2004 10 18

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A glimpse at fall sports and the athletes who play them See insert

Readers respond to sex and profanity that stained last weekʼs pages 4

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

M o n d a y, O c t o b e r 1 8 , 2 0 0 4

Rally crowd cheers Moore

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Ocean-front property

Gunfire on Frat Row hits Titan Student suffers chest wound, police still searching for suspects

Political activitist speaks to Cal State San Marcos students By TROY BARDY For the Daily Titan

The Associated Student Inc. at Cal State San Marcos raised $40,000 of privately funded money to bring Michael Moore and his Slacker Uprising Tour to the Del Mar Fairgrounds last Thursday. After the controversial filmmaker was previously denied permission to speak at the university, Mooreʼs supporters were forced to raise independent funds. For many, Moore is no longer viewed as solely a filmmaker after the release of his movie “Fahrenheit 9/11.” To some, Moore is now an influential political figure too. Because of Mooreʼs anti-Bush sentiments, Cal State San Marcos officials said they were legally obligated to not to welcome Moore and his liberal views without any rightwing representation. “They succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. They were able to

Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 2 6

bers. Leon quickly recognized that the men were not Delta Chi members, Cheng said, and asked them to leave. As the men were escorted out, the situation erupted into violence. By ANDREW STRETCH “It was louder than a cap gun, Daily Titan Staff but not by much,” said Josh Brown, Shots rang out in the early hours a Cal State Fullerton alumnus who of Saturday morning on Fraternity was outside at the time of the shootRow leaving one Sigma Phi Epsilon ing. “People started running around member wounded and an assailant the street. You didnʼt know if it was going to happen again.” at large. Duree, a CSUF Chris Duree, student, was trans21, was shot in ported to UCI the chest after an Medical Center People started altercation broke running around and was in critical out in front of the street. You yet stable condithe fraternityʼs didn’t know if tion, according to residence locatit was going to University Police. ed at 2116 Terri happen again. “Iʼve seen Place. things like this At the time Josh Brown before,” Brown of the incident, witness said. “But I never the Sigma Phi thought something Epsilon fraterlike this would nity was hosting happen at Cal a party in which State Fullerton, many Delta Chi especially on the fraternity members were at as well. Pi Kappa Phi president Julian row.” Members of the Sigma Phi Cheng was outside shortly after the Epsilon fraternity had no comment, shooting. “Eddie Leon [the Delta Chi fra- but did state they are working with ternity president] ran up to me and the university and their national told me what had happened,” Cheng headquarters to resolve the situation. said. University and Fullerton Police Leon refused to comment, but Cheng said Leon told him he was are investigating the incident, but asked to identify three men claim- have not found the suspect or his ing to be Delta Chi fraternity mem- accomplices.

Castles, sea creatures, pumpkins and cars lined the coast at Corona del Mar’s 43rd annual Sandcastle Contest last Saturday. The competition, usually held in September, was rescheduled for October this year because of Corona del Mar’s centennial celebration. Contestants young and old came out for the event. All Photos by SEAN ANGLADO/Daily Titan


Smokers banned from OC beach Cigarette butts create majority of litter in sand

Sen. Clinton visits CSU campus Former first lady focuses on health care, economics By DESDEMONA BANDINI For the Daily Titan

