2002 02 19

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,


INSIDE n DETOUR: Artist Paul Frank captivates 14 his audience with his interactive exhibit An Orange County teen heads 16 ton NEWS: the Olympics with a chance to win a

Titans overwhelm UNLV with a threegame sweep at Goodwin Field

gold medal in figure skating

—see Sports page 10 T U E S D AY

Vo l u m e 7 4 , I s s u e 3

Fe brua r y 1 9 , 2 0 0 2

Third time is charm for candidates nDEBATE: Politicians question each other’s party loyalty and make issues of everything from abortion to Enron By Andrew Burns

Daily Titan Staff Writer The third debate between the three major republican candidates running for governor of California took place Wednesday at Cal State Long Beach. The debate between former mayor of Los Angeles Richard Riordan, Secretary of State Bill Jones and businessman Bill Simon Jr. will be the last before the March 5 prima-

ries. The candidates had different strategies in showing how they were each the best candidate for the Republican Party. Riordan spent most of his time attacking Davis. “Gray Davis ought to be in Salt Lake City because he’s going downhill faster than any of the other skiers,” he said. He also focused on Davis receiving $119,000 from Enron, more than any other elected official in the United States. He dubbed Davis as the “Enron governor.” He even went so far as to mention what Enron received for its contributions to Davis. He noted that Enron received the

right to drill in Solano County along with approvals for two power plants to be built while Davis was governor. Jones focused his attack on Riordan. “[Riordan] has given money and support to democrats like [Sen.] Diane Feinstein and [Congresswoman] Maxine Waters,” he said. “The real question here is consistency.” Jones emphasized that the real issues at stake are trust and whether or not republicans could trust Riordan. “[Riordan is] coming down on all sides of the issues,” he said. “Riordan is the one who has something to prove to the Republican Party.”

Simon spent time defending his pro-life stance on abortion, as well as making it clear that he would not raise taxes. He responded to a question regarding Medi-Cal spending on abortions at certain hospitals. “I’ve had many years of experience as a federal prosecutor, and although sometimes I may not agree with the law, I was sworn to uphold the law, and that’s what I’ll do as governor,” Simon said. “We can’t use one issue as a litmus test. We have to consider all of the issues facing California.” Simon took opportunities to present himself as the best candidate on the issue of taxes. “I’m the only


Too close to home When wild fire strikes 4 Listen to a battery operated radio for reports and evacuation information.

Cheney to visit Nixon landmark

nPOLITICS: The first Vice President to ever visit the Yorba Linda library receives ‘Architect of Peace’ award

4 Park car

By Kimberly Pierceall

Daily Titan Opinion Editor

in an open space facing the direction of escape.

4 Make plans to care for pets in case of evacuation.

4 Arrange

temporary housing at a home outside the threatened area.

4Choose a route away from fire hazards.

4 Watch for

changes in directions of speed and direction of fire


Former Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan (left) used most of his debate time to attack current California Governor Gray Davis.

RYAN HOPPE/Daily Titan,

Officially fire season is declare around the middle of May, but late night on Feb. 9, a raging brush fire broke out in Anaheim Hills between Green River and Coal Canyon Roads. Fallen power lines were to blame for the fire and 2,400 acres were destroyed. No structures were harmed, although a miniature forest of Tecate Cypress trees burned to the ground, taking with it 30-foot-tall Big Mo, one of the largest and oldest Tecates in the state. Big Mo was split into several pieces.

Vice President Dick Cheney isn’t in Washington DC, Wyoming, Kansas or any other state of the union for that matter. California, here he comes. Second in command to President George W. Bush, Cheney and his wife, Lynne, will be at the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace today to accept the Library’s “Architect of Peace” award. Tickets to the award luncheon at noon cost $2,500 and guarantees a personal photo with the vice president and Mrs. Cheney. With 200 seats available, the event could raise $500,000 for the library, the only presidential library operating without taxpayer funds. Dick Cheney Executives at the library decided a year ago to honor the Cheneys, but circumstances delayed the award presentation. “He had some health problems, then Sept. 11 – we were not sure when he would be available to accept the invitation,” said Kathy O’ Conner, the assistant executive director. After the last fundraiser in early January, the vice president’s office called to tell Nixon library executives that Cheney would be in town Feb. 19. “We didn’t expect [these fundraising events] to happen one right after another,” O’ Conner said. The library has been busy ever since preparing for the event and answering the requests of an overwhelming number of people interested in attending the awards luncheon, O’Conner said. The secret service will do a sweep of the building and metal detectors will be placed at the doors, the library’s Communications Director Arianna Barrios said. “[Metal detectors] would be here regardless - pre or post Sept. 11,” she said.


Keys unlock campus personalnPARKING: AMPCO attendants get to know student quirks by their cars, keychains and decorations By Katie Cumper

Daily Titan Asst. Photo Editor


CSUF student Jason Allen hands his keys over to AMPCO keybox attendant Brian Alvarado.

Most people have just one set of car keys. This is not the case for Brian Alvarado. On any given weekday, he might be in possession of more than 200 sets of keys – all of them belonging to Cal State Fullerton students. “I’m the keybox person,” Alvarado says. “I make sure all the keys are safe and organized.” Alvarado, who works in parking lot A, is just one of the employee’s of AMPCO System Parking, the company that provides the “stacking” service for the overcrowded CSUF parking lots. He helps students unable to find a place to

park when they arrive at school, by “stacking” their cars behind an already parked car of a student who arrived earlier. Once a students car is parked, an AMPCO attendant gives them a claim check. They in turn give their keys to Alvarado who hangs them in the cabinet he guards. He only takes them out if a car needs to be moved to allow someone who is blocked in to leave, or if the student returns with their claim ticket. This jobs sounds easy enough, but according to Alvarado sometimes “it can get a bit crazy.” Just last week one of those “crazy” days happened when a female student spotted a scratch on her car. “Whoa she was mad,” Alvarado said. “She tried to blame it on us – that we had scratched her car when we moved another car,” Alvarado said. “The police were called out and we found out there was already a report on the same scratch.” The officer also looked at the car one of the AMPCO employees had moved, which the


female student had said was the vehicle that must have hit her car. It also had a scratch on it., Alvarado said. According to Alvarado and three of the five employee’s that work with him, after the policeman measured the two scratches he reported to them that not only did the two scratches not match in height – one was higher than the other. It was a physical impossibility for the two cars to collide, since one car had its scratch in the front and one was scratched in the back. “We already knew it wasn’t any of us,” Alvarado said. “Every employee knows that we have report slips if we damage anything, we just have to tell the supervisor. No one gets in trouble. It’s rare that it happens.” Problems in any of the CSUF parking lots that have “stacking” attendants usually arise after students arrive late for a class. For instance, if they have a class at 12:30 p.m. and arrive at



extras online n Check out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton. edu.

Check out video news clips on the Web site soon.

u p co m i n g n Look for a personal essay on Mardi Gras in the Perspectives section of next week’s Wednesday edition of the Daily Titan.

2 Tuesday, February 19, 2002



BRIEFS Affordable Family Counseling at Brea Center Western Youth Services is offering affordable family counseling Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Brea Family Resource Center. Appointments are also available between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Fees are determined on a personalized, sliding scale fee structure, which is based on the family’s ability to pay. Professional counselors will be available to counsel couples and families with social issues such as bereavement, depression and anxiety. Counseling will be conducted in a private and quiet office setting and will help clients with many crisis situations and couples with ongoing relationship problems. For more information, contact the main office of the Western Youth Services at (714) 8715646.

Brea Gallery Features “Made in California” The 17th annual “Made in California,” a juried exhibit showcasing the works of artists across California will be on exhibit at the Brea Gallery until March 22. From drawing to photography and collages to paintings, “Made in California” will feature many works of art that will be available to be purchased. In addition to the exhibit, children, from ages 6-12, will be able to participate in workshops on Feb 23 and March 9 from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. for $5 per session.

Amy Rottier Kathleen Gutierrez Robert Sage Collin Miller Gus Garcia Rita Freeman Trinity Powells Yvonne Klopping Melanie Bysouth Brian Thatcher Tiffany Powell Kimberly Pierceall Heather Baer Jaime Nolte Katie Cumper Adriana Escobedo Brian Miller Abigaile C. Siena Gus Garcia Jeffrey Brody Lori Anderson Editor in Chief Managing Editor News Sports Main Photo

278-5815 278-5693 278-5813 278-3149 278-2128 278-2991

The Brea Gallery is located in the Brea Civic and Cultural Center. For more information, contact the Brea Gallery at (714) 9907730.

Fullerton Chief of Police and Local Attorney Honored The YWCA of North Orange County is honoring Police Chief Patrick McKinley and family law attorney, Sara Bergstrom, with Man and Woman of the Year Awards at their annual fundraiser, “Chocolate Fantasy: An Evening of Mardi Gras,” on March 1 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Brea. McKinley and Bergstrom are the third man and woman to be honored for their contributions to society and support of the YWCA’s mission and services. Chief McKinley has served as police chief for the City of Fullerton for more than nine years. As police chief, McKinley initiated a violence prevention program called “She Bear,” designed to teach women how to protect themselves that has taught more than 1,000 women in self-defense and violence prevention. Chief McKinley has also been a supporter of the YWCA’S annual Week Without Violence. Bergstrom has served as a volunteer and board president for the YWCA for several years. Bergstrom has also served as one of only two females to become president of the Fullerton Sunrise Notary Club, an organization of business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian services, and is a member of the president’s forum for Hope International University.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Tuesday through Friday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan and its predecessor, the Titan Times, have functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The mail subscription price is $45 per semester, $65 per year, payable to the Daily Titan, College Park 670, CSUF, Fullerton, CA 92834. Copyright ©2002 Daily Titan

NEWS CALENDAR OF EVENTS Community The Curtis Theatre’s Premiere Series presents “Godspell” at the Brea Civic & Cultural Center from Feb. 22 through March 10. “Godspell” is a theatrical event based on the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Ticket prices are $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $10 for children. Tickets may be purchased at www.curtistheatre.org or by calling (714) 990-7722. Parking is free. Jazz vocalist Karen Gallinger will host a series of “jam session/experience” evenings at the Grand Central Theater in Santa Ana. Admission is $10 and $5 for students. For more information, call (714) 567-7234. The 31st Annual Festival of Whales in Dana Point will feature activities, events and music during the weekends of March 9 and 16. The musical series is free. For more information, call (949) 4961094.

The Bowers Museum in Santa Ana is hosting “The World of the Etruscans” through April. For more information, call (714) 567-3600. The Fairplex in Pomona will present a show by the Millard Sheets Gallery from Feb. 23 through March 31. The show will be closed Mondays. This is its second post-fair exhibit and it will include a sculpture of Carl Milles. For more information, call (909) 865-4262. The Fullerton Civic Light Opera presents the musical “The Scarlet Pimpernel” through March 3 at the Plummer Auditorium. For more information, call (714) 526-3832.

Campus The College of the Arts presents “Joseph Musil: The Ceremonial Magic of Theatre Architecture” through March 7 in the Main Art Gallery. For more information, call (714) 278-7750.

The Fullerton Arboretum will present a class on how to grow “African Violets” Feb. 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The fee is $7 and $5 for members. For more information, call (714) 278-3579. The Fullerton Arboretum will present “Children’s Winter Garden Adventure” Feb. 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Children ages 1012 can discover nature in winter. Parent participation is not required and the fee is $3 per child. For more information, call (714) 2783579. The College of Business and Economics will sponsor “Business Week” from Feb. 19 to Feb. 21. A series of lectures and workshops will be available to all students. There will also be a job fair. For more information, call (714) 278-4577. TSU Underground will have a table-tennis tournament Feb. 22 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. The event is free to all CSUF

students, faculty and staff. For more information, call (714) 278-2144. TSU Underground will have a “Family Night” Feb. 25. Bowling and games will be discounted between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. For more information, call (714) 278-2144. TSU Underground will host a billiard tournament Feb. 26 from 1 p.m. until finish. The competition is free to all students, faculty and staff. For more information, call (714) 278-2144. The Department of Music presents “Recital with Bongshin Ko & Friends” Feb. 24 at 4 p.m. in the Recital Hall. The program will consist of Beethoven, Mozart and R. Schumann. Advance ticket sales are $8 and $5 for students, seniors. At the door, all tickets are $8. For more information, call (714) 278-3371.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS COP BLOTTER Monday, Feb. 11 Police pulled over a white Ford heading south on Placentia Avenue. The driver was caught driving without a license and his car was towed at 12:04 a.m. A petty theft occurred in the Education Building and was reported at 5:57 a.m. Medics were dispatched to the Titan Student Union at 8:22 a.m. Apparently a bookshelf fell on the woman and cut her head. She was conscious when

police arrived but short of breath. She was transported to St. Jude’s Hospital. Vandalism of a vehicle was reported at 2:10 p.m. While a woman was changing in the Locker Room of the Physical Education Building a man came in at 2:41 p.m. and exposed himself. He then began masturbating before running away. A black Jeep Wrangler was reported stolen from the Parking Structure at 8:01 p.m.

Wednesday, Feb. 13 A Nissan parked in Lot G was towed for having expired registration at 9:22 a.m. A laptop was reported stolen from an office in McCarthy Hall at 4:15 p.m.

found two of his tires slashed. He reported the incident to police at 10:10 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 15 A habitual parking offender paid all his fines at 11:16 a.m., they that totaled more than $200.

Thursday, Feb. 14

Saturday, Feb 16

At 8:40 a.m., police received a call from a student who had $40 stolen from her wallet, which was inside her car. Her car was in stacked parking. The driver of a Ford Taurus

A Pearce employee reported his electric cart stolen at 2:05 a.m. Some books were reported stolen from the Information Desk in the Library at 2:54 p.m.

Future Pages Western State 3 x 10 Goat Hill Tavern 1x6


Tuesday, February 19, 2002


Administration places block on unit nEDUCATION: Due to increasing population, class registration limits the number of classes students can take By Trinity Powells

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor

RYAN HOPPE/Daily Titan

Technological advances have made using tanning beds like these safer than hanging out at the beach.

