The Daily Titan - October 3, 2011

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Vol. 90 Issue 18

October 3, 2011

See what happened at Occupy LA

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Slideshow of LA residents marching to demonstrate their woes with the unemployment rate.


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Hundreds march to steps of City Hall, protesting against a wide spectrum of issues VINCENT LA ROSA Daily Titan

Protesters occupy LA

With America’s economy continuing its slow malaise and the gap between the nation’s richest 1 percent and the rest of the country growing, protesters have followed the lead of the Occupy Wall Street movement and taken to the streets of Portland, San Francisco and now Los Angeles to let their voices be heard. As protests on Wall Street reach day 15, hundreds on the nation’s opposite coast marched to steps of Los Angeles City Hall Saturday morning, chanting through the streets of downtown and holding signs expressing dissatisfaction with an array of economic and social issues. Calling themselves Occupy LA in homage to their Wall Street counterparts, protesters say they represent the other 99 percent of Americans suffering through a harsh economy. Organizers of the event said they plan to stay on the steps of City Hall for as long as it takes to have their voices heard. “We’re tired of all the inequalities, all the injustices, regarding Wall Street,” said Pablo Oliva, a worker for the city of Pasadena who was holding a sign depicting a corporate business man reaching into the pocket of the other 99 percent. “It seems nobody is looking out for the common person, for the worker.” See OCCUPY, page 2

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan Protesters, who call themselves Occupy LA, are part of a nationwide movement which originated in New York City. Members speak out against corporate greed, the war in Afghanistan and the lack of educational funding.

Encouraging the sciences Take a walk in her shoes TEST:UP program assists students in engineering fields


Overall, the number of student applications for programs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) has slumped in recent years. According to documents provided by Mark Filowitz, Ph.D., associate dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, “There is a critical shortage of U.S. students being trained in STEM disciplines, a background which is vital in order to effectively meet national and global challenges.” A lack of STEM students could potentially leave a gaping hole in our nation’s ability to develop new technologies and solve technical problems. CSUF’s solution to this problem has been the TEST:UP program, or Talent Expansion in Science and Technology: An Urban Partnership. The TEST:UP program was conceived to encourage students from community colleges and first-time freshmen to consider STEM fields and aid them in completing their degrees. Filowitz said the school has taken several steps to build the program.

“We have hired a full-time STEM transfer adviser, Cathy Fernandez Weston, who has an office in McCarthy Hall, and she has hired four students who are peer advisers, two from engineering college and two from natural science and math. They do a lot of outreach to community college students. We also have hired two advisers at Santa Ana College and Mt. San Antonio College, which are the two community college partners we work with,” he said. The five-year program, which is now in its fourth year, has proven successful with students who take advantage of the resources. These students typically see dramatic academic improvements in difficult STEM courses. Rochelle Woods, the assistant dean of Student Affairs for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, said the program was intended to “help students at the community college (level) understand the opportunities available through STEM fields” and to help them graduate. Woods said students are not choosing STEM field degrees. “Definitely on a federal level, when you look at some of the research that has been done, the United States has fallen behind other countries,” said Woods. Students who do choose STEM fields are aided in a variety of ways, Woods said. The

Natashia Tomek began her own line of foldable flats, making a name for herself in OC and fashion


Daily Titan file photo

school offers book scholarships and a more intensive orientation program to help students stay connected with faculty, but the newest innovation is the SI program, which brings older, experienced student peer mentors into STEM classes to help students who may be struggling in already difficult subjects. See TEST, page 2

As the administrative assistant led me to Natashia Tomek’s office, I was slightly nervous. Meeting a successful young woman who is 26 is intimidating, especially when she works in the fashion industry. As I was greeted by the lively Tomek one morning on a busy work day, dressed in a loose, navy chiffon blouse and skinny jeans, she directed me to have a seat before opening up about her journey to success and how she created her own company in the ever-so-competitive fashion industry. It’s very difficult landing a job working in fashion, especially when attending a college without an outlet for it. Since students at Cal State Fullerton don’t have the same resources as students who attend Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM), Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)

New hall inductees

Cal State Fullerton welcomes new members to the sports Hall of Fame BLAKE FOGG Daily Titan

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Titan great Bruce Bowen was inducted to the Hall of Fame Saturday. Bowen (middle) is pictured with Athletic Director Brian Quinn (left) and President Milton Gordon (right). Contact Us at

Over a hundred people were present for the biennial Titan Sports Hall of Fame ceremony to honor past greats in Titan sports history. Former athletes and current ones in attendance at the Portola Pavilion in the Titan Student Union chattered over the sound of their silverware about memories of past glory days, and current coaches shot the breeze with school supporters about the upcoming basketball and baseball season. This year’s inductees included former Major League catcher Brent Mayne, Titan athletic support-

ers Merilyn and Jerry Goodwin, softball slugger Susan Lewis-Newton, gymnastics Coach Lynn Rogers, and basketball great and three-time NBA champion Bruce Bowen. Those in attendance witnessed this year’s honorees take to the podium and be remembered not only in the record books but in Titan sports history forever. President Milton Gordon and Athletic Director Brian Quinn congratulated the athletes with a commemorative plaque and medal for their exceptional contributions in a Titan uniform. “I join everyone here in congratulating our 2011 class of Titan Athletics Hall of Fame inductees,” said Gordon in his speech. “You are outstanding role models for all of us.” See HALL, page 8

or Parsons, it’s a struggle to be immersed in the fashion world. Tomek, however, did it all, and she’s not going to stop just yet. She graduated from CSUF in 2010 and launched her own shoe line a year later. She’s the founder and CEO of her footwear company, Tash Limited. Although she’s young, she is already selling cute, affordable shoes to women around the world. Her accounts span from Canada, Puerto Rico, Chile and the U.S. And no, her success didn’t come from being a trust fund baby or having outside help from parents. She works hard and puts 100 percent of her effort into everything she does. Her company began after a trip she took to China. There, she stumbled upon foldable flats and decided to create her own version. These flats fold in half, saving space and are easily stored in your purse – something essential to the college woman. “The shoes are comfortable and portable. I like that I can take them literally everywhere,” said Heather-Mae Ackerman, public relations of Radii Footwear and Tomek’s colleague. See TOMEK, page 5

Titan athletes are honored


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See a slideshow of Titans being honored for their achievements in sports history.

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October 3, 2011

Honored for service JESSICA ESCORSIA Daily Titan

While volunteering at battered women’s shelters, Eliza Ramirez, 21, a political science and women’s studies double major, met a 26-year-old woman who had been a victim of sex trafficking in Orange County. A resident of Orange County herself, Ramirez felt forced to get involved and decided to pursue a law degree to stand up for the rights of abused women. “It opened up my eyes. I thought, ‘I can’t believe this is happening in my own backyard,’” said Ramirez. Ramirez holds an impressive list of leadership and scholarship awards and is a member of several honor societies on campus. Due to her commitment to public service and her passion for leadership, Ramirez was awarded the 2011-12 William Randolph Hearst/CSU Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement. Ramirez was also presented with a separate distinction as a Murray L. Galinson Scholar at a ceremony in Long Beach Sept. 20. This distinction came with a $6,000 scholarship. Ramirez found out about the honor this past summer while attending a Public Policy and International Affairs Summer Institute at the University of Michigan, where she was one of 20 students chosen nationally.

