Daily Titan September 14, 2010

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Blogging contest promotes scholarship

SPORTS September 14, 2010

Stay connected

Companies offer students ability to creatively express themselves online and win a monetary reward ALEXANDRA ANDERSEN Asst. Multimedia Editor

Computer companies Lenovo and Intel are teaming up to host a nationwide collegiate blogging contest with a $20,000 scholarship as the grand prize. The guidelines are simple: contestants pick a goal and then spend the next month blogging about their progress. Gus Schmedlen, Lenovo director of Worldwide Education said in a press release, “Whether your goal is to learn how to cook or travel cross country, we want to read why you chose to accomplish this goal and the steps you took to achieve it. In a sense, we want to take the journey with you.” Students attending an accredited college or university across the country can go to lenovoblogu.com

to start their blogs and enter for a chance to win. The top 10 finalists to make the Dean’s List will be chosen based on the blog’s creativity, popularity among the University of Bloggers community and the amount of entries that are written. James C. Leonardo, Public Outreach Coordinator for lenovoblogu.com, urges all students to enter the competition even if writing isn’t their forte. He said the entries are simple. T h e D e a n’s List final-

ists will be announced on Sept. 30 and the grand prize winner will be chosen on Oct. 10. Chelsea Tajc, is currently in the No. 1 spot on the Dean’s

See XXXXXX, page X

List. “I’m a Biochemistry major, I don’t write anything but lab reports! I never even considered myself a captivating writer or blogger,” Tajc said. “Yet, here I was writing for fun and I was actually inspiring others to cook some of the dishes I had made!” Tajc, a student at Northern Arizona University, named her blog “Bites of the World” and set her goal to cook a new dish from a different country at least four days a week. She calls her journey “a sort of international Julie and Julia” and plans to make a cookbook of her personal favorites for friends and family.

Popular Stories • MGMT concert lacks stage presence • Making Sense of the Muslim Center in NY • Only 6 percent of terrorists are Muslim • The girl on fire takes flight in “Mockingjay” • Should Marijuana be legalized? • Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey celebrate 200th Birthday • Dumb Celebrity Quotes

See BLOG, page 3

Featured Stories • Day Tripper - San Juan Capistrano • Hostels provide travelers with lodging

Technological tools for teaching Website study New crime mapping aid for students

technology and law MICHELLE WIEBACH News Editor

Quizlets provides a new way to study MARYANNE C. SHULTS

The Placentia Police Department recently joined a comprehensive crime mapping website to assist with tracking dangerous trends occurring in cities and neighborhoods. Placentia subscribed to CrimeReports.com, the crime mapping website, earlier this summer. “I think one of the benefits of CrimeReports is that it’s free,” said Sgt. Michael Busse of the Placentia Police Department. “People can see the location of the crime, no matter where they are in the world.” CrimeReports is an online interactive website that works with law enforcement to report and post crimes online. Residents can form online communities and report any crimes that happen in their neighborhood. About 1,800 law enforcement agencies worldwide have teamed up with the website service to keep track of crimes and provide upto-date information for residents. CrimeReports resembles and functions similarly to Google maps. “We wanted to use tools that are readily accessible to the community,” said Scott Kinzie, senior vice president of marketing and product strategy for CrimeReports. Residents can keep track of neighborhood crimes on a daily basis and not have to wait until it is seen on the news. The website is also updated daily with the most frequent and current crimes. See CRIME MAPS, page 2

Staff Writer

Whether memorizing the hormone systems of the human body for an anatomy midterm or preparing to take the General Readiness Exam to apply for graduation, most students have to spend time drilling and studying. Today’s students no longer have to spend hours writing out flashcards on three-by-five inch index cards. Instructors do not have to start from scratch creating study guides for exams. They can now turn to free, web-based applications that generate interactive study tools with a few keystrokes. One of these is Quizlet.com. Preparing for an exam is no longer confined to sitting at the library or favorite coffee shop, flipping index cards over and over, but never being truly confident in the level of retention. Quizlet.com offers several different formats of study tools including flashcards, quizzes and competitive study games. Search for subject-specific terminology and use tools others have already created. Users may also customize terms and questions to suit their own needs. See QUIZLET, page 2

Professors incorporate ebooks into their classroom curriculum MICHELLE WIEBACH News Editor

Cal State Fullerton was one of five Cal State campuses chosen to participate in a pilot program that aims to license digital content for college courses. The initiative, called Digital Marketplace, was launched last month through the Chancellor’s Office. The Digital Marketplace is an agreement made between the CSU system and five major college publishers to provide students with personal-use subscriptions for digital content through their campus bookstore. Students will also have access to publisher content throughout the course. The initiative has three goals in mind, which are “improve learning outcomes through accelerating teaching innovations, improve the accessibility of learning materials to students and significantly reduce the cost of learning materials (textbooks) to students.” There are currently six classes participating in the pilot program: Math 125, Business Administration 201 and 501, Radio-TV-Film 100, Educational Technology for Secondary Teachers 320 and Finance 370. The pilot program will collect and analyze student and faculty user data from the five participating universities during the fall semester to help identify usage and preferences for future digital materials. The Chancellor’s Office will be conducting surveys with students enrolled in the various courses. See DIGITAL, page 2

• Titan Spotlight: Cami Croteau • The Ethics of Public Relations • Celebration of Ramadan

• Music fans gather at FYF • Wrestling gets a second chance

Daily Titan Poll What do you think of parking at CSUF this semester? It is better this semester It still sucks It is the same I gave up on parking and now I rather walk/cycle/skateboard/ scooter



At least 21 survivors in Venezuelan plane crash VENEZUELA – At least 21 people survived when an aircraft carrying 47 passengers and a crew of four crashed Monday in southern Venezuela, authorities said. The plane, operated by the state airline Conviasa, had taken off from tourist favorite Margarita Island and was headed to the city of Puerto Ordaz, in the state of Bolivar. Earlier, Venezuelan Infrastructure Minister Francisco Garces had said the aircraft had been traveling from Puerto Ordaz to Margarita. 23 people were rescued from the wreckage alive, but doctors said two died later in the hospital. The ATR-42 model aircraft crashed shortly before landing into the scrapyard of a nearby plant operated by the steel company Sidor. Bolivar Governor Francisco Rangel said emergency teams acted quickly to rescue 23 “badly injured” people who were taken to two hospitals. No one was injured on the ground as a result of the accident, he said.

