2001 04 03

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,


INSIDE One professor’s experience 4 nwithNEWS: leukemia may bring hope to others

Titans post notable numbers at Stanford Invitational

Racial surveys are judgmen5 ntalOPINION: and alienate biracial applicants

—see Sports page 7

T u e s d ay

Vo l u m e 7 2 , I s s u e 2 3

A p r i l 3, 2001

Allaway refuses to undergo examinanCOURT: The District Attorney requests that a Santa Ana court allow the prosecution to evaluate Allaway By Marlayna Slaughterbeck Daily Titan News Editor

The attorney for the worst mass murderer in Orange County’s history, Deputy Public Defender John

F.F. Bovee posed an unlikely question outside a courtroom in Santa Ana on Friday. “Should someone who has committed a crime of this magnitude be released back into society?” he asked, referring to Edward Charles Allaway, who killed seven people at Cal State Fullerton in 1976. “I suspect that the majority of the public would say ‘no’,” he said. For Bovee, however, public opinion is beside the point—what matters is the law. “California law says something altogether different,” Bovee said,

adding that although it would probably constitutional to require the criminally insane to serve life terms for murder, no such stipulation exists in California. Allaway was found not guilty by reason of insanity after gunning down nine and killing seven in the campus’ library nearly 25 years ago and was sent to Atascadero State Hospital. Despite previous unsuccessful attempts for release, doctors at Patton State Hospital — where Allaway is currently confined — now back him, offering his best chance for

freedom so far. The request has hit a stumbling block, however, with news that the hospital’s medical director, Sarla Gnanamuthu, would not support his release from the San Bernardino facility. Although dismayed by the director’s decision, Bovee said that he believes the recommendations of Allaway’s doctors will prove sufficient to secure his release. Superior Court Judge Frank F. Fasel has sealed Gnanamuthu’s decision, which stems from concerns surrounding Allaway’s refusal to

submit to the prosecution’s request for a psychiatric examination. In a bid to force Allaway to submit to a psychiatric evaluation and deposition, Orange County Deputy District Attorney Dan Wagner, has requested that Allaway’s case be classified as civil, rather than criminal. “If the judge determines that the case is a civil matter, the prosecution will have the right take Allaway’s deposition and have him examined,” Wagner said. A hearing is set for April 13 to discuss the status of the case, but

Wagner said Fasel would probably not rule on the civil or criminal nature of the case until the 27th. Wagner said that he is requesting an outside evaluation to provide insight needed to determine whether Allaway remains a danger to society. When asked, Wagner said he personally believes that Allaway is still a threat. “I do,” Wagner said. “And I think we’ll get a lot more information tending to prove he’s still mentally ill and dangerous.”


Victims fight the release of killer

Si se puede

nCRIME: The families of Edward Allaway’s victims worry he will snap under the pressures of everyday life By Marlayna Slaughterbeck Daily Titan News Editor

Emilia Aleman of Carson visited the Anaheim Museum to celebrate Cesar Chavez’s birthday.


Patricia Alamazan doesn’t think her father’s killer is ready to be released into society. She said she believes Edward Allaway lacks basic professional skills and is still a danger to society. Defense attorney, Deputy Public Defender John F.F. Bovee, along with Allaway’s doctors at Patton State Mental Hospital in San Bernardino, disagree. Bovee said that while Allaway, perpetrator of Orange County’s deadliest act of violence, would probably never achieve professional greatness, he is nonetheless mentally sound and should be allowed a place in society. Bovee said he is hopeful that the prosecution’s request for a civil trial will be denied, but if Superior Court

Judge Frank F. Fasel rules against his client, he will not appeal. The news pleased family members of Allaway’s victims and Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer, who heads up a citizens group protesting Allaway’s release. “That’s good news for the victims,” Almazan said, whose father, graphic artist Frank Teplansky, was one of the seven people slain 25 years ago. “I’m really happy to hear that.” Almazan said she is no more eager than the defense to drag out the process. “Another birthday here, another there,” she said. “It’s draining physically — but especially mentally — for all the victims’ families.” Almazan said she would never miss a hearing, though, because she’s scared he could slip through the cracks. Regarding Allaway’s prospects if released, Bovee is optimistic but acknowledges his client’s limitations. “Ed’s never going to have a highpowered job,” he said, pointing to Spitzer. “He’s never going to have Todd’s position.”


Campus official weathers controvernADMINISTRATION: Despite charges of discrimination, Chuck Moore remains focused on the posiBy Samantha Gonzaga

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor Chuck Moore is used to being in the middle. The middle child between 10 children, Moore has been accustomed to mediating and searching for solutions. In the wake of allegations charging him with discrimination in his department of Enrollment Management/University Outreach, he has found himself sandwiched again. This time between the doubts of those who marched two weeks ago in front of Langsdorf Hall and a loyal staff. “I think this has to do more with bad politics, rather than his ability,” said Darlene Trostad, who works under


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Moore. “It’s been hard for us to see him attacked.” “First there’s the shock,” she continued. “It hurts to know that there are people who don’t like him, and he’s someone we care about.” Moore has remained resilient in spite of the prank calls his house has been receiving lately, and the most recent investigation conducted in his department for the misrepresentation of funds. The burden of the charges, however, has done little to keep him bogged down. “I try to remain objective, though it’s hard,” Moore said. ”Especially when my staff is being attacked. They know that I’ll always believe them first; but I also allow them to make mistakes, only if they are willing to recognize it.”