“I’m very proud of her because I know how hard she works,” said Donna J. Nicol, assistant professor of women and gender studies and one of Ramirez’s mentors. Nicol describes Ramirez as selfdirected and someone who takes ownership of her education. “We don’t have to tell her to do activist work; she just goes out there and does it. When she told me she wanted to go to law school, it made complete sense to me,” Nicol said. During her senior year at Fullerton Union High School, Ramirez met Jon Bruschke, professor of human communication studies and Cal State Fullerton debate team coach. “I specifically came to CSUF for Jon B.; he was doing amazing things. If I did not meet him I would not be the person I am today,” Ramirez said. Bruschke and the debate team made a big impression on Ramirez. With the help of Bruschke, she realized the debate team is where she could vocalize her own experiences with her family and her battle with finding her own identity in a predominantly Caucasian high school. “For her it wasn’t just about learning debate, it was about carrying the torch for the community,” said Bruschke. During her time traveling with the CSUF debate team, Ramirez was forced to make many sacrifices and

be away from her family a lot. A product of economically disadvantaged parents, Ramirez learned early on the importance of higher education. However, being a first generation college student, she struggled with balancing being an active student and the pressures of her culture to always be there for her family. Ramirez explains at first her parents didn’t understand why she would come home from school late or be away every weekend. “They’ve come around because they’ve seen results,” Ramirez said. Despite all the sacrifices Ramirez has made, she is content in knowing what she is doing has a purpose. Ramirez credits part of her passion for social justice to her late grandmother who from early on was politically active and fought alongside Cesar Chavez for the rights of farm workers. Ramirez recalls going to her grandmother before debates and talking to her about the issue she was going to discuss. “She would always give me advice and tell me what I could say to make my arguments stronger,” Ramirez said. “She believed these experiences were important and they needed to be heard.” Ramirez is currently the president of Mesa Cooperativa at CSUF and is interning with Orange County Superior Court Judge Frederick Aguirre. She plans

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan Eliza Ramirez, 21, a political science and women’s studies double major, was awarded the 2011-12 Hearst/CSU Trustees’ Award for her service in the community and her leadership. She hopes to practice civil liberties law and provide legal advice for disadvantaged individuals.

to apply to law school at UC Berkeley or Columbia University in a couple years after she has done some more interning. “She’s one of those rare individuals who knows who she is, knows what she wants, and has developed a plan to get there,” Nicol said. Both Nicol and Bruschke describe Ramirez as humble and genuinely caring of others.

“She has this overpowering humility. Most high achievers are kind of aggressive. She is somebody you want to hang out with because she makes you feel better,” Bruschke said. Higher education is something that has also created a common bond and created a stronger relationship between Ramirez and her younger sister, who just recently

became a student at CSUF. “We always tell each other that education is something no one can take away from us,” Ramirez said. Ramirez hopes to practice civil liberties law where she can one day open up centers that will provide legal advice to members of lowincome communities, a dream her grandmother had for herself and one Ramirez plans to achieve.

OCCUPY: Protesters march against economic injustice and corporate greed

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DAVID MUNOZ / Daily Titan As of Sunday morning, protesters said there have been no arrests made and activists are cooperating fully with police.

...Continued from page 1 As a self-described “leaderless movement,” protesters and signs around City Hall aired a variety of grievances, from corporate greed, putting an end to war, lack of educational funding and even environmental topics. And while critics have pointed to the lack of central focus as a failing of the movement, organizers and protesters alike have said it’s not about one central issue, but the needs of all those outside the richest 1 percent in the nation. “We’re here to question the fact that students in particular have gotten the shaft,” said former law students Dee and Chris, preferring to keep their last names private due to their jobs, but toting signs decrying their hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt, with no bailout in sight. “It’s all about budget cuts and cutting back for students, but really the future of this country and its future

economic growth is going to be based on educating the population.” Yet, while nearly a thousand people marched in solidarity down Broadway Avenue and gathered at City Hall amid blocked-off traffic and onlookers honking their car horns in a sign of acknowledgement, the absence of local and major network news vans and cameramen made obvious the lack of media coverage bestowed upon the Occupy movements thus far. “At least somebody is out here,” said Kevin Pereira, referring to the lack of media at the event. Pereira, the television host of G4’s Attack of the Show, sponsored a food truck to come feed the protesters and also took part in the march. “It’s a travesty and incredibly disappointing to see about a thousand people out here today in part of a solidarity march for the Occupy Wall Street movement. It’s happening all over the nation and nobody is covering it,” Pereira said. “The citizens are not only throwing the revolution, but they are the ones covering it. It’s simply disgusting,” he said. Of the thousands showing up in support of the movement, around 300 remained and camped out on the sidewalks surrounding City Hall. As of Sunday morning, organizers said via Twitter, no arrests have been made, and protesters have been in full cooperation with the Los Angeles Po-

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Protesters carry a flag with a message as they walk across the intersection of South Broadway Avenue and West Third Street.

DAVID MUNOZ / Daily Titan Protesters spoke against the economic disparity between the rich and the poor. In some cases, a sarcastic tone was adopted.

TEST: Helping math and science students succeed ...Continued from page 1 “Peer mentors will help our new students as they come in. The peer mentors meet individually with students, and they also do some programming, around either social aspects or educational aspects, to help the students feel more comfortable in their environment,” Woods said. Rubina Khorana, a peer mentor in the program, said she has seen the difference in students’ performance.

Our whole goal is to keep transfer students in NSM majors; it’s one of the harder majors. We don’t want you to just give up and drop out so easy. Rubina Khorana Peer Mentor

“Every transfer student that is coming into the university that is in natural sciences and mathematics will have a mentor.” She said students can “come in, ask questions. We make sure they know Blackboard (and) they know how to work everything, even parking and transportation.” Khorana, a biology major with aspirations to be a dentist, said, “Our whole goal is to keep transfer students in NSM majors; it’s one of the harder majors. We don’t want you to just give up and drop out so easy.”

October 3, 2011



Students ‘Power Up’ to beat stress and online classes ALVAN UNG Daily Titan

MARK SAMALA / Daily Titan Salsa Club members perform outside of the Titan Gym at the Homecoming basketball game. The club hosts weekly Salsa Socials where public attendees can learn the dancing art.

Salsa Club heats up dance floor Dancers of all ages meet on campus to show off their fiery Salsa skills DANIELLE EVANS Daily Titan

The new and improved Cal State Fullerton Salsa Club on campus is sizzling hot. The club received a huge turnout Sunday at its monthly Sunday Afternoon Salsa Social. Held on the first Sunday of every month, these afternoon socials are one of the club’s biggest events. “We advertise through Facebook, and we have socials at different clubs, so that recruits people,” said Griselle Mejia, vice president of the club and a senior international business major. Attendees from age 6 to 66 and of all different ethnicities and technique levels could be seen gliding and swaying across the floor of

the dance room in the Kinesiology Building. The event attracted many who were interested in learning some new skills, dancing to upbeat music and being immersed in the cultural atmosphere. Many in attendance were not CSUF students. Attendees learned many basic steps taught by instructor Kimiko Simpson for only $5. The event was held all day, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Jarritos, a type of Mexican soda, along with chips, salsa and guacamole were served as refreshments. Carlos Ruiz and Esmeralda Rivera, a local couple of three-and-a-half years, looked like they were not only having a blast out on the dance floor, but it was clear they had been dancing for years. “It’s a great workout … Great for legs, plus it’s fun,” said Ruiz. Ruiz said he heard about CSUF Salsa Club’s social event through the club’s Facebook event page. “It’s a great type of music to dance to. It’s more technique than just regular dancing,” said Rivera.

The CSUF Salsa Club has come a long way in a very short amount of time. Originally called the “Candela Dance Team,” the founding members of the club danced for fun. The club has completely turned around and has gained a much larger following due to Facebook and advertising outside of campus at local dance venues. “(The club) has been revamped. This all happened in a span of a year,” said Alexandra Almendarez, a business administration major who has been in the club for a year and a half. “It’s a lot of fun. For me, it is my artistic outlet,” she said. To be a member, it is $25 per semester, which includes the cost of weekly meetings held Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and the opportunity to meet off campus at different venues to dance and meet new people. All members are offered the opportunity to join the performance team, which competes at local salsa competitions.

