2001 04 10

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,

Women’s gymnastics closes season at NCAA regioals

INSIDE NEWS: Get to know two of the teams 3 nrunning for AS president and vice president

—see Sports page 6

: Foot-and-Mouth disease caus5 ningOPINION the deaths of innocent animals

T u e s d ay

Vo l u m e 7 2 , I s s u e 2 7

A p r i l 10, 2001

Many opinions on dismissnREACTION: Other universities do not carry a policy concerning the personal conduct of their athletes By Amy Rottier

Daily Titan Staff Writer Leilani Rios was removed from the track team for removing her clothes. When baseball players allegedly went to Rios’ club the word got out that she was a stripper and track coach John Elder told her to quit stripping or quit the track team.


More than a year later Rios’ story has made headlines across the nation and stirred up concerns across campus. Cal State Fullerton administration and the athletics department support Elders’ decision. “The coach is not endorsing his personal views but someone has to interpret and enforce the rules and that is the coach,” said Associate Athletic Director Mel Franks. “If he makes a ton of bad decisions then he won’t be head coach anymore.” Jillian Singleton, first year track member, was not on the team with Rios last year but supports her coach completely. “I think it’s disgraceful, and degrading. We don’t want to be represented that way,” Singleton said. “We all support coach.”

Michelle Gromacki, CSUF softball coach said that she would not want one of her team members to be a stripper either. The head coach of women’s basketball Barbara Ehardt was happy to say that she is very supportive of coach Elders but she decline to say if she would dismiss one of her players for stripping. Andy Sythe, head track coach at Cal State Long Beach said that each program has a policy that must be adhered to, however, he does not have a policy like that on his team. Others can understand the coach’s decision but are concerned that inequality between men and women athletes might apply. “I believe that college athletics often times are operated on double standards,”

said Renae Bredin, assistant professor of Women’s Studies. Across the nation females are held to a higher standard of conduct, Bredin said. Male athletes often get away with committing actual crimes when women are expected to adhere to that elevated image. As in the business world females have to work extra hard to achieve what men do, she said. “If she was held to a higher moral standard than other athletes in the school that is wrong,” Bredin said. Political Science Professor Sandra Sutphen said that she is in no position to second-guess her colleagues in the athletics department on what they view is appropriate behavior for athletes but

Athletics Code of Conduct as found in the athletic hand-book: OFF THE FIELD: Titans represent themselves, their teammates and their athletics department in a positive way. They do not try to draw negative attention to themselves by such things as being abusive at a club or party. When wearing something that associates them with their teams or their department, they act in a responsible and dignified manner. They respect people as they would like to be respected themselves. They follow the rules of society and do not act as if they are special just because they are student-athletes. Most importantly, they give everyone who sees them a positive image of Titan student-athletes. CREDO: As a Titan, I realize that I must conduct myself in a manner which does not in any way detract from the accomplishments of my teammates, my athletic department, my university, or myself. I expect student-athletes from all Cal State Fullerton teams to act in the same manner. I realize that my failure to follow these guidelines may result in disciplinary actions by my coach and/or the CSF athletics department.


Faculty welcome students

Group dances for New nCULTURE: The Cambodian Student Association celebrates the “Year of the Snake” on campus By Darla Priest

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor From the other side of the world families move to the shores of America, making a new life — blending into the American scene. The university landscape is rich with the human colors of the world, enriching the community with culture, language, art and music. Members of the Cambodian Students Association of Cal State Fullerton (CSA) performed a celebration of their country’s past, present and future in a show dedicated to the Cambodian New Year — “Year of the Snake.” “CSA is not just an organization,” said Liberal Studies major Khemaradevi Sok. “I feel it is a plug into a Cambodian person’s history.” With nearly 35 members, the campus club organized a dance show for their families, friends and peers. “We started putting together the show in December ... some of us learning the dances for the first time,” Sok said. Cambodian organizations from other universities joined the CSUF club on stage, dancing to themes such as the “Wishing Dance,” the “Dragon Girl Dance [Robam Neang Neak]” and the “Scenery Dance [Robam Au Ptey Srok Khmer].” TheCambodianStudentOrganization of UC Irvine performed the “Angry Dance[ Robam Ang-rey],” which depicts young men and women dancing and enjoying themselves after a long day of hard labor. The New Year comes as an opportunity to release stress and enjoy the festivities. Human Services major Leakimna


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nEVENT: More than 2,000 high school students met with representatives from all seven colleges of CSUF

Choeum, said that every group danced for the other performers in hopes of unifying their community and strengthening the bonds between them. Seven traditional dances were performed, with the addition of a fashion show. “It’s [CSA] a good way for younger generation Cambodians to learn by getting involved ... we teach each other,” said business major Rosaline Hour. Over 200 people attended the performance and were invited to a dance afterward. The sounds of thundering hip-hop were served for dessert, right after a main course of traditional Cambodian songs. Dancers wore colorful costumes designed centuries ago — on a stage that was decorated with a mural of Angkor Wat — an ancient monument near the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh. Computer Science major, Del Lam, painted the mural and said the tomb monument is symbolic of his culture’s roots. He added that it’s a shame what’s happening to the deteriorating condition of Angkor Wat. Like many other Cambodian students, Lam feels a need to preserve not only their traditions, but also their homeland overseas as well. Sok said in 1975 the educated class in Cambodia experienced near genocide, where teachers, doctors, and innocent victims fell prey to the radical movement of the Pol Pot Regime. This Cambodian civil conflict only compounded the human terror of the Vietnam War and intensified the emotional impact of death and destruction


By Deborah Germinaro Special to the Titan

darla priest/Daily Titan

Maly Sun performs the Wishing Dance where dancers represent goddesses descending from heaven.

