The Daily Titan - November 7, 2011

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Vol. 90 Issue 38

November 7, 2011

Food trucks on campus: Student reactions

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Different options are now available at Cal State Fullerton. Located by the Humanities Building, food trucks have become the “it place” to eat on campus.

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Pumpkins for science

Fifth annual event promotes experimentation and friendly competition at the athletic fields


Saturday was the only dry day of the weekend, creating the perfect setting for this year’s annual Pumpkin Launch event at Cal State Fullerton. By Friday afternoon, over 7,000 people had pre-registered to attend the event Saturday. Families filled the athletic fields where children could create lava lamps and launch pingpong balls on mini-launchers. A sea of food trucks lined the fields, giving attendees a large assortment of tasty foods to enjoy. “This year’s turnout was huge,” said Keith Brooks, director of education at The Discovery Science Center. Roupanshee Sharma, vice president of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, helped run one of the most popular activity tables at the event: the lava lamp station. This year Sharma and the SHPE members made sure they were prepared for a large crowd since last year many children were turned away

after their materials quickly ran out. Every one of the six tables, four more than last year, was surrounded with dozens of children anxious to make their very own, unique lava lamps. “They’re seeing how household products can be used in making stuff like lava lamps. This way they’re going to start experimenting more and get more into science, which is good for them because we need more scientists and engineers,” said Sharma. At the mini-launcher tables was Laurie Toledo, a special education teacher at Rancho Cucamonga Elementary School who came to this year’s event for the first time with her family, including her 4-year-old daughter. “I think it’s awesome; they have so many events for the kids. She’s young so she’s probably not getting the physics part of it just yet, but it’s a starting place,” said Toledo. See LAUNCH, page 3

OLIVIA NAPOLI / Daily Titan The competition challenged teams to see how far and accurately they could launch a pumpkin. The first-place trophy was awarded the Cal Baptist team of engineering students.

Occupation continues in Irvine Protesters are motivated by common belief that money is corrosive to the American political system BAHAR SHARAREH Daily Titan

Courtesy of MCT The EWP tests students on how efficiently they can structure an essay.

Essays get degrees CSUF students are required to pass the EWP, a writing exam, in order to qualify for graduation YVETTE QUINTERO Daily Titan

Tick tock, tick tock. The clock bellows its distracting song in the silence of a full room, signaling the approach of the 90-minute marker. Students glance at the screaming clock and back at their papers trying to make sure their last point will be supported with evidence. There may even be time left to squeeze in a conclusion. The sounds of pens rushing, swishing and flicking on the smooth surface of the paper almost seem to be in tune with the screaming clock, creating some abstract melody until the song is interrupted by someone calling “time.” Pencils down, the clock is still ticking but the exam is now over. The Examination in Writing Proficiency (EWP) is an examination taken by students with junior status who have completed 60 units toward graduation. It aims at demonstrating proficiency in English writing and is a part of a requirement set forth by the CSU Board of Trustees to show competence in writing. According to the Testing Services website, “At CSUF, you must demonstrate proficiency in written composition in English

by passing the EWP and by completing an upper division writing course specified for your major.” The test consists of an essay question designed to test writing proficiency and is administered over a period of 90 minutes. Essay graders evaluate exams based on logic, grammar, spelling, punctuation, organization and development. Suggested preparation for the exam includes doing practice essay questions available on the CSUF Testing Services website, as well as taking advantage of the University Learning Center. “I used a book Introduction to Academic Writing: Level 3, and also I had help from University Learning Center,” said Kunal Mawade, a graduate student in computer science, who passed the exam June 2011. Students who take the exam and fail two or more times are eligible to apply for enrollment to the English 199 course that will be the equivalent of passing the examination. For some, initial expectations of the exam have been defied upon taking the examination. See EWP, page 5

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have jobs. There are so many of us who have jobs.” Outlaw added that roughly 70 percent of public reaction to the movement has been positive, such as honking, donating food and other items, and

It’s Friday and there are six canopies and 30 colorful tents at the corner of Alton Parkway and Harvard Avenue at Irvine Civic Center. While Occupy Orange County participants I just want to see where the general are protesting for many different reasons, people and the general assembly most participants feel as though money has a corrosive effect on the American political decide what the causes are and help with system. whatever that is. Abdur–Razzaq Outlaw, a restaurant host Joey Cadavid from the city of Irvine, said, “I choose to Occupy Irvine Protester stay with my brothers working for a better future, not against the government, not stopping by to give support. Yet there have also against the corporations, but with my villagers.” Outlaw participated in the movement from been negative reactions, such as a man who was apparently upset at all the sounds of car horns the first day. “I sleep here pretty much like I call this place blaring and laid on his horn for 20 minutes. Occupy Orange County started with a few my home. I sleep in my mom’s house when I have people Oct. 13 at 3:30 p.m., and grew into a 30to work,” he said. “Everybody thinks we don’t

tent community within a week. There has been a march every Saturday since Oct. 14, where 400 to 1,500 participants have showed up. Saturday was the “International Bank Transfer Day” march and rally, where participants said they were encouraging people to transfer money from “Too Big to Fail” banks to community banks and credit unions. A general assembly meeting is held every day at 7 p.m. Joey Cadavid of Lake Forest has been a participant from the beginning of the movement. “With a lot of the things that are wrong, I just wanted to help be part of the movement,” he said. “As far as what I want to focus on at this point, I just want to see where the general people and the general assembly decide what the causes are and help with whatever that is.” See OCCUPY, page 2

Transfer leads Titans in exhibition win Vaughn posts 18 points in his first appearance with the men’s basketball team BLAKE FOGG Daily Titan

Junior Kwame Vaughn and sophomore Isiah Umipig each scored 18 points to take Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball to a 71-56 victory over Cal State Los Angeles in a home exhibition game Friday night. It was Vaughn’s first game as a Titan. The guard sat out last season after transferring from San Francisco University. He looks to be a key player for CSUF this season, knocking down shots and orchestrating the offense. He also had a game-high eight rebounds. “It was a lot of nerves from not playing over a year, obviously,” said Vaughn of his debut game. “I love my teammates. It’s the best team I ever played for. All the coaching, the staff is optimistic at all times. They have great confidence in me so that helps me out there.” Umipig found himself in early foul trouble and missed most of the

first half. But after the break, the sophomore guard was found early and often, contributing 16 secondhalf points, including four treys. “I didn’t play much the first half when I was in foul trouble and that was frustrating. When I got in there, my teammates did a good job looking for me,” said Umipig. CSULA sophomore Quinton Watkins and senior Leland Jones led the Golden Eagles in scoring 11 and 10 points, respectively. CSULA shot at a very low 22 percent in the game. It was the first time the fans got to see the Titans on the court this season. CSUF played a closed-door game against UCLA already this preseason, but the team still had trouble shooting from the onset. Their first basket came four minutes into the game and already down by six until senior forward Andre Hardy scored a layup. The Titans would score 16 of their 26 points inside the paint as nothing was working from outside. They missed all five of their three-point shots. “The first half looked like a football game. I didn’t think we were going to score. I thought this high-

octane offense we have looked really bad. I think the main reason was it was their first time out to shoot,” said CSUF Head Coach Bob Burton of their anemic first-half offense. CSULA would keep the lead for most of the first half because of

the Titans’ ability to commit fouls. CSULA was 4-22 shooting (18 percent) but scored 14 points from the foul line to keep them in the game. See TITANS, page 8

AESA’s annual FUSION event


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Students and alumni joined for music and poetry in the Titan Student Union Underground Pub at Cal State Fullerton.

