2004 09 07

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Menʼs soccer kicks off on wrong foot, loses to Riverside and Oakland 6

Republican National Convention: same old story from the Grand Old Party 4

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

Tu e s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 7 , 2 0 0 4

Daily Titan

Students discover campus involvement Discoverfest entertains crowds, draws interests to on-campus clubs By LINDA HO Daily Titan Staff

The sound of music and the scent of free candy attracted curious Cal State Fullerton students to the Quad on Sept. 1 and 2. From as early as 9 a.m., the colorful banners decorating an array of booths, which made up this fallʼs Discoverfest, caught studentsʼ eyes. A large number of the clubs and organizations available on campus were represented at the two-day event, and offered students reasons why they shouldnʼt rush out of the parking lot after their last class. “Get involved” was the prominent message of the event according to the T-shirts worn by the staff members of the assistant deans for Student Affairs. Various departments on campus participated in the event, including Financial Aid, Academic Advisement, Parking and Transportation, Disabled Student Services and the Pollak Library, to name a few. The College of Humanities and Social Sciences educated students

Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 3

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about different majors offered while representatives from the U.S. Air Force informed students about the benefits of joining the service. “The bulk of people in our program are recruited through events like this at CSUF and at other schools,” said Austin Coccia, a cadet of the Air Force ROTC and senior linguistics major. Kevin Kowalski, a senior art major and president of the Ceramics Club, said Discoverfest allowed his club to represent the art department and expose the campus to the medium of ceramics. Brian Jones, a sophomore and secretary of the Ceramics Club, said he wanted students to know that they too could have fun “playing with mud.” Jones, who decided to make use of the three hours of Discoverfest, even demonstrated his skill, molding the reddish-brown clay with his bare hands. A large number of religious groups were present and offered their faith and friendship to students who were looking for some spiritual companionship. Souled Out, a ministry organization based on college campuses, used this opportunity to bring its DISCOVER 3

Gov. considers bill to alleviate studentsʼ book-buying burden By NIYAZ PIRANI Daily Titan Staff


Adam Eastham, CSUF theater arts major, and friend Abigail Orr, escape the summer heat in the Titan pool. Temperatures reached a high of 107 degrees in Anaheim over Labor Day weekend. The university’s pool is open to all CSUF students during the fall 2004 semester: Monday through Friday from noon to 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from noon to 3 p.m.

Poll reveals Titan political views CSUF professors explain that “lying” is all in perception By ALI DORRI Daily Titan Staff


Phi Kappa Tau member Christian Silvestre tosses a Frisbee with a friend during Discoverfest on Sept. 2. Fraternities, sororities, clubs and organizations set up during the two-day event to recruit new members.

College texts under review

Nevermind the heat

An informal survey taken last week by the Daily Titan revealed that 62 percent of students surveyed believe President Bush lied to build his case for going to war with Iraq. Of the 80 students polled, 59 percent believe Bush to be generally dishonest. A second informal survey of 35 students reveals that 54 percent believe Bushʼs alleged lying is more serious of an issue than John Kerryʼs supposed flip-flopping. Advertising major Michael Bloomer said he will go with who he thinks is the lesser of two evils. “I am not enthralled by Kerry. He seems like a liar too,” Bloomer, 23, said. “But I think he is more trustworthy than Bush.” Pre-war intelligence has raised

credibility issues for Bush and a series of commercials put out by the group Swift Vote Veterans for Truth have done the same for Kerry. Jack Elenbaas, a Cal State Fullerton history professor, said perceived lying does make a difference to voters because it hits them on a personal level. Elenbaas points out that this reaction to dishonesty develops through oneʼs early relationships with family and friends because lying is looked down upon in these relationships. “Voters translate their personal life into the vote,” Elenbaas said. This morality has been a factor in recent elections. Stephen Stambough, a CSUF political science professor, said that being associated with dishonesty is enough to effect an election. Former President Gerald Ford could never shake the Watergate scandal, even though he was never found to have done any wrong doing, which eventually forced former President Richard Nixon to resign, Stambough

said. “In 1976 people tied Ford to Nixon, and Carter ran on a notion that he will tell the truth,” Stambough said. After the capture of Saddam Hussein in December 2003, a Gallup Poll showed Bushʼs approval rating at 64 percent, but it decreased in the following months. In a May Gallup Poll, his rating fell to 46 percent. Last monthʼs poll revealed a boost back to a 51 percent approval that coincidentally came when the Swift Boat advertisements were released, which depict Kerry as lying about his combat role in Vietnam. “Itʼs tricky,” Elenbaas said. “Lying is a subjective term. One personʼs lie is another personʼs rational explanation. You have Republicans saying that [Iraq] was a matter of poor intelligence, not a lie. And with the Swift Boat stories, you will hear many different interpretations.” Elenbaas said none of this is conSURVEY 3

