2002 12 13

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,



h t t p : / / d a i l y t i t a n . f u l l e r t o n . e d u Vo l u m e 7 5 , I s s u e 5 1



Students Evaluate Professors nSCANTRON: While some believe a scathing review will get an instructor fired, action is not that swift By Benjamin Becker

Daily Titan Staff Writer

NEWS: Avoid the fruit cake and the liquor this holiday season, or you might become one of the ever increasing statistics of drunken drivers

D e ce m be r 1 3 , 2 0 0 2

As a part of Cal State Fullerton’s close-of-the-semester tradition, students are given license to evaluate their instructors and the quality of their classes. After penciling in bubbles, prais-

ing a professor or defiantly scribbling criticisms, students file their professor evaluation sheets into a folder that is whisked away. However, not many students are aware of what happens to their input after the papers have been sent, nor do they understand the weight evaluations carry. Upon completion of the venting session, the students’ evaluations are taken to the department office of that class. There is a designated staff person (or people) who either process the forms or send them to be processed elsewhere. Depending on the department, the evaluations may or may not be sent to

the Computer Center in the basement of the Library. This is where most departments send their evaluations to be tabulated by computer. “We usually start processing the forms about a week after finals,” said Kathy Perkins, supervisor of operations in Administrative Computing. Perkins heads the entire operation in the basement of the library and said that in the fall of 2001 the center scanned approximately 82,000 evaluation sheets and about the same in the spring of 2002. “After we have finished computing the results, the department is contacted to come pick them up,” she said. “We give them three copies of the printouts

for each instructor for their own filing purposes,” she said. However, some departments opt not to use the Scantron-style evaluations, preferring their students communicate concerns in another fashion. “Our evaluations are handwritten and are processed within our own office,” said Diane Costello, a staff member from the English Department. “Since we don’t use the Scantron evaluations, we aren’t involved [with the computer center].” Amy Castaneda, a Communications Department staff member said, “The department chair as well as each instructor is given a printout showing how students rated them. After that,

Chatting It Up

Please see page 3

all is left to the chair.” J. Michael Russel, chairman of the Philosophy Department, said, “Some instructors are very, very leery of them. It’s not so rare for people to not be re-hired if they’re not getting a decent student response.” Although he believes the evaluations are pretty effective, Russel said that students shouldn’t confuse their input with firing power. “No actions are taken against instructors until meeting with them,” Russel said. “Some courses are just unpopular no matter what. I don’t


Budget Troubles Continue nFUNDS: Gov. Gray Davis proposes a midyear $60 million cut in money allocated to the CSU system By LaToya Baker

Daily Titan Staff Writer

three things. “They bring a quarter, so they feel like they’re paying for it,” Vargish said. “And if for some reason a child doesn’t have a quarter, we make sure we have plenty so they don’t get left out.” Vargish said that some will come in and know right away what they want and others will take a half hour. All the gifts have been donated. There are a lot knickknacks, toys, donated jewelry and on occasion they will get children’s books and blocks. “One of the fun things is that the kids will see me and say, ‘Remember me, remember when I went shopping

Gov. Gray Davis proposed slashing spending from hundreds of state programs Friday, outlining deep cuts in public education, health care and layoffs for thousands of state workers. Davis, who has described education as his top priority, has proposed cutting $60 million in funding to California State Universities, $200 million from community colleges and $1.9 billion in funding to elementary education all in midyear—meaning money that had been promised to these institutions for the fiscal year 2002 will be taken back, forcing the institutions to deal with the fallout. “These budget reductions are severe by any measure,” Davis said in a Los Angeles Times article. “Enacting these cuts in midyear will be an extraordinarily difficult task, but we face an extraordinary challenge.” The cuts are meant to help erase California’s $21 billion deficit. A deficit many attribute to the dot-com bust and last year’s energy crisis. “Many of the dot-coms have gone out of business so that means that there are not any revenues coming in from the sales of high-tech programs and equipment ... and so there is a lack of money coming in the budget through state sales taxes,” said Peter Mathews, a political analyst for NBC and a professor of American government at Cypress College. “The energy crisis has also contributed to the rising deficit. The governor used up the $9 billion surplus California had to buy up expensive energy,” Mathews said. “With that surplus gone and with the recession on, the deficit has been just staggering.”



OPINION: Alex Lopez urges students to take a stand and attend the tuition protest at the Chancellor’s Office in Long Beach on Monday Please see page 5

The David statue gets a an earful as a student rests atop his torso to talk on her cellular phone.


Children areTaught Spirit of Giving SPORTS: The Cal State Fullerton’s men’s basketball team came up short in their matchup against USC on Wednesday losing 7863 Please see page 8


extras online n

Check out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton.edu. New features and sections will be available this year!

u p co m i n g n

Find out what happens through the late hours of the night in the TSU in the Daily Titan’s last issue of the fall semester.

nHOLIDAYS: Presents for loved ones are bought and specially wrapped for one quarter By Nicole Eckerle

Daily Titan Staff Writer Not many things can be bought for a quarter these days, but at the CSUF Children’s Center Holiday Store, a child can buy someone a special gift this Christmas season. Betsy Gibbs, director of the center, said that children get to go into the

store and pick out a gift, wrap it and give it to whomever they want – even themselves. “The idea of it is to give them that perspective, that it’s a time of giving, some of them get it a little bit better then the other ones, and trying to get them to think of another person’s point of view, and for the 2, 3 and 4 year olds is a difficult concept,” said Beverly Vargish, assistant director of the center. “We’re teaching them empathy, we’re teaching them about giving.” The Holiday Store is set up in Vargish’s office Dec. 18 to 19. “I bring in shelves and kind of close down and take the chairs out, and set up shelves so it looks like a little

store,” Vargish said. The head teachers bring in a couple children at a time to the store. “They’ll come in and we’ll help them find something and they’ll think of a couple people that they want to buy for and we’ll help them find it and then they wrap it as much as they can themselves, with our help,” Vargish said. Vargish said that with the age that they are, they have a hard time seeing another person’s point of view or another person’s feelings, so they just assume that it’s what they want. “Mom wants this truck or dad wants this necklace ... it’s cute,” Vargish said. The children usually buy two or

featuring Wurlitzer electronic keyboards. These pianos could be listened to through headphones allowing players, who were accustomed to the sound of 20 pianos playing simultaneously, to not interfere with others in the room. Shortly after, as technology progressed, the lab installed a Yamaha Clavinova lab in 1986. This technology allowed Baker to single out her players or pair them up. Soon after, this lab had gotten its full use and the pianos were starting to sound like it. This 16-year-old lab needed an upgrade and Baker-Jordan pressed for a new lab. The technicians had done all they could do but the equipment was worn and getting static. She credits College of the Arts Dean Jerry Samuelson and Gordon Paine, former music chair-

man with making this new lab a reality. Manufactured and installed by the Roland Corp., the instruments and equipment are all digital. Wearing headphones, students focus on monitors, featuring a bouncing ball that guides them through the notes of a melody. The pianos also allow students to insert a disk, record themselves and play their exercises back. They have a synthesizer, which allows for programmed accompaniments with an organ, guitar, bass, strings and other instrumental sounds. “It’s easy to use when you’re going off the monitor… the ‘bouncing ball’ follows the notes for you,” freshman Bryan Balderman said. He is taking beginning piano and

New Pianos Update Lab Facility nEQUIPMENT: Students can now use headphones and monitors with a bouncing ball guide By Edna Silva

Daily Titan Staff Writer The Cal State Fullerton Music Department piano lab has students using the latest technology. Installed just before the beginning of the fall semester, features in the new lab make learning the piano a more versatile and visual experience. “It’s state of the art,” said Martha Baker-Jordan, emeritus professor of music at CSUF who has been teaching at CSUF since 1975. Soon after her arrival a new lab was installed


Students rehearse an exercise with their teacher.

