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EarlyThanksgiving for Dormitories nRESIDENTS: Students get an early start on the holidays with turkey and Top Ramen By Eugene Park

Daily Titan Staff Writer

NEWS: Ephedra lurks in various health and energy supplements. Learn why this booster packs a nasty and potentially dangerous punch

One week before Thanksgiving Day, students at the residence halls celebrated together. For Resident Adviser Kyle Feldman, it might be the only chance he would get to celebrate. Feldman volunteered to work and look after the residence halls on Thanksgiving Day. “I’m looking forward to it,” said Feldman, a sophomore and theater

education major. “We all have to volunteer for office hours during the day and duty nights. I volunteered to stick around here, and it’s no problem.” Born in California, Feldman said he keeps in touch with his parents in Seattle. But he doesn’t mind not having them around during the holidays. “I went back last year, and also for Christmas,” he said. “I love them to death, but it’s not a pressing matter where I have to see them.” Feldman and 10 others were planning to take a trip to Seattle for the break, but plans fell through because of clashing schedules. Now they may have another Thanksgiving dinner on that day. “If anyone passes by and doesn’t have anywhere to go, it’s not like we’re going to turn them away. They’re always welcome,” he said.

Program Coordinator Les Leung said the Wednesday Thanksgiving potluck had a good turnout, with 107 students showing up. Leung is onethird of the social trio, the program coordinators of the Resident Student Association. “It’s not quite as many people as I thought,” said Leung, a senior and psychology major. “There are lots of leftovers. We tend to over plan, but it’s better to over plan than to under plan.” The original plan was to have students who brought food to eat first, and those with an RSA card eat for free, while other students pay $3. But because there was no shoebox to hold the money, only one person ended up paying, while another bought the $20 RSA card on the same day just to attend.



Students eagerly dig into the pre-Thanksgiving potluck spread.

Death of an Education

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By Diana Gonzales

Daily Titan Staff Writer

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extras online n

Check out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton.edu. New features and sections will be available this year!

u p co m i n g n

Enjoy your week off from academia! The Daily Titan will be back after the holiday ... until then, eat, drink and be merry!

Meeting to Discuss Reforms nPOLICY: The INS will subject international students to more strict registration regulations beginning next year

OPINION: INS plays Big Brother with international students via the Internet. War with Saddam Hussein isn’t pending because it is already here

SPORTS: Any other year the women’s soccer team would have been happy with its 12-5-1 season, but this year it wasn’t enough

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Activists protesting proposed education budget cuts wheeled a coffin through Cypress College on Thursday.


Volunteering is a Holiday Option nGIVING: Students can participate at a soup kitchen or distribute food to those in need By Melissa Chavez

Special to the Titan It is the time of year to be thankful for all you have, and there is no better way to celebrate than by giving back to the community. This holiday season there are many volunteer and donating opportunities available all over Orange County. The Volunteer and Service Center on campus offers a wide range of volunteer possibilities to suit your generous palate this Thanksgiving. Students, who not only devote their time to organizing events, but participate in them as well, run each division of the center. The Hunger Coalition Division of the center offers an alternative volunteer project to students, serving a Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 27 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen in Costa Mesa. This school-sponsored event is offered before Thanksgiving so that

volunteers do not have to miss spending the holiday with their own families. “There are many families in Orange County who are poverty- stricken and are unable to supply two meals a day,” said Hunger Coalition project director and human services major Mary Nguyen. “A full meal is probably something students may take for granted, but may be a blessing the homeless only receive once a week. Making time to volunteer will not go unrewarded.” Nguyen, who organized the event, said the Costa Mesa-based soup kitchen is a good start for anyone looking to volunteer for the first time. The soup kitchen allows volunteers to actively participate in cooking, cleaning, serving, and even seating the diners in a restaurant-like setting. Each year around Thanksgiving the organization has canned food, clothing, and blanket drives, but CHAMP assistant project director and former Hunger Coalition director Kelly Teramoto said that soup kitchens offer a different perspective. “Just being there is a realization of how fortunate we as students are,” Teramoto said. “It is amazing that just a little effort makes a big difference in their lives and our own.” The Volunteer Center’s motto, “Hey it’s Your World … Change it!”

is Sabrina Sanders' slogan as well. Sanders, the coordinator of the center, said, “If the over 30,000 students, faculty and staff on campus could all donate just a little of their time, we would promote changing the world with our actions.” The center offers other volunteer opportunities in Orange County. We Care of Los Alamitos needs donations of food, supermarket gift certificates and cash, as well as volunteer food sorters and assistance with packing food baskets for distribution on Nov. 23, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. For more info, contact We Care at (562) 598-9790. On Nov. 26, FISH of the Harbor Area in Newport Beach needs volunteers to deliver food baskets to homes in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Irvine areas. Contact FISH at (949) 642-6060. On Nov. 28, La Casa Garcia in Anaheim needs over 800 volunteers to set up, serve, and clean up a Thanksgiving Day meal for an expected 10,000 people. The meals will be served from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call (714) 772-2777, or visit 531 W. Chapman Ave., Anaheim. Also Thanksgiving Day, The Laguna Beach Relief and Resource Center is serving a potluck feast at Bluebird Park at noon.

Volunteers are needed to set up tables and chairs, to serve food, to help clean up, and to bring a side dish to share. The park is at the intersection of Bluebird and Cress streets, or for more information, call (949) 497-7121. Drug, Alcohol Recovery Team, Inc. in Midway City needs volunteers Thursday to prepare and serve the meal, clean up, and bake cookies for low income people from noon to 2 p.m. DART is located at 14892 Jackson St., or for information, call (714) 3798290. If you can’t volunteer your time, donate food, utensils, napkins, or money to any of the causes mentioned. Sanders said every little bit helps and, “Every volunteer is an angel in disguise.” The center offers opportunities for students to volunteer everyday but Sunday, and there is a Volunteer Now! search engine that matches your zip code to an activity in your area. Contact the center at (714) 2787623 for any additional questions. The center will be open Monday through Wednesday of next week and is located in the Titan Student Union, Room 2.

The International Student’s Office will be hosting a meeting that will explain the new implementation of the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, at 10 a.m. Friday. The new system is part of the Student and Exchange Visitor Program, which is converting the manual way that records of international students and exchange visitors were kept, into electronic records. The changes are expected to better enable Immigration and Naturalization Services to handle and manage international student cases. The meeting will be held in the Academic Senate Chambers located on the first floor of the Titan Bookstore, and is open to the entire campus community. “This is a program that has grown out of security concerns after Sept. 11, 2001,” said Bob Erickson, director of the International Education and Exchange Program. “It’s an effort that the government is making to keep accurate records of who the international students are in the U.S.,” International students from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Sudan are required to register once the program is mandated on Jan. 30, 2003. According to research done by the International Education and Exchange Office, nine Cal State Fullerton international students will be directly affected and will have to register by this date. Under current law, schools, universities and visitor exchange programs are already collecting data from international students in the United States who are here on student visas. Such information includes international student or exchange visitor status changes, admission at Port of Entry, changes of address, or a change in major. Now, under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, it is mandated that the INS begin to establish electronic reporting of these records. This is where SEVIS comes into play. These records will then be able to be sent via e-mail and the Internet directly to the INS office. According to the INS Web site, “Congress further mandated that this program be self-funding … to be paid by international students and exchange visitors. In December 1999, the INS published a proposed regulation in the Federal Register, setting the proposed fee at $95.” Erickson will be the keynote speaker at the session and will discuss details of the new system and also address questions students or faculty may have on the issue. He will also clear up any wrong information that students may

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