Even under dark clouds and pouring rain, “Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day,” shines. “I thought the rain would be a hindrance, but it actually turned out to be a blessing because it kept people under the tents talking with the faculty,” said Chuck Moore, director of university outreach and founder event. The quad was awash with big blue tarps, rows of tables containing departmental information, clusters of umbrellas, rain gear covered faculty, and eager students. “This is the first time I’ve ever done this in the rain and watching the waterfalls come off the top of the tents has been great,” says Dr. White, psychology department. “I do this every year and it’s really fun to meet the new students, also I represent my department.” Over 2,000 prospective students and their families got to meet with faculty from the seven CSUF colleges at the 7th annual event on last Saturday. The goal of “Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day” is to take admitted CSUF students and turn them into enrolled CSUF students, according to Moore. “I wanted to check out the campus and see what my possibilities are,” says Brandon Kile, 18. “It helped me a lot just to check everything out because I don’t know what my major is yet.”


Teacher inspires through art nDANCE: A company of dancers will perform a lecture demonstration tonight as part of the residency Oda By Barbara Lake

Daily Titan Staff Writer As she braids back her blond shoulder-length hair to pull it from her face, Debra Noble, CSUF dance instructor, takes a ballet class with other students from Barbara Arms, dance professor and program coordinator. Her legs extend higher than anyone else in class as she wears long black dance pants and a gray sweater almost off the shoulders. Her long and thin body is admirable and her strong commanding presence is enlightening. She’s toured different parts of the

world with her dancing, worked and studied with various dance legends, choreographed a wide range of dances and taught many dance techniques and related studies in the past twenty years. Tonight she will be performing with the American Repertory Dance Company of Los Angeles at Chapman University. Noble began dancing when she was about five years old in the basement of her parents’ home in Chicago. Because her oldest sister took dance, Noble, being shy, would go down to the basement and move to her sister’s dance music. “Dance was the most direct way I could express myself,” she said. Noble comes from an artistic family. Her father is a visual artist and her mother is a teacher, while one of her older sisters is an actress and the other, a musician. At seven years old Noble began formal ballet Lessons. Then between

the age of eight and nine she took Yoga and went back to dancing when she was 11. “Dancing is a place where I feel most alive and vibrant and fully expressed in my self as a being,” Noble added. After receiving a BA in Anthropology, Noble felt there was something missing so she received her Master’s in Fine Arts from the University of Illinois at ChampaignUrbana. Then she went on to dance with modern dance and ballet masters such as Merce Cunningham, Mark Morris, Trisha Brown and Anna Sokolow. She likes Merce Cunningham for the questions he asks and investigations he does in his dancing. She looks up to modern dance pioneer Martha Graham for her reverence and seriousness of attention and is influenced by Doris Humphrey for her humanity




Debra Noble in “Tear”.

2 Tuesday, April 10, 2001



A guide to what’s happening

BRIEFS CSUF Main Art Gallery features historical prints From April 21 to May 24, Cal State Fullerton’s Visual Arts Center will be featuring a collection of over 80 samples featuring the different prints that represent unique printing techniques. The samples will be chosen out of the 200 works that CSUF has in its collection. These works have been in storage for more than three decades. The art will be showcased first at the Visual Arts Center. Following the exhibition, the collection will be relocated in the Pollak Library to be displayed in Special Collections. Some of the artists whose works will be shown are Larry Rivers, Lita Albuquerque, and John Altoon. The latest additions to the collection come from Grand Central Press, which are published by the Grand Central Forum, an advisory group for CSUF’s Grand Central Art Center. Admission is free. The opening reception on April 21 will start at 6 p.m. and will end at 8 p.m. Hours for the display after the day of the reception will be 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday through Thursday, and 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. on Sundays. For more information, call (714) 278-7750.

Getty Center exhibitions range from restoration displays to how-tos of Renaissance paintings The renderings of landscape art that cover the 16th through 19th centuries will be closing at the Getty Center on April 15. These works explore artists’

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278-5815 278-5693 278-5813 278-3149 278-2128 278-2991

varying perceptions on landscape, be it sublime or picturesque. Two of the highlights are Titan's “Pastoral Scene” and Rembrandt’s “Wide Expanse of Water.” Continuing exhibits this month are either ongoing or will not be closing until the end of May. The exhibit “Making a Renaissance Painting” details the methods employed by artist Joachim Beucklaer. The Netherlandish artist’s works illustrate best how artists in the Renaissance era created panel paintings. This includes the selection processes involved with wooden panels and the mixture of pigments to create the perfect colors. The conservation partnership of the Getty with Berlin’s Peramon Museum presents the preservation of the statue of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. Video and animation footage detail the steps taken to ensure that the statue won’t crumble. Over 40 different fragments of marble were used on the statue during earlier restoration attempts. Most had been specifically made for the statue’s joints, which proved to be the most delicate parts of the work. “Ancient Art from the Permanent Collection” is also another ongoing exhibition. This features a collection of Greek and Roman works that date as far back as 2500 B.C. Among the collection is a limestone and marble piece thought to be statue of the goddess Aphrodite, and the Lansdowne Herakles – both are said to be J. Paul Getty’s favorite pieces. The museum will also showcase the pieces it obtained in 1996 from the Fleischman collection.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Tuesday through Friday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan and its predecessor, the Titan Times, have functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The mail subscription price is $45 per semester, $65 per year, payable to the Daily Titan, College Park 670, CSUF, Fullerton, CA 92834. Copyright ©2001 Daily Titan

CALENDAR CA LEN D AR OF  OF  EVENTS EVENTS Campus Today Tuesday Serenades will be performed in the TSUGarden Café at noon. An outdoor concert will be performed on Wednesday, April 11 in the Becker Amphitheater at noon. Associated Students Elections will be held on April 11 and 12. Let your voice on campus be heard by voting for A.S. President and A.S. Vice President and all the A.S. Board. Campaign debates for A.S. President and Vice President will be held on April 11 in the Quad at noon- Also on April 12

in the Becker Amphitheater at noon. A seminar “Analytical Laser Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Where Do We Stand?” is scheduled for April 10 at 11:45 a.m. in MH-512. For more information call (714) 278-4253. The Natural Science and Mathematics Inter Club Council is hosting a Clubfest next to McCarthy Hall on April 10 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. College of the Arts is presenting Street Scene — A Broadway Opera on April 20 — 29 at the Little Theatre, Performing Arts Center, Cal State Fullerton. For more information call (714) 278-2434.