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November 7, 2011

Pros visit Mihaylo to teach classes ‘Professor for a Day’ gives students real-world knowledge STEVEN YUAN

and would like to see more “professors for a day” in the future. “I think it’s good for students to know Business professionals from a variety of some specifics about industries and jobs so fields came to Cal State Fullerton Thursday they can make a better choice for themto share their real-world business expertise selves,” said Baudanza. The event was coordinated by Terry and give advice to students as a professor Grant and Kim Tarantino, associate deans for a day. “Professor for a Day,” an annual event of Mihaylo College; Ola Carr, associate that has been held for more than 10 years, director of development; and Alice Rodritook place in the Mihaylo College of Busi- guez, events coordinator. Each business professional was sent to a ness and Economics, where more than 40 business professionals shared their success class session where they spoke to students stories and informed students about what for the duration of the class. The business professionals and profeswill be expected of them as they apply for sors had an opportunity jobs. to meet and network on Students were told I think it’s good for Steven G. Mihaylo Hall’s ahead of time that a third floor in the Dean’s guest would be speakstudents to know Suite, where snacks and ing in their class and some specifics about refreshments were availall seemed eager to industries and jobs so they able. learn about how their “Not all of the guests classes related to postcan make a better choice for are alumni of CSUF. graduate jobs. themselves. Most of those that did Most of the stunot graduate from the Joel Baudanza dents were concerned Mihaylo College are with interviewing Business Marketing Major connected to the college skills and résumé in other ways. Many of building. Joel Baudanza, 25, a business marketing them serve on the Dean’s Advisory Board major, asked a lot of questions during the for the Mihaylo College of Business and lecture of Nazih Yehya, a New York Life Economics. Some are interested in particiInsurance Company partner and recruiter, pating because their firms have had a great Daily Titan

ROBERT HUSKEY / For the Daily Titan Nazih Yehya, a Cal State Fullerton alumnus from New York Life Insurance Company talks to a marketing class during “Professor for a Day” on campus.

deal of success hiring Mihaylo graduates,” said Terry Grant, associate dean for Academic Programs and Faculty Development. One of the classes that marketing Professor Catherine Atwong teaches is Marketing Information Technology, a class where students learn about important tools and databases needed by marketers for decision making. During her 10 a.m. class session, Yehya spoke with students about his education, past business experience, his current posi-

tion and gave advice for students looking for work in his field of expertise. Yehya graduated with a bachelor’s degree in finance from CSUF in 2003. He has 14 years of business experience on the management side of Mimi’s Café and has been with New York Life Insurance for six years. “As a recruiter, I do about 10 interviews a week and I’ve gotten a lot of responses from the students already. They want to come interview and gain the experience,” he said. In response to a student’s question about

work culture, Yehya described working on the front-end and back-end. “The back-end you’re there 9 to 5, going through files, processing paperwork; you know exactly what your schedule’s going to be. The front-end – or sales side – we love it. The money is really good and you decide when you want to work and when you want to take off,” Yehya said. The business professionals lectured in classes that ranged from accounting to real estate investments, and more.



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ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan Travis Rice, professional snowboarder and two-time X Games gold medalist, poses on the red carpet at the premiere of The Art of FLIGHT. Grant Goldstein, a business major at CSUF, promoted the event on campus for Red Bull.

Alumni promotes film screening CANDACE RIVERA Daily Titan

Red Bull Media House and Brain Farm Digital Cinema presented the The Art of FLIGHT at the Regency Lido Theater in Newport Saturday evening. Newport was the final destination on the film’s North American tour. It was directed by Curt Morgan, a former pro-snowboarder and one of the most well-known cinematographers/directors in the action sports world. Before the sold-out showings at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. began, Travis Rice walked the red carpet, making himself available for photos and quick conversations with the press. Rice earned Rookie of the Year in 2002 and since then has stacked up the awards, including TransWorld and Snowboarder Rider of the Year in 2005 and 2009 and two X Games gold medals. Many sportswriters consider him to be one of the best snowboarders in the world. “What we hope people take away (from this film) is just more selfempowerment to go out on a whim, go out on a limb and put themselves in uncomfortable situations. I think that’s when we really grow as a per-

son,” said Rice. The film’s runtime of approximately one hour and 20 minutes follows Rice and his friends, also pros, while they travel to different countries and show off their more-thanimpressive skills. With incredible cinematography and a complementary soundtrack, The Art of FLIGHT encompasses all the elements involved in snowboarding, such as unpredictable weather conditions, the relationship between the boarder and the mountain, and

They went to different countries and showed the kind of environment they can’t snowboard in. It was crazy altogether. Nicole Jackovich Business Major

the beautiful wildlife and nature that surrounds the riders. “The concept to make the film and the reason we wanted to make the film was kind of a natural progression,” Rice said. “We always wanted to do something a little bit better and it finally came to a point where we realized we wanted to make a movie for people who aren’t die-hard snowboarders … We wanted to bring the viewer along on our adventures, that’s why we shot it the way we did and edited the way we did to look like more of a story.” Grant Goldstein, 20, student

brand manager for Red Bull and a business major at Cal State Fullerton, got the word out about the event on campus. He went to the Associated Students Inc. board, the snowboarding club and Greek organizations he thought would be interested in the premiere. He said most students who were going to the event had tickets for the 8 p.m. showing. “It appeals to every snowboarder; it’s just the dream to jump off a helicopter in uncharted territory,” said Goldstein. He said every snowboarder in this film is a professional and has won awards. Rice’s fellow riders featured alongside him in the film were John Jackson, Mark Landvik, Scotty Lago and Jake Blauvelt, just to name a few. “They went to different countries and showed the kind of environment they can’t snowboard in. It was crazy altogether,” said Nicole Jackovich, 19, a business major who attended the event. Even though she is not an avid snowboarder, Jackovich said she was very impressed and enjoyed the film. In awe of the stunts they can pull off, she admitted they must be born with the trait of being fearless. “My biggest accomplishment is more or less what I’ve been able to do personally as far as travel,” Rice said. “The amazing people I’ve met around the world and getting the opportunity to work on projects like the Art of FLIGHT.” For more information visit for videos, trailers, news and interviews with the pros.

