The Daily Titan - December 8, 2011

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Vol. 90 Issue 53

December 8, 2011

CSUF Parking Woes effect Fullerton Residents

Spark of love Looking for something to do during the holiday break? Why not give back to the community. There are several volunteer opportunities within Orange County. The OC Toy Collaborative is one.

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Renovating ROSS WATTERS Daily Titan

Heritage and culture–these are values the people on Fourth Street in Santa Ana pride themselves on. From restaurants, to shops, to art centers, to open marketplaces where different fruits and vegetables are sold, it is embedded with authentic Latino culture. However, many are looking to renovate this area and bring in new stores to pick up struggling businesses and “clean up the area.” Fourth Street in Santa Ana has been the hub of Latino business and culture for decades. Here most business signs are in Spanish. They sell authentic clothing, food and art that represent Latino culture. But with pressure from the economy to bring the imminent threat of “gentrification,” many long time Latino businesses are being forced out. See GENT, page 2


Canchola is driven to succeed Holidays welcome back NBA season


Don’t smile. She laughs and questions, “How can anyone take a picture without smiling?” Her desk is covered with photos of family and friends. Post-It notes expressing love, kindness and humor from loved ones and professionals stick above her desk. Titan pride stickers and fliers, pinned, are included in her collage. She wears a white top with ruffles running vertically down the front center, tucked into a gray pencil skirt, topped off with a light purple cardigan accenting the combination. Her shoulder-length, dark-brown hair, pulled back, accentuates her eyes, attracting eye contact from passers-by. With a vanilla latte in her hand, you think she’s a typical student walking pass you on her way to class and, like most students, you think she doesn’t know what Associated Students Inc. is all about. But Ya-Ya, a nickname derived from the difficulty of pronouncing her name by little brother Kevin Canchola, is better known as Aissa Canchola, 22, chair of ASI Board of Directors. With a double major in political science and American studies and a minor in sociology, Canchola’s fifth year at Cal State Fullerton encompasses an internship at the Office of Government Relations, five classes and ASI meetings. As if these responsibilities weren’t enough, her position requires her to be so involved that she is also the chair of California State Student Association and the ASI representative


economics and labor law to a much larger degree than your average Cal State Fullerton student. Why talk about BRI and the luxury tax when we can talk about Kobe Bryant and Blake Griffin? Southern California will always be Laker territory, but the Clippers, led by Griffin, their 22-yearold star, are making a run not only at relevance, but prominence as well. Rumors have them making a push for New Orleans point guard Chris Paul.

Daily Titan

Thank goodness that’s over. When the NBA and its players skipped their Black Friday shopping to hammer out a new Collective Bargaining Agreement, they shared many of the same sentiments as the bustling shoppers outside New York City who passed by the law firm where it all went down. Get ready for Christmas. I’m not going to bore you with the details of the agreement, which have been picked apart and analyzed by those who understand

See NBA, page 8

Students share their plans for winter break

MARK SAMALA / Daily Titan Aissa Canchola balances her heavy involvement in ASI, an internship, five classes and her position as chair of California State Student Association. When she graduates, she wants to start a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C.

of the College of Social Science and Humanities, not to mention a senator on the Academic Senate. “She always has determination and drive, always asked why and how can we do things better,” said Jaqueline Valencia, 22, her best friend. Driven. This is Canchola. “Her personality and drive make ASI run at a different level and that makes everyone else want to push yourself,” said Matt Badal, 20, ASI

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vice president of finance. But Canchola needed to build a backbone. She had fears of being walked over in the politics of the real world. “I’m most afraid of getting in there and being torn to shreds,” Canchola said. “And even experiencing politics on a small level on campus, you need to have a backbone. “I used to sit in the corner and cry, and that’s something you can’t do,”

she added. Canchola was handed down the “drive” from the fact that she is the first to attend college in her family, her curiosity, her roots, her mother and most respectfully, her father. When her father died, Canchola became self-aware from soul searching and inner exploration. See AISSA, page 4



The Daily Titan went out to the campus to see what some of the CSUF students will be doing once finals are over winter break is here.

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December 8, 2011

Anti-theft techniques get high-tech Bicycles with GPS tracking devices will be placed around campus next semester by University Police in order to catch bicycle thieves in the act, track the movements of stolen bikes and prevent future thefts LUKE CHERNEY Daily Titan

The University Police are stepping up to prevent bike thefts at Cal State Fullerton. They hope to implement a baitbike program in the spring to deter thieves stealing from students. The program will employ a GPS unit-equipped bike as a sting bike. CSUF campus police officer Lt. John Brockie said the GPS system is the best the police have. “It is estimated that over 1.5 million bicycles are stolen every year,” according to the national bike registry. “Nowhere is bicycle theft a bigger problem than on college campuses; over half of the property crime in the University of California involves the theft of bicycles.” For many students, bikes are their primary means of transportation. “We understand that to students, that’s their primary mode of transportation,” said Brockie. “It’s a pretty serious crime, even if it’s a $100 bike, which is a misdemeanor, it’s still $100.” Officials from University Police have been working on this program, according a Daily Titan article March 8. The program has taken as long as it has due to budget shortfalls. “That was a funding thing; we have all the equipment now. Hopefully it will be out and operational by spring semester,” Brockie said. Brockie also said the department has been working hard in conjunction with the District Attorney so charges will stick and they would not run the risk of entrapment. “We don’t want to overly entice an honest person to where they make a bad decision,” he said. Brockie said it was important to campus police because this affects students directly.

“At a minimum, their mode of transportation is going to be changed until they get a replacement, which costs money,” Brockie said. “So that’s why we’ve made it a priority.” Some students said it was good the police were increasing efforts to prevent bike thefts, but added it was important bike riders take personal responsibility for locking up their bikes. “Some people pay a lot of money for those bikes,” said Kira Salter, a radio-TV-film major. “I have a lot of friends that have had their bikes stolen; sometimes it’s their fault for not locking it up properly. I had a friend that paid $1,000 for his bike, fixing it up, and it just got stolen because he didn’t lock it up correctly.” Mike Newton said the key to keeping your bike was personal security. “I carry a fat chain with me; I’ve already had two or three bikes stolen,” said Newton, a first-year history and religious studies double major. “The biggest chain you can find, that’s usually the way to go. Carry it around with you everywhere you go,” he said as he lugged a 10-to-15 pound chain out of his bag. Salter, in the middle of locking up her Peugeot, said U-locks were also a good suggestion. “I use this U-lock a lot, and since my wheel is a quick release, I always take that,” Salter said. “It’s so easy to steal; I just lock it up with my back wheel.” Student bicyclists liked the sound of the program, saying they hoped it would keep their bikes safe. Newton said, “I think if anything it’ll deter other people from taking it, as long as it’s a sound system, as long as they continue to manage it. Once you have a few people getting caught by it, I’m sure that will deter other people from doing it.”

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GENT: Residents split over future changes in Santa Ana ...Continued from page 1 Gentrification occurs when large companies and franchises buy and renovate houses and stores in an urban neighborhood, raising property values but often displacing low-income families and small independent businesses. This is exactly what the Santa Ana City Council is pushing for and what small Latino businesses are afraid will end their businesses and their strong Latino heritage on Fourth Street. Fiesta Marketplace is a staple on Fourth Street. It is the largest Hispanic marketplace in Orange County. It has since been relabeled “East End” to appeal to trendier consumers and to attract those from outside Santa Ana’s realms.

We just want to make our community nicer and more appealing. Maybe more lights, restrooms and facilities that we don’t have now. Fernando Garcia Santa Ana Resident

LUKE CHERNEY / Daily Titan Many thieves are easily able to steal bikes due to students improperly securing their bikes to the racks around campus. Some students use U-locks and even large chains to ensure their bikes are not stolen while they are in class.

In an article from The New York Times, Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante said, “I don’t want to go someplace else to buy my suits. There should be options for everybody here. The city is not changing ethnically, it’s changing socioeconomically.” Many feel it is third and fourth-generation Latinos who don’t have as much respect for the history and culture of Fourth Street and believe they are the ones pushing for redevelopment and to make Fourth Street upscale. But Fernando Garcia, 28, a longtime resident of Santa Ana, states it isn’t true. “We just want to make our community nicer and more appealing. Maybe more lights, restrooms and facilities that we don’t have now. Having a different choice in local stores would be nice too,” said Garcia. A lot of older residents who have worked on Fourth Street in the past currently feel the heritage of the area is being pushed aside for profit. Gilbert Rodriguez, 31, is one of those residents who feels this way. “They make all the decisions and don’t let us have enough input. This is our home,” said Rodriguez. Some of those who want to pursue opening up a new shop and bring new clientele to Fourth Street believe they will be helping the area by bringing in revenue and being more global and trendy. “We just want to help make the area better,” said Rex Taylor, a local business owner and land developer. “We are just trying to make Santa Ana the center of Orange County.” This battle is going to continue and will be tumultuous. No matter the outcome, local residents continue to claim Latinos and their culture will be pushed to the side.

