Volleyball team takes to the road to trounce on the Tigers 8
Breast cancer survivor speaks out during national awareness month 5
C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n
T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 7 , 2 0 0 4
Daily Titan w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m
Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 2 1
Bush College Democrats seek voters blasts Kerry on Iraq Political groups rally together against the Bush administration By RYAN TOWNSEND
Daily Titan Asst. News Editor
President seeks to reclaim upperhand in campaign offensive By DAVID ESPO The Associated Press
WASHINGTON – President Bush blistered Sen. John Kerry on Wednesday as an apostle of “retreat in Iraq” and tax-and-spend liberalism at home. The administration is “out of touch with reality” Democratic running mate John Edwards countered in a campaign growing more caustic by the day. “Senator Kerry assures us that heʼs the one to win a war he calls a mistake, an error, and a diversion” Bush said in a speech designed to reclaim the campaign offensive midway through a series of four debates. “But you canʼt win a war if you donʼt believe in fighting,” he said of his challenger, five times a decorated Vietnam War veteran. “... Iraq is no diversion. It is a place where civilization is taking a decisive stand against chaos and terror, we must not waver,” Bush added. The president unleashed his newly sharpened attack nearly a week after a scowling, unsteady debate perforBUSH 4
The hand-drawn picture on the sign featured a silhouetted elephant mounting a helpless donkey; the two engaged in an apparent act of copulation. “Tired of getting screwed?” the caption read. Armed with inflammatory signs and pointed rhetoric, the College Democrats of Cal State Fullerton and other organizations campaigned for change at a political rally held in the Quad Wednesday afternoon. In addition to providing political pamphlets and voting materials, the club also made registered voters out of a number of students who were passing by. “We decided to put this rally on because we wanted the liberal presence on campus to be noticed,” said Sarah Montez, vice president of the club. Montez, a senior double majoring in political science and womenʼs studies, said the rally was open to any other political groups that wanted to participate, but the Democrats actively recruited the Campus Greens and Third Wave. “We invited everybody but the focus was to be getting young people registered to vote, especially against the Bush administration,” she said. The crowd gathered in the Quad could hardly be described as large, yet club volunteers estimated that as many as 50 students registered to vote during the hour-long event which was kicked off by the band Fire in Cairo. Across campus, far more students gathered to see the bilingual-female-punk band Go Betty Go in Becker Amphitheater. Still, organizers said they were pleased with the turnout and the impassioned
campaigning of the other clubs who took part. “The only Bush I want is my own,” proclaimed a large sign at the feminist organization Third Waveʼs table. Conservative voices were nowhere to be found, so the decidedly leftist messages went unchallenged. Representatives of the College Republicans and College Libertarians were unavailable for comment, as of late Wednesday. Montez said her club wanted to put together a “liberal coalition” of groups who were united by the common goal of spreading opposition to President Bush and his administrationʼs policies. The event was also marked by surprising cooperation between the Campus Greens and College Democrats, even though their respective parties have somewhat different agendas. “Individuals who are inclined to the Green Party are a natural constituency for the Democratic Party,” said John Alford, campaign manager for the California Young Democrats. Alford, a full-time party employee, said his partyʼs platform best represents the issues that young greens are concerned with. Although the Green Party has some strong candidates on the lower levels, the real contenders are Democrats and deserve third-party consideration, he said. The message coming from the Campus Greens was one of accountability. “The Democratic Party has become somewhat corrupt in a way,” said Carolyn Delreal, a club volunteer. “Weʼre just concerned about making sure that their
beliefs stay solid and donʼt shift.” Jack Nakama, a junior political science major and a Campus Greens member, said he would still vote for Ralph Nader because in California, Kerry is almost assured of victory. As for joining up with the College Democrats, he had a simple goal. “Weʼre just trying to keep them honest,” he said. As the event drew to a close, three students hovered over a table, registering to vote. Alex Negron, a freshman business major, said she was registering for the first time and would barely make the voting age-limit. Negron doesnʼt turn 18
until Oct. 8. Another first-timer, Sarah Vasquez, a freshman art major, said she would vote in the election for sure. Topping her list of concerns is the cost of college tuition. “Iʼve been hearing people say that as college students, we donʼt get represented because we donʼt vote,” she said. “I just turned 18, so I figure I should vote.” Generally, participants stressed the importance of the upcoming election and encouraged students to consider the consequences of re-electing Bush. “This is the most important election, certainly of my lifetime,” Alford said. “Iʼm encouraging young people everywhere to vote for Kerry.”