NATIONAL Immigration issues hurting Obama, poll finds CALIFORNIA – Immigration issues, including questions about who should have U.S. citizenship, have hurt President Barack Obama’s standing with voters, according to the latest Quinnipiac University national poll. The poll found that respondents had a strong anti-immigrant tilt, favoring stricter enforcement of immigration laws rather than integrating illegal immigrants into society and an end to the constitutionally guaranteed practice of granting U.S. citizenship to children born of illegal immigrants.

STATE Man arrested on suspicion of scamming elderly woman LODI – A 54-year-old man was arrested Saturday on suspicion of

scamming an elderly woman out of $76 and stealing a credit card, according to Lodi police. Billy Melvin Huber, whose residence is unknown, was arrested on suspicion of burglary, elder abuse and possessing less than an ounce of marijuana, police said. Police are investigating whether Huber may be involved in a series of scams against the elderly. Someone has reportedly approached several elderly women recently, telling them he noticed a mechanical problem with their vehicle, Cpl. Sierra Brucia said in a news release on Friday.

For the Record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Isa Ghani at 657-278-5815 or at execeditor@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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CRIME MAPS: NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ... Continued from page 1 “It’s pretty much a win-win situation,” Sgt. Busee said. “It’s accessible 365 days.” Sgt. Busse also said that people will use CrimeReports more frequently because there are applications for iPhones and other services on the Internet such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The applications are useful for those who wish to access crime information about their neighborhood on their iPhones. “I’m sure people would use (the applications),” said Jessica Ruelas, a 21-year-old liberal arts major. “It’s better to be safe then sorry.” Not all cities in Orange County are part of CrimeReports. Pla-

centia is the nearest city to Ful- curred in Placentia where about lerton that uses the service. eight reports of theft, seven re“It is a subscription based ser- ports of vehicle burglary, about vice and there is a monthly fee six reports of assault and about based on the population of the five reports of vehicle theft. city,” Busee said. “(We) data CrimeReports is also accessible dump to them (Crime Reports) to the public. To access the crime and they do information and not intrude current inIt’s pretty much a win- receive into our (Plaformation from a centia Police win situation... specific location, Department) users need to be- Sgt. Michael Busse, system.” come a member Placentia Police Department by registering on The website contains the website. information on the most up-toKinzie said users can look for date crimes, as well as the type of a specific address at any given crime such as theft, assault and period to see nearby crimes and robbery and how frequent the their privacy will be protected. crime occurs in a city. The information is provided In about the past month, the in a block level, meaning crimes most frequent crimes that oc- will be seen on what block they

occurred instead of the specific address. While CrimeReports is used and viewed by many around the world, Ruelas speculates that the website’s services and information will wear off as time goes by. “Maybe at the beginning people will use it, but then I think they won’t care” Ruelas said. Sgt. Busse said that the website is growing and there are about 700 to 800 police departments joining the service and as it grows in popularity people will hear about it and use it. Kinze said citizens will be able to do a lot more with the next generation of CrimeReports which will go live later this month.

: NEW INTERACTIVE STUDY OPTIONS ... Continued from page 1

Instructors can also use Quizlet.com and create study mateFlashcards are structured into rial specific to his or her curricuthree levels. According to Qui- lum as well as a custom fit for zlet.com, Flashcard Mode lets the learning style of the classes’ one use repetition to become fa- students. Subject categories include lanmiliar with the material; Learn Mode is “the most powerful guages and vocabulary, math, study mode,” using quizzes that science, history, geography, art and literakeep track ture. of scores and It’s an amazing asset for any For the then retesting more adany incorrect student who needs a little help v a n c e d answers. student, F i n a l l y , memorizing... are Test Mode - Quizzlet User there c a t e g o r i es generates Testimonial for college customizable entrance exams with a variation of questions including exams. According to the Quizlet short-answer, matching, mul- blog, 260,000 flashcards are uptiple choice and true/false op- loaded each day. Online user testimonials intions. If the standard flashcard-quiz clude comments such as, “Amazformat is too dry and boring, ing. This site is absolutely genius turn it up a notch with online - it’s strange to find myself actugames and race against the clock ally ‘enjoying’ preparing for tests to test memorization and to sim- and then doing well on them...!” and “Thanks Quizlet. My stuulate a timed exam.


September 14, 2010


dents truly benefit from your unique and ingenious site. They share, collaborate and learn. It’s an amazing asset for any student who needs a little help memorizing.” According to a story in the “Slice of MIT,” the alumni online magazine for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Quizlet.com began as the concept of 15-year-old Andrew Sutherland when he was studying French vocabulary words with his father. After several hours of repeating the words, he thought there must be an easier way. Sutherland launched Quizlet.com in 2007 after working on its development for over one year, he is now a student at MIT. There are now mobile Quizlet applications for both WebOSbased handheld devices, through Study Buddy, and for Android phones via the KaKa Flashcards application. It is also accessible through Facebook.com.

DIGITAL: NEW OPTIONS ... Continued from page 1 Some of the publishing companies participating in the initiative are Wiley, Pearson, Thomson, Houghton Mifflin and Bedford Freeman Worth. Students registered for these courses were sent an e-mail specifically laying out how to obtain an electronic copy of the required course textbook at 35 percent of the retail price of the new print book. The pilot program deactivates access codes for anyone who has dropped the course and is not on the current roster by the census date. The price of digital license for Math 125 is $62.98 plus tax compared to the print copy priced at $161.77 on Amazon. “Students brought in a letter and employees were asked to keep access codes for the digital license at the counter. They had a list of class rosters to verify (students) were enrolled,” said Textbook Adoptions Manager Mike Dickerson. Students enrolled in these pilot courses also have the option of purchasing a printed version of the textbook at a discounted price of $20, but only after the digital license has been purchased. “I think the program will definitely help make college courses more interactive and the prices are definitely reason enough to fully implement it to all colleges,” said Sofia Ortiz, a liberal studies student. If the pilot program is successful, the initiative will be applied to and used by the entire CSU system and create a single platform for digital textbooks. Business major Joseph Niemela prefers the traditional textbooks to the growing popularity of electronic copy. “I’d rather have a physical (copy). They retain over a long period of time and I have it with me whenever,” Niemela said. Dominguez Hills, Long Beach, San Bernardino and San Francisco are the other CSU campuses incorporating the pilot program into their classes.

Campus & World

September 14, 2010



JONATHAN GIBBY / Graphics Editor One of the many organizations present during Unity Week was the Alliance of Students for an Equal Education. The student club supports the passing of the DREAM Act, which would give a path for citizenship to undocumented students in California.

