Daily Titan - August 22, 2011

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Vol. 90 Issue 1

August 22, 2011

Going Green

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Food Trucks

Solar panels installed across campus structures

Festival, hosted by Makea-Wish, attracts foodies




New Dorms Open

Students moved into Phase III dorms Wednesday

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Commuter campus no more

Brown signs for further cuts As fees and tuition rise, CSU becomes more tuition reliant

Residence halls expected to create community on campus


After enduring millions of dollars in cuts, the CSU Board of Trustees approved a 12 percent tuition increase July 12, raising fees by $294 per semester for full-time undergraduate students. Gov. Jerry Brown signed on a new budget that slashed state funding for the CSUs by $650 million for the 2011-12 academic year. “I’m definitely disappointed with the legislators,” said Associated Students Inc. President Eric Niu. “It’s a big impact on students during these economic times.” The dwindling state support for the CSU has “forced the system to be more reliant on student tuition and fees,” according to the CSU Budget Central. Because of reduced state funding, the CSU is serving 10,000 fewer students than last year. About 412,00 students are enrolled across 23 CSU campuses. But past tuition increases have not shown major decreases in student enrollment, said Erik Fallis, media relations specialist for the CSU. “The evidence hasn’t been there in the effect of applications or enrollment,” said Fallis. Because of the late-adopted state budget and slashed funding for higher education, a 10 percent tuition increase — a $222 increase per semester for fall — was approved by the board last November. The $222 added to the current $294 brings the total increase to $516. The CSU had originally planned for an expected $500 million reduction in March. “The chancellor had a sense for the $500 million (cut),” Fallis said. “His preference was not to have an additional fee increase for fall.” See TUITION, page 3


ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan Members of Answer LA, a coalition of activist organizations, participate in a memorial walk and protest in remembrance of Kelly Thomas near the Fullerton Police Station.

Standing up for justice Hundreds protest on Commonwealth against beating of homeless man JARYD LUCERO Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton students joined protesters Saturday morning in front of the Fullerton Police Department to rally in support of Kelly Thomas, a homeless man with schizophrenia who was beaten to death last month by six Fullerton officers. The rally started at 9 a.m. in front

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of the police station and a march to the memorial site of Thomas took place a few hours later. The crowd grew gradually throughout the morning to protest against the incident. “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!” was one of many slogans shouted from the intersection of Commonwealth and Highland Avenues. Drivers showed their support by honking their horns, giving thumbsups and even holding their fists high out the windows of their cars. Some even made honking-trips up and down the street. A group of protesters wore Guy Fawkes masks and said they were

part of the cyber-activism group Anonymous. One of them, who wanted to remain anonymous, revealed that he is a student at CSUF. He said this was his third rally for Thomas and added that he’ll continue going to rallies until “something happens.” “I want to see the cops held accountable,” he said. Other CSUF protesters agreed. “My main hope is that these protests will pressure the City Council to actually do something more than just give these officers a paid leave,” said Tamara Khoury, board member of CSUF’s Students for Justice in Palestine. A wide variety of groups and peo-

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See PROTEST, page 4

See DORMS, page 3

ASI admonished for iPads Facebook comment spurs discussion on funds allocation NURAN ALTEIR Daily Titan


ple were present at the protest, from homeless people to students, Anonymous to Answer LA, and even Oath Keepers. A number of homeless people said it was their responsibility to be there. “We’re in the same boat he was in, being homeless on the street,” said Robert Boies of Fullerton. After a few hours of protesting outside the Fullerton Police Department, hundreds of protesters walked three blocks east on Commonwealth Avenue, in the middle of traffic, to the OCTA bus stop where the incident happened.

Student volunteer Chris Fetro used one word to describe movein day Wednesday at Cal State Fullerton’s Phase III residence halls: chaos. As 1,062 students and their parents were corralled into organized lines and volunteers and resident advisers in brightly colored blue shirts directed students into their respective buildings, chaos was absent throughout the inaugural day of the new housing complex. Students were assigned a move-in time in hour increments throughout the day, starting at 9 a.m. with the fifth floor. Moving concluded at 3 p.m., after which parents attended an orientation and students were left to get to know their roommates, check out the amenities on their floors and eat in the Gastronome, the newly built cafeteria. Fred Lipscomb, the director of Housing Services and Residence Life, was posted at the help and troubleshooting desk, where to his delight, the line was nonexistent. “There’s nobody here so that’s a good indication (that things are going well),” said Lipscomb with a smile. Aside from some minor issues, Lipscomb said the move-ins were going as planned. “Everything is going relatively smoothly for our first time doing this. I think that the T-shirt distribution, the lines, having students come in hour increments, seems to be working,” Lipscomb said. “Our greatest challenge is that we are having some key card issues so we are trying to make sure that we can rectify those.” Students can access their room

The ASI Board of Directors unanimously retracted a decision to allocate $5,024 for eight iPads Aug. 9 after it received feedback from upset students via Facebook. In an effort to be transparent, Associated Students Inc. posted the board’s initial decision on its Facebook page July 26—the same day it voted to allocate the money for the iPads. “The board approved to allocate $5,024 to purchase eight iPads for the executive staff, board chair and governing board chair to rent for the year,” the post read. Then came a wave of student feedback. Within a day, the post received 24 mostly angry comments. Some comments asked for an

explanation while others criticized ASI for using student money on iPads. “Say what you want to defend the necessity of an iPad, but the fact of the matter is the motion has no business sense,” said Chad Cisneros, a Cal State Fullerton student, in a separate post on ASI’s wall. “ASI could have easily paid for a student’s tuition with that money or even a less expensive and more durable alternative.” ASI Board Chair Aissa Canchola said the post’s lack of context made the allocation of funds look like an ill decision. “When it was put on Facebook, it really didn’t look good, especially because it didn’t have any background information,” said Canchola. “It was just this blurb of information.” ASI President Eric Niu said the post did exactly what it was meant to do, encourage feedback. “We gave them a channel, an opportunity to provide their feedback, and when we got that feedback we truly valued (it),” said Niu. Posting board decisions on Facebook is a di-

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan Students question whether iPads are useful as a device for conducting business.

rection the ASI executive staff is taking in order to increase transparency and make ASI-related information easier to access. “Transparency and communication are at the top of our values, and one of our biggest goals this year is to increase communication,” Niu said. See IPAD, page 4

August 22, 2011

We! hopes to educate, motivate



In the wake of the Langsdorf Hall sit-ins in April, the student and faculty group We! Alternate Voices for an Alternate Future met Thursday to reflect on the spring semester, introduce new members and plan for the coming semester. As budget cuts and tuition hikes continue to put more financial pressure on students, the group plans to continue a campaign of education, critical discussion, motivation and activism in an attempt to raise awareness of the monetary issues that currently affect the CSUs. “Last semester was actually the biggest and, I think, most successful semester for We!” said Chirag Bhakta, a Cal State Fullerton history alumnus and We! co-founder. “We decided right in the beginning that we were going to hit the ground running.” The Langsdorf Hall sit-in was the group’s largest and most well-known action. We! and its supporters camped out in Langsdorf Hall for three days until President Milton Gordon signed the Declaration to Defend Public Education, a document asking people of the state of California to reinvest in public education and recognize it as

a “principal foundation of democratic society.” “The semester coming up is going to be even bigger than last semester,” Bhakta said. The group has been hosting regular workshops throughout the summer. The group of around 30 students were from many different universities across Southern California and even as far as Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. “It just seemed like an interesting event,” said Giovanni Prinzivalli in response to why he traveled from San Luis Obispo to attend the event. Prinzivalli heard about the event while working as an intern at Students for Quality Education, a student movement for educational rights in higher education. Members of the Associated Students Inc. executive staff attended the summit, including Vice President Jay Jefferson, Chief Governmental Officer Jessie Frietze and Vice President of Finance Matthew Badal. “I’ve been involved with the educational movement and trying to get students to realize that you really can do something about it,” said Frietze of her involvement in We! “I’ve done a lot of volunteering and that’s where my perspective came from ... That’s what I’ve brought to this group and every group that I’ve been with.”

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Monday Titan Weeks of Welcome (WOW) 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Women’s soccer vs. BYU, Titan Stadium, 2 p.m. Karaoke at the Pub, noon

Tuesday WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan While budget cuts and tuition hikes continue, Chirag Bhakta, a Cal State Fullerton history alumnus and We! co-founder, said he wants to “hit the ground running” this semester. We! met Thursday to introduce new members and plan for the coming semester.

As CGO in ASI, Frietze works toward a similar goal. By working with organizations such as Lobby Corps and the California State Student Association, she is the main organizer for student lobbying ventures at the state and national level. The group’s motto, “Educate! Organize! Mobilize,” will be the basis for

their activity over the coming semester. They will be hosting workshops on three different issues: CSU financial issues, organized labor and student movements. Finally, the group would like to draft a manifesto for their cause. As a faculty member, Steve Jobbitt, Ph.D, an assistant professor of history

Michelle Wiebach Wesley Nease Nuran Altier Anders Howmann Jaryd Lucero Ian Wheeler Jessica Druck Jessica Rubio Krystle Uy Jeanette Castaneda Joseph Szilagyi Peter Cornett Charlotte Knight Elliot Cook Patrick Corbet Blake Fogg Rick Gomez Gilbert Gonzalez Kyle Martinez William Camargo Camille Tarazon Alvin Kim Mark Samala David Hood Anibal Ortiz Steve Sly Patrick Schwarz Alvan Ung Hannah Dellinger Andrea Mena Andrew Reed Cara Seo Susan Cobo

...Continued from page 1 This is the second increase in less than a year, and tuition has more than doubled since 2007. “The quality of education has been affected,” Niu said. “I’m frustrated myself on the decision that had been made.” Past budget cuts have led to faculty layoffs, fewer class sections, crowded classrooms and furloughs. In addition to budget cuts and tuition increases, students continue to feel the weight of other student fees, such as books, parking and housing. Felix Marquez, a psychology major, is a community college transfer student and is new to the CSU tuition increases, but he is familiar with the situation students are in. “I hear a lot from my friends how their financial aid didn’t come in yet, or how it wasn’t enough,” said Marquez. He also believes paying for tuition can become a large part of students’ lives if they have to manage between work and classes. “It’s really unfortunate,” said Aissa Canchola, chair for the ASI Board of Directors, about the tuition increase. Canchola — member and chair of the California State Student Association Board of Directors — has been working with students and faculty

A breakdown of how the CSU spends state funds and tuition fees

Student Scholarships 10.9%

Instruction 42%

Student Services 10.8%


Institutional Support 25%

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2011 Daily Titan

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Board of Directors Meeting, 1:15 p.m., TSU Legislative Chambers

Wednesday Titan Tusk Force General Meeting, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., TSU Pavilion A

Thursday ASI Cookout, noon to 1 p.m., Becker Amphitheater


Saturday Vintage57 – A Premiere Wine and Food Tasting Experience, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Golleher Alumni House, cost: $55 to $650


Tuition Dollars

Source: CSU Budget Central, 2011-2012 Budget Fact Sheet DAVID HOOD / Daily Titan

Women’s soccer vs. Eastern Washington, Titan Stadium, 1 p.m.

