2004 04 26

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,


NEWS Massive budget cut protest set for Thursday at CSUF page 4



SPORTS Titan bullpen blows chance for sweep, but team still wins series page 6

w w w . d a i l y t it a n .c o m


MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2004


Battle for the

‘V’ is for victory

BORDER Part Two of a Five Part Series

Victory-defeat, capture-escape B Y T OMMY P URVIS Titan Staff Writer


New ASI President Philip Vasquez celebrates with his Vice President Mona Mohammadi at Saturday’s Bootylicious 2004, held in the Titan Student Union Pavilion. Vasquez, a Human Services major, is a senior and Mohammadi, a political science major, is a sophomore. The pair received 1,642 votes. Runningmates Matt Halleck and Devon Snedden had 1,124 votes. James Theel and Tracee Davis received 115 total. Vasquez said in a prepared statement that “The most important issue facing students in 2004 is the rising cost of textbooks and the practices used by the textbook publishers to market and solicit to students.” He has vowed to make this a priority during his presidency.

Communities commemorate ‘Black April’ B Y K HANH V U

Titan Staff Writer With the nation in the midst of an ongoing war in Iraq, it is easy to forget that April 30 marks the anniversary that ended the Vietnam War, but for the Vietnamese Student Catholic Association at Cal State Fullerton this is not so. Friday night, VSCA, along with the Vietnamese Student Association, collaborated to host a show in the Titan Student Union commemorating Vietnam’s last day of independence from a Communist regime. Coined “Black April,” the numerous events leading to the infamous day are considered the darkest moments in Vietnamese history. “I wanted to raise awareness to the campus about Black April,” said Tamara Tran, the show’s coordinator. “Not enough people know about it.” Even those with prior knowledge of the event think it is worthy of the greater population’s attention. “I know the Vietnamese community here in Southern California is very contentious,” said Kristine Dennehy, professor of Asian nationalism. “To see this on campus would be a good chance for me.” The two-hour show in Pavilion C tackled issues facing Vietnamese youths, who can now enjoy the luxuries the fallout has provided, and emphasized the

costs and hardships it took to obtain those luxuries. “The reason there is even a Vietnamese American community here at all is because of that day,” said guest speaker Tammy Tran. “That one day changed not only people in Vietnam, but people in [the] U.S. changed as well.” Southern California is home to nearly 450,000 Vietnamese people according to the 2001 U.S. Census, the largest concentration in the U.S. Since the mass exodus in 1975, Orange County’s Vietnamese population has swelled to over 130,000 people. The theme of the night was “Past, Present and Future,” and the three special guest speakers each focused on one aspect of that theme. The speakers included Tran, a field representative to a California State assemblyman, an Asian American specialist and a Vietnamese talk show host. Tran concentrated on current issues affecting women’s right in Taiwan, where an epidemic of Vietnamese slave trade and human trafficking is rampant. Sparked by NBC’s “Dateline” television show, which brought the matter to the forefront, Tran said she has aggressively fought to make the issues public. “For the price of $5,000, a person could buy a Vietnamese bride on a Taiwanese eBay Web

KHANH VU/ Daily Titan Staff

Many gathered in the TSU on Friday to light candles in recognition of the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.

The Southwest border is embroiled in war. Like most wars, the politics and economics that drive the conflict are mired in propaganda and bureaucratic red tape as Americans go on with their daily lives, unaware of the causalities discontent creates. In the almost 10 years that Operation Gatekeeper has safeguarded the border, the death toll on both sides of the issue has risen dramatically and neither side can claim a significant victory. Throughout the siege, two factors have remained consistent: The United States Border Patrol’s valiant effort to protect the sovereignty of the nation, and the illegal immigrants’ desperate desire to seek economic relief in the north. Each day these forces collide along the U.S. and Mexico border.