Tanning beds beat hot

nBODY: High-pressure machines keep harmful UVA and UVB rays from skin, making it less harmful than By Ryan Hoppe

Daily Titan Staff Writer “You don’t burn in these beds,” Jim Brosnahan, a customer at Tropical Tan in Yorba Linda, said. Brosnahan uses the high-pressure tanning beds once a month to keep up his color. “I’ve never had any problems here, said Brosnahan, who’s been a customer at Tropical Tan for a year. “[Tanning] in a high-pressure bed is like going six times in a regular bed,” Chris McLaughlin, manager at Tropical Tan said. Sunlight consists of two different types of ultraviolet rays, McLaughlin said. The first type – UVA rays– cause the

skin to tan. UVB rays cause the skin to burn. The sun’s UV rays are 12 to 13 percent UVB. Modern tanning beds emit 7 percent UVB rays, he explained, which is substantially less than average sunlight. High-pressure beds have special cobalt glass filters that screen out all but .01 percent of UVB rays. The light emitted by a high-pressure bed is more intense but less harmful. According to www.ca.gov, government regulations in California also keep tanning salons from misuse. Tanning salons used to allow the tanner to control the amount of time spent in the bed. According to the site, restrictions place a maximum time limit of 30 minutes for any bed. Each type of tanning bed is also rated for a certain amount of time, and a tanner may not exceed that amount of time in that bed. A customer may not tan more than once a day. Additionally, tanning salon operators are trained to adjust the tanning time to each individual customer. “We usually start first-time customers off at

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seven minutes, and work our way up from there,” Lisha Steinkoenig, manager of Exotic Tan in Brea said. Each customer is given a skin rating, or susceptibility to burn rate, on the first visit and files are kept showing the amount of time spent in a tanning bed, so the time can be pinpointed. With strict controls on lighting and timing, tanning beds are more controlled than tanning under the sun. Eye protection is also required and provided at tanning salons. “Eyelids are so thin, they cannot protect your eyes from the rays,” Steinkoenig said. Another alternative to tanning beds is Mist-On tan. Mist-On tan is a 50-second process that uses bronzers, self-toners and moisturizers to give an instant tan that lasts about a week. Sunless tanners like Mist-On eliminate any chance of skin cancer from UV rays.-“Mist-On tan is a sunless tanning process that can be used by pregnant women, or customers who cannot use the normal tanning beds,” said Andrea Oppedisano, owner of Tropical Tan.

The increasing population at Cal State Fullerton has caused many inconveniences. However, this semester, CSUF’s surging population is leaving many students with more than just limited parking. A 16-unit cap, effective this semester, has been placed on the number of classes a student can take in an effort to level out enrollment and provide more students with the ability to have a full course load. Previously, the 16-unit limit was only enforced during TITAN Registration and a student could add additional courses to their workload through obtaining signatures from their professors during the second week of school. With the new cap, the 16-unit limit has been extended throughout all registration and exceptions to the unit caps are few. “A way needed to be found to slow down enrollment growth,” said James Blackburn, director of Admissions and Records. “It was to provide a modest number of courses for everyone.” Those that have some leverage with the 16-unit limit are music and fine art

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students and those in teacher credential programs. Students in these majors have a considerably larger amount of course work than most areas of study. Music majors, for example, may be required to take anywhere from 50 to 70 units of course work in their major with many of their classes only being worth one or two units. Though students in these majors have been allowed to enroll in more classes than others, some believe it isn’t enough. “Sixteen units isn’t that much,” said Hannah Baker, a senior majoring in music history and theory. “I have some one-unit classes that are way more work than three or four unit classes.” Though students think the 16-unit limit is restricting, Blackburn said records show that very few students that take more than 16 units actually complete them all. “If you go back historically,” he said. “We have almost never had more than 10 percent [of students] finishing more than 16 units in a semester.” Graduating students are also allowed some leverage in adding additional classes. Seniors needing an additional class to help them graduate will be allowed to take additional units above the 16unit limit. Students can still petition for more classes with admissions and records, however, the chances of being approved are highly unfavorable. “I have to be honest,” Blackburn said. “I’ve turned almost all of them down because it is the university’s

desire to not exceed the funded limit allowed by the state.” According to the Department of Admissions and Records, the funded limit for full-time equivalents students, students taking 15 units, is 21,239. On average, students at CSUF are taking 11.16 units this semester, leaving the funded limit for student admission at 28,547 this semester. At the opening of this semester, the headcount for admitted students was at 28,568 and if numbers grow from last semester’s count of 30,357, the ability to enroll in classes may become more difficult. Though many students and faculty see the unit cap as a reasonable action, many believe it will put an undue hardship on certain students in majors that require more units to complete their studies. Gordon Paine, chairman of the Music Department, believes the unit cap will have a great impact on student’s lives. “I understand why the president did what he did, but it isn’t a matter of numbers, it’s a matter of people’s lives,” Paine said. “People that have planned and planned carefully have somewhat had their plans shot away.” Students also disagree with the limit on units they can take. Aleia Melville, a graduating senior majoring in theater, said the amount of units should be her decision. “I paid my tuition and I think it is my right to take as many classes as I like,” she said. “If they are having trouble with enrollment, they need to limit their admission.”


The Daily Titan Online


Alexander Salon 2x3

Brians 2x8

4 Tuesday, February 19, 2002


People ponder need for national ID cards nIDENTITY: Loads of information can be stored on a microchip, but could cause threat to American privacy By Cynthia Pangestu

Daily Titan Staff Writer As a result of the Sept. 11 attacks, the idea of creating national identification cards has sparked public interest. National ID cards have been constantly recommended in the past and consistently rejected by Americans. The purpose of the cards would be to enhance national security, unmask potential terrorists and guard against illegal immigrants, according to the national Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC). Places such as Europe, Hong Kong and many others have adopted the idea and currently use this system. A national ID card would limit the many types of identification in the United States — such as social security cards, driver’s licenses and military IDs — to one form. The concept of “smart cards” embedded with computer chips as ID cards are now gaining favor. Unlike magnetic strips, these cards can hold massive amounts of a person’s information. EPIC posted on its Web site that the chip could represent the most tamper-proof type of ID card, possibly including a digital scan of a thumbprint or iris. Currently, a Senate bill also seeks to create these new cards as visas for foreign immigrants and visitors, which will make it easier for authorities to detect and deport visa

violators. ID card for CSUF faculty, staff and Many security experts believe the students. idea of a new form of identificaVictoria Nichols, a supervisor for tion is a critical weapon in the fight the TitanCard Center, said the camagainst terrorism. The cards, linked pus ID card is a way to access the to a giant database, would be invalu- school database. able in preventing terrorists from The cards are scanned through operating under false readers and tracked by identities, EPIC social security number. said. The information on the The proposal of TitanCard is limited to “It would be basic student informathe new cards may contain massive tion and allows students amounts of personal scary to lose to access numerous caminformation, medical, pus services. criminal, insurance “I don’t think it’s an a national records and possibly invasion of privacy,” even buying habits. Nichols said of the idea ID card The advantages of a national ID card. to these cards would “What I worry about because it is more is how so much be the assistance to law enforcement and information is centralsecurity personnel, ized. Also, students are your whole thereby improving always losing their ID national security. cards. It would be scary identity.” According to to lose a national ID card preliminary EPIC because it is your whole research, this new identity.” Victoria card would speed the Disadvantages of the Nichols, verification process cards are that agencies and make it more conwould have massive venient for travelers amounts of personand airlines. al data. If authorities Donna Farmer, became too trusting of president of a New York-based the new system, it may open doors Smart Card Alliance, said North to forgers and hackers. If lost or stoAmericans’ smart card use jumped len, EPIC concludes that a person’s to 37 percent in 2000 due to the identity could be put on hold for a increasing demand from corporate period of time. and college campuses. The chip Many others fear that the new cards are used for identification, system will facilitate discrimination building access and making pay- and target minorities. Also, more ments. problems and complexities may “It’s like a PC in your pocket,” arise from the situation. Farmer said. “It’s the best tool to “I think it helps with security up protect from privacy and fill secu- to a certain point,” said Eric Houng, rity gaps.” an art major. “They need to set a Cal State Fullerton is among the limit on what information should be many campuses to use card technol- on the card, especially factors that ogy. The TitanCard is the official are irrelevant to the sake of national

California’s number is up, freeway exit signs redone nTRANSPORTATION: Caltrans replaces old placards with updated versions; the Golden State is last to conform By Cynthia Pangestu

Daily Titan Staff Writer Just as California became one of the last states adopted into the nation, it is also the last to number its freeway exits. Unlike the other 49 states, California freeway exits list only street names and distance. In the 1950s, California was the first state to place mile post markers along highways. A decade later, after the interstate system developed extensively, the government required exit numbers on freeway signs. As an experiment in the 1970s, California installed a few numbers on certain exits, but stopped due to high cost. California received an exemption because the mile posts were said to be sufficient enough. The idea of adding numbers recurred continuously throughout the years. The idea for change finally came after the years of pressure from the federal and lowerranking California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) officials. Now with an order by Gov. Gray Davis and the head of Caltrans, Jeff Morales, the installation of exit numbers began Jan. 31. “Many of the signs on our high-

ways were put in place 30 to 40 years ago and are due for replacement,” Morales said. “When sign age is a factor, the signs will be replaced with new ones containing the exit number.” Caltrans spokesman Dennis Trujillo said there are three main reasons for the new exit numbers. The first is that many signs need the upgrading. Second, the new technology in the sign industry makes the signs a brighter green with a higher reflectivity as a safety element. Third, the new signs will have an energy saving component because additional lighting will not be needed because of the reflectivity. There will be 23,000 new signs at 5,800 interchanges on 92 state and federal highways in California. The process is estimated to cost $40 million and take up to three years to complete. Rose Melgoza, spokeswoman for the Orange County District of Caltrans said the process of posting signs will have little affect on traffic since most of the work will be done on the shoulder and gore points. Although costly and time consuming, Caltrans hopes new signs will make it easier on drivers who are looking for their off ramps. “It is one way of helping the motoring public to find their way and maintain good traffic flow,” Melgoza said. The numbering of exits could possibly reduce accidents caused by the result of drivers swerving to avoid missing their exits. “Numbering exits will help travelers find their way in areas

unfamiliar to them, determine distances and travel mileage,” Morales said. “The new signs will be much more visible at night and thus increase highway safety.” The new numbers will not only be a benefit to tourists, but to all California residents. It will help pinpoint the location of a stranded motorist. Also, it may be easier for automobile clubs and the California Highway Patrol to locate someone. Phuong Tran, a biology major, said she approves of the new numbers because she travels frequently. “I’ve been to other states like Illinois and the numbering system is very helpful there,” Tran said. “You don’t have to be a tourist to get lost in California. I think our freeway systems are complex and the residents commute from everywhere to everywhere.” “There are so many places to go. Plus, if I get lost or have a flat, I could probably remember the road number better than I could remember a road name. After all, not everybody has a navigation system in their cars.” Sign replacement will start from freeways south to north and west to east. The posted numbers will be determined by the number of miles from the beginning of the route. For instance, if the exit of Yorba Linda Boulevard is 10, the next exit, Chapman Avenue is two miles away and will be exit 12. Numbering began on Feb. 1 in Orange County on the Culver exit on northbound Interstate 5.

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Future Pages Argosy 3 x 10 University of SF 3 x 5.5


Tuesday, February 19, 2002


“Sketch for Isthmus Landscape #22” was one of the drawings exhibited at Rivera’s show.

Rivera’s artistic style defined by simplicity nEXHIBIT: Forty-two sketches of Mexican life premiered at the Museum of Latin American Art Feb. 15 By Laila Derakhshanian Daily Titan Staff Writer

Captivated by the simplicity of the line drawings, the room of spectators stood mesmerized. Several observers focused and discussed among each other how the artist’s work depicted life. With just a few strokes from a lead brush, artist Diego Rivera’s awe-stricken poignancy in his subject matter portrayed life in Mexico. “He goes to the core of the community,” said Jessica Dominguez, an associate producer for KABC. For the first time at the Museum of Latin American Art, The Museo de las Americas presented “Diego Rivera: The Brilliance Before the Brush,” an art exhibition of 42 images sketched on a 1920s trip to

the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, located west of Yucatan, Mexico. At the opening of the show, an estimated 400 gatherers admired the brilliance of Rivera’s work. “It’s everyday, it’s traditional. It’s the simplest things and they’re the most beautiful,” Dominguez said. The exhibit is Rivera’s work while he searched for a personal style. During the 1920s, he traveled to rural Mexico and was captivated by the energy and color of the country. It was during this time he sketched his surroundings and anything that grabbed his attention. Rivera described this as “A new world ... a potential masterpiece… all was revealed to me... I painted as naturally as I breathed, spoke orperspired. My style was born as children are born, in a moment, except that this birth had come after a tortuous pregnancy of 35 years.” Some viewed sketches included “Boceto Para Vendedora De Pinole #41 (Sketch for Pinole Vendor),” “Boceto Para Paisaje Con Chozas #9 (Sketch for Landscape with Huts)” or Boceto Tehuana #1 (Tehuana

Scetch). “It’s nice to see how people begin a career when given the opportunity,” said Christy Zamani, student relations liason for California State University. “Rivera’s sketches show the story the journey the artist took.” Rivera’s sketches were pencil drawings that depicted everyday life such as children, landscapes, market scenes and animals. In an essay written by Tariana Navas-Nieves for the exhibit, Rivera, considered one of the most consequential artists in the 20th century, is also well known for his strong political views and passionate affairs. The welcoming of Rivera’s sketches to the MOLAA was considerable with guests including Latin American muralist, Raul Anguino. “Diego Rivera: The Brilliance Before the Brush” will be at the MOLAA through April 7. “Rivera captures the simplicity of Mexican people,” said Charles J. Licari of Long Beach. “Even his fluid lines can reveal his dynamic power.”