According to the CSU, three fourths of expenditures directly support students and the remaining quarter is used for institutional support.

from the 23 CSU campuses on the issues affecting students at the statewide and system-wide level. Because of the frequent tuition increases, the CSSA and University California Student Association have introduced AB 970, sponsored by Assemblyman Paul Fong (D‐Sunnyvale). The bill would require CSUs and UCs to inform students six months

before tuition increases and would also require the Chancellor’s Office to break down how the funds would be used. “We fully believe that students deserve more time to know about tuition increases,” Canchola said. “We should also know how our tuition is being disbursed.” The bill, however, does not block any future tuition increases. If Cali-

fornia cannot meet its targeted revenue, the CSU faces an additional mid-year cut of $100 million, reducing CSU state funding to $2 billion. “The mid-year cuts will be a big challenge,” Fallis said. “The problem is when we would know. The CSU could find out as late as December or January. The cut gets more difficult.”

Dorms: Students move in to multimillion-dollar complex ...Continued from page 1

Editorial Fax (657) 278-2702 E-mail: dteditorinchief@gmail.com

Robert Sage

“Trekking in the Himalayas: Getting Lost and Found in Nepal,” 6:30 p.m., Fullerton Public Library

Neon Nights Begins

Holly Rizzo

Amber VanOrman Daniel Zamilpa Liz Hernandez Tiffany Le Stephanie Mercado Eric Van Raalte Elizabeth Swiontek Megan Klute Rebecca Hanson Kathy Hamamoto Andrea Ayala Dorado Quick Cindy Ang Cathlyn Gonzales

Evening Services Fair, 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., between McCarthy Hall and University Hall

Women’s volleyball vs. Bucknell, Southern Cal Tournament (LA), 5 p.m.

Academic Support 11%

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at CSUF, is unafraid of becoming politically involved with We! “I think some of my colleagues are concerned that being too political and being involved with this might affect my career,” said Jobbitt. “My concern is that the university is going in such a direction that my career is in jeopardy anyway. We all are in jeopardy.”

Tuition: Students across the CSU feel the financial burden




Activist group wants to continue making a difference for students this semester


ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan Students and parents walk back and forth between the parking lot, carrying their belongings to their dorm rooms throughout the move-in Wednesday.

with the magnetic strip on their TitanCard, which must be charged by housing staff. Stephanie Kisling, resident adviser for the fifth floor of the Juniper Building, said the move-in process was much more efficient than in past years. “It’s going really smoothly so far. This year’s system is really fast,” she said. Kisling was posted on her floor, ready to greet residents as they exited the elevator and assist them in carrying their belongings to their rooms. New residents were encouraged to participate in Housing Orientation Week, a program designed by the resident advisers in order to foster community and help new residents get to know one another. Events such as a Night at the Rec Center, a “club night” in the Gastronome and floor meetings are designed to help students acclimate to their new environment and get comfortable before they start classes Monday. As residents hustled their belongings into tightly packed elevators and emerged at their floors, they were surprised to see the amenities of their home away from home. “I’m a girl so I love the closet,” said Junelle Gumagayay, a freshman at CSUF. “It’s much bigger than I thought it would be!” Gumagayay had not seen the dorms prior to Wednesday and said she was impressed by how pristine they looked.

“It’s beautiful! The dorms look really nice from the outside and the inside,” she said. Between the snaking lines in the courtyard were booths where students could rent refrigerators for the year, sign up for cable TV service and speak with University Police and campus security officers. Cpl. Paul McClain was present with two campus security officers to answer any questions for parents and residents, as well as to promote the new bicycle registration program. “The campus police are still very much concerned with bicycle theft on campus. So what we are trying to do is … provide a service to our students because students don’t know their serial number, make or model. They just know that they have a bicycle,” said McClain. “So that prevents us from doing further investigations, follow-up investigations, possibly identifying their bikes, recovering their bikes and/or making arrests.” The program is a pilot program for the campus community and, if successful, will extend to all students at CSUF. Plus, residents who register their bicycles get $10 to Jax bike shop. As lunchtime approached, residents and their parents retreated to the Gastronome where they were invited to enjoy a meal. Afterward, parents said long goodbyes and trickled out into the parking lot. They left behind a seed of what will hopefully become a vibrant student community.



August 22, 2011


Harnessing the sun

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Workers inspect the newly installed photovoltaic panels on the roof of the Eastside Parking Structure. Funding for the project comes from the Auxiliary Services Corporation. The panels also provide shade for students parking on the rooftop of the structure.

project right now,” Chamberlain said. “Unfortunately, that triggered an asbestos abatement project. It’s funny how some of these things morph into bigger things.” Chamberlain expects the seisJARYD LUCERO mic work to be finished Sept. 30. Daily Titan During school, the seismic work will be completed at night. ReBetween battling traffic on the gardless of the construction hur57 Freeway, struggling to find dles, Chamberlain feels as though parking and rushing between the construction process has been classes, returning students may successful. “We’ve been able to survive all of these obstacles,” Chamberlain said. “I think it’s been very successful.” Besides some logistical work, physical completion should be done by the time school starts, he said. These solar panels do not directly power the buildings on campus, explained William van der Pol, director of the Physical Plant. The energy they gather from the sun is fed back into the campus energy grid so it can be used in conjunction with power provided by Southern California Edison. The addition of these panels, however, cuts CSUF’s energy costs sigCourtesy of Physical Plant nificantly. “Our campus uses, on an averThe Clayes Performing Arts Center is one of the three buildings that will have new solar panels. The project, which is scheduled to be age day, probably 7 to 8 megawatts completely finished Sept. 30, will cost about $6 million. worth of power,” said van der Pol.

Solar panels to propel CSUF toward a sustainable future

notice some changes to the Cal State Fullerton skyline. Atop the Clayes Performing Arts Center, the Kinesiology and Health Science Building and the Eastside Parking Structure sit solar panels that will generate about 1 megawatt of renewable energy for CSUF daily. Construction of the panels began immediately after the Spring 2011 Commencement, said Ste-

phen Chamberlain, the senior project manager at CSUF. “Our objective was to try to get most of this done this summer before students return in the fall,” said Chamberlain. The project has gone very well, he said, minus some minor exceptions. Because of the extra weight of the solar panels, “we’re actually going through a seismic upgrade

iPad: ASI rescinds funds after Facebook post receives backlash ...Continued from page 1 “As you can see, it does make a difference,” Niu said about posting board updates on Facebook. “It lets students know what’s going on within our ASI.” Some pointed out this was a case of bad PR and the post would soon be deleted, but ASI responded in that same thread saying the post would not be deleted in an effort to remain transparent. Canchola said the post could have been more clear and the response from students should be seen as a lesson learned. “We want to get all the information out to our students, not just short little tidbits where they mislead people,” Canchola said. Others agree and added that students would have responded differently had background information been available. “I think that posting things in newspapers, on Facebook and Twitter is great for information but a lot of the time there is no context,” said Amir Dabirian, vice president of Information Technology. “When there is no context, things are taken out of proportion.” After hearing what students had to

say about the decision, the board voted to rescind the allocated money two weeks after its initial decision. The response allowed the board, of whom a majority are new, “an opportunity to see the gravity of their decisions,” Canchola said. During the meeting, board members said that while they agreed the iPads could be beneficial, the time wasn’t right. With the tuition increase, it would seem as if ASI is being insensitive, said one board member during the meeting. “Students feel like we’re just using their money for toys for us, and that makes us look bad.” Not everyone campus is against iPads however. Dabirian said he’s a big advocate for iPads and he’s seen firsthand how productive they can be. “We figured that the printing on campus is huge and the iPad initiative is supposed to reduce our costs,” Dabirian said. “I think (ASI is) probably going to go back to it in a year or two, but I think their decision was they didn’t want students to think they were spending money on themselves.” The voting board members were not going to receive the iPads and said they initially voted in favor of the devices because they believed it would be beneficial in the long run. Those who would receive the iPads

said they were more concerned about how the device would be used professionally than for personal use. “You think about what the position can do with it because you’re going to be out in a semester,” Canchola, a nonvoting member, said. “Is the next person going to utilize it just as much as you are, and the person after that, or is it just going to be a waste of money?” Many people view iPads as toys, or a device people use to play Angry Birds, Dabirian said during the Aug. 9 meeting, but the iPads are about efficiency and saving money. Dabirian said the campus has already saved money after 1,000 faculty and staff received iPads in May 2011. “We’ve already seen a cost reduction in meetings,” Dabirian said. “People aren’t printing as much.” If passed, the iPads would have been loaned to eight nonvoting members of ASI for a year: the executive staff, board chair and the chair of the Titan Student Centers governing board. The money would have came from ASI equipment reserves, money that is specifically set aside for things like fax machines and computers in ASI offices. The board meets every Tuesday at 1:15 p.m. in William G. Pollak Legislative Chambers in the Titan Student Union.

...Continued from page 1 At the memorial, CSUF student Khoury pumped up the protesters with a rallying speech. “How are we supposed to feel safe calling the police if we need help,” shouted Khoury, a 21-yearold nursing student. “Are we going to let these six thugs walk. Are we going to let the city have their paid leave.” Khoury said she was extremely happy with how the rally went. “The support here is amazing,” she said. “I’ve never seen people in Fullerton rallying around a cause as they have here with Kelly Thomas.” Jessie Frietze, Associated Students Inc. Chief Governmental Officer, also showed her support. “It looks like they’re having a successful rally, and hopefully it makes some change.” With her support she hopes to raise awareness of the things going on in the community. “I definitely like to see more students out, it is a community and a local thing, and we all do go to CSUF,” she said. ASI has not yet made a statement about the incident. “We can’t actually take a position on it until we’ve gone through











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open roof space,” van der Pol said. “With solar panels you need a direct line with the sun. A lot of these other roofs have all kinds of barriers and all kinds of installations.” The barriers create shade, which prevents the panels from absorbing the maximum amount of sunlight. The Eastside Parking Structure was built particularly with this issue in mind. “What’s unique about (the Eastside Parking Structure) is that it was just built a few years ago. Even then we were anticipating putting PV (solar) panels on there, so structurally, the building was designed to basically accommodate the PV panels,” Chamberlain said. Students don’t have to worry about losing an entire level of parking on the structure. “What we did was build canopies. So actually what we’ve done is create shade structures for cars to park on the roof,” van der Pol said. “So the parking improves also. It’s kind of a double whammy.” Although CSUF may not see any more solar panels in the near future, Chamberlain believes it’s a step in the right direction for the university.

PROTEST: Rally raises awareness on police beating


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With these solar panels, the university will be able to offset the daily use of power. “If the system delivers 1 megawatt of power, that’s power we don’t have to buy from Edison,” he said. The project, called the Photovoltaic Solar Electric, cost about $6 million. Though students think it’s a good idea to have solar panels, they would like to see more money funding classes. “Currently, I don’t think that it is a good idea at the moment. With school savings, they should have that to help preserve education for students,” said Thomas Nguyen, 21, a kinesiology major. “I have two waitlist classes and I am a senior.” The money comes from the Auxiliary Service Corporation and the solar panels will pay for themselves over time, van der Pol said. “Where the money comes from is ultimately the savings that we get through the (solar) system,” van der Pol said. “We save a significant amount of money every year by doing this. That’s what ultimately pays for the installation.” Choosing where to place the solar panels was easy. “What we’re looking for is


SCORE HIGH WITH $250 to $425

ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan CSUF student Tamara Khoury speaks out against the actions of Fullerton police officers.

a board of directors,” Frietze said, but there is a chance ASI will look into it once the school year starts. The Fullerton Police Department has received national attention because of the Thomas incident. The six officers, who allegedly beat Thomas and whose names still

haven’t been released, were placed on paid administrative leave, along with Police Chief Michael Sellers and two of Fullerton’s City Council members. The FBI and the Orange County district attorney’s office are both investigating the incident.