The compassion that Moore displays so openly was forged partly by the respect he developed for different cultures. Moore has spent his life exposed to a variety of experiences that ranged from living with a Portuguese family during his boyhood, to helping alleviate the destitute living conditions for 20 Native American tribes by writing food proposals to the government. Ironic, considering the label that had been attached to him by some as racially discriminatory. As a boy growing up in the 1960s, Moore had endured his share of labels. “My first label was ‘colored.’ Then I became ‘black.’ Then I became, intellectually speaking ‘Afro-American.’ “Now I’m ‘African,’ without the

hyphen,” he continued. Moore originally pursued political science as a major in college. All perceptions changed when he chanced upon a copy of W. E. B. Du Bois’ “The World in Africa,” which cemented his love for history and the yearning to learn more about his African culture. He switched from political science to African history, with a concentration on East and West Africa. He would walk away from his college experience with a teaching credential and the desire to instill empowerment, particularly in youths. “That’s one thing I learned about history,” he said. “Don’t leave knowing less about yourself.”



Chuck Moore battles allegations of discrimination.

Fire drill today at 11 a.m. to prepare for emergennSAFETY: The goal of Campus Emergency Preparedness is to have all buildings clear within 20 minutes By Amy Rottier

Daily Titan Staff Writer Fire alarms in all Cal State Fullerton buildings, including College Park, will be activated today at 11 a.m. for a campus-wide fire evacuation. Students, staff and faculty are to exit buildings and go to designated evacuation areas listed on brief-

ings mailed to students. Emergency coordinators with bullhorns will be outside to direct crowds. Elevators in most of the buildings are designed to go straight to the first floor once the alarm is set off. Disabled people who are unable to use the stairs are supposed to move with the crowd to the stairway. CSUF Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Quentin Frazier said that in a real emergency it is the citizens’ responsibility to try to get disabled people down the stairs. If citizens are unable to help the disabled to safety, they need to inform emergency officers so the disabled can reach safety. Because this drill is announced, disabled people have the choice to leave the buildings before the eleva-

tors are shut down. The purpose of this fire drill is to help train different elements of the campus population to react to an emergency. Campus emergency preparedness, campus police and the fire alarms are tested. Since the focus is on the university, the Fullerton Fire Department will not participate. Before last year, each building was drilled separately. A campus-wide evacuation is more realistic even though it is still artificial because people know about it ahead of time, said Colleen Wilkins of Environmental Health & Instructional Safety. The goal of campus emergency preparedness is to have all buildings clear within 20 minutes. Each


building has a team of fire marshals to ensure that their building is evacuated completely. Last year the evacuation only took 15 minutes. Problems with last year’s evacuation included people milling around the quad, people hanging out in building hallways and instructors not letting students out of their classes. People congregating in the quad during a real emergency would block traffic for emergency control vehicles and compromise safety. People need to be at least 150 feet away from a building to stay out of danger such as falling debris, Wilkins said. Future goals are to be able to do this exercise without a lot of warning. “We’re starting out small and are

building slowly,” Frazier said. Eventually, warning of the drill will be vague, possibly sometime in April. Briefings along with a mass video e-mail was sent to students and staff yesterday to remind them of the drill, but students need to take the responsibility upon themselves to be informed of emergency procedures, Frazier said. Evacuation routes and other information are posted in every building.

2 Tuesday, April 3, 2001



A guide to what’s happening

BRIEFS Volunteers needed for celebrity golf tour The only Los Angeles event on the Ladies Association tour is looking for volunteers next week. Proceeds will go toward the City of Hope National Medical Center and Beckman Research Institute ­– a facility that devotes itself to not-for-profit treatment. The tour begins on Monday April 9, and ends on Saturday April 14. Volunteers will get the chance to watch professional golfers compete for an $800,000 purse. They will also be invited to attend a volunteer party that includes food, drink and the chance to win prizes. Another benefit that volunteers also receive is free meals and parking during the days of the tournament, as well as two season passes. Those considering to sign up as a group are eligible for special offers. Those willing to staff for four days straight will get a volunteer uniform, a $45 value, for free. Groups consisting of more than five people get free T-shirts. Ten or more people who sign up for at least three shifts get free uniforms for each member of their group. The tournament will take place at the Wilshire Country Club. For those interested in the event, more information can be obtained by calling Alice Gray at (213) 202-5135.

Learning grant given to CSUs to honor Cesar Chavez The California Commission

Denise Smaldino Vu Nguyen Joel Helgesen Collin Miller Gus Garcia Darleene Barrientos Marlayna Slaughterbeck Samantha Gonzaga Darla Priest Raul Ascencio Damian Calhoun Magda Liszewska Jamie Ayala Lorraine Dominguez David Rivera Lori Anderson Caeser Contreras Rita Freeman Debra Santelli Darleene Barrientos Gus Garcia Kari Wirtz Robert Kelleher Jeffrey Brody Editor in Chief Managing Editor News Sports Main Photo

278-5815 278-5693 278-5813 278-3149 278-2128 278-2991

on Improving Life through Service (CILTS) has given the Californian State University’s Office of Community Service and Learning $250,000, in celebration of Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Learning. The money will help assist service-related activities for CSU campuses, children and community members. It will also facilitate partnerships between CSU campuses and community organizations celebrating the holiday by forging opportunities for service activities from now through June 30. Cal State Fullerton is one of the 12 campuses to receive funds. Efforts will go toward a new mentorship program called “Si Se Puede.” This involves close interaction between a local elementary school and the YMCA. It hopes to launch a weeklong series of service and learning activities for K-12 and college students. Students visiting CSUF will get the chance participate in a Science Adventure Program supporting environmental conservation. Other activities will also be planned dealing with respect for nature. Other CSUs that are also setting up similar programs. CSU Chico has planned a three-day event called Community Environmental Day, which highlights Chavez’s values for conservation and improvement in communities. CSU Northridge will be launching three different programs that touch upon environmental awareness, youth empowerment and a festival celebrating Chavez’s life through film, dance and poetry.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Tuesday through Friday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan and its predecessor, the Titan Times, have functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The mail subscription price is $45 per semester, $65 per year, payable to the Daily Titan, College Park 670, CSUF, Fullerton, CA 92834. Copyright ©2001 Daily Titan

