2002 11 22

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,



h t t p : / / d a i l y t i t a n . f u l l e r t o n . e d u Vo l u m e 7 5 , I s s u e 4 3



EarlyThanksgiving for Dormitories nRESIDENTS: Students get an early start on the holidays with turkey and Top Ramen By Eugene Park

Daily Titan Staff Writer

NEWS: Ephedra lurks in various health and energy supplements. Learn why this booster packs a nasty and potentially dangerous punch

One week before Thanksgiving Day, students at the residence halls celebrated together. For Resident Adviser Kyle Feldman, it might be the only chance he would get to celebrate. Feldman volunteered to work and look after the residence halls on Thanksgiving Day. “I’m looking forward to it,” said Feldman, a sophomore and theater

education major. “We all have to volunteer for office hours during the day and duty nights. I volunteered to stick around here, and it’s no problem.” Born in California, Feldman said he keeps in touch with his parents in Seattle. But he doesn’t mind not having them around during the holidays. “I went back last year, and also for Christmas,” he said. “I love them to death, but it’s not a pressing matter where I have to see them.” Feldman and 10 others were planning to take a trip to Seattle for the break, but plans fell through because of clashing schedules. Now they may have another Thanksgiving dinner on that day. “If anyone passes by and doesn’t have anywhere to go, it’s not like we’re going to turn them away. They’re always welcome,” he said.

Program Coordinator Les Leung said the Wednesday Thanksgiving potluck had a good turnout, with 107 students showing up. Leung is onethird of the social trio, the program coordinators of the Resident Student Association. “It’s not quite as many people as I thought,” said Leung, a senior and psychology major. “There are lots of leftovers. We tend to over plan, but it’s better to over plan than to under plan.” The original plan was to have students who brought food to eat first, and those with an RSA card eat for free, while other students pay $3. But because there was no shoebox to hold the money, only one person ended up paying, while another bought the $20 RSA card on the same day just to attend.



Students eagerly dig into the pre-Thanksgiving potluck spread.

Death of an Education

See Page 5

Please see page 3

By Diana Gonzales

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Please see page 4

Please see page 8


extras online n

Check out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton.edu. New features and sections will be available this year!

u p co m i n g n

Enjoy your week off from academia! The Daily Titan will be back after the holiday ... until then, eat, drink and be merry!

Meeting to Discuss Reforms nPOLICY: The INS will subject international students to more strict registration regulations beginning next year

OPINION: INS plays Big Brother with international students via the Internet. War with Saddam Hussein isn’t pending because it is already here

SPORTS: Any other year the women’s soccer team would have been happy with its 12-5-1 season, but this year it wasn’t enough

N ove m be r 2 2 , 2 0 0 2

Activists protesting proposed education budget cuts wheeled a coffin through Cypress College on Thursday.


Volunteering is a Holiday Option nGIVING: Students can participate at a soup kitchen or distribute food to those in need By Melissa Chavez

Special to the Titan It is the time of year to be thankful for all you have, and there is no better way to celebrate than by giving back to the community. This holiday season there are many volunteer and donating opportunities available all over Orange County. The Volunteer and Service Center on campus offers a wide range of volunteer possibilities to suit your generous palate this Thanksgiving. Students, who not only devote their time to organizing events, but participate in them as well, run each division of the center. The Hunger Coalition Division of the center offers an alternative volunteer project to students, serving a Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 27 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen in Costa Mesa. This school-sponsored event is offered before Thanksgiving so that

volunteers do not have to miss spending the holiday with their own families. “There are many families in Orange County who are poverty- stricken and are unable to supply two meals a day,” said Hunger Coalition project director and human services major Mary Nguyen. “A full meal is probably something students may take for granted, but may be a blessing the homeless only receive once a week. Making time to volunteer will not go unrewarded.” Nguyen, who organized the event, said the Costa Mesa-based soup kitchen is a good start for anyone looking to volunteer for the first time. The soup kitchen allows volunteers to actively participate in cooking, cleaning, serving, and even seating the diners in a restaurant-like setting. Each year around Thanksgiving the organization has canned food, clothing, and blanket drives, but CHAMP assistant project director and former Hunger Coalition director Kelly Teramoto said that soup kitchens offer a different perspective. “Just being there is a realization of how fortunate we as students are,” Teramoto said. “It is amazing that just a little effort makes a big difference in their lives and our own.” The Volunteer Center’s motto, “Hey it’s Your World … Change it!”

is Sabrina Sanders' slogan as well. Sanders, the coordinator of the center, said, “If the over 30,000 students, faculty and staff on campus could all donate just a little of their time, we would promote changing the world with our actions.” The center offers other volunteer opportunities in Orange County. We Care of Los Alamitos needs donations of food, supermarket gift certificates and cash, as well as volunteer food sorters and assistance with packing food baskets for distribution on Nov. 23, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. For more info, contact We Care at (562) 598-9790. On Nov. 26, FISH of the Harbor Area in Newport Beach needs volunteers to deliver food baskets to homes in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Irvine areas. Contact FISH at (949) 642-6060. On Nov. 28, La Casa Garcia in Anaheim needs over 800 volunteers to set up, serve, and clean up a Thanksgiving Day meal for an expected 10,000 people. The meals will be served from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call (714) 772-2777, or visit 531 W. Chapman Ave., Anaheim. Also Thanksgiving Day, The Laguna Beach Relief and Resource Center is serving a potluck feast at Bluebird Park at noon.

Volunteers are needed to set up tables and chairs, to serve food, to help clean up, and to bring a side dish to share. The park is at the intersection of Bluebird and Cress streets, or for more information, call (949) 497-7121. Drug, Alcohol Recovery Team, Inc. in Midway City needs volunteers Thursday to prepare and serve the meal, clean up, and bake cookies for low income people from noon to 2 p.m. DART is located at 14892 Jackson St., or for information, call (714) 3798290. If you can’t volunteer your time, donate food, utensils, napkins, or money to any of the causes mentioned. Sanders said every little bit helps and, “Every volunteer is an angel in disguise.” The center offers opportunities for students to volunteer everyday but Sunday, and there is a Volunteer Now! search engine that matches your zip code to an activity in your area. Contact the center at (714) 2787623 for any additional questions. The center will be open Monday through Wednesday of next week and is located in the Titan Student Union, Room 2.

The International Student’s Office will be hosting a meeting that will explain the new implementation of the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, at 10 a.m. Friday. The new system is part of the Student and Exchange Visitor Program, which is converting the manual way that records of international students and exchange visitors were kept, into electronic records. The changes are expected to better enable Immigration and Naturalization Services to handle and manage international student cases. The meeting will be held in the Academic Senate Chambers located on the first floor of the Titan Bookstore, and is open to the entire campus community. “This is a program that has grown out of security concerns after Sept. 11, 2001,” said Bob Erickson, director of the International Education and Exchange Program. “It’s an effort that the government is making to keep accurate records of who the international students are in the U.S.,” International students from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Sudan are required to register once the program is mandated on Jan. 30, 2003. According to research done by the International Education and Exchange Office, nine Cal State Fullerton international students will be directly affected and will have to register by this date. Under current law, schools, universities and visitor exchange programs are already collecting data from international students in the United States who are here on student visas. Such information includes international student or exchange visitor status changes, admission at Port of Entry, changes of address, or a change in major. Now, under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, it is mandated that the INS begin to establish electronic reporting of these records. This is where SEVIS comes into play. These records will then be able to be sent via e-mail and the Internet directly to the INS office. According to the INS Web site, “Congress further mandated that this program be self-funding … to be paid by international students and exchange visitors. In December 1999, the INS published a proposed regulation in the Federal Register, setting the proposed fee at $95.” Erickson will be the keynote speaker at the session and will discuss details of the new system and also address questions students or faculty may have on the issue. He will also clear up any wrong information that students may

