2004 10 11

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Dodgers, Angels blue after disappointing division series 6

Third time is no charm for Republicans in latest presidential debate 4

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

M o n d a y, O c t o b e r 11 , 2 0 0 4

Daily Titan w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 2 2

Afghan election fraud investigated Commission will examine candidatesʼ protests over polls By DANIEL COONEY The Associated Press

KABUL, Afghanistan – Afghan election officials agreed Sunday to create an independent commission to probe opposition charges of fraud

A fight against hate crimes

in this nationʼs first-ever presidential poll, while ballot-boxes stuffed with the aspirations of the people of this war-ravaged land started to stack up in counting centers. International officials met privately in an effort to end a boycott of the ballot by opponents of U.S.-backed interim President Hamid Karzai, a heavy favorite to win. Tallying of the votes had initially been expected to start Sunday, but

with ballot boxes coming in from some remote areas on mules, U.N. officials said the process wouldnʼt start for three to four days. Final results are not expected until around Oct. 30. A day after all 15 challengers announced they would boycott the electionʼs outcome, two backed off, saying they wanted a commission to rule on whether the voting was fair and indicating they would accept

its decision. A few hours later, their demand appeared to have been met. “There is going to be an independent commission made to investigate it,” electoral director Farooq Wardak said. “There could be mistakes; we are just human beings. My colleagues might have made a mistake.” There was no immediate reaction from the challengers, but a senior Western official said many of the 15 had decided to back down and sup-

Imagine the size of that pie

By JESSICA ESCORSIA For the Daily Titan

By LINDA HO Daily Titan Staff LAURA GORDON/Daily Titan Copy Editor


Visitors at Mack’s Apples in Londonderry, N.H., selected their pumpkins early this year and got a peek at two enormous pumpkins on display at the countryside pumpkin patch.

‘New Yorker’ meets CSUF Art editor speaks on publicationʼs history and controversy By KYM PARSONS Daily Titan Staff

Itʼs often said one shouldnʼt judge a book by its cover, but thatʼs exactly how magazines are judged. Since its inception in 1925, New Yorker magazine has always kept up with the current political and social issues of the time and has maintained a solid reputation for its controversial covers. Whether serious, sarcastic or humorous, its covers have added to the success of the magazine. During a presentation for members of Cal State Fullertonʼs Pencil Mileage Club last Friday, Francoise Mouly, the art editor for New Yorker magazine, talked about the impact magazine covers can have on a publication and about the fearlessness the New Yorker has developed toward controversy. “To be relevant is to be controversial and to get people to discuss it,” Mouly said. “Even if people hated it, it was important to have it talked about.”

When the New Yorker began publication, Mouly said, it appealed to mainly upper class citizens. “Over the years, the New Yorker remained in existence and it acquired the reputation of being the best magazine in the world because of its serious journalism and its illustrations,” Mouly said. By 1992, however, people did not pay as much attention to the magazine, Mouly said.

OANA PURCAR/Daily Titan Photo Editor

Francoise Mouly, art editor of New Yorker magazine, spoke in Visual Arts 117 on Saturday. “It was the job of the editor at the time to revitalize the magazine and

return it to its roots and readdress the new generation of the times,” she said. The editor asked Moulyʼs husband to create an image for the magazine, she said, and the illustration he created portrayed a white man kissing a black woman. “The image was published on the cover and got enormous amounts of attention and reaction,” Mouly said. “Not just because the image was published, but because it was published on the cover of the New Yorker.” Mouly said it was exactly what the editor was looking for to help rejuvenate the magazine because “by making people talk about the image they would pay more attention to the magazine.” Shortly after the illustration ran on the cover of the New Yorker, Mouly was hired by the magazine to help publish graphics that, she said, no one else was willing to publish. At the age of 19, Mouly moved from France the United States, where she met her husband Art Spiegleman. “Along with her husband, [Mouly] NEW YORK 3

people to vote more than once. International election observers said the complaint did not justify calling for the vote to be nullified. The U.S. International Republican Institute accused the challengers of trying to make up excuses for why they were likely to lose. Electoral officials said turnout looked extremely high – a victory in itself in a nation with no experience at direct elections.