EAST COUNTY, San Diego –– The last few remnants of light attempt to hold off the impending darkness. In the waning moments of the transfer between night and day, the border illuminates with a chaotic sense of urgency. All at once, the Border Patrol’s communication network begins to crackle with activity. “We got a hit on a sensor,” said Steve McPartland, a senior patrol agent, referring to motion-activated sensors that strategically line the United States and Mexico border. The sensors broaden the net of defense the Border Patrol employs to catch illegal immigrants. When a sensor is triggered, the activity is registered and

sent to a central post that ly of males. A few of them do not dispatches agents to the area look old enough to shave while of concern. Agents can be others have gray hair. They summoned on horseback, in all appear dejected by their vehicles, ATVs or helicopters capture. to investigate the cause of the None of these men were preactivity. pared to brave the desert. It takes Senior Patrol Agent “No bags and no water. Their Jon Eads half the time to trans- ride is close by,” said Eads as he verse down the dirt road from assesses the scenario presented the lookout point over the valley before him. This group was as it took him to reach the hill’s headed for a lay-up, or a staging summit earlier that day. area to wait for a ride north. Border Patrol agents, who The youngest of them is the have reached the scene minutes most eager to talk. He tells before Eads and McPartland Border Patrol agents that he arrive, have already detained is from Central Mexico and had a group of eight illegal immi- arranged to pay a coyote $1,200 grants off the shoulder of the when he arrived safely in Los road. Angeles. The vehicle is still in motion The three illegal immigrants as McPartland jumps out and with backpacks were prepared races across a recently plowed to travel. Their backpacks confield. He returns minutes later tained meager supplies that with a second group––three were intended to nourish them men carrying backpacks. The throughout their journey. two groups blend together and The eleven men are loaded form a scene that illustrates into a Border Patrol van and the complex situation that con- taken to a substation in the fronts the Border Patrol on a town of Boulevard to be pronightly basis. cessed. Agents will be able to The Border Patrol agents determine if any of the men instruct both groups of men in are prior deportees by scanOfficer Eads questions a 15-year-old Spanish. The men comply, formJonning their fingerprints into a caught just north of the border. a line and sit on the ground. computer system. More imporThe darkness blindfolds the tantly, the system will aid in men as they sit facing Mexico. determining if any of the illeThey contemplate another gal immigrants have criminal attempt to reach the North; records or have arrest warrants their current effort did not get in the United States. them far. In some circumstances, finThe border wall is three hun- gerprinting them allows the dred yards to the south. Border Patrol to nab “coyotes,” In a matter of 20 minutes, the men who smuggle humans illegal immigrants were scoped across the border for profit, and set up for apprehension and prosecute them for their by Border Patrol agents. The activities. In an effort to avoid group of eight had been spotted detection, some smugglers and earlier in the day preparing to wanted felons attempt to alter sneak over the border. their fingerprints by rubbing The group is made up entire- their fingertips repeatedly with

sand paper or carving out their traceable imprints with razor blades. Eads and McPartland said they view everyone they aid in deporting as criminals, since they are breaking the law by illegally crossing over the border to enter the U.S. They said each time a person is deported it represents a potential crime that individual will not have an opportunity to commit within the country’s borders. “There is a thrill in them not getting away,” said McPartland, as he reflects on the apprehension. This reflection is short-lived. It is early, and under the cover of darkness many areas along the border are successfully being penetrated by groups of illegal immigrants. Sensors are activated. Groups are spotted by the scope. Residents call in to the Border Patrol and report signs of smuggling. The agents attempt to respond to every sign of activity as soon as possible, but at times the reality of the situaLISA HART/Daily Titan the Staff tion appears to over whelm illegal immigrant after he was agency’s resources. Five miles north of the border, agents detain a group of 13 illegal immigrants lined along the side of a dirt road. The men activated a sensor earlier in the evening and an agent tracked their trail north to this location. West of this position, another group has been apprehended and an agent needs help. Valuable time is lost while Eads and McPartland attempt to pin down the agent’s exact location. The darkness diminishes their precision to a crude science. Many times apprehenBorder ~3 sions take place along roads