FotoHall 6 x 10.5

FotoHall 6 x 10.5


8 Tuesday, February 19, 2002


Just like Mike... By Mark Migrino and Dustin Grindel Daily Titan Staff Writers Contemporary teen-agers may not know what it means to “be like Mike,” nor how to hum its tune. But there is one thing they do know about NBA legend Michael Jordan — that being “like Mike” is all about the shoes. The Nike Air Jordan, now closing out its second decade as the most popular basketball shoes on the market, hit major sport retailers nationwide on Feb. 9 with the newest version, AJXVII. In the past 16 years, the Nike Air Jordan distinguished itself as one of the best-selling shoes of all time, releasing a new pair every year. The question of whether this particular model will hold up the tradition of the Air Jordan as the best selling basketball shoe ever remains in question — they have a $200 price tag. One reason for the steep price is the attached CD-ROM and the metal briefcase/shoebox that come with every pair. The CD-ROM has various features, including a discussion of how basketball and jazz come together. The briefcase is embossed with the ubiquitous Jordan “Jumpman” silhouette and is just large enough to fit the shoes inside. Although the price is relatively expensive for a basketball shoe, many Air Jordan fanatics did not hesitate to buy them.David Villegas of Walnut is an avid shoe collector and boasts about his collection of more than fifty pairs of Jordan shoes. “I get every model every year regardless of the price,” he said. “It’s just another hobby to me. Just like some people enjoy collecting stamps, I’m into collecting Air Jordans.”John Markin, manager of Foot

Locker, South Coast Plaza, said his store already sold an estimated 75 percent of their AJXVII inventory. Markin also mentioned that the shoes sold very well and only a few pairs were left. Despite the early success of the shoe, many people said they feel the Jordan brand has gone too far in listing the selling price at $200. Some Cal State Fullerton students believe that there are other alternatives in the world of athletic footwear that can offer just as much style and comfort in a shoe at a lower cost. “I’d rather buy a pair of the new (basketball star) Tracy McGrady shoes because they look a lot better and they’re reasonably priced,” said Eric Taylor, a criminal justice major. “In order for me to spend $200 on a pair of sneakers, they better come with rocket boosters.” The signature McGrady shoe, dubbed the “T-Mac,” is priced at $89.99 and offers a distinct shell toe look and utilizes an adiPRENE cushioning system that offers maximum comfort. Jordan, the man whose image graces every pair of the AJXVII, will not be endorsing the new product, aside from wearing them during his games. He will leave the advertising up to director Spike Lee who will shoot commercials that feature other NBA stars such as the Clippers’ Darius Miles and Quentin Richardson. “I won’t buy them, because I don’t want to feed into the hype,” student Orian Gue said. “Just because of his name, he (Jordan) is able to take it to the next level.”

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Emergency contraception aimed at college students nHEALTH: Advertising campaign promotes Plan B in campus newspapers across the United States By Angie Aldape

Daily Titan Staff Writer and

Amy Rottier

Daily Titan Editor in Chief It might be called a woman’s “best kept secret.” An advertising campaign aimed at college women and promoting an emergency contraception pill called Plan B was released Jan. 28 in college newspapers across the United States. “Doctors don’t talk about it, and women don’t know to ask for it,” said Sharon Camp, president of Women Capital Corporation (WCC), the manufacturers of Plan B, in an article. “It’s critical to let college women know they can still prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex if they act quickly.” When Plan B is taken correctly (within 72 hours of a single act of unprotected sex), it reduces the risk of pregnancy by 89 percent, according to the Plan B Web site (www. go2planb.org). In the first 24 hours after intercourse, Plan B can prevent up to 95 percent of unwanted pregnancies. The advertisement states that Plan B is not the same as an abortion pill. The Plan B Web site explains that women do not get pregnant immediately after they have sex and may have up to 72 hours to prevent ovulation. If ovulation has already occurred, there is still time to interfere with the fertilization process, which can take up to 24 hours. The pills-may prevent a newly fertilized egg from implanting itself in the uterus, but the site says there is no scientific evidence that the drug works this way. The Web site also states that Plan B is not like an abortion pill because it will not work if the user is already pregnant.

Gregg Cunningham, director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, a privately funded non-profit education organization, views Plan B not only as a contraceptive but also as an early abortion. If the pill alters the lining of the uterus to make it “hostile for the plantation of the newly formed life,” he said. Cunningham said he considers it killing. “It doesn’t matter if a baby is being killed early or late, by chemicals or surgery,” Cunningham said. “Morally or ethically, it doesn’t matter.” Cunningham and his organization believe that those who are pro-life cannot agree with Plan B. As previously mentioned, Plan B states only that the drug may work this way, but it is not proven. Plan B is not sold over the counter but may be acquired by prescription or by ordering it over the Internet. Women do not need to take a pregnancy test or get an exam before getting a prescription for Plan B. The Rite Aid on Chapman Avenue in Orange carries Plan B and charges $34.99. The Health Center on campus also carries the pill and receives about six to eight requests for Plan B a month, said Tom Sciortino, a Health Center pharmacist. The prescription consists of two pills, which are to be taken 12 hours apart, said Chor Supsin, a Rite Aid pharmacist. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the drug as safe in July 1999, as with most drugs, users may experience side effects. Nausea occurs in about 25 percent of users up to a few hours after taking the pill. Supsin said that many of the Plan B users she has spoken with haven’t experienced any stomach problems. Other symptoms include abdominal pain; headaches, dizziness, breast tenderness and menstrual changes. Because the product only contains only progestin instead of a combination of progestin and estrogen, Plan B causes fewer side effects than other “morning after pills.”

The Plan B Web site suggests that women talk to their doctor ahead of time and keep it on hand in case of an emergency. Supsin agrees with this philosophy. Although her daughter is only 18 months old, she said she would tell her daughter about this product. “It is a good idea (to already have Plan B) because you may not be able to get to the doctor in time,” Supsin said. A question might be whether easy access to the “morning after pill” could undermine the use of regular contraceptives. The Web site says studies in the United States and Scotland show that women who get the pills in advance are two to three times more likely to use them, but not more likely to use them repeatedly. The study also shows that women with advance supplies are not likely to be irresponsible in their sexual activity or in using their regular contraceptives. The more Plan B is used, the less effective it will be. The other two emergency contraception pills provided in the United States are Ovral and PREVEN Emergency Contraception Kit. Getthepill.com, a Web site that offers fast prescriptions of emergency contraception, lists Plan B as their first choice because it may be more effective. However, because it is fairly new it is not widely available. Ovral and PREVEN are described as basically the same on the site, but Ovral is about half the cost of PREVEN. Plan B seems to appeal to younger adults – male as well as female. “I think this is good idea, but I don’t think it should be taken advantage of,” said CSUF sophomore Michelle Cruz. “I just wouldn’t want to have to go through the physical and emotional trauma of having an abortion.” “I feel that is good because you never know when an accident might happen,” said Philip Gil. “I would encourage my girlfriend to take it if she felt comfortable taking the medicine.”

Plan B is not right for everyone 1. Did you have unprotected sex - a contraceptive accident or sex without birth control - within the last 72 hours? (Note that if you had unprotected sex more than 3 days ago, Plan B may not be effective). 2. Are you sure you did not have any other unprotected sex since your last period? (If you did, you may be pregnant from a previous incident). 3. Was your last menstrual period normal? Did it come when you expected and was the amount of bleeding about normal? If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, Plan B may not be right for you. You should consult your healthcare provider before using Plan B. If you answered “yes” to all three questions, Plan B could reduce your risk of pregnancy. Continue to answer the final three questions in this self-assessment tool. 4. Have you missed your period? Are you sick to your stomach, really tired, or are your breasts sore or tender? (These can be signs of pregnancy). 5. Check the list of ingredients in Plan B. Are you allergic to any of them? The ingredients are: levonorgestrel (the active ingredient), colloidal silicon dioxide, potato starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate, talc, corn starch, and lactose monohydrate (inactive ingredients). 6. Do you have unexplained vaginal bleeding - bleeding that is not your period? If you answered “yes” to any of the three questions above, you should consult your healthcare provider before using Plan B. If you answered “no” to all three questions above, Plan B may be appropriate for you and can reduce your risk of pregnancy.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Business Week helps improve networking nOPPORTUNITY: CSUF is hosting a three-day event, which will include a Career Expo with several local companies, speakers and seminars By Sabrina Sakaguchi

Daily Titan Staff Writer Finding a niche in the work force can be a challenge for newly graduated college students. Business Week, a three-day event beginning today, is designed to make finding a niche in the business industry a little easier. Organized by Cal State Fullerton’s Business Inter-Club Council (BICC) and the College of Business & Economics, Business Week will host a variety of local business professionals, who will speak on every aspect of the business industry. Students also have the opportunity to network with local companies at the Career Expo on Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Portola Pavilions A and B. “Business Week is a link to reality and the world out there,” said Vince Tran, director of public relations for BICC. Business Week offers students the opportunity to meet business executives and find out what kind of companies are hiring, what positions are available and what these companies are looking for in employees and interns, Tran said. If busy students could only attend one highlight of Business

Week, Tran recommends the Career Expo. Several local companies, including Target, ADP, Balboa Capitol, Cintas and Gallo Winery will be providing information about their companies and interviewing for open positions. Many of the attending companies are looking for interns and future employees, Tran said. “Would you rather drive to 50 different companies or have them come to you?” Tran said. Although there are no official figures, Tran said numerous students have found internships and positions with attending companies by networking at the Career Expo. The seminars and Career Expo are open to any student interested in the business industry. “Business Week is a great opportunity for all students, not just business majors, to improve their networking skills as well as become more informed of current trends in the job and internship market by getting first-hand insight,” said Jerry Brian, BICC president. Guest speakers include Paul S. Park, district director of Northwestern Mutual Financial Network; Eugene L. Babcock, vice president of finance at Beckman

Coulter, Inc.; Gary Simler, group vice president of Oracle Corporation; and Jane Hall, CSUF professor of economics. The CSUF Latino Business Society will host a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. in the Gabrielino room in the TSU. Students can network with local businesses focused on the Hispanic community. A luncheon and a guest speaker are scheduled for Thursday to close Business Week. The invitation-only lunch will honor keynote speaker Roger Glickman, president of Great Circle Family of Foods, and recognize the Business Week taskforce and other event organizers. “Time is limited and very valuable,” Powell said. “School, homework, family, social life, jobs and there’s more.” Despite busy schedules, Powell recommended students find time to attend the seminars and Career Expo because, “if you get ahead now, you’ll stay ahead and you’ll always be ahead.” For more information about Business Week, log on to http:// business.fullerton.edu/bicc.

Business Week

Tuesday, Feb. 19 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Breakfast with Professionals (limited seating) Portola Pavilions A & B 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Paul S. Park, District Director Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Portola Pavilion C 2:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Eugene L. Babcock, VP of Finance Beckman Coulter, Inc. Portola Pavilion C 4 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Gary Simler, Group VP Oracle Corporation Portola Pavilion C Wednesday, Feb. 20 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Meeting Gabrielino 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Career Expo Portola Pavilion A & B Thursday, Feb. 21 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Dr. Jane Hall, Professor of Economics College of Business and Economics Portola Pavilion C 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Keynote Luncheon (invitation only) Portola Pavilion A 1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Keynote Speaker Roger Glickman, President Great Circle Family of Foods Portola Pavilion C

TIR 3x4 Biola U Meet Alex 3x7 AA Copy 3x3

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Tuesday, February 19, 2002


Year of the Horse

Los Angeles unleashes the

Saying goodbye to the past opens doors for new prosperities houses are cleaned in anticipation of starting out the new year with a clean slate. Other traditions for the Lunar celGood-bye to the year of the serebration include a family reunion pent. Hello to the year of the horse. Hollywood celebrated the Chinese and the hanging of the new portrait New Year in style with its first Lunar of the kitchen god, Kwan Kung. The New Year Parade and Festival on male head of the family leads the rest in making offerings to the various Feb. 17. Predicted rainfall failed to dis- gods of the house and to the family’s courage crowds from gathering ancestors. Children kowtow along the parade (bow) and show respect route on Hollywood to their elders and are Boulevard. then rewarded with red Prior to the start of “I expect to envelopes of money the parade, singers, called hungbao. dancers and martial hear a lot of Korean Lunar New artists entertained visiYear celebration is simitors who browsed for gifts in the designated firecrackers, lar to the Chinese celebration. Children wear festivities area while new traditional clothes others selected their see some called han bok, play speparade location as cial new-year games and early as 11 a.m. nice dragon give the gesture sebe (a “[I heard about first greeting of the year the parade] from my [dancing] given to their elders) by beautiful wife and kneeling and bowing to her friends,” said Bill them. Grandy, student at Cal and a lot of In return, children State Northridge. “I receive lucky money or expect to hear a lot of cultural gifts from their elders. firecrackers, see some Tet, a Vietnamese tranice dragon [dancing] activities” dition, is celebrated on and a lot of cultural the first morning of the activities.” Lunar New Year with a According to the Bill Grandy, festivity that lasts seven event’s program, the days. Lunar New Year is Similarities with considered the most Chinese and Korean important and festive tradition include cleanholiday of the Chinese ing homes to get rid of bad fortune community. As Chinese tradition family mem- associated with the old year, wearbers often take time off from work ing new clothes and shoes, resolving to visit one another and welcome debts and differences between friends the New Year. As the old year ends, and family. The Lunar parade started with the business affairs are put into order and

By Abigaile C. Siena

Daily Titan Copy Editor

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appearance of lion dancing and the lighting of firecrackers. “[Lion dancing symbolizes] good luck,” Jeff Chan, director of the Immortals Gung Fu Lion Dancers said. “The firecrackers chase away old things and the lions bring in all the new things for good luck.” The Monterey Park-based group participated in the event and has been performing at festivals and parties for 40 years. Colorful floats, marching bands and celebrities such as ABC7 sportscaster Rob Fukuzaki, Gilmore Girls’ Keiko Agena and Filipino singer Regine Velasquez dazzled the crowd as they marched through Hollywood Boulevard. Veteran actor James Hong served as the parade’s Grand Marshall. Hong appeared in movies such as “Wayne’s World 2” with Mike Myers and “Red Corner” with Richard Gere. Disney’s Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Mulan, Mu Shu, Ronald McDonald and Hello Kitty and friends also made appearances at the parade. The parade ended with a dragon dance performance by the Immortals Gung Fu Lion dancers. The 25-yearold, 150-foot-long dragon will be retired and donated to the ChineseAmerican Museum. “We ordered a new one from China and it’s ready to come over,” Chan said. “Next year, we’re having a brand new dragon.” People praised the event. “I think it’s beautiful,” Christina Valenzuela of Hollywood said about the parade. “I have never been to a Chinese New Year [festival].” “I like the parade the best,” Millie Cho of Torrance said. “It was interesting [and] very col-


(Top) Hsi Lai Temple Chinese performers add color to the celebration with lion dancing. (Left) Members of the Pacific Islander community perform the “Haka,” an ancient chant used to scare evil spirits away. (Above, right) Asian-American actors Eddie Shin (“That 80s Show”) and Keiko Agena (“Gilmore Girls”) waved to the crowd.