LGBA comes out with pride Students share their stories of coming out during on-campus rally

Victim appeals to CSUF community about intolerance

Over half a million college students become targets of discriminatory slurs or physical assaults every year. At least one hate crime occurs on a college campus every day. And every minute, one college student witnesses a racist, sexist, homophobic or other biased words or images. “We all have to say something — to speak out,” Cal State Fullerton Professor Carol Ojeda-Kimbrough said. “If we donʼt, itʼs as if we are condoning it.” Ojeda-Kimbrough has worked with the Asian-American community for over 30 years and was appointed commissioner of public social services for the city of Los Angeles. She believes the first step toward stopping hate crimes is for people to become aware. Last month, she invited Ismael Ileto to speak to the Cal State Fullerton community about hate crimes. Iletoʼs brother, Joseph “JoJo” Ileto, was the Filipino-American postal carrier who was shot nine times by a white supremacist in the summer of 1999. After Buford Furrow opened fire and wounded five people at the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Los Angeles. Furrow shot and killed Joseph Ileto because Ileto looked either Hispanic or Asian. “Itʼs quite something else when you lose a loved one from a heinous hate crime that makes no sense,” said Ismael Ileto, whose father died of a heart attack months before his brotherʼs murder. “People think, ʻIt doesnʼt happen to us,ʼ or ʻIt doesnʼt happen in this neighborhood,ʼ” said Ileto. “But it does.” Ileto said his family prays that no one else would have to go through what they did. “Itʼs very hard to think about a loved one being killed that way,” said Ileto who remembers his brother as someone who was always thinking of other people. “We always think about how we didnʼt have a chance to say goodbye,” said Ileto. “He died alone on somebodyʼs driveway.” The familyʼs grief, however, intensified as a result of how Joseph Iletoʼs death was initially treated by the media and public officials, said

port the investigative team, which would consist of about three foreign election experts. In Washington, U.S. national security adviser Condoleezza Rice predicted that “this election is going to be judged legitimate.” The opposition complaint is focused on allegations that the supposedly indelible ink used to mark votersʼ thumbs in some polling stations could be rubbed off, allowing

discriminated against same-sex marriages was passed in 1993. Every year, Carusone and a group of same-sex marriage supporters travel to different states across the country applying for marriage licenses as a sign of protest. They were shocked, Carusone said, when they went to San Francisco and received the licenses they were so used to having rejected. Carusone looks ahead to the future of state marriage laws and stressed the importance of the California Marriage License NonDiscrimination Act, which would change the stateʼs marriage laws to be non-gender based. The act was not that successful the first time it

In a dark room filled with close to 60 students, Cal State Fullertonʼs Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance held an emotional and fun-filled event Thursday night in the Titan Student Union in celebration of National Coming Out Day. The LGBA, with 150 enlisted members, has been celebrating the annual event, which is officially Oct. 11, for over five years. The celebration began at 7 p.m. and featured guest speaker L.J. Carusone, an assistant manager of the California Freedom to Marry Coalition, an organization that advocates same-sex marriages, and a Marriage E q u a l i t y SIERRA F. WEBB/Daily Titan California rights Students celebrated National Coming Out Day with activist. Bert and Ernie, leis and rainbow flags on Thursday. “I call myself a social justice advocate and not a gay rights advo- was introduced, Carusone said, but cate,” Carusone said. will be reintroduced on Dec. 6. Carusone spoke about his own “In 2006, we can expect some realexperience coming out and the impor- ly nasty anti-gay measures on the baltance of legalizing same-sex mar- lot,” said Carusone. “The Republican riages after a brief video was shown legislators have never supported gay about the controversy and events that legislature…itʼs important to get suptook place in San Francisco this past port because we donʼt have it.” February with issuing same-sex marLGBA Chair Alex Faris, a senior riage licenses. at CSUF and 4-year member of the “Gay and marriage are not cou- group, began the Coming Out Day pled in such a way that people just ceremony by sharing about his own laugh; itʼs a reality now,” Carusone experiences coming out to his friends said. He started his own campaign and family, inviting anyone who for same-sex marriages by co-found- wanted to talk to come up on stage ing Marriage Equality California, a and tell their own stories, whether chapter of Marriage Equality USA, COMING OUT 3 in 2000 after an amendment that

Community efforts pay off for student volunteers Cal State Fullerton Titans give time, receive scholarships By NICHOLAS COOPER For the Daily Titan

Students who volunteer for community service are to be rewarded with educational scholarships by Students in Service, a new program on campus this semester. The program began in 1997 as Higher Education Learning Partners and is funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