EDNA SILVA/Daily Titan

2 Friday, December 13, 2002


page a guide to what ’s happening

BRIEFS Volunteers are Needed for Tax-Aide Program The Fullerton Senior MultiService Center is assisting the AARP in seeking volunteers to help prepare free income tax returns at the center from February through April 15. The AARP is in a partnership with the IRS and provides a yearly Tax-Aide program that helps moderate- and low-income seniors prepare for their tax returns. All volunteers will receive a five-day tax and computer training course by IRS-certified instructors the week of Jan. 12 Tax aide volunteers will be expected to work up to four hours a week by helping to prepare tax returns. To receive further information, call (714) 738-3341.

Fullerton City Closures During the Holidays Fullerton City Hall will be closed from Dec. 24 through Jan. 1 for the winter holiday season and will reopen at 7 a.m. on Jan. 2. All city emergency services such as police and fire protection, will remain open and city maintenance crews will be on standby in case of emergencies. The Fullerton city holiday closure is a program designed as a cost-saving measure due to traditional decrease in government business during the holiday season.

Under the program, city employees take the days off either as their regular paid holidays or as part of their accumulated vacation time, therefore they do not receive special paid time off during closure. Although the Treasurer’s Office at Fullerton City Hall will be closed during the holidays, residents who mail payments will still be able to pay their water bills by dropping the payment envelopes in the water payment box located on the exterior of the north side of City Hall. Fullerton’s Development Services Department will be closed during the holidays as well, but building officials will be available to conduct inspections. Those needing to schedule building inspections during the closure may call (714) 738-6542. MG Disposal Systems, Fullerton’s trash contractor, will observe Christmas Day and New Year’s Day and will not be making collections on those days. Citizens who wish to recycle their Christmas trees may place the trees out with their trash on their collection day starting Dec. 26. All decorations, tinsel and metal tree stands must be removed before recycling. Trees taller than six feet must be cut in half. For further information about holiday trash collections, call MG Disposal at (714) 871-1434 and for more information on city closures during the holidays, call the Public Information Office at (714)


On Campus Dec. 13 As the semester winds down it gets harder and harder to find a good 9-ball billiard tournament, but alas, the TSU Underground will be holding one at 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.. It is a fact that an angel gets its wings every time you donate a toy to charity. Today is your last chance. Camp Titan’s Toy Drive will come to a close. Turn in all your toys to Information Services in the TSU. Let some angels get their wings. Today is the last day of classes, thus ending Cal State Fullerton’s fall semester 2002. David Grimes and Richard Turner will direct the guitar orchestra in the Performing Arts Center’s Little Theatre. The strumming and picking of the guitar strings will surely put you in acoustic bliss. The performance starts at 8 p.m. All Cal State Fullerton faculty, staff, administrative employees, ASI officers, board of directors, Foundation and University Advancement Foundation employees are all invited to the Holiday Open House in the Titan Student Union’s Portola Pavilion at 1 p.m. This is a great place to mingle with faculty and share humorous anec-

dotes of the happenings of this fall semester. The women’s gymnastics team will be displaying its remarkable talents in its blue and orange intrasquad meet. The high-flying Titans will combine grace and strength for all to enjoy. The meet will be held in the Physical Education Building’s practice gym in rooms 217 and 230 at 2 p.m. Admission is free, so people from all walks of life can attend. Don’t miss out on this socially conscious event. Dec. 14 Experience an “Olde Fashioned Christmas in the Garden in the Arboretum.” It will be like a photograph from the days of yore. You will be magically transported into an enchanted wonderland with a myriad of holiday celebrations. The magic will start at 11 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults, and in the spirit of the holidays, children are free. Women’s basketball versus San Diego. This preseason matchup will match the athletic prowess of both teams. The thrilling game will take place in the Titan Gym and will start at 5 p.m. For more information, call (714) 278-CSUF. Men’s basketball versus Idaho

State. Only the clash of the Greek gods can relate to the passion of competition that lies between these two competitors. These athletes will compete at a level not known to most fans of this great sport we call basketball. The great match-up will begin at 7:05 p.m. at Titan Gym. For more information, call (714) 278-CSUF Dec. 16 If you love your family, then treat them with a stop at the TSU’s Family Night. The holidays are coming fast and what better way to say “I love you,” to your family than by taking them to Cal State Fullerton for a fun filled Monday night. The wholesome fun begins at 5 p.m. and runs until 8 p.m. Semester examinations begin and continue through Dec. 20. It is advised that all study hard to be productive and successful members of society in their latter years.


Event of the Week

Dec. 14 Charles Dickens’ classically divine story, “A Christmas Carol,” continues at the Maverick Theatre in the transcendental Block at Orange. Enjoy a beautiful skyline outlined by whimsical sausages and magical neon signs. Then stop by the theater for a new take on “A Christmas Carol.” This will

All week long, until those last days of finals, when your eyes are heavy and your heart races during that tumultuous final hurricane of exams, there is a place where you can go. A place where people are there to comfort you, massage you, feed you and help you with all of life’s problems. The TSU will be open all day and night until the

Are you going to make any new yearʼs resolutions?

Mandy Regan

J.P. Weaver

freshman, freshman,

Chevaun Morrison,



computer science business-management

ally don’t follow through with them.”

Elizabeth Perry

“No, I never have.”

“No, I don’t really do them.”

ADVERTISING Dan Taylor Erik Alden Ishmael Salleh Aubrey Alford Erik Alden Allsion Smith Dan Karp Kevin Cook Lisa Otoide Tracy Beetler Tom Sullens

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Tuesday through Friday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. Copyright ©2002 Daily Titan

Dec. 15 Today will be a great day to go shopping for your loved ones. A brisk Sunday stroll through the bustle of a wonderful mall is a great way to spend the holidays. Just a reminder, its only 10 days from Christmas. Dec. 16 Mudvayne will play its sick and un-Christianlike music at the House of Blues in Anaheim. They will also be bringing the bands Taproot and Depswa to open for them. If you like hard, crazy, deliciously decadent music, then this show is for you. The show starts at 8 p.m. For tickets and more information, call (714) 778-BLUE.

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surely cure those holiday blues. Not like there is anything to be blue about at this green and red time. The show starts at 5 p.m. For more information, call (714) 634-1977.

Who Asked You?