Titan Author of the Month 3 x 10.5


Tuesday, February 19, 2002


PARKING n from page 1 12:25. “Sometimes they will just leave their car and take the key,” Alvarado explained. This creates a big problem. “They block someone else or an exit and we have to put jacks on each tire to move the vehicle. When they finally come back, we ask them if next time they could leave the keys. Usually they will.” Most students realize that the AMPCO employees are there to help, but still are not happy with the parking problem. “Stacking helps,” Senior CSUF student Jennifer Hill said. “But what the school needs to do is up the accommodations to make them more suitable. It’s absurd for 27,000 students to pay $54 a semester for 9000 parking spaces. It just angers me. I leave at 8 a.m. to get a parking place for a 10 a.m. class.” The parking problem is a stress factor for every student and right now the “stacking” system seems to be the only alternative to the situation. “We like to know what they like and don’t like about our system,” Alvarado said. “If they have opinions or ideas to make our work better, we’d like to hear it. We want to help them out.” Even when the signs are up that the lot is closed, Alvarado and the drivers who help him in his lot, try to accommodate students who drive past the cones by helping them find a place to park. This courtesy has led to an occasional tip, or a bit of information that many students of CSUF do not know. “We have a Laker Girl that goes to school here,” he said. “Yesterday she passed the closed signs that said our lot was full. We had a space left so I let her stack right here,” he said pointing to his keybox cart. “When she came back out she gave me a signed poster of the Laker Girls.” He also gets to see the Los Angeles Galaxy players who practice a few times a week walk right past him since they usually park in his lot. “Most of the students don’t even know who they are,” he said. “I occasionally talk to (Kevin) Hartman, one of the goaltenders.” Driver and parking attendant Jesse Gamboa who says he has personally broke up a few arguments between students in the parking lot, enjoys reading the many keychains he gets to see. “My favorite is ‘How do you keep and idiot busy?’ and at the bottom it says ‘turn over.’ The other side says the same thing.” The keychain Alvarado instantly recalls is “‘Men have only two faults – everything they say and everything they do.’” Alvarado has advice he is sure will help many students. “Get here early for your class, especially on Tuesday and Thursdays when the parking is the heaviest,” he said. “And relax, just give us your keys and

nPERSONAL ESSAY: College usually means growing, but blossoming is another story

By Taylor Goldman

Special to the Titan

I awoke from a restless sleep at 5 a.m. knowing it would be months before I would see my room again. As I finished packing for my long trip, I thought back to months ago when I received a simple flier in the mail that changed my life. I will never know why I received the flier advertising a semester in Washington D.C. at American University. But, as I read over the glossy pamphlet I felt drawn to the program. As a sophomore at Cal State Fullerton, my detailed plans for the future did not include a trip to another state. But, I instinctively felt I belonged at this university that I had never before heard of. Once I finished getting ready to leave for the airport, I sat in my living room, petting my Saint Bernard, Tess. My mom told me that it was time to go. I walked away from my pet who wagged her tail as she peered at me from the window. Driving away in the car, I wondered why I was walking away from friends and family to fly across the country where I didn’t know a single person. As my flight was called at the airport my mother and I cried. Wiping tears from my eyes, I walked towards the on-ramp, without looking back toward the security that was now my past. During the flight, as I gazed out the window at the clouds, I wondered what these next four months would bring. Rather than the fear, I tried to focus on feelings of anticipation. What friends would I make? Would I fall in love? Was my life going to change because of this one simple decision? Eight hours later, my flight landed at Baltimore Washington Airport in Maryland. The beginning of my journey to independence had begun. I purchased a rickety metal luggage carrier and waited among the crowd for my luggage to appear on the carousel. I looked around, hoping to see a fellow American University student among the passengers, but it appeared I was the only one there. When I arrived at American University I was exhausted. I had been living in nervous anticipation for 12 hours, and the suspense of whom I would live with for the next four months was killing me. I located the building I would be staying in and heaved my luggage up the stairs, unable to locate an elevator that worked. When I reached the second floor, I dragged my two suitcases down the hallway, searching for my room. As I looked down the hall, I was unimpressed by what I saw. For some reason, I had allowed visions of grandeur

to create my image of a college dormitory. The reality was a letdown. The ugly yellow carpet was threadbare, and I was able to spot my room from afar because it was the one with all of the hall trash cans beside it. I unlocked the door of Room 225 and burst in. The burnt orange carpet was barely visible in the cramped room. Three beds were piled in a tiny space with three dressers and three desks. My roommates greeted me in a friendly voice, both looking different than I had expected. I had spoken to them on the phone. I envisioned Stephanie, a perky talkative girl, to look like a beautiful blonde cheerleader. Instead she was a skinny redhead with big teeth. Pam had sounded, to me, like a slim and reserved brunette. In reality, she was a short, chunky blonde with freckles sprayed across her face. I guess I had been hoping for an effusive greeting from two strangers, hoping that we would instantly be great friends. They both politely greeted me and unenthusiastically asked if I needed help dragging my heavy luggage through the doorway. They pointed out the leftover bed, dresser, closet and desk to me. The advice of my friend to avoid the bunk bed at all costs drummed through my head as my roomies gestured to the stained mattress that laid on the only bunk bed in the room. They had both claimed the beds that rested on the floor. The two of them continued the conversation I interrupted. Apparently the day they had spent together had caused them to bond, leaving me the outsider. Surveying my surroundings, tears welled up in my eyes. This whole idea had been a horrible mistake! I wanted my mother. I wanted to go home. I wanted to be back with my friends in the comfortable surroundings of CSUF. Since I couldn’t throw a temper tantrum or fly back home, I told my roommates that I was starving. I had missed dinner, but they had been planning to go out and explore the city anyway. Stephanie and Pam had already made friends with the three guys living next door who were coming with us. I was impressed at the quick progress they had made in one day. Suddenly I was shaking the hands of my three neighbors. One, Yomi, was from Africa and London, and very experienced at moving around; Ian, a short blond Texan, seemed to be friendly; and Scott, native to Las Vegas, was tall with dark hair. We all made our way to the Metro. By this time, I was totally dazed by my surroundings. My new friends instructed me to purchase a metro card. Although I didn’t understand the purpose of this, I followed directions.

I followed them onto a train and trailed after them as we switched trains several more times. Scott tried to explain the simple metro system to me but my overly stimulated senses only perceived a confusing maze of interconnecting colorful lines that didn’t lead anywhere familiar. As we wandered around Washington, D.C., in search of a restaurant open at 11 p.m. on a Wednesday evening, I gazed in wonder at the buildings. The architecture of the city was beautiful and majestic. This seemed to be the perfect city for the leaders of our nation to reside in. I later learned that the city had been designed for the express purpose of intimidating visiting world leaders. On that evening, I felt that the city designers had accomplished their goal. That first night in a foreign place was the most shocking to my senses. Soon my classes started and I established a routine that gave me a sense of stability. I met people from all over the world. Ian, my Southern neighbor, taught me about the sense of gentility that exists in the South. I had always considered myself to be well mannered, but on several occasions he chastised me for being rude. I learned that the culture of the South simply doesn’t allow people to express their frustrations or grievances to anyone but the most intimate of friends. I still consider Yomi, my neighbor from Africa who had also spent a great deal of time in London, to be the perfect guy. He was always willing to listen and was always kind to others. He has a way of expressing his most negative emotions in a way that isn’t insulting. He, along with many of the other Europeans I met, taught me something about the European mentality. Most of the Europeans spending the semester at American University were very liberal and mocked George W. Bush who was, at the time, running for president. They all were also happy to be in America. Although they missed their family and friends, the majority of the Europeans that I met planned to devise a way to get a job in the United States. Scott, my neighbor from Las Vegas, dispelled some of my naivete about the motivations of people. He was the classic example of the player. He would use girls for sex then drop them, moving on to the next in an endless line of meaningless flings. Through observing him, I have learned how to detect similar motivations in people who I interact

DEBATE n from page 1 candidate you can trust not to raise your taxes,” he said. He pointed out that Jones helped get a tax increase as secretary of state. Jones responded by saying that he is a life-long republican and is the only candidate who hasn’t given money to democrats. Riordan also tried to stand apart from the others as the only prochoice candidate. “There’s no way a republican can win in this state by telling women ‘You’re not welcome in the Republican Party,’” he said. “I strongly dislike abortion but we have to respect people’s differences and their choices.” During and after the debate, Jones took opportunities to remind voters that he is the author of the threestrikes law. He noted that due to this legislation, crime has been reduced by 35 percent in California. Regarding education, both Simon and Jones took shots at Riordan saying he let kids stay trapped in failing schools. The issue the three candidates agreed about the most was the environment. “We need to balance property rights with animal rights by using sound science,” Simon said. After the debate, Simon said he was the grass roots candidate. “I’m the candidate that’s talked the most about the issues,” he said. “I want to move California forward.” Riordan focused his closing on what Davis thinks about him. “I’m the person Gray Davis is most afraid of,” he said. “He spent $6 million on negative ads against Dick Riordan. Davis knows I’m the one that can beat him in November.” Jones closed by saying the people have to trust their candidate. “People have to get to know you, get to know what you’re about and know where you will lead them,” he said. “I will work to rebuild the California dream for my family and all of yours.”

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with and am able to avoid them or at least recognize these people for what they are. Pam and Stephanie taught me how to share a room with other people. Having always been a very private person, I learned how to function with virtually no time to myself. The closeness that developed between the two at the beginning of the semester transmuted to animosity. Soon, rather than confiding in each other, one would come to me to complain about the other. Through observing them, I learned that, deep down, human nature remains the same regardless of what part of the world an individual is from. Most of my first impressions of that semester were wrong. It taught me more about myself than all of the rest of my college career combined.



Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Cohen attempts to play nOLYMPICS: Attitude is everything for figure skating hopeful Sasha Cohen, just ask the American president By Mark Emmons

Knight Ridder Newspapers There sat Sasha Cohen. The precocious 17-year-old from Southern California was at the Olympics’ Opening Ceremony, minding her own business. Actually that’s not quite true. She was busy chatting up the person sitting to her left. Somebody you may have heard of: George W. Bush. You know, leader of the free world? Thinking quickly, Cohen pulled out her cell phone and dialed her mom, Galina, who was watching the ceremony. “Mom, talk to the president,” Cohen said, in a conversation later detailed by the Orange County Register. “Galina, how are you?” Bush said. “This is your president. I want you to

know not to worry. Your daughter is behaving very well.” While Bush might be impressed with Cohen’s behavior, there are some in figure skating circles who will argue that she could learn some better manners — at least on the ice. When Cohen arrived in Salt Lake City, she was still answering questions about how she nearly clipped Michelle Kwan twice during warm-ups at the U.S. nationals in January. The suspicion was that Cohen did it to rattle Kwan, hockey-style. In the world of figure skating, this was the hot talker. At least until the pairs scandal came along and dwarfed everything else. Cohen politely calls any suggestions of a nefarious plot “really silly,” saying they were unintentional. (Kwan, who was sitting next to Cohen when she said this, had a look on her face that might best be described as skeptical.) But as her boldness with the president suggests, Cohen as meek as her delicate, 5-foot-1 frame might suggest. There’s steel in that small body and as her coach, John Nicks, frequently attests, she can be frustratingly headstrong.

And while the women’s figure skating competition is expected to be a showdown for the gold between Kwan and Russian Irina Slutskaya, Cohen has a chance to crash the party. Off the ice, Cohen collects Beanie Babies and unicorns and has a dog named Mocha and a cat named Meow. She attends a public high school, unlike many elite-level skaters. But when the music plays, “There’s something a little special and it is not just the skating,” Nicks said. “It’s the whole picture that makes her a little different and a little special.” There is very much a ballerina quality to Cohen, who challenges Kwan for the unofficial title of world’s most graceful skater. That is fitting because Galina persuaded her husband, Roger, to name their first child Alexandra after her favorite ballet dancer. Sasha is the shortened version of that name. Slowed by an injured back last year, Cohen returned strong. Nicks calls her the most difficult skater he has ever coached, and he has been in the business since the 1960s. He makes it clear that she’s not a brat or a prima donna. Rather, Nicks describes a strong-willed person who constantly questions his

authority. “You’re working with a mid-teen young lady, and you want that competitive instinct that is independent, aggressive, strong and ambitious,” Nicks explained. “Then you turn around five minutes later and say: `Now do as I tell you.’ There’s a fine line there, and that’s what I have to tow all the time. But I enjoy our relationship very much, and I

Local athlete vies for gold in Salt

nOLYMPICS: Laguna Niguel teen-ager figure skates her way onto the front pages of newspapers worldwide By Kathleen Gutierrez

Daily Titan Managing Editor Orange County resident Sasha Cohen made a name for herself in January by accidentally knocking six-time world champion Michelle Kwan to the floor during warm-ups at the United States figure skating championships. The accident prompted headlines, accusations and name-calling — that was just from the journalists. It was the first in a series of Olympic-sized news bites for 17year-old Cohen, and none of them were the ones she planned on. “I saw the paper that said ‘Princess, queen and villain,’” her

school friend and fellow figure skater Christie Baca said of the headline. Below the pictures were Michelle Kwan as the queen and Sarah Hughes as the princess. Cohen’s photo was there too, but with a less than flattering label. “Unfortunately, Sasha was the villain,” Baca said flatly. The 2002 Winter Olympics will be Cohen’s debut performance. It was also expected to be her moment of glory, especially if she landed the quadruple Salchow — a jump spin. She was to be the first woman to ever complete the quad in competition, landing her onto the pages of Olympic history books and possibly a spot on the winner’s podium. But things can, and do go wrong. Cohen and her coach John Nicks decided just before the start of the games to remove the quad Salchow from her program. She performed the move once before at Skate America in October and fell out of it after just one spin.

