2002 05 21

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,

F U L L E R T O N Titan track and field their season at the Big West Conference Championships

INSIDE NEWS: Anaheim resident Lisa Tucker,13, 3 ncaptivates audiences with her singing voice

—see Sports page 10

OPINION: Recent terrorist warnings are the 4 nWhite House’s attempt to save its image

T u e s d ay

Vo l u m e 7 4 , I s s u e 4 8

M a y 21, 2002

TSU open for all-nightnFINALS: Until May 31, students can take advantage of services to help them relax and study for exams By Theresa Salinas

Daily Titan Staff Writer The Titan Student Union is being transformed this week into a 24hour study center, complete with group study areas and stress relief amenities. The TSU kicked off its traditional All-Night Study program Monday.

The event, which lasts until May 31, gives students a chance to hit the books and take advantage of the TSU’s many amenities. “The nature of the event is to open the building to students around the clock,” said TSU Director Kurt Borsting. “It gives students a last opportunity to study or work on group projects.” Various TSU departments participate in the all-night study program, offering services to help prepare students, mentally and physically, for finals week. For those who need extra study time, most student lounges and meeting rooms will be open 24 hours a day. TSU rooms such as Alvardo, Bradford, Gilman, Hetebrink and

Gabrielino will be open until 4 a.m., starting May 26. Mainframe computer lab also has extended operating hours through May 31. The lab will be open from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m., Mondays through Thursdays. Fridays, it will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Students can print items for free May 24, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The lab houses more than 30 Dell computers and a large selection of magazines and CDs. Senior Jimmy Lin said he thinks it’s a good idea to have study rooms and computer labs open before and during finals week. “If I had access to those resources it would help me study for finals,” Lin said. For students who need a reprieve

All-Night Study events:

from studying, the TSU offers a barrage of distractions. Associated Students, Inc. Productions sponsors a variety of promotions from May 28 to 31, including prize giveaways and free massages. Rec Sports is holding the “Exam Jam” today and Wednesday in the gym, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Students can participate in basketball, volleyball and badminton games. A free hip-hop dance class will be from 9:45 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. Admission is free with a valid Cal State Fullerton student ID. “It’s an opportunity to take a break,” said Alison Wittwer, assis-

May 21 and 22 “Exam Jam” in the gym, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Free basketball, volleyball and badminton games. Hip-hop dance class from 9:45 to 10:45 p.m. May 24 Free printing at the Mainframe computer lab, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. May 28 to 30 Free bowling and billiards at the TSU Games and Recreation, from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Free massages in the TSU Fireside Lounge,

TSU/ 6

Kimonos add to ambiance nART: The exhibit of Japanese costumes in the Atrium Gallery in the Pollak Library was extended until June 2 By Veronica Hagey

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Courtesy of Janice Sheffield

Fifteen 4-to-5-year-olds from the Children’s Center protested Monday to unlock a gate at the corner of Campus and Corporation drives.

Pint-sized protesters prevail nDEMONSTRATION: A group of children learned a valuable lesson in fighting for their rights Monday By Rita Freeman

Daily Titan News Editor Public Safety responded to a riot call Monday morning expecting to find students protesting. When they arrived at the corner of

West Campus and Corporation drives Monday morning, they discovered 15 children, between age 4 and 5, from the Children’s Center picketing and shouting “unlock the gate, unlock the gate.” “They are empowered to take action,” said Betsy Gibbs, director of the Children’s Center. “They don’t have to rely on other people.” Shortly after 11 a.m., children from the Sunshine Room at the Children’s Center started their protest over a locked gate that prevented them from walking on the sidewalk. They carried the six signs that stated remarks like “little feet do not belong

in the street,” and “it’s hard to wait, open the gate,” around in a circle. Every three minutes the children rotated the signs so each could have a turn holding one. After a few minutes with no results, some started to think their efforts failed. Eight minutes later, two officers appeared and unlocked the gate. Janice Sheffield, head teacher for the Sunshine Room at the Children’s Center and organizer of the protest, said the children started jumping up and down, screaming and running across the street in celebration of their victory. “It was like they were free,”

Sheffield said. Five-year-old Tahshae Catching said her favorite part of the protest was when the children wrote a “thank you” note to the officers for unlocking the gate. “We were shouting ‘yea’ when they unlocked the gate,” Catching said. “We were laughing and circling all the way around.” After the protest, Sheffield suspects the gate might have been locked accidentally. She said the gate shuts the facility off and the children cannot go anywhere unless they cross into the