PASA represents: cultural club hosts annual hip-hop auditions Pilipino American Student Association struts its stuff By DESDEMONA BANDINI For the Daily Titan

The usually quiet Cal State Fullerton campus had serious bassblasting hip-hop music bumping behind Titan Shops last week. The Pilipino American Student Association hosted its annual hip-

hop dance audition for the collegiate dance troupe, Team Millennia, and was responsible for the noise. Danny Batimana, a PASA member who is now the director for Team Millennia, founded the team in 1998. “Everyone here loves to dance,” dancer Christine Bueta said. “You do not have to be Pilipino. You just have to love hip-hop and having a good time.” Batimana took the stage to teach the swelling crowd of almost 75

talented hopefuls the routine for Sundayʼs audition. Though he graduated and now teaches math at West Covina High School, Batimana remains an active alumnus of PASA and said he hopes to turn his love for hip-hop into a real business with a dance studio in Fullerton. For now, they practice on the cement behind the campus bookstore three times a week. Team Millennia is an extension of the PASA club but is not limited

Honors program director gets reappointment Hobson to serve three-year term with honors and scholars By ANNA LOUSTAUNAU For the Daily Titan

Wayne Hobson was reappointed as the director of the University Honors and Scholars Center for a three-year term on Aug. 19, allowing him to continue spreading support to students and faculty alike. Hobson has been a well-respected member of the Cal State Fullerton faculty since 1973, with great achievements in the American Studies Department and previous

experience as the program director in 1991. “He brings experience to the position and a deep caring about the students involved,” said Kandy Mink, dean of students. “Hobson truly understands the values of the honors program and is committed to its success. The campus is lucky to have him.” Hobson, who is originally from Washington, grew up in an educational background. His father was an agricultural economist and his mother, a teacher, instructed him early on about the importance of academics. His ultimate passion? “Intellectual honesty,” Hobson

said. “People should try to understand and see each other for who they really are and never lead one another on in life.” With this perspective in mind, Hobson, with a doctorate in American history, has gone on to achieve a variety of leadership positions, including serving as president of the California American Studies Association, and has a wide array of administrative experience at CSUF in the social sciences and American studies programs. “Iʼll never forget when I started teaching American studies. I had much support and assistance from HOBSON 3

to CSUF students, said Michelle Maramba, the teamʼs manager. “This is the annual audition for next yearʼs team where we will choose our team captains and junior team captains. We also have a Team Millennia junior troupe for anyone under 18,” she said. “We compete against other collegiate Pilipino dance teams like UCI, UCLA and CSULB all over California. We also do benefits and special events. It is a lot of fun and itʼs growing so fast,” Maramba

added. The troupe just hosted a miniintensive two-day dance camp, Maramba said, and the word must have spread as the turnout doubled her expectations. “It is just a fun and cool way to meet people, connect and have a great time dancing,” Maramba said. “Hip-hop dancing is really such a great, healthy outlet and it is so much fun. We welcome anyone to participate who wants to have a good time and loves to dance.”

Traveling a-Cross Country

FRANCIS SZYSKOWSKI/Daily Titan Asst. Photo Editor

Maria Belasquez finished eighth overall in the cross country season opener at Carbon Canyon Park in Brea. Read the full story online at www.dailytitan.com.