“Probably not, I usuKimberly Pierceall Trinity Powells Robert Sage Heather Hampton John Paul Gutierrez Christina Guerrero Brian Thatcher Ricardo Sanchez Jr. Laila Derakhshanian Matthew Sedlar Trinity Powells Jaime Nolte Katie Cumper Brian Miller Cindy Bertea Matthew Sedlar Gus Garcia Abigaile C. Siena Ryan Hoppe Thomas Clanin



liberal arts

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Daily Titan

Supplement Direct 4*4

bio-chemistry “Probably not, I just never seem to come through.”

Daily Titan


Friday, December 13, 2002

Ho! Ho! Ho-liday Driving Hazards This Season, Be Cautious


Extra Patrols on the Roads

nSAFETY: Drunken driving-related fatalities and injuries increase from November to January every year

nPRECAUTION: A $4 million grant will allow for an increase in overtime for CHP and local law enforcement

By Melissa Bobbitt

By Christina Guerrero

Special to the Daily Titan

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor

It’s that time of year again, and undoubtedly, stress will increase thanks to last minute shopping and being surrounded by relatives. Parties will be abundant. Many people will turn to alcohol as a close companion. Too often, alcohol is abused during the holidays. Cpl. John Brockie, a Cal State Fullerton DUI officer, said the number of DUI’s and drunken driving-related fatal“Alcohol ities increase from November to January every year. Furthermore, a recent study related trafconducted by the Center for Disease Control found that fic deaths drunken driving deaths among adults have increased slightly dropped by since 1997. However, drunken fatalities among minors have 40 percent decreased over 60 percent since 1982. Brockie attributes the decline between the in minors’ deaths to the impleof drug awareness time MADD mentation programs in schools. “People under 18 are getwas founded ting the message through police departments, DARE and in 1980 and MADD,” Brockie said. Older drivers may not have had the same exposure to such pro1993” grams, since they were not founded until 1983 and 1980 respectively. Wendy J. Until the statistics decline sharply for all demographics, MADD and other drug awareness organizations will remain unsatisfied by the nation’s efforts to quell drunken driving. Tresa Hardt and Misty Moyseon, staff writers for MADD, gave the United States a grade of “C” in its battle against alcohol abuse this year in a critique written for MADD’s official Web site. “C is for complacency,” said MADD National President Wendy J. Hamilton. She added that whereas “alcohol-related traffic deaths dropped by 40 percent between the time MADD was founded in 1980 and 1993 … over the past three years, drunk driving deaths have


Drivers who drink during the holidays should plan to have a designated driver, or call a taxi. climbed by 5 percent.” Additionally, www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov, a branch of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, reported that 2.1 million students between the ages of 18 and 24 drove under the influence of alcohol last year. Despite these findings, Brockie remains optimistic about CSUF’s fight against drunken driving. A current police report stated that alcohol-related arrests within the university’s vicinity increased by less than 1 percent from the year 2000 to 2001. “That’s about normal for our department,” Brockie said. “We have a very proactive department [with] lots of self-initiated activity.” Brockie said his department performs two DUI arrest simulations during the holidays to prepare for the dangerous season. Because of the “self-initiated activity” of the CSUF DUI officers, holiday arrests decreased by 45 percent

Buena Vista “The Host Chick” 3*10.5

from the year 2000 to 2001. Brockie said the national increase in drunken driving fatalities is relative to the country’s perpetually growing population. Authorities such as Brockie highly recommend that all drivers take caution during the holidays. Alcohol consumers should find designated drivers to accompany them to parties, and alcohol should only be consumed by responsible adults who are 21 and older. “To the non-impaired driver, just drive more defensively,” Brockie urged. “Be aware of who’s around you … and continuously look for an escape route if a car swerves toward you.” Brockie also said it is a good idea to take as many distractions away from you as possible while driving. This includes food and cell phones. Brockie said it is crucial to pay full attention to the road while driving, no matter what time of the year.

Alcohol-related traffic accidents killed 1,308 and injured 31,806 Californians last year, according to the Office of Traffic Safety. In Orange County alone, drunken drivers killed 80 people and injured 1,959. Law enforcement also reported 12,074 arrests due to people driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Since December is California’s “Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month,” several law enforcement agencies statewide will make an extra effort to stop impaired driving. “We have maximum enforcement periods,” said Officer Scott Ellison of the California Highway Patrol. “The CHP has 80 percent of our available officers out on the streets.” They will also focus on promoting the wearing of seatbelts. Although California’s 91.1 percent seatbelt-use rate is one of the highest in the nation, approximately three million vehicle occupants remain unbelted, according to the Governor’s Web site. In California, traffic fatalities happen on a daily basis, according to the Office of Traffic Safety. California has had a consistent record of traffic fatalities since Sept. 12, 2000 and before that, the date was May 1, 1991. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities increased 6 percent in 2001, which was the third consecutive increase after more than a decade of decline, according to the Office of Traffic Safety. There were 1,171 alcohol-related fatal accidents and 20,662 alcohol-related injury accidents statewide. “The Office of Traffic Safety has made a concentrated effort to fund DUI enforcement programs where the need is greatest,” said Teresa Becher, Office of Traffic Safety Interim Director. “During 2002, more than $16 million has specifically been set aside to support impaired driving efforts, many of which fall during the December holidays. We want to make sure the California Highway Patrol and other law enforcement agencies have the support they need to effectively get impaired drivers off the roads.” The consequences of driving under the influence can often cost thousands of dollars in vehicle towing and storage, increases in insurance, DUI classes, community service, DMV fees and other fines, according to the Office of Traffic Safety. “The CHP’s DUI arrests have increased during the holidays this year,” Helmik said. “This may indicate some people are not using designated drivers or are not finding another way to get home. A cab ride is one of the best investments you can possibly make for yourself and your family. It may be the best

D.T. Hiring 3*10.5

Daily Titan

4 Friday, December 13, 2002


Alumni Involved in Special Events at LocalVenues nENTERTAINMENT: CSUF grads take the long and winding road to success for their current occupations By Lissette Lebrilla

Daily Titan Staff Writer Two Cal State Fullerton graduates have shown their love for their career despite working long hours and holidays. These people have worked their way up within the entertainment industry and are now involved with three successful entertainment companies. Ken Shoeman is the director of special events ticketing at Buena Vista Pictures Distribution. Vanessa Kromer is the director of publicity for Nederlander Concerts. In 1985, Shoeman graduated CSUF with a bachelor’s degree in business administration with an emphasis in accounting. He remembers one of the toughest professors he had was Jay Hirsch. Hirsch taught Accounting

201A and 201B, which Shoeman said separated the men from the boys. “He inspired me,” Shoeman said. “He was tough in class, but different in person. Dr. Hirsch was more gentle in his office and made sure you walked away with all your questions answered.” While at CSUF, Shoeman worked in the ticket booth and sold merchandise at Disneyland. He started there when he was a senior at Saint John Bosco High School in Long Beach. He worked there all through college and never did an internship. He wanted to get outside experience and got a full-time job at Thompson Ramo Woolridge, while still working at Disneyland on the weekends. Shoeman also received a master’s degree in finance from Loyola Marymount. “I needed a finance background,” he said. “Now that I have the job, marketing is a huge part of the job.” He now resides in Fullerton with his wife and four kids. He said the commute is tough and there are a lot of hours, including the weekends, but he enjoys working for Disney.