College of the Arts is presenting Prints from the Cal State Fullerton Collection on April 21 through May 26 in the Main Art Gallery. The Opening reception is on April 21 at 6 p.m. The 10th Annual CSUF Linguistics Symposium will meet on April 27 from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the TSU. The featured guest speakers include Dr. Larry M. Hyman from UC Berkely and Dr. Russell M. Schuh from UCLA. For more information call (714) 278-3722.

Community Easter Sunday is on April 15.

The 14th Annual HIV/Aids on the Front Line Conference will be held on April 18 at the Hilton Hotel in Costa Mesa. For more information call (714) 456-2249. Holocaust Remembrance Day is on April 19. College of the Arts is presenting Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll by Eric Bogosian on April 19 — 22 at the Grand Central Theatre (125 N. Broadway, Santa Ana). Explore pop culture through riveting, hilarious and often disturbing monologues. (For mature audiences) For more information call (714) 278-2434.‑

CALENDAR  OF  EVENTS COP B LOTTER Monday, April 2 A habitual parking offender was reported at 11:10 a.m. at the Performing Arts loading dock. The offender had six citations totaling $240. A faculty member requested Public Safety to send an officer to ensure that no there would not be a confrontation with a student who attends the class immediately after his and is often disruptive. Two males were soliciting money on the south side of the bookstore at 1:37 p.m. Medical aid was requested at 3:59 p.m. for a possible back injury resulting from a trip and fall accident. The victim was transported to St. Jude Hospital. At 4:29 p.m. a non-injury

traffic accident was reported between a Titan Shuttle and a Toyota pick-up truck.

Tuesday, April 3 A red Chevrolet was stopped at Moonracker Apartments at 5:34 a.m. The driver did not have a license. Police brought a prisoner to Orange County Jail and Fullerton Tow was called. A woman requested medical aid for an asthmatic student that did not have her inhaler in the Titan Stadium woman’s locker room at 9:40 a.m. The reporting party requested Public Safety to help the girl to the Health Center. A gray Chevrolet was booted at 1:15 p.m. in Lot E for eight citations totaling $160. The boot was removed at 2:45 p.m.

Wednesday, April 4 A victim of a car accident at 2:29 p.m. in Lot E was taken to the Health Center for complaints of dizziness. At 5:19 p.m. a vehicle hitand-run was reported. A non-injury accident was reported in Lot D at 10:01 a.m. A student ran into a tractor. A girl left her personal property alone in the physical education building at 11:33 a.m. and her things were missing when she returned. At 2:32 p.m. a girl tripped on the escalators in McCarthy Hall and requested help to the Health Center. A baby opossum was reported trapped in the north

Lamppost pizza 4*5

Western State 4*5

Library’s elevator at 10:32 p.m. The opossum was picked up and taken from the elevator.

Friday, April 6 A white Chevrolet was stopped at 4:57 p.m. A subject was arrested and five others were detained.

Saturday, April 7 The pursuit of a white van resulted when the van did not yield to a police car. The chase went southbound on Victoria from Chapman. A subject was arrested at 1:53 a.m.

Sunday, April 8 A student reported that checks from his dorm room in Cypress Hall were stolen and that $1,400 was missing from his bank account.


Tuesday, April 10, 2001


AS President and Vice President Teams

Karl Kottke and Alex Lopez are the first of four AS presidential candidates to be featured in the Daily Titan this week. The remaining two will appear in Wednesday’s issue. By Elana Pruitt

Daily Titan Staff Writer Karl Kottke and Steven Moseni are ready to improve student life at Cal State Fullerton. Kottke, a 21-year-old psychology major, is running for AS president, while Moseni, a 20-year-old business major, is running for AS vicepresident. Close friends for the past three years at CSUF, both candidates are prepared for authoritative positions. Kottke is president of Sigma Pi fraternity and Moseni is president of TKE fraternity. Already aware of the time-consuming aspect of leading a group of students, both understand that dedication is key to becoming successful leaders. Planned programs for the 2001-

By Sara Stanton

Daily Titan Staff Writer It’s 10 p.m. and M. Alexander Lopez is still on campus. He stands in his office, dressed in his work clothes – a white button-down dress shirt and black slacks – and returns phone calls that he missed while he was in his night class. Though the Titan Student Union is deserted at this hour, he still has a lot of work to do before he can go home. As he smiles into the phone, the dimple on the left side of his face brings out a sort of boyish charm in his persona. But this is no boy. Overcoming obstacles, Alex Lopez has always prevailed.

2002 school year consist of solutions for the campus’ notorious parking problem, improving student aid, deciding on fair distribution of funds towards various programs and clubs, and most importantly redefining school spirit. Once apart of the Associated Students “Titan Spirit” organization, they found that students were too busy with outside demands to get involved with recreational schoolrelated functions. After a year trying to motivate and arouse excitement among students, especially at sporting events, Kottke and Moseni decided it wasn’t working quite as planned. Their decision to drop out of AS was due to the frustration that their positions were not powerful enough to stir up school pride. Because CSUF is a commuter school and that only a small per-

centage of students live room for commuter parkon-campus, Moseni says ing spaces. it will take higher posiIn contrast to increasing tions of authority to make parking pay, Kottke says important decisions that that more scholarships, are directed at promoting financial aid, and athletic an eventful student life. sponsorships are imporBringing on the “high tant. Lowering book costs school-like” spirit of camand receiving higher pay pus dances, noontime pep as profit for book returns rallies, and a more incould also relieve students Kottke depth yearbook are ideas from high expenses. that Kottke says could improve stuEven though students may not dents’ attitude about CSUF. find a fourth campaign poster Kottke says the realistic goals around campus featuring Kottke of priority parking are ideas that and Moseni’s faces and advertising could prevent future parking prob- a signature slogan, one should be lems. Doubling the price of park- aware that they are still spreading ing permits would establish certain the word of spirit. Along with their sections for those able to pay the fraternities, both have raised money higher price. Also, Kottke encour- for the aftermath. ages CSUF residents to consider Should Kottke and Moseni win public transportation as way to leave the election, all CSUF students are