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She placed a lowly fifth in competition. Cohen trained extensively at the Ice Chalet in Aliso Viejo for the unprecedented move. The Ice Palace in Costa Mesa was her training ground until it closed its doors last year. She and Nicks wasted no time in finding a new training spot. “She was always with Nicks,” one skating coach said, “but she’s been here for about a year since Costa Mesa closed.” Her skating coaches watched her land the Salchow in practice without the jump harness – an apparatus used to gain confidence, control and prevent injury before mastering the move – on numerous occasions, but some were not surprised by the removal. “She can do it,” said Ice Chalet skating coach Matt Smith. “It doesn’t bum me out. She needs to have a clean program first.” Smith said he and Cohen worked with the harness for about a month

before Cohen attempted the move on her own. She went back into the harness to smooth out some wobbling, then she was landing them all on her own, just not every time. Nicks and Cohen opted to insert a triple-triple maneuver into her program in exchange for the quad. It is a decision her peripheral coaches agree with. “The triple-triple will put her on the podium at the Olympics,” Smith said. “It is not the thing that is going to make or break her.” Cohen’s first performance is tonight’s program, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The short program is first and accounts for one-third of a skater’s total score. The free skate program, where Cohen was to perform the quad Salchow is this Thursday night, beginning at 9 p.m. “She is still going to train to be the first women to ever do it in competition,” Smith said. “We just don’t know when that is going to be.”

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hope she does as well.” Remarkably enough, they agreed on the decision for Cohen not to attempt a quadruple salchow at the Olympics. A quad clearly would have gotten the attention of the international judges, and Cohen doesn’t have much experience skating in front of them. As the epic controversy in the pairs competition vividly showed, very little

CHENEY n from page 1 Cheney spent two years as President Ford’s chief of staff in 1975 before being elected five times to Congress as a Wyoming representative. During President George H. Bush’s administration, Cheney served as the secretary of defense for “Operation Just Cause” in Panama and “Operation Desert Storm” in the Middle East. Now Cheney is an “architect of peace” and vice president of the United States who is fighting the war on terror and touring California a week before the primary election. From 1986 to 1993, Mrs. Cheney chaired the National Endowment

makes sense when it comes to figure skating judging. But Nicks is counting on another quirky and little-known aspect of the judging process to help Cohen. Judges will study skaters during their practice sessions. Nicks believes Cohen can even the playing ice by impressing the judges there. And if Cohen does well this week in of the Humanities, a government agency that grants money for research in humanities like history, and 19th Century British literature, the subject Cheney earned her doctorate in. Now she, too, will be an “architect of peace.” Past recipients of the award included Presidents George Bush Sr. and Gerald Ford, presidential contenders Bob and Elizabeth Dole, Federal Reserve Chairmen Alan Greenspan and Nixon’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The last sitting president to visit the library was in 1994 when President Bill Clinton attended Nixon’s funeral. A vice president has never visited the library, until now.

Sheryl Anderson 2x3

Taps 2x8



Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Coming out is challenge for developing gay TV nENTERTAINMENT: MTV Networks and Showtime combine to create first-ever station geared solely to gays By Rita Freeman

Daily Titan News Editor Acceptance of homosexuality in television is increasing. Shows like “Will & Grace,” “Dawson’s Creek,” “Spin City” and “The Ellen Show” all depict gay characters in starring or supporting roles. But as the trend grows, two cable programmers of Viacom started discussing a plan to create a network geared toward gay viewers. “What we largely see are gays who are sort of acceptable to heterosexual society to the extent that they resemble them as much as possible,” said Suzanna Walters, author of the book “All the Rage: The Story of Gay Visibility in America,” during an interview with National Public Radio’s Talk of the Nation. “What I do hope…this gay channel might be able to do is have a sort of proliferation of kinds of images– gays of color, working-class gays, gays in communities, gays who are involved in political life in some way.” In December 2001, MTV Networks

and Showtime announced they were discussing the possibility of a pay cable channel for the gay and lesbian community. However, since the project is under development, a representative from MTV Networks in Santa Monica said he was unable to comment. “One benefit to this channel, it will be reaching a lucrative audience that has not been tapped yet,” said Rhianne Bergado, a TV/Film major and former chair of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Alliance. “And this will diversify the market more, provide more representation other than comedies.” In Canada, the first all gay, lesbian and transgender channel launched in September 2001, according to NPR’s “Talk of the Nation.” PrideVision TV, as the network is called, shows programs from the United Kingdom, fitness shows, talk shows and dramas. Currently, few other channels like Lifetime, Black Entertainment Television, the Golf Channel and MTV target specific audiences. Joel South of Los Alamitos and a graduate from Cal State Fullerton, said that the gay channel could cause an overload and potentially isolate viewers. “I don’t think that many non-gay people will immense themselves into that culture,” South said. “Diverse is better. By combining a few gay characters with heterosexual ones and putting them into regular programming, you’ll be reaching a broader audience.” Groups such as the American Family Association and the Family

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Biola Your Passport 2 x 11

Research Council oppose the possible pay channel. “Homosexuals are already well-represented in all the three big networks,” said Genevieve Wood, vice president of media for the Family Research Council. “Why is it that we need to cater to people based on sexual behavior?” Though there is no time set for the premier of the channel, Walters said with the exception to a few programs like Showtime’s “Queer as Folk,” there are not many shows that depict gay life and that could cause an isolation. “What we don’t have is a depiction of the richness and diversity of gay life where gays are simply not token accessories, hip accessories to heterosexual life,” Walters said. “I think that’s what we could hope to see on a channel that really devotes itself to programming for gays that isn’t simply trying to market gayness for a straight population.” Despite some drawbacks, Bergado said that she is for the channel and thinks that a heterosexual audience will watch it as well. “Like Lifetime or the Oxygen Network, it is geared toward a target audience, you’ll love or you’ll hate it,” Bergado said. “This could draw in some audiences especially if they buy syndication rights to shows like ‘Will & Grace,’ that are written for a heterosexual audience. They can draw them in with familiar shows and then may be they’ll watch

Escape route


A few Cal State Fullerton students had to climb out of a side window of a Titan Shuttle after its main exit doors failed to open at 3 p.m. on Feb. 14. The incident occurred when the shuttle stopped in Lot G. Some students were tired of waiting for the doors to open and took an alternate route out of the bus.“The place was standing room only,” said senior Teresa James. “I would rather climb out the window than sit and wait.”

original programs.”

AT & T Full Color 4 x 14

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

The Daily Titan Our Voice Students limited to only 16 units Hardworking students unite! Stand up against the tyranny, the oppression and the demand that we take our sweet time to graduate. Cal State Fullerton’s administration placed a cap on the amount of units we can take each semester – 16 units. Why? It was a move responding to the exploding number of students on campus. No better way to solve the problem of overcrowding than making more than 30,000 students stick around a little longer. Students need to earn at least 120 units to graduate. Broken down, if a student took 16 units every semester he or she would graduate in three and a half years. This depends on whether the student was an over-ambitious freshman who took more than the allotted 12 unit “ease into college” course load. Doubtful. Students generally take 12 units in the beginning and spend their last semesters “catching up” by taking upwards of 18 units. No longer. Admissions and records said that only 3,000 students complete 16 units or more each semester. Perhaps next semester there will be an increase in academic ambition. A fluke instance – maybe, but a chance none the less. It’s important that students still have the option to take more than 16 units if they see fit. Sure, 70 percent of CSUF students work full time and can only feasibly take 12 units simultaneously, but the other 30 percent should have the right to take as many courses as they are physically capable. If the goal of the university is to fulfill the student’s right to a decent education, then admissions and records should take steps towards decreasing or capping student enrollment instead of penalizing the current students. By allowing students the ability to take 18+ units a semester, the university is assured that they will graduate on time. In addition to a timely graduation date, there is also the question of

quality. Students are paying the same amount of money – nearly $1,000 a semester – for less courses. The same amount of tuition pays for 12 units as it does 18 units, so the bargain buy would be the latter. Yet with the unit cap, students are paying more for less – and paying longer. Instead of paying for eight semesters they may have to pay for an extra two to three more semesters, in order to earn the units before they graduate. This in the midst of a parking permit hike next semester. The permit situation is another obvious case of handing over more money for less service. While the university continues to allow more students into the university, they plan to add only 1,400 additional parking spots to the 9,000 we already have. Even then, the $99 (and then $124) parking permits will be for the existing spots on campus until the parking structures are built. Imagine this. You go to your favorite fast-food restaurant and expect choices – pickles, lettuce, ketchup, mustard. Hand over a few extra bucks and you can snag a supersized soda and fries. Now imagine the same fast-food restaurant. No choices, just a beef patty on a dry bun. They demand a few extra bucks, but alas no supersized soda or fries. Paying more for less, sound familiar? For the first time in years, the university has decided to stop accepting applications from entering freshmen and lower division transfer students in early March. One way to keep the CSUF population from expanding even more – way to go admissions and records! Elitist – no, practical – yes. The university should make it its priority to serve the students presently enrolled rather than prepare for a population explosion by limiting the number of classes we can take at any given time.

KIMBERLY PIERCEALL/ Daily Titan Opinion Editor

“Executive Privilege” - Cheney donates a book to the Nixon Library

How to Stop Terrorism Tip of the Week - In light of the federal government taking over airport security, a suggestion to make the process of checking in for your flight a little quicker and easier. Increase the efficacy of airport security by showing up in the buff! Your fellow travelers may flee to the other end of the terminal, but be assured that you have made the 19-year-old kid behind the metal detector a happy puppy. The “birthday suit” look is sure to end those uncomfortable delays at the security checkpoints. Excluding the rubber glove interrogation there is a good

Required English test is pointless Deborah Germinaro

Daily Titan Staff Writer By the time you are ready to graduate, you should know how to write an essay in English. RIGHT? The CSU system is not so sure. I’m not talking about some kind of literary masterpiece, just your basic English essay. Cal State Fullerton, along with all other CSUs, require students to take the English Writing Proficiency test prior to graduation. Students won’t graduate until they’ve taken and passed this test. The EWP is 90 minutes long, comprised of approximately 49 multiple-choice English-usage questions and one essay determined by the University Writing Board. Students have to pay $20 to demonstrate their writing skills. A group of 30-40 faculty members grade the tests. Two faculty members read each test and give it a score between one and five. In order to pass, the test must receive a cumulative of six or better (meaning both faculty members must give the test a three or better). The test was implemented in 1980 after the CSU chancellor sent a directive to each Cal State campus requiring more emphasis on writing skills

prior to graduation, said CSUF English professor John White. Prior to 1980, there was the Business English Proficiency exam that only business majors took. However, the business graduates were getting jobs in the business field and the feedback from the business community was that they were lacking in their writing skills. From that point on, an emphasis on English writing skills was put into effect. CSUF required every major to have an upperdivision writing course, and every student to take and pass the EWP. The only requirement for taking the EWP is that you must have passed and completed your upper- division English writing course. The particular upper-division English writing course required varies from major to major. For example, a mathematics major’s upperdivision writing course requirement might be a “History of Mathematics” course involving a lot of writing, as opposed to an English major whose choices would be different and reflect their curriculum more specifically. Now color me reactionary, but isn’t the fact that you already passed and completed an upperdivision English writing course enough proof that you know how to write proficiently?

I find the EWP rather insulting. It shows a lack of faith in the faculty, the students and the CSU as a whole Let’s face it; if you couldn’t write a simple English essay, you would have never passed your upper division English writing class. If someone failed the EWP, they should sue the school on the grounds of failure to educate in an educational institution that’s purpose, and quite frankly its responsibility, is to do just that. Making sure you can write proficiently is the purpose of the upper-division English writing course’s final exam. “I think the real value is that attention has been called to the writing skills,” White said.. “And that we have seen an improvement in students writing since they have been held accountable at the graduation level.” I agree 100 percent that attention on writing skills is very important, but that is what the upper division writing classes are for. The EWP is one more stressor that students don’t need. Haven’t they been through enough? Remember the days when you made it through college, and were ready to graduate, and it actually meant you were smart? How do you spell graduate?

chance that you can fly right through. Even the smartest terrorist might think twice about stripping down to the bare necessities. The possibility of hiding box-cutters and bombs would be limited to the impossible or painful. Air travel would be safer, as well as a lot more interesting, if only everyone followed this example. - Matthew Sedlar Special to the Titan

Letter from the Kimberly Pierceall

Daily Titan Opinion Editor Wednesday at 5:54 p.m., I check the Daily Titan mailbox for letters to the editor – nothing. Thursday at 4:23 p.m., I check the mailbox again – nothing. Friday at 3:15 p.m., I check the mailbox praying for an angry and/or hostile letter from a Daily Titan reader – nothing. Sunday at 7:00 p.m., I check the mailbox for the final time before finishing my page for the printer – nothing. If silence means acceptance, those of you that read the Daily Titan must love our humble publication. If that’s the case, please let us know what you enjoy about our paper. A little ego-boost every once in awhile can be inspiring. If that isn’t the case, and you’d rather call us “The Daily Typo” – let us know. Send us our own newspaper bloodied with red marks circling grammatical errors and spelling mistakes – we dare you. Send a ranting e-mail complaining about the views expressed in an

article – we won’t stop you. For example, what did you think of a tampon being pictured on the front page of our first weekly issue? Do you think credit card companies are evil? Do we do a reasonable job of covering the campus? We won’t know unless you tell us. Our job is to be your voice. Send us your questions and we may publish the answers. As reporters, we investigate and search for truth and accurate information on behalf of the Cal State Fullerton community. Your opinion isn’t limited to the topics of CSUF and The Daily Titan either. With all that goes on in the world on a daily basis – the war on terror, souring economy, new laws, new regulations – your voice may be the only power to exert in the face of larger issues. Harness that power. Speak. Scream. Yell. Write. Write to The Daily Titan at dailytitan@yahoo.com.