December 8, 2011


Working for Irvine’s students Rob Flores has been coordinator of Student Affairs at Cal State Fullerton’s Irvine Campus for nine years

Campus. As humble as Flores is, he admitted he is dedicated and passionate about the Irvine Campus and about having an arm in every aspect of what is going on. “I am in a position to be an advocate for the students at the Irvine Campus. That is something I take very seriously. This is how I get the chance to express the concerns of our students,” Flores said. Flores earned his B.A. from San Diego State in sociology and then left California in the dust, looking for an adventure and some new scenery. Flores found this escape in the green grass of North Carolina.

Seattle to pursue his master’s degree at Seattle University. “I wanted to explore new things and what was out there. I loved Seattle because I love outdoor activities and Seattle is the perfect place to be in the outdoors,” Flores said. ROSS WATTERS Before coming to CSUF, Flores worked Daily Titan for an insurance agency. However, he knew Shy, introverted and quiet. These are all his heart belonged in the academic atmoadjectives Rob Flores would use to describe sphere. Flores always wanted to work on a himself during his teen years–three words college campus. The university atmosphere he said are a world away from what he is was truly where Flores felt the most comtoday. Funny, outgoing, even–keeled, adfortable. And the opportunity to work at venturous and helpful are accurate ways to CSUF was too good to pass up. truly describe Rob Flores. “I have been with the university and at “I was somewhat of an introvert as the Irvine Campus for over nine a kid. I was shy, a lot different from years now. I am proud to see what it I definitely feel that I am the champion what I am today. I sort of made up has grown into. I want to continue for the Irvine Campus. I am passionate to making the campus better and my mind that I wanted to continue to challenge myself and explore new about this campus and making sure that it more involved,” Flores said. continues to grow and evolve. things,” said Flores. Jill Brower, the financial aid Flores is the coordinator of Stucounselor of the Irvine Campus, Rob Flores dent Affairs at the Cal State Fulworks with Flores each and every Coordinator of Student Affairs–Irvine Campus lerton Irvine Campus, a title he day. Brower expressed her admirahas held for nine years. Flores is involved “I moved to North Carolina to work on tion for Flores. in every aspect of the campus, from student campus as a residence hall director. I worked “Rob Flores is truly a valuable asset and activities and community events to the stu- and lived on campus. North Carolina was resource to the Irvine Campus. He wears dent government. If you need something or beautiful, but it wasn’t for me,” Flores said. many caps, as he is responsible for ASI, want to find out anything about the camFlores had the strength and curiosity to DSS, campus events, and serves as the Stupus, Flores is your man. pursue new things and the ability just to go dent Affairs liaison at the Fullerton CamFlores also acts as the liaison between somewhere without worry or regrets. The pus. He is our go-to person for all kinds the Irvine Campus and the main campus. ability to pack up and go is something most of reasons, and to his credit he manages to This role allows Flores to communicate the people cannot do. consistently juggle all of these duties with needs and ideas of students from the Irvine So Flores packed up again and moved to professionalism and grace,” said Brower.

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Lea Jarnagin, Ed.D., dean of students at CSUF, expressed the value of Flores and how much he does for the Irvine Campus. “Rob is a student-centered professional dedicated to enhancing student life at the Irvine Campus. It has been my pleasure to work with him,” said Jarnagin. Flores feels his mark is all over the Irvine Campus and hopes to continue to work at the campus for a long time. “I definitely feel that I am the champion for the Irvine Campus. I am passionate about this campus and making sure that it continues to grow and evolve. I am lucky


enough to work with a great group of people each and every day,” Flores said. When not on campus, Flores enjoys being in the outdoors, especially hiking and being surrounded by family and friends when he can break away from work. “I have a core group of friends that I try and have dinner with every week. There are many acquaintances made in life but it is rare to truly find a friend who knows you. I think it is important to take a break every so often. We really need it. I like finding somewhere outdoors that is peaceful and tranquil,” Flores said.

ROSS WATTERS / Daily Titan Flores is also the liasion between the Irvine Campus and the main campus. From this position, he is able to communicate the needs of students from the Irvine Campus.

Greek excellence pursued Chapters required to meet expectations to remain in good standing with the university JESSICA ESCORSIA Daily Titan

Members of the Cal State Fullerton Inter-Fraternity Council and Panhellenic Councils dressed to impress Tuesday night for the annual five-star Pursuit of Excellence Awards ceremony in the Titan Student Union Pavilion. The event recognizes Greek organizations for a year of services to each organization as well as to individual members. Chapters from IFC and the Panhellenic Council work all year long on packets for the Pursuit of Excellence program, which aims to highlight different events each chapter holds on campus and in the community. “This is the time that they need to brag about all the work that their doing,” said Maricela Alvarado, CSUF Greek life coordinator. “A program like this tells people the work that they’re doing. All the chapters work very hard all year to put this together.” The ceremony, which began promptly at 8 p.m., began with

award which corresponds to the level they scored under depending on what expectations a committee judging the organizations feels they have met. The categories are broken down as: three-star award representing average, four-star award represents meeting expectations and the five-star award represents exceeding expectations. Several other awards were presented, giving recognition to chapters for their community service, service in education, alumni

celled in the areas of university and Greek relations. This award was given to the Sigma Nu fraternity. both council presidents, LauTara Hussey, president of Sigma ren Thornlow and Rohullah Latif, presenting Alvarado with the Kappa sorority, was presented the Greek Adviser of the Year award. Greek Woman of the Year award Tuesday night. Hussey has worked Several individual awards to the hard all year with her organization officers of the council’s Executive and donated countless hours of Board followed. community service to give Greek Each chapter works on a large chapters the recognition they depacket throughout the year which serve. they are later scored on: the events “It’s been my goal as president to they hold, how each event meets break the stigma. It’s the mission and goals of the respective organot about partying, it’s about growing as a nizations, the learning person,” said Hussey. experiences that took It’s been my goal as president “We have several valplace at the event and ues we hold and it’s proof the event oc- to break the stigma. It’s not about partying, it’s about growing as a about making sure curred. your women grow up Thornlow said this person. to satisfy those values program helps chapTara Hussey and becoming better ters achieve the miniPresident of Sigma Kappa people at the end of mum standards they their journey.” have to meet as well as Alvarado said there are over providing the best possible experi- programs and awards to individuence for the individual members. als for academic excellence. 1,000 combined members in the All chapters are required to meet The biggest award of the night, organizations who donate over certain expectations in order to re- the Dean’s Cup, is given to the $100,000 each year. main in good standing with the organization which has reached “These awards are not a compeuniversity. Each chapter is then the highest level of achievement tition. It’s more of an evaluation of presented with an engraved star throughout the year and has ex- their own chapters,” Alvarado said.

AISSA: Along with all of her success, Canchola stays connected to her roots ...Continued from page 1 “The experience made me grow up over night,” Canchola said. “After my dad passed away, I turned everything around. I want to push myself.”

You get an education not to get rich and a super cool job, but to give back. Aissa Canchola ASI Board Chair

If someone told her in grade school she would be in Washington, D.C. during her fifth year of college, she would reply, “Yeah, right.” “His passing pushed me and

knowing he is with me all the time is heart warming. I’m not afraid to fail at things anymore,” Canchola said. Canchola stays close to her Mexican roots. “We both have that connection with our roots. That’s what brings us together,” Valencia said. Her ultimate dream is to start her own nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. and she hopes to give back to the Latino community, especially young women. “Latinos are one of the most fastest growing population in the U.S. and have 2 percent activity in the political system, and women are even smaller,” Canchola said. “You get an education not to get rich and a super cool job, but to give back. It’s a way for our ‘gente’ (people) to get better.” Canchola said her biggest accomplishment is her little brother making it through high school and getting into college.

MARK SAMALA / Daily Titan Aissa Canchola notes the importance of having a strong backbone in the political world.