CALE NDAR  OF N TS CALENDAR  OF  EVE EVENTS Campus Today the Fullerton Chapter Faculty Forum Series is presenting history professor Lawrence de Graaf, to speak on the “Highlights of CSU Fullerton As Seen In Its Building.” This event will take place from noon to 1:15 p.m. in the Careering Planning and Placement Department Conference Room — LH 210G. A band will perform on Wednesday, April 4 at noon in the outdoor Becker Amphitheater. The University Conference Center and Dean of Students Office will present a “Blueprints” Event Planning Workshop on Wednesday, April 4 at 1 p.m. in TSU — Ontiveros BC. Attend

this workshop to learn how to utilize the university’s resources for your next event. A band will perform on Thursday, April 5 in the TSU Round Table Pizza Pub at noon. A.S. Rec Sports is hosting a Men and Women’s 8ball Billiards Tournament on Thursday, April 5 in the TSU — Underground at noon, register by this time. A free film will be shown on Thursday, April 5 in the TSU — Titan Theater at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. The Daisy Cambodian Student Association will host a culture show on Saturday, April 7 at 6:30 p.m. in Pavilion A,B,C. Passover begins at sundown on Saturday, April 7.

College of the Arts is presenting Street Scene — A Broadway Opera on April 20 through 29 at the Little Theatre, Performing Arts Center, Cal State Fullerton. For more information call (714) 278-2434. College of the Arts is presenting Prints from the Cal State Fullerton Collection on April 21 through May 26 in the Main Art Gallery. The Opening reception is on Saturday, April 21 at 6 p.m. ‑


The Fullerton Friends of Music is presenting The Cleveland Duo and James Umble on April 8 at Sunny Hills High School at 3:30 p.m. For more information call (714) 525-

9504. Easter Sunday is on April 15. The 14th Annual HIV/Aids on the Front Line Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 18 at the Hilton Hotel in Costa Mesa. For more information call (714) 456-2249. Holocaust Remembrance Day is on Thursday, April 19. College of the Arts is presenting Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll by Eric Bogosian on April 19 through 22 at the Grand Central Theatre (125 N. Broadway, Santa Ana) Explore pop culture through riveting, hilarious and often disturbing monologues. (For mature audiences) For more information call (714) 2782434.


Safety at 4:45 p.m.

Thursday, March 22

Shoplifting was reported from the bookstore at 8:04 a.m.

At 10:10 a.m., keys were reported stolen from a table in the Titan Student Union.

Tuesday, March 20 A vehicle with seven outstanding parking citations was booted around 9:39 a.m. The boot was removed around 1:09 p.m.

A forged decal was removed from an Acura in Lot D at 11:25 a.m.

At 1:20 p.m., vandalism to a car was reported in the Fullervale parking lot.

Indecent exposure was reported at 10:20 a.m. The reporting party said a chubby man in a gray Toyota pick-up truck with ladders followed her.

At the softball field, a female was hit in the head with a ball and medical aid was requested at 9:42 p.m.

Wednesday, March 21 A female reported problems with her ex-boyfriend to Public

Friday, March 23

ed that a car illegally parked had been blocking her car for over an hour. At 4:52 p.m., a suspect was arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance.

Sunday, March 25 Medical aid was requested at 10:33 p.m. when a custodian sprained his ankle while walking on a loading dock.

Tuesday, March 27

At 10:30 p.m., a drunken driver was arrested at a Circle K and released at 11:55 p.m.

Public Safety assistance was requested at El Dorado Apartments at 7:12 p.m. when a husband and wife were disturbing the peace.

Saturday, March 24

Wednesday, March 28

At 11 a.m., a woman report-

A male came into the public

Folger’s 2*5

Western State 4*5

safety office at 4:13 a.m. to turn himself in for a felony warrant. The suspect was arrested and taken to Orange County Jail at 5:54a.m.

Thursday, March 29 At 7:46 a.m. a man was reported to be having kidney pain but no chest pain. Medical aid was sent and the man was later transferred to a hospital. A suspect was arrested when public safety stopped a car at the Shell gas station at Yorba Linda Boulevard and Placentia at 9:13 a.m. At 11:20 a.m. a car was reported to have rolled out of its parking space in the form of misdemeanor assault and battery were kicked out of the pub by the bouncer.

