1998 02 20

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C alendar & B riefs O pinion S ports



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U N I V E R S I T Y ,



SPORTS: Titans square off with three top ranked teams at Pauley Pavilion.

See Sports pg. 5

TKEs will try to prove selves worthy to city VOLUME 66, ISSUE 5

n Greeks: Fraternity will

hold an open house on Monday to mend relations with community. By Denise Carson

Daily Titan Assistant News Editor Power struggles on fraternity row continue, as the TKE’s clean house inside and out. “We’re really not bad guys,” Josh Kurpies, vice president of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity said. “I wish people would come in and meet us so they can see that we are human just like them,” he said. Monday the TKEs will open the doors

of their house to the mayor of Fullerton, a TKE national representative from Indiana and any member of the community who has something to say about the fraternity’s future in the neighborhood. “Our actions have changed we are good guys, as ignorant as it might sound we didn’t realize we were that much of a problem before. “Hoping to focus on the giving back to the community and the university, he explained The last two weeks festive fraternities have filled the row with wild rush events and parties while the TKE fraternity has been busy improving its community image. “We have controlled ourselves and not had any parties,” TKE president Edgar Khalatian said. “We want the opportunity to follow the rules and be a productive member


of our community,” he said. As one of the founding fathers of the TKE chapter, Khalatian said he feared all of his hard work could possibly crumble overnight if he did not agree to the conditional-use permit sanctions. “I feel this will make us a stronger group of men,” he said. “If we lost our CUP, we would have lost our home.” The CUP requires the fraternity to have two police officers present at every party with over 50 people. The estimated cost for police time is $400, Kurpies said. “We only have $400 in our social budget for the semester.” Social gathering and party fun has been eliminated from the TKE calendar. So if they can’t have the parties why the CUP?

FEB. 20, 1998

According to police report

see TKE/ 3


The corpse of the 40-year old man who was involved in a murder-suicide that claimed his life and that of a 15-yearold girl is being carried to the coroner's van after hours of investigation.

Fitness center fees attacked by senate n AS: Academic Senate

questioned raising student fees by $150 to fund the proposed fitness center. By MARYANNE WARDLAW Production Manager

Associated Students President Heith Rothman was met with some skepticism when he spoke before the Academic Senate Thursday to gain support for a student-funded fitness and recreation complex. The plan, which will be voted on by students March 24, includes a $150-per-semester fee increase for Cal State Fullerton students. The vote will not decide the fate of

this referendum. If it passes, it will go to President Milton Gordon’s office for a final decision. Objections to the proposed complex centered around raising student fees $150 a semester. Currently, CSUF students pay $200 per semester toward student fees. The fee would be the financial base for the complex, which would take an estimated $41.5 million to build and $1.5 million a year to operate. “Almost all of the comments I have heard from students in my classes have been negative because of the size of the proposed increase,” one senator said. He suggested that students may be willing to pay if the fee was smaller and

the plan less ambitious. Responding to questions, Rothman said it would be a permanent fee increase, but mentioned that CSU fees will drop five percent beginning next fall. He also pointed out that the $150 only raises $100 for the building, as onethird of all fees must go to financial aid programs. Concern was also expressed over the impact of the fee on CSUF’s competitiveness, with one senator suggesting students may decide to attend another Cal State University in order to save the $300. Rothman responded that many campuses already have higher fees than CSUF, but no figures were available for comparison.

The exact wording of the proposal was also not available, as it is in the process of being reviewed by the Office of General Council. The issue of academic versus athletic priorities was also raised. While some support for improved athletic facilities was voiced, John Olmstead recalled student opposition several years ago to statewide fee increases that benefited academic programs. “I hope that if this referendum passes, and this comes to pass, that the next time there is an attempt to raise state fees the students will keep their mouths shut,” he said. Sorel Reisman expressed the general attitude among the senators, saying he

did not have enough information about how the complex would affect the campus to decide whether or not it is a good idea. Rothman stressed that the complex would not be used for athletic events alone, saying graduation ceremonies and concerts could be held in the special events arena. He compared the planned complex to the Titan Student Union, which was built and continues to be maintained with student funds. He also said the current athletic facilities are old, the space is limited and access is only available to students a few hours each day. Last semester the AS Board of Direc-