By ASHLEE ANDRIDGE Daily Titan Staff

Some Newport Beach residents hope that from now on the only butts on the beach will be those of surfers, swimmers and JOSHUA SCHEIDE/Daily Titan sun worshippers. On Oct. 15, the city Daniel Stanton watches Daniel Bui use a fishnet council passed a law to pick up cigarette butts at the beach. forbidding smoking not only on the sand, but on the pier and trash and cigarette butts, and last April the team took the 13,000 cigaboardwalk too. A cigarette butt can take up to 12 rette butts they had collected and years to biodegrade, according to presented them to the city council planetark.com. with pride. Members from Cal State Fullertonʼs Members of the foundation said Volunteer and Service Center have they attended every city council joined forces with other volunteers meeting to ensure the beach would to collect as many of these un-biode- be smoke-free. graded cigarette butts as they can. “The people who are smoking Briana Lewis, youth project coordi- and throwing their butts out are not nator for Earth Resource Foundation, the ones picking them up,” Lewis said she gives all the credit for the said. “Itʼs 16-year-olds who should removal of discarded butts to the be having fun on the weekend and students. [instead] theyʼre donating their time The organization holds beach to come and clean up other peopleʼs cleanups the third Saturday of every messes.” month in different cities in Orange Lewis said they will use the numCounty. ber of cigarette butts collected from “I think itʼs really important that the clean up to compare with future people know about the environment clean ups. By doing so they will be and know whatʼs going on and what able to see what effect, if any, the they can do to fix it,” Lewis said. law has had. Together, the volunteers collect BEACH 3

Democratic supporters, seemingly ready to vote for Sen. John Kerry, flocked to Cal State Long Beach for the “Get out the Vote” and “Celebrate Woman” rally with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Tickets were free on a first-come, first-serve basis and went quickly to the almost 1,200 democratic supporters who attended the event. Other democratic women in attendance included Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, who lectured on “Changing the Face of Diversity” the previous day at Cal State Fullerton. “If you want to know how things are going, just ask a woman,” Sanchez said. Clinton wasted little time during her 45-minute speech, immediately addressing topics such as education, womenʼs issues, health care, the budget deficit and social security. “Women get paid 86 cents on the dollar and Hispanic women, 54 cents on the dollar,” Clinton, a former first lady, said. Yvette Nunez, a Loyola Marymount political science major, said she went to Cal State Long Beach for the speech that was “a combination of things” and said Clinton was articulate and interesting. “Clinton covered a lot. She touched on the gender gap and the glass ceiling women face in the workforce,” Nunez said.

Nunez added that “she talked about how Bush was the first president to give a tax break during war.” Clinton said Bush was undoing everything in the last four years that she and former President Bill Clinton had done. “This election is a turning point in our history,” she said. Clinton also said that “if you turned back the clock to the last century, [this is the first time] the federal surplus has been used as petty cash.” Clinton also mentioned the losses after Sept. 11 and the energy crisis that followed. “We must make it work,” Clinton said. “We know what it means to have President Bush. What does it mean to have President Kerry?”


Sen. Hillary Clinton speaks at Cal State Long Beach on Oct. 17. Clinton addressed women’s issues and voting this political season.

Dunn opposes tuition increases

Senator discusses Patriot Act, partisan beliefs, college costs By DESDEMONA BANDINI For the Daily Titan

Courtney Patterson, Cal State Fullertonʼs director of statewide affairs, has spent most of the semester thinking of creative ways to encourage students to vote in the Nov. 2 presidential election. Her latest efforts include distributing voter registration cards in the Quad, printing shirts, buying condoms that say “vote” and arranging for Sen. Joe Dunn (D-Garden Grove) to speak on campus and take questions from students last Thursday.

Pattersonʼs worries of student attendance to hear the senator were set aside when Dunn took the stage and interested students, mostly political science majors, started to trickle in on Saturday. “There are two basic principles in our Senate. It is not black and white between Democrats and Republicans. The two founding principals of our nation are liberty and justice. If you are a Republican, your main concern is liberty,” Dunn said. “If you are a Democrat, your priorities center around justice. Both of these principals are what makes our country great.” Dunn said there is a choice to be made and “you have to decide what is more important to you when making decisions in the Senate, liberty

or justice.” “That is where it can get complicated. Not everyone in the Senate votes exactly down the party line. It depends on the issue at hand whether liberty or justice should prevail,” Dunn said. Dunn cited the Patriot Act and gave the example of FBIʼs authority to go into anyoneʼs email box and spy as an issue many Democrats and Republicans are not completely comfortable with. Both parties would like to see components of the Patriot Act repealed.


2 Monday, October 18, 2004




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Streaming audio

OCT. 18, 2004



Karaoke like Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson every Monday in the TSU Pub at noon. American Idol contestants welcome. Monday Night Football, Tampa Bay at St. Louis, in the TSU Pub at 6 p.m. Man versus animal, Buccaneers against Rams. Is football a modern example of barbarism? Find out.