OCCUPY: Movement strong in Irvine ...Continued from page 1 As the rain subsided, Tom Yi, who had also been a participant from the first day, grabbed a marker and began writing “No Oligarchy” and “Tax the Rich” on a white poster board. He then went to the front of the lawn and started walking with his sign. “We are here to support Occupy Wall Street; that is the first reason,” he said. “The second reason is that we feel

the whole country being ruled by 1 percent is not fair.” Another participant, J.B. Wagoner of Temecula, who studied political science at UC Irvine, had spent every other night at the center since the start of the protest. “We are not anti-capitalists, but we don’t want to just be dominated by the capitalists against the better interest of the people,” he said. “We are here for the people. It’s a democratic movement.”

The pretrial hearing for the two Fullerton police officers charged in connection with the death of Kelly Thomas, a homeless man who died of suffocation in July, has been delayed until Dec. 16, reported the Orange County Register. The hearing was delayed by Superior Court Judge Erick Larsh at the request of the defense attorneys for Jay Cicinelli, 39, and Manuel Ramos, 37, the two officers charged with felonies. Ramos, who is charged with second-degree murder, faces a charge of 15 years to life if he is convicted. He could also be found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, which would carry a potential sentence of four years. Cicinelli is charged with involuntary manslaughter and excessive force under the color of authority for alleged excessive use of his stun gun to subdue Thomas. The pretrial hearing could select a date for a preliminary hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to warrant a trial. Brief by Anders Howmann

Email Generates Earthquake Scare Residents of Berkeley, Calif. were on heightened alert after an email that said geologists had predicted a major earthquake in the coming weeks was circulated throughout the community, according to The New York Times. Geologists, however, had not reported any predictions of earthquakes in the coming weeks, and the email, although it seemed authentic, was not factual. The email was sent to friends and colleagues by the chairwoman of the Department of Administration at San Francisco State University, Genie Stowers, Ph.D., after she spoke with a student who claimed geologists were saying there was “a 30 percent chance of an earthquake above a (magnitude 6.0) on the Hayward fault in the next two to three weeks.” The original correspondents then forwarded the email to parent, school and neighborhood groups. Eventually the email was posted to the city’s Disaster Prep Neighborhood Network, a local network that helps Berkeley residents prepare for earthquakes. After several small earthquakes in the last month, residents were especially alarmed. However, Keith Knudsen, Ph.D., deputy director of the Earthquake Science Center, told The New York Times the email had some truth, but not the facts. “Our best science tells us there’s about a 30 percent chance over the next 30 years — not the next two or three weeks — of a 6.7 or greater earthquake somewhere along the Hayward fault,” he said. Brief by Yvette Quintero

November 7, 2011


Week to focus on veterans RACHEL MASOCOL Daily Titan

While Veterans Day is usually a single-day celebration, at Cal State Fullerton the holiday is a week-long event. Veterans Student Services Coordinator Joseph Chang said the entire week will have affairs for students to join. “There is at least one event every day, starting Saturday, Nov. 5 until Sunday the 13,” said Chang. Veterans Celebration Week began with the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of WWII. It was sponsored by Latino Advocates for Education and took place at the Titan Student Union. A “Wall of Heroes” display will be located on Titan Walk Monday through Thursday. Jeremy Bowden, CSUF vice president of Student Veterans Association (SVA), said the wall is important for students to see. “The Wall of Heroes is CSUF’s own military tribute to the campus veterans and their military family members. The Wall will display a photo and biography of each service member past and present located on the Titan Walk,” he said. A workshop titled “Veteran Leaders: The Secrets of Their Success” will take place Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m. in the Women’s Center. Chang will be speaking at the event. “The workshop will educate veterans. It will also examine the many issues and challenges, but also many strengths


LAUNCH: Attractions included food trucks, lava lamps

and possibilities for our student veterans to succeed. We will discuss successful veterans in our community,” he said. There will also be a Veteran Bake Sale at the Wall of Heroes to raise money for the SVA scholarship program. “Veterans Celebration Week is recognizing the large number of student veterans on our campus. There are currently around 600 student veterans attending CSUF,” said SVA President Scott Thompson. The gourmet food truck Spudrunners will donate part of its proceeds to support SVA Wednesday. You can meet the SVA board, dine and spread awareness on campus. A lecture titled “Entrepreneur Lessons From a Former Green Beret” will be held Thursday in Steven G. Mihaylo Hall Room 3230 from noon to 1 p.m. Larry Broughton, a former U.S. Army Green Beret and founder/president of Broughton Hospitality, will be speaking. A Veteran’s Day Parade and Ceremony hosted by the city of Fullerton will be held Friday in Fullerton’s Downtown Plaza at 10:30 a.m. The parade will end at Hillcrest Park and a ceremony will be held at the Veteran’s Memorial. The guest speaker will be Clinton J. Reiss, a regimental command sergeant major for the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Sunday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel next to campus is the last event: a Women Veteran’s community brunch.

OLIVIA NAPOLI / Daily Titan Teams from all different backgrounds put their launching devices to the test in the Pumpkin Launch competition. One team displayed its engineering skills and competed using a trebuchet-style launcher.

...Continued from page 1

BRIAN YAMAMOTO / Daily Titan Veterans Celebration Week will feature several veteran speakers, including a former U.S. Army Green Beret and a command sergeant major for the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment.

Hate in the spotlight for AICA event “Wall of Hate” to display images depicting racism and prejudice in modern society RACHEL MASOCOL Daily Titan

On campus, the Associated Students Inc. Association for InterCultural Awareness (AICA) council is striving to better our world, starting with one college student at a time. AICA will be hosting its biggest event on campus, Rally Against Hate, Wednesday from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. in the Quad. This will be its fifth annual event and is one of the most highly attended events at Cal State Fullerton. AICA Administrative Chair Rozely Barbero said the reason the event was created was in response to a hate crime incident that occurred between CSUF students back in 2006. “We hold a rally every year against these incidents to promote diversity. We also want to promote tolerance and educate our CSUF community,” said Barbero. Rally Against Hate is intended to help CSUF students to embrace different cultures on campus. Everyone is asked to participate in the various events during the occasion. There will be guest speakers at the event, such as Jed Middlebrook, CSUF students and faculty. An open mic session will be present for anyone who wants to stand up and perform.

“We have a lot of diversity on campus at CSUF. We are trying to embrace the diversity and encourage students to be activists. Their voice matters against causes they believe in. Also, we want students to know about resources on and off campus that can help them,” said Victoria Ford, AICA public relations coordinator. There will be a “Clothesline Project” for all students to contribute to. For the project, students can write personal stories of discrimination that they have experienced or witnessed. The shirts will be exhibited throughout campus to put a face to the victims of hate and encourage students to think twice about stereotypes and racism. A “Wall of Hate” will display images of racism and prejudice that are still present in our society. Students can

write their thoughts and aspirations on the Wall of Hope. From 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m., there will be a silent rally throughout campus to show unity within the student body. This is to honor and pay respect to victims of all hate crimes. AICA Advocacy Coordinator Carlos Navarro said Rally Against Hate is trying to spread realization to the college campus. “We try to raise awareness of different hate crimes and negative stigmas of other people’s cultures. We want to bring attention to students and empower them to do something about it at CSUF and in their own communities,” said Navarro. For more information on the event, please visit their Facebook page or Asi.

