Daily Titan October 12, 2010

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Vol. 88 Issue 23

Race for Congress picks up steam

Candidates for Congress, such as Ed Royce, who represent Fullerton step up the competition

October 12, 2010

WHAT’S INSIDE OPINION CSUF students can’t read their TDAs ....................................... 4 DETOUR CSUF play, Move Over, Mrs. Markham, reviewed ........................................5

See SANCHEZ, page 3

Rhythm and bass

brought by CSUF student

SPORTS The Campus Huddle: Alabama falls ........................................8

Wonder Wheel shakes the underground post-punk inspired scene with psychedelic influences See GRUNGE, page 6

dailytitan.com The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Gasoline prices on the rise Due to the high cost of crude oil, OC will see an increase in gas expenses KEITH COUSINS Asst. News Editor

MARK SAMALA / Photo Editor In times of financial recession and massive cuts to higher education funding, some students are forced to leave school to make ends meet. However, this ends up costing California residents more than it’s saving.

College dropouts cost taxpayers billions

Prices for gasoline in Orange County have risen in the past week, with the new average price for a gallon of gas being $3.08, according to a figures released Monday by AAA and the Oil Price Information Service. The population of Cal State Fullerton will be affected by the increase in gas prices, as the majority of students and faculty commute to campus. The reason for the increase in gasoline prices could be attributed to the price of crude oil steadily rising over the past month. However, according to an article in Business Week, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) does not plan on increasing the production and sale of crude oil. “There are no plans to change OPEC policies regarding production or prices,” said Ecuadorean oil minister and OPEC President Wilson Pastor in the article.

Students who do not return to college for their sophomore year or any year after end up wasting allotted State and taxpayer funding JENNA WEST Staff Writer

Dropping out of college not only affects a student’s finances and future, but it also costs tax payers billions of dollars. As reported by the Associated Press, between 2003 and 2008 universities and four year colleges received $6.2 billion by their state to compensate for the education of those students who did not return to their second year of college. Also, $1.5 billion in grants were issued to these students by the federal government. It is estimated that 40 percent of college students will leave higher education without getting a degree, with 75 percent of these

students leaving within their first two years of college according to an article by StateUniveristy.com. With the economy still stuck in a recession, dropout rates could continue to climb if students cannot afford their education. In turn, taxes will continue to grow making it even more difficult to save money. Criminal justice major Garrett Kiehl, 21, has friends who have gone to college but made the choice to not return to their next semester. He feels they are not the only ones who are missing out on a college education. “Regardless of the reason, college isn’t for everyone,” Kiehl said. “But I feel those who don’t complete college affect freshman and transfer students’ opportunities at getting an

education as well as causing taxes to go up.” Some people, however, feel that college dropout numbers and increases in taxes do not have a direct correlation to each other. Cal State Fullerton economics professor Richard Mead said that when there is any form of expanding an institution the proper taxes are applied. “I would not draw a direct correlation between college dropouts and taxes. The purpose of publicly supported institutions is to provide access to education,” Mead said. “If one accepts that public schools are important and desirable, then taxes to pay for those institutions are inevitable.” See DROPOUT, page 2

Nation’s top sports network comes to CSUF STEPHANI BEE Staff Writer

The blazing hot spotlights of the soundstage may be directed at the anchors on ESPN News, but behind the scenes, there is a huge production team that helps to keep ESPN the top sports network in the country. ESPN’s Statistics and Information department is a huge part of the process, disseminating data for all mediums. On Oct. 11, Samantha Rudolph, the associate director for stats and information, visited Cal State Fullerton to discuss paid internships and career opportunities available to students. Kiera Hernandez, a 23-year-old child and adolescent development major, was surprised to learn that most of the jobs at ESPN would require her to relocate to Bristol, Conn., where the company is headquartered. “I didn’t realize everything was all (in Connecticut),” Hernandez said. That’s not to say that there are not opportunities in California or other states, Rudolph said. “It depends on what (the applicants) want to do,” Rudolph said. “If they want to do sales or marketing, there are opportunities in California. If you want to do content, there are fewer.” For Rudolph’s department, stats and information, there are four de-

See GAS, page 2

Halloween Haunt: The terror ticket Knott’s Scary Farm celebrates its 38th annual fright fest KRYSTLE UY Staff Writer

Bloodcurdling screams are the norm here, but this time it’s not just the rides. “All you fear” is at Knott’s Scary Farm as it celebrates its annual Halloween Haunt, which runs for 27 terror-filled nights. Knott’s is sure to bring supreme screams offering 13 impressive mazes, 1,000 monsters roaming three scare zones and seven spooky shows. This year, Knott’s has added

three new frightening mazes, including Sleepy Hallow Mountain, Fallout Shelter in 3-D and Virus Z. Sleepy Hallow Mountain embraces the folklore of the vengeful Headless Horsemen who have hijacked the log ride as spirits of the dead once again rise to haunt those brave enough to ride. Fallout Shelter aims to raise the hair on your neck as mutant freaks creep out from under. Virus Z breathes new life into starving zombies eager to ravage the nearest mortal. “The mazes and the rides are always something to look forward to. The vampire mazes are the best,” said Adylen Medrano, 21, a junior finance major. See KNOTT’S, page 5



LUCIO VILLA / Asst. Photo Editor Samantha Rudolph, ESPN’s associate director of Stats and Information, talks about statistical information for professional and college sports.

partments, most with job opportunities in Bristol. Applicants can apply to work in BottomLine, which makes editorial decisions such as, writing headlines, Production Analytics, which creates and evaluate statistical metrics and algorithms. They can also apply to Production Research, which generates content

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for digital media and provides updates for those on air, and stats and analysis, which provides real-time scoring and updates to ESPN’s platforms. However, these are not the only departments available to ESPN applicants. Among the most popular department for applicants are the studio

production and event production departments, which allow production-assistant trainees to work in Bristol and on-site at sporting events. The marketing and sales departments are also popular avenues for job seekers. See ESPN, page 8

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