U N I V E R S I T Y ,
F U L L E R T O N Titan runner Lakeysha McClenton breaks a 15-year-old CSUF record
INSIDE OPINION: Sitcom stars don’t deserve 3 nmulti-million dollar paychecks
—see Sports page 8
Perspectives: Former Opinion 4 nEditor gets in touch with his heritage DETOUR: Dralion roars into Long 6 nBeach and settles under the Big Top
Vo l u m e 7 4 , I s s u e 1 2
M a r c h 12, 2002
Twin piers commemorate NY towers nDEDICATION: The names of World Trade Center victims may be displayed along the 1,362-foot structures By Scott Leeds
Daily Titan Staff Writer Millions watched in horror as the Twin Towers fell on Sept. 11. Six months later, people are talking about what kind of memorial to build to honor those who lost their lives. Fred Bernstein, an architectural writer living in New York, stood outside on the morning of Sept. 11
and watched the tragedy unfold. He designed a memorial that will help Americans recall the two fallen buildings while mourning those who perished. He proposed to build two piers in New York Harbor. Each pier would be the exact size of each tower of the World Trade Center. The piers would be 212 feet wide and 1,362 feet in length. They would extend from the seawall in Battery Park, at the foot of Manhattan. One pier would point toward the Statue of Liberty and the other would point toward Ellis Island. “Lines every 12 feet would divide each pier into 110 floors,” Bernstein said. “Each victim’s name would be
inscribed on the floor on which they died. Inevitably, as one approaches the end of the piers, the number of victims’ names increase. At the same time, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island begin to loom as powerful symbols of enduring American values.” Bernstein said he would like the memorial to be built using steel recycled from the World Trade Center, with the approval of the victim’s families. Bernstein also said building the piers would take about one year, giving Americans a monument long before a decision about the World Trade Center site is made. The debate about what to build at ground zero could go on for years, he said.
“In my opinion, the memorial has to be as impressive as the buildings that were destroyed,” Bernstein said. “And if we can’t rebuild them standing up, we can recreate their facades lying down, and let people get a sense of their immensity,” Bernstein said. A concern is whether the twin piers would obstruct boat traffic in the harbor. To address this concern, Bernstein “studies” boats in the harbor from the window in a hotel room. “I saw ferries, whose routes need not take them anywhere near these piers, the Circle Liner which would have to change its itinerary a bit; and
Courtesy of Fred bernstein
The twin piers will be the precise height of the WTC towers.
Anniversary is bittersweet nMEMORIES: Looking back on the September tragedies reminds the nation of those lost and the lessons learned By Cynthia Pangestu Special to the Titan
Valentine Mendoza/Daily Titan
Guadalupe Arteaga, a Florida farm worker, marched March 11 to the Taco Bell Headquarters in Irvine demanding a 1-cent raise.
nPROTEST: Fieldworkers from Florida traveled across the United States to fight Taco Bell for better wages By Shannon Gladys
Daily Titan Staff Writer
valentine mendoza/Daily Titan
Marchers walked from Santa Monica to Irvine.
It’s difficult not to join in the fun when talking to Carlos Lucas. His knowing eyes dart around constantly, looking for something or someone to tease. And, he appears to be in a good mood. Traveling across the country for the past two weeks, he saw snow and the Pacific Ocean. But pressing beneath all the fun is a more serious concern. Lucas is taking on a momentous battle. Along with 80 other fieldworkers, he trekked across the United States to take on corporate
giant Taco Bell in a fight to increase their wages. They are demonstrating in cities around the country in the “Taco Bell Truth Tour,” which was organized by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. CIW is a community-based organization located in Immokalee, Fla., at the center of the state’s massive tomato industry. Florida is the largest producer of fresh tomatoes in the United States. Lucas Benitez, member of the CIW and one of the tour’s organizers, said that Taco Bell buys tomatoes “in what can only be described as sweatshop conditions.” “We as farm workers are tired of subsidizing Taco Bell’s profits with our poverty,” Benitez said. The “Taco Bell Truth Tour” began on Feb. 28 in Tampa, Fla. Demonstrations took place
Six months after the atrocious attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the fears, tragedies and losses are yet to be forgotten. Sunday evening, CBS aired a twohour documentary of video footage from inside of the WTC. An estimated 39 million people tuned in to watch. In New York, numerous ceremonies were held to commemorate 9/11. New York police officers gathered outside station houses to read aloud the names of officers killed in the WTC. A “Tribute in Light,” consisting of 88 high-powered beams aimed into the night sky from ground zero, will shine one mile straight into the air for the next 32 days. A temporary memorial of “The Sphere,” a 5,000 pound steel and bronze sculpture, was dedicated for this day. The partially-crushed sculpture once stood in the fountain of the WTC. “I always think about, and did from the very beginning, the tremendous courage of all those people – the rescue workers, just the ordinary citizens,” said New York City’s former-mayor Rudy Guilliani on CNN. “They conducted themselves with such bravery that they lifted all of us and set a standard that we had to reach, since we were the fortunate ones who got to live. They died so we could be free.” President George W. Bush invited 100 ambassadors from all over the world to the White House.
