Hockicko, Iacob and Rocha offer strong performances on the Titan tennis courts
DETOUR: Aja Daashuur will perform on 4 ncampus in the TSU today at noon Sophomore Janay Singleton had 6 ntheNEWS: price right on Bob Barker’s game show
—see Sports page 5
t h u r s d ay
Vo l u m e 7 4 , I s s u e 1 0
M a r c h 7, 2002
Agreement is reached between faculty, nCONTRACT: Closing arguments bring about a resolution regarding salary negotiations for professors and lecturBy Erick Fierro Martinez Daily Titan Staff Writer ‑
After months of bargaining, the California Faculty Association and CSU have reached a tentative agree‑ ment.‑
In the pre-dawn hours of Saturday morning, four CFA and CSU repre‑ sentatives sat in Chancellor Reed’s office headquarters in Long Beach. In the end, both sides were exhausted but relieved that they finally came to a contract agreement that would not only benefit faculty members but the CSU as a whole. “We are extremely pleased to have come to a settlement that is mutually beneficial to both parties,” said CSU spokeswoman Colleen BentleyAdler. The final language was agreed upon after what was described as intense talks and arguments that took
Election results bring surprises nCALIFORNIA: El Toro airport loses to parks and schools, as favored candidate Riordan is defeated By Chris Dunn
Daily Titan Staff Writer History was made on Tuesday’s pri‑ mary governor election as voters chose their nominees for the gubernatorial election in November and made a deci‑ sion on Orange County’s controversial Proposition W. Elected nominee multimillionaire investor Bill Simon, 50, and incumbent Gov. Gray Davis will square off for the governor’s seat in Sacramento. Davis had an easy win for his Democratic Party receiving more than 77 percent of the votes. Oppositely, the Republican nomina‑ tion was a battle between two potential candidates. Richard Riordan, 71, was the foreseen candidate of choice to take the nomina‑ tion of Republican leader for governor. The former Los Angeles mayor con‑ ceded shortly after 10 p.m. as the voter poles showed Simon was ahead by near‑ ly 13 percent. Simon’s ending vote count was 50.4 percent. In his victory speech late Tuesday night, Simon said he was “deeply hon‑ ored” to be the nominee and that it was “less a victory for me than an idea we carry around in our hearts. The idea of freedom is a strong sense of com‑ munity.” Though the mud slinging between Riordan and Simon was an intense battle of slanderous television commercials and radio adds, Simon overcame to defeat Riordan. “Unlike Riordan, I am able to serve my party faithfully,” Simon said. Davis immediately assessed Simon as a “true-blue think-tank conservative,” and said he would offer a “more prag‑
matic choice in the governor election in November.” In Orange County, the most debated issue on the ballot was Measure W. The interest of the anti-airport Measure W passed with nearly 58 percent of the votes. Plans to make an airport out of the former Marine Base will stop. The ultimate demise of the plan may mean rezoning of the base for park and educational uses. The race was close early on, airport supporters cheered at the close Newport Beach race. Those cheers soon sub‑ sided after midnight when an estimated one-third of the precincts’ votes were counted. “The county does not want an air‑ port,” said Laguna Hills Councilman Allan Songstad at a party with Measure W supporters. “It’s time to move on.” Councilman Chris Norby, anti-airport supporter of Fullerton, was a leader in the campaign against the El Toro airport. The “yes” decision of Measure W decided the balance of power on the Board of Supervisors against Cynthia Code, pro-airport supporter. The Board of Supervisors will maintain a 3-2 advantage for the closure of the airport proposition. “It means we can stop fighting and begin to heal and develop that site as an asset to the entire county,” said Mission Viejo Mayor Susan Withrow. Now, the issue is what Orange County will do with the abandoned marine base. The debate over El Toro’s fate is not new — it began in 1993. The battle dealt with building an airport or parks and schools. Four decisions on this plan with three appeals created little resolution in the past nine years. Pro-airport supporters still have a chance to appeal the decision on Measure W and vote again in a future election. The marine base is still owned by the U.S. Navy. In a statement released today, the Navy stated they will promptly dis‑ pose of the base. It is possible they will offer to sell the land instead of handing it over to the public for free.
place all day Friday. Contract negotiations started last spring beginning with state-mandat‑ ed mediation. However, no contract settlement was agreed upon and the negotia‑ tions went into fact-finding. Factfinding also failed to produce results, but informal contract negotiations continued with the CFA threatening to strike at the end of this month. A faculty strike could have dis‑ rupted the academic calendar, pos‑ sibly even postponing graduation for thousands of students. During this time, the two sides heavily criticized each other about
Bombs Away!