Disney is a well-known product, and Shoeman finds it easy to sell. With his youngest child, 2 years old, and oldest, 11 years old, Shoeman has the advantage of a child’s point of view. He is responsible for selling tickets for the Walt Disney Company for films. The El Capitan Theatre is the main venue when releasing new films. The theater had a live stage show before the film “Santa Clause 2.” At the Ziegfeld Theater in New York, Disney characters appeared to meet and greet with the audience. Shoeman said that since people in New York don’t have the luxury of the characters being local like people in Southern California or Florida, it is a great way to bring the films closer to the audience. Bob Gault, vice president of special events for Buena Vista Distribution, has been with Disney for 34 years and has known Shoeman since 1981 when they worked together in the main entrance at Disneyland. “He has very good work ethics and can adapt to situations very easily,” Gault said. “He is dedicated and passionate.”

Gault’s advice for anyone looking to get into the entertainment industry is to get internships and have a lot of passion for the job at hand. Another aspect of the entertainment industry is music, and Nederlander does concert promotion for venues all over the world. Kromer graduated from CSUF in 1995 with a bachelor’s degree in communications with an emphasis in public relations. Kromer was also a part of Public Relations Student Society of America, International Association of Business Communication and Alpha Chi Omega. Her sorority sister, Christy Castillo-Garten, had told her about a job opening at the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim. Kromer got a part-time job in the box office while going to school. “We have known each other for almost 10 years,” Castillo-Garten said. “[Kromer] has a lot of energy that is infectious. She is one of the hardest working people I know and has a lot of dedication and passion for her projects.” Kromer said her greatest influence while at CSUF was professor of

entertainment public relations Alison Hill and now her mentor and friend Castillo-Garten, who has been a huge influence on her career. “[Hill] taught me more than any other teacher,” Kromer said. After graduating from CSUF, Kromer moved with Castillo-Garten to the Staples Center when it opened. She was at the Staples Center for two years. Kromer had been working for Nederlander Concerts, which was the promoter for those venues. Now the director of publicity for Nederlander Concerts, Kromer said her greatest accomplishment is actually having a career in entertainment public relations, which is what she set out to do. “I have worked in amazing events like the Grammys, NBA Lakers and movie premieres, which has always been a dream of mine.” Kromer said. Her advice is to take the initiative and go beyond what is required, get internships or even volunteer to work events. Kromer had an intern of her own from USC, Alison Groendal. She is now the public relations manager at

the Staples Center, and she owes it all to Kromer. Groendal learned everything about her job from Kromer. “Not only was she a role model, but we developed a great relationship,” Groendal said. Kromer has a good balance of being a friend and giving direction. She believes that she has been successful in her job and life because she has patience, attention to detail, good time management and organizational skills. The most valuable thing she could have done was the internships. That is where she got most of her experience. “About 40 percent of my job is related to what I learned in school,” Kromer said. “A lot of what I do can’t be taught from a book.” Though her job is fast-paced and requires working on weekends and holidays, Kromer enjoys it because it is always different and gets to work with a lot of different people. Castillo-Garten said it is all about networking, absorbing and watching others.

Titan Internet Radio Survives

Cultural Commemoration

nFEE: Campus station will look for ways to cut expenses to pay a fee that charges for songs played online By Jenny Caringal

Daily Titan Staff Writer


The Muslim Student Association presented Cal State Fullerton President Milton Gordon with a plaque Wednesday to thank him for his observance of Ramadan.

After Congress recently passed the bill, President George W. Bush approved the reprieve for Internet radio stations that will allow the stations to negotiate royalty rates with SoundExchange, the music industry’s main royalty collector. For Titan Internet Radio, the new legislation, although a relief from the Library of Congress’ June ruling, is still burdensome. The new fee will add costs to Titan Internet Radio’s budget and may force the station to make cutbacks in other areas. “[The fees] will affect us in buying equipment for the station and keep-

ing things up-to-date,” said Rocky Millhouse, TIR music director. “Since we are on a small budget for a radio station already, it obviously doesn’t help.” Titan Internet Radio will have to come up with a solution for this problem in order to continue broadcasting over the Internet. “We are always looking for loopholes and trying to figure out how to cut our fees down, or even possibly to cut them out completely,” Millhouse said. The Library of Congress set a fixed royalty rate of .07 cents per-song, perlistener in June that would have forced many Internet radio stations out of business due to a lack of funds. Small webcasters argued that the fixed rate would not allow them to operate because it would require them to pay more money than they made. The new bill will allow small webcasters to pay a fixed percentage of either their revenues or expenses. Millhouse called the ruling “unfair” and sees Internet radio as a useful tool for small artists who are trying to estab-

ELS 3*5

Editorial Hiring 3*10.5

Taboo 3*6

lish themselves. A number of small webcasters feel that non-profit organizations such as school and certain religious stations shouldn’t be required to pay the same rates as other Internet radio stations. “In my opinion, it is a ruling we can live with,” TIR Adviser Eraj Shadaram said. “Of course I think the colleges and non-profit organizations should be exempt from any charges. We hope the university will continue to support the station.” When a rate is negotiated and settled upon, Titan Internet Radio hopes to be able to continue broadcasting and providing entertainment for its listeners. “I hope [TIR] will keep their show going,” Chris Trujillo said. Trujillo said he began listening to the Sol of Hip-Hop show earlier this year and he would hate to see the station have to shut down. “Hopefully the school will be able to pay for the station and keep it open so us listeners can still enjoy it,” he said.

Daily Titan

6 Friday, December 13, 2002 BUDGET n from page 1 The proposed cuts provoked fierce criticism from the majority held democratic legislature that said rather than cutting education funding, the governor should raise taxes on the rich. “I don’t think the governor will get this budget passed, at least not the way he wants it,” Mathews said. “There are democrats such as Sen. John Burton who say that they will not accept the drastic budget cuts in education and health care that Gov. Davis is proposing, instead these democrats led by Burton are saying let’s tax the wealthy, increase taxes on incomes over $300,000 and above, increase their taxes by 1 or 3 percent and that will bring in the money we need.” Thursday, the governor said that he would not consider raising taxes in an interview on Fox. While he did not come right out and condemn Gov. Davis’ proposed budget cuts, Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante is concerned about the cuts to education. Luis Vizcaino, the press liaison for Bustamante, said Bustamante is con-

cerned about how the budget cuts will effect students. If the proposed budget passes, students will be required to pay a tuition increase of $90 at CSUs and $135 at UCs as early as next semester. For Annabelle Borden the increase is too much. “If they do increase tuitions, I will no longer be able to attend college,” Borden said. “I just do not have the financial means to continue my education if tuition is raised.” In addition to the cuts to education, the governor has also proposed cutting $1.2 billion in funding to health care agencies. His proposal includes $167.4 million in reductions to Medi-Cal, the health care program for low-income Californians. That includes a 10 percent cut in payments to doctors, nursing homes, and other providers of Medi-Cal services. If these cuts are adopted, more than 200,000 Californians will lose health benefits. The governor has also proposed cutting back on state labor. Davis said the state could save $470 million in employment costs through pay cuts, layoffs and through other means.