August 22, 2011



Students reflect on a daring candidate for the GOP election


Fred Karger inspires students but is expected to face a number of major hurdles in 2012 CHARLOTTE KNIGHT Daily Titan

If you have not heard of presidential candidate Fred Karger, it is probably because he is not the Republican Party’s favorite to win the GOP election in the 2012 race. And it is for a reason one might not expect, even from a moderate Republican. “I always wanted to run for office but knew I never could, just as I could never have a family,” Karger told the Los Angeles Times. “When you’re gay and in the closet, you learn there are lots of things you can’t do.” While some view this way of thinking as pessimistic, Melanie Woods, treasurer of Cal State Ful-

lerton’s Queer Straight Alliance, believes that at this pivotal time in America, Karger is just being realistic. “Our country may be more progressive (than in recent years), but there is still much work to be done before the majority of Americans vote an openly gay person into the White House,” said Woods, a business administration major. “Biblical and other negative views on homosexuality are widespread, and Americans are not ready to accept an openly gay man as the leader of their country.” Karger has been a campaign adviser for Californian Republicans for almost 30 years and a political strategist for former President Ronald Reagan and former Vice President

George H. W. Bush. But he had kept his homosexuality and views on the issue a secret from the public until 2006. “Personally, I don’t think that it is best to closet yourself, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to make sure people know that I am bisexual,” said Katie Claburn, a sociology major and president of QSA, in regards to Karger’s secrecy throughout his career. “My sexuality should not impact the job that I do. I feel that if I do my best at (it) … my work will speak for itself.” In July 2008, Karger started the organization “Californians Against Hate” and helped to uncover funding of the Proposition 8 measure — the ban on same-sex marriage in California — from the Mormon

Church. He continues to fight, despite a financial downfall after being served a subpoena in a federal lawsuit in Sepember 2009 by ProtectMarriage.com in an attempt to end reporting of contributor names in California, according to his website, now renamed “Rights Equal Rights.” “Karger has grown on me and has inspired me more to not hold my sexuality back, which I don’t,” said Chris Brown, vice president of QSA. “But (it) gives you a good comforting feeling and that extra boost that slowly and surely, society is changing and becoming a much better place for all of us.” A Gallup poll in May showed that while only 28 percent of Republicans support same-sex marriage, 53

Courtesy of Zach Brasier After Karger made his sexuality pulic in 2006, he fought against Proposition 8 with an organization called Californians Against Hate.

percent of the country favors it. Karger is still stirring up hope within the gay community, proving that the seemingly impossible can be achieved—you can be gay and still aim for the stars, even if the odds are against you. “I want to send the message to gay younger people and older people and everyone in between that you can do anything you want in life, and don’t feel bad about yourself and don’t feel you have to live your life the way I

did,” Karger told the LA Times. Brown, a public relations and business administrations major, has his own message for CSUF students. “I encourage everyone to go out and vote … next year, and to begin reading up on potential nominees and find your niche,” Brown said. “(No more) walking around and not knowing what’s going on with our political system; (there are) too many resources out there for that excuse.”

Interning for a more sustainable future ANDERS HOWMANN Daily Titan

Courtesy of Collegebound.net

Cal State Fullerton is going green one light at a time and Green Campus, a student-led internship program and extension of the Alliance to Save Energy organization, is heading the charge. In cooperation with the Physical Plant, the group has worked on a variety of energy-saving and outreach projects. These include a campus-wide lighting retrofit, the CSUF vs. Cal State Long Beach energy-saving competition and a re-landscaping of the Titan Student Union lawn for greater water efficiency. The outreach, public relations and research the organization does for the plant is a perfect fit, said William van der Pol, director for the plant. “This is the kind of stuff we don’t really pay attention to,” said van der Pol. Most of the plant’s staff is very engineering and technically oriented,

said van der Pol. The relationship that the two organizations have is a win-win for both parties. Interns gain knowledge and experience in the green energy field, and the plant gains recognition and outreach for its sustainability projects. “For the students, this is actually perfect because they learn themselves what’s going,” van der Pol said. Students sometimes go into the field to take measurements and complete the smaller projects. The plant completes the engineering and installation on the larger projects, such as the lighting retrofit. They are currently in the middle of a campus-wide lighting retrofit. “The campus-wide lighting project that we’re working on (includes) every single building on campus, every office on campus and all of the site lighting,” said Commissioning Manager Doug Kind. “(This is) probably the biggest project that students have been involved

with,” van der Pol said. The project, which is scheduled to be completed before the fall 2012 semester, will save CSUF $314,000 per year and 2,856,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. Coupled with massive incentives from Southern California Edison, the project will pay for itself after two years, van der Pol said. Green Campus is also organizing an energysaving competition between the housing units of CSUF and CSULB that will take place in October. The two teams are trying to baseline the energy consumption at each campus. Each group will then conduct an outreach program over a period of a couple months. After the competition period is over, the groups will compare data. The school with the greatest percentage decrease in energy consumption will be named the victor. Doug Moody, a graduate student in civil engineering and team manager of Green Campus, said CSUF is facing an uphill battle.

“CSULB already has one energy competition under its belt, so if CSUF is going to win, we have to start getting ready now,” said Moody. “Students can get ready for the competition in October by starting to learn about some of the simple lifestyle changes they can make in their daily lives in order to live more sustainably.” The plant plans to continue working with Green Campus over the long haul. “From our perspective, we look at this as a long-term type of relationship. To us, this is a win-win situation,” van der Pol said. For now, however, Moody and his colleagues will focus on the tasks at hand. “We are really focusing on making our fall 2011, for-credit academic internship program, and the CSUF vs. CSULB Energy Competition successful projects.”




August 22, 2011


Swooping the best book deals Textbook comparison site skips searching, touting 75 percent savings in 10 minutes section they are enrolled in. Once complete, students are given a price comparison for their required books from over 1,500 retailers, including Amazon, Chegg, Barnes & Noble and Borders. By using a course-based search rather than inputting books “ISBNby-ISBN,” Simkin said students save on money and “especially time.” Katie Runyan, an education major, usually buys her books from the campus bookstore or online, including websites recommended to her such as Half.com and Amazon. Her experience typically has her book-searching “for hours” online. SwoopThat seems to be “a comingof-age service for modern-day students,” said Runyan. “If I had a site where I can just say, ‘Here’s the course,’ and then (the site) tells me which books I need, that would be awesome,” said Daniel Duran, a philosophy major. “This is exactly what I was looking for.” Duran is a bargain shopper who buys books used and loves keeping them. There are also options to create a free textbook exchange on campus or do price comparisons for “15 million products and compare prices from over 1,500 different retailers.” SwoopThat also lets students sell their old textbooks to other students or online merchants. For more details, visit SwoopThat.com.

ALVAN UNG Daily Titan

Textbooks, whether new, used, digital or rental, cost a pretty penny. For students who want to save money and find the best deals, SwoopThat.com may be able to help. SwoopThat, a San Diegobased website founded in 2009, is an online price comparison website that focuses on saving students time and money. SwoopThat recently added support for 2,347 schools, which includes nearly 13 million students and 2.43 million courses, according to its site. The site also states that it can save students “up to 75 percent in 10 minutes” on their textbook purchases. Jonathan Simkin, CEO of SwoopThat, said his goal for the website is to “open up the market and make (shopping) cheaper and easier for students.” He developed SwoopThat out of frustration from having to find books for his engineering courses. SwoopThat is an integrated platform for bookstores, online retailers and students, said Simkin. His team of four has developed a search algorithm that makes finding books an “easy, fast process.” SwoopThat allows students to search for new, used, rentable or digital textbooks by selecting their school and classes, as well as the


Here are the numbers for the site, SwoopThat.com, a price-comparison website that helps students find books for cheap.


schools with complete course support

>13,000,000 2.43 million $900

students supported for textbooks by price comparison

unique courses in its database

average costs of textbooks per year, per student


books as percent of tuition at a four-year public institution

average cost of an English textbook



average cost of a chemistry textbook

4 people, 1 dog SwoopThat.com SOURCE: SwoopThat.com

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WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan The Gastronome, staffed and managed by Aramark food services, is a buffet-style dining hall that will serve students living in the dorms as well as commuters.

Freshman feeding frenzy Cafeteria opens to eager students ANDERS HOWMANN Daily Titan

While only open a few days now, students are already raving about the the Gastronome located on the east side of campus. “I’ve enjoyed the meals that I’ve eaten in there so far,” said Troy Rupp, a freshman business major. Based on his limited experience, he feels as though he could eat at the cafeteria all year without getting tired of the food. The Gastronome opened its doors Wednesday after students moved into their dorms during the opening of the new $143 million student housing and dining complex. All students who live on campus are required to purchase a meal plan. Students who do not live on campus are free to come in and enjoy the buffet-style dining and can pay on a per-meal basis. The cafeteria is staffed by Aramark food services and seats 585 students. There is indoor and outdoor seating, a fire pit, a full salad bar and a number of different buffet

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan The cafeteria is filled with parents, students and volunteers following the Wednesday residence hall moving day. Students living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan and commuter students are free to pay per meal.

locations. Students can expect a variety of food and dessert items for breakfast, lunch and dinner, including vegan, vegetarian and international fare. “Yesterday I liked the tacos in the Mexican (food) area (of the cafeteria),” said Chance Folan, a freshman kinesiology major. “The chef was really cool. He was rap-

ping to me while I got my food,” he said with a laugh. Jocelyn Lambeth, a senior nursing major, has more experience with the cafeteria than new residents. “This will be my fourth time eating here,” she said while making her way to her table Wednesday. “I got to come on the sneakpeak, grand opening last week and

then a couple times for meetings and trainings.” As a volunteer on move-in day she received a free meal. “I think it’s great. You have a good variety of things to choose from. It’s healthy,” she said. Check out the next issue of the Daily Titan for a more in-depth analysis of the services and amenities the Gastronome has to offer.

ASI BRIEFS: How was your money used over summer? June 1, 2011 ASI Board of Directors voted Aissa Canchola to serve as board chair and Christopher Labrot as board vice chair until Dec. 31. The board approved 900 tax returns for the fiscal year ending in June 30, 2010 for Associated Students Inc. and Associated Students Employee Benefit Trust. Tusk Force staff appointments were approved.

June 14, 2011

July 12, 2011

August 5, 2011

The board appointed Kyrstin Ohta for College of the Arts, Sammy Sotoa for College of Education, Alvin Reyes for College of Health and Human Development, and Kristy Haffner for College of Natural Science and Mathematics. Chuck Kissel, Titan Shops bookstore director, presented a $11,500 check for ASI Scholarships on behalf of textbook requisitions.

The board approved an amendment to the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) contract that will apply to new hires within ASI. The amendment will change the retirement formula from 2 percent at 55 years old to 2 percent at 60 years old. CalPERS provides pension benefits for ASI retirees.

The board approved to allocate $6,998 from reserves for the Titan Pride Center. The money will be used by the center to promote activities and events. This budget covers staffing, purchase of table tents, printing costs and giveaway contests and focuses on the dorm and the Gastronome, CSUF’s new dining hall.




August 22, 2011

Officers, not powers, are the problem

Courtesy of MCT Acting Fullerton Police Chief KevinThomas at a specially formed City Council meeting.