which group was in fact working in the best interest of the students. “The administration realized they could no longer push the fac‑ ulty around,” said Alice Sunshine, a spokeswomen for the CFA. “We stepped up and showed the chancel‑ lor we had tremendous support from the community.” In response Chancellor Charles B. Reed said the trustees and the admin‑ istration wanted to compensate fac‑ ulty for their outstanding work they do in providing high-quality educa‑ tion to CSU students. The contract settlement provides a 2 percent general salary increase
effective April 1, with an additional 2.65 percent salary step increase effective in July. A 7 percent pay increase effective June 30 will be given to department chairs that serve on an annual contract. The contract also allows for lec‑ turers with a six-year minimum of continuous service to automatically receive three-year contracts that can be renewed upon review, provided there is a need. Health benefits will also become more accessible to lecturers over the course of the next two years. CSU also re-affirmed its objective of hiring 1,200 tenure faculty for the
See story page
2002-2003 academic calendar. This is believed to ease workload and class-size for faculty members. “A number of provisions came out of the contract agreement that are good for the university, not just for faculty members and their sal‑ aries,” said CFA president Susan Meisenhelder. “Additional faculty will help the system tremendously. “The new contract will strengthen the relationship between students and professors and produce a more stable environment.” Year Round Operations of CSU
Distant glow in galaxy
nASTRONOMY: Two amateur sky watchers spotted a comet in February that could be 300 to 400 years old By Jenn Stewart
Daily Titan Staff Writer
Students gather anxiously to see what egg may have survived the drop.
chris dunn/Daily Titan
Astronomers spend a great deal of their career alone in observatories panning the dark night sky for a glimpse of what the universe has to offer, hoping that their observations will discover something never seen by mankind. Kaoru Ikeya of Japan and Daqing Zhang of China became immortal Feb.1 when they simultaneously dis‑ covered a faint glow thousands of light years from Earth. “We can tell that (the comet) has an orbital period in the range of 300 to 400 years, and it may well be the same comet that was observed in February and March 1661,” said Daniel Green, professor at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Ikeya-Zhang is different because most comets known to modern sci‑ ence have relatively short orbits, Green said. “It would be interesting if proven true, for it would be the first comet with an orbital period longer than 200 years that’s definitely been seen twice,” Green said. Scientists have always been fas‑ cinated with comets because they are some of the only objects that are as old as, if not older than, the solar system. “It seems that comets are part of the remains of the beginning of the universe,” said physics professor Donovan Domingue. “We think that
TSU bowling champion is no little nRECORD BREAKER: CSUF sophomore tries to keep her first-place team out of the gutters and into the spotlight By Sabrina Sakaguchi
Daily Titan Staff Writer
katie cumper/Daily Titan
Missy Bellinder has bowled eight perfect games in her career.
It’s the tenth frame and 90 bowl‑ ing pins have already fallen from the strong arm of Missy Bellinder. She is three consecutive strikes away from a perfect game. A hush falls through the crowded bowling alley. Hundreds of other bowlers and spectators watch in anticipation as this 14-year-old attempts to do something only the best or the luckiest of the sport accomplish — a score of 300. With nervous teenage energy
running through Bellinder’s small frame, she focuses on the 10 odd shaped figures at the end of the long wooden lane and throws. Three strikes later, Bellinder earns her first of what would be eight per‑ fect games in six years. “I couldn’t feel my legs,” the Fullerton resident said. That was more than six years ago for the public affairs sophomore. Now 20, Bellinder is focusing on the 10 odd shaped figures at the end of any of the eight lanes in the Titan Bowl. Bellinder is a member of the Titan Student Union women’s bowling team, currently ranked 12th in the nation, and the bowling coordinator for the TSU. As coordinator, Bellinder is trying to reinvigorate a once-avid pastime of campus faculty, staff and students — a campus-bowling league. Bellinder has been in love with bowling since before the age of
two. “I was always in a bowling cen‑ ter,” she said. “I love the competi‑ tion and the people I get to meet.” As one of the top ranked wom‑ en’s amateur bowlers in the nation, Bellinder has seen nearly every state and various countries. Her favorite bowling escapades were in Guatemala, Ecuador and Argentina. In all this traveling and compet‑ ing, she has won numerous awards and trophies. So many that she stopped count‑ ing several competitions ago. But in that hazy bowling past, Bellinder has earned the Junior National Amateur Championship title, three consecu‑ tive spots on the junior Team USA and two consecutive spots on the adult Team USA. Team USA is a part of USA Bowling, a national organization sanctioned by the United States Olympic Committee to govern the sport of bowling in the nation.
An annual competition deter‑ mines the eight amateur members of Team USA, which will later go on to compete against international teams. Bellinder did not make the 2002 team, but she doesn’t plan to stop trying. Maybe it’s because of the unfor‑ gettable experiences Bellinder has had with 2001 Team USA in the international finals in Argentina. “It was crazy,” Bellinder said. “We were in last place. We were down 111 pins—that’s a lot of pins.” Bellinder was the anchor, the last bowler, and her score ended up being the clenching score for Team USA. She went on to get three consecu‑ tive strikes on her last bowl to earn Team USA the gold medal. “Missy has effortless power,” her father Frank Bellinder said. Bellinder’s father, the other avid