December 8, 2011


Market meat misleads


Anaheim market falsely advertises generic meat as Halal, local Muslims outraged

Fullerton Council Elects New Mayor


Fullerton’s City Council chose a new mayor Tuesday, reported the Orange County Register. The council voted 5-0 and elected Councilwoman Sharon Quirk-Silva as its new leader. Quirk-Silva will be serving her second term as mayor, replacing F. Richard Jones, who will remain in the City Council. The new mayor election comes amidst the controversy surrounding the Kelly Thomas case. She will lead the community as the court case moves forward. “I ask that as we look toward the new year ... I’d ask us to really work toward recovery,” said Quirk-Silva. Councilman Pat McKinley was elected mayor pro tem, meaning he will handle the mayor’s affairs when Quirk-Silva is unable to do so. He was chosen on a 3-2 vote, receiving a :no” vote from Quirk-Silva and Councilman Bruce Whitaker. Both the new mayor and Whitaker have criticized the way in which the Thomas case was handled by olice Chief Michael Sellers. Three council members are under scrutiny, including Jones, McKinley and Don Bankhead, and are being accused by some of protecting the police officers involved in the Thomas case. The three council members’ support for the Fullerton Police Officers’ Association and the lack of critique in the handling of the case have led to these accusations.

Daily Titan

The Anaheim Super King Market agreed to pay a $527,000 civil settlement in Orange County Superior Court after Orange County Health Department officials found last week the store was falsely advertising and selling Halal meat. Halal is meat that is prepared in a manner that is in accordance with Islamic law and makes it permissible to eat by those who practice Islam. Super King Market, which is located at 10500 Magnolia Ave., is known for its variety of international and vegetarian foods. According to the Orange County Register, it’s on the outskirts of a large MuslimAmerican district. Mehriya Sidiqi, president of the Muslim Student Association and a 22-year-old health science major, spoke on behalf of the association in expressing her disappointment with the market. “It is quite upsetting to know that honest people were being fooled, but it’s a definite eye-opener because as Muslims, we should constantly be asking questions and ensuring that the practices we exercise on a daily basis are in fact legitimate,” said Sidiqi. According to Sidiqi, Muslims eat Halal meat to show respect to the animals. “The ‘Halal’ label that Super King displayed ensured Muslims that the meat they were consuming was from animals that were treated with respect, and that there was a prayer given to the animal at the time of its slaughter,” she said. The Orange County Health Department began investigations in spring 2010 when an anonymous caller expressed suspicions the market was advertising meat that wasn’t really Halal. Mike Haller, OC Health Department program manager for the Food Protection Program, said his staff of

food inspectors, who are responsible for routine inspections of retail food facilities, discovered there was mislabeling of the Halal meat. “Super King was gaining an unfair business advantage over other retailers that sell Halal because Halal is more expensive than generic meats,” said Haller. After finding the market was mixing the generic meat with the Halal in the display case, the Orange County District Attorney was contacted to investigate the false advertising and sale of the meat. The DA’s Consumer Protection Unit led the investigation and prosecution of the market. The unit investigates unfair or deceptive business practices and files legal action on behalf of Orange County. The market did not admit fault, but agreed to pay the agreed upon sum of $527,000 and abide by the injunctive terms of being truthful in its advertising and selling. Super King must make sure meat invoices and packaging read Halal meat and must segregate Halal meat from the generic. “Super King agreed and implemented immediate changes. They were very cooperative in that regard,” said Deputy DA Michelle Cipolletti. The OC Health Department will continue to monitor Super King’s compliance of the injunction. According to Cipolletti, the $527,000 covers the cost of the investigation and prosecution, as well as a punitive cost to deter Super King and other companies from engaging in similar practices. The punitive portion of the amount will go into the Prop 64 account, which the DA will use only for future fraud investigation and prosecution purposes. Local Muslims who read the Orange County Register’s coverage of the lawsuit were outraged and are considering legal action against Super King.

Courtesy of MCT Adderall is an amphetamine that became available in 1996. It is usually prescribed to increase mental focus.

Pills instead of sleep Some students turn to prescription drugs to help focus on finals CLARK PAGADUAN Daily Titan

With finals just around the corner, anything to gain a study edge might seem enticing. According to recent research done by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUSH), “full-time college students age 18 to 22 were twice as likely as their counterparts who were not full-time college students to have used Adderall non-medically in the past year.” Adderall is an amphetamine that became available in 1996 and is prescribed to increase mental focus in people with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Symptoms of ADHD include difficulty focusing, controlling actions, and remaining more still or quiet than other people who are the same age. The drug helps improve the ability to pay attention to the task at hand. Ritalin is another stimulant prescribed to people with attention disorders that is gaining popularity among college students. Several studies show a growing number of college students are turning to stimulant drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin without a prescription to aid them in school. They are using these drugs to boost their mental focus and help them achieve higher grades. “College students who abuse Adderall or other stimulants without a prescription generally use it because of the ability to stay awake,” said Mary Becerra, director of Health Education and Promotion at Cal State Fullerton. “Because it is a stimulant, students who abuse it get by with little or no sleep.” Though Adderall is normally obtained through prescription by a licensed physician or doctor, most students are obtaining it illegally.

“People mainly obtain it through other people who have actual prescriptions for it,” said Chris Chaska, 20, an advertising major. “It’s just as easy to get as anything else you can get to help you stay awake.” Several CSUF students said taking Adderall is more commonplace around campus during finals time, allnighters or heavy cramming sessions. Chaska also said he knows people who have used the drug to help them study. “They’ve told me it keeps them up, it gets them focused so they’re not doing other stuff like Facebook,” Chaska said. “It helps keep them on track.” Charles Rodriguez, 21, a biochemistry major, also knows others who have used the drug. “They say it keeps them focused and they get all their work done,” said Rodriguez. “They also said that they do better on their tests.” Rodriguez feels there are a good number of CSUF students who take Adderall. “I would say that a lot of people probably do take it here. Not everyone, but there’s probably a good amount that does take it,” Rodriguez said. According to Becerra, taking Adderall can lead to different side effects. “Nervousness, restlessness, headache, change in sex drive or ability and loss of appetite,” Becerra said. Becerra also said more serious side effects include fast or pounding heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness and seizures. “Buying and selling Adderall or any other prescription medication without a pharmacy license is illegal,” Becerra said. More people die from abusing over-the-counter and prescription medications like Adderall than from heroin, cocaine and ecstasy combined.

Courtesy of MCT Adderall is used by many college students in order to stay awake and focus on their studies during midterms and finals. -However, the prescription drug can have dangerous side effects.

Brief by Yvette Quintero

Porn Websites Can Get New Domain Contrary to popular belief that “the Internet is for porn,” only 4 percent of the Web is dedicated to doing the nasty, according to Forbes. A new safety measure against adult content has been taken in the digital world. More than 100,000 websites with the .xxx domain hit the web Tuesday morning. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) approved the suffix as a “top-level domain” last year. The goal, according to ICANN, is to safely organize pornographic content. ICANN also said the new suffix will give surfers a heads-up on what kind of site they are visiting, much like .edu, .gov or .org. Each .xxx site will be scanned daily with McAfee protection tools. This makes sure those who are searching for porn are not clicking on viruses or other harmful malware, which is often masked with the promise of adult content, according to CNN. According to the ICM Registry website, which is responsible for assigning the new domain names, “Customer confidence will be very high resulting in more traffic, greater repeat traffic and, perhaps most importantly, greater conversion into paying customers.” The hunt for X-rated content will no longer be integrated with deadly viruses. Brief by Jaryd Lucero

Rod Blagojevich to Go to Prison Rod Blagojevich, the former Illinois governor who so famously referred to the open Senate seat left behind when Barack Obama went to the White House, was sentenced to 14 years in prison Wednesday for 18 corruption convictions, according to CNN. Among those counts of corruption include trying to sell or trade the vacant Senate seat. “I’m not blaming anyone. I was the governor and I should have known better. I am just so incredibly sorry,” said Blagojevich before the federal judge moments later laid down the former governor’s sentence. “I caused it all.” The apologies and pleas for a light sentence went unheard and Blagojevich is expected to spend at least the next 12 years in federal prison. “The harm here is not measured in the value of property or money,” said Judge James B. Zagel before he handed down the sentence. “The harm is the erosion of public trust in government.” Blagojevich was given until Feb. 16 to report to prison. Brief by Sean Viele


December 8, 2011

Entering nirvana: A state of relaxation reached in Munay-Ki The practice can be empowering and help CSUF students focus better on goals MELISSA HOON For the Daily Titan

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Don’t freak out if you find yourself trapped underneath a door frame that’s decorated with the iconic plant. There are benefits to being single in December, so don’t let it get you down.