It is an Americorps program that is also sponsored by the Washington Campus Compact in partnership with campus compacts in the states of California, Hawaii, Montana, Oregon, Alaska and Idaho. The educational scholarship is awarded by the National Service Trust in Washington D.C. The Volunteer and Service Center is organizing this new program. Those involved said they want to encourage students to get involved and make a difference in their communities. Students may serve two Americorps terms of service. “This program is for students who

are involved in unpaid community service with a non-profit agency or through neighborhood organizations or leadership activities,” said Sabrina Sanders, coordinator for the center. Fifteen students are currently taking advantage of this program on campus, doing service for organizations involved with education, human needs and service, public safety, homeland security and the environment. One student taking advantage of the program is Eric Trinidad, a history major and a second-semester transfer student who recently

enrolled in the program. “I originally got involved in this program for the scholarship,” Trinidad said. “But I gained so many new experiences.” Trinidad mentors junior high youth through Titan Partners, a program on campus that helps younger students with the transition from elementary school to junior high. According to the Students in Service Web site, the amount of the scholarship Trinidad sought depends on how many hours of service that a student commits to during a year. A student is eligible for $1,000 for 300 hours of service, $1,250 for 450

hours and $2,363 for 900 hours. The scholarship can be used to pay for the cost of attendance at a qualified higher educational institute. It can be used to pay off a previous loan or held for up to seven years and applied toward a graduate degree, trade school or study abroad program. Students must spend 80 percent of their committed hours volunteering for a non-profit agency or an academic service through campus such as student leadership. Time spent tutoring for a federal work-study VOLUNTEER 3

2 Monday, October 11, 2004




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Wining and dining for charity



AL ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq — The United States may be able to reduce its troop levels in Iraq after the January elections if security improves and Iraqi government forces continue to expand and improve, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Sunday. Meanwhile, car bombers struck twice in rapid succession in the capital Sunday, killing at least 11 people including an American soldier. Rocket-propelled grenade explosions and machine gun fire rocked the insurgent stronghold of Ramadi, west of Baghdad, late Sunday. Residents reached by telephone said insurgents launched attacks in a half dozen parts of Ramadi, and that four huge explosions shook the center of the city Sunday night.

Think you could be the next JLo or P. Diddy? If so, hereʼs your chance to put your money where your mouth is, without spending any money. Come sing karaoke to your favorite songs in the Titan Student Union Underground today at noon. With beer on tap and wine available for the more adventurous or foolish patrons, you donʼt want to pass up this golden opportunity to impress your friends with your vocal stylings. You never know, you might even make a name for yourself, one way or another.

Nation Backup voting system may pose problems WASHINGTON — Call it the law of unintended consequences. A new national backup system meant to ensure that millions of eligible voters are not mistakenly turned away from the polls this year, as happened in 2000, could wind up causing Election Day problems as infamous as Floridaʼs hanging chads. Congress required conditional, or provisional, voting as part of election fixes passed in 2002. For the first time, all states must offer a backup ballot to any voter whose name does not appear on the rolls when the voter comes to the polling place on Nov. 2. If the voter is later found eligible, the vote counts.

Kerry courts black voters at church stops

Lousiana senator stalls corporate tax bill


Guests donated money to feed the hungry at the 20th Annual Food, Wine and Micro-Brew Festival on Thursday, Oct. 7. Thirty-three restaurants, 29 regional vineyards and 17 breweries took part in this charity event. Read full story at www.dailytitan.com.

WASHINGTON — The Senate, in an unusual Sunday session, saw its effort to pass a sweeping corporate tax bill grind to a halt in the face of delaying tactics by a Louisiana senator upset that the measure did not include pay support for members of the Reserves and National Guard. By a 66-14 vote, lawmakers did agree to limit debate on the tax bill, which provides $136 billion in new tax breaks for businesses and $10.1 billion separately to buy out tobacco farmersʼ government quotas.



10/04 10:49

Small tremor rattles remote Inyo County BISHOP, Calif. — A minor earthquake shook an area in remote Inyo County on Sunday but there were no immediate reports of any injuries or damage, authorities said. The magnitude-3.0 quake struck at 11:58 a.m. and was centered four miles northwest of Coso Junction and 75 miles northeast of Bakersfield, according to a preliminary report from the U.S. Geological Survey. An Inyo County sheriffʼs dispatcher said there have been no reports of injuries or damage. A magnitude-3.1 quake temblor hit the area on the border of Los Angeles-Kern counties Saturday. No injuries or damage were reported. Compiled from The Associated Press


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2004 Daily Titan

OCT. 11, 2004

Tired of coming home to the same bland house or apartment? Well, hereʼs your chance to spruce it up with the help of a professional. Beginning today, the Fullerton Multi-Service Center will be offering a weekly “Home Décor” class in which participants will learn to incorporate paint, wood, fabric, glass and other mediums into the design and execution of their interior decorating aspirations. The classes will be held on Mondays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Fullerton Multi-Service Center at 340 W. Commonwealth Ave. and are free of charge. Pre-registration is required and may be obtained by calling (714) 738-6305.