“Administrators demanded destructive, unreasonable concessions that showed lack of respect for the faculty,” said G. Nanjundappa, professor and CFA chapter president at Cal State Fullerton. The administration’s proposal fails to acknowledge the faculty’s salary lag of 11.2 percent, eliminates existing language which provides for workload limits for faculty and continues the merit raise program. The merit raise, introduced in 1995, is of great concern to some faculty. This past year 189 faculty mem-

bers and 376 staff members received compensations for their outstanding contributions to CSUF. Recipients were rewarded for doing research, service to the community or additional professional activities. Merit awards add 2.4 percent to the recipient’s base pay and can be doubled or tripled at the discretion of the president, Nanjundappa said. “The issue of merit raises is dividing the faculty, promoting unhealthy competition and is destructive to morale,” Nanjundappa said.

But the administration sees it as a natural reward for hard work. “Merit pay is the most important issue on the agenda and CSU believe merit is an excellent way to reward outstanding faculty,” said Ken Swisher, media relations manager for the CSU chancellor’s office. Another hot topic on the table is the salary lag for CSU faculty, leaving them 11.2 percent behind comparable universities across the nation. Swisher said that 11.2 percent is a deceptive number. “The 11.2 percent gap assumes that

there will be no salary raise this year, but in reality the raise in July will reduce that number significantly,” said Swisher. “Chancellor Charles Reed plans to address the state legislature to reduce that gap.” Swisher said that a four percent pay increase for university professors is scheduled for JulyÑa bit late for the faculty contracts, which expire in June. “We hope a fair contract will be done by May 8, before the spring semester ends, so we can send it to the faculty to be ratified,” Nanjundappa said.

Merit pay still an issue in contract wars n FACULTY: CSU faculty

members are paid 11.2 percent less than faculty members of comparable universities accross the nation. By JOAN HANSEN Daily Titan Staff Writer

CSU administrators failed last week to impress the California Faculty Association regarding money and merit raises.

see SENATE/ 3

O’Brien’s shoes still not filled

n GOVERNMENT: The posi-

tion for vice president of finance has yet to be filled after the death of former holder Kyle O’Brien. By EDGARD AGUILAR Daily Titan Staff Writer

Since the tragic death of Kyle O’Brien last year, the position of Associated Students vice president of finance has remained unfilled. Due to lack of response for a replacement and because only two applicants applied for the office, the duties have been handled by AS President Heith Rothman. With less than five months left on the current administration, the search for candidates continues. “Only 2 people applied and were interviewed,” said AS accountant Donald Maxey. “One of them was not qualified and the second we felt, as a committee, that he didn’t fit the needs necessary for the job. This is an important position in the Executive Staff, the position is open and the search is ongoing.” “Its hard to find someone in the middle of the budget process,” explained Rothman. “We interviewed applicants up until the end of January, but we couldn’t find anyone that had the skills to fill the position. If someone walks in with the qualities we are looking for, we’d hire him on the spot.” Any applicant has to be approved by the AS president and the Board of Directors. This position could be likened to that of a city manager where all decisions made by the finance office have to be approved by the mayor and lastly by the city council. In the same plane, the vice president of finance works hand-in-hand with the AS accounting office, the AS president and the board. For those interested in this position, the qualifications are few but complex. Ability to work with groups and knowledge of the system is important. Budget and accounting experience and business knowledge are equally as important. All candidates must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA at CSUF and 2.0 GPA overall. They also must have completed less than 150 units and be enrolled on this campus since spring 1997. Even if a qualified person is found, the duties would not begin until July. But the experience that could be gained by obtaining the position early could prove helpful when the next fiscal year comes, Maxey said. In happenings at last Thursday’s Finance Committee meeting: • Rothman distributed a draft copy of an agreement between AS and the Division of Student Affairs which states that all DSA programs shall be limited to requesting AS funds through the Finance committee from the contingency funds,

see FINANCE/ 3 Copyright ©1998, Daily Titan

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