2000 09 05

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,


INSIDE A substance found in grapes 10 nmayNEWS: aid against heart disease and cancer

Vintage toy store brings back childhood memories

SORTS: Womens’ soccer beats Azuza 18 nPacific University and Louisville.

—see Detour page 15 T u e s d ay

V o l u m e 7 1 , I ss u e 2

S e p t e m b e r 5, 2000

“Jersey” films scenes at nINDUSTRY: Goodwin Field hosts filming of the fantasy series By Cindy Bertea

Daily Titan Staff Writer

trisha insheiwat/Daily Titan

Pitcher David Wells of the Toronto Blue Jays films “The Jersey.”

AS settles election con-

For actress Courtnee Draper, the realism on the set of the Disney Channel’s “The Jersey,” was a bit, well, gross. “They spit a lot, it’s disgusting,” she said regarding the actions of her co-workers on the set of the latest television production, which used Cal State Fullerton as a scenic

backdrop. The filming on Aug. 28 featured one of CSUF’s baseball facilities, Goodwin Field, for a fantasy motif that is a hallmark of the series. Now in its second season, the show follows the athletic adventures of 13-year-old Nick Lighter, who, with an inherited jersey, opens magical portals into the world of professional sports. Draper found herself surrounded by a cast of baseball player extras that weren’t afraid to display one of the more stereotypical aspects of sports — spitting. She jokingly said this was the worst aspect of the day, and the

nSERVICES: Financial assistance may be obtained through Cal State Fullerton By Peggy Gomez

By Marlayna Slaughterbeck

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Daily Titan Staff Writer Associated Students approved an amendment to shorten its contract renewal agreement with the League of Women Voters at the Board of Directors meeting last Tuesday. The original contract called for a three-year renewal with the league and proposed an increase in fees for its officials to operate the polls during student elections. While the board approved the fee increase, an amendment was proposed to shorten the contract from three years to one year. The board’s own voting regulations came into question, however, when the vote was 6-3 in favor of the amendment, with three members abstaining. Members had difficulty agreeing whether regulations stipulating that the majority needed to pass the amendment referred to the number of members actually voting or to the total number of members present. The issue was resolved, however, and the amendment passed when Chair of the board Vincent Amaya and John Beisner, the president’s representative, settled the matter by consulting an official guide on parliamentary procedure. The uncertainty about the regulations was not the only unexpected stumbling block at the meeting. A few members expressed their surprise at the contention surrounding the issue

AS/ 5


extras online Check out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton.edu. New features and sections will be available this year!

u p co m i n g n

Starting Sept. 12 The Daily Titan will go daily Tuesday thru Friday — check our bins!

Tennille hopper/Daily Titan

LAPD guard the Democratic National Convention against potential civil-disobedient protesters. Look inside an activist camp to learn how to protest successfully. —see Perspectives page 11

Bacterial meningitis threatens dorm living across the nHEALTH: Close living quarters and sharing eating utensils increase the risk college students have of contracting the disease By Kari Wirtz

Daily Titan Copy Editor In addition to petitioning classes, buying books, and attending welcome back parties, college students have a new subject to think about ­ — bacterial meningitis. “College students have a six times greater risk of contracting meningitis,” Carla Newby, general manager for the

of Lynch Entertainment was busy coordinating the day’s schedule. As part of the production company handling filming, Washington agreed with Draper that the setting couldn’t have been more ideal. “This is a professional-level stadium in a user-friendly location. No noise, and the whole setting is conducive to production,” Washington said. CSUF Sports Facilities Resource Manager Michael Uraine said booking companies like the Disney Channel to utilize campus facilities has a positive impact.


