2002 12 10

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,



h t t p : / / d a i l y t i t a n . f u l l e r t o n . e d u T U E S D AY

Vo l u m e 7 5 , I s s u e 4 8


Tuition Could Spike by 10 % nCOSTS: Because of state budget cuts, the CSU will hold an emergency meeting Monday to decide fees By Kimberly Pierceall

Daily Titan Editor in Chief

OPINION: Students prepare to bear arms against CSU in the event of a possible tuition increase, and SUVs are OK for one of our readers Please see page 4

D e ce m be r 1 0 , 2 0 0 2

The CSU Board of Trustees is considering raising tuition next semester at every Cal State university, including Cal State Fullerton. Students who already paid for spring semester will be billed an additional 10 percent if the proposal

passes, Joan Hemphill, the director of University Affairs for the California State Student Association, said. A full-time CSUF student would, in effect, pay the university an extra $94.05 to remain a student next semester. Students thereafter would pay $1,034.55 each semester, if more increases aren’t proposed beforehand. Associated Students, Inc. President and Vice President, Alex Lopez and Matthew Martinez, saw the increases coming. “Now with the (state) budget cuts – it’s here now, it’s upon us,” Martinez said. Lopez, a non-voting student representative on the Board of Trustees, will

address the issue at the ASI Board of Directors today at 1:15 p.m. on the second floor TSU Legislative Chambers. The Board of Trustees will decide whether they want to enact the 10 percent increase at an emergency meeting Monday, Dec. 16. at 10 a.m. in Long Beach. The CSSA will protest if the decision is made to increase fees. ASI will start its “No Student Fee Increase” campaign today when they send fliers to assistant deans of the colleges, Inter-Club council leaders and ASI board members. Students from all over the CSU plan to converge on the emergency meeting Monday and Lopez and Martinez don’t

want CSUF students to be under-represented. Because of finals, Martinez said they’re not expecting a huge turnout by CSUF students but Lopez hopes that some students will be in attendance since the protest and meeting are nearby at the Chancellor’s office. “We need to show a commitment,” he said. Nowhere on the “No Fee Increase” flier does it mention a 10 percent increase but it does beg the questions, “How will a fee increase affect your personal finances next spring? Next year’s budget will be worse …What will the trustees do then? When will the increases stop???”

Greeks Look to Restore Image nCAMPUS: The Panhellenic and Inter-Fraternity Councils have been working to rectify the destruction that took place at the 2100 Teri Place Sigma Pi fraternity house last week

In the early 90s during the recession, the state budget crisis crashed into the CSU and forced students to pay spiked fees. “In the early 90s it did go up quite a lot,” perhaps more than 10 percent, Hemphill said. The possible tuition increase follows Gov. Gray Davis’ proposal Monday to cut $59.6 million from the CSU budget for this fiscal year. Davis should have more proposed cuts for the 2003/04 fiscal year released on January 10. “This year is a problem, but next year could be a catastrophe,” Chancellor Charles B. Reed said in a prepared statement.

French Poetry Night a Hit at CSUF

By Diana Gonzales

Daily Titan Staff Writer

NEWS: Fullerton celebrated its sixth annual Winterfest on Saturday. Food and craft booths lined Wilshire Boulevard Please see page 6

SPORTS: The Titan men got a double-double from Pape Sow, but it wasn’t enough against Loyola Marymount, as CSUF lost 75-68 Please see page 8


extras online n

Check out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton.edu. New features and sections will be available this year!

u p co m i n g n

Find out what happened at the Fullerton council meeting and what will become of the Sigma Pi house in tomorrow’s Daily Titan!