In a stack of bills on Gov. Schwarzeneggerʼs desk is an outline for a textbook rental program on college campuses. Assembly Bill 2678, drafted by Assemblyman Paul Koretz (D-West Hollywood), was approved with bipartisan support. According to a study by the California Student Public Interest Research Group, the average fulltime student spent $898 per year on books during the 2003-04 school year. “Since students are a captive customer base, they have to buy the books, they have no choice,” said Bart Broom, senior assistant to Koretz. “Because of this, there is an opportunity for the industry to abuse the customer.” The bill outlines a system in which students pay a certain percentage of the cost of a textbook to rent it for the semester. The idea was spawned at Taft College in Bakersfield where most students were going to class without books because they could not afford them. “There are 20 rental programs across the United States,” Broom said. “And the rental rates are approximately $130 per year for all books.” Broom said there were some failures because students cancelled credit cards used as a deposit and kept the books instead, but the program was most successful when failure to return the books resulted in registration holds and the withholding of transcripts. Broom said the program cannot work unless faculty can agree to use a textbook for a certain amount of time. In addition to faculty cooperation, book publishers, who Broom said are remaining neutral on the situation, may stand to make a profit from the rental program. A process called “revenue sharing,” outlined by Barry Pasternak, Cal State Fullertonʼs department chair for Information Systems and Decision Sciences, may hold the solution for book publishers. “With revenue sharing, the bookstore obtains the books at a lower cost and then shares the revenue with the publisher each time that book is rented,” Pasternak said. Through revenue sharing, publishers would be able to make a profit on both new and used books, possibly providing the incentive to update textbook editions less frequently, Broom said. Ultimately, itʼs the students who will determine the fate of textbook rental. “[Rental] depends on if the resale of the book is less than the rental cost,” said Amrish Parekh, a fifthyear marketing major. With surveys showing a skyrocketing of textbook prices and new editions being released with little more than cosmetic changes, textbook rental may turn the bookstore into a “library” in the near future. “ʻMoby Dickʼ will always be ʻMoby Dick,ʼ” Broom said. “No matter what it looks like.”


2 Tuesday, September 7, 2004



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Puddle of mud



In the Visual Arts Center, Charles Mallari, a junior majoring in ceramics, uses the potters’ wheel to touch up a vase, his latest creation. Ceramics students often spend many hours outside of class working on their projects.

Russians mourn as death toll rises BESLAN, Russia – Funeral processions filled the rainy streets of this southern Russian city Monday, carrying coffins large and small, as townspeople buried scores of victims of a carefully planned school siege that prosecutors linked to a Chechen rebel leader. Desperate families searched for those still missing from the siege at School No. 1, while others buried 120 victims during the first of two days of national mourning across Russia, which has seen more than 400 people killed in violence linked to terrorism in the past two weeks.

Many art students have showcased their works in Cal State Fullerton’s Exit Gallery, located in the Visual Arts Center. Mallari said the shows are great events for meeting people and seeing other artists’ pieces.

Car bomb kills 7 U.S. Marines in Iraq BAGHDAD, Iraq – A suicide attacker sped up to a U.S. military convoy outside Fallujah and detonated an explosives-packed vehicle on Monday, killing seven Marines and three Iraqi soldiers, U.S. military officials said. It was the deadliest day for American forces in four months. The force of the blast on a dusty stretch of wasteland nine miles north of Fallujah, a hotbed of Sunni insurgents, wrecked two Humvee vehicles and hurled the suicide carʼs engine far from the site, witnesses and military officials said.

Frances plows into Florida’s Panhandle ST. MARKS, Fla. – Frances crowded into the Florida Panhandle on Monday, taking another swing at a storm-weary state where it already had knocked out power to 6 million people, torn up roofs and boats and been blamed for at least four deaths. While Panhandle residents rode out the tropical stormʼs heavy rain and wind blowing at a sustained 65 mph, shutters started coming down in the south and residents started returning to homes they had evacuated.

WASHINGTON – Democrat John Kerry accused President Bush on Monday of sending U.S. troops to the “wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time” and said heʼd try to bring them home in four years. Bush rebuked him for taking “yet another new position” on the war. Iraq overshadowed the traditional Labor Day kickoff of the fall campaign and its time-honored emphasis on jobs, as Kerry delivered some of his harshest rhetoric against Bushʼs handling of the war.


