2004 10 13

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Beckhamʼs foul proves to be a big hit in England 6

Criminal executives avoid jail time; the “F” word explored and explained. 6

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

We d n e s d a y, O c t o b e r 1 3 , 2 0 0 4

Punk Voter wants you

Daily Titan w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Nader looks to gain votes

Rap the vote

Independent candidate addresses student issues in San Diego By ALI DORRI Daily Titan Staff

Organization seeks to motivate and inspire young voters By JICKIE TORRES For the Daily Titan

Punk and politics have always been closely associated since the Sex Pistols raged against the Queen, and the disaffected and disappointed British youth spoke out against a government that they claimed had failed them. Mike Burkett of NOFX strikes a similar chord with his organization PunkVoter.com as he said he tries to re-engage the youth of today with close-range political issues and tackles one of the hardest tasks: getting kids to vote. Burkett, also known as Fat Mike, started Punk Voter after the 2000 elections, when he said he realized that Bush won the presidency by 534 votes and the American landscape was changed. Burkett said he put Punk Voter together as an organization aiming to activate punks and other young people to organize, inform themselves and take a political stand by voting. The Web site offers links to articles and news sites that highlight current issues relating to the youth, activism movements and alleged shortcomings of the current administration. PunkVoter.com even offers downloads for fliers and stickers with the encouragement to multiply and distribute the material to friends and


SIERRA F. WEBB/Daily Titan

The Apostles deliver their political message through rap in the Quad Tuesday. Douglas “Griot” Quaid says he came “straight out of the Bronx of New York” to perform at universities like CSUF.

CSUF students arrested on false imprisonment charges Two men questioned and released on bail, arraignment scheduled Daily Titan Staff

Two Cal State Fullerton students were arrested by university police last month and charged with possession of a weapon and of the false imprisonment of two female CSUF students. The suspects, Adam Aaron and Donald Hutchinson, were taken to the Orange County Jail and held at $25,000 and $15,000 bail, respectively. They later were released on bail.

The incident, which occurred on Sept. 25, began when the suspects ran into the two women at University Village on Yorba Linda Boulevard and Associated Road. They later went to the campus residence halls parking lot, where they allegedly were invited to enter the womenʼs apartment. According to the university police report, one of the women vaguely knew Aaron from a class. Sgt. Tom Gehrls, an investigations officer with the university police, said the two suspects told him they expected to “hook up” with the women who invited them in. Although Aaron claimed he and Hutchinson had nothing to drink, witnesses and the alleged victims

said the two men were under the influence of alcohol. Hutchinson entered a separate room with one of the women and locked the door behind him, Gehrls said. Aaron, who was later questioned by police, said he assumed his friend was probably “hooking up.” “Their equation of getting invited up equals sex,” Gehrls said. “Thatʼs not an uncommon thought process for males. Alcohol further deteriorates logic, and you have people doing very stupid things.” Meanwhile, the other woman later reported that Aaron “was touching [her],” but said she faked being asleep POLICE 3

Middle Eastern campus groups raise awareness CSUF clubs aim to dispel stereotypes and racial profiling By NOURA AL ANBAR Daily Titan Staff

Some call it racial profiling, some call it added security and some simply consider it plain ignorance. Following

Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 2 4

Sept. 11, people who resembled Middle Easterners or Muslims have been stereotyped and misunderstood by some of the American culture. The Middle Eastern and Muslim societies at California State Fullerton are working to unite, educate and familiarize their peers with their cultures to put an end to the misconceptions some hold about them. “A common misconception made


Former priest, Yusuf Estes(c), speaks to the Muslim Student Association about “The Muslim Jesus” yesterday.

about these cultures is associating the Middle Eastern race with the Islamic religion. Middle Eastern, Muslim, Arab and Pakistani. Some people melt them all together in one group. Not all Muslims are Arab. Generally speaking, for most Americans, the U.S is their world,” said Rashad Al Dabbagh, president of the Middle Eastern Student Society. “But I canʼt stereotype them like some of them do to us.” Dealing with harassments and hassles is another problem people from these cultures have to face, said Naseef Kazi, the vice president of the Muslim Student Association. “Iʼm Indian, but I look Arab and I wear a kufi,” he said. “While I was at a sandwich shop in [Fullerton College] one day, by one side of the street one guy yells out the window ʻI hate Middle Eastern, I hate Arabs.ʼ” Fahmy Farahat, public relations director of the MESS, said he has never experienced any harassment. “The main reason I think is because I live around educated college students whose mentality is different,” he said. “They are here to learn.” After Sept. 11, racial profiling might be a more common occurrence for people who resemble Middle Easterners and Muslims. Because of todayʼs high security measures this group of students said they always have to think twice before making decisions. Every time they visit their home countries or