It’s OK to avoid the mistletoe Despite popular belief, you don’t have to be hitched during the holiday season


Minutes after being rejected, I turn on the TV to find a Robbins Brothers commercial with the Colbie Caillat song “I Do” accompanying the portrayal of blissful marriage proposals. Perfect timing. Three years of being single has its pros and cons. The constant freedom and the lack of obligation to someone is always an upside. But around the holidays people tend to rethink their solo status, quickly trying to find that special someone for the holiday season. That person is not that special

if you are rushing the relationship process. If the relationship lasts after Valentine’s Day, then consider yourself lucky. Perhaps it’s the combination of the mistletoe and the colder weather that gets people antsy. Family holiday parties start to roll around, where you are forced into talking about your love life. My typical answer is, “I don’t have one.” That quick response usually tends to throw people back and they respond with a condescending comment about how my prime is passing me by, but good for me. I don’t need a man. Damn straight. My boyfriend count is one. Keeping that number low is important. Wasting my time is not something I will let a guy do. Sure, once or twice a year I will like the occasional person.

Since I have been called standoffish and intimidating, I usually have to make the first move. The result is boosting a guy’s ego, when there was no need for it to be boosted. For all the singles out there this holiday season, here are a few reasons why not having a significant other will turn out to be a blast. Gift? No gift. Spending money on someone who will only be your “significant other” for a few weeks is a waste of money. Since the pressure of giving a good gift around the holidays is great, your wallet will most likely feel the pain. This way, spend the money on someone who will appreciate it in the long run, or keep the cash for yourself. Candy or chocolate all to yourself. Sharing food, especially candy, is an act I am reluctant to do. A

box of See’s Candy is hidden in my closet every year for the consumption of only me. New Year’s Eve kiss. Obligated to kiss one person at the stroke of midnight? Boring. At that New Year’s Eve party, survey the room and choose to kiss whoever strikes your fancy. Take advantage of the time you have to make out with a stranger. Just be sure he or she is single too to avoid the whole “You’re kissing my girlfriend/boyfriend” conversation. So right before all the holiday festivities begin, bundle up in your favorite sweats and sip on that hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. Turn on a movie you want to watch and consider yourself lucky to be single. This time of year, being unaccompanied takes some strength but it’s worth it.

Having better energy one bite at a time What you eat can affect the type of individual you are. Naturally growing foods will be more beneficial for the body

Indulging in excess meat proteins will fill your colon with unprocessed material, according to Also, overindulgence of meat can provide your body with energy that once ran through the animal, including fear before it was killed. Similarly, it is a widespread belief–especially among Hindus, as they are vegetarian and practice “ahimsa,” or nonviolence–that one will cultivate bad karma after killing and eating a helpless animal. “When you eat meat and you’re following some personal diet plan because your personal trainer said you need a certain percent of body fat, your liver and organs are going to suffer,” Villagomez said.

mented with foods containing live enzymes, like fruits and vegetables, in order to push the meat through the body. These proteins become part of your body and affect the way you function, which is why it is critical to not overindulge. “Every bit of energy you’re taking in–water, MELISSA HOON the people you surround yourself with, the loFor the Daily Titan tion you put on your skin, your perfumes, the During a time when we overindulge more chemicals you use to clean–becomes part of than ever in our capitalistic, consumer-driven who you are,” Villagomez said. “So do I mean society, we should apply the “less is more” ideal don’t do any of that? No. Just be mindful. Less to all aspects of daily life, including our bodis more.” ies’ health maintenance–especially in regards to Overindulgence of any kind is harmful to food consumption. the mind, body and soul. Overindulging in food, especially meats with In this age of technology, where food and proteins that are difficult to breakdown, other products can be ordered and delivor eating foods without proper nutrients, ered with just the click of a button, it’s can result in more than fatigue and diseasy to consume too much of anything. In this age of technology, where eases, like diabetes. This can make it difficult to appreciate Overindulgence and ingesting pro- food and other products can be ordered and things we should be grateful to have. cessed foods can lead to an unhealthy delivered with just the click of a button, it’s easy Furthermore, this gluttony and lack of mindset, which can be explained by the appreciation can harbor a sense of ill will to consume too much of anything. concept “you are what you eat.” within us, which can lead to actions that “You are what you eat, breath and support overindulgence and consumerthink,” said Leeza Villagomez, a yoga inism, perpetuating capitalistic greed. structor and owner of Yoga Den Health Spa in “When you eat meat, you’re probably absorbing Therefore, individual overindulgence does Corona. 40 percent of the nutrients and the rest is stored not harm only ourselves, but society as a whole. “If you eat an apple, you’re juicy, crisp, in your colon. It takes so long to pass through, so “If you listen to and overindulge in gossip, fresh–you’re live enzymes. But if you eat those if you’re eating meat two times a day, it’s not pass- you are gossip–you’re eating it in. If you have bars you eat when you’re in a hurry, you’re ing through. You’re much better off eating peasant your opinion and you say that about that perprocessed chemicals. That’s not going to flow food, like rice and beans and lentils where you’ll son, you are that,” Villagomez said. through your body and will cause stagnation get iron,” Villagomez said. “So you want to take in only what you want and dead energy, whereas the apple will flow This is not to argue that one should not eat to be. Take in live enzymes–be alive. Definitethrough your body like a river. If you eat live meat. However, according to HolisticHealth- ly, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Just energy, you’re alive.”, if meat is eaten, it should be supple- don’t overindulge.”

For three years while practicing yoga, I was told phrases such as, “Be the change you want to see in the world” and “You need to love yourself before you can love others.” These ideas sounded empowering, but I didn’t fully understand how to utilize the concepts. “Projections are reflections and reflections are projections.” My yoga instructor crooned these words lovingly during class as she explained the purpose in setting intentions versus having expectations. I tried taking in what she said, as I concentrated my focus on the blossoming purple lotus flowers on my yoga mat, while balancing in “airplane pose” with beads of sweat rolling off my forehead. It was difficult to simultaneously master yoga’s physical aspects and understand its spiritual or philosophical ideals, so I decided to look beyond practicing in the studio. The answer to my broader grasp on yoga was through visual meditation and understanding the energies that comprise us. In October, I was part of shaman Andrea Bernstein’s retreat at the Mount Baldy Zen Center where I received the nine rites of the MunayKi, which means “power of love.” According to Munay-Ki Coordinator Victoria Johnson, the rites of the Munay-Ki can heal “wounds of our past, that is, our karmic and genetic inheritance.” I didn’t know what to expect and initially held minor reservations about guided meditation. “The Munay-Ki are rites of passage that have been passed from teacher to student for thousands of years,” said Bernstein. “These energetic downloads change the way the energy field–the blueprint of how we live, die and heal–is organized. The weekend journey (of ) guided visualizations, mythic play and healing interventions are unique to my retreat.” My skepticism quickly disappeared when I saw the retreat was simply about letting go and moving forward. “The retreat is an opportunity to step into your own authentic power and truth,” Bernstein said. “…Our experiences, emotions and thoughts are all just energy … Negative, traumatic or incomplete experiences get caught in our energy field and cellular body, and cloud our perception of reality. The healing immersion retreat is an opportunity for people to clear this stagnant energy.” To let go of our pasts, in one activity we laid on the forest floor, closed our eyes and imagined be-


ing near a river. We were to recall three items floating down the river–the first three that came to our minds. Two of my items were from childhood, the other was a hiking boot. After asking ourselves why these items appeared, I decided I must sever myself from any adolescent ties that may have weakened my success as an adult in order to explore the unknown, while still being grateful to my familial roots. While Bernstein acknowledged that the retreat and traditional psychology use similar techniques, such as guided visualization, they believe Munay-Ki has the ability to uncover and move past deeper issues. “In psychology, we process our experiences in the mind and the literal. The energy is much denser (in psychological therapy sessions) and it is more difficult to shift out of old patterns,” Bernstein said. “The archetypal work we do throughout the (retreat) creates new neural pathways and new ways of seeing our lives.” According to shamans, MunayKi clients might feel less frustrated than traditional therapists’ clientele in uncovering and letting go of the past.

Munay-Ki can help guide you during college–a time when it’s common to feel confused and lose sight of our true desires...

