eligible for the reimbursement, which would go on top of her $12,000-per-year car allowance in addition to a $324,500 annual salary. “We (CSUF) follow the approved travel policy per the CSU Chancellor’s Office, as all the campuses do,” said Debbie Hagman of CSUF’s Accounts Payable Department. “The Chancellor’s Office will notify the campuses if there’s any

increase or if they’re going to remain at the current rate of 50 cents.” The City of Fullerton also currently has a type of car allowance given to some employees. Annual auto allowance or auto provided cost for executives, the city treasurer and city clerk range from $5,824 to $7,000. These compensations are in addition to annual salaries ranging from $99,027 to $212,000. According to the Los Angeles Times, some are questioning the policy and are seeking another change, like CCC Commissioner Chuck Murray, who is working with an attorney to find a potential challenge to the GSA’s reimbursement procedure. Lew Uhler, of the National Tax Limitation Committee, is also against the amount lawmakers are being reimbursed for mileage, reported the LA Times. Uhler’s argument is that there are many traveling salesmen, truck drivers and others who

travel just as many miles for work but don’t get the same compensation. Others are more supportive of the policy. Alice Alecu, Neilsen’s aide, has defended the policy, insisting that Nielsen has a large district to travel throughout, meaning the distances traveled by Nielsen would be greater than those in smaller districts. She maintains that Nielsen and other legislators are “simply complying with the new rules,” according to the LA Times. Mixed feelings about the CCC’s original policy and the current policy are also circulating. “Someone who commutes a lot probably drives a lot more than what that $300 would do. Also, they may not even drive enough to amount to $300,” said Nick Anderson, 23, a business management major at CSUF. “I think the (50) cents a mile is just a better way to go about it.”

POLICE: Most meeting attendees supported Brea police partnership ...Continued from page 1 ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan An academic senator suggested that the ban will encourage smokers to quit.

...Continued from page 1 The resolution from both the Senate and ASI didn’t officially put the ban into place. The resolution was just a recommendation; the president of the campus must sign the policy for it to officially become a University Policy Statement. “We have recommended policy that when it’s approved it becomes a UPS by the president and is a governing document,” Bedell said. The president, in turn, looks at the resolution and decides whether or not he agrees with it. If he likes the resolution as it is, he can sign it and make it an official UPS. If he doesn’t, but likes certain aspects of the resolution, he can send it back to the Senate with recommendations but cannot alter it. The denied resolution will then be given back to the Senate, which will review, reconsider and may possibly drop the policy. All University Policy Statements, once final, cannot be

against California law or the Education Code or bargaining agreements of CSUF. Hagan has stated he would sign the Senate approved policy, to the delight of many senators, including Senator Lynda Randall, who believes the policy will benefit everyone on campus. “I think it’s a historic move for the campus,” Randall said. “I think in the long run it is going to benefit everyone. It benefits nonsmokers because they won’t be exposed to secondhand smoke … but, potentially, it also benefits the smokers.” Randal said the ban will be an incentive for smokers to consider quitting, which would have a positive impact on their health and wallets. “Especially for students, cigarettes can be very expensive … so it’s very easy to have a $50-a-month or week smoking habit,” Randall said. CSUF currently awaits Hagan’s signature to officially implement the new smoking policy.

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About 100 residents spoke during the public comments session that began at midnight. Many expressed support for the Brea Police Department, saying they have provided good services for the past four decades for Yorba Linda. Many residents said the Orange County Sheriff’s Department is too big of an agency to be able to assist the small city, and the small difference of the cost between the Brea Police Department and other agencies is worth it for the close community ties. Others said paying for the sheriff’s services would be “double-paying” and accused the City Council of favoring the sheriff’s department before the public had the chance to speak. During his remarks after the public comments session, Councilmember Anderson said the city council is satisfied with the Brea Police Department’s services, but the economic downturn has made them re-evaluate current and future costs. “The discussion for many people (during the public comments session) was, ‘If it’s not broke, why fix it?’” said Anderson at the meeting. “It is broken. We are $3 million upside down.” There were a few people during the public comment session who thought terminating the Brea police

would be a wise move by the Yorba Linda City Council. Michele Collender, sister of Julian Collender (who was unarmed and shot by Brea police in Yorba Linda almost two years ago), said the new contract should be more than about money, it should also be seen as an opportunity to hold the Brea police accountable for what they did to her brother. “He was shot and killed in front of the house where we grew up,” she told the council. “Shawn Neel, the Brea detective shot and killed him with a high-powered assault rifle. The Brea police completely overreacted to a false police report that night … They aren’t nice, they are not community police.” Another commenter, Placentia business owner Krista Martin, lambasted the Brea police and gave photos to the council showing her badly bruised face after she said a Brea police officer slammed her into the ground during a traffic stop last year. “I cannot tell you the trauma this has caused me and my family,” said Martin. “I don’t feel safe with Brea police … I am now being harassed at my business in Placentia by Brea PD.” The meeting ended with the motion initiated by Councilmember Anderson to hire the Sheriff’s Department with Anderson, Nancy Rikel and Mayor Mark Schwing

voting yes and Councilmembers Tom Lindsey and Jim Winder dissenting. Austin Schock, a CSUF public administration major and Yorba Linda resident, attended the meeting out of curiosity to see who the City Council

would choose for its police agency. “As far as costs and resources go, I’d have to say the Orange County Sheriff’s Department is the best agency for the job,” said Schock. “They have a bigger and better reputation.”

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Greg Schultz wears a “Brea Yes!” pin during Yorba Linda’s city council meeting.


April 26, 2012

Entrepreneurship students win award A team of six titans receive a national honor with the Project of the Year title EZEKIEL HERNANDEZ Daily Titan

A team of Cal State Fullerton students won the 2011-12 Project of the Year honors from the Small Business Institute, a nationally recognized award among the nation’s top business students. John Jackson, Management Department faculty member at CSUF, headed the group of six students from his marketing for Entrepreneurs class. Students were given semester-long projects in which they assembled teams that reached out to businesses and offered consulting services. Crystal Gosselin, Mark Fodor, Alexander Hektor, Jennifer Jauregui, Marissa Pickering and Henry Schwartz made up the awardwinning consultant group from the entrepreneurship concentration. The team won the Undergraduate Specialized Project of the Year title, the highest mark for undergrads in marketing. The team’s client was Fortis Resource Partners, an Irvine-based firm that provides staffing services across various industries. Jackson said his team helped Fortis Resource Partners with brand building and visibility. The team consulted the firm on its website and helped with search engine optimization to help clients reach the firm. He said that in the 20 years that CSUF business students have been

consulting with businesses in the area, this is the first time a team of undergraduates has won such high honors on the national level. Teams of graduates have won top honor awards with the Small Business Institute in the past. The graduate team that represented CSUF this year came in third place for its work consulting a small entertainment company. Kira Bruno is the president of Fortis and a CSUF alumna. Her staffing firm operates primarily with clients around Orange County. She said her primary client base is in the financial services sector, as well as high-tech manufacturers in the area. Bruno said she felt her student consulting team was very detail-oriented and full of energy. “They created a really nice report, as it relates to specific questions that I had asked of them,” Bruno said. “In terms of my experience with the group, I thought it was a really talented team, and they asked the right questions to analyze the business practices of Fortis Resource Partners.” Bruno also said the student projects were not just a one-time type of presentation. She spent many hours over many months with the team, working on ways to advance brand awareness. “I helped them to design survey questions to ask clients … and I interacted with them to the extent that I was helping them (with the ultimate project they would deliver to the company). I thought they did a great job,” Bruno said. Every semester, upper-division business students in various concentrations must work

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directly with businesses in the area, often offering independent input on their operations. Charlesetta Medina, a CSUF graduate, is currently the Small Business Institute (SBI) coordinator at Steven G. Mihaylo Hall. One of her duties is to reach out to small businesses and large corporations, matching them up with student consultants. “We are servicing about 100 to 115 businesses every year,” Medina said. “A lot of businesses have benefitted from our consulting.” She said that most notably, she is working on getting Boeing on board for the summer. “It adds so much value to these businesses,” Medina said. She said that recently, CSUF students worked with the Waterfront Hilton in Huntington Beach, consulting the resort on energy sustainability for cost efficiency. Some of the Hilton’s top heads praised the students at a recent executive council breakfast. Medina and Jackson undertake selecting some of the finer student projects every year and submitting them for further consideration into the SBI. Jackson said what they do is very important to local companies because it gives them a fresh eye and an independent perspective on things that might be overlooked internally. Mike Harris, president of the Small Business Institute, said the mission of SBI is to act as a link between business students seeking professional development and businesses. “I can safely say that Cal State Fullerton has one of the most storied SBI programs in

Public Law Center will consult low-income families on legal advice Daily Titan

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Kira Bruno President of Fortis

the country with a long history of success in the POY (Project of the Year) competition,” said Harris in an email. “The Center for Entrepreneurship led by John Jackson has allowed them to maintain that strong tradition, as evident by their continued accomplishments in the POY competition.” Jackson said companies his students have consulted have been very pleased with the results, and companies often score his students with high marks in surveys. “The students vote on what kind of projects they like to do. My class is marketing, so we look for clients that need help in marketing,” Jackson said. “We meet with them and find out specifically what they want. Then we need to match them up with our abilities.” Crystal Gosselin was the group leader for the winning team. Both Jackson and Medina praised her efforts. “They had a strong student team leader in Crystal. Every team needs a strong leader to keep everybody accountable,” Jackson said.

Fullerton Library to host a special program on justice ANGEL MENDOZA


In terms of my experience with the group, I thought it was a really talented team, and they asked the right questions to analyze the business practices of Fortis Resource Partners.