leave to renew their visa, they said they take a risk of losing their educational opportunities in the U.S. “I knew a Kuwaiti student who left for vacation to renew his visa and he got denied,” said Abdul Rahman Al Yassen, a MSA member. “One of the main reasons I donʼt go back home is because I feel I wonʼt be able to come back.” Bob Ericksen, director of international education and exchange at CSUF, said the overall international enrollment today is stronger than ever; however, there is a slight decline of students from the Middle East. “We all know that students from the Middle East, especially young men, face challenges of additional security checks and delays, but itʼs just a matter of planning ahead,” Ericksen said. MESS members are planning a panel discussion about democracy in the Middle East and President Bushʼs greater Middle East initiative. They said that the most relevant activity this month is the Ramadan tent activity planned to take place three weeks from Oct. 15, which is the start of the Islam holy month. The MSA will have a free eftar — breakfast — through this Thursday to keep the spirit of Ramadan alive for Middle Easterners and Muslims on campus. The MSA is also planning to have a “fastathon” to encourage Muslims and non-Muslims to fast with prize money going to charities.

Ralph Nader continued his swing through California yesterday, speaking in the stateʼs deep south to an audience at the San Diego Central Public Library. Despite remaining at 1 percent in most presidential polls, Nader said at a press conference that his campaign will continue its activity because a persistent voice is vital for social progression. “I grew up believing if you donʼt succeed, you try again,” he said. “This has been the history of social breakthroughs.” In regards to proposed California State University tuition increases, Nader said the current pace foretells no end to the rise of college expenses and other costs students must endure in and out of college. On Oct. 28, the CSU Board of Trustees will vote on gradual increase of studentsʼ tuition to a place where they would cover 31 percent of their expenses. CSU Chancellor Bill Reed said last month that there would be no further increases after that quota is met, relative to inflation. Nader said the tuition cap wouldnʼt be possible.

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“The burden of education has shifted toward the students,” he said. If students can afford to go to school in the first place, he said, they face lower chances in finding employment afterward due to outsourcing. Other problems faced by young adults will be struggles with affordable health insurance and the possibility of being drafted to fill voids in a military that has been stretched thin, he said. “The struggle for justice shouldnʼt be put on the back burner,” he said. “Young people have forgotten how to argue; you lose a generation if you donʼt keep issues on the front burner.” Most of his speech at the standNADER 3

Arboretum hosts ‘Green Scene II’ Event shows the importance of cooler climate planting By CASEY RITTENHOUSE For the Daily Titan

The Arboretum will be teaching (and selling) gardeners a thing or two about a season that is often neglected for planting. “Green Scene II” at the Arboretum will be the first fall planting event for the facility and will be held Saturday, Oct. 16 and Sunday, Oct. 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The eventʼs planners said they hope to inform people that planting in the fall is a supreme time to plant specific greens so they will be ready for springtime. “Fall is ideal for planting because thatʼs when you plant your bulbs, roots and California natives,” said Lore McKenna, special events coordinator for the Arboretum. “Those plants begin to bloom in the spring and the fall weather is a pleasure to work in.” The event will feature one-of-akind vendors who will sell specialized plants, garden tools and soil mixes. The planning for the event began in August and McKenna said it was planned in a short period of time, but said she was excited to introduce it. “Green Scene II” is a takeoff of the success that is “Green Scene,” a similar event that has been held in the spring for over 30 years, McKenna said. Greg Dyment, the Arboretumʼs director, said this event is important because it helps raise funds for the facility during the fall, where in the past it relied on the disintegrating “Arbor Fest” for additional funding. “It has been a genesis for the Arboretum in the past five or six years,” Dyment said. “The people

who work and volunteer here know that ʻArbor Festʼ was declining, so there was a need for a fundraiser.” “Arbor Fest” was a country fair in the Arboretum during the fall, but has been let go because of competing places holding similar events, he said. “We werenʼt unique and itʼs not who we are,” Dyment said. “We prune and plant. So we will see if the rest of the community agrees with us.” Mark Costello is the manager of Friends of the Arboretum, a branch that is in charge of all the retail that goes on within the facility. “Green Scene II” is one of the special events Friends of the Arboretum is in charge of. Costello said he agreed that there were two specific reasons to hold an event in the autumn. “The important messages are one, that fall is an overlooked season and not many realize this is a perfect time to garden,” he said. “And two, it is important because we have never had a major fundraising opportunity like this before.” McKenna said the $6 admission fee and exhibitor fees will go toward the Arboretumʼs fund-raising efforts. McKenna also said the educational programs at the Arboretum are always evolving and she said she was impressed by its classes on wildlife and how to be a successful gardener. One such program at the festivities will be about Old Bob, the 100-pound alligator snapping turtle, who will be making his first public appearance, McKenna said. Old Bob was found in Laguna Lake and his presentation by the California Turtle and Tortoise Club should bring awareness to the community about this large animal within its fragile ecosystem, she said.