Univ. Village 2*5


Tuesday, April 3, 2001


Racing to find a cure for Multiple nCHARITY: More than 1500 volunteers walked to help raise money for research on the disease of the central nervous sysBy Taylor Goldman

Daily Titan Staff Writer Colleen Laskey was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in May of 1999. The 35-year-old first noticed symptoms of the disease six months after the birth of her third child when her legs began to feel very heavy. “They felt so heavy ... I would stumble and even trip,” the previously athletic woman said. Carolina Cormac, the Director of Development for the Orange County Division of the Society, said the National Multiple Sclerosis Society held a nationwide walk over the weekend to raise money for research, programs and services designed for people with Multiple Sclerosis. She added that three different walks took place in the region of Orange County over the weekend. The Orange County division held a walk in Orange on Saturday and at both Huntington Beach and Salt Creek on Sunday. In Huntington Beach where Brookhurst Street and Pacific Coast Highway meet, participants gathered early in the morning. To begin the day participants were greeted with a colorful balloon arch that marked the beginning of the five or 10 K walk, and in compensation for being dragged out of bed at an early hour, they were offered juice, coffee and bagels. “There was an excitement in the air to help others,” said Colleen Marks, a junior at Cal State Fullerton who walked at Huntington Beach. Cormac said that at 7:45 a.m. many walkers joined in an aero-


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Moore brought an additional aspiration when he started at Cal State Fullerton in 1994: The ambition to propel students in the high school levels forward by bringing the opportunities of a college education closer within reach. This was exemplified by the rise in student enrollment that CSUF has been experiencing. According to a report compiled by the Enrollment Management/ University Outreach Department for Fall 2000, CSUF enrollment for firsttime freshmen showed a 36 percent rate from Los Angeles County and a 41 percent rate from Orange County. His department is responsible for the tours arranged for high schools to visit the campus, which introduced Welcome to Fullerton Day in 1994 and Fall Preview

guisell Lara/Special to the Titan

There were 1,400 people who walked at the 2001 18th annual MS Walk in Huntington Beach on Sunday, April 1. bic workout to warm up for the walk. Rick Romero, from Channel 7 news, was the celebrity spokesperson at Huntington Beach. Each site also featured the town mayor who helped welcome walkers. The walk officially began at 8:30 a.m., although many lingered taking team photos or finishing their breakfast. Cormac estimated that 1500 people strolled, power-walked or jogged the course along the beach, many with dogs or babies in tow.

There were frequent rest stops along the course that offered water and energy food such as bananas, dates and figs for the weary. Walkers that finished the course walked victoriously through an aisle composed of volunteers shaking pom-poms and cheering. Clowns adorned tired participants with stickers and medals in thanks for their hard work. After the walk was completed, participants who had each raised at least $24 were treated to a lunch sponsored by Arby’s.

in 1995. In addition to catching the interest of potential students, Moore also involves himself with “Brothers and Sisters Conferences,” youth outreach activities that seek to eliminate tensions between African-American and Latino males. From its inception in 1990, it has allowed youths to resolve conflicts without using violence as well as appreciate several cultural backgrounds. “The reception I’ve received here is appreciation,” he said. “Bringing the philosophy of enrollment management, what we’ve done here can’t be understated.” Moore continues to look forward to the future, to the things he and his department can accomplish. His regrets are kept at a minimal. If anything, he believed that the reassignment of former student Sammy Rodriguez could have been handled better. Rodriguez,

the chairman of the campus watchdog group Accountable Management, has been at the forefront of the effort to shed light on what he saw as discriminatory practices in Moore’s department. “I don’t want to be paranoid. I treat people respectfully,” Moore said. “I’d like to sit down on a public forum and discuss this. The way it was handled back then has only engendered hostility.” “What kept me unfazed is that growing up, you must not regret what comes up. If it does, stand behind it,” he said. “I know that I have striven for nothing but representation.” Trostad agrees with Moore’s outlook. His affability, combined with his resilience, has kept her inspired. “I used to hate coming to work on Mondays,” Trostad said. “But now I don’t. He makes me feel good. He is truly an uncommon man.”

Sharon Donnelly 2*2 Fill ads Silver Chops 2*3

Brains 3*2

Cormac said they enjoyed their lunch sitting on the beach while listening to one of the bands that were present at each walk. She added that The National Multiple Sclerosis Society anticipated earning $525,000 from this walk alone. The money will be spent to aid the third of the American population that suffers from multiple sclerosis. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Web site, Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic

disease of the central nervous system, which breaks down the protective covering that surrounds the nerve fibers of the central nervous system. This disease can affect anyone at any time and varies in severity and duration. The Web site also mentions that symptoms include blurred vision, loss of balance, poor coordination, slurred speech, tremors, numbness, extreme fatigue, and, in some cases, can lead to paralysis and blindness. Laskey, the mother of three

whom was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, has learned to lead a normal life although she is no longer able to be as athletic as she once was. Her husband’s friend, who also suffers from the disease, gave her advice that has helped her overcome the effects of her Multiple Sclerosis. “Don’t eat it, don’t drink it and don’t sleep it,” Laskey’s husband said. “In other words, don’t think about it.”

TIAA - CREF 3*10.5

4 Tuesday, April 3, 2001


Asian marrow donors difficult to come by By Darleene Barrientos Daily Titan News Editor

He was a senior at Stanford. She was a sophomore at San Jose State. At a time when the ratio of Japanese men to women was four to one, Craig Ihara was lucky to meet her at one of the local Bay area Japanese dances in February 1965. Ihara and his then girlfriend, Claire, dated for three years, enduring a longdistance relationship when he moved down south to attend graduate school at UCLA. When it came time for Ihara to leave for a fellowship in Hong Kong on June 2, 1968, he and his girlfriend knew it was time. They were married that same day and they managed to turn the trip into