L.A. airport reopens after security scare LOS ANGELES — Four terminals at Los Angeles International Airport were shut down for about three hours Saturday after a passenger bypassed security at one terminal and a flashlight battery exploded during screening at another, authorities said. The two incidents, which occurred a half-hour apart on the busy Labor Day weekend, appeared to be unrelated, said FBI spokeswoman Cathy Viray. Several people suffered minor injuries. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


“Michael C. McMillan: Museum of Distraction,” runs through Oct. 2 in the Main Art Gallery inside the Visual Arts Center. The exhibition consists of a labyrinth of chambers containing both new and earlier installation work made from discards found in the streets and alleys of Los Angeles and augmented by specific sounds. Hours: Tuesday through Friday, noon to 4 p.m.; Saturday, noon to 2 p.m. For more information, call (714) 278-3262. Come relieve some stress between classes by either singing or laughing at those who do during the open mic session at noon at the Pub in the TSU Underground. Free Billiards in the TSU today from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Knottʼs Scary Farm tickets go on sale at the TSU Information and Services booth. Buy them early because they go quickly.

Clinton has successful bypass surgery

Kerry promises to bring troops home

SEPT. 7, 2004

The CSUF Advertising Club is having its first meeting at 7 p.m. in TSU Gabrielino. Tommy Campagne, an account executive from Y&R advertising agency, will be the guest speaker. All new members are welcome to attend the event.


NEW YORK – Bill Clinton underwent a successful quadruple heart bypass operation Monday to relieve severely clogged arteries that had put the former president at high risk of suffering a heart attack. “He is recovering normally at this point,” said Dr. Craig R. Smith, the surgeon who led the operation. “Right now everything looks straightforward.”




University Police log for the BLOTTER week of Aug. 29-Sept. 4

8/29 13:05

8/30 12:01

A fire was reported at the Manzanita dorms. It turned out to be a cooking accident.

A report was taken concerning a vehicle that had been burglarized in the parking structure by the dorms.

8/30 08:51

8/30 17:19

Police responded to a report of smoke in McCarthy Hall. The odor was said to have been from wiring within the walls. The Physical Plant was called to check on the actual cause.

8/30 11:01

A verbal dispute was reported at Langsdorf Hall. A student had raised his voice at a counselor then left.

University Police (714) 278-2515

Titan Shops reported a petty theft to officers, which turned out to be a miscommunication.

9/03 20:40

Medical aid was called to the Kinesiology and Health Science Building. A 17-year-old male was assisted after hitting his head on a metal bar, which caused him to bleed.

9/04 00:47

A backpack was stolen at the oncampus Carls Jr. No suspect was found.

A resident adviser called in a disturbance at the volleyball court at the dorms. He reported that about 50 residents were outside drinking and causing disorder. There were no citations or arrests.

9/02 8:20

9/04 02:38

8/31 11:44

A car owner reported seeing a suspect key his vehicle in the Nutwood Parking Structure. No suspect was found.

A resident of the Pointe Apartments called police after reportedly being pistol-whipped by his next-door neighbor. No arrests were made.

The Employee Wellness Program presents stability ball classes for those who would like to gain core stability and improve back health. “Pre-classes” for beginners start today and run through Sept. 16. For fees and more information, go to the EWP Web site at http://hdcs. fullerton.edu/ewp. All events listed are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.



Tuesday, Sept. 7 Sunny Low 66°


Wednesday, Sept. 8 Sunny Low 66°


Thursday, Sept. 9 Partly Cloudy Low 66°


From The Weather Channel


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Read the Daily Titan this Thursday.

Full Effect

Reviews of Projekt Revolution, Dave Matthews, Vanity Fair and Paparazzi. The fall TV preview. Interviews with Halifax and Gram Rabbit.


Daily Titan

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


believe he has strong moral charfrom page 1 acter and those who believe he is a liar.” The first Daily Titan survey clusive evidence and calling Bush and Kerry liars would be an over- revealed that Bush has strong support at CSUF. simplification. Of the 38 percent who believed “As a historian, I canʼt say either one of them has lied until there that Bush did not lie about Iraq, 50 percent said they is evidence that would still vote makes it comfor him if it turns pletely black and Every politician out that he did white,” Elenbaas who has been in lie. Stambough said. office for a year said those stuStambough has flip-flopped. dents represent shares a similar the base of the sentiment. Stephen Stambough party who have a “If you call CSUF political science solid and positive someone a liar, it professor initial perception has to be backed of Bush. by irrefutable As for Kerry facts,” he said. Stambough said he believes that being perceived as a flip-flopper, much of peopleʼs trust is based Stambough said changing oneʼs on their original perception of the mind is common political behavior. “Every politician who has been in candidate rather than any eventual office for a year has flip-flopped,” actions they will take. “It depends on who does the he said. “Kerry has been in office perceiving,” Stambough said. “For since 1984. Itʼs natural that he would Bush, itʼs split among those who change his mind over a 20-year