2 Wednesday, October 13, 2004



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Abstract Expression

OCT. 13, 2004


“How to Safely and Successfully Mix Blood and Business,” a lecture presented by Barry Graff of RSM McGlandrey and sponsored by Cal State Fullertonʼs Family Business Council, will be held at the Ayers Country-Inn suites in Costa Mesa today at 7:30 a.m. For additional information, call (714) 278-4182.

World U.S. investigates reported nukes in Iraq

“Pumpkin Patch Program,” a one-hour program for preschool, kindergarten and first-grade children will run through Friday at the Arboretum. The cost is $3 per child with a minimum of 10 children. Programs are held at 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. For additional information, call (714) 278-3579.

UNITED NATIONS – The United States said Tuesday it will conduct “a full investigation” along with the Iraqi government of the reported disappearance from Iraqʼs nuclear facilities of high-precision equipment that could be used to make nuclear weapons. A letter from the U.N. to the Security Council on Monday said satellite photos and follow-up investigations show “widespread and apparently systematic dismantlement” at sites related to Iraqʼs nuclear program. While some industrial material that Iraq sent overseas has been located in other countries, the letter said no highprecision items have been found. Iraqʼs Omar told the British Broadcasting Corp. that the missing equipment was taken by looters shortly after the invasion.

“Black and Blue: Using the Law to Protect Yourself,” a presentation by Jerri Freeman of the Womenʼs Center, will take place in University Hall, Room 205 at noon. The event is sponsored by the Womenʼs Center and Adult Reentry. For additional information, call (714) 278-3928.

Nation Bush taunts Kerry, tests debate lines COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – President Bush taunted Democratic rival John Kerry and tested debate lines before friendly audiences in Colorado and Arizona on Tuesday while Kerry crammed in private for Wednesday nightʼs final faceoff of the campaign. Three weeks before the election, the running mates were running hard, too. Vice President Dick Cheney defended anew the invasion of Iraq, but Sen. John Edwards said Bush and Cheney had made a mess of the war and were “out of touch with whatʼs happening in the real world.”

Justices consider Commandments case WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will consider whether the Ten Commandments may be displayed on government property, ending a 25-year silence on a church-state issue that has prompted bitter legal fights around the country. Ten Commandments displays are common in town squares and courthouses and on other government-owned land, including the Supreme Court. A wall carving of Moses holding the tablets is in the courtroom where justices will hear arguments in the case.

Group to sue over `Donʼt ask, donʼt tellʼ WASHINGTON – A Republican homosexual rights group filed a lawsuit Tuesday seeking to overturn the Pentagonʼs “donʼt ask, donʼt tell” policy for gays in the military. The Log Cabin Republicans sued in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles asking for an injunction that would prevent the Pentagon from enforcing the policy. The suit names the United States and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld as defendants.

Court sidesteps Internet privacy issue WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Tuesday sidestepped a dispute over whether Internet providers can be forced to identify subscribers illegally swapping music and movies online. The Bush administration agrees with recording and movie companies that want to use a 1998 law to get information about Internet users, but the administration also had encouraged the Supreme Court to wait to settle the issue. The recording industry had sought court intervention now, arguing that more than 2.6 billion music files are illegally downloaded each month and that the law is needed to identify culprits. Compiled from The Associated Press


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A torn message sticks to a sign on Associated Road and Yorba Linda Boulevard. During these times of war, Americans find many ways to express their thoughts.