Despite the killing of a man in Fullerton, the procedures of police should remain the same


result in taking powers away from police and other public officials with similar responsibilities. These individuals need certain tools to do their job’s effectively and may very well rely on these tools when their own lives are in danger. They are a necessity and should not be revoked. Of course, all sources of power need restraints, but police already have limits. Beating a man to death is cer-

Daily Titan

The beating of Kelly Thomas in Fullerton was disgusting, inexcusable and a betrayal of the public’s trust. However, the actions of the six police officers are not indicative of the department as a whole and calls for a change in police procedures are unnecessary; instead, only the officers who behave this way should be removed. The public, or at least those who demand an upheaval of a course of action whenever there is a tragedy, is irrational to make such requests. Too often on cable news programs can a panel be seen arguing whether or not a tragedy should lead to procedural changes. But their finger should be pointed at the perpetrators instead. Yet, it is these types of discussions that are mimicked by the public, in that any time an unfortunate event takes place there is call for reform. What people need to realize, though, is that not all actions need changing when there is a mishap. Everyone can agree that what happened to Thomas could have been avoided had the police acted as they should have, and that their abuse of power resulted in necessary public unrest. But this animosity should not

These procedures that police and other officials follow are tested daily and have proven to be a necessity, and it would be a mistake to have the actions of six officers change this.

tainly beyond what is needed to subdue a man and most officers understand this as they do their job daily. An exception to this rule should be seen for what it is: an exception and nothing else. Imagine if new procedures were created every time a worst-case scenario occurred. Procedures would be constantly changing and confusion could overwhelm officers as they try to

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keep up with ever-evolving rules for a course of action. Even actions that are unanimously accepted would need tweaking after a tragedy. All of this could be avoided, however, if those who are responsible for the misconduct were to be punished for their actions instead of creating new rules from scratch. People should also realize that “bad” procedures happen sometimes, but don’t survive long over time when tested. It is asking a lot from an organization to choose what is best before a procedure has been tried. Mistakes are made and then corrected accordingly. However, not all procedures that have consequences should be deemed “bad” because someone blows it out of proportion. When it comes to stories of police brutality, it should be considered that what happened is a result of an officer going beyond what the necessary procedures called for. The officer may be the problem, not the procedures he or she was supposed to abide by but chose to ignore while on the job. These procedures that police and other public officials follow are tested daily and have proven to be a necessity, and it would be a mistake to have the actions of six officers change this. There is no need to reform the system; we should simply expel those who abuse their power.

No justice for Caylee Casey Anthony, acquitted of murder of her 2-year-old daughter, sparks public outrage against jury and prosecution for setting her free

Courtesy of MCT Casey Anthony cries during her trial in Orlando, Fla. While she was not found guilty of murdering her daughter, she was convicted of four misdemeanor counts of lying to police.

BRANDON COLLINS For the Daily Titan

After the O.J. Simpson trial, it seemed that prosecutors had learned their lesson about screwing up on high-profile cases. Apparently, they didn’t learn their lesson well enough. In the recent “not guilty” verdict for the trial of Casey Anthony, a woman was acquitted of brutally murdering her daughter, Caylee Anthony, in cold blood. According to the Los Angeles Times, she is apparently now the most hated person in America. Here’s the baffling question: how on earth did this jury find Casey innocent? The prosecution used evidence like chloroform, a knockout drug, to substantiate the claim that Casey drugged and disabled her daughter on nights when she felt like partying without having to pay a sitter. That, and the duct tape used to bind Caylee’s mouth, was the basis of the prosecution’s case. What kind of a woman parties days after her child goes missing? Though the actions of Casey were undeniably despicable, none

of the prosecution’s evidence adds up to murder. Under Florida law, murder in the first degree requires premeditation and mens rea (a guilty mind). The aggravated child abuse claim could have panned out if and only if they could have proven that the chloroform in question was used on Caylee, which remains unproven. Essentially, the moment the prosecution claimed that Casey committed murder, she had a much better chance of slipping through the evidential cracks than if they had claimed any number of lesser manslaughter charges. So why didn’t Caylee, a 2-yearold little girl, receive justice? Because the prosecution was overzealous, of course. They lacked sufficient evidence to back up their claim of murder in the first degree, and an alleged murderess walked free. Casey’s defense of accidental death, combined with testimony of her father’s involvement in the cover-up, provided her with enough reasonable doubt to prevent a conviction. Unfortunately for that little girl, the prosecution was caught up in

the same frenzy that infected the rest of America: they were howling for blood. Instead of doing their job and going for a charge that could stick, they slapped on the highest criminal offense they could and figured that any jury would bury her under a mountain of loathing. Unfortunately for the prosecution, the case was assigned a jury with integrity and respect for the law; they had to do their civic duty. Casey’s defense was flimsy, and I doubt anyone with half a brain really buys it, but it’s a very reasonable scenario. It didn’t matter how flimsy, unbelievable or impractical her defense was, the prosecution couldn’t figure out how to dismiss her argument. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is all she wrote. Sadly, the one who suffers most from this debacle is a dead little girl who’ll never receive justice. In the eyes of most of the country, the girl’s mother was a lying, conniving, monster of a human being, but she’ll walk away scot-free from her daughter’s death. America grieves for this little girl, and though Casey will probably never find peace as long as she stays in the country, justice was not done. We all wanted to see Casey behind bars for eternity, or possibly with a needle in her arm, but that’s just not going to happen. The prosecution is attempting to file an appeal of the case, but chances are they won’t get it. The truth is, this case ended in tragedy, and there isn’t much that can be done about it. The jury for Casey found her innocent because they had no other choice. But for the rest of us, there’s nothing but a tombstone that reads, “Whether by duct tape or accident, the world lost a treasure and unveiled a monster.”

August 22, 2011



Frisk Me


Vampire mania is like a blood clot by CHARLOTTE KNIGHT

“Let’s get personal”

Love, dating and sex with a personal touch We can all agree that love and romance go in many different directions. We can all agree that dating and intimate relationships are tricky beasts that will put up a fight before being tamed. And in general, we can all agree that sex is damn fun to talk about. I’ve always enjoyed talking about love and sex. It’s fascinating what turns people on and what they look for in potential partners. I love having mature, philosophical discussions on what this raw emotion and physical desire does mentally to us, because everyone thinks and feels differently about the matter. But even in 2011 the topic can sometimes be a little taboo. As a result, many people I converse with are shocked that I am so open about my sex life and the experiences I’ve had with the consequences that come from dating, sleeping with someone, or even falling in love. And sometimes I don’t understand why. Love and sex are touchy, personal topics. I get that. But it’s natural to have heartstrings tugged every once in a while. Lustful desires and the urge to just hump something sometimes is a biological normality. I’m so open about my experiences because I’m not embarrassed about the things I do or about the way I feel in the throws of passion. So when I write about it, I’m

not going to hold anything back. But I’m not blinded to the fact that in doing so, I’m putting myself at a great risk. I may have a potential employer who looks at my résumé and may be appalled by the fact that I take great pride in talking about my sex life. He might deem it unprofessional and not even give me a courtesy phone call to let me know that he’s not interested. My 80-year-old great aunt, who has always loved my writing and has always wanted me to excel as a writer, may decide to Google my name in an excited effort to read my work. God forbid she should come across this column and find it disgraceful and unbecoming of a young lady, bringing shame to my moderately conservative family. Dating might be a challenge for me, because any and all men of interest will know what mistakes I’ve made in the past and choices I’m currently making that I don’t deem as mistakes, just life experiences. I don’t get easily emotionally attached because I have very high standards when it comes to men—so high in fact, that the guys I can see myself spending the rest of my life with would most likely interpret this column as a public announcement that I’m a skank with no morals or self-respect. Let me clarify—I am not, under any circumstances, here to give dating advice. I am not here to tell you that

you can only have a successful relationship if you follow these five quick, easy steps. I may have gotten around, but I’m still completely clueless as to why your stupid boyfriend of five years is so damn clingy. And I couldn’t tell you why your girlfriend whom I’ve never met before is ignoring you. She could be PMS-ing. Or she’s still offended that you told her last year the new dress she bought looked OK on her. How the hell am I supposed to know? I’ve been involved in five highly unsuccessful relationships that have all crashed and burned, and I’m proud to be rid of (I’m mutual with the first one, but not on speaking terms with the others). If you want a successful longterm relationship, you’re not going to want any kind of advice from me—period. Rather, I am here to entertain you with past experiences. If you’d care to sit and listen, I would love to share with you darling people why I feel the way I do about some issues, what choices I would make if life came with a rewind button, and how these experiences have changed my perception of love, sex and romance. Am I risking a lot? Yes. Am I going to puss out? No. I’m putting it all out here on the line because I am not ashamed of why I am the way I am. So brace yourself, Cal State Fullerton. This semester, things are about to get personal.

Courtesy of HBO Shows like True Blood have blossomed as the public continues to support anything that involves sexy vampires prowling the streets.

Similar storylines in vampire films and TV shows haven’t stopped Hollywood from overdosing the public with never-ending vampire tales BRANDON COLLINS For the Daily Titan

There was once a story of a completely boring girl, in a completely boring town, living a completely boring life until… TADAH! A vampire decides that he wants to eat this incredibly boring girl and also have sex with her (hopefully not at the same time). This story has many unexpected twists and turns, like this apparently schizophrenic vampire falling in love with the tiresome girl known as Stella. Stella has to choose between two equally disturbed suitors: the vampire (who wants to eat her) and a neanderthal of a werewolf (whose muscles seem to only be dwarfed by his ego). Most of you, I would assume, are thinking Twilight, however with a few altered details I could easily be describing True Blood, the Vampire Diaries or one of countless other vampire novels. I just have one question for all the prospective fang-bangers out there: what the f*** is with this romantic obsession with these stupid vampire books, shows and movies? I understand the idea of fantasy. Every red-blooded, American male does. This particular fantasy, however, is simply baffling. I don’t understand how women

can desire a creature so internally conflicted; why would these women want something that both threatens their life and wants to cuddle at the same time? It may be a fundamental difference in the way men and women think, but I can’t understand the attraction to soft, sensitive men who make Hannibal Lecter look like an amateur. No matter how well dressed or attractive the bloodsuckers, I can’t understand how they could be considered sexy. Despite being strange, this trend seems to be ongoing, with no clear end in sight. In fact, Amazon.com has an entire subsection of romance novels just for steamy vampire reads, in addition to a rather shady subsection in the science-fiction/fantasy area. The last good vampire book that I’ve read was Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Why don’t women fantasize about this charmer? He crawls into their windows and seduces them with a bite, causing the women to grow weaker until they eventually “die” and become a vampire. Sounds dreamy, right? But add a little sparkle in the sunshine and some crispy hair gel and instead, you get vampires that make women swoon. Stephanie Meyer, the author of Twilight, was asked how much research she had done for her books; she answered that the only research she did was to reflect research that her char-

acter did in the book. “I didn’t want to find out just how many rules I was breaking,” she said in an interview with Time Magazine. Painful. I’ve unfortunately been subjected to many of these vampire stories. I can honestly say that with the right amount of alcohol and the right uncritical mindset they can actually be rather funny. If you happen to take them seriously, though, you’re in for some serious boredom. I’m not saying women can’t have a fantasy, but dear sweet mercy, why can’t it be something a little more reasonable? It needs to be, especially if women are going to forcibly subject their unsuspecting boyfriends and husbands to this tripe. A survey done by Fandango reported that 83 percent of respondents planned to see Twilight more than once. At least 95 percent of boyfriends in response to this should have let loose with a forceful “Hell no!” Maybe that boring little girl can end up getting sucked dry or something to spice things up. Clearly, a new genre is rising and there are at least two more Twilight movies coming out. If I have to endure the torture of two more terrible movies with atrocious acting and psychotic romance, I’m reviving the ancient practice of book burning.