“With Western psychology, we are taught to think our way through (issues), to rationalize and talk it out–that’s why it doesn’t always work,” said shaman Jamie Strohfeldt, who was part of Bernstein’s staff on the retreat. “Not everyone’s brain is wired for that process, so a lot of people stay stuck in patterns, feeling frustrated because they try so hard to change. You can talk to a therapist until you are blue in the face and things may not shift.” Munay-Ki can help guide you during college–a time when it’s common to feel confused and lose sight of our true desires because we might be distracted or have an abundance of opportunities to choose from. “(Munay-Ki) empowers you to know that you hold the treasure, the answers and the truth. “Many Western psychological practices give you maps to follow that are already laid out,” said Strohfeldt. “Techniques at the retreat offer you a fresh approach to take the map you have, wipe it clean and create a new map–the one of your heart’s desire.”


December 8, 2011


Should the U.S. ban circumcision? Infant deaths should exemplify the severity of the procedure YES: JUSTIN SHANNON From the moment I started researching the history of the following months about the risks of circumcision. The circumcision, a painful feeling inhabited my lower region document was titled “Doctor’s Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)” and read as follows: and I began to feel nauseous. “The prepuce is highly vascularized, so it is likely to Images of the surgical tools caused an instant and uncontrollable reaction brought forth by an underlying fear hemorrhage when cut, and severing the frenular artery is very common. Infants have a minof genital mutilation. iscule amount of blood in their tiny This natural response sparked a bodies and can tolerate only about a change in my perspective about the Using the argument 20 percent blood loss before hypovoentire process and I asked myself two of religious freedom lemia, hypovolemic shock and death. questions: If it were physically posA 4,000-gram male newborn has only sible, would I go back in time and tell among various groups as a my parents, “Hold up guys, don’t snip backbone to the reason why 11.5 oz (340 ml) of total blood volume at birth, 85 ml per kilogram of that!” or would I leave it up to them? circumcision shouldn’t be weight. Blood loss of only 2.3 oz (68 San Francisco recently confronted ml) less than one-quarter of a cup, the issue when it was scheduled for banned is irrelevant. 20 percent of total blood volume at the city’s November ballots. The ballot birth is sufficient to cause hypovolewas aimed at banning the act of circumcision on minors and was classified as a misdemeanor. mia. The quantity of blood loss that might kill an infant— However, the ban was removed from the ballot prior to 68ml—is easily concealed in today’s highly absorbent disNovember. According to an article from, posable diaper. Many newborns, and especially premature a judge ruled “state law expressively pre-empts local juris- infants, weigh much less and a smaller amount of blood loss would be sufficient to trigger hypovolemic shock in diction from regulating health care professionals.” The attempt to ban the act of circumcision upon a mi- those infants. Circumcision of infants, therefore, carries nor has created a lot of controversy. Many Jews and Mus- the inherent danger of hypovolemic shock and death.” There have been many more incidents in which circumlims have spoken out against the ban, stating that it’s an cision has led to infant mortality. In an article from The attack on their traditions. The circumcision of male infants has been a religious New York Times, it is estimated that around 117 boys die tradition for centuries. In Judaism, it’s a law that dates each year from neonatal circumcisions. So why add an additional threat to a baby’s life when it back to the Book of Genesis and Abraham’s circumcision, but outside of the religious reasons for circumci- is completely avoidable? We are one of the few countries that still performs cirsions in America, it has remained a common practice cumcisions as a common medical practice. Many males with declining numbers. Since Medicaid stopped covering circumcisions back in in the U.K. are uncircumcised and Canada is following the early ‘80s, calling it an unnecessary burden, there has in its footsteps. Using the argument of religious freedom among varibeen a decrease in circumcisions in the United States. Additionally, there have been numerous infant ous groups as a backbone to the reason why circumcision deaths due to circumcisions. In 2004, a healthy Ca- shouldn’t be banned is irrelevant. There’s supposed to be a separation of church and state nadian boy died from hypovolemic shock after his circumcision and the incident created an enormous within our government and if we are playing by the rules, religious tradition shouldn’t impact current state-related iscontroversy over the topic. A clinical statement was released out of Seattle, Wa. in sues, no matter who it may offend.

JUAN BUGARIN / For the Daily Titan

The health benefits and religious meanings are support for the practice NO: VAN JOHNSTONE America is going through some hard times these days. with our own children? What is the solution? Get the The economy continues to tumble, unemployment is government involved so they can pass more laws and the highest it has been since the Great Depression and regulation in our lives? No thanks. the Occupy movement has engulfed the country. Medically, circumcision has been proven not to cause Americans can now add circumcision to the list any ill effects to the child and actually promotes a healthof controversial topics that have swept the nation in ier life, avoiding possible complications down the road. 2011. Of course, this has been a sensitive issue for “Circumcision provides a number of health benefits. decades, but since this is the year of controversy, let’s It reduces the risk of HIV and penile cancer in men. It explore the topic. also reduces the risk of several other sexually transmitted Circumcision is widely practiced not only in the Unit- infections in both men and women, including syphilis ed States, but around the world. and herpes,” said Harvard medical When children are born, parents Professor Daniel Halperin in an inare faced with the choice of having terview with the Los Angeles Times. the foreskin removed. “Urinary tract infections in infants Having the freedom More times than not, parents give are about 10 times less likely if the of choice is a wonderful their consent and a relatively simple boy has been circumcised.” thing. The last thing society procedure ensues. Having a child circumcised This is where the controversy beis important to many religions needs is more regulations gins; opponents to circumcision feel around the world. As of right now, and laws. the practice is inhumane, cruel and America does not discriminate shouldn’t be performed on babies against any religion, but banning who clearly can’t make the decision circumcision, even at a state level, for themselves. would cause uproar. Circumcision is rather graphic in nature, but ultiJewish and Islamic cultures have been practicing cirmately the parents reserve the right to this practice. cumcision for over 5,000 years, and for these people to This procedure has been practiced for thousands of be forced to stop because a slim minority of people are years for both religious and medical reasons, so why offended would be ridiculous. should it end now? According to the World Health Organization, as it Since babies are unable to make rational decisions, the stands right now, 75 percent of men in America are cirburden falls to the parents. cumcised. The practice is near universal in the Middle The choice is obviously a personal decision that rests East and most of Africa. with the parents only, not someone holding a sign outCircumcision should not be banned nor should it be side a hospital. required. Having the freedom of choice is a wonderful This is not abortion, which is completely different in thing. The last thing society needs is more regulations nature. Babies’ lives are not at stake with this decision. and laws. If we take away our right to perform circumciWhy should other people have a say in what we do sion, where do we stand as a free state?

Keeping the piggy bank full past the holiday mayhem There are ways to save money during Christmas time that everyone should know ALEXANDER APODACA Daily Titan

For college students, purchasing Christmas gifts for family and friends can sometimes be more stressful than finals. There is always a mind game that is played when it comes to buying for people. Are they buying me a gift? If so, how much are they spending? How much should I spend on them? Here is the problem. If you get someone a gift and they do not reciprocate with a gift for you, there is always that awkward moment when you both feel guilty. If you spend more on a gift than the person reciprocating, then you can come across showy and snobby. Also, if you spend less than the person reciprocating the gift, then you fall under the category of cheap. It is a roller coaster of who to buy for, how much to spend and what to get. There are a few simple fixes to these problems. MSN Money’s J.D. Roth sets a spending limit for other adults in his family. Although his $5 each limit sounds inexpensive, it forces the gift giver to be Contact Us at

creative and thoughtful. It’s easy to slide your credit card and call it a day; it’s hard to put thought into every single person’s gift. Always stick to the amount that is set. Once you start increasing limits, dollars will add up quickly and, depending on the size of your gift list, even $1 could mean a $20 increase on your total budget. If you have an extra-large family, do a Secret Santa game where you only have to buy for one person. You save money and you can buy something the person actually wants because, let’s face it, when you get a lot of small gifts they usually end up cluttering your room and it is difficult to remember who bought you what. Also, try to remember that gifts you buy on sale are worth the regular retail price. According to, if you have a $50 budget for someone and you find something that’s normally $50 for half off, move the remaining $25 to where you need it most on your list. This may feel cheap, but the gift is worth $50, so technically you satisfied the budget. It’s good to remember time is money. Use your time and give a gift that is homemade. Go to a fabric store, buy $10 worth of fabric and make a blanket for someone. Your gift will be per-

sonal and one of a kind and all it took was your time. According to, avoid credit cards. As a college student, you might have school loan debt and credit card debt already. Do not bury yourself further into a hole. Try to sell some things you don’t use anymore to fund your spending. Use Craigslist, eBay and Facebook to help you sell stuff quickly. A good rule of thumb for spending is not to spend more than you do on food for a month. Calculate how much you spend on groceries and other necessities in a month. If it’s $300, then only spend $300 total. If you spend more than your food budget you fall in jeopardy of not being able to feed yourself for the next month. If you find yourself struggling this year, start saving for next Christmas in January. If you save $25 a month, you’ll have $300 ready to spend before Christmas comes around. When it comes to holiday spending, make a list of who to buy for, make a budget of how much to spend on each person and stick to it, and also avoid getting into more debt. Remember, homemade gifts and discounted gifts are still worth a lot and do not spend more than a month’s worth of groceries.