October 11

1975 “Saturday Night Live” premieres with guest host George Carlin 1991 Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart is seen soliciting a prostitute 1995 John Bobbitt has plastic surgery to increase his penis three inches

October 12

October 14

1964 Martin Luther King Jr. wins a Nobel Peace Prize 1966 175 U.S. airplanes bomb North Vietnam 1968 Gruener and Watson (U.S.) set scuba depth record (133 meters) in the Bahamas

October 15

1941 First mass deportation of German Jews to Eastern Europe 1940 Londonʼs Waterloo Station is bombed by Germans 1939 LaGuardia Airport opens in New York City

1985 U.S. performs nuclear a test at Nevada Test Site 1987 George Harrison releases “Got My Mind Set On You” 1988 Israel and China sign a trade deal and plan diplomatic relations 1997 Country singer John Denver dies in plane cash

October 16

October 13

October 17

1921 New York Giants beat New York Yankees, 5 games to 3 in 18th World Series 1968 Beatles “White Album” is completed 1993 Anaheim Mighty Ducks win their first NHL game

1993 General Omar al-Bashir appointed Sudan president 1991 George Jo Hennard, 35, kills 23 and himself, wounding 20 in Texas 1990 U.S. forces reach 200,000 in Persian Gulf 1956 Englandʼs first large scale nuclear power station opens 1945 Juan Peron becomes dictator of Argentina 1943 Liberators sink U-540 and U-631 Compiled from www.brainyhistory.com



Tuesday, Oct. 12 Mostly Sunny Low 61°


Wednesday, Oct. 13 Partly Cloudy Low 59°


Thursday, Oct. 14 Sunny Low 61° Compiled from The Weather Channel


Come support Cal State Fullertonʼs menʼs soccer team tonight as they face off against Cal State Northridge. The game starts at 7 p.m. at the Titan Stadium. For tickets or additional information, call (714) 278-CSUF. Come rock out with hard-hitting pop band “Capulet,” today in the Becker Amphitheater at noon. The Turfgrass and Landscape Expo is in full swing today and tomorrow at the Pomona Fairplex. The event is open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. For additional information, call (909) 623-3111. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.


Daily Titan


news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

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ing-room-only lecture hall dealt with the problems of big business and its influence in government, something he has gone up against since he first joined the political scene as a consumer advocate back in the ʼ60s. “Corporate domination has become more complete,” he said. “The corporations have more constitutional rights and political power than [citizens] do.” Nader said he hopes to not only rally liberals, but also disgruntled conservatives who are upset with President George Bushʼs fiscal irresponsibility and use of the Patriot Act. “Conservatives are angry because of the deficit, they feel betrayed,” he said. Nader said conservative protests of the Patriot Act have been more adamant than those of liberals and that Sen. John Kerry taking office would produce little difference in how these issues are handled and that he represents the will of Democratic Party voters better than Kerry does. This reality is what he said motivates democrats to commit constitutional crimes by attempting to keep him off state ballots. He said that if Democrat officials were concerned

they would try to register the thousands of unregistered potential voters instead of playing politics with his campaign “They are gutless, spineless and clueless,” he said. Forest Hill, a Nader-Camejo campaign coordinator, said the reason they chose to speak in San Diego is because the city often goes without any visits from presidential candidates. Huntington Beach residents Lezlie Mayers, 23, and Nickie Brooks, 24, who will be attending Cal State Fullerton in the spring, were there with the Nader-Camejo campaign team. Piloting the “California Van,” they said they are a part of a 19-van coalition designed to spread Naderʼs message, adding that they will be driving throughout the state until Election Day. “Our focus is trying to bust out the corporate door and reaching the forgotten voter,” Brooks said. “We will be going to college campuses.” Brooks said they plan to visit CSUF soon. “I want students to know that they have to educate themselves about what happens in politics,” Mayers said. “We want students to get involved in local government and understand they can bring about change.”


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neighbors. Like MTVʼs Rock the Vote, the members of Punk Voter said they hope to catch the attention of the largely absent 18 to 24 age demographic. Scott Goodstein, a representative from Punk Voter, said young people donʼt vote because politicians donʼt pay attention to them. “Politicians donʼt talk to young people, they talk to voting blocs,” Goodstein said, referring to the National Rifle Association and AARP. “We say ʻhey, we have tens of thousands of kids going to these individual punk shows. [Punk bands] have record sales in the millions. We have numbers here,ʼ” he said. Candice Villagran, a kinesiology major at Cal State Fullerton, is a voter, but said she understands why some might not be. “People our age feel like they have no control over anything, young people feel like their votes donʼt count,” Villagran said. Veronica Legarreta, a biology major, is a registered voter, but didnʼt vote in the last elections because, she said, itʼs hard to trust politicians. “[Itʼs] the unfulfilled promises of politicians, thereʼs promises to


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and he got up and left the room. In the report released by police, Aaron told authorities that he understood the girl was not interested and simply went to watch TV in another room. However, a third roommate in the apartment contacted her brother, who also lives in the resident halls, and told him that she was scared for her safety and wanted the suspects to leave. According to the brotherʼs testimony, he immediately entered the