August 22, 2011

CSUF: What would you do? CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Saving every penny and dime might help alleviate the cost of textbooks, gas, food and living expenses when tuition costs rise this fall.

Students cope with tuition hike After tuition increased 12 percent in July, students find ways to make ends meet this semester as they struggle to pay CSU fees ROSS WATTERS Daily Titan

Is your gas gauge nearing empty because of the amount of textbooks that are weighing your car down? Are you ready to be living on Top Ramen noodles for the next few months? All the while, the weight of your wallet is getting lighter and lighter. Students have to make prioritizing a priority this academic year. After the state made cuts to the CSUs this year, the CSU Board of Trustees responded by increasing tuition to alleviate lost funds and put a cap on the amount of students admitted. The board passed a 12 percent tuition increase beginning with the fall 2011 semester. Full-time undergraduate students will see their tuition raised $294 a semester, while full-time graduate students will see their tuition raised $339 a semester. This has impacted all students, even those on financial aid. Students are learning to cut down on their budgets and prioritize what is most important to them: paying tuition, food and gas. Maria Romero, 21, a psychology major, is a recipient of financial aid. But Romero has had the amount she receives cut due to the tuition increase and has to pay for her textbooks while

making a daily 40-minute drive from Pico Rivera. “I was able to have aid in paying for my tuition and classes, but I have to pay the full amount for my textbooks,” said Romero. “Even though it doesn’t seem like much, it is when finding a job is tough in this economy.” The tuition hike stems from Gov. Jerry Brown signing legislation that cuts over $650 million from the CSUs. Raising tuition was the fastest option in making up for lost funds. Some students, like Manuel Maldonado, 23, a political science major, have to decide if they’re even going to be able to attend classes this semester. “I am checking with the admissions office to see what my options are,” said Maldonado. “I might be only taking one class this semester due to the tuition increases.” Waiting an extra semester due to the increased tuition puts students’ anticipated graduation date on delay and could end up being more expensive. “I don’t receive financial aid, so I might not be able to attend this semester and just save my money for the spring,” Maldonado said. Students receiving loans aren’t currently feeling the direct change in tuition, but they will when they have to start paying back their loans.

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If a student is able to land a job straight out of college, his or her loans should be able to be paid back within a decade. But with job uncertainty and costs that seem to be on a neverending rise, paying back student loans can take longer. Justin Tucker, 21, an undeclared major, is receiving loans to pay for his tuition. Tucker is worried the effects of the tuition hike will impact him down the road. “I am indirectly affected right now when it comes to the increase,” said Tucker. “I will be affected when I am done with school and have to pay back higher loans when I start my career.” Budgeting food, gas and bills are all on the minds of students now more than ever before. David Stewart, 25, a graduate stuent who received his B.A. from UC Irvine, admits that attending Cal State Fullerton is much more affordable than UCI, but he is still unhappy with the recent increase, especially during his first semester. “While I am not happy with the recent increase in tuition, I haven’t acquired any debt so I should be able to manage my costs through my loans and pay as I go,” said Stewart. “I also have to carpool, which I never did in the past, and be careful on how much I spend eating out.”

Students react to homeless man’s death in downtown Fullerton JESSICA RUBIO Daily Titan

It has been almost two months since Kelly Thomas, 37, died after a fatal episode near a Fullerton bus station off Commonwealth Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. According to the Los Angeles Times, “Police approached Thomas, who had a history of schizophrenia, when they responded to a call about a man breaking into cars in the parking lot next to the bus depot.” An attorney for the officers said Thomas was in a combative state. It was reported that officers beat Thomas with flashlights until he was comatose. It was not until five days later that Thomas died. Various videos were taken of the scene, but the main surveillance tape has not yet been released to the council or public. The Fullerton community has

ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan Citizens pay respect at Kelly Thomas’ memorial after an incident involving police.

since protested on several occasions in front of the Fullerton Police Station. Residents are outraged, troubled and in search of justice for Kelly Thomas and his family. Although this tragedy is alarming, Cal State Fullerton students were asked what they would do if they witnessed the incident. Quyen Hoang, 26, an accounting major, said she got goose bumps the first time she heard what happened to Thomas. “I (would) try not to make it worse but I would probably call 911,” said Hoang. Although Hoang believes Thomas had no reason to die, whether the officers should resign is hard for her to say. Unlike Hoang, Courtney Whittaker, 21, a graphic design

major, would take more action. “I wouldn’t go running in there, but maybe shout something from the side,” explained Whittaker. “But who do you call? You can’t call the cops.” Whittaker believes the Fullerton police officers should resign from their positions at the department and should be more conscious with their violent actions. “They should know how much force to use and I think they definitely over did it,” Whittaker said. Pedro Victoreno, 17, a music major studying abroad from Portugal, has the same mindset as Whittaker. “(The Fullerton police) should have consequences for what they did,” said Victoreno.

Bike parties invade OC CSUF Cycling club is making a comeback this semester after becoming a growing trend in California ANIBAL ORTIZ Daily Titan

He packed his bike in a free, used shipping box he got from a local bike shop, paid $86 for a ticket on Amtrak and joined his friends on a train from Los Angeles to San Francisco. However, the big adventure was not the trip up, but rather the trip back down. His drive for adventure propelled him on a seven-day bike ride from San Francisco down the coast to Los Angeles. If you haven’t heard of bike parties or Critical Mass, you may have seen large groups of people on bikes, some in street clothes and some in professional gear, trekking through urban areas. Brian Feinzimer, vice president of Cal State Fullerton Cycling, which is making a comeback after a hiatus on campus at Discoverfest this fall, is just one of many people who have been drawn into the bike scene. Feinzimer believes the cycling scene is getting bigger, putting emphases in the areas of fixed-gear and single-speed bicycles. “While this is good, (CSUF Cycling is) focusing on more serious road cycling and mountain cycling,” said Feinzimer. “The fixed-gear, single-speed (bicycles are used) more recreational and leisurely.” He also feels that it’s important for students to ride bicycles more often because it helps cut down CO2 emissions, reduces traffic, saves them money on parking and helps keep them healthy. Like Feinzimer, Zach H. Dinh, 22, who helps organize Critical Mass

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Zach Dinh, organizer of Fullerton Critical Mass, rides his bike in downtown Fullerton, just one of his daily routines as an avid cyclist.

in Fullerton, likes the freedom he Friday of every month in cities all has by riding his bicycle. Having the over the world. ability to stop and not look for park“But equal rights mean following when he sees something “cool” ing the same road rules,” Dinh said. helps give him a sense of freedom. “Some groups keep together, while Dinh described his life before cy- others go their own ways after meetcling, which involved working in or- ing and create chaos.” der to pay for his car and only using Leslie Calderas, 59, a computer his car to get to work – so he sold it. graphics teacher at La Vista High “I figured I’d become a broke col- School who used to ride his bike as lege student a CSUF student in and accept it,” the ‘70s, said large “The Fullerton Critical said Dinh. groups ranging from On top of 30 to hundreds of Mass is more of a being cheaper cyclists blocking inand much easitersections as they hangout, a bike party.” er to maintain, run red lights are Dinh likes cywhat create the - Zach Dinh cling because chaos Dinh Fullerton Critical Mass it’s fun, but talks about. does agree the Calderas also fixed-gear trend has become more of agrees biking is a trend these days. a hipster sport. “Cyclists used to ride to stay fit,” “Hipster and fixed-gear go to- said Calderas, who rides his bicycle gether,” Dinh said. “The Fullerton to work in Fullerton nearly every Critical Mass is more of a hangout, day. “Now it’s become a more apa bike party.” pealing way to get around.” Critical Mass initially started in While arranging and setting up 1992 as a form of peaceful protest events in Fullerton is an easy task for in San Francisco to help encourage Dinh, who usually just sends Faceequal road sharing for both bicyclists book invites, he finds a bigger chaland motorists. Since then, Critical lenge once on the road. Mass groups have ridden on the last “Leading the ride is something I sometimes wish I wouldn’t do,” Dinh said. “It would be much easier not to worry about everything and just ride.” Riders at Critical Mass events range from young to old and all ride different types of bicycles: beach cruisers, tall bikes, mountain bikes and the now trendy fixed-gear bicycles. In a ride of about 100 people, which has become the average number in Fullerton, Dinh estimates 20 adults over the age of 30, about 30 kids and 50 college-aged riders. CSUF Cycling club is in the process of being reorganized but will focus on increasing bike use and informing riders about bike safety and awareness to one day become a club sport that competes with other colleges, according to Feinzimer. CSUF Cycling meetings are planned for Tuesday and Thursday nights. Its first meeting is scheduled for Sept. 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the Titan Student Union.

August 22, 2011



Taiwan: culture shock SUSANA COBO Daily Titan

Typically, friends expect bizarre and outrageous stories from others studying abroad. However, what is verbalized by the one studying abroad doesn’t convey the real emotion felt. Bernise Guan, an international business major from Cal State Fullerton who studied abroad in Taipei, Taiwan, was able to convey her emotions to her friends. On the other hand, often people summarize their time abroad with “it was awesome” or “it was crazy.” That is too generic to truly express a semester or year’s worth of emotion. “I feel that they expect me to have some crazy dramatic story of me being abroad but honestly I don’t have that,” said Guan. “I think that’s what people expect of you when you go abroad. They expect you to have some crazy story, but it’s more like, ‘No, I just lived on my own, I just think different for a year.’” Culture shock means difficulty adapting to the realities of the host country. Similarly, reverse culture shock can mean difficulty adapting to the realities of your home country. However, for most students reverse culture shock is harder to adjust to. Studying abroad doesn’t end on the day of return. Students who have returned from studying abroad this summer are in for psychological stages of reverse culture shock. Closing into seven weeks since her return, Guan is still coping with the psychological effects of reverse culture shock. According to Kathryn Morrissey, a study abroad adviser, stages of culture

shock and reverse culture shock are similar. The stages begin with the honeymoon phase. “Differences between home and new culture are seen as wonderful and new and often feel enthusiastic and excited,” said Morrissey. The second culture shock phase begins when the differences are no longer wonderful and new. Instead, they seem irritating and wrong and students often feel homesick, angry or lonely. The negotiation phase settles in when the student is used to the new surroundings. “Getting used to your new surroundings, it starts to feel like you know what is going on,” Morrissey said. “A mix of feelings of excitement and enthusiasm, mixed in with feelings of homesickness and loneliness.” The final stage wraps up with the adaptation phase. This ends the stages with feelings of belonging. Students get used to the new culture and begin to accept and understand things from the previous phases. Like other students, Guan had difficulty re-adapting to the realities of her surroundings. “Now that it has been two months I don’t feel it; it’s not as strong. But when I first got back I was pretty depressed,” Guan said. “I had all these things planned, finish classes, work and get things done. I couldn’t get into it.” “Initially, I thought that things did change, but then I realized now that nothing changed, it was me that changed,” Guan said. “There were things that I had to adjust to.” As reported by Morrissey, students’ expectations of coming back are based on the fact that they have gone through a life-changing experience. They assume people back home have also had some kind of change take place. Yet, when they return they normally find that everyday life has not changed much since they left.


SUSANA COBO / Daily Titan CSUF student Bernise Guan looks out into the South China Sea in Kenting, Taiwan.