“If you’re willing to learn and (are) committed, (the instructor) will be patient with you,” said Jocelin Jimenez, fundraiser chairman of the club and an international business major. Alumna Evelia De La Cruz proves how fun Salsa Club can be. Since graduating, she is still very involved. “I still come to the meetings and events … The officers keep me updated,” said De La Cruz. The Hispanic/Latino Alumni chapter of CSUF was also in attendance. President Dorissa Martinez made an announcement during the event to try recruiting members to the organization, and also came out to support. “We wanted to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. This is a great way to meet students and get our groups together,” said Martinez. For more info on the CSUF Salsa Club, check out the club’s frequently updated Facebook page,!/CSUFSalsa.

An experimental boot camp Saturday helped Cal State Fullerton students with online courses. The workshop, titled “Power Up for Success in Online Learning,” was in held in the Education Building. Students who attended were treated to snacks, refreshments and a T-shirt. Speakers, who consisted of faculty and Information Technology, gave advice on how to tackle online courses and manage time. They also presented a tutorial on basic computer skills and TITANium, CSUF’s new learning management system. Computer science majors were also present to help configure students’ laptops. “We realized a need (for a boot camp, because) people are challenged by online courses,” said Lynda Randall, professor of secondary education and faculty coordinator of technology. It is a very common misperception that online courses are easier than regular ones, she said. David Sanchez, distance course manager, went over the basics of hardware and software, such as operating systems, browsers, plugins and email. He also stressed the importance of keeping plug-ins up to date so students could properly view online course materials, such as text documents and videos. A program, developed by Phuong Binh Duong, 25, one of the computer majors at the boot camp, helped students check and update their plug-ins. Elahe Amani, director of technology services for Student Affairs, shared advice on how to deal with the workload of online courses by using effective time management and stress relief. “Juggling time and creating a balanced environment for yourself is very important” for staying engaged in class mentally on track, she said. She said using time management is critical in dealing with procrastination and keeping up with class. Amani shared her own time management techniques, including using an online

calendar, prioritizing goals and finding a study environment. To keep from stressing out, “make sure you reward yourself” when you complete goals, she said. Shariq Ahmed, IT consultant, added on to Amani’s tips on time management. “You have to find time for yourself,” he said. Between teaching, taking classes, doing doctorate research and being with family, he still finds time to watch TV, which he called “cathartic,” and go out to dinner with his wife. Ahmed also gave a tutorial on TITANium, including the improved grade center, blogs and wikis. Randall gave advice on how to prepare and stay on track for online courses. “Your workload is your responsibility,” she said. “You have to hone your resources, hone your own time.” She said being a “self-starter” and focusing on learning, rather than grades, is key to passing online courses. Jeanette Ruiz, 27, a psychology major, currently takes nine units in online courses, while taking care of her 7-yearold son. “I’m so grateful that I’m here (at this boot camp),” she said. She had her laptop fully configured and learned a lot about TITANium, time management, as well as “the little things,” like putting a signature in her emails, she said. Sherika Jayawardena, 21, a human services major, said she enjoyed the boot camp and learned a lot from it. Her laptop’s compatibility problems were fixed by one of the computer science majors. “I was unable to hear my audio lectures online (previous to the fix),” she said. Jayawardena likes the audio lectures that her sociology professor puts online to accompany her PowerPoints. She said it helps her a lot because it helps her understand the material better. At the end of the boot camp, an iPad 2 was also raffled off. Speakers stayed for a while afterward to take feedback and suggestions from students, including the best days to schedule future events and what kinds of workshops they wanted to see.

Ancient scroll replica debuts

Courtesy of MCT Visitors to the exhibition explore a replica of the Great Isaiah Scroll, which was written over 2,000 years ago and is about 24 feet long. The original scroll is one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of 972 texts found near the Dead Sea.

Yvette Quintero Daily Titan

An exhibit showing a replica of the Great Isaiah Scroll, one of the complete manuscripts that makes up the biblical Dead Sea Scrolls, will be showcased Tuesday with accompanying lectures at Titan Student Union Pavilion B. The scroll on display is a facsimile, or replica, of the Great Isaiah Scroll, which was written about 2,100 years ago and was discovered by Bedouin shepherds in 1947. “The discovery of the (scrolls) is considered the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times,” said Benjamin Hubbard, Ph.D., professor emeritus of comparative religion. “The scrolls help scholars understand Judaism in the centuries just before the advent of Christianity and early Christianity.” Throughout the event, lectures will be given by experts on the subject. Speakers include Hubbard, George Giacumakis, Ph.D., emeritus director of CSUF Irvine Campus, James Rietveld, Ph.D., lecturer of comparative religion and history, and Scott Moffatt, senior pastor of Legacy Church and CSUF alumnus. The exhibit is sponsored by the Comparative Religion Student Association (CRSA) and is funded by the Humanities & Social Sciences

Inter-Club Council. “We requested the scrolls be brought to CSUF to give the students and the community something to be excited about,” said Trish Gabel, a CRSA treasurer/secretary and comparative religion major. The facsimile scroll is owned by Legacy Church Orange County and is on loan from the Museum of Biblical and Sacred Writings in Irvine, where Giacumakis is director. The replica is approximately 24 feet long. “We couldn’t have it on display, given its size, for an extended period of time, so we came up with the idea to make it a day event,” said Paul Levesque, Ph.D., Comparative Religion Department chair and associate professor. “Even though it’s a facsimile, it is still an exact replica; it’s faster to come in contact with than going to Jerusalem, and easier to un-

derstand the history of the scroll and how it has affected scholarship on Judaism and Christianity both.” Lectures will range in subject matter from the relationship between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gospel of John, to the politics of the scrolls. “There is most definitely something of interest for everybody,” said Lupe Ojeda, CRSA president and a religious studies and music double major. “The religion student will find how the writings in the scrolls correlate to the scriptures and learn of the peoples that studied them. The sociology student will find interesting the peoples of the time the scrolls were written, as well as those that found them and their motivations.” The event will run from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and will be free and open to the public.



October 3, 2011

Grand Strategy by


“America in the 21st century”

Pakistan drama “A doubtful friend is worse than a certain enemy. Let a man be one thing or the other, and we then know Aesop how to meet him.”

Greek Writer

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Leaders have used this basic strategy to maintain vast empires since the beginning of human civilization. At the outbreak of the global War on Terror, the United States made an attempt to elicit the support of Pakistan against Islamic extremists and the terrorist networks which threaten the security of both countries. Islamic extremism threatens the regime in Pakistan with destabilization and a possible overthrow of the government. Our mutual enemies make Pakistan an ideal ally in counter-terrorism efforts. Sadly, it is doing far more harm than good. Despite the naive commentary from pundits about Pakistan being an ally of the U.S., we should exercise extreme caution in dealings with the Islamic republic. Pakistan has acted as a rather shady and nefarious figure since the very beginning of the War on Ter-

ror, outwardly feigning support for the United States and its efforts while enabling terrorism in secret. Weak leadership and the radical Islamic sentiment of military personnel contribute to Pakistan’s emerging reputation as a state sponsor of terror. According to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Pakistani government “appears to take a harder stand on al-Qaida” while simultaneously adopting a “permissive posture with the Taliban.” Such unreliable and insincere allies are not to be trusted. Throughout Operation Enduring Freedom, NATO’s mission in Afghanistan, Pakistan has utterly failed to deal with terrorist cells and Taliban Islamists in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas on its eastern border with Afghanistan. Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid reported that the area has become a “melting pot for Jihadis from all over the world.” Because Pakistan is a country dominated by religion, secularism and op-