The Fullerton Public Library will host a special program on “Accessing Justice” for nonprofit organizations and low-income residents in recognition of “National Law Day” Tuesday. The free program will begin at 2 p.m. in the conference center of the library. The program will cover topics such as the barriers low-income residents and nonprofit organizations face in attempting to access legal services. It will be presented by the Public Law Center (PLC) of Orange County, a law firm that provides free civil legal services, including counseling, individual representation, community education and strategic litigation and advocacy. The PLC also assists its clients in various areas of civil law, including family, consumer, housing immigration, medical-legal partnership and small business. Melinda West, reference librarian at the Fullerton Public Library, said that anyone having legal financial troubles should contact the law center. “You need to call up, make an appointment as soon as you can and, of course, you have to drive up to Santa Ana because that’s where they’re located,” said West. “But they’ll do it for free. They’ll help you … There are very few places that really will give totally free legal aid.” Timothy Mountain, adult services division manager of the library, said he feels the PLC gives disadvantaged people the answers they seek and makes sure they are given fair representation. “The Orange County Public Law Center is designed to help people like that get through the legal

process successfully so that they can actually resolve their issue and so that they can get things taken care of, and so that nowhere along the line are they being taken advantage of or given incorrect information, which leads them in the wrong direction,” said Mountain. Mountain also believes the program will be a good opportunity to show people where to get started when it comes to finding the appropriate legal aid. “Our workshop coming up … is designed to help those people know where to get started, know what kind of paperwork they need to fill out and maybe even make a referral for them if there’s another place or person that they need to talk to,” Mountain said. Guest speakers will be attorneys Antoinette Balta and Jina Kim, both legal fellows with Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps. They work in the Community Organizations Legal Assistance Project (COLAP) unit of the public law center. The COLAP unit provides legal assistance to local nonprofit organizations, small business owners and child-care providers that face different business law issues such as employment, contracts, real estate and intellectual property. “Given the ongoing economic challenges, our goal is to help strengthen the local economy by assisting nonprofits and small businesses with their legal needs,” said Kim in an email. “Establishing and maintaining viable nonprofits enables them to better serve our community. Empowering small businesses with legal information through our free trainings increases the likelihood that they will succeed and hire employees, thus stimulating the local economy.” Mountain had nothing but praise for all the work Balta and Kim do in assisting the less fortunate in the

Given the ongoing economic challenges, our goal is to help strengthen the local economy by assisting nonprofits and small businesses with their legal needs Jina Kim Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps Attorney

Orange County community. “They do a lot of outreach to the community and community organizations,” he said. “That’s why they are our contact with the group.” National Law Day was first established by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1958 to commemorate the country’s commitment to the rule of law. In 1961, a joint resolution was issued by Congress, designating May 1 as the official date for its recognition. Every president since has issued a proclamation on this date to celebrate the importance of law in American society. Kim sees this day as an opportune time to speak on some disadvantages underprivileged people face when trying to access fair legal progress. “The presentation that Antoinette and I will be giving on (Tuesday) at the Fullerton Public Library is part of the festivities for Law Day, which is an annual event hosted by the American Bar Association (ABA),” she said. “Antoinette and I will briefly discuss some barriers that low-income individuals and nonprofit organizations often face in trying to access justice. We will also discuss the work that PLC does.” Further information about the program may be obtained by calling the Fullerton Main Library at 714738-6325.


DTBRIEFS Gingrich Ends Presidential Bid After almost a year of campaigning, Newt Gingrich announced Wednesday that he would soon be suspending his presidential run for the Republican Party, according to the Los Angeles Times. The former House speaker had only two states and his campaign was $4.3 million in debt as of last month. He was forced to minimize his travel schedule and cut onethird of his staff. With no chance at winning the Republican nomination for president, Gingrich announced that he would continue to be active with his party and would be lending his support to presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney, with the hope that his party will defeat Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. Gingrich, who is often referred to as “the smartest guy in the room” by supporters and others, had announced his bid as a presidential candidate last May. During his run in the primaries, Romney and Rick Santorum, who dropped out of the race, continued to split the conservative vote. Polls indicated at one point in December that Gingrich was the front-runner Republican candidate, ahead of Romney. Since then, his lead has declined. His announcement comes just after Romney’s win in five Northeastern primaries. Brief by Roxy Telles

Mad Cow Disease in California A dairy cow in central California was confirmed to carry mad cow disease by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Tuesday. According to, the animal’s carcass was sent in Wednesday for random testing by Baker Commodities Inc., a rendering facility in Hanford, Calif. The carcass was in quarantine Tuesday night. USDA officials have yet to tell workers how to properly dispose of the animal. A sample was initially sent to UC Davis before being sent to Iowa for USDA testing. Had any of the animal been rendered by Baker Commodities Inc., it could have become a component of any number of animal-based products, including feed for other livestock. Public health officials, however, stated that public risk was low. Regulations at the USDA prevent high-risk parts of the animal like spinal cords and brains from becoming food components. This case is just the fourth such case in United States history, the last occurring in 2006. Scientifically known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, eating meat or animal products from a contaminated cow can result in a fatal brain disease in people. An outbreak in Britain in the 1980s and ‘90s was blamed for the deaths of some 150 people. Brief by Ricardo Gonzalez

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free.


April 26, 2012


Special vending machine unveiled Aliso Viejo company creates a medical marijuana dispensary MAEGAN CASTRO-FLORES Daily Titan

An Aliso Viejo company called Dispense Labs has created a new way to sell medical marijuana to patients. The new dispensing system is basically in the form of a vending machine, called Autospense. According to Dispense Labs’ website, patients are issued a registration/membership card after they provide medical documentation. The card gives the patient 24-hour access to the Autospense machine. Inside the vending machine area, the patients must insert their membership cards and provide their thumbprints. Once the patients have been verified, a menu screen pops up, allowing the patients to make their selections. They can choose the type and quantity of marijuana they need. Once the marijuana is paid for, a small door opens in the Autospense machine and the medical marijuana is then distributed. Currently, the Autospense is the only machine available and it is in a Santa Ana medical marijuana shop called The Dispensary. Many people, like J.B. Anaya, an Anaheim resident, are torn at the idea of getting medical marijuana through a “vending machine.” Anaya, 54, uses medical marijuana because of migraines. She said it’s a great way to get the medication needed without having to wait. “I think that it’s a great idea because it makes it very convenient for people to get their marijuana. It is kind of fun to go into the stores or to the shops and get it, but sometimes you just have to run in and out and get it, and I think it’s very convenient,” Anaya said. Anaya said because she’s older,

going into a medical marijuana shop can be intimidating. “I was very intimidated the first time I (went). But then they get to know you, they know what you like and it breaks the ice. Just like you go into any place new,” Anaya said. Being a customer of her local shop for more than six months, Anaya knows how to buy the right medical marijuana and how the employees are always willing to help. She also understands that with a machine, she won’t get that type of service. “I would go into my medical marijuana shop or store, buy what I always buy or if I (want to) try something new, I’ll try it there ... And then if it’s something I like, I’ll get it from the dispensary sometimes. I know the dispensary is going to be a clear cut, ‘here’s your weed,’ and that’s it. In the shop, it’s more customized — (there is more of a) human touch,” Anaya said. Some who work in medical marijuana shops see the vending machine idea differently than Anaya does, but at the same time understand the human connection made with customers. Greg Thavorm, an employee of South Coast Collective 420 in Anaheim, said this type of machine takes away from the social aspect of coming into the store. “I’d rather like to have a face-toface patient … just because you can always see what’s best for them. With a vending machine, they can choose which one they want but they don’t get the feedback, they don’t get to touch the medicine … they don’t know the growers or who grows it or what they use,” he said. The medical marijuana in the Autospense vending machine lasts up to 15 days. After 15 days, it is switched out for a newer product. “High-grade medicine can last you about six months if you keep it the way we keep it, in an airtight jar,” Thavorm said.

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Photos by CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: - The Autospense, a vending machine for medical marijuana, can be accessed 24 hours a day by patients of The Dispensary Store located in Santa Ana. - Before accessing the machine, you need to register with The Dispensary Store, where they issue customers a card linked to the patient’s thumb print and self-assigned PIN. - After logging in, use the interactive touch screen to choose the medication. The strains and increments are preselected by the hosting dispensary. - Once the transaction is complete, the selection is removed from the machine. The Autospense is the first kind of machine that sells medical marijuana in this form.

Sam Sabzehzar, executive director of Medical Marijuana 411. com, wants to see more of these machines around the area. He said Autospense’s medical marijuana vending machines should be looked at just like pharmacies. “If a pharmacy can exist and help provide medicine for people who have prescriptions, then a dispensary should

exist. And if a dispensary doesn’t exist but a vending machine can (help), then (the vending machine) should exist,” Sabzehza said. Sabzehzar said he cares for the patients and wants the best for people who are sick. He said he wants patients to have the opportunity to use vending machines that will dispense medicine when needed.

“I think it’s a win-win, so that patients can get access to the medication they need and in a safe environment without having to necessarily go to a dispensary,” Sabzehzar said. “I hate to compare it to cigarettes, but (it’s) just (as if ) you were to buy cigarettes from a vending machine and (they) didn’t have strict regulations on it, but

they exist, and this medicine can be purchased that way. That would be very convenient for patients that could not go up for themselves.” Aliso Viejo’s Dispense Labs unveiled The Autospense Friday and is the first to dispense medical marijuana in this form. More information on the Autospense can be found at

April 26, 2012




“Let’s get personal”

Aborting ‘Operation Pro-Life’

Courtesy of MCT Heartthrob Megan Fox may not think her opinion on politics will influence voters, but she could not be further from the truth. Beloved celebrities can use their fame to their advantage by encouraging unsure voters to become informed and have their voices heard in elections.