2 Friday, November 22, 2002


page a guide to what ’s happening

BRIEFS Study Shows Many Orange County Hispanics Do Not Hold Bank Accounts According to two Cal State Fullerton economists’ estimations, about 40 percent of the county’s Hispanic population is bypassing banks to pay bills and make purchases in cash. The estimate is an outgrowth of a survey that was performed by Radha Bhattacharya, associate professor of economics, and Denise Stanley, assistant professor of economics. The two economists surveyed 217 Hispanics in 21 cities throughout Orange County during July and August. Respondents to the survey were male and female, ages 18 to 64 and were asked questions dealing with income and education, English-speaking ability, method of payment, expenditures and attitudes toward banking. The survey was conducted outside shopping centers and churches, and participants answered the questionnaire anonymously. Researchers found that the average monthly income of those who did not use banks was $1,423, compared to the average income of $1,686 for those who reported bank accounts. According to Stanley’s and Bhattacharya’s predictions, respondents with less than a high school level of education, or those who could speak English were the most likely not to have bank accounts. The Stanley-Bhattacharya survey was funded by Cal State

Fullerton’s Center for Public Policy and the College of Business and Economics’ Institute for Economic and Environmental Studies. Survey results can be found on the web at http://business. fullerton.edu/rbhattacharya/PDF/ TheCashCentric.pdf.

Daily Titan CALENDAR OF EVENTS On Campus Nov. 22 Let’s see what’s on TV. You’ve got the Lakers versus Chicago, nah. OK, well the Clippers are playing Denver, no no no. Wow, what’s this, a chess tournament, in the TSU Underground, now that’s exciting. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. “Brain Busters and Brain Boosters,” a lecture by who else, but the one and only Shvonne Striklen. This week she’ll keep your mind sharp, in the Ruby Gerontology Center’s Shapiro Wing C/D, 10 a.m. Women’s volleyball versus

Brea Steps Up on Buckling Up The Brea Police Department is going to make a concentrated effort in the coming weeks to remind motorists to buckle up. In conjunction with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, seat belt enforcement is being stepped up nationwide due to the upcoming holiday season. Brea traffic officers will have their eyes on local compliance and will not hesitate to ticket any motorists who do not have passenger restraints in use at all times. California is now in the lead in aggressively pursuing seat belt use that has resulted in a compliance rate of over 90 percent. Yet those who do not buckle up are facing a significantly increased risk of being disabled, scarred or even killed in a car accident and the use of seat belts has been proven to be one of the most effective ways of protection for both drivers and passengers. The department is also asking community leaders to make an extra effort to remind organization members about the importance of using seat belts and to urge personal friends to always buckle up.


UC Riverside. The Big West Conference match starts at 7 p.m. in Titan Gym. For more information, call (714) 278-CSUF. University Wind Ensemble performs under the direction of Mitchell Fennell. Tickets are $15 or $10 with advance Titan discount. For more information, call (714) 278-3371. “Trans•Form: Paper Art & Paper Engineering,” an art exhibit that celebrates the creative possibilities of paper, features the works of Ellen Jantzen, origami sculpture artists, silhouette art and pop-up and moveable books. In the Library’s Atrium Gallery. The

opening starts at 3:30 p.m. Nov. 23 Family Night. TSU Underground. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 25 Fall Recess, Nov. 25 through Nov. 29. Family Night in the TSU Underground from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Works by Demott Petty will be on display in the TSU’s Center Gallery from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 28 Thanksgiving Day!

Are you going shopping the day after Thanksgiving?

Karen Bardsley freshman, undeclared “No, I’m not an avid shopper. When I shop for Christmas presents, I’m cheap and shop at the 98

Kerry Schwab senior, English “No, I hate the crowds. I usually just shop from catalogs.”

Andrea Eldridge senior, communications-public relations “No, it’s just a rush, I’d rather wait until the week before Christmas.”

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Event of the Week

OK, this isn’t really an event but it is the most exciting thing that is happening in the coming days. Next week, you have the week off. No school! So what are you going to do on your week off? What was that? Speak up. Oh, so you’re going to put in extra hours at your job, OK. Your boyfriend left you, that sucks. You had a vacation planned, damn. You what, oops, can’t print that. Anyway, enjoy.

Who Asked You?

Daily Editor in Chief Managing Editor Business Manager Asst. News Editor Asst. News Editor Asst. News Editor Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editor Detour Editor Opinion Editor Perspectives Editor Photo Editor Photo Editor Copy Desk Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor Production Manager Production Internet Editor Faculty Adviser

Dec. 2 Men’s basketball versus Morris Brown. The preseason game starts at 7:05 p.m. in Titan Gym. For more information, call (714) 278-CSUF.

Sprint 4*12

Fallon Patel junior, business administrationmanagement “I always want to, but I never do. There are too many people there.”

Daily Titan


Students Fill Up on Tofurkey and Travel nVACATION: Some choose to stay at home, while others take advantage of seasonal discounts By Angie Driskell

Special to the Titan Whatever your pleasure, turkey, Tofurky, or perhaps something a little less traditional, the time is quickly approaching to start thinking about how to spend the holiday. And while the idea of ingesting so much food that you feel drunk is somewhat hard to stomach in this summer-hot weather, the allure of a vacation may be intoxicating. The question is, how to spend this long-awaited break? Many students and faculty are planning on using the time to relax, to travel and others to spend time with family. “Of our over 30,000 students, I would say that 90 to 95 percent are going out of Orange County,” said Melissa Pike, a travel adviser at STA Travel on campus. Pike said that quite a few students are going to the East Coast to be with family in Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and New York. She said that there were a few students booking flights to London looking to travel Europe with the week off. While getting away may be appealing to some, cost is always a factor for starving students. Daniel Jimenez, managing editor for Young Money online magazine, recommends contacting the airlines that fly to a preferred destination and simply asking them for student discounts. “For example,” Jimenez said, “American Airlines is offering 10 percent off airfares for students traveling between now and Dec. 31, 2002.” Jimenez also recommends that students check out youth hostels,

rather than hotels, since they normally offer student discounts. “Visit hostels.com for more information,” he said. While United Airlines doesn’t offer student discounts, Joe Hopkins, media relations for United Airlines said the company does offer good deals online at ual.com. When to travel can also become an issue. There is a short time span where it seems that everyone is trying to get everywhere that you are going. “The Sunday before, and the Sunday after Thanksgiving are the two worst travel days,” Hopkins said. “If you are flying, definitely arrive one hour before for domestic flights, and at least two hours before for international.” Although there are students who are looking to leave California to be with family, Cal State Fullerton is a commuter campus. There are plenty of students looking forward to making the short drive home. “I’m going to my aunt’s house in Los Angeles, because that is where everybody gathers,” said Megan Smith, a freshman criminal justice major. “There is, like, 30 people in one house. It is pretty cool,” she said. As for those students staying local, even if home is far away, there are things to do. Stephanie Schonauer, a senior advertising major from Virginia said, “If you’re unable to go to a friend’s for the holidays, you could always volunteer at a homeless shelter or hospital.” Being around others in their time of need may make you feel warm and cozy inside. “I am sad that I won’t be with my family during Thanksgiving,” Schonauer said. “My family always has big shindigs when it comes to the holidays. But I will be going home for Christmas and New Year’s, so there will be three more huge parties that I can be a

Friday, November 22, 2002


Professor Explains Futility in China nLECTURE: Former CSUF professor discusses the politics of the world’s most populous country By Paul Wright