Running around the event with walking billboards were some sixth graders from Russell Elementary School in Santa Ana. For over 12 years, each sixth grade class has taken a trip to an outdoors science camp, but due to the state of the economy and lack of funding, this year’s trip had been canceled at the last minute. The Pumpkin Launch event concluded with the Pumpkin Launch contest. The CSUF team from the Society of Women Engineers jumped and screamed with joy as they were the first team to hit a target.

“We were so excited. This is the first year we’ve ever built a launcher,” said Ashley DeLuca, CSUF engineering student and president of SWE. After a few rounds, a team of engineering students from Cal Baptist University were able to launch their pumpkin and hit one of the farthest targets in the competition. Once all rounds were completed, Cal Baptist was pronounced the winner. The all-girl Society of Women Engineers team ended up taking second place after a shootout with the Angry Eagles, a team of middle school students, who came in third. DeLuca and her team ended up

winning a gift basket containing 13 tickets to an Anaheim Ducks hockey game. Their success, however, did not come without some mechanical problems in the middle of the competition, which tested their on-thespot quick response, a valued skill for future engineers. “Our seat-belt mechanism got jammed because there was too much tension and we tried doing a pull string mechanism, and that didn’t work either because there was still too much tension, so in the end we just ended up tying a rope together and cutting it,” DeLuca said. “It’s been awesome to do so well.”



November 7, 2011

Titan Money Matters


Time to Mint your money Imagine you’ve been cross-sold and now you have a checking account with the bank your car loan is serviced at (said the banker, “You can open a checking and have your payments directly withdrawn each month”), a savings account where your retirement CD is housed (also said the banker, “If you open a savings we can give your account a bonus interest rate”), and two or three credit cards at different banks.

But seriously, when was the last time you ever saw someone under the Social Security-collecting age use a checkbook register? Unless your level of hipster-inspired fondness for retro trends should require you to use one, I’ll tell you how you can keep track of money… Under this scenario, any one bank’s online platform only reveals a partial picture of your overall finances. You’ll have to keep up on multiple user IDs, passwords and emails. So how do you consolidate every bit of your finances into a neat, manageable space? Enter Mint. Recently purchased by Intuit (the techies behind TurboTax and Quicken), this free personalfinance website has been offering consumers a no-cost, comprehensive solution to money management since the late ‘00s. Because of Intuit’s savvy in the software arena, has added apps for Android and iOS devices. Other sites exist which perform the same duties, and also for free, but I’ve been using Mint for years now and the company has great reviews online.

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TSERING WANGDEN For the Daily Titan

“Because your money matters”

Have you ever woken up on a Monday morning, checked your balance and thought, “What the hell?!” In just less than three days, you managed to blow your entire paycheck, which you barely deposited Friday. If I had a dollar for every time I pulled that move… well, let’s face it, I’d probably spend all those dollars too, and still be sitting here lamenting over squandered cash. I remember long ago when I opened my first checking account. The banker slipped me this notepad-looking thing called a “register.” I was given a quick tutorial on how to use it–something about debits and credits, running balances and reconciliation. But seriously, when was the last time you ever saw someone under the Social Securitycollecting age use a checkbook register? Unless your level of hipster-inspired fondness for retro trends should require you to use one, I’ll tell you how you can keep track of money without looking like an accountant, hoarding all your receipts, filling out your transactions, and waiting for your bank statement in the mail like it were a distant lover’s letter. Advances in online banking and mobile phone applications make keeping tabs on your accounts easier than ever. Most of the big four (Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and Citi) have a great arsenal of online and mobile banking platforms for depositors to use. Even some of the smaller banks and credit unions have made strides at keeping up with the Joneses. But before I explain the drawbacks of using your bank’s online features, you should know of a strategy banks use on customers. It’s called crossselling; the idea that any customer is only as good as the amount of bank products owned. This could be any combination of checking, savings, credit cards, loans, CDs or brokerage accounts; the point is, the bank’s employees will not relent until all your banking “needs” are “satisfied.”

Don’t forget about Tibet

When you create your free account at Mint, you’ll be treated to a clean, simple interface flush with informative yet intuitive graphics, combing data across all your accounts everywhere. You can break down your spending by category to view what you spend most on, or by time to see when you spend the most. Mint will even label all your transactions automatically, and in a way that makes sense, instead of a series of merchant IDs and bank codes. The website can be used to set a budget, either on overall spending or to put spending limits on certain categories. You can even adjust these budgets to accommodate one-time expenses you know won’t happen frequently (birthday presents, Acoustic Christmas tickets, etc). My favorite aspect of this website is the net worth tracker. I never really paid attention to my net worth before it was presented to me in the form of an infograph. Your net worth (the difference between what you own and what you owe) is the real measure of wealth and to see that number steadily rise, or fall, is motivation enough to get in good fiscal shape. Mint will even make recommendations on financial products. Keep in mind, some of these recommendations are from banks who pay Mint to be featured on the site, so do your due diligence and shop around. Bill reminders, top-notch security and the most hassle-free user experience round out why Mint is worth taking a test drive. Having this arsenal of money-tracking utilities provided by Mint should be your first strategy in staying on top of your finances. By using Mint’s infographs, you’ll be more likely to spend wisely because you’ll anticipate what, when and how you do most of your spending. And if you approach your preset spending limits, the alerts you programmed to be delivered to your smart phone will prevent you from dumb charges.

Imagine for a minute that you drank some gasoline then doused yourself with it and set yourself on fire. I certainly can’t and I definitely don’t have the guts to even take the first step to pour gasoline all over myself, even if I had a point to prove by attempting to kill myself through self-immolation. When I heard about the self-immolation act that happened March 16 in Tibet earlier this year, I was shocked and saddened. The New York Times reported that the selfless act by Phuntsok Jarutsang, a 20-year-old monk at Kirti Monastery, was “the first time that a monk protesting against China had killed himself through self-immolation, according to the historians of modern Tibet.” Though I felt inspired to make a difference in the Tibetan struggle for freedom, I felt powerless at the same time. There was more news about self-immolation occurring, the recent one being Oct. 17 when Tenzin Wangmo, a 20-year-old Buddhist nun in Tibet, set herself on fire while calling for freedom in Tibet. Tibetan communities nationwide marched through the streets of San Francisco Wednesday as part of a global campaign before the G-20 summit in Cannes, France, to raise awareness and hope that their voices would be heard worldwide. In the last six months, nine Tibetan Buddhist monks and one nun—many of whom are between the ages of 17 and 20—have lit themselves on fire to protest the repression of Tibetans by the Chinese government. At least five are known to have died of their wounds. This made me wonder what triggered them to act in such a way. Under what conditions would cause one to commit to such acts of self-violence? Desperation perhaps? The words that erupted out of the many lives that were risked in fighting against the People’s Republic of China were simply “Long live the Dalai Lama,” asking him to return to Tibet and calling for religious freedom. Unfortunately, China has responded to these inci-

