2004 10 04

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Cross country teams leave other colleges in the dust at UCR 6

The results are in: Kerry scores victory in first presidential face-off 4

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

M o n d a y, O c t o b e r 4 , 2 0 0 4

Daily Titan w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 1 8

Kerry 1, Bush 0

Titan caught speeding

Polls show Kerry was victor of the Thursday night showdown By DESIREE GARNICA For the Daily Titan

GABRIEL FENOY/For the Daily Titan

“Lord, how the day passes! It is like a life, so quickly when we don’t watch it, and so slowly if we do.” – John Steinbeck. A student passes by a mural painted near the Visual Arts Center.

With President Bush and Sen. John Kerry resting up from the first round of debate, Sen. John Edwards and Vice President Dick Cheney will add their respective two cents to the debate forum at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. The debate will be aired at the Titan Student Union this Tuesday. The first presidential debate, aired at the TSU Lounge last Thursday, was a welcomed opportunity for students to gain some

insight on the positions of Bush and Kerry for the November election. Associated Students Inc. provided food and drink and some students played pool in the background as others gathered around the television sets and began to listen to the two presidential candidates speak. The 90-minute debate was sufficient for some students to gain an opinion as to who was the better speaker. As each candidate spoke, students listened to what their plans were for the future of homeland security. Bush and Kerry also spoke about the ongoing war on terror and the protection of American soil. Many students said they walked away from the debate with opinions about who they believed succeeded in the debating process. Studentsʼ opinions varied from the candidatesʼ precise knowledge of

a specific subject to their physical movements when delivering their answers. Students found humor in the clashing of opinions by the candidates several times during the debate. When asked what mistakes Bush had made, Kerryʼs reply “Where do I begin?” generated laughter from the crowd. Students had a great deal to say about the candidates as the debate came to an end. “Even though Bush stumbled a couple times, I still think his policies are what America needs,” said Melissa Sordan, a first-year nursing student. “Americans need protection and I think heʼs the guy to do it for us.” Not everyone was enthusiastic about the plans Bush provided. Many said they felt the president should have been more prepared DEBATE 3

Camejo challenges voters Vice-presidential candidate urges non-partisan vote By ALI DORRI Daily Titan Staff

Ronald Reagan once called Peter Camejo one of the 10 most dangerous people in America. On Thursday, Camejo, Ralph Naderʼs vice presidential running mate, spoke to Cal State Fullerton students about the dangers of voting

republican or democrat. “I would never tell people I would vote for Mussolini over Hitler,” he said while on stage at the Becker Amphitheater. “I do think Kerry is smarter than Bush, but thatʼs not saying much.” Much of his speech focused on what he said was an “undemocratic monopolization of the electoral system” originally set up to protect slave ownersʼ interests. “The whole world looks at us and tells us we are weird,” he said. “We have a manipulated and controlled electoral system that makes people vote against what they believe in.” When Nader ran for president in 2000 he was accused of stealing

Group promotes freedom to read Previously banned classic novels read at CSUF campus By BRITTANY KUHN Daily Titan Staff

“It was a pleasure to burn” was the first line read aloud from Ray Bradburyʼs classic novel of suppression and defiance, “Fahrenheit 451,” at the Banned Books Week Read-A-Thon on Saturday, which lasted over eight hours. The book was chosen as a reminder of the once literal threat of book burning and as a symbol of the continuing war against censorship. In conjunction with Banned Books Week, from Sept. 25 to Oct. 2, San Jose Stateʼs Extended Education Program and approximately 20 other volunteers participated in the continuous demonstrative read that they hoped would make the fight for freedom of information public. Members of the Library and Information Science Students to Encourage Networking hosted the continuous marathon read from noon until 8 p.m. in the northeast corner of the Quad, adjacent to the Pollak Library. The first reader of the event, Ken Dowlin, is a professor at San Jose State and the associate director of the Southern California program at Fullerton. “Right now weʼre in a sea of change technologically,” said Dowlin, who was

a San Francisco city librarian and public director for over 33 years. “Ninetyeight percent of public libraries provide public access to the Internet. Itʼs resurfaced the issue. Book burning is over. Censorship is now much more subtle.” “The issue is your freedom of access to information,” he said. “We believe what you read is your own business.” Annie Knight, both a reader at the event and a San Jose State student in the process of getting her masterʼs degree in library and information science through the university extension program at Cal State Fullerton, helped organize the event. “Weʼre having people volunteer to read parts of the book until weʼve read the whole thing,” said Knight of the chosen novel, “Fahrenheit 451.” Knight said that Banned Books Week, which is observed during the last week of September each year, reminds citizens not to take precious freedoms, such as access to information, for granted. “I think thereʼs an ethical responsibility I have to promote and provide as much information as possible, regardless of content, to the public,” Knight said. “Itʼs not in anyoneʼs interest to judge what other people want to consume for information.” Marsha Schnirring, vice president of LISSTEN and chair of the banned books event, said the focus was on censorship and the importance of reading aloud in a community in order to deal BOOKS 3