GIs who refused job had unarmored trucks BAGHDAD, Iraq — The U.S. Army Reserve soldiers who refused orders to drive a dangerous route were members of one of a few supply units whose trucks are still unarmored, their commanding general said Sunday. The soldiers, now under investigation, had previously focused on local missions in safer parts of southern Iraq and had never driven a convoy north along the attack-prone roads passing through Baghdad.

Family Bowling Nights every Monday and Saturday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., kids 6 years of age and younger bowl free with a paying adult. Kids 7 to 16 bowl one game and get the second free with a paying adult.

Zarqawi group vows al-Qaida allegiance BAGHDAD, Iraq — The movement of terror mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi declared its allegiance to Osama bin Laden on Sunday, saying it had agreed with al-Qaida over strategy and the need for unity against “the enemies of Islam.” The declaration began with a Quranic verse encouraging Muslim unity and said al-Zarqawi considered bin Laden “the best leader for Islamʼs armies against all infidels and apostates.”

“Minor Artists, Major Art,” an exhibit of work by Fremont, Heninger, Jefferson and Muir Fundamental elementary school students in the Santa Ana Unified School Districtʼs special studio art program runs until Oct. 24 at the Grand Central Art Center: Main Gallery. Grand Central Art Center, 125 No. Broadway in Santa Ana. For more information, call (714) 567-7233.

Car bomb kills at least seven in Baghdad BAGHDAD, Iraq — U.S. troops pounded Fallujah with airstrikes and tank fire Sunday, and the Iraqi government appealed to residents to expel “foreign terrorists” to prevent an all-out attack. A suicide driver in Baghdad exploded a car near a police patrol, killing at least seven people and wounding 20. A mortar shell also exploded at a Baghdad sports stadium minutes before interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi arrived to inspect a cash-forweapons program for Shiite fighters. Insurgents, meanwhile, ambushed and killed nine Iraqi policemen. SEAN ANGLADO/Daily Titan


Joe Hui performs at the TSU Underground Pub on Thursday. After a cover version of TLC’s “Waterfalls” he returned “back to [his] songs, the depressing ones.”

Pentagon: Ex-detainees return to terror WASHINGTON — Despite gaining their freedom by signing pledges to renounce violence, at least seven former prisoners of the United States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have returned to terrorism, at times with deadly consequences. At least two are believed to have died in fighting in Afghanistan, and a third was recaptured during a raid of a suspected training camp in Afghanistan, Lt. Cmdr. Flex Plexico, a Pentagon spokesman, said last week. Others are at large.

Local West Nile Virus claims third O.C. victim SANTA ANA — A third victim of West Nile virus has been identified in Orange County, officials said. The 70-year-old man, who was not identified, developed encephalitis and died last month from the mosquito-borne virus, Howard Sutter, a spokesman for the Orange County Health Care Agency, said Friday.

Possible murder-suicide in Mission Viejo MISSION VIEJO — A man and woman found dead in their home likely died in a murder-suicide, police said. The bodies were discovered Friday by Orange County sheriffʼs deputies doing a “welfare check” on a 45-year-old woman. They found that the woman had been beaten on the head, and the 50-year-old man had apparently hanged himself, said Lt. Lloyd Downing, a spokesman for the sheriffʼs department. Compiled from The Associated Press


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10/10 10:23

University Police log for the week of Oct. 10-17 10/13 09:14

A vehicleʼs rear window was smashed while parked at the Arboretum. Nothing was taken.

Graffiti was found on the top floor of the dorm parking structure. No suspects were found.

10/11 15:00

10/13 18:50

A laptop was reported stolen from Langsdorf Hall. No suspects were found.

10/11 19:19

A female walking onto campus was approached by a suspicious male who offered her a ride. When she declined, he became very agitated. Police were unable to locate the man.

10/11 20:13

Police responded to reports of an Asian male in his thirties who was viewing pornography on a library computer. A report was taken.

