U N I V E R S I T Y ,
h t t p : / / d a i l y t i t a n . f u l l e r t o n . e d u W E D N E S D AY
Vo l u m e 7 5 , I s s u e 3 7
N ove m be r 1 3 , 2 0 0 2
Month Honors Native Americans nCULTURE: The Inter-Tribal Student Council hosts a celebration to promote awareness day in the Quad on Thursday By Jill Daloria
Daily Titan Staff Writer
PERSPECTIVES: A writer’s visit to Cuba reveals an island made beautiful not by by its landscape, but by its history and remarkable people
Native American Awareness Day, an event sponsored by the InterTribal Student Council, will be held on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Central Quad. The event is a way in which the council could celebrate the Native American Awareness Month of November. “People are very unfamiliar of the idea of Native American Awareness Month,” said Inter-Tribal Council’s President Leya Hale. “Many people don’t know it exists. In 1990, the president designated November as Native American
Awareness Month,” she said. The day will showcase modern and traditional dancers. The opening act will be the Acjachemen Singers and the main event will be a performance by the Eagle Spirit Dancers. “The program that we are going to present is in an educational, storytelling format,” said Ben Hale, coordinator for the Eagle Spirit Dancers. “We want to make people aware of our stories and traditions. The way we express ourselves and our values and traditions are still even more valuable today than ever before,” he said. There will be vendors set up on the side, who will be selling Native American arts and crafts such as pot-
tery, jewelry and beadwork. “Without cultures and traditions, we are people who function in society not knowing our true self,” Leya Hale said. There also will be contests such as best costume and best children’s costume. “People who are not Native American will be able to see the differences in dress,” said Rosalina Camacho, coordinator of the Women of Color Resource Centers. “The typical stereotype of the American Indian dress is big feathers and bright colors. Many of the dresses are more subdued with colors like tan.” Prayer circles also will take place during the event.
“You don’t ever enter a circle unless you are invited,” Camacho said. “People don’t realize that there are rules of respect in the Native American culture. They don’t just walk in and sit down.” This event is one of the many cultural events on campus that celebrates diversity and welcomes everyone to take part in celebrating our diversity. “The more we learn, the more diverse our campus can be,” said junior and liberal studies major Thanh Nguyen. “I’m planning to go and learn about the Native American culture. I want to learn about their values, what types of traditions they have and what types of foods they make.”
People will get a chance to see Native Americans pass on their traditions through the ceremonies, prayer circles and showcases that will take place. “I think there is a great need for events like this around campus because if you don’t experience somebody’s beliefs, great value and identity will be lost,” Ben Hale said. An event like this will give students a chance to experience the Native American culture. “There are many Native Americans who go to this school, but do not know or practice their traditions,” Leya Hale said. “An event like this
TribeTries to Shake Bad Rap
Enough with the Mind Games!
Please see page 4
nLECTURE: A slide show was presented by the Tohono O’odham Nation to defend group
to the negative publicity, some of the Nation’s members have been involved in the trafficking of drugs and undocuAmid accusations of misconduct, mented immigrants. In the meantime, federal agents have members of the Tohono O’odham Nation are speaking out and educating been responsible for the destruction of cultural and archaeologithe public. cal cites. Other allegaCal State Fullerton tions include verbal students and facabuse and suspicious ulty were introduced Monday to the chal- “I am the only scrutiny, he said. “I am the only one lenges that confront these members at a slide one known to known to have asked an agent what they are show and commentary doing as opposed to them titled “La Frontera: have asked asking us,” Garcia said. Indian Sovereignty, “We need to let the Drug Trafficking, Death audience know what & Life Along the U.S./ an agent people are being faced Mexico Border,” prewith,” he said. sented by David Garcia, what they Recently nominated to councilman for the the Arizona/Mexico comNation at the Pollak are doing as mission, Garcia plans to Library. voice the Nation’s con“We want to educate cerns. the public, to inform opposed to “As people we are and clarify the situation going to have an impact knowing the bad pubthem asking on