2002 05 17

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,

F U L L E R T O N Titan track and field athletes prepare for Big West Conference Championships

INSIDE news: “Price is Right” announcer Rod 6 nRoddy energizes the CBS gameshow opinion: Should the White House have 7 nwarned America about Sept. 11?

—see Sports page 8


Vo l u m e 7 4 , I s s u e 4 7

M a y 17, 2002

ASI gets ‘healthy’ budnFINANCE: The 2002-03 budget will provide thousands of dollars for student activities and clubs By Theresa Salinas

Daily Titan Staff Writer Student leaders approved the Associated Students, Inc. $1.8 million operating budget last week, doling out thousands of dollars to dozens of student activities and organizations. The ASI Board of Directors unanimously approved the budget on May 7, ending several weeks of deliberations

by the board, executive staff and the ASI Finance Committee. University officials should finalize the document within one month. “This year’s deliberations went pretty well,” said ASI Executive Vice President Edgar Zazueta. “There was nothing controversial. Sometimes the deliberations drag on and there are battles over line items.” ASI will receive about $3 million in student fees during 2002-03. About $444,000 goes to the Children’s Center Building Fund and $802,00 goes to athletics, leaving $1.8 million for operating costs. Legislators said the deliberations went smoothly because of ASI’s positive economic situation. Student enrollment is expected to rise next year, providing the organization with additional ASI student fees. The Rec Sports program was relo-

SAT I tests may change nEDUCATION: Some new additions to the exam may include a writing component and reading passages By Beth J. Passarella

Daily Titan Staff Writer High school students planning to attend college may soon have to take a new SAT I test. The proposals for the changes were addressed at a meeting Wednesday to the University of California regents. The changes have been under review for a few years and would start with students who will be college freshmen in 2006. “Nothing’s been decided yet,” said Kristin Carnahan, associate director of Public Affairs for the College Board. “The main changes would include the addition of advanced math and a writing component. We are also looking at the replacement of analogies with reading passages.” The SAT I is designed to measure students’ aptitude for college by studying their ability to think and reason. Last year, 1,276,320 high school seniors took the SAT I, according to the College Board, which is scheduled to consider the proposed changes in June. “We want a better test with clear expectations,” said Hanan Eisenman, media coordinator for admissions at UC. “We’ve done testing and research on this and by studying high-school students’ grade-point average, SAT II and SAT I scores, we found that the current SAT I didn’t tell us anything more about the applicant than the other two elements.” UC is concerned with creating a SAT I which tests more on subject matter that is taught in the classroom and is a clear link to college preparation. Some schools like Fullerton Union High School are awarded grants to contract with companies like Princeton


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u p co m i n g n

Check out next week’s Daily Titan to see what Associated Students Inc. is doing to help students cope with the stress of finals.

Review to provide a SAT I preparatory course free of charge to students. Any changes to the SAT I would be incorporated in the teachers’ curriculum as well as the preparatory courses for the test. “We’re not too worried about the proposed changes,” principal Steve Roderic said. “We’ve had tremendous improvements from the prep courses that will not be affected by this.” The addition of the writing component of the test has critics saying non-English speakers will be at a disadvantage. “This is being explored extensively,” Carnahan said. “We will be doing lots of field testing to be sure that it won’t have a severe impact on one group.” The current SAT I is graded completely with scantron computers. However, the new writing portion will have to be graded by trained readers. “The essay portion won’t be as reliable as the multiple-choice portion,” Carnahan said. “But with a combination of the two, scores will be more accurate.” The board will be testing the reliability of the test to see how well it will hold up. The field testing will be very labor intensive, as they must get a large sample of schools under secure conditions. The board must also offer some incentive to those who take the test, such as payment, since they cannot offer the students an official score of the field test SAT I. The board also will be trying to keep the cost of the test down to about $25. “It’s our responsibility to update the test, so we will try not to raise the price of the test for the students,” Carnahan said. “I think the new test sounds better,” said Ashley Forshee, a junior at El Dorado High School, who recently took the SAT I. “The students will have to take harder classes, though. If they want to test us on trigonometry we’ll probably have to take more advanced math classes earlier in high school. Most students take that class their senior year and I think it would be better to take it a year earlier to prepare for the test.”

SAT/ 5

cated to the Titan Student Union operating budget, freeing up funds in the ASI budget and contributing to its $95,110 surplus. Student leaders said the surplus allowed them to fund new programs and expand others. During deliberations they trimmed few proposals and fully funded most of the requests they received. In some cases, they increased individual budgets. “It’s a healthy budget,” said ASI President Alex Lopez. “Next year, there will be increases. That’s something we didn’t have in the past.” For example, ASI Productions will receive an extra $27,000 in the 2002-03 budget. ASIP sponsors events throughout the year, such as concerts, movie screenings and poetry readings. Like other groups slated to receive extra funds, it will use the money to hold