Church of Scientology 2*4


Forget the Mall, Online Has it All nSHOPPING: Consumers are spending more time and money in front of the computer screen By Afni Adnan

Special to the Titan The shopping season has arrived, which means consumers are heading to shopping centers-in droves. Stores everywhere are marking down prices and extending their hours. Though some wouldn’t mind sacrificing hours standing in line, many are taking a simpler and more convenient route by just turning on their computer screens and shopping for gifts in a matter of minutes. Recent statistics show that online shopping has become more popular than ever. Consumers spent over $2 billion in online purchases during the postThanksgiving week, according to the measurement and analysis firm, comScore Media Matrix. That is an alltime weekly spending record. Mike Bedford, instructional support technician for the Communications

Department, said consumers should be online shopping is aware of the dangers. “(Shopping To make online shopping safer than what most people think. safer, the Federal Trade “(Shopping online) Commission has offered online) is is every bit as safe some helpful tips. as-going to a restaurant, First, consumers every bit as should shop with commaybe safer,” he said. panies they are familiar Not only is it safe, online shopping is fast- safe as going with. Bedford agrees. er and cheaper as well. “Order from repuBedford said consumers table dealers, not from to a restau- unknown sites,” he said. can save on taxes when shopping online. Bedford himself shops Comparison shoponline all the time. So rant, maybe ping is also another far, he hasn’t been disadvantage. Yahoo! appointed with the mersafer ” Shopping, for example, chandise. has comparison shop“Very rarely is an item ping available on its Web broken or not usable, in Mike site to help consumers which case returning is a find the best deal. The pain, but it would be with Bedford, Web site also offers a going back to stores too,” instructional supwide selection of brandhe said. name retailers and over The commission also port technician 13,000 specialty stores. said to “do business only for the College of There are other sites, with companies that state such as Respond.com, their commitment to that allow consumers customer satisfaction to have e-tailers come and their policy to to them and compete for resolve consumer comtheir business. plaints or difficulties quickly and However, there are millions of fairly.” Web sites on the Internet, therefore Consumers should also keep a



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tend to jump on one set of bad evaluations.” Russel said that part-time nontenured instructors are more affected by the evaluations as opposed to full-time tenured, because the hiring of part-timers doesn’t get the level of care that full-timers does. “Overall I try to spot patterns,” he said. “It’s not about firing instructors, rather how we can strengthen the program through student feedback.” After the evaluations have been reviewed and all necessary actions have been executed, the department files them away for future reference and, as Castaneda said, to be used as review tools at later times.

in your office?’” Vargish said. “Because it’s a fun thing for them to do and they’ll see me like February and that’s the one thing they’ll remember.” Vargish said that the older children seem to be getting something out of it, the younger children have fun just sitting and wrapping. “Often before we’ll just practice wrapping pretend presents in the classroom,” Vargish said. “So they kind of start getting the idea of what it’s all about.” Vargish said that the idea of tradition is fun, but mostly it’s just that the holidays are not just a time of getting, but also a time giving and thinking of what somebody else might like. If you would like to make a donation to the center’s store, please call

likes how easy the equipment is to use. He can experiment with different sounds, and can be hooked up to play along with other students in the class, Balderman said. “The main thing that this does for the students are the visuals, in my opinion, the bouncing ball, the music tutor, being able to project anything in any key,” said a press release from Baker-Jordan. “This is really important for those kids, because they’re not going to be pianists. They’re going to be trumpet teachers and vocal teachers, and they have to be able to get around the keyboard and function in something besides C-major.” With beginning piano being a mandatory class for all music majors, this new lab, which currently holds seven classes, will get

record of their online purchases and to pay by credit card, according to the commission. This way, consumers are protected by the Fair Credit Billing Act, which allows them to dispute any charges and temporarily withhold payment. Julian Nichols, a junior majoring in psychology, said he recently purchased a few gifts online and was surprised at how fast he received them. “I ordered (the gifts) on Sunday and it arrived at my house just a couple of days later,” he said. In the beginning, Nichols was apprehensive about shopping online, but he didn’t want to waste time going to the mall and looking around for a parking spot. “Last year, I went to the mall near my house and it took forever to find a parking space,” he said. “So, this year I thought I’d try to go online. I made sure that the Web site was legit and I actually read all the fine print.” However, there are some who prefer the old-fashioned way of shopping. Rachel Garcia, a political science major, likes to see where her money goes when she shops. “Buying stuff online makes me nervous,” she said. “I never know who might get a hold of my personal information. I’d rather deal with the

Prime Internet 2*2 STA Travel 2*5

Brians 2*5 Planned Parenthood 2*3

OCP 2*6

Goldenwest 2*6

Americorps 2*6

Daily Titan

Friday, December 13, 2002

Daily Titan Our Voice Lotts of Trouble for GOP The Democratic Party is swarming over Trent Lott faster than soccer moms on shopping malls the day after Thanksgiving. In case you aren’t familiar with the situation, Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott recently praised Mississipians for voting for Strom Thurmond during his presidential bid in 1948. Lott said that the United States wouldn’t have been bothered with “all these problems over all these years” if Thurmond had been in office. Lott, of course, was referring to the civil rights movement as the “problem.” Apparently Lott doesn’t realize that his party has the worst civil rights record in the country since the end of the Civil War. Or does he? What better way to cel-

ebrate that than to anger people further! Now we can subtract those minority votes from Bush’s 2004 presidential election. If Lott and the Republican Party hope to follow in the steps of the old South, by all means go for it. That will give many of us even more of a reason to despise the GOP. Lott should resign from his new position as Senate Majority Leader because this country doesn’t need more racists in Washington, D.C. We already have too many. Yes, it was a slip of the tongue on Lott’s part. But statements like that shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are far more people in this country that disagree with Lott, and that isn’t reflected by the diversity of

Daily Titan

Op/Ed Letters to the Editor should be brief and are subject to editing. They should also include a signature and telephone number. Editorials are the opinion of the editorial board, comprised of the Editor in Chief, Managing Editor and Opinion editor. Columns are the personal opinion of the

Diversity Doesn’t Mean By Eugene Park Daily Titan Staff Writer The subject of affirmative action is one of those hard-to-win debates that are always ongoing. It’s kind of like abortion, or gun control or even war on Iraq. It’s the kind of debate where people gather around, bringing together all the factual, informational and emotional baggage, putting it all on the table and gesturing at it wildly until the Supreme Court makes a decision or until the nation falls asleep. Last Monday, the Supreme Court announced it will finally decide on whether colleges and law schools can use affirmative action in choosing new students. The cases of Jennifer Gratz and Barbara Grutter, white applicants to the University of Michigan law school, say that racial preferences in students violate constitutional law. I have to admit I’m divided on this issue, and I’m not sure anybody has the right answers. Being an Asian American, I’d like to think that I made it to school because of my own abilities, not the color of my skin. But then there’s the stigma of minorities being “socially disadvantaged,” and giving them leeway into college might help them out. First of all, the poverty rate for both blacks and Hispanics are the lowest they’ve ever been. But the poverty rate represents an average over the entire population, and does not tell us who is well off or isn’t. What’s interesting, how-