Aid available for expensive

The line of duty

nCAMPUS: Questions arise over the favored amendment


facilities have been great for the particular scene shot that day. Greg Smith and Tito Lopez, two of the extras, were just happy to have work — despite the added allyou-can-spit bonus. “We’re on strike right now,” Smith said referring to the dispute with the Screen Actors Guild over the current pay structure for network and cable commercials. He and Lopez both said they usually work on commercials, but do specialize in baseball acting jobs within television. While extras mulled about the set waiting for the next scene, producer Hayma “Screech” Washington

Meningitis Foundation of America (MFA), said. Victims of meningitis can contract the disease in one of two forms, viral and bacterial. “I haven’t seen as many bacterial [cases] as viral,” Pat Brown, a nurse at the Health Center, said. “Viral is much less dangerous and not as intense.” Bacterial meningitis, an infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord, known as the meninges, is another story. “I’ve heard of people dying in 24 hours,” Newby said. “My son died within a couple of days.” According to the MFA web site, anyone can contract bacterial meningitis, but children under 5, teen-agers, young adults and older people are most at risk. “There is a little higher incidence for college students living in dorms,” Brown said.

Brown added that the close quarters of the dorms and students sharing eating utensils, food, and drinks add to their increased risk of contracting meningitis. Newby agreed, “It loves a dorm setting. Students are worn down, not eating right, not sleeping right, and they have a low immune system.” As the Resident Director of the dorms, Eugene Shang said he was taught about communicable diseases. “I’d send them to the Health Center,” Shang said. Brown said when feeling sick, it is important to go to the Health Center and seek medical attention right away. “When you come down with the disease, it’s hard to tell because the symptoms are so similar to the flu,” Brown added.



Every year, college students eagerly open Student Aid Report envelopes, hoping it states, “you may be eligible for assistance.” When the reports comes back with negative results, the cost of tuition becomes a concern. “It’s hard to go to school and work at the same time,” said advertising major Mark Barajas. Most programs ­— ­­with the exception of scholarships — do not grant assistance to the student with the best grades or student involvement on campus. Funds are given based on financial need and family contribution to a students’ education. Federal Methodology is the formula, devised by Congress, that calculates how much contribution a family can allocate for postsecondary education. Generally, there are four ways to categorize students: Dependent students whose parents have assets or those who have no assets, and independent students that have assets or those who have none. Assets consist of homes, businesses, or anything of monetary value. Some income is protected in the formula as an allowance and will not be considered as possible contribution for education. This protection is based on living expenses, employment expenses, and federal and state taxes paid. A student budget is based on college expenses minus expected

family contribution, and based on those factors, financial need is determined. “The student with the highest need would be one whose budget is equal to the financial need due a contribution of zero,” said Deborah McCracken, director of Financial Aid. “A contribution of zero can be attributed to family size, dependency status of the student to their parents and family income.” “I would do whatever I had to in order to go to school,” said Cesar Arellanes, international business major. “I would not take as many classes to balance out work and school, if I did not receive Financial Aid.” All students are eligible for loans. Financial need determines whether the loan offered is subsidized or unsubsidized. A subsidized Stafford Loan is granted to students who demonstrate financial need. Interest accrued is paid by the government. An unsubsidized Stafford Loan is granted to students who do not demonstrate as much need as other students. Interest is paid by the student while attending school or may be added to the loan principal. The priority deadline is set annually for March 2, on federal funding allotted to Cal State Fullerton students. Students, who meet this deadline and are determined financially needy, become eligible for three programs: Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work-Study and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant. These programs have very limited funding. Statistics provided by the Office of Financial Aid in the 1999/2000 note that Federal Work Study was awarded to 418 students. The Federal Perkins Loan, at 5 percent interest, was given to 534 students. The Federal Supplemental

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The Big Hurt Meningitis can infect people of all ages, but those with weaken immune systems are more likely to contract the disease. If not treated properly, a person with the disease can suffer permanent brain damage or even death.



In most cases, the meningitis virus or bacteria enters the bloodstream through the respiratory system


The disease attacks the spinal cord on the way up toward the brain.


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Disease infects the brain causing the brain to swell. Headaches mat be present and neck area may become stiff.

Graphic Illustration by Craig Hashimoto

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