ASI ASI 2002-03 2002-03 Fiscal Fiscal year year Budget Budget Proposal Proposal Summary Summary

and promote events. “I think it’s a great idea,” said graduate student Kelly Reich. “Events will get more exposure. It will probably get the community more interested in what’s going on.” Legislators also provided funding for four new inter-club councils. The Sports Club ICC will receive about $18,800; the Humanities and Social Sciences ICC will get about $39,100; the Human Development and Community Service ICC will receive about $9,300; the Arts ICC will get about $17,600. “Whether directly or indirectly, students will be impacted by the budget,” Zazueta said. “Because of the increased budget, students will see more programs. ASI programs will be more visible.” For example, the Titan Tusk Force


Spreading the word

AICA $78,711 Arboretum $10,571 ASI Accounting and Administration $228,539 ASI Board of Directors $14,568 ASI Computer Services $58,294 ASI Executive Offices $269,124 ASI Elections $14,335 ASI General Services $105,220 ASI Human Services $136,353 ASI/TSU Office of Program Support $51,101 ASI Productions $124,440 Arts ICC $17,636 BICC $28,051 Camp Titan $50,322 Children’s Center $281,807 CICC $19,686 Contingency $39,124

College Legal Clinic $9,500 Departmental Association Council $19,505 ECS ICC $26,487 HDCS ICC $9,386 Honor Society Council $ 6,755 HSS ICC $39,186 IFC $12,670 Mesa Cooperativa $5,375 Mission Viejo Campus $7,845 NSM ICC $16,736 Panhellenic $12,566 RSA $15,655 Sports Club ICC $18,872 Total: $1.72 million Projected non-directed student fee income: $1.82 million Surplus: $95,110


See Page 5

nOUTLET: To help students relax for finals, a video game extravaganza will be at the TSU Underground By Mark Migrino

Daily Titan Staff Writer

erick fierro martinez/Daily Titan

David Wilcox stands on street corners in order to send messages questioning life.

The end of the fall semester can be a very stressful period for Cal State Fullerton students. ‑ With term papers to write, final projects to complete and exams right around the corner, many students are seeking an outlet where they take a break in the middle of all the madness.‑ From May 20 to 31, the Titan Student Union is offering that needed outlet, which they hope will give students a final energy charge heading into the end of the semester. The TSU Underground will be hosting its fifth “Video Game Extravaganza.” Students will have a chance to compete in four pre-selected games and the player who accumulates the top score will receive a prize for the game that they mastered. ‑ The player who racks up the most total points on all four games will be the recipient of a prize. “Students get stressed during study time,” said Scott Poddig, the TSU games and recreation manager. ‑“We offer this so they can relax and take a stress-relief break.” The contest will follow a “pay as you play” setting. ‑This means that any CSUF student can pump some spare change into an arcade game and use their video game skills to earn the highest score. Once a high score has been reached,


Studies show violence increases after graduanRESEARCH: Reports state that relationships can turn abusive when people complete their college education By Afni Adnan

Daily Titan Staff Writer Graduation is one of the most momentous occasions in a student’s life. It’s the first step to independence and freedom. But to some people, that independence can come at a cost. Research has shown that domestic violence increases during graduation

time, and that women in particular, are victims of the abuse. “Once they start declaring a real independence, the abuse escalates to violence in the relationship,” said Patty R. Arambarri, coordinator of the Joint Task Force on Domestic Violence. “These relationships are about power and control, and when the woman becomes more powerful and well-educated, the abuser escalates the behavior in order to control the victim.” Arambarri said that cases of abuse increase when the men start feeling like they’re losing control over the women, and that can be when the women graduates, goes to school or gets a job. “Graduation is a risk factor [for

abuse],” Arambarri said. “Pregnancy is also a risk factor, which is very surprising to a lot of people, especially to the women involved. The abuser seems to be threatened by the child because she’s giving a lot of attention to the unborn child.” Arambarri also said that once the abusive person finds out their partner is leaving, the violence worsens. Therefore, women need a safety plan and understand what their options are. However, for women who decide to go into a shelter, going to school may be risky. “The partner could follow her from school to the shelter,” Arambarri said. “So she (the victim) feels like she’s really stuck.” Nearly one-third of American


women reported being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives, according to a 1998 Commonwealth Fund survey. Jerri Freeman, the domestic violence instructor for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department Training Academy, said that many women stay silent about the abuse because they are in denial. “In a lot of cases, it’s hard to believe that this is really happening to them,” she said. “This is someone who is professing their love to them.” When the abuse becomes violent, the victim could file a restraining order. But Freeman said a restraining order can only do so much.

“A restraining order is a piece of paper,” she said. “It doesn’t stop bullets, it doesn’t stop knives, it doesn’t stop a fire. We have to make sure victims know that and that they have to protect themselves.” Arambarri said women are ashamed of the abuse and feel like it’s their fault. They think that no one is going to believe them and they can handle it themselves. She also said that the abuse is gradual, but it worsens as the abuser becomes more threatened and less secure. “It starts off with really subtle things like possessiveness and jeal-


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