Drag queens make the CSUF B Y M ISTY P REMO AND M ICHIKO T AMURA Titan Staff Writers While boys will be boys, at Bootylicious 2004 they were also girls…sexy girls. About 400 students packed into the Titan Student Union Pavilions to see the 5th annual gender-bending event hosted by returning mistress of ceremonies Cassandra Fever. Tall, leggy and lovely, Fever has been in the drag business for over 10 years. Wrapped up tight in latex, she teetered high atop 8-inch heels, dishing out crude humor with a side of social consciousness. “We all want the same thing. We want happiness. We want to be accepted,” Fever said. “Who I chose to love is nobody else’s business. Everybody should have freedom of choice.” The fundraiser, sponsored by the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance, featured over 21 dancing and singing drag performers, including both male and female entertainers. Male for the evening, “Joe Anaconda” said “he” feels more comfortable disguised in male clothing. The program featured both professional and amateur gender-benders. The club received an over-


Mistress of ceremonies Cassandra Fever speaks to a crowd of about 400 students during the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance’s 5th annual Bootylicious event at the TSU on Thursday. whelming number of people interested in participating in the spectacle, said Karen Bury, LGBA secretary. Bootylicious was slated to kick off at 7 p.m., but was delayed over a half an hour while the performers made their metamorphosis from macho men to drag lovelies. While students continued to filter into the auditorium, filling seats, isles and doorways, the queens were hurriedly tucking, plucking and pinning backstage. Fever kicked off the evening

with a sexually ambiguous performance of her own before introducing her sisters in drag. She encouraged the audience to tip the performers generously. Topped off in a full head of long golden locks, “Sadé” strutted onto the stage in a sparkling gold tube top and matching spandex pants. “She” slinked through the crowd, hips gyrating, giving a select few a closer look at her assets. Sadé said she learned the tricks of the trade from her “drag mom,” a drag queen who acted as her mentor. As her drag mom’s

protégé, she learned everything from the best place to find largesized stilettos to the joys of the MAC make-up counter. “Krystall,” a CSUF alumnus and fledgling drag queen, shocked the audience in a pair of ruffly red bloomers that pushed the boundaries of decency. The audience went wild. Fans with dollars in hand chased her through the isles eager to stuff a buck anywhere they could. A shy little boy, who came with his mother, caught up with the diva to make his contribution, giving rise to a collective “awww” from nearby ladies. For those too shy to chase down a six-foot man in heels, a bodice-shaped tip jar dressed in a leopard print bikini was passed around throughout the evening. The LGBA did not charge admission for the show, but relied on the generosity of the audience when tipping the performers. To rustle up some extra cash, the club also sold candy at the door. “Candy is better than artificial Ecstasy,” Fever said. All of the money raised during the show will go directly to fund future club-sponsored events such as National Coming-Out Day in the fall, Bury said. Just before the intermission,




In Brief STATE

Michael Jackson replacing attorneys

LOS ANGELES –– Michael Jackson is replacing high-profile attorneys Mark Geragos and Benjamin Brafman in his child molestation case, the lawyers told The Associated Press on Sunday. Jackson’s new lawyer will be NATION

Cosmetics queen Estée Lauder dies

NEW YORK –– Estée Lauder, who started a kitchen business blending face creams and built it into an international cosmetics empire, has died. She


women worldwide. Political agitation suffused the gathering of hundreds of thousands. Their target: Bush, likeminded officials in federal and state government and religious conservatives.

Israel: No attack planned on Arafat now

JERUSALEM –– Israeli leaders on Sunday backed away from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s latest threats against Yasser Arafat, saying there are no immediate plans to kill the WORLD

was believed to be 95. Lauder died of cardiopulmonary arrest late Saturday at her home in Manhattan, said Sally Susman, a company spokeswoman.

Abortion-rights supporters march in D.C.

WASHINGTON –– Abortionrights supporters marched in huge numbers Sunday, roused in this election year by what they see as an erosion of reproductive freedoms under President Bush and foreign policies they say hurt WORLD

Thomas Mesereau Jr., another well-known criminal defense attorney who represented actor Robert Blake in his murder case until they recently parted company, citing irreconcilable differences.

Palestinian leader. Sharon declared in a television interview over the weekend that he is no longer bound by a promise to the United States not to harm Arafat.

U.S. troops to begin patrols in Fallujah

FALLUJAH, Iraq –– U.S. troops will begin patrols with Iraqi security forces in Fallujah, the military said Sunday, as the United States backed down from warnings of an all-out assault that could spark new bloodshed and deepen anti-American senti-

ment. The patrols are to begin as early as Tuesday, and Fallujah officials will announce in the city that anyone seen carrying a weapon will be considered hostile, the military said.