ever, is that there is nearly twice as expecting to perform as well as much poverty among white indi- a “socially advantaged” student. viduals, and more than three times What kind of program lets a baby the poverty among white fami- cub into the wild jungle expectlies, than blacks, according to the ing it to fend for itself? Lowered 2001 Census Bureau. In that light, standards lead to lowered perforbeing socially disadvantaged does mances. not mean non-white The affirmative action anymore. “Now is also program has good intenThe diversity ratiotions, and its ideology is noble and should be nale is the issue up for debate, and it the time to upheld. However, it is is the ideology that inherently discriminastands behind affirtory in assuming those rethink the minorities are disadvanmative action. In the 1978 Bakke case, taged, and it fuels the antiquated view that Allan Bakke, a white affirmative it’s difficult for them to student, was allowed make it on their own. admission when it was decided that If minorities can’t action polever be perceived to “race” could not be be on a level playing a quota in the decifield, which some cersion. However, the icy, finally, late Justice Lewis F. tainly are, then whites will never do the same Powell Jr. added that either. diversity is a justifiand think of “Now is not the able reason to choose a minority applicant time to turn back the clock,” said University over an equally qualisomething of Michigan President fied white one. Being black and Mary Sue Coleman in a Los Angeles Times artiin college should no new...” longer mean college cle. “Race still matters in our society.” admission awarded by mediocre work Now is also the time and the color of your skin. So how to rethink the affirmative action good is it for a minority in college policy, finally, and think of someif all it does is hang a “I’m stupid thing new that not only promotes diversity, but would not draw the but I made it” sign on your back? And if someone is truly social- lines between black and white so ly disadvantaged, they shouldn’t distinctly. It’s ironic that a program be admitted with lower standards, that began as an attempt to blur

racial lines actually sharpens them, and morally demeans the people it’s meant to help. Rice University in New York, a selective private college, is able to keep a fairly diverse population and not discriminate against anybody. The admissions committee asks applicants to discuss cultural traditions in their essays. This way, race isn’t the issue. It’s the cultural know-how that would get you in. And so far, concerning the cases of Gratz and Grutter, I haven’t heard a single thing about their extracurricular activities. Athletes usually get in and are preferred because of their prowess in their respective sports, yet no one complains about being athletically disadvantaged and not having a chance. Basically the race card might be a desperate plea when all other methods of admission are negated. But now I’m just getting into unfair assumptions, which is not unlike assuming being a minority is being disadvantaged. Retaining diversity requires a delicate look at the dynamic equilibrium of American society. I’m not against the principles of affirmative action, but I can’t be supportive of something that on the record disparages the people it’s supposed to help, along with perpetuating the ‘us’ and ‘them’ rhetoric of racial divisions and tensions.

Ethnic Awareness Can Work Against Minorities By Christina Guerrero

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor The evidence of my ancestors can be seen on the Spanish-named street of the Spanish-named city in the Spanishfounded state where I have spent 22 years of my life. Despite this Spanish heritage, I grew up playing with the white kids on my block and the American culture was part of my soul. I carved pumpkins for Halloween. I wore green on St. Patrick’s Day. I lit fireworks on the Fourth of July. My father raised the U.S. flag on Memorial Day. My mother roasted turkey for Thanksgiving. And English was the only language that was spoken in our home. We were the typical American family. But the day I stepped onto the Cal State Fullerton campus I suddenly became

aware of my olive-complexioned skin. When I went to see an adviser to complete my degree audit, she noticed that I was a few units short of my requirements. She quickly began assisting me in choosing courses. “How about taking a Chicano Studies course?” she asked. “You guys and the Asians are just popping up all over the campus.” “You guys?” I thought to myself. Was I growing antennas out of my head? Had my species just arrived from outer space? I wanted to inform her that my ancestors occupied this territory since the 1800s before it was even part of the United States. This was not the only incident I experienced. Another professor suggested I intern at Latina magazine. Why didn’t he suggest The New Yorker? Just because I am Latina doesn’t make me incapable of writing for a non-ethnic centered maga-

zine. Another professor was curious to know what newspaper I read. After I told him the Los Angeles Times, he asked me why I didn’t read La Opinión (a Spanish-language newspaper). I should have asked him why he didn’t. Although I know these professors (who happened to be white) were just trying to relate to my ethnicity, what they didn’t realize was that they were ostracizing me. I began to feel like a foreigner in my own nation. They were so focused on my race and minority status that they failed to see what we might have in common. They should have focused on my major, which is communications with an emphasis in journalism, not Chicano Studies.

“They were so focused on my race and minority status that they failed to see what we might have in common”

Letters to the Daily Titan . . . Against the Man The California State University’s noble and unique mission is “to encourage and provide access to an excellent education to all who are prepared for and wish to participate in collegiate study.” For many years California and the CSU have been looked upon as a shining example of commitment to an affordable and accessible education. Current economic conditions have left the state with a $30 billion deficit. This past Friday, Gov. Davis released his mid-year budget proposal. In his proposal, Davis proposed a $60 million budget cut to the CSU system’s 2002-2003 operating budget to be effective immediately. The Board of Trustees of the CSU has called a special meeting on Dec. 16, 2002 — coincidentally scheduled on the first day of finals week — to discuss the mid-year cuts and their effect on the CSU. Chancellor Charles Reed has proposed a 10 percent fee increase for undergraduate students and a 15 percent increase for graduate students. This proposed increase is to be implemented immediately. Students unable to pay the increase in fees will be disenrolled from the university. We cannot let this action by the Board of Trustees go unchallenged. The California State Student Association, in conjunction with your Associated Students, Inc., has begun to organize a statewide rally uniting every CSU campus from as far north as Humboldt State all the way south to San Diego State to come together on the day of the meeting and protest Chancellor Reed’s fee hike proposal. We need your help. It is vital that the stu-

Daily Titan

dents of Cal State Fullerton be mobilized to action because of the serious repercussions of this matter — and especially because of our proximity and access to the Board of Trustees, who convene at the Chancellor’s Office in downtown Long Beach. We ask you to mobilize your fellow students and show your support for a “No Increase in Student Fees” rally at the Chancellor’s Office. We understand how busy life can be with work, school and finals, but if you do not take this opportunity to stand up for yourselves and the 407,000 students of the CSU, you will be faced in the near future with escalating fees that will leave your education unaffordable. Given the economic circumstances, a fee increase that is left unchallenged now could lead to larger increases in years to come. It is a disservice to the CSU system that the governor and California Legislature have cut funding for higher education, and in the same way, it is convenient for the Board of Trustees to make up the cuts by taxing us, the students. Please inform your organization, classmates, friends and anyone willing to listen about this situation. Once again, the rally will take place at 9 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 16, at the Chancellor’s Office located at 400 Golden Shore Ave. in downtown Long Beach. Come join us in the fight to keep higher education affordable for all Californians!

Alex Lopez

President, Associated Students, Inc.