Daily Titan Staff Writer A former Cal State Fullerton professor told Continued Learning Experience students at a lecture Thursday that there are two chances that China will change its oppressive and dictatorial ways of government in the near future: slim and none. CSUF professor emeritus and International Tours CEO Robert Feldman gave the lecture titled “The Paradox of China’s Post-Mao Reforms,” at the Ruby Gerontology Center’s Mackey Auditorium. Feldman started off his speech by noting how quickly China’s landscape has changed from mostly rural

to urban in the last 50 years. He compared some of China’s larger cities to New York and Los Angeles, in terms of architecture and high-rise buildings. Since Mao Tse Tung took over in 1949, China has been governed by leaders who are not elected by the people, but instead selected by Communist Party members already in power, Feldman said. Feldman used an anecdote told to him by one of his former professors to explain the often mysterious way that leaders are selected in China. “It’s like people fighting under a rug. You can’t see the people, but you can see the rug moving, so you know they are fighting,” he said. “You know who the leader is because he’s the one that comes out from under the rug when it stops moving,” he said. Feldman said that the latest Chinese leadership did not appear in public for two months before it was selected. “Can you imagine if Bush or Gore didn’t appear in public for two months

prior to election day?” Feldman said. Feldman said that unfortunately, there is no major political reform taking place in China right now, and there hasn’t been any since 1991. This is a fact, Feldman said, despite some social and governmental changes that have recently taken place in China. Feldman said that people in China are more willing to discuss politics now than ever before. “They won’t talk politics on the street corner or in other public places, but they will in private,” he said. Another change that is taking place is that China’s current leader, Jiang Zemin, is bringing in some of China’s most successful entrepreneurs to consult the government on monetary and overall financial policy. Furthermore, Zemin has indicated that he’s considering privatizing the media. Despite these changes, Feldman remained skeptical that any significant changes in China’s overall gov-

ernmental mentality will occur any time soon. “He (Zemin) is certainly aware of the problems in China, but it’s doubtful that he’ll put teeth into any of these policies,” Feldman said. Feldman said that cultural resistance to change and uncertainty may contribute to the government’s ability to maintain the status-quo. “The two most important things to Chinese people are stability and order,” he said. CLE student Betty Martinovich said that she was impressed with Feldman’s knowledge of China’s history and present political polarity. “He must have visited China many times,” she said. Both Martinovich and CLE member Carlene Maynard said that they came to the lecture because they are fascinated with Asian history. “I took a class on contemporary Asian history 15 years ago and have been really interested in all things Oriental since then,” Maynard said.

Metabolic Boosters Can Be Detrimental

nHEALTH: Ephedra is contained in several supplements and can potentially become addictive By Linda Haddad

Daily Titan Staff Writer The life of a college student is hectic, and trying to balance school, work and a personal life requires energy. Many are finding energy in sports drinks and supplements that boost metabolism. The most potentially dangerous ingredient in metabolic boosters is Ephedra, said diet and nutrition writer Laurie Barclay. Ephedra can cause immediate problems, such as heart attacks or death, and the medical community warns about the chemical all the time, kinesiology Professor Leslie Richards said. Metabolife and Ripped Fuel are two of the many energy products that contain ephedra.

“The reason why students still take them is because they work,” Richards said. “The problem is that they are an instant fix that will cause long-term problems down the road.” Energy drinks and metabolism boosters are sold in grocery stores next to all the other sports drinks and 400 other products that contain ephedra and are sold over the counter, estimated Cal State Fullerton Health Center Nutritionist Ada Schulz. “Any label that says ‘energy’ is a red flag warning, it usually means ephedra and other unhealthy substances,” she said. “Ephedra is not safe, not good and our students need to know not to play Russian roulette with their life,” Schulz said. According to Red Bull Corporate Communication Office in Los Angeles, Red Bull does not contain ephedra. Yet there may be dangerous enough ingredients to make some countries ban the energy drink. Canada, France, Norway and Denmark have not approved the sale of Red Bull in their country, USA Today reported. Although ephedra is not commonly

reported in the media, it does kill, Schulz said. “The reason why we don’t hear about it is because the companies settle out of court,” Schulz said. Ephedra has been linked to deaths across the United States, many of them young athletes. In 1999, the Center for Science in the Public Interest reported that ephedra caused more than 38 deaths and 800 undesirable effects. The Food and Drug Administration has not cracked down on the products containing ephedra because it is a plantbased derivative and is exempt under the FDA regulation, Schulz said. The FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement after it reaches the market. It has issued public warnings and requested voluntary recalls of products with ephedra. There is also controversy concerning how products have been tested for safety. “Metabolife was tested in the ’70s, on dogs, in China,” Schulz said. The Nutrition Times has labeled ephedra as an “illegal substance disguised.” Ephedra’s chemical makeup is

Thai Rama 2*3

very similar to methamphetamine. “Ephedra is like buying speed over the counter” Schulz said. Caffeine and ephedra can become addictive and give students the adrenaline rush they want and make them feel good,” Richards said. “Aside from the fact that all of these products give you the energy you need when you want it, they really set you up for some really long-term ‘I want an instant fix now’ bad habits.- Because we have become pretty out of balance with the concept of ‘I want what I want, and I want it now,’ most people, and especially students, are probably not really inclined to do the work necessary to get their lives back in balance to be able to self-generate the energy they need.” The American Dietetic Association stated that energy only comes from carbohydrates, protein and fat, and people can get those nutrients from regular foods. “It is all about going back to the basics,” Schultz said. “Students need to sleep, get regular exercise and eat smarter for energy. Students need to get a grip on being smarter and not be fooled by the hyped feeling they get from products with ephedra, because the long-term

Planned Parenthood 2*3

Brians 2*5

Creative conceptions 4*4

OCP 2*6 Supplement Direct 4*4

Daily Titan


Friday, November 22, 2002

Protesters Call Attention to Education Budget nAWARENESS: Students and faculty at Cypress College decry proposed cuts by California legislature By LaToya Baker

Daily Titan Staff Writer More than 100 Cypress College students gathered Thursday around a coffin on the corner of Valley View Street and Lakeshore Drive to protest what they call the death of education. “The coffin signifies the potential death of education,” said Peter Mathews the organizer of the protest and founder of Rescue Education

California. “ We are trying to prevent the death of education by bringing in funding from the state and federal government.” Mathews is the chair of the Political Science Department at Cypress Community College. He founded Rescue Education California, a grassroots community organization created by students, parents and teachers in 1993 after then Gov. Pete Wilson proposed increasing community college tuition from $10 to $30 per unit. The group successfully lobbied the California legislature to stop the tuition increase. The organization decided to hold this protest after the University of California Regents proposed raising University of California tuitions by 6.5 percent and the Long B each

Press Telegram published an editorial supporting a tuition increase for CSUs and community colleges. Mathews said that even at the UC level the increase is too much. “We want to make sure those folks in power know that we will not accept higher tuitions because it will ruin the middle-class student’s chances to be able to go through and finish college,” Mathews said. “ California students are overly burdened. The cost of tuition is not the only factor in a student’s life. Students have to factor in rent, the cost of transportation including car insurance and gasoline, and the price of textbooks. These are things that factor into the cost of obtaining an education in California. Annabelle Borden, a student at Cypress College, said a tuition

increase for students like her could mean the difference between having a college education or not. “If they do increase tuition, I will no longer be able to attend Cypress College or any other college for that matter,” she said. “I just do not have the financial means to continue my education if tuitions are raised,” Borden said. The UC Regents began considering a 6.5 percent fee increase for California universities after Elizabeth Hill, the California state legislative analyst, announced that California will experience a $21 billion deficit in 2003. Hill suggested cutting $1.9 billion in funding to kindergarten through 12th grade education and increasing college fees. Sandy Wagerer said a tuition

increase would mean spending less time in the classroom and more time at work. “It would be really tough for a middle-class student like me,” she said. “ I would have to decrease my class load. I couldn’t take as many classes, where as now I’m taking a full schedule, an increase in tuition would mean I would have to work more.” Borden said the solution to the state’s budget problem is simple. “An alternative to raising our tuitions would be to close corporate tax loopholes. “All the government would have to do is to close the loopholes or make corporations pay their fair share,” Borden said. “They don’t have to try to wring money out of college students.”