Courtesy of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta (left) and Admiral Mike Mullen (right), chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

position to the excesses of fundamentalism are largely alien concepts. Submitting to radicalism as is custom for the country, Pakistan continues to protect the Haqqani Network, a terrorist organization closely allied with the Taliban. Cowardly Haqqani attacks and bombings have been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of U.S. and coalition forces. Despite numerous terrorist attacks originating from their territory, Reuters reported that Pakistan refuses to take counter-terrorism action against the Haqqani Network, and will not allow the United States to deploy troops into the tribal areas controlled by the insurgents; not only does our sup-

posed ally refuse to fight terrorism, they won’t allow us to do it for them. Worse than simple inaction, Pakistan’s intelligence agency has come under fire for providing direct support in the Haqqani Network’s recent attack on the American embassy in Kabul, which murdered at least five and wounded 77 brave coalition soldiers. According to The New York Times, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made clear that “the support extended to increasingly high-profile attacks in Afghanistan aimed directly at the United States.” The Pakistani leadership needs to tread carefully, as their suspicious activities are threatening

The danger of unsustainable services Service economies cannot survive in the absence of wealthcreating industries MYLES CUPP

For the Daily Titan

Humans are, by nature, consumers. Everything we have was obtained by harnessing the natural resources of our rich Earth. The only exception to this rule is the resource of the human mind. Even then, that resource requires the fuel of the Earth and sun. In order to perpetuate the continuing survival of the human species, we must look to efficient means of production and not to the currently growing trend of service economies. What is a service economy, exactly? As broadly defined by, a service economy is “an economic system or sector based on buying and selling of services.” Of course, the term “services,” the thing being bought and sold, is itself too broad to thoroughly examine every aspect. So, let us instead look at services from the perspective of those industrial activities which increase the quantity of human wealth and our standard of living. As stated above, the resources we consume all have their origins somewhere in nature. Raw materials would eternally remain raw if it were not for the vital ingredient

of ingenuity. Ingenuity mixed with duced to feed the consumptive na- brought us from horses to jet airthe will to survive has produced ture of humans, eventually the re- craft. Instead, the journey from anproducts of crucial necessity to serves of wealth are used up and we what we consider a civilized life- begin to succumb to debt. Wealth cient times to the modern day style. Of course, the distribution of needs to be created from the devel- had to go through the Industrial these goods to market is where ser- opment of tangible products. Ser- Revolution: the most impressive and prosperous jump vice comes in. Salespeoin manufacturing and ple and maintenance technological capabilitechnicians transfer the The unemployment crisis faced in ties in human history. goods to the consumer America is but another indication of Service economies and keep up their workonly make sense in the ing order in exchange the failure of pure service economies and context of supportfor compensation. how quickly that failure spreads. ing the wealth creating It is the source of forces of progressive, this compensation that industrial, technologiis often missed in contemporary discussions of whether vice economies are only sustainable cal manufacturing, a system which service economies are sustainable. when working in unity with the helped make the United States Sellers require buyers but if those continual improvement in our way something great in the first place. As a species which consumes, we buyers are themselves merely ser- of life. For many thousands of years, cannot expect to sustain ourselves vice providers, where is the net influx of material wealth coming humanity relied on manual labor. on services alone, as necessary as from to satisfy the previously es- The greatest advances in the stan- they may be. Services can only exist when we tablished consumptive nature of dard of living, however, have been only in the last 300 years when hu- have the means to pay for them. humans? Well, it comes from nowhere, manity began to accelerate its effi- Since we cannot create that wealth which is but one reason, albeit a ciency in converting raw materials from thin-air, we must turn to our significant one, for why the United into useful technologies. No quan- creative minds and to nature itself States is facing enormous debt. In tity of retail salesmen employed in in order to manufacture our conorder to maintain an illusion of in- the Roman marketplaces would’ve tinued survival. finite growth, itself a physical impossibility, we have been deceived into believing that wealth can be created from thin air and that individuals can merely exchange retail or ideological consultation services. The unemployment crisis faced in America is but another indication of the failure of pure service economies and how quickly that failure spreads. If nothing is pro-

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the lives of U.S. soldiers. It’s not just the leadership that’s in bed with terrorists – the Pakistani Islamic community is turning its guns against the U.S. as well. A recent article in Foreign Policy reported that the Sunni Itehad Council, a Muslim leadership organization inaccurately labeled as moderate, has called for “jihad against the U.S. in defense of the homeland.” In a petty display of childish immaturity, the alliance of clerics issued a fatwa (religious decree) against referring to the United States as a “superpower” because, apparently, only Allah deserves the title. Given recent events, the United States should tread carefully in its

dealings with Pakistan, and must consider forging alternative alliances if the country fails to withdraw support for Islamic terrorist organizations. Since Pakistan has a robust nuclear arsenal, we should be doubly vigilant against internal instability to prevent nuclear proliferation by terrorist cells. If Pakistan is willing to accept a legitimate role in the War on Terror, we should embrace it with open arms and call it friend. If not however, steps must be taken to contain the threat, as a destabilized and increasingly Islamist Pakistan would be a loaded gun against the head of the free world.

Is music really your choice? YURIKO OKANO Daily Titan

Everybody loves to listen to music. In the old days, a CD was the only device that people could use to play music. However, recently new media is emerging every year, and the number of devices that can send songs to listeners is increasing. There are a lot of ways to enjoy music, like watching MTV and VH1, listening to “hot” new music from Internet sites like iTunes, etc. Do people choose what they listen to, or do those devices tell people what to listen to? Some people might say they are choosing what they listen to by themselves, but the music channels definitely play a role in defining those choices. Music sources persuade people to listen to a specific music by using several methods. The most effective way to make people listen to a specific song is a hit song chart. A hit song chart usually contains and displays 10 to 100 popular songs. Many people care about what the most popular songs are. MTV is one of the charts which people care about the most. Since there are charts that show the audience which song is popular, it makes it really easy for them to follow recent music trends. Also, iTunes can be an effective medium for people to choose what they listen to. When people try to buy a song on iTunes, iTunes can control the choice of songs. If people know what genre of music they like, iTunes will tell them what people might like. iTunes provides music lists that are separated by categories such as pop, rock, R&B and classical. In addition, iTunes puts songs that they want to sell the most on the top page where everybody looks first. More importantly, when people choose what they listen to, they

tend to get some information about the songs by watching music channels and looking at some music websites. Those websites sometimes allow people to actually listen to the music. If they have no idea what kinds of song choices are available for them, there is no way to choose a specific song. Those people who are looking for songs tend to see what other people like to listen to. The most effective device which tells people what to listen to is the radio. Most radio stations tend to play some specific songs over and over. When people listen to the radio while driving a car, they might listen to the same song more than twice. They would remember the song and want to know more about it. By repeating the same song, people are getting more curious about it and might decide to download it. That is how radio tells people what to listen to. Do people enjoy being controlled by media? Even though people do not prefer being controlled by media in what they listen to, it is not easy to avoid this situation. Because the media are getting stronger and stronger, this issue is getting to be more controversial. Since those media are convenient and too close to people, it is impossible to live without them. Then what can people do? It is important not to be influenced too much by media. For those young adults who are sitting in front of TV all day, it is really hard, but they have to have their identity, otherwise they would fall in to the dark side of the media. The most significant thing is the relationship between people and the media. If people can keep good relationships with the media, it would be great for both people and the music media.


