U N I V E R S I T Y ,
INSIDE NEWS: College students earning 4 nmoney on Internet porn SPORTS: Men’s basketball face the 7 nCollege of Notre Dame Saturday at the Titan Gym
The counting and recounting has to end —see Opinion page 5 F r i d ay
Vo l u m e 7 1 , I s s u e 4 6
Wiccans make a cookbook
D e c e m b e r 1, 2000
Poor eating habits on hit universi-
The training begins
nNUTRITION: According to nutritionist Ada Shultz, Americans consume 17 times more salt than they need to
nFOOD: CSUF alumna wrote a Wiccan cookbook By Peggy Gomez
Daily Titan Staff Writer “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake In the cauldron boil and bake.” This quote from William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” might be an accurate depiction of one interpretation many would take when hearing of a Wiccan goddess cookbook. Cal State Fullerton alumna, Jamie Wood, and her sister-in-law Tara Seefeldt published their first book, “The Wicca Cookbook,” in early October. Wood and Seefeldt, combined their love for the Wiccan lifestyle, the historical background and the seasonal intent for the recipes to create the book. “We used Mother Nature, and the eight sabbats to make the book,” Wood said. Sabbats are holidays or seasons that nature revolves around. According to Wood and Seefeldt, Wicca is Saxon derived and means wise. The knowledge of the craft is based on the sun, stars, moon and the cycle of the seasons. The recipe portion of the book begins with the Candlemas holiday. Celebrated on Feb. 2, the intent is to honor the rebirth of the sun. The holiday is represented with snowflakes and foods that represent growth. Seeds and dairy foods are used in food preparation. “It is a time of inspiration and planting seeds for things you desire and want to manifest,” Wood said. She explained that it is also a time to light candles, representing the sun’s upcoming return. The spring equinox celebrated on the first day of spring honors the four directions: north, south, east and west. Spices used to prepare dishes for the season include strawberry, acorn, olive, and represent fertility. There are a lot of flowers coming into bloom and many dishes incorporate the flowers. “This is a time when light and dark are in equal balance,” Wood said. Beltane or May Day begins on the eve of May 1 and continues through the entire first day of May. “This is my favorite time, it is when fairies were abundant and mischievous,” Wood said. According to Wood, this is a time of marriage between equal sides of divinity; the god and goddess marry. Wood said maypoles are popular during the month of May. The pole depicts the god, the ribbons are the goddess, and when they are intertwined, a child is created. Mead, honeysuckle and
By Jamie K. Ayala
Daily Titan Staff Writer
David Rivera/Daily Titan
Members of the Cal State Fullerton baseball team take part in preseason batting practice.
An open horizon for nDRAMA: Several differences exist bewteen theatre actors that perform on stage and on screen By Kelly Mead
Daily Titan Staff Writer Cal State Fullerton has a huge theater department. Every year hundreds of students graduate as acting majors. But the phrase, theater major, may be misleading. Students use the training at CSUF as an avenue for screen acting as well as theater. Despite crossovers from theater to film and back again, the two professions do demonstrate major differences.
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Check out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton.edu. New features and sections will be available this year!
u p co m i n g
David Rivera/Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton, 1991 alumna Jamie Wood co-authored a Wiccan cookbook.