Latino unity promoted

Campus events solidify relationship among organizations ALYSSA WEJEBE Staff Writer

Yesterday the Chicano and Latino student organizations of Mesa Cooperativa started their Unity Week event, to kick off National Hispanic Heritage Month. All along the Titan Walk near the Titan Student Union were different clubs bound by cultural ties: the Latino Business Student Association, Ballet Folklorico de CSUF, Chicana and Chicano Resource Center (CRC), Salsa Club, La Fe (Latino Bible Study), Chicana & Chicano Studies Alliance (CASA) and the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF). Manuel Mancera, student assistant at the CRC, said that the purpose of the event was “to promote Chicano and Chicana awareness on campus.” Mancera said that yesterday (Monday) was about informational booths from each participating organization. Each of the clubs, from 11 to 2 p.m. will sell different items today, such as chips and salsa, throughout the event.

Crystal Rojas, vice president of HSF, said it will be like a “little festival day.” Her organization plans to sell watermelon with chili powder. Elizabeth Romero, fundraiser chair at Mesa Cooperativa, explained that each organization in Unity Week can sell whatever item it wants. Mesa Cooperativa will only support them. Romero said the Mesa Cooperativa gets funds through Associated Students Inc. and other sponsorships. On Wednesday, each club will present social awareness issues, such as Chicanos in higher education and immigration. The hours of the event will be the same as the previous two days. Josh Mendoza, president of the Salsa Club, said that his organization will cover voter awareness with Delta Sigma Chi on Wednesday and further team up with ASI and CSUF Voter Mobilization. Romero said that Unity Week will have a political awareness element, for example, people will be encouraged to register to vote. She also said that CSUF is competing with Cal State Long Beach over who can get the most students registered. Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. they will have games and live entertainment, such as performances from

Ballet Folklorico. Romero praised Unity Week and said the event brings cultural awareness to the CSUF campus. Gladis Lopez, vice president of the Mesa Cooperativa (an umbrella council for Latino organizations on campus), said Unity Week was started “just to promote unity within the organizations on campus.” “So far, it looks better than last year... there are more groups this year,” said Leticia Cardoso, president of HSF. Yesenia Altamirano, secretary for Ballet Folklorico, said that Unity Week serves as a way to take her culture “out there.” Altamirano also said that Unity Week is a opportunity to learn about other clubs on campus. Damien Montaño, the internal events coordinator for the new club CASA, represented the club on the walk. “Participating in unity week makes me feel connected to campus, connected to other organizations,” Montaño said. Montaño praised the event for sharing experiences between organizations, for promoting student involvement on campus, and for generating a feeling of being supported by campus, especially when they give a whole week for this cultural awareness.

need to change to the direct loan program,” Schutte said. “Luckily, we hired a consultant ahead of time and had already invested a year worth in advance to prepare for the 2010-2011 year.” Students who have taken out financial aid loans for previous semesters do not have to make any necessary changes to their loans. As stated on the financial aid website, as long as students are enrolled in school on at least a half time basis, prior federal loans with continue to be deferred. Enrollment information is reported to the lenders by the college on a scheduled basis. “We’re very happy with the transition. It works with the system very well,” Schutte said.

Previous loans are still with their prior lenders, however, the department of education has purchased some of these loans and students are currently being notified via mail. Citibank, Chase, Wachovia and Wells Fargo are a few of the lenders replaced by direct loan program. Financial aid adviser Jessica Magee said, “Besides having to do the MPN and loan entrance counseling again if [students] took out a new loan, interest rates and everything else stayed the same. It’s been easier.” As with all financial aid loans, regardless of who is administering them, Schutte strongly encourages students to be wise borrowers and take out the least amount needed for education. “The banks went out of business, but the money is still guaranteed by the federal government. Students still owe that money. The loan obligation doesn’t go away,” Schutte said. The financial aid office is now providing slips to students needing help accepting their direct loans. Health science major Natalie Antolin, who also works the front desk for the financial aid office, said, “can get confusing online. Just getting information and doing the extra steps are the main concern students have,” Antolin said. Further information, including quick facts, regarding the direct loan program may be found on the financial aid website or by simply stopping by the office.

Student loans more affordable STEPHANIE RAYGOZA Staff Writer

Cal State Fullerton’s financial aid office transitioned to a new federal direct loan program as of this fall semester. The William D. Ford Federal direct loan program allows all student loans to be directly administered by the Department of Education as mandated by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act enacted earlier this year. Under the student loan reform, all colleges across the nation either borrowing subsidized or unsubsidized loans have to go through federal direct loans. Students no longer have to choose a bank lender. “It’ll streamline and make it a lot easier for students,” said Jessica Schutte, acting director of the office for financial aid. In the past, CSUF participated in the Federal Family Education Loan Program, in which students were allowed to select their own bank lender and still considered a federally sponsored program. “The FFELP program was going very smoothly and there was really no

The banks went out of business, but the money is still guaranteed by the federal government.

Federal direct program makes borrowing money easier

- Jessica Schutte, Acting Director of Financial Aid

CSUF has already dispersed about $31.8 million for the fall term under the direct loan program. For students choosing to take out loans for the first time for the 2010-11 school year or future semesters, they must fill out a new Master Promissory Note regardless even if they’ve already done so.

BLOG: AWARDS FOR ONLINE USERS ... Continued from page 1 Laura Romeo, a business administration major at University of Denver, is currently in sixth place on the Dean’s List and says she plans on putting the scholarship money toward her student loans if she wins. Her blog is entitled “The Meaning of (My) Life” and chronicles her journey of writing her first novel. “I chose my particular goal because writing a novel has always been

something on my to-do list and this blog was a good way to get me going on it,” Romeo said. “I really like the idea of University of Bloggers because it encourages students to make a goal for themselves and to work towards it, and you can get rewarded for blogging but only if you earn it,” Romeo said. Because there’s a popularity requirement to make the Dean’s List and win the grand prize, creativity is a must in order to stand out.

