U N I V E R S I T Y ,
INSIDE The camera-happy actions 4 nof opinion: tourists at Ground Zero are appalling
Titan track and field posts recordbreaking scores over the weekend
news: A healthy diet and a balanced 7 nlifestyle can help prevent osteoporosis
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Vo l u m e 7 4 , I s s u e 2 4
A p r i l 9, 2002
Student spending supports community nSTUDY: The recent Economic Impact Report shows how the campus contributes to local economic rates
By Sabrina Sakaguchi
Daily Titan Staff Writer Cal State Fullerton students have little problem spending money, according to a report released last week. According to the Economic Impact Report, students contribute more than $400 million to the local economy. “Higher education contributes so
much more to our community in addition to high quality graduates. Higher education contributes to the economic health and quality of life in our community,” President Milton A. Gordon said in a news release. According to the report, a CSUF graduate will earn approximately $2.14 million over his or her lifetime. When compared to high school students, the report said that graduates will make close to a $1 million more over a lifetime. The student expenditure statistics were based on a December on-campus survey of students, said Associate professor of Economics Radha Bhattacharya. Surveyed students averaged annual expenditures of $12, 634. In another study taken in 1999, annu-
al expenditures for Cal State Northridge students were $10,500. Bhattacharya said that in today’s dollar, that equals to approximately $11,600. “Cal State student expenditures are roughly inline with students at similar universities,” Bhattacharya said. Bhattacharya said there were no comparable statistics about student incomes from the December survey. “We were just curious about how much [students] spend,” she said. The student survey found that more than 25 percent of expenses were for shelter, utilities and other housing expenditures. Student fees and books accounted for almost 20 percent of that averaged total. As a whole, the university contrib-
utes more than $828 million to the local economy, according to the report. This includes direct and indirect expenditures of students, faculty, staff and college departments. CSUF spending goes beyond the campus boundaries, according to the study. According to the Office of Institutional Research and Analytical Studies, a third of faculty, staff and some 44 percent of students live outside Orange County. Of the more than 30,000 students, 74 percent of undergraduate and 86 percent of graduate students are employed and work an average of 24.7 and 31.7 hours per week respectively. Sixty-four percent of students live or work within a 30-minute commute of
the campus. In partnership with economics lecturer Lee Cockerill, Bhattacharya also reported in the Economic Impact Report that of the $272 million of revenue in 2001 for the college, 18.79 percent came from student fees. Another 9.35 percent was earned from auxiliary activities, which includes bookstore sales, food and housing services. The largest economic input for the university comes from state funding at 50.6 percent. Bhattacharya and Cockerill’s report also covered the use of campus funding. Of the approximate $272 million spent by the college, 21 percent go to student financial support. The largest amount of the funding,
57.6 percent, went to salaries and benefits for CSUF employees, the report said. “Economic activity by the university and its students generates income, which in turn stimulates the flow of tax revenues at all levels of government,” the report said. Bhattacharya and Cockerill estimated the local economy receives $1.98 on every dollar spent on taxes for college funding. A large portion of that amount comes from graduates, according to the report. “The university graduates’ higher earnings mean [he or] she will put $82,410 more in taxes into the state’s coffers than someone who stopped with a high school diploma, a net benefit to the state of $54,794,” Bhattacharya and
CSUF fire drill this afternoon nSAFETY: Practicing emergency routines help make students, faculty and staff more prepared for problems By Allison Wells
Daily Titan Staff Writer
Because of an incident on March 30, residents from Placentia and Anaheim protested Monday against police brutality.