December 8, 2011

Holiday sights and hot spots for 2011 As finals and 2011 come to an end, holiday fun and events are just around the corner DANIEL ZAMILPA For the Daily Titan

With finals just around the corner, the restlessness of students and staff can be felt just walking through the corridors on campus. But when the professor says “time’s up” on each student’s last final, what will become of all the extra time usually devoted to school? Have no fear! There is a ton for everyone to do during the holiday season, especially with living in the über-diverse Southern California. Here are five of the most popular sights to see and things to do this holiday season. 5. Mission Inn Hotel & Spa, Riverside. Sometimes, old-world class and holiday roots are just what is needed to get into the holiday spirit. The Mission Inn, as it is often called, transforms its grounds and interior into a Christmas display extravaganza, what they call the 19th annual Mission Inn Hotel & Spa Festival of Lights. They offer free walkthroughs for the public into the lobby and onto the lawn of the hotel. The surrounding streets also deck their halls with Christmas cheer as they too are decorated to befit all

holiday cheer. A large ice skating rink is set up and live music is played for shoppers and sight-seers. Admission to the general festivities as well as parking is free. The nightly lighting and festivities run from sunset every day through Jan. 8, 2012. 4. Grinchmas at Universal Studios, Hollywood. Don’t be a Grinch this holiday season! Head on over to Universal Studios Hollywood for its annual holiday celebration, called “Grinchmas” after the 1966 familyfavorite Christmas movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas and the 2000 live-action adaptation. Festivities include a Whoville Celebration where the world of Whovians comes to life, playing in real snow and a nightly celebrity tree lighting. Grinchmas runs Saturday and Sunday, and daily from Dec. 17 through Jan. 1, 2012. Two-day admission tickets are $57, which can be purchased at the Titan Student Union for students with a valid TitanCard. 3. The Grove, Los Angeles. What is holiday celebration without shopping? As one of Los Angeles’ premiere shopping locations, the Grove spares no expense when it comes to wowing people with holiday cheer. As if the shopping hub on its own isn’t magical enough, add in Christmas decorations, amazing sales, a crisp Los Angeles chilly breeze and it’s perfect. There’s live entertainment, a

100-foot-tall Christmas tree and snowfall every night at 7 and 8 p.m. between Nov. 14 and Dec. 31. No holiday celebration would be complete either without visits from Santa Claus himself. Families can meet with Santa at Santa’s Cottage in the center of the shopping mall. Admission to the mall is free, but parking is hourly. 2. Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade, Newport Beach. After 103 annual parades, it’s safe to say the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade is a Southern California favorite. This yearly event is very special to California, seeing that there’s no other perfect backdrop to an event than the Pacific Ocean. Playing on the words of the water, this year’s theme is “Feelin’ Christmas-Sea in Newport Beach.” Different kinds of boats, including yachts, kayaks and canoes, are shown throughout the two-and-ahalf hour boat route. This isn’t just a string of lights and a blown-up Santa doll on the deck of a boat. The extravagant displays the boat owners put together are absolutely breathtaking. To top off the night, a fireworks display produced by the Balboa Pier concludes the show. Admission to the boat parade is free and runs from Dec. 14 through 18 and begins at 6:30 p.m. 1. Disneyland Resort, Anaheim. If there was one thing to go to during Christmas time with friends and

family, it’s Disneyland–hands down. The Happiest Place on Earth really lives up to its slogan with every single nook and cranny being in the holiday spirit. Christmas decorations line every single inch of the park, especially Sleeping Beauty’s Castle, It’s a Small World ride and the Haunted Mansion. Characters also adorn their holiday attire during the parades and meet-and-greets. The usual parade transforms into a dazzling Christmas theme with the skies bedazzled nightly with the “Believe in Holiday Magic” fireworks show. Disney’s California Adventure also showcases its holiday cheer with its festive addition to the World of Color light, water and music experience. There’s something so magical about Disneyland during the Christmas season. It’s as though when walking in, all the problems of the world subside. It’s super cheesy, but Disney does a great job at bringing the holiday cheer. The Disneyland Resort is transformed into a winter wonderland from Nov. 14 through Jan. 8, 2012. With a valid TitanCard, tickets begin at $77 at the TSU Information and Services Desk. No matter the holiday destination or outing, there’s something for everyone. Take friends and family along for a nice day or night celebrating the season and appreciating the company of others.


Courtesy of Def Jam The Roots return with concept album, undun, which takes the narrative form of the life and death of semi-fictional character, Redford Stephens, inspired by the Sufjan Stevens song of the same name .



Courtesy of Nonesuch The Black Keys, who hail from Akron, Ohio create the rip-roaring rock album listeners have been waiting for since 2010’s Brothers.

‘El Camino,’ the rock record of the year the Keys are capable of. Indeed, El Camino sounds every bit of a retro vinyl record of a garage band shredding effortlessly. KRYSTLE UY Danger Mouse’s golden apDaily Titan proach to El Camino lies in the fact that he produced every track Though 2011 is coming to a on the record and even wrote some close, El Camino is the rock ‘n’ roll of its lyrics. record of the year, not to be conEl Camino’s first track and sinfused with the 59’ retro automo- gle “Lonely Boy” is climbing the bile (though a preliminary promo- charts at this moment and is sure tional ad may have you think so). to be an arena rocker with its rolFresh off the explosive success licking, visceral surf-rock guitar of the self-produced, critically ac- lead-in and Auerbach’s familiar lyrclaimed and Grammy-winning ics involving difficult women. Brothers, which showcased “TightIt seems Auerbach’s protagonist en Up” and “Howling For You” in in his songs never seems to catch a flurry of commercials and a mas- a break with the finer sex as he lasive tour, blues-rock duo The Black ments, “Well I came to love you Keys haven’t and it’s fine to broken a sweat see, but I came at the daunting The pair are unstop- to love you task of producpable musicians and anyway. So you ing a follow-up. seem only to perfect their al- tore my heart Yet they have ready fine-tuned craft. out and I don’t and it rocks. mind bleeding.” El Camino, “Dead and complete with repetitive, catchy Gone” finds Auerbach smoothly hooks, a set of soulful pipes, shred- crooning, “So long, why’d it take you ding guitar and rapid-fire percus- so long? Every time I hear the whistle sion, shines with the tenacity and blow I’m down below, you’re gone.” hard work ethic of The Black Keys. The tune rounds out with hand claps, Drummer Patrick Carney and vo- a sing-along backing vocal chorus, calist/guitarist Dan Auerbach have and a careening guitar solo. produced eight albums in the 10 Another stellar highlight is “Sisyears they’ve been playing together. ter,” with its head-bobbing guitar The pair are unstoppable musicians strumming, heavy organ and Carand seem only to perfect their al- ney’s walloping drumming. All the ready fine-tuned craft. while Auerbach howls over the mic Collaborating for the second into a fledging vocal drop-off, latime with Brian “Danger Mouse” menting, “The breakup is coming Burton, who did the production when your heart is hollow, another for 2008’s Attack and Release, El pill to swallow.” Camino is not Brothers part 2. InEl Camino further proves The stead, El Camino finds the band as Black Keys as consistently kindred raucous as ever. The album mixes musicians, building on a vintage the flair of a Stax record with blues-meets-modern-rock-’n’-roll deep blues riffs and the kind of sound not easily imitated. The unpolished rock ‘n’ roll flair only Black Keys sound is all theirs.