“She is having a little trouble re-integrating herself into our group of friends since she has been away for a year,” said Christina Wong, a close friend. “So she isn’t caught up on all the things that happened.” However, Guan is now adjusting smoothly. “I think she’s adjusting pretty well,” Wong said. “There isn’t any kind of reverse culture shock.”

CSUF student witnesses peaceful protest in India SUSANA COBO Daily Titan

Two lines of men and women welcomed us to the rally. Lines with a population of tall and short, dark and light-skinned supporters and activists overcrowded the congested streets of Delhi. Lines separated men from women. The continuous honking of vehicles flooded our ears to the left while the chanting in Hindi trickled through. It was near 100 degrees Fahrenheit. On June 4, 2011, Swami Ramdev, otherwise known as Baba Ramdev, held a peaceful protest. Swami Ramdev is guru and master of yoga teaching, using yoga during the rally to continue the peaceful protest. The government became wary of his rising popularity and a standoff started between him and the government. I was one of the 100,000 people gathered to fast with the Hindu religious teacher Swami Ramdev. “He decided to fast until death if his demands for a cleaner India and a

cleaner political system weren’t met,” said Fani Bhushan, a supporter and activist. At the entrance there were multiple metal detectors. Armed officers waited to screen each person who walked through. But a rally isn’t the only place you would see metal detectors. The entrance of shopping centers, metro stations and theaters meet visitors with a screening. It’s to minimize explosive activity. I reached the entrance after a halfhour wait in line. The armed official’s dark brown eyes guided me through the metal detector, she passed her hand-held metal detector up and down, front and back and waved it, signaling that I could move forward. A colorful sea of white and orange clothes, brown skin, saris and tapestries greeted me in the Ramlila Maidan, where the rally was held. I might have been the only American there. I joined the thousands of protesters in the fast until two in the afternoon, when my hosts and I left. Producers and reporters grouped

SUSANA COBO / Daily Titan Thousands gather in the streets of Delhi during scorching temperatures to protest the Indian government’s corrupt political system in hopes of a better future for local citizens.

in the center of the arena, broadcasting to homes. Surrounding the media, people slept and sat in groups on the tapestries, roamed, washed clothes and bathed, all on empty stomachs. Swami Ramdev is sweeping anticorruption in India. He declared black money being held in Swiss banks a national property of Indian treasury.

“Corrupt money helps bring corrupt people in power who are altering the face of India at a very fast pace,” Bhushan said. “India is ranked one of the most corrupt countries.” Swami Ramdev was the first to publicize the concern of black money. “He also wanted environmental protection, promotion of education in

Indian languages, as well as the right of unadulterated food,” Bhushan said. The education system in India teaches subjects in English rather than in the regional Indian languages. This can diminish the spread of Indian languages to younger generations. The protesters spent the night at the arena. I left. Support for Swami Ramdev was apparent. The government was alarmed, and around midnight, police forces of about 20,000 invaded Ramlila ground. With batons, guns and tear gas, the armed officers were determined to reach Swami Ramdev. It lasted the entire night. I woke up the following morning. Everyone was in the living room watching the news. News channels broadcast the police showing extreme brutal force, firing at unarmed people sleeping and charging them with batons. Tear gas shells were fired inside the tent that were meant for protesters. Swami Ramdev refused to break his fast. He fasted for nine more days.

However, with his condition deteriorating, people from all walks of society gathered. They made him break his fast only to resume his fight for another day. “This whole event sparked a political frenzy,” Bhushan said, “and the government is under fire in Indian parliamentary democracy, where opposition party made life for ruling party very uneasy.” “The country has become aware of the corruption prevalent and is trying to eliminate it,” Bhushan said. “This may bring out a lot of structural change in the Indian political structure.” Now, other social activists like Anna Hazare are trying to get bills in place and laws established in order to eliminate corruption. Fighting against corruption with a nonviolent approach separates India from the rest of the world. Swami Ramdev promotes yoga and encourages peace and discourages corruption and violence. This summer was the beginning of the 2011 anti-corruption movement in India.





August 22, 2011

Outside Lands, a musical revelry Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival triumphs summer weekend, giving patrons a total sensory experience in music, art, food and wine KRYSTLE UY



Street art cements glory JEANETTE CASTANEDA Daily Titan

Popular street art exhibit Art in the Streets renounced its extended stay at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles Aug. 8, leaving art aficionados disheartened. The exhibit, which opened April 17, 2011 and ran for a subsequent 16-week period, set a record for MOCA as the most attended exhibit since the museum opened in 1979. The event showcased the history of graffiti and street art from the 1970s to its present-day influence. It was the first exhibition of its kind, illustrating the global movement street art has gained among the masses. According to a MOCA press release, Art in the Streets attracted 201,352 visitors from April 17 to Aug. 8, making it the highest exhibition attendance in the museum’s history. Thanks to the efforts of fellow street artist Banksy, who sponsored a program granting free admission on Mondays, the event hosted an average 4,083 visitors each Monday, according to the same press release. Though it was considered a serious form of vandalism in the past, graffiti is evolving into a contemporary art form. While it continues to be seen as controversial for most, Art in the

Streets brought to fruition the reality that street art has garnered much respect with art connoisseurs. Visual arts professor Donald Lagerberg, said graffiti was still a social issue, though it depends on who’s examining the work. “People that are against graffiti say it’s vandalism, and people that like it say it’s art,” said Lagerberg. “It’s a big topic with artists, and it is a tough one to define.” Art in the Streets did not fail to highlight the struggles and politics that follow graffiti. With 50 installments by artists such as Fab Five Freddy, Lee Quiñones, Space Invader, Shepard Fairey and the charitable Banksy, the event featured works where sarcastic and not-so-sarcastic jabs were taken at local authorities for attempting to regulate street art. The exhibit showcased Los Angeles’ role in the evolution of street art by featuring special sections highlighting cholo graffiti and Dogtown skateboard culture. A timeline was found at the center of the museum detailing the historical context for the exhibition. Even the restroom hallways and stalls were decorated by commissioned artists. “Street art is popular today because a lot of people can appreci-

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ate art that appears in the most unconventional places,” said Rosa Fabon, 21, an art major. ”I definitely think our generation is more accepting of street art.” Popularity and acceptance are an understatement as the line for entrance on a typical Thursday stretched near the intersection of Third Street and Grand Avenue. The line was likely due to the museum offering free admission Thursdays after 5 p.m., another perk that boosted admission rates and added to a communal vibe as visitors were overheard speaking about their favorite artists. “It is my mission to increase MOCA’s attendance and to engage new audiences,” said MOCA Director Jeffrey Deitch. “Art in the Streets reflected a wide array of creative disciplines and local communities, and these record-breaking attendance figures go a long way.“ With the event proven to be a huge success, Art in The Streets brought forth the culmination of respect and acceptance that street art strives for. Despite graffiti and street art still being a controversial issue, the large number of attendees at MOCA’s exhibition this year prove that both art forms continue to find popularity within our generation.

jection screens, Muse gloriously embodied everything to expect at a rock show. Other musical acts that had the masses shimmyThe Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival held ing and shaking included electronic DJ Girl Talk and Aug. 12 to 14 in San Francisco proved to stand on Major Lazer. Girl Talk, who mashes the most unlikely the shoulders of giants, luring music enthusiasts and of remixes, pieced together Lady Gaga’s ”Bad Rofood connoisseurs alike as they became engulfed in a mance,” Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and Notorious nonstop rock ‘n’ roll party. It was the perfect way to BIG’s “Nasty Girls” at the Twin Peaks Stage Saturday. end summer. Major Lazer, a DJ outfit made up of Switch and Diplo Outside Lands, which is in its fifth year, took place who fuse reggae, dancehall and hip-hop, had swarms in Golden Gate Park with an exquisite backdrop of of people dancing in the sun to the hypnotic “Pon De the famed Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, the very Floor” Sunday. forefront where some of ‘60s American music was Notably absent was one half of Outkast, rapper born. Big Boi. After schedule switch-ups and technical difJam band Phish played an asficulties with his DJ, Big Boi disaptounding three-and-a-half hour set, Despite Big Boi’s no- pointed fans who had been waiting a performance well fitted to gratify show, Erykah Badu got for three hours, as he announced that fans of local legends The Grateful he only had 30 minutes to perform Dead. Phish entertained many to the crowd revved up, de- and thus would rather not perform bring out their inner hippie, play- livering ardent crooning than play an abbreviated set. ing their extended tunes in addition with fiery swagger remiTo everyone’s shock, comedian to covering songs from David Dave Chappelle appeared onstage to niscent of Billie Holiday. Bowie and Ween. express his adoration and respect of Festival-goers had over 70 San Francisco as he excitedly threw a musical acts to choose from, spanning a multitude beach ball into the audience, citing that he never had of genres from rock to hip-hop to folk to electronic the opportunity to do so before at a concert. and everything in between, playing on four sprawling Despite Big Boi’s no-show, Erykah Badu got the stages. crowd revved up, delivering ardent crooning with fiery Some of the big bands who’ve been making their swagger reminiscent of Billie Holiday. The soul queen way through the summer festival circuit included favored singing selections from Baduism and even British rock stars Muse, modern blues rock band the turned out her drum machine to an enraptured auBlack Keys and recent Grammy winners, Canadian dience. Much to the chagrin of organizers backstage, rockers Arcade Fire. Badu, who was scheduled to end her set, said, “F*** Arcade Fire, who closed out the weekend, sang ‘em” and breezily played another two songs, owning their usual crowd pleasers “No Cars Go” and “Wake the stage with every bit as much heart as moxie. Up,” but also had heavy play from songs found in The event also showcased a taste of the Bay Area, oftheir latest release, The Suburbs. fering the finest in the city’s local eateries, from gourWin Butler, leader of the multi-instrumental band, met mac and cheese to Korean tacos. Wine Lands, said beamingly, “This is one of those times where we a beguiling neck of the woods, beckoned throngs of have to pinch ourselves, because we actually get paid wine-tasting aficionados who sampled from some of to go to San Francisco and play a show.” the world’s finest vineyards. Muse electrified hordes of fans Saturday night as Outside Lands was the answer to everyone’s sumthey played an extensive set fit for their usual stadium mer woes: to let loose, find comfort in familiar and arena audiences. The alternative trio, led by vocal- strange company, discover new sounds, take in the ist and guitarist Matt Belamy, enthralled thousands picturesque landscapes and engage in culinary deas they opened with ultra-successful power anthem lights. Absolutely, Outside Lands cemented itself as “Uprising.” Complete with laser beams and giant pro- one festival not to miss. Daily Titan

August 22, 2011




Food trucks: Bottoms up and bon appetite Food Truck Festival Fundraiser satiated appetites to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Orange County & Inland Empire KRYSTLE UY Daily Titan