invited to celebrate their achievement at an all-school party. With the goal of making student life more enjoyable, distributing AS funding to the groups and clubs in dire need of support would need to seriously evaluated. “We would not be biased in distributing funds,” Kottke said. Because Kottke and Moseni are heavily involved with CSUF Greek life, they understand that all student groups and programs need better financial support. But their inside view on fraternity and sorority demands keep both presidents knowledgeable about their own group’s necessary financial assistance for social events. Therefore, they want to make sure that fraternities and sororities in general are dealt with fairly. As the most recent U.S. presi-

dential election was a complicated process, Kottke and Moseni stress the importance of voting for fellow classmates. “Once students feel more connected and a part of school, then they will start enjoying their time here,” Moseni said. Moseni continued in stating that the Florida recount fiasco should make students realize that one vote can make a difference, and getting involved with the campus is extremely important. Another aspect of school spirit that Kottke and Moseni would like to see improve, is entertainment between classes. Normally, the Becker Amphitheater features one band per week, and due to their connections with many music groups they would like to see and hear more entertainment on campus.

Growing up in Santa Ana, he is one of only a few of his friends to attend college. “Of all my friends [that I grew up with], I think one goes to junior college and the rest of them are in gangs,” Lopez said. “My mom had to be pretty strict with us.” For this 20-year-old finance major, strictness has always kept him involved in extracurricular activities. Now he has taken on the commitment to run for Associated Students president. It seems as if he has always been empowered and moved by change. Serving as the current AS director for the College of Business and Economics, succeeding the presidency is the next step. After high school, Lopez immediately became involved with affairs on

campus, joining AS in his to his younger brother second semester and restartand sister has challenged ing the Latino Business and influenced the person Student Association. Lopez is today. These accomplish“Now I am more vocal ments are the drive behind and more action oriented,” his campaign slogan Lopez said. “Empowerment is Yours.” For Lopez, everyone in The son of immigrants his life has influenced him. from Mexico who own a “You have to take from small store in Santa Ana, the best to be the best,” he Lopez Lopez is very proud of his said. family. Edgar Zazueta, Lopez’s vice presi“[My parents] worked for me dential candidate, has much in comto get an education, to get ahead,” mon with his running mate. Lopez said. “They worked all day Like Lopez, he is the eldest child. from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. — I think that’s His parents are immigrants who where I got my work ethic from.” taught him to value hard work. Both The oldest of three children, Lopez men are members of fraternities. Both has always tried to lead by example. men value their Latino roots. Looked up to on his high school To Zazueta, a 21-year-old political sports teams and being a role model science major, running for the AS

executive board is also the next step. The previous president of his fraternity and the current president of the Inter-Fraternity Council, Zazueta said that he didn’t know Lopez personally until he committed to be his running mate. “It took me three weeks to decide to do this,” Zazueta said. “I wanted to make sure that I was 100 percent.” Zazueta, originally from the city of Perris, said that his parents are his role models. “They started from scratch … and with hard work, they worked their way up,” Zazueta said. Hard work now has Zazueta running in one of the most competitive elections at CSUF. “I think that people value diversity. We are very similar as far as our leadership positions, yet we seem

to balance each other out,” Zazueta said. Lopez said that their comparisons are not the only thing that voters should look at. He also said that he was criticized because he chose someone with a similar background. “People said ‘He’s Latino like you, he’s Greek like you. You want to bring in someone [different] that will being in different votes,’” Lopez said. “But when we’re in office, we want to be able to make a big impact, first and foremost.” As the team prepares for the upcoming election, they hope to meet as many new people as possible, drawing on issues and platforms. “With everyday, [we] seem to gain some momentum. Everyday people

Nat’l Bartending 2*2 Folgers 2*5

Univ Village 2*5

Planned parenthood 2*3

Togo’s 2*3

Silver chopstix 2*3

Audio Pac alarm 4*5

College Media Gurus 2*8

4 Tuesday, April 10, 2001 DANCER

n from page 1

and the breadth of life in her modern dancing. Her performing career began in Illinois, where she danced with Beverly Blossom and Company and several other dance companies that toured widely in the United States and Europe. In 1988 she moved to New York and continued her dancing. She has performed as a soloist throughout the U.S., Central America, and Europe. In 1992 Noble formed her own dance company called, In Forward Motion in Mid-Hudson, New York. Throughout Noble’s dance career she has also taught various dance courses such as improvisation, dance history and aesthetics, as well as contact improvisation, composition, video-dance and the Pilates Method, of which she is a certified instructor. After being a faculty member on the East Coast and teaching for schools such as Broadway Dance


n from page 1

she is concerned that equality is not being applied. “Inappropriate behavior should be inappropriate for men and women,” Sutphen said. Punishment of the player might have something to do with the status of the team. Barbara Stone, professor of political science, said that since the baseball coach’s job counts more on performance he might be less likely to punish or dismiss his players. Since the track team brings in less revenue and is not offered scholarships it is less of a burden on the performance of the team to dismiss a player, she said. Many are think that privacy is an issue. “I respect the need to certain things to be kept sacred. Things tend to pervade into other issues that it shouldn’t have