ECS 3*5

Army recruitment 3*10.5

Taboo 3*6

BMW Beat the Devil 3*10.5


6 Friday, November 22, 2002

Daily Titan


New Professor Adds to History Department nDETERMINATION: Natalie Fousekis believes her triathlete training helps in the classroom By Jennifer Mizzell

Daily Titan Staff Writer Professor Natalie Fousekis is not what you would call a bookworm. “I am an amateur triathlete,” Fousekis said. “I have a coach and I train. I will be competing in a HalfIronman in Hawaii in May.” Fousekis, recently hired as an assistant professor by the Cal State Fullerton History Department, said there is a link between teaching and training as an athlete. “I think it helps me to be a better professor. There is some sort of connection between being a professor and a triathlete. With both, you are off on your own time.” Originally from Berkeley, Calif., Fousekis grew up with a love for the outdoors. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with degrees in U.S. History, Fousekis moved to Washington, D.C. where she began work for The Grand Canyon Trust, an organization that focuses on the

preservation of the canyon country of the Colorado plateau. After working with the trust for a year, Fousekis decided to pursue her interest in politics. “I left for two reasons,” Fousekis said. “One, there wasn’t anywhere for me to move up in the organization, and I really wanted to work on Capitol Hill.” Fousekis’ political interest eventually landed her a position working as a legislative correspondent for Sen. Barbara Boxer. “It’s just exciting to be where things are happening,” Fousekis said about living in Washington, D.C. “It’s also a place full of young people right out of college.” After teaching for two years at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Wash., Fousekis was offered a permanent position at CSUF. “I always wanted to come back to California,” Fousekis said. “I didn’t want to be at a research institution to begin with. I wanted to be able to combine teaching with research.” Fousekis commented on the diver-


Natalie Fousekis worked with Sen. Barbara Boxer before pursuing work as a professor. sity of CSUF’s student body, and said she enjoyed teaching classes with a greater range of individuals. “I want to make these people think that American history has an impact on them,” Fousekis said. “I try to touch on moments when individuals make a difference. What I hope to do is shake up people’s assumptions

about their history.” With a particular interest in women’s history and social movements, Fousekis said she uses history to evaluate current events. “I study history a lot and I like to make comparisons between the past and the present,” she said. It is important, Fousekis said, for

people to take lessons from the past and apply them to the present. “I really believe that to be an informed citizen of the United States, you need to know not only world history but your own country’s history,” Fousekis said. Junior Elizabeth Vu said although she had not taken any of Fousekis’ classes, she had heard other students recommending Fousekis as a professor. “I have a friend who is taking her class this semester and she was really positive about the material,” Vu said. “She wants me to register for next spring.” Vu said she was glad to hear of a female professor interested in politics. “It is sort of encouraging to know that there are still people interested in politics, especially women,” Vu said. “Some of the classes we take are so basic that we miss information on women and minorities. It’s nice to hear that the department is changing.” Fousekis is also interested in oral history and worked for the Southern Oral History Program while in graduate school. “It is an amazing experience

to listen to people reflect on their lives and experiences,” Fousekis said. “So powerful sometimes that I have a difficult time articulating and explaining my experience to those unfamiliar with oral history.” Fousekis has used oral history in her own research and plans to become involved with the oral history program at CSUF. “The well-established and wellrespected Center for Oral and Public History at Cal State Fullerton is another reason I was attracted to this campus,” Fousekis said. When not teaching or training for her next competition, Fousekis finds sanctuary at her family’s cabin in the eastern Sierras. “I just like to get away from people a couple times a year,” said Fousekis referring to the overcrowded setting in Orange County. “I also enjoy hiking,” Fousekis said. “The higher I can get, the better.” Next semester Fousekis will offer a Survey of American History course with an emphasis on Ethnic Minorities in the United States and Honors 201B: American History, Institutions and Values.

MEChA Perpetuates Legacy of Artist nPERFORMANCE: Works of Frida Kahlo were presented in collaboration with Teatro Milagro By Margie Rivera

Daily Titan Staff Writer With dark braided hair and staring eyes, Frida Kahlo is a timeless figure. The Mexican icon and painter intertwined life and art in her works, immortalizing her persona in more than 200 self-portraits painted in the 1930s and 1940s. To honor her life, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan presented “Frida, Un Retablo,” in collaboration with Teatro Milagro, Tuesday night at the Titan Student Union. The Oregon-based bilingual theatrical touring company performed 10 visual stories, or retablos, about the adversities, loves and achievements of the legendary woman. “Our main goal is to educate students, faculty and community members about our heritage and culture,” said MEChA chairman Daniel Vidrio. “Frida is an important figure in Chicano history as well as a great artist

and influential female role model,” he said. Kahlo overcame polio, a horrendous bus accident and dozens of surgeries by retreating into art. Her artistic passion helped her transform those difficulties into interesting canvases, establishing her own reputation as a painter and a strong woman. Death, loss and pain were explored in her artwork, which explains why her paintings are so different. They’re her reality. They’re her biography. Her famous muralist husband Diego Rivera said her works revealed “an unusual energy of expression, precise delineation of character, and true serenity with a fundamental plastic honesty and artistic personality of their own.” Some of Kahlo’s more notable works are “The Two Fridas” and “Self-Portrait with Monkey.” Born of European and Mexican parents, Kahlo frequently employed symbols and details of Mexican history, appearing in traditional, vibrant multicolored

Mexican dresses and pre-Colombian accessories. The one-hour play begins when two mourners bring in the deceased Kahlo in a gurney. These two are also Kahlo, one as a child and the other as a young woman, whose mission is to set the record straight and share her true-life story to the audience. Each scene is a snapshot of significant moments in Kahlo’s life from the polio effects, the innumerable surgeries, miscarriages, scandals, travels and teachings at La Esmeralda School of Art to her stormy relationship with Rivera. The backdrop used on stage depicted some of Kahlo’s paintings in progress, giving it a taste of authenticity and authority. Artistic Director Dañel Malán founded the Miracle Theatre, or Teatro Milagro, in 1986. Today it’s one of the largest Hispanic arts organizations in the Pacific Northwest. Actress Ina Strauss played Frida in her 20s.