Foodies clambered into the Best Buy parking lot in Fullerton to sink their teeth into some of the best cuisine on wheels. The Food Truck Festival Fundraiser showcased an array of 14 brightly colored mobile caterers, enticing hundreds of watering mouths in support of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Orange County and the Inland Empire Friday. The Make-A-Wish Foundation of OCIE, which was established in 1983, grants wishes to children in four different forms: “I wish to BE,” “I wish to HAVE,” “I wish to GO” and “I wish to MEET.” Kelly Yamamoto, development executive for the foundation, said her favorite story was that of Isaac who was diagnosed with leukemia. Isaac wished to be a pirate captain because of his love of the Pirates of the Caribbean films. His wish was granted when he was taken on a swashbuckling adventure to Catalina, as he led his crew of pirates (hired actors) on a scavenger hunt


for treasure. “I don’t believe in a lot of fundraisers, but I do believe in Make-AWish,” said Dylan Watkins, 27, a Cal State Fullerton business management alumnus. “When I went to CSUF, I was a wish maker; to make a child’s dream a reality ... It’s a very specific, tangible thing.” Watkins is the owner of the OC Food Truck, whose “over-the-top Americana” menu varies from a Dynamite Shrimp Burger (tempura shrimp, Angus patty, Dynamite sauce and topped with papaya coleslaw) to the Mac Daddy (mac and cheese with chicken, bacon, caramelized onions and a hint of spice). “I find a lot of joy in just sharing delicious food with people. Our thing is that we’re unapologetically delicious,” the head chef said. Patrons made beelines to the food trucks as they longingly eyed menus jam-packed with good eats. The hungry herds had a difficult time choosing what to chow down as the assortment was tempting. Epicureans feasted their eyes on tasty treats like a Moo-Lan Rouge (red velvet and white chocolate fudge ice

DANIEL ZAMILPA For the Daily Titan


Where: Commonwealth Lounge Time: 9 p.m. Band: Monte Negro



Where: Becker Amphitheater Time: 12:00 PM Band: The Alternates Where: Detroit Bar Time: 9 p.m. Artist: GZA performing Liquid Swords Where: Staples Center Time: 7:30 p.m. Band: Red Hot Chili Peppers



Where: Troubadour Time: 8 p.m. Band: Company of Thieves



Where: Canyon Club in Agoura Hills Time: 9 p.m. Band: Devo Where: Del Mar Racetrack Time: After the races Band: Airborne Toxic Event Where: Greek Theater Time: 7:30 PM Band: Atmosphere Where: Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Time: 7:30 p.m. Artist: Lil Wayne



Where: Roxy Time: 8 p.m. Artist: Kreayshawn Where: Hollywood Palladium Time: 9 p.m. Artist: Deadmau5 Where: Greek Theater Time: 7:30 p.m. Band: Goo Goo Dolls Where: Club Nokia Time: 9 p.m. Artist: DJ Quik



Where: Hollywood Bowl Time: 7 p.m. Bands: Serge Gainsbourg Tribute Where: Detroit Bar Time: 9 p.m. Band: The Dodos

cream sandwiches) from Chunk N Chip, Singaporean Sloppy Joes from Chomp Chomp Nation and Lobsta Rolls (fresh lobster meat on a split top roll with mayo or butter) from the Lobsta Truck. A few vendors were happy to lend a slice of humble pie, coming out of

their culinary caves to ask customers how their food was. And happy they were, sampling the inventive concoctions chefs offered. “We’ve had oysters from Slap Fish Truck, a tri-tip sandwich from Short Stop BBQ, bacon-wrapped dates

from Barcelona On The Go, which was like candy, and empanadas from Piaggio On Wheels,” said John Luevanos, 41, from Long Beach. The food trucks donated portions of their proceeds to the charity. The Make-A-Wish Foundation of OCIE hoped to raise $1,000, as its previ-

ous night’s food truck festival in Los Alamitos garnered $1,200. As pleasant aromas wafted in the air and savory flavors satisfied appetites, the Make-A-Wish Foundation of OCIE was sure to make its goal as it gave customers more than just food for thought.

typically associated with films set in that era. In addition to getting into their characters, the two leads, Chris Evans, who plays Captain America/ Steve Rogers, and Hayley Atwell, who plays Peggy Carter, succeeded in the easy-on-the-eyes category. Other familiar faces in the films included Sebastian Stan, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving and Stanley Tucci, who shines in most roles given to him. Though the film was shot in 3-D, a trend that is found in most films lately, the movie was satisfying even in this regard. Though some films made in 3-D were obviously made with 3-D being an afterthought, Captain America was truly made with 3-D in mind.

It didn’t throw off the picture, but rather enhanced it. Character development within the plot was somewhat weak, but with over 70 years of comic books to adapt to, it is likely that developing such characters could be a bit slow. Without spoiling the film, the ending was somewhat of a cliff hanger, though the reason for this might be why some may wish to go see the sequel to the film: The Avengers, opening in 2012. Overall, the film was captivating and inspiring with its all-American flair. Even though some may leave the theater wanting more, more will be given to them when the sequel opens next year.

FILM Captain America: The First Avenger

Calendar Monday

ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan A hungry customer made her order at Spudrunners, a gourmet fry truck specializing in American comfort food such as fries, baked potatoes, grilled cheese sandwiches and soups.

Every so often, there comes a film that not only sparks the interest of our young generation, but also brings an older one back to its childhood. In the past several years, comic-book-inspired films have been in theaters constantly, and in preparation for The Avengers movie series, another superhero has made his way into theaters. Captain America: The First Avenger premiered July 22 this summer in theaters across the nation. In its

opening weekend, the film made close to $65 million and has grossed about $140 million since its opening, according to IMDB.com. The film begins as a movie interpretation of the Marvel comic book series Captain America that first began publication in 1941 with some comics still being made today. For being a true comic book classic for over 70 years, the film had a lot of background information to fit into its 124 minutes. Even with this feat, the film proved to be well made and thoroughly thought out for the most part. Being someone who has never picked up a comic book in his entire life, having to catch up on 70 years

of action was a bit off-putting, but keeping an open mind proved useful. Without giving too much away, the film was held up nicely. The plot was fast, as most action comic book films are, but it was made well enough so that people who had no prior knowledge could understand it. However, one point that made no sense was the super-force, blue square shown throughout the movie. For being a film set in World War II, the out-of-this-world power was difficult to put into context, but then again, the film is based on a comic book. Anything can happen. Also, the cast did well with morphing into their respective characters and showed the 1940s charm

Fall TV preview: What to watch Television shows to look forward to in the fall as beloved sitcoms Boardwalk Empire and The Vampire Diaries return alongside other newcomers Terra Nova and The New Girl JEANETTE CASTANEDA Daily Titan

As autumn leaves draw closer in the next weeks, this seasonal change also marks the beginning of great television as a much-anticipated fall schedule commences. With some of last season’s favorites such as Gossip Girl, Modern Family and The Walking Dead currently on hiatus until September and October, it’s no doubt that many students are eagerly waiting for fall to arrive and itching to queue up their DVRs again. Summer break brings freedom from exams and studying for all students. However, the months of June, July and August also bring about distance from our favorite television shows as their stars also take a much-needed break from their spring season. Now that classes are back in session, many of the same shows we have missed will soon follow suit. Other popular shows such as MTV’s Jersey Shore have already begun. In their fourth season, the self-proclaimed “guidos and guidettes” have jetted over to Italy for some serious partying and hilarious mayhem. AMC’s Breaking Bad, the story of a chemistry teacher who turns to a life of crime by selling methamphetamines, also began its fourth season over the summer. The Emmy-nominated drama has announced its renewal for a fifth and final season to begin sometime next year. The New Girl, starring Zooey Deschanel, is a new sitcom airing on Fox. The show tells the story of how a young girl gets over her ex-boyfriend by living with three other men. The show is slated to premiere Sept. 20 and has been buzzed about all summer. Aside from drama series, many viewers gravitate toward reality TV as they anticipate the triumphant return of Dancing with the Stars. This season’s cast members will be announced Aug. 29 and the show

will resume Sept. 19 with a twohour special on ABC. Another trend in television not leaving anytime soon is vampires, as present in blood-thirsty shows The Vampire Diaries and True Blood. HBO’s True Blood debuted its fourth season earlier this summer with a series high of 5.4 million viewers. The series, which stars Anna Paquin as blond bombshell Sookie Stackhouse, is based on a series of novels by Charlaine Harris and was created by Alan Ball of Six Feet Under fame. The Vampire Diaries also finds its roots in fictional novels. The series, which will begin its third season Sept. 15, deals with brooding, supernatural teens who grapple with their own town’s haunted past. With many television shows already underway with their season’s premieres, some shows will not be back in the fall. AMC’s Mad Men was slated for a fall premiere along with the current network’s lineup. However, due to contract disputes, the series will not be back for its fifth season until 2012. Another successful HBO series to return this fall is Boardwalk Empire. The drama has a heavyweight production featuring Martin Scorsese and Mark Wahlberg. Starring Steve Buscemi as psuedohistorical, corrupt kingpin Enoch “Nucky” Thompson, the series takes place in Prohibition era Atlantic City. Boardwalk Empire starts its second season Sept. 25. Rounding out the list of new shows this fall is Fox’s Terra Nova. A new series by executive producer Stephen Spielberg, the futuristic drama takes place in the year 2149 with humans attempting to colonize a new planet named Terra Nova. Overall, this season’s television lineup looks like it will bring diversity, fresh storylines and exciting moments as our favorite television characters return to the small screen. dailytitan.com/detour




August 22, 2011

Men’s soccer anxious to rule Titans ready to take the next step forward ELLIOT COOK Daily Titan

After being a game away from the NCAA tournament last fall, the Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team knows this is it. This has to be the season they take control of the Big West and make it their own. Led by senior midfielder Kevin Venegas and senior forward Nick Posthuma, the Titans believe they must win the league and clinch an NCAA tournament berth. Both were first-team Big West selections last year and were named to the preseason top 100 list of the best players in the nation. “This absolutely has to be our year back in the tournament. We

have such a great team returning and were so close to making it last year. The team knows exactly what we need to do and have worked extremely hard in the offseason and last few weeks to accomplish our goal. It was quite an honor to be named to (the top 100 list) with such a close friend and teammate, but we both know there is work to be done,” said Venegas. Posthuma, who has been nursing a groin injury, might have to redshirt (sit out the year because of the injury). If that’s the case, the Titans will look for juniors Jameson Campbell and Jesse Escalante to have big seasons up top. Escalante is coming off a solid season where he scored four goals that were all on the road and all in the second half of games. “We will be tested from day one. We know what it takes to make the

tournament and accomplish our team goal. We all are ready for the season to start already,” said Escalante. In the midfield the Titans will be very strong. With Venegas ready to attack at any point, the team can score on a counterattack in the blink of an eye. The team also has a very solid defensive midfielder in senior Michael Denny, who has played in every match but one the last three seasons. Another player to watch will be sophomore Ritchie Gonzalez, who started 12 games as a true freshman with good speed and on-the-ball skills. The back end is anchored by senior keeper Trevor Whiddon. After a solid season where he was a Big West honorable mention last year, Whiddon will be the key to the defense. With 47 starts in the last three seasons, Whiddon can shut-

down a team. If he performs as he did against UC Santa Barbara last year, the team will be very tough to beat. Junior defenders Jonathan Birt and Nick Swart had productive seasons in the back last year and look to build upon that success. Both started almost the entire season and help a Titan defense that should be much improved. The team as a whole is very solid this year. Although the defense wasn’t stellar at some points in the season, the experience they now have should do wonders. “Overall we can win in many different ways. Our defense could blank a team, or we can score four or five goals in a match. The team is very focused this season,” said Campbell. The Titans have their first game Friday at home vs Hope International.

Courtesy of MATT BROWN New Titan baseball Head Coach Rick Vanderhook is introduced to the media by Athletic Director Brian Quinn. Vanderhook is a member of the 1984 World Series winning team.

‘Hooky’ back as a Titan The Cal State Fullerton baseball team will now be coached by former player Rick Vanderhoo BLAKE FOGG Daily Titan

MARK SAMALA / Daily Titan Sophomore midfielder Ritchie Gonzalez is a key to the Titans’ NCAA dreams this season. The Titans, who were selected to be third in the Big West, have a very confident team.