SUVs For All! That the Daily Titan produces what by default must be called college-level journalism I can live with, and sometimes even laugh at. That its writers evoke ideals of anti-conservatism in such despicable fashion, I cannot. Titan staff writer LaToya Baker’s opinion piece “Jesus Drove a Volkswagen Bug” [Dec. 6] belongs in a Journalism 100 textbook’s What Not to Do section. Rather than giving a well-written, factbased polemic, she instead gets caught up in a dizzying dance of rhetoric that deludes itself by proposing a $3 hike in gas prices for vehicles that get less than 30 miles to the gallon (which I’m sure will receive widespread support in Orange County). The worst part of all is that I am sympathetic to the cause she defames. I myself am in many ways a progressive. That is, I support many ideas that are considered leftist. And at a time when speechimpaired cheerleaders ascend to the presidency championing and implementing programs that are detrimental to my own, I believe it is absolutely necessary to fight to contest them. It is the essence of democracy and freedom of speech. Politics in America has sadly degenerated to the level of PR battles that do their best to avoid real issues. In this context, an article such as Baker’s, devoid of academic and journalistic qualities, only contributes to this stagnating infighting. The end result: the very people Baker seeks to undermine benefit from her lack of scholarship. Baseless critiques and proposals only harm one’s credibility. Sadly though, in

this case, they might even go beyond that. Someone of different beliefs might interpret such opinions and the way in which they were presented to be representative of the thought processes of non-conservatives at large, which they are not. There are eloquent people out there that promote feminist, environmentalist, pacifist, and other such leftist ideals; they just seem not to be working at the Daily Titan.

CSUF Student Kudos to LaToya Baker for writing an article about SUVs that actually makes sense. European countries already have a huge tax on gasoline (meaning people are paying about three and a half dollars to the gallon) but I sincerely doubt that Americans will be so magnanimous as to abdicate their God-given right to drive whatever they want, regardless of the 'theoretical' consequences to the planetary environment. C'est la vie, but thank you Ms. Baker for trying at least.

Jason McBeath

Volleyball Rules Earlier this week I came across the article that Odeen Domingo wrote about our team. After reading this article, I was totally disgusted. How dare you write something about a team you don't even know. We have faced so many obstacles

this year and, despite our record, made the entire school proud and still kept our heads high. I recall reading an article earlier in the year that talked about how this university isn't school spirited, and that we can never get the students to come athletic events at Cal State Fullerton. Well Mr. Domingo, there is your reason. You write such horrible things about a young team that has dealt with so much diversity in the last four months. I personally have come back from a devastating injury that blew out my acl last fall. If you even knew half of what we went through Mr. Domingo. I would like to see you get up at 5:45 a.m. to be at practice on an early Sunday morning after a match the previous night. And to even talk about our team having no future for next season — what are you, a psychic? For your information, we have awesome incoming recruits that have chosen to come to CSUF because they know and see who we really are. And another thing, don't you ever judge a person by where they come from — next time leave our incoming freshmen out of this. I would be careful about what you write Domingo, because karma will have its revenge. When will you ever write a good article again? Oh yeah, when pigs fly! I will be here for the next three years playing, and I won't ever forget this — and I don't ever want to see an article like this again about any of our teams at CSUF. Write what you want, but if you don't know the real story, then don't write at all.

Sarah Morrison

"People try to put us down just because we get around. Things they do look awful cold. Yeah, I hope I die before I get old." - The Who, "My Generation"” Interested in submitting articles for the Opinion page? Can you hold it until spring semester?

Daily Titan

Friday, December 13, 2002


“Michael Vick for MVP” bandwagon. You can’t deny his undeniable talent (yes, I did mean to write that), but he is only in his sophomore season Ten Yards. and needs more time to develop. Ten freakin’ yards! If not Vick for MVP then who? That is the prolific number of yards that 2002 No. 1 pick and Houston The easiest choices are Oakland quarTexans quarterback David Carr threw terback Rich Gannon, Green Bay’s for in a 24-6 win, I repeat, a WIN over cannon thrower and ex-pill popper Pittsburgh last weekend. Brett Favre and Kansas City’s workCarr should buy Texan corner- horse Priest Holmes. back Aaron Glenn his own country. If these fellas weren’t so good, Thanks to Glenn, who took two inter- you’d actually find out how important ceptions to the house off a hobbled Steve McNair is to the Titans and Tiki Tommy Maddox, Houston has four Barber is to the Giants. times more wins than the Cincinnati McNair is leading his team to Bengals. (More on the top of them later.) his division, OFFENSIVE PICKS Does anybody beating rival 1. Falcons remember when Indianapolis 2. Chargers St. Louis head Colts. With coach Mike Martz 3. Jaguars Eddie George was a genius? having another 4. Jets Given, Kurt mediocre sea5. Browns Warner hasn’t son, injuries 6. Lions recovered from all in the receiver 7. Dolphins his injuries (concusposition and 8. Saints sion, wrist, finger) defensive line 9. Eagles and is 0-8 as a startand secondary. er and the defense 10. Steelers Without hasn’t played up Barber, the 11. Ravens to expectations. Giants would 12. Broncos Let’s not forget St. be in the tank. 13. Giants Louis went 0-4 in Instead, they 14. Packers the preseason. But have an outafter getting their 15. Rams side chance at jockstrap handed 16. Titans a playoff spot. to them by their No. 21 is the coach, and Cry only offensive Baby, Hall of Famer Dick Vermiel, threat the G’men have. Where Tiki the Rams are 5-8 and done for the goes, so does the Big Blue’s playoff season. hopes. Not all great offensive coordinators How would you like to be Carson become good head coaches, Mike. Palmer, who is the best player in Just ask Bob Toledo. college, but has no chance for the Michael Vick – you can’t stop Heisman trophy because of the West him, you can only hope to contain Coast bias. And now he will be the him. Oh wait, no, you can stop him. No. 1 pick in the 2003 NFL draft. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers proved Wait, how could being the No.1 pick that by putting 10 men in the box and be bad? unleashing blitz hell into the Falcons’ Hey Carson! Welcome to backfield. So everybody get off the Cincinnati.

By Odeen Domingo

Daily Titan Staff Writer



Week 15 Sunday

Seattle vs. Atlanta San Diego vs. Buffalo NY Jets vs. Chicago Jacksonville vs. Cincinnati Indianapolis vs. Cleveland Tampa Bay vs. Detroit Oakland vs. Miami Minnesota vs. New Orleans Washington vs. Philadelphia Carolina vs. Pittsburgh Baltimore vs. Houston Kansas City vs. Denver Dallas vs. NY Giants Green Bay vs. San Francisco Arizona vs. St. Louis

Monday Night Football New England vs. Tennessee

By Ricardo Sanchez Jr.