Endorsing participation Celebrities give more than enough access to uninformed citizens on important political issues ROXANNE TELLES Daily Titan

In a GQ magazine interview, Megan Fox was asked if she did any campaigning for President Barack Obama in the 2008 election. Her response was, “I don’t think that it’s my job to be a politician or speak politics or try to convince people of otherwise … I’m Mikaela from Transformers. I don’t think anyone cares what I have to say about politics.” Although many people would agree with Fox that it’s not her job to speak politics, the reality is that more people do actually care what she has to say about the topic. The fascination with celebrities continues to get stronger and more people seem to be influenced by everything a celebrity does — from what they’re wearing to where they’re eating to who they’re voting for. Whether this hurts or helps politicians varies, but the fact is, by celebrities endorsing politicians, people who typically wouldn’t vote get involved and are becoming more aware of what’s going on in the world. The power of Oprah Winfrey, one of the most influential liberals, and her endorsement to Obama had a great impact on the 2008 election. She originally endorsed him in the primaries, and according to, economists Craig Garthwaite and Tim Moore estimated that Oprah’s endorsement “was worth over a million votes in the Democratic primary race and without it, Obama would have lost the nomination.” While there’s an argument to be made that the influence of celebrities on the public can actually hurt the country, there’s an even bigger argument to be made that more people are influenced by the political beliefs of the people they’re surrounded by most – their friends and family. Many people get their information from the environment

in which they grow up in. Because of this, young kids grow up following the political beliefs of their parents or guardians, causing them to make their political decisions without being fully informed of what they’re actually standing for. The political parties and policies that they fall into are based on what they’ve heard from others. So basically, listening to a celebrity can be similar to a parent or guardian, which many people typically do. It doesn’t really make a difference if they’re getting their information from a family member or a celebrity. Either way, the public is getting information that they wouldn’t have been exposed to before. The intention of celebrities is more than just getting a political figure in power. Their endorsement usually comes from some type of policy that they agree with or an issue they really care about and want the public to know about. They’re giving the public access to an issue that the public wouldn’t follow elsewhere. By informing someone who has no knowledge on the issue, awareness is increased and the public is gaining more information that they wouldn’t have had to begin with. The celebrity is using its power for good, rather than just simply using their name to sell a product to make money. The public is more fascinated with watching a video that its favorite celebrities have put together about a politician rather than watching the news cover the political decisions of candidates and their policies on the economy and war. Some light is being shed on important topics that people don’t care to hear about and the younger generation is getting involved in something they typically wouldn’t have been interested in because their favorite actor or singer is telling them to. More people are getting involved and voting that wouldn’t have before. More people are becoming aware, and some knowledge on an issue is much better than no knowledge at all. So at the end of the day, the power of a celebrity’s influence can have a positive effect on voters, and they should continue to use their influence to impact the public in a positive way.

I’m not going to sugarcoat anything going on in my personal life right now, so here it goes: I’m three weeks along in an unexpected pregnancy, and in another week I’m getting an abortion. And before I get a flood of hate mail from the ultra-conservative demographic of our pristine university, I would like to point out that every other woman within your line of vision is also pregnant and more than likely also getting an abortion, not just me, so there are several of us that need a strong wag of the finger of judgment. This, my friends, is the logic of Arizona state government. A couple weeks ago, Gov. Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.) made her mark to pass a law that will prohibit abortions after 18 weeks of pregnancy, instead of the typical 20 most states use as the cutoff date. This is justified by legally defining when life supposedly begins — the first day of a new menstrual cycle instead of the actual date of conception itself. Since their word has literally become law, people are pissed, and rightfully so. Let’s go over how the menstrual works (sorry to make you sit through this, gentlemen): An American woman’s typical cycle, which begins from approximately the time that she is 12 years old, give or take a year or two, lasts about 28 days. During the first half, her body spends a lot of time building up female hormones, called estrogen. One of estrogen’s many jobs is to help the lining of the uterus grow and thicken, which will help nourish an embryo in her womb should pregnancy actually occur. While all this is going on, a follicle in the ovaries containing an egg will develop, and this egg will eventually travel through the fallopian tube to the uterus when it reaches maturity. This is

ovulation, meaning approximately two weeks from the start of the menstrual cycle, she has this brief period where her egg is most likely to be fertilized by male sperm. After approximately three days, when no such fertilization happens, the egg will break apart and, along with the uterus lining and all its little nutrients that have gone to waste, will exit the woman’s body through her vagina, leading to a tampon shortage in the household. Keep in mind, doctors can have a difficult time pinpointing the exact day of conception, especially since some sperm can live in the uterus for up to five days. So Arizona’s lawmakers, who think they are qualified scientists, are rounding the official date of when life begins down to the beginning of the menstrual cycle, when the egg hasn’t even fully matured.

For the government to rule that life begins at a time that it technically doesn’t … and to stand behind doctors who cover up the truth about the health of their patients, is a huge slap in the face. Now, women’s bodies vary in the ways they work. Every cycle is different. Some are normal, some are funky. So I suppose it is possible for a woman to get pregnant immediately following her period. However, that would not be a typical outcome for the majority women who will be affected by this law. So, my congratulations goes out to women everywhere, including those who never had sex. If you’re in the first half of your menstrual cycle, you are technically considered with child. And that means having your period, or using Plan B should you decide to engage in sexual intercourse, is technically frowned upon. In fact, since we are all women, and our bodies came into this world prepared to host a few hundred unfertilized eggs, we are all going to hell for biologically passing almost all of them. The Grand Canyon State never ceases to amaze — it only gets better! In early March, a “wrongful birth, wrongful life” bill was passed that would prohibit lawsuits for medical malpractice against doctors who withhold information from a woman that could encourage her to have an abortion. So Dr. Anti-Hippocratic Oath can refuse to tell you your child will be born with only one leg and no arms (which did happen to a Florida couple last year, and they

did win a $4.5-million suit). He can also refuse to tell you your child will battle severe mental retardation for the rest of his short life that may render him or her to be a potato. And there is no action you can take against him. I have written about abortions before, and I have made it very clear that I am pro-life — as long as my life isn’t threatened or the pregnancy isn’t the result of rape (knock on wood). If I ever found myself with an unwanted fetus growing in my womb, I’d take personal responsibility for my actions by going through with the birth and putting the kid up for adoption. But seriously, does Charlotte have to drive down there and choke a bitch? I may be pro-life, but Arizona is pushing this controversial matter way too far. The spokesman for Gov. Brewer indicated that she has a pretty big commitment to prolife issues. I wonder if she has spent a fortune on surgeries, medications and care for a fetus that eventually developed into a severely physically or mentally handicapped child throughout the course of his or her life. I wonder if she is currently the parent of a child leading a tougher life than he or she deserves. If she is, good for her. She’s a little deluded for thinking that every other couple (or single mother) has the same amount of time and financial means to take care of a child with a condition they can’t handle or don’t believe the child should go through, but kudos, I guess. For the government to rule that life begins at a time that it technically doesn’t as an excuse to pull the cutoff date for abortion forward, and to stand behind doctors who cover up the truth about the health of their patients, is a huge slap in the face. They’re passing laws based on their own biased emotions and giving no regard for anyone else’s. And I wonder what the past couple generations of women would have done with their fetuses if they knew they would grow up to violate their fellow women’s rights like this. So my apologies to all who may take offense, but I’m giving Arizona supporters the finger and getting that abortion. In fact, I’ve had almost 100 abortions in my lifetime, and this one will be no different. And while some abortions are traumatizing for ex-mothers-tobe, who may require months of therapy, coming to terms with my future abortion will require only a large consumption of chocolate, wearing baggy pants and holding a warm water bottle to my groin.


April 26, 2012


Forced child marriage needs to be stopped It’s wrong for children to be married off when they can’t make their own choice HAILEY MORAN Daily Titan

Most American women today don’t realize how lucky they are to live in a society where we get to pick our “Prince Charming,” the loving man that will sweep us off our feet and live with us together in perfect harmony. For some who are not as lucky, their Prince Charming has to be the son of the highest bidder. This practice, while disgusting and horrible, happens all the time. The practice is most prevalent in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, despite laws in most countries banning it, according to a Reuters news article. There is no love. Their living situations are less than harmonious, and most of the time, turn into abuse. That is the kind of backwards

society some people have to deal with. Poor families, in an effort to financially stay afloat, will pawn their children to other families before the legal age of 18 — some as young as 1 year old. Gender experts say that 10 million girls under the age of 18 get married each year, often without consent and sometimes to a much older man, before she is mentally or sexually ready for such a relationship. It is not just a marriage with one person; a child bride is also forced to live with her in-laws, some of whom are abusive. The most disturbing case occurred in January when Sahar Gul, a 15-year-old girl from Afghanistan was married for seven months. Her in-laws kept her in a basement, ripped off her fingernails, tortured her with hot irons and broke her bones. This was all done as a way to force her into a life of prostitution. This has got to stop. Even though the majority of the countries

this occurs in are patriarchal societies where the woman’s role is insignificant, a girl’s place is not on the streets. It is not in a basement, and it is not trapped in a loveless marriage based on finances. While it has never been acceptable for atrocities like this to occur, the time has come for it to no longer be tolerated. We cannot stand by idly anymore. Thankfully, The Elders, a non-governmental organization (NGO) led by South African peace campaigner Archbishop Desmond Tutu is dedicated to addressing humanitarian issues. The group is starting a global movement called “Girls Not Brides,” aimed at ending child marriage. However, it cannot just stop with them. The countries that deal with underage and forced marriages firsthand should be stepping it up and shutting them out. The Afghanistan Times published an article in earlier this year titled “Let’s break the dead silence on women’s plight” in response to the

Gul story. The article pleaded with the Afghan community, using the Gul story as a threedimensional presentation that leapt off the screen and into their hearts, to shed their ignorance and embrace a step into a more egalitarian future. “The issue needs to be given ears and voices — both. Until we accept it an issue to be heard, we cannot give our voice to it,” the article stated. The article was the antithesis to the patriarchal society that its readers inhabit. It was an open letter to its readers that enough is enough. It was time to act together to look at each other as citizens and not differentiate between the status of a man and a woman. In an effort to openly condemn the act of forced underage marriage, the first ever legal child marriage annulment occurred this week in India. Laxmi Sargara was only 1 when she was married off to her husband. He was only 3 years

old at the time. Once she was of age, she reached out to a social worker who advocates child’s rights. Now, she is, happily, a single woman. Her future plans include pursuing higher education to get a job so she can keep her newfound independence. While this is a step in the right direction, the country also took two steps back as the same day as Sargara’s annulment, protests of a child marriage were attacked. We can only hope that people take Sargara’s story, strength and courage as inspiration to fight gender inequality. While The Elders’ work can be the ammunition, the soldiers in this war are those actually affected. Those on the front lines are women like Laxmi Sargara and girls like Sahar Gul. Sargara was fortunate enough to win, but the Sahar Gul’s of the world are losing their battles, and frankly, they are losing the war. We need to help them become victorious.