“Campus Huddle” back in full effect Alabama is the preseason favorite ALEX JAICH

For the Daily Titan

Last year’s college football season proved to be a wild ride. It was capped off with an impressive Auburn University win over the University of Oregon in January. In the summer heat, many changes occurred. Positive changes included major conference additions to the not-so-pleasant NCAA compliance issues at some of college football’s most powerful programs. What remains the same this season is the dominance of the South Eastern Conference now going for its sixth Bowl Champion Series Championship win. Auburn lost quarterback Cameron Newton and 13 other starters, which ends its conversation this season, but the Campus Huddle’s national title pick of last year, Alabama, enters the fray as the preseason pick yet again. Alabama Head Coach Nick Saban’s

Crimson Tide is coming off a 49-7 beat-down over Michigan State. Ten returning starters make this defense the best in college football. On offense, both quarterbacks AJ McCarron and Phillip Sims pack heat, but explosive running back Trent Richardson is a missile in the backfield. The schedule is still a typical bumpy SEC lineup but Alabama gets Arkansas and LSU at home. Despite the current NCAA allegations in Eugene, Ore., the Ducks are still taking the field as the deadliest offense in the country. Juniors Darren Thomas (QB) and LaMichael James (RB) helped lead the nation in total offense last season with 47 points per game. Oregon Head Coach Chip Kelly will take the flock to Cowboy Stadium against LSU Sept. 3 for one of the best week-one openers in recent memory. If the Ducks win the weekone riot, look for an instant classic when the Ducks play at Stanford Nov. 12. Utah and Colorado are nice additions for revolutionary Commissioner

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Larry Scott’s Pac-12 Conference, but college football enthusiasts are going gaga about the surprise return of Stanford junior quarterback Andrew Luck, my Heisman trophy front runner. Luck represents everything you want in a college athlete: smarts, athleticism and character. If Luck improves on last year’s 3,338 yards, 70.7 completion percentage and 32-8 touchdowns to interceptions, then he is a lock to win it. Pac-12 south schools UCLA (4-8) and USC (8-5) look to improve on last year’s mediocre Southern California football scene. UCLA Head Coach Rick Neuheisel is on the proverbial hot seat. News out of fall camp leaves pundits seeing this season as a flip of last year’s 4-8 record or Neuheisel will be out. USC is on its last year of its two-year bowl ban. Head Coach Lane Kiffin and junior quarterback Matt Barkley still want to wow Trojan faithfuls as they try to take revenge from losses while hosting Oregon and Stanford at the Coliseum this year. The Big 12 now has 10 teams but

doesn’t think the conference is at all weak. Oklahoma has had a rough offseason with tragedy and injury hitting the program with the death of linebacker Austin Box and a major foot injury to linebacker Travis Lewis. On paper, the Sooners still look strong. Junior quarterback Landry Jones is a Heisman hopeful and will lead the team to an outright conference title and BCS title berth. Nebraska, now in the Big Ten (12team conference), is taking on the likes of Ohio State and Wisconsin. Believe the hype; the Huskers are my Rose Bowl Game representatives. Florida State in the ACC wants to return its program to former glory under Jimbo Fisher in his second season as head coach, but the ACC among the Big East are the weakest BCS conferences in college football. The Mountain West adds power poll buster Boise State, who looks to upset the establishment starting in week one against SEC up-and-comer Georgia.

Over the summer, Cal State Fullerton announced the hiring of Rick Vanderhook as the school’s fifth head baseball coach after Dave Serrano stepped down to take the Tennessee coaching vacancy. Vanderhook, a former player and assistant coach for 21 years at CSUF, spent the last three years as an assistant coach at UCLA. “This is probably one of the proudest moments of my life,” said Vanderhook at his official unveiling in June. Vanderhook’s path to becoming head coach took a detour when he left for Westwood after being passed over four years ago in favor of Serrano. He was believed to be the next in charge when former head coach George Horton left for Oregon. While at UCLA, Vanderhook helped the program to a Pac-10 title as well as an appearance in the College World Series. “Four years ago it wasn’t meant to be,” Vanderhook said. “The experience that I’ve had in the last three years at UCLA has made me a better baseball coach and it has prepared me more now to be the head of baseball at Cal State Fullerton.” “We brought back our family that’s been missing,” said CSUF Athletic Director Brian Quinn when introducing the new manager. “It’s time to bring back the great tradition and get this thing moving in the direction that we wanted.” Vanderhook has a reputation of being a fiery competitor and likes to play an exciting brand of baseball; a style that CSUF has been accustomed to play. “There’s something here that ‘Hooky’ brings to us and that’s that toughness, the grittiness, the desire that is Titan baseball,” Quinn said. There seems to be a prerequisite to become CSUF’s head coach. Like the previous two, Horton and Serrano, Vanderhook is part of the Augie Garrido coaching tree. All

three coaches were former players on the College World Series winning 1984 team and assistant coaches under the former Titan coach and Hall of Famer. “(Vanderhook) represents the essence of Titan baseball. He represents the spirit of the baseball program at Cal State Fullerton and I am very happy for him and his family,” said Garrido on the CSUF Titans website. Like the other past coaches, Vanderhook is expected to lead the Titans into the postseason where they have been for 20 consecutive years— the third longest streak in the nation. His postseason experience will be unquestioned with three CWS rings. He’s appeared in 12 College World Series: once as a player, 10 as assistant coach with CSUF and the last with UCLA. Overall in 24 seasons as a Division I assistant coach, Vanderhook amassed a 1026-465-2 (.688) career record and coached in five national championship games, according to ESPN. He has helped develop 29 position player All-Americans, three national Players of the Year and two Golden Spikes Award winners. He has produced 72 position players as major league draft picks, including four first-rounders. As for the other staff, Kirk Saarloos, a former Titan player, major league pitcher and current assistant coach, will be promoted to pitching coach this season. Mike Kirby will also be coming back as an assistant coach. Kirby previously held the same position under Horton at Oregon. Former Titan catcher Chad Baum will also return to CSUF as volunteer assistant coach. The Titans’ first game will be in Gainesville, Fla., against University of Florida Feb. 2, 2012.



August 22, 2011

6600 Actors/Extras Wanted

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Crossword FOR RELEASE AUGUST 22, 2011

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

brought to you by mctcampus.com

ACROSS 1 Sound from a tree 6 Range between soprano and tenor 10 Cpls.’ underlings 14 Flamboyant evangelist __ Semple McPherson 15 Boston Bruins or Chicago Bears, e.g. 16 Inter __: among others 17 Baseball’s Nolan and actress Meg 18 Bath towel word 19 Natasha’s no 20 *Resolve once and for all 22 Many an October baby, astrologically 23 A __ alfa 24 Nairobi native 25 Satirical Mort 28 Arrive after a tough trip 31 Schoolroom group 33 Travelers’ lodgings 34 Hypotheticals 37 PC key 38 *Savings for later in life 41 Miracle-__: garden brand 42 B’way setting 43 Slender woodwind 44 Reacted to fireworks 46 The Beatles’ George 50 Salt Lake City college team, aptly 51 “Happy I can oblige” 53 Cop’s route 55 Lassos 56 Lyric in a Porter song that ends “Let’s fall in love,” and a hint to the starts of the starred answers (and 1-Across) 61 “__ well that ends ...” 62 Rani’s garment 63 Cease-fire 64 Coagulate, as blood 65 Treater’s words 66 Levels, as a building


is casting couples (18-21 y.o.) who feel their relationship may be emo tion ally dam agin g. For more info, please e-mail: relationshipTVcasting @ g m a i l . c o m

7600 Room for Rent Room available - home in Placentia near Kraemer/Yorba Linda Blvd - local shopping, restaurants and CSUF - all utilities included. $500/ mo - sec. dep $200. 714-686-1764


By Kelly Clark

67 Italian noble family 68 Fava or lima 69 Illegally off-base GIs

Saturday’s Puzzle Solved

DOWN 1 Poet Sandburg 2 Breezy greeting 3 “__ be wrong, but ...” 4 Avis offerings 5 Cuban cash 6 Zeus’ daughter 7 Popular jeans 8 Small fruit pie 9 Mantric syllables 10 Italian sandwich 11 *Like unreliable short-term businesses 12 Olds Cutlass model 13 The devil 21 Canyon edge 22 “Come on, we’re late” 24 Goal in checkers 25 Read, as a bar code 26 Treaty partner 27 *Do some scheming 29 Flying toys 30 U-turn from WSW 32 Stable sounds

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35 Available for a date 36 Puts in a lawn the fast way 39 River of Spain 40 “... or __ thought” 45 Beat in a Western showdown 47 “__ Fideles”: carol 48 Conan of “Conan” 49 Simpsons neighbor Flanders

a it’s W N E Y D A


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7 3 8 1

2 1 3 7 4 9 8 6 5 4 8 9 6 5 1 7 3 2

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You're entering a profitable phase, so watch for income opportunities today and tomorrow. Don't let the promise of future work have you overspend. Store up the harvest.

Daily Sudoku: Fri 12-Aug-2011

5 6 5

3 4

8 4 1


7 3

6 1 9

7 3 8 1

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) You're ready for anything that comes your way. Take advantage of renewed energy to complete those difficult tasks you were avoiding. Renew your goals.

9 4 6 7 3 8

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

4 1 9 8 5 7

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) A walk in nature and a good book or magazine are a fine recipe today. Add some inexpensive, delicious treats and time with family and friends for simple magic.


Daily Sudoku: Fri 12-Aug-2011

1 2 3 5 4 6

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) A Sunday with the Moon in the house of Pisces provides excellent motivation to take it easy at home, surrounded by family and loved ones. Find comfort in the familiar.






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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Write, storyboard, film, edit, score and project your own dream (with a little help from your friends). There's some Oscar-worthy material in there.


4 1

8 3

8 3 2 6 7 5

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Don't blurt it all out; things aren't what they seem. Do more listening than speaking. A quiet ritual rejuvenates, especially as the next two days hustle.



3 8 7 1 9 2

23-Sept. 22) Indulge your imaginanew direction emerges. Check with Their feedback provides even more Keep it true to your core values.

4 3


2 9 5 4 1 3

Virgo (Aug. tion, and a your team. possibilities.


5 6 1 2 8 4

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) A change in order shakes things up a bit. Listen to an outrageous suggestion, and consider the previously impossible. Then take advantage of a phase of focused action.

4 7 5


6 7 4 3 2 9

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Keep lines of communication open. You find the funds you need to move forward ... more than expected, even. Plan a trip to satisfy your wanderlust. Distant inspiration calls.

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7 5 8 9 6 1




Gemini (May 21-June 21) Double-check the data, to be sure. Provide common sense where you find it lacking. Although you love action, what you need right now is peace, quiet and stability.

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3 5 7 8 6 4 9 2 1


Daily Sudoku: Fri 12-Aug-2011

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Aspire to great heights: Why not? You can have anything you're willing to do anything for. Find something to celebrate about with friends. Taste the sweetness.



Aries (March 21-April 19) Give in to daydreaming in solitude. Some of your best thinking is waiting for you to get quiet. Figure out what to watch out for next. Relax and enjoy the view.


51 Pre-meal blessing 52 Lounges around 54 Stars, in Latin 56 Undoing 57 Cookbook writer Rombauer 58 Greek liqueur 59 Its cap. is Reykjavik 60 Tracy’s Trueheart 62 Cry out loud

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