October 3, 2011

Nature’s finest Daily Titan

With its scenic views, bristling wildlife and good-old cowboy charm, the small town of Jackson Hole, Wyo. is more than just a home on the range. As air travelers begin their downward decent into Jackson Airport, the only municipal airport within the national park, they’re treated to the picturesque view of the jagged Grand Teton Mountain Range. The Jackson Hole valley sits at an elevation of 6,200 feet above sea level and is home to many wildlife including elk, bison, moose and grizzly bears. The town of Jackson is part of a 97 percent government-owned preservation area including the Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park and the National Elk Refuge where over 7,000 animals hibernate every winter. Beyond the wildlife, however, the deeply rooted heritage of Jackson unfolds around its visitors as soon as they arrive in town. Elk antlers in the form of archways are dominant decor marking the entry points of the Jackson Town Square. There, a Clydesdaledrawn stagecoach circles and paces the roads while the driver enthusiastically tells passengers about the Buffalo Bill Cody shootout that occurs every evening. Down the street, a giant neon sign depicting a cowboy on horseback waving his hat catches your eyes as night falls. Underneath sits the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar and Steakhouse, a well-known place to eat some of Jackson Hole’s finest food. Buildings made of log and carved wood showcase the western architecture the small town prides. Bear, moose and cowboy souvenirs can be seen in every storefront; tourists can

also find huckleberry jam and even chocolate-covered moose droppings. A few miles north of town, photographers and hikers can take advantage of the sprawling scenery and its mesmerizing wildlife in the national parks. Moose junction, near the entrance of Grand Teton National Park, is an exciting place for amateur photographers to snap off-shots when the moose come down to cool off or catch a drink in the river. Photography enthusiasts will also be taken aback by the jagged peaks of the Teton Range, originally named “Les Trois Tetons” (The Three Breasts) by French-Canadian fur trappers in the 1920s, but later given the individual names Grand Teton, Middle Teton and South Teton. Hikers can partake in the variety of trails at different skill levels the national park offers guests. Beginners are usually directed to the loop at Jenny Lake and if you hike a few miles up, you’ll find breathtaking falls. More experienced hikers can test their skill on the vertical, higher altitude formations. For those who don’t hike or are looking for other activities, fly-fishing, kayaking, canoeing and even paddle boarding are other activities found at several lakes at the base of the Tetons. But if you’re looking for something more exciting, whitewater rafting on the Snake River is one of the most favored activities of the summer season. The scenery along the river banks, home to many bald eagles and osprey, is calm and serene until the water turns into raging rapids. The eightmile stretch of river sweeps you away through several natural obstacles including rocks, rapids and fallen trees. Some of the Snake’s most popular features are “The Big Kahuna,” “Lunch Counter” and “Cham-

A CSUF student takes advantage of the free Zumba class offered in the SRC LISA HOSBOYAR Daily Titan

MIKE WHITE / Daily Titan Jackson Hole, Wyo., with its old-western vibe, is known for its great outdoor activities like whitewater rafting, fly-fishing and hiking.

pagne Rapids.” The Big Kahuna rapid is known for catapulting rafters into the air before dropping them in the water and soaking them. Lunch Counter, which in the spring can become a category IV rapid, a rapid considered difficult with long and powerful currents, standing waves and whirlpools, has become a spot surfers take a liking to; many paddle out and ride stationary waves for more than ten minutes at a time. Champagne, unlike the others, is a

turbulent rapid spilling out into deep calm water while sending millions of effervescent bubbles to the surface. While river activities take up the spring and summer months, skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing supply winter travelers with plenty to do. If you’re looking for a real old-western experience or just wanting to get in touch with some of nature’s most beautiful surroundings, Jackson Hole is the destination for you.

TOMEK: CSUF alumna works her way to the top, creating her own shoe line ...Continued from page 1 Tomek launched the “Tash Folds” line at the Magic Tradeshow in Las Vegas this past February. “I started with shoes because women’s clothes are hard to produce. Trends go out quickly by the time it hits production,” remarked Tomek. All her shoes retail under $40 and her designs are inspired by the casual Californian style. Being around friends and seeing their style is what inspires Tomek’s designs. “The flats are super comfortable and very fashionable. You can dress them up and down,” said Nelly Sanchez, Tomek’s accountant. Tomek’s office is decorated with posters, banners and ads of Tash Limited shoes. There’s even a giant poster of her on the cover of OC Metro magazine resting against the wall. As we sat in her brightly lit office, she explained to me that she actually began her career at Cal State Long Beach in 2004. “I majored in business marketing and minored in fashion, but then I got a job at Brea mall,” Tomek said. She landed a job at Boardwalk Surf, Skate and Snow shop as a manager and later got promoted as a full-time buyer for the company. When the commute got a hold of Tomek, she decided to transfer to CSUF. She majored in communications with an emphasis in public relations, but that wasn’t enough for her. “At night I would go to Fullerton College and take classes in fashion design,” Tomek said. Since CSUF doesn’t offer any courses pertaining to fashion, it was the only way Tomek could steer her career in the right direction. She earned an AA in fashion design, worked full time and attended classes at CSUF. Tomek expressed with enthusiasm that it did take her six years to get her bachelor’s degree, but it was definitely worth it. “I never wanted fashion design to be the main focus, because most of the time people don’t take it seriously,” she said. Tomek eventually moved out of her parents’ house at the age of 21 and took out some school loans to survive.


Dance off pounds

Jackson Hole, Wyo.: Old-western nostalgia enclosed by some of America’s best wildlife


Zumba: “Ditch the workout, join the party” is the motto of the Latininspired dance-fitness program that blends red-hot international music to form a “fitness party” that’s downright addictive, according to I’ve been hearing a ton of praise about this dance class mostly from my exorbitant male friend who swears by it and has been trying to convince me to participate for months. I wasn’t too interested until I started working out on a regular basis after I gained a few unwanted pounds over summer vacation and the treadmill and elliptical day after day got boring and began taking a toll on my left knee. From what I heard about it and what I imagined it to be, I thought it was going to be a slow-paced class where the instructor tries teaching me some dance steps (but boy was I wrong). Being the extreme person I am, I decided to try Zumba and since the Student Recreation Center had some free drop-in classes, I did it right here on campus. I’ll admit it, I’m no Britney Spears–her “Oops I Did it Again” days–when it comes to dancing. I don’t really like to dance in public very often or ever actually. When I attend friends’ weddings, someone usually has to drag me to the dance floor and even then I just sway side to side clapping my hands. Upon entry to the dance room, I naturally took to standing in the back near the exit just in case the embarrassment was too much to handle and I needed to escape. The young female instructor welcomed us and casually told us that Zumba exercise can burn up to 1,000 calories in one hour. One

thousand calories? An hour on the treadmill burns only half that! Right then and there I decided to commit fully to the next hour; I would rather look foolish and burn calories than try to look cool and waste an hour. As the music started and the instructor stood in front of the class dancing, I realized this was not a stop-and-teach-the-moves kind of class. Watching her while trying to dance along, I quickly picked up the moves because they were pretty easy and repetitive throughout the song. If I messed up, it didn’t matter because no one cared. Everyone else was worried about getting the moves right themselves. Within the first 10 minutes I was sweating like I had been on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes. My heart was racing and my hips were shaking to the beat. The more time went by the less awkward I started feeling. The Latin-inspired music and dance moves made me feel like Jennifer Lopez circa her Fly Girl days, except she could actually dance well. The songs were all familiar and if I wasn’t out of breath, I could sing along to all of them. The instructor would stop from time to time to ask us how we were doing, and I’ve never seen a room packed with females so enthusiastic to keep exercising. When “Rolling On the River” by Tina Turner came on, I’m certain my heart skipped a beat. One of the girls who was about to leave early for another class actually turned around mid-exit to dance to the energetic tune. The class became even more exciting when I imagined I was a backup dancer for Janet Jackson or whoever’s song was playing. By the end of the hour, my shirt was drenched in sweat, and it felt like I had completed a great cardio session without being bored whatsoever. It was, without a doubt, the most fun I’ve had exercising. I definitely plan on going back next week to revive my imaginary dance career.