Daily Titan article polLetters to the Editor should be brief and are subject to editing. They should also include a signature and telephone number. Editorials are the opinion of the editorial board, comprised of the Executive Editor, Managing Editor, News Editor, Opinion Editor and section editors. Columns are the personal opinion of the writer. They do not reflect those of the university, the faculty, The Daily Titan or the student body.

“The press is not public opinion” -Prussian Prince Otto von Bismarck, 1862 Tell The Daily Titan what is on your mind, what drives our campus and what influences our world. Cal State Fullerton students, faculty, staff and friends - express your opinion and write a letter to the editor. Bring letters to CP-670 addressed to “Opinion.” Or send an e-mail by visiting the Opinion section at : http://dailytitan.fullerton.edu

MATTHEW SEDLAR/Special to the Titan

Security warnings run amuck


Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Black American Inventions



Alexander Miles


Fire Extinguisher T.J. Marshall

As we take time this February to appreciate the contributions that the Black community has made to society, we must also remember all of the struggles that they have continually endured. Unfortunately these struggles are felt by many other cultures as well. Here one writer shares her experiences with racism.

1876 Stove

T.A. Carrington



Burridge & Marshman


Fountain Pen W.B. Purvis


Refrigerator J. Standard


Clothes Dryer G.T. Sampson


Peanut Butter

George Washington Carver


ABOVE: Me, Dawnielle Peck and Alesa Kerr show our different tastes in music, which also symbolizes the differences in our cultures. RIGHT: This is me in the third grade when I thought I was an Anglo-American, until my good friend told me that I was a “dirty Mexican.”

Appreciating Photos Courtesy of Salinas Family Story By Theresa Salinas

Gas Mask

Garrett Morgan


Automatic Gear Shift Richard Spikes

1939 Motor

Fredrick Jones


Air Conditioning Unit Fredrick Jones


Cellular Car Phone Henry T. Simpson


Disposable Syringe Phil Brooks

Timeline By: Laila Derakhehanian




acism. It’s amazing how one word can make my heart race and my blood boil. There are few things that ignite rage inside of me. Racism is one of them. I first encountered racism in the third grade. My friends, like most of the student body, were AngloAmericans. And up to that point, I thought I was too. My friends and I shared the same primary language which was English. Our complexion and eye color were similar. We even adored the same Anglo boy bands. But one day, my best friend revealed the difference between us. “You know why I never go over to your house?” I remember her asking me. “Because my mom says you’re a dirty Mexican.” My face flushed with blood. I was crushed. I wanted to cry. That day, I came home and took a long look at my surroundings. Nothing out of the ordinary, I thought. My family took annual vacations, lived in a spacious home and owned nice cars, just like my friends. But pondering the situation further, I realized that I was different. Our quaint Santa Ana home was located in what other relatives called the “barrio.” My grandparents spoke a strange

rhythmic language called Spanish when they came to visit. And on Sunday mornings our house filled with tunes penned by an artist named Jose Alfredo Jimenez. As the years passed, I became more aware of and comfortable with my ethnicity. My race was no longer a stigma. It was a blessing. In my teen years, I attended a Catholic predominantly Anglo high school located a few blocks away from my home. It was there that I became all too familiar with the sting of blatant racism. I often watched affluent classmates drive up in new cars, then worry about leaving their prized possessions parked in the “slums” around the campus. The most humiliating experience was the day that Prop. 187 was up for vote. I watched in horror as classmates made signs emblazoned with antiLatino and anti-immigration slogans. I remember feeling my blood pressure rise when I saw a history teacher seated in the hallway, chanting, “Go 187! Send them all back!” In that moment, I decided that I hated Anglos. After high school, I enrolled at Santa Ana College. Tired of seeing the media stereotype Latinos, I decided to make

a difference and join the school newspaper. As fate would have it, I was the only Latina in the class. I immediately felt threatened and ostracized by the mostly-Anglo staff. But over the next two years, I slowly bonded with everyone. I listened to my classmates’ points of view and told them about my experiences. I introduced them to Rock en Espanol, and they taught me all I ever wanted to know about Indie rock. Ultimately, they helped me broaden my knowledge of other cultures and helped me see that not every Anglo is out to get me. In retrospect, I see that my life has been shaped by my experiences with race. I still live in the same little yellow house in the “barrio.” I have embraced my grandparents’ language and let it roll proudly off my tongue. And I still play Jose Alfredo Jimenez CDs in my car. But now, when I hear a racist comment, or receive a racist phone call after writing a story about Latinos, I smile. I smile because I know that we only hurt ourselves by being racist. I smile because their arguments seem so ridiculous. I smile because I know I’m fighting back the best way I know how – with my keyboard.


Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Black History Yearbook

Charles Drew Blood Bank

Madame C.J. Walker Hair Products

Garrett A. Morgan Traffic Signal

Jan Ernst Matzeliger Lasting Machine

Born June 3, 1904 in Washington, D.C., Charles Drew became the first black to receive a Doctor of Science degree in medicine. He attended the McGill University Medical School in Montreal and graduated in 1933 with Master of Surgery and Doctor of Medicine degrees. During his residency he did research on blood transfusions and wrote a dissertation on “banked blood.” Each person has one of four different blood types (A, B, AB, and O), making it difficult for people to receive a full blood transfusion from someone with a different blood type. Drew discovered that plasma, which is the liquid portion of the blood, lasted longer than whole blood. He found out that everyone has the same type of plasma, which meant that people can now receive a plasma transfusion. A plasma transfusion can be administered to anyone, regardless of their blood type. His method of storing blood as plasma was a better way of preserving the blood’s shelf life. In August, 1939 Columbia University, with the help of Drew, established the first blood bank in the United States. He also helped set up England’s first blood bank. To this day, Drew’s method of storing blood has become the model for blood storage used by the Red Cross.

George F. Grant patented the golf tee in 1899. Grant was one of the first black golfers in post-Civil War America and was also one of the first black dentists. Grant was born in Oswego, N. Y. in 1847. He trained for two years with a local dentist in New York then entered Harvard Dental School in 1868 and graduated in 1870. He was one of the first two black graduates of Harvard Dental School the other was Robert Tanner Freeman. Grant became interested in playing golf, yet the one thing that irritated him about the game was the method for teeing off. The original method for a golf tee required the golfer to mix sand and water together and then, after molding it to the proper consistency, pinching it into a shape that would support the ball. In 1898 he designed a wooden peg as a golf tee. Although this invention was much easier, and much cleaner, the invention was not widely received and many continued with the traditional method of using sand and water. He continued to have the golf tees reproduced locally and gave them to his friends and other golf players. Grant received a patent for his invention in 1899. Grant was also recognized internationally for his invention of the oblate palate, a prosthetic he designed for treatment of the cleft palate. He went on to receive many other honors before his death in 1910.

Madame C.J. Walker was born Sarah Breedlove on Dec. 23, 1867 in Louisiana., and was considered to be the first self-made female millionaire. At 14, she married Moses McWilliams and later gave birth to a daughter named Lelia. However, Sarah became a young widow when McWilliams was killed in 1885. Shortly after her husband’s death, Sarah and her daughter moved to St. Louis Mo. As a young mother trying to make ends meet, stress was getting to her, causing her hair to fall out. She tried different hair products, but none of them seemed to work. One night, Sarah had a dream. “A man appeared to me and told me to mix up for my hair,” she said. “Some of the remedy was grown in Africa, but I sent for it, put it on my scalp and in a few weeks my hair was coming in faster than it had ever fallen out.” Sarah realized that there was not any real hair products for black women during those days and decided to start her own business selling hair products. In 1905, Sarah and Lelia moved to Denver and began selling her hair-care products to neighbors. In 1906 she invented a special wooden-handled metal straightening comb designed to pull through hair that had been oiled with Walker’s formula. Her business expanded and she moved to Pittsburgh in 1908. She hired mostly black women to sell the “Walker System” door-to-door.

George Washington Carver was born on a farm near Diamond Grove, Miss., in 1865. His father died shortly before his birth. People from the union sometimes took advantage of the chaos of the South and would raid small towns. Carver’s family was the victim of one of these raids. According to the book “George Washington Carver” by Linda McMurray, Carver was kidnapped and taken to Confederate Arkansas and his mother was killed. Months later he was retuned to his uncle who raised him. Carver became the first black to enroll at Iowa State College and later joined the Tuskegee Institute in 1896. He not only exceled in science but in the arts as well. At the Tuskegee Institute he worked on many inventions to help expand the market for agriculture. He created more that 100 products from sweet potatoes and many other products from various different plants. Carver is known for making hundreds of products including peanut butter, paper, shaving cream and and synthetic rubber. He is credited as the person “most responsible for the economic survival of the South.” He was honored with many awards including the Roosevelt Medal in 1942 for Outstanding Contributions to Southern Agriculture. He died

Garrett Augustus Morgan (1877-1963) was born in Paris, Ky. The son of a former slave, Morgan had high ambitions. He devoted his life to inventing things to make the lives of others safer and out of harms way. Morgan did not receive any formal education beyond elementary school. Yet that did not stop him from setting high goals. In 1920, Morgan began a newspaper business called the Cleveland Caller. He wanted to create inventions and he was always looking for new ideas. That new idea finally came when he witnessed an accident between a car and a horse drawn carriage. In the early 20th century, it was not uncommon for bicycles, animalpowered wagons and new gasoline-powered motor vehicles to share the roads with pedestrians. Accidents were very common. It was then that Morgan decided to invent a traffic signal to keep pedestrians and motorists safe. According to the United States Department of Transportation, “The Morgan traffic signal was a T-shaped pole unit that featured three positions: Stop, Go and an alldirections stop position.” Morgan’s new invention halted traffic in all directions so pedestrians could walk safely across the street. North America, Great Britain and Canada all used Morgan’s traffic signal until the modern day green, yellow and red traffic light replaced it.

Harry T. Moore was born Nov. 18, 1905 in Houston, Fla. He attended Florida Memorial College from 1921 to 1925 and received his degree. He became a dedicated school teacher devoted himself to the equality of black school is Florida. In 1934, Moore started the Brevard County NAACP, and steadily built it into a formidable organization. In 1937, in conjunction with the all-black Florida State Teacher’s Association, and backed by the NAACP attorney Thurgood Marshall in New York, Moore filed the first lawsuit in the Deep South to equalize black and white teacher salaries. His good friend John Gilbert, principal of the Cocoa Junior High School, courageously volunteered as the plaintiff. Although the Gilbert case was eventually lost in state court, it spawned a dozen other federal lawsuits in Florida that eventually led to equalized salaries.In 1951, after celebrating Christmas day, civil rights activist Moore and his wife Harriette retired to bed in their white frame house, tucked inside a small orange grove in Mims, Fla. Ten minutes later, a bomb shattered their house, their lives and any notions that the south’s post-war transition to racial equality would be a smooth one. Moore died on the way to the hospital; his wife died nine days

Jan Ernst Matzeliger was born in 1852 in Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana. When he was 10 years old, he was sent to his father’s machine shop. He soon realized that he was very coordinated with his hands. But Matzeliger had greater ambitions and he left his family to become a sailor which he enjoyed until he was 19. In 1876, Matzeliger moved to Boston, then to Lynn Mass., where he began working in a shoe factory. At that time, it was hard for factory workers to sew the sole to the upper part of the shoe and it had to be done by hand. This irritated Matzeliger and it took him several years before he came up with a solution. In the fall of 1880 he accomplished his goal. He invented the first “Lasting Machine.” It was made from wire, wood and cigar boxes. Matzeliger received a patent shortly thereafter and on May 29, 1885, the public viewed the machine at work for the very first time. It made 75 pairs of shoes that day. Shoes were then made cheaper and faster. Even those with little money could afford shoes. According to the First Church of Christ his invention was perhaps, “the most important invention for New England.” He died in 1889 after battling tuberculosis. He was 37. As for the company that owned his patents, it became The United Shoe Machinery Corporation and it was worth $1 billion 65 years later.

Robert L. Vann was born Aug. 27, 1879 in Ahoskie, N.C. After graduating from Western University of Pennsylvania in 1906, he graduated from law school in 1909. In 1910, Vann decided to supplement his income by serving as legal counsel for The Pittsburgh Courier. Later he became the paper’s editor and publisher. Under his leadership, The Courier developed into one of the leading black newspapers of his era. By the 1930s it was one of the highest circulated black newspapers in the U.S. More than 14 different editions were in circulation. Vann was involved in politics throughout his association with The Courier. In 1918 he was appointed the fourth assistant city solicitor in Pittsburgh, the highest position held by a black in the city government. Initially a Republican, he grew disillusioned with the party and converted to the Democratic Party. On Sept. 11, 1932 Vann delivered a famous speech at the St. James Literary Forum in Cleveland, Ohio. entitled “The Patriot and the Partisan” and urged blacks throughout the nation to turn away from the Republican Party and support the Democratic Party of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 election. Vann was then named special assistant to the U.S. attorney general. Vann served as editor and publisher of The Pittsburgh Courier until his death on Oct. 24, 1940. -

Inventor Biographies By Afni Adnan, Chris Dunn, Shannon Gladys and Heather Hampton

George F. Grant Golf Tee

George W. Carver Agriculture

Harry T. Moore Civil Rights Activist

Robert L. Vann Black Press


Tuesday, February 19, 2002

CSUF brings out the brooms for UNLV nBASEBALL: Titans overwhelm the Rebels, claiming a trio of victories at Goodwin Field with 41 runs and 41 hits on their way to a 6-3 season record By Ricardo Sanchez Jr. Daily Titan Staff Writer