a yearlong honeymoon. “We’ve been married for 33 years now,” Ihara reminisced. “We know of many happy couples, but none happier than us.” Ihara, department chair for AsianAmerican studies and philosophy professor, looks back fondly on his years with his wife, but is visibly troubled by the events that have occurred early this year. Mrs. Ihara had not been feeling well during the previous fall, believing that her loss of appetite and her occasional weak spells were a reaction to blood pressure medication. In preparation for a trip to London, the Iharas learned the heartbreaking news. Mrs. Ihara was diagnosed with leukemia, specifically multiple myeloma. Her doctor’s prognosis was that she would live only a few more years. Their trip to London was long forgotten in the initial shock. The Iharas researched everything they could about leukemia, including alternative treatments. Though Ihara feels that his wife is getting the best treatment available through Kaiser Permanente, she

could only take advantage of two treatments. One method would try to clean her bone marrow of all traces of leukemia with chemotherapy. But if that treatment doesn’t succeed, her only hope would be to find a bone marrow match in the general population. The difficulty in finding a donor lies in the difficulty of the transplant, which requires matching certain tissue traits from the donor to the patient. Because traits are inherited, a patient’s most successful match is most likely another family member. For 70 percent of patients who cannot find a match within their own

There so

to Trangdai Tran, president of Asian Pacific Students Association and an organizer for next week’s Asian Week, that she invite Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches, popularly known as A3M, to Cal State Fullerton. When Tran contacted A3M to ask them if they’d like to come to CSUF, she said that they were very excited to hear from her. “They’ve wanted to do a drive at CSUF for many years,” Tran said. A3M’s acceptance of her invitation made a particular impact on Tran, not only because of her concern for Ihara’s wife, but also because of her humanitarian instincts. “There are so many Asian cancer patients, but so few Asian donors,” Tran said. “So many of them pass away before finding a match. We really need to get everyone involved.” A3M is just one of the many Asian American organizations making the trip to CSUF on April 10, 11 and 12. Others include the Asian American Journalists Association, the Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics and the Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance. Even though his main concern


a job may plummet Allaway into a deep depression and cause him to snap again. Bovee assured her that his client would have the strictest supervision, preventing him from posing any real threat. “He’ll be on a leash so tight that if he so much as spits on the sidewalk, he’ll be back in,” Bovee said. He added further that the close supervision would ensure ample time for Allaway’s doctors to respond to any potential mental backslides. “Any decompensation would take weeks or possibly even months,” Bovee said. “Trained doctors would see that before it became a problem.” Almazan, citing Allaway’s bloody rampage nearly 25 years ago, remained unconvinced. “It only took him nine minutes the last time.”



Asian cancer patients, but

so few Asian donors.


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Bovee said that he is concerned with the doctor chosen to examine Allaway, but that his main objections are centered around the time and money required for such an undertaking. “Our very valid concerns are that if we start subjecting him to exams and depositions now, the process will snowball,” Bovee said. “It will be time-consuming and bloody expensive.” He continued, saying that the district attorney could obtain any extra insight he felt necessary from state hospital records. “Ed’s hospital life has been unlike any other’s,” Bovee said. “It is an open book to the D.A.”

families, the search to find an unrelated matched person of the same racial or ethnic background with healthy stem cells is close to impossible. According to the National Marrow Donor Program Web site, the NMDP has facilitated 11,845 unrelated marrow transplants of which 352 were Asian Pacific Islanders. Because Asian Pacific Islanders comprise of 6 percent of volunteer potential donors, recruiting among these underrepresented groups remains a priority. For people like Mrs. Ihara, recruiting among these people may save her life. As a result of Ihara’s experience with his wife’s illness, he suggested

nHEALTH: According to the National Marrow Donor Program, Asians make up 6 percent of donor population

fermin leal/Special to the Titan

Joe and Pat Almazan and Paul Paulsen continue to fight Allaway’s

Almazan is less enthusiastic. She said she is concerned with Allaway’s lack of education and his overall ability to contribute to — or even function within — society. Judith Scholtz, whose father, Professor Seth A. Fessenden, was also murdered by Allaway, shares Almazan’s doubts. “He’s never going to get a job without a high school education,” Scholtz said. Bovee said he was unsure whether his client had obtained a high school equivalency degree, but that he did not think it was relevant. “He may not get a great job, but he could probably get [Social Security Insurance],” Bovee said. Almazan said she fears that pressure caused by the inability to get

remains his wife, Ihara commends APSA for focusing on contemporary Asian American issues, rather than on the history and culture. Bringing the different and more modern groups together for Asian Week rather than focusing more on traditional and historical aspects of the Asian cultural was something that Tran acknowledged. “We want to bring awareness through this event and we want to educate,” Tran said. “The idea of bringing the different modern groups together was to empower. Even if you don’t get anything out of it, you will at least be aware of it.” Because of the time that Ihara needs to take care of his wife, he has cut his hours as a philosophy professor and department chair for Asian American studies in half. Ihara still walks the halls of the Humanities Building with a serene expression but he betrays his feelings about their ordeal with the silence he maintains. “What really hits me is the shock of not being able to grow old together,” Ihara said.

http://dailytitan.fullerton.edu Nat’l Bartending 2*2

Prime Internet 2*2

Marketration 2*2

ABC Bartender 2*2

Togo’s 2*3

Planned Parenthood 2*3

Spectrum Club 2*8

College Media Gurus 2*8

Tuesday, April 3, 2001

Limited ethnic options are unrepresentaBy Elana Pruitt A list of limited ethnicities racked up against one another, forcing an individual to fill in the circle next to his or her most identifiable cultural group, can be an awkward experience for the biracial population. The options are judgmental, racist and often unimportant. I recently filled out a personality profile for a new job position and smacked on the front page was that annoying little “optional” section. Now mind you, I had already filled out the job application which did not have that in its requests for information. That would have been discrimination. The personality profile proceeded that step and wanted to test my work and ethic standards. But my brain told me otherwise — the company wants to see if my personality matches with my race. At that point my face started to turn red, my breath turned into quick gasps of disbelief and I had the urge to walk away.