A student was spotted stealing items from the TitanShops. A report was taken.

10/14 14:25

Police responded to a suspicious person described as a Persian male who was sitting by the ATMs talking to himself, saying, “He didnʼt belong here.” Apparently the man had been spotted at the UCI campus as well. Police located the man later and found no threat.

10/14 22:20

A stolen vehicle was reported in

Lot E. No suspects were found.

10/16 00:07

Police responded to a shooting on Fraternity Row. A report was taken.

10/16 08:20

Medics responded after a person ran into a fence and suffered head wounds at the tennis courts.

All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan. com.



Monday, Oct. 18 Showers Low 59°


Tuesday, Oct. 19 Showers Low 58°


Wednesday, Oct. 20 Few Showers Low 51°


Compiled from The Weather Channel

NEWS Vote now at OC airport FDA encourages new anti-depressant labels

Daily Titan

Machines enable travelers to cast their ballots early By LAURA BEYER Daily Titan Staff

Representatives from the Orange County Board of Supervisors and Registrar of Voters joined John Wayne Airportʼs director to announce the early voting stations now located at John Wayne Airport. Alan Murphy, director of the airport, announced that John Wayne Airport is the first airport in the country to have early voting stations for travelers. This might not seem like a big deal to most since there are already 27 early voting stations across Orange County, but for travelers on the run this might be an unexpected benefit. Another plus is that the stations could greatly decrease absentee voting, said Chris Norby, the super-

visor of the 4th District Orange County Board of Supervisors. “Orange County has 3 million people, most very busy and unable to vote,” Norby said. “A highpercentage are voting absentee because they are traveling.” Roberta Hannibal, 41, travels often for business and said she thinks the early voting stations are a great idea. “Sometimes I get so busy and forget about voting until the last minute,” Hannibal said. “If Iʼm traveling on that day it makes it extremely stressful to vote.” Steven Rodermund, from the Registrar of Voters, said it makes sense to have the voting stations in the airport since most people have a one to two hour wait between flights. “No information is needed other than a name and address to verify eligibility to vote,” Rodermund said, adding that travelers must wait three days before they can cast their ballot in order for the system to register and check all

the information. “If a traveler is flying to Minnesota they can register to vote and then vote when they get back,” Rodermund said. Using the airportʼs early voting stations, voters will be able to cast their ballots during long layovers or when returning from early morning or late night flights. All eight of the voting stations at John Wayne Airport are located past the security areas. These voting stations are an upgrade from the touch screen voting stations because they use a rotating dial that makes for fewer errors in making selections. Two attendants will be available to assist travelers with the machines during the hours of operation. Voting stations at John Wayne Airport will be available for use until Oct. 29.

Groups urge death penalty delay California lawyers seek moratorium on capital punishment By DAVID KRAVETS The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO – A delegation of 450 attorneys representing local bar associations statewide is urging a moratorium on the death penalty. The Conference of Delegates of the California Bar Associations, representing prosecutors, criminal defenders and civil attorneys from dozens of bar groups says executions should be put on hold pending an inquiry into whether California administers the ultimate punishment

Monday, October 18, 2004 3

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fairly and uniformly. “If you make a mistake, itʼs not like you can go back and correct a mistake because the person is dead,” said Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Danette Meyers, who has sent two men to death row. The group wants to impose a two-year moratorium on executions – a ban that could eventually become permanent. The proposal would create an independent investigative committee focusing on race, the reliability of convictions and whether the condemned had adequate legal representation. The group also wants an inquiry into the financial cost of capital punishment and whether the penalty is imposed too often. The moratorium recommenda-

tion comes on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court this month rejecting an appeal from California condemned inmate Donald Beardslee, now 61, who was convicted of killing Stacy Benjamin, 19, and her friend Patty Geddling, 23, after a drug deal went sour at his Redwood City apartment in April 1981. The bar groups will look for legislators to push a bill reflecting the recommendation, said Frank Leidman, a criminal defense attorney who voted for the moratorium on behalf of the San Francisco Bar Association. The governorʼs office declined to comment on the proposal, saying Schwarzenegger usually does not endorse or oppose legislation until it reaches his desk.