“We want to teach the public about Frida and also show her art,” Strauss said. “She’s been a cultural figure for years and years and with the movie about her coming out recently nationwide, everybody is interested at the moment.” The theatrical group has two more performances in California before returning home. They’ve been touring through the West since February. “Playing Frida’s role is a big responsibility because so many people are fond of her,” Strauss said. “God forbid we do or say something wrong.” MEChA member Karina Leon was excited to have Teatro Milagro on campus. Leon said their aim is to bring awareness of the Mexican culture to the student population at CSUF. “Frida was a talented female artist whose style was known as Mexicanismo,” she said. “She’s a role model for Chicanas.” “Mexicanismo” was the ardent embrace of pre-Hispanic Mexican cul-


Three women portrayed Frida Kahlo at different stages of her life. ture and history during that time period. San Juan Capistrano resident Bertha Benavides heard about the event through an e-mail. “I love Frida because I can relate to her struggles here in America as a Chicana American,” she said. “I’ve been following her since college.” Benavides said it’s beautiful to see her culture represented in different ways

such as art, drama, music and dance. Three different women portray Frida Kahlo as she grows older in “Frida, Un Retablo.” They proclaimed that despite her death, her art, vision and spirit will live perpetually, shouting in unison “¡Viva la vida!”


students,” said Andrew Cuesta, an undeclared freshman. Virginia-born Sean D. Lightowler said he misses being back East, but has a sister and an in-law family to celebrate with in Garden Grove. “I keep in contact with the family,” said Lightowler, a first-year resident and sophomore. “I’m learning to adjust here, sometimes I go back to that state of mind back East.” But Lightowler said he definitely feels welcome at the residence halls, and appreciates the free dinner. Resident Adviser Adeline Kim will be going to Las Vegas this weekend, and will work for the rest of the week until Thanksgiving. “I’ll be spending Thursday with my family, which hardly happens,” said Kim, who has been an adviser for two years. “It will be at my aunt’s, which is good because we’ll have Thanksgiving food and Korean food.” Feldman said that eventually someone has to be on duty for Thanksgiving. But he’s glad to be working here. “For me, California is home, so I am home,” Feldman said. “Your friends are your family, and my friends are here. Hopefully I’ll be

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Fotohall 2*6

Golden West 2*6

“It is a nice thing for the students to get together,” Leung said. “Especially for those who are homesick, because it’s the end of the semester. Also some might need a study break. And free food is always appreciated around here. It’s something to make them feel better.” Chris Young, a freshman and business major, donated Top Ramen for the potluck. “Next week I’ll just be visiting old friends I haven’t seen since the semester started,” Young said. “Sometimes I’ll do some homework.” The potluck featured the average suspects at a Thanksgiving dinner, along with a bevy of extra ham and turkey. “Come on everybody, you can all take seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths, whatever,” said social trio member Michelle Manaig. “There are plenty of leftovers for everybody.” Some students gave thanks silently, while others dug right in. “It’s very nice of the RSA to get some food for the hungry college

Prime Internet 2*2 Chtuch of Scientology 2*6

CSU Sacramento 2*4

Planned parenthood (Free health Care) 2*3

Daily Titan

Friday, November 22, 2002

Daily Titan Our Voice The INS is Comin’ After You Will the new Student and Exchange Visitor Information System program make life miserable for international students? The Office of International Education and Exchange is encouraging the student population to attend a session on SEVIS today at 10 a.m. in the Academic Senate Chambers of the Titan Shops. Considering many students do not attend Friday classes, and some students are probably reading this on the Monday after Thanksgiving, this is what you need to know: SEVIS intends to monitor international students closely due to national security concerns. Usually, the INS would request information only on international students if they are suspected of suspicious behavior. But now information on every foreign student will be sent automatically, via the Internet, to the INS. This includes enrollment information, which will automatically be updated electronically. When a student is considered “out of status,” according to the International Education and Exchange newsletter, the INS will be notified immedi-

ately. “Out of status” refers to a student taking less than nine units as an undergrad and less than 12 units for graduates. The International Education office has always sent a student’s name, address, enrollment status and degree information (and other pertinent personal information) to the INS, the office’s director, Robert B. Ericksen wrote in the newsletter. In the newsletter, Ericksen mentions that, “In a post 9/11 environment, the shortcomings of INS’ record-keeping have become front-page news,” thus the reason to establish SEVIS. But should an agency’s shortcomings be rectified by using a risky method? The Internet has never been foolproof and sending any personal information over the Internet is still unsafe. It also doesn’t seem right that little things, like dropping a class, might allow students to be interrogated by the INS. In the name of national security, all international students will be putting whatever privacy they have into the hands of the INS.

Daily Titan

Opinion Four weeks of school left (including finals). Approximately 10 weeks until spring semester. That is a long time to wait for new Daily Titan Opinion articles! Read a book.

The War Never Really Ended By Ben Kerridge

Special to the Titan While I had no reason to get involved in this bit of discourse, if it can be called that, I see that there aren’t many voices on the side of peace here. Oh sure, there are the uninformed who think that if we sit here and do nothing, we are being peaceful, but the truth is that peace comes at a price and is only maintained by continuing to pay that price. The price of peace is very often war. The price of peace for Europe in 1939 was war against Germany. What would a map of Europe look like if peace wasn’t seen as something worth fighting for? It would look red with the blood of innocent people who had nobody fighting to save them from storm troopers and death camps. America, Russia and

Britain may have saved themselves from the war that annihilated France, but each would have been alone in turn against a progressively bigger Nazi Germany. Therefore, I feel obligated to educate people as to the dangers of such a mindset. In 1991, when our coalition’s unity crumbled in the final days of the Persian Gulf War, Saddam Hussein signed a cease-fire. For those of you who don’t know, this is not a peace treaty — the war didn’t end. A ceasefire agreement is valid until shots are fired again. The United Nations provided legitimacy for NATO to patrol areas of Iraq where Hussein has been known to commit genocide on the Kurds via Hind gunships, which, I might add, has not happened since we’ve been doing this. The “No-Fly-Zone” is legitimate U.N. policy designed to stop geno-

cide — their primary jurisdiction. Days after the pullout of coalition ground forces, Hussein began firing on coalition aircraft enforcing U.N. resolutions. The shooting never stopped. The war never ended. Hussein also attacked U.N. aid workers on the Kuwaiti border and stole fissionable materials later that same year. He was three months away from a nuclear weapon, according to the CIA, when we went in last time. That was 11 years ago. He had a gun — a single artillery emplacement with the capability to hit Central Europe with a warhead that could easily house a nuclear device. He is building another one, a bigger one. The lead scientist on the project fled Iraq and is living in the United States after seeking political asylum. The project continues, slowly. The shooting never stopped. The war never ended.

Our coalition crumbled, but Hussein has been fighting that war ever since. He fights it by firing on our pilots who fly to protect Iraqi civilians from Hussein himself. He fights it by funding Islamic terrorism in Israel (he has sent Arafat’s personal guard “Force 17” millions of dollars). He fights it in North Africa by funding groups that end up bombing our embassies. He fights it in East Africa by arming our Somali friend, Adid, with rocket-propelled grenades he bought from Russia. He fights it in South East Asia, France, Russia, Germany, off the coast of Yemen, everywhere except here. Or do you think that someone on Hussein’s terrorist payroll may have had a role in Sept. 11? I’m not going to make the connection for you. I will say this: Hussein never stopped shooting, and he won’t until we stop him.

America’s Oil Interests Dig Deep By Sean Flannery

Special to the Titan Like Rome, Spain and Britain before it, the United States has understood for quite some time that in order to maintain its global empire it must control the world’s resources. One resource in particular has been much more important to the United States than tea and spices were to the British and Spanish empires. Oil has possibly been the single most significant resource in the development of most of the world’s highly industrialized economies, and it is clear today that oil continues to be a major factor in world affairs. In 1990, at the outbreak of the Persian Gulf War, many critics of U.S. policy claimed that the war with Iraq was nothing more than an effort to further consolidate U.S. strategic oil interests in the region. This view has resurfaced in the past few months as the Bush administration contemplates another war in a country that holds the second largest reserve of the world’s most precious commodity. Does the Bush administration have sincere goals in mind when speaking on disarming Iraq, or does Iraq’s oil wealth have a special connection with U.S. foreign policy?

