2002 04 12

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Titans devour Lions in double header sweep at Loyola Marymount

Brian Kohl uses interpretations 5 nof NEWs: nature in his art exhibit “Evolution”

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A p r i l 12, 2002

Remembering time of ternHISTORY: The “Never Forget to Remember” event allowed an opportunity to share memories of the Holocaust By AnnaLiza Ganchingco Daily Titan Staff Writer

sCott leeds/Daily Titan

Scholar Marilyn J. Harran was the keynote speaker.

Students to preview uni-

Heads shook in disbelief as images were conveyed by words of the heart and mind at the Holocaust remembrance event on Thursday. The “Never Forget to Remember” event was scheduled to begin with opening remarks by President Milton Gordon. However, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, Peggy Atwell, spoke for Gordon. Among the speakers was Holocaust scholar, Marilyn J. Harran. She began her speech by explaining how she developed the name for the event. “When asked to name the event, the first

words I thought of were ‘never forget to remember,’” Harran said. “Words from a motto of a survivor of the Holocaust, Paul Page.” Harran described Page’s experience during the Holocaust and how he was able to forge a memorable and life-saving relationship with Oscar Schindler. She told of how Page survived the horrific events and how he kept the memory etched into people’s hearts and minds. She added that Page’s life experience inspired the book and movie, “Schindler’s List.” “The words ‘never forget to remember’ should hold special meaning for us in the university,” Harran said. “We are the guardians of memory and the protectors of humanity.”

Other stories of survivors’ experiences were shared to show that everyone must remember. “The fabric of the Holocaust is so immense that we can not grasp it all, but we can grasp one thread. That single thread is a single memory that will connect us to the meaning of the Holocaust,” Harran said. Several million Jewish people died during this catastrophe, while others just stood by and watched. Germans observed and remained silent, frightened by the Nazis. “To remember the Holocaust is to remember that we cannot stand silent,” Harran said. After Harran a panel was presented, consisting of three Cal State Fullerton faculty members. The first of the panelists to speak

nMORALS: The exam material now states the wrongs of cheating and includes examples of how to avoid it

By Beth J. Passarella

Daily Titan Staff Writer

By Afni Adnan

Daily Titan Staff Writer



Blue books test integrity

Grim reality

nTOUR: High-school seniors will visit the campus to see where they may be taking classes in fall 2002 High school seniors will crowd the Quad on April 13 as part of “Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day,” which will take place from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The seniors, who were admitted to CSUF, will be able to participate in many different events and also get an overall feel of the campus. It is also a chance for faculty members and students to “sell” the university to the seniors. “This is like a final push — to convince students that they should attend here,” said Graham Edwards, coordinator of the event. Edwards also said that the campus-wide event is a good way to show off the campus to the seniors and give them a good impression of CSUF. The students are able to meet with faculty members and ask them about the different colleges and departments and the programs they offer. Tents will be lined up in the Quad so that students can go from one tent to another to find anything of interest to them. University administrators also will be present to answer any questions. Other scheduled events include campus tours, which will be given every 30 minutes. Ann Ho, assistant coordinator for Campus Tours and New Students Programs, said that 12 tour guides will be conducting the tours with about 20 people to each group. “We will also have a table where students can come up and ask questions,” she said. Students who are interested in living on campus also can take part in the tours at Cobb Residence Halls. Placement tests also will be offered for students during this event. The Entry Level Mathematics exam (ELM) and the English Placement Test (EPT) are compulsory tests that every new undergraduate should take to enter the university. However, due to scheduling conflicts, students who take the tests won’t be able to participate in other

was Seymour Scheinberg, a professor of history and a Holocaust scholar. Scheinberg said the words “never forget to remember” should be a rallying cry across the country. “You can’t forget and you can’t remember what you haven’t learned,” Scheinberg said. Scheinberg added that remembering the Holocaust is significant to the education of the people. He mentioned that when students from CSUF were making lesson plans for middleschool classes, their instructors refused to let them teach a unit on the Holocaust. This is when he realized the significance of teaching and remembering the Holocaust.