Serene, Japanese music greets visitors at the “Kimono: The Wearable Art of Japan” exhibit in the Atrium Gallery, at Cal State Fullerton’s Pollak Library. Adding to the scene are Japanese flowers and screens. “The big news is that the exhibit has been extended until June 2,” said JoAnn Carter-Wells, co-producer of the stage presentation and opening reception of the exhibit. Live models presented the kimonos during the stage presentation March 22. “They also had children from the community modeling the kimonos, which was fun. It was a big event,” said Ashley Bishop, chair of the reading department, which is one of the exhibit’s sponsors. The ongoing exhibit in the library features traditional Japanese costumes, including fantasy kimonos adorned with feathers, rhinestones and pearls. Kimonos representing women at different life stages are part of the traditional costume portion of the exhibit. Casual and formal kimonos, following women from adolescence to adulthood, unmarried to married, line the walls of the Atrium Gallery. Featured artists are Japanese kimono designers Jane Aiko Yamano and Yumi Katsura. Katsura is a well-known artist who has designed for the Pope, said Veronica Chiang, the exhibit’s curator. Chiang said Yamano has been groomed from infancy to keep the kimono tradition. “Yamano was designated by her grandmother to carry on the tradition,” Chiang said.

All kimonos are encased in glass and are displayed on mannequins or special kimono stands, which were provided by Kimona-Ya, a specialty shop in Los Angeles. “ I tried not to touch the fabrics,” said Hwang Kwang, one of the exhibit’s installers. “We do the heavy-duty work; there are special people who put the kimonos up. Those fabrics need special care,” he said. The Japanese wedding kimono, designed by Katsura, includes hand and machine embroidery in metallic gold, silver and copper threads on a black background. “I liked most of them but I particularly liked the wedding one,” Hwang said. Yamano’s designs focus on traditional kimonos, but also showcased are two fantasy kimonos. One of Yamano’s traditional kimonos on display is the Jyuni-hitoe, a 12-layered ceremonial kimono made for court ladies in Japan. The Jyuni-hitoe stands out with its vibrant green, red and orange layers contrasted against the muted peach, cream and white layers that form a colorful “V” in front of the chest. A gold, Japanese hair ornament crowns the mannequin’s head. Another kimono that separates itself from the others is the Furisode, which translates to “long sleeves.” The sleeves are nearly floor length on the outspread kimono, which hangs on a kimono stand. Young, unmarried women wear this particular kimono for formal or festive occasions, according to the exhibit’s information cards. Silver, gold, and copper flowers bloom on the hand-painted kimono, which has also been tie-dyed and hand embroidered with metallic threads. The two fantasy kimonos are displayed on mannequins. The electric pink and white kimono is layered with sheer fabric, lace, sequins and pearls. The accompanying headpiece with intricate


Wushu coach brings world-class experience to stunTRAINING: CSUF’s instructor, Philip Chen, practiced with China’s elite national team and Jet Li’s teacher By Erick Fierro Martinez Daily Titan Staff Writer

It is not every day a young energetic instructor walks into a classroom prepared to teach students an art form that sometimes can appear intimidating. However, when Wushu instructor Philip Chen walks into the classroom each morning, students immediately identify with him and admire his courage to take on such a difficult task. The relationship Chen has with his

students is amazing. Maintaining a close relationship with students and earning respect is something he has strived for through the years. Chen’s love and dedication to Wushu, a 5,000-year-old Chinese martial art, developed when he was a child watching movies and actors such as Jet Li. However, Wushu was more than just pop culture and exercise, “it was an opportunity to learn more about my [family’s] culture,” Chen said. Through the years, Chen has had many coaches, but he has spent most of his years training with Brian Wang. Wang practiced Wushu in the Province of Nanjing, China for many years and later served as the head coach for the Province of Nanjing Wushu team. Chen also had the opportunity to practice the martial art with Jet Li’s instructor Wu Bin, head coach of the Beijing National Wushu Team in China. The

Beijing National Team is No. 1 in the world. “It served as a booster shot,” Chen said. “The training experience is much different than in the United States. For one month, six hours a day, six days a week you eat breathe and live Wushu. It gives you a chance to focus on your experience.” Training with the best athletes in the world is only a part of the experience – the coaches are the other part. “The coach is much more focused. Once you are there, you are theirs. Everything must be precise,” he said. Chen’s first national competition was in 1995 where he placed second at the Long Beach International Karate Championship. In 1996, he placed first at the National Wushu Competition. “The competition was won months beforehand – 99 percent of competition is the training the other 1 percent is show-

ing up and performing what you have already know.” Last fall, Chen had the opportunity to participate in the World Wushu games in Armenia. The event is host to 92 countries and is held every two years. Chen placed fifth in Southern Staff and sixth in Southern Saber— weapons events in the art of Wushu. Chen says his success is largely because of his parents. “If it wasn’t for their support, I wouldn’t have been able to compete,” he said. “They also supported me financially, competition is expensive. I’ve been to Armenia, Hong Kong and Brazil and usually a family member travels with me. It’s like having another coach there for me.” Chen’s father knows what its like to be a competing athlete. He was once a team-



Erick fierro martinez/Daily Titan

Philip Chen teaches students the martial art, Wushu, at CSUF.

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