dents by refusing to hand over bodies to families for last rites, sentencing family members of the deceased to long prison terms, and issuing a decree stating, “Local leaders and family members will be held responsible in the event of monks saying prayers for the dead.” According to Human Rights Watch, Beijing is responding to Tibetan calls for basic rights and freedoms by ratcheting up “security measures designed to curtail the right to free expression, association and religious belief…” Recently smuggled video footage from American Free Press shows an under-siege Ngaba County (where most of the self-immolation acts took place). Large contingents of Chinese security personnel in full riot gear roam the streets, carrying automatic weapons and iron batons, laying bare China’s military occupation of Tibet. China is cracking down particularly viciously on religious freedom in Tibet. Monks are forced to renounce their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, attend intense ideological “education,” study communism and repeat Orwellian statements such as “I love the Communist Party” and “I recognize the Party’s great kindness.” When monks voiced their opposition, the Chinese authorities placed police stations inside some monasteries, cut off water and electricity supplies at others and detained monks en masse (over 300 monks from Kirti Monastery alone were taken away to an unknown location by military trucks). For me and maybe for others as well, these acts of resistance are an apparent sign of desperation for freedom. They brought up enough courage to sacrifice their lives, not just through slogan-shouting as they have done in the past, but through self-immolation to show the world their desire is still burning within and asking us for help. For us who have enough freedom in this country, this should be a wake-up call to help those without the luxury of living freely and happily. Visit to learn more and pledge your support. It is the least we can do as citizens of the world we all share.

PETA: Petty Efforts Totally Asinine SeaWorld faces a lawsuit with five orcas as plaintiffs and PETA as their lawyer JUSTIN SHANNON Daily Titan

I’m going to let you know I’m a pescatarian, and I’ve gone in and out of a vegetarian and carnivorous state for the past six or seven years. I first became a vegetarian because I toured for a living and my food choices mainly consisted of fast food. Being a broke musician left me with low-grade meat options and I wasn’t into it, so I would substitute beans for meat at Taco Bell or order the grilled cheese from Jack in the Box, which at the time was less than 70 cents. Then I stopped touring and moved in with my girlfriend—who is a vegetarian, works on a vegan food truck and loves to cook—so it was convenient and mostly delicious for me to eat the vegetarian and vegan meals she would prepare. I went on a rampage a few months ago when I was in Indiana and ate meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but that lasted for a short time period. I felt sick after a few weeks, whether it was psychological or not, who knows? So why did I tell you my lame, dietary life story? Because I want you to know that my stance on animal rights comes from someone who has delved into many food-consuming lifestyles. I’m not a “meat is murder” guy and I understand and respect every person’s decision on what they choose to eat. The animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) promotes a very strict lifestyle that is unrealistic for today’s society. In a recent legal case involving PETA and SeaWorld, the activist group took things to an extreme level, claiming the theme park’s orcas, who were taken from their natural habitat

Courtesy of MCT PETA believes animals deserve the same constitutional rights as humans, as they point out that the 13th Amendment doesn’t specify what species it applies to.

as babies, should have the same rights as humans. An article from stated, “In the first case of its kind, PETA, three marine-mammal experts and two former orca trainers are filing a lawsuit asking a federal court to declare that five, wild-caught orcas forced to perform at SeaWorld are being held as slaves in violation of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The filing—the first ever seeking to apply the 13th Amendment to nonhuman animals—names the five orcas as plaintiffs and also seeks their release to their natural habitats or seaside sanctuaries.”

My main problem isn’t the fact that PETA is trying to provide SeaWorld’s aquatic life with a better and natural lifestyle—it’s the fact that they are spending so much time and money on animals when there are millions of humans in much worse circumstances. According to the StopTheHunger. com population clocks, over 20,000 people died from hunger and over $33 million was spent on pet food in Europe and the United States combined—just yesterday. Animals are of a higher priority than humans in this sense, but it’s impossible to be truly cruelty-free. To be truly cruelty-free toward animals, one wouldn’t be able to take part in a majority of one’s daily routines. We’ve been accustomed to a carnivorous way of life for too long to change. An animal rights website,, describes the numerous, often unavoidable things containing animal products. “With the rendering process, every bit of farmed animals (and sometimes even our dog and cat companions) is used in an astonishing variety of items — lubricants, polish, soap, cement, ink, lipstick, pharmaceuticals, Jell-O, gummy candies, pet foods and agricultural feed, to name just a few. The rendering industry utilizes a ‘witch’s brew’ of animal parts: spinal cords, brains, eyeballs and intestines, turning whatever’s not wanted by the food and clothing industries into the components of a thousand useful products,” states the site. If PETA puts animals that provide us with nutrition and a comfortable way of living on the same pedestal as us, then so be it. But if they fight for an orca’s “natural-born right” to be set free instead of being provided with food and shelter in a theme park, they will also be held accountable for manslaughter should the orcas forget how to survive on their own in the wild.


November 7, 2011

Is your girl mad at you or is she PMSing?


5 charts your girlfriend’s menstrual cycle to educate men and help couples communicate, improving relationships JOEY BECERRA Daily Titan

Ladies: Imagine not having to deal with your boyfriend the next time he dismisses your premenstrual syndrome (PMS) as “madeup.” Men: Imagine being one step ahead of the game by being able to know which days to pamper your girl. Ladies, rejoice. Your exasperation of men misunderstanding your menstrual cycle is no more. Thanks to, a website offering education and humorous methods of communication between couples about the woes of a woman’s menstrual cycle, tensions between partners during that “special time of the month” will be erased with the help of this site. Suraj, a founder of the website, who didn’t want his last name released because of the controversial nature of the service, said the purpose of the website is to facilitate education and communication between couples about PMS in a humorous way. “Every strong relationship needs communication as a base,” said Suraj. was created as a result of monthly problems between two other founders of the website, Jon and Amy, who also didn’t want their last names released. Jon used the affectionate nickname “Crazy Bear” to describe Amy during certain times of the month. Suraj said the website came about because Amy would set up alerts on Jon’s calender to let him know when to watch out every month. The homepage of website features the “Crazy Bear” logo, a grotesquely angry-looking bear wearing red high heels and a pink T-shirt reading, “I’m not possessed, it’s PMS,” aside a helpless little man being mauled. The site also boasts tongue-incheek phrases to men like “know her flow” and “master her cycle” in order to protect them from the

“Crazy Bear.” The process of gaining immunity from emotional flares as a result of PMS is easy. Men only need to enter their email address, the date of their girlfriend’s last period and the length of their menstrual cycle. Once the information is en-

I think all guys need a little lesson in how to treat a woman when she’s not feeling great. Angelica Velasco Human Services Major

tered, the subscribers receive eight emails a month highlighting the days their woman will be a “Sexy Bear” or a “Crazy Bear,” as well as information about why women act the way they do on their period. Angelica Velasco, 23, a human services major at Cal State Fullerton, feels men are insensitive when it comes to how women feel when they are on their period. “I think all guys need a little lesson in how to treat a woman when she’s not feeling great,” she said. “Make me laugh or a little kind gesture out of nowhere will make my day.” Velasco has also had a problem with men in the past dismissing PMS as a myth. “PMS is a real thing. Guys think that it’s a myth but it’s true. Hormones really do get unbalanced and moods do get changed,” Velasco said. Her boyfriend Steven Angulo, 26, said he likes the idea behind the website. “I do think that guys need to make a more conscious effort to help them get through times,” said Angulo. Suraj stresses that the website makes an effort to be humorous as well as informative. From the vivid landing page to the slightly crass wording of the emails, the packaging of TheDailyCramp. com strives to make menstrual cycles less taboo.