By looking at the “where” and the “why” of past U.S. intervention, we can, for future reference, understand how a global empire secures its interests. “Open Door Policy,” the U.S. mandate for underdeveloped nations to open up their borders, workers and resources for exploitation by the rapidly expanding post-World War II economy, was the foundation of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War years. The fight to secure open-door policy has never been more clearly demonstrated than in Iran in 1953. In one of its first operations, the CIA toppled the democratically elected government of Mohammed Mossadeqh after he announced that he would nationalize the Iranian oil industry and direct its benefits toward the Iranian people, not British and American oil interests. The case of Mossadeqh and Iran gives us a clear understanding of what the United States is willing to do to secure its right to the world’s oil. The use of intervention and destabilization as methods to secure U.S. strategic interests, have not been limited to use during the Cold War. More recently, Venezuela’s government witnessed just how serious Washington is about its global economic dominance. Venezuela, one of the world’s

largest oil producers and one of the most influential members in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, has become increasingly vocal in its opposition to Western, namely the United States’, control of the world’s oil production. Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez has been a thorn in the side of consecutive White House administrations not only for his audacity in thinking that Venezuelans should have control of their national resources, but also in relation to his calls for economic justice for developing nations. This sour relationship came to a head in April of this year when a coup failed to overthrow Chavez’s government, and it was later revealed that U.S. state department officials had met earlier in the year with the organizers of the attempted coup. In addition to Venezuela, the United States has had much interest in another Latin American oil producing country, Colombia, one of the world’s grossest violators of human rights, and the second largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid. The United States has been very effective in militarizing and strengthening this undemocratic nation, which in turn fights a war against leftist “insurgents,” eradicates the growing of coca and secures U.S. oil interests

all in one shot. The Bush administration seems to be intent on continuing the policy of intervention when it comes to questions of control over the world’s financial lifeblood. At this point the western hemisphere is still “our backyard,” and there is little chance that another nation will ever interfere with U.S. interests in Central and South America. The Middle East, however, is in some respects, still up for grabs, and the United States appears to be aiming at consolidating its dominance of the world’s energy production through its intervention in Iraq. America’s largest economic competitor, the European Union, gets most of its oil from the Persian Gulf region and has very few options for alternative sources of energy since Europe has little oil. In Iraq, the United States has significantly less interest in disarming a two-bit dictator than it does in defending its position as the world’s economic superpower against a growing competitor. As the United States looks to the future, the intervention in Iraq has become a terrific opportunity to not only dominate more of the world’s oil, but also to ultimately subjugate the European powers and their needs for

Amusement Parks Lose “Magic” When Service Fails By Margie Rivera

Daily Titan Staff Writer Regional theme parks are part of our childhoods, our lives and our American culture. As we grow old, we tend to fall in love with a particular amusement park and unconsciously visit it again and again during our lifetime. With all due respect to our beloved American icon Mickey Mouse, “the happiest place on Earth” is Six Flags Magic Mountain. Or at least it was until I experienced a disturbing incident last year. It was a scorching summer morning when I, along with my friends Troy and Patty, walked into the park and was approached by a young employee named Drew, who informed us that he was going to take our picture. It is customary for patrons to be photographed as they enter the park so they can purchase the souvenir at the end of the day, if so desired. Since it was an unforgettable “Kodak moment,” Patty and I decided to let Troy

pose between us as if he was the main star of the portrait. The perfect posture of the three amigos was a memorable keepsake to take home until Drew unabashedly remarked “Smile and look at your pimp now,” and proceeded to snap the picture, handing us the receipt afterward. No words could explain how humiliated I personally felt since I had never been called a “hooker” directly or indirectly to my face. Trust me, I am not the sensitive type who gets insulted if one of my buddies calls me names or abuses me verbally, but to take it from a stranger who knew nothing about my life was a different story to digest. Up to this day I still wonder what we did wrong to deserve such a degrading comment. Patty and I did absolutely nothing, and I mean nada, to imply that we were prostitutes or that Troy was our pimp. We were just two cinnamon-colored-skin women and a black man hanging out and trying to have some fun in Valencia, Calif. The million-dollar question is if Drew based his assumptions on looks alone. Did

he practice racial profiling on us? According to the Los Angeles Times, several dozen racial discrimination claims were filed against Six Flags Magic Mountain last year. In one class-action lawsuit, more than 80 people claimed the park’s employees targeted them because of their race. The plaintiffs were Asian Americans, blacks and Latinos from different backgrounds and professions, who were searched in closed rooms, illegally videotaped and denied entrance to the park. In another filed class-action suit, 14 black plaintiffs, along with a former Olympic bronze medalist, contended that they were kicked out of the park solely on the basis of their race. These lawsuits alleged that park personnel failed to follow lawful business practices and state laws by using discriminatory policies. Were these isolated incidents or a pattern due to lack of cultural sensitivity training? I won’t side with those plaintiffs because I was not present when the incidents took place. Believe me, I’m a strong opponent of

individuals jumping on the race bandwagon just to get either some financial gain or media attention. Nevertheless, I know what transpired on the morning of July 13, 2001 when my friends and I were neither assaulted nor interrogated, but were insulted and disrespected. After the outrageous remark, we filed a complaint in the customer service office, but to no avail. Park officials never made any attempt to contact us. It was not until I vented my frustrations in a long, detailed letter that a manager, Sandra, called me. She explained that Drew had used teenage lingo because he ran out of things to say. I was utterly flabbergasted after hearing such a sleazy excuse. Why couldn’t she come up with a better explanation? I felt as if she was trying to persuade me to sympathize with Drew’s behavior instead of admitting his rudeness and lack of sensitivity. When I asked sarcastically if it was fine for her staff to call her mother or daughter a “hooker,” the manager came to her senses and

Press Goes Wacko for Jacko Stunt By Benjamin Becker

Daily Titan Staff Writer Americans love to hate Michael Jackson. So what better holiday gift is there for a nation of 270 million scandalthirsty escapists than footage of the once-black pop star dangling his child off a hotel balcony? Americans were glued to their televisions this week as Jacko hung his baby over the edge of a balcony, apparently about to kill him. Right. Anyone who isn’t one notch away from being classified as mentally inefficient understood that it was done in jest to entertain the swarming crowd below. Jackson was smiling and laughing, just trying to give those Germans something to talk about for the next year. Apparently even the smartest people in the nation couldn’t figure that one out. News stations aired the footage like it was a Jerry’s Kids telethon, cutting

to psychologists and commentators for insight. “He seems as though he suffers from a severe case of … ” and “the social implications of Jackson’s behavior … ” were a few of the many recycled lines uttered by analysts and brilliant newscasters alike. Of all the manufactured and seemingly-prepared lines, the grammy goes to: “He is an unfit parent.” This doesn’t deem Jackson an unfit parent. The fact that he lives in a place called Neverland deems him an unfit parent. The country was searching for another person to hate, retiring Saddam after abhorring him for over a decade, and Jackson couldn’t have picked a better time. Tour promoters hate him, whites hate him for having been black, blacks hate him for being white, anyone who has taste for music hates him, his dad hates him, his brothers hate him, apparently his surgeon hates him (how could he do such a thing to his face?!),

and when his son grows old enough to see the footage, he will probably hate him too. Give the guy a break. He has donated millions of dollars to feed the world’s hungry and given us great songs like “Thriller” and “ABC.” Why not hate the president? Has everyone forgotten how to hate the president? Jackson jokingly hangs his son over a rail and he’s compared to Hitler while Bush threatens a slaughter-fest and we couldn’t love the guy more. Still the newscasts keep stoning Jackson’s reputation like an Iranian public execution. I’m not saying that the footage shouldn’t be aired. It’s quirky and kind of a fun break from the serious and maddening

apologized, admitting that her employee’s comment was out of line and unprofessional. I understand Valencia is a predominantly Caucasian community, and perhaps the little boy was ignorant about the fact that people of different skin colors populate the Southland. However, I believe it is Magic Mountain’s responsibility to provide adequate and proper training so its personnel can learn to respect the rights and dignity of guests of all races by treating them as fairly and objectively as possible. To say the least, we were each compensated with a free ticket to make up for the not-so-fun experience. The tickets are still sitting at the park’s will-call window booth because we have not been back since. Troy, who is a respected counselor and professor at Glendale Community College, and Patty, a soon-to-be registered nurse, are ready to visit Six Flags Magic Mountain again. As for me, I am game to give the “ex-happiest place on Earth” a second chance in the near future. So stay tuned.

