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O DailyTITAN


S  Volume 84, Issue 46

Healthy Food Needed

Losing My Religion

Girl Power

Dave Bruemmer discusses the creation of the universe OPINION, p. 5

Profile on a fitness diva and a girl INTROSPECT, p. 8 fighter

D T T S V  C S U, F

Coachella Festival Heats Up

Thursday May 3, 2007

A ʻFinalʼ Tip For the Year BY JENNIFER CHURCH


Daily Titan Staff Writer

Daily Titan Staff Writer

With a vast selection of restaurants available on campus, Cal State Fullerton students have a lot to choose from. Fast-food diners, such as Carl’s Jr. and Busy Bee Asian Food, offer students on the go a quick and inexpensive meal. However, among the many restaurants available to the hungry student body, students looking for a healthy meal have to search a little harder. “Usually I get the sandwiches,” said pre-medicine student Michelle Suazo, 25. “Whatever is not fried.” Suazo said she believes the current selection of choices could improve in terms of their nutrition value, and she has gone as far as dropping comments in the suggestion box requesting a salad bar in the Titan Student Union with a good variety of fruits and vegetables. “I think they could improve much more,” Suazo said. “By having things that are not fried or vegetables that are not cooked in oil.” With a master’s degree in public health, professor Dara Vazin knows a thing or two about nutrition. Vazin said students should make conscious choices in terms of what they want to feed their bodies to avoid future health risks. Jennifer Cheng, a business and marketing major, said she likes to eat well but at times finds herself limited due to her college student budget. “Healthy food can cost more,” Cheng said. Cheng, 19, said she usually heads to Busy Bee Asian Food for a healthy and inexpensive meal of rice and vegetables. “Weigh off the cost in the long term,” Vazin said. “It is probably less expensive to eat healthy in the long term in terms of your overall quality of health in life.” According to Vazin, students who eat poorly are more likely to be stressed out, feel rundown and their minds do not work as clearly. Some long-term risks of a poor diet can include diabetes, cancer and heart disease. “They are upgrading some of the cafeteria shops,” said Vazin, who considers the Langsdorf Express to be an excellent place for a healthy meal. Langsdorf Express located in Langsdorf Hall offers a healthy alternative for students looking for a nutritious meal. The wraps and sandwiches are made from Healthy Choice deli meats, and The Nutwood Cafe in College Park recently introduced the Organic To Go meals. The food retailer uses organic ingredients throughout its menu of pre-made sandwiches, yogurt and salads. In response, many fast-food restaurants are now including healthy alternatives to their menu. Carl’s Jr. has added salads and sandwiches, and the restaurant’s Web site has a nutritional calculator that helps diners determine the amount of calories they are consuming. Vazin also suggested to students looking for a healthy meal to look for restaurants off-campus. While the convenience of a hamburger might seem more appetizing there most likely is something a bit healthier on the same menu, according to Vazin. “You have to make the right choice,” Cheng said.

Vanderlinden said. Tears filled the eyes of some people as they walked by and read the words carefully drawn on a small green Tshirt, “Daddy, I forgive you.” “[I feel] heartbreak, makes me teary-eyed. I think it lets people know that it does happen,” said Mary Barrett, a 25-year-old American studies major. A table was set up for anyone to come forward and decorate their own T-shirt and tell their own story of survival. According to the Women’s Studies Student Association, last year many victims created their own Tshirts to add to the others. This year only a couple of individuals were brave enough to step forward, which may lead some to believe that crime is going down. However, that is not the case. Sexual assault is a problem on college campuses nationwide. According