The Roots come ‘undun’ KRYSTLE UY Daily Titan

Thirteen albums into their career and seminal hip-hop band The Roots remain as ambitious as ever. Dating back to 2010, The Roots’ recent collaborations include their work with John Legend on the retro funk-soul Wake Up! How I Got Over, and their more recent joint effort with soul singer Betty Wright on Betty Wright: The Movie. Last year’s How I Got Over delved more into indie territory (guests contributions from Monsters of Folk and Dirty Projectors). Though The Roots serve as house band for Late Night on Jimmy Fallon, supplying comedic intro music for guests, it’s clear their late-night gig is just their day job. With their busy work schedule, The Roots, pioneers of hip-hop past and present, have managed to produce the visionary album, undun–intrepid and artistic in its thematics and courageous in its concept. Unlike any recent release in hip-

hop today, undun is a concept album depicting the tale of 25-year-old drug dealer Redford Stephens caught up in material pursuits and tempestuous business deals, only to lead to the ultimate gamble–his life. DJ and drummer Ahmir “?uestlove” Thompson said of the album, “undun is the story of this kid who becomes criminal, but he wasn’t born criminal … Just some kid who begins to order his world in a way that makes the most sense to him at a given moment. At the end of the day … isn’t that what we all do?” Rapper Black Thought is evocative in his storytelling of Stephens’ struggles. In the album’s opening track “Dun,” Black Thought portrays the inner dialogue of Stephens’ spirit, trying to reconcile with the end of his life–“There I go from a man to memory ... Damn I wonder if my fam will remember me?” Stephens’ afflicted journey in the ‘hood as an urban youth is aided by guest appearances by rappers and singers alike including Phonte, Big K.R.I.T. Aaron Livingston, Just Blaze, Dice Raw and Bilal. Along with their undun companions, The

Roots juxtapose jazz infusions and ‘70s soul, and while the story clings to its grim urban narrative, it’s completely beautiful and rewarding. And that is where undun finds its listener, heavy in the midst of a 39-minute aural experience intended to be listened to in its entirety ever. The entire album conveys a somber and remorseful mood gearing toward a cinematic reprise of tragedy. Each song plays cohesively as there’s not an exceptional track that sounds like standard hip-hop fare. However, “Kool On” featuring P.O.R.N. and Truck North comes close as its addictive guitar hook gives weight to a more affable track. As undun progresses, the latter half of the album is sequenced into a fourpart movement (“Redford,” “Possibility,” “Will to Power” and “Finality”). “Redford” is a cover of the same Sufjan Stevens’ song from the song writer’s Michigan album. The first movement features guest piano by Sufjan Stevens himself. In subsequent succession, the next movement has a string quartet followed by cacophonous piano breakdown by ?uestlove and award-winning pianist D.D.


Jackson. The final part of the suite ends exquisitely and abruptly as it marks the beginning of Redford Stephens’ life. The Roots have produced their most powerfully inventive album yet.



NBA: In time for Christmas ...Continued from page 1

December 8, 2011

Men’s hoops struggles in easy schedule ELLIOT COOK Daily Titan

In the past, the Clippers could only dream players of Paul’s magnitude would be willing to come to the team. Now, because of the solid foundation the franchise has laid, it is realistic, and it is also realistic to call the Clippers contenders if they can somehow add Paul without surrendering guard Eric Gordon, who is blossoming into a star shooting guard. Down the hall in the Staples Center, the Lakers are looking for ways to reload for one last championship push in the Bryant era. ESPN reported earlier this week the team was interested in acquiring both Paul and Orlando center Dwight Howard. While nabbing both is extremely improbable, the Lakers are in a position to pick up Howard while holding onto Pau Gasol, which would give them the best big-man tandem in the league by far. The defending champs in Dallas are likely to lose center Tyson Chandler to free agency. Chandler was a key cog in the team’s transformation from a finesse offensive team to a defensive juggernaut. With an eye toward 2012 free agent and Texas native Deron Williams, the team wants to maintain payroll flexibility moving forward, which will hinder its chances at repeating. Elsewhere in the Lone Star State, the Spurs are winding down the Tim Duncan era. Last season’s surprising run to the best record in the Western Conference came crashing down when the team became only the fourth No. 1 seed to fall to an eight seed. The Spurs looked spry throughout the regular season, but the youthful Memphis Grizzlies made them look old and slow in the playoffs. In Houston, the Rockets can finally close the book on the Yao Ming era following his retirement, but need to make a major splash to move out of the mediocrity they have been mired in the past few seasons. Just north of Texas, no team is as well equipped to deal with the shortened compact season than the Oklahoma City Thunder. While returning scoring champ Kevin Durant is the headliner and All-Star point guard Russell Westbrook took a leap forward last year, thirdyear guard James Harden’s emergence and forward Serge Ibaka’s growth will be what pushes the Thunder from playoff darlings to legitimate contenders. There are storylines abound throughout the rest of the Western Conference. Can the Grizzlies build off last season’s success and make a push into the conference elite? What on earth will the Nuggets look like after losing three key players to China and potentially two starters, Nene and Arron Afflalo, to free agency? Have Portland’s injury issues taken them from up and coming to downtrodden? How quickly can Utah turn things around with its newfound youth movement? The intrigue does not stop there. Two years after being drafted, Spanish sensation Ricky Rubio finally starts his NBA career in Minnesota. Jimmer-mania hits California’s capital, but will it be enough to save the Kings in Sacramento? Once the Hornets move Paul, will anyone remember the Hornets exist? Does Steve Nash have enough left in the tank to take the Suns on one last wild ride into the playoffs? Can Mark Jackson coach at Golden State as well as he commentated on ABC? The Western Conference is in for a wild ride over the next few months. Many of these questions will be answered and new ones will arise. After putting the league’s fans through a tumultuous summer and fall, the league finally got something done. Just in time to put it under the tree.

After going off on a tangent about the Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball team’s recruiting, it is time to look at its nonconference schedule this year. Behind its recruiting principles, this might be my other biggest issue with the way things are being run currently. This team has one of the worst nonconference schedules of any Division I team. No, seriously, it’s pathetic. The Titans began the season with a home game against the big, bad Div. III opponent Redlands. The sad thing is, this game actually counted. This wasn’t an exhibition like many teams do against local Div. II or III squads, this counted toward our record. We then went to the Louisiana tournament. This wouldn’t be bad if it was held by LSU, a SEC school, but it was held by Louisiana-Lafayette. The Titans beat Nicholls State, then beat Louisiana-Lafayette before losing to Houston Baptist. The Huskies are a stellar 2-6 now on the season with their wins against us and Bethune-Cookman. Sounds like a great tournament to start our season, right? The Titans then played their first true home game against Cal State Bakersfield. CSUB recently became a Div. I team after being a solid Div. II team for years. This should probably be one of the weaker nonconference foes we have all year, right? Instead it is one of the best. The Titans dropped this game. Although it is early in the season, there is no reason for CSUF to lose to this team. So they might be 3-0 on the year against the Big West, but they beat Cal State North-

ROBERT HUSKEY / For the Daily Titan Senior power forward Andre Hardy gets in position to get a rebound earlier this season.

ridge, which isn’t playing for a darn thing this year, and Cal Poly, which has two players that would be getting major minutes out. This team shouldn’t be beating CSUF. The team then traveled to Kansas to take on the Wichita State Shockers, who are a very solid nonconference team. This is the best team we have played all year and should be a tournament team come March. This is one of the only games I have no qualms with and am glad we scheduled it. After losing to the Shockers, the Titans went up the road to play in Illinois. This team is terrible, why couldn’t we have gotten someone better while in the area? Long Beach State just played Kansas Tuesday night, but that’s not the point.