Courtesy of Van Johnstone Traveling through the country, Van Johnstone and his group came across local children playing in a river. After stopping traffic, they began climbing onto the 4x4 asking for chocolate.

One CSUF student escapes on a surfing trip and enjoys the lush jungles and quaint countryside VAN JOHNSTONE Daily Titan

Nicaragua is described by surfers as the Wild West of Central America. Large and intimidating surf, banditos roaming the countryside and a fairly stable government make up what’s known as Nicaragua. As surfers, my father and I decided to take a trip to Nicaragua. Taking one step out of the air-conditioned airport, I could immediately tell I was in a very different country. The heat slapped me in the face like a wet towel as the sun beat down on me with relentless force. We dragged our large surfboard bags to the old rickety vans waiting to take us to the coastal town of Popoyo. The streets of Managua are crowded; people curiously stared at our van as we passed by with surfboards stacked on the roof. Signs that lined the street range from random political rants to friedchicken restaurant chains. Life in the city is hurried like any other western city. But debilitating poverty is rampant as beggars and thieves cover the streets, hands extended looking for any kind of hope. The countryside is much more quiet with large, grassy plains stretching across the horizon. Immense volcanoes covered in thick foliage menacingly pierce the sky with the craters remaining hidden behind wispy clouds. Small towns litter the countryside where locals go about their daily lives without the worries of a job, iPhones, computers or the general turmoil surrounding the world. Their houses consist of nothing more than a concrete slab and aluminum walls. Farmers on large horses casually gaze into the distance, carefree and oblivious to their surroundings. Children run through the plains and hide in trees as they scream and yell in hurried Spanish slang. As the road winds through the endless fields, the asphalt slowly disappears into dirt and eventually into a dried riverbed with cobblestones and pot-

holes that make up the path to the coast. As the coast approaches, the jungle creeps in and surrounds what’s left of the dusty road. Rays of sunlight gently pierce through the gaps in the large, deep green trees that hang overhead. Distant sounds of deep, frightening roars rip through the jungle. The bellows belong to the howler monkeys who hang in the trees 50 feet above. They are relatively small creatures but their roars suggest something different. Once the coast comes into view, the beach is vast, stretching hundreds of yards to the shoreline. The ocean is a deep-blue hue under large waves that pound the white, crushed-shell sand and the wind blows strong from the east, causing waves to unleash a massive spray at their crest. Pearly white sand dunes hide thousands of turtle

eggs waiting to hatch. The turtle eggs are valuable in the Nicaraguan trade market and therefore need protection. Jeeps from the Nicaraguan Army patrol the beaches constantly looking for poachers. In the coastal town of Popoyo, fishing is the main source of income for the locals. Master fishermen load up their nets and rods every day, bringing home dozens of lobsters, yellowtail fish and the occasional tiger shark. The night proves to be just as unusual and foreign as the day. In the darkness through the endless chatter and chirping of the insects, a distant boom from a looming thunderstorm shakes the ground. Nicaragua is a very interesting and different destination, full of natural beauty and a certain rawness. As far as vacation spots go, it’s a bit on the wild side.

VAN JOHNSTONE / Daily Titan Nicaragua is known for its incomparable surfing and beautiful beaches many travel miles to.

EWP: Students test to get into college and test to get out of college ...Continued from page 1 “Initially I thought the EWP would be easy and unnecessary for a graduate student,” Mawade said. “But the EWP really helps you in improving your English writing skills.” Others who have yet to take the exam find it redundant. “It’s interesting because you have to take two competence classes in writing already, so it would seem that you’re already proficient in writing,” said Jessie Frietze, a political science major and Associated Students Inc. chief governmental officer. Some students understand the reasoning be-

hind the test, but are wary of the $20 fee that English grammar,” Mawade said. “The drawgoes along with it. back is that you cannot take the EWP continu“It makes sense for them to see how far ously. If you fail three or more times, you have you’ve come,” said Karen to take an English language Hilva, a child and adolescent course apart from your regstudies major. “I don’t like ular courses.” It’s interesting that you have to pay for the EWP registration is availbecause you have tests though.” able online via the Student Despite the cost, students to take two competence Portal or in person at the find both benefits and disad- classes in writing already, so University Testing Center, vantages in the EWP. located in UH-229. The it would seem that you’re “The positive side of the deadline to register for the EWP is that it shows you how already proficient in writing. Feb. 25 test is Feb. 10 and much command you have on special accommodations are Jessie Frietze basic English writing, it tests available to students who Political Science Major your basic understanding in need them.

Courtesy of After submitting your email address and the date of your girlfriend’s period, you will receive emails notifying you when your girlfriend is a “Sexy Bear” or a “Crazy Bear.”



November 7, 2011

A new beginning for Dodgers fans Hope springs after it was announced Frank McCourt would sell team LUKE CHERNEY Daily Titan

DAVID HOOD / Daily Titan The players of Cal State Fullerton’s volleyball team (white) meet the Long Beach State players at the net during the match Saturday.

49ers strike gold DAVID HOOD Daily Titan

The Titan women’s volleyball match Saturday resulted in a disappointing 3-0 loss to the visiting 49ers of Cal State Long Beach. The match consisted of hard and soft blocks from the 49er defense that the Titans were unable to overcome. Ahead and in control of the tempo for the the majority of the match, the Titans lost the first set 18-25, almost won the second 2426, and embarrassingly lost the third 8-25. The 49ers, now 11-2 in the Big West Conference, 17-6 overall, clinched the conference title with at least a tie as their defense at the net seems impenetrable. Ranked fourth in the nation for blocking, the 49ers had a total of 11 team blocks for the match. In addition, they hit .296 for the night, in stark contrast to the Titans’ .063 percentage. The 49ers also have defeated CSUF in women’s volleyball for the 59th consecutive time since 1982. With the advantage at the net by the tenacious 49er defense, the Titans were unable to set up an effective offense. The Titans combined managed to get 28 kills, only three in the last set, whereas Long Beach landed 48. Virtually every hit in the first and third sets were slowed or shut down by middle blocker Alma Serna, who stuffed the ball eight times, and outside hitters Caitlin Ledoux, Bre Mackie and middle blocker Haleigh Hampton, who combined for another nine for the match. In the first set, the Titans held an early lead as they came out with energy and greeted a large and loud CSUF audience of 682 total in attendance. Their serve-receive game had early success as setter Andrea Ragan was enabled to rack up 10 assists, allowing the Titans to gain 12 kills. But the 49ers held their poise and put up their famous block, stopping the Titans with five team blocks for the set. The 49ers put the Titans away with 17