votes from Democrat Al Gore, leading to Bushʼs victory. Forest Hill, Nader-Camejo campaign coordinator, said that opinion is baseless. “There is no obvious correlation, they just donʼt want democracy” Hill said. “There were also four other parties on the Florida ballot,” he said. Of those who voted for Nader, 25 percent were Republican and 38 percent Democrat. Two hundred and fifty thousand Democrats voted for Bush. Many Democrats donʼt see it differently this time around. Kerry, Clinton and others have urged Nader to drop out to no avail. Camejo said Democrats have gone out of their

way to keep Nader off state ballots. Californiaʼs ballot will not include Nader. Voters will have to write him in. Camejo said it is Kerry, not Nader, who is “playing spoiler.” “Something weird is happening in the United States,” Camejo said. “The majority of people voting for Kerry donʼt like him. This shows that our system is broken. Tens of millions of votes are being stolen from Nader by John Kerry.” He added that “the person who is in tune with America and the rest of the world is excluded from the polls.” Camejo said many potential CAMEJO 3


Peter Camejo, vice presidential candidate for the Independent Party, speaks to students in the Becker Amphitheater on Sept. 30.

Man jailed for campus assault Victim was treated for serious injuries at St. Judeʼs Hospital By BRITTANY KUHN JAMES TU/Daily Titan

Judy Floweres, Jack Bosna, Jane Bockhold and Larry Bockhold share a table at the Food and Wine Festival held at the Arboretum on Oct. 1.

Arboretum ‘Crush,’ smashing success Wine and food help raise funds for two local organizations By CASEY RITTENHOUSE Daily Titan Staff

Wine was flowing and friends were mingling last Friday night at the Arboretum, presented by the Fullerton South Rotary Club. “Crush Time in Fullerton” was the wine and food sampling venue that catered to nearly 300 guests who purchased tickets at $35 each in order to raise funds for the Boys and Girls Club of Fullerton and the Arboretum. All of the proceeds from the ticket sales went to each organizationʼs general account.

An array of some of the areaʼs treasured restaurants and catering services wrapped around an open space near the Arboretumʼs Heritage House. The festivities included lots of eating and drinking, raffle prizes, a live Country-Western band and a tub of grapes crushed by participating restaurant employees. Doug Collier, owner of The Olde Ship pub and restaurant, said he has been involved with the event for a while, serving his traditional British dishes. “I like to support the community,” Collier said. “Itʼs just in the spirit of the pub to do so.” Guests of the event were able WINE 3

Daily Titan Staff

Police arrested transient William Iofi for the attempted rape of a Cal State Fullerton student on campus Sept. 14. The suspect is being held at the Orange County Jail with bail set at $2 million. Iofi, 41, was charged with aggravated mayhem, battery, assault, torture and sexual battery after attacking a CSUF woman as she was exiting a stairwell on the third floor of the Performing Arts Building around 1:32 p.m. “A transient entered the third floor of the Performing Arts Building, approached the victim and grabbed her in a bear hug,” said Will Glen, operations lieutenant of CSUFʼs Campus Police. “She struggled to free herself, screamed and was knocked to the ground. The suspect tried to kiss her. He bit her lip and seriously injured her.” The victim, who will remain anonymous out of respect for her privacy, suffered two vertical lacerations to her face and was immediately transported for treatment at St. Judeʼs Hospital, Glen said. “The suspect is not a student,

whereas the victim was,” Glen said. “It was just an unprovoked spontaneous act.” Officer Jesse Blanpied, a uniformed officer who responded to the call, was the first to question Iofi and dispatch a records-check. “I asked Iofi if he was a student and he said, ʻNo.ʼ” Blanpied said in his incident report. “I asked Iofi if he had business on campus and he told me he had none. I asked Iofi why he was on campus and he told me he was ʻjust here.ʼ” Although the suspect was carrying no weapons and apparently was not on any medication, Blanpied said, the records-check showed Iofi was on probation, had multiple restraining orders against him and had been arrested the week before. Of the seven witnesses to the crime, CSUF student Darin Martineau, a classical guitar performance major who was practicing his guitar in one of the practice rooms on the third floor, got to the scene first. Martineau said Iofi first came into the practice room prior to the assault and stood strangely in the corner and said, ʻSheʼs crazy, sheʼs trippinʼ,ʼʼ then left. “A couple minutes later I heard the girl screaming, ʻGet off me,ʼ” Martineau said. “I just started runASSAULT 3

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