(Compiled from The Associated Press reports) If you have corrections, comments or suggestions, contact the Daily Titan editorial staff at: news@dailytitan.com.

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MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2004


for the week of April 26 - May 2

MONDAY The 13th Annual Linguistics Symposium will be held in the TSU Theater from 8:50 a.m. to 4:55 p.m. The College of the Arts’ presentation of “The Capitol Steps” begins today at 3 p.m. and runs through May 2 at Plummer Auditorium, 201 E. Chapman Ave. Ticket prices range from $23 to $30. TUESDAY Pizza with the Presidents, free luncheon with CSUF President Milton A. Gordon and ASI President L. Matthew Martinez in the TSU Courtyard from noon to 1 p.m. Free Billiards Tuesday in the Titan Student Union from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY Eliza Noh, assistant professor of Asian American studies, will discuss “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Analyzing Asian American Women’s Suicide Narratives” at noon in University Hall, Room 205. The El Toro campus will be distributing graduation tickets today beginning at 10 a.m. in the Student Affairs Office.

An internship and job fair will be held in the Quad beginning at 10 a.m. CSUF Buddhists for World Peace Club will sponsor “War and Peace: A Buddhist Perspective,” at 6 p.m. in the Titan Student Union, Alvarado A. The Asian Pacific Student Association will host “FUZION,” a night of music and dance from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Titan Student Union’s Portola Pavilion. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will present a lecture on “The Endangered Species Act at 30 Years Old: History, Status and Trends,” at noon in McCarthy Hall, Room 468. THURSDAY Edwin Zane, vice president of Media Action Network for Asian Americans, will speak on “Asian Americans and the Media” at 8: 30 a.m. in Humanities-Social Sciences Building, Room 521. Helie Lee, author of “Still Life with Rice” and “In the Absence of Sun,” will speak on contemporary Asian American literature in the Pollak Library at 11:30 a.m. Fillmore Freeman from the Chemistry Department,

will present a seminar entitled “A Computational and Experimental Study of the Synthesis and Conformations of Silathiacyclohexanes and their 1-Oxides” at 4 p.m. at McCarthy Hall, Room 512. “Tokyo Godfathers” is this week’s Groovy Movie sponsored by Associated Students, Inc. The screening will be at 9 p.m. in the Titan Student Union. FRIDAY “A Night in Fullerton” is the city’s annual celebration of the arts, featuring free music, dance and visual art programs around the community, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. For more information, please call (714) 738-6545. The College of the Arts will present three one act operas at the Performing Arts Center, Recital Hall at 8 p.m. Ticket prices range from $6 to $15. Titan Baseball versus Cal Poly at Goodwin Field at 7 p.m. Ticket prices range from $3.50 to $7. SATURDAY Titan Women’s Softball versus UC Riverside at the Softball Field at noon and 2 p.m. See the performance of Neil Simon’s “Brighton Beach

Memoirs” at Fullerton College’s Bronwyn Dodson Theatre at 321 E. Chapman Ave. Ticket prices are $12.50 and $15. SUNDAY Titan Women’s Softball versus UC Riverside at the Softball Field at 1 p.m. Today is the last day to see “Urinetown,” a story of two kids who fall in love in the middle of a water shortage. Today’s performances are at 2 p.m. and 7: 30 p.m. at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, please call (714) 556-ARTS for more. The Brea Improv will feature the comedic talents of Rudy Moreno at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 for students and proceeds from the event will help support Latino Health Access, a nonprofit organization. The final performances of “A Chorus Line” are today at 2 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center’s Little Theatre. Ticket prices are from $13 to $16. Orange County’s Largest Antique Show and Sale at Cal State Fullerton from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tickets range from $6 to $15. All proceeds will benefit “Register in Education,” which provides lit-

All events listed are on campus and free unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the Calendar section please send an email to: news@dailytitan.com


from page 1

newly elected ASI President Philip Vasquez and Vice President Mona Mohammadi popped in for an impromptu acceptance speech. The victors said they received a great deal of support from the club during their campaign. “We have a lot of friends in the LGBA,” Mohammadi said. Vasquez said he plans to meet with the LGBA during his term in office to assess the club’s concerns and needs. LGBA is an on-campus social awareness group that offers support to gay students and addresses social issues such as gay marriage and gay adoption.