“A lot of social media is being used to promote blogs,” said Leonardo, who added that many of the contestants are using Youtube, Facebook and Twitter to steer more traffic toward their blogs. The deadline for the contest is quickly approaching, but Leonardo assures students that they shouldn’t be deterred by the looming date. “There’s still a lot of time for you guys to get involved,” Leonardo said. “Just start blogging.” dailytitan.com/news




September 14, 2010

Courtesy of MCT

Socialists say ‘Obamacare’ is NOT socialist Staff Writer

President Obama’s health care bill came under fire last year from both Republicans and lobbyists alike for being “too socialist,” but what I don’t understand is why the term socialism is being applied to an economically motivated bill and why the term socialism has such a negative connotation. Though President Obama’s health care plan may seem socialist at first glance, upon closer inspection it is evident that what he is really trying to do is fix the structure of America’s health care system. Socialism is ingrained within American society, and allows us to have public education, law enforcement and other services that are available to all Americans essentially free of charge. Socialism is defined by its emphasis on production for the sake of public use rather than profit, as well as the absence of economic competitiveness. “The funny thing is, of course, that socialists know that Barack Obama is not one of us. Not only is he not a socialist, he may in fact not even be a liberal...” wrote Billy Wharton of the Washington Post. Wharton goes on to explain that the clear indication that President

Obama is not a socialist is that his administration is steering clear of making structural changes to the financial

system, instead choosing to create temporary measures that can be easily erased once the economy stabilizes. This also holds true for health care, as President Obama is focusing on mandating that almost every person in America become insured rather than changing the structure of the health industry. If he truly were a socialist, HMOs would be dismantled and a public health option would also be mandated. According to the New York Times, under President Obama’s bill, the over 30 million Americans who currently don’t have health care will

be provided coverage. The measure would add 16 million people to the Medicaid rolls, and would also require most Americans to have health insurance. The most important aspect of the bill is that it more closely regulates private insurers in order to prevent them from denying coverage for people with preexisting health conditions. Though the bill will cost roughly $700 billion over the next decade, it will actually reduce the federal deficit by $138 billion over that same time frame, thus reducing taxpayer spending. When President Richard Nixon agreed to the use of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) to handle health care, the quality of health care in America quickly deteriorated. HMOs have made it difficult for many individuals to receive prompt and effective health care because they are strictly profit driven, i.e. capitalist. Privately owned health insurance corporations, such as Kaiser and Cigna, have been cashing in on our nation’s corrupt health care system for years. They are notorious for denying

their members of proper treatment through unconventional and discriminatory practices, all in the name of boosting stock values and increasing quarterly profits. An example of these said practices includes denying coverage for patients who have a pre-existing medical condition (i.e. arthritis, asthma, etc.), and using that as an excuse to deny coverage for a new and often unrelated medical condition. This business model has fatal consequences because individuals who are denied life-saving treatment can end up dying. Because health insurance companies act in this manner, many Americans are adamant about regularly going to their doctors. Most individuals feel worried that their health insurers won’t cover the

costs of whatever medical bills pop up, benefits for individuals depending on and oftentimes leave illnesses or harm- their demographics, and ends up savful conditions unchecked. Money is ing a lot of money in the long run. being saved The bill in short-term may look increments, expensive, but there is but in fact it The funny thing is, of a long term was already course, that socialists know cost when budgeted that Barack Obama is not people avoid within the one of us. Not only is he not preventative governsocialist, he may in fact not medical care. ment’s an even be a liberal... Going to nual health the doctor care funds. - Billy Wharton should be a Since it recasual expeduces the rience, and amount of people should not be scared to seek money that taxpayers need to spend treatment if they need it. President and makes the health care system Obama was thinking long term with more efficient and less discriminahis medical bill, not as a socialist but tory, the funds are very well allocated. as an economist. The bill has varying There were multiple options to reduce monetary waste within our government and this health bill was one of them. Though it doesn’t include the public health option that President Obama originally fought for, there is nothing preventing him from proposing us a much needed socialist bill in the near future. “Obamacare” was never intended to be socialist because it is more about repairing a damaged system for our economic gain. The fact that it will Courtesy of Flickr user Fibonacci gradually improve our quality of livProtestors raise their signs at a Tea Party rally to stop the 2010 health care reform bill. ing is simply an added benefit.


Crazy is the new black


Regardless of your views on First Amendment rights or the fact that Quran burning could just as easily be flag burning or Bible burning or the comparison that you could draw to Nazi Germany or Mao’s Cultural Revolution, the last question to ask would be: why would the media give someone so insignificant, so much spotlight? Reverend Terry Jones planned to commemorate the Sept. 11 attacks by staging a Quran book burning on the lawn of his church. Jones said in a Guardian video, “This message is not a message of

Contact Us at opinion@dailytitan.com

With one fringe group after another causing stirs, ignoring them is our best option

ghanistan said, “Images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan – and around the world – to inflame public opinion and incite violence.” “Even the rumor that it might take place has sparked demonstrations,” Petraeus continued. “Were the actual burning to take place, the safety of our soldiers and civilians would be put in jeopardy and accomplishment of the mission would be made more difficult.” Jones called off the burning last minute. If any of this sounds familiar, last year’s media darlings, the Westboro Baptist Church, protested on their platform of… just about evCourtesy of MCT erything, spewing hate filled rhetoric about the soldiers in Iraq and peace, it’s not a message of love, it’s Afghanistan, gays and America in a message of warning…” general. Many officials have condemned The media arrived with cameras in the actions of Jones, the head of hand, treating the infamous group the Dove World like celebrities – Outreach Cenwe thought the ter. world was comBut it was ing to an end. This message is not an outspoken But now the a message of peace, Hillary Clinton group is barely a that summed up vague memory. it’s not a message of the sentiment It seems like love, it’s a message of held by officials. the louder these In an Asfringe groups warning... sociated Press yell, the more article, Clinton - Terry Jones attention audisaid, “It is reences are forced grettable that a to give them. pastor in Gainesville, Fla., with a Whether or not these groups are church of no more than 50 people correct is not the question, but how can make this outrageous and dis- society should deal with them is. trustful, disgraceful plan and get I am not suggesting censorship, the world’s attention, but that’s the but instead choosing not to listen. world we live in right now. It is unInstead, I am suggesting we stop fortunate, it is not who we are.” giving them the attention they According to the Washington want. Examiner, General David Petraeus, Maybe if we ignore them, they’ll leader of the ground troops in Af- eventually go away.

Letters To The Editor

For the record

The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors, and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Send letters to Isa Ghani, the editor-in-chief, at dteditorinchief@gmail.com.

Articles written for the Daily Titan by columnists, other Cal State Fullerton students, or guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the Daily Titan or Daily Titan Editorial Board. Only editorials are representative of the views of the Daily Titan Editorial Board.


September 14, 2010

Drake’s online fame


Wonder atch TO W

CELIA LIRA Staff Writer

Courtesy of Mark Samala Hip-hop sensation Drake, from Toronto, Canada, has gained international fame large in part to online self-promotion.