Comm Week helps CSUF students gain perspective With more than 80 speakers, the events are useful for everyone MARK PAYNE Daily Titan

How many Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists will I get the chance to talk to in person during my lifetime? Not many I’ll bet, but I did get a chance to talk with one Monday afternoon when guest speaker and Pulitzer Prize-winning music critic Tim Page was on campus as a part of Communications Week 2012. I will probably never meet another one, which illustrates just how important it is for Cal State Fullerton to continue bringing the best and most interesting people possible from outside of the classroom to help provide its students with the best education possible at our university. It is also the responsibility of the students to take advantage of every opportunity afforded them, so they

can benefit from the insights these speakers have to offer. As a communications major, I was thrilled to get the chance to listen to someone who has come so far in my own area of study. Speakers, like Page, who come to campus and volunteer their time are just as important and relevant to students involved in other majors. Tim Page is now a professor at the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. He often goes to go to other campuses to share his thoughts on journalism with other students, and he said he enjoys it. Guest speakers are an integral part of the educational process of any university, and can offer students added instruction and understanding for their future careers and endeavors. Speakers also give a fresh perspective in their field of study. Peggy Bockman, who is the assistant dean for Student Affairs

for the College of Communications, has had a great deal of experience bringing in guest speakers from the “real world” to the students of Cal State Fullerton. “I think we have really talented professors, but I think that industry professionals complement learning,” Bockman said. “Any time students can hear the same information from … professionals from the industry, I think it only complements the learning process.” Bringing in outside speakers and lecturers gives students a chance to learn from other knowledgeable people who can not only help them with their careers, but can also give them a chance to hear the most essential and pertinent information concerning the subjects they are studying in their classes. This common sense approach to speakers being brought in from outside of the classroom to help facilitate learning is not limited to

the College of Communications, but can also be seen in other departments as well. Dr. Amy Novak of the English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics Department said she thinks outside lecturers are a great idea for adding different expertise and voices to the content of the course. “I think that a teacher has one set of expertise and one set of research interest,” Novak said. “The ability to bring in people who are doing other such research connected with class, I think, can only benefit the discussion.” Students such as Susan Burke, a graduate student in counseling, also felt that these speakers added knowledge to the classroom. “Outside speakers that are actually working in the field can add to the learning process by giving an experience of what it’s actually like to be working in the field, rather than just learning from a textbook,” Burke said. Advertising major Rebecca Hanson said that students can learn only so much as far as classroom teaching. “When people come from the outside, they’re usually people who are professionals who have been in the industry for years. They know the ins and outs,” Hanson said. “The people who come in teach you how to do it, and this is what you have to do to get to the point you want to be at, and this is the process that I took.” Our university needs to continue to work with the community to bring in guest speakers that can enhance the learning experience, which will allow students to get the most out of their education. Students also need to go outside of their comfort zone and attend these events not just for required assignments or extra credit, but also to get the most of what Cal State Fullerton has to offer.

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Max Godsil presents “The Anatomy of the Hyundai Think Fast-Super Bowl 2012 Commercial” workshop during Comm Week 2012 to a crowd of listeners.

VANESSA MARTINEZ / Daily Titan Public relations majors Zach Ruggieri and Elsa Solorio enjoy a game of roulette at PRSSA’s Flappers & Fedora’s event Wednesday night — one of many events held during Comm Week.

VANESSA MARTINEZ / Daily Titan Public relations majors Mariana Vaca of Cal State Long Beach, and Heather Tanji of Biola put on fun hats, glasses and boas before taking pictures at the photobooth provided at the event.

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April 26, 2012


Titan Money Matters by GILBERT GONZALEZ

“Because your money matters”

Rate change we can believe in

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton has been without a football team since 1992. Recently there has been support to bring the American sport back to the CSUF campus. Supporters say not only would the team bring school spirit and community pride, it could also bring in additonal revenue.

Bring football back home!

Instill school spirit, pride and success by bringing our team back RICHARD ANDERSON Daily Titan

I was raised with a powerful love for football and continued loving it years after the Los Angeles Rams broke my heart when they left for St. Louis. Since then, I’ve been a Green Bay Packers fan through and through, and somehow they’ve kept my love for the league alive despite the fact that the Packers aren’t the local team. In fact, the National Football League is the only football league I care about where I don’t have a favorite team remotely close to where I live — not that I like any local football teams. I stopped caring about the Arena Football League when the Los Angeles Avengers disbanded. Though I still watch the games, I’m not nearly as enthusiastic about it. This brings me to college football. My entire family is big on the University of Southern California. Not me. Let’s face it — I’m Irish. That’s why I’ve always been partial to Notre Dame and I just can’t bring myself to like USC. However, I’ve never been big on college football because Notre Dame is not the local team. However, it has come to my attention that there’s a movement to bring college football back to Cal State Fullerton years after the program was disbanded in 1992. I’m sitting here thinking, “This idea is much better than bringing the evil Minnesota Vikings to Los Angeles.”

I currently care about college football about as much as I care about the AFL or the Canadian Football League (which I can’t seem to force myself to watch). As a football fan, I’m trying to watch more football. I’d watch college football if I didn’t work on Saturdays, but I wouldn’t be that excited about it. However, if CSUF brought back my favorite sport, I’d be an instant fan. More than that, a football team on campus would probably replace my beloved Packers as my favorite team in sports. That should tell you how much I want this to happen. I already feel pride about the fact that I’m a Titan, but that pride would grow exponentially if we had a team. That’s not the only reason CSUF should bring football back. I understand that a top football team can be costly. However, there are ways to counter that. After all, a football stadium was built one season before the team disbanded. Tickets and concessions are great ways to make money. Besides, it’s not like the football team hasn’t produced successful players. According to an article by the Los Angeles Times, former Titans quarterback Damon Allen once held the record for most career passing yards in the CFL until he was passed by Anthony Calvillo of the Montreal Alouettes. Mark Collins, who played defensive back for the Titans, won two Super Bowls for the New York Giants. He later went on to play for the Kansas City Chiefs and the Packers. Running back Mike Pringle

If CSUF brought back my favorite sport, I’d be an instant fan … I already feel pride about the fact that I’m a Titan, but that pride would grow exponentially if we had a team. set CFL’s single-season rushing record with 1972 yards in 1994 while playing for the Baltimore Stallions. In 1998, however, he broke his own record when he ran for 2065 yards while playing for the Alouettes. He is still the only player in CFL history to eclipse the 2,000yard mark. Pringle also holds the college football record for most rushing yards in a single game with 357 yards, against Mexico State, in 1989. The Titans even made it to the California Bowl in 1983 and went 11-1 the following season with Allen at the helm. Then they declined into obscurity until they were disbanded in 1992. For years, football has been well known for eliciting pride in the community. That’s why the Packers are owned by thousands of their fans. Baseball may be called “America’s pastime,” but football is, and always will be, mine. It’s about time that CSUF finally brought the sport of football back to the campus.

Making his rounds on late-night television this week was President Barack Obama, who continued sending his message about the impending possibility that student loan interest rates may be raised over the summer. His appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon came at a time when the nation is transitioning from spring into summer, and from primary season to the general election. Mr. Mitt Romney, having accumulated primary wins across the states, is perfecting his stump speech against the incumbent Obama, who has yet to undergo the arduous task of campaigning across the country. However, contrary to Romney’s constant appeals to the middle class, Obama’s lighthearted, breezy interview with Fallon painted the president as the more relatable candidate. The broadcast Tuesday night seemed to have been held together with a single string running through each act. At every opportunity, the conversation turned to the plight of the American student. And rightfully so; the episode was taped in front of an audience of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill students. Both camps, along with America’s favorite runner-up Ron Paul, covet the youth vote in this year’s election. Obama knows the college crowd came out in waves to support his bid in 2008. Romney’s problem in this cycle is his reputation for being out of touch. On Tuesday night, before an auditorium of students, Obama deftly executed the “Average Joe” appeal and stuck the landing. It was more than the black-andwhite photo of an afro-donning Obama in his youth, or his smooth trio with Fallon and The Roots emcee Black Thought, that helped him. As he recounted his college days, Obama mentioned his education was financed through student loans. In fact, his wife Michelle also used student loans to pay for her education. Obama admitted that the couple was married for 10 years before they finally paid off their debts, then joked that eight years later he became president of the United States, turning to the audience and saying “so, you know…” (I’m guessing the implication here is that paying off your student loans will allow you to accomplish great things, like afford a home, save for retirement or become president… you know?) In their case, both went to private schools, then law school. And we’re talking name-brand universities, with both Obamas’ alma maters including Occidental, Columbia, Princeton and Harvard. Understandably, their debts would be so massive that it would take that long to pay them off. In any event, student loan

repayments can be a huge burden after you graduate. According to American Banker, a daily business newspaper, the combined sum of student debt across the country has reached $1 trillion. If Congress were to act soon, and news from the office of House Speaker John Boehner suggests in the affirmative, federal student loan interest rates would stay at 3.4 percent, as reported in an online article from ABC News. If Congress fails to act, the rates will double July 1. Although both parties agree that lessening the burden on students is good politics, neither side of the aisle can come to a consensus regarding how to pay for the low-rate extension. Democrats prefer to end loopholes for large corporations in the tax code. The loophole could allow some of the largest corporations to avoid paying their share of entitlement program taxes, like Social Security and Medicare. Republicans instead suggest that the subsidy be paid for through Obamacare. Yup, you read correct. The same Republican party that would have the Affordable Care Act repealed should one of their rankand-file members become president is actually proposing that the federal government use funds from that supposed vile piece of legislation to cover the $5.9-billion expense. The Prevention and Public Health Fund, established by the Affordable Care Act to prevent disease and promote wellness, is the Republican solution, as opposed to raising taxes on some of the world’s most profitable firms. Let’s suppose Congress doesn’t pass the extension. Or, imagine any scenario in which you may not be able to pay off your student loans. For federal loans, you have several options. The handiest website for you to be aware of belongs to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This government agency collects data from various entities and compiles it into useful, easy-to-understand infographics. From this site, you’ll learn about solutions for scenarios like the one above, such as Income-Based Repayment. Under the IBR program, monthly payments could be catered to your ability (or inability, as it were) to repay

your loans, depending on your annual income, family size and type of federal loan. You’ll want to check with your loan servicer to verify if you qualify. For example, a graduate in a family of four, making $45,000 per year, could see monthly payments as low as $143. Such a low payment would be a lifesaver in the highly likely event that your degree doesn’t land you a six-figure salary soon after graduation. Also, if you are enrolled in the IBR program for a minimum of 25 years, any balance you still owe is forgiven. Speaking of forgiveness, if you commit to a career in public service for 10 years and are enrolled in IBR, you could be eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. After 10 years of public service, your entire federal debt would be wiped clean. However, only Federal Direct Loans are eligible. Perkins Loans or Federal Family Education Loans are unforgivable. Another option being proposed in Congress is a measure which would allow student loan debt to be erased by filing for bankruptcy. While the idea has many repercussions to the macroeconomy, your personal economic situation would be greatly changed. Filing for bankruptcy is a last resort — a Hail Mary attempt to alleviate your financial burdens. Banks will see you as a leper for as many as seven years, crippling your ability to qualify for a home loan. The saddest fate imaginable for a recent grad is the possibility of bankruptcy. Unfortunately, more and more baccalaureates are filing due to stagnant wages, unemployment and rising inflation. Mr. Romney may be fighting an uphill battle, attempting to attract voters who come from a middle-class background, but his tax filings and privileged lifestyle don’t put him in the best light compared to single-motherraised, student-loan-borrower Obama. While both agree with the president’s appeal to keep rates down in the near term, their strategies to save students money differ wildly. Undoubtedly, this November’s election will have a huge impact on students, affecting even juniors and seniors in high school not yet old enough to vote but still trying to decide how to finance college.