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total kills and allowed only 18 points. The second set seemed hopeful for the Titans as outside hitter Kayla Neto found a way around, over and sometimes through the huge block of CSULB. She had seven kills for the set, more than half of the Titans’ overall 13. It looked like the Titans were going to take the set late, but the 49ers’ resilience proved too much. A few controversial calls by the referees also seemed to contribute to the Titans’ loss. “A couple of missed calls that were generic … nothing was going our way,” said Titan Head Coach Carolyn Zimmerman when asked to comment on the set-two loss. With two service errors for the Titans and the 49ers down four points, the Titans had a chance to catch up. CSULB ended the set with a kill from the middle and the Titans, demoralized, switched sides for the third set in hopes of extending the match. Still down with the bruising 26-24 loss in the second set, the Titans seemed out of gas in the last and deciding set of the night. The 49ers pounded away at the ball, coming up with 16 kills against the Titans’ triple. At 23-8, the 49ers gained an ace, making a statement to the Titan onlookers that the night was finally over. “We’re still trying to win as many matches as possible. What our place is in conference isn’t totally under our control ... We’re not really caught up with all the losses we have, we’re just trying to add to the win column,” Zimmerman said. Despite the disappointing loss, former Big West Conference Player of the Year and Titan All-American Erin Saddler was honored with her No. 23 jersey hung from the Titan Gym rafters. As an outside hitter and middle blocker, she led the Titans in 2010 to their first Big West Conference title. Her jersey shares the skyline with other Titan greats like Brittany Moore and Bruce Bowen. The Titans finish their season with only four matches left, beginning with two against UC Davis and Pacific this week.

Their blue hats are unmistakable. Across the campus, Dodger fans are still supporting their team after an abysmal season both on the field and off. But after a season of feuding between the team’s owners, the McCourts, and the eventual liquidation of the franchise, fans are excited to start over. Alex Pantoja, a radio-TV-film major, said he hopes the change in ownership will lead to a new start for the team, and that this will change the team’s image, especially after the Brian Stow beating in March. “Maybe the Dodgers could have a new image, start over again, become a better team, have a better fan base and have more security,” said Pantoja. For the boys in blue, the sale could not come at a better time. In this last season, attendance to Dodger Stadium has been at an all-time low not seen since 1992. According to ESPN, the team is lowering the price of season tickets for the 2012 season to attract fans back to the park. Nathan Nguyen, a business management major sporting his Dodger blue cap, said he went to one game last season, but will be happy to return when the new owner is willing to spend some money on the bench. Nguyen said when the team was “not

doing well, it’s no fun watching the game.” Another die-hard Dodger fan, Naim Bayaa, said the sale was great news. After going to a single game this season, Bayaa said he chose to join the boycott movement, ending his support of the McCourts’ control of the team.

Oh yeah, definitely, I really can’t wait. This is probably one of the greatest things I’ve heard in sports all year. Naim Bayaa CSUF student

“I was part of the boycott, after I spent $50 on a round of beers for me and three people. With the way the team was going, I didn’t feel the need to go back.” When asked if he would return, Bayaa said he was excited for the new season. “Oh yeah, definitely, I really can’t wait. This is probably one of the greatest things I’ve heard in sports all year,” he said. According to the Los Angeles Times, the team is searching for a

new owner, possibly former owner Peter O’Malley. Bayaa said if O’Malley bought the team it would be great. “They definitely know what it takes to run the team, and they’ll definitely do a service to the people,” he said. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa wrote a letter to MLB commissioner Bud Selig asking for the next owner to be a Los Angeles native. Nguyen agreed that outside owners would be bad for the team. “Baseball is American, you don’t want a foreigner to buy the team.” Villaraigosa wrote, “Dodger fans and all Angelenos deserve an owner who loves and believes in this city, who understands that the Dodgers and their historic baseball stadium are not just a team; they are a collective community asset,” he wrote. “I understand that Major League Baseball is a business first and the outcome of any auction and final decisions must be fiscally successful for all. However, I urge you to weigh heavily the merits of local ownership.” “When the Dodgers are playing well it’s better for not only the city, but for the whole league, for the whole sport of baseball,” Bayaa said. “There’s a lot of history with the Dodgers; you can’t just throw that away. When Dodgers are doing good, baseball is doing good.”

Courtesy of MCT Dodger Stadium became a ghostland last season as attendance dropped from nearly 44,000 per game to just over 36,000. Many fans stayed away due to McCourt’s ineptitude and use of the team as his own ATM. It was announced the team would be sold last week.


November 7,2011

Crossword Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE JULY 25, 2011

Edited by Rich Norrisbrought and Joyce Lewis to you by


ACROSS 1 Burn badly 6 The lightning bolt on Harry Potter’s forehead, e.g. 10 Squirrel away 14 “__ World”: ticklish Muppet’s “Sesame Street” segment 15 Woody Guthrie’s son 16 Candy that comes in twos 17 Winter Olympics event with gates 20 Invoice fig. 21 Place for inks or oinks 22 Subtle vibes 23 One stalking lions or tigers 28 It.’s continent 29 Raw rocks 30 “Octopus’s Garden” singer Ringo 33 Talk show guest’s blatant promotion 35 Swelled head 38 T-bone with a warm, red center 42 Colorful card game 43 Lends a hand to 44 Lecture rooms 45 Abel’s assassin 47 Jazzy horn 48 Lass awed by the big city, maybe 54 Bright 55 Sis’s sib 56 IM offerer 58 He “runs through the town ... in his nightgown” 63 Thomas __ Edison 64 Tater __: Ore-Ida product 65 Big tractor name 66 Movie house suffix 67 Allergy trigger, often 68 Passover dinner

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4 Chaney of horror 5 “Spring ahead” hrs. 6 Witch trials town 7 Whooping bird 8 Entirely 9 Kanga’s kid 10 Vain walks 11 In the loop 12 Anglican parish priest 13 Flames that have cooled? 18 Box for practice 19 Horse’s hair 24 Spice Girl Halliwell 25 Ashram authority 26 Store posting 27 Craving 30 Sch. in Big D 31 Commandment count 32 Hubbub 33 Painting reproduction 34 Schoolboy 35 Slippery fish 36 “For Me and My __” 37 Gives the nod 39 Postal sackful 40 Layered haircut 41 Crosstown bus alternative

DOWN 1 Nintendo competitor 2 Start up the mountain 3 Italian violin maker

Saturday’s Puzzle Solved

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45 Auto finish protection 46 Height: Pref. 47 Chilly powder? 48 What the nose knows 49 “Circle of Friends” writer Binchy 50 Newspaper bye lines? 51 Seize (from) 52 Gathered, as fallen leaves


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1 2 7 9 4 6

9 8 4 6 1 2

6 5 3 1 8 9

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Your finances are on the upswing. If you play the game and choose your next moves well, you could also move ahead in love through open and clear communication.