valentin mendoza/Daily Titan

The grim reaper overlooks “dead bodies” as part of a mock drunk-driving crash at Brea Olinda

The Cal State Fullerton blue examination books have been given a new face. The books now contain a printed statement reminding students of the importance of values and honesty within the university. It states: “Academic Integrity: The Right Answer!” and follows with examples of cheating that students must avoid. Thomas Fujita-Rony, Asian-American studies assistant professor, said he experienced problems with students cheating in the past. “I tell the students what the questions will be before the exam,” he said. “A student actually wrote out the essay answers in a blue book before the test and turned it in.” Now Fujita-Rony provides specially marked blue books for his students on the exam day. “I think the statement will make them think twice if they plan to cheat,” Fujita-Rony said. “It may also help with those who are using someone else’s ideas without citing it. Many students surprisingly have not been taught to cite their sources and this is a good way to educate them.” The Student Academic Life Committee, a sub-committee of the Academic Senate, created the statement. “As part of a university we need to focus on good scholarship that is the students’ own,” said Kandy Mink, acting-associate vice president for student affairs. “Hopefully the message will deter students from cheating and encourage them to be mindful of the importance of being evaluated on their own work.” The new book covers read, “Honesty in all academic endeavors is a core value at California State University, Fullerton.” The cover also reads that “These and other forms of cheating not only dishonor our educational values but they also violate the trust that is crucial to intellectual and personal integrity.” “There’s so much pressure to do well, especially when students are almost done,” said chemistry major David Rivera. “Cheating is definitely a temptation, but hopefully this will make students second guess themselves. You’d have to feel pretty stupid if you get caught cheating and that statement is right there.” Other students said they think the new cover will not affect the number of students cheating on exams. “If they’re going to cheat, they’re going to do it anyway,” said sophomore Michael Adeva. “I see it all the time—people would rather get a good grade than earn a lower one. Students are concerned with grades, not knowledge. We want a high grade-point average so we can get where we want.”

Reform sought on school mascot nLEGISLATION: The proposed bill will affect mostly athletic teams with Native American identities By Erick Fierro Martinez Daily Titan Staff Writer

A recent bill passed by the Higher Education Committee of the State Assembly seeks to eliminate the use of school mascots containing derogatory implications by 2004. The bill AB 2115 would prohibit any public educational institution from using any school or athletic team name or mascot that is discriminatory against any race, ethnicity, nationality or tribal group. For many years, schools have built their reputation around a mascot and/ or name. But to many people, it has become an unbearable and challenging form of discrimination, especially for the Native American community.

“Native Americans have long felt singled out by this experience,” said Ilona Turner, legislative assistant to Jackie Goldberg, sponsor of the bill. “Mascots and school names have long been viewed as discrimination, the stereotypical images that are presented contribute to a negative psychological experience.” Turner attributes this bill to a growing concern over the past 30 years about the needs of a minority group long ignored by the majority. “Each person is entitled to [his or her] individual ideas, but when you think about it, and look at all the facts, you realize all the implications of racially motivated mascots and their significance on the community,” Turner said.

Locally, the Fullerton Union High School Indians and Woodbridge High Warriors in Irvine, will be affected along with more than 80 other public schools statewide. Alliance Against Racial Mascots steering committee member Lori Nelson said some names and mascots, including the San Diego State Aztecs, are not expressly prohibited in the bill. However, the measure also will provide discretion for others to debate questionably offensive names and mascots. Though SDSU uses indigenous attributes in the name of its school ambassador, the bill only includes those groups that are tribal groups of the United States. “We are very encouraged with the

progress of the bill and with [more than] 50 organizations supporting us, we are very optimistic it will become law by the end of this summer,” Nelson said. However, some people point out that the names may in fact portray certain groups with a positive image of overcoming struggles. “It’s ridiculous they want to change this policy,” said Cal State Fullerton student Allen Howells. “The tradition should be respected. It’s only racial or derogatory if presented that way. I would think that in most cases it is presented as a symbol of pride for the Native Americans and is only intended



erick fierro martinez/Daily Titan

Bill 2115 seeks to change mascots like the Fullerton Union H.S. Indians.

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