what’s going on licity we’re being faced behind closed doors,” with, responsibility for Garcia said. us” death,” Garcia said. Garcia provided imagGarcia referred to the es that portrayed the conincreasing death toll-of David Garcia, ditions of the region durimmigrants crossing the ing the discussion. United States/Mexico Councilman for the “These people are border. walking around without The Tohono O’odham food and water with no Nation is a federally idea of where they are recognized indigenous going, and they end up entity in Southern Arizona, here,” Garcia said of the immigrants. with a membership of 25,505. As communities within the Nation It is the second-largest reservation in the United States, extending 76 continue to provide blankets, food and emergency services to people in need, miles across the border. Members of the Nation are scruti- human rights and economic issues nized by government agencies such as remain at the forefront of the Nation’s the Border Patrol for not having docu- agenda. Garcia urges students to visit the mentation such as birth certificates on their person, Garcia said. Adding FRONTERA/ 5
By Micole Alfaro
Special to the Titan
NEWS: Students take advantage of convenient flu and meningitis vaccinations sponsored by the Health Center and Vaccess Health Please see page 5
SPORTS: For the aspiring Tiger Woods’, take a look at the numerous local golf courses and how much it will hit you in the pocketbook JAIME NOLTE/Daily Titan
Please see page 8
David Wilcox stands at the corner of State College Boulevard and Nutwood holding a sign. Wilcox, 51, has been holding similar signs at high-traffic intersections for 16 years.
Exhibit Fosters Mexican Culture
nART: The Titan Student Union’s Center Gallery showcases 14 pieces by Samuel A. Baray, including acrylic, silkscreen-based and iris prints
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Learn all about HipHop when its off the heezy for sheezy in the Dizaily Tizitan in tomorrow’z issue
By Edna Silva
Daily Titan Staff Writer The Titan Student Union’s Center Gallery is featuring an exhibit titled “East Los Angeles Images and Reality,” until Nov. 20. The Chicano Resource Center, ENLACE and the Chicano Studies Department sponsored the exhibit. Displayed in a garden setting, Samuel A. Baray’s 14 pieces shared a common theme reflecting his Mexican background and the Los Angeles community where he was born and raised. His works include silkscreen-based prints, acrylic and iris prints. “He has a very good sense of color and design,” said Poli Marichal, who attended the opening. She has seen many of Baray’s exhibits and owns several of his pieces. The opening on Thursday included
musical group Trio Chapala who performed for over 60 viewers in attendance. An altar of La Virgen de Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico, is also displayed as tribute and additional adornment. “I saw his work in an exhibit in Los Angeles and felt that it would bring added cultural awareness to CSUF,” said Tammy Camacho, Chicano Resource Center coordinator who organized the event. Camacho admires the works for how Baray embodies the beauty and deep-rooted culture of East Los Angeles. His work centers around the religious, spiritual and cultural themes of Chicano and Mexican art, Baray said. However, it does not necessarily focus on political issues. His artwork reflects the beauty of a community
that has not typically been portrayed as such. It is not a nationalistic type of art but an art that he hopes can be enjoyed by many communities, Baray said. “It (art) comes from a community … it has to ring true to where you come from,” Baray said. East Los Angeles has a lot of history and beauty, which he tries to reflect in his work as he calls attention to the beauty of a community that he holds close to his heart, he said. Baray’s works are vastly colorful, some particularly concerned with abstract forms to create images that “are a blending of [his] life experiences in family, work, and community,” Baray said. Baray has a notable background, which includes a bachelor’s degree in art education, at California State University, Los Angeles, and a master’s in urban educational policy and
EDNA SILVA/Daily Titan
Albert Ornelas admires one of Samuel Baray’s art pieces. planning, from UCLA. He also stud- Some exhibitions include “Chicano ied Spanish art and literature at the Expressions” at the Pretoria Arts University of Madrid, Spain. Since Museum in South Africa during 1996 he has been a full-time artist, 1994; “Virgens and Madonnas” at leaving a teaching position at Roosevelt the DADA, in Los Angeles during 1996; and “Millennium Exhibit” in High School in Boyle Heights. His work has been seen in exhiEXHIBIT/ 5 bitions both foreign and domestic.