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succeed even in the face of administration,” Moore said, apparently overwhelmed by ASIʼs success in getting him an audience and location to speak at. As a gift for what fundraisers did, Moore made an announcement during the rally about what he planned to do with the extra $20,000 ASI had raised. “I am giving the $20,000 to CSUSM to set up a scholarship/ grant program. But this isnʼt your average scholarship/grant,” Moore said. “Over the next four years, $5,000 will go to the student who is most successful in standing up against administration and raising the most hell. In a one page essay, tell us how much hell you raised and how successful you were.” State law prohibits public universities from spending state funds on partisan political activity. Out of the 60 cities and 20 battleground states the tour is visiting, only two places, Virginia and San

Printed information would warn public of related suicide risks

intentional injury while taking antidepressants, the FDA has refrained from issuing warnings and psychiatrists have increasingly continued prescribing the drugs. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are By KYLE McCORY the most prescribed ant-depresDaily Titan Staff sants to minors. This class of drugs The Federal Drug Administration includes Zoloft, Paxil and Prozac. is now recommending anti-depresWhen confronted with the issue sants carry a black box on their by a public health advisory on Oct. packaging, warning the public of 27, 2003, the possible suicide risks correlated with FDA responded: “Physicians children and teens taking the drugs. are not the only ones who need to be aware of the risks of suicide risks among children and adolescents who are on or coming off antidepressants. We all need to be concerned and alert to this danger.” Although KYLE McCORY/Daily Titan there is no hard Zoloft, one of the most popular anti-depressants per- evidence provcribed to teens, interacts with brain receptors to absorb ing anti-depresmore seratonin, the chemical found to create happiness. sants can lead to Over the past 14 years, thousands suicide, documentation has revealed of children and teens have commit- that over 500 deaths have been ted suicide while taking anti-depres- linked to the drugs and of those 500, sants. On Sept. 23, the Citizens 83 children between the ages of 4 Commission on Human Rights and 18 have attempted suicide while accused the FDA of deceiving the using them. public by not issuing these warnings Bruce Wiseman, the national presyears ago. ident of the Citizens Commission on The commission is suggesting the Human Rights, suggests psychiablack box warning should include trists and the FDA have ignored the information on suicidal behavior risks because anti-depressant drugs risks as well as an additional patient gross over $12 billion annually. medication guide that will provide The Citizens Commission on information to parents and children, Human Rights has not, however, according to the FDA advisory com- revealed any of the positive effects mitteeʼs Web site. anti-depressants have had on chilDespite testimony from fami- dren and teens. lies whose children have demonA representative for Zoloft, who strated violent behavior, hostility or requested to remain unnamed, said

that a patientʼs mental condition can contribute to a patientʼs contemplation of suicide, not the anti-depressants themselves. “Anyone who is anxious or depressed should be watched [for signs of contemplating suicide],” she said. Lisa Mori, a Cal State Fullerton psychology professor, has similar feelings. “In studies, it was generally found that suicidal ideation increased in 2-3 percent of children and teens taking anti-depressant medication compared to placebo control groups,” Mori said. “However, [anti-depressants] have been prescribed to children and teens diagnosed with depression because the drug manufacturersʼ clinical trials with children and adolescents demonstrated benefits above those of the placebo.” Mori also believes the positive effects anti-depressants can have on patients outweigh the small risks of suicide correlated with taking the drugs. It was also found that most suicides correlated with taking antidepressants were in the first month of consumption, before the drug had a chance to affect the brain. “The most dangerous times for suicide are before the anti-depressant has had time to take effect, which is two to four weeks,” said Jinni A. Harrigan, a CSUF professor of psychology. Direct-to-consumer advertising for anti-depressants will likely be affected by the black box warning. The black box warning “wonʼt make prescribing [the drugs for children] more difficult, but I anticipate there will be alarm from parents and the child,” said Wayne Goodman, the drug advisory committee chair for the FDA.