April 26, 2012


Lyricist a finalist in Hip-Hop

First Coachella, now Stagecoach

Joshua Brown once again participated in the global John Lennon Songwriting Contest


The three-day event will host more than 30 country musical talents For the Daily Titan


Every year, amateur and professional songwriters around the world submit their original songs to compete in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest. This year, Cal State Fullerton student Joshua Brown, 24, an advertising major, is a finalist competing with one other artist in the HipHop category. His song, “Runnin’ My Race,” was a Grand Prize winner for this category in 2011. If Brown beats out his competition, he becomes eligible for the Song of the Year award and a $20,000 prize. “For me, personally, (winning) kind of just lets me know — it was kind of a reminder — that I’m on the right path,” said Brown. The international contest began in 1997 and is committed to providing opportunity to songwriters of all levels. The winner from each of the 12 categories wins awards and prizes, and also competes for the title of Song of the Year. Tiana Lewis, tour coordinator and assistant director for the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, said the John Lennon Songwriting Contest is unique compared to other singing competitions. “What sets us apart from other contests is that we don’t judge songs on the quality of production; we are really able to focus on the lyrics and composition of a song,” said Lewis. “There are many aspiring songwriters out there with hesitance toward shopping their demos because they can’t sing or don’t have the production resources to ‘sell’ themselves. In keeping John’s legacy alive, promoting the importance of songwriting and creativity are paramount for connecting with all artists.” Brown, also known as Cahlaj on stage, is influenced by the music of rappers Jay-Z, Tupac Shakur, Nas, Eminem and The Notorious B.I.G. The inspiration of his writing comes from real life, real emotion and real energy. “I think I want my music to be like a bridge for understanding — for people to have a

Courtesy of Joshua Brown Joshua Brown was the Grand Prize winner in 2011 for his song, “Runnin’ My Race.” He began his music career in high school and local talent shows which led him to work with Tupac Shakur’s first manager.

more reflective view of themselves — a better understanding of another outlook in society that may not be talked about or looked upon,” Brown said. Brown started his musical career about six years ago while he was in high school. He became involved in several local talent shows and worked on some projects for Black History Month, which eventually led him to work with Tupac Shakur’s first manager, Leila Steinberg. He has performed at various events around Orange County and Los Angeles, most recently at Fusion, CSUF’s poetry event presented by the Afro-Ethnic Student Association. The event took place in March and is held every semester. CSUF student Jacqueline Snell attended the event and watched Brown perform live. “The event itself was really inspiring. All of the artists were amazing, but he (Brown) — I definitely think that he stood out,” said Snell. “He’s just a really great performer, so I’m glad he’s being recognized for the work that he’s done ... He’s really talented and I definitely think he deserves to win.” Under the selection system of the contest,

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We don’t judge songs on the quality of production; we are really able to focus on the lyrics ... Tiana Lewis Tour Coordinator

the winner is chosen by online voters as well as a panel of professional judges that include professional singers/songwriters, performers and industry veterans. To hear CAHLAJ’s song, as well as the other songs from the finalists, go to “I think people should listen to both of the songs and see which one speaks to you,” Brown said. “Not taking away from the other artists, but if you listen to both tracks and my record touches you, then you should vote.” The voting is open until Friday, and the winners of both sessions will compete to become the Lennon Award winner in each category. Brown will begin working on his second project in May. For more information about his work, visit

The Empire Polo Club in Indio, Calif. prepares for music, laughter, fun, some of the biggest names in country music, and of course a ton of screaming fans as they set up for the sixth annual Stagecoach country music festival. Country music fans come from all over the United States to take part in this experience that has become the second largest country music festival in the nation. Stagecoach is a three-day event that will take place Friday to Sunday with a set schedule of performers each day. People are expected to start arriving at the event as early as Thursday and stay as late as Monday. More than 60,000 people will be attending and staying for the weekend. From past experience, there won’t be a hotel within 15 miles that isn’t sold out. Those who don’t stay at a hotel can stay at a designated area connected to the venue and camp. Attendees will be staying in RVs, trailers, cars and tents. Stagecoach has something for everyone. There will be more than 30 performers with a wide range of artists including Alabama, Luke Bryan, Brad Paisley, Jason Aldean, Blake Shelton, Miranda Lambert, Martina McBride, The Band Perry, Eli Young Band, Sheryl Crow and Kenny Rogers. Whether you’re 7 or 70, you are likely to enjoy the event. “This will be my first year at Stagecoach, and I can’t wait,” said Ashley Chaffin. “Everyone I’ve talked to has guaranteed me that it will be the time of my life and something I will never forget.” Whether it’s your first time or sixth time, proper preparation will

Each year I add more things to pack and bring with me. Since the day I left last year, I’ve been waiting to come back. Alyx Dominguez Third-time attendee

make your experience that much more enjoyable. “I become more prepared each year, and each year (I) add more things to pack and bring with me,” said Alyx Dominguez, a third-time attendee. “Since the day I left last year, I’ve been waiting to come back.” As fans prepare to camp, clothes seem to be the item taking up the least amount of room. Heavy clothing won’t be necessary considering the temperatures are predicted to soar into the high 90s. Along with the music, there will also be a ferris wheel, karaoke, pinball tournaments and many food and shopping booths. Although beer reigns as the number one drink, with the high energy and temperature, everyone will want plenty of water on hand. Fans lather up with sunscreen, throw on cowboy boots, a cowboy hat, shorts and get ready to soak up the sun. This is an event that many say you must attend at least once in your life. Stagecoach will benefit local charities such as the Indio Youth Task Force, Indio Senior Center and Silverlake Conservatory of Music. You’ll feel as though you are with 60,000 of your closest friends who are so incredibly taken by the music and activities, and you won’t see a single person without a smile on his or her face. Every night is going to be a memory that lasts a lifetime. Like Blake Shelton sings, “I don’t want this night to end.”

April 26, 2012



Bringing art to a dusty city swept away by time The Cultural Art’s Commission in Placentia facilitates the exhibition of artwork created by students JOEY BECERRA Daily Titan

STEPHEN McGLADE / Daily Titan Firefighters save the day at Hope Day, an event hosted by the Boys Hope and Girls Hope organization in conjunction with Cal State Fullerton students. The event raised money to provide children with uncertain futures in their current environment with safe homes.

Students and a nonprofit unite to assist children Hope Day raises money to provide kids with futures, security


The aroma of Hawaiian barbecue filled the air as the siren of a Fullerton fire truck blared. But instead of dousing any food-related flames, the firefighters helped put smiles on the faces of children who have worked hard for a better future. In accordance with National Volunteer Week and Global Youth Service Day, Boys Hope Girls Hope and Cal State Fullerton students hosted Hope Fest, a gathering for the local Fullerton community at Independence Park in Fullerton. The event was held to help provide support to the children under the care of Boys Hope Girls Hope and included games, raffles, food vendors, face painting and, of course, a visit from the Fullerton Fire Department. The event Saturday was planned and executed by students in one of CSUF’s Public Relations Management courses. The students formed the team “Poise PR” and were assigned to find and collaborate with a nonprofit organization to plan and conduct an event. The group found Boys Hope Girls Hope, an organization that helps children with unstable futures reach their full potential and goals by providing them with a value-centered, familylike home, auxiliary services and education opportunities. The organization is currently providing support for 12 children with a boy’s house in Santa Ana and a girl’s house in Fullerton. The organization takes in children ages 10 through 17 who have unstable futures in their current living situation. The children may be emotionally insecure or may come from situations where they may not be taken care of properly. “They come to us between 10 and 14 and they can stay all the way through ‘til high school graduation,” said Boys Hope Girls Hope Executive Director Robin Sinclair. “Then we help transition them to college. They’re all college-bound.” The members of Poise PR had researched other organizations through CSUF’s Center for

Internships and Community Engagement before contacting Boys Hope Girls Hope. “They were on the list of people who’ve worked with Cal State Fullerton before, so we called them,” said Alexandra Siliezar, 22, a public relations major. Vidhya Patel, 21, another public relations major, said that the match was easy. “We thought we’d go, kind of have her (Sinclair) interview us, and we interview her — it kind of just clicked,” Patel said.

They come to us between 10 and 14 and they can stay all the way through ‘til high school graduation. Robin Sinclair Boys Hope Girls Hope Executive Director

Hope Fest was set up to coincide with the third annual National Day of Service, which promotes the importance of community service and contributions. The goal of the day was to give the children in the program a fun day at the park. Tickets for games and raffle prizes were on sale for the public to join and participate. For the event, Poise PR and Boys Hope Girls Hope reached out to local businesses and public servants

to help make the experience better for everyone. The team managed to partner with Snowflakes Exotic Shaved Ice Desserts, Hula Moon food truck and Anaheim-based realtor Mike Patel. Hope Fest offered the children several games to play and activities including a cake-walk, shoe box races, a soccer obstacle course and a face-painting booth. Students from Newport Harbor High School were also in attendance, volunteering their time to help with running some of the booths at Hope Fest. Some members of the Fullerton Fire Department stopped by to let the children explore their truck, try on firefighting gear and ask questions. Some of the older children in the program were interested in learning about careers in firefighting. “I was looking for food trucks, and I found a food truck that actually was a fire truck, but they were booked,” Patel said. “It just sparked an idea, and I thought, ‘Why don’t we just get the fire department to come out?’” The team planned the activities and prize drawings to pull in the public and help raise money for the organization. The students made sure they made the event publicly known by releasing media alerts through local publications, social media and fliers. Although the event did not turn out huge numbers, the team was not discouraged because they were able to give the children a great, fun-filled day.