With dark clouds in the sky and chances of rain, the 16th-ranked Cal State Fullerton baseball team took Goodwin Field Sunday afternoon trying to complete a three game sweep over the UNLV Rebels. Last week in a similar situation, the Titans failed to pull out a victory in the finale against Fresno State. This time they delivered. The Titans dominated behind a solid start from senior pitcher Jordan DeJong, handing UNLV a 13-1 loss. DeJong, making his first start of the season, pitched five scoreless innings gave up three hits, struck out four, and walked one before he was relieved by junior Jeff Housman in the sixth. Usually used as a reliever, DeJong has preformed well this season. In a role reversal, DeJong told Rob Buska, the voice of the Titans on TIR (Titan Internet Radio), in an interview after the game he felt comfortable as a starter. “I started [games] a lot earlier in my career so I went back to that experience,” DeJong said. The Titan pitchers did their job in the series nearly shutting down the Rebel bats completely. Sophomore Wes Littleton (2.11 ERA) allowed only two runs on Friday, and sophomore Darric Merrell (4.80 ERA) gave up

one run on Saturday as the Titan pitching staff combined to hold the Rebel offense to only four runs in the series. The Titans hitters, on the other hand, exploded for 41 runs and 41 hits over three games with convincing wins on Friday (12-2), Saturday (16-1), and Sunday (13-1). “We kept our swings short,” said second baseman Jason Corapci who had four hits and four RBI’s over the weekend. “Their pitching wasn’t that good. And we took advantage of bad pitching and actually it’s hard to do that sometimes because you try too hard. If you take for granted that they have bad pitching your gonna dig yourself in a hole. So we just stuck to a good plan and we hit the ball good all weekend.” It was obvious in the first two games that the UNLV starting pitchers were not up to the challenge allowing four runs in the first inning on Friday and five runs in the first on Saturday. Head Coach George Horton was kind in acknowledging the difference, calling it “pretty average” pitching. The Rebels, much like all weekend, could not get anything going and might have been wishing for a rain delay when it started to pour during the fourth inning. The 717 fans in attendance rushed for cover under anything they could find because umbrellas, for safety issues, were not allowed in the stadium. The game continued and for the Rebels, it seemed as if runs were

falling from the sky along with rain as the Titans broke it open with some key hits. After a run had scored, the bases were full due to walks drawn by Corapci and sophomore left fielder Shane Costa. Sophomore right fielder Kyle Boyer hit a grounder between third and short and UNLV shortstop Ryan Ruiz caught it and could not decide where to throw, scoring a run on the fielder’s choice. Junior Richie Burgos, then hit a basesclearing double to right-center scoring Boyer, Costa and Corapci. When the inning was finally over the Titans already up 2-0 had scored six runs off five hits putting the game out of reach. “Today we were mostly lucky,” Horton said of the win that gave the Titans their 10th consecutive victory over UNLV. “I thought the pitching for us the entire weekend was very good, but there are some areas like defense and some mental things we need to improve otherwise we’re not going to be able to compete against the best teams out there in the country,” Horton said. The Titans will have a chance to improve in those areas when they travel to Tempe, Ariz. this weekend to face top-notch opponent Arizona State who is ranked number 13 by Baseball America.


Nick Fitzgerald avoids being tagged out at first as the Titans overwhelmed the Rebels Sunday.

Ladies serve up shut out to

Idaho Vandals terrorize

nBASKETBALL: Fullerton falls to 3-20 overall By Heather Hampton

Daily Titan Staff Writer

nTENNIS: Fullerton improves to 3-4 overall with Wednesday win against Chapman University

By Deborah Germinaro Daily Titan Staff Writer

Chapman came to Fullerton, but was blown away by the score and the weather. Women’s Titan tennis beat Chapman 6-0 at home last Wednesday. Cal State Fullerton’s new record is 3-4 for the season. “We set a team goal today to serve better than we have been,” said CSUF women’s tennis coach Bill Reynolds. “And I think they all did, and hopefully we can carry it on to our next match.” After the previous weekend’s disappointing results of one win and two losses, this was a welcome victory. “[CSUF] is a division one school, we’re division three, so we knew when we came out today we were going to get slaughtered,” said Chapman doubles player Megan Davies. “But that’s okay because it’s practice. We need the practice against tougher schools…I mean [CSUF] is a great school. The last, and longest, match was against top seed CSUF singles player Ana Iacob and top seed Chapman singles player Tiffany Lewis. The fans, coaches and players all gathered around the bleachers, trying to keep warm as they watched the final match. They yelled words

of praise and encouragement, and anticipated the possibility of a shutout. “[Iacob is] a very good tennis player and she’s performing very well today,” said friend and fan Adi Muranovic, 20. At approximately 3:30 p.m., as the wind blew fast and strong, Iacob shouted from the court during a serve attempt, “I can’t throw the ball, it’s going all over the place.” “I played good,” Iacob said. “[The wind] made me concentrate, stay more focused, and take charge of every single shot. I served awesome, my serves were going exactly where I wanted them to go with singles and doubles.” Iacob’s doubles partner, Carla Rocha, who is the number two seed in singles for CSUF, has been playing outstanding. Freshman Rocha was the only singles player to win her match against Santa Clara two Saturday’s ago. Rocha was league MVP in high school her freshman, sophomore, and senior year’s, as well as CIF champion her junior year. Long time fan of Titan Tennis and class of ’72 CSUF alumni, Frank Lindquist, explains how he feels this year’s team is a little bit better than last year’s. “That one went pretty quick. I figured we would win that one, but I didn’t think it would be that easy,”


Carla Rocha serves to her opponent at Wednesday’s match. said Reynolds. “It’s always nice a good school. The girls tried their to get easy wins like that, I mean best.” sometimes we get beat ourselves The next game will be Friday, like that, but today felt good.” February 22 against Long Beach Despite the raging winds and cold State at Long Beach before a 13 weather CSUF dominated, winning home-game run. all six singles matches and all three Long Beach State has won their doubles matches, for a shut out over last two games and enjoys a 4-1 Chapman. season record. “We were minus three players Hopefully the charge, of every that are in the top six, they are Titan player winning their matches sick,” said Chapman women’s ten- against Chapman, will ignite the nis coach Will Marino. “But they’re spark needed to beat the 49ers.

The Idaho Vandals grasped a painless victory from the Cal State Fullerton women’s basketball team, winning 6446, Friday at the Titan Gym. The Titans started off strong as they panhandled the Vandals who tipped off for the first possession and lost the ball with a 30-second shot clock turnover. Titan point guard Lindsay Sotero said she was expecting the Vandals to come out hard.- With little time left for mistakes, the Titans are struggling to gain a final playoff spot for the Big West tournament which begins March 6 at the Anaheim Convention Center. “For us it’s a must win game every time,” Sotero said. But the Titans were in for a reality check as the Vandals brought out their weapons in an effort to spin the ball in their favor. Keisha Moore started off the Vandals’ shooting streak with a jumper followed by Darci Pemberton’s three-point goal. Titan guard Tamara Quinn said she and her teammates knew what to expect. Quinn said they were on the lookout for Moore. She said Moore was a strong post-up player with athletic movement. The Vandals put eight points on the board with three minutes off the clock and the damage had only just begun. Pemberton and Julie Wynstra added nonstop hoops for the Vandals. Pemberton had a game high of 20 followed by Wynstra with 15. Titan coach Barbara Ehardt continued to shove in sub after sub from the Titan bench but no one could control the boards for the Titans, who trailed the Vandals 38-23 after the first half. The Vandals proceeded to squash the Titan defense after the half, shooting up their lead by 24, with 8 minutes off the clock. But Sotero and forward Allyson

Alhadeff tried to regain the Titans’ composure as Sotero put up two three-point goals and Alhadeff added one to bring the point deficit to 18. Even that was not enough for the Titans to catch up to the Vandals who were on a shooting streak. Idaho coach Mike Divilbiss said he was really pleased with his player’s performance. He said their balance on scoring inside is improving. “It’s fun to see them play,” Divilbiss said. “Our kids are getting better and better all the time.” The Titans saw little help from starting forwards Heather Hansen and Melanie Mosley who scored only two points a piece. Hansen, who scored 16 points in the Titans’ last game against UC Riverside, struggled to put the ball in the hoop as the Vandals destructive defense pinned her to the perimeters. The Vandals had three starters who scored in double digits leaving the Titans weary and in trouble on the boards. The Titans’ leading scorers were Quinn and Alhadeff who contributed 10 points each. Quinn also added five rebounds. The Titans fell to 3-20 overall and 111 in the Big West Conference. “[We were] defending a good competitive game,” Quinn said. “We just didn’t come out like we wanted to.” The Titans dribble off this week’s competition as they travel up north to play Pacific Friday at 7 p.m. According to Quinn, the Titans played a competitive game when they faced Pacific at the Titan Gym. She said they “lost by like 10.” “They’re a real good team,” Sotero said. “We match up pretty well with them.” The Titans will then see their final chance at a Big West tournament playoff spot as they battle Cal State Northridge at 2 p.m. Sunday.

Fullerton finishes on high

nGYMNASTICS: Titans nab first place thanks to strong performances on the floor

By Maria Ragas

Daily Titan Staff Writer

BETHANY AUKERMAN/Special to the Titan

Coach Julie Knight guides her athletes while assistant coach Richard Gishi looks on.

Despite a tough start, the Cal State Fullerton women’s gymnastics team took first place in a three-way home meet Thursday, with an overall score of 191.775. Trailing by more than a point before their final rotation, a near-perfect floor exercise pushed them into the top spot. San Jose State came in second and UC Santa Barbara took third. The Titan women took first, second and third place on the floor exercise. Megan Berry’s firstplace performance earned her a score of 9.900, beating her career high. Sharon Snell came in second with a score of 9.850. Scoring 9.825 and third place was Kelly Mathiasen. The women’s performance earned them five, high counting scores [each no less than 9.750] and wild cheers from the audience throughout the rotation. “I am very pleased with tonight, especially

since I am a senior,” Berry said. While CSUF’s performance on the floor was virtually mistake free, things were much different on the balance beam. The Titans were trailing by almost two points overall after they finished the beam rotation as five Fullerton gymnasts fell during their routine. Yet the beam seemed to be a problem for all three universities Thursday evening. UCSB’s Lesley Ross came in first place on the beam scoring 9.875. Mathiasen’s performance earned her second place with a score of 9.800. Also placing for the Titan’s was Kimberly Runciman with a score of 9.400. Mathiasen said that although they did very well on the balance beam at the meet in Arizona, they usually have problems with it. “We just need to stay on and everything will be great,” she said. Titan coach Julie Knight said that she was hoping for a higher overall score, but problems with the beam cost them the higher marks.

However, she said she was very proud of the way the girls fought back on the floor exercise. CSUF’s women nabbed the top four spots on the uneven bars. Berry and Joanna Hughes tied for first place with a score of 9.850. Snell came in third and Jamie Moody fourth. Hughes also placed first on the vault with a score of 9.875 Mathiasen and San Jose’s Dani Albright tied for second. “This week has been tougher, since we started classes and we have training,” Hughes said. Looking ahead, Mathiasen is confident about the Titans upcoming home meet, Friday at 7 p.m., against Oregon State. “I want the team to hit everything. If we do then we are pretty competitive with Oregon. I am happy and excited about our next meet,” Mathiasen said. Knight said victory is within their reach. “Oregon will be hard to beat, but it is not impossible. We are very excited,” Knight said.


Tuesday, February 19, 2002


Titans return home after

nBASKETBALL: Fullerton suffers yet another series of losses en route to a 4-19 overall record By Phillip McRae

Special to the Titan


The Titans attempt to push past the UCR defense last week at

Any chance at postseason play ended Saturday night as the Titans’ mens basketball team continued their seven-game losing streak with a 65-53 loss to Idaho. The loss clinched a last-place finish in the Big West and made the Titans (4-19) one of two teams to not qualify for the upcoming conference tournament. The top eight teams in the conference will compete for an automatic bid in the NCAA tournament. UC Riverside is ineligible to participate in the conference tournament because it is their first year as a Division I school and will join CSUF as the other team not participating. Idaho (8-15) came into Saturday’s game last in the Big West in field goal percentage, but managed to shoot 50 percent, including 10-24 from three-point range.

The Vandals were led by Matt Gerschefske’s team-high 17 points and five rebounds. Fletcher Bethuel and Justin Logan each scored in double figures with 15 and 10 points, respectively. The Titans were out-rebounded 31-23 by an undersized Idaho team that is last in the conference in rebounding average. The Vandals were determined to limit the Titans’ second-chance points, being aggressive on the boards all night. Pape Sow led the Titans with a game-high 19 points while grabbing 10 rebounds. Sow has been one of the few bright spots, emerging as the team’s go-to-guy, in an otherwise dismal season. CSUF continued its poor shooting with a 35.7 percent performance in the second half. The Titans were not effective from beyond the arc and could only manage to make 620 attempts. Idaho dominated the first half as

they jumped out to a 44-27 lead and never allowed CSUF to gain any momentum. The Vandals enjoyed their best performance of the year in front of 2,064 at the Cowan Spectrum. The Titans, coming off an improbable win in their first meeting, tried for another upset over perennial powerhouse Utah State last Thursday night. The Aggies (20-4) would not allow that to happen as they went on to win their sixth straight game and remain atop the Big West with a 60-45 victory. The Titans were again led by Sow who scored a game-high 17 points and nine rebounds. Kevin Richardson was the next leading scorer with nine points as the Titans lost their 18th straight game in Logan, Utah. Fullerton was within three points with 4:35 left in the first half before Utah State forced four straight turnovers and sparked a 10-2 run that

gave the Aggies a 32-21 halftime lead. Richardson tried to keep the Titans in the game, scoring seven straight points to begin the second half. USU answered with a 13-2 run that put the game away with just over eight minutes remaining. Utah State center Jeremy Vague had a team-high 14 points and eight rebounds in front of 5,863 fans at the Dee Glen Smith Spectrum. The Big West’s third leading scorer, Desmond Penigar, also added 11 points. Fullerton coach Donny Daniels will be looking for a couple more wins in the final four games of the season, trying to surpass last year’s total of five wins. The Titans will host Pacific Thursday at 5:30 p.m. and Cal State Northridge Saturday at 7:05 p.m.