Daily Titan

headlines that creep onto our screens. But it is completely asinine to make that the leading story of an hour news show, investing time and money into Jackson analysts and psychiatrists, when the Homeland Security Act just cleared Congress. If we spent the time deconstructing American foreign policy that we do deconstructing Jackson’s behavioral habits, maybe we would make a positive impact on the world. However, Americans are content. They got to hate Jackson for just one more year. Who knows, maybe in the future we will hate him again. And when he is gone, we will learn to hate his kids.

Op/Ed Letters to the Editor should be brief and are subject to editing. They should also include a signature and telephone number. Editorials are the opinion of the editorial board, comprised of the Editor in Chief, Managing Editor and Opinion editor. Columns are the personal opinion of the


Daily Titan

Friday, November 22, 2002


quarterback has stepped up. This time it has been Marc Bulger, who has taken St. Louis from an abysmal 0-5 record, all the way back to .500 with Oh, the life of a kicker. Jose Cortez went from the five straight wins. Rams’ coach Mike Martz has said Amsterdam Admirals of NFL Europe in 2000, to the Los Angeles Xtreme that Kurt Warner is his quarterback of the XFL in the first part of 2001 when he returns from the injured list. and finally to the San Francisco 49ers But if Bulger continues his winning last season. ways, a definite quarterback controAll of that action left Cortez with versy will be on Martz’s hands. virtually no offseason to rest and Quarterbacks were the main storecover. So when he tapered off and ryline of Week 11, but it wasn’t who started missing kicks for the Niners was starting. It was who could stay last season, many blamed it on the rig- upright. orous schedule and figured he would Three marquee names – Donovan make a strong comeback this season. McNabb of the Eagles, Tommy Still, he was forced to take his spot Maddox of the Steelers and Brian during preseason away from newly Griese of the Broncos – all suffered drafted rookie kickinjuries that put them er, Jeff Chandler. out of action for an OFFENSIVE PICKS That is until last extended amount of 1. Chargers week. time. 2. Patriots Cortez missed Maddox had the a 41-yard game3. Saints scariest of the three winning field goal injuries when he lay 4. Bills attempt in overtime motionless on the 5. Bears against his former field for more than 6. Jaguars team, the Chargers. 10 minutes after 7. Bengals San Diego eventusustaining a hit from 8. Rams ally won the game, Titans linebacker 9. Falcons 20-17. This all came Keith Bulluck. just two weeks after 10. Ravens Maddox, who Cortez missed anothhad been having a 11. Chiefs er potential gamecareer season until 12. Raiders winner in regulation that point, will likely 13. Packers against the Raiders. miss only two weeks 14. Giants He redeemed himafter a speedy recov15. Broncos self by winning the ery. 16. 49ers game later in overM c N a b b , time. who suffered a Due to his inconbroken ankle in sistency, Cortez now finds himself Philadelphia’s 38-14 victoy over on the inactive list, and Chandler is Arizona, is expected to miss extended footing the load. action, if not the rest of the season. The 49ers have been forced to The Broncos will have the easiest play their hand due to the resurgence job of replacing Griese with Steve of the Rams, who have proven that Beuerlein as their back up. lightning can strike twice. He nearly won the starting job In a scene that is straight out of at the start of the season and many their 1999 season in which they won expect him to thrive with this opporthe Super Bowl, a no-name backup tunity.

By Brian Thatcher

Daily Titan Sports Editor



Week 12 Sunday San Diego vs. Miami Minnesota vs. New England Cleveland vs. New Orleans Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets Detroit vs. Chicago Jacksonville vs. Dallas Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh St. Louis vs. Washington Atlanta vs. Carolina Tennesee vs. Baltimore Kansas City vs. Seattle Oakland vs. Arizona Green Bay vs. Tampa Bay N.Y. Giants vs. Houston Indianapolis vs. Denver

Monday Night Football Philadelphia vs. San Francisco


will not start against the Redskins. I don’t understand why Martz is doing this. The Rams can’t afford It looks as though last week was to lose another game and nobody knows what to expect from Warner. the week of injuries. Three high-profile quarterbacks Bulger is the one who is 5-0 and went down last Sunday. Donovan got this team back on track. I think McNabb of the Eagles broke his Martz owes him a few more starts. ankle and will be out six to eight Actually, you’d be surprised weeks, but still managed to throw how many things get forgiven for 255 yards and four touchdowns. when you win. The Rams are As Michael Irvin said on “The winning. They’re under no obligaBest Damn Sports Show Period,” if tion to change anything as long as McNabb plays like that with a bro- it continues. But one thing is for ken ankle, break his other ankle. sure. Bulger has made a name for Tommy Maddox of the Steelers himself in the league. So don’t be had a frightening moment when he surprised if teams with quarterback went down on a seemingly ordinary woes like Washington and Chicago tackle, but lay motionless for 15 inquire about his contract status. minutes thereafter. The playoff He suffered cerepicture is forming DEFENSIVE PICKS bral and spinal in the NFC, but 1. Chargers cord concussions. the AFC is still up 2. Patriots The latest report for grabs. is that he had a 3. Saints Thirteen of rather remarkthe 16 teams in 4. Jets able recovery and the AFC have at 5. Bears is expected to least .500 records 6. Jaguars start throwing on and are still in the 7. Steelers Friday. I’m glad playoff hunt. Each 8. Rams he’ll get a chance week will be more 9. Falcons to finish off his and more critical dream season. 10. Titans for AFC teams. The other quarThe playoff 11. Chiefs terback injured pool for the NFC, 12. Raiders Sunday was however, seems 13. Buccaneers Brian Griese of more decided. The 14. Giants the Broncos. He Eagles were look15. Broncos went down with a ing good, but now 16. 49ers sprained knee and that McNabb is will be out one to out, it looks like three weeks. The the Giants have a Broncos should be in good shape strong chance of winning that diviwith Steve Beuerlein, who almost sion. Green Bay is running away won the starting position from with the NFC North. It’s very likeGriese earlier this season. ly the 49ers will win the NFC West, So Rams coach Mike Martz is despite the surge of the Rams. The really going to do it. NFC South title could go to the After giving this team life and Saints, Falcons, or Buccaneers, but something to play for, Marc Bulger the other two teams will probably (who by the way has the highest get the two wild-card spots. quarterback rating in the league)

By Andrew Burns

Daily Titan Staff Writer

A Season Filled with Ups and Downs nSOCCER: Despite a strong start to what looked like a promising year, key player losses ended all playoff hopes By Odeen Domingo