RACHEL MASOCOL / Daily Titan Natashia Tomek, who started her own shoe line of foldable flats, poses with an issue of OC Metro magazine. The publication featured her on the cover for being an important figure in Orange County.

What motivated Tomek to work so hard was an incident that occurred when she was 15 years old. “My dad lost his job and I don’t ever want to be put in that situation,” Tomek said. At 22 years old, Tomek was offered a job at another surf and skate retailer, Beach Bums. She supervised its women’s division while in school and designed the women’s private label. The owner of Beach Bums, Cliff Haddadin, decided to close down all chain stores around April of 2010. Around that time, Tomek graduated and Haddadin decided to invest in her footwear company. Tomek stands by the motto that experience gears you in the right direction. Doing an internship is what will help your career flourish. “It’s going to pay off later,” Tomek said. “Just keep working because you need the experience.” Tomek also stressed how important it is to network with those around you and that your

college campus is a great place to meet those contacts. “Get to know that person sitting next to you in class because you might end up working with them in the next 10 years,” she convincingly said. Her public relations classmates at CSUF actually helped land her the front cover of OC Metro. Everyone has a dream job and Tomek is certainly working hers. She feels strongly about putting your heart to whatever it is you love to get that career. “Everyone paints the perfect picture,” she said. “You don’t need to go to that perfect school, but you do need to excel at whatever you do. Put yourself out there.” Working hard really does pay off – just look at Tomek and her thriving career. For more information and to purchase her awe-inspiring flats, visit

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Zumba classes are a fun and great way to keep in shape. The Student Recreation Center on campus offers drop-in fitness classes for free to students and faculty.



October 3, 2011

Coastal collision

Women’s soccer opens up Big West Conference play with split of trip to San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara, including three overtime games VAN JOHNSTONE Daily Titan

The weekend for the Cal State Fullerton women’s soccer team proved to be full of heartbreak, joy and more overtime drama. The Titans started Big West play with road trips to UC Santa Barbara. The Titans traveled to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Friday for their first Big West game of the year. The Titans peppered the opposing goal keeper with 28 shots, but the game remained tied until sophomore Janali West scored her first collegiate goal in the 74th minute. Cal Poly was able to draw even when McKenzie Orand scored four minutes later. The game remained tied and went into overtime and eventually double overtime. Cal Poly was able to find the back of the net when Tiffany Gummow lobbed her shot over the head of Titan sophomore goal keeper Lindsay Maricic with 3:12 to play in the final overtime. The Titans were without leading goal scorer junior forward Ann Marie Tangorra and her dominating presence was sorely missed. “I couldn’t play because I had a concussion, but it was really hard to watch the loss because I know how hard our team worked and how well they played,” said Tangorra. The loss dropped the Titans to 2-3-2 this season in extra time in what proved to be another wild and disappointing loss for CSUF. The Titans’ second game proved to be another thriller against UC Santa Barbara that again went into overtime, but this time the result was a different one. The game remained dead-

locked at zero until UCSB’s Indiana Mead found the back of the net in the 82nd minute. The Titans responded quickly as junior forward Stacey Fox scored on a header from a Kishi Smith corner kick. The goal was Fox’s second of the season and came at the right time as the Titans were able to force yet another overtime. Smith and the Titans didn’t need long to take care of the Gauchos as sophomore midfielder Kishi Smith scored on a penalty kick only four minutes into the overtime. The goal was Smith’s second golden goal in extra time and proved to be just what the Titans needed to get their first Big West victory of the year. “It was a great experience both sharing with my teammates that worked so hard the entire game

and my family who made the drive up to watch me play,” said Smith. Smith’s clutch play has earned her recognition from her team and coach. “We came out really aggressive in the overtime,” said Head Coach Demian Brown. “Kishi is very solid off set pieces and really came through on the PK.” This was the Titans’ third overtime game in a row and the eighth this season, tying a school record. With so many games going into extra time, the Titans have grown accustomed to close calls. “We feel it’s a strength of our team,” said Brown. “When the game does go into overtime we have an advantage because we have done it so many times.” With the win the Titans improved to 6-5-2 and look to wrap up their road trip with a match at

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Senior midfielder Oscar Aguero slides for the ball during a match earlier this season.The Titans fell in the Big West opener after a strong start to the season. The Titans next play Wednesday against nationally ranked UC Irvine at home.

Men drop opener No. 19 Titans blanked in 3-0 loss at Cal State Northridge in first Big West match of the season as Matadors move into first place


CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Junior midfielder Brisa Gonzalez dribbles the ball up the pitch during a nonleague match earlier this season. Gonzalez has been solid in the middle all year for the Titans.

Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer was defeated 3-0 by the Cal State Northridge Matadors Saturday night at the Matador Soccer Field. This win, along with a previous win against UC Riverside, puts the Matadors in possession of first place in the Big West Conference after the first week of competition. The loss for the Titans came despite their best start (.778 winning percentage) since the 1999 team. Carlos Benavides made sure CSUN found its first goal against the Titans in the 35th minute as he kicked the ball to freshman Christian Gonzalez Diaz, who contributed an assist to teammate Yarden Azulay. Azulay’s goal skipped off a defender and went into the bottom right corner of the goal. “We are obviously disappointed with the result,” said CSUF Head Coach Bob Ammann in a press release. “I thought we started real well and were the better team for the first half hour. The game had a few critical moments that didn’t go our way.” The Matadors were celebrating once again only a little over four minutes after their first goal. From the left side of the box, Benavides passed the ball to Chris Smith who found Gonzalez Diaz and an assist. Gonzalez Diaz took advantage of the pass and kicked a low shot back across the goal and into the lower left corner. This was the freshman’s second goal of the year despite Titan senior goalkeeper Trevor Whiddon’s efforts. “We are very aware there are no easy games in the

Big West Conference as one can attest from the results this first week. It will be a battle until the final week and I’m looking forward to it. This group of players understands this type of result happens at all levels of the game and will put it behind them,” Ammann said in the press release. The Matadors led 2-0 at halftime but came back to the second half with even more intensity. Junior and Titan defender Bobby Reiss was shown a yellow card for getting tangled up in the 50th minute with Northridge forward Edwin Rivas, who was also shown a yellow as the game got noticeably more physical. The final goal of the game came in the 81st minute as Benavides got things flowing yet again for the Matadors after he ran with the ball across the field on the left side to then leave the ball to defender Yuval Barak who crossed it to Rivas. Rivas had positioned himself in front of the net and got a foot to the ball to ensure the goal. This was the Matador’s third consecutive victory. Historically, they have won 10 of the last 13 meetings with one tie against Fullerton. The Titans won the last matchup, 3-1, at Northridge last October. Fullerton is 1-0-1 on the CSUN pitch this season, winning over University of Nevada Las Vegas and tying Akron. Senior Kevin Venegas still leads the team in goals with five followed by freshman Ian Ramos, senior Nick Posthuma, sophomore Ritchie Gonzalez and junior Jesse Escalante with two each. The Titans host the UC Irvine Anteaters Wednesday.