Daily Titan Detour Editor

During the 1990s the music industry was tough to break into. Artists had to schedule auditions and get label executives to listen to their tapes, but many times doing these things would not make them known artists. Using the Internet as a promotional tool, today’s artists have it easier. Record labels today have talent scouts whose only job is to scout the Internet. Many artists have been found on YouTube and music sites like Datpiff.com. Shows like American Idol have become immensely popular as well, and even if artists on these shows don’t end up winning the guaranteed record deal, many of the runners-up

are still signed. One of the biggest artists in today’s music industry took online promotion to his full advantage. We hear his songs all over the radio, and he recently had the top three hits on Billboard. His name is Drake (born Aubrey Drake Graham). Known as “Wheelchair Jimmy” on the popular show Degrassi. Drake, 23, was thought of as a joke when he wanted to start rapping. In 2006, he came out with a mixtape, a free record online for fans which showcased his talents to record labels, called Room for Improvement. Trying to make a name for himself in the United States, the Canadian rapper released Comeback Season, his second mixtape. A track from Comeback Season was played on BET, and largely contributed to Drake’s success. Rapper

Album: Surfing the Void by Klaxons


Fans of psychedelic rock, try to avoid Klaxons’ Surfing the Void unless you want a bad trip. Surfing the Void, Klaxons’ latest album, released Aug. 23, gives listeners a trippy ride in each of its 10 tracks. Led by heavy guitar, the album feels like a twisted, narcotic-induced free-for-all that draws its listeners in with lead singer Jamie Reynolds’ intriguing voice. Klaxons has released many singles during the several years they’ve been in the music circuit. Surfing the Void is their second album. What makes this album stand out from similar sounding albums is that Klaxons do an excellent job of adding a hint of pop, while not straying too far from overwhelming guitar jams. Reynolds’ celestial voice is easy to get hooked on but is unfulfilled when taken in large dosages. Reynolds gives minimal fluctuations and seems unwilling to perform from outside his comfort zone. Tracks like “The Same Space,” which has less reliance on guitar, hint at what

Reynolds can contribute, but there are many other tracks on which he sounds congested or as if he is only going through the motions. Luckily, Klaxons are impressive on guitar, which makes up for Reynolds’ inabilities. One of the highlights of the album is the lead track, “Echoes.” The soft, whisper-like voice of Reynolds and numbing guitar riffs guide listeners to what seems like an extraterrestrial universe filled with wails and euphoric melodies. Besides a few attention-grabbing songs, the rest of the album seems to blend together. Each song features heavy guitar, the voice of Reynolds that creates a trance-like atmosphere and a sudden switch from fast pace to slow pace that adds to the spacey feeling. Unfortunately, the album plays out like clockwork once you have understood this formula in which Surfing the Void was built on. This is not necessarily a bad thing for those who like this type of sound. Surfing the Void is a solid album – it’s just somewhat one dimensional. Listeners will not be disappointed so long as they were looking for an album that will give them a mind trip.

Lil Wayne, one of the biggest acts in music today, was at a barbershop when someone played a Drake song. Lil Wayne contacted Drake and flew him to Houston, Texas the next day, where the two met and Lil Wayne eventually became Drake’s mentor. With the third mixtape, So Far Gone (featuring Lil Wayne, Trey Songz, Lloyd and Omarion) approaching, Drake’s buzz was at an all time high. Within two hours of its release, the album had over 2,000 downloads. “Best I’ve Ever Had” and “Successful” of So Far Gone were huge radio hits. The songs were released on iTunes and reached the top the chart. So Far Gone was also released as an EP Sept. 15, 2009, and has sold over 500,000 copies.

Reason to Rebel, a progressive hard-rock band from North County, San Diego, is up-and-coming, largely due to their Internet fan base. The band consists of Cal State Fullerton radio-TV-film major Evan Jones (guitar), Luke Chandler (vocals), Sam Hartjen (bass guitar) and Daniel Zivkovich (drums). The band performed at the Sunset Strip Music Festival in Los Angeles Aug. 28 with renowned artists like The Smashing Pumpkins, Slash and Fergie. “(At the Sunset Strip Music Festival), you have this overwhelming feeling that you just know every time you pick your instrument or get up onstage, it was just great because there was a lot of people there,”

Jones said. Perhaps Reason to Rebel, who describe their music as “in-your-facerock,” had a large audience at the festival due to their online promoting, as they are active members of social networking websites like Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and more. “(The Internet) makes it a lot easier for a band like us to do it on our own – shows like (The Sunset Strip Music Festival) validate what we’re doing,” Chandler said. “We put in a lot of work. The new landscape of music and bands is that some bands, they can be just Internet sensations. Sometimes you are not even a band – you just all of the sudden blow up on YouTube. But we have the old school work ethic where we take our music to the people and promote in parts of the country and places where we wouldn’t even know about half the



time...over the years, we start building a following.” Reason to Rebel’s influences are Rage Against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, System of a Down and The Mars Volta. Chandler said their music is experimental because each member of the band has his own style and influences. “We come out and we try to push a message with everything that we do...being able to connect with people from across the country (ignites) a lot of different opinions out there and we see every angle of it,” Jones said. “Being out on the road and now on YouTube, people can get more of an idea of what the band is about and I think that will identify us more as we continue to grow.” Fans knowing about upcoming shows instantly via sites like MySpace, brings in a larger audience. “(People) can check us out across the world. We have friends now in Italy and Germany. We met (bands like us that have toured with us) online,” Zivkovich said. “We would never be able to play with a band from Italy if there was no Internet because they would have no way of knowing about us, just like we would have no way of knowing about them.” Reason to Rebel, who is signed to Chandler’s independent label AboveGround Records, is currently working on their fourth album, which they hope to release next summer. Reason to Rebel has performed at South by Southwest (SXSW) Music Festival and Seattle Hemp Festival. Their songs are available on iTunes.

Courtesy of Reason to Rebel North County, San Diego band Reasons to Rebel performed at the Sunset Strip Music Festival in Los Angeles Aug. 28.