Placentia is like a slice of middle-class America, plucked from the 1950’s and artificially grafted into the 21st century. Telling details reveal the dichotomy that distinguishes the Orange County city from the rest of the area. Along Orangethorpe Avenue — one of the city’s main streets — rests a sleepy industrial area, crisscrossed with train tracks and gloomy factories. On the eastern end of the avenue, where Placentia meets Anaheim, sits a small shopping center decorated with American flags and signs endorsing Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) — reminiscent of the picket signs and decorated porches of the houses of yesteryear. Further into the city, directly west of the Civic Center, at the intersection of Bradford and Chapman, a nostalgic-looking red, white and blue water tower is transposed against the low skyline of the monolithic 57 and 91 Freeways. Just four blocks down from the community’s sprawling green lawns and traditional-style homes, at the intersection of Chapman and Murray, sits a sad-looking ethnic business center with signs that read, “Lavanderia,” “Carniceria” and “Limited 99-Cent Store.” It is almost as if time picked and chose which areas of the city to modernize, which to weather down to dust and which to leave in the past. The Cultural Arts Commission of Placentia is trying to bring local art back from the past. Composed of nine Placentia residents, the group meets once a month at City Hall to discuss upcoming cultural art events such as local photography contests, Concerts in the Park, gatherings and involvement with the annual Heritage Festival and Parade. The goal of the group is to bring art to a city where there is no longer art, not only by sponsoring cultural events for the city to enjoy but also by providing funds for students in the area to show their work. The commission works through the Cultural Arts Program for Every Student to advocate student art. “It’s a grant program in which we give at least — sometimes more — $500 to a school within the Placentia-Yorba Linda School District,” said Evelyn Lawrence, chair of the commission. “It must be a cultural or artistic project. If it meets the criteria, then they get the money to present it.”

According to Lawrence, the group has expanded its contributions over the years. “Before, there were three to 10 students. We now give it to a much greater number,” Lawrence said. Daniel Davis, vice chair of the commission, said the expansion of the program coincided with severe budget cuts to arts programs. He pointed out an example of a program that the commission has saved. Every year at Wagner Elementary in Placentia, the kindergarten students plant tulips, take etiquette lessons, make hats and have tea with their mothers on Mother’s Day. “They’re combining a little bit of science, a little bit of the arts (and) a little bit of good manners into this program. It was at risk of being canceled last year, because the school couldn’t afford it, so we approved the application for a grant last year,” said Davis.

A lot of students want to go to art schools and academies. They need this type of recognition to get in. LeeAndrah Silva Commissioner

Another way that the commission facilitates the growth of art is by giving the students opportunities to be recognized for their work. The commission is currently running a contest where students submit a new design for the commission’s logo. LeeAndrah Silva, one of the committee’s commissioners, said the recognition is invaluable for growing talent. “A lot of students want to go to art schools and academies. They need this type of recognition to get in,” said Silva. A problem that the commission faces is the fact that art has been left in the past. Marsha Mulroney, another commissioner of the committee, said, “It’s hard to change things because people on the commission are older. We are trying to get younger people involved.” According to Commissioner William Heaton, a way to fix this problem is to expand the reach of the commission. Heaton advocated allowing other cities to participate in the photo contest. As for the state of the arts in Placentia, it seems that their best days are behind them and the city’s schools will never be able catch up to the present. “They don’t have arts anymore — they gave it up, like they gave up the Constitution and other things,” Lawrence said fearfully.


April 26, 2012


POWER: CSUF’s heart beats clean and helps provide students energy ...Continued from page 1 Seasonal and peak rates can be circumvented due to the flexibility that the system provides. “We are not operating as an island on this campus,” Bechtold said. A snapshot of energy usage for the entire campus can be seen from the control room of the Trigen plant, which is outfitted with dozens of monitors. Rick Hale and Dave Ostrowski, two building services engineers who are responsible for maintaining the plant, can recognize and respond to most energy issues across campus from the control room. They are also constantly keeping an eye on the automated systems of the facility. These systems make adjustments to the turbine, chillers and coolers based on information received from the rest of the campus in real time. Illustration by AJAI SPELLMAN / Daily Titan Slimming and sexy, corsets are typically used to create a more defined waist for wearers. The first corsets were used to create a geometrically straight line in the bodice.

Fahion’s sexiest garment AJAI SPELLMAN Daily Titan

The corset has been an important article of underwear that has literally helped shape fashion for centuries. Though we are very familiar with the contemporary term “corset,” it wasn’t always referred to as such. The word gained popularity only at the end of the 18th century. The original occurrence of the corset, which was referred to as the Cottee, was used in a similar fashion of the way it is today. The Cottee was a tight, extended bodice that was worn under clothing. It was constructed of stiff linen and worn under the bodice. As fashion evolved, the Cottee also managed to evolve. The garment became much tighter and stiffer to cooperate with the fashion of its day. It eventually became an essential tool that provided a geometrically straight line in the bodice. Corsets were used during the burlesque era to provide what

society believed at the time to be the “perfect shape” for women. Women would squeeze into the item because it would do the amazing job of condensing any undesirable flab that would otherwise catch unwanted attention. The corset helped provide a figure that seemed more appropriate and attractive to the eye. Not only is the corset used as a body-shaping method today under clothes, but it is also commonly worn by women as a stand-alone item in contemporary fashion. For a bride-to-be, numerous gowns from Vera Wang to Monique Lhuillier either require a corset or have one built in. Other women wear the garment to simply make a fashion statement, since it can often give off an avantgarde or sexy expression. Women shouldn’t have to worry about looking good when wearing a corset. The only thing they should have to worry about is the killer backache that they’ll experience once removing the tight garment.

Through access to the secure campus network, engineers can see the status of the campus’ electrical systems on the fly and make adjustments accordingly. The plant was constructed because CSUF grew out of its older central plant. This older water heating and cooling facility ran entirely off of electricity bought from Southern California Edison. Due to the high cost of electricity during peak hours, the plant mostly ran at night, heating and cooling the water that would be needed for the following day. As more and more students began attending CSUF and new buildings were being constructed, the finite reservoirs of hot and cool water that the plant produced could not meet the campus’ demand. While the Trigen plant has only two chillers/ heaters compared to the four housed in the central plant, its use of natural gas transported

directly to its turbine allows it to operate 24/7. This means demands for heating and cooling all the way across campus can be met at all times, night or day. While Bechtold said that it is difficult to quantify and compare CSUF’s energy strategy with those of other CSU campuses, he feels as though CSUF is a front-runner. “We are probably a leader in many regards,” Bechtold said. Every campus has different factors that influence its energy usage including climate, student population and facility needs, Bechtold said. Due to the dense student population and limited space to expand, Bechtold is confident that the Trigen plant is an ideal energy solution for Cal State Fullerton. While few know about the multimilliondollar facility that is surrounded by thick brick walls to mask its low hum, all feel the effects on campus daily.

Women stand up in defense of one-night stands Students on campus say that casual sex is now more acceptable SEPIDEH NIA Daily Titan

Women are becoming more open about their sexuality. There is no question that women are exponentially more sensual than their male counterparts. However, is it more socially acceptable for women to have casual sex? According to the student population at CSUF, it seems that it is. Ariel Phillips, a first-year history and child and adolescent development double major, said she has had a one-night stand. “They’re just useful sometimes. You’ve got to get it out of your system. You don’t want to make a relationship, make those emotional things,” said Phillips. In the time where conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Rick Santorum are trying to build their political platforms on reducing reproductive freedom, women are taking more of a stance and further control over their sexual lives.

Lyzz Higgins, a fourth-year geography student, said she understands why people have onenight stands, although she has never had one and doesn’t plan on it. “I don’t think that human primates are monogamous people, so I think that it’s less unfortunate than we think for people to sleep around,” said Higgins. The idea of a one-night stand is just that. It’s sex for the pleasure or temporary closeness, but in the end, it’s a one-time thing. However, there seems to be a stigma involved with casual sex. Ashley Smith, a fourth-year sociology student, said she thinks that people sometimes overreact to the idea of one-night stands. “I think women make, obviously, more of a big deal of it. I think it has to do with religion and, maybe, how you were raised,” said Smith. However, with today’s rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) there are some people that would rather play it safe. Minh Nguyen, a fifth-year health science and public administration double major, looks at one-night stands from a medical standpoint. “I think it’s a bad idea/practice/ behavior to be engaging in because these one-night stands may be a

result from other forms of unhealthy behaviors such as consuming alcohol and peer pressure,” said Nguyen. STIs are a common fear among those who have casual sex, or even sex for the first time with a committed partner. Jessica Samayoa, a third-year sociology student, said she likes onenight stands, but also treats them with responsibility. “I think they’re amazing,” said Samayoa. “Sometimes you have to have fun a little. I mean, obviously be protected. Always. That’s ... a key thing.” Although women are being more open about their sexuality, there still is a negative stigma on female sexuality relative to male sexuality. Rush Limbaugh, a conservative radio host, recently went on the air, calling Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown law student, a slut and prostitute because of her active support in trying to get insurance companies to cover contraception devices. These ideals still exist in the thoughts of those that think it is more acceptable for a man to be more sexually active than a woman. “I think it’s a fundamentalist mindset, I guess — that it’s more appropriate for a guy to be sexual (than) a girl because, historically,

we’re (women) supposed to be covered up and we’re supposed to be more conservative,” Higgins said. However, not everyone who disagrees with one-night stands condemns the people who participate in them. “I do not advocate such behaviors, and I do not pass judgment as well. The individuals know what they are engaging in, and I just hope they have self-respect, not only for themselves, but for others as well,” Nguyen said. Samayoa also said that self-respect and self-love are essential in onenight stands. “You have to be really careful on how you perceive yourself and that person,” she said. CSUF holds events on campus to educate students on the prevention of sex-related diseases. “I remember, I think it was a month ago, they had a meeting for ... HIV or AIDS. It was like a meeting in the student access center in the Humanities Building, so it was really great for administrators to, like, conform with that,” Samayoa said. Whether they choose to participate in casual sex or not, women on campus have been taking more of a stand in their sexual lives.

Ballet Folklorico takes center stage MEC VALLE Daily Titan

Hair and makeup — check. Personality, style and spirit — check. The dancers quickly go over the steps in their minds and get mentally prepared to show off the fruits of their hard work. Get ready, because it is time to dance. Cal State Fullerton has a group of around 30 people who are dedicated to the dance style called Ballet Folklorico. The dance movement focuses on culture from throughout different regions in Mexico. “Ballet Folklorico it is the cultural expression of Mexico through dance and music,” said Sabrina Valles, 19, a public relations major and a general dance member of Ballet Folklorico. “Each state of Mexico, we call them regions though, has their own style of dance as well as their own style of music and their own style of costuming.”