Titans split weekend trip Volleyball tops UC Riverside before losing to Cal State Northridge LISA HOSBOYAR Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton women’s volleyball team went 1-1 this weekend, with a victory against UC Riverside and a defeat against Cal State Northridge. The team was in good spirits as it took the Big West Conference victory over Riverside Friday night at the Highlanders’ Student Recreation Center. The Titans started strong, winning the first set 25-22, but lost momentum in the second (22-25) and third sets (23-25). The fourth set tied up the match with the Titans leading 25-19. The final tiebreaking set went in favor of the Titans with a big 15-9 win. The win Friday was the seasonhigh, third straight win and helped move the Titans over the .500 mark for the first time this year at 8-7. This was the 13th straight win against the Riverside Highlanders. Sophomore Bre Moreland led the team with her ninth double-double of the year. She ended with 17 kills, 12 digs and four blocks at the net. The Titans won thanks to strong offensive performances late in the fourth and fifth sets. The girls hit .500 for the first and last sets with the average being .265 for the match. Riverside hit an average .202. Junior Kayla Neto, who recently became the first Titan since Cami Croteau (2007-10) to record 30 digs in a single match, came up with her seventh consecutive double-double, with a match-high 19 Contact Us at

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Junior outside hitter Kayla Neto volleys the ball during a match. Neto helped the Titans record a road split this weekend, and they are still in great shape for the Big West title.

kills and 13 digs to assist the Titans to a victory. Neto also ranks second in kills per set, averaging 4.00 per frame in the Big West. Senior teammate Leah Maurer added 14 kills to the match. Riverside’s Megan Reza led all players with six block assists, although the Titans outblocked the Highlanders 11.0 to 9.0. Fullerton setter Andrea Ragan finished with 51 assists, which makes her only 78 assists shy of tying the CSUF career record held by former setter Julie Geissert. Geissert had 3,907 career assists set from 2004-07. Senior Ragan is currently in second place. The Titans were the only team to remain unbeaten in the Big West until the defeat to Northridge Saturday. The Matadors swept CSUF 3-0 in the 30-32, 21-25, 18-25 loss at the Matadome. The Titans have won in each of their last three visits to the Matadome and posted an alltime mark of 11-21 against Northridge, dating back to the schools’

first meeting in 1980. Despite the loss, both Leah Maurer and sophomore Leah Best had good games. Maurer had 11 kills and a .375 attack percentage. Best contributed eight kills in 13 swings, a team-high five blocks and hit .538. The Matadors were led by Casey Hinger who had a match-high 14 kills and hit a high .478. The Titans never hit higher than .265 as a team, while the Matadors hit .300 in the second and .405 in the third sets. Fullerton’s Ragan had 13 digs while scoring a double-double, adding a match-high 35 assists. Northridge’s Natalie Allen had the matchhigh 14 digs. Matadors Una Siljegovich and Sam Kaul combined for 15 kills. The Titans were outblocked 9.5 to 6.0. The Matadors joined the Big West in 2001. The Titan girls will have one match at the Long Beach State Pyramid next weekend. First serve is set for 7 p.m.


October 3, 2011

Crossword Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE JULY 1, 2011

Edited by Rich Norrisbrought and Joyce Lewis to you by


ACROSS 1 South American plain 6 Fifth pillar of Islam 10 Back country transports, briefly 14 Poppy product 15 Bean product? 16 Antihero? 17 Free garden supply? 19 Tahoe bar, say 20 Cheese from Veneto 21 Cognac designation 23 It may follow sex 24 Cost at a Walmart competitor? 27 Main response? 29 Feminine principle 30 Bass, e.g. 31 Boomers are swelling its ranks 34 Vast expanse 38 Become more forgiving? 42 Only brother not in any Marx Brothers films 43 Foreign minister under Meir 44 Comic Margaret 45 Petting zoo chorus 47 Metaphorical hiding place 50 Pessimistic brat? 54 Palme __: Cannes award 55 Words of agreement 56 Super Bowl party array 60 Work 62 “We’re on to you!” (and a hint to how this puzzle’s other four longest answers were created) 64 Sci-fi shots 65 Shekels 66 Hartford-based insurance giant 67 Harper’s Bazaar artist 68 The same, to Alain 69 Discomfiting look

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By Mike Peluso

DOWN 1 First name in soft drinks? 2 Mil. addresses 3 “La Bohème” role 4 Leave the larva stage 5 James Bond and JFK have worn them 6 __ Honor 7 “... and gentle as __”: Matthew 8 Jefferson, notably 9 Heap 10 Turkish title 11 Destructive, as a relationship 12 Sibelius’s “__ Triste” 13 Keep from flowing 18 Gray painted by Basil Hallward 22 Conviction, maybe 25 Fireplace insert 26 Old empire builder 27 Winningest manager in Expos history 28 Polite rural reply 30 Subj. for solvers 32 Steal from

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33 Not quite win 35 Confer ending 36 Vier times zwei 37 Paleo- opposite 39 Slate, e.g., for short 40 Hoover, for one 41 Join 46 Stuffy type 48 Midwestern natives 49 It may be vented 50 Without face value


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Aries (March 21-April 19) Your ideas flow with ease. Take notes (with pictures). Make a list with the obvious steps to realize the most tantalizing dreams first. Take the first step.

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2 5 3 8 9 6

6 4 1 7 2 5

7 2 8 4 5 3

3 7 5 1 4 2

4 3 6 9 1 7

3 7 2 4 1 8 9 6 5 5 6 4 3 7 9 1 8 2

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

5 6 9 2 8 1


Daily Sudoku: Tue 20-Sep-2011

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Daily Sudoku: Tue 20-Sep-2011

2 6 7

6 8 7 9

4 8 5

2 5 1 8

9 8 4 3

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Destruction is part of the creative process. Inhibit any more bizarre suggestions. Strange demands could be made. New and intriguing educational opportunities develop.


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9 8 1 9 7 3 6 8

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Keep existing promises first, and consider before committing to new ones. Clarify your schedule and direction with friends. A change in their plans could affect yours.




very hard

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Some concepts won’t work, but try them anyway. Failure refines the process, adding velocity for future success. A startling revelation provokes change. Go out and play later.

Tully’s coffee Worth discovering


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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Making money requires imagination today. Others want to study what you’re up to. Share the knowledge, and use collaboration and group thinking for real innovation.


2 5

2 1 5 7 4 3 6 9 8

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Now’s the best time to make changes at home. Keep a positive attitude, and play it like a game that you mean to win but don’t mind losing. Then go ahead and win.

1 8


6 8

4 3

9 8 2 5 3 4

6 7

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Let a loved one set the schedule. You enjoy the company of dear family and friends. A coming change is for the better, so go along with it, and encourage them as well.

1 7


7 9


Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Don’t let this busy Monday get on your nerves, or your health could suffer. Get plenty of rest. Take breaks from the screen and stretch regularly. Take one task at a time.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Great language skills accelerate getting your message across. Continue to study the subject you’re teaching. Focus on your favorite angle, and learn as much as you can.

3 5


Cancer (June 22-July 22) You’re entering a negotiation phase. Work behind the scenes when needed, and beware of sudden changes. Choose your partners wisely for different roles.


8 1 4 6 7 9

3 7

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Staying busy may be the best way to stay out of trouble today. Take a deep breath and think before making important decisions. Don’t use big words. Keep it simple.

Daily Sudoku: Tue 20-Sep-2011

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Conditions for long-distance travel improve. Check your lists twice. Be sure that your tires are properly inflated, and the oil level’s fine ... then, green light, go!


51 Blow 52 Thrift store abbr. 53 One of two in Mozart’s string quintets 54 Drop off 57 Bloat, maybe 58 Promgoer’s concern 59 Have the lead 61 Captain’s hdg. 63 Scandalous ’80s initials

October 3, 2011


Titans top Trojans Season opener a success as the CSUF men’s hockey team drops USC 5-2.