Last week’s vandalizing of the Sigma Pi’s former fraternity house tarnished not only Cal State Fullerton’s image, but also that of the Greek system. In order to decide what actions and responses to make in the aftermath of the incident, the Panhellenic and InterFraternity Councils held an emergency meeting in the Titan Student Union. The hour-and-a-half long meeting was held Friday at 1 p.m. Representatives from the nationally recognized fraternities and sororities and administration were at the meeting that was held on campus. The goal of the meeting was to figure out a way to respond to the incident and discuss ways of improving the public’s view of the Greek System. “I think we need to all show our disdain, disgust and condemnation for what happened ... because certainly it does not represent the ideals and principles that are part of our organizations,” said Bob Palmer, vice president of Student Affairs. Palmer said that in the public’s JESSI MCFARLAND/Daily Titan eye, the positive things that fraternities and sororities do are so Greek members have volunteered to help clean up the house but insurance policies are halting quickly diminished and overshad- the process. Efforts will be discussed in front of the Fullerton City Council at 4 p.m. today. owed by these types of mindless versity will pursue the appropriSandy Rhoten, associate dean tion or penalty. acts. Sanctions range from a warning, ate action against those individu- of Judicial Affairs, also attended A full investigation is cur- als and the organization as well, the meeting and explained the pos- probation or permanent expulsion rently being pursued by CSUF, Palmer said. sible paths that this case could from all Cal State Universities. separate from the Fullerton Police “We can not, as a university, tol- take. After the investigation is The individual or organization can Department’s criminal investiga- erate or accept that type of behav- complete, the organization and/or then accept the sanction or deny tion. ior,” Palmer said. “It is antithetical individuals that are suspected in it. If they refuse the sanction the If the perpetrators are members to every thing we believe in.” the incident will be served a sancMEETING/ 5 of a Greek organization, the uni-

nARTS: A Humanities room was transformed into a hip coffee house for a night with a surgeon turned poet By Tim Plumley

Special to the Titan Sitting in a dark room, a lonely guitar plays. The room is filled with the thick French accent of Jean-Noël Chrisment as he recites, “Ce depotoir funeraire battu par les vagues,” or “This funeral dump beaten by the waves.” “Death is no longer black – it’s gray,” Chrisment recites in French. “Tar on the shore plays this part in that tint, blackness, better than the droppings of the lightweight dead.” Whatever the translation, whatever the language, it was easy to hear the emotion on Friday night. Students, from all levels of French, were treated to an appearance by Chrisment and recited their French poetry at the fifth annual French Poetry Night. Hélèn Domon, a professor of French, was one of the main organizers and the key to bringing Chrisment overseas. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, the Associated Students, Inc. and the Humanities and Social Sciences Interclub Council sponsored the event. Chrisment, an orthopedic surgeon turned poet, was flown in from


Students Should Scout the Best Study Locations nFINALS: To get away from the noise at home, CSUF offers many spots on campus to concentrate By Alex Yeo

Daily Titan Staff Writer So many tests, so little time. And where to study? With final exams one week away, students are looking for that right spot to study. Nail biting, sniffles and headaches go hand in hand with Scantrons, long nights and finals just around the corner for Cal State Fullerton students. With final examinations given all the same week, students need their space when it comes to studying or cramming. For those students who can study in a noisy environment, they can go back to their dorms. For all those students who need tranquility and quiet, they don’t have to go very far; CSUF has plenty of study areas.

The library might be the first place where students go to do their studying, but after looking around the entire university – there are several other places. The Titan Student Union has one of the university’s main study centers. With “keep quiet” signs posted in several doors, plenty of students gather in the TSU semester after semester to study. A chimney, couches, tables and chairs fill up rooms and hallways inside this building. The quiet ambience and the nearby snack store make this a popular hangout for students during finals week. Several students, including Mark Kuka, find these study rooms very comfortable and decide to take a break from it all by taking a nap. “Because I have long breaks in between classes, I enjoy staying on campus,” he said. “It’s quiet, you could take a nap, or do some class work.” For study places that aren’t so popular, College Park has a small lounge on the first floor with a couple of chairs and a table, perfect for those group project reunions.



As finals approach, students are finding alternative places, like Carl’s Jr., to study.

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2002 12 10 by Daily Titan - Issuu