Rumsfeld: Pullout not likely before vote

MIAMI —With just three Sundays left before Election Day, Sen. John Kerry is asking for all the help he can get from black voters and the Almighty. The Democratic presidential nominee attended two church services Sunday, instead of his usual one, worshipping first with Haitian Catholics and then with Baptists, where the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton tied his election to the civil rights struggle.



A white man wearing a backward baseball cap, khaki pants and a brown sweatshirt was escorted off campus after passing out leaflets for Citibank. The man had no table set up and was not approved by the university.

10/06 11:08

Police responded to a report of a suspicious female wearing a plaid shirt and black pants video taping in the Quad. They were unable to locate the woman.

University Police log for the week of Oct. 4-10 10/06 15:40

Students were reportedly raiding a vending machine in the Engineering and Computer Science Building. Police were unable to locate the students.

10/06 20:01

Janitors in Langsdorf Hall reported a petty theft after noticing some recently refilled toilet papers rolls had been stolen. No suspects were found.

10/07 17:31

A suspicious vehicle was reported in Lot G. The vehicle, a white Subaru with gold rims, was apparently running with no one inside. Police responded, but no action was taken.

10/08 16:44

A petty theft was reported after a painting valued at $100 was stolen from the Visual Arts Center.

10/09 15:21

Officers were called to investigate a “horrendous stench” coming from the menʼs restroom on the third floor of the library. Police responded, but found nothing overflowing.

Get an early start on the Halloween spirit at Fairplex Pomonaʼs Scareplex. If you like being scared out of your wits without sacrificing your wallet, this scare-fest may be the alternative to the high-priced Halloween-themed events in the area. Take a date, take a friend, take whomever; just donʼt forget your courage. Tickets are $20 and doors open at 7 p.m. For more information, call (909) 623-3111. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan. com.



Monday, Oct. 11 Partly Cloudy Low 59°


Tuesday, Oct. 12 Mostly Sunny Low 59°


Wednesday, Oct. 13 Sunny Low 59°


Compiled from The Weather Channel


Daily Titan

Monday, October 11, 2004 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415



program will also count toward the committed hours. The remaining 20 percent of the time may be used in reflection on the service, any class time that relates to the service, professional conferences or workshops relating to the volunteer work. “There are about 900 students in both high school and college that volunteer through our center,” said An Tran, a worker for the Youth Connection Program at the Volunteer Center of Orange County. The deadline to get involved in this fallʼs program was Sept. 27, but there are many volunteer opportunities offered through the Volunteer and Service Center. This month students can get involved with the Los Angeles AIDS Walk 2004 on Oct. 17 or take part in a habitat restoration project on Oct. 23 as part of “Make a Difference Day” in Newport Beach.

Ileto. “A lot of the times, he was just described as a ʻpostman in Chatsworth,ʼ” said Ileto referring to the mediaʼs failure to properly recognize Joseph Ileto as a person and as an Asian-American. “It gave us the feeling that no one cared,” said Ileto. The Southern Poverty Law Centerʼs Intelligence Project, an online source tracking activities of hate groups including the Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazis, counted 751 active hate groups in the U.S. in 2003. “Donʼt turn your head when someone from another community is victimized,” said Ileto. “A hate crime against one person is a hate crime against everyone.” As a result of speaking out against hate crimes and gun control, the Ileto family received a substantial amount of hate mail and death threats. When