SEAN VIELE Daily Titan

The rust was clearly evident from the drop of the puck, but the Titans quickly shook it off and went on to beat the USC Trojans 5-2 Saturday night at Anaheim Ice. It was a bit of a rough one. The first game of the season and the energy dispensed by the Titans landed them in the penalty box more than necessary or desired. The Titans took 37 minutes worth of penalties; the teams combined for 25 minor penalties, two fighting majors and four game misconducts. The dislike between the Trojans and the Titans was clear-cut from the start with a number of skirmishes breaking out around the goal-mouth and extra shoves after whistles. Although outshot 47-20, the Titan defense was able to keep most of the USC shots to the outside, helping the solid play of Titan goaltender Brandon Heethuis. Despite a case of the first-gameof-the-year jitters, Heethuis said he “felt really good.” “I hung in there, I fought it off pretty well I thought,” Heethuis said. “Other than a few bounces tonight, I thought I played pretty solid all around. I’ve got to give credit to my defense too. My defense really helped me out and kept the shots to the outside. Without my defense, I’m nothing.” Discipline was a bit absent at times, but the Titan penalty killers were able to blank the Trojan’s power play, leaving it 0 for 13. “We need to stay out of the box and not throw that punch and retaliate,” said Titan senior forward Blake Dorman. The Titans scored three goals on the power play, going 3 for 12 on the night. “We worked (on the power play) last practice and got them firing the puck,” said assistant coach Ron White. “The team looks a lot better.” The Titans got off to an early


start, scoring just 2:57 into the first period. On what looked to be a broken play, Titan forward Alec Censullo gathered the puck in the slot, made a move on Trojan goaltender Alex Caravaggio and scored on a backhand shot for an early 1-0 lead. Six minutes later, the Titans struck again, this time on the power play. Titan forward Ryan Cruz got a pass from defenseman Jason Holmes and snapped a shot past the glove of Caravaggio to make it 2-0. Titan forward Elan Dunaev had a strong night, scoring the Titans’ final three goals in the second period to complete a natural hat trick. Dunaev scored all three goals in just two minutes and 18 seconds. “Elan was great–two power-play goals and one regular for the (hat trick),” Dorman said of his teammate’s performance. Two of Dunaev’s goals came in the form of one-time shots from the right point, both coming on the power play. His third goal came while the teams were skating 3 on 3. USC didn’t get on the board until 15:22 of the second period on what was a fluke goal at best. With the faceoff in the Titans’ zone, USC won the puck back to the right point, where Trojan defenseman Mike Mowrey softly snapped the puck up in the air and toward the Titan goal. The puck went over Heethuis’ head and in the back of the net. “I didn’t see it at all. From what I heard it ramped up over everybody and it kind of just landed in the back of the net,” Heethuis said of the Trojans’ first goal. The Titans had a strong performance overall, but Heethuis said there is definitely room for improvement. “We’ve got to keep the shots down. We still got outshot 47 to 20. We took the W but we still need to keep (the opponents’ shots) down,” he said.

ROBERT HUSKEY / For the Daily Titan The Cal State Fullerton men’s hockey team gathers around the net before it’s game against USC Saturday, including senior Kyle Levindofske (20), junior Joe Gojanovic (2) and senior Elan Dunaev. The Titans won 5-2 in the season opener, led by goalie Brandon Heethius.

HALL: Five Titans inducted into CSUF Hall of Fame ...Continued from page 1 Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Cal State Fullerton. We salute you.” Current Head Coach Rick Vanderhook introduced Mayne to the crowd. Vanderhook was an assistant coach while Mayne played catcher during the 1988 and 1989 seasons at CSUF. “He’s a better guy than a better baseball player. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him for a long time,” said Vanderhook. “He’s the same person as when he left here, and that’s a good thing … He’s become an unbelievable person.” Mayne grew up in a baseball family under the tutelage of his father Mike and transferred to CSUF from Orange Coast College where he turned into a first-round draft pick and veteran MLB catcher for 15 years. Mayne still holds the school record with a 38-game hitting streak in 1988, was first-team All-Big West Conference both seasons, and earned ABCA second-team AllAmerican honors in 1988 when he led the team with a .393 batting average. “This is where I learned how to play baseball. It’s a great organization. I’m constantly amazed how no matter where I am overseas playing baseball, coaching or whatever it is, it’s not only known here but it’s known everywhere. This is where it’s at for baseball. I’m very fortunate to be just a little part of that,” said Mayne. The other ballplayer inducted was former Titan softball hitting great Susan Lewis-Newton. A three-time All-American, her name is all over the school record books were she still tops in hits (257), doubles (53), triples (20) and is top ten in every other career hitting category not mentioned. She also holds the single-season record for hits (97) in a season. “Being inducted is such an honor for me and I’ll cherish it for the rest of my life,” said LewisNewton of the honor. The Titan Hall of Fame committee went back to a program that has been defunct now for many years and honored former women’s gymnastics Coach Lynn Rogers. Rogers started as head coach of the gymnastics team in 1976 at age 25 and coached at CSUF until 1999. During his 24-year tenure, he coached the AIAW national championship-winning side in 1979, three second-place finishes (2AIAW, 1 NCAA) and five third-place finishes (3 AIAW, 2 NCAA). He coached his team to 10 conference championships

and was voted National Coach of the Year in 1979 and Big-West Coach of the Year three times. “One of Lynn’s most significant contributions will never be in any record book, yet he had a major impact on every student athlete who came through his program,” said former gymnast Julie Knight Bowse of her head coach and friend. “It is meaningful to be in this class and I appreciate your consideration,” said Rogers of receiving the school’s highest honor. “All those programs in the early days had no money and none of us had good facilities, but we had a ton of passion and coaches that believed in their student-athletes. That lesson served me well and it served our team well and it still serves me well today.” The main attraction of the evening was 6’7’’ forward and three-time NBA champion Bruce Bowen. The former defensive stalwart sported an orange and navy bow tie along with a giant smile as he took center stage. “These moments here are special. They are special because this is somewhere I didn’t think I would be,” said Bowen after receiving his award. “It’s not about me. It’s about the people at these tables that have allowed me to be the person I am today. I thank you all for the love and additional support, and it’s been a blessing for me and this is what it amounts to … Thank you CSUF for allowing me to get an education here and to be a part of orange and blue.”

While at CSUF, Bowen was a fouryear letterman in 1989 to 1993 and a starter for three years. He was firstteam all-conference in 1992 to 1993 and is still in the school’s top ten in career rebounds and blocked shots. Bowen went on to have a successful NBA career after playing in Europe following school. His most notable time in the NBA was with the San Antonio Spurs where he won three championships and NBA first or second-team All-Defensive team eight times as well as three time runner-up for defender of year. The Goodwins were not in attendance to accept the award, but that didn’t stop the Hall of Fame committee from honoring them. “Jerry and Merilyn Goodwin have never stepped on a playing field at CSUF, but they’ve made as good of a contribution as anybody else. They’re known as the team behind the team at Titan Athletics,” said Steve Ditolla, senior associate athletic director, on perhaps the biggest Titan supporters. The biggest contribution the Goodwins committed to CSUF was the $1 million donation to the expansion of Titan Field into Goodwin Field in 2000. Since then, Goodwin Field has hosted 10 NCAA Baseball Regional Tournaments. “I know if Jerry and Merilyn were here they would say that they were glad that they could help the kids. That was their main focus and in Merilyn’s own words, she’d like to wish the Titans another ‘good win,’” Ditolla said. The next Titan Hall of Fame ceremony will be hosted in 2013.

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Former CSUF catcher Brent Mayne (center) at the Cal State Fullerton Hall of Fame ceremony Saturday. Athletic Director Brian Quin (left) and President Gordon (right) were on hand.

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