Although that section was considered, let’s say an “ethnic option,” it blazed like fire on the front page of a thick packet. It was obvi- ously one of the most important aspects of the profile. I bubbled in the tiny circles as I always do. What can I say? I am consistent in completing an assignment. If I hadn’t filled that sec- tion out, as many others may feel, then the company may question my reasons for ignoring it. I didn’t want to throw any unnecessary strikes against myself. We all know that the ethnic option will continue to pollute employment packets, scholarships and entry-level school tests, and I understand that drawing race percentages from these are important in identifying college popu-

Optional: Please choose one only Judgmental Open-minded Closed-minded Other

lations. My confusion comes from the fact that one list of about five major ethnicity’s with one “other” option is not enough to make a person feel comfortable in offering that information. California is boiling even more into a “melt-

ing pot” these days, which is why I don’t understand the limited options on such important documents. Is a person or company so lazy that they cannot add a “mixed” section with various interwoven cultures? Or does the government want to force students to choose one group because a mixed culture is not considered a complete and whole race? With an AfricanAmerican father and a Caucasian mother, I am the product of a blended culture based on Jewish values. With both sides of my ancestry having had to experience the unjustifiable horror of slavery and the Holocaust, I feel like I am denying a huge part of me when I only bubble in one ethnic group.


Campus Voices n

Track runner’s dismissal is a worrisome action

I was very distressed to learn about Leilani Rios’ dismissal from the cross country track team at Cal State Fullerton. John Elder’s decision to dismiss Rios from the team if she did not quit her chosen income source was not only unfair but also cruel and discriminatory. What happened to compassion? What happened to supporting a first-generation college student who expresses clear career and educational goals to better her and her family? Was an ultimatum the only way to handle the situation? And who is he to judge Rios? Exotic dancing is not illegal. From all accounts, Rios was not entirely proud of her exotic dancing, as she remained very private about her work. Even this must have been difficult on her. But what exotic dancing did allow was for Rios to attend school and in return, ultimately achieve her educa-

tional goals. Was she really hurting anyone? The team’s “image”? The athletic code of conduct has a broad interpretation. Elder chose to make it about himself, the team and school. But what about Rios? What would he have accomplished if she had chosen the track team over her work? Wouldn’t it seem likely that the next step would be for her to quit school because of lack of finances? No one wins. At a time when higher education is so critical to finding a place in our society, such harsh and uncaring action only serves to diminish everyone’s right to their dreams. Rios put her education first and for this, we should be proud of her. She is a winner. — Jocelyn Ondre Santa Barbara, CA


Retaining the maiden name after marriage

According to Alex Douvas, if a man chooses to change his last name, he has not only lost his identity but he has essentially lost his manhood. (Tell that to Los Angeles mayoral candidate, Antonio Villaraigosa.) On the other hand, if a woman changes her last name, it is no big deal. Is that because her family name is worth less than a man’s family name? What kind of cockeyed logic is that? (Pun intended) I am a happily married profes-


sional woman who has chosen to retain my maiden name. I have done this for both personal and professional reasons. I am fortunate to have a husband who is secure in his own identity and does not feel threatened by my decision. I hope you have a house full of successful daughters, Mr. Douvas – then I believe your opinion about retaining or changing family names will be altered significantly. — Michelle Lucio

Women taking their husband’s last name

I really enjoyed reading the article about women taking their husbands last name. What was more interesting about this article is that a man actually got the courage to write this article. I did a term paper on‑ “Women’s‑old customs.” Your article really inspired me. — Jessica Nerio‑

When I bubble in only the white circle I come across as being false because of my brown skin and black features. When I fill in only the African-American bubble I should feel totally natural because I look more like that ethnicity. But I don’t feel like my true identity when I have to choose only one ethnic group. So when I handed in my personality profile, I felt all right about my choices. After battling with the decision to fill in only one dark circle, I decided that this company better accept all of me or none of me as I brought my culture into full view. I hope that one of these days the black and white section do not have to stand so divided, even if they are both filled in. I am a whole person with a whole culture that is denied existence when not printed on such paperwork. There is a beautiful biracial and multicultural population in the world and we should be recognized just as we are. A complete culture. — Pruitt is a Daily Titan Staff Writer and any response to this column can be sent via e-mail to dailytitan@yahoo.com

Please Note: Letters to the Editor should be brief and are subject to editing. They should also include a signature and telephone number. They can be addressed to The Daily Titan, College Park 670, CSUF, Fullerton, CA 92834, e-mailed to dailytitan@yahoo.com, or faxed to (714) 278-4473. Editorials are the opinion of the editorial board, comprised of the Executive Editor, News Editors and section editors. Columns are the personal opinion of the writer. They do not reflect those of the university, the faculty or the

Tuesday, April 3, 2001

Spring break ends with a Titan sweep over Miami nBASEBALL: CSUF’s pitching and hitting proves to be too much for Hurricanes to handle By Damian Calhoun