Fullerton faculty conducts symphony RACHEL SALAS Staff Writer

For the past 78 years, the Rio Hondo Symphony has provided exquisite and sophisticated music, free of charge, to Southern Californian audiences. Cal State University Fullerton’s associate professor of music, Kimo Furumoto, will conduct four concerts in the Vic Lopez Auditorium at Whittier High School this fall, winter and spring. “It’s a wonderful orchestra,” Furumoto said. “It’s quite remarkable and very exciting to have musicians that are dedicated to music for the community.” Furumoto is widely respected for his teaching and musical knowledge. “(Furumoto is) so dynamic,” said Dorthea Cummings, Publicity and Advertising Manager of the Rio Hondo Symphony. “His programming is very interesting and he’s a tremendous asset.” Among the shows is Oktoberfest, which will be held Sept. 26. Emerging soprano and former Miss California, Jacquelynne Fontaine, will perform. The program will focus

on music from Wagner’s Teutonic legends, Strauss waltzes and touch on Viennese songs. Pieces from the concert include the “Blue Danube,” “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” “TritschTratsch” and “Radestsky March.” “It is so much fun to be onstage. I always feel like I’m sharing a delicious secret with the audience, and even if it’s in a different language, they hopefully understand what I mean,” Fontaine said. “After doing a lot of competitions and performances onstage, I have arrived at the point where – yes it can still be a little scary – but it is so much more fun. The whole point is to share yourself and give the gift of music.” Chinese violinist Jing Wang, who has received critical acclaim for her performances in China and the United States, will perform Legends of the East, which will be held Nov. 7. The show tells the tale of two starcrossed lovers in Chinese mythology through symphony. The lineup includes “Spring Festival Overture,” “The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto,” “Scheherazade” and “Sabre Dance from Gayane.” Russian Rhapsody, which will be held Feb. 13 next year, features legendary Russian pianist Mikhail

Courtesy of Kimo Furumoto Associate professor of music Kimo Furumoto will conduct the Rio Hondo Symphony.

Korzhev. The orchestra will perform “Glinka’s Russian and Ludmilla Overture,” “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” and “Tchaikovsky’d Symphony No. 5.” Highland Frolic, which will be held April 10, will showcase Young Artists Competition winners. The theme of the concert takes place after an Orkney wedding and displays an all night celebration. “The

Hebrides Overture (Fingal’s Cave),” “An Orkney Wedding with Sunrise” featuring Highland Bagpiper and “Scottish Dances” will be performed. All concerts are funded by hundreds of businesses and patrons throughout the Greater Whittier Area. For more information, visit the Rio Hondo Symphony at RioHondoSymphony.org.

Courtesy of Klaxons Klaxons’ latest psychedelic rock album, Surfing the Void, gives listeners a mind trip. dailytitan.com/detour

September 14, 2010




Album: Tomorrow Morning by The Eels



Film: Film Vampires Suck

Staff Writer

Courtesy of Regency Enterprises Producer Peter Safran’s spoof of The Twilight Saga, Vampires Suck, mocks the plot and characters of the vampire series.

Sparkly vampires suck KIRAN KAZALBASH Copy Editor

For everyone who rolled their eyes and scoffed at the premise of the popular Twilight series, Vampires Suck is for you. The film closely mirrors scenes from the first two Twilight installments, but with a twist. Poking fun at Twilight and New Moon, Vampires Suck, released Aug. 18, will evoke smiles and maybe chuckles in those of us who could care less about being a member of Team Edward or Team Jacob. The main character of Vampires Suck, Becca Crane (Bella Swan in Twilight), moves in with her dad in the small town of Sporks (Forks in Twilight), only to find that something is weird about the town’s residents. After living in Sporks for a few moments, Becca finds herself conflicted between two boys - Edward Sullen

(Edward Cullen in Twilight), the vampire who sparkles in the sun and always looks constipated, and Jacob White (Jacob Black in Twilight), the six-pack-sporting werewolf. After Edward saves Becca’s life, she falls madly in lust with him. He claims he cannot be with her for her own safety. When Edward leaves her in the forest, Becca befriends Jacob and tries to find new ways to put herself in danger so Edward will appear to her in spirit form. Lactose intolerant, she even goes as far as drinking milk. When Edward’s sister sees a vision of Becca lying unconscious after a motorcycle mishap, Edward decides he cannot live anymore and has to sacrifice himself to the Zolturi (Volturi in Twilight), the “royal family” of vampires, and commit suicide. The Zolturi will be at the Sporks’ High School prom. When Becca finds out that Edward will be there,

she does everything in her power to stop him from presenting himself to the Zolturi. The title of the film is an excellent indicator of the type of comedy that is presented throughout the film. Fart jokes, ripping on the Jonas Brothers and body parts being torn out with bare hands are just a few examples of the film’s witless humor. Vampires Suck also incorporates pop-culture gags, referring to celebrities from Lady Gaga to Snooki of Jersey Shore. While the film’s purpose was to ridicule Hollywood’s recent vampire obsession, it actually adds to the madness. Viewers might expect to see a more original plot in this parody film, as opposed to a scene-byscene replay with tweaked dialogue extracted from the original film. At most, Vampires Suck is slightly amusing or hilarious, if you’re looking for senseless humor.

A new album is on the market that will make even the worst day feel a little better. Veteran band The Eels’ Tomorrow Morning, their ninth studio album since 1992, mixes several genres – mostly pop rock, and hints of electronica and folk – to produce a unique, uplifting pallet worth a listen. Tomorrow Morning, released Aug. 17, is the final chapter of a trilogy of albums, according to The Eels’ website. The trilogy started in 2009 with Hombre Lobo and continued with the release of End Times earlier this year. Lead singer Mark Oliver Everett said there are different focuses on each album. “The before. The hunger that starts everything. The after and how you deal with the aftermath. (And) the redemption. A new beginning and another chance,” Everett said. The Eels excels in crafting a list of tracks revolving around the theme of “a new beginning,” led by Everett’s warming voice. Everett’s vocals have

choir continuously echoes his words, painting the picture of choir members raising their hands upward as a reverend professes his love of the lord. The Eels’ wisdom from nearly two decades of producing albums is evident as they create yet another hit record. Tomorrow Morning has a feel good message that, with an ensemble of sounds and Everett’s veteran voice, has many hits that should make playlists.

a good range, blending in nicely with Tomorrow Morning’s mellow tracks, yet his voice also increases tempo and explodes, like on “Oh So Lovely.” On that particular track, Everett bursts out, “Everybody / Oh so lovely / How can I tell you how grateful I am.” At times though, Everett seems to reach his apex, resulting in a wheezy, asthma-like pant. However, these moments are rare. Most of the time Everett’s voice is harmonious with the background instruments like guitars, drums, violins and a tambourine. The fusion of genres on Tomorrow Morning gives listeners a variety of sounds to take in. The addition of a pop-ish electronica style and subtle hints of folk were intentional to produce the feeling of a new beginning. The album can best be exemplified by the upbeat chorus and prophetic voice of Everett on “Looking Up.” The rambling tambourine, hand clapping and piano jam, give the track a church-like feel. This feel is accompanied by Everett, who seems to be projecting from a speakerphone, relentlessly singing, “I’m looking up,” as a background

Courtesy ofThe Eels The Eels’ latest album, Tomorrow Morning delivers a feel-good vibe.