Community protests brutalnCONFLICT: Local residents demonstrate in front of the Placentia Police Department to stop police violence By Esmeralda Sosa
Daily Titan Staff Writer Residents from Placentia and Anaheim gathered in front of the Placentia Police Department
Monday to protest police brutality. “Stop police brutality,” was written on signs and banners of an estimated 30 protesters who demonstrated against what they call police discrimination. It was an incident that occurred March 30 that led to the protest. Roger Nicanor, one of the protesters, said he was at a party with a group of friends in Placentia on that Saturday night, when he was arrested by police officers. He said that the officers were
passing by when they went to the house and started interrogating him. Nicanor asked the officer for his name, but he refused to give it to him. He added the officer pushed him to the floor as he made fun of him. Nicanor added he took pictures the officers, but the officer took his camera away. He was arrested for one day and released under a $500 bail. “I’m here because if no one speaks up they will continue to do
it,” Nicanor said. On the night of the party, officers were responding to a call complaining that the music was too loud, said Sgt. Eric Point of the Placentia Police Department. “Officers did respond to a complaint call,” Point said. Point added that no complaint has been filed against the police department since the incident. Luis Camacho who was at the party and was also arrested said
Titans celebrate faculty members nRECOGNITION: The week-long events honor those who have made a difference in the lives of students Deborah Germinaro
Daily Titan Staff Writer Cal State Fullerton faculty get a week to shine as Monday kicked off the official beginning of “Celebrate Teaching Week” on campus. “We are celebrating teachers to recognize the contributions of faculty to student learning, to honor those who help to develop the critical thinking skills of those in their classes, and to
learn from the students about what they think is important in education,” said sociology professor John Bedell who is sponsoring the week’s events. This is the first time CSUF has ever had a week that honors its faculty. “Historically we have had pieces of this,” Bedell said. “This is the first week we’ve put it all together like this.” Each department was given an opportunity to nominate a faculty member for Monday’s event. One hundred fifty CSUF faculty members were honored in the Titan Student Union’s Portola Pavilion for their contributions including enhancing teaching ability, student advisement and assistance and enhancing international education. As well as being nominated by a department member, the honored faculty must also be approved by the
dean. About 70 percent of the departments had faculty represented, Bedell said. Also in the Portola Pavilion is a lecture today at 11 a.m. entitled “Understanding Reading Acquisition: Where Are We Now?” given by professor Hallie Yopp Slowik. She teaches elementary, bilingual and reading education and is this year’s recipient of CSUF’s annual Outstanding Professor Award. Wednesday’s event, which is a student-alumni question and answer panel, offers faculty a chance to see how their teaching has affected alumni who are now in the real world and how they made a difference in the students’ lives, Bedell said. The panel members, ranging anywhere from 20 to 50 years old, will give the faculty feedback and offer
assessment with learning and effective teaching. It will also give faculty the opportunity to hear which teaching techniques work and which do not. Bringing some visual aid into the program will be Thursday’s event, scheduled in Pollak Library Room 44, in which faculty will demonstrate posters they created that highlight their research. “I think the alumni coming back and talking sounds really interesting,” said TSU Recreations Coordinator and graduate student John Orr. “But, I think the poster presentation is probably the most useful in terms of demonstrating the academic diversity of the campus.” Closing out the week, CSUF faculty voluntarily signed up for Friday’s daylong learning event where four
Class will be interrupted and students and faculty will need to evacuate all the buildings on campus as part of a fire drill today. Between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., alarms will sound throughout Cal State Fullerton as part of the university’s biannual evacuation drill. “With more than 30,000 students on campus, as well as nearly 5,000 faculty and staff members, we want to make sure that we’re prepared for any situation in which campus buildings must be safely and completely evacuated,” said Quentin Frazier, emergency preparedness coordinator. During the fire drill exercise, alarms will be activated, along with voice notification to alert occupants of buildings equipped with loudspeakers. Faculty members will oversee the evacuation of students in their classes. The exercise will last about 20 minutes and will finish with an “allclear” message. All students need to take their
belongings when the alarm sounds and use the stairs. If necessary, building marshals will be there for assistance. The biannual evacuations occur once in April and again in October. The drill in October is performed in the evening to accommodate the difference in campus population. Frazier said he wants to make sure everyone knows how to properly evacuate a building when needed, especially students and part-time employees. The response from students is good with a more than 95 percent success rate, according to Frazier. Education on evacuation and safety is the main reason behind the drills. The drills are not intended to interrupt the learning mission, but to keep the mission going, said Frazier. Frazier has been at CSUF for 17 months and has experienced no mass evacuations. He said he wants to reach out to everybody on campus and make everyone feel comfortable if a mass evacuation situation occurs. “Holding drills on a regular basis gives the campus community the chance to practice what to do when the real need arises,” Frazier said. Frazier added that all department chairs and deans have met with academic affairs, and the chair of the academic senate prepared a memo informing faculty and staff on how to react to these drills. “Plan for the worst, hope for the
Debate tour makes stop at university By Chris Dunn
Daily Titan Staff Writer Spring break for Cal State Fullerton’s debate team turned into competition as they hosted 200 top collegiate debate teams at the Cross Examination Debate Association Tournament. Like collegiate sports, college debate also has a major competition every year. More than 88 colleges and 192 team debaters came from all over the country to take part in the five-day tournament. Among the top ranked schools were Michigan State, UC Berkeley, Northwestern University and CSUF. “We have worked very hard to get here, but it’s over for us now. I know I will be back next year,” said Kristen Morales, a freshman at Northwestern University. Day four of the debate left some students tired and ready to go
home, but the CSUF debate team was still in the run for top place in the tournament. Northwestern University was the school to beat to place CSUF team debaters Toni Nielson and Cameron Ward in the lead, which they achieved late Sunday afternoon. Their Monday morning opponent was Whitman College of Walla Walla, Wash. The two schools battled back and forth with swift tongues discussing the federal policy concerning Native American land. Nielson and Ward, the top teams at CSUF, used an unusual tactic to argue their point, silence. After a brief, three-minute monologue discussing her argument, Nielson remained silent for seven minutes to prove her point. A room of 35 participants waited for her explanation.