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they first asked the FBI for help, they were brushed off, said Ileto. Only after they appealed to community leaders including Sen. Diane Feinstein, did the FBI investigate and advised the family to relocate. “You donʼt have to be a minority to experience a hate crime,” said Ileto, who emphasized that hate crimes are not committed just by white supremacists. Caucasians along with persons of any other ethnicities can become a victim of a hate crime. Some of the least prosecuted crimes are experienced by people who are targeted for their sexual orientation, said Ileto. Matthew Shepherd is one example of a hate crime committed against a person because of his or her sexual orientation. In October 1998, Shepherd was robbed, beaten, burned and tied to a fence post where he was left to die in near freezing temperatures. Allen Libao, a senior psychology major, said he found Iletoʼs presenta-

tion to be very informative. “It opened my eyes to whatʼs going on out there,” Libao said. Ileto and his wife Deena have taken turns speaking at many colleges across the nation, including Harvard, Princeton, and Duke University. Ileto said that he finds it worthwhile to be able to reach out to students—the future leaders of this country, even if he does have to use up all of his sick days from his job at UPS. Ileto asked students to recognize and report hate crimes and to help gain “equal rights to the person sitting next to you.” Miguel Capinpin, a junior AsianAmerican studies student, said he gained much insight from Ileto, especially from a Filipino-American perspective. “Iʼve become more aware of what we can do to fight hate crimes and intolerance,” he said. “Join our struggle to educate and prevent hate, instill love, equality and tolerance for others,” Ileto said.


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created RAW magazine,” Chuck Grieb, a CSUF art professor, said. “This was where many young comics and a lot of young alternate talents got their start.” Mouly said she and her husband “wanted to publish comics, graphics and visual narrative that nobody else was ready to or willing to publish. A lot of artists that had something to say were not getting published in any magazine in the United States.” Mouly said they were trying to do something that was interesting to them for the first issue of RAW. Having always been interested in production, she said, she bought a printing press of her own. “I loved the fact that I was able to do something by hand,” she said. “To be able to produce an object that was handmade, but also mass-produced, was something very exciting.” Because the New Yorker began in an age when magazines were the biggest mass medium, it has con-


they were gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight. Fifty to 60 students took the stage, many telling emotional stories of their experiences and were greeted with cheers from the crowd. Every story was different, but all said they were proud to be who they are. Among those sharing a story was Rachael Amaro, a junior history major. Amaro is straight, but said she has no problem attending events around campus to support the gay community. “Weʼre all human and we all deserve the same rights,” Amaro said. “You have to show support.” She said she understands how difficult it is to come out because there are a lot of people who discriminate against people who are just different, and as a minority, Amaro knows how that feels. “Itʼs not that much different to be homosexual than [to be] a minor-

ity…just being different is hard,” Amaro said. Faris also said he knows it is difficult to come out because of fear, but said it is worth it because “you will live a life of unhappiness if you live in fear.” Carusone recommends that those who have not “come out” should “do it all at your own pace, but know what youʼre feeling is not wrong,” adding that students should attend gay community events to get over their fears. “They should know that expressing love is a healthy thing, that theyʼre worthy of loving and that theyʼre not alone,” Carusone said. Both Carusone and Faris said society has become more accepting of gay rights and said they are excited to see what the future holds. “Itʼs amazing,” Carusone said. “The idea of gays and lesbians is not so foreign anymore. I think itʼs an important year ahead of us. We have a lot to celebrate, but weʼre not there yet.”

tinued to be a magazine that allows complete artist control, Mouly said. “Working at a magazine that publishes the work of an artist, at least on its cover, and lets the artist determine what the subject matter is, makes a lot of sense to me,” Mouly said. At most other magazines, they determine what the cover story will be and will create an image or photograph to illustrate that, Mouly said. “You can predict what the cover story will be on Time or Newsweek, whereas the New Yorker allows artists to determine and interpret what the most important issue should be,” she said. Mouly said she is constantly looking for artists who have something to say. “Itʼs not enough to have an idea and sometimes itʼs really hard to get just the right image on the cover of the magazine,” she said. “As a viewer, you canʼt be left wondering what the artist is trying to [say].” Mouly said she finds the range of covers and the range of images to be the most exciting.

“When I look at the old images, it gives a sense of what people wore,” she said. “When you look at a cover from the 1930s, you see what the values were at the time and thatʼs what I wanted to achieve at the New Yorker; to be able to continue the portrait of the times.” In addition to searching for new artists for the New Yorker, Mouly said she has been working on a project called Little Lits, which is a series of comics for younger children. “She is trying to do for children something that has been done for adults,” Grieb said. “She has raised the bar for childrenʼs comics and introduced a medium that is finally getting recognition and a lot of popularity.” Chris Miller, an art major and a member of the Pencil Mileage Club, said he really enjoyed Moulyʼs presentation. “I would have liked Mouly to talk more about where she came from and how she got to be where she is, but she was very informative,” Miller said. “ I learned a lot.”

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