Bush invited 1,000 people to the South Lawn to honor those lost in the towers and those who lost somebody. “Gathered here today, we are six months along, a short time in a long struggle,” Bush said during the event at the White House addressing the attacks in Sept. “In our war on terror, we’ll be judged by its finish, not by its start,” he said. “More dangers and sacrifices lie ahead, yet America is prepared. Our resolve has only grown because we remember.” Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld welcomed military leaders from countries that have joined the United States’ war against terrorism. “We have the opportunity to tear terrorism out by the roots,” Rumsfeld said. “By our campaign against terrorism, we are preventing acts of terror that may well have been planned before Sept. 11, and we would have never known until it was too late. The memory of Sept. 11 reminds us all of the need to remain vigilant.” On the day of the attacks, the stock market was suspended for a period of time. National security was placed on high alert and shortly after, tourism fell. According to Fox News Polls, air travel fell 12 percent and planes were only 90 percent full during the holiday season. Plane airfares fell to its lowest in years. In California, hotel tourism fell 19 percent and lay-offs became a chain reaction. Just when things couldn’t get any tougher, anthrax became another prime threat. Today, six months later, great changes are being made as the nation is recovering emotionally and economically. There is great respect for Bush and the federal government. Security measures are tightened at airports. Many military reservists were called to active duty and a
9/11/ 7
Student representation needed for open AS posinELECTIONS: Board and presidential seat applications will be available March 13 in TSU Room 207 By Theresa Salinas
Daily Titan Staff Writer‑ Applications for nine student government positions will be made available to students March 13, marking the start of the spring 2002 election season.
In the fall, voters elect one student to represent his or her college on the Associated Student Board of Directors. In the spring, students vote for a second board member, along with an AS president and AS vice president. As the season gets closer, election personnel and current AS officers urge students to run for open seats. The leaders help draft school policy, oversee a budget of more than $10 million and learn valuable life skills. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to get involved in the decision-making process – to be part of a corporation and to leave a legacy on campus,” said Sandra Rhoten,
associate dean of students. Rhoten is the faculty adviser to Elections Commissioner Suzette Escobar. Escobar said after the applications are made available Wednesday, she plans to launch a three-part campaign aimed at encouraging students to run for office, work the polls and vote. “The school needs a voice for every student so that we’re represented by a variety of students,” Escobar said. “Not only by those [students] who’ve already served on the board, but also new people.” Students interested in running for office must be enrolled in at least six units
this semester and six units in fall 2002. They should also have a minimum 2.5 GPA and should have already completed one semester at Cal State Fullerton. Board members run individually. Candidates for president and vice president run as a team. Applications will be available in TSU207 after 8 a.m. Deadline to turn in applications is at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26. Prospective candidates or their representatives must attend an orientation meeting at 7 a.m. Wednesday, March 27. Candidates who do not attend the session will not be allowed to campaign.
Elections are Wednesday, April 24 and Thursday, April 25. Elected leaders will serve a one-year term beginning July 1, 2002. AS board members and executive officers take on a variety of duties. Board members represent the colleges of arts, business administration and economics, communications, engineering and computer science, human development and community services, humanities and social services and natural sciences and mathematics. They help create AS policy and oversee the AS budget. Board members also advocate for students on various university boards and committees.
“Students have the opportunity to make a difference by sitting on the board,” AS President Alex Lopez said. “They directly advocate on behalf of their college and represent their constituents.” The president and vice president preside over the board of directors and AS, which runs programs like AS Rec Sports, the CSUF Children’s Center and the Titan Student Union. They also appoint an executive team, which includes directors of public relations, statewide affairs, finance and administration. “It’s a lot of work,” Lopez said. “But it’s one of the best experiences you can