2002 11 15

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,



h t t p : / / d a i l y t i t a n . f u l l e r t o n . e d u WEEKEND

Vo l u m e 7 5 , I s s u e 3 9


N ove m be r 1 5 , 2 0 0 2

Students Clash atWarProtest nDEMONSTRATION: Speakers lash out against impending U.S. war with Iraq By Matthew Sedlar

Daily Titan Opinion Editor

NEWS: The Board of Trustees approves the building of a five-level parking structure and a pending decision to add 275 acres to El Toro Please see page 3


Wesam Hijazin and Richard Andradesh shout “No blood for oil!” at Ben Kerridge, right.

OPINION: Weapons of mass destruction can be defined in several ways, and the United States looks like the main offender when it comes to Please see page 6

SPORTS: Get a little closer look at the Cal State Fullerton women’s basketball team, the queens of their court, with player profiles and photos Please see page 4 & 5


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Check out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton.edu. New features and sections will be available this year!

u p co m i n g n

His happy sign says that Jesus loves you. His happy voice says the same. Get to know Curly Dalke in next week’s issue.

LeadersWill Bridge Cultures at Week-Long Campus Event nDIVERSITY: International Education Week features film about African American servicemen, discussion of new foreign student regulations By Jennifer Dominguez Daily Titan Staff Writer

International Education Week is being celebrated throughout the United States next week and here at Cal State Fullerton. The International Education office, Dean of Students, and the Multicultural Leadership Center will provide a week of activities designed to raise awareness of global and multicultural issues. The theme of next week’s events is “Leaders Bridging Cultures.” The week will kick off with a media and lecture presentation called, “We Stand On Their Shoulders,” focusing on the heroic achievements of African American servicemen during World War II. This lecture will be presented by award winning documentary film producer and educator, William H. Smith and will center on his documentary film, “The Invisible Soldiers: Unheard Voices.” Smith will discuss issues of culture and ethnicity and the understanding of social and economic justice. Many other activities will take place throughout the week and one of the program highlights will include a group session, “Strategies to Facilitate Learning in the Diverse, Multicultural Classroom,” given by a CSUF faculty panel featuring Debbie Ambrosetti, Dana Loewy, Irene Matz, Lynda Randall and Rich Wiseman. “People have different learning

styles based upon different cultural orientation, so the purpose of the presentation will basically be about how faculty can tailor their instruction among a multicultural classroom,” said Professor of speech communications Rich Wiseman. Another activity planned for next week is a symposium with international students from abroad to discuss their experiences studying in the United States. The student discussion will be called, “Toto, We’re Not in Kansas Anymore.” On Nov. 22 a session called “Open Doors: New Challenges” will discuss a new database program called the Student & Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) which will go into effect Jan. 30. This national database system will provide automatic and direct student information to the INS to monitor international students trying to get visas. “Anyone who’s read the newspaper or watched television knows probably that there’s been an increased attention to the presence of foreign students in the United States after 9/11 and the need for the United States to do a better job of monitoring who those people are,” said Bob Erickson, director of International Education and Exchange. “The university is making a major investment of resources to be compliant with this new federal regulation (SEVIS), so the purpose of my presentation is to explain to the

university community what SEVIS means and how it’s going to change the way we handle information on campus,” Erickson said. “There are a lot of concerns about the ethical and legal implications of this new program, so I intend to make it an open forum for students, administrators and faculty to raise any questions or concerns they might have.” In recognition of Multicultural Leadership Week, a student essay writing contest was launched and many students participated to write on the topic “Does Peace Begin With Me?” A panel of distinguished professionals working within the academic field will judge the entries. Scholarships funded by the Priscilla Oaks Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to students. Winners will be recognized at the closing ceremony of International Education & Multicultural Leadership Week, held on Nov. 22 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Academic Senate Chambers. Andrea Simms, coordinator of the Multicultural Leadership Center, said this will be a week of culture and learning for the campus community. “All of these events are designed to enrich students’ experience outside of the classroom,” Simms said. “We hope to have a big turnout at all the events planned, and we hope that we can help people celebrate diversity, leadership and multiculturalism.”