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3

decrease tuition but education always ends in increases,” she said. Steve Stambough, a political science professor at CSUF, said there is distrust and a sense that the current generation of leaders donʼt understand this new generation of voters. However, Stambough said, there may also be a more logistical answer. “They donʼt vote because they havenʼt been in the habit of it,” Stambough said. Despite Rock the Voteʼs huge campaign to reach young voters in the last election, only about 29 percent of the 18-to 24-year-old age demographic turned up at the polls. Stambough said that was more a reflection of the candidates. “These organizations can register kids to vote, but they canʼt get the candidates to pay attention. I think itʼs going to be different this year because of the war, itʼs because of the [rumor of ] a draft,” Stambough said. “Itʼs apparent that in 2004, the issues affect young people.” Adam Flamenbaum, of the punk band No Noise! and a philosophy major at CSUF, said he votes for that exact reason. “I see the wrongdoings in the country and I see my friends going off to war and I want to be productive and do something about it,” Flamenbaum said. Goodstein said he agrees that there

is a new motivation. “This is the third year in a row that college tuitions have risen, the third year in a row that child poverty rates have risen, the third year in a row that unemployment has risen,” he said. “Youʼre now hitting kids in the pocket book.” Some criticize the credibility that Punk Voter has within the political spectrum or the influence they might have on inexperienced voters. However, Goodstein defended the organization. “We want to put out our opinion, if we are a springboard to get kids to find out more info then we did our job,” he said. “People say we should be unbiased and not favor one side [but] thatʼs the reason we started this website! ʻCuz we have an opinion.” Goodstein said kids are attracted to the Web site because they are already like-minded. “I think that they are purposefully and specifically feeding the needs of the kids,” Flamenbaum said. “It is opening the doors up for the kids so they can see whatʼs going on, as opposed to having their parents tell them what to do, itʼs from one likeminded individual to another.” Villagran said she thinks the Web site is a good thing. “I think that itʼs great because a lot of times, people our age donʼt want to tune into Channel 4 news,” Villagran

said. “So when you have Internet and MTV, or these other resources that a lot more younger people can turn, you feel itʼs a lot more trustworthy than some conservative news station, or least more familiar.” Stambough said he sees a trend of these alternative sources gaining more ground. “Jon Stewart outdrew CNN, Fox News and MSNBC combined for his coverage of the New Hampshire primaries,” he said. Stambough said he thinks it is going to take outside groups to get young people to vote. Villagran agreed. “I really think itʼs up to the youth, if you donʼt make yourself seen or you donʼt make yourself heard, how do you expect to be making changes? A lot of the stuff that affects us doesnʼt affect them, why would they change their campaign style?” Villagran said. “We need to make them wake up and see that we are not going away.” Does Punk Voter think punk rock can change America? “No, man weʼre not trying to change it, weʼre just trying to organize our folks or energize them, and make people take action,” Goodstein said. “If what weʼve put out there and what weʼve done makes one kid print out fliers or start a petition to change something out there, then weʼve done our job.”

apartment and ordered Aaron to leave with his friend. Aaron allegedly “got very belligerent and angry,” held a Swiss army knife in his hand and refused to leave, blocking the door to the room where his friend and other woman were in. Aaron told authorities this was not the case and said that he simply refused to leave without his friend. Hutchinson refused to open the door and remained inside. Possession of a knife with a blade longer than two inches is considered illegal on campus, Gehrls said. Aaron later told authorities that he bought the knife in Germany as a souvenir. It was not until the women threatened to call police that the suspects left. They were then confronted by

police in an alley near the residence halls. Gehrls said the women also reported a threatening phone call from one of the men later that night after the police left. After receiving a warrant, Cpl. Nigel Williams assisted Gehrls in arresting Aaron that week and Hutchinson the following week. “Some people at Cal State Fullerton University are the best victims because they are the nicest people,” Gehrls said. “Theyʼre very trusting.” Robert Botzheim, a detective for the university police, agrees. “This is a university, but even at universities there are still predators,” he said. “The first meet is not a good time to have people come to your

dorm room. Itʼs a bad sign when they want to go to your dorm, especially if alcohol is involved.” Botzheim said alleged incidents such as this one occur often and he encourages students to be cautious and contact police immediately if placed in a threatening situation. “A lot of it is mired,” he said of disturbances. “It doesnʼt always get reported. How many times does someone get date raped and it actually gets reported? Itʼs a small percentage. All we see is the tip of the iceberg.” While Aaron refused to comment on the arrest, Hutchinson later said, “There are two sides to every story.” Their arraignment has been scheduled, which will be followed by a pretrial hearing.

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