Daily Titan Asst. Sports Editor The Miami Hurricanes’ starting rotation entered last weekend’s series against Cal State Fullerton with only two combined losses. The trio of Brian Walker, Kiki Bengochea and Tom Farmer entered Friday’s series opener with a combined 18 wins and a 2.55 ERA. That was before. After the smoke had cleared and the Titans’ bats had finished pounding away, the trio had suffered to a 0-3 record and a 12.91 ERA and the Hurricanes were swept for the first time ever at Mark Light Stadium. CSUF jumped up six spots in the latest Baseball America poll to 18th. Miami (25-9) fell from 4th to 8th. CSUF (19-10) started the series in grand fashion. Senior left-hander Jon Smith (6-0) struck out a career-high 11 batters and the Titans used three home runs to beat Miami 82. With this dominating performance, Smith was named Big West Pitcher of the Week. The Titans scored in each of the first four innings and had a comfortable 8-0 lead after the first six innings. Hurricane starter Brian Walker suffered his first loss in two years,

giving up six runs in only four innings of work. In the second game of the series, junior center fielder Chris Stringfellow and senior second baseman David Bacani each had three hits and freshman right-hander Darric Merrell (2-2) picked up his second win of the season. Merrell fanned a career-high seven batters in six innings. Miami jumped on the board first with a RBI single by right fielder Jim Burt in the third inning. That lead was short-lived. CSUF used a two run fourth inning and a season-high, five run fifth inning to take a 7-1 lead. Miami fought back on the strength of a three-run home run by Kris Clute to make the score 8-5. Freshman closer Chad “Chief” Cordero was summoned in from the bullpen and he pitched the final two innings for his second save of the season. The win closed out the month of March for Titans that saw them go 12-3. Faced with the prospect of being swept for the first time at home, Miami had to face one of the nation’s hottest pitchers in Kirk Saarloos. The end result: they were swept. CSUF struck first with a three-run second inning. P.J. Pilittere’s two-run single in the fourth inning increased the Titans’ lead to 5-1 and Miami had to play catch up against Saarloos. Saarloos (7-2) won his seventh straight game and pitched his sixth complete game in as many starts. Saarloos gave up seven hits and two runs

in the Titans’ 9-2 win. Seven Titans had multiple hits, led by three each by Stringfellow and Shawn Norris. Stringfellow went three for five with two RBI and Norris went three for four with two RBI. Also helping to lead the charge for the weekend was senior first baseman Aaron Rifkin. In four games last week, Rifkin hit .412 (7-for-17) with two home runs, six runs and six RBI. Against Miami Rifkin reached base in eight of his first ten appearances. Rifkin was named Big West Co-Player of the Week. The Titans will now prepare to defend their Big West Conference championship with the conference opener this weekend against the

Spring Break Record CSUF Baseball (6-1) 3/23 At LBSU (w) 5-3 3/24 At LBSU (l) 2-3 3/25 At LBSU (w) 5-3 3/27 USC (w) 12-11 3/30 At Miami (w) 8-2 3/31 At Miami (w) 8-5 4/1 At Miami (w) 9-2

LorRaine Dominguez/Daily Titan

Jon Smith earned Big West Pitcher of the Week with his eight inning gem vs. Miami.

CSUF finishes 2nd at Big West Championships nGYMNASTICS: CSUF offers strong performances, but season is not over yet By Melanie Bysouth

Daily Titan Staff Writer In a meet that came down to the final rotation, with a score of 194.850, Cal State Fullerton took second at the Big West conference championships at UC Santa Barbara against first place Utah State and third place Boise State with the home team taking fourth. “I was really happy,” junior Joanna Hughes said. “We had fun out there.” Despite a third place finish, Boise moved to sixth place in the Big West regional rankings, bumping CSUF to seventh. The Titans went home not knowing if they would be going to regionals. “Boise got what they needed to get (194.250), so we move to seventh,” sophomore Kelly Mathiasen said. “We have to wait and see if Washington stays in the top 18.” And they did. With the University of Washington now ranked 15th in the nation, the top seven teams in the Big West will attend NCAA regional competition. Yet while they waited to learn if the team would be going to regionals, the Titans had an opportunity to reflect on a strong performance at the Big West conference championships. Beginning the meet with a solid rotation on the floor, CSUF earned a

score of 49.100 with Mathiasen sharing a five-way tie for second place with a score of 9.875. Mathiasen also shared victory on the uneven bars where, despite a team struggle through the rotation, Mathiasen and Hughes earned third place and a score of 9.90. “It’s such a shame about bars,” Hughes said. “Some of the mistakes were so unusual and out of the ordinary.” CSUF had three falls on the uneven bars and were forced to count two, resulting in an event score of 48.150. “We have never had three falls on bars,” Head Coach Julie Knight said. “They did fantastic on every other event. And after the bars, we fought back on beam.” The Titans held two spots on the balance beam with Mathiasen taking third, with a score of 9.850, and Hughes taking top honors with her score of 9.875 and a first place finish. Hughes also found success on the vault where, with a score of 9.95 she set a new personal record and a new school record and took first place on the event. While listening to the screams and applause of her teammates, Mathiasen accepted the plaque acknowledging her as the top competitor in the all-around, with a first place score of 39.425. Also placing in the all-around competition was freshman Sharon Snell whose 9.825 on the floor exercise contributed to an overall score of 38.475 and a sixth place finish. Mathiasen also took pride in accepting the Athlete of the Year award, presented on behalf of the coaches of

Cal Poly shut out in weekend series nSOFTBALL: Titans hammer Mustangs and prepare for battle with Long Beach State By Caesar Contreras

Daily Titan Copy Editor

Photo courtesy of jack chance

Joanna Hughes prepares for her next move on the uneven bars. the Big West conference. Next for CSUF is what they have been waiting for all season: NCAA West Regional Championships. It will be the Titans’ 22nd appearance at the NCAA competition and their first visit since 1997. Ranked 34th nationally, the Titans will join No. 33 Boise State, No. 28 California, No. 13 Oregon State, No. 11 Brigham Young University and host team, number one-ranked UCLA. The meet will be held in Pauley

Pavilion on Saturday, April 7, at 6 p.m., where the top two teams, plus the top two all-arounders (not on an advancing team), will automatically qualify for the NCAA National Championships, which will take place April 19-21. Yet before even knowing if CSUF was going to regionals, Knight acknowledged the hard work of those whom she calls her ‘kids’. “I’m very proud of my whole team,” she said.