There are tons of solid teams in the area, one of them would have taken a game with us. Although the Titans won, this game means nothing. It’s a game we should win every year. These guys just became a Div. I team in 2007. That should say it all. The Titans play a decent nonconference road game tonight in Utah against the now Pac-12 Utes. In theory, this isn’t a bad game because it is a BCS team and Utah is usually decent. They have been down for a few years, but this being a marquee nonconference game is laughable. After the Utes, the Titans wrap up the nonconference schedule at home against Eastern Washington, La Verne and Portland State. The only game I have a problem with

there is La Verne, who is another team that isn’t of Div. I ranks. That makes three on the schedule and probably two that shouldn’t be played. We also play a bracket buster in February, but haven’t played anyone of note in that lately. Let’s take a look at our rival Long Beach State’s nonconference schedule, shall we? They began their season at Pitt with a win, went to San Diego State and lost by four in overtime, beat Boise State at home, then went to Montana and lost by two. After that they went to perennial powerhouse Louisville and lost, beat BYU Hawaii at home, then lost to Kansas by eight on the road. For those of you who follow college basketball, that’s four teams that were in the NCAA tournament last year. They are 4-4, but were competitive in almost all of those games, and even beat Pitt! We don’t play anyone who’s close to the talent of those four teams, outside of maybe Wichita State, which is still a mid-major. But wait, the 49ers aren’t done yet! They travel to a school in North Carolina nicknamed the Tar Heels and then a week later play probably the best mid-major team in the nation at Xavier. It’s not just LBSU that plays these types of games, it’s also UC Santa Barbara which travels to San Diego, Washington, Berkeley to play Cal and Utah to play BYU. LBSU was also able to get UNLV and Santa Clara to travel to them. I don’t expect Burton to load up like that, but maybe half of those would be awesome. Just to get his team ready for league and have his players excited. Those atmospheres are amazing and would have any player ready when Big West play begins.

Basketball, hockey host weekend Women’s and men’s hoops and hockey will host games all weekend beginning Saturday SEAN VIELE Daily Titan

It’s almost over everybody. This blasted fall semester is on its edge, but basketball has just begun and hockey is halfway through. Here’s a short preview of what’s to come this weekend. Men’s Basketball Well, it’s hard to judge the season thus far. Last weekend the Titans split on the road, losing to Wichita State University 75-60 before bouncing back from a three-game slide by putting the hurt on Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Saturday, beating the Cougars 79-57. D.J. Seeley scored 25 points while three other Titans hit double figures in the game against SIUE. The Titans (4-3) were 10 for 21 from the field and were 19 for 24 at the stripe. Head Coach Bob Burton called it the best offensive and defensive effort in the early goings of the season. The Titans will hope to keep that solid play going Sunday when they face Eastern Washington University at home. The game starts at 3:05 p.m. Women’s Basketball Things are looking ugly for the Titans. Fullerton has dropped its last five games and is hoping to bounce back from this starting funk that has plagued it on the court. After a promising start to the season when they opened, winning their first three contests, the Titans (3-5) have since screwed the pooch, to say it crudely. Fullerton capped off last weekend with back-to-back losses to Gonzaga University at home and Northern Arizona University on the road. Tuesday night the Titans made it five straight losses with a 63-49 defeat at Arizona

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State University. Sorry to point out the obvious, but Arizona hasn’t been a real fun state for Fullerton to play in of late. But with every losing streak comes that triumphant snapping of such a horror show, and the Titans will hope to do just that Saturday afternoon at home where they will battle Nevada University. The fun will commence at 3 p.m. in Titan Gym. Hockey After splitting last weekend’s games against UCLA and Loyola Marymount University, what the Fullerton hockey team would really like for Christmas is to win its next two games before taking a 20-day break between mid-December and early January. Last weekend was one of highs and lows for the Titans. Fullerton beat up on UCLA, cruising to a 7-3 victory over the Bruins on home ice Friday night.

ROBERT HUSKEY / For the Daily Titan A Cal State Fullerton hockey player blindsides a UCLA opponent, knocking him off his feet Friday night.

Jake Brummett continued his solid play, scoring two goals in the victory. But they failed to bring their game Saturday as they fell to LMU. Titan forward Andrew Webb said it was the opposite of the night before when the Titans pumped up the physical game to beat UCLA. The Titans will try to regain the physical game Saturday night at KHS Ice Arena in Anaheim when they host San Diego State University. The puck drops at 7:50. Fullerton plays its final game before the break Friday, Dec. 16 at home against Long Beach State at 9:40 p.m.

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Senior guard Megan Richardson drives down the baseline looking for a layup in a game earlier this season. The Cal State Fullerton women’s basketball team will host Nevada University Saturday.


December 8,2011

Crossword Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE DECEMBER 16, 2011

Edited by Rich Norrisbrought and Joyce Lewis to you by


ACROSS 1 Something to do between class and homework 6 “Animal House” house 11 Acting as 14 São __ 15 Unfamiliar 16 Prefix with form 17 Auger shape 18 Globe fleck 19 Green source, briefly 20 Anti-sweatshirt slogan? 23 Shogunate seat of power 24 Major course 25 Rabid B-ball fan’s shout? 31 Lennox of the Eurythmics 32 “__ only kidding!” 33 Get-up-and-go 36 “Waverley” novelist 37 Boston’s Liberty Tree, e.g. 38 Word of welcome 40 Push-up target 41 Progress measure 42 Two-dimensional products 43 Conspiracy resting place? 47 Guiding light 49 Much of the daily paper 50 Harried photographer’s wish? 56 D-backs, on scoreboards 57 Harry’s Hogwarts nemesis 58 “The Office” airer 60 Uruguayan uncle 61 Saharan refuges 62 Use a short form of 63 __ master 64 Not sharp, say 65 Believer in the clockwork universe theory

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2 French city near the English Channel 3 Styne of Broadway 4 Greek salad leftover 5 Ardent fan’s purchase 6 Speaker’s platform 7 Supermodel Benitez 8 Plant family including tulips 9 Giggles 10 Caesar colleague 11 Adjusted for a larger group, as a recipe 12 Free 13 Pop singer Mann 21 Dauphin’s destiny 22 Nebraska native 25 Door closer 26 “I’ll try anything __” 27 Irregularly 28 Not be up-front with 29 Nocturnal newcomer 30 Improvises

DOWN 1 Daytona meas.

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

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34 Mideast flier 35 Put forward 38 Got set 39 Subject to removal 41 Desert bordering the Mojave 44 German grouse? 45 Bad luck, and a hint to the four longest across answers


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Daily Sudoku: Sat 3-Dec-2011

2 9 6 7 1 3

8 3 1 4 6 5

1 8 2 5 4 7

8 1 7 3 5 2 4 9 6 2 9 4 6 8 1 5 7 3

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Don’t let anyone push you. It’s your life. Get into a homebody phase. Think about your roots, and where you came from. You choose where you’re going.

Daily Sudoku: Sat 3-Dec-2011

6 8 8 2 6 5

4 5

4 3



5 2 9 5 3 8

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2011. All rights reserved.


How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

7 6 8 3 9 4

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Make sure what you build is solid. Fantasies fade in the sunlight. Romance is a growing possibility. Choose substance over symbolism, and have fun.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2011. All rights reserved.


2 9

4 2 7 9 3 1

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Don’t worry about the money. Conserve resources anyway. There’s plenty to keep you busy, and more work coming in. Stay focused. It all works out.





(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2011. All rights reserved.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) As you get lost in the maze today, don’t forget your goal. Don’t be afraid if you don’t know the way. Use your network: Call someone whose view is wider.


9 4 5 1 2 8

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Respect the people that helped you get where you are, and show some appreciation. Be careful not to lose what you have in order to get more, even if you’re busy.

8 2 6


5 1 9 2 8 6

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Business interferes with fun. Don’t goof off! Plan a trip, and research the best tickets. Then focus on productivity to pay for it all.

6 8

4 5

5 7 2 3 8

6 7 3 8 5 2

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) The adventure continues, and there’s more work on the way. Don’t be misled by fantasy. Check your oil and tire pressure, and bring a sack lunch.



3 5 4 6 7 9

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Stifle your crazy side for a moment. Complete unfinished business (and impress others in the process). Attention to detail comes in handy. Figure out what you really want.




Cancer (June 22-July 22) Find a trustworthy friend to help you solve any dilemmas. Don’t take it all so seriously. Not everything that glitters is gold. Inject a sense of humor.

8 1 9

1 4 3 7 6 5 8 2 9

Gemini (May 21-June 21) A lucky hunch could turn quite profitable. You have the confidence to make your plan work: Put your back into it! Try again at something you failed at before.

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Daily Sudoku: Sat 3-Dec-2011

Taurus (April 20-May 20) When you’re feeling good, it’s possible to lose perspective of the world around you. Be considerate of others. Spread the love and the good fortune.


Aries (March 21-April 19) There could be elements to the puzzle that are hidden from view. Because of this, avoid expensive purchases or big decisions today. Those elements get revealed later.


By Bruce R. Sutphin and Doug Peterson


46 Ceiling 47 Lush-lipped doll brand 48 More than odd 51 Thing to stay on 52 Big name in slush 53 Prying 54 MX ÷ V 55 Approx. takeoff hrs. 59 Thoroughly examine

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