period. Most Bush supporters would be upset if Bush didnʼt also change according to the times.” Bush has yet to take any blame for what has happened in Iraq, but it could help him in November if he changed his attitude, Elenbaas said. “Bush would help himself by coming out and taking some blame,” Elenbaas said. “In some ways it can be positive for him not to because it looks like he has conviction, but when it becomes apparent that what you were claiming isnʼt true, you should concede.” Elenbaas made the point that former President John F. Kennedyʼs approval ratings went up after he took some blame for the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Similar to pre-war intelligence with Iraq, faulty intelligence was the key reason for failure in Cuba, but Kennedy still admitted fault. For Bloomer it would not make a difference. “I actually voted for [Bush] in the last election,” said Bloomer. “I was pro-Bush. There is no way I can trust him again.”



Ryan Ussery, a member of the Inter-Tribal Student Council, plays a drum along with members of the Middle Eastern Club, in the Quad Sept. 2 at CSUF’s semi-annual Discoverfest.


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message of the Bible to the community. Campus minister Matt Tchir said, “We try to help develop academic and spiritual lives in students – building character and being successful with impact.” Betty Hartley, a sponsor of the International Christian Fellowship, emphasized that her organization was not just a religious group. “We offer Bible studies to anyone interested in spiritual things,” Hartley said. However, she added that the program welcomed the opportunity for conversations that could help international students improve their English. “Discoverfest has always been a great venue to market and let the campus know what the Womenʼs Center has to offer,” said Sue Passalacqua, associate director for the center. “Part of our success is our ability to market our resources.” Information brochures and bright-

colored fliers from the different clubs and organizations were passed into the hands of anyone who was willing to take them. Students who braved the glaring sun and high temperatures and signed-up for membership or asked questions were rewarded with bottled water, fresh fruit, cookies, Tootsie Rolls, miniature calculators and other goodies. “Itʼs a good opportunity to connect and learn about other people and about having a life at school,” said Ahmad Habli, a junior graphic design student. His friend, Hazem Nabhani, a senior computer science major, agreed. “I just joined the French Club,” Nabhani said. Whether it was kung fu, rugby or pre-law, students had many areas of interest to choose from. If some students were still not satisfied, then perhaps the “hickey contest” hosted by the KROQ booth on Wednesday provided some form of excitement to the crowd of onlookers.

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my colleagues, which was very nice,” Hobson said. “When people work together, that is the ultimate key to a thriving organization.” And success is just what Hobson said he wants to make out of the University Honors and Scholars Center. “My goals for the next three years are to interact more with other students, other honor societies and try to expand the amount of space for the honors center,” he said “Weʼre running out of room in this small room with so many students. While this may be a hard goal to reach, I believe that we can definitely try.” Many Honors students said they are already anticipating the fresh start with Hobson, believing his knowledge of the position will lead to even greater chances for the program. Student Jason Ishibashi describes Hobson as “motivated and helpful with an ʻopen-doorʼ policy to students. Heʼs always there to listen and help you out, just what we need to create a more successful program.” Hobson, an avid fan of John Sayleʼs independent films and hiking, is a “very committed educator,” said Ryan Alcantara, director of the programʼs support services and codirector with Hobson. “I am very much looking forward to building the program together,” Alcantara said. Hobson encourages all students to give the program a try. “When I was in college, I was a member of the honors program. The professors there had such positive attitudes about my future. They were my inspiration. I want to help students out in the same way,” Hobson said. Hobson has already become a true motivation for numerous students and faculty members with his easygoing manner. “Trust your gut and find your own. Test your own knowledge,” Hobson said. “And most of all, have confidence and know how to drag conclusions from what you see right in front of you.”

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