With a showdown looming against cross-town rival Long Beach State, the Cal State Fullerton softball team took care of business as they swept Cal Poly San Luis Obispo over the weekend at the Titan Softball Complex. It was an especially strong weekend for the Titan pitching staff as the trio of Jodie Cox, Gina Oaks and Christy Robitaille each combined for one win while allowing no runs. On Saturday, it was Oaks who got the Titans started as she went the distance for her 15th win of the season as CSUF won 7-0. Oaks pitched the complete game as she allowed five hits, three walks and struck out nine. Yasmin Mossadeghi and Oaks both hit home runs off Mustang pitcher Terra Blankenbecler, who took the loss to fall to 7-7 on the year. Mossadehghi’s three-run homer was her team-leading 11th of the year. In game two on Saturday, it was much of the same as Oaks added another home run for her fifth of the season and Cox turned in a brilliant pitching performance for a 8-0 mercy-rule six inning win. Cox improved to 13-4 as she allowed only two hits, walked two and had six K’s. The Mustangs used four different pitchers and each one allowed a run. Kristin Murray took the loss and dropped to 0-5 on the season. Titan first basemen Monica Lucatero added two hits and three RBI while Jenny

Topping went two for three with three runs scored. In the series finale on Sunday, it was déjà vu all over again for the Mustangs (13-20, 0-6) as Robitaille (5-0) allowed only four hits, two walks and struck out four in the 8-0 mercy-rule five-inning victory. This time Mossadeghi was the slugging hero as the junior went two for three with a run and two RBI. Brenda Iglesiais, Amy LaRocque and Topping each added an RBI in the win while Topping scored three runs. Topping was walked twice by Mustang pitchers adding to her season total of 40, the mark has broken Stephanie Little’s school record of walks in a single-season at 36. The sophomore transfer from Washington only needs seven more walks to tie Lisa Baker at 10th in CSUF’s career walks list. CSUF’s sweep now improves the Titans to 33-10 on the season with a 6-0 Big West record. This upcoming weekend the Titans will battle LBSU in a series that will determine the early favorite for the Big West crown. Just like CSUF, the 49ers come into the series with a 6-0 conference record.

Spring Break Record CSUF Softball (6-2) 3/24 at Sac.State (w) 9-2 at Sac. State (w) 5-2 3/25 at Sac. State (w) 1-0 3/27 at Fresno St. (l) 3-6 at Fresno St. (l) 0-1 3/31 Cal Poly SLO (w) 7-0 Cal Poly SLO(w) 8-0 4/1 Cal Poly SLO (w) 8-0

Strong showing at nTRACK: Titans prepare for upcoming Big West challenge with positive weekend on the farm By Raul Ascencio

Daily Titan Sports Editor

kIRA horvath/Daily Titan

Danielle Hernandez fights her way out of the water pit during the 300M Steeplechase.

Unlike many Cal State Fullerton students who occupied their final Spring Break Saturday scathing skin cells and sipping icedcappucinos, the members of the Titan Track and Field team spent the day in Palo Alto where they nabbed a slew of personal bests and a school record, amidst 600 plus performers at the Stanford invitational. Posting the first noteworthy mark of the day-long event for CSUF was the nimble Nick McCullom. The junior found himself among 19 of the nation’s elite sprinters in the 200-meter dash.

The talented cluster seemed to only invigorate the seasoned speedster as he darted to a personal best 21.56 second finish, which placed him in the sixth place spot and just .20 seconds short of the third position. Striking next for the Titans in the 400meter hurdles was sophomore Richard Adams. Adams’ attacked the lap with a calculated ferocity and led the pack with a record-fracturing 52.06 second finish. The performance earned Adams the top podium spot among a class of 14 as he bettered his previous record-setting mark by .05 seconds. Following the CSUF record-unearthing, the Titan 4 x 100-meter relay quartet took the track and scampered to a third place finish, as they combined to tear the tape in 41.17 seconds. The mark was a meager .03 seconds behind silver-welding Kent State. Also making hefty contributions for the Titans, were the CSUF jumpers, who flourished under the watchful eye of their worldrecord holding coach, Mike Powell.

Powell’s pupil, sophomore Joe Thomas touched down with a stellar 14.34 meter mark in the triple jump. The leap earned Thomas a third place among the 20 competitors and proved to be the Titans’ top field event finish of the day. Thomas’ female counterpart, senior Ana Doty, also catapulted to a notable mark as she sprung to an 11.99 meter mark and a fifth place in the women’s triple jump. Doty and her Titan teammates will follow up their successful, but vacation-disrupting showing at Stanford, by hosting their second home meet of the season this Saturday. The competition, labeled, the Big West Challenge will mark the midpoint of the Titans’ season and will prep the peaking Titans for mid-May’s conference championships. “Saturday’s home meet is pivotal,” said head coach John Elders. “It will be the first time we’ll be able to take a detailed look at the conference competition and with the talent we have, we have a good chance at winning.”

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