Views on the impending war with Iraq were deeply divided as emotions ran high at a protest led by the Arab Student Association at noon on Thursday. The protesters, who marched from Langsdorf Hall to Becker Amphitheater, displayed signs with messages like “A drop of blood isn’t worth a barrel of oil,” or “Not another Vietnam.” Members of the association passed out stickers with the phrase “For peace, not war.” The protest initially drew approximately 30 students, but a larger crowd gathered as time passed. “We are here to speak out against the senseless war,” Wesam Hijazin, a senior computer science major, announced to the crowd. The speakers pledged to incorporate every topic covered in national news, from Palestine to Afghanistan. “These issues are intertwined

and you can’t separate them,” speaker Jason McBeath said. McBeath welcomed everyone, whether they agreed with his views or not. “Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen. We are going to war,” he said. McBeath is involved with Not In Our Name, a group that has recently organized protests in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Westwood. According to its Web site, Not In Our Name urges citizens of the United States to “resist the injustices done by our government, in our names.” McBeath’s message to the crowd ran along the same lines. “Freedom is not a right, but a responsibility, and it’s our responsibility to hold our own government accountable,” he said. “You need to educate yourselves. So when someone agrees with going to war against Iraq, you can tell them why that isn’t right.” Not all students agreed with


BushWrong, Speakers Say nLECTURE: Two CSUF professors and one activist predict war with Iraq would be disaster By Edna Silva

Daily Titan Staff Writer Richard Becker, a leading political activist and the Western Region codirector of the International Action Center, spoke at the Titan Student Union Wednesday night in a public debate explaining why the American people should not support the war in Iraq. The underlying theme among the three speakers was that a war with Iraq would be a disaster for Iraq and the United States. William Haddad, History Department chairman, and Chad Briggs, political science professor from Cal State Fullerton also took part in the debate. A leading spokesman for the opposition of war, Becker criticized U.S. foreign policy and Bush’s “zero tolerance” conditions. He also criticized the U.N. resolution, and said that the conditions were “onerous, [and] impossible to meet.” Becker is a member of ANSWER – Act Now to Stop War and End Racism – Coalition which was formed in the aftermath of Sept. 11 and has been responsible for various mass demonstrations against the Bush administration’s wars. ANSWER’s mass marches on April 20 had 100,000 protesters in Washington, D.C. and 35,000 in San Francisco. As co-director of the center, he

has led tens of thousands in marches against the war, racial profiling and the attack on civil rights and civil liberties. He said the center also focuses on building a wave of resistance against the corporatemilitary complex that tries to dominate, impoverish and oppress people around the world, and right here in the United States. He is also a co-leader of the third Iraq Sanctions Challenge, made up of 51 people from various countries that delivered over 2 million in life-saving medications, including simple antibiotics and anti-diarrheal medicines to combat the increasing child/infant death rate. According to Becker, the greatest effect of previous and present policies is that it has taken a toll on Iraq’s infrastructure, which has caused a downward spiral for the people of Iraq. It is deliberate and essential to breakdown everything that makes Iraq an independent country, Becker said. “It’s a terrible war against the whole population,” Becker said. He describes the war a disaster waiting to happen, and that the Bush administration’s reasons for military action are bogus and false to the core. Becker claims that the real reason for U.S. involvement in that region


Dancers Celebrate Native Spirit nCELEBRATION: Inter-Tribal Student Council hosts cultural event By Jill Daloria

Daily Titan Staff Writer The Eagle Spirit Dancers made a grand entrance with their ornate headresses and colorful costumes. They marched to the beat of the drum and took their place at the Quad. The dancers were introduced by Inter-Tribal Student Council President Leya Hale. Each dance that they performed had a story and a meaning to it. The “Spear and Shield Dance” depicted a battle between two men, and the other dance called the “Young Women Dance” mimicked the everyday tasks of a young tribal woman. “I’ve never been to anything

like this before,” said Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan secretary Ivette Perez. “I came here to support the Inter Tribal Council. MEchA believes in our indigenous side, therefore I came to support them.” The Native American United Methodist Church in Anaheim sold silver, turquoise and beadwork during the event. “Our silver comes from Arizona and New Mexico, our beadwork comes from Oklahoma, and we also get some of our stuff from reservations,” said Winnie James, a representaive from church. “Different tribes have different symbols.” There was also a booth where ceramics were sold and displayed.

Earlene Dalasohya from the Hopi tribe in Laguna said, “I brought ceramics and jewelry from the Hopi and Laguna which is from the Pueblo tribe.” Many students heard about the event through word of mouth and the paper. “I heard about it from the Titan yesterday, and I am really interested in learning about other cultures and promoting awareness and diversity among other cultures,” said Leah Lazaro, a student from Biola University who works with multicultural and multiethnic programs. This event let students know that there was a Native American com-


One performance by the Eagle Spirit Dancers on Thursday depicted a battle between two men.


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