Album: All We Grow by Sean Carey ASIA NELSON Staff Writer

Sean Carey, originally from the soul/folk band Bon Iver, recently debuted his first studio album, All We Grow. Stepping into the lead role, Carey delivers a relaxing album with a combination of flawless instrumentals and soothing vocals. Attaining his performance degree in classical percussion from the University of Wisconsin (Eau Claire), Carey has been performing and using his musical abilities since the tender age of 10 years old. After hearing of Bon Iver, Carey approached front man Justin Vernon at the end of one of the band’s first performances, admitting he knew all

of his songs. Carey’s musical talents impressed Vernon when he played the band’s songs for him, which led to his acceptance into the group as a guitarist, percussionist, pianist and vocalist. All We Grow had been in the making for some time with Carey stopping and resuming production, carefully adding and mixing the tracks. The easy listening album is filled with long and beautiful instrumentals of a variety of instruments, including the acoustic guitar and piano. Intertwined with soft vocals by Carey, the record was very carefully made to be simple and soothing. Carey’s voice is almost like a light breath on each track, adding to the complexity of the music. The songs don’t seem to focus much on the lyrics, but rather allow the music to

take the listener away to a place of thought and optimism. Each melody is so beautifully played and thought out, listeners can easily be taken to nirvana in each song. “I try to write lyrics that are pretty simple, like the listener can kind of make them their own,” Carey said in August in an interview with iStockAnalyst.com. “Some of them have, like, a specific experience for me... like a memory or something, but I think the way they are presented, they can kind of be morphed into a different story.” As We Grow is an album to play while sunbathing at the beach and listening to ocean waves, or after a stressful day. It can also be the album you put on to sooth you to sleep once in bed. Light/mid-beat tempos make for smooth melodies.

Classic film: Wings of Desire KATIE EVANS Asst. Features Editor

Set in damp and dreary late 1980s West Berlin, the 1987 film Wings of Desire is a quiet, slow insight into the minds of average city folk. The film follows two angels, Damiel and Cassiel, assigned to watch over the people of the divided city, able to listen to the thoughts of those they come into contact with while remaining invisible to most. In dark coats with tucked scarves and ponytails, the two angels roam the city, observing the ruminations of normal people. One of these people is broken by the loss of his girlfriend, another is a disgruntled cab driver and the last is a man sitting on a building’s ledge, ready to jump. All of these inner workings are depicted through a script essentially comprised of poetry. Wings of Desire is a film made for audiences of the following likes: beatniks and poetry fiends, German feature fanatics, lovers of the Criterion Collection, Nick Cave followers (he has a cameo as himself in his prime) or anyone looking to broaden their sense of beauty in a bland movie world of fake imagery and trite themes.

The film focuses on three characters that are closely followed by the angels. One, an elderly man who contemplates how Germany used to be and how jaded the younger generations are. Another, a film director played as himself, Peter Falk, is in Berlin to shoot a movie about Germany’s Nazi past. The last and most notable character, Marion, is a female trapeze artist who, although surrounded by loving friends, finds herself deeply lonely. Damiel falls in love with Marion, so he decides he no longer wishes to be an angel, and chooses to become human. The black and white cinema-

tography then becomes Technicolor, signifying the diversity between being an angel and only observing, to being a human, who is full of life, feeling and immersion. The ending, tied together with romantic strings and somewhat pretentious dialogue, detracts from the rest of the movie. However, considering the majority of the film’s integrity, this is only a minor setback. If the plot sounds all too familiar, it is likely because the American 1998 “chick flick” City of Angels, starring Meg Ryan and Nicolas Cage, is a modern remake, albeit stripped of poetic narrative and dark mood.

Courtesy of Flickr user Late Night Movie Peter Falk’s 1987 film, Wings of Desire, is for fans of poetry and German film features.

Classic book: Watership Down by Richard Adams ALYSSA WEJEBE Staff Writer

An entertaining and engrossing mythology is weaved into Richard Adams’s 1972 debut novel, Watership Down. The book features the most unlikely of casts — rabbits trying to make their way in a world where they are not that high on the food chain. The novel opens with a warren of rabbits living peacefully, until one of the runts, Fiver, has a supernatural vision of their home’s destruction. Soon, his brother Hazel leads him and those who believe on a narrow escape from death via human construction, only to continue facing countless predators on an epic journey as they create their own society from scratch. Through their travels, the rabbits explore universal questions about what makes the best society, as they meet others’ communities and forge their own. Although they are rabbits, the main characters have been mostly

infused with understandable human psyches, yet Adams never forgets to show interesting signs of their own unique animal perspective. The cast is full of colorful personalities, such as the prescient and guiding Fiver, Hazel’s shrewd and commanding authority, Bigwig’s (the largest rabbit of the group) reckless and daring hiding a protective streak for others; and Blackberry’s intellectual explorations, rather extreme by rabbit standards. Some sympathy is shown for the antagonist, the dictatorial General Woundwort. An understanding of where his militant nature and desire for order and safety at all costs comes from is apparent — to the point where there is some genuine disappointment when he turns down a chance to redeem himself. Adams has constructed a mythology for the rabbits and the rest of their natural world. In a case of a story within a story, the rabbits tell each other their culture’s folklore, filled with creation myths and Aesop-like fables — but their lessons are more cunning, rather than boasting

morality. Watership Down has won critical acclaim, including the Guardian Award and Carnegie Medal. It has also been adapted into an animated feature film and television series.

Courtesy of Flickr user ProfessorMortis

Liberal studies associate professor Markus Fischer’s students read Watership Down.


September 14, 2010

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3 4 6 7 1 2

2 6 9 3 8 7

9 7 2 5 6 1

7 8 1 4 9 5

7 6 1 2 4 9 5 8 3 9 3 2 8 7 5 1 4 6

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You benefit personally when others reveal their logical process. You understand what they want, and learn a new way of manipulating data.

Daily Sudoku: Thu 9-Sep-2010


2 8 6 5 4 4 3 5 1 6 4 3 2 7 1 9 3 2 5 1

6 7 8

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Focus your feelings toward empathy. Others get bad news, and you can help them through a difficult moment. Assist with troubling phone calls.

6 2 8 1 5 3

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Ideas fly around at light speed. Snag as many as you can, and take note for future reference. It’s all valuable information you might want to remember.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

1 3 5 9 7 4

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Circumstances require a major adjustment in your game plan. You want to satisfy everyone, but that’s unlikely. Prioritize, and soothe feelings later.