Many students are bracing themselves for the looming finals week as papers and projects are due and time is quickly running out. Preparation and study tactics can make or break final grades. While Cal State Fullerton students collectively agree that time management is the key, they have varying studying strategies that work best for them. “For science and calculus classes, the biggest part of [studying] is memorizing,” said electrical engineering major Bruno Ferreira. The 20-year-old junior said his professors tipped him and his classmates off with the advice at the start of the semester. Ferreira said he tries to study for exams at least a week in advance. Along with time management, prioritizing is key, Ferreira said. “I try to be smart about which class is easiest, such as Political Science, and study the least for it,” Ferreira said. “It takes me four hours to get it straight … When I study, I write it down, I say it out loud and I hear it. That helps me remember things.” Collaboration can also be an effective tool in studying. “I study with friends,” said biology major Iris Lee. “When I don’t know something, I just ask and someone else always has the answers.” The 18-year-old freshman said she studies up to two weeks before finals, but she doesn’t have a particular strategy. “I read the book and I review the vocabulary,” Lee said. “Usually I already get nervous even though I’ve been studying for an exam so I stay up late, and wake up early to read my notes.” Studying in groups can sometimes takes the load off the daunting task of reviewing, but it isn’t useful for everyone. “I study by myself because I’m too social,” said history major Edgar Gomez. “I get distracted studying in groups because I just forget about the task at hand.” The 20-year-old sophomore said he uses study guides to review. Gomez said he finds that writing notes as he reads over chapters help him retain information. He then makes additional bullet points and types it out in his computer.





BY KARL THUNMAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor

HUGE CROWDS - Soaring temperatures and desert dust couldn’t deter fans from trekking to the Coachella Valley. Check out fesitval coverage of

Rage Against the Machine and the rest of the experience in The Buzz.

CSUF Supports Sex Crime Victims BY MICHELLE RAMOS

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Over 300 T-shirts billowed in the breeze Thursday afternoon, acting as the voices of the many victims of rape, sexual molestation and domestic violence. The rainbow of T-shirts that hung in the Quad told the story of each victim. The words “I trusted him, that doesn’t mean I wanted it!” left students unable to dodge the harsh reality that these crimes are happening in Orange County and on college campuses. The many colors and shirts symbolized each different crime. “Pink, red and orange mean rape, the yellow are domestic violence, the white ones are if anyone’s been killed and the green means child sexual violence,” said Nicole Vanderlinden, member of Women’s Studies Student Association and Third Wave Feminist Group.

BY JAZZY GRAZA/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

BY CANDLELIGHT - Students gathered Thursday night to reach out to women who have dealt with abuse at Take Back the Night. Some “dirty laundry” was displayed at the 6th Annual CSUF Orange County Clothesline Project, sponsored by Community Service Programs’ Sexual Assault Victim Services in conjunction with CSUF’s Third Wave Feminist Group.

“Violence, especially sexual violence, is pushed into the closet and we don’t want to talk about it, and so it’s a good way to bring it on campus so that we can recognize that it’s happening and try to figure out what’s going to be best to change it,”

Examining the Differences and Similarities of War For the Daily Titan


Tiffany Le isn’t old enough to remember the Vietnam War, but Donald Matthewson, a Cal State Fullerton political science professor, is. Matthewson served in the Vietnam War as a high-ranking captain with presidential clearances from 1967 to 1971. While they are different in age, race and sex, Tiffany Le might have more in common with Matthewson than she realizes. Le’s plight may come to mirror Matthewson’s to a degree that teeters on the edge of déjà vu.

There’s no end in sight to our involvement in Iraq, this war could be going on for another 10 years.


– D M CSUF Poly. Sci. professor

Le may be deployed to Iraq. “What people need to realize about war is that the people that get killed in war are the lucky ones,” Matthewson said. Although his words may sound

harsh to the average American, it’s a reality that comes to the minds and hearts of reservists and soldiers like Le who sit anxiously waiting for their call of duty. Like Matthewson, Le, a Marine Corps reservist and public relations major, counts numerous similarities between the Vietnam War and the war in Iraq. Le said she believes in both wars, the U.S. assigned itself the responsibility of both policeman and peacemaker, something she calls “a recipe for disaster.” “It’s kind of like watching two dogs fight,” said the 22-year-old junior.


ONLINE www.dailytitan.com



SPORTS RESULTS CSUF teams play a series at home. Re-caps and scores on Monday


Check out the multimedia section online to see a video of nutrition and places to eat on campus.

BY PETER ARNETT/Associated press

VIETNAM WAR - A U.S. cavalryman seriously wounded Nov. 17, 1965 in the Vietnam War is carried by medics to an ambulance helicopter.



TOMORROW Partly Cloudy High: 68 Low: 53

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