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Paula Macias, 20, a Ballet Folklorico historian, said Folklorico is like Mexican folk dancing. “It’s traditional dances from Mexico,” said Macias. The group was founded back in 2007, when the creators of Ballet Folklorico de CSUF, Christopher Sandoval and Michaela Kimball, realized that there was no Ballet Folklorico chapter on campus. Valles said that the creators saw the need and were determined to meet it. The group has grown a lot since 2007, Macias said. “They started out with, I believe, less than 10 people and now, we have like over probably 30 members,” Macias said. “As an organization, we try to be really close together … we call ourselves a family, and I think that’s an important factor for the unity of each member.” The group performs many dances that are done throughout the various

regions of Mexico. A few of the dances they perform come from areas like Jalisco, which involves a lot of color and distinct regalia. Another dance comes from Veracruz, and this dance uses white clothing reflecting the atmosphere of Veracruz. Macias said that this dance is very elegant. The group also performs dances from the Zaga California region, which Macias describes as very cowboyish and aggressive. The dance uses fast and upbeat rhythms, and it integrates acting with dance. Jackqueline Sedano, 21, is a performing group member of Ballet Folklorico. A performing group member requires more work than a general member. For general members, practice starts at 7 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays. For performing group members, practice lasts an extra hour. Sedano said Ballet Folklorico has enabled her to take part in something close to her heart. “Because I am Mexican, it’s really nice for me to dance the types of dances that our cultures used to dance,” said Sedano. “I really love the dances.” Ballet Folklorico is not geared toward just one group of people. According to Sedano, the group is inclusive of all cultures. “It’s not only for Mexicans, we have members that are not Hispanic or Latino,” Sedano said. For some members like Sedano, Folklorico dancing has been a part of their lives since an early age. “I started dancing when I was in the fourth grade … My mom danced, and then I grew up dancing. I grew up doing it, so it’s very much like home to me,” Sedano said. Ballet Folklorico has a certain message that the group wants to convey to the student population through dance and their community. “We try to get the most people as possible to join. We’re not telling them if they want to join a club, but it’s more like joining a family,” Macias said.


April 26, 2012


Couples tie the knot at Fullerton’s Arboretum

Parting words from soon-to-be graduates Seniors offer freshmen advice about how to get the best college experience AMY ORELLANA For the Daily Titan


Tucked away behind the dorms at Cal State Fullerton lies a place of escape. It can not only be used as inspiration for a painter’s blank canvas or environmental spa for relaxation, it also can play home to every girl’s dream wedding. The Arboretum, which has been open to the public since the late 1970s, has played host to countless weddings over the years. Its beautiful landscape and breathtaking natural atmosphere mixed with the euphoric feeling of a wedding day, allows the Arboretum to feel like more than just a wedding location — it can feel like paradise or even home. “If you want to do something outdoors, it’s a beautiful, beautiful location to do it,” said Liz Gilson, the facility rental manager for the Arboretum. Gilson is a Cal State Fullerton alumna who is in charge of handling all the wedding and reception rentals. Part of her job is to juggle the school’s schedule of events, the Arboretum’s events and baseball games to ensure that every bride and groom gets the special day they deserve. The Arboretum is open for weddings from April through October. The venue is so popular, in fact, that Gilson has already begun booking weddings for 2013. She believes it is a combination of factors that contribute to the popularity of the venue. While the Arboretum is technically a plant museum, it cleans up nicely for a wedding, and often it’s the sentiment or the memories made at the Arboretum that inspire people to get married there. “I do have a lot of students and some faculty that do get married here … A lot of the alumni or students that do get married here have an emotional connection to the Arboretum,” said Gilson. Ally Roberts, 21, a human services major, had the Arboretum as a backyard when she lived at the dorms for two

Courtesy of Heavenly Portraits Weddings at the Arboretum have become so popular that dates are booked in 2013. A major plus that comes with getting married at the venue is the peace and tranquility that it offers.

years. After being so close to it, she can understand why people are drawn to it for a wedding. “The Arboretum at CSUF is both unique and alluring. It undoubtedly has the ability to provide a charming and memorable backdrop for a wedding,” Roberts said. While the mood of the Arboretum is tranquil and peaceful, a wedding day comes with its fair share of jitters, crises and problems. Luckily, one of the perks of a wedding at the Arboretum is the assistance from a wedding hostess. “There is a wedding hostess that comes along with a deal where she’ll come to your rehearsal and coordinate your ceremony for you, so you don’t have to worry … They tend to the bride and make sure everything is going OK for her,” Gilson said. Part of the wedding hostess’ duties is to open up the historic Heritage House located in the Arboretum for the bride to get prepared. The Heritage House also acts as a beautiful backdrop for photographs after the wedding. Jen Disney, who owns her own photography business, has done wedding shoots at the Arboretum, and finds the grounds inspiring. “I love the Arboretum because there’s so much to work with there. The (Heritage) House inspires a sort of vintage feel and is a great place for photos. Then as you wander down the trails there are so many

different looks from the tall bamboo to the little bridges,” Disney said. “There’s lots of space, and it feels like you’re hidden away from the city.” Disney also adds that the atmosphere is versatile and can be adapted to match any wedding theme and any bride or groom. “It can feel like a backyard wedding or like you’re (marrying) at an old farmhouse. The place is beautiful on its own but also gives a beautiful background to build upon and bring their own personalities into,” Disney said. One of the most memorable weddings for Gilson was one where the bride and groom brought their love story to life and used it as a theme for their wedding. After knowing each other since they were 9 years old, Truman Cho and Minhee Park used their wedding as opportunity to go back to their childhood school days. Invitations were printed on vintage notebook paper, seating cards for guests were apples on a teacher’s desk, lunch was served on cafeteria lunch trays, and messages for the bride and groom were written on a chalkboard. The Arboretum has the power to inspire that kind of creativity in every person for his or her wedding. With the natural esthetic, breathtaking landscape and the beautiful California weather, any wedding at the Arboretum could go from being lackluster to being the most magical day of your life.

For most students, college is a place to make lifelong friends, find out what they are truly interested in and have a great time learning, living and exploring being an independent person. Of course, heading off to college can also mean uncertainties and fears, since it is a totally new and unfamiliar experience. First, going to college is one of those rare chances in life you have to reinvent yourself. You are in a new environment with new people. You do not have to be the person you were — you can be anyone you want to be. If you were the class clown in high school, and want to be taken seriously, now is the chance to shake that stereotype. If you were considered the nerd, you can now hang out with any group that interests you. College freshmen lack friends, and just want to find a place to fit in. What do college seniors suggest? Make friends with people you might not expect to become friends with. Helen Mejia, 22, a creative photography major who is graduating in May, said that just doing college homework and assignments will not get students anywhere in life. According to Mejia, students must push themselves to take on personal projects, get involved on campus and really engage with others. Mejia used photography class as an example. According to Mejia, just doing the standard assignments will not differentiate a student from their classmates. Students will not have any work that really stands out, even if they are very talented. Mejia said the work that usually catches attention of others in the industry is personal projects. According to Mejia, college photo assignments are a bare minimum. Students will most likely not develop a deep understanding of photography until they push themselves, both creatively and technically. “Give yourself personal assignments to

shoot and get feedback from professors and peers. Learn studio lighting. Play with it as much as possible and do not be afraid to make mistakes. Try new things to find your style and discover your calling in photography. In short, push yourself to take advantage of what your peers, teachers and surroundings have to offer,” said Mejia. In college, students will likely come across a lot of talent and passion. These people have different experiences, different expertise, but many share your passion. It is advisable that students feed off this talent and passion and push themselves.

Do not skip class. It is the dumbest thing ever, even when you are sleepy. Do not get discouraged... Jessinia Aguilar Sociology Major

Jessinia Aguilar, 23, a sociology major, said, “College is not all about partying, but it’s not all about academics either. In order to have a fulfilling college experience, learn to balance the two by joining social organizations that are academic-based. Beware of who you choose to surround yourself with.” Aguilar said that persevering when school gets tough is also important. “Do not skip class. It is the dumbest thing ever, even when you are sleepy. Do not get discouraged. College academics can beat you down. Exam week is treacherous and sometimes you will feel like you just cannot do it anymore, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep in mind why you are attending college in the first place.” Luis Becerra, 23, a kinesiology major, said meeting people on campus is important. “Your network is your most important job search tool; don’t underestimate it. Make all of the friends that you can at school. Be active, participate in clubs and sports. Volunteer on campus. All of the people you will meet in the next four years could play an important role in both your first job and your career. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity,” said Becerra.


April 26, 2012


NBA’s top five title contenders Despite 16 teams entering, only a few have a realistic chance DANNY CHAU Daily Titan

Somehow, the 2012 NBA Playoffs are starting in two days. In a season already marred by mania, both good and bad, the playoffs will be a culmination of all the madness. The first round will establish eight isolated war zones, where the season’s insanity is allowed to grow and fester like bacteria in a petri dish. Alas, there can only be one champion. In a season as unpredictable as this (think about it — five months ago we were still wondering if there would be a season at all), it’s impossible to predict a victor with any kind of certainty, but the season has left us clues on which team has the best odds.

Here are my top five: San Antonio Spurs — Wait, what? Yes, they are aging. Yes, they had a fantastic record last season and were bounced in the first round. But this isn’t last year’s Spurs team. Don’t underestimate the genius of coach Gregg Popovich, who has made sure the team is the best equipped to win in a lockout-riddled season. His stars have been resting while the other elite teams have overexerted their key players. Point guard Tony Parker has played himself into MVP candidacy, and their bench, full of willing defenders and dead-eye 3-point shooters, is the team’s deepest in years. Society tells us to worship what’s new. The Spurs aren’t biting. It has been about 13 years since the last lockout season. Remember who won then? Miami Heat — This team isn’t perfect, but it has the best player in the world, and that’s good enough for me. We can focus on LeBron James’ issues, or we can focus on how when he plays like the best player in the world (and he’s done so this season far more than not), there is no problem with LeBron

DTBRIEFS BASEBALL Player Joins USA Baseball Team

down the stretch, because the game is already out of reach. To me, the ability to put a game away early is just as important as putting it away late. The stars are rested and the stakes have never been higher. The team knows what this season means. This condensed season is their perfect opportunity to strike.