news Center, MoMing Arts Center in Chicago, Bard College, and State University of New York at New Paltz and Dutchess Community College, she decided to migrate to the West Coast this past Fall to focus all her energy in one place and see what she could achieve. After speaking with Arms on the phone and finding out they had many things in common she came down to Los Angeles. She said she enjoys dance professor, Gladys Kares’ approach to composition teaching and the integrity of the theatre and dance department staff. Noble has been teaching ballet 1 and 2 and modern 1 and 3 at CSUF since August. “I think teaching is vital and important in the world,” she said. “I feel most generous when I’m teaching and gain amazing insights from students,” she added. Noble takes teaching very serious. She believes in the importance of movement education for every individual. She also thinks that the study of movement effects not just the body, to,” said Mary Grace Cachuela, president of the Associated Students. “What she does in her own time is her own personal, private business, not ours.” Sutphen agreed. “What students do to earn a living is what students do to earn a living,” Sutphen said. Gail Brunelle, professor of history mentioned also mentioned the issue of privacy off campus. “I don’t think it’s anyone’s business what the student does off campus as long as it is legal in terms of her position on the track team,” Brunelle said. Others do not understand how a legal profession could end in dismissal for Rios. “I don’t find anything morally repugnant about stripping,” Stone said. Morality is different for everyone. “Everyone looks at morality in a different way, and the code of conduct should not be up for interpretation,” Bredin said. “You can’t ask everyone to live by your own personal moral code.” Rios’ situation has more than politically effected the campus.

Sharon Donelly 2*2

but also the whole being, contributing to increased vitality, clarity and selfawareness. “My work is based on this belief that the body is a place for transformation of the individual,” she said. Noble also believes in teaching by example and through her love of learning. Her personal heritage is that of American modern dance. “I think modern dance is built on expression of the individual in the world,” she said. Noble has been a guest teacher at Joy of Movement in New York City, The Sorbonne in Paris, Vanaver Caravan and the Catskill Ballet. “Watching students progress and seeing the light bulb go on is inspiring, even though we are going through an energy crisis,” she said with a chuckle. Dance students Rebecca Burkum and Airynne Swanson enjoy Noble’s teaching methods. “I really like Debra,” Burkum said. “She pushes you to take risks and doesn’t accept less than beyond your

n from page 1 on its people. “Now, as Cambodians in this century it is our duty — our cause and passion — to take back what Pol Pot took away from our parents,” Sok said. Cambodia covers an area of 181,035 square kilometers. The country borders Vietnam in the East, Thailand in the West and Laos in the North.

potential.” Swanson agreed, adding that Noble was an earthy person and one must give in to her ways and trust her because she has been dancing for a long time. Tonight, Noble will perform a duet with her husband whom she’s known for 13 years. She said she became part of the American Repertory Dance Company after being invited by the director Bonnie Oda, who once danced with Martha Graham. Noble said the Repertory looks at the revolution of modern dance as an art form. She added that there is a rich group of dancers in the company and tonight they will do a lecture demonstration, which is a part of the residency Oda is completing at Chapman. The demonstration is similar to story telling handed down to young dance students — an homage of sorts to different heritage pieces created by dance pioneers and performed by artists such as Oda and members of the company. Competitive neighbors make prosperity difficult in Cambodia; many second generation Cambodians welcome the American culture and the opportunity to attend college. CSA members consider it an honor to share the New Year with other families. Respectively, lots of parents came to the celebration to watch their children perform. “[CSA] enhances my college experience, by getting more involved in my culture and community,” said Junior,

Ali Riola/Special to the Titan

Lisa Frasoso, Andrea Gerace and Amber Tango at Welcome Day. the Financial Aid Process, and From College to Career: Now What?, and take hour long campus tours. n from page 1 “I took the campus tour and that Moore created the event seven years helped me a lot because I was staying at ago to increase enrollment numbers and UCI with my cousin and I didn’t like the what better way than to introduce new whole lay out of it. Then [CSUF campus tour guides] students to the most vital aspect of the showed the differences and I liked it here university. “Based on the alumni reports that I better,” says Alexandra Tran, 18, one of read and all the surveys about CSUF, 400 people who took campus tours. CSUF has seen record enrollment the one thing our alumni talks about is their relationship to faculty at this within the last five years since Moore particular campus,” explains Moore. “I started the event. Moore is currently wanted students to have an opportunity working on a research method to prove to talk directly to the number one asset that the increases in enrollment are in this campus has, which I consider to be congruence with the event. “Each of us has extra curricular activifaculty.” In addition to meeting with faculty, ties we are involved in as faculty memstudents had the opportunity to take the bers. I would prefer to do something English Placement Test (EPT) and the where I work with the students and Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) test, potential students than some of the other attend workshops such as How to Choose alternatives that are available to us, so I a Major, Funding Your Education and enjoy this part of the job,” says Kevin


Prime Internet 2*2

ABC Bartending 2*2

Classifieds 6*10.5

Waseda 2*4

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

Cpt. Kirk’s no-hit heroics beams Tigers back nNO-HITTER: Saarloos tacks on a chapter to his storybook season and reels in his sixth pitcher of the week honor in the process

CSUF No-Hitter History —April 3, 1987

Longo Garcia, vs Long Beach State (7-0)

By Damian Calhoun

Daily Titan Asst. Sports Editor Usually, when a team scores twenty-eight runs and slugs out 30 hits, you wouldn’t think that there is anything that could overlook that. Unless that anything is Kirk Saarloos. While the CSUF offense pounded, shellacked and destroyed the Pacific Tigers 28-0 in the series finale Sunday, Saarloos was up to his usual self, and then some, pitching a no-hitter. The twentyeight run deluge ranks as the third highest output in Titan history and the shutout is the most lopsided in the program’s history. Saarloos’ (8-2) gem was the Titans’ third nohitter in the program’s history and the first since April 23, 1995 when Ted Silva accomplished the feat, also against the Pacific Tigers. CSUF (22-10, 3-0) got the jump early on Tiger starter Brian Huck. The Titans used nine first inning singles to give Saarloos a 9-0 lead. With the early big lead, Saarloos went to work retiring 14 of the first 16 batters that he faced. “The strike zone gets bigger,” Saarloos, who finished with 11 strikeouts and only one walk, said. “Pitches that probably wouldn’t be called strikes in close games, are called strikes.” In the second inning the Titans plated four runs, added three more in the third, five more in the fourth and three in the fifth to increase their lead to 24-0. “The plan was to pull me after the fifth and save me for Friday (against Sacramento State),”