The club is open to all students, gay or straight. “We do have straight allies who support our club; some of our performers in the drag show are straight,” said Alex Faras, LGBA public relations officer. The show was heavily advertised on campus to draw in straight supporters. “This function is a bridge for the gap between the LGBA community and Cal State Fullerton community, to bring everyone together and have fun entertaining each other,” Faras said. A vast majority of the crowd were not members of the LGBA, but came to encourage their classmates performing in the show. A student in the audience said, “It’s [the show] pretty good

because usually drag shows have a negative image. But having it in the school is a safe place where people who are supportive of it can come and watch.” Although the night was filled with crass and raunchy humor, the audience left with a good clean message. Fever stressed the need for unity among all people and urged

students to focus less on glamour and appearance, but to be more aware of the problems and needs of their fellow man. “I’m sure that sounds strange coming from a drag queen,” Fever said.







CSUF student tragedy

Part Three on Tuesday.

from page 1

that do not appear on maps or in areas where roads do not exist. Another agent, on an ATV, has already detained seven illegal immigrants by the time backup arrives. The rest of the group has bolted into the surrounding darkness. Eads and McPartland immediately start to sign-cut, or track, the men through the desert night using their flashlights to guide the way. Cacti, sharp rocks, loose gravel and low branches are not visible out of the circumference of light projected ahead of McPartland’s path as he attempts to spot fresh signs of travel. In a matter of minutes, the dark desert night swallows McPartland as he attempts to track the escaping members of the splintered group up a hill and down a ravine. Individuals could be bedded down in the desert scrub waiting for the agents to give up or be running north to a lay-up. Sometimes illegal immigrants turn back south to Mexico to regroup and try again. Suddenly, McPartland stops in his tracks and listens for any sound of activity in the surrounding scenery. Time passes and the silence becomes deafening. He reluctantly turns his back on the disappointing scene. The group has escaped. “This is only a part of what is getting through, people could be crossing all around us,” McPartland said. Seven are apprehended. At least that many have gotten away into the desolate darkness of the desert. This series will continue with



LISA HART/ Daily Titan Staff

A group of immigrants sits along the field where they were caught by the Border Patrol. The group of 11 had only made it 300 yards north of the U.S./Mexico border when they were apprehended.

B Y M ISTY P REMO Titan Staff Writer

Cal State Fullerton junior Michael Brunk, 21, died Monday, April 19 of head injuries sustained in a car accident Sunday. Brunk grew up in Placentia and attended El Dorado High School before he came to CSUF. He played the saxophone in his high school band and was an active volunteer through the Key Club. Brunk’s schoolmate Erin Browning, a CSUF senior, attended school with him since the first grade. She said she remembers Brunk as a person who always had a kind word and a good heart. He once filled an entire page in her high school yearbook to tell her how much she meant to him as a friend and that he would always remember the friendship they shared, she added. “I was thinking I would never forget him,” Browning said. Brunk loved Huntington Beach and often visited the sea at night. His girlfriend, Aubrey Killion, 18, said they planned to go to the beach together, but never had the chance. Killion said Brunk was always there to offer help to friends in need. As a novice driver, Killion said she was once afraid to drive on the freeway by herself, so Brunk followed her miles out of his way to make sure she reached her destination safely. “It was nice knowing he was there,” she said. Although Brunk seemed reserved on first impression, Killion said he had a great sense of humor. “He was definitely a character when you got to know him,” she said. Brunk loved speed and often pushed the limits of his Acura Legend, Killion said. The day of his accident, he taunted his girlfriend, betting her that he would beat her home. She estimates that he was driving about 80 miles per hour at Bastanchury and Associated roads when he lost control of his car as she followed far behind him. The car fishtailed and eventually crashed into a pole. Brunk was thrown from the vehicle, Killion said. She said her brother, who was riding with her when the accident occurred, said, “It was like angels opened the door and laid him out on the ground.” Brunk was taken to UCI Medical Center, where he later died. Brunk is survived by his mother, step-father and 2-yearold sister Rachael. A viewing was held Sunday for friends and family and services will be held Monday at 9 a.m. at St. Martin de Porres Faith Community Parish in Yorba Linda.



MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2004

Class walkout set to protest budget BY JORGE ARREDONDO ARGÜELLO Titan Staff Writer

The preparations for Cal State Fullerton’s walkout on Thursday, in opposition of state budget cuts, started in early March and are still going on for what could be the biggest rally in CSUF history. In conjunction with Associated Students inc, Lobby Corps and Students Informing Students—a student campaign—have been preparing this rally to inform other students about the impact of the proposed budget cuts to CSU campuses and the effect the budget cuts will have on their careers, and also to send a message to the government of California. “A lot of times politicians forget that 18- to 20-year-olds do vote—they are not simply apathetic—and we do care about our education,” said Tammy Chase of the SIS campaign. Similarly, other Cal State universities like Cal State Dominguez Hills and Cal State Los Angeles have been protesting the budget cuts. According to the Web site www.getupstandupnow.org, the

students from these universities can unify and fight against Arnold Schwarzenegger and his administration and take back control of California’s public education system. “Our main focus is trying to get students upset about it, and we want to let our legislators know that we know that this is happening and we don’t like it,” said Adam Byrnes, director of statewide affairs for Associated Students Inc. There are a lot of current proposals by Gov. Schwarzenegger, including a ten percent fee increase per year, as well as a proposal to cut the Education Opportunity Program and another that would limit active enrollment growth. “There are a lot of different proposals to limit access and basically make it harder to get an education in the state of California,” Byrnes said. Tatianne Velo, also with the SIS campaign, said she thinks CSUF is the right venue for this rally because it is a commuter campus, unlike Sacramento, which would be more visible to politicians, but would also be a





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ASI board member Drew Wiley informs students about the rally on Thursday, April 29 from noon to 1 p.m. to protest budget cuts. difficult location to organize a march. According to the Web site, some the California Faculty Association, A Coalition of Students, the EOP program and representatives from different CSUs rallied at the governor’s office in downtown Los Angeles on Monday. Two weeks ago, the SIS started asking students to sign letters that will eventually be sent to local legislators as well as a letter to Gov. Schwarzenegger. “Students are the ones that will be actually be putting back into the economy in the future after they come out with an education,” said Drew Wiley,

ASI’s College of the Arts board of director. Freshman Shannon Perkins, who said she depends on financial aid to pay for her classes, said she is worried about the route her college education will take and decided to support the movement by signing a letter. “The cuts are ridiculous, we are going to be the ones that are making major decisions when they are old and retired, and sitting in diapers,” Perkins said. Others may also agree with her because, as of last Thursday, 800 students have signed letters.

site,” Tran said. Giang Nguyen, talk show host and VSA treasurer, said it takes very little to make a difference when addressing the future. She described for the audience great tales of heroism and said it does not always require great feats. If people strive to make a difference, they will, Nguyen said. The commemoration also included a candlelight vigil in the middle of the pavilion. Candles were arranged on a table forming the letters VN––the initials of the fallen country––and was extremely moving to the showgoers. “It was very meaningful because I was born in Vietnam,” said Phu Nguyen, biology major. “So when I saw the vigil, it was very touching to me.” Traditional dances and cuisine helped reaffirm the cultural ties

by showcasing the ways of the past and how these traditions continue to be prevalent today. The incorporation of authentic Vietnamese customs allowed the audience to grasp the culture firsthand. “This was a good way for me to learn about the Vietnamese culture,” said Dianna Barnes, a women’s studies major. Aside from the festivities, the commemoration conveyed one clear-cut message. “A lot of people have fought and died for freedom,” Phu Nguyen said. “Hopefully, we can continue to the fight for human rights.” The two student associations said they hoped the message is carried out. On April 30, there will be a major commemoration at the Vietnam War Memorial in Westminster’s Freedom Park that will unite many Southern California colleges in remembrance of a war that claimed the lives of approximately 58,000

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