2001 03 08

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U N I V E RS I T Y ,

F U L L E R T O N Men’s basketball begins Big West tournament this afternoon against Utah State

INSIDE NEWS: Once a scarce commodity, mush4 nrooms are now springing up everywhere DETOUR: Well-known novel turned play 6 nportrays war through the eyes of a young girl

—see Sports page 7

T h u r s d ay

Vo l u m e 7 2 , I s s u e 1 3

M a r c h 8, 2001

Student faces charges after dorm break-in nCRIME: Sigma Pi member is in police custody for allegedly kicking down a door in Cobb Residence Halls

By Kathleen Gutierrez Daily Titan Staff Writer

A Cal State Fullerton fraternity member was arrested at the Sigma Pi house on Monday for vandalism and possession of a deadly weapon. The student, 21-year-old Michael Ryan Schreiber, pled not guilty to charges at the Fullerton Municipal Court House on Wednesday afternoon and remains in custody. His bail was lowered from $50,000 to $7,500. Campus police arrested Schreiber for allegedly breaking down the door of a student’s room in Cobb Residence Halls and for allegedly attempting to assault him and other students with brass knuckles. He was allegedly searching for his ex-girlfriend, who lives in the dormitories, when he was told she was out with a male friend who also lives in the same facility. The report, taken by campus police, said Schreiber beat on the door of the male student. His roommate looked through the door viewer, saw Schreiber and the brass knuckles he allegedly wore, and refused to open the door. The roommate yelled to Schreiber that the male student was not home and then Schreiber kicked the door down. A part of the door’s framework was taken in as evidence against

Schreiber. “He literally kicked the door right in, breaking the hinges off and everything,” said CSUF Detective Thomas Gerhls. Schreiber told police that he did not know how many people were in the dorm room, so he wore brass knuckles to protect himself. Gerhls also said that the harassment against the female student has been ongoing. Schreiber allegedly resorted to this action after a series of attempts to contact his ex-girlfriend were unsuccessful. The ex-girlfriend submitted two harassment-related e-mails from Schreiber to campus police as evidence of intent. According to the police report, the roommate said that after Schreiber kicked in the door, he was demanding that he reveal the male student’s whereabouts. When he refused, Schreiber got into his car and drove back to the Sigma Pi house. Responding to a call from the roommate, campus police drove to the house and found Schreiber’s blue Camaro parked outside with the engine still warm. Another Sigma Pi member allowed police inside and took them to Schreiber. Police found Schreiber in his room where they arrested him for terrorist threats, possession of a deadly weapon and vandalism to CSUF property. To protect their privacy, campus police requested that Schreiber’s victims remain anonymous pending further investigation of the case. The pretrial hearing is slated for March 14 at 8 a.m. at Fullerton Municipal Court.

Camera cops stay vigilant on the corner of Westminster Avenue and Brookhurst Street in Garden Grove.

Mayra Beltran/Daily Titan

Red light runners beware nTREND: Mounted cameras catch drivers who break the law

By Marlayna Slaughterbeck Daily Titan News Editor

Zoom, click, you’re busted. Gone are the days when drivers speeding through yellow lights merely had

to keep their eyes peeled for police cruisers to avoid a ticket. Camera cops—cameras mounted at busy intersections, designed to nab drivers who run red lights—are rapidly sprouting up throughout Southern California. Although Fullerton has yet to take advantage of the relatively new technology, Lt. Greg Mayes of the Fullerton Police Department said it would not be long before it does. “You’ll probably see more and

more cities phasing in the cameras within the next year,” Mayes said, adding that although in Fullerton the project requires the city council’s approval, there is already a good deal of support for the program. In Beverly Hills, where the cameras have been in place since 1998, there is also some resistance. While much of the controversy is based on concern over Fourth Amendment privacy rights, some take issue more with the cost of

the ticket itself, rather than the possibility that their constitutional rights have been violated. At $270 per citation, the average camera cranks out 2,000 tickets per month, potentially generating more than half a million dollars each for the city. The steep penalties combined with the fact that offenders are often not aware they’ve been caught or that they have even broken the law until


Space and the Web meet nSCIENCE: Students design an Internetbased communication model for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory By Samantha Gonzaga

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor

david rivera/Daily Titan

Senior Tai Vo and Professor Charles Hung Lee are involved in a research program with JPL.

Dr. Charles Hung Lee and Dr. William Gearhart want to make information about space satellites more accessible. Today most scientists must rely on expensive software to get this data. But Lee, Gearhart and seven math, computer science and engineering students are striving to eliminate this reliance. A small room with four computer

stations, two space posters and an electric fan the size of a walk-in closet is one of the places where they work. This tiny area is where they streamline their project dealing with the use of a Web-based tool for space communications. As the end of the month nears, the group will discover if the yearlong project will earn the approval of Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This cooperative research is a project in which CSUF is the only university collaborating with JPL. The premise presented to the students involved is the creation of a Web tool that will enable scientists to access JPL information on the Internet. “JPL has many telecommunications planning tools mainly used

By Kelly Mead

Daily Titan Staff Writer The Titan Shops gave back $13,726 in redemption gift certificates this semester.

Redemption Week is a biannual event that gives students $5 for every $100 they spend at Titan Shops. Last term the store gave away $16,368. “Predominantly the spring semester is less than the fall semester,” said Chuck Kissel the customer service manager for the Titan Shops. More than 1,000 students redeemed their receipts this semester. The largest gift certificate was for a student who spent $1,000 at the store. He received a $50 gift

certificate. The next Redemption Week will occur between Sept. 17 and Sept. 23. Students will get money back for purchases between late July and early September. “Students can get the tail end of it,” Kissel said, referring to summer session students. The store has given $117,084 since Redemption Week started in the fall of 1997. Nearly 10,000 receipts have been redeemed.

JPL/ 3


Redemption Week gift certificates exchanged for bookstore receipts nRETAIL: The Titan Shops gave students an opportunity to receive $5 for every $100 spent on books

for NASA missions,” Lee said, a professor of mathematics. “But it is not centralized. The goal is to see how good the communications link is.” Currently, scientists who wish to access information in JPL must employ the use of several software systems in addition to their authorized clearance. Since not every computer has these programs installed, it restricts the way scientists can get the information they seek. “Anyone in the world with an authorization can log on and get access,” Lee said. Since such important information will be online, security is an important issue. Senior Tai Vo, one of the students working on the project, said,

extras online n

Check out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton.edu.

d ow n l o a d n

lorraine dominguez/Daily Titan

A total of 10,000 receipts redeemed over $100,000 in vouchers.


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