Too much homework. Part-time job. Not enough time to prepare a healthy meal or to even eat at all. College students cite a number of reasons for not keeping healthy eating patterns. But eating habits developed now are carried into after-college years and if they’re not good ones, they may cause health problems. Student Health and Counseling nutritionist Ada Schultz was inspired to go into nutrition because she was raised on junk foods and wanted to see what else there was besides Tang and TV dinners. “It doesn’t get easier,” Schulz said. “The demands of family and a career keep your schedule full. This isn’t rehearsal. Now has a huge impact on your future health.” Nutrition is a relatively young science and there are many so-called experts out there trying to sell the “right” advice. As Ronald Reagan once said, Schultz reiterated, “Trust, but verify.” She said that on the Internet, dotcom sites should be red flags. The government tries to regulate the Internet through monthly sweeps. Last month they caught 800 bogus sites and sent warnings of investigation out to them. By the next day, one-third of the sites disappeared, one-third revised their wording to comply and another third is still under investigation, Schultz said. In order to begin healthy eating
habits, fats, sugars and salts need to be cut back. Fats coat the arteries and blood vessels, causing serious health complications that may need to be resolved via bypass surgeries. Salt hardens the arteries and if taken in excess can cause hypertension, which leads to strokes. “Americans consume 17 times more salt than they need to,” Schulz said. The second step is to seek healthier alternatives. One way is to follow the food pyramid. In the mid-1950s the basic four food groups was developed and later re-designed into today’s familiar food pyramid. According to the U.S. Department of Health and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ranges are given for those who are sedentary and consume about 1,600 calories and those who are more active and consume about 2,800 calories a day. The pyramid contains six food groups including bread-cereal-pasta group (6-11 servings), fruit group (2-4 servings), vegetable group (3-5 servings), meat-poultry-fish-egg-nut group (2-3 servings), milk-yogurt-cheese group (2-3 servings) and fats-oilssweet group (use sparingly). What counts as a serving? One slice of bread, one cup of vegetables, one medium apple or orange, one cup of milk or a portion of meat equal to a deck of cards. Schulz said that people often flip the pyramid upside down and intake more of the group that is supposed to be taken sparingly. She suggests that if you can not eat all the correct servings, at least eat more nutritionally oriented. For example, eat brown rice instead of white, oatmeal instead of Fruit Loops, wheat bread instead of white and low fat milk instead of whole. Portion control is also important. “We’re a nation of gluttons,” Schulz said. “One out of every two Americans is overweight.”
n The College of Humanities and Social Sciences may change the number of commencement ceremonies - Tuesday
“Theater people tend to be a little more studied,” said Steve Baker, a senior theater major at CSUF. “But you can find extreme talent in both and you can find people who don’t know what they’re doing in both.” Baker attributes the higher concentration of educated actors in theater to the fact that film is concerned with looks as much as talent. Theater mainly wants talent, according to Baker. Coverage of film actors, such as recent accounts of Robert Downy Jr., may give film actors a reputation of irresponsibility. Lack of interest in the secrets that Broadway performers may have in their closets, in conjunction with the nation’s hunger to hear dirt on film actors might be responsible for this image. Baker said he credits this to the wide exposure and money involved
in film. “When it comes down to it, they all [film and theater actors] do stupid things,” he said. But the differences in the performances may give film actors some leeway. Brooke Aston, a theater major, said that theater requires a different type of energy than film. A play may perform the same script day after day for months, while a film requires one perfect sequence. “When you’re not making a film, you don’t have to work,” she said. “You don’t have to have as much stamina.” The mechanics of film and theater also feed these differences. The main difference is in time and place. “ In theater you have to stretch
Lisa Billings/Daily Titan
Dave Bakhaus exercises regularly and still enjoys junk food.
Spider-man movie in the nFILM: Tobey Maguire will star as Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man, in the movie which will premier in May 2002 By James Moya
Daily Titan Staff Writer ‑ Things are about to look up for the world’s web-slinging fans, as the “Spider-man” movie is set to be released date in May of 2002. After years of legal battles over the
rights to the Spider-man film, it will finally go to the big screen as fans everywhere will get their wish to see the movie. Over the years, many the major super heroes like Batman, Superman, the Flash, and the Punisher have had film adaptations of their comics made. While Spider-man has had a number of cartoons, throughout the years, there has never been a film of the super hero. Spider-man will now have his chance to shine on the big screen. According to the Comics2films.com, the cast will feature Tobey Maguire, who starred in “Cider House Rules,” as Peter Parker , also known as Spiderman.
The director will be Sam Raimi, who directed for the “Love of the Game.” Marvel guru and Spider-man co-creator Stan Lee will oversee the project whose script was written by “Titanic” director James Cameron. Avi Arad, who also produced “Blade,” will be the executive producer. Danny Elfman, who produced the musical score for “Batman” will also produce the soundtrack for “Spider-man.” “Spider-man” is expected to receive the same level of attention as the summer’s “X-Men” film. “I would love to see this movie because Spider-man is one of the oldtimers and the special effects should be
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