Above: Jonathan Galvan, a senior majoring in political science, writes in his schedule book during the political rally held Wednesday at noon in the Quad.
Handzup Radio brings musical Women’s talent to CSUF radio station Center Student-run Internet welcomes show has listeners from around the world faculty By ASHLEE ANDRIDGE Daily Titan Staff
Every Sunday from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m., Josh Vasquez, a senior majoring in entertainment studies and minoring in Radio–TV–Film, volunteers his time and hits the airwaves with his Hip–hop show called “Handzup Radio,” broadcasting live from the basement of the Pollak Library.
The voices of Cal State Fullerton deejays can be heard around the world on Titan Internet Radio. With programs featured every day throughout the week, listeners from all over are calling to talk with the showsʼ hosts.
Josh Vasquez, an entertainment studies major, has been volunteering with TIR since January. He said he learned about the radio station from a friend and decided to start a hiphop show. Playing every Sunday from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m., Vasquezʼs Handzup Radio has attracted callers from Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz and even Canada. “The callers make the show,” Vasquez said. Miles Nault is co-host for Handzup Radio and said he encourages students to listen to the pro-
gram because a lot of what they play cannot be heard on a commercial radio station. “We play some artists many people may not have heard of, but we also play some songs from wellknown and established artists,” Nault said. “So musically we try to do things different by playing non-commercial songs and playing a bunch of different songs week to week which keeps our sound rotation fresh.” RADIO 4
Bacteria-infested bread kills water fowl at Tri-City Park Officials are trying to educate the public, raise awareness By LAURA GORDON Daily Titan Copy Editor
Visitors to Tri-City Park, bordering Fullerton, Brea and Placentia, can hear honking geese and quacking ducks as they walk laps around the parkʼs man-made lake while a light breeze pushes sail boats across the water. Children are entertained on a playground and giggle when they venture near the lakeʼs edge to throw bread at the ducks. Lately, however, the issue of feeding the water fowl has been less than a laughing matter. Recently, ducks have been found dead at the park and officials are blaming the deaths on bacteria grow-
ing on bread left at the park. When people feed the ducks and leave extra bread behind, bacteria forms on the food and can mix with the water fowlʼs feces, said Steve Pischel, the director of community services for Placentia. When the ducks eat the rotting bread, they become sick and can die because of the bacteria, Pischel said. “[Weʼre] working on educating the public about the concern,” Pischel said. “[Eating bread] is not part of a duckʼs normal diet.” Pischel also said that park-goers should let the water fowl eat grass and other natural food that is available to them at the park. “I think a lot of it has to do with overfeeding,” Pischel said, explaining that because there is bread left behind, there is an opportunity for the ducks to get sick. Jennifer Tobias of Placentia has been visiting Tri-City Park for years
and used to bring her son to the park to feed the ducks when he was young. Now, she brings her granddaughter to watch the water fowl wander around the lake. “Itʼs too bad,” Tobias said of the need to cease duck-feeding. “Itʼs something little kids enjoy doing.” Although she has never seen any dead ducks at the park, she understands the problem and the need to address the issue. “There should be some signs,” Tobias said. In order to put up signs prohibiting park visitors from feeding the ducks, an ordinance must be passed, Pischel said. “Right now thereʼs no ordinance against feeding ducks,” Pischel said. Laguna Lake, in Fullerton, has an ordinance that states not to feed the ducks and other water fowl. DUCKS 4
Christy Kelly visits Tri-City Park on a regular basis because the ducks “all come close to me and go Quack, Quack.”
Event creates network for females professors working on campus By LINDA HO Daily Titan Staff
The female population at Cal State Fullerton can find many advocates on campus for their social and educational benefit. A reception held Wednesday in the Womenʼs Center welcomed new female faculty members to the CSUF community. Organized by the Womenʼs Studies Program, the event served as a networking opportunity to introduce faculty members to the resources available to them and to their students. “Faculty play a unique role as we develop the institution,” said CSUF President Milton A. Gordon, who attended the event to offer his support to new and existing faculty. Milton said the university hopes to hire 80 new tenure-track faculty this year to accommodate the growth of the student body. Members of the Womenʼs Studies Program planned the event in hopes of inspiring faculty members to cross-list relevant courses with the program, said Helen Mugambi, a professor of comparative literature and acting coordinator for the proWOMEN 4