Weekend series proves positive for

nSOFTBALL: Though dealt a Sunday loss by Mother Nature, the Titans shared a tie for fourth at the 12th Annual Campbell/Cartier Classic in San Diego By Brian Thatcher

Daily Titan Asst. Sports Editor The Cal State Fullerton softball team ended the San Diego State University Campbell/Cartier Classic this past weekend with a winning record overall and some real momentum.The Titans went 3-1, and ended the rain-shortened tournament tied for fourth place. “We did really, really well,” Titan coach Michelle Gromacki said.- “It was a 180 from last weekend.” The No. 10 Titans (6-5 overall) started the tournament against Florida International University Friday with a win, 4-3.CSUF’s offense struck first when

junior Jodie Cox scored from second base in the top of the first as senior Yasmin Mossadeghi reached base on an error. The lead would not stand for long.- FIU scored in the bottom of the first, then added a two-run home run off starter Gina Oaks (2-1) in the bottom of the third, to make the score 3-1. From there, Mossadeghi took it upon herself to even the score with home runs in the fourth and sixth.Junior Amy LaRocque knocked in the winning run later in the sixth with an RBI single. The Titans next opponent was No. 3 Stanford.-- CSUF, however, fell short in their attempts to pull off the upset, losing 2-1.

The Titans again got on the board in the first as senior Monica Lucatero, the Big West Player of the Week, scored on a Stanford error.The lead would hold up for most of the game behind a dominating pitching performance by Cox (22), who got the nod as starter.- She went the distance, allowing five hits while striking out 13 Cardinal hitters.- But Stanford scored two in the top of the sixth on a double by Sarah Beeson, and Cox suffered the loss. Gromacki, while upset with the loss, still found the game to be very uplifting. “That was our best game of the tournament.- Jodie pitched phenomenally and the girls responded to the challenge,” she said. “You have to

Athletics 3x10.5

play tough competition to improve, and they’re one of the top teams in the nation.- We will play them again this season and we’re looking forward to building on this.” The Titans began building on their loss even sooner than expected.- Their next opponent was Northwestern, and CSUF won in a rout, 11-2. Senior Christy Robitaille (1-2) earned her first victory of the season on the strength of a five-inning, two-run performance.- She added four more strikeouts to her season total. Robitaille’s strong performance was backed up by her teammates.The offense got going early led by Cox, who smacked her second home

run of the year in the first inning. The Titans added back-to-back homers by Oaks and junior Amanda Hockett in the fifth.- CSUF scored in every inning with the exception of the third, while racking up 14 hits in the game. In what turned out to be the Titans final game of the tournament, Oaks (3-1) added another dominating pitching performance, blanking Pittsburgh, 3-0. The Titans once again got the scoring started early when Lucatero took a 3-1 pitch deep for a solo homerun. Lucatero also added an RBI in the third, knocking in Cox from second.- Senior Shawna Robinson had an RBI groundout in the sixth to

score the Titans final insurance run. But it was more than enough for Oaks.- She went the distance for the Titans, striking out 12 Panthers while allowing only three hits. The Titans final game of the tournament against New Mexico was rained out, but their coach felt they proved their point. “We saw what problems we needed to work on this week, and we corrected them,” Gromacki said.- “We played more consistently and we played as a team.- We had good offense and good pitching.- A lot of positive things happened.” The Titans will next see action this weekend when they compete in the NFCA Leadoff Classic in Columbus, Ga.

Titan Shops 3x10.5

arts & entertainment




in ALL the Right Places

n EXHIBIT: “The Meat Annex” is more than a grade A exhibit, filled with cows, steaks and plenty of art, even for a vegetarian on a full stomach By Jenn Stewart

Daily Titan Staff Writer Hungry for a hamburger, or have a hankering for a nice slab of good-old red meat, then the “The Meat Annex” is place to be. The meat department of the local grocery store and In-N-Out are no longer the only places in town to find a good piece of meat. The winners and honorable mentions of a recent contest, inspired by the art of Mark Ryden, are currently on display in The Meat Annex at the Cal State Fullerton Grand Central Art Center. Juxtapoz, a lowbrow avant-grade art magazine sponsored the event. Contestants were asked to create art that was, well meaty. “Life is a great illusion, we are creatures of pure energy and meat is the element that keeps us here said fellow artist Virgil Crow.” But Ryden cited it as a reason for his obsession with meat. None of the 200 pieces on display were alike, except for the fact that they all shared the common theme of a hearty portion of beef. The show opened Feb. 2, the same day as Ryden’s “Bunnies Bees” exhibit, both shows run until Feb. 24. Contestants from all over the world made submissions, but the winner was Amanda Wachob for her piece, “Meat Babies.” “I hated having to be the one to disappoint so many people who worked so hard and had done such great work,” announced a flattered Ryden. Wachob’ s oil painting of a one-eyed T-bone being ogled by babies and beautiful, but hairless, women intertwines youth, beauty and the sustenance that supports both.

“The person that won deserved to win, it was amazing,” said Jennifer Keplar a local hairdresser who frequents the gallery “There is something special about it.” Although the art was cut

fresh and raw, not everyone appreciated its “artistic” quality. “I personally didn’t like it,” said Marge Fritz, a museum visitor “I thought there were some sick looking things in there.” “Many of the artists we represent in the sales gallery are emerging art-

ists, or I try to get graduate students,” said Donald Vanhook, director of rentals and sales for the gallery. “We get their work out there and try to make it easier for them to work with galleries.” Vanhook enjoyed the show and thought the idea was great. He was impressed with the talent the contest initiated. Many pieces were inspired by religion. One artist painted his interpretation of Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” which substituted Jesus’ head for a nice, lean cut of New York steak. With all this meat displayed the innuendos were imminent. Many of the projects incorporated themes similar to Ryden’s- cherubic children and surreal surroundings. Joe Ledbetter an artist who earned honorable mention, was able to find inspiration in Ryden’s work, even as a vegetarian. Ledbetter’s piece included a cow, whose insides were missing, however appeared content that at least his heart was still intact. “The theme may be juxtaposing my vegetarian diet…but I’m very tolerant. I don’t find it disgusting at all, it’s cool,” Ledbetter said. Ryden’s work combines macabre and purity withadded twists. Like the fans who sent entries into Juxtapoz magazine, many of Ryden’s pieces involve religious themes. Which include and consist of raw meat and forlorn characters all in shades of pink and baby blue. “[Ryden] is definitely amazing,” Ledbetter said. “I admire the strangeness of his work. I mean, there is a certain sweetness to his work and a kind of innocence.”

Monkey business makes millions nEXHIBIT: Designer Paul Frank clowns around with “One of a Kinds” By Jenn Stewart

Daily Titan Staff Writer Paul Frank, one of Orange County’s top fashion designers, has officially stepped into the world of highbrow art.


Frank poses with the primate that made him famous. Julius is part of the first ever art show.

On Feb. 9, the tall and slightly awkward Frank presented his “One of a Kinds” premiere art show to the public at the Copro/ Nason Fine Art Gallery in Culver City. The cozy gallery, which has been known to resemble a can of sardines on a busy opening night, packed them in for Frank’s debut. The modest collection of unique knickknacks filled the gallery’s two rooms. “This is going to be a different kind of art show,” Frank said. “It’s going to be more than just paintings on the wall; there will be objects you can touch and use.” The show, largely based on established Frank characters, set itself apart from other art shows with unexpected medi-

ums. The majority of “One of a Kinds” uses various everyday items adding a witty twist to them via a silk-screened apliqué process. The collection is comprised of handcut wooden wall clocks, hand-stitched dolls, a set of airbrushed old-school Schwinns and other surprising objects. “Viewers will get a glimpse into Frank’s very visual and playful sense of humor in terms of imagery and presentation,” said Caryn Coleman, director of Copro/Nason. Frank’s set of $350 a piece wall clocks read such axioms as, “I am not a beaver…I’m an otter,” and “If you are illiterate, you can’t read this,” while others are based on sketches the artist has collected over the years. “This stuff just comes because I like it,” illustrated an amused Frank. “I want to give it to somebody, I want to make a joke with my best friend.” The characters he creates are based on his fears and personality. He originally sketched the acrophobic, Worrybear

while on a flight, where Clancy is really Julius dressed up for Halloween. Frank used this opportunity to introduce Slic Vic, a new character. “I never intended to be a fashion designer, and still don’t think of myself as a fashion designer,” Frank said. “I’m a graphic artist.” The centerpiece to Frank’s show was the four custom-designed and handpainted old-school Schwinns lined up meticulously with the Sting-Ray Slik tires all leaning the same direction. “I spent too much time on the bikes, the rest of the stuff ended up being last minute,” Frank said. The pièce de résistance was the patent leather, marshmallow sofa. He handstitched individual character and motto pleather pillows to create a one-of-a-kind couch. “Overall the show was a hit,” said Ryan Heuser, president of Paul Frank Industries. “We’ve already sold nearly 80 percent of the collection.” Since Frank’s show encased a small

Unforgettable tale reveals chapter of history in a debut fictional

By Darleene Barrientos Special to the Titan

The debut novel “When the Elephants Dance” by Tess Uriza Holthe uses a variation of a Robert Lapham quote to sum up the experiences and survival of the war-torn Philippine Islands during World War II. “When the elephants dance, the chickens must be careful.” Based on stories told to Holthe as a child and life experiences of her parents and grandparents, her novel is told from the perspectives of the young boy Alejandro Karangalan, his sister Isabelle and their adopted brother guerrilla commander Domingo Matapang. The book begins in February 1945. The Amerikanos retreated from the islands three years prior, giving the

country up to the Japanese. The Japanese tried to institute a new system of money, which further mired the country in poverty and desperation. The soldiers, forcing families to cramp together in small, derelict homes, have commandeered the homes of the Filipinos, Americans and remaining Spanish. Many families with homes no longer live in their homes; rather, they exist in fear in their basements to make their homes appear abandoned and harmless. Alejandro and his brother Roderick are sent out regularly to forage for food, so that their father and the other adult males hiding with them can avoid capture. But their youth does not excuse them from torture and persecution, because other children have taken up the cause of liberation and Japanese soldiers had no qualms to even bayonet babies just for being Filipino. Stumbling into sight of Japanese soldiers, Roderick and Alejandro were captured to be questioned about the whereabouts of Domingo Matapang. Roderick manages to escape harm, but Alejandro is hung, with wire, by his thumbs on a chain-link fence. The

Japanese see his silence as honorable, however, and let him go. Isabelle once dreamed of being a doctor, but the war shattered any possibility of her fulfilling it. Stubborn and willful, she ventured out beyond the safety of her family’s basement and happened to see her brothers and Domingo taken away. Isabelle feared they would be killed and followed them. Her brothers escape alive, but Domingo is left to die and Isabelle keeps him alive. On the way home, Isabelle must save Domingo by abandoning him so he won’t be found. To do this, Isabelle

gives herself up to the soldiers collecting women from the surrounding villages and town of Manila. A former friend of Isabelle’s tries to prevent it, but she is raped by a Japanese c o m mander. A friend saves Isabelle from death and brings her home to her family. Domingo -Author is torn by his Tess Uriza Holthe passion for his country and his duty to his family. Though his family desperately wants him back safe, he dares not stay with them for long because he fears the Japanese will find him with


the elephants dance the

chickens must be careful.

nBOOKS: A closer look at the attack on the Philippine Islands during World War II

them. When Domingo and the families he is protecting are captured, Domingo can’t decide – should he stay to comfort his family? Or should he escape and continue to fight for his country? The tales answer some questions. The Spaniard, Frederico, tells a tale of how he abandoned the Spanish culture he grew up with in the face of the cruelty dealt to the Filipinos. Ailing Anna declares that life should not be ruled by hate with the story of her and her sister Corazon. Mang Carlito, Alejandro, Roderick and Isabelle’s father, tells a story of obligation about a mythical church that sinks into the ground and the young woman who disappears with it. These stories, tinged with magical superstition, are told to distract its listeners from the ravages of war that surround them and the desperation they all feel. Holthe treads the waters of history in a way many writers have not dared. She weaves an intricate web of fact, fiction and myth to create a significant tribute to the determination and tenacity of the Filipino people. The characters she has created are

all too human. About four generations are covered, from Mang Frederico who grew up before the Spanish-American war, to young Alejandro who wishes to protect his father by putting himself in danger. Anyone can sympathize with the way each of these characters suffer and survive their individual trials, no matter culture or ethnicity. Holthe’s writing style is different those of better-known FilipinoAmerican authors like Jessica Hagedorn or Bino A. Realuyo. She keeps in mind the larger scope of her audience and translates all Tagalog words, phrases and sentiments. She writes for all audiences. The story is beautiful, poignant and, most importantly, unacknowledged. The attack of the Philippines during World War II is largely overlooked for the attack of Pearl Harbor, which happened just ten hours earlier. For those yearning to know more about what the American government didn’t tell its people about World War II. This is a startling and candid look back at history - even if it is fiction.

Graceful swan leaves lake to dance on stage By Christina Marin Special to the Titan

Swan Lake opened to a full house on Feb. 12, at the Orange County Performing Arts Center.American Ballet Theatre thrilled its audience with fantastic costumes and sets. Featuring dancers Julie Kent and Jose Manuel Carreno. Kent gave a stunning performance as Odette/Odile.- The qualities of a swan were expressed through the lightness and airiness of her arm movements.Her bourrees appeared to skim across the stage as they would on water, meanwhile bringing the emo-

tions of love to life during her pas de deux with Carreno, Prince Siegfried.The gracefulness of a swan was displayed by Kent falling backwards, Carreno catching her just in time, lifting her up gently.Kent and Carreno are a good match for this performance.Both are strong dancers. They have an expressive quality to their movements making the performance come to life.Kent immediately commanded the audience’s attention when she entered as Odile during the third act.Her movements were sharp and wild.- This fit perfectly because Odile is the opposite of Odette. Odette is

extremely graceful and Kent was able to portray both roles distinctively.During the pas de deux with Carreno she exited the stage then returned for her solo. When she returned it was noticeable that she had injured her left foot.Kent was incredible to watch, especially when she continued to dance disregarding her injury.The show must go on, and it did.Kent completed the entire third with blood on her pink tights.The audience was in disbelief. She did not let her injury alter the performance. It was amazing. Odile performs 32 fouette’s by her-

self during the pas de deux. -When she finished, people cheered and some even yelled out, “Bravo!” Carreno was equally as spectacular.- With strong jumps and leaps, he partnered the Kent beautifully.He carried her as if she would break and lifted her over his head in one graceful swoop. The theatre is known for it’s beautiful dancers. Their run at OCPAC displayed why they have some of the best dancers in the world.Dedication and long hours of rehearsal are needed to perform Swan Lake.


Kent as Odette shows the audience what it takes to be a swan.

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