Daily Sudoku: Thu 9-Sep-2010 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You need fun today, regardless of what co-workers require of you. Joke around while handling serious matters. Notice where exuberance meets practicality.

2 8 6 5 4 4 3 5 1 6 4 3 2 7 1 7 9 3 2 4 9 7 6 3 8

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) There’s plenty of mental activity in your circle right now. They focus on emotional issues. Your thoughts pursue logic instead. Blend both.

3 2 8 7 5 6 1 6 2 7 5 1 6 7 8

5 1 4 8 2 9

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Talk seems cheap. In the long run, it proves to be the only way to accomplish your optimistic goal. Make sure the communication flows both ways.


8 5 3 2 4 6

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Don’t measure imagination with a logical yardstick. Instead, allow each idea to grow at its own rate, free from restrictions. Bring them down to earth later.



Cancer (June 22-July 22) Keep ideas flowing among family members about vacation plans. Don’t pin down the itinerary until later. New possibilities emerge.

7 6

1 7 5 6 9 8 4 3 2

Gemini (May 21-June 21) The key to success today is to allow creativity to move between a variety of activities. That way, you have time for yourself and others.

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Daily Sudoku: Thu 9-Sep-2010

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Wisdom emerges from conversations among the team. Each person contributes ideas to improve the results. Capture their brilliance with notes.



Aries (March 21-April 19) Create necessary down time for yourself. You need to think things through alone, without interference. There’s time to share insights later.




The Campus Huddle ... Pac-10 packs a punch

ALEX JAICH Asst. Sports Editor

The Southern California programs look dusty and dim as the big programs look better and better. USC and UCLA had their week two kickoffs Sept. 11. The Daily Titan had photographers and observers attending both games, myself included. Before the Titan took a trip to the Rose Bowl and Coliseum, there were plenty of games to watch on the screen. Quality opponents such as Oklahoma, Ohio State, Oregon and Alabama got quality wins over high end opponents (wins that were all picked correctly in last week’s edition). If you viewed the early action and then the So Cal teams, it was like watching the pros and then Pop Warner football. USC and Matt Barkley’s offense consistently struggled to move the ball. The Trojans squeaked by with a 17-14 win over a lowly Virginia team that barely scraped by Richmond on Sept. 4. Their rival and the disgraceful Campus Huddle preseason national title pick, No. 13 Virginia Tech lost another game, this time to the mighty James Madison University Dukes, 21-16. In Pasadena, the UCLA Bruins dropped their second game of the year in a blowout 35-0 loss to No. 25 Stanford. Head Coach Jim Harbaugh and the Cardinal are a program on the upswing with a future top 10 pick in the NFL draft in quarterback Andrew Luck. Still, there is no excuse for a Norm Chow offense

and multiple recruiting classes from Head Coach Rick Neuheisel. UCLA’s quarterback proficiency ranks last in college football, with a rusty Kevin Prince at the helm. Prince, missed numerous fall practices and fails to show any promise. The starting quarterback position is open for competition, as a controversy over this position has begun at UCLA. Recent scrutiny from fans and media is pointing to Neuheisel. There is a strong case in the blame. His large contract and overpaid offensive coordinator, Chow, have not committed to an offensive scam. Defensive coordinator Chuck Bullough is running a sub par defense that is even letting quarterbacks run on the Bruins. Getting to the quarterback has been a near impossible feat for the defense this year.

September 14, 2010

Pac-10 ratings 1. Oregon 2. Stanford 3. Oregon State 4. Arizona 5. Cal 6. USC 7. Arizona State 8. Washington 9. UCLA 10. Washington State

UCLA is at a low of lows and USC is not impressive under new Head Coach Lane Kiffin. Just up north at Stanford and UC Berkley, Pac-10 Conference teams, are doing well. Pac-10 football is as strong as ever.

Courtesy of MCT USC quarterback Matt Barkley completed 20 of 35 pass attempts and two touchdowns.

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Hall of Fame broadcaster stays on board with L.A. MATTHEW PETROPULOS many people. Hearing another perStaff Writer

There have been so many occurrences when great icons or athletes in sports do not know when to hang it up and retire. There was Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong and even Jerry Rice to name a few. However, when it comes to Vin Scully this is not the case. Scully, the face of the Los Angeles Dodgers franchise, has committed to return for the Dodgers 2011 season and his 62nd season in the broadcast booth. When asked what Scully means to the Dodgers, Cal State Fullerton senior and Dodger enthusiast, Matt Vizzi said, “Vin Scully is synonymous with the Dodgers. It wouldn’t be right listening to the game without him calling it. I can’t even listen to another baseball game because of Vin Scully’s greatness and professionalism.” Scully’s wife Sandra gave him the blessing, making his decision a little easier to return to the game he loves. He will be calling a limited schedule like this year that includes all home games and all games against the National League West teams; the San Diego Padres, San Francisco Giants, Arizona Diamondbacks and Colorado Rockies. Scully started his career in New York where he was born and raised as the third commentator for the Brooklyn Dodgers behind famous broadcast men Red Barber and Connie Desmond. Scully then took over for Barber as he left to call games for the New York Yankees and has not looked backed for than the past half century. Another Dodger die-hard fan and CSUF junior, psychology major, Matt Figueroa said, “I think it’s really great that Mr. Scully is coming back for another season. Not only is he the voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers, he is a legendary figure to

son’s voice say ‘It’s time for Dodger baseball,’ would not have the same feeling. Therefore, it is great for the fans and the game of baseball.” However, there are some Dodger fans that have a different opinion of Scully’s return to the game. According to Greg McIntosh, a senior business major and devout Dodger fan, “I think he should retire. Although he is a Hall of Fame broadcaster, his time has come to an end. I believe he brings up too many unnecessary stories instead of just sticking to the baseball game.” However fans view the return of Scully, he is here to stay, at least for one more season. Besides a few out-

siders on this matter, Scully is a beloved and cherished announcer that has seen over six decades of baseball while in the broadcast booth. From the perfect game of Sandy Koufax, defeating the Chicago Cubs Sept. 9, 1965, to the infamous Kirk Gibson game-winning home run in game one of the 1988 World Series and to calling six Dodger World Championships, Scully has seen just about everything a man can see in the game of baseball. So next year, when people are at home looking for their beloved Los Angeles Dodger game or when they go out to the ballpark, they will turn it on and hear, “It’s time for Dodger baseball!”

Courtesy of MCT Los Angeles Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully is shown at Dodger Stadium on Aug. 22.

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