Sophomore outfielder and right-handed closer, Michael Lorenzen, has accepted an invite from USA Baseball and the Collegiate National Team (CNT) for the second consecutive summer. This will be Lorenzen’s fifth tour with USA Baseball since he played on the club’s 16U team in 2008. Last summer, Lorenzen batted .317 with one homerun and 10 runs batted in 41 at-bats against summer league teams from New England and Japan. This year, the CNT will play 10 games in North Carolina before heading overseas for a five-game series in Cuba and then to Holland for the nation’s Honkbal-Haarlem Baseball Week. The only other Titan to have played for the CNT in consecutive seasons was infielder Christian Colon in the 2008 and 2009 seasons. Lorenzen, who was drafted by the Tampa Bay Rays straight out of high school, instead decided to join the Titans in 2011. That year, he was awarded both Big West Conference Freshman of the Year and named Collegiate Baseball Freshman All-American. Thus far in the 2012 season, Lorenzen has batted .327 with 27 RBIs and 11 stolen bases across 39 games. The outfielder has also been impressive on the mound as the Titans’ closer, ranking fourth in the nation with a 2-0 record and 12 saves with a 1.65 earned run average in 15 appearances. Both roles have helped propel the Titans to the top of the Big West standings.

Chicago Bulls — The Bulls being tied for the best record in the NBA, despite being without star point guard Derrick Rose for extended stretches, is a testament to coach Tom Thibodeau’s brilliance. Their defense will take them far, but they need a healthy Rose down the stretch. If they lose Rose once again during the course of the playoffs, the Bulls will invariably struggle in the latter stages of the postseason once defenses capsize Chicago’s lesser playmakers. Oklahoma City Thunder — If youth and talent trumps all, the Thunder have the Finals in the bag. It’s not that easy though. When you have to win 16 games to win it all, it’s never that easy. The Thunder defense can be unreliable for stretches, and if James Harden’s concussion will affect him throughout the playoffs, they don’t have a reliable third option in the event that both Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook struggle from the field. Still, this is a dangerous team with at least four game-changers on the roster. They really, really need Harden though. Los Angeles Lakers — Metta World Peace’s suspension will make their first round series more interesting than it should be, but the Lakers still have plenty of talent to make a championship run. The Lakers’ margin for error is beyond slim, more so than any other team on this list. Kobe Bryant has to find balance on the offensive end while placing more effort on defense in World Peace’s absence. Bynum has to dominate the way he did before his antics stole the storylines. Pau Gasol has to evade the storyline entirely. It’s not likely, but it’s hard to count the team out. They don’t lack the talent, only stability.

Courtesy of MCT

Brief by Ricardo Gonzalez

Miami Heat forward LeBron James (with ball) drives to the basket against Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah in a regular season game earlier this season. Both teams will look to make a deep push to the title as playoffs begin this Saturday.

Women’s lacrosse team finishes season strong Titans qualified for championships for first time in team history SHANDELL QUIBELL For the Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton women’s lacrosse club had a great season and will be looking for new members soon to add for next year. According to the CSUF club sports website, the program’s main goal is to improve student and campus life. The club is completely developed and run by students who work closely with the Sports

Club InterClub Council (SCICC). Since the group is both a club and a sports team, they offer a number of opportunities that other clubs and sports teams do not. For example, people who have never played lacrosse before are more than welcome to join. Many of the current members had never played before and learned all their skills this season. Additionally, every member is promised playing time during games. The women’s lacrosse club also has a number of leadership positions available.

This gives students the chance to learn skills that will benefit them off the field as well. This includes everything from organizational skills to fundraising abilities. “We’ve raised almost $2,000 this school year,” said Cheyenne Kolosky, the fundraising director for the club. “We did a Halloween fundraiser with the Cantina Lounge, a garage sale and a number of restaurant fundraisers.” The club also does philanthropy work and team-bonding activities like beach trips and potlucks. There are annual dues that go toward equipment and travel, but those fees can be lowered

depending on how much funding the club raises. While all of this is a wonderful way to have fun and get helpful additions to one’s resume, the main reason the women join the club is to play lacrosse. They started training back in September a couple of days each week and had a few scrimmages. When spring semester started, they added extra practices whenever they could and started getting experience in real games. This year has been the best the team has ever done, and it is also the first time the team has qualified for championships. Their record going into the championship game was 11-3 overall

and 5-1 in the league. “We never lost a home game this season, which was really exciting for us,” said Dani Willis, the team’s SCICC representative. “Our girls are really proud of how we have done this year.” Individuals on the team were also recognized this year. Willis was awarded first-team all-league for Division II. Additionally, Ciara Looney and Alexis Espinoza received second-team all-league. “I loved being a part of this team,” said Espinoza. “This was the best lacrosse season and team I have been a part of. It allowed me to become more involved and connect with other

students at school.” Last weekend, the team headed to Santa Barbara, Calif. for the Western Women’s Lacrosse League Championships. They lost to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 18-5. UNLV went on to take the championship. The club will have a booth at Discoverfest in the beginning of the fall semester. They will give out information and free gifts for stopping by. The team’s fans can also find them on Facebook and follow their activity throughout the year. “I’m ready and pumped for next year,” Espinoza said. “It’s going to be an even greater season.”


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April 26, 2012

Crossword Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE APRIL 18, 2012


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ACROSS 1 As yet 6 “Atlas Shrugged” writer Ayn 10 WWII carriers 14 ’60s-’70s Twins star Tony 15 Sautéing acronym, à la Rachael Ray 16 Ear-related 17 “Doesn’t bother me!” 19 “__ Zapata!”: Brando film 20 Harbinger of lower temperatures 21 Man on a misión 22 Biblical mount 23 More than hesitant 24 Sign of puppy love? 25 Ben & Jerry’s purchase 26 Spice gathered by hand from crocus flowers 30 Leave no escape route for 33 Aquamarine, e.g. 34 Carol syllables 35 After “on,” relying mostly on hope in desperate circumstances 39 Stinky 40 Floor cleaner 41 __ fit: tantrum 42 “500” racesanctioning group 44 Boxer Max 46 Fed. property agency 47 Prefix suggesting savings 49 Sox, on scoreboards 52 Creep 54 Deli sandwich 56 Brit of Fox News 57 “Shake!” 58 Most draftable 59 Fortitude 60 Cardiologist’s concern 61 Cold War initials 62 Year, on monuments 63 Small fry

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if you stare to long into th e abyss, the abyss


By Norm Guggenbiller

DOWN 1 Puccini opera 2 Butterlike products 3 Bohr of the Manhattan Project 4 Ancient Roman poet 5 Hemming and hawing 6 Apply more varnish to 7 __-garde 8 Waters between Great Britain and Europe 9 Fawn’s mom 10 Chick flick subject 11 Dangerous bottom feeders 12 DVR pioneer 13 Battle reminder 18 Wrinkle remover 21 Personal ad abbr. 25 Schoolyard handshake 27 Sound system part 28 Cheers for a torero 29 Not a one 30 Mata __

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31 Obi-Wan portrayer 32 Psychological tricks 33 Econ. yardstick 36 Org. with a muchquoted journal 37 Like beer cans before recycling 38 Dimming gadget 43 Lo-__: lite 44 Mackerel-like fish 45 Pre-med subj.

with stare right back at you.”


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Aries (March 21-April 19) The forseeable future is good for making changes at home. Set juicy goals for yourself. Pull together as a team. Whistle while you work, and feast after.



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Taurus (April 20-May 20) All of a sudden, everything starts making sense. Old puzzles get solved. Consider your friends’ suggestions, but it’s okay to turn down an outrageous request.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) You’re stronger and more confident. Meditate on the value of compassion. Come up with a new future vision. Others encourage you to a challenge. Travel later.



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Things are getting fun. Friends want you to play almost all the time these days. The invitation says “dressy.” Invent your own style. New options surface.

1 3 8 7 9 5 4 6 2

7 6 4 3 2 8 1 9 5

very hard

2 9 5 4 6 1 7 3 8

5 4 1 6 8 7 3 2 9

9 8 3 1 4 2 5 7 6

6 2 7 9 5 3 8 4 1

3 8 4 1 7 2 5 9 6 7 1 5 3 6 9 4 8 2 1 6 8 7 3

3 1 4 2 5

7 9 5 3 8

2 4 8 7 9

6 6 4 1 7 3

8 5 1 6 9 3 2 7 4

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5 4 6 1 7


4 3 2 8 1


8 7 9 5 4


2 8 3 6 9

8 5 4 7

9 2 7 4 6

Daily Sudoku: Sun 15-Apr-2012

6 5 1 9 2

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) You’re entering a romantic phase. Find a quiet place to complete your projects where you’re less likely to be disturbed. Avoid risky propositions. Keep your promises.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

4 5 2 8 3 6 9 1 7

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) When it rains, it pours. Make the most out of publicity. Add efficiency to your work to withstand any storm. Don’t gamble or get distracted. Take advantage.

Daily Sudoku: Sun 15-Apr-2012

8 1 9 2 7 4 6 5 3

stratLogic facts. arise.

1 3 7 6 5 1 9 2 8 4

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Work out egy with someone who’s opinion you value. is only one side. Clarify things by listing the Look at emotional factors, too. New ideas

8 5 4 7

1 7 1 3 3 5

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Work on the chores that you’ve been avoiding but that you know you really ought to complete. You have a keen sense for finances now. Research the pros and cons before deciding.

6 8 2

Daily Sudoku: Sun 15-Apr-2012

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) The day promises to bring you many surprises, for the good and for the bad. Accept a challenge and learn from your failures. A loved one teaches you.


2 4 8 7 6 7 9 6 4

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Follow through on details for the next few days. Be sensitive to a loved one’s wishes. Invent a new story. It’s important to show you care. Call home if you’ll be late.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Stay attentive, as new opportunities are worth listening to. Choose wisely. Tune out the static. You and a partner can win. Learn as you teach.


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Gemini (May 21-June 21) A new assignment brings in new revenue, and the temptation to spend it all could arise. Rake in the dough, but count it first. Save some for repairs. Check for changes.


48 Replace a dancer, perhaps 49 Paper-pusher 50 Gold rush storyteller Bret 51 “Don’t get any __” 52 Dynasty during Confucius’ time 53 Legs it 55 Hail in a harbor 57 Sports tour organizer, for short

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