sixth, I debated whether to leave him in,” Serrano stated. “After that, I figured that something special was going to happen.” “We’re not into individual stats on this team, but he was close before and it looked like there was a chance that he could get it this time,” Serrano added. He was right. CSUF and Saarloos had been in this position before. Back on February 17 against Brigham Young University, Saarloos had a perfect game through seven and 2/3, but lost it on a bloop single. This time around, the Baseball Gods smiled on Saarloos. In the sixth inning, Jason Walker popped a short fly ball to right field, on Feb. 17 it fell in for hit, this time around it fell in the glove of Shane Costa for an out. In the seventh inning, reserve first baseman Nick Fitzgerald scooped out two low throws for outs. That set the drama for the ninth inning. With one out, Tiger second baseman Michael Fitzgerald hit a scorching line drive that shortstop Mike Rouse snared for the second out. “I didn’t know where he (Rouse) was positioned,” Saarloos said. “When it was hit, I froze. I wasn’t sure where it would fall.” With two outs, Walker reached on an error by second baseman Jason Corapci. The next batter, Rick Morton, hit a ground ball to Rouse who flipped to Corapci for the force out and the game was over. “He is on an unbelievable run that we hope will only end when we have to take the uniform

—April 23, 1995 Ted Silva, vs Pacific (5-0)

—April 8, 2001 Kirk Saarloos, vs Pacific (28-0)

Saarloos said. “But I look at them and they look at me after the seventh and I tried for it.” Ten different players had multiple hits, including Mike Rouse who was 5 for 6, with two home runs, five runs scored and three runs batted in. Shawn Norris was a perfect 4 for 4 with a tworun home run, four runs scored and three runs batted in. Brett Kay, who returned to action Friday after missing six weeks due to a thumb injury, was 3 for 6, with one home run, three runs scored and two runs batted in. Whereas the Titans were ringing up hits and runs, the Tigers were not. With the deciding lead, the CSUF Pitching Coach Dave Serrano departed from the idea of replacing Saarloos and decided to let him have a chance at further entrenching himself into Titan lore. “After the fifth inning, I debated whether to leave him (Saarloos) out there, after the

Titans rebuke Sun Devils to extend streak nBASEBALL: CSUF continues stellar play as it pounds ASU in makeup contest By Damian Calhoun

Daily Titan Asst. Sports Editor The Cal State Fullerton Titan express train rolled through another opponent yesterday. The Arizona State Sun Devils became the latest victim in the 14th ranked Titans’ 13-6 win at Goodwin Field as the CSUF ran its season-long winning streak to nine games and improved to 2310 on the season. CSUF jumped out of the gates quick with two runs in the first inning and added four in the third inning for a quick 6-0 lead. However, the Sun Devils did not roll over. ASU sent ten batters to the plate and scored five runs against Titan reliever Nick Lovato to close the deficit to 6-5, but that was as close as they would get. The Titans used a three-run sixth inning to push its lead to 9-6. With two outs, catcher Brett Kay sliced a ball down the right field line and rightfielder Steve Garrabrants played the ball into a tworun triple. Mike Rouse followed that with a single to score Kay.

“We’re swinging the bats will well,” Titan Head Coach George Horton said. “We had a couple of big innings early. In the middle innings, we fell back into the old mode of not being consistent and not being tough outs.” However, in the eighth inning, the Titans used a RBI double by Rouse and a two-run double by Matt Belfanti to increase their lead to 13-6. The Titan offense cranked out 15 hits, led by fourhit nights by both Rouse and Kay. Rouse has nine hits in the last two games and has his batting average up to a team-leading .364. “We got the big hits with guys in scoring position,” Horton said. “You expect more offense in these midweek games because we didn’t use our best pitchers and they did not use their pitchers.” But the pitchers that Horton did use pitch admirably, despite not having all of the work and innings that the weekend starting rotation has. Freshman Wes Littleton started and pitched the first two innings and allowed only one hit for his second win of the season. Sophomore Sean Martin pitched two innings and Chad Cordero pitched the final two innings for his fourth save of the season. “Spider (Sean Martin) gave us two quality innings and I thought that (Nick) Lovato showed promise, he attacked the zone and that was a step forward for him,” Horton said. “We were shocked to give up five runs, we usually go two weeks without giving up five runs. We do not give up many crooked


Lost amidst the euphoria, the Titans celebrates Kirk Saarloos’ historical outing.

from him after we’re finished playing the last game that we want to play,” Serrano said. Saarloos’ masterpiece completed the series sweep for the Titans. This is the fourth consecutive season, that CSUF has swept their Big West opening series. In the first game, Charlie Zahari (1-1), who replaced an injured Jon Smith in the first inning, pitched six and 1/3 and collected his first Division I win in the Titans’ 6-1 victory. Darric

Merrell (3-2) continued his impressive freshman campaign with a complete game 3-1 win in the second game. “We had hoped that we would sweep these guys,” Titan Head Coach George Horton said. “They are not one of the top echelon teams in our conference and we knew if we had lost one, then it could have caught up to us later.”

CSUF takes conference nSOFTBALL: Titans sweep 49ers and stand in first place in Big West By Caesar Contreras