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5 5 4

3 9

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9 7 6 5

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8 6

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) A new collaboration with a family member is possible, even if it requires some time to work things out. Set up a long-term plan. Words come easily now. Write a love letter.

Daily Sudoku: Tue 1-Nov-2011

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.


5 4 3 5 2 7 8

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Love is in the air (and not only in a romantic way). Bring passion and creativity to your work, and to your play. What you have to say is important.

8 6

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Let go of a presupposition, and abandon yourself to romance. What if you had no idea how it was going to be? Embrace the mystery. Discover harmony.



3 7 6 8 2 4

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) It’s a good time to ask for money. How’s that marketing campaign going? Express the value. Get very clear about it. Do it all for love.


8 2 4 8

8 1 9 4 5 3

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You may not like to admit it, but you are probably avoiding responsibility somewhere. Check what your true commitments are. Prioritize those. Reschedule the rest.



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Listen to your core values. There could be a big change at home. The money will come for what you need. Let your community know, and put it in action.


7 1 5 3 1 7 5 9 5

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Send support to someone on the front lines today. Even simple words of encouragement go a long way. Whatever the battle, let them know you’re on their side.

6 8

5 6 2 7 3 1

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Stop putting it off, and get what you need for your home! You’ve been making do, and it’s time to break down and get it. Direct action is called for.


7 4 8 3 9 5

3 8

2 9 1 5 6 7

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Be careful what you wish for. Others want to do what you ask. Now’s a good time to consult with your partner. Someone’s sharing kindness. Spread it around.

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4 2 8 6 9 1 5 3 7

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Don’t hold back. You have no trouble getting the message across. Express your deepest feelings. Leave your money in the bank. You won’t need it anyway.


Daily Sudoku: Tue 1-Nov-2011

. Aries (March 21-April 19) There’s passion in the air today. It could be an artistic awakening, calling you to create. Or it might be a more personal connection. Words come easily. Indulge.


By Marti DuGuay-Carpenter


53 Orléans’s river 54 Exchange 57 Ogle 59 India Inc.? 60 Gehrig who played with Ruth 61 Credit card users may be asked for them, briefly 62 Society page word


November 7, 2011


Senior Night spoiled RICK GOMEZ Daily Titan

There was nothing much to play for. No matter the result, the Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team was going to end up last in the Big West conference with no chance to advance to the postseason. There was more to the last game of the season than just a win or loss for the Titans. The night was focused on the players that would suit up for the Titans one last time. Titan seniors were honored before the game in the 2-1 loss Saturday against Cal State Northridge on Senior Night. Goalkeeper Trevor Whiddon and midfielder Kevin Venegas were among the eight seniors honored before the game. The other six were midfielders Oscar Medina, Oscar Aguero, Nate Fischer, Michael Denny, forward Nick Posthuma and defender Lucas Clardy. “They got a special place in my heart,” said Titan Head Coach Bob Ammann. Ammann added that it was the first group since being head coach that he recruited. He also noted the impact and impression they left for future returners. “I think all in all, they left an impact and something for the returners to emulate,” he said. Despite missing the Big West tournament this season, the Titans finished with a .500 record. Last year, they made a surprising run into the tournament, upsetting UC Irvine and losing to UC Santa Barbara in a close 2-1 match. “I think it’s an example of where this program is

Junior forward Jesse Escalante (left) plays the ball off his head during the match Saturday against Cal State Northridge.

headed. They’ll (returners) learn not to slow down after a quick six wins and keep it going into conference play,” said Venegas. Ammann compared the success the team had at the start of the season to the unfavorable finish at the end of the season. “One thing we had in non-conference play that we never had in conference was continuity. We never had the same lineup or two or more wins. It definitely affects fluidity,” he said. The Titans underwent a series of games without key starters due to cards assessed and also injuries suffered throughout the season. Once the ceremony was completed, the Titans revisited past issues with two defensive mishaps that resulted in goals for CSUN. The Titans allowed a quick goal in the 40th minute when CSUN was able to execute a quick counter-attack that left a one-on-one opportunity between the Titans’ defender Fermin Villalba and the Matadores’ Brian Behrad. Behrad gained control and was able dribble past Villalba and drill it past Whiddon. The second goal came at the expense of a misplayed ball by Whiddon. CSUN’s Alberto Rosas dribbled in the box and drove a low shot that looked like a routine save for Whiddon. Instead it was bobbled and Christian Gonzalez Diaz tapped it in on the rebound. Clardy pulled CSUF to one after scoring his only career goal off Venegas’ assist from the left side. The goal came with 55 seconds left in regulation to avoid a shutout for CSUF. Clardy talked about his two-year career at CSUF after transferring from UC Irvine. “It was enjoyable. I made friendships that will last a long time,” said Clardy. The Titans entered the game without three regular starters in lineup due to cards assessed. Mark Vasquez, Bobby Reiss and Aguero all missed after a chippy game before at UC Davis. CSUF entered the game out of postseason contention after managing only one win in conference play, despite winning six in the first eight games.

ROBERT HUSKEY / For the Daily Titan Fullerton’s seven seniors were honored before the game Saturday. The match represented the last of their collegiate careers.

TITANS: Win exhibition against Cal State Los Angeles

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Junior guard Kwame Vaughn (number 5) sizes up a defender during the exhibition against Cal State Los Angeles at Titan Gym Friday. Vaughn, playing in his first game for the Titans after transfering from the University of San Francisco, led the team with 18 points.

...Continued from page 1 Vaughn’s reverse layup with 1:27 left in the first half gave CSUF its first lead at 24-22. CSUF led after the first half 26-24. CSULA would stick around at the start of the second half with the score at 36-34. CSUF went on a 14-1 run with back-to-back threes by Umipig and senior guard Orlando Brown to put the game to bed. CSUF led with at most 19 points and would see out the win with the final score 71-56. “We were getting great shots today. We could have moved the ball a little more I thought. We have to keep shooting. The second half we had a lot of transition buckets. The defense started to break down a little bit, fatigue hit them and that

helped,” Vaughn said on the win. The Titans found their scoring touch in the second half, shooting a very high 56 percent and bumping their game average to 40 percent. CSULA’s 29 of its 56 points came from free throws. It’s a problem Burton would like to work on. “At times (our defense) was really good but the thing is the fouls and if you’re fouling you’re not playing good defense. If we can get that foul thing cleaned up we can be pretty good defensively,” he said. The big surprise of the evening was junior John Underwood’s appearance in the game. On the same day, the 6’9” center won his appeal against the NCAA to be eligible for this season. He finished the game with seven points and four rebounds. Because of injuries, CSUF started a small lineup, with last year’s start-

...if you’re fouling you’re not playing good defense. If we can get that foul thing cleaned up we can be pretty good defensively. Bob Burton CSUF Head Coach

ing point guard Perry Webster starting at forward. He finished the night with a game-high eight assists. The two players out for CSUF are UC Berkeley transfers Omondi Amoke and D.J. Seeley. The two are questionable for the next game. The Titans’ season opener is against the University of Redlands Friday at 7 p.m. in Titan Gym.

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