Daily Titan September 14, 2010

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Blogging contest promotes scholarship

SPORTS September 14, 2010

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Companies offer students ability to creatively express themselves online and win a monetary reward ALEXANDRA ANDERSEN Asst. Multimedia Editor

Computer companies Lenovo and Intel are teaming up to host a nationwide collegiate blogging contest with a $20,000 scholarship as the grand prize. The guidelines are simple: contestants pick a goal and then spend the next month blogging about their progress. Gus Schmedlen, Lenovo director of Worldwide Education said in a press release, “Whether your goal is to learn how to cook or travel cross country, we want to read why you chose to accomplish this goal and the steps you took to achieve it. In a sense, we want to take the journey with you.” Students attending an accredited college or university across the country can go to lenovoblogu.com

to start their blogs and enter for a chance to win. The top 10 finalists to make the Dean’s List will be chosen based on the blog’s creativity, popularity among the University of Bloggers community and the amount of entries that are written. James C. Leonardo, Public Outreach Coordinator for lenovoblogu.com, urges all students to enter the competition even if writing isn’t their forte. He said the entries are simple. T h e D e a n’s List final-

ists will be announced on Sept. 30 and the grand prize winner will be chosen on Oct. 10. Chelsea Tajc, is currently in the No. 1 spot on the Dean’s

See XXXXXX, page X

List. “I’m a Biochemistry major, I don’t write anything but lab reports! I never even considered myself a captivating writer or blogger,” Tajc said. “Yet, here I was writing for fun and I was actually inspiring others to cook some of the dishes I had made!” Tajc, a student at Northern Arizona University, named her blog “Bites of the World” and set her goal to cook a new dish from a different country at least four days a week. She calls her journey “a sort of international Julie and Julia” and plans to make a cookbook of her personal favorites for friends and family.

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See BLOG, page 3

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Technological tools for teaching Website study New crime mapping aid for students

technology and law MICHELLE WIEBACH News Editor

Quizlets provides a new way to study MARYANNE C. SHULTS

The Placentia Police Department recently joined a comprehensive crime mapping website to assist with tracking dangerous trends occurring in cities and neighborhoods. Placentia subscribed to CrimeReports.com, the crime mapping website, earlier this summer. “I think one of the benefits of CrimeReports is that it’s free,” said Sgt. Michael Busse of the Placentia Police Department. “People can see the location of the crime, no matter where they are in the world.” CrimeReports is an online interactive website that works with law enforcement to report and post crimes online. Residents can form online communities and report any crimes that happen in their neighborhood. About 1,800 law enforcement agencies worldwide have teamed up with the website service to keep track of crimes and provide upto-date information for residents. CrimeReports resembles and functions similarly to Google maps. “We wanted to use tools that are readily accessible to the community,” said Scott Kinzie, senior vice president of marketing and product strategy for CrimeReports. Residents can keep track of neighborhood crimes on a daily basis and not have to wait until it is seen on the news. The website is also updated daily with the most frequent and current crimes. See CRIME MAPS, page 2

Staff Writer

Whether memorizing the hormone systems of the human body for an anatomy midterm or preparing to take the General Readiness Exam to apply for graduation, most students have to spend time drilling and studying. Today’s students no longer have to spend hours writing out flashcards on three-by-five inch index cards. Instructors do not have to start from scratch creating study guides for exams. They can now turn to free, web-based applications that generate interactive study tools with a few keystrokes. One of these is Quizlet.com. Preparing for an exam is no longer confined to sitting at the library or favorite coffee shop, flipping index cards over and over, but never being truly confident in the level of retention. Quizlet.com offers several different formats of study tools including flashcards, quizzes and competitive study games. Search for subject-specific terminology and use tools others have already created. Users may also customize terms and questions to suit their own needs. See QUIZLET, page 2

Professors incorporate ebooks into their classroom curriculum MICHELLE WIEBACH News Editor

Cal State Fullerton was one of five Cal State campuses chosen to participate in a pilot program that aims to license digital content for college courses. The initiative, called Digital Marketplace, was launched last month through the Chancellor’s Office. The Digital Marketplace is an agreement made between the CSU system and five major college publishers to provide students with personal-use subscriptions for digital content through their campus bookstore. Students will also have access to publisher content throughout the course. The initiative has three goals in mind, which are “improve learning outcomes through accelerating teaching innovations, improve the accessibility of learning materials to students and significantly reduce the cost of learning materials (textbooks) to students.” There are currently six classes participating in the pilot program: Math 125, Business Administration 201 and 501, Radio-TV-Film 100, Educational Technology for Secondary Teachers 320 and Finance 370. The pilot program will collect and analyze student and faculty user data from the five participating universities during the fall semester to help identify usage and preferences for future digital materials. The Chancellor’s Office will be conducting surveys with students enrolled in the various courses. See DIGITAL, page 2

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Daily Titan Poll What do you think of parking at CSUF this semester? It is better this semester It still sucks It is the same I gave up on parking and now I rather walk/cycle/skateboard/ scooter

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