Daily Titan Copy Editor It was a series of revenge and major conference implications. And for the Cal State Fullerton softball team, it went exactly the way they wanted it to. Behind standout pitching performances from Jodie Cox and Christy Robitaille, the 10th ranked Titans defeated Long Beach State 4-0 and 2-0 in a doubleheader played at the LBSU Softball Complex on Sunday afternoon. And if that wasn’t good enough, CSUF completed the sweep on Monday behind Cox’s one-hitter as the Titans won 1-0. The series originally was slated for a Saturday doubleheader and a Sunday game but plans were switched due to rain, forcing the teams to play two on Sunday and complete the series on yesterday. Despite all the jumbling around of games, the Titans never lost focus as they improved to 36-10 on the season and a perfect 9-0 Big West record. LBSU fell to 17-22 and dropped

its first conference games of the season to go to 6-3. “Right now it’s important for the team to play well,” Titan Head Coach Michelle Gromacki said. “Our defense looked sharp, we got great pitching and when that happens were going to win.” While Gromacki was especially pleased with the team’s defense, the pitching was nothing short of spectacular on Sunday and yesterday. Cox got the series started by throwing a three-hitter and striking out seven en route to the 3-0 win. The sophomore left-hander had a perfect game until a Jessica Smith single in the fifth inning gave the 49ers their first hit of the game. Cox would only allow two more hits as sophomore Jenny Topping had two hits and a pair of RBI and Julie Watson, Yasmin Mossadeghi and Kristy Halagarda each added two hits in the win. “The game was going fast and we were getting outs so I wasn’t really focused on a perfect game or no hitter,” Cox said. Robitaille followed up Cox’s performance in the second game with a complete game shutout in CSUF’s 2-0 win. Mossadeghi’s double in the top of the sixth inning scored Brittany Ziegler and Monica Lucatero and gave Robitaille all the support that she needed.

“I was pretty confident going up there,” Mossadeghi said. “The pitcher was throwing me inside but she got one outside and I got it.” Robitaille improved to a perfect 6-0 with the victory, Lindsey Knoff dropped to 8-9 for the 49ers. It was a tougher game than the first meeting as a key Titan defensive play saved a 49er run from scoring. In the bottom of the fifth inning with Natalie Walker at second base, Arleigh Thorp blasted a double to right field over Cox and as Walker headed for home, Cox hit her cutoff man Shawna Robinson who then threw to Topping at home, the catcher blocked the plate completely and Walker was called out at home. “It’s just a play we work on for hours at practice and we got her at home,” Cox said. It would be the best scoring threat LBSU had all of Sunday. In Monday’s finale, a Mossadeghi single and a 49er error scored Watson in the top of the seventh inning as the Titans got the sweep and avenged the sweep the 49ers got in 2000 at CSUF. Cox was masterful as she allowed one hit and improved to 15-4 on the season. The win gives the Titans a slight onegame lead over Pacific in the Big West with a chance to extend that lead as they host the

Titans end season with sixth place finish at regionals nGYMNASTICS: CSUF disappointed with results of its final meet in an otherwise successful season By Melanie Bysouth

Daily Titan Staff Writer

lorraine dominguez/Daily Titan

Junior Kellie Francia lands a solid dismount in Saturday’s regionals.

This was not the way they wanted the season to end. Despite a year that saw Cal State Fullerton break countless personal and team records, the Titans ended the season with their lowest team total of the year. With a score of 189.800, CSUF took sixth place behind fifth place Boise State, fourth place California, third place Brigham Young University, second place Oregon State and first place UCLA. “Its disappointing,” Head Coach Julie Knight said. “I think if we would have hit [the routines] in this meet, I think we could have got a 193.” Knight sited many factors that contributed to the final team score. “It’s a combination of a lot of things,” she said. “The girls have trained hard and they are very, very tired. It is the end of a very long season. This team has inexperience in a meet like this. None of the Titans here have ever been in the regionals, most of them were

seniors in high school the last time [CSUF] was here.” The Titans started the NCAA regionals with a devastating rotation on the balance beam with all but two gymnasts falling off the apparatus. The final result was five falls and a team score of 46.500. As there were six teams competing, each team would take two bye rotations, for the Titans this would be the second and fifth rotation. In the third rotation, CSUF was on the floor. Usually this is a strong rotation for the Titans, but not on Saturday. With two falls on the floor, something Knight says has never happened in competition, the Titans received their lowest score for that event this season, 47.475. Effecting the overall scores on each rotation were the surprisingly low individual scores awarded to those who performed well. “Scores at regionals are typically low,” Knight said. “At this meet, scores were the lowest they’ve ever been. We had kids hit routines and get low scores.” Next was the vault. It was the best rotation for the Titans, who posted their highest event score of the meet, 48.575. Three Titans shared a score of 9.800, yet showing the most spirit on vault was junior Andrea Boggs. Stepping into the rotation just before it began, Boggs was chosen to replace sophomore Jamie Moody who, despite suffering an ankle

injury earlier in the week, came to the meet prepared for competition. “Andrea was first alternate on vault,” Knight said. “With a elbow injury that hurt very badly, [during the landing of her vault] she fought very hard to stay on her feet.” The fifth rotation for the Titans was another bye, something the Titans did not want after such a strong showing on the bars. “We never got a positive momentum going,” Knight said. “I give them a lot of credit. They fought the whole meet.” The final event for the Titans was the uneven bars, where falls and low

scores resulted in a team event total of 47.250. Closing the rotation on bars was junior Kellie Francia. In a last minute decision, Francia was selected to compete in place of injured teammate Moody. “We were considering competing her (Moody) on all three events (bars, vault and beam),” Knight said. “Today after warm-up, it was too hard for her to do bars.” Francia gave an electric performance and the result was a 9.700, the second highest score for the Titans on that rotation. Of the performance, Knight said,

lorRaine dominguez/Daily Titan

Junior Megan Berry shows her talent during a floor exercise.

Thousands of animals pay the price for uninformed producBy Heather Blair Foot-and-mouth disease is sweeping through the world by way of media. But what some people don’t know is how it really effects us. The disease is causing chaos in Europe and the reason it has become such a national issue is because it could have great economic affects. According to a UC Davis study in 1998, it could be approximately six to $14 million in control costs and lost markets. If an outbreak were to happen in the United States exports would have to stop. All imported livestock, meat and unpasteurized dairy products are temporarily banned from the U.S. from anywhere in the European Union for fear of the disease spreading. But what makes this epidemic so puzzling is the fact that there is a vaccination for the disease for animals. People do not have to kill so many