Daily Titan Staff Writer “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.” – Michael Jordan The Cal State Fullerton women’s soccer team learned a lesson this season that it will never forget. The Titans (12-5-1 overall, 6-3 in Big West) started the 2002 season strong, but as the season winded down and the matches became more crucial, the team seemed to burn out faster than Milli Vanilli’s career. The team learned to play solid for an entire season. With a young 2002 team (16 underclassmen, including 12 freshmen), CSUF hopes to apply that lesson in seasons to come. Heading into the season, everything was in place for another successful run. Fullerton was coming off its first ever Big West conference championship and NCAA tournament appearance. A good core of

players from last season was returning, including three first team AllBig West forwards (seniors Michele Bannister and Jenny Mescher and sophomore Kellie Cox) and junior Laura Janke, the goalkeeper that led a record-setting defense. The team’s coach, Ali Khosroshahin, was named the conference’s Coach of the Year in his rookie season. The 13-player incoming recruiting class, which included seven high school league MVPs, was ranked 22nd in the nation and sixth in the region by soccerbuzz.com. On top of that, the Big West coaches voted CSUF to repeat as conference champions. The Titans seemed poised and ready for another breakout year. But before the season started, Janke was unable to play for a few weeks because of an injury. So Khosroshahin had to start talented, but inexperienced freshman Karen Bardsley in goal. Bardsley became a pleasant surprise. On her way to ultimately winning the Big West Freshman of the Year award and earning a spot on the All-Big West Second Team, the 6-foot-1-inch freshman also acquired the UCI Tournament MVP, a spot on the National Elite Team of the Week and conference Co-Player of the Week during the first month of

the season. Bardsley registered an impressive 12-3-1 record, .096 goals against average and 88 total saves. The freshman also helped the team set a new team defensive record, surpassing the 2001 team in allowing only 21 total goals. All season, Khosroshahin utilized his team’s overwhelming speed and depth to counter opponents. The team’s 3-3-4 (three forwards, three midfielders, four defenders) base set would sometimes change to a 3-4-3 or 4-3-2 when it controlled the ball, shifting a defender up the field for more offensive pressure and scoring chances. Fullerton’s speed was superior in most matches, as through balls, crosses and the give-and-go were the team’s bread-and-butter plays. The game plan worked almost to perfection, with the Titans out scoring (39-21) and out shooting (315217) their 2002 opponents. Their depth was also apparent as 14 different players scored a goal through the season. In a 6-1 victory over UC Irvine on Oct. 20, six different players scored each goal. For the season, only three players had multiple-goal games. Freshman Allison Bowman had a two-goal game to help the Titans defeat Cal

SEAN DUFRENE/Special to the Titan

Though this defender took on more than she could handle, CSUF could not finish off its other opponents.

State Northridge, 3-2, on Oct. 4 and sophomores Kellie Cox and Vanessa Valentine both scored twice in a crucial 4-3 double overtime victory over UC Santa Barbara on Nov. 3. Continuing with the “only three players” theme, only three players (freshman Kandace Wilson, sophomore Erica Jacalone and junior Nicole Mularkey) recorded doubledigit points. Wilson led the team with seven goals, 17 points and 39 shots and tied for first with two game-winning goals with Mularkey and fellow freshman Allison Bowman. Sophomore Jacalone was second on the team with 12 points and tied for second with five goals on her way to an all-conference first team honor. Mularkey, a transfer from 2000 state champions Long Beach City College, had 11 points and shared second-place on the team in goals with Jacalone. The team’s first six games came in three separate tournaments. CSUF won its own tournament, the Soccer Town Classic with ease. But the next two tournaments were tough challenges, facing No. 24 St. Mary’s in the UC Irvine Nike Invitational and No. 6 Portland and No. 12 Washington in the Nike Portland Invitational. The young Titans more than held their own against the three-ranked teams, finishing 1-1-1 against them. Fullerton defeated St. Mary’s 1-0 in winning the UCI tournament. The team took Portland to overtime on Wilson’s equalizing goal with only 48 seconds left in regulation, but eventually lost 2-1. CSUF then tied Washington, 1-1, in a double overtime match. The Titans gained confidence after playing fairly well against nationally ranked teams and took that to the field, winning the next seven matches. Through the 7-0-1 unbeaten streak that tied the team record that was set last season, Fullerton also won its 13th straight game in the friendly confines of Titan Stadium. In the third victory of the winning streak, Mularkey’s game-winning goal to beat San Diego, 3-2, with just 1:12 left in regulation, earned her the conference Co-Player of the Week and national team of the week honors. Another dramatic ending came on Fullerton’s match against Pacific on Oct. 6. Wilson again had another late goal, this time a game-winner with exactly one minute remaining in regulation for a 2-1 victory. Before the team’s next game against Idaho, Bannister and Mescher were suspended indefinitely for unspecified conduct detrimental to the team on Oct. 10. The suspen-

sions proved critical for the rest of the season. CSUF went 4-4 to finish out the season, failing to defend its conference championship and earn a berth into the NCAA Tournament. The Titans missed Bannister and Mescher’s consistent offensive prowess. The two seniors led the 2001 team with 25 points each. Mescher, a San Jose State transfer, still tied freshman Erin Shelton for the team lead in assists even though she missed the last eight games of the season. Bannister, who earned the 2001 NSCAA/Adidas Junior College Player of the Year and won a state title with Mularkey at LBCC, had amassed six points and 27 shots in just 10 games. In 25 games in a Titan uniform, she is tied for seventh on the team’s career points list with Erin Rico (1994-96) and tied for second in career game-wining goals with Kelly Bogan (1995-98). But the seniors who did play the whole season were stars in their own right. Forward Kim Houg and defender Lindsey Glick made the 2002 All-Big West First Team. Defender Janelle Garcia was the Titan’s Inspirational Player of the Year. Garcia suffered a career-threatening leg injury, but battled back to play eight games and a crucial role in the UCSB victory. The senior played impressive for someone who is technically only 5 years old. Garcia was born on Feb. 29, 1980 and is a “leapyear baby.” Houg is sixth on Fullerton’s career point list with 31. Glick joined Jacalone and Valentine as the only players to start all 18 matches. She finished the year with one gamewinning goal and six points. Even though the Titans finished third in the Big West, they still lead the conference with eight total players on the All-Big West Team for the second straight season. Joining Glick and Houg were Bowman and Jacalone on the First Team. Cox, who was named to the First Team last season, joined Valentine and freshman Marlene Sandoval as Honorable Mention. Sandoval and junior Nadia Hernandez missed the last two games of the season because they joined the Mexican National Team in Gold Cup action. Overall, even though the team was disappointed in failing to defend its Big West championship and earn another NCAA Tournament appearance, the sense of disappointment could be considered a triumph for a women’s soccer program only in its 10th year of existence.

Five Titans Make AllBig West Cal State Fullerton junior mens soccer player Hector Orellana was named to the All-Big West Conference First-Team for the second consecutive season and headlined a list of four other Titans to earn all-conference honors in a vote of Big West coaches on Tuesday afternoon. Orellana led the Titans this season with 11 goals and six assists for 28 points. As of Nov. 18, he ranked third in the Big West in points, fourth in points per match (1.35), third in shots (64), third in goals, third in goals per match (0.55) and tied for ninth in assists. Junior midfielder Brent Whitfield was the Titans’ lone second-team selection after posting three goals and four assists (10 points) on the season, including an assist in the season finale against Cal State Northridge. Three Titans were named as honorable mention selections. Senior forward David Dischner, freshman midfielder Eugene Brooks and sophomore goalkeeper Sam Reynolds were all honored. Dischner had a pair of goals and an assist in his senior season, and was tied for fourth on the team in points. Brooks had a stellar rookie campaign, ranking season on the team with seven goals and 15 points. He also had an assist on the season. Reynolds finished his second season in a Titan uniform with a 7-7-2 overall record and a 1.56 goals against average, which ranked fourth in the Big West. He also had 83 saves on the year (.755 save percentage) which led the conference and ranked second in saves per match with 4.88. Cal State Fullerton finished the 2002 regular season with an 8-9-3 overall record and a 4-4-2 mark in league play for third place. -Information courtesy of CSUF Athletic Media Relations

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