Daily Titan Asst. Sports Editor The Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball team went into the L.A. Sports Arena Wednesday night for the first time in their history looking for some answers. Instead they left with more questions. The Titans couldn’t figure out how to stop the USC Trojans in a 78-63 loss, that showcased Trojan center Rory O’Neil who finished with a career-high 22 points and seven rebounds. O’Neil, who came into the game averaging six points a game, consistently connected from all over the court with a mid-range jump shot and a nice inside game. “I just got in a zone,” O’Neil said. “I had a lot of confidence with my shot.” The Trojans’ defensive intensity increased as the game went on, and USC began to pull away from the Titans midway through the first half. With a lead that reached as high as 23, Titan head coach Donny Daniels tried to find a silver lining. “The only salvation we have is that if we don’t play like we did, as hard as we did,” Daniels said, “we get blown out by 40.” Ralphy Holmes led the Titans in scoring with 21, but only scored five in the second half, as Fullerton shot 36 percent from the field. “He didn’t try to force shots,” Daniels said. “He was a little out of control towards the end.” Similar to prior games, the Titans started off with the press that was effective early, but it’s a defense that requires energy, something they couldn’t sustain

throughout the game. “We have to be committed to what we’re doing,” Daniels said. “We have to be an every time team, not a sometime team.” Forward Pape Sow again saw a healthy dose of double teams. This time it was 6-foot-11-inch center Kostas Charissis, 6-foot-8inch Nick Curtis and the 6-foot-11-inch O’Neil that clearly gave him fits in the post. Sow scored 18 points and grabbed 11 rebounds, but other than Holmes and a 12-point performance by Derric Andrew, no other Titan scored more than four points. Daniels still has confidence in his team’s shooting. “I think it will come,” Daniels said. “We hope we can use this game to help us improve and get us ready for the Big West.” With the Trojans leading 2720 midway through the first half, Desmond Farmer hit a jumper, and immediately stole the ball as Zakee Smith brought it up the court to continue the momentum. Farmer then flew in for a lefthanded tomahawk jam that brought the 2,096 fans in attendance to their feet. Robert Hutchinson followed the dunk with another steal and a layup pushing the score to 33-20 and sucking the life out of the Titans, who never came closer than 13 after that. Hutchinson torched the Titans all game, going 3-3 from behind the arc, and finishing with 17 points and four assists. Errick Craven scored 11 points, all in the first half, but it was enough support for a Trojan team that shot 52 percent in the game. The Titans have lost three in a row since beating Morris Brown on Dec. 2. Two of those losses have come away from Titan Gym, where they face Idaho State on Saturday night at 7:05 p.m.. A frustrated Daniels banged the side of a metal wall as he walked off the court. “We have a long way to go,” he said.

lying on top of the quarterback in less than three seconds after the ball is snapped, which has led to his league leading 14.5 sacks. Finals week has quickly arrived. Best Coach: Andy Reid, And even though it’s the end of our school season (thank God), the Philadelphia. After losing their top NFL season will have just ended two quarterbacks, Reid found a way when we come back next semester. to keep his team inspired and play as It hurts that I won’t be with you well as, or even better than, they were for the rest of this season’s journey before the injuries. so I’d like to use this last article to Worst Coach: Dave Campo, offer my bests, worsts, mosts, leasts Dallas. Campo is just a puppet and so on. through which Jerry Jones calls Most Valuable Player: Michael the plays. He is merely a spineless Vick, QB Atlanta. Without him the wimp, but because he lets the owner Falcons are a 5-11 team. He’s put run the team, Jones loves him and he the franchise in isn’t going anyplayoff contenwhere. DEFENSIVE PICKS tion and he really M o s t 1. Falcons is the entire team. Underrated 2. Bills B e s t Player: Brad Quarterback: 3. Jets Johnson, QB Rich Gannon, Tampa Bay. 4. Jaguars Oakland. He’s Johnson has the 5. Colts gunning to break highest quarter6. Buccaneers Dan Marino’s back rating in 7. Raiders single-season the NFC. He has 8. Saints passing record. 22 touchdowns 9. Eagles He’s pulled the and six interRaiders above the 10. Steelers ceptions. He’s rest of the AFC kept the offense 11. Ravens mess and put his going despite no 12. Broncos team in the best running game. 13. Giants position to go to He’s finding 14. 49ers the Super Bowl. ways to win 15. Rams Best Running so the defense 16. Patriots Back: Priest doesn’t have to Holmes, Kansas do it every week, City. He’s on even with the pace to break both the rushing and constant threat of being benched for total touchdown records. He’s a the high-priced Rob Johnson. defense-destroying, running machine. Most Overrated Player: Randy He’s the reason the Chiefs still have Moss, WR Minnesota. He has a playoff life. lot of talent but he is a cancer. He Best Defensive Player: Simeon disrupts his teammates, doesn’t listen Rice, DE Tampa Bay. Rice has to his coach and has a horrible work been a horror for quarterbacks this ethic. Minnesota is better off without year. He’s so disruptive to the pass him. rush. He forces quarterbacks to The Super Bowl will feature the throw quick, short routes which the Oakland Raiders and the Tampa Bay linebackers can anticipate. He takes Buccaneers. The Buccaneers will away the deep threat because he’s win because it is defense indeed that

By Andrew Burns

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Fullerton Unable to Keep It Close, Lose at Nebraska,

USC Proves to BeToo Much for Fullerton nMEN: Pape Sow gets another doubledouble, but it’s not enough for the Titans as they lose, 78-63


nBASKETBALL: Heather Hansen leads CSUF with 17 points and six rebounds as women drop sixth game in a row, and fall to 1-6 overall By Natalie San Roman Daily Titan Staff Writer

The Cal State Fullerton women’s basketball team fell to Nebraska on Wednesday night, 78-60. Being such a young team makes it difficult to play to their desired potential and might have played a factor in Wednesday’s game. “We thought we were doing all right, right up to the 11-minute mark of the second half, then things started to get away from us,” Titan coach Barbara Ehardt said. The Titans were down by six points with 11 minutes left in the second half. The Titans, however, could not take the lead away from Nebraska. “They started running on us, so we started to press them,” Ehardt said. “We were trying some different options because we were a little flat.” CSUF’s press started to backfire on them and they couldn’t get back into the game. Nebraska started hitting some three’s in the second half, which they have had trouble doing this season, going 4-for-28 from the three-point line. Along with the three pointers, they were knocking down easy baskets all night. Heather Hansen had another great game shooting 7-for-13 from the floor for 17 points including going 3-for-4 from the line. She also added six boards in 32 minutes. Sophomore Melanie Mosley had

six points on the night and junior Rochelle Ortega scored six points of her own and had six rebounds for the Titans. This was freshman Audrey Taylor’s first game back since she was injured earlier in the season. She played about five minutes because she is just getting back into it. “I didn’t want something unexpected to happen, so I didn’t let her play that long.” Ehardt said. CSUF battled Nebraska the whole game. The Cornhuskers outrebounded the Titans 47-42 and forced 24 turnovers. Fullerton shot a little under 38 percent. Then, with 10 minutes left in the game, Nebraska was able to hold Fullerton, while scoring points of their own, and seal the game. “We are still searching,” Ehardt said. “We are going to take tomorrow off and have a well of a practice on Friday.” The Titans will be taking on UC San Diego on Dec. 14 at 5:00p.m. San Diego is currently 4-2 on the season and won two games in Northern California last week. Forward Erin Malich, who is a 6foot-1-inch senior, leads San Diego scoring 13 points and five rebounds per game. It will be a difficult game for CSUF to come out on top in, but luck could change for Fullerton women’s basketball team, or at least that’s what Ehardt is looking for from her team. “Something is going to change because I am sick of this losing,” she said.

For more stories, log onto http://dailytitan.fullerton.edu JANEL WRIGHT/Special to the Titan

Fullerton’s 6-foot-10-inch forward Pape Sow played in front of many NBA scouts in the Titans’ 78-63 loss at USC on Wednesday.

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