animals just to stop it from spreading. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), there have been over 600,000 animals slaughtered and nearly 350,000 more are awaiting a similar death. The disease can spread rapidly because it is carried through air, animal byproducts, dirt, farm products and even through clothing. It is a myth that animals will eventually die from the disease. Although they will suffer from a fever and obtain blister-like lesions on their tongues, lips and in-between their hooves, animals will not die from the virus. According to the foot-and-mouth disease official Internet site, most animals will survive, but the growth process is slowed down and the production of milk is slower as well. There has only been one reported case of a human catching the footand-mouth virus. The case was in 1966 and the symptoms were very mild, so it isn’t even that much of a

threat to humans. So why the need to kill off so many animals just to save a buck? Farmers and governments are concerned about losing livestock that produces valuable milk and meat products. But these animals are still capable of producing. It doesn’t make sense to kill off that many animals, especially when MAFF specifically says, "Vaccination has always been an option." MAFF also reported that vaccination could be used in two separate ways. One way would be to enforce a national policy of vaccination as protection against an outbreak of the disease. This policy is not favored by the European Union, farmers, people in the livestock industry or food producers because the use of the vaccine in this way could mean a loss of 1.3 billion English pounds a year. The other way that the vaccination could be used is as an emergency vaccination. The vaccination could establish zones of protection between infected areas and those that aren’t,

or be used to reduce the number of outbreaks in heavily infected areas. MAFF said the British government is considering use of the vaccination. It seems better to protect the animals that are still alive than wait for them to get infected with the disease and then incinerate them. If there is a more humane way of dealing with the problem, the solution seems simple. The government is concerned about how expensive the vaccination is, but if the disease keeps spreading at the rate it has, it will end up costing more to clean up the problem than to prevent the problem. It is understandable that the U.S. is taking precautionary measures to prevent an outbreak from happening. Even colleges in California have established rules for entering school agricultural department’s barns. The British government should use vaccination as a method of control because the number of outbreaks has only continued to rise.

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

Letters to the n Censorship ruled by societal views So, Leilani Rios was forced to quit the track team or quit her job? Why? Because Coach Elders thinks exotic dancing “is something that doesn’t represent our athletic department in a positive way.” What if Rios was a nude model for an art class? Or, what if she worked at a restaurant where the waitresses dressed in skimpy outfits? What would be Elders’ opinion on these jobs? Do we really care what his opinion is? Who is he to decide what is positive and negative? What if Rios was an ambulance chasing lawyer? Or, what if she worked at any number of jobs that are looked upon as negative by society? The sad truth is, Elders and the university can pick and choose what they do and don’t think is “negative.” And that is wrong. It’s a form of censorship and it’s scary. Americans need to stop being so sexually repressed. I just returned from a trip from Norway. It was so nice to hear sexually evolved attitudes among the people that I met. Nudity is no big deal to them. And guess what? The crime rate is incredibly low. The baseball team members should not be punished either. But should they return to an exotic night club, they should refrain from wearing university apparel. Come on guys! You’re smarter than that! Right? Rios should be commended for having enough guts to do a job that is very demanding mentally. If she enjoys it and can make money at it, then she should be able to do it without anybody else butting into her private business. It’s a legal activity. And thanks to men who are willing to pay lots of money to see naked women dance, she can make some nice money to help her pay her bills and take care of herself. Good for her. Joe Murgia Tampa, Florida Editor, Open Mind News

A journalist’s obligation should be to personal values By Alex Douvas There’s a fine line that many journalists will have to walk at some time during their career — a question that forces journalists to make a choice between their journalistic integrity and their own humanity. Do we have a moral obligation to help the subject of a story who is in dire need of help or assistance? Or must we refrain from any personal involvement with a subject so as not to jeopardize the objectivity and impartiality that are necessary to maintain professionalism in journalism, which is already in short supply? A case study in this debate took place recently, when a journalist on assignment at the border of China and North Korea border

smuggled two children from North Korea into South Korea, and wrote a story about it for Newsweek. Many in the industry complained that in doing this, she also transgressed journalistic standards of objectivity and impartiality. Only in the world we live in could such an act be seen as an offense against journalism, while real offenses which plague the industry go generally ignored. The world is an ugly place and that fact is not the news business’ fault. Unfortunately, it helps to sell newspapers and finances pretty new cityscapes for the backgrounds of evening news programs. I don’t know who said it, but old journalism adage “If it bleeds, it leads” is still very much true. People watch car chases and networks broadcast them with growing frequency, not

because they are of substantial news value to the public, but because the public has a pathological obsession with carnage and will cancel their dinner plans to wait for the crash at the end. “Stations use sensation and tabloid journalism to manipulate and condition viewers,” concluded the Denver-based Rocky Mountain Media Watch organization. “Crime stories, mainly murder, dominate half the newscasts.” The organization also found that a full 40 percent of news broadcasts are devoted to catastrophe of some sort. Though it seems off-topic, these apparent truths concerning the state of journalism today speak volumes about the imbalance in objective media coverage. Like the law, journalism is not without sin or blemish. It is not the perpetual bearer of objectivity and impartiality, as some are quick to claim. The news, in

its broadest definition, is subject to the laws of capitalism just as any other business, and thus becomes “the news” — 19-minutes of sensational newscast or a front page designed to make money. Those journalists who say it is inappropriate to ever involve themselves in a story they’re covering because it somehow compromises objectivity haven’t taken an objective look at the level of objectivity that governs the business they work for. Newspapers and broadcasters readily admit that they attempt to find a happy medium between making money and reporting the news, therefore; they are not fully objective. I am not suggesting that because the media are imperfect their practitioners should strive for anything less then perfection. However, many of the zealous, aspiring young journalists need to have a wake up call to the fact that

journalism is quite subjective. I see no glorious standard that prevents a journalist from doing the right thing in a situation that demands it. Helping someone who genuinely needs help, like someone who is trapped in a burning car, about to jump off a bridge or a starving child in a war-torn country should not be considered the cardinal sin in a business that largely profits from people’s misfortunes. Our top priority in such situations should not be grabbing a camera and getting “the scoop.” For me, “the scoop” runs a distant second to the welfare of another human being. I answer to my conscience before I answer to my editors. — Douvas is a Daily Titan Staff Writer and any response to this column can be sent via

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