Diego, banned the Slacker Uprising Tour. Cal State San Marcosʼ ASI sold 10,000 tickets for the event in just over a week. Outside the event protestors gathered with Bush-Cheney signs in hand. When a Fox News San Diego reporter asked Moore what he had to say about the protestors, Moore said, “The difference between our rallies and the Bush rallies is that you donʼt have to sign a loyalty oath to get in. “We welcome everyone, including our Republican brothers and sisters,” Moore said. Though California is not a battleground state, two swing states, Arizona and Nevada, are within driving distance. Moore said his goal is to raise an “army” of San Diegans to drive to these neighboring states and help campaign. Moore encouraged San Diegans to take action because he said the Republican Party wakes up at sunrise ready to work, when Democrats

involved,” Moore added. Throughout the rally Moore behaved in a jovial manner, joking with those in attendance, but when he was serious, the crowd seemed ready to listen. Moore even made an apology to the Iraqi people. “I am terribly sorry for my country arming Saddam, giving him loans so he could buy weapons and chemical agents,” he said. “[I am sorry] that we made him an ally and during this time in the ʼ80s, he butchered and massacred thousands and thousands and it was done with our assistance and my tax dollars. I am incredibly sorry and apologize to any Iraqis for my countryʼs involvement in that process.” Moore is currently working on a new movie that examines HMOs and the health care system. Pfizer LTD., the maker of Viagra, is aware of Mooreʼs intentions and has created a Michael Moore hotline. Moore gave the telephone number to those in attendance along with a set of directions on what to say.

only see the sunrise when thereʼre ready to go to bed. Moore recently made headlines in Michigan after he passed out ramen noodles and clean underwear to students as an incentive to get them to vote. Some Republicans want to see Moore prosecuted for what they saw as an illegal offering of goods in exchange for a promise to vote. Moore has not backed down and continues to offer gag gifts in return for votes. The over 10,000 people on hand seemed surprised when Moore introduced two special guests: Joan Baez, a folk singer and civil rights activist, and Rage Against the Machineʼs Tom Morello. Each sang political songs that attacked the Bush administration. Moore also stressed the importance of getting involved in politics. “Democracy is not a spectator sport, it is a participatory event,” he said. “It only works when everybody gets off the bench and gets


he could live without smoking on the from page 1 beaches because he knows itʼs better for the environment. Rabaja also said he doesnʼt mind “Things like this are easy to do,” Lewis said. “Itʼs not something hard picking up after other smokers on the beach. and it makes a difference.” “Thereʼs always The city will going to be people place urns near the picking up after sand for people to others,” he said. dispose of their The people who are smoking and “It shouldnʼt have cigarette butts and throwing their to happen, but it a no smoking signs butts out are does.” will be installed. not the ones Greg Kelley, Lewis said itʼs picking them up. a member of the amazing to see the Volunteer and effects the clean Service Center and ups have had. Briana Lewis an organizer for “People donʼt Project Coordinator the event, said he want people to thinks itʼs imperasmoke here,” she said. tive that smoking Smoker Wendell be banned on the Rabaja, a business administration beaches. major at CSUF, joined his fraternity, “It is important not to smoke Theta Delta Beta, in cleaning up the because the majority of smokers beach. throw their butts on the ground when “I always like doing community they are finished,” Kelley said. “That service,” he said. in turn buries [butts] in the sand, polAlthough Rabaja smokes, he said luting our local beaches.”


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“The problem is once a measure like the Patriot Act is passed, it is almost impossible to take back and reform,” Dunn said. “This is an issue that many Democrats and Republicans are working together to reform.” Philip Vasquez, president of the Associated Students Inc., asked Dunn how he viewed the future of education and the lack of student voters. Dunn said that continuing education is one of his biggest concerns, stressing the importance of education, health care and Social Security as three basic needs of the people that must be met. “Education is the only tool I have seen raise people out of poverty and gangs. Education is the key to a productive society and a healthy community,” Dunn said. “I would like see